(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Genesis chapter 5 makes an interesting break in our story line where we were kind of understanding all the different elements of creation And we have Adam and Eve and then we have Cain and Abel and then a very tail end of chapter number four were introduced to another seed to another lineage of Seth and Then chapter number five it says in verse number one says this is the book of the generations of Adam now That's kind of an interesting statement later I'm gonna try and explain what I think about that, but we have generations And it's basically you know all the different lineages that we have of Adam it says in the next phrase in the day that God created man in the likeness of God made he him Bible says in verse 2 male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name Adam in the day when they were Created so we have really great doctrine just laid out here in verses number one and two It's gonna tell us about Adam and the Bible reiterates this fact that Adam was created in the likeness of God God created man in his image, and then he created Females in the image of man, but I like this statement. It says and he called their name Adam we see that the woman was associated with her husband they become one flesh and the dominating Person in this relationship is the man he calls their name Adam and you know in our culture today We still have something very similar where a woman will take her husband's last name And they're basically the Shelley's you know people say hey the Shelley's you know you could be referring to me and my wife Even though that's my name. She never had that name until she ended up marrying me and so she takes on my Name and really this is just the way that God is orchestrated and created the foundation of the entire Bible let me reiterate this fact go to Genesis chapter 1 back and look at verse 26 again The Bible says in God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the Sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over the all the earth and over every creeping thing that creep Upon the earth so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female Created he them so every time it's reiterating the fact that God created the man in his image The man is in the likeness of God go if you went in the New Testament of 1st, Timothy chapter number 2 1st, Timothy chapter number 2 and if God made the man in his image in the woman is made in the image of the man that tells me that God is Masculine that God in fact when we specifically talk about the Lord Jesus Christ is a man Look what it says in 1st Timothy chapter number 2 verse number 5 for there is one God and one Mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus so the Bible clearly tells us Jesus Christ was a man We understand that God gave his only son You know God is you know giving us his image, and you know the Bible tells us about Jesus Christ That is the express image of his person So don't tell me that God is not a man You know in the sense that he's masculine obviously is now obviously God is a spirit So we understand that God the Father and Jesus Christ are not identical in that regard Because Jesus Christ is the God man And he was born and you know like made like unto sinful flesh like us whereas God the Father is a spirit But we understand that he's still Masculine he's still a man in that regard when it comes to his identity go go to Matthew 23 Matthew 23 now God the Father you know he's not flesh and blood he's not Mankind and so there is verses in the Bible to say God's not a man that he should lie Neither the Son of Man that he should repent and basically that's just telling us that God is divine He's different than mankind mankind can lie Mankind can change his mind and do different things you know he can make mistakes But God can't you know the Bible tells us God cannot lie, and God's not like us in that regard But he is a man look what it says in Matthew 23 Matthew 23 and let's look at verse number 9 the Bible says and call no man your father upon the earth For one is your father Which is in heaven so God is you know referred to as the father and specifically know that as the person God the Father And that's his name. That's who he is you know when Jesus Christ prays in John chapter number 17 He says Heavenly Father okay, and so we always have a masculine name or pronoun Associated with God because that's who he is okay. He made man in his image. Okay in the image of God created he him okay now go if you went to Genesis Go back to Genesis and keep your finger in the New Testament goes back to Genesis And I'll show you another one. I should have gone there earlier But the Bible hammers this point that God is masculine that man was created in his image And so we don't want to have a weird concept of who God is today and really honestly It's sad, but this is being attacked today the fact that God is male There's a man is masculine and that men are in the image of God is under severe attack with all this gender confusion and this transgender Nonsense and all kinds of modern Bibles, and it's no new thing under the Sun There's always been an attack on who God is and the fact that there's male and female And that men are made in the image of God and female are made in the image of man This has been a doctrine that's been constantly attacked, and we need to go back to the fundamentals We're a fundamental Baptist Church, and we believe that the men are created in God's image look at what it says in verse 6 Genesis 9 verse 6 who shows shed with man's blood by man shows blood be shed for in the image of God Made he man so notice in God's image. He made man Okay, go back to 1st Corinthians chapter number 11. Go back to 1st Corinthians chapter number 11 Now when it comes to people preaching false doctrine in this regard It's too much to even mention just a minute amount of the false teaching that is in this area And so really it's best to just know what the Bible says But I am going to point out a few things that I've seen online and a few things that I've heard But the modern Bibles attack the fact that you know there's this distinction between male and female There's this distinction between men and women and that men are in the image of God and that we have the man Christ Jesus And that it's God the Father. It's not God the mother you know, but you would say that's that seems obvious Well, it's not obvious to some people. It's not obviously then saved It's not obvious to the reprobate today look at 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse 7 for a man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the image and Glory of God, but the woman is the glory of the man So the Bible makes it very clear that you know a man is in the image of God And it's funny these people that attack this doctrine They love to pontificate about letting people know what your pronouns are It's like God already told us what all those pronouns are Why why don't you respect the pronouns that he gave us when he says he and him and God and it's the man And it's the father they just want to attack that and put confusion out there to attack God because they want to corrupt God and make him into an image made like to corrupt a woman But he's not like corruptible man. Look we went to Psalms chapter number 