(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You Welcome to steadfast baptist church If you could find your seats and grab a hymnal Let's turn in our song books to song 263 verily verily song 263 verily verily song two six three verily verily Oh What a savior that he died for me From condemnation. He hath made me free He that believeth on the sun saith he hath everlasting life Verily verily I say unto you verily verily message ever knew He that believeth on the sun is true hath Everlasting life on the second all my iniquities on him were laid All my indebtedness by him was paid all who believe on him the Lord hath said hath everlasting life Verily verily I say unto you Verily verily message ever knew He that believeth on the sun is true hath everlasting life Though poor and needy I can trust my lord though weak and sinful. I believe his word Oh glad message every child of god Have ever lasting life Verily verily I say unto you Verily verily message ever knew He that believeth on the sun is true hath everlasting life Good sing. Let's have a word of prayer Lord Thank you so much for this day and thank you for the opportunity to be in your house to worship you and to Learn from your word tonight I just pray that you would bless every aspect of this service and help us to become better Christians and in Jesus name we pray Amen For our next song. We'll go to song 327 higher ground song 327 higher ground Song three to seven higher ground I I'm pressing on the upward way new heights. I'm gaining Every day still praying as I'm onward bound Lord plant my feet on higher ground Lord lift me up and let me stand by faith on Heaven's table man a higher plane Then I have found Lord plant my feet on higher Ground my heart has no desire to stay where doubts arise And fears dismay though some may dwell where these abound my praying my air Higher ground Lord lift me up And let me stand by faith on Heaven's table man a higher plane Then I have found Lord plant my feet on higher Ground I want to live Above the world though Satan's darts at me are hurled for faith has caught the joyful sound the song of saints on higher Ground Lord lift me up And let me stand by faith on heaven's table man a higher plane Then I have found Lord plant my feet on higher Ground I want to scale the utmost high and catch a gleam Of glory bride, but still I'll pray till heaven I found Lord lead me on to higher Ground Lord lift me up And let me stand by faith on heaven's table man a higher plane Then I have found Lord plant my feet on higher ground Good singing Good evening. Thank you so much for coming to steadfast Baptist Church if you need a bulletin lift your hand real quick and we can get a bulletin to you and It's really good to be back with you guys. I was in Oklahoma City this Sunday and Everything went really well. We had a really good service good turnout We ended up having someone that's recently becoming the church Due to finding the sodomite deception online and he ended up getting baptized We had a baptism on Sunday, and it was great spirits good soul winning and everything like that and so he's a Continue please praying for the Oklahoma City Church plant. They're doing really good work up there Also in the front we have our exes 20 week 8 of 26 remember the Sabbath day to keep it. Holy Might give away a lot of ice cream tonight, but that's a good thing all right and on the inside We have our service times are so winning times I'm gonna go ahead and get a count real quick for the last few days is there anything report on Monday Anything for Monday, what about Tuesday anything for Tuesday? Okay, what about today anything on today? All right, we're saving up for this weekend. I know it's okay, and then also on the right-hand side We have our list of expecting ladies. Please keep them in prayer We have our prayer list We have a few people here to make note of mr. Rebecca Negara if you'd please be in prayer for health for her the Hinckley family in with his lung issue And miss camellia other health issues the Scott family Horace brother Horace with health issues and miss grace with her pain Brother lies with the job also. I think this is the right one right yeah, and then the Cardona family For someone they got saved Aidan. I think was he a Hindu is that correct? What is it? Buddhist a Buddhist okay, that's right. Yeah, just so that he would be encouraged to serve the Lord and You can be praying for upcoming So winning this Saturday, let's go ahead and say a quick word of prayer for those who are mentioned Thank You Heavenly Father for a church. Thank you so much for our church family I pray that you would just help those that are struggling with health issues that you would all give us boldness and encourage us to continue fighting the good fight that you'd bring us more soul winners and That you would bless our efforts and all in honor and glory of your son in Jesus name we pray Amen Also our Texas, Oklahoma Easter Memorial weekend. I have compiled a List of all that information. I'm gonna go over it quickly. It's also on our websites So if you go to the steadfast Baptist kjv.org or if you just type in SBC kjv.com It'll take you to the same site Then if you just click on our upcoming events it has all of them listed and if you click the first one that Texas, Oklahoma Oklahoma Easter Memorial weekend it has this schedule or if it just goes slash Easter Okay, so I try to make it a little bit easier for you to go slash Easter This is also the same for pure words If you just go to pure words Baptist dot-com slash Easter or you go to the events tab It's gonna have the entire list or here But just to give you a quick run-through and then we'll post this as a video our announcement here We'll just make a quick video for people out there But in the Dallas-Fort Worth area on Thursday the first there's gonna be a time by brother Suhail Assel at 6 p.m. To 8 p.m. And it's in Dallas and the addresses are gonna be listed here in the video and online so you can check that out Stephen Moulton at 538 p.m. And Hearst here the church building and then brother Garcia Antonio Garcia Tony Garcia and Ennis from 538 p.m So three different times on Thursday Friday There'll be a time from ten to twelve that's gonna be here at the church building with brother Ben Naim Brother Tony Garcia is also gonna have a time and Ennis from two to four then at the church building we also have brother Stephen Moulton leading from two to four and Then brother Marcel Lugo from six to eight at the church building as well So the church building will be a time at ten two and six on Friday and then on Saturday It's gonna be the same thing as far as ten two and six at the church building But then also brother Jeff Goodwin is gonna have a time in Weatherford Texas by the Saddle Ridge apartments from ten to twelve on that Saturday and Brother Tony Garcia is gonna have an evening time from six to eight p.m. And Ennis, Texas. So anybody that's out there Other areas we have New Boston, Texas, but the Scott Dunn is leading a time on that Saturday April 3rd. I'm sorry Yeah, April 3rd From 930 to 1230 p.m. In New Boston and also from 2 to 4 p.m. In New Boston, you can check the address in Austin, Texas We have brother Nick canary. He's leading a time on Thursday and Friday and they're both at 5 30 p.m. To 7 30 p.m. In Austin, Texas One's meeting at a chick-fil-a the others at a water burr. You check the addresses for those and Houston, Texas We have different times meeting at the church building brother Jeffrey's gonna be leading In Houston there at the church building from 5 30 to 8 p.m. Friday brother Travis Howell is gonna be leading a time. It was a specific address from 5 to 8 p.m. On Saturday we have a time meeting of the building at 10 12 and then 2 to 4 by brother Mo Mahaney and Then in Oklahoma City, we have brother tanner fur It's probably gonna be leading some of these but I just put churchwide as far as the leadership But they're gonna be meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. On Thursday, and then on Friday at the church building It's gonna be 10 30 to 12 30 and 2 to 4 p.m. And then Saturday the exact same scheduled meeting at the church building from 10 30 to 12 30 and then 2 to 4 Also, we have times in Tulsa, Oklahoma brother Jonathan Reed and Donnie Lester and they're gonna have a time on Thursday From 6 to 8 p.m. Meeting at the Great Harvest Bread Company from 6 to 8 and then also on Friday from 10 30 to 12 30 Same location and then they're gonna be meeting at 2 to 4 same location So on Friday and Saturday in Tulsa, they're gonna be meeting from 10 30 to 12 30 and then 2 to 4 And so we have lots of different soul winning times mentioned there if anybody ends up Meeting material and they're not able to come to our church or one of our church locations Please email us or call us right away and we'll just send that to them if they want any kind of you know cards or Bibles or anything like that. We'd love to get them to you anybody that has any other questions about the soul winning you they can send in an email and All you have to do is show up So if you have a heartbeat and you're able to show up I'd really encourage you to show up as much as you possibly can if you're in the Dallas for theory We have really nice Easter cards. We have the God resource cards. We have our church cards. We have Bibles We have the Sodomite deception QR code. So you're gonna be armed. Okay, you got all kinds of different things you can hand out and I'm really looking forward to Encouraging people to come to church on Easter We need some spiritual renewal and it's not gonna happen, you know on its own it takes Men of faith to go out and to share that faith with other people by preaching the gospel and also just even reminding save people that they need to get into church and Start serving the Lord and so you