(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) for her. Her son in law, her daughter and son in law's family that they would be stationed close by. Also, we have brother Sue Hale. He said that he's extending his stay. I guess he really likes his fiance in the Philippines or something. So he's staying over there. And so we'll be praying for them. Also, we've been praying for a job for brother Alex. Brother Walk is asking for prayer for his friend. One's cancer treatment. Brother Collins asking for prayer for a friend. Brother Nick Edwards for spiritual growth. Brother Randall is asking for prayer for his son. They'd be saved. Also, the glasses are asking for prayers for their neighbors. And you know what that means. No, I'm just kidding. Also, Miss Nexus was asking for prayer for back pain. We're asking for health for the Scott family. Um, also, brother Walk was asking for prayer for his dad's heart problems. So we have several prayer requests there on. I know some people have been sick, too, but we'll say a quick word of prayer for our church family right now. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for giving us this opportunity to have church service this evening. I pray that you would bless all aspects of our church service, that you would please be with our expecting ladies. Also, I help. I pray that you would just help our church family with their health concerns. Please give them comfort. Please strengthen them during these difficult times. Please give them recovery. I pray you would help our traveling friends and family that they would return safely. Please help our friends and family. Any jobs? Please help those that we care about our friends and our loved ones that need to be saved, that you would help soften their hearts, that you would open our mouths boldly, that you would give us the opportunity to give them the gospel and that we could see them saved. And we just thank you for all that you give us. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen. On the back, we have the note about upcoming events, and we have the theater premiere of our film January 30th as well as a small town soul winning marathon February 4th and Cleburne, Texas. So that's a little bit south of the DFW area. It's not too far away. March 15th. We're gonna having a special event service. It's gonna be Old West Wednesday. And so the idea was basically just have kind of a combination of fellowship and service and to dress up. And what better way to dress up than than like Texas, right? I mean, there's no better way to do it. And so, of course, cowboy hats are welcome and all the other, uh, you know, your six shooter and everything else you got. All right. And then April 1st, even if you want to ride a horse to church, that's okay. All right. And then April 1st, we're gonna have a Dallas, Texas Sony marathon. April 24th of the 29th is our Bahamas mission strip. So that'll be something you need to send an itinerary. Just email that to us. If you have questions, please ask me about it because we want to make sure people are prepared. You do need a passport for that. Also, we had the congratulations to the Cooley family on the birth of Victoria Estelle Cooley. She was born on the eighth at 10 59 PM and weighed seven pounds, 14 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. Congratulations them. If you have any or if you'd like to help with the meal train, you can see Mrs Milstead. She usually helps organize that. Or you could ask my wife and I'm sure they could help point you in the right direction on that. Um, I think that's pretty much all I have as far as announcements are concerned. Our third song this evening is gonna be 274. Come on to me. Song 274. 274. Come on to me. Here the blessed save your calling the oppressed. Oh, you have a laden. Come to me and rest. Come no longer. Terry your load will bear. Bring me every burden. Bring me every care. Come on to me. I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Hear me and be blessed. I am meek and low. The come and trust my mom. Mhm. Are you disappointed? Wandering here and there, dragging chains of doubt and loaded down with care. Do one holy feeling struggle in your breast. Bring your case to Jesus. He will give you rest. Come on to me. I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. He hear me and be blessed. I am meek and low. Lee come and trust my mind. Come. My yoke is easy and my burdens light on the third, stumbling on the mountains, dark with sin and shame, stumbling toward the pit of hell's consuming flame by the powers of sin, deluded and oppressed. Hear the tender shepherd. Come to me and rest. Come on to me. I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. He hear me and be blessed. I am meek and low. Lee come and trust my mom. Come. My yoke is easy and my burdens lie. Have you by temptation often conquered? Ben has a sense of weakness brought distress within. Christ will sanctify you if you'll claim his best. In the Holy Spirit, he will give you rest. Come on to me. I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. He hear me and be blessed. I am meek and low. Lee come and trust my mom. Come. My yoke is easy. My burdens lie. As the offering plates are being passed around, please turn your Bibles to Hosea chapter 5. Hosea chapter number 5. Hosea chapter 5. We will read the entire chapter as is our custom. You can follow along silently starting in verse number 1, Hosea chapter 5. The Bible reads, Hear ye this, O priests, and hearken, ye house of Israel, and give ye ear, O house of the king. For judgment is toward you, because ye have been a snare on Mizpah, and a net spread upon Tabor. And the revolters are profound to make slaughter, though I have been a rebukur of them all. I know Ephraim, and Israel is not hid from me. For now, O Ephraim, thou commitest whoredom, and Israel is defiled. They will not frame their doings to turn unto their God, for the spirit of whoredoms is in the midst of them, and they have not known the Lord. And the pride of Israel doth testify to his face. Therefore shall Israel and Ephraim fall in their iniquity. Judah also shall fall with them. They shall go with their flocks and with their herds to seek the Lord, but they shall not find him. He hath withdrawn himself from them. They have dealt treacherously against the Lord, for they have begotten strange children. Now shall a month devour them with their portions. Blow ye the cornet in Gibeah, and the trumpet in Ramah. Cry aloud at Beth-avon after thee, O Benjamin. Ephraim shall be desolate in the day of rebuke among the tribes of Israel have I made known that which shall surely be. The princes of Judah were like them that removed the bound. Therefore I will pour out my wrath upon them like water. Ephraim is oppressed and broken in judgment because he willingly walked after the commandment. Therefore will I be unto Ephraim as a moth and the house of Judah as rottenness. When Ephraim saw his sickness and Judah saw his wound, then went Ephraim to the Assyrian and sent to King Jareb. Yet could he not heal you nor cure you of your wound. For I will be unto Ephraim as a lion and as a young lion to the house of Judah. I, even I, will tear and go away. I will take away and none shall rescue him. I will go and return to my place till they acknowledge their offense and seek my face. In their affliction they will seek me early. Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer. Father in heaven we thank you for Hosea chapter 5 and I pray that you would fill Pastor Shelley with your spirit and enable him to explain this portion of scripture to us to the best of his ability and Lord help us to pay attention draw connections in your word and learn about this chapter. We love you. We pray for protection over our church and in Jesus name I pray. Amen. Amen. We're in Hosea chapter number 5 and in the previous chapter the Lord was rebuking the children of Israel as a whole and basically describing how they were going to be destroyed and really you know the thing about Hosea is we don't really change context too much. Israel is just super wicked and they're going to be destroyed and we're constantly being reminded of this and God continues to elaborate and he kind of focuses in a little bit more narrowly here in chapter 5. You look at verse 1 it says hear ye this O priests and harken ye house of Israel and give ye ear O house of the king for judgment is toward you because you have been a snare on Mizpah and a net spread upon Tabor. Now what's interesting about these locations if you kind of look these things up in the Bible is Mizpah is kind of a border town for Judah and if you can kind of picture a little bit of the Middle East and where these 12 tribes are Judah is kind of one of the most southern kingdom portions of the nation of Israel and north above Judah is mostly Ephraim. Now of course that's the other tribes as well but Ephraim is a big section. Ephraim and Manasseh are kind of these big sections above the southern kingdom of Judah and so you kind of have mostly a rebuke against Ephraim in this passage because they're kind of like this in-between sandwich of you have Judah then you have Ephraim and then you'd have a lot of the other tribes that are kind of north of them. Well Mizpah is a border town approximately that's kind of right there on the on the tip of Judah and Ephraim so it's kind of the southern border town between Judah and Ephraim and then Mount Tabor or Tabor is kind of the northern section a little bit north of Ephraim and so what God's kind of explaining here is that Ephraim and it's usually kind of being interchanged with Israel because Ephraim is just a big portion of Israel it's just considered a massive section of Israel so he's kind of using them a little bit interchangeably here is that Ephraim is being a problem to his neighbors and he's causing his neighbors to stumble and his neighbors to fall and basically through his bad habits and his bad behavior and his whoredom he's causing neighboring towns and areas to also be affected by his decision making and of course this is something to always consider is that your sins will not only affect you your sins will affect other people in your lives and sometimes it's not even necessarily a person that you deal with on a regular daily basis but rather they just observe you or they see your actions or they see your behaviors and because of your behaviors you're actually affecting a wide spread number of people now I want you to go one place keep your finger go to first Corinthians chapter number 15 go to first Corinthians chapter number 15 but God gets mad at people sin for a lot of reasons of course it's a transgression against him God's upset about you breaking his laws God also gets upset at the victim of your sin oftentimes there's a direct victim to sin you lie to someone well the person that was lied to is a victim you commit some kind of adultery there's a victim the person that you committed whoredom against obviously by stealing obviously by killing there's a clear victim involved in those sins but even sins that you may think well what's wrong with with consenting adults what they do in private you know there's no victim there that's that's really just a stupid way to look at sin and even crimes in America if you perceive there to be no victim there's always still a consequence to those behaviors and to those actions and just because someone else wasn't necessarily harmed if I decided to drink a lot of alcohol or if I decided to drink a lot of or eat a lot of drugs or consume a lot of poisons in my body and let's say perhaps that I nothing happens to you but you observe it well even just by observing it it could negatively affect you because it could cause you to want to then also take those drugs or to drink that alcohol or to commit the same sin even though I may never have hurt you or harmed you maybe I even got the designated driver to drive me home or perhaps I made sure that no one else was affected by it but here's the problem sin affects everyone and even just noticing sin or seeing sin affects other people having bad thoughts or having bad ideas affects people that's why the bible talks about us taking into captivity every thought and we're supposed to bring that into obedience to Christ because we shouldn't even be thinking out loud bad thoughts we shouldn't even be thinking them in our head but we certainly don't even just bring up bad ideas or bad suggestions to people you know planting seeds the enemy definitely knows about this if you know about the god-hating reprobates out there what they want to try and do is just say evil things as a seed planted in the minds of innocent little children there's all kinds of grooming that happens with these type of people you know there's been a lot of publicity lately of women getting mad about men going into locker rooms at a ymca or a fitness center or whatever and just stripping themselves completely nude in the front of all the women in the locker room there and they you know even these women that are going on and saying hey this is a crime you know and actually it is a crime to expose yourself to a minor yet the cops still won't do anything why because of this stupid transgender nonsense going on in our society they're claiming that it's not a crime so you know it's just well you know that was in the confines of this bathroom they identify as a woman so it's not really a crime anymore you know that's the type of society that we're living in that's the type of culture that we're living in where the police will not do anything and of course they'll ticket you you know they'll ticket you for speeding and all the other things you know you could be not wearing a seat belt only harming yourself and they'll give you a ticket but you could go and you have men grown men going in which don't even identify as a woman all the time exposing themselves or looking at things or going in areas that they shouldn't be going and they'll say oh well that's not harming anyone yeah it is harming the eyeballs of all the women and the children that are in that room having to see that disgusting freak something that they shouldn't necessarily have to see or be exposed to or be around especially at that age planting weird thoughts and ideas in their mind of course that's what sodomites like to do they like to show gross pictures on their billboards and on their signs to try and plant bad ideas in your mind and let me tell you this children curiosity killed the cat and you know what curiosity killed a lot of people in the bible curiosity killed lot and curiosity killed aiken and curiosity can kill a lot of people you know you don't need to see everything you don't need to hear everything you know there are things that you should know even as a child i don't know what that looks like i don't know what that's what's going on over there but i don't want to know i don't want to look i don't want to see i don't want to hear i don't have to taste you know i never tasted any kind of drugs as a child i was offered them going to public school tons of kids would offer me to go to parties to smoke marijuana to do all kinds of other drugs i'm sure there would have been opportunity to do meth or other kind of hardcore street drugs if i really wanted to but you know what i never did and i'm so glad that i have no idea what smoking marijuana is like i'm so glad i have no idea what lsd is like you know i'm so glad there's so many things that i've never had to start i'm glad that i've never even tasted indian food you know someone was like well you might like it and i'm like but i don't have to you know i can live my life and i can be happy even if indian food was the greatest food on the planet and i'm just ignorant ignorance is bliss folks okay and i'm telling you little children you don't have to see everything you don't have to hear anything because some things you see you can't unsee some things you hear you can't unhear and so we need to be careful that we're not hearing bad things we're not seeing bad things and we're we're limiting ourselves we're protecting ourselves from these type of activities and you know here's another one that i think sometimes we need to be right on we also don't want to hear false doctrine because it will affect us and if you think about ephraim they're going and worshiping false gods and of course the spirit of whoredom that's constantly mentioned in the book of hosea is not really like as much about physical adultery is it is about spiritual adultery and the spiritual adultery that's happening in the nation of israel and ephraim specifically is worshiping false gods is going after other gods the idolatry and all of the the satanic practices that go with a false religion and you live in america the day where yeah okay maybe we don't have as much paganism in our culture as those cultures did yet it still exists i mean there is paganism in our culture don't don't think that it doesn't exist but there is still