(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) and obviously we're experimenting here so be gracious with us for the audio or video technical difficulties but we're here in Genesis chapter number two and we just came off of the creation week but Genesis chapter number two in the first few verses is going to continue with the same thought that we had here in Genesis chapter number one it says in verse number one thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them and so this is just right off of the same thought of Genesis chapter number one where the bible is telling us that all the things that God had created were finished in this six days now that's an important statement here in verse number one that everything was created but I also like this phrase that it says at the end of there the host of them and now when you think of the word host you could look it up in a dictionary and the word host could mean army or it could mean a great multitude and so a host here is really just in reference to a great multitude and it's describing all the things that were created within the heavens and the earth another thing that's important to distinguish here is in verse number one it says thus the heavens and the earth were finished whereas in Genesis chapter one look at verse one it says in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth yet when we go through the creation week we see that the heavens are created we have a first heaven second heaven and proverbially known as the third heaven where God resides and we even learned last week that God is you know outside of his own creation you know even his own creation he can't be fully encompassed by because he's bigger than his even creation of all those heavens and earth so in verse number one of chapter number two we have both all of the heavens and the earth and everything that's inside of those habitats like what the sun moon and stars we have all the creation on the earth itself such as the atmosphere and we have the fish and we have the whales and we have the animals we have the beast and even man which was God's crowning achievement here at the end of his creation is making something after his own image which was man now it says in verse number two that it was everything you know it's it's the heavens is the earth they're finished and that's another clear thing that's important to understand for doctrine because you know our church believes that everything was literally created in that one week and that that was just several thousand years ago whereas evolution and google and all these other atheists they want to try and tell you that we were created through a process of evolution or that it took you know hundreds of thousands or millions or billions maybe even trillions of years the number continues to expand over time and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger to basically just offshoot the problem that nothing cannot create something and ultimately the big bang theory and a lot of other evolutionary devices have been you know formulated hypothesized to try and come up with an idea of why we're here because really you know that's an important question you know a lot of people ask this question at different stages in their life as they continue to grow up they start asking this question why am i here how did i come to be and it's great that we have the bible where it starts out with the first book genesis which means beginning and then god just tells us very clearly exactly where we came from exactly how everything was created there's no confusion it's very clear yet science today so called and what the world would have you to believe is very confusing no one has there's no consensus there's no book that i can read just a short few chapters or a few verses and find out exactly where he came from you know they they try to hide behind this pseudo intellectual knowledge of where we came from but the bible gives us exactly where everything came from and sometimes christians they try to meld you know false science with the bible and they come up with strange you know ideas and strange viewpoints like the gap theory or the day age creation theory or all these strange hypotheses that try to meld evolution with the bible but we don't want to meld the bible with false ideas we just want to believe whatever the bible says because all true science will line up with the bible and let me give you some more evidence here that everything was created in this creation we go to exodus chapter number 20 for a moment keep your finger and go to exodus chapter number 20 and the bible is going to clearly tell us that everything was created in those six days of what we know as genesis chapter number one and genesis chapter number two is confirming it hey everything was created and it said all the host of them so you would ask well when when did dinosaurs when were they created or when were any beasts created saber-toothed tigers woolly mammoths or whatever it is the dodo bird which some of these creatures may or may not have existed but certainly there have been animals of the past that are extinct now but the bio makes clear all of the host was created then there wasn't any animal that was not created look at excess chapter 20 verse number uh nine six days shalt the labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord thy god in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter thy man servant nor thy maid servant nor thy cattle nor thy stranger that is within thy gates for in six days the lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rest of the seventh day wherefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and how did so again we have another place in scripture and this was specifically given to moses by god himself if you look at exodus 20 verse 1 which is our memory passage or memory memory chapter it says and god spake all these words saying and so this is literally from the mouth of god he writes the ken commandments with his own finger on a tablet handing it to moses and he's telling him again reiterating the fact that hey in six days the lord made literally everything now if you believe in a day age gap theory you're gonna have a problem with something because we get all of our days and times and weeks and everything from genesis chapter number one and you see okay the earth rotates