can encourage that I'm really looking for if Jesus Christ can die and go to hell for three days and three nights I think we go soul winning for a few hours during that time, right? And so that's my That's basically what I had to say about that. Also May 8th We have the ladies tea in honor of Mother's Day. And so really looking forward to that event The place that my wife picked out sounds really like a lot of fun and I know a lot of ladies are already signed up We'll have a sign-up sheet when we get closer. We have the men's conference from May 20th of the 22nd I I think that's mostly all I had for announcements at this time Let's go ahead and go to our third song for the evening 315 take my life So I'm 300 and was there another announcement I feel like there's another announcement Yeah, yeah the the the Saturday Easter egg event if you had Easter eggs, please make sure to bring those back to us and Then we're meeting. Is it is it 10? Yeah, I think there's a sign-up sheets showing up at 10 a.m The regular scheduled so winning time is that happening? It's canceled So we're just gonna postpone this the so anytime meeting here at 10 You can go out so winning on your own or if you want to participate in the Easter egg And again, just as a reminder it is for the other children. So it is for the apartment children, you know Let's say it's all said and done and everybody's gone You know, obviously we have to pick up just we're not leaving trash then you can allow your children to pick up spare eggs But that is a very afterthought idea Okay, so the goal is to just minister to them and and try to help them and so just as an FYI I think that's all I had for announcements. Let's go ahead and go to our third song 315 Right again, that's 315 take my life and let it be so 315 Take my life and let it be Consecrated Lord to thee Take my hands and let them move at the impulse of my love at the impulse of thy love Take my feet and let them be Swift and beautiful for thee Take my voice and let me see Always only for my king Always only for my king Take my silver and my gold not my would I withhold Take my moments and my days Let them flow in ceaseless. Praise Let them flow in ceaseless. Praise Take my will and make it mine It shall be no longer mine Take my heart. It is thy known It shall be thy royal throne It shall be thy royal throne Good singing All the offering plates are being passed around turn your Bibles to Genesis chapter 7 Genesis chapter 7 Genesis chapter 7 the Bible reads and The Lord said unto Noah come thou in all thy house into the ark for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation of every clean beast that shall take to thee by sevens the male and his female and of beasts that are not cleaned by Two the male and his female a fouls also of the air by sevens the male and the female To keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth For yet seven days and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth and Noah did according unto all that the Lord commanded him and Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth and Noah went in and his sons and his wife and his son's wives with him into the ark because of the waters of the flood of Clean beasts and of beasts that are not clean and of fowls and of everything that creepeth upon the earth There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark the male and the female as God had commanded Noah and it came to pass after seven days that the waters of the flood were upon the earth in the 600th year of Noah's life in the second month the 17th day of the month the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were opened And the rain was upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights and the self same day entered Noah and Shem and Ham and Japheth the sons of Noah and Noah's wife and the three wives of his sons with them into the ark They and every beast after his kind and all the cattle after their kite and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after his Kind and every fowl after his kite every bird of every sort and they went in unto Noah into the ark Two and two of all flesh wherein is the breath of life and they that went in went in male and female of flesh as God had commanded him and the Lord shut him in and the flood was 40 days upon the earth and the waters increased and bare up the ark and it was lift up above the earth and the waters prevailed and were increased greatly upon the earth and the ark went upon the face of the waters and the waters prevailed Exceedingly upon the earth and all the high hills that were under the whole heaven were covered 15 cubits upward did the waters prevail and the mountains were covered and all flesh died that moved upon the earth both the fowl and Of cattle and a beast and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth and every man all in whose Nostrils was the breath of life of all that was in the dry land died and every living substance was destroyed Which was upon the face of the ground both man and cattle and the creeping things and the fowl of the heaven and they were destroyed from the earth and Noah only remained alive and they that were with him in the ark and the waters prevailed upon the earth and 150 days as power heads for a quick word of prayer Father we thank you for our church. Pray that you bless the remainder of the service and also Lord I pray that you would fill pastor Shelley with your spirit Give him the wisdom and clarity of mind tonight to preach a sermon for us And also Lord help us to learn Many lessons out of this story so that we can be better Christians moving forward and in Jesus name. I pray. Amen Amen Look back at verse number one again The Bible says and the Lord said unto Noah come thou and all thy house into the ark for thee Have I seen righteous before me in this generation? and so we see that the Lord is allowing Noah and his family to come into the ark and Specifically it's because of Noah's Righteousness now I already covered in the previous chapter that Noah while being perfect This does not mean that he's sinless and the Bible still tells us that Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord So we understand that Noah is saved just like we're saved by grace and that at the end of the day We he has the Lord Righteousness imputed upon him and so he's just and and saved in the same way We are but when it's talking about his righteousness here I believe it's very clearly his literal righteousness in the sense that Noah is a righteous man No is a guy who does right Noah's a guy who follows God's commandments And that is why God is sparing him because of his righteousness. I had showed you a comparison of three other men I believe it's it was Noah Daniel and Job and And in a later portion of Scripture when the Lord's saying if I was gonna destroy this city I wouldn't spare it because of these three men only they themselves would be spared Showing that these men were very righteous men because Daniel and job when studying the Bible It's very clear that they're different than everybody else. I mean God says about job that there's no one like him He's the most upright man He's one that eschews evil and so in comparison Noah is also a very righteous person and you have to understand that You know if we study some of the ages of these men like Methuselah Methuselah most likely would have died either either right before the flood or because of the flood and other You know Christians other saved people would have died. Okay. It's not like Noah is the only saved person on the Planet I don't believe that I believe there was lots of other saved people But they're gonna be washed away in the flood Why because they're not prepared because they're not righteous because they're not doing that which is godly and so even though you may be saved Spiritually that does not mean that God will spare you from all the evils that could happen to you physically on this earth God can still take your life We see a lot of people that are saved end up dying throughout the Bible as a punishment as a judgment upon them And so when we take this story Understand that being righteous has its benefit being righteous has its perk notice. Noah is being saved Not only is he being saved his whole family Here's another perk or benefit to being righteous that those that are under your shadow under your wing oftentimes They're also gonna be grant granted that same mercy forgiveness or grace Because you are a covering unto them and so, you know, it's important not only be righteous for your own sake But even for your house is sake for your children's sake because notice his whole family gets to come in the ark and we know that one of his sons are wicked a Ham and his son Canaan, that's a wicked Lineage a wicked genealogy. They do horrible sins. I mean Canaan, you know is basically gonna end up being the whole Gentile nation that gets wiped out way down the line. I got to think about this You got ham and then you have Canaan that's where you get the Canaanites That's where you get the land of Canaan and they were all reprobate I mean when it Bible describes these type of people I mean these people were committing all kinds of sodomy and bestiality and they hated the Lord and God had appointed this entire group of people to destruction and some people ask why and it's because they're all a bunch of reprobates now Obviously there could have been exceptions to that and we understand there's the Rahab And there's the few other people that ended up getting spared but as a whole it was a reprobate nation It was just an entire group of people that hated the Lord and rejected him. And so what am I teaching? Well, I'm teaching this that being righteous has its benefit It has its perk it can spare your children if you really care about your children You would be righteous for their sake