(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) all right good morning everyone welcome to steadfast baptist church if you could please find your seats grab our song books and turn to song 159 blessed be the name one hundred and fifty-nine blessed be the name one hundred and fifty-nine sing it out nice and loud with me on the first 159 blessed be the name all praise to him who reigns above in majesty supreme son for man to die that he might man redeem blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord his name above all names shall stand exalted more and more had God the father's own right hand where angel hosts adore blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord Redeemer Savior friend of man once ruined by the fall thou hast devised salvation's plan for thou hast died for all blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord his name shall be the counselor the mighty prince of peace of all Earth's kingdoms conqueror whose reign shall never cease blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord great singing let's open in a word of prayer Heavenly Father thank you so much for this day thank you for the beautiful weather outside and thank you for this place to gather I pray that everyone would just worship you with their hearts this morning that you fill us all the Holy Spirit and that you bless the services soul winning and fellowship today we love you so much Lord in Jesus name we pray amen all right so for our second song we'll go to song number 15 lead me to Calvary song number 15 lead me to Calvary song 15 lead me to Calvary King of my life on the first King of my life I crown thee now thine shall the glory be lest I forget thy thorn-crowned brow feed me to Calvary lest I forget Gethsemane lest I forget thy nagony lest I forget thy love for me feed me to Calvary show me the tomb where thou was slain tenderly mourned and wept angels in robes of light arrayed guarded thee whilst thou slept lest I forget Gethsemane lest I forget thy nagony lest I forget thy love for me feed me to Calvary let me like Mary through the gloom come with a gift to thee go to me now the empty tomb feed me to Calvary lest I forget Gethsemane lest I forget thy nagony lest I forget thy love for me feed me to Calvary may I be willing more to bear daily my cross for thee even my cup of grief to share thou hast borne all for me lest I forget Gethsemane lest I forget thy nagony lest I forget thy love for me feed me to Calvary morning thank you so much for coming to steadfast Baptist Church if you don't have a bulletin and you would like one please lift up your hand nice and high and one of our ushers can come by it's it's definitely a full crowd this morning so if you notice a visitor coming in and you have an ability to kind of scoot in or whatever please help us with that and our ushers will also try to help I just get everybody organized in here you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you survey the wondrous cross on number five sing it out with me nice and loud when I survey the wondrous cross on which the prince of glory died my richest gain I count but loss and poor contempt on all my pride forbidden Lord that I should boast save in the death of Christ my god all the veins things that are me most I sacrifice them to his blood see from his head his hands his feet sorrow and love flow me go down it air such love and sorrow meet or thorns compose so rich a crown for the whole realm of nature mine that were a zit far too small love so amazing so divine demands my soul my life my all your Bible if you would diverse in the chapter number five and will pass the operating plates also it's a little warm in here but if if you want some of the ushers eventually come down the line off you some water if you like some water first Timothy chapter number five the Bible reads in verse number one rebuke not an elder but in treat him as a father and the younger men is brethren the elder women as mothers the younger sisters with all purity honor widows that are widows indeed but if any widow have children or nephews let them learn first to show piety at home and they're quite their parents for that is good and acceptable before God as she that is a widow indeed and she that is a widow indeed and she that is a widow and she that is good and acceptable before God as she that is a widow indeed and desolate trusted than God and continue than supplications and prayers night and day she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth these things give in charge that they may be blameless but if any provide not for his own and specially for those of his own house he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel let not a widow be taken in the number under three score years old having been the wife of one man well reported up for good works if she have brought up children if you've lodged strangers if she have washed the Saints feet if she ever leave the afflicted if she have diligently followed every good work but the younger widows refused for when they have begun to wax wanton against Christ they will marry having damnation because they have cast off their first faith and with all they learn to be idle wandering about from house to house and not only idle but Tatler's also and busybodies speaking things which they ought not I will therefore that the younger women marry bear children guide the house give none occasion of the adversary to speak reproachfully for some are already turned aside after Satan if any man or woman that believe it have widows let them relieve them and let not the church be charged that it may relieve them that are widows indeed let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor specially they who labor in the word and doctrine for the scripture saith thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn and the laborer is worthy of his reward against an elder received not an accusation but before two or three witnesses them that sin rebuke before all that others also may fear I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect angels that thou observe these things without preferring one before another doing nothing by partiality lay and suddenly unknown man neither be partaker of other men sins keep thyself pure drink no longer water we use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities some men sins are open before and going before to judgment and some men they follow after likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand they that are otherwise cannot be hit let's start with a word of prayer this this morning thank Heavenly Father for such a great crowd to come and hear the Word of God being preached I pray that you would just fill us all of your Holy Spirit you would allow the Word of God's to ring in our hearts and our ears and that we would not only be compelled to make a change in our minds but we'd actually do it in reality I pray that you just bless his service in Jesus name we pray amen so before we get into first Timothy chapter number five I want to go to another place in the scripture go to Genesis chapter number two we're going to come right back to this go to Genesis chapter number two and I wanted to read first Timothy chapter number five but first let me chapter number five the context of first let me chapter five is a little bit different than where I want to go with the sermon this morning I just want to use a couple verses from that passage but in Genesis chapter number two the Bible says in verse 24 therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh so according to the Bible a man would leave his father and his mother with the sole purpose of being joined unto a woman which would become his wife and we have the institution of marriage being taught in the Bible right off the bat it really makes it clear why man even has a woman the Bible says that God said it wasn't good for the man to be alone so he made him a help meet and so woman is created in the Bible for the sole purpose of being a help unto her husband of joining her husband in marriage you know God didn't create women in vain he had a really specific purpose for women and it was for men to marry them to leave their parents to join himself unto her and to get married and to procreate and to have children but you know here's a question how do I treat this woman whom God has given me right and in the title of my sermon this morning is this how real men treat a woman how real men treat a woman now go if you would do first to me chapter 5 go back first to me chapter 5 Jesus Christ said in the Gospels in Mark for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife now in the scriptures the Bible alludes to the concept of a man