(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you it you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you know you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you the a uh uh uh anything that's no this is this is these that some Christian research here, but he basically studied like some of the other elements associated with these names. But Manu, according to Hindus in India, basically their ancient understanding, they have the entomology of this name. It says, since Manu was the father of all post-flood mankind, so his descended are called Manavas or Manush. In Sanskrit, the name Manu, appropriately it came to mean man or mankind. They're saying the word Manu just means mankind. The English word man is thus also related to the Sanskrit manu. So just our concept of man is like coming from this Manu person. If we look into the derivation of the English word man, it comes from proto-Germanic. Etymologists tell us that this ancient Germanic word manus is a derivation of the proto-Indo-European manu. Other Sanskrit form manusa is closely related to the Swedish maniska, both words meaning human being. Manus was also the name of the Lithuanian Noah. So in Lithuania, the name Noah is literally Manus, which is like coming from this. The same name may even be reflected in the Egyptian minis. Now minis is a name of a lot of their kings. It says the founder of the first dynasty in Egypt and Minos, founder and first king of Crete. Minos was also said in Greek mythology to be the son of Zeus and ruler of the sea. In Japan, manu became maru, a word which is included in the name of most Japanese ships. In fact, most Japanese ships, the last word associated with maru. It says in the Sioux language, it took the form of many, meaning water. Thus Minneapolis means city of water. Minnesota means sky blue water, et cetera. The original Sanskrit word for ship is now and nakau, which later passed into our English word navy, nautical and nausea, or for seasickness. This word could very well be still another variant of Noah, the first master ship builder. It would seem that the convergence between these two ancient accounts is too strongly to be due simply to chance. Perhaps one account borrowed from the other, it is highly probable that Noah and Manu were thus the same individual. That's what just a random person is saying about these stories. And again, when you study these flood lakes, I just gave you a sample. You study, I mean, how can you have a story like this in every single corner of the earth? Well, it's because someone gave them that story. I mean, that's the only explanation. So either that person just completely made it up or they were telling an event that they literally saw experienced. And we have a King James Bible that has that story recorded for us on the entire earth. Why? Because it's obviously God's word. Go to Matthew 24 and look, the information about the flood is everywhere. And I loved reading about this because they're saying, you know, a lot of our words, the etymology of our words are literally pointing back to this story. You know, just the fact of something being nautical, you know, it could be related to Noah and him being the first master ship builder. I think he gives a little bit of street cred for building ships, okay, after the story, right? And I think a lot of people be like, hey, I'm thinking about building a boat. Maybe you should ask Noah. You know, he's got a few ideas of how to build a boat. But look, the flood in Noah is something that's just been common knowledge for forever. It's been something that's always existed. It's really when you get to more modern times where people start to be skeptical of these things, doubt these things, not believe in these things. And Jesus Christ and his ministry, even though he's very far removed from Noah, he speaks about it as if it's just literal gospel truth. Look what he says in verse 37, Matthew 24 verse 37. But as the days of Noah, or Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. Now, does Jesus look at this story and act like it's just a parable or just some kind of, no, he says just like Noah is how it's going to be when I come back. He says for as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark and knew not until the flood came and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. Now another thing we can learn here is this, that people are not going to care about Jesus Christ coming back, period. The world is never going to get on board. The world is never going to get on the ark. They're never going to get on the ship. They're never, I mean the world is just going to eat, drink and be merry until Christ comes. You know, the only thing we can do is save the remnant out of the world. Just like Noah could not save everyone, we're not going to be able to save everyone and no one's, we're not going to just bring in the kingdom. You know, there's this idea in Christianity that we're going to bring in the kingdom. No, all we can do is warn people about the judgment to come. Warn them, you say, well how do you know? Just like Noah knew. No different. Noah knew the coming flood. He knew the coming judgment. He was preparing himself. He was building an ark to save and to preserve people. And you know, today we don't build a physical ark, but you know what we do is we preach the gospel and we get people onto that spiritual ark, which is salvation through Jesus Christ. Go to 2 Peter 2, 2 Peter 2. Look, the Bible speaks about the story of Noah as literal truth, as a record of history because it is history. And we see everything in this world today. Everything points to it being literal history. You know, people that reject the flood have to deny so much reality. You know, don't give these people, they're like, well I would believe in the flood if there was any evidence. It's like when they say there's no election fraud. Show me one piece of evidence. Show me any piece of evidence. And then it's just like, they're just ignoring it. They just don't want to see it. They want to be blind today. 