8 go to Psalms chapter number 8 and Let me show you an example of this now in the new revised standard version, okay in the new revised standard version in 1989 when this Bible version came out one of its goals was to be more inclusive of Various genders, you know various types or whatever That's one of its goals and these modern Bibles do this stuff all over but let's read Psalms 8 verse number 4 the Bible says What is man but thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visit is him It's a very clear verse. It's just basically, you know, what is a man you know, it's mankind and you know What's the son of man, you know, basically showing how insignificant we are in God's creation from our perspective Why would God, you know pay so much attention to us, you know, why is God, you know? Even allow us to have dominion over this entire earth and dominion over all the beasts of the field and all these things It's a very humbling verse. Let me read in the NRSV sounds like a STD if you ask me Says what are human beings? That you are mindful of them mortals that you care for them And you know, this is the type of language they use throughout the whole Bible human beings, you know Because they want to make it more understandable and more inclusive You know, I don't feel very included when it says human beings It feels like a very weird abstract term man feels a little bit more comfortable to me I would think even women would say hey man sounds a little bit more comfortable than human beings You know, this is weird scientific term. It's not very poetic to say the least Okay, but that's just a microcosm you say oh, that's not that bad Okay, but here's the problem. It's just the gateway to open up to even worse filth and abomination Okay, and really these modern versions and anything that you see in the world today the devil starts off slow But then he starts building up steam and then it gets to a point of ridiculousness You know, I feel like in our country, you know ten years ago Preaching against all the evils and the wicked of this world, you know people that would preach against those things we're looked at as being crazy or very bombastic, you know over-the-top Exaggerative but I think the last ten years have proven that Most of that preaching was probably even not even to the scale of the weirdness that we've seen today You know and I think that even today it preaching right now We probably can't even anticipate how weird and evil and wicked our world's gonna be in the next ten years. I mean it's Exponentially growing at a rate that we would just mock at you know to say I used to think you know Oh two plus two doesn't equal four, you know, they're gonna start saying that you know, it's like they do It's like what, you know, the insanity has reached such a level. It's crazy to think where it could go It's crazy to think how much further the degeneracy could go downhill But I'm telling you it can't and I'm telling you it probably will it's not going in the right direction But I looked up online. I you know, I looked at lots of different resources Wikipedia has a web page called the gender of God or gender of God, you know And Wikipedia is a pretty prominent website as far as in search results If you search for anything if you say like what is the gender of guys one of the top results? this is what Wikipedia says and Wikipedia when it's defining who God is it breaks it up in different categories. It says well, here's how Jews view God Here's how Islam views God and here's how these different religions Well, this is what it says in the Christian section. Okay. So this is what they say Christians view God as It says God ultimately transcends the human concept of sex and is neither man nor woman. He is God But say he's not anything, you know, he's just this androgynous being or whatever Then I looked at another article. It's not Wikipedia but a separate article and this lady was talking about how her female pastor there is strike one and Her sermon recently she preached and she was doing a prayer and she prayed and she says dear God our father and mother and Look, this is a one example of a micro look. This is happening all over I already preached against Robert Morris the false prophet from Gateway. That's not even that far as in South Lake It's one of the largest churches in the world Okay, it's one of the largest churches and he got up and he said oh God is male and female You know, the perfect picture of God is the man and the woman that's his image is this weird, you know Either androgynous view or this view where he's both or there's just all this confusion today and it's coming from modern versions It's coming from the devil mind you it's coming from a wicked agenda To try and create all this confusion and try to say all male female. That's a that's a human construct That's something that we made up That's something that mankind just developed. No, no, I didn't develop any of it. God already delivered it to it God already gave it to us. Okay, and they're gonna want to get rid of it because I've even seen in, California There was recent article saying that they're trying to pass legislation I don't know how far it is and how much has been passed or not yet But it's definitely been written up to make all online retailers make it illegal if they have a certain threshold of employees and everything like this for them to Identify toys or clothing as male or female and I think it was like if they have 500 employees or more their stores Cannot put like this is a boy toy or a girl toy or female clothing So, you know undergarments I mean undergarments cannot be labeled as this is a man's garment or a woman's garment or anything and It can't even be distinguishable down the aisles You know just complete and if you violate it, they'll penalize you they'll sue you you'll get fines So, you know all the companies even if they weren't already a hundred percent on board They're gonna feel compelled to go on board and you whatever happens in California happens in Texas ten years after all They all of them come over here. And so, you know, who knows what's gonna happen in the future but I I want to Take a minute and talk about a new version I've never heard of this version before but there's a Bible version It's called good as new Okay, it's as good as trash if you ask me and you don't even know yet You know, it doesn't seem like it's necessarily super popular, but I found lots of articles about it the author's name was John Henson, okay, and he titled it good as new a Radical retelling of the scriptures and radical is not an is not an understatement. Okay? Now when it comes to this gender confusion It says this that the version includes inclusive language gender neutral language is used for God Eliminating the sexist father. So now he's calling God the father sexist Okay, and also for Jesus the male-oriented son of man becomes the complete person So no longer is Jesus Christ the son of man in the in this, you know trash that they want to claim his scripture They call him the complete person and then it says Yet on the basis of mere grammatical gender Henson argues that the Spirit of God should be represented as a feminine person So they also make the Holy Ghost feminine, which is also false because he's a he okay He will approve the world of sin better