(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Two hundred and seven, only a sinner. Not have I gotten but what I received. Grace hath bestowed it since I have believed. Boasting, excluded, pride I abase. I'm only a sinner saved by grace. Only a sinner saved by grace. Only a sinner saved by grace. This is my story, to God be the glory. I'm only a sinner saved by grace. Once I was foolish and sin ruled my heart. Causing my footsteps from God to depart. Jesus hath found me, happy my case. I now am a sinner saved by grace. Only a sinner saved by grace. Only a sinner saved by grace. This is my story, to God be the glory. I'm only a sinner saved by grace. Tears unavailing, no merit had I. Mercy had saved me or else I must die. Sin had alarmed me, fearing God's face. But now I'm a sinner saved by grace. Only a sinner saved by grace. Only a sinner saved by grace. This is my story, to God be the glory. I'm only a sinner saved by grace. Suffer a sinner whose heart overflows. Loving his savior to tell what he knows. Once more to tell it, would I embrace. I'm only a sinner saved by grace. Only a sinner saved by grace. Only a sinner saved by grace. This is my story, to God be the glory. I'm only a sinner saved by grace. Great singing. Let's open up in a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for this evening. Thank you for the opportunity to be in the local New Testament church tonight. And thank you so much for salvation, that it's by grace, and that it's so easy for us to be saved. Pray that you'd help us to worship you from our hearts this evening. We love you, in Jesus' name we pray, amen. All right, for our next song, we'll go to 109, Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us. 109, Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us. 109, Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us. Savior like a shepherd lead us, much we need thy tender care. In thy pleasant pastures feed us, for our use thy folds prepare. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, thou hast bought us, thine we are. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, thou hast bought us, thine we are. We are thine, do thou befriend us, be the guardian of our way. Keep thy flock from sin, defend us, seek us when we go astray. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, hear, oh hear us when we pray. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, hear, oh hear us when we pray. Thou hast promised to receive us, poor and sinful though we be. Thou hast mercy to relieve us, grace to cleanse and power to free. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, early let us turn to thee. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, early let us turn to thee. Early let us seek thy favor, early let us do thy will. Blessed Lord and only Savior, with thy love our bosoms fill. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, thou hast loved us, love us still. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, thou hast loved us, love us still. Thank you so much for coming to Steadfast Baptist Church. If you need a bulletin, lift your hand nice and high. Whenever ushers can come by, we still get you a bulletin on the front. We have our Bible memory passage, Revelation chapter one, verse two. We're doing the entire chapter of Revelation. And it's a lot of good verses there in Revelation one. On the inside we have our service, soul winning times. Also we have our church stats. Please make sure to submit that to your soul winning captains throughout the week so they can put up the updates in their bulletin on the right. We have the list of our expecting ladies. Please be in prayer for all of our expecting ladies. Also we'd like to go over a prayer list on the midweek service. We'll continue to pray for the Negeris for health. We're praying for Mrs. Lucy's mother's tumors. We've been praying for brother Cameron Hall's leg. We've been praying for brother Pendleton from Faith Ward Baptist Church. We've also been praying for the Garcia's for their son-in-law's family to be stationed in a nearby location. Also for brother Wallach's friend Juan, cancer treatment. And then also the Cooley's stepdad's cancer treatment as well. So several health issues to be in prayer for. We'll go ahead and say a quick word of prayer as a church family right now. Thank you Heavenly Father for this evening. Thank you so much for expecting ladies. Please be with them during their pregnancy. Please help them. I pray that you give them a timely birth. I pray that you would help a lot of our church family and friends that have been struggling with chronic illnesses and issues. I pray that you would please give them favor. Please give them health. I pray that you would give them peace during this time of affliction. Please also help the rest of our church family that's not here with temporary sicknesses and illnesses to recover quickly and to be able to get back into church. And we just thank you so much for all that you give us. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Upcoming events. The Old West Wednesday. I think an email was sent out today about that. So if you would please at least RSVP. That will give us a lot better idea of who's planning on attending. And we can make those accommodations. Also April 1st is the Dallas Texas Soul Winning Marathon. April 24th to the 29th is our Bahamas missions trip. And so that's going to be a lot of fun. Even if you can't go, please just pray that our Soul Winning trips will be successful. That's pretty much all I have as far as announcements. We'll go ahead and turn to our third song this evening. Song 50. Peace. Perfect. Peace. Song number 50. Again that's song number 50. Peace. Perfect. Peace. Song 50. Peace. Perfect. Peace. Song 51. Peace. Perfect. Peace. Song 52. In this dark world of sin The blood of Jesus whispers Peace within Peace. Perfect. Peace With sorrow surging round On Jesus' bosom Not but calm is found Peace. Perfect. Peace Our future all unknown Jesus we know And He is on the throne Peace. Perfect. Peace Death shadowing us and ours Jesus has vanquished Death and all its powers It is enough Earth's struggle soon shall cease And Jesus call us to Heaven's perfect peace Good singing. As the offering plates are being passed around please turn your Bibles to Hosea chapter number 8. Hosea chapter number 8. Hosea chapter 8. We'll be reading the whole chapter as is our custom. You can follow along silently starting in verse 1. Hosea chapter 8 the Bible reads Set the trumpet to thy mouth He shall come as an eagle against the house of the Lord Because they have transgressed my covenant And trespassed against my law Israel shall cry unto me My God we know thee Israel hath cast off the thing that is good The enemy shall pursue him They have set up kings but not by me They have made princes and I knew it not Of their silver and their gold have they made them idols That they may be cut off Thy calf O Samaria hath cast thee off Mine anger is kindled against them How long will it be ere they attain to innocency For from Israel was it also The workmen made it Therefore it is not God But the calf of Samaria shall be broken in pieces For they have sown the wind And they shall reap the whirlwind It hath no stock The bud shall yield no meal If so be it yield The strangers shall swallow it up Israel is swallowed up Now shall they be among the Gentiles As a vessel wherein is no pleasure For they are gone up to Assyria A wild ass alone by himself Ephraim hath hired lovers Yea, though they have hired among the nations Now will I gather them And they shall sorrow a little For the burden of the king of princes Because Ephraim hath made many altars to sin Altars shall be made unto him to sin I have written to him the great things of my law But they were counted as a strange thing They sacrifice flesh For the sacrifices of mine offerings And eat it But the Lord accepted them not Now will he remember their iniquity And visit their sins They shall return to Egypt Ephraim hath forgotten his maker And buildeth temples And Judah hath multiplied fenced cities But I will send a fire upon his cities And it shall devour the palaces thereof Let's fire our heads for a word of prayer Father in heaven we thank you for Hosea chapter 8 Lord And we thank you for our church And for our pastor I pray that you fill in with your spirit And help him to explain this portion of scripture to us Help us to make connections Lord Amen, we're in Hosea chapter 8 and we're building steam as it were in this book of the Bible And God is elaborating even further about what's going to happen to the nation of Israel He says in verse 1 Set the trumpet to thy mouth He shall come as