false religion amongst us and there is still churches on every street corner that will teach nothing but lies there are churches on every street corner that have idols it's called the roman catholic church they literally have mary's and they have all kinds of saints and they have all kinds of different people where they'll bow down and they'll worship and they'll pray to and they'll light incense unto and it's no different than the children of israel worshiping some false god back then worshiping some other weird god and we should make sure as god's people that we're not listening to it we're not harkening onto it that family members that want to participate in that we're not going to fellowship with them we're going to say hey i'm a christian i'm a fundamental babes i don't want to hear this junk no i'm not going to go and hear that sermonette from this false prophet no i'm not going to go and pretend like mary is someone that should be prayed to no i'm not going to have any kind of communion or fellowship with devils and people that hear a lot of false doctrine it will affect you it will poison your mind i even say this i don't even want to hear it on the internet and and i even try personally to limit myself on this stuff obviously you can't escape it 100 as a preacher because i try to make sure i'm not preaching in straw men sometimes i'll go look up what the enemy's actually saying and quote them so that i'm not getting up here and just preaching random things that have no real app applicability or applicability that there's something that's actually happening in the real world but you know what i don't do is i don't go to the roman catholic church and sit down and listen to the guy preach to me yeah i might go to their website and i might pull a couple things out their website just for a limited research purpose but you know what i'm not going to do is i'm not going to go and just listen to false preachers just for five hours all day just to hear what they have to say i'm not going to go and just subject myself to just as much poison as i possibly can in fact once i identify someone as really just teaching a lot of false doctrine whether they're saved or unsaved i'm like i don't want to listen to anything they have to say apart from doing necessary research just to make sure i'm preaching against what they actually believe you know i won't listen to them in fact usually even then i don't because i just drop the hammer i just go and and usually someone that's bad all you have to do is just like drop the hammer and get a few minutes you're like i'm good okay then you can make dylan listen to the rest of it no i'm just kidding that's what i've done with lots of different people but i'm telling you this you have to be careful why do you say that well first corinthians 15 let's read a few verses here look at verse number 29 it says else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead if the dead rise not at all why are they then baptized for the dead now the apostle paul is bringing up the ridiculousness of people rejecting the idea of a resurrection yet there's all these people practicing some kind of a weird religious practice where they'll be baptized for someone so that they could potentially be resurrected and he's he's saying and this is why i believe he's bringing up this false religion practice is they never seem to preach against that like they had no problem with the resurrection when that was the practice but then i bring in jesus christ and all of a sudden the resurrection is not real and it's like wait a minute what about those people that doesn't make any sense why weren't you against the resurrection back then you know now you're all of a sudden against the resurrection and it's not because they're against resurrection it's that they resist the truth frankly speaking and he's trying to show the stupidity of their position because if someone had believed think about it this way if someone believed the trinity while they're a catholic and then they come and join our church and like well the trinity is wrong it's like well why was the trinity not wrong back then you know why did you accept it then and so he's trying to show there's these people that are denying the resurrection and it makes no sense everybody basically believes in the resurrection what what would be the point of this practice and he says in verse 30 and why stand we in jeopardy every hour what does that mean well the apostle paul his life is in jeopardy every moment why because he's going around everywhere preaching the gospel of jesus christ and it's upsetting everybody that sells idols everybody that loves idols the jews and just anybody else that's a lewd fellow of the baser sort and the apostle paul is constantly under threat of death if he if there was no resurrection meaning the moment you die it's over why would the apostle paul be constantly jeopardizing his life every hour is what he's saying it's like what would be the point of me trying to tempt fate every second if this is the only life i get to live he's like i would be doing i would live a safe life you know i'm gonna go to the beach and let's just eat drink and be married for tomorrow we die so he's saying the reason why i can jeopardize this life every hour is because i know i'm gonna be resurrected and it doesn't really matter at the end of the day is the whole point he's saying verse 31 i protest by your rejoicing which i have in christ jesus our lord i die daily if after the manner of men i fought with beasts at ephesus what advantage it that it me you know it's so funny i like that phrase there because people get mad at me like when did jesus ever call anybody a dog you know when he said give not that would just hold onto the dogs well you know that's jesus when did the when did the christians do it well paul's calling people beasts how does paul describe the people that he was fighting with oh just precious sons of god sweet children of the most high no he called them beasts and you know what there are beasts in this world and the apostle paul had to fight with beasts he said what would be the point of that if the dead rise not let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die he's saying hey what's the point of me going through all this hazarding of my life and fighting beasts and going through these problems if i'm not even resurrected makes no sense now why is he bringing all that up because there are people that are preaching false doctrine did the apostle paul think that the false doctrines circulating in this church were a big deal or not a big deal obviously they were a giant deal that's why he's bringing them up constantly in fact if you study the epistles that are written in the new testament the probably the the most common theme is fighting false doctrine is fighting bad ideas is fighting false religion creeping into churches so why would i think that it's any different today that churches have to constantly fight against false doctrine evils being swirled in all kinds of poor ideologies bad ideologies you know what's the whole point of a preacher getting up and preaching really hard the doctrines of the bible it's to get everybody on this back on in shape back in line hey this is the right doctrine these are the right thoughts this is the right ideology because it's very easy for us to stray you know it would be like my children bowling it's like they need the bumper rails because it's real easy for it to go right in the gutter but you know the bumper rails is kind of the ball could be headed it's like and it's like sometimes that's what some people need is church church is your bumper guard to help you with some of your stupid ideas to get you know bumper rail okay you know and and of course you know if you have a really really bad idea it just hops over the rail it's called flat earth you know it just jumps over the rail and it's just like you know error error you know basically it just ruins everything that's the gutter ball that it never hit the bumper it just still went right perfect in the corner just still missed all the pins and you're just like man how did that work but there's there's a need to have a constant fight with doctrine because bad ideas will corrupt you and what does the bible say in verse 33 be not deceived evil communications corrupt good manners so when god is rebuking the nation of ephraim the nation of israel and saying hey you've set up this the snare and this net for miss pa and you've done this to