get that right But this this Bible version if you won't even call it that okay, it makes the message seem like the Word of God It's so bad. Okay. It's so awful and wicked what they do to it, but this John Henson He got an endorsement from the Archbishop of Canterbury It's written in 2004 and you know, it's kind of like maybe within Catholic circles or other that other things like that But even the Times of London printed articles about this version and they and I'm gonna censor some of the wording and it uses just because it's so Bad but this is what the Times of London wrote about this version it said st. Paul's notorious condemnations of sodomite, you know relations are deleted and Christians are told to go out and have more carnal relations it literally gets rid of sodomy and fornication and then Encourages you to commit fornication Okay, that's what the Times said about it, that's not what I said about it That's not what the author said about this was that an independent just news report, you know The Times of London said which I'm sure they're real Baptist, you know, and and their beliefs and everything like that another Basically quote from it says it turns st. Paul's strictures which just means restrictions Against fornication on their head. That's a direct quote. It just turns on his head and You know, it's developed by just these wicked people It changes the name of a lot of the people in the Bible. I don't know why they want to make it modern Okay, so they feel like the names of the Bible are kind of archaic. So st. Peter becomes rocky Okay, so he's rock Mary Magdalene becomes Maggie Aaron becomes Ron and Tronicus becomes Andy Barabbas becomes Barry He says anybody that's demon-possessed It just has a mental illness and then the Son of Man as I said earlier is described as the complete person So they're really trying to help you, you know parables are now riddles to baptize is to dip Okay, he salvation is healing or completeness and heaven Becomes the world beyond time and space It's just insane what people are doing now, let me give you some examples of this Okay, go to mark chapter one. You can read this with me go to mark chapter number one Salvation becomes healing, you know And of course they want to just make everything physical and make it a lifestyle and you know, this thing teaches work salvation It teaches everything bad you could ever imagine and you say why preach about this? Well, here's the reality This is what our world is becoming and this is what Christianity is becoming where it's no longer Oh, this is the Word of God without error but rather oh well Just kind of make it up as it goes and the Bible is just a living document and we just keep making Amendments to it like the Constitution where eventually the Constitution's just negated You know in our country and the Bible is basically negated and everything's just flipped upside down and you know the Bible already warned that they're gonna call good evil and evil good and It's literally happening before our eyes But look at Mark chapter 1 verse 4 the Bible reads John did baptize in the wilderness and preach the baptism of repentance For their mission of sins great verse. Here's what this version says John nicknamed the dipper Was the voice? He was in the desert inviting people to be dipped to show that they were Determined to change their ways and wanted to be forgiven So that's also teaching work salvation the dipper, you know, it's it's a Baptist Church, okay We're not going into the dipper denomination. All right go to Mark chapter 1 verse 10 and straight way Coming up out of the water He saw the heavens open and the spirit like a dove descending upon him and there came a voice from heaven saying thou art my beloved Son whom I'm well pleased Here's what this version says as he was climbing up the bank again The Sun shone through a gap in the clouds at the same time a pigeon flew down and perched on him Jesus took this as a sign that God's Spirit was with him a voice from overhead was heard saying that's my boy You're doing fine How blasphemous can see I mean it takes away Baptism by immersion it takes out the Holy Ghost it even takes out the fact that God the Father is literally Giving his endorsement of the Sun. It's just this random voice and you know Jesus just kind of thinks that God's with them or whatever. It's so blasphemous. It's so wicked It's so obvious go to Matthew 23 you go backwards. You're almost there. Just Matthew 23 and look at verse 25 this thing is bizarre and Look whenever you open the door of confusion in any area it just change it just taints everything When you can't even decide that God's you know Made man in his image and that females are different than men and that females are in the glory of the man Then guess what? Nothing makes sense. Nothing is real anymore There's no foundation if the foundations be destroyed What can the righteous do if you don't even know 2 plus 2 equals 4? How can you understand anything today? And you know what? They're destroying everything Matthew 23 look at verse 25. Whoa, and you scribes and Pharisees Hypocrites here's the new version take a running jump. Holy Joe's humbugs Go if you went to Matthew 26 Matthew 26, what in the world? Look this is like what the world's gonna do to the Bible and you know How can anybody understand this junk this foolishness this nonsense today? And you know, it's funny to me I wonder if the liberal Christians would at least admit that this isn't the Bible You know, it's like at what point does it have to be so bad for you to say? Okay, that's not the Bible anymore. Or yeah, that's not the Word of God anymore I mean is this one not the Word of God? I mean if that one's not the Word of God, where do we draw the line? You know, I draw the line every word Where Jesus drew the line that man does not live by bread alone, but by every Word of God Look at Matthew 26 verse 69 now Peter sat without in the palace and a damsel came on him saying thou also us With Jesus of Galilee, but he denied before them all saying I know not what thou sayest. Here's the other version Meanwhile Rocky was sitting in the courtyard a woman came up to him and said haven't I seen you a Jesus the hero from Galilee? Rocky shook his head and said, I don't know what the blank you're talking about Go to 1st Corinthians 7 and I'll show you like just a few more examples of this This is how bad it gets and look when you start tearing down at the very basic foundations It's just the weird factor just goes to an infinity exponential possibilities for weirdness and junk and and just insanity You know that they say oh, well, it's not that big a deal to put inclusive language like we did in the NRSV Okay, well then where's the line are you gonna go this nonsense You know They just like to open up the door and then it takes you way further than you wanted to go first Corinthians 7 verse 1 the Bible reads Now concerning the things where have you wrote to me? It is good for a man not to touch a woman Nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband Here's what the other version says some of you think the best way to cope with Carnal relations is for men and women to keep right away from each other That is more likely to lead to carnal offenses. My advice is for everyone to have a regular partner So it literally changes