2 Peter 2, look at verse 4. God spared not the angels that sinned but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment and spared not the old world but saved Noah, the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly. Eventually God will judge the world again. But it's not going to be through a flood. It's going to be through fire. It's going to be a different kind of engulfing. And so it's going to be a very horrible thing for them. Go back to Genesis chapter number 8. Go back to Genesis chapter number 8. But don't let anybody shake your faith in the word of God. It's the most obvious truth there is. You know, even people that aren't even saved, okay, can literally look at history, facts and reason and science and say like, wow, there's something to this. Wow, this actually is somewhat legitimate. And you know, hopefully that guy gets saved. But even the unsaved can recognize the facts of the Bible because they're history, because they're real, because they're the truth. Who is looking at the Koran and saying like, oh, I can actually corroborate a lot of this? Who is corroborating the Book of Mormon? I mean the Book of Mormon, I'm sorry. Yeah, when we look in history, we can see the golden tablets. Yeah, they really exist. You know, no one's looking at that. No one's proving any of that. No one's proving any of these false religions, historical claims. They don't even make very many historical claims. The Bible makes every claim you could ever imagine and they're all lining up with reality, every single one. Look at verse number 13. And it came to pass on the 601st year and the first month and the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth, and Noah remembered the covering of the ark and looked and behold, or I'm sorry, removed the covering of the ark and looked and behold the face of the ground was dry. And in the second month, on the seventh and 20th day of the month was the earth dry. Now we realize that Noah was on the ark for over a year. If you go back to Genesis chapter number seven and look at verse number six, the Bible says, Noah was 600 years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth. Look at verse 11. In the 600th year of Noah's life, in the second month, the 17th day of the month, the same day where all the fountains of the great deep broken up in the windows of heaven were open. So in his 600th year, second month and 17th day is when basically all the flood waters and everything is basically bursting and coming onto the scene. And as we look in Genesis chapter number eight, it says it was the 601st year, first month and first day of the month. So it's not quite been a year at this point, but he doesn't exit the ark yet. He just removes the covering up the top and he's observing the ground. They're coming out and they're looking at the world. It says in verse 14, in the second month on the seventh and 20th day of the month was the earth dried. So basically it's like a year and 10 days, a year and 10 days, and then they're going to now exit the ark. That's a long time to have been on this ark. It says in verse 15, and God's spake unto Noah saying, go forth of the ark, thou and thy wife and thy sons and thy son's wives with thee, bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee of all flesh, both of fowl and of cattle and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. They may breed abundantly in the earth and be fruitful and multiply upon the earth. And so God gives the exact same commandment to Noah and his family that he gave to Adam and Eve, and what is that to multiply and to replenish the earth and to refill the earth. And he's giving that also to the beasts of the field. And so it's really a new start. It's really starting over and having this fresh beginning again. And sometimes that's what we even need spiritually. Sometimes we just have to start over again. And again, you say, well, what's the goal to multiply and to refill the earth? And the great thing about the gospel and the word of God is it has power. And we can multiply. We can grow exponentially from a spiritual perspective. But you know what? It takes effort. It takes work. It doesn't just happen automatically. And if we don't, then we'll doom the next generation. We'll doom the generations that go before us. But you know what? If we do the hard work and we multiply and we grow our children in the Lord, you know what? We can give them a much better starting off than we did. And the reality is not every generation is going to start or end the same. And you have to understand Noah is not starting here at a good point. This is not a high point. This is kind of a low point. Everything's been wiped off and destroyed. But what is a good point is the fact that it's new and that he gets to start over again and that there's not all this corruption and all this bad influence. And sometimes this even happens I think with the Christian movements where, you know, Christian movements, churches, ministries and these things, they can get kind of off. And then they just need a restart. And then once they get restarted though and they purge all that corruption, they purge all that wickedness, they purge all the evil, now they can multiply freely and they can have tons of good fruit. And they can have, you know, lots of good things happening. You know, when we look at a church