an eagle against the house of the Lord Because they have transgressed my covenant And trespassed against my law So the Bible brings up in verse 1 a trumpet And trumpets in the Bible signify a lot of different things It's found in scripture as being positive and negative So it's not just necessarily one particular connotation But a lot of things that are related to trumpets are related to war Or some kind of warfare The Bible talks about how they blow trumpets during times of sacrifice During the new moon according to the scripture Also for war or even before war kind of a warning A warning signal You'd have people that are called watchmen Watchmen will sit at the high points of a city Perhaps in a tower, perhaps in a tree Somewhere where they have a long distance vision And they're supposed to watch throughout the night to see if there's an enemy coming Spies or some kind of danger So that they can alert everyone in the city that's sleeping And give them as much advance warning or notice as possible And this is kind of symbolic in the Bible Of a preacher or a pastor Being one who's supposed to give a warning to the sheep, to the flock, to the world Of impending doom, destruction, war, like manner And really in this particular passage though It's not really a positive message This is a trumpet not even really signifying like hey you have a chance here It's basically just signifying their destruction It's going to be their demise Now I want to go to a few places here Go to Isaiah 58 for a moment Go to Isaiah, go back to the left in your Bible to Isaiah And chapter 58 and We're going to see the Bible bring up a trumpet And this is a pretty common passage, one that we look to a lot But it says in verse 1 Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet And show my people their transgression And show Jacob their sin So in Isaiah God makes it clear what he meant by the trumpet He's saying lift up thy voice like a trumpet Meaning that you should sound like a trumpet Now what is a trumpet sound like? It's a pretty obvious instrument when it comes to an orchestra Because it's very loud That's one of the things that you think about when it comes to a trumpet That it's very loud, it's very bold They usually are very even high pitched sounding And so when it comes to an orchestra of all the instruments The one that's going to basically give you the most sound Just loud, just really alert you to something Is going to be the trumpet Of course other instruments maybe are known for their elegance or grace But the trumpet is known for its abruptness, for its power For the fact that it's there to give you some kind of a signal And so it's telling the preacher to preach like a trumpet Their voice should be like a trumpet Meaning that they are going to use their voice in a powerful way They're going to use their voice to alert people To make it clear what the message is And even in warfare trumpets are often used to signify Where troops may go or what's the next move for the battalion And of course why do they use a trumpet? Because it can be heard, you know you're in a battle It may not, you don't want the triangle You know it's like ding ding ding Just because that's not going to be as easy to hear, discern Even necessarily what the sound is But the trumpet blast is very loud and it can give a very certain sound And so he's saying this is the similarity he wants in a preacher Is one who's giving a very clear message One that's very well understood and is very bold I mean of instruments it'd be hard to play a trumpet softly You know it'd be hard to play a trumpet and it'd just be like really really tender You know you're not going to really, that's like a saxophone or something right There's other instruments that you kind of play with tenderness I think in order to even snuff the sound out of a trumpet They usually have to use a ball or something, is that correct? A mute okay, but it looks like a ball okay It's in the ball shape right It doesn't look like a flat earth or anything okay over here It's like some kind of a round object that you can use to kind of soften or deaden the sound of a trumpet But without some kind of an instrument I mean it's very difficult to soften the sound of a trumpet Because a trumpet is just naturally loud And of course that's what the preachers should be like when they're preaching against sin And they're trying to reach a message unto the people And so you know we have to understand that when God's telling him to set the trumpet to his mouth You know it's not necessarily that he's just saying like hey blow a trumpet here He's using it as a metaphor just like it is in this passage Of saying hey let's make a really loud and clear message here about what's going to happen to Israel That they're going to be destroyed Go ahead to Jeremiah 4 And Jeremiah is to the right a little bit So Jeremiah is right next to Isaiah And we're you know from a timeline perspective Isaiah and Hosea are basically the same timeline And they're prophesying about the timeline of Jeremiah So there's a connection between all three of these Basically Isaiah and Hosea are saying this is what's going to happen in Jeremiah And then Jeremiah is basically telling you like what's about to happen So they're all basically talking about the same events though Similarities that you're going to see in these books Because they're talking about the same events They're talking about the coming destruction of the Lord And it's hard to say that God hasn't been gracious Because he gave them all of Isaiah He gave them all of Hosea He gave them decades here I mean he's given them years and years and years Think about all this great preaching All these different messages that have been delivered unto the children of Israel And they just still didn't hearken They still didn't listen They still don't want to pay attention to the message Jeremiah chapter 4 is similar here Make ye mention to the nations Behold publish against Jerusalem That watchers come from a far country And give out their voice against the cities of Judah As keepers of a field are they against her roundabout Because she hath been rebellious against me sayeth the Lord Thy way and thy doings have procured these things unto thee This is thy wickedness because it is bitter Because it reacheth unto thine heart My bowels, my bowels I am pained at my very heart My heart maketh a noise in me I cannot hold my peace Because thou hast heard on my soul The sound of the trumpet Notice this The alarm of war So the Bible gives us a definition As it were of the sound of the trumpet What is the sound of the trumpet alert in your mind? It's an alarm of war And again I'm not saying that every trumpet Is this particular definition But I believe that this definition Is congruent with the passage in Hosea chapter number 8 And we have in Isaiah 58 Talking about kind of a similar concept here And this guy is very upset about the sound of the trumpet What does the sound of the trumpet? It says that there's war coming But notice what the next verse says, verse 20 Destruction upon destruction is cried So notice even though there's war They already realize that that war is also Spelling their doom It's not like oh we're gonna go to war let's win It's like you're gonna lose It's just impending doom and destruction for them For the whole land is spoiled Suddenly are my tents spoiled And my curtains in a moment How long shall I see the standard And hear the sound of the trumpet For my people is foolish They have not known me They are sottish children And they have none understanding They are wise to do evil But to do good they have no knowledge So the Bible is giving us a picture here Of what the children of Israel And of course this is more specifically the children of Judah Yet Hosea while it's focused on Isaiah Or I'm sorry the nation of Israel It still kind of alludes to Judah And brings up Judah as well But it's the same problem They have the same issue And notice that God says that they're sottish Sottish is not necessarily a word That people are familiar with Also the short form sought Is another word that can be used It's to denote someone that's like a drunkard It's to denote someone that's habitually drunk Someone that's not sober And it's saying that these people They're not paying attention They're not awake They're not sober They don't care They have no knowledge of God That they're just distracted And really the only thing they're good at Is just being evil And sinning They're really good at adultery They're really good at getting drunk They're really good at murder They're really good at theft And you say how do they get good at that? Practice Practice makes you perfect