to Abstain from fornication and to get married to just saying just have a regular partner That'll that'll be better for you. It says in verse number 7 and 8 in the King James it says I say therefore to them unmarried and widows It is good for them if they abide even as I but if they cannot contain let them marry for it is better to marry than to burn The other version says if you know, you have strong needs get yourself a partner Better than being frustrated. It's just sick go to Romans chapter 1 go to Romans chapter 1 And it's obvious that these things have an agenda You know, you wonder like who would tamper with the Bible who would tamper with the Word of God, you know They are they're called reprobates They hate the truth they hate God's Word and you know, of course if they're gonna X anything out of the Bible I wonder what they're gonna X out. Oh, yeah Things about them things about them being sodomites and wicked and evil and reprobate, you know Just like that Helen. What is it? Like Mullen cough or something the dyke that was on the NIV committee? She said there's nothing in the Bible against sodomy or homosexuality nothing. Oh I'm shocked that the NIV, you know Makes a liberal provision in all of those areas of the Bible this one. It doesn't even make liberal provision It's just so bad look at verse 26 and 7 for this cause God gave them up into vile affections for even their women to change the natural use into that which is against nature and Likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lusts one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and Receiving in themselves that recompense of their air which is me so the Bible makes it clear these sodomites They the reason why they're doing the thing that they're doing is because God gave them up You say why did God give them up because they changed the truth of God into a lie Because they hate God they don't retain them in their knowledge. Just the Bible makes it very clear What does this version say? for verses 26 and 27 God let them go on to pursue their selfish desires Women use their charms to further their own ends men instead of being friends ruthlessly exploit one another This is gone They just took everything away from it not only that not only they screw up these verses this version omits first and second Timothy Titus second Peter second and third John Jude and the book of Revelation But to make up for that they added the Gospel of Thomas I didn't even know the Gospel of Thomas was as bad as it is But I'm gonna read you an excerpt for that. You don't you can't follow along because it's trash. Okay, and And this is their justification for adding the Gospel of Thomas It's a return to the selection of books which were held in the highest esteem by the early church in the first two centuries Well, it sounds like a bad church if you ask me, I don't even know if that's accurate This is what he says in the Gospel of Thomas. He took the Gospel of Thomas He added it but then he had to change the Gospel of Thomas now I don't even know why I had to change it because the Gospel of Thomas is so bad And I don't know you can pick whichever is worse. I don't know. It's just it's horrible. But again, it goes to the This idea of this weird gender confusion, okay This is a quote from the Gospel of Thomas Simon Peter said and said to them let Mary leave us for women are not worthy of life Jesus said I myself shall lead her in order to make her male so that she too may become a living spirit resembling males For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven It sounds like Peter Ruckman version or something. I don't know What in the world that's the original okay Now he updated the very end the tail end where it said for every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven this is what this new version says every woman who insists on Equality with men is fit to be a citizen in God's new world Talk about the feminist New World Order that we're talking about Hey, you have to be you have to insist on equality with men talk about a feminist agenda The and if you don't you're not suitable for a citizenship and the new order. Okay the new world. Oh, I'm shocked Now let me tell you a little information about John Henson, he's a retired Baptist minister What in the world You know why he's he's he's also obviously a faggot when you look up all his information, which I'm shocked okay But there's all kinds of other weird information. I'm gonna read a few other things in here, but he got this you know Recommendation after someone read this trash and then literally recommended endorsed it some Anglican bishop because he must be a sodomite pedophile Freak okay, and he wants it to create some kind of revolution Well another person this guy named Richard Holloway or no, I think this is the Anglican bishop. Okay. He wrote about this book. This is what he said about the book Holy goes on to explain that unsustainable prejudices Persist in the church because some people continue to treat the Bible as a law book for all generations Yeah, I do It it per it's without time, you know, there's it's timeless Is what he says among these prejudices are taboo against women holding sacred office and the various strictures against carnality in the Bible including homophobia our response to these Unenlightened prejudices should be allowing the living scripture of our own experience to challenge the dead letter of the written law You know he's saying he's saying that your experiences are literal scripture that can triumph The Bible that can triumph the Word of God today. That's what he's literally saying He's saying acknowledging that it witnesses to an earlier no longer Appropriate attitude to human relationships. So he says the Bible is no longer appropriate How we see man and women You know how we see sodomy and fornication and just everything in the Bible. It's no longer appropriate We have to change with the times. We have to allow the world and our human experiences to tell us what the living scriptures are Today, you know what? This is the spirit of the Antichrist that is gonna permeate all of the world God is gonna send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie and I'm telling you, you know I'm not gonna stop kicking the modern versions into the trash. I'm not gonna stop burning them people get so offended When I go down to pure words and I burn the New Living Translation and I burn the NIV You're like it contains some of the Word of God Look the whole the thing is a whole is trash because a little 11 11 at the whole lump And I'm not gonna sit here and try and figure out which parts are or not I'm just gonna burn it and hand you a king games Bible Hey We're not going out just trying to burn Bibles we're replacing them We're deprecating them and look they've been, you know, replacing manuscripts all throughout history. There's no problem in destroying an old manuscript It's not like the physical parchment is anything special It's the words that we're preserving today and if the words are what's special Something that changes alters and destroys it or tampers with it should be destroyed It's trash it's garbage today, okay Now this this is where it gets even worse This is the author of the book. This is his conclusion. Okay, he says in the introduction of his book This is his