like ours, people would be kind of perplexed like, why start a Baptist church in the Dallas-Fort Worth area? Isn't there like thousands? You know, and in fact, myself included, if you had asked me, you know, do you think Dallas-Fort Worth is a good area to plant a church, by just pure statistics I would have probably thought like no because I'm thinking like there's so many Baptist churches already. And in fact, there's probably dozens that even go soul winning. And I don't know the exact number on how many Baptist churches, but I know multiple Baptist churches in this area, they go soul winning on a regular basis. They have the right gospel. But you know, there's other elements that go with our ministry and with our church. And you know, they're kind of new because a lot of people haven't been doing them for a while. And by purging out all that old leaven and by purging out all the corruption and all the evil and kind of starting anew, we can end up having a great impact on the next generation by not, you know, letting them go to the world like the liberal Christianity does and not putting them in a basically liberal version of the church or the school, the Christian school and the Christian college and all this stuff and basically modeling these things. Look, what's the fruit of that? I mean, what's the fruit of Bible college? I mean, are churches now more on fire for God after instituting Bible college or less? I mean, if we were to really go back before Bible college was a huge thing and compare the spiritual picture of churches and now look at all the churches with their Bible college. I mean, let's look at the churches that have the biggest Bible colleges today, at least in, you know, our brand of fundamentalism, okay? Like Paul Chapel, West Coast. I mean, are they really just the most spiritual church, just tearing up this world with the gospel? You know, when we look at the churches that have the biggest Bible colleges, they're usually really watered down and gotten too big for their britches. And sometimes you have to start over. You have to start anew. But you know what? You can't go down the same path. You need to do it differently. You need to do it God's way. And so Noah with his family, hey, they have a chance to start over again, but you know what? They need to be different. They need to stay different. They need to stay separated and stay fundamental. And you know what? I hope that the DNA, I hope that our church, Steadfast Baptist Church, doesn't decide as we grow or as things change or as the world evolves or whatever happens with Christianity that we keep trying to adapt to our circumstances. But we say, you know what? No, we've got our opportunity to start over. We know, we've got the instructions from the Lord. We're just going to do this and multiply. We're just going to keep growing the right way and doing the right things. And again, you look at our bulletin, it's all about multiplication, my friend. It's got spiritual multiplication at the forefront, and then it's got physical multiplication at the back end. And let me tell you this, the people that love God, the people that serve God are going to be the ones that continually repopulate the earth, physically and spiritually. You say, what do you mean? Well, think about it. How many people existed before the flood? Didn't, I mean potentially millions, potentially billions of people existed. Yet every single person on this earth today has come from whom? Noah. Whether you like it or not, Joe Biden is from Noah. Every single person is from Noah. Now, you know, a lot of people that don't exist today, let's think about some people that don't exist today, Jebusites and, you know, lots of other nations and wicked evil people groups in the Bible that just don't exist. Why? Because the evil eventually get destroyed and wiped out and wiped off the face of the map, and who ends up continuing to exist? God's people. Christians. The ones who love the Lord. They're the ones that end up multiplying and repopulating the earth, spiritually and physically, and the wicked will eventually be destroyed. His descendants will be destroyed. Look, when we look at the evil today, we look at the wicked today, who do we look to? You know, the left, Democrats, the sodomites or whatever. Well, if Jesus Christ does not come back, just play with me in this volley for just a moment, if he does not come back, liberalism and the Democratic Party will not continue to exist. It can't. They're not reproducing. It's an infection. It's a disease that will eventually die and go away because it will kill itself, and God will replace it with something righteous. Look, America, where it's headed, if God just allows, you know, let's say God doesn't come back, you know, Jesus doesn't come back for 500 years. I don't know. I'm just saying. It's possible. Let's say he didn't. Guess what? America's going to be gone, my friend, and the direction that it's headed, it will destroy itself. You really think that China and that other countries, Russia, they're going to be afraid of our transgender army here in a few years? They're going to be afraid. You can get a free sex change in the government. Look, they're obviously destroying our country. They're destroying our economy. They're destroying everything, and God will bring judgment. God will destroy the wicked. God will make them just eventually, you know, reap the fruit of their reward, but they're not going to permeate all of eternity. They're not going to permeate this world. What do we think of the Egyptians? They're eventually a debased kingdom. They're wiped out, my friend. The Assyrians, they're gone. The Babylonians, they're gone. The Medo-Persian Empire, it's