And of course that practice Doesn't necessarily mean you're doing something good They're practicing really evil wicked things And they've gotten really good at them They're super filled with iniquity And of course God is just going to have to destroy them They're also very foolish They don't even realize they're going to be destroyed I mean if you think about it Noah is building this ark And everybody else is just bubbling around And then just all of a sudden The flood comes and destroys them all The Bible talks about how that's going to be similar With the end times That the whole world is just going to keep going on Just doing their thing And then all of a sudden just sudden destruction Because they're not smart enough to realize And they just don't care about all the warning signals They become death to the trumpets They become death to the warnings And they don't care anymore And because of that they're whisked away It's kind of like me and my alarm clock The first few times it sounds in the morning It's just like I don't hear it It's like I become I'm immune to the sound of an alarm clock sometimes And these people are just immune To their sound clock Their alarm clock And they're basically just not going to get up They're not going to wake up And they're going to be taken away Now if you go back to Hosea Chapter number 8 That kind of gives us an idea of what he's saying And just kind of the tone of this chapter But he's wanting him to set a trumpet to his mouth As a metaphor And he wants him to preach this He shall come as an eagle against the house of the Lord Now who's the he that we're talking about? We're talking about God So God is going to be an eagle Now you know we live in America So we have this bias But eagles in the Bible are a predator Eagles are known as kind of this bird That's going to hunt And is a predator And it's associated with Basically destruction Someone that's going to cause evil And really eagles If you understand anything about eagles Eagles are a true predator They will just come out of nowhere Screeching down And they'll just rip open their prey They'll devour their prey They're a very dangerous bird You know if you're out in the wild An eagle could shred you up very easily And they're very large animals They can also their wingspans Are often very large They can carry away their prey Often they don't even kill their prey They simply just grab it So they'll come down They'll swoop down They'll just grab a snake They can even grab all kinds of animals A dog They've been known to just They'll just come down They'll just grab a dog They'll grab whatever And the animal has no chance At basically fighting this eagle And the eagle's already ripped into their flesh So they just let them kind of bleed to death On their little journey Off to wherever they take them Or they'll just take them really high And then just kind of drop them And let the drop kill them And then just go pick them back up Because they're kind of like a vulture In a sense style type bird They're able to take advantage of their prey So the fact that the Bible's saying that He shall come as an eagle against the house of the Lord This is very negative This is not Now there are mentions that are positive of eagles You know the Bible talks about Being carried on wings of eagles and stuff like that And that's to symbolize the fact that An eagle flies really high And it can carry you and stuff But this carrying is not the carrying you want This is the carrying off the destruction And he's not going to come and save you Just like America If you were to live a century today It wouldn't be to save you It would be to carry you off And to do all manner of damage to you It says why? Because they have transgressed my covenant And trespassed against my law So you know Again I think that Because of our modern day culture And hearing a lot of bad preaching Whether you wanted to or not We have this idea that Jesus Christ Is kind of like a Santa Claus That only delivers presents or something But in the Bible God can be just as much of an enemy to you As he can be a savior And those who trespass against the Lord And go against the Lord He is going to be their literal enemy He's going to be like an eagle coming out of nowhere And causing all manner of destruction against them And it says in verse 2 This is interesting It says Israel shall cry unto me My God we know thee So it's like hey why are you attacking me? I know you We're your people Go to Matthew 7 Keep your finger Go to Matthew chapter number 7 Where a lot of people get confused They think like oh I know the Lord I go to church I've heard about Jesus I have a Jesus bracelet What would Jesus do? I own a Bible And I even have my name printed on the cover Now I've never read it But you know I own it You know I've read it I've seen the TV show Chosen Pastor Shelley Of course I know who Jesus is But you know that doesn't really count for anything Look at Matthew 7 Look at verse 21 Not everyone that saith unto me Lord, Lord Shall enter into the kingdom of heaven So notice what it says Not everyone that saith unto me Lord, Lord Doesn't that remind you of Hosea Hey we know you Hey Lord You're the Lord It's not saying that the Lord exists It's not saying that you know the Lord even That's going to get you saved What does it say if we keep reading It says shall enter into the kingdom of heaven But he that doeth the will of my Father Which is in heaven Many will say to me in that day Lord, Lord Have we not prophesied in thy name And in thy name have cast out devils And in thy name done many wonderful works And then will I profess unto them I never knew you Depart from me ye that work iniquity You know what's more important Than you knowing him Is him knowing you And if he doesn't know you He cast you out Hey you think you know me but you don't It's like a creepy stalker You know the creepy stalker Is like hey I know you It's like but I don't know you You're not welcome in my house You're not welcome to follow me around And just like this children of Israel Hey they're just creepy stalkers They don't really know the Lord They don't really care They're just going to destroy them It doesn't matter that you Say that you know God It doesn't matter that you claim God It doesn't matter that you have the right name It matters that you've actually believed in Christ You know go back if you would to Hosea chapter 8 Of course the reason why those in Matthew 7 Are rejected It's not that they were too sinful It was that they never trusted in Christ to save them And ultimately we can tell what they were trusting In to get them into heaven Because they're saying hey look at all the things we did I preached though I did all these miracles I did all these wonderful works But Christ didn't recognize them as wonderful They thought they were wonderful They said that they were wonderful But in fact He calls them workers of iniquity Recognizing the fact that they weren't doing anything good That they were just lying about it And again what you have to understand about this Is in the world we live in today There are going to be people who say they know Jesus And say they do wonderful works and they're not saved Because Matthew 7 already told us that Not only that we have in Hosea a picture A group of people they say they know God They are saying they're doing works for Him But God doesn't know them So we can't base our perception of reality on what people tell us We can only interpret every situation based on the lens of scripture Scripture tells us what's right and wrong You can't believe people The Bible says the simple believeth every word And if we just trust what people say Well we'll be taken advantage of all the time And everybody will go to hell Because essentially every false prophet is going to get up and tell you That he knows the Lord He's of God He's the right preacher That they really know the Lord And they're going to help you know the Lord But you know the way you know someone's of the Lord Is what the Bible says about them And you check what the Bible says And of course the people here are giant hypocrites We can clearly see they don't really know the Lord They have no idea what the Bible says They're not trusting Him They're not serving Him whatsoever They're just a bunch of liars It says in verse 3 Israel hath cast off the thing that is good The enemy shall pursue Hey we know you Yeah but you cast off the thing that's good You didn't do anything Who cares if you know me or not The enemy's going to pursue you The enemy's going to destroy you Verse 4 They have set up kings In their gold Have they made them idols That they may be cut off You know it sounds like election integrity