around the sun about 365 days approximately that's where we get our year you have the moon going around the earth which is where we get a lunar calendar and you basically get your month cycles and obviously you know ours a little bit different but you basically get your years you get your months we have the day we have the evening in the morning we have the day very clearly laid out but here's this question where do you get the week you get the week because god said in six days you have the six days then you have the seventh day that's your week if you believe in a day age gap theory they'll say oh well the first period was a thousand years and the next period was millions of years next but then if that was true how would you even get a week you couldn't have a week because they don't actually have one established but we actually have a literal week where we have seven days approximately 24 hours apart and in those first six days god created everything that exists on this heaven everything that exists in this earth everything is just everywhere and he rested that seventh day and it's important to understand this philosophy now i want to go to another place here go to luke chapter number three luke chapter three some people get really offended when you tell them you know they'll ask this question well how old do you think the earth is or how old do you think all the things that are in creation are and people say well i believe everything was created about six thousand years ago or maybe they say just under ten thousand because they're not trying to get real specific well i've actually you know tried to come up with an exact date in the past and i think it's approximately 6 300 years i'm not going to give you you know a number beyond that because it i think it's impossible to get exactly perhaps because we have to base it on a few different uh things in even modern history but one thing is for sure that it's not more than 10 000 years it's impossible it's impossible to get beyond some number like that say it's millions or billions of years old and obviously god created everything in a mature creation however the starting point was only approximately 6 300 years from the present time now you say well how could i prove that you know or how could i know that well someone believes the bible there's no way to escape this fact the king james bible because what i just showed you was a few verses i showed you that everything was created in genesis chapter two verse one there's all the host of them exodus chapter 20 verse 11 tells you for in six days the lord created the heaven the earth and the sea and all that in them is so we have those two verses and then if you want to go forward in future we can get within you know some kind of reasonable range or understand that it couldn't be millions or billions of years old because at that starting point after six days the bible also has another list in luke chapter number three that would help us understand that it can't be millions or billions of years old look what it said we're in luke chapter 3 verse 23 the bible reads and jesus himself began to be about 30 years of age being as was supposed the son of joseph which was the son of eli so the bible tells us in luke chapter number three it gives us a genealogy of the lord jesus christ and this is important because it's going to go all the way back to that beginning point that we just referenced now i'm going to explain this verse and then i'm going to continue with what i was teaching you but as it says here and jesus was being as was supposed the son of joseph which was the son of eli now why is all that worded that way well first of all we understand that jesus christ is not the literal son of joseph he's the adoptive son of joseph because god is his father the bible makes it clear that god was manifest in the flesh that the holy ghost came upon mary and that jesus christ was born of a virgin and so therefore joseph is not his literal father his physical father he is his adoptive father or stepfather as it were and that's why it says as supposed so we see jesus christ was as opposed and then it says which was the son of eli now when you go to matthew keep your finger go to matthew chapter number one for a moment there is another genealogy of jesus christ that's how it starts out is with the genealogy of jesus christ and it says in verse number 16 and jacob begat joseph the husband of mary of whom was born jesus who is called christ so in matthew we have a genealogy as well this genealogy is the genealogy of joseph himself and so we start out with a genealogy of joseph but jesus christ did not physically descend from this this was just an adoptive perspective and notice that jacob begat joseph so who's joseph's father it's jacob so then we go back to luke chapter number three and we look at verse number 23 it says which was the son of eli so how is he the son of jacob or the son of eli well that's because this verse is not referencing joseph it's representing jesus christ so the best way to understand this is realizing that eli or heli is the father of mary and so jesus christ being a grandson of eli would be the son of eli because when the bible says the son of we sometimes would think of that direct descent good thing like i have four you know i have three sons maybe i have four i don't know we'll find out but i have you know clayton and i have jackson and i have james and so you would say james is the son of jonathan right but also my dad is trey and so you could say that clayton is the son of trey even though he's not a direct descendant he's still a son of or you could go on to my uh my wife's side you could go on to his maternal or paternal grandparents and you could look at his mom's father which would be gene and you could say that clayton is the son of gene both of those are accurate statements he's both the son of gene he's the son of trey he's the son of jonathan if you go all the way back to my grandfather robert you know he's the son of robert and so that's why jesus christ is referred to as the son of david you know it's not saying that he is literally david's son in a one generation sense but he is in the sense that if he traces genealogy he goes all the way back to david when it says the son of eli here it's the lineage of mary now i explained that just for you to understand this passage if