table what is he saying he's saying your bad habits your bad communications your things that you're doing are causing issues to your neighbors you're causing problems for them and by you sinning you're affecting other people and it's a downfall of other people and as a man your sins will affect your family as a man what you do is going to affect your wife and what you do as a man is going to affect your children and you know what you have a big burden on your shoulders and i don't want you to take that lightly you need to take it very serious the decisions that you make because it will affect other people and you could put a snare on your children you could put a net on your children you could put a snare on your wife you could put a snare on your family members and on your friends and on your co-workers and on your neighbors and on everyone based on the decisions that you make and even being a fundamental baptist you go out and make a dumb decision you could cause other people to fall because they think well if the fundamental baptist is getting drunk how much more the catholic how much more the atheist how much more the heathen and the decisions that you make you know here's another thing you come to our church and you know our beliefs if you don't follow them in your personal life everybody realizes you're a hypocrite and when they realize you're a hypocrite on one issue they have no problem opening the door to every other area of life that's why it's important not be a hypocrite because when you're a hypocrite in one area those who look to you as a leader will say oh so if he's going to be a hypocrite in this one area then why not me be a hypocrite in every area and i've known lots of people they have their private sins or they have their private issues but those are close to them know all about it and because of those issues it causes them to have a weak faith because they see the hypocrisy they see someone that's not even putting in the right kind of effort that doesn't really care and because of that it can cause everyone to stumble i think a common thing i hear especially going soul winning people say i don't like church because everyone there's a hypocrite and it's like okay well what institution's not number one i mean you really think the federal government's not full of hypocrites do you really think that any company or any institution is not full of hypocrites every institution is full of hypocrites number one but number two christian hypocrites make people you know have a nauseating feeling towards christianity and it turns them off from christianity and those who you know are claiming to be christian and then have this terrible testimony causes people to mock christianity go back and do it jose you know here's an example how about pastor greg lock pastor greg lock who divorces his wife and then runs off with the secretary and then just changes on a dime like his doctrine he used to be a fundamental baptist seemingly king james only believing a lot of the same things that we believe now he's like this fun charismatic preacher not king james only not i mean you look at his doctoral statement there's nothing about the king james anymore you look at his church it's just this weird just party this weird atmosphere and then it causes all kinds of atheists and god-hating reprobates to look and say why would i want to follow religion where you have a clear charlatan like greg lock leading the flock and i think i think to myself i wouldn't i mean if i wasn't a christian i'm looking at someone like greg lock i would think yeah he is a fraud he is a fake what a giant hypocrite to be an open adulterer and then just go out and pretend like you're such a great pastor right what a fraud i mean there's plenty of men in this country that are a much better christian than greg lock and they're not going to ever be a pastor because they have more respect for the office of a bishop than greg lock and when you see supposed christianity not even being christian you know what it does it causes everybody else not to want to be christian anymore you know why is christianity on the decline it's because it's full of hypocrites is why it is because it's full of false prophets and false teachers that make christianity look bad td jakes makes people not want to be christian kenneth copeland causes people not to want to be christian people like greg lock cause people to not want to be christian you know what makes people want to be christian real christianity people that are willing to actually walk the walk and talk the talk they're not going to just sit here and pretend like there are some great christian when they're running off with the secretary i mean what our approach on christianity and of course ephraim supposedly is a christian nation israel's the you know the children of god but then they're worshiping false gods so then why would anybody have respect for the religion of christianity when its own people don't when its own people are going after false gods i mean why would anybody have respect for christianity when a bunch of men are bowing down to a mary statue i mean any normal man realizes like that is insane why would anybody have respect for christianity when they're letting trannies and freaks come in the building and say we love you no matter what how could anybody have respect for a religion like that they can't in fact you see people like andrew tate who's a loser but he said this he said this well at least muslim sticks to their convictions you know islam sticks to the convictions they're not letting this junk go on and for the most part that's true i mean for the most part i mean muslim nations are not accepting of alcohol and whoredom and these this tranny nuns i mean just rejecting obvious reality and what would happen in america if every single church if every single baptist if every single christian just stood up and said we're not tolerating this junk what if every single one of them got up and preached leviticus 2013 what if every single one of them got up and preached romans chapter number one what if every single one of them sang psalm 139 this sunday morning you know what america would be way different christianity would be perceived as a completely different religion and you say why was america different a hundred years ago it's because every church was at least preaching the bible back then and it wasn't as much hypocrisy as we see today but today america as a whole is like ephraim where they just don't even care and they're just not even really wholehearted to christianity they're a bunch of hypocrites they've given ear to a bunch of false preaching just all kinds of just love everybody and be sweet and i saw somebody put a comment online today they said oh you know there's only one new ifp pastor that doesn't cuss they have such a sweet spirit and i'm like where does the bible say sweet spirit and you know what do you what are you even talking about like why is that the number one you know if i'm like thinking about the number one criterion of what i'm looking for in a church and a pastor you know sweet spirit's not number one it's not number two it's not number three it's not in fact the qualifications of the bishop are found in the bible there's like dozens of them and sweet spirit i can't even find that one in the list now yeah should a pastor be sweet to people at times and should he be gentle and should he be compassionate absolutely i believe that but you know what i don't ever want to be called the just he's just so sweet in fact usually that was a derogatory thing when men would say that he's a little sweet in the tank you know that was a different kind of thing you know what kind of a man wants their one identifying marker to be sweet if there's one word that encompasses this man of god it's he's sweet you know that's not what any man wants and that's not a real man okay a real man's gonna have other attributes that outshine the sweetness the sweetness and light the the smooth things that he's prophesying you know the men of god were never commended on their smooth preaching it was always rough people didn't like it it was it was hard to hear it hurt their ears it hurt their feelings everything was considered negative to the to the listeners they didn't like what they were saying you know the the bible talk about it being sweet but then at the same time it's bitter it's like hey it tasted sweet but it felt bitter you know whenever it went down into my belly and you know that's