also while living with his parents preparing the nest egg preparing the place upon which he's gonna then take his bride before they get married often the Bible kind of illustrates a picture of a man getting engaged to a woman then he goes and prepares a place and then once it's ready he brings that woman unto himself they get married they've left mom and dad the nest egg is not the basement is not mom's basement okay then the place where the guy is preparing is has been prepared it's ready and it's because the first point and how a man how a real man treats a woman is that he provides for her okay and and look at what it says in first Timothy chapter 5 verse 7 and these things give in charge that they may be blameless what does it mean to be blameless it means you don't have any problems you don't have any reason to have blame he says in verse 8 but if any provide not for his own and specially for those of his own house he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel so according to the Bible the Bible is really clear that the men are supposed to take care of their families and it's it's going to such an extremity to say that if a man doesn't even take care of his family he's like an unbeliever and really I mean God is not pleased with unbelievers I don't know if you've ever read the Bible but the Bible talks in John chapter number three that his wrath abides on them okay so God is angry at the man that's not providing for his family and when it says especially they have his own house what the Bible is trying to paint the picture here is first Timothy chapter number five is taking care of people in your family they don't live with you it's talking about widows so it's talking about like your grandmother your mother even maybe more extended family that's not necessarily even just living with you but that you would be willing to take them on pay for them help them in a time of need and you know in first to me chapter 5 it's emphasizing widows because you know the Bible teaches that a real man can take care of himself okay so you know it doesn't say like the widower needs someone to come take him in the widower needs all this help it says that the widow now of course as our parents get older maybe your parents get disabled you know even even sometimes the man needs help and and that makes sense but there's a primary context here and it's for the woman it's for the widow it's for a woman that's been taken care of by her husband whole her life and now he's dead now she doesn't have any ability to provide for herself so it doesn't say oh if there's any widows let them go work at Starbucks go let them be the greeter at Walmart go let them do no no no it says that a man is supposed to step up and take care of that woman too it is just saying like even though this woman doesn't have a husband doesn't have a man in her life that's right there to take care of her another man and her family should step up and take care of her and then it's like this is an even bigger shame if you're not taking care of your own wife like you're not even taking care of your own wife and your own children this is an embarrassment this is a shame men ought to take care of their family and let me tell you something my mom got this doctrine praise God my mom you know whenever there would be rough times in our finances which we had rough times everybody has rough times my mom would say hey you know I'm not worried about it because it's not my job to pay the bills and I would just be like I didn't get this doctrine I feel like she took it overboard I don't know if you can but she tried but she if she made money she's like that's my money he has to pay the bills you know and I'm just like okay whatever but you know what it's a man is supposed to take care of his woman now in 2022 America sometimes that means you have to work hard you know in fact I would just say carte blanche you have to work hard if you're gonna provide for your wife and your family it takes a lot of hard work it takes a lot more work than most Americans are willing to do most American men they want a cush job they want 35 hours a week they want 40 hours a week they don't want to be have any pressure put on them they don't have to work any overtime you know what the Bible says six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work you know the Bible doesn't say work 40 hours a week you know sometimes a real man he has to actually work 10 hour shifts 12 hour shifts sometimes he has to go overtime sometimes he has to have multiple jobs sometimes he has to work on Saturday sometimes he has to work on Sunday sometimes he has to actually put in a lot of effort and energy in order to provide you know what it's his job to provide and let me tell you something most of my life I've had to have multiple jobs I'm just telling you about myself individually I've had multiple jobs in my life so many different times I've had to have side hustles and side jobs and side gigs in fact when I started pastoring and in pure words I had a full-time day job where I'd work over 40 hours a week then I had a side job where I had to put extra 10 15 20 hours in potentially depending on how much demand there was there and then I was also pastoring a church where I preached three times a week I also led multiple soul winning times during that time so don't come up don't come at me and say like oh you guys you just want a pastor because it's a cush job or something it's like what are you talking about you know sometimes real men have to actually do some real labor and you know what since then I've always had multiple jobs I still have had multiple jobs I still consider doing extra work why because sometimes it takes a lot of effort and energy to provide and you know what a real man provides and his wife has to worry 0% it's not her job to worry about who's providing who's taking care of this stuff you know that's what a real man does in the Bible is clearly articulating I didn't write first Timothy chapter 5 my friend and throughout history everyone got this because you know only in America in modern times can women even really work because you know back in the day they're having to go out and literally kill the animals and do all the hard farming and the physical labor in the cold and and do all this different work that's very difficult whereas a pregnant lady couldn't even do it you know it's not even a reality for them to do it they have to have a man they have to have a strong man to actually step in and do the work and so throughout history this doctrine was kind of forced upon humanity it's only when you get into a society that has an abundance of riches and money and wealth and they're very ungodly do we have this scenario we have all these women working you know and not the right kind of job hey there's a right kind of job for women to work it's in this chapter 2 look what it says in verse number 14 I will therefore that the younger women marry their children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak repose with so of course the Bible has a really important job for women it's not that women don't work hard in fact women arguably work harder because what I'm talking about 10 and 12 hour shifts you know what kind of shifts women have 24-7 hour shifts welcome to being a mom welcome to being a wife and she has multiple jobs because she's not just a mother she's a wife and a cook and a cleaner and a teacher and a manager and organized I mean women today have to have like 18 jobs if I made you men be like your wife you'd probably cry yourself to sleep too because it's hard I mean it's difficult I mean to be a real woman is so much effort it's so much work that they need a real man to have like just a full time all the time working effort to be able to pay for that and to take care of that and to provide for that and she has so much stuff going on she shouldn't have to be worrying about that or thinking about that and you know what I had I didn't have jobs in my life because there was a time where I got let go they didn't want me to do remote work anymore I applied for hundreds and hundreds of jobs in a period of two weeks and I did like 10 interviews and I got multiple job offers because you know what when you don't have a job your your hundred percent full-time job is getting a job like I would say like 15 hour shifts I mean you're just everywhere going and you know a lot of the jobs you know what I did I literally just walked in and said hey I know you're hiring here's my resume I want to work for you and you know they were like okay well sit down you know let's interview you you know they were just they were just like so flabbergasted that somebody would actually