you were going to explain to somebody the age of the earth i wouldn't go through all this detail i'm just giving you a little bit of detail for these verses but let's say someone wanted to know how do how come you believe the earth is you know only thousands of years old well first of all genesis two one then exodus 20 verse 11 and then i'll show them this genealogy which starts with jesus christ here in verse 23 and then let's hit some high points look at verse 31 which is the son of me leah which is the son of minan which is the son of me tatha which is the son of nathan which is the son of david so notice jesus christ is the son of david when you follow this genealogy it gets to david and we see in verse 34 which is the son of jacob which is the son of isaac which is the son of abraham which is the son of thera which is the son of nakor so again we also see was the son of jacob he was a son of isaac he was a son of abraham now i love this genealogy for a lot of reasons but think about this you're reading this genealogy and wouldn't you largely ask this question who's jacob and who's isaac and who's abraham you know the whole book of genesis is going to tell you who abraham was and who isaac was and who jacob was and so the bible was going to give you all of this history throughout these genealogies so that you actually understand because when you follow the bible it was all about jesus and it was all leading us to the of jesus christ and so we'd have a better understanding because if we didn't have that beginning we would just say who's abraham and who's isaac and who's jacob and who's all these guys that the bible's referencing but the bible gives us you know lots of information about these men and god obviously chose these men for multiple reasons one specifically is that he is a descendant of these men he's a descendant of abraham and so when he made that promise unto abraham of thy seed it was about jesus christ okay but then let's go a little bit further look at verse 38 which was the son of enos which is the son of seth which was the son of adam which was the son of god so when you see this genealogy in luke chapter number three we see the names and we see the beginning that's going through how could you say this is millions of years we have the genealogies even if you attributed to these guys a thousand years old each let's say they lived a thousand years before they begat the next generation which did not happen we see the oldest man even recorded in the bible was less than a thousand years old methuselah and so that even if you attributed that you're only going to have 20 or 30 000 here so for these evolutionists and these uh you know god-hating atheists to go around and say oh 17 billion years ago nothing exploded and we have the earth today it's all a bunch of lies now obviously you could say that when adam was formed in the garden you know god didn't form a one-day-old baby he didn't have a one-day-old baby and he didn't have just a bunch of seeds planted it wasn't mature creation and obviously the earth itself or the the things that exist in the the outer space cosmos and stars and the sun they would have some kind of a mature age and if you could possibly identify what that age was maybe it is millions or maybe it is billions of years old but that doesn't matter because everything came into existence about 6 300 years old and so whether you could identify exactly how old the sun is or when it came to be is irrelevant to understanding the beginning of the creation and if i want to prove to somebody that everything came into be about 6 300 years ago i'm not going to go through all this science and you know all this you know philosophy and all this logic really i'm just going to point to the bible we have genesis 2 1 we have exodus 2011 we have the genealogy here if someone is not willing to hear the bible why would they be compelled by modern science and all of these other things that you know the bible says that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god i'm not going to try to appeal to someone that's illogical with logic anyways and so let's go back to genesis chapter 2 i gave you a few verses there so if someone comes at you with wanting to understand oh why are you a young or a creationist or why do you believe that the earth isn't billions or trillions of years old you know those would be the few verses that i would choose that's pretty simple genesis 2 1 exodus 21st 11 and then you have luke chapter number 3 which is the genealogy of jesus christ from his mother's side mary and it goes all the way back to god and shows that adam was a son of god in the sense that he had no earthly father just like jesus christ because jesus christ is the second adam adam was that first fleshly earthly adam and jesus christ is the spiritual adam that's going to save us now let's look at a few more verses here look at verse number two it says and on the seventh day god ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made and god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work which god created and made so again it also says that god rested and we get into the idea of god taking a break here and not working anymore and you would ask this question why well the seventh day has a lot of spiritual significance and we already read in excess chapter number 20 that that's where the sabbath is derived we have a sabbath day's rest and the bible says for six days you know we're supposed to do all of our work but then the seventh day was supposed to be a sabbath rest in the old testament this was the picture a lot of different things this is where we get our week obviously but let's go back to another place in scripture let's keep our finger and go to hebrews i want to go to hebrews for a moment hebrews chapter number four and i'm not going to go back to exodus 20 we already kind of read that but the bible makes it clear that in the old testament specifically they were to observe a sabbath and in the sabbath was they were not supposed to do any servile work when you study this out servile work that would be basically like going to your job you know going and doing the normal work that you would do but there's obviously going to be even exceptions to that because the priests themselves did work on the sabbath day they would still slaughter the animals and do the sacrifices