too You would do that which is right for their sake and we see a lot of men Doing wicked things and it affects the whole family Aiken doing wickedly destroyed his whole family and there's a lot of men in the Bible that influenced their family for the worse Noah is the exception here where he's influencing his whole family for the better Okay. Now look at verse number two. The Bible says of every clean beast Thou shalt take to thee by sevens the male and his female and a beast that are not clean by two the male and his female so Not only is Noah Gonna be spared him his three sons and all of their wives meaning eight people okay, but also animals and specifically the Bible is gonna give us a really specific delineation here clean beasts and Then unclean beasts of these the clean beast he would take seven Okay of the unclean he would take two and it basically a male and a female as far as the seven I don't know what the delineation there is per se most likely is probably six pairs with one extra Probably an extra male or something like that, but they would or maybe there's an extra female We don't know but essentially at least one male one female and seven of the clean beast It also then says in verse three of fowls Also the ear by sevens the male and the female to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth So the land-dwelling animals those you had seven clean two unclean of birds Just seven just seven of basically every kind of bird that would exist says in verse number four For yet seven days and I will cause it to rain upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights and every living substance that I Have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth and no did according unto all that the Lord commanded him and Noah 600 years old when the flood waters was upon the earth and no one in his sons his wife and his sons wives with them into the ark because of the waters of the flood of clean beasts and a beast that are not cleaned enough fowls and of everything that creepeth Upon the earth there went in two and two unto Noah into the ark the male and the females God had commanded Noah now what's interesting about this verse is apparently The entering of the ark was only about a week-long period because he's basically saying or could have even less But is essentially he had seven days for him and his family to finally get on the ark Prepare themselves and of all the animals all the beasts are coming in this one special week They're all coming to the ark and they're all coming in two by two now obviously atheists and people that hate the Bible They really try to make fun of this story They really try to attack this story from all kinds of different angles, and you know one of the angles would be like well How do you get all the animals? Well obviously if this is taking place in a seven-day period it would have to be a miracle, okay? It's not like Noah is able just to go round up all these different animals in less than seven days and just get them all You know it says very clear. They're coming You know it says there went in two and two unto Noah into the ark so no It just goes in the ark and the doors open and basically all the animals are just coming in now There could be another way to understand this a little bit obviously it's a miracle no matter what I mean it to some degree It's a miracle, but even by natural means to some degree animals can sometimes sense Changes in weather patterns and they may seek for a place of shelter They may seek for a place of safety and obviously the the ark would have provided that potentially But I don't think that it was just a purely naturalistic thing where the animals are just randomly running into the cages You know perfectly to into the male and the female obviously this is a divine act by God And God is allowing all the animals to come on the ark to be preserved by Noah and for them to start over again as God is apparently not going to create everything ex nilo again Just out of nothing But rather he's gonna preserve a seed and then that seed is gonna end up being redistributed on the earth now You may ask this question why I? Mean couldn't God have literally just killed everyone like this and then just started back over again Or couldn't you just saved all the men just saved no one his family killed every animal and started over again Of course he could God could do whatever he wants right, but here's the thing God doesn't just do things randomly You know it's not the Quran today. Okay. It's not just random verses that don't make sense that are incoherent Ramblings of a pedophile, but rather they all have spiritual pictures So why would God put all these things on the ark and then allow them to repopulate the earth well Let me just give you the answer okay. It's a spiritual picture now. What's that spiritual picture? What does the ark represent represents Christ represents? salvation okay, and what's inside the ark the seed and Then from that seed what happens you end up getting that seed to redistribute through the whole earth, and that's how you get Reproduction well how do you get reproduction spiritually well whenever you're born again? You have that seed inside of you, and then it goes from faith to faith, and that's how you Repopulate the entire earth you know how to Christianity spread over the earth well Just started with a few that then just continue to go from faith to faith And then they exponentially grow and so God's using this picture of showing a preserved seed then going out and repopulating the earth as a picture of spiritual Christianity of how we have that seed and we go and we repopulate the earth with Christianity okay, so that's why God's using this That's why God has these different pictures and these different animals but obviously from a carnal sense the Atheist and the God hater they love to make fun of this idea of all these animals being on the boat They say well, how could you fit all these animals on the boat? You know isn't there like billions and trillions of animals well first of all no There's not that many okay, but I'm gonna give you some really specific numbers here in a moment But at the end of the day nothing in the Bible while even though there's some miracles here Is something that's contrary to? Physical reality okay while it was a miracle that the animals came on the ark it wasn't a miracle that they fit Okay, it wasn't a miracle necessarily that they could survive through a naturalistic explanation What's the miracle is the fact that the animals are coming on the ark? I would I'll grant you that there's no way to really explain from a naturalistic way that Noah could just go in there and make all the different calls the bird You know and then they come you know and he's making the duck and the dogs come in and the turkey you know You know it's not gonna happen, okay, he's not gonna make all the animal noises, and they just come onto the boat obviously That's a miracle by God But everything else about this I believe is very easily explained or could be understood And there's there's nothing super confusing Atheists don't want to believe the Bible so they bring up stupid arguments or they bring up false arguments to try and discredit Noah and the ark okay, but we'll explain that look at verse number 10 And he came to pass after seven days That the waters of the flood were upon the earth and in the 600th year of Noah's life in the second month in the 17th Day of the month same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were opened The rain was upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights in the cell same day entered Noah and Shem and Ham and Japheth the sons of Noah hmm and Noah's wives excuse me and The three wives of his sons with them in the ark They and every beast after his kind And all the cattle after their kind and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind Every fowl after his kind every bird of every sort and They went in unto Noah into the ark two and two of all flesh where it is the breath of life now That's an important verse. There is verse number 15 You know it's not that every single living creature got on the ark only specific creatures got on the ark Land-dwelling animals that have the breath of life Some people say well where did the octopus go well the octopus is in the water Okay, you know where's the whale you know well the whales in the water, okay? This isn't talking about fish It's not talking about whales. It's not talking about dolphins. It's not talking about any of those type of creatures They obviously just existed in the sea continually throughout this Experience it's more talking about the land animals and it's talking about birds Birds also have to breathe air now bird can fly for a while But here's the problem the waters are gonna be on the earth for so long that even the birds would not be able to survive Without having some kind of a perch or some kind of a landing or some kind of protection on the earth and again You know you say well, what about ducks can't they just kind of swim in a float? Yeah, but again the duck is not gonna be able to just swim in the ocean for weeks upon weeks upon weeks You know there's could be all horrible tidal waves and everything else He can't drink saltwater either necessarily and be satisfied. What is he gonna eat? I mean you know the duck he's not gonna necessarily have the food supply So every bird and every land animal that is has the breath of life is going to die in this cataclysmic event okay verse number 16 And they that went in when in male and female of all flesh as God had commanded him and the Lord shut him in Now again, this is another picture of eternal security because once the Lord shuts the door You can't get out and no one else can get in okay verse 17 And the flood was 40 days upon the earth and the waters