what good preaching should be it sounded sweet but it was it kind of hurt when you when it clicked it actually made sense you're like he's talking about me oh this is actually this is this is something i need to change and of course that's how good preaching should be if you would let's keep reading here in hosea chapter number five but the point that i wanted to drive in and and i know i've driven it in on this verse but you're going to affect other people with your sin verse two and the revolters are profound to make slaughter though i have been a rebuker of them all what does profound mean in this context it means something that's deep or intense deep or intense typically when we think of something being profound we're we're in an adjective type sense we're talking about something that goes beyond the normal it could be considered an intense or a deep level of study you said he has a profound knowledge of a particular subject he has a profound knowledge of the bible what does that mean he has a deep and intense knowledge of the bible so it could also be used in this context of the sense that their desire to slaughter and to kill and to destroy they are it has a they're profound to make slaughter meaning that they are just they're entrenched in this activity they're doing this at an extreme level and he says though i've been a rebuker of them all i told them it was wrong and they still do it they're still deeply immersed in slaughter they're still deeply immersed in destroying it doesn't matter what i say to them verse three i know ephraim and israel is not hid from me for now ephraim thou commit his whoredom and israel is defiled notice again how he describes this israel is defiled but why because ephraim committed whoredom so notice how one commits whoredom and then the whole lump is defiled just why because a little leaven leaven at the whole lump verse four they will not frame their doings to turn under their god for the spirit of whoredoms is in the midst of them and they have not known the lord now the to frame would could be used in a lot of context it's used in positive and negative context in the bible and if you think about it just similar to what you would think of construction in the house you're framing it and what is the frame going to do it's it's constituting the borders of the house the frame is going to decide where the walls are going to be and the walls are going to be a boundary they're going to stop things from entering and leaving so if you talk about framing in this context he's saying they would not frame their doings meaning what they didn't put any boundaries on their life they didn't put any rules in place to stop them from doing evil it's like having no laws it's like anarchy you know and there's some people that have a liberal type mentality where they would almost want pure anarchy and that's wicked you know you can't live in a society with no laws just like you can't live in a city without walls and you can't live in a country without borders because none of those things make sense just as silly as it would be for you to live in a house with no doors i mean do you want to live in a house with no doors where anybody can just walk in whenever they want and take whatever they want walk out whenever they want that doesn't make any sense no reasonable person would ever want such a thing you have a door because you're limiting who can come and go you have a gate because you limit who can come and go you have a wall because you limit who can come and go and you frame your doings so you limit your behavior so you don't allow yourself to just do anything and everything and as a christian you should create boundaries in your life where you just don't allow yourself to do anything and everything you want to know how you never get drunk never ever have alcohol in your house and never go anywhere where they're going to serve you alcohol you don't go to the bar don't go to the party where they're going to serve you alcohol now of course every restaurant and every business sells it but it's like okay i won't even walk down that aisle then i i'm if you were someone that actually is literally tempted by this be about be around someone that won't let you drink you know take your wife or your husband or your friend or whoever it is and say never let me buy alcohol in your presence and then you never go to a place that sells alcohol without them just like hey if you never want your daughter to commit fornication never let her be out of your sight and if you had a serious problem with alcohol you say how do i fix that pastor Shelley never ever go to an establishment where you could even buy alcohol unless you're with someone that will prevent you from doing it you say that's extreme well you know what is extreme being a drunkard yeah you know it's extreme being addicted to a substance that you have to pay for drinking poison and paying for it and not trying to stop that that would be that's an extreme lifestyle you know putting some boundaries in your life is not extreme getting some accountability in your life is not extreme you know certain activities maybe are more likely in the evenings you know as a man maybe as a young man especially if you're not single maybe you say you know i'm just going to go to bed at 9 p.m because nothing good happens after 9 p.m you know if you're a young lady you say i'm never going on a date with a young man alone you know maybe your parents aren't going to enforce good rules for you maybe they're not going to put boundaries in your life maybe they they say hey you can go out with whoever whenever but you know what you could put those boundaries on yourself you could say you know what i'm not going to date guys where i just go off alone with them go to their house go and do things with them i'm going to have boundaries i'm not going to allow myself to be tempted in those areas you know what as god's people we need to create certain boundaries in our life you know as a married man you say hey i'm not going to allow myself to be alone with another woman that's not my wife you know if i'm not married to you or you're not my grandma or aunt or mom you know what i'm just not i'm going to make sure that i'm not just being alone with you we're not going to go have lunch we're not going to have dinner we're not going to go off in a private room we're not going to have these discussions you know i'm not going to have these private chat chats with women that are not my wife like matt chandler of the village here in dows worth i mean the guy stepped down because apparently he's having this like chatting up session with some woman that's not his wife now apparently they weren't talking about anything inappropriate but they needed to step down but now he's back so well have fun with all that i mean you know what he should have just never even had that conversation and let's say he didn't do anything wrong which it's weird okay but even if he didn't do anything wrong it just looks bad you know and just don't even do anything looks bad you know my wife whenever she wants she can look at my phone and and she reads all my text messages so if you ever send me something she's read it so you be careful okay you guys out there you talk about your wife she knows about it nothing about me is private she knows all of it all right and of course she's a great woman and i love her and she's looking out for my best interest so it doesn't bother me you know it would bother me if i was trying to hide something from her it would bother you know i'd be all nervous about it if i had a girlfriend on the side because what if she texts me or something you know or what if i had something on my phone that i'm nervous about but you know if you don't have anything to hide you're just like here here you go i love you look at and you know if you did have something to hide that's the best person to find out anyways so they can help you so they can fix some kind of a problem that you have in your life and you know what no one's perfect no one if you in here think i can live my life i don't need any boundaries pastor i'm good i'm david and i'm good well you know what david shouldn't have had a rule he should have locked the doors to his little pavilion at night no one's allowed to exit the building at this time in the evening you know he could have known well i know that women go out to bathe at this time of the hour and just say hey no one's allowed to go on the evening at this time you know there's a guard