They had a problem with that too Hey they had kings but Not by God You know and of course We have to take this passage In congruence with passages like Think about Romans 13 Doesn't Romans chapter number 13 say that The powers that be are ordained of God So how does that work Well you have to understand God has kind of two different ideas When it comes to His will You kind of have His perfect will And then you kind of have what's considered Like a permissive will And I've heard this described by a lot of different people And of course the Lord has a perfect will But unfortunately because we're sinners That's not going to always be realized You know what's God's perfect will That all men will repent And come to the knowledge of the truth And be saved right God is not willing that any should perish So what is God's perfect will Everyone is saved What's God's permissive will He lets those who reject Him go to hell You know He allows people to rebel against Him On this earth even He allows people to sin He allows the devil to go around and deceive people He allows false prophets to get up and preach lies That's not God's perfect will You know God allows abortion That's not God's perfect will That's not what God truly desires And according to the scripture Would He allow Or if He wanted a lot of the kings of Israel To have been a king No So one thing you have to understand By this passage specifically Many of the kings of Israel God does not like God did not purposely set up God did not want them to be king He had nothing to do with it Now at the same time though God allows Certain people to climb into power Or will allow them to essentially Just so then He can knock them down Or so that He can just see people Or cause some kind of evil to happen You know the thing about Pharaoh He allows Pharaoh to climb into a position of power in Egypt Not so much because he really wants Pharaoh to be in charge But rather he can use him To show his glory Through allowing this guy to come into power You know think about the antichrist Do you really think it's God's Perfect will for the antichrist To rule over the earth No absolutely not Jesus Christ is his king Jesus Christ is the one that he's going to have rule and reign Over the earth But you know what God's going to allow that To happen And of course that's ordained of God In the sense that God has already for Knowledge And is going to allow the antichrist to come into power So that he can destroy him So that he can you know Get all of the bundles of reprobates Gathered together unto him And of course there's a lot of different reasons Why that's going to happen But just because someone's a position of a king Doesn't mean that God really wants them there And I hear sometimes bad preaching about this Because they'll say oh Well Joe Biden's the president And since all powers that be are ordained of God We should pray for his blessing And I'm thinking like no That's somebody that God didn't want to set up No that's someone that God is not interested in being In any kind of position of leadership Or authority in our country He's just simply allowing it as a punishment unto us And so I'm not going to sit here And then just pray for his blessing Just because he happens to be in a position of authority Now does that mean that every position of authority Or every political office I would feel that way No I'm sure that there's plenty of people That I don't agree with That I don't like That you know is maybe not the best candidate But you know we should still pray for their good You know what I'm not going to pray for Joe Biden's good And we have to understand That there's going to be a balance here You have to use some discretion And you know while we may choose to be respectful Of positions of authority You're not going to always be respectful of the person You know I think about Some of the men of God They are confronted with the king of Israel And the king of Judah And basically they look at them And they say hey if it wasn't for the king of Judah I wouldn't even regard your presence King of Israel You're too wicked You're too evil You're not someone that God has respect for And so I don't have any respect for you I don't have any automatic respect No he's saying like look I wouldn't even talk to you If it wasn't for this other king Now here's the thing the other king Was a screw up The other king had serious issues But he wasn't just he wasn't Joe Biden Okay folks And so of course he wasn't Barack Obama You know it was like Ronald Reagan You know I'm just kidding It's like it's someone that is like okay Obviously this guy's got serious problems Serious issues I just at least respect The position of authority you have You know I don't really care About your position You're not really authoritative in my mind Look at Psalms chapter 2 And look at what it says in verse 2 The kings of the earth set themselves And the rulers take counsel together Against the Lord and against his anointed So you know the Bible confirms the idea That the leaders and the rulers of this world Are always putting themselves in these positions Of authority You know obviously A couple years ago it almost seemed like It manifested that our elections Have some issues But I'll be honest a decade ago I thought the elections were not real I've never really thought that they were real And you know when you study the Bible You know you really think that the people In the most powerful nation in the world Are just letting the TikTok users Vote in the next president They know what they're doing They're not letting these things It doesn't happen by chance They're picking and putting these people In the positions that they want It's not like just any random person Could just take over Now these people are setting themselves They're putting these positions of authority And notice it's not by God's will God's not wanting these people to be in Positions of authority And so what happens when people put themselves In authority where God doesn't want them He takes them away He removes them He punishes them And that's what he's doing with Hosea Go back to Hosea chapter 3 You know when we decide to allow leaders To do so We shouldn't allow bad leadership To rule over our lives When we have opportunity to change that Or to fix that And you know frankly speaking in America You know we theoretically do have the option Of who leads us In every political office And you know what Christians shouldn't allow Wicked evil people to rule over us And to not care about these things You know as a Christian group As a nation We should pick godly leaders Who are the best candidates To rule and to lead our nation And this should be in every area of your life You know as a young lady Who may look to being married one day You know you need to pick a good leader To lead your household And not just marry some Joe Smo Because he looks good Because he's the bad boy You know pick a guy that actually fears the Lord Loves God And allow him to be the leader of your family You know when you're picking a church You shouldn't just pick whatever church Is closest to you No pick one where there's a guy leading the church That actually fears God Pick a guy that's actually going to elevate The word of God And is actually going to edify you and your family You know because you're putting those people in power You know if nobody comes to my church You know it's not like I can force I can't drag people in here Forcibly And you know the false prophets that exist In our society exist Because people are giving them power To get up there And allowing them to rule over them And allowing them to lead them You know everyone in this room Apart from my family Has a choice of who their pastor's going to be Okay You have an opportunity to decide Who you're going to allow to lead you And of course according to the Bible you should go to a church Where you're allowing the pastor to lead you I mean that's clear to the Bible But you know what you get a choice in that don't you You get to decide which kind of a leader Which kind of a shepherd you're going to have These people are setting up bad people They're putting in bad kings They're putting in bad princes Princes means rulers So they're putting in the people that don't really care That are prideful In fact you know in politics in America It used to be that if you campaigned for yourself You would not be elected Because it was seen as you being prideful As you being narcissistic As you being a bad candidate So it used to be that it was a shame For you to get up and be like Donald Trump Of course I'm the greatest Look folks no one's better than me You know that would have been an instant loss Back in the day