gone. The Roman Empire, it's gone, and guess what? The Babylonian American Empire, which I think is more likely, is going to be gone eventually. It's going to be wiped off the face of the map, and the only people that exist are God's people physically and spiritually. They're the ones that continue to multiply and replenish the earth today, and you know what? It's our job to do so, and you know what? People get so mad about, oh, how many kids are you going to have? As many as God will give me. Hey, it's my job to replenish the earth, and guess what? For every fag not having children, I'll just have another one. Praise the Lord. And you know what? When God's people start following God's commandments, they eventually outnumber the wicked. Did you read Exodus? Did you read how the Egyptians were like, what? They multiplied more than us. Seventy people showed up. That's less than in this room right now. Seventy people showed up, and just a handful of generations, there are a million people. They've multiplied like rabbits, and rabbits can grow faster. There's a lot of rabbits. There's a lot of rabbits on the ark, potentially, by the end of it. But at the end of the day, we have to realize it's our job to replenish the earth. It's our job to follow God's commandments and to do right, and if we don't, we'll get wiped out like everybody else. You could be the next physical Noah. You could be the next person where virtually every descendant is yours, because you just basically are the righteous one that survives the coming judgments and plagues and evil that God brings onto this earth. And so there's an important lesson here that, hey, when you get an opportunity to start over and you know God's commandments, you need to keep following them and replenishing the earth. Now, again, the wicked, they're never going to do this. They hate God. Let's keep reading, and let's read a few more verses here. It says this. It says, And Noah went forth, verse 18, and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives with them, every beast, every creep, and every fowl, and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth, after their kinds, went forth out of the ark. And Noah built an altar under the Lord, and took of every clean beast and every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And the Lord smelled a sweet savour, and the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake, for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I again smite anymore every living thing as I have done. While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, shall not cease. Now, I want to focus on a verse here, verse 21. He says the Lord smelled a sweet savour from this sacrifice. But if you go to Philippians, go to Philippians in your New Testament, while we can't offer some kind of a physical sacrifice of an animal that's going to be a sweet savour to the Lord, in fact, it would be an abomination to offer some kind of a lamb sacrifice, because Jesus Christ is our lamb sacrifice. That would be blasphemy, that would be not something that we do. There is a way to still offer sacrifices in the Lord, and for him to smell them and to be a sweet savour. Look at Philippians chapter number 4, and look at verse number 16. For even in Thessalonica ye sent once and again unto my necessity. Now this is impossible Paul is talking about how this church is giving him money. Basically he is communicating with them, they are helping supply his physical needs with monetary blessings or gifts. He says in verse number 17, not because I desire a gift, but I desire fruit that may abound to your account. The apostle Paul is accepting gifts not because he really wants them or needs them or anything, he just wants them to be blessed. Because it is more blessed to give than receive as the Bible teaches, and he doesn't want people to not be able to receive a blessing by not being able to give to him. Because he knows if they are able to give to him, they are going to get a special blessing out of it. It says in verse 18, but I have all and abound and am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odor of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well pleasing to God. So notice, even in the New Testament you can still offer some kind of a physical sacrifice that has that same sweet smell unto the Lord, but it is not this animal sacrifice, it was a blessing of a gift or some kind of a need provided to the apostle Paul. And so don't think that you can't sacrifice in the New Testament, oh yes you can. And when you do it is a sweet smell unto the Lord, the Lord loves a cheerful giver, the Bible teaches. And so there is other ways that we can offer sacrifices unto the Lord and he can bless us. I want to make two more quick points and I will be finished. Some people would scoff at this story, they would scoff at Noah's ark, and I want to go back to Bill Nye because I just love ripping on him. But he said that there is no way Noah's ark is real because we have trees that are older than the ark. Now first of all, then when Noah's ark was on the earth, whenever the flood waters came, because that is about 4650 years approximately, he is saying we have trees that are older than that, but therefore it couldn't be true because a tree can't exist through the flood. Well I would say first of all I think he is probably wrong because the Bible already told us that the dove brought an olive leaf plucked, okay number one. But even if that was true, he then in this debate with Ken Ham pulled out some numbers from these trees that are so much older, a tree that was supposedly 6800 years old and then another tree that was supposedly 9550 years old called Old Tico. Now 9550 