want to work for them or like showed up in person they're like let's interview you and then they literally interviewed me and then they literally offer me a job I'm not joking I'd given this advice to other people and I know that they literally just walked into the business that they want with an interview in hand dressed nice with a smile on their face and they said I want to work for you and they're like okay let's do it and you know in the Dallas-Fort Worth area let me tell you a secret everyone is hiring I don't care if they have a hiring sign outside or not because they cannot find a good worker they can't even get the people that are actually being paid to show up you're showing up without even getting paid I mean you're just there like I'm ready to go plug me in coach put me in you know and that's what real men look like is they're ready to work they're not just standing on the street corner waiting for some man to hire them they're not just being lazy about it and we need men today to work hard and to put in a lot of effort that's literally your job from God I didn't make this up the Bible says it go to Exodus 21 go to Exodus 21 how does a real man treat a woman he takes care he provides for all of our needs all of them and on top of that once you know it's one thing to provide for the needs it's another thing to provide for the wants and let me tell you something you want to have a good marriage provide for the wants to it's like hey you got ramen you're good no no no you got to get some a little bit nicer than ramen right it's called it bringing home the bacon you why is it called bacon because it's a New Testament doctor my friend it's the Bible here so you know what that means you can't bring them in and out okay because it's bringing on the bacon okay you got to get some real good you got to go take into somewhere that has like bacon on all the food like Outback okay Outback has bacon on the fries it has bacon on the baked potato I mean you I don't know can you get bacon wrapped steak and shrimp probably I mean it's just like hey that's bringing home the bacon isn't it they should put it on the bread no I'm just kidding Exodus 21 look at verse 10 the Bible says if he take him another wife so this is about the law this is a man saying if he takes another wife obviously this is not a suggestion men okay her food arraignment and her duty of marriage shall he not diminish and if you do not these three under her then shall she go out free without money now I just want you to think about this for a second because we already know that in the Bible God hates divorce God hates separation God hates these type of things but if a man is taking on a different wife and then just neglects the other wife so bad that she doesn't have notice the things food raiment and the duty of marriage according to the law of God she could just go out and get it on her own now this is not saying she would divorce him okay I'm not don't get confused it's what it what it's saying is that she could go out and just basically provide for herself because without food clothing or this duty of marriage you're essentially depriving this woman of just life in general because you have to have food and clothing just to survive physically so it's basically saying like a woman that's in the house taking care of the house and she's not even getting fed she's not even getting clothing then yeah of course that woman needs to then go out and somehow figure out how to get food and clothing for her in her household okay it's the Bible's not just written so that women will just literally die in their house because the man won't take care of them but what it is saying is that men are supposed to provide these basic necessities these are the most basic bare necessities that a woman has to have and if you're not providing them then it's basically saying like well she's gonna go find it somewhere else go to first Corinthians chapter 7 and you know when it comes to providing we're not just talking about money we're not just talking about food we're not just talking about those things that are just literally life necessities you know a roof over her head the Bible also says the duty of marriage there was a reason why you got married it's because you're attracted to one another I hope okay I hope you were attracted to your spouse and you got married if you got married and you weren't attracted your spouse you're doing it wrong okay but you need to figure out how to find them attractive and you know what if you're a real man you're attracted to women so there you go all right but there's also the duty of marriage and look what it says in first Corinthians chapter 7 verse 1 now concerning the things where have you wrote unto me it is good for a man not to touch a woman nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife praise God you know every man gets to have a wife and let every woman have her own husband let the husband render unto the wife do benevolence and likewise also the wife unto the husband says the wife hath not power of her own body but the husband and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body but the wife the froggy not one the other except to be with consent for a time that you may give yourselves a fasting in prayer and come together again and that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency now I think a lot of times people think of this as a one-way street but according to the Bible is a two-way street notice that the Bible says that a woman has power over the man in one area I mean what's that here does it not say very clearly in verse number four likewise also the husband hath not power over his own body you know when you get married the Bible says these two become what one flesh meaning you are not allowed to deny your body to your spouse that is a wicked sin according to the Bible once you become married you are both supposed to come together whenever one party wants it not to win one party because the man he has needs the woman she has needs and so it's an obligation it's a duty for men to provide the duty of marriage for his wife and you know what you should do it with some romance you should do it with some effort you should do it with some care you know there's a part of your marriage that you're supposed to put a lot of effort and energy into and it's that of being attracted to your spouse and having a good relationship with your spouse why else get married it's not a roommate situation it's not a slave situation you know I think some men today the men going their own way they basically just want a slave that's gonna you know help them out in the bedroom and it's like they have you know gross robots for that okay they have gross mannequins for that and you know what that's disgusting because you know what a woman has great value and a real man treats his wife special and he's going to do the duty of marriage and you know what he's going to try and make sure that his wife is taken care of in all areas and you know I have to believe it because the Bible brings up this so many times where the man is not willing to be with a wife that it's a reality it's out there it's out there where women want more intimacy in the relationship and the man is not delivering look at Leah and her husband I mean Leah wants to be with her husband her husband's not as interested in her her husband is basically you know not showing a lot of attention to her and you know in today's culture most men in this room don't have two wives okay if you do that's weird I don't want to know about all right you might find a different church okay it's called the Mormon Church right but there's no new thing under the Sun just because you don't have a Rachel that you're married to maybe you have a Rachel that's online or something or maybe you have a Rachel in the workplace they are putting too much attention and affection towards whereas you need to be paying attention to Leah at home and forsake Rachel as it were and you know what oftentimes why there's intimacy problems in the relationship is because you're thinking of someone else that's why it brought it up in the law is it's you know you got some other problem you're thinking about other people or going down a dark road that's why it's important that you're supposed to be thinking about your spouse real men treat their wife as they're the only woman on the planet that's what a real man does so if you went to Genesis chapter number 20 you go to Genesis chapter number 20 look point one is that men need to provide for their wife what food clothing and the duty of marriage they must do this this is an absolute must it's a basic necessity and look you want to go beyond this okay