increased and bear up the ark And it was lifted up above the earth now that also tells me another thing you know some people have Artistic drawings of an ark being in water already. This is just saying it's like on the ground You know he just built it on dry ground and then the flood waters came and lifted the boat up off of the ground And it started to float Says in verse number 18 the waters prevailed and were increased greatly upon the earth and the ark went upon the face of the waters The waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth and all the high hills that were under the old heaven were covered 15 cubits upward did the waters prevail and the mountains were covered that's also another important verse number 20 It's making it clear that this is a global flood That it's not just a certain area or a certain portion of land It's saying that in the entire earth the highest point of the earth the water was 15 cubits above it so we're talking about the highest peak of the highest mountain the water Literally was 15 cubits above it and again a cubit is not even it's like an 18 inch Measurement okay, so we're talking several feet above the earth over 20 feet above the highest mountain And that's why when you go hiking and you go even to the highest mountains you go to Mount Everest They'll find sea mollusks And they'll find seashells and they'll find all kinds of sea life on the top of every single mountain Just everywhere in there, and it's always incredible to them how they're finding it and it's like oh this must have evolved over millions and billions of years and It's like that's not a very good explanation of why there's sea creatures and see things on the top of a mountain That's you know several thousands feet above sea level okay, but a global flood That's really easy to explain why there would be all this type of Oceanic life on the top of a mountain per se especially seashells I mean seashells are just the most easy thing right you go to the beach the tide comes up rolls away Just seashells galore everywhere, okay It's one of the most easy things to find obviously that's gonna be left everywhere on the earth whenever there's a cataclysmic flood Over the entire earth everywhere again this also Makes the Flat Earth Theory look stupid Because you know they have to basically draw a fishbowl or something that's keeping it in, but you know the Bible's making it clear There's no point in which the water is not overflowing Is it how can you have that on a flat earth you can't? That's the problem, but on the on a sphere where everything's held in through gravity There's no problem with the entire earth being covered in water in fact. That's how the world started The world started with the water and in the Bible talks about the dry land Appearing meaning the dry land was already there It's just the waters must have abated in the same form or fashion Where it came down and the lands being elevated and you get to see the land But at some point the entire earth was covered in water again We have it covered in water here as another example But it obviously destroys every single living thing except for the ark Another picture of the fact that you know the only way to be saved is through Jesus Christ Everything about this is a picture of salvation right he's the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father But by me It's not like some other animal or creature or human was able to just walk and swim or I was on my raft There is no other boat. There is no other way. There was just everything died. Everything was destroyed You're either on the ark and you're saved you're not and think about it. You're like, oh you're telling me There's only one way to go to heaven. Yeah, just like there's only one way to be spared of the flood There wasn't another way you say. Oh, that's so, you know exclusive, you know, it's you're just saying, you know that it's only one thing Yeah, there's only one ticket in fact there was only one door into the ark Think about that Jesus Christ at the door. It's not even there was multiple ways to get on the ark There was one way to get into the one way of salvation just like there is spiritually. It's the same picture It's the same concept you say oh you guys nitpick about you know, the gospel Yeah, because there's only one doorway on that ark, you know Some people can look at the ark and say that's salvation But they're trying to get in through the roof or they're trying to get in through the window And it's not gonna work. They try to repent of their sins. They try to believe in all kinds of other false ways of salvation They don't believe in eternal security Look, we're gonna fight over that just like we understand that the ark is one ark and there's one door That's how salvation is. There's one way into Salvation everything else is going to be destroyed wiped, you know off the face of the map Look at verse 21 and all flesh died that moved upon the earth both of fowl and of cattle and Of beasts and of every creeping thing that creeped upon the earth and every man that's clear Now look at this all in whose nostrils was the breath of life of all that was in the dry land died So obviously this isn't saying octopus died and whales died now, obviously I do believe that a lot of sea life did die, but not all of them Okay there would have been of course whales and octopus and sharks and fish and all kinds of sea creatures that died in this event to No doubt, but there was plenty that that were alive. There's plenty that survived in that event as well Okay, it says in verse number 23 and every living substance was destroyed Which is upon the face of the ground both man and cattle and the creeping things in the flower Foul of the heaven and they were destroyed from the earth and Noah only remained alive and they That were with them in the ark and the waters prevailed upon the earth notice this in hundred and fifty days now That's a long period of time. In fact, it's about a year from when they actually then get off the ark too Okay, because it's just saying that the waters prevailed. What does it mean by prevailed? It's just saying that they're above the highest point of land for a hundred and fifty days Meaning nothing had a chance. I mean birds may have been able to survive for a while Arguably, I mean it's very reasonable to think that they could have survived for a very long period of time You know, I'm gonna get into a lot of the flood aspects next week You know as far as like the geologic Time scales and all these things because they're always like oh at the bottom It's like sea creatures and you know things that couldn't swim very well and then things that could swim and then things that could run And then you know things that could fly and it's like yeah, cuz that's just basically who was gonna die first and last Okay, obviously birds were gonna die kind of last but I want to focus on the art for a moment And I want to focus on how many animals went on the ark Okay, cuz I think this is a good chapter who we're talking about all these animals going on the ark, you know How many animals realistically got on this ark? Was it even a possibility? You know, you always hear these people talk about how did all the animals get on the ark and blah blah blah But the reality is is it's very reasonable to understand this now I looked up a couple creation ministries just to see what they have to say. Okay, so I looked up one ministry is called Bible study org Bible study org and They claim that approximately 35,000 creatures were on board the ship. Okay, so they say like 35,000 and then they say well but there's this other book by another guy named John would more rap and it states only about 2,000 animals would have needed to be on the ark. They're saying 35,000 this other guy named John is saying about 2,000 animals if you go to answers in Genesis org, which is a pretty popular creation ministry They claim that Noah only had to take two of every kind or family and that would have been about a thousand animal kinds But that's less than seven thousand animals on the massive ship. So they're claiming that maybe about seven thousand in this article I've seen also there was a debate between Kenham and Bill Nye and Forgive me for the year. I want to say it was like either 2014 or 2015 somewhere in that range and According to that debate. I think at that time Kenham had said something about 14,000 animals, okay So, you know Is it possible to have these type of numbers or these type of animals and a lot of atheists and then with scoff? at some of these numbers, but you know what I did is I just you know Ignored the creationist viewpoint and I just went what is the secular? World say like how many animals does just the world say not just these creation because they're biased, right? Can we really trust them to necessarily give us this information? Not necessarily Although I do believe that they probably did the same thing. They went to secular Researches, you know and basically tried to figure this out, but you can go to Wikipedia and you can find an animal list that they have okay, Wikipedia and How many animals that they claim that there are? Now in their list their list includes virtually Everything. I mean they're they're including all kinds of stuff. They're including reptiles mammals amphibians even birds and Sea creatures like whales and all that kind of stuff so all I did is I took out all the creatures that would have not been on the art for sure like the whales shark dolphin porpoise these type of sea lion these type of creatures and Then to be even more conservative just to make sure that I'm covering my bases I even went more liberal on the birds and Some of the other creatures that would have been on the ark to try and give the most conservative Estimate of going like on the high end basically saying like