years would not only be older than the flood account, it would be older than the age of the earth according to the Bible chronology. So he is saying oh you guys are wackos, we have trees that are older. And there is a thing that is special about trees, you can count rings in a tree. You can cut a tree or as most of the time what they do is they basically take a little tiny notch and they go straight and they bore a hole through the tree and they pull the notch out so as not to kill the tree but just basically take a sample and then they count all the rings on these trees. And the supposed science of dendrochronology is that a ring represents a year because it has basically got a lighter portion and a darker portion. They are saying the lighter portion was the growing season in the spring and the darker portion is when it was in hibernation in the winter. Basically it is not growing, it is just basically dormant or some kind of level of dormancy in that phase. And so they are saying this is a picture of how many years. And so he is giving this idea that there are trees that have this many rings or something on it. The problem is he is just making all these grandiose statements and none of them connect or even true. Number one, no tree exists with that many rings on it. Even if you look up the oldest trees according to a tree ring dating or that style of dendrochronology of trying to analyze, the oldest supposed tree is Prometheus which is estimated to be 4,900 years old. The second is Methuselah which is 4,852. It is interesting I always like to borrow from the Bible. But that would only be a few hundred years above when the ark was basically built and created and we had the flood. So let's just assume that was true. Then those trees existed before that. And that would still fit in with the Bible's narrative. We had an olive leaf that was pucked. I don't even personally believe that those are true though. Because frankly speaking a tree that is in a very harsh climate could experience a growing and a hibernation season multiple times within a year. And of course all the trees that have these type of age ranges are in these type of climates. Like Arizona, Colorado, California, in a desert area near mountains or something where they are going to have harsh or extreme weather cycles. But they will claim that this old Tico is 9,500 years old from carbon dating. But again he doesn't tell you that. And they also don't tell you that they killed fresh baby seals or there was a seal that died and they carbon dated it and it was 1,300 years old. They don't tell you that carbon dating whenever they have a known age of an object never works. When you have an unknown age of an object it always works. It's interesting how that always seems to work. But he doesn't even bring up legitimate science. He's just dazzling you with numbers. Oh there's trees that are 9,500 years old. Look up old Tico and tell me if you think it's 9,500 years old. It's about this thick. It looks like it's about to die too and it's like this old little tiny tree. It's not even very tall. And they just think it's 9,500 years old. It just lies and a scam and a sham. But it's no different. Look at verse 22 again. It says, while the earth remain a seed time and harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease. Well the same guy Bill Nye goes on Fox News and tells everybody, oh all the science is settled on climate change and if you don't agree with modern science on this then you're a science denier. And again they love to just throw these terms out here. You know what? Again like I said, all the climate scientists and all the people that believe in that, they will be destroyed and all of us science deniers are going to survive. You know they're like worried about this coming judgment and it's like hey there's a coming judgment but you're worried about the wrong thing. They say global warming, yeah it's going to be fire my friend but they're worried about the wrong fire. And they think that they're going to be able to escape this judgment but they're not. And they've created a self-fulfilling prophecy. This is why it makes sense that in the latter days they're going to mock and scoff at the coming judgment. They're going to mock about the flood because I looked it up. You know how in Texas we recently had some freezing temps? Who experienced that? I experienced that. Okay. Who lost power? I'm just interested. Who lost power? Almost everybody lost power. We even lost power temporarily at one point, very short period of time, praise the Lord. But I mean very freezing temperatures, something that Texas has not experienced in a long, long time. And you would think finally they'd be like where's that global warming at, right? But I looked it up and they said oh the freezing temps, it's obviously due to global warming. I was like oh it's obvious, yeah. It just makes perfect sense. And basically they said because there's a heat wave in the Arctic, and because of this heat wave it pushed all this Arctic air down onto us which is what caused all of our freezing temperatures. It doesn't matter. They're just going to say whatever they want. They're just going to say hey, we have a flood legend from every single continent all pointing to the story of the Bible. All of geology is pointing to the flood. No, we have this tree, it's 9500 years old, carbon dating. Look, you're not going to get rid of the seasons. There's been winter, there's been summer, there's springtime, there's harvest, there's going to be marriage all the way to the end. There's going to be eating and drinking and being married all the way to the end and then it's going to come on them as sudden destruction. A sudden