introduction, but it's basically his conclusions about the Bible He says names Henson. He says Henson maintains that Jesus never warned anyone To avoid the wide and easy way that leads to destruction Matthew 7 13 at that point in the text He sees a favorable or a favorite picture of the Pharisees which Jesus quotes in order to refute it Henson explains that the church has completely misunderstood Jesus It is the wide and easy way that leads to life while the narrow gate spoken of by Jesus is the way to death He literally just flips the scripture on his head he's trying to lead as many people in the hell with him as possible He's just like the devil go back if you would to Genesis chapter number five go back to Genesis chapter five You know these first these first three verses. I'm glad God contained them in this Chapter so that we could get this great doctrine just hammered and you know for some people they need it Two three four five six times mentioned in the Bible. It should take once But if you have it five six times in the Bible just God made man in his image. We need to believe that doctrine It's a foundational doctrine it's found in Genesis 1 it's repeated in Genesis chapter number 5 It's repeated in Genesis chapter number 9. It's all throughout the New Testament God's constantly referred to as the Father It's always a he look that's an important doctrine to establish and to get deep down into your hearts that Men are created in the image of God Okay, look at verse number 3 and Adam lived a hundred and thirty years and begat a son in his own likeness after his image And called his name Seth now just as foolish is it would be to read that verse and then say Oh Seth is a man, but Adams not is It then say that Adam is also a man, but God is not okay and obviously in the sense of you know gender or in the sense of Masculinity obviously we understand God is a divine being and mankind is different than that But we understand God said he made him in his image. That's what he looks like Okay, just like you don't look like a panda bear or a chimpanzee. Sorry evolutionists. I don't look like a monkey Maybe you will when you're burning in hell, but you know what? I don't look like an ape I haven't evolved from birds. I haven't evolved from a rock or any of that kind of trash. No, I'm in the image of God And you know what women are in the image of the man That's what the Bible clearly teaches and just like Seth look like Adam Adam looked like God Adam looked like Jesus Christ. Okay. Now it says in verse number four and the days of Adam after you begotten Seth were 800 years and he begat sons and daughters now I want to point a few things out and then I have a chart that I want to kind of show you on some of this but Notice that it goes from Adam to Seth Now is Seth the firstborn of Adam? No And that's because what you have to understand is the Bible does not give every single detail of everything that's ever happened The Bible only gives you Specific information. Okay. Why would he give us specific information? Well one one point of this is the fact that it's all we need. Okay. We only need specific details Number one number two is everything in the Bible is about Jesus Christ Okay, and so some details that really don't add any significance to Jesus Christ or who he is or the gospel Narrative aren't included. So we have to understand is all the details that are included are really striving to something very specific Jesus Christ and the gospel and God's Word, you know, it's all about Jesus Christ and so nothing in the Bible is accidental Incidental or coincidental either so whatever reading something you think was boring Stop boring. It's very specific to the gospel It's very needed for the gospel and understanding all kinds of different parts of the Bible God didn't just say you know what? Let's just throw in a bunch of genealogies for fun Let's just throw some generations in here just because it sounds cool. No, there's a very specific reason why they're included and every Genealogy has an importance of why it's included Every detail in the Bible is important is put in here for a very specific reason now you say do you understand all of them? No But I do know that it's there, you know, I read stuff in my Bible and I think there's something special about there's a reason Why that's there. I have no idea and you know what I do. Just keep reading But then that triggers some of my brain and then later Sometimes I'll come back to it and I'll be like, oh wow. All right, you read it again you read it again That's where the beauty of the Bible is You can read it over and over and over and then you get more and more detail More and more of these things start making sense more and more of these things fit together Like a glove and it starts illuminating new scripture and new understanding to you You know, you can keep reading the Bible and you feel like you know, you know less than you did the first time As you read it you're like I still feel like I understand nothing in comparison to how much information there is to be learned or Studied it's the unsearchable riches of Christ and you know when it comes to these genealogies and other portions of Scripture You know, some of these are the difficult things to understand some of these are hard meat, you know, we can get a very surface Understanding but to get deeper spiritual things takes time study effort energy and you know when you find them out, you know It's gonna be really rewarding But don't don't just skip over these in fact, I try to read genealogies out loud Because it also will help you with pronunciation It just helps you with diction just helps you and all kinds of different ways And so whenever I get to a difficult portion of scripture like this I just try to read it out loud Also, it helps me not lose my place because I don't want to have to read it multiple times All right, just I if I lose my place. I'm just like where was I? You know, and so I like to read these ones out loud in my personal reading, but we have a specific Genealogy here and the generations of Adam and we start out with Adam we get to Seth says in verse 4 in the days of Adam after begotten seth rate in years and he got sons and Daughters and all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years and he died now what I wanted to do is I Charted all this on the board because I think whenever you actually take the data of the Bible and you put it out on the board It'll actually Show you some cool things and so what I did is I put it out there so I have to see if we're Plotting this correctly and I'll kind of show you what I did But in verse number three, it says that Adam lived a hundred and thirty years Okay, so that was the age that Adam was at the birth of his son Specifically seth in this genealogy. So I have a couple categories of Adam I have his total age is his lifespan his son The age that he was when his son was born the year that he was born and then the year that he died Okay. Now, how did you get that? Well, you're gonna check my math with me. Okay, so you can learn math from the Bible All right. Now it says that he lived 130 years. So that's where I put this number Okay Then it also said that in verse number four in the days of Adam after he had begotten seth were 800 years So what's 800 plus 130? 