Because people actually understood the Bible They understood this is a bad leader This is someone that's bragging about themselves You know the Bible talks about let another man praise thee And not thine own lips A stranger not thine own mouth You know what we have today Is basically a shameless promotion of self In the world that we live in You know what an embarrassment That our politics Our leaders have to go around And shamelessly promote themselves It's like I'm so great And I'm so wonderful And I'm so smart And I'm so intelligent It's because no one else will say that about them What person on this planet would say That no one knows the Bible better than Donald Trump Only Donald Trump would say that You know only Donald Trump Can say the most grand union About themselves Because pride will allow you to say anything And we don't want a prideful leader We need to make sure that we're not setting up people In bad positions of authority And you know when it comes to this church You know we have other men that are in authority We have people that are leading As far as soul winning captains Or soul winning leaders Music leaders We have all kinds of different people In positions of authority I allow people to preach behind our pope But when I'm gone And you know the last thing I want to do Is enable someone that's filled with pride Someone that thinks really highly of themselves Because that is going to destroy them And the congregation It's going to destroy everyone And we have to be careful about the people That we give power to We have to be careful about the men That we entrust with certain positions of authority And we need to make sure that they fear God Now these people didn't They set up kings, princes Notice that they made their way They set up kings, princes Notice that they made gold Or they made their gold idols And they're basically worshipping a false god Verse 5 Thy calf O Samaria Have cast thee off So instead of worshipping God They took all their money And they gave it to what? False religion Again this happens in a society Where people will give all of their money To false religion They'll give it to the Roman Catholic Church You know the Roman Catholic Church And they had the majority of money That's why they had so much power Is because they had so much money And people are constantly giving all their money To the Roman Catholic Church You know you go visit Roman Catholic Churches in Europe Some of those beautiful buildings You've ever seen in your life I mean some of the most ornate constructions ever Why? Because they have all the money And look I guarantee I guarantee The idols that were made by these people Looked amazing Lots of special crafting All the way the jewels Were imbled into the calf And the way the whatever weird gods They were making I guarantee they were very You know artful They were crafted really well They might have been pleasing to the eye They were probably cool to see But here's the problem It's false religion But here's the problem It's not the God of the Bible And you know because of them investing All their time, effort, energy, and money Mind anger is kindled against them How long will it be Ere they attain to innocency Now the word ere Just think of the word before That's all ere means Ere just means before So he's saying how long is it going to be Before they attain to innocency Innocency meaning what? When are they going to actually strive To be right with God When are they actually going to clean their lives up a little bit When are they going to actually try and do something Good for once So he's saying like I've given you a long time to repent here I've given you a long time to clean it up And you're just not cleaning it up You're not fixing the problem Verse 6 For from Israel was it also the workmen made it Therefore it is not God But the cap of Samaria shall be broken in pieces So he's saying look of course If a man made something It's not God Because God is not made with hands God is not some image that can be worshipped And this is why it's also you know in my opinion It is wrong to try and make any kind of image of God Because you're just going to fail You will fail It is impossible to make any kind of image of God Of course the Bible makes it clear graven images are off the table You know we're not allowed to have any graven images We're not supposed to bow down and worship these things You know some people will say like Well I think it's fine to have graven images As long as you don't worship them And I understand why people come to that conclusion But I personally believe the Bible has a lot of verses That make it clear you shouldn't even have them We just shouldn't even make them We shouldn't even you know decide to have any kind of And again you know to decide what a graven image is My personal opinion or personal interpretation of what a graven image is Is it simply just any animal, person, place or thing That has no utility According to the Bible It is certainly a person, place or thing Not a thing but a person, place or like animal That's what it defines it as And so that's not my opinion But again you know things that are like a toy soldier You know I don't personally Obviously you could argue that that's a graven image In the sense that it's graven the image of a person And it could be made out of metal It could be made out of wood Yet I wouldn't consider that sin or a problem necessarily Because the utility is to play with it The utility is to play with it Just like a car is not a graven image in my opinion An airplane painted like a bird is not a graven image Because what's the purpose and the goal of these things Is it has a utility It has some kind of a purpose that's driven to it But if I'm just going to grave some kind of an animal And just put it on the shelf To be looked at and adored And kind of just oh look at it To me that's where it crosses the line And now we're getting into the idolatry phase And now we're getting into the issue where You know we're crossed a line Of course if you start worshipping the thing And thinking it's God That's real extreme That's not even a question if it's wrong or not But I'm just saying as a culture, as a society I don't even think we should get to that point You know I don't like the statues of the men And all these different things That we put up on all our society You know to me it's a layer It's a form of idolatry That should just be off limits You know if people want to make nice looking statues That are not men, animals or whatever Go for it You know I'm not against statues But let's not make statues of men and animals And these other things You know God wanted us to enjoy real people And to enjoy real animals And to enjoy the real things Again I'm also not against you drawing pictures You know you could draw a picture of anything right Nothing wrong with drawing pictures You know art But I think we should stay away from the graven images And when it also comes to Jesus You know I think there's a danger in trying to draw Jesus Now you know can I point to a verse in the Bible That says thou shalt not draw Jesus No I cannot draw I cannot do that But what I can do is this I can say this if you draw Jesus It doesn't look like him I just know that it's wrong And you know while my kids Will draw me and my wife And they'll be like look it's you and me and mom and dad And I think that's cute You know it's not that cute to someone That's not related to you Right if I just come up and I have a picture Of a weird looking dude and I'm like hey it's you I drew you You'd be like that's weird You know because that's not me I mean what if I just drew just like an Asian dude You know And I was just like hey it's you But you're like but I'm not Asian You know And again isn't that that's the majority The majority of pictures of Jesus Are drawn in the image of the person that drew them You know whether if they're black Or if they're Chinese Or if they're Chinese Well here's the thing He can only be one nationality So that means all the other ones are wrong So that means you're already very likely wrong And whatever your depiction of him is Okay And a lot of people will portray him in movies and film And stuff like that And you know I'm not saying that that's just entirely wrong Because that's their discretion I just think it's dangerous And you should probably stay away from it Because if you portray Jesus They depict him in a way that's sinful Like they'll give him long hair Or they'll put him in like a skirt or a dress Or something like that Making him effeminate looking And you know what that's gross You know why would I want to have a picture of a Jesus That's sinful You know that's blasphemous