what's about the most that could have been on the ark Reasonably based on what we see today Well according to them they have about 283 animals listed, but I I found only about a hundred and seventy-two Animals Would have potentially been on the arcana and this is amphibians Reptiles and mammals okay, so we're not we're excluding birds for a moment. Okay birds is its own category Okay, then I went to birds of birds today. There's an about 11,000 known species of bird okay 11,000 known species of birds now I had a really hard time finding any kind of list other than the one I already mentioned Where I was categorizing birds, so what I did is I basically took that list and I would just look at the list see the common type Birds that would be there, and I tried to make my own Classification and again I was going very conservative with this you know commonly Ravens or J's or Peacocks or just basically just trying to clump these animals and Of the 11,000 species by me making my own classifications trying to be pretty conservative But saying consistent with the Bible as far as kinds are considered. I came up with 292 Hype's of birds and That was ninety three point three eight percent of that eleven thousand so almost of all those eleven thousand I was almost able to cover all of them within the 292 by coming up with the common names, you know I'll give you a few examples Okay, and you won't even know it. I can't even pronounce these very well. Okay a centaur albatross and pita antrike and vireo ant-ren Apollos, so that's just that's some of the ones that I'm classifying here, okay So we're going real and you know ones that you've heard of maybe a Picard a bishop a blackbird a bluebird a Bob white I've heard of the Texas Bob white You know it's kind of a famous bird or the buzzard a canary a cat bird Yes, that exists a chicken. You probably heard of this chicken, okay? But basically classifying them that's about how many birds that I came up with now. Here's the thing I also Have for several years been every time I'm reading my Bible if I come across an animal any kind I write it on a list So I had my own list of all the animals mentioned in the Bible to the best of my ability I could have obviously missed one, but I'm just saying that I've tried really hard to come up with them I've come up with about 84 different kinds of animals mentioned in the Bible, but of those I found six of them We're not on any of these lists, okay? Which six okay behemoth a cockatrice a dragon Leviathan a pygarg and a unicorn which again I'm going conservatively because a pygarg it's most likely gonna be in the deer antelope goat family, okay? But I'm just trying to be conservative here and a unicorn is most likely a type of rhinoceros or something similar to that, okay? And so I came up with those also looking at other lists and trying to get to be very conservative just kind of other Amphibians reptiles and mammals that I found on other lists. I marked off all the ones that had already included. I found about another 14 Okay Which I think most of them were probably already included, but I'm just again trying to go really Conservative on species versus kind then also I included insects, okay, and There's a list of insects common names. There's about 61 This is about The list that I have now. I'm not saying this is perfect I'm sure if I took more time and research and studied and looked at all these I would change these numbers to some degree But most likely the only thing that would happen is they would go down they wouldn't go up Okay, I'm saying that these are very conservative Numbers are very conservative estimates and and I'm gonna get into these a little bit further But I just want to give you guys a chance for a moment. Okay, I Because I have some like gift cards in here if you can come up with a common name of any animal or bird That I don't have on my list right now. I'll give you a gift card Does anybody want to try if you can think of any any animal or any bird the common name? And if we're not sure we'll look it up real quick, but I'm just giving you an opportunity What secretary bird a Secretary bird. I don't think I have that one, but I want to look it up Anybody else have another guess? Well, I'm looking this one up a Dodo I didn't have that one on my list so I you can come up and get one. I Know I didn't have that one But we don't know if it's real so I'm just giving you the benefit of the doubt. I definitely don't have a secretary Let me look this up because you may be in luck here You Hey, we have a secretary bird you can come on down I like it I like it a Woodpecker I got that one. That was a good guess though Mollusks See, I don't think that that's a land land dwelling animal though. I Didn't include that one Snails I have snails and stuff like that Owl yes, I do good guess Cardinal I got Cardinal for sure Woolly mammoth, I don't have that one. So I'll give you I'll give you a card on that one A kookaburra I got that one. That was a good guess though, Australia Alright, well, I appreciate you guys playing with me. Alright now again saber-toothed tiger. I didn't put that on there But you could argue that The woolly mammoth came from elephants. You can argue that the saber-toothed tiger came from Lions tigers and everything. So I'm going really conservative with my list. I'll give you an idea Okay, we got a little bit of time. Here's the list of the animals that I have aardvark alligator alpaca a knoll and an eater antelope eight armadillo donkey or ass baboon badger barracuda bear beaver Bitter wrong bison boar bobcat Budgie Buffalo camel capybara Caracao caribou cassowary cat cattle now, there's a word in your Bible. It's ch a m o is Can anybody pronounce that word? And Why yeah, there you go good job or it's chamois really is what it's supposed to be pronounced chamois or chamois I guess it's like French or something like that. So whenever you come you like camois, but it's chamois or chamois. Okay then cheetah Chicken well chickens on the bird list chimpanzee chinchilla a cough a Cody a cobra Cod cougar coyote crab Crocodile curlew deer d hole. I don't know what that is dingo Dog a donkey again, which some of these are even doubled because I didn't even take them off a dugong Dunlin and Chidna Elan elephant elk emu ferret fisher Fox frog guar gazelle gecko gannett gerbil giant panda giraffe new goat gorilla Guanico guinea pig goal hamster hare hedgehog hermit crab hippopotamus hopes in horse hyena ibex ibis iguana impala jackal jaguar Jeroboa kangaroo kinkajou koala cod cod komodo dragon kookaburra kupre kudu Langer let's we limmer leopard lion lizard llama loris lynx MacKay Mammoth, I did have mammoth Mandrill margay Marmoset marmot meerkat mink mole mongoose monkey moose, which I don't know why I guess it's the same mouse newt Nilgai ocelot, you know what an ocelot is anybody know an ocelot is If you go to the Fort Worth Zoo, they got one Leper there you go. Good job. And then we have a copy on Scylla opossum orangutan Oryx otter ox Panther panda pig Pika polar bear pony porcupine prairie dog pug. Why is that pug and dog? Pugs like the worst and dog, okay rabbit raccoon Ram rat red deer red panda, which was there's been pan and red panda Come on reindeer or caribou rhinoceros sake salamander salmon sasabe serval sheep shrew siamang skink I don't know what a skink is versus skunk, but skipper skunk sloth snail snake Squirrel which again they had snake and Viper and different ones that I've mentioned already squirrel tamarind taper Tarse tarseer tiger toad topi turtle the Kenya vinegar own Viper wallaby water buffalo weasel wolf Wolverine wombat yak zebra It also gives you an insight a couple other things Adam naming the animals right that didn't even take me that long To get through a list and I believe that some of these are probably overlapped Because at the end of the day you say the Bible saying every kind of animal, okay It's not saying every species. It's saying every kind now when it comes to classification of animals Modern science has their own classification. They have domain Kingdom Phylum They have class Order Suborder They have family And then for sake of time over here genus and Then species, okay, and they all go They get even more specific as they go all the way down species is kind of the bottom level for the most part And when it comes to kind of animal a lot of times it's going to be more like the family rather than the species Okay, you have to understand when it comes to classifications, you know And the distinction according to the Bible is that everything brings forth after its own kind so they can mate Then it would be the same kind of animal meaning you wouldn't have to have Multiple dogs you wouldn't have to have multiple cats who wouldn't have to have multiple these other animals if they can breed Then they would be the same kind of animal But even from there even just the world if I'm just looking at these animals There's only about a hundred and seventy two of You know mammals amphibians reptiles an amphibian is basically You know able to be in water Reptiles are kind of in the water to some and then you have the mammals that are mostly land-dwelling Obviously these exceptions these of the few Exceptions that I think we're probably already covered, but I just included One was salamanders, which I remember reading on that list but one was Sicilians Sicilians are like blind Worms that look like snakes or something. Okay. I don't even know if they were necessarily on the ark but looking it up I guess worms can breathe Somehow air or something. I don't know. Maybe there was worms on the ark. I don't know. I don't really care I doubt it. They were probably just in the ground for that period of time. Okay other reptiles That I didn't clear it didn't include was a tuatara and Worm lizards, okay, which is that different than