or no one's allowed to go out there or david could have made sure he was out in the battle even if david think about this what if david went to the battle but didn't have to battle he's just in his tent but in the battlefield well there's nothing to look at out there so he's good at least you know and and sometimes you know you don't have to make super hard rules on yourself to where it's impossible to keep you know what if you don't have any boundaries or any rules sin is there knocking at the door and sin would love to take over your life and sin would love to get a foothold in the door and sin would love to just take you a lot further than you even wanted to go that's why it's important to try and keep good framing in your life and make sure you're not going to allow just a spirit of whoredom to get deep inside your your heart because you'll end up doing things that you never thought you would ever do i mean the people that committed horrible sin they never dreamed it up you really think that lot dreamed up impregnating both of his own daughters but how did that start well he started pitching his tent towards autumn i mean look where that took him that was extreme you know aiken didn't necessarily envision his whole family getting uh slaughtered but he looked at the babylonish garment and then he covered it and then he took it and then he hid it and you know he kind of lied about it and then when he's finally confronted him and his whole family died well what if what if he had a rule he said hey if i even notice a babylonish garment i'm going to look away instead of you know gazing at it and ogling it fixating on it you know if you have a certain area where you have a soft spot you need you need to have a plan in place already of how you're going to deal with that things you shouldn't desire things you shouldn't want you know even as a woman there could be things that you know maybe you shouldn't dream about all day you shouldn't want you shouldn't desire because it's not practical you're not going to have it you know what do women talk what do women fantasize about well they'll look at other women and fantasize about being as attractive as another woman they'll fantasize about having another woman's hair or another woman's you know youth or another woman's whatever it is fan that's stupid because you're never going to have that why do you think there's so much plastic surgery and why do you think in the plastic surgery office do they come with a literal picture of another woman say i want to look like her it's because they looked at another woman they say i want to have that but you know the thing is the plastic surgeon never gives you that and even if they could it was still wicked it was still wrong you know women will look at items that they can't have that they shouldn't have men will look at items that they shouldn't have their neighbor's ox their neighbor's ass they never look at the honda fit on it okay it's okay whatever it is that they're looking at and they're saying hey you know i like one of those you know i want one of those that's a wicked thought and we need to have boundaries in our life and we need to decide we're going to check those wicked thoughts at the door look at what it says in verse five and the pride of israel does testify to his face therefore shall israel and ephraim fall in their iniquity judah also shall fall with them so notice it's not just them that fall judah is going to fall with them you know by you going down the dark road you can cause your whole family to go down to arc road you know as a man if you and look because i wasn't a fundamental baptist my whole life i've seen and heard things i shouldn't i've been around people i shouldn't i send more than i should have but it's like you hang out with the wrong crowd in public school and college and what do guys typically talk about other women and i've been in situations where men are talking about other women in the presence of their wife like they're just bringing up you know they'll because they'll talk about movies that they saw they'll talk about whatever and they'll say you know things about other women but a man praising another woman's beauty and the presence of their wife you know what that does it makes the wife feel insecure about her physical beauty and then what does she start thinking about oh i need to look like this other woman or i need to have these certain attributes and what happens is a downward spiral where you actually can cause your wife to become vain and care more about physical beauty because you were blabbing about some other woman or praising another woman you know being carnal yourself so by you being carnal you make your wife carnal and then by your wife obsessing with carnality like oh i always have to be so pretty you know i have to be like jezebel and and paint my face every day and i have to constantly get the obsessive nature of just hair my hair done all the time you know i i think my wife told me you can go and get like these things put in your hair i don't know extensions i don't know what it's called it doesn't matter to me you can do stuff to your hair and it costs like twelve hundred dollars or something fifteen hundred dollars for hair and i'm thinking like your hair is great you know why would you ever want to put like fifteen hundred dollars into your hair it's not gonna last you know and then by doing that though what do you do you also teach the sons and the daughters hey it's important for mom to go spend fifteen hundred dollars on her hair and just every every second it's just all about physical beauty just and look some women that's their life it's just they go from the nail salon to the hair salon to get to the spa day to just the to the next one and it's just every day just a new nail and you know they they break a nail they got a new new nails again and they got to get more makeup and they got to get more i mean why is it that you go to the department store and you walk in the very beginning it's just only female products to make them more beautiful it's just counter after counter of just makeup and whatever and they put the most beautiful women on display hollywood celebrities and it's not even them it's photoshop they put photoshop on display and show you what fake women look like and say hey do you want to buy this hundred dollar product that will not make you look like them and in fact sometimes women will put so much makeup on that they just look like a clown i mean it's weird and sometimes i've seen in the departments for what they do is they'll offer free makeup and this is like a trick that they'll do half of your face and you have to pay for the other half because they're like it's free or whatever and it's like you really don't want the two-face going on okay because people can really tell but it's like look i'm not saying that putting on makeups a sin or getting your hair done is a sin or looking nice as a sin or caring about your physical appearance you know we should all care about our physical appearance to some degree you know when you're focused on that and that's all you care about it can cause not only you to be carnal it can cause your daughters to be carnal it can become it can cause your sons to be carnal and then the daughters in law that you're going to have are going to be like that where they care more about their physical appearance than their inward beauty and they don't appreciate their mom because their mom was teaching them and loving them and loving god they think oh my mom was pretty so when i go out and i look for a woman that's all i'm going to look for i just got to look for a woman that's going to be pretty when she puts four hours of makeup on and it's like it'll take women sometimes three four hours to get ready and it's just like that that's a problem who has three or four hours to get ready you know people that don't have five six seven ten kids that's who people that are married to someone i mean you know and of course if it takes you that long to get ready what do you look like when you don't and and it's like that's scary but i'll tell you what you know if that's the only thing you got going for you you know age is going to take it to a point where makeup can't fix it and then you're not even gonna have whereas being godly you can keep getting more and more godly over years and years and years and your husband can actually love you even more and appreciate even more because of your character because of your quality even