930 930 right. So that's what we got 930 here. When was he born? I could have put day six All right, but I just put zero year zero. All right, because we don't know it's right at the beginning All right, and then he died You're 930. That one was really easy. Okay, that one was pretty straightforward We we got that one everybody good on my math anybody have any doubts of my numbers here based on the text? Okay, so then we have the next Lineage we have seth. It says in verse six and seth lived a hundred and Five years and begat Enos. So again 105 then what does it say it says and verse eight and all the days of seth were 912 years and he died now this one just says all the all the years so I didn't even have to do math I just put 912 right? So that was pretty easy and he was born at 130 of Adam's age. So how did I get the year that he died? Well, I took the year that he was born plus the number of years that he lived and we get 1042 so he would have died in this year as far as the beginning of creation and just adding the years up together Right everybody still with me on my math. Okay. All right good. Let's keep going and Enos lived 90 years and begat Canaan and Enos lived after be at Canaan 815 years and begat sons and daughters. So we have 90 and then we have 815 so we got 905 right Let's just keep going and it says all the days of Enos were 905 years and he died and Canaan lived 70 years and begat Mahalalil now if you ever hear Ben yelling this name get nervous Mahalalil You know, I would get really nervous whenever he's yelling it but as he was reading it, I felt comfortable Okay verse 13 and can and lived after we got Mahalalil 840 years and begat sons and daughters all the days of Canaan were 910 years and he died. So again, if you look at the numbers, this is how I'm calculating this how I'm creating it We'll keep reading Says and Mahalalil lived 60 and 5 years and begat Jared and Mahalalil lived after we got Jared 830 years and begat sons and daughters all the days of Mahalalil were 890 in five years and he died and Jared lived in 160 in two years and he begat Enoch Jared lived after we got Enoch 800 years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of Jared were 960 in two years and he died and Enoch lived 60 in five years and begat Methuselah And Enoch walked with God after begat Methuselah 300 years and begat sons and daughters now, that's a pretty significant break in our Timeline because when it comes to these ages, it's kind of all over the board, right? It goes down it goes down Oh goes up a little bit it goes down it goes way up But then Enoch is just way different, you know, Enoch is significantly different in comparison to the ages of his Fathers and you know the Bible says that he was translated which is kind of an interesting, you know phrase ology there is another place in the scripture where it talks about you not keep your finger here and Go if you would to the New Testament go to book of Jude of Jude You The Bible had said that Enoch walked with God and he was not for God took him for God took him and You know, it's interesting That he was walking with God and God would take him now I'm not gonna look at all the scripture on this, but why would God just take somebody? well, you know, there's other places in the scripture where it teaches like some people were even killed as a Mercy killing or God would take their life as a mercy taking their life and say why would dying be merciful? Well, because there's just so much evil or persecution or harm that's coming on them or their family or whatever that is actually better to just die than to go through all that suffering pain or seeing all that evil or seeing all that wicked and So it's actually merciful and with Enoch you got to think about his timeline I mean Enoch's born in year 622 that's a long time and when you read Genesis chapter number six You're gonna find out that the world is very wicked. It was very evil. It was filled with violence. It was a bad place And so one reason that God may have taken Enoch is just he's sparing him from the evil wicked world I mean sometimes can you not admit that a cut on occasion is I have okay, maybe you have it I'm just thinking like going to heaven doesn't sound that bad today You know when you when you read the news or you look at where the world's going are you thinking about what's happening? I mean going going to heaven is not that bad. Sometimes it sounds kind of palatable, right? And so you've got to think about this way back Then it could have been even worse than it is now and when you read through history or in the Bible There's plenty of times where it's way worse than what we're going through right now We're infinitely worse even in other parts of the world today. It's infinitely worse. I mean in China I was reading about what it's like to be a Christian in China. It's so bad. It's so horrible I mean you can only join like the the church the state approved or government approved Catholic Church or You can go to an underground church but if you're caught you'll probably die or go to prison and they'll burn your church down and you're like a Terrorist and all kinds of evil things. You can't have a Bible It's hard to get any literature if you ever tried to preach the gospel You know, everyone could be an informant. Everyone could potentially turn you in you could be tortured You could be killed all kinds of horrible things. I mean happening right now And we think all we're suffering it's like I don't Their sufferings infinitely worse than our suffering right now But what I like about Enoch is and this is a great proof text of the fact that in the Old Testament They still had portions of the New Testament. I don't know how much but let me prove this look at Jude chapter 9 verse I'm sorry Jude verse number 14 and Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of these saying behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints to Execute judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds Which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches, which ungodly sinners have spoken against them Jude Literally contains what Enoch was preaching and guess what? That means he was preaching New Testament You gotta think about this. We look at the New Testament saying it's a quote of the Old Testament, but isn't the reverse true? Isn't every time they were preaching in the Old Testament. It's a quote of the New Testament, too and Think about it. They're pretty they're preaching on customer. He's preaching about the Lord Returning with Saints to judge people. It sounds like their knowledge of the scriptures was a lot more than we get him credit for and No, he was one who walked with God and you know what God when you walk with him He can preserve you from all kinds of evil and wicked things go back if you would to Genesis chapter number five So Enoch was a really special person and you know when we look at this link this lineage or this these generations I mean, these are some pretty great guys, but even Enoch stood out and so don't think that you can't stand out Even amongst your brethren, you know your potential to serve God is not measured by what your brethren do You have unlimited potential above what everybody else do You know if everybody reads the Bible once a year, you could read it ten times a year if you wanted