we're just establishing the foundation if you're failing at point one you are epically failing okay point one is the most basic the most simple the easiest one to fulfill okay point one provide be the provider say I got that you don't have to worry about now there's nothing wrong with a wife or a woman providing the Bible doesn't teach that a woman can't make money or work or do things you know the Proverbs 31 woman selling merchandise she's making money she's doing work so depending on a woman's situation depending on their life circumstances there's nothing sinful about a woman working or making money but it's contextually driven if she's forsaking the household if the man's not providing then there's obviously an issue there and of course if the man is literally not doing anything and the wife has to pay has to bring home the bacon you know what I wouldn't be mad at the woman I'd be mad at the dude and you know it's a shame it's embarrassing I felt embarrassed when I first started working because you know my wife when we first got married she graduated from college I graduated college she she beat me she graduated like three and a half years and then she got a job and she always made more money than me every single year that she worked before she got pregnant so like every single year that we lived together she made way more money than me and she was excelling she was promoted a bunch of over people and she was basically like a test writer for the state of Texas she was like appointed to do these like special things and you know what that's not her fault that she's excelling and that she's doing great I just felt really embarrassed that I can't even make as much money as my wife and that my whole high school like junior high high school and college you know what they'd always say like the worst paying job ever as a teacher and I'm like I keep hearing about how there's this horrible paid profession my wife's in it she's making more money than me but you know what that embarrassed me enough to feel like I need to work harder to make more money and I need to figure out a way to provide for my family and you know it's it's funny because at the time that she finally quit and she got pregnant and we started you know doing things you know the best way possible we made the least amount of money we've ever made and we started having kids and I was just like oh man that was scary you know what I'm still here I'm still making it and you know what you should never wait to have children we made the mistake of waiting to have children and you know I wish I had more children sitting in the room today because if I had to look at any of my children in the face and say like I don't want you here that would grieve my heart you know which of my children should I not have no I want all of them and you know you should want all of your children you should want all the children that God's gonna bless you with you know what hypothetically speaking I'm just saying there's nothing wrong with a woman theoretically working it's the fact that men aren't providing is the real problem men aren't leading and if there was a real man for every single job why do we need to take the women from the house in order to do the labor we don't because men should be able to do work better than women facts oh why don't you pay women more well the women aren't worth as much Oh read Leviticus in the book of Leviticus it literally says hey when you're hiring a man and a woman pay the man more it's like 50 shekels for men it's like 30 shekels for a woman why because men are worth more than women in most professions because men are bigger stronger taller deeper voice praise God I mean just every every category you know they can work longer hours they don't cry about everything okay they're not as emotionally driven there's a difference between men and women but you know what I couldn't do my wife's job to save my life because I can only do one task at a time she can do like a thousand all right she's she's better at that so point one is this provide real men provide for women look at number two Genesis chapter number 20 look at verse 14 and Abimelech took sheep and oxen and men servants and women servants and gave them unto Abraham and extort him Sarah his wife and Abimelech said behold my land is before thee dwell where it pleaseth thee and in the Sarah he said behold I have given my brother a thousand pieces of silver behold he is to thee a covering of the eyes unto all that are with thee and with all other thus she was reproved now in this story Abraham lies about his wife says it's just his sister and she almost ends up committing adultery and being with another man but it ends up being discovered God's very mad about this and he kind of uses this unrighteous King to still deliver some good truths here and the fact that he's saying hey Abraham is a covering to you why because men are supposed to protect women men are supposed to protect women and what a shame that a man a husband would allow his wife to potentially be another man's wife I mean that's weird you know men are supposed to protect their wives and protect the women and in fact that should be the last option I mean if you're gonna say like what's the worst thing imaginable is my wife being another man's wife okay so I should not desire that I should not want that and we should protect our women in all areas of life especially from being with another man go if you would to first Peter chapter number three verse Peter chapter number three in the Bible a man is supposed to be a covering unto the woman you know God made men stronger and you say praise God you know praise the Lord that we get to be the stronger vessel but you know what with with much response with with much power is given much responsibility if you're gonna be the strong one then you actually have to be the protection you actually have to guard and guide them and take care of them and you know you don't want to just feed them to the wolves and you ladies you need to marry a guy that's willing to protect you and not when the sons of Bela come knocking at the door he just tosses you out and closes the door I mean what kind of a weak coward does something like that what kind of a weirdo does something like that and then he chops her up in pieces and mails her in the mail I mean that guy's a little weird I'm just saying okay there's that guy's got issues serious serious issues and so real men are not going to just let their wife just go and be with whoever and do whatever that's the attribute of a guy that's kind of a coward he's a weakling he doesn't really love his wife because God is a jealous God and God is not gonna share his people with anybody God's not interested in sharing us with Buddha or some Hindu temple or the Catholic idols know God's jealous for us and he wants us to be his people he wants us to worship and serve him and the same should be with a husband that he's jealous for his wife he wants a hundred percent of his wife's attention a hundred percent of his wife sandwiches a hundred percent of his wife's cookies you know a hundred percent of everything that you know he also wants a hundred percent of his wife's body for his eyes only he's a covering of her so you know and it's not a hijab necessarily but you know what if you had to ask me like would you rather your daughter look like the daughters out here or wear a hijab probably the jib I'm just being honest I don't want my daughter walking around where she looks like she's literally naked where she's literally exposing every part of her body and you know what praise God fundamental Baptists don't have to look as weird and as confusing as the LDS or the Amish or the Muslim today I mean you can actually still look like a normal person dressing properly but you know what men should cover their daughters men should cover their wives you're a weird pervert if you want to flaunt your wife off to other men and I see headlines like this where men are sharing their wives with other men how disgusting and perverted is America becoming and what kind of a weird sick freak is letting his wife be consumed by other men I mean this makes no sense today men ought to have enough respect for their wife to cover them and to say hey you're mine you're not anybody else's she's off limits for anybody else and anybody else that's interested and and seeing that is gonna die like there's no option here you know it's me it's I'm I'm her man and there's no other man in her life and you know women like that women like that there's a man interested in her she can be content to say you know what I don't have to have the attention of every man as long as there's at least one man in my