though your physical appearance is going to dwindle because it will dwindle all of us are going to get uglier over time okay it happens all of us are going to change our appearance over time we're not going to be the same forever and so if you're just focused on the carnal you're focused on this world you know it's going to vanish away and you're going to cause not just you to fall others to fall with you ephraim didn't just fall judah fell and judah didn't even necessarily get into this stuff you know what don't get into weird stuff and the carnal things and a false religion it's going to cause others to fall and you get to a point look at verse six they shall go with their flocks and with their hers to seek the lord but they shall not find him he has withdrawn himself from them you know the bible talks about even you trying to find the lord you can get to a point where you can't find him and what i think happens is or a way to kind of explain this is because of course you know and i meant to show a lot more verse on this but for sake of time we're not going to go there the bible says if you seek you shall find and you can find a lot of verses like that but the bible also clarifies that you have to seek with your whole heart and what i think is happening in america is there's a lot of people they've given their heart to covetousness they've given their heart to vanity they've given their heart to sin and they're willing to seek the lord but not with their whole heart so that well i want to seek the lord but only at joel osteen's church well i want to seek the lord but only at the roman catholic church because they won't judge me for these other issues that i have they won't tell me things that are negative so yeah i'll seek him but i'm not willing to hear the truth to hear the truth i only hear the convenient truths for me and we live in a society we live in a culture today where there are a lot of rich people there is a lot of people in this area that would not dare to darken our church because of its bad reputation but it's not that they couldn't find the truth they're just not going to seek you with all their heart well i'll go see what robert morris has because you know gateway is such a beautiful church it's so wonderful you know i'll go hear todd wagner at watermark you know because it's such a wonderful looking building but you know what they're not seeking with their whole heart and they're not going to find him because they're not seeking with their whole heart and they have this spirit of boredom still wrapped up they're still wrapped up in carnality they're still wrapped up in vain things and because of those things it's going to drag them down and they're never going to actually seek the lord they're never going to be saved you know i we knock on doors and sometimes people just say you know what i'm too sinful or i don't want to hear it i'm not interested i've done bad things you wouldn't and you're thinking like in your mind look you could get saved today but just because of the issues they have in their heart their unwillingness to change their lifestyle or hear what the truth is they just won't even get saved and these people are no different that they're just never going to actually seek the lord with whole heart and it's going to be too late for them because they didn't even try and they already got wrapped up in so much wickedness that they're not even going to do it and god's even withdrawn himself so whatever efforts they put in here no matter how much they go to church they're not going to get saved verse seven they have dealt treacherously against the lord for they have begotten strange children now shall a month devour them with their portions blow you the cornet and gibbia and the trumpet and rhema cry aloud at beth haven after the old benjamin ephraim shall be desolate in the day of rebuke among the tribes of israel i have made known that which shall surely be of course god is saying ephraim is done and and you could think of it this way they're reprobate in a sense because he's saying hey they even if they seek they're not going to find and what i've said is going to happen there's not like an alternative here the ephraim is doomed and of course what happens in the bible they're doomed verse 10 the princes of judah were like them that removed the bound therefore i will pour out my wrath upon them like water so how is judah similar to ephraim well ephraim wouldn't frame their doings notice what it says about judah they removed the bound hey removing the boundaries removing the laws like ted cruise wanting to get rid of laws against sodomy in texas just let's remove that boundary let's just keep removing the boundaries of what even the point of separate bathrooms is what was the point of even having separate bathrooms in the first place why is it that every business in america has separate bathrooms because there's a difference between men and women that was why that was the whole point and now we're just flipping everything on its head and we're calling everything good evil and i kid you not young women who are complaining about men going in there and exposing themselves as daughters they're being demonized by our culture and being demonized by our society and being threatened by our society i mean they're not fundamental baptists getting threatened they're just poor little women who come who told the police officers a crime had been committed which it had and what happened though the police removed the boundary they removed the bound and they just said you know what yeah decent exposure well depends what does it depend on it doesn't depend that was stupid that was foolish for our government and for our society and you say well why are they doing that because they're they have a love of money because they've been corrupted because they have a spirit of boredom and they don't care what the real truth is they don't want to know and it's going to get to a point where there's no chance it's just going to be destruction he says in verse number 11 ephraim is oppressed and broken in judgment because he willingly walked after the commandment notice he's saying they're broken you know our country in a lot of ways is just broken and you say well how can you fix it some things you can't fix if you take a brand new slinky and you go like there's no fixing it it's just done for you know a young woman who goes out and goes with the wrong guy and ends up losing her virginity that's broken and it can't be fixed you go out and you get a tattoo can't get it fixed there are certain things that can't be fixed and when you look at our culture and you look at our society you say well how can you fix america when 95 hate god and don't want to hear about him you can't it's just broken folks it's broken you say well but if we fixed our elections that would fix america no it wouldn't yeah because we would still elect some loser into office we're not gonna oh are we gonna bring donald trump back in well trump would fix america oh the guy that said it's fine for kaitlyn jenner to use whatever bathroom it wants is that gonna fix that issue how is that gonna fix that issue oh well what if we got ted cruise that's not gonna fix america look the the candidate that we would need to fix america would never be voted in people wouldn't want him people wouldn't like it you know so you say how do you fix it you can't fix democracy you can't fix our constitutional republic basically the framers of our constitution said hey we're gonna put some boundaries here that are eventually gonna be broken and we just want to see if we how long it can last just like any brand new product you know they build a car in the factory but the car wasn't meant to last forever eventually it'll break down eventually the engine's gonna go bad eventually certain parts are gonna break and you know on a car you can fix a lot of things you can fix the carburetor and you can fix the oil pan leak and you can fix the but there comes a point where it's totaled where you can't just fix everything you know these little plastic new cars that they come out with they get hit by a real car and it's not going to be repaired it's just broken and it's never going to come back and you have to realize america is just broken and understanding history and understanding where we're at america only has one future destruction now of course if we're not in the end times then out of the ashes will just come another nation somehow that could be china that it won't be