worms or lizards? I don't know. All right of the mammals a platypus opossums hyraxes Tasmanian devil Tasmanian wolf Are they really different enough to be a different kind though? I don't know. They probably are about the same numb bats marsupial moles bandicoots chipmunks and pakarana or Hakkas, okay. Now again, a lot of these rodents and marsupial type rodents and animals could have possibly just been two weasels and you know and the weasels are two Rodents of you know mice or something or basically reproducing all of these different Breeds, I mean is the squirrel even, you know possibly related to the weasel. We don't know. I don't know necessarily Okay, but I included both of them just to be safe right in these numbers When it came to insects Okay, only about 61. I'll give you a few on the list ant aphid back swimmer bat bug bed bug be beetle bug bumblebee butterfly caterpillar centipede cicada cock chafer cockroach Choreid bug cricket dragonfly earthworm earwig firefly flea fly grasshopper Lace wing green fly ground beetle grub horsefly lace bug ladybug leaf beetle leaf insect locust louse maggot Mantis mosquito moth Nima toad plant bug and they all plant bugs on scarab beetle snail snake fly spider stag beetle stink bug stonefly sucking louse Syrphid fly termite thrips by Sanura tick toad bug tree cricket walking stick wasp water scorpion water strider White fly again. Some of these are multiple beetle types. They could have been even less than that I don't even know bugs had to get on the ark, but they're not gonna take up that much that much space Okay, let's be honest now when it came to the birds again, you know, I came up about 292 I'm not gonna read all of them because I would just not be able to pronounce half of them at least Because there's just all kinds of variations but you look up these birds and they you know to the normal person who's not studied and a What is it a Volody or something and Aves and birds would not be able to tell the difference? I mean it'd be like one's a little bit blacker than the other one or one's like a red tail Versus a white tail or what? I mean to us we would just be like all birds look alike Okay, they say all Asians look alike. Well all birds look alike, okay And then of course we have a few different Animals mentioned in the Bible that I've already covered. So based on this list and I tried to be really conservative okay with our numbers With the things that we have let's try to figure out how many animals would have been on the ark a pretty conservative Estimate, okay based on the numbers that I gave you If we have this many we have to understand how many we have to multiply by because there was Not two of every animal some were seven so the clean right don't we went to the Deuteronomy chapter 14 go to Deuteronomy chapter 14 And let's try to figure out how many clean land animals would have been on the ark. Okay Deuteronomy chapter number 40 now, it's covered in Leviticus chapter number 11 as well It covers of the clean and the unclean beasts I think Deuteronomy 14 is a little bit clearer of a list for what we're looking at. But look at verse number three Thou should not eat any abominable thing. These are the beasts which he shall eat the ox the sheep and the goat the heart and the roebuck and the fallow deer and The wild goat and the pygarg and the wild ox and the sham wah, all right or the shammy Okay However, you want to say that and then it says this and every beast that part of the hoof and cleave it the cleft Into two claws and chew at the cut among the beasts that you shall eat now, how many animals do we count? Anybody got a number for me More than six Ox sheep goat heart roebuck fallow deer wild goat pygarg wild ox sham wah 10 yeah 10 but again Can we say with absolute certainty that the heart? Roebuck and fallow deer are all different kinds of animals. They could be the same kind Also, we can't say it's limited to 10 because maybe is another clean beast that we're not thinking of Basically what I did is I just decided about 12. I'm trying to be pretty conservative of clean beasts. Let's say we had about 12 How many you're supposed to have? Seven Okay, so this is our clean That would give us what 84 84 clean beasts right on the arc If the hundred and what I have a hundred and ninety two, I believe of the hunt I'm sorry of the hundred in I think I had included these differently We have a hundred and I had a hundred and seventy two. Okay, we have to minus 12. So that would give us a hundred and sixty Unclean Okay, but we're time using this by two how many we get Right and 20, all right So that would give us or produce for us what 404 That's about 404 land animals that are on the arc and when it comes to pairs again, it's a little bit different it's a hundred and seventy two Okay Now we also had 14 others, so I just want to make sure I got those so the other we had 14 They would have been times two There have been another 28 so we basically have a hundred and 86 as well as 432 so land dwelling animals including reptiles amphibians and mammals about 432 Also, we had of the birds, okay, this is basically our land animals Something goes moo. All right something goes tweet Alright of our birds I had 292 Now how many do we multiply this one by Seven yeah, exactly This one is gonna be a little bit bigger 2044 Now I think the 292 is probably a very generous number. I believe it could have been way lower. I'm just trying to Basically go about as high as you possibly can go based on the Bible narrative to get to these numbers. Okay, and Then of the insects, I don't know if you considered the clean versus the unclean I just went and gave them the clean because the Bible says there was clean insects I think they're all dirty, but you know God's right and I'm wrong. Okay. Look what it says in later in chapter 14 It says Let me find my place here Maybe it's in Leviticus 11 that I found that Yeah, every creeping thing that fly let's go back to Leviticus chapter number 11 real quick I Think gives us our list Look at the lillies chapter 11 verse number 21 Yet these may eat of every flying creeping thing that goes upon all four Which have legs above their feet to leap withal upon the earth even these of them you may eat the locusts after his kind and The bald locust after his kind and the beetle after his kind and the grasshopper after his kind But all other flying creeping things which have four feet shall be abomination unto you. Basically I have like Four mentioned but I'm you know, I think the locusts are basically the same so I gave him about three. Okay for the insects Three times seven gives us 21 plus we add I think 58 others 58 Times two will yield a hundred and sixteen Which will give us 137 insects. Okay, that's not hard to believe that there's probably more Okay, that just somehow would have gotten on there potentially and they can multiply very quickly So basically with our numbers we have about 432 land animals. We have about 2044 birds from a very very very conservative Estimate could they have fit on the earth could this number of animals fit on the earth? Well, if you remember our boat Okay, this is a crude boat it was 300 cubits by 50 cubits and Then another 30 cubits height Okay, which is 450 feet by 75 feet this would yield 33,750 square feet But it was three layered so it'd be times three Okay, so if we decide okay, let's say we're gonna put all the land animals on the bottom so we got land animals and then the next layer we got birds and The top we got food and Noah All right well if you divide the 33,750 by the number of Types of animals. Okay, so we're gonna assume we're gonna put all the sheep in one cage We're gonna put all the lions in one case. We're not gonna separate male and female here. Okay, they get to bunk with each other All right, we're not gonna separate married couples. Okay If we divide that by the hundred and eighty six now I want to make sure I get this one right because I think I mean something but You We get a hundred and eighty-one square feet her cage or the land animals That would be like a 10 by 18 cage and we're not even considering height here. Okay, we're just saying like just their own 10 by 18 square footage, but that wouldn't necessarily a lot for Walkways and other things like that, but you could even knock this down by quite a bit That's a lot of room for just you know, two sheep two dogs two cats I mean we're talking about a very considerable cage for them as far as the birds are concerned. Okay, that's a lot bigger number but if we Multipliers I divide this number again by the number of birds that would yield under them 116 square feet for the birds And here's another thing we're not considering you're not considering height Okay, it very well could have that in this arc, which is 30 cubits high which would be approximately 50 feet tall You're talking about 15 16 feet between decks. They could add some of these things stacked I mean, have you ever seen a chicken coop or have you ever seen any kind of bird thing? I mean, they're stacking cages of these animals. We're saying that birds seven birds would be in one cage That's a hundred and sixteen square feet each There's no way he would have built the cages that big it was obviously way smaller than that And then with the food and Noah, I mean, let's say he lived in a 3,000 square foot home I mean, he's got another 30,000 left around for food Very reasonable, you know It's not a hard stretch of the imagination to realize that they could have fit on this arc Okay, and we're going with very conservative numbers In total what would be our totals? Okay, because we have 432 plus 2044 we're talking 2476 animals and then 137 insects, okay Approximately. I think that's an extremely conservative estimate. I think there's probably way lower than that I think the guys that are saying a thousand or two thousand