life that wants to give me a hundred percent of his attention first Peter chapter number three look at verse seven likewise he husbands dwell with them according to knowledge giving honor under the wife as under the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered in fact I would suggest this that the reason why women dress like whores is because the man and their life are not giving them enough attention that's probably why they just are so attention deprived that they just literally have to just expose it all just to get the attention it's a cry for attention why do they say that the woman that's dressed like a whore has daddy issues it's because daddy wasn't telling his daughter that she's beautiful you know I get criticized for this but I think it's great people will literally criticize me for telling my daughter that she's beautiful too much and I'm thinking like well you know what I'm gonna tell my daughter she's so beautiful so many times that she never has to go out and dress like a whore she never has to have this need and desire to get attention from other men because she's like my dad is giving me plenty of praise he is a covering unto me and you know what I can go from my dad's house to my husband's house I don't need any other men in my life I don't need the attention of all these derelicts and losers and just basic you know freaks out there today perverts that are not even interested in who she is her inner beauty anyways you know because women you know they're not young forever and there's an inner beauty to every single woman that the husband needs to realize that that wife has and give her all of that attention and realize hey if they're a little bit weaker if you're a little bit stronger you should dwell with them according to knowledge you should pay attention to the attributes of your wife you should pay attention to the needs of your wife and dwell with her according to knowledge not being an idiot not being foolish today not just saying like I don't know what's going on you know it's real easy for men to just check out today and say oh women they're just so hard to figure out just you're lazy that's what it is look they're not hard to figure out they have you give them the food get bringing the bacon okay number one clothe them that was part of the instructions okay and then have an intimate relationship with them that's how you do it now here's what you don't do don't pay attention to anything they say all right this is your key to marriage in fact you might have a better marriage if you do the exact opposite of everything they say it's just like hey do you want me to you want me to come and hang out now I'm fine hang out with her okay hey do you want to talk about it now I don't talk about talk about it okay I mean pretty much everything that she's like saying you don't believe any of it okay it's not real now you we've already figured out you have to realize this okay she always wants to hang out she always wants to talk to you she always wants you to feed her she always wants you to get her clothes that's always on the table getting her new clothes okay and then on top of that she wants to have an intimate relationship with you and you say well I don't know she's saying the opposite she wants it and you know why she's pushing you away because she wants a real man to say I want it anyways that's why she says it she just wants a knight in shining armor that says hey you're mine anyways she's like no I mean in fact that's how most dating starts anyways you're just annoying and she's not interested she's pushing away and you're just like you're mine anyways you know when my wife and I were in school together she would have never wanted to date me okay because I was you know not a desirable person today but hey we're here and a woman wants that man to just you know be this annoying fungus that grows on her okay I'm just telling you what it is you know you single guys you need to just find a woman and say you're gonna be mine and she's like I don't want it and she's like you're gonna it doesn't matter what you want you're gonna be my woman and I'm not gonna listen to what you say I already know what you want I'm gonna tell you what you want you know men have a great relationship with their wife when they just tell their wife what she wants because she doesn't know anyways you know why she's saying stuff and doesn't make any sense because she doesn't know she doesn't she hasn't figured out I already know because the Bible already told me she wants food and clothing and an intimate relationship and if all the women can say amen there'd be a lot of amens okay I can see their eyes all right go to Ephesians chapter 5 go to Ephesians chapter 5 they want a real man to treat a woman and a real man already knows what his wife wants he already knows where she wants him to take her okay she already knows everything that she needs and desires and he's paying attention he's paying attention to the things she'll drop hints it's kind of like a puzzle I get it's hard but you have to try and really pay attention and the more you pay attention your wife the more you get it that's why she does that is because she's she's dropping all these little hints just to see how how close of attention you're paying you know and she's just like man a coffee over there would sound pretty good she's saying like this is what she's really saying get me a coffee now from that place you're thinking like all she said was like it sounds cool or something you know it's like whatever whatever she's saying like in real subtle terms it's like she's screaming I want that okay inside but she's just not gonna do that cuz she's a woman you know men are different man are just like I want burger let's go get burger you know it's like women it's like what do you want I don't know what about this no that's how you know she's not being honest what about this I don't care this no I don't care this no it's just like obvious you care but just stop having that argument figure out where she wants to go and then just drive there don't even ask that's a novel idea hey man you want to get a date with a woman don't ask her where she wants to go just tell her hey I'm picking you up at 7 and we're going here you know there's a real man in pure words Baptist Church his name's Samson okay and I don't know just by his name you should already know this I'm gonna tell a little secret about him okay so Samson's like at a gas station and a woman he's he's not married okay just FYI all right let me make it clear okay long time ago in a faraway galaxy okay there's a guy named Samson he's at a gas station and he's not a man going his own way he's interested in women and a woman pulls up and he's just like hey I want to take you out 7 p.m. she's like well I have a boyfriend and he's like okay we'll go break up with them and then meet me here at 7 and you know what she did she broke up with her boyfriend and met with him at 7 and now she's his wife you say ah all the cute girls have boyfriends okay we'll break them up you Samson you you know just start flexing just start bowing up and be like hey I'm here let's go you know that guy's not getting the job done I'll get the job done okay I'll put a ring on that finger and I'm just telling that's how a real man treats woman he just told her what she's gonna do and she did it he's in chapter 5 look at verse 25 husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish now think about this if you take my analogy let's apply it to the Word of God how about the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord Jesus Christ doesn't ask us what we want he just tells us what to do the Lord Jesus Christ is like hey this is how you're gonna have church this is where you're gonna meet and in fact you're just supposed to follow me wherever I tell you to go and you're just like yes Lord I mean that's how we're supposed to operate and you know what the same should work in a marriage where the man is like come and follow me come and see my zeal for the Lord you know men are supposed to lead their household today they're supposed to protect their wife from the evils of this world you say all women are going to the devil yeah because there's not a man to come and grab her and say hey come and follow me hey come and do what I'm doing hey come and let me lead you come with me that's what a real man is supposed to do don't expect a woman to wander down your path that's the wrong woman my friend the wrong woman finds you you have to find the right woman who so findeth a wife find it the good thing and obtain a favor of the Lord is what the Bible says you know what we're supposed to go out and to seek to save that