You know if nobody read memorizes scripture you can memorize scripture if no one goes to church You can go to church if no one goes so winning you can go so winning You know what? You can walk with God by yourself and I highly recommend it. I don't think Enoch was disappointed. You know, maybe Abel was like, can you bring somebody else up here? I'm just I'm tired of waiting. Yeah Like I need somebody else to give me some company I mean Adam Obviously, I don't know maybe other people were saved as far as like Cain's lineage or other but like the first person that we know Like really dying in the Bible that's probably that's for sure saved. It's probably Adam and that's nine hundred and thirty years I mean Abel's waiting a while, right? This is only have the mean was like Kermit waiting at the window and he's like waiting for someone to die in heaven I'm sure it was still fine. Okay. I'm sure he had a good time up there. Okay, don't feel too bad for him now it says in verse 25 and Methuselah lived a hundred and eighties eighty and seven years and we got lamek and Methuselah lived after begat lamek 780 and two years and begat sons and daughters all the days of Methuselah were 969 years and he died and they let lived 182 years and begat a son and he called his name Noah Saying this same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil our hands because of the ground which the Lord hath cursed And lamek lived after begat Noah 595 years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of lamek were 770 and seven years and he died and Noah's 500 years old and Noah begat Shem ham and Jacob So we have a couple of interesting things here. You know, one thing that's kind of interesting is lamek He lived 700 All right, say 770 and seven years that's kind of an interesting number there but another interesting Fact is Methuselah now Methuselah is the the oldest man as far as we know Recorded in Scripture not saying there wasn't somebody older. He's most likely the oldest person He's definitely the oldest contained in Scripture. But what's interesting is when you add up all this information okay, and you figure out the year that they died is The year that Methuselah died is 1656 okay, you're 1656 now based on this information. You can also calculate when the flood was guess what year the flood was 1656 so maybe Methuselah died in the flood or Maybe died just before the flood. We don't know but he definitely died around the timing of the flood now his Son lamek had died a few years prior to that But they probably both, you know, depending on how they get out of the house or not I don't know. They might have been seeing Noah build the ark As Noah's told at age 500 and it wasn't until his 600th year that we actually have the flood waters coming upon the earth and so for a hundred years he's building that a Couple other interesting things to note is, you know, they said that Noah was gonna bring comfort. Why was he gonna bring comfort? Well, if you look at Genesis chapter 8 just flip the page and look at verse 21 The Bible says and the Lord smells a sweet saber and the Lord said in his heart I will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth neither Will I again smite anymore every living thing as I have done? So after the flood God removed a certain curse that he'd put on the ground Concerning the thorns and the briars that had come from Adam Okay and so Noah actually brought that kind of a comfort and kind of a restart to the world a restart to Mankind and people serving God now what I thought was pretty fascinating When studying this is look at I want to highlight or circle two dates here Look at the year that Adam died and The year that lamek was born You That means that Adam Very well could have seen lamek lamek could have been a grandson on his knees, you know, it would have been someone that he saw And I think when you look at this information, what's kind of interesting about it is look back again at verse number one Genesis chapter 5 verse 1 this is the book of The generations of Adam now that kind of makes sense because guess what? These are all the generations that lived During Adam's time right now The only exception would be Noah But he's right on the heels and it's a good tie into the next Chapter and so when it's thinking about the book or the generations think about Matthew chapter number one It says the generations of what of Jesus Christ and it's showing his genealogy is showing his Lineage and the Bible gives us these type of lineages. Now. What's interesting is we have Noah Who lived 950 years the Bible tells us in another place of Scripture and so he would have died in around 2006 now this is not 80 that's beat that's Different timeline. Okay. It wasn't that wasn't just a few years ago. All right, we're talking about 2006 years after creation, okay But what's interesting is if you take the next genealogy or the next generations and you plot them out Now Let's look at when Noah he died in 2006 Okay, and look at this person's birth Noah lived all the way up to Tara and Was only two years from Abram That's crazy when you think about it and you got to think about think about all the people now think about he Abraham was born in 2008. Look at how many people he had alive in his life Shem our facts add Selah Eber this guy didn't make it P leg rheu Sarug Nahor didn't make it but Tara and you know, the Bible says that Abram was supposed to you know, leave his father's And leave his kindred. I'm sorry Specifically it says it's kindred think about he's literally living Shem and our facts He's leaving a lot of people that are of great note worthy, you know Resemblance or kindred, you know, they're leaving these people which are some of the greatest people I mean, I would like to hear what Shem saw, you know, I mean Shem literally saw the flood Abram could have heard about the flood from an eyewitness Think about that That's pretty incredible. That's pretty cool When you start plotting out all these different time now, I'm not saying he did they may have never talked But at least it was possible. It was plausible and since the Bible tells us that he left his kindred I would assume he probably did have relations with some of these men and some of these people And so you got to think about this. Why would the Bible just go from you know? Adam and then basically straight to Noah and then straight to Abram Well, that's basically the timeline if you kind of think about it, right because the timeline you have Adam He dies and then it's introduced to who? Noah and then basically when Noah dies we're interested to who? Abram and so like God almost just kind of has his guy all the way throughout the Bible You know as soon as the next guy dies, then he just gets another one, you know And then he has another one and he uses different guys throughout the Bible but there's other things that are significant about this go if you would to Galatians go to Acts chapter 10. I'm gonna show you verse here But again, everything's about Jesus Christ, okay And you know this verse but we might as well just read it and we're almost finished I'm not really showing you much more in the Bible But it says in Acts chapter 10 look at verse 43 to him give all the prophets witness that through his name Whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins. Look it's