are very much in the ballpark of how many hours it could have Been a lot less when we come into those calculations now Other things that people will say about these numbers though because Ken Ham's number was you know, like fourteen thousand Which could have still conservatively fit on the arc actually when you consider how big the arc was but in the debate that Ken Ham had with Bill Nye, Bill Nye tried to make fun of the idea that From the time that the animals got off the arc This amount of animals to the amount of animals we see today would be impossible Okay, he's gonna claim and he made this claim in his his presentation Which I'm gonna come back over here and I'm gonna kind of illustrate his claim and Ken Ham sucks at debating so I figure I'll just go ahead and pick up his argument for him, but This is what Bill Nye said he said that Ken Ham was claiming that it's been about 4,000 years since the flood okay, and That there was about 7,000 kinds because he's saying there was 14,000 animals approximately 7,000 kinds of Animals and then he's saying today. This is what Bill Nye says he says there's 16 million species of animals Okay, and he's saying based on this numbers if you took the number of species that exist today and you divided it by 4,000 and Then you divided that by 365. So basically how many species would have to have come into existence every single day? He said that there would have to be 11 new species every single day And he's like you would go outside and you would see 11 new species of birds every single day Okay. Well first of all Let me let me explain the things that he's saying Even if it was 11 new species every day. This isn't only birds Okay, so even if you were gonna say that this was true it wouldn't be 11 new birds every single day It'd be 11 new species across all animals that exist But there's something that Bill Nye is Doing to pad his numbers that he didn't tell anybody and Ken Ham's too stupid, I guess to point out But there is not 16 Million species on the earth or anywhere close to that. You know, what's included in this number Bacteria And invertebrates and sea creatures and Everything. Okay. Now I looked up a couple different articles. They're not you know, Christian websites or anything like that How many animal species are there? Okay According to this website they claim that there's one point two five Million Species of animal. Okay, and then they're gonna tell you what this includes. Okay 950,000 of them are insects Okay then 70,000 are mollusks I Guess cuz every single one's like a snowflake. It's special or something, you know So special 40,000 are crustaceans You None of these are on the ark there may be some insects, okay, but again, I already point there's only 61 kinds Okay, approximately and then they say 300 130 thousand others. Okay, but when it comes to amphibians Reptiles birds and mammals. Okay, and I'm running out of room. So I'm gonna have to erase these days this date every once in a while There's five thousand seven hundred and forty three amphibians Eight thousand two hundred forty reptiles 9800 birds I've seen a new estimate as 11,000 and then five thousand four hundred and sixteen mammals. So basically nineteen thousand 399 Animals like we think of like land animals Okay, and then they're claiming 9800 birds, which will say eleven thousand because that's the other article It was a Wikipedia article with literally a list of all the birds and it was eleven thousand on them So I'll take their number over that now That's a little bit different than this 16 million number that Bill Nye is coming up with the disprove the ark But you know why because Bill Nye is an idiot and he's not even a real scientist. He's like an engineer or something He's not even a legitimate Biologist or you know an accredited scientist in one of these fields He's just like an engineer or something that had a TV show that was stupid. Okay But if we take the real numbers Okay, if we take the number of land animal species and birds that exist today and we do the same calculation that Bill Nye did okay Now you have to think about this. This is how many they exist in totality Of of these you would basically have to have and this I did to 11,000 Okay, but let's just I'm using the same line here if 11,000 bird species exist and we're going back to the flood Which was actually four thousand six hundred and fifty years ago a little off there That would mean there was two point three six new species of bird Every year And that's a little bit different number Than what he's saying eleven new species every single day No, there was about two point three new species of bird every single year Since the flood now, that's a pretty reasonable number. That's something that could actually make sense and fall in line When it comes to mammals reptiles and amphibians it varies from one point one six one point two three and one point seven seven new species of Mammals reptiles and amphibians every single year now again This is not saying that there is a new kind of elephant every single year It's saying of all the animals that I mentioned they would come up with a new Species of one of those or two of those at most every single year So it could be like a new type of lizard the green lizard as opposed to the red lizard. Okay one year I mean very reasonable numbers very reasonable statistics now, let's think about this. Is that really even possible? Well, let's think about dogs for a second. Okay. I know you all love dogs in here, right? Zip no dogs allowed on the sticker over there, right? I'm talking spiritually and Physically, I don't want them but according to the American Kennel Club. Okay, according to the American Kennel Club And I don't give you a lot of numbers but some people like numbers all right, it's in the book It's in the Bible. Okay the book of the Bible there's a hundred and ninety-five breeds a dog according to the American Kennel Association and 79 additional seeking to be recognized as legitimate dog breeds But they claim you know as if you study history on dogs really dog breeding really came into existence about 1850s or the mid 19th century Meaning and only about a hundred and fifty years or a hundred and seventy years We have well over that number of dog breeds that exist So that's about one per year of a very specific species of animal We're not even talking about all of the mammals of all their different variations We're talking about one specifically is literally coming up with a new breed virtually every single year for the last hundred and fifty 170 years so is that reasonable? It's already happening Through selective breeding of dogs. That's how you get the Chihuahua and the pug Okay, and all the other animals that exist today, and so it's not unreasonable to You know look at these numbers and think you they they get so mad and they say you really think That we have the 11,000 species of birds today from 4,000 years ago Off of Noah's Ark There's really like seven that were existent, and I'm like you think that birds came from dinosaurs a billion years ago and Then you think that came from a rock? How is that more scientific? How is that better understanding of the world that we live in and here's nothing they've never seen animals Evolve or change from one kind of an animal to another it's never happened now look I believe and Agree with the definition of evolution if you look it up on Wikipedia as far as its very beginning definition Let me read for you evolution is change and heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations So it's saying some of the characteristics that you inherit from your parents change over generations. I Agree says these characteristics are the expressions of genes that are passed on from parent offspring during reproduction Agree with that different characteristics tend to exist within given population a result of mutation genetic recombination or other sources of genetic variation still agree evolution occurs when evolutionary processes such as natural selection and Genetic drift act on this variation resulting in certain characteristics becoming more common or rare within a population It is a process of evolution that has given rise to biodiversity at every level of biological organization including the levels of species individual organisms and molecules I Agree with all of that They're saying hey Different kinds of animals have genetic variation and they form different kinds of species over time through natural selection That's witnessed by everybody dog breeds instantly proves that no one disagrees The problem is they go beyond this definition and they start saying that well Also macro evolution We believe in that which means that different kinds of animals change into different kinds of animals like a dinosaur becoming a chicken okay, or You know a rock turning into a single-celled organism and that single-celled organism turning into a fish and then that fish Getting legs and then those legs, you know turning into Gorilla and then a man and then we have today that is not what this is saying That's different that's a different kind of Definition of evolution and really the who's the father of evolution Charles Darwin Charles Darwin did not observe kinds of animals changing guys, you know Charles Darwin did he went to the Galapagos Islands and he saw different kinds of finches with different kinds of beak sizes That's what he that's what he witnessed Okay Look it up Darwin's finches ones had big beaks one had small beaks and based on this he came up with the concepts of evolution which he's Observing that these different birds mate with each other and they produce different characteristics some are beneficial some are not as beneficial Long beaks can be beneficial in certain cases short beaks the middle beaks They kind of just were screwed right lukewarm and