which is lost when I try to get someone saved I'm not just sitting around at a coffee shop hoping someone just falls down and says hey pastor Shelley what must I do to be saved you know what I do I knock on their door and I tell hey you need to get saved like I didn't know that it's like let me tell you about it right I mean when we go out so winning its confrontational soul winning my friend and they were not thinking about it they were not interested in it they weren't asking after God you know think about Romans chapter number 10 the Bible says he's seeking people that ask not after him and you know what don't think that the woman's asking after you you got to ask after her you got to pursue her and you know when you should stop pursuing her when you're dead hey after you get married it's not a time to quit pursuing your wife and seeking your wife and loving your wife no you're supposed to protect and cherish your wife till death do us part is what the Bible says hey you know what part of that protecting is protecting her from sin protecting her from the evils protecting her from Joel Osteen protecting her from Joyce Meyer protecting her from the butch haircut please God someone save the women from short haircuts today someone shit save the women from mom jeans today okay someone needs to save women and make women feminine again you know the problem with our country today is that the men are becoming feminine so that the women become masculine you know what will actually make women feminine again is men being masculine then they don't have a need then they don't want to do that anymore okay just like if we think about sports if they didn't have men and women sports real men would eradicate all women in sports you know it's funny when we think about all this transgender nonsense with sports why aren't they making laws saying women can't compete with men in sports because there's no need because never is a woman ever going to be able to compete in the professional level with these type of men in the real sport you know it's like a rare exception that a woman could be in any level of any kind of professional accolades with men it's typically there's something weird going on okay because just generally speaking if you said hey all women can compete in the NBA you know how many women are gonna make the roster zero except for some liberal queer virtue signaler outside of that I mean they're not gonna put a woman on the roster to win the national championship it's never gonna happen they're not gonna get a woman out there to be you know a tailback to be the linebacker to be the offensive line they're never gonna put a woman in these positions look there was a woman that was really good at golf and she tried to compete with men was like Annika swarm stem or something like that couldn't do it they can't hit it as far they can't they're not as strong they don't have the same abilities as men do and so men need to be men today you know women don't have the same opportunity to provide like men do and it's sick how many men today are becoming like a literal woman so then women have to become a man go if you would to Jeremiah 51 you know the Bible says if the Goodman of the house had known what watch the thief would come he would have watched and would not have suffered his house to be broken up so the Bible talks about if there was a thief that was gonna break into the house the Goodman of the house wouldn't let that if he knew when the thief was coming okay but you know it doesn't say it doesn't say oh well the thief wouldn't have broken through because of the wife but there's a woman there to guard the house the thief doesn't care the thieves not like oh there's a woman in the house I better not Rob it you know no thief looks at that and says like well I'm really nervous and scared now there's a woman in the house you know and if it wasn't for guns they would have zero fear like absolute none that's why women need to have guns okay because if you're a woman in your house and you don't have a gun you are a giant target that's why we have multiple guns everywhere ready to go at our household and everybody's ready to use them okay but at the end of the day you know what the Goodman is the only one really there to protect the house you know in Proverbs chapter 7 there's an adulterous woman that's waiting at the corner for a man but you know what she says the Goodman's gone where's her husband where's the dad to actually protect that woman from going out and being a whore and notice she's a whore when he's not there when he's not fulfilling the duty of marriage with her you know and I'm I'm not against jobs that travel I'm not gonna condemn you if you have a job that travels a lot but let me tell you something there's a danger there if you're not around your wife often you know there's a lot of jobs I could have had that require a lot of travel and I just rejected them because you know what it's more important for me to see my wife on a regular basis and be around my wife and to not put her in harm's way there needs to be a Goodman at the house to protect her from all evils and America is going to hell in a handbasket today because we don't have any men to protect the women in fact we're asking women to protect us I feel like more times than not when I see a police officer it's now a woman what world do we live in when we literally have to deputize women to protect us from criminals right we don't have the Goodman of the house we have the good woman you know with the baths and a baton and and of course if she didn't have a gun she would be absolutely worthless as a law enforcer in fact typically they can't even arrest anyone I mean you really think that this little five foot six law enforcement Karen is gonna arrest some six foot five George Floyd I would like you know of course we get mad at Derek Chauvin for what he did to George Floyd I'd love to see four women arrest him good luck it would have been a clown show okay what are they gonna do they would have said taser taser and just shot him that's what they would have done with a real gun because they can't even tell the difference between a taser and a gun apparently you know it's it's sick that you live in a country not only in law enforcement I mean we have women in literally every position now I mean you find them as crane operators and in the construction force and you see women and just like every kind of week role you're just thinking like what are you doing I mean they're explaining to us how football works on television I'm thinking like you've never played football in your life you're just reading a prompter they just put you on there because you're pretty but you know what men need to be like I'm not interested in her I'm interested in my wife you know I want someone that's actually intelligent to speak to me and tell me something about this sport you know we have women literally in the armed forces my friend and our armed forces what nation in history had an army of women think about it I mean you've got your like Joan of Arcs and everything like that but you know you got your Mulan or whatever I don't even know if that's real was is that real I don't even I don't care but she was pretending to be a dude okay it wasn't like people realize that it was a woman leading the charge otherwise it would have been such an embarrassment and look you read Joan of Arc it's not as it's not as cool as it really is in the movies okay it's it's kind of a sham and then they'll bring up oh what about Bible stories what about jail didn't jail kill you know J Ben or whatever the king of Canaan and it's just like okay yeah whenever he was so tired he could he just like literally passed out and then she crept up on him quietly and then killed him okay that's the one time when women are gonna prevail when they trick you with food and you're taking a nap now when I'm taking a nap I'm pretty vulnerable okay because all kinds of noises and sounds and everything I mean I'm just like I don't know I don't really care enough so that's the one time the woman and it was a shame and an embarrassment to Barak who didn't kill him it was a bear in fact later Abimelech in the book of judges is at a wall a woman throws a rock at him and hits him it doesn't kill him because I guess a woman through it's kind of like when a woman throws a rock at a glass window and doesn't break it we have it on video footage steadfast research our glass window is stronger than a woman with a rock think about that it took it until you like you know and whenever you know you're in junior high there was some guys that would show up to football and they're kind of like and they're like why do you throw like a