If you're gonna portray Jesus You better make sure there's no obvious blasphemy Attied to it You know I've been to plenty of churches Where they had plays with Jesus And plenty of Christmas plays Where they have someone portraying Jesus And I'm not just gonna condemn all of them But you know what If they're gonna do it where the Jesus has long hair Or is wearing a skirt I am gonna condemn that I am gonna say that's wicked and it's wrong I personally would probably even just stay away from it But I'm just saying that you know Anything that was made with hands Is not God folks Now you'd say this What about the Bible Well here's the thing The Bible is While it has a human element to it It's not made by man Because it came from heaven It came from God God spake these words And he delivered it to man And man wrote it down And the closest thing we'll ever have To Jesus on this earth until he returns Is this Is the words of God This is what we should elevate This is what we should lift up This is what we should do No Or like the Catholics They'll sell They'll sell you a piece of wood And say it's from the cross of Jesus But you know what's better Than a physical picture of the cross of Jesus Is Matthew, Mark, Luke and John That's way better I don't need a physical piece of wood That was supposedly from the cross You know what I can do I can just preach the gospel Or I can read the gospels if I need to Because God's not carnal We shouldn't be elevating fleshly things Because God's not a flesh God is the word of God Okay so we really want to know who God is That's what we should worship And that's what we should pay attention to But the children of Israel They don't care about the word of God They've gotten away from the Bible They've gotten away from the things of God And they're elevating and worshiping images They're elevating and worshiping a golden calf Go back to Isaiah Hopefully you're still there It's called television It's called internet We just love to put images in front of our face And just give that all of our attention and focus Rather than the things of God It says in verse 7 For they have sown the wind And they shall reap the whirlwind It hath no stock The bud shall yield no meal If so be it yield The strangers shall swallow it up Now there's a really interesting verse It says that they've sown the wind And it says that they're going to reap the whirlwind Now wind in the Bible denotes a lot of things There's a lot of pictures we have in the wind But I want to go to a couple of places Go to Jude chapter 1 for a moment Go to Jude chapter 1 Let's look at a couple places where the Bible mentions wind What could be sowing wind? Well let's get an idea of what wind is first Jude Our one and only chapter Chapter 1 Look at what it says in verse 12 These are spots in your feast of charity When they feast with you feeding themselves without fear Clouds they are without water Carried about of winds Trees whose fruit withereth Without fruit twice dead plucked up by the root So the Bible says about false prophets and false teachers That they're carried about of winds Now go to Ephesians chapter number 4 Go to Ephesians, go back to Ephesians Let's get a little bit more information about this So false prophets and false teachers are always carried with winds And I'll submit to you that wind could be a lot of things in the Bible But think about just what wind does in general for a second If I plant seed into the ground Or I'm trying to plant on something What will the wind do to that? The wind will blow it and scatter it And cause it to be what? Potentially unprofitable It can easily destroy the crop because of the wind You know if we think about even just crops themselves If you have too strong of a wind It can come, it's like a destroying wind It can destroy things So what does wind often picture? It scatters and it destroys Now there are ways to use that positively Obviously you know some flowers and some plants They spread their seed by wind They simply you know think about a dandelion But a dandelion is kind of like a weed isn't it? You don't really want the dandelion Don't you just love it when your kids pick up all the dandelions And blow them all over your yard? Isn't that a blessing? You know what's going to happen? More dandelions You know dandelions are weeds They might look cool It might look pretty But you know what it is? It's a danger And the Bible brings up this about wind as well Ephesians 4 It says Let's read a little bit of context here Look at verse 11 It says So notice what the Bible denotes wind as In Ephesians chapter number 4 False doctrine False doctrine Now does that fit with what we read in Jude chapter number 1? Those false prophets are being what? Carried about with what false doctrine And all kinds of winds Why is it important that you go to church And you listen to a pastor And you get edified by the ministers of God So you don't get carried away With all of the false doctrine And all of the deception that's out there Now So what would it be if there's a society If there's a nation Sowing wind What does that sound like they're doing? They're sowing a bunch of false doctrine aren't they? They're sowing a bunch of lies And heresy And all kinds of false religion And what is it that they're going to reap? They're going to reap the whirlwind So it's like this Hey if we set up one false prophet You know what we're going to get? We're going to get like a hundred false prophets And return to that And they're going to all preach unto me All their false stupid ideas You know it's like you let Just one of these guys pop up And all of a sudden there's tons of them You know it's like oh we let Joel Osteen Now we get T.D. Jakes and Kenneth Copeland And Creplo Dollar and we get I mean you know one of the areas where I feel like This has happened to America Go over to Proverbs chapter 11 I want you to go to Proverbs for a moment Is YouTube YouTube enabled Every bozo on the planet To get out there and make a YouTube channel And start teaching the Bible But you know before YouTube ever existed Some random dude That wants to teach a whole bunch of people Would have no success Because nobody would care He's not in charge of a church He's not in charge of anybody It's going to be really hard for him to go out And knock on doors and gather a bunch of bozos To come hear him speak But you know what YouTube did It took any random person In the world to just start uploading videos And claiming to be a pastor Claiming to be a teacher And because people went and listened to that junk And gave them a bunch of subs And a bunch of likes and whatever Then he started getting really popular And then essentially what happened Now we're just flooded The internet in our world is flooded with false teachers With all kinds of crazy churches Without the internet Frankly speaking a lot of these churches wouldn't even be able to exist Because they have all these false prophets and false teachers That drew away a crowd Drew disciples after themselves And then enabled them to just plant this stupid church Plant this false church somewhere And so it's important that you realize That you have so much power That you give unto people When you listen to them, when you pay attention to them And as a culture, as a society What we have done is we've just been sowing a lot of wind We've been just sowing so much false doctrine We've been enabling so many false preachers And false teachers to just get lifted up And it's going to destroy America We're inheriting a whirlwind of false doctrine today There has never been more false teaching More false doctrine More bad churches than ever before There's more denominations There's more fake Christians And think about when we go sowing How many people say, yeah I'm saved You know what we're inheriting? A whirlwind Because think about how many people If they just said, no I'm not saved Never heard How much easier it would be to get that person saved Than the person that's been sucked into Mormonism And the Church of Christ And sucked into Catholicism And sucked into all this junk And all this garbage that exists in our society And you know because our society has sown so much wind It's enabled us to now inherit a whirlwind We're reaping a whirlwind of false doctrine And false teaching False Bible versions We sowed a lot of false Bible versions Think about, I mean it just started with one Just Westcott and Hort And look at it today You go to the bookstore today And you can find all kinds of versions Word on the street version The Hawaiian pigeon version Everything, you know It's like, this is insanity The message We're inheriting the message I've had people close to me And the message