all truly about Jesus Christ and if you go to Luke chapter 3 and You look at the last part of Luke chapter number 3 You're gonna see this genealogy that we have put out here for you if you look at verse 36 of Luke chapter number 3, it starts out with Canaan which was the son of Arphaxim son of Shem, which is the son of Noah which is Noah here right and then which is the son of Lamech which is the son of Methuselah Which is the son of Enoch, which was the son of Jared, which was the son of Malleel Which is the son of Canaan, which is the son of Enos, which is the son of Seth Which is the son of Adam, which is the son of God. So you say why would God include in this genealogy? So we can read it again in Luke and realize oh wow That's where Jesus Christ came from and we have the lineage of Jesus Christ all the way through That's why God included those guys in the Old Testament is because it was about Jesus Christ Okay, notice we didn't get a genealogy about you know, other people necessarily and we have Cain but Cain wasn't Brought up back again. Why because no one cares about Cain anymore. Cain's off the scene, you know Cain's only included for other specific reasons one other quick thought I was gonna give for you is Some people might ask this question. I did maybe you did how many people are alive when the flood came Okay now No one knows But I try to do a couple calculations just get some idea Now we have at least in the first generation at bare minimum five kids were born of Adam and Eve because the Bible says they were born into them sons and daughters and We know they had three sons. So he has to have at least two daughters Okay, so that'd be a minimum of five in the second generation now if you go to the third generation and We just assume everybody had an average of four. Okay. I'm going really conservative on numbers Let's say that generations were a hundred years in age and Every they had four kids per family Okay, and where'd you get the hundred? Well, I got it from these numbers. Okay, you look at these numbers I'm just picking about a hundred. Okay, they could have been having kids a lot younger and look they're having kids all the way to 162 okay, so they could add a lot of kids potentially and we'll get to the most numbers But let's say very conservatively They're only having kids one every hundred years and about four of them then At the time of the flood they would add a hundred and thirty one thousand people on the earth That's a very conservative estimate. I think that's way low. Okay, if they were let's say we change these numbers though Let's say they were having eight kids per family which was the average about in the 1900s and it was only 70 years a 70 year generation which is pretty big and gap. Okay, and mind you could have been way more there would have been 67 million people on the earth at the time of the flood That's a lot, okay now Let's get some crazy numbers. All right, let's say they were having And I'm running out of space, but I'll go on the flip on the other side let's say that they had a Hundred years in between generations, but they had 20 kids on average Okay Which is not that unreasonable. I mean some people are starting having kids at 70 some are starting to have kids at 162 I mean you don't think in that period of a hundred years You couldn't have 20 kids by chance and some of them even having multiple wives It's very reasonable and you read in the Bible some men in the Bible way after the flood have more than 20 kids Okay, they're having lots and lots of kids I mean some are having 60 kids now obviously they had lots of wives, but I'm just saying it's possible If they had that many kids on average, that would be four quadrillion people on the planet At the time of the flood Now it's that now let's say it was just a 70 year So they had 20 kids on average and it was a 70 year generation It's 80 You Sextillion people on the planet I Have no idea nobody has any idea but there could have been a lot a lot of people on the planet and At minimum hundreds of thousands at minimum and notice. God only brings up a few names And God only preserved eight. Yeah, and look the fossil record has Billions if not trillions or even more fossils of all kinds of things on the planet and what was stopping them from reproducing I mean there was a lot of people on the planet and God is very angry with them And I think when you study these genealogies, it's a pretty interesting fact go to Galatians chapter 3 go to Galatians chapter 3 Here's here's the point that I want to make about this though Is only one genealogy matters though And there could have been 86 billion people and you know what the majority of them are in hell and Nobody cares their life doesn't matter Nothing about the matters and you know in this world today. They want to make everything about race They want to make everything about your ethnicity They want to make it about being a Jew or or being this or you know, what kind of you know, are you? a Native American Or are you you know from Africa? Are you from Asia all this cultural appropriation having to be respectful of everyone? You know what? I don't care about your culture because God doesn't care about your culture either and none of it matters And you know, what was the emphasis is about the seed? The seed is that thread all the way throughout the whole Bible It starts out in the very beginning the seed that's going to come from the woman and then we have this genealogy It's all about the seed we find out that genealogy is about Jesus Christ and Luke chapter number three and look what the Bible says in Verse 26 Genesis Galatians 3 verse 26 for you're all children of God by faith in Christ Jesus For as many of you have been baptized into Christ and put on Christ. There's neither Jew nor Greek There's neither bond nor free There's neither male nor female for you're all one in Christ Jesus and if you be Christ then are you Abraham seed and heirs? according to the promise That genealogy we read All the way from that part all the way down here to Abram. This is your genealogy if you believe in Jesus Christ It's the only genealogy that matters And you know what? You're in the club if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ If there's no Jew, there's no Greek all these things are stupid all these things are just the devil's ploy at attacking God's Word and So in confusion and so in doubt in the minds of people And the cool thing about the Bible is all of this is about us if you're a believer in Jesus Christ It's about Christ obviously, but then we're in Christ We're Christ's seed we get to inherit these same promises and this is the only history that matters today And so I love Genesis chapter 5. I think it's a great chapter. Don't skip over the genealogies They give us other great truths in the Bible. Let's go to prayer. Thank you father so much for your word Thank you for our church. I prayed that you would Bless all of our efforts that you would help us to realize that All this cultural stuff that the world is going on about this doesn't even matter I pray that we just encourage ourselves to just win people to Christ so they can be of the right genealogy the right generation they can be of Christ genealogy and that we would go out and we would do great exploits in your name in Jesus name we pray Amen