girl why would they say that because it's like a girl there's a reason why they say this and you know what it's a sad embarrassment to everyone in the entire world when we have women in our armed forces look at what says in Jeremiah 51 verse 28 prepare against her the nations with the kings of the Medes the captains thereof and all the rulers thereof and all the land of his Dominion and the land shall tremble and sorrow for every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against Babylon to make the land of Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant the mighty men of Babylon have were born to fight they have remained in their holes there might have failed they became as women you know and we see in America men are literally transforming themselves into a woman they're getting into high heels and lipstick and they're now saying they're in the armed forces I mean they're a literal woman and let me tell you something about these queers is they're all cowards my friend queers are never gonna fight in some army it's like a sword it's yucky you know guns I mean you notice that every one of these liberal faggots don't they hate guns and gun laws they want to get rid of all of it and they just want to hide and cower and you know what when we have an armed forces filled with faggots and women we're doomed literal destruction is upon you really think that the Chinese you really think that the Russians are quivering in their boots I had a bunch of men dressed up like women called the United States military and you think I'm joking they've literally had exercises where they took a large portion of our male troops and put them in high heels to walk up and down the streets what kind of a sick world do we live in when men are not the real protectors it's now a woman women generals and women lieutenants and women in the armed forces and women you know the Bible says when they are at wartime what are women really like in wartime it says that they don't fight they foreborn to fight that means they refuse to fight they remain those they hide okay they have no might and that's what a woman is like and I guarantee look if a if an armed crazed madman came through the building you know what women would start doing screaming and hiding and ducking and covering that's what women do that's their natural instinct you know you're not gonna take a bunch of women to d-day you know the only opportunity you had there was to just make everybody deaf from all the screaming or something like that I mean you're not gonna get a bunch of women to go out and lead the charge that's that's weird it's weird that we live in a country where men are not protecting women how do we live in an entire country where men are not the armed forces where men are not the police where men are not the judges where men are not leading how do we have a woman for the vice president of America it's wicked and I don't care if it was say Sarah Palin she's wicked too I don't care if it's Laura Trump wicked I don't care what what other woman governor or whatever what I mean I don't care who it is people like oh he's a Trump supporter I'm not a Trump supporter get your facts right I don't even think I could bless any politician maybe Ron Paul if he wasn't a thousand okay that guy's pretty old he's still he's still more cognizant than Joe Biden though I mean man talk about an infinite upgrade I mean literally there's probably people in their deathbed that make more sense than Joe Biden it's sad when we don't have any men in this country and you know what's gonna fix the feminism of our country is real men and why do we have you know change the standards in the military for women right go go to private chapter five you know why don't we have the same standard you know they always talk about how there's no difference between men and women then why do you have a completely different standard to accept them in the military to accept them into the Marine Corps it's like girl push-ups what's a girl push-up that shouldn't even exist you know and of course women they can compete in some areas of strength because a lot of times some women they'll have like really strong legs and thighs because God gave them that for childbirth but upper body strength is so significantly different between men and women it's not even close it's not even similar you know women are never gonna typically be that strong in their upper body in their arms they can get pretty strong legs and leg muscles just because of the way that's why when you look at these women that play sports what's the one sport that you really see women in maybe softball softball why why because in baseball it's a lot about the hips and the legs you know you're just kind of your legs your arms are just kind of sitting there you know you can you can do basically hit that ball so that's why you have a lot of lesbians that play softball or whatever and then you get a lot a lot of men they drink beer and play softball they're in the softball league you know it's a soft one I don't want to get hit with the softball you know we have to make it even bigger so that I can actually hit it with my bat you know sorry for all you softball fans Proverbs chapter number five look at verse 18 let thy fountain be blessed and rejoice with the wife of thy youth let her be as loving high and pleasant row let her breast satisfy thee at all times and be thou ravish always with her love point three I want to change gears a little bit is this because men and women are different praise God because you know what I am NOT attracted to any man and I don't want to praise them on their looks I don't want to praise them on their athletes you know I'd like to have a woman who's the glory of the man to look at and to praise and to be satisfied and rejoice with okay and so number one men need to provide number two they need to protect but number three they need to praise men should praise women you know think about how sick our country is when we're saying the woman of the year is Bruce Jenner praising a woman I mean it's just like what that is disgusting you know or they'll praise the wrong woman they'll praise the horrors of the world won't they they'll praise all the horrors of Hollywood they'll praise all the the women that will take off all their clothes and just basically dangle whatever for any man that's disgusting that's filthy you know we should praise the women that are godly we should praise the women that are willing to sacrifice of their bodies sacrifice of their time effort and energy and all that they have to give unto you especially when you get married and we should praise them and we should rejoice with them and we should be satisfied with only them go to Proverbs 31 go to Proverbs 31 you know what women need to be praised and let me tell you how often as much as you can speak you should be praising your wife as much as you can possibly do it constantly telling her that she's beautiful constantly appreciating all the good things that she does and I think sometimes in a church like ours you hear sermons about how women should behave themselves we talk about the Proverbs 31 woman and this is typically what every man thinks when they hear Proverbs 31 being read they check all the ones that they're not doing in their mind they're like I wish she would do that one instead of doing the exact opposite of what they should do they should be checking all the ones that they do do and praise their wife for those instead of being so busy and so concerned with what your wife is not doing perfectly how much effort and energy are you putting into praising her for that what she's doing that is good Proverbs 31 verse 30 favors deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman that fear at the Lord she shall be praised give her of the fruit of her hands and let her own works praise her in the gates now in Proverbs 31 it gives a long list of things that she's doing you know what you should do is every single one of these you should be praising your wife for on a regular basis look at verse 10 who can find a virtuous woman for a price as far above rubies if you could bring a woman to this church Wow you should be praising her we're meeting in not great area bringing a bunch of children not comfortable chairs there's still most of them are better than what you had with the previous pastor but I mean you know you're dragging her in here to have some guy yell at them right and scream at them and he's a hate preacher to make someone comfortable they have to dress differently than you know the other whores that are out there I mean just the fact that she physically shows up you should literally be praising her so much I mean have you