canada we know that for sure it could be some islamic country it could be a communist country but america is dead america as we know it is gone folks and it's hanging on it's like rome rome would have got to a certain point where it was had collapsed and it was fallen and it you know in most civilizations you kind of have a peak of civilization and then you kind of a downfall and in the downfall you still have a lot of good you still have a lot of fun you still have a lot of excess but it's just heading towards the inevitable cliff and we're heading towards the inevitable cliff so we have one of two options either one god's gonna let our nation just get completely destroyed by another and and that'll happen or b it's the end times babylon and that's kind of the alternative alternative theory i lean towards that being the theory for a couple reasons number one because historically whenever a nation got so bad and was going to be destroyed god's people would flee to a new area and then it would destroy and then christianity would build up a new civilization then the cockroaches would come in and then it would fall and then the christians would flee and then they build up another you know why did the why did the christianity just keep getting further and further away from the middle east because of that process but here's what's happened we've ran out of land it's like hey they went to antioc and then they went into europe and then they went into england and then they went into what north new england which is considered the colonies and then they fled to the midwest of the bible belt but look we're trapped it's like where do you run now and it's not antarctica good luck i mean i don't even if we could that would they would come find us or something the cockroaches would come out of nowhere but it's like what's and think about this what country has ever built civilization that's not christian i mean why why do we have the greatest technology because we're christian you know look at the tribal things going on in africa they're never going to build a nice society because they don't have christianity you look at all the other civilizations the only civilizations that really have power and wealth and stuff it's coming from christianity or the remnants of christianity and the cockroaches come and eat it so most likely you know my opinion we're probably the end times babylon and we're going to have an impending doom now that's good for you and me because we won't have to experience that because we'll be raptured before that now we might be slaughtered and masses be persecuted until that that bitter end but the actual destruction of america we won't have to see and even if we do see it we could be like a jeremiah where it happens to everyone but us somehow so as a christian i don't really care if america gets taken over by russia and we all become russians that'll make my employee happy at least you know my employee will be a lot happier if we get taken over by china that's going to be rough you know but it is what it is i'm still a christian okay i don't have to worry about these things it turned out good for jeremiah you know in the end and it turns out good for god's people no matter what happens but you know what for those that hate god it's just destruction that's their that's their destiny ephraim is going to be destroyed juda is going to be destroyed and it's gotten to a point where there's no there's no alternative and i think that some people have this idea of like well i just want to rescue america from what from itself and and you look i think we can delay the process i think that we can have many revivals and we can have we an impact on the culture and people get mad at me and they'll say why do you preach all the things that you preach knowing that they'll never happen well i preach them just so you don't have to how about that you know since you're so weak and cowardly from not for not preaching the bible i'll do it so that you can just be mild about it because you wouldn't be mild about it if it wasn't for me you know wherever we're at everybody else is going to be like a few steps behind so it's like if we if we go all the way down to where like homosexual is a sin you know just think where the liberal preachers will be and you say that's not true passage okay well how come in ireland the catholic priest got up and said homosexuality is a sin and they fired him and they condemned him because there wasn't a fundamental baptist there to get mad at so they had to get mad at the priest the cath the one catholic priest there you know of course they can always get mad at the most extreme person and they're never going to appreciate them and that's okay no one appreciated jeremiah in his ministry and even after he was proven right beyond any shadow of a doubt they still didn't appreciate him they still didn't like him so you know it's not about being appreciated it's about doing what's right and you know in our culture we need to do what's right no matter what ephraim is doing what judah is doing they're going to be destroyed and they did it willingly verse 12 therefore will i be unto ephraim as a moth into the house of judah as rottenness when ephraim saw a sickness and judah saw his wound then went ephraim to the asyrian and sent to king jereb yet could he not heal you nor cure you of your wound for i will be unto ephraim as a lion and as a young lion to the house of judah i even i will tear and go away i will take away and none shall rescue him i will go and return to my place till they acknowledge their offense and seek my face in their affliction they will seek me early so what god said is you know what they've gotten to a point where they have to be afflicted they have to be oppressed they have to be destroyed and only until they turn back will i heal them and you know that could be the same for us you could get to a point in your life where god will only bring destruction and affliction and evil on you until you get your heart right until you seek the lord and that's why it's important for us to always try to make sure our heart is tender towards the lord and we're seeking the lord and we're repentant of the evils that we've been doing and we're trying to get right with god we're trying to seek him and we don't have to let god punish us just to do the right thing but be sure your sins will find you out god is not mocked for what sort of man soweth actually also reap and according to the scripture when you go after wickedness god will get your attention one way or another so i might as well just give it to him now then to just beg him to punish me until until i give it to him and just like the children of israel and ephraim were god's people in a sense you know we are god's people for sure and if we disobey and we don't regard the lord in our hearts you know he will punish us to get our attention so let us be you know christians that are not removing the boundaries let's set up boundaries to worship the lord let's think about the other people that are affected by our decisions and and let us try to seek the lord without needing that that punishment let's close in prayer thank you heavenly father for this chapter for giving us so so much wisdom from the scriptures i pray that we would realize our decisions impact a lot of people and i pray that we wouldn't need constant affliction and oppression to seek you but rather we would willingly seek you and that we would willingly turn from our wicked ways that we would do our best to seek you with a true heart with all of our heart and that we would honor you in all our ways in jesus name we pray amen all right let's go to our last song 169 come now found 169 come now found song 169 come now found come now found of every blessing tune my heart to sing thy grace streams of mercy never ceasing call for songs of loudest praise teach me some melodious sonnet sung by flaming tongues above praise the mount i'm fixed upon it mount of thy redeeming love here i raise my nebeneezer hither by thy help i'm come and i know by thy good pleasure safely i'll arrive at home jesus sought me when a stranger wandering from the fold of god he to rescue me from danger interposed his precious blood oh to grace how great a debtor daily i'm constrained to be let thy goodness like a feather bind my wandering heart to thee prone to wander lord i feel it prone to leave the god i love here's my heart oh take and seal it seal it for thy courts above thank you all for coming god bless you