you just fuse the other mouth, right? But here's what's interesting about all this, okay We're talking about different kinds of animals evolution these type of things Well based on the theory of evolution and all these different things he wrote a book Here's Charles Darwin's book on the origin of species by means of natural selection So he's saying where'd all these species come from they come from natural selection, which I agree with But then this is the rest of that title because I didn't finish he said or the preservation of favored Races and the struggle for life You know what? He did he equates species to another word race race now if Macro evolution was true. Okay, and we have to understand what what they're saying Macro evolution says that different kinds of animals transform into other kinds of animals and then the stronger animals kill the weaker Animals through the process of natural selection and that's just life. Okay Well, then if species is equivalent to race, what is he saying about mankind? That the difference between you and me is a completely different species Different race and that there's no problem in eliminating inferior species or inferior races They say I don't know if that's the conclusions that they would come up with Well, here's a quote from Charles Darwin and the descent of man at some future period Not very distant as measured by centuries the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world Hey, you want to know where race comes from? evolution You know where it doesn't come from the Bible Because if I look at different birds with different beaks and say oh, they're different kinds of species Then what's the difference me getting 10 men lined up here and say well the tall ones are different species than the short ones Or The ones that have hair are different than the ones that don't have hair or the ones that have blue eyes are different the ones that have brown eyes or As the world likes to say well what has dark skin and the other one has light skin Or one eyes are taller and wider and some are more slanty. I'd oh That sounds racist. No, it's just reality and Is a stupid and an infantiles it would be for me to make all these distinctions? Between all these different men is the same to make them between the animals look everything produces after zone kind You know why we're all the same because we can all reproduce. It doesn't matter what color skin. You are they can all reproduce That might trigger a lot of white supremacist But you know what black men can be with a white woman, and they produce a in the middle of the road child mulatto Okay Look at tiger. He's like every race mixed together He's like Asian and black and white and all of them and even your your favorite person Obama Obama's like his dad's like darkest night, and his mom's white as snow Obama Okay, the reality is it's the same kind race is a made-up ill-conceived idea That the world wants to propagate and you know everybody's getting cancelled when is Charles Darwin gonna get cancelled When is macro evolution gonna get cancelled one of these evolutionary by you know biology is gonna get canceled You know it was responsible for the apartheid. Oh Yeah, where they segregated blacks and whites by saying that different people were inferior to other people based on evolution Based on Charles Darwin's idea based on the same thing that Hitler used to classify different people as being inferior or superior Based on race, which is not the Bible It's not biblical it has no basis in reality and the same people that will tell you that it's wrong to be Racist or the same people that say oh, we're all evolved from a rock If we're all evolved from a rock why is racism even wrong They're inconsistent with their own ideology Why cuz they're hypocrites, that's why you know God's not a racist go if you go to 2nd Peter chapter number 3 Go to 2nd Peter chapter number 3 The same people that want to scream racism are the same people Everything that they see are the same people that will reject everything I just taught you they'll reject that there's different kinds of animals and that we're all the same kind you know Why is it that there's something wrong with discriminating against another person? If they're truly an inferior species That's what they're teaching. That's what they taught. That's what Charles Darwin taught You know why it's because they have the law of God written in their heart And we all know it's wicked to discriminate against another person just based on their skin color or just based on who they are You know I thought that their great hero of the faith Martin Luther King He wanted people to be judged on the content of their character Not on the color of their skin yet in our world today if you're a white person you're automatically a racist bigoted hateful person and If you're of color you can't even be racist apparently you know you can't even you know It's impossible for them to hate other races or anything like that Which is just stupid because race doesn't exist we should stop looking at people at race You know the classification in the Bible is saved and unsaved Hey, you know when it came to the ark it wasn't like a certain race got saved It was the saved and the unsaved the saved got saved and the unsaved died They were eliminated And you know what is the same things gonna happen in the future look at second Peter chapter number three You want to know why Bill Nye's arguments suck? Because he's willingly stupid Look at verse number three knowing this verse that this would come the last day's Scoppers walking up to their own lust and saying where's the promise of his coming since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they Were from the beginning of the creation for this they willingly are ignorant of that by the word of God the heavens were of old And the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished But the Evans and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and Perdition of ungodly men you want to know why they want to forget the flood because the floods a picture of something is a picture of judgment and To acknowledge the flood is to acknowledge. They're gonna be judged by God So they use anything in every kind of excuse to try to attack Noah's ark to attack the Bible Yet, they're hypocrites about it because they love to embrace the fact that we're all one kind don't they I mean being a racist is Like the worst thing imaginable today, I mean you'll get your job canceled everybody will hate on you I mean the worst thing imaginable is being a racist yet. They don't want to believe in kinds anymore Well, you know what kinds are real Racism is wrong But why don't you then embrace the flood? Why don't you embrace Noah's ark? Oh, yeah, because it reminds them the fact they're gonna be judged by God That's why and so they have to come up with new lies and new slogans And we don't need to go to the world and ask them if it's okay to believe the Bible today because they're not gonna believe it Well, but what if we prove it to them with science they already rejected science They already rejected knowledge, you know, even if I showed Bill Nye these numbers which are all provable. He's not gonna believe in it He's not gonna accept it even though I could disprove every single argument. He gave he's never gonna believe it And you know what faith doesn't come by science, you know falsely so-called Faith doesn't come by me. Just giving you hot air from my own personal opinion You know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God We need to go out and preach the Word of God and to preach the Bible and I'm not gonna fall all over myself To try and convince an atheist why Noah's ark exists. I'm sorry. They're never gonna accept it They're never going to believe in it. They already rejected it How many times I have to show you that they're hypocrites before you believe me you need to do preach the gospel And Noah's ark it was about the gospel of Jesus Christ And when we think about the judgment that's coming we need to realize the only people are gonna get saved are the ones that go through the door We want to convince them to come through the door. Not how many animals are on the other side of it. All right Let's close in prayer. Thank you father so much for your word. Thank you for this great story of Noah and the salvation that you give us I Pray that we'd be reminded of the judgment that's coming for the wicked and That they're not gonna get away with anything that they've done anything they've said any persecution or harm that they've done it to God's people will be recompensed in some day and That understanding your judgment. I pray that we would be Motivated that we realize the importance was going out and preaching the gospel to save as many people's that we possibly can and the importance Of being righteous like Noah so that we can be reserved through your judgment in Jesus name we pray. Amen All right for our last song we'll go to song 314 more love to thee song 314 more love to thee That's song three one four more love to thee More love to thee. Oh Christ more love to thee Here thou the prayer I make on bended knee This is my earnest plea more love Oh Christ to thee more love to thee More love to thee What's earthly joy I crave sawed peace and rest Now the Alone I seek give what is best This all my prayer shall be more love Oh Christ to thee more love to thee More love to thee Let sorrow do its work send grief and pain Sweet are thy messengers sweet their refrain When They can sing with me more Love Oh Christ to thee more love to thee More love to thee on the last then shall my latest breath whisper thy praise This be the parting cry my heart shall raise This still its prayer shall be more Love Oh Christ to thee more love to thee More love to thee good singing you are dismissed god bless