is a present I'm like, what in the world? Thanks Thanks for that You know talk about trash You know I went to a I used to preach at a shelter For like homeless people or something And basically the way it worked Is they had to come and listen to me preach If they wanted to eat lunch So they didn't, it's not like the audience Was there caring, okay folks Listen to brother Shelley Come preach the Bible or anything like that And you know I would preach And I did it for like two years Well eventually when I was done Doing this They were like, hey we want to give you a present I don't need anything And they're like, no, no, we want to give you a present So they gave me a framed picture of Jesus I was like, thank you so much I mean what a great present You know and it's like That's what we get with the Christianity That we have today You know and There's just so much nonsense out there And we've enabled it Proverbs chapter 11 look at verse 29 He that trouble is his own house Shall inherit the wind And the fools shall be servant To the wise of heart You know the Bible is talking about When you trouble Basically your family Your wife, your spouse Your children You're going to inherit wind What does wind do? It scatters, it destroys It's deception, lies I mean you don't want to Trouble your own house And you know we've troubled our own house here in America We've troubled even the church of God today By allowing all this junk to come in And then what happens? Wind Then we get all kinds of heresy You know when we don't deal with church issues Wind False doctrine comes into the church We don't deal with leaven And it just destroys the church Go to Proverbs 14 for a moment Proverbs 14 And because we have so many fools in this country They actually think that they're wise You know because of the way algorithms work It's funny because the dumbest people get elevated on purpose And then the dumb people think that they're actually smart Because they got elevated They don't realize the reason they got elevated Is because they're actually dumb And the Bible warns It says in Proverbs 14 look at verse 16 A wise man feareth and departed from evil But a fool rageth and is confident You know what's a problem? We have a thousand fools out there And they're all confident They're confident in their foolishness They're confident in their stupidity They're confident in their fake version of Christianity I mean how many bozos are out there online? Well I don't go to church Because church is about a religion And you know Christianity is not a religion It's a relationship It's just like you're an idiot You know I've knocked on a lot of doors recently We don't go to church We haven't been to church in a while Or you know whatever And it's like but on TV, Joe Goldstein They listen Someone's listening to all these YouTube false prophets Because they got so many views Somebody's harkening on all these idiots And you know what? They're just sowing wind and just sowing false doctrine And whenever you harken to these scorners You know you're just going to live a painful life Go to Proverbs 9 Because a lot of these people They have a legitimate grievance against church And that's what gathers a lot of ears Like man I was going to this church And a lot of people are hypocrites in there And it's like that's probably true But you know what? You're a hypocrite too But because they're just a contrarian person Then you start listening to all their other stupid ideas And dumb ideas Because they're just a real scorner Why is it cool to just make videos And just attack churches all the time And I'll tell you something The most popular Christian YouTubers And people on the internet They have one video Attack Attack your church Attack whatever And look I'm all for pointing out bad people But you know what? You're not going to have Any kind of successful Christian movement When all you do is just attack And that's also sowing the wind When it's just attack, attack, attack Wind, wind, wind Just against every single thing What are you going to plant when there's only wind? Wind is annoying You know the wind is frustrating And the wind just causes all kinds of problems And if you're just sowing constant wind Expect to receive a lot of wind back too If all you ever do is just attack people Expect everyone to attack you If you just only attack your wife Expect her to attack you If you only attack your children Expect them to attack you If you only attack church members Expect them to attack you If you attack everybody at work Just expect them to Attack, attack, attack, attack And then be like oh I'm such a victim Everybody's attacking me And look We get a lot of attacks And it's because we've attacked them first in some cases But you know what? We don't want to be We don't want to be the only thing that we do You know I don't want to just preach sermons We're just only doing that And of course we want to be strategic in who we're attacking You know the people that were never going to like us anyways right? The God hating reprobates Well good luck ever appeasing that crowd Good luck ever getting them to like you But at the end of the day we don't want to be A group of people that just only attack You know Jesus Christ attacked a lot of people But you know he didn't only attack He didn't only sow wind He also sowed seed He also sowed life He also sowed the living water Is what he sowed And so we want to be one that's sowing a lot of water A lot of seed, a lot of good things Beware of the person that only sows wind Proverbs chapter 9 looking at verse 8 For prove not a scorn or lest he hate thee For rebuke a wise man he will love thee Notice a scornor is never going to take correction In our society we live in a world where we have all these people not receiving correction And when are any of these internet bozos ever going to take correction? They have no one to correct them That's why it's dangerous to get out of a local church Because when you're not around people And you start floating around dumb ideas like Hey I think the earth's fucked It's nice that you're in a church that everybody will mock you Into the right doctrine on that They'll laugh at you and think that you're a weirdo And then you can get that right But you know when you say that online You know what happens? Tons of other weirdos come and they're like It's fun It's fun It's like all these weirdos and retards come out of the woodwork They're just like It's fun It's fun And you're like where did he come from? You know when you go to a church I believe the Bible There's not all these weirdos Okay That was a little exaggerated but you get my point Alright Go back to Hosea Someone's offended How dare you make fun of retarded people I get it They're way smarter than flat earthers Okay Sorry to offend retarded people Because they're way better people Hosea chapter number 8 Look what it says in verse number 8 Look what it says in verse 9 So In fact the children of Israel They kind of hoard themselves out to all the other nations They're asking them to help them But it doesn't matter how many lovers How many people you hoard yourself out to You know God's going to destroy them anyways And notice they have all these altars But God's saying your altars are even a sin to me And if you think about America I mean how many churches do we have? How about the Dallas-Fort Worth area? I mean churches abound in our area But you know what? Just because a church exists Doesn't mean God's pleased with it And a lot of people they think Oh well this is a church so God must be pleased with it Wrong You know what? God's only pleased with things When you do it right God's only pleased with the things that are done According to his will Not just because you built an altar Or built a church Or built some kind of a facility You know what? God wants there to be churches That actually follow the word of God Not just a bunch of fake altars And fake churches He says in verse number 12 He says to them the great things of my law But they were counted as a strange thing Notice they have no idea what the Bible says Hey we got all these altars But no Bible And you know we have all these churches But no Bible And they don't read the Bible And they don't understand the Bible And they don't care about the Bible And you try to even give them a Bible And they're like I can't understand that This is strangeth to me Oh you speak Shakespearean Speaketh What does that? It just says strange Let's just read But they were counted as a strange thing You know people that will make fun of the King James Bible They'll be like it's like the strangest thing that's ever been And it's like it's not like that You're being exagative And look