destruction is going to destroy them. You know, I'll give you a few verses from the Bible. The Bible says in Jeremiah 5 24, neither say they in their heart, let us now fear the Lord our God that giveth rain both the former and the latter in his season. He reserveth unto us the appointed weeks of the harvest. The Bible says that he rains on the just and on the unjust. He says in Psalms 74, the day is thine, the night also is thine. Thou has prepared the light and the sun. Thou has set all the borders of the earth. Thou has made summer and winter. You know, God created these things. They're not going anywhere. These people that deny reality and deny the board of God, they're going somewhere. But you know, in fact, in Joshua, when the Lord actually suspended basically some of the laws of physics or did something to cause it where the sun stood still and the moon stood still for a whole day. This is what he said about it says in the sunset still in the moon state until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies is not this written in the book of Jason. So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven and haste is not to go down about a whole day. And there was no day like that before it or after it that the Lord harken to the voice of a man where the Lord fought for Israel saying there's never going to be a day like that again. That was a one time special event that's never going to happen. You know, and the Bible says that these people are going to be willingly ignorant. But this is the last point that I'll make. What is God basically illustrating with this story and what's the conclusion? Well, he judged and he brought all this water, but then he accepts Noah's sacrifice and he says, you know what? I'm never going to do that again. And you know what that tells me? That tells me that God is extremely long suffering and merciful. Just think about it. He's saying no matter how bad it gets, I'm never going to destroy it again. And look, people are testing him with that, aren't they? I mean, people are flaunting the rainbow and his face every single day trying to get a rise out of him and he won't budge. And some people will be like, oh, it's because he's not powerful. He doesn't exist or, you know, whatever. It's only for one reason. He's long suffering because he's merciful. You know, the Bible says the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness, but as long suffering to us were not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. And really we should read the story and say, wow, God is a long suffering and merciful God, one who will continually give us opportunity to preach the gospel and do wonderful things. I mean, when I look at my own life, I keep wondering, like, why does God still use me? Because I'm still a sinful person. You guys are still sinful. None of us have arrived. And I'm like, how does God still use us? It's by his mercy. It's by his grace. It's because he's so long suffering that he allows us to exist. He allows us to do great things. You know, me being a young person, I did a lot of things that I'm not proud of, that I'm very ashamed of in my life. But God could still use me. And God can still use you. And God is a long suffering and a merciful God. And when he gives us that opportunity to start over again, we need to capitalize on that opportunity. And obviously Noah did in some ways. He obviously replenished there physically. But, you know, he also made a few mistakes. And we'll read about that in the next few chapters. But it's important to realize that, you know, if you've been given a new start, take advantage of that new start. Follow God's commandments and, you know, serve him. And don't let the long suffering and mercy and grace of God be in vain. Let's go over some prayer. Thank you, Father, so much for your word. Thank you for this great chapter and the pictures of your mercy and of your grace and how you remembered Noah and that you give us a fresh start through salvation. You give us a fresh start in our lives and you allow us to serve you. And I pray that we would strive to walk in newness of life, that we would not take the commandments of God as a light thing or as a vain thing, but rather we would trust them and that we would continue to be faithful and we would be steadfast with your commandments and that you would help bless us as we try to multiply and replenish this earth, this earth that obviously hates the Lord and this earth that's filled with all kinds of evil and wickedness. But I pray that you would give us the same mindset of being long suffering and merciful and trying to save as many people as possible and in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if peradventure you'll give them repentance, the acknowledging of the truth. And in Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Alright, for our final song, we'll go to song 314, More Love to Thee. Song 314, More Love to Thee. Song 314, More Love to Thee. This is my earnest plea, More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee, More love to Thee. Once earthly joy I crave, sought peace and rest, Now Thee alone I seek, give what is best. This all my prayer shall be, More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee, More love to Thee. Let sorrow do its work, send grief and pain, Sweet are Thy messengers, sweet their refrain. When they can sing with me, More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee, More love to Thee on the last. Then shall my latest breath whisper Thy praise, This be the parting cry my heart shall raise, This still its prayer shall be, More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee, More love to Thee. God bless. You are dismissed.