not heard the complaints about all these guys that are single they act like there's no women on the planet and they're like you know there's no hope for American women I see a lot of American women in this room I mean there's American women all and you say well how did any of them get here because I said get your butt into church and she's like okay you know you know most of the time American women will not choose a church like ours but you know what if you can drag one in she should still be praised you should still praise the one that'll be drug in because many of them won't even be drugged in you know how can you find this woman I mean her price is far above you should be celebrating with her and excited that you have a woman that's even remotely interested in God in America 2022 it is so hard to find a woman that even kind of wants to serve God instead of being concerned well I wanted to serve God a hundred and fifty percent but why don't you just be excited that she's even on any percentage how about verse 11 the heart of her husband is safely trust from the rest of that he shall have no need to spoil she will do him good and not evil the days of her life she seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands I mean if she's willing to do she's willing to do work for you you should praise her for that she's like the merchants just bring your food from afar if she's going out and getting food and making you food she should be praised for the meals that she's making tell her how wonderful she is for making you food says in verse number 15 she rises also out as yet night and giveth meat to her household and portion remains if your wife is getting up in the middle night and not making you get up you should praise her for that she's getting up with the kids she's getting up to make meals she's getting up to take care of all the vomit and all the different problems and the issues I mean I sleep like a baby okay my wife should be greatly praised for doing all this hard work and is ever I mean you men that don't breastfeed you don't realize the effort and energy she's putting to feed that baby and while you don't pay attention because you're not getting fed you know you shouldn't be so selfish to not think about the fact that your wife is literally getting up and literally feeding children 24-7 I mean she's like a food factory she's just constant milk factor I mean she's just a dairy she's constantly producing and producing or it is and then she's feeding all the other people and then feeding you just constantly constantly I mean you should be praising your wife constantly for that instead of complaining or being inconvenienced it's like when you're gonna get me a sandwich it's like when I'm done feeding the other thousand children you have with me okay dude instead of complaining so much why don't you praise her for what she's doing it says she considered the field and biotin and with the fruit of her hand she planted the vineyard she girded her loins with strength and string their arms she perceives that her merchandise is good her candles goeth not out by night she lay their hands of the spindle and her hands hold the distaff so it's like this woman's doing all kinds of I guarantee your wife is doing works I guarantee your wife is doing stuff she makes your house look pretty because I've seen every single bachelor pad and it's terrible looking okay and then a woman comes in in the house like oh this looks nice you know it actually matches it's pretty as well you know designed everything like that you know if your house looks well designed and you're a dude living by yourself you're probably a faggot you know I mean that's typically the area that they're interested in you know it should look kind of rough and little off and things hanging out a little dangerous you know that's kind of how a man's house is you know a woman's house is gonna be delicate and soft and and pretty and all these type of things so if you come to my house you can tell very clearly who decorated all right but you know what she should be praised for that she should praise for all the work and the effort and the energy that she's putting in your house I mean do you even notice those things probably not you probably don't care about all the stuff that your wife is doing for you you need to start praising or more you know the book Song of Solomon it's just a constant just praise I mean just praising her beauty and praising every aspect of of what she looks like her eyes her hair I mean every part of her body you know what men need to constantly praise their wife they deserve to be praised and you know if you want her to do more on this list why don't you start praising her for all the stuff she is doing because it might encourage her to want to do more instead of criticizing complaining because then it makes you want to do less I'm just telling you human psyche human reasoning doesn't always make sense but if you credit if you constantly are criticizing someone they typically want to work less hard if you go to your job and all your boss does is criticize everything you do what do you typically think well what about all the good stuff I did what about me staying late what about me working overtime what about me doing the XYZ and here's the same thing if all you do is criticize your wife for all the things that she's not doing right she's probably wanting to not do anything you're discouraging her you're causing her to get frustrated you know what you should be constantly praising her your praise and this is just my personal opinion your praise should outweigh your criticism ten to one ten to one at least maybe even a hundred to one I mean you should be praising your wife on a regular basis you know don't look at your wife as some slave as some person that you look down upon no she's of a great price he's of a great value we should treat women with respect it used to be in society that if a man hit a woman everyone would take them out and just beat the living tar out of them it's sick the world that we live in today where men physically abuse women they they abuse them by not providing for them they abuse them by not giving them what they want they abuse them by not giving them all the attention that they need and the duty of marriage they abuse them by not giving them you know even just some of their wants by not giving them praise that they deserve you know I guarantee the women in this church need a lot of praise from the Bible's perspective because of what they're doing and we need to be the ones giving a real man is gonna provide he's gonna protect and he's gonna praise his woman it's closing prayer thank you Heavenly Father for giving us women thank you for giving every man a wife if he so desires to go out and find one I pray that you would just strengthen the men you would encourage the men you'd provoke the men today to step up to the plate to say you know what I'm gonna do my job I'm gonna provide I'm gonna protect and you know what I'm gonna praise my wife rather than being so concerned with criticizing her and and hoping that she gets better in every area I'd rather just praise her for what she's doing already and praise God that we have so many women in this room that work so hard that loved the Lord I pray that you would just continue to encourage them that they would realize that they're of great price and the Lord site that it's so hard to find a woman that wants to serve the Lord in this country but I pray that we would raise a generation of men that want to be men that women that want to be women and that we would all be pleasing in your sight in Jesus name we pray amen right for a final song we'll go to song 160 Brown him with many crowns 160 Brown him with many crowns song 160 Brown him with many crowns on the first round him with many crowns the lamb upon his throne are how the heavenly and thumbs drown all music but its own awake my soul and sing of him who died for thee and hail him as thy matchless King through all eternity crown him the Lord of love behold his hands and side rich wounds yet visible above in beauty glorified no angel in the sky and fully bear that side but downward menses wandering I had mystery so bright round him the Lord of life who triumphed or the grave who rose victorious to the stripe for those he came to save his glories now we sing who died and rose on high who died eternal life to bring and lives that death may die round him the Lord of him one with the father known one with the spirit through him give from yonder glorious throne to thee be endless praise or thou for us has died be thou O Lord through endless days adored and magnified racing and god bless you are dismissed you