it's not that hard It's the same word just drop the if Same Folks But you know people just have no idea what the Bible says They don't care about his law Verse 13 They sacrifice flesh for the sacrifices of mine offerings and eat it But the Lord accepted them not Hey they go to church They tithe and they sing songs And God accepteth it not Well but you He's got to accept it I mean the song is my God's an awesome God How would he not like that? I mean you You think that they were not offering the right Sacrifice Hey they had a sheep They were being sold those sheep from the priests themselves And those priests were sticklers Now they might have been charge double But I guarantee hey they got the right sheep They put it on the altar They did the thing But you know what God still didn't like it Because their heart wasn't right You know it's not so much like oh You could go to a fundamental Baptist church And sing the right hymns And God could still not be pleased with it Because your heart's not right There's plenty of repent of your sins False gospel If the Baptist church is out there Then God's still not pleased with them either It's not like oh well I stumbled into the right church Or I'm doing the right physical motions God doesn't want robots God doesn't care about that He cares about what's going on here And these people just They were going through the motions But he doesn't care Says now will he remember their iniquity And visit their sins They shall return to Egypt Now when it says they're going to return to Egypt I don't know exactly if he means they're metaphorically only Or just kind of like metaphorically and physically Because a portion of Judah does go back to Egypt eventually But Israel doesn't really return to Egypt physically We don't really see that Maybe a remnant or maybe a small portion did But in large we don't really see Israel going to Egypt But you know what I thought about Is they were in Egypt What was it like in Egypt They were in bondage They were servants They were now in subjection Israel came out of Egypt and they were free And meaning what? They're in charge of themselves They get to make their rules But what's going to happen? The Assyrians are going to come in And they're going to take over And now it's no longer going to be a free nation They're no longer going to have to do whatever they want They're going to be under their leadership Under their authority And have to follow their rules And if you bring yourselves and follow God's law I'll bring someone else in that's way more wicked than you Way more evil and you'll follow his rules Because guess what? You're going to be subject to someone And it's just like the women that say Hey I don't want to subject myself unto my husband Well you know what? God will bring some dirty disgusting man in your life That will tell you what to do then Called the government Or called your pimp Or called your boss at work Or called whatever it is out there That doesn't even like you And he'll tell you what to do Or if you live in Europe it'll be some Islamistist that'll tell you what to do Some dirty disgusting guy that doesn't even bathe He'll come in and tell you what to do And he's not nice either, honey You know it's just silly how people think like Oh well I'm going to get out of God's shackles And I'm going to be free You know when you get out of God's shackles Which of course he doesn't shackle you You're going to go into real shackles When you think you get out of God's shackles Oh I'm going to be so free And God will lock you down And lock you up And throw away the key And you'll never ever return That's why it's dangerous to get out of God's principles Oh the fundamentalists You know they're so restrictive Oh the fundamentalists they try to tie you down It's a cult No no no no This is the least restrictive place you'll ever be in your life The most freedom you have is within God's boundaries Just like your house You know you have a big fence You know there's no one invading That's freedom You know what whenever all the walls are broken down And you have enemies coming in and telling you what to do That's not freedom And America is destroying itself And going to give itself potentially to an enemy You know if America doesn't want God to rule us That's dangerous Because we could be inviting Allah to come lead us Or we could be asking the Jewish God to come lead us Or we could be asking the Chinese God to come lead us Or the Russian God To come lead us But let me tell you something You know what you can't just get free The only true free people are the ones that worship the Lord Verse 14 For Israel had forgotten his Maker And built the temples And Judah had multiplied thin cities But I will send a fire upon the cities And it shall devour the palaces thereof Hey it doesn't matter how many churches you build Doesn't matter how many strongholds you have Doesn't matter how big your military is You know what when you forget God When you decide that you don't care what the Bible says And you know what Unfortunately for them it's too late You know I don't know what it's like for our nation For our country, for our future But I'll tell you this If we head down the path we're going right now It's going to be the exact same as this story The exact same No difference It's the same God He's the same yesterday, today, and forever He didn't let Sodom and Gomorrah get off the hook And frankly speaking He warned about the cities in the New Testament Getting a worse punishment than Sodom and Gomorrah Let me tell you something America has been blessed to have a lot of great preachers And the King James Bible All over its coast And let me tell you something It's going to get a giant punishment for rejecting God A severe punishment Is going to be held against them For having all of the blessings and the knowledge And the opportunity to get right with God And in rejecting that I mean if they printed, if they repented At the preaching of Jonas How much more At all the pastors and all the Bibles I mean Jonah's message is just like You have 40 days and then of us will be overthrown That was a pretty simple message And you know God said hey They're going to rise up in judgment and condemn Capernaum and they're going to condemn All the cities that rejected Jesus Christ You know what they're going to condemn America Saying like how did you not listen To the King James Bible How did you not listen to the things of God And let us not be those people Let us be the exception Let's close in prayer Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us such Clear warning and instruction And giving us so much freedom You know we don't deserve it But by your grace and by your mercy We have so many things that we get to enjoy right now I pray that we would continue to have fervor And zeal for the things of God We wouldn't worship the things of our hands And as we continue to separate ourselves From the world that we would inspire others That our zeal would be infectious And that we could cause a real revival In this nation That we could see many people turn to the Lord We have to turn people to reading the Bible To getting the right Bible To getting it instilled in their heart And to know that, to know you But for you to also know them In Jesus' name we pray, amen For our final song this evening We're going to go to song 43 We're marching to Zion 43, we're marching to Zion 43, we're marching to Zion Song 43, we're marching to Zion Come we that love the Lord And let our joys be known Sing in a song with sweet accord Join in a song with sweet accord Come we that love the Lord Join in a song with sweet accord And thus around the throne And thus around the throne We're marching to Zion Beautiful, beautiful Zion We're marching upward to Zion The beautiful city of God Let those refused to sing Who never knew are gone But children of the heavenly King But children of the heavenly King May speak their joys abroad May speak their joys abroad We're marching to Zion Beautiful, beautiful Zion We're marching upward to Zion The beautiful city of God The hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets Before we reach the heavenly fields Before we reach the heavenly fields Or walk the golden streets Or walk the golden streets We're marching to Zion Beautiful, beautiful Zion We're marching upward to Zion The beautiful city of God Then let our songs abound And every tear be dry We're marching through Emmanuel's ground We're marching through Emmanuel's ground There were worlds on high To fairer worlds on high We're marching to Zion Beautiful, beautiful Zion We're marching upward to Zion The beautiful city of God Thank you all for coming. God bless. You are dismissed.