and jesus christ gives reference to this thing that the priests profane the sabbath yet are blameless because obviously they were given a special provision and god also tells us the sabbath you know man was not made for the sabbath but sabbath was made for the man and so you know it wasn't to be a burden it was to be a blessing and really it's funny because the jews turn the sabbath into a horrible curse or they turn to where people can't do anything they can't flip on a light switch obviously they didn't have electricity back then but you know proverbially speaking they had to do all these weird rituals and these strange things to try to get around doing any kind of work and they tried to make it so burdensome that people you know were really stressed out about the sabbath and it was like this big ordeal whereas the sabbath was intended to be a blessing just like me going to work if i walked into work one day my boss said hey you're off for the day i wouldn't be like man you know obviously if he's getting paid right he's saying hey you're getting a paid day off you'd be like sweet you know i'm just gonna go home i'm gonna relax i'm gonna have a good time and that's really the essence of this habit is supposed to be a blessing because it's supposed to picture something spiritual and that spiritual picture is something that's a blessing too look at hebrews chapter number four and look what it says in verse number three for we which have believed do enter into rest as he said as i have sworn in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the world for he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise and god did rest the seventh day from all his works so in hebrews chapter four it brings up what we're reading about how god ceased from all of his works and so god you know created everything in those six days then he took a rest day and obviously god still interacts with his creation beyond that but he took a specific rest on the seventh to picture something and that is spiritual salvation the sabbath was to picture a spiritual salvation just like god sees from his works we're supposed to seize from our works now why would we cease from our works because it's to illustrate how salvation is not based on what we do it's based on entering into god's rest and god is the one that created everything and did all the work and so we're supposed to do absolutely nothing to represent what salvation looks like how we do nothing it's apart from works it has nothing to do with our labor or anything that we're going to try and earn rather it's a free gift that we receive which is a blessing and the sabbath day was a blessing even in the old testament whenever the israelites were wandering through the wilderness and they had to gather that manna they didn't have to gather it seven days they had to gather it six days and the gathering that they made on saturday would last by a miracle on the sabbath day to where they didn't have to gather at all it was just basically free uh of labor they didn't have to do anything and they just got that miracle and the same is with salvation all we do is just believe on the lord jesus christ it's apart from all works we just enter into his rest and it's a blessing but if you think about the jews what do they try to do they try to work their way to heaven they try to earn it and so it's a picture of someone working on the sabbath day is someone trying to earn their salvation whereas those that are actually saved they just rest from all their works and so we already have the gospel being preached in genesis chapter two we had it in genesis chapter number one hey the gospels in every single chapter of the bible it's always about you know salvation by faith it's apart from works just like god rested on his seventh day we're also supposed to rest just like god did and he set that example for us go back to genesis chapter number two go back to genesis chapter number two and let's read a few more verses here it says in verse number four these are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created in the day that the lord god made the earth and the heavens and every plant of the field before it was in the earth and every herb of the field before it grew for the lord god had not caused it to rain upon the earth and there was not a man to till the ground now this is where atheists really try to attack the bible and they really have a fundamental lack or they're really not even trying to understand the bible we have to understand is that the bible itself will have a unique chronology it'll give you a perfect chronology of events but then all of a sudden it'll overlap it'll go back in time and start at a point in the past and then carry the story forward it'll go a little bit further into the future and really what we have in genesis chapter number two is the first three verses are kind of just finishing the thoughts of genesis chapter one but when you get to verses number four and five it's going back in time and this is a very good way to tell a story is god basically gives you an overview or kind of gives you the high level of events and then he'll come back and then he'll fill in the details other places in the bible he'll give you a full line of genealogy he'll tell you about all these different people are going to live in the future and then he'll kind of come back to some of those people that he mentioned and then give you the details of their life and kind of explain certain things that have happened in certain events and so when you're reading the bible you have to understand that god's constantly going back and then filling in more details and going back and then filling in more detail and you kind of see this going back and forth even when you look at books in the new testament like luke and acts and luke the bible is telling us that the lord's ascending but then when you go back to acts chapter number one it's like a second time that he's writing but you kind of start a little bit before that again where you have jesus interacting with them and telling them and then you go through that ascension but with more detail but with more uh verses and more examination and god's giving us a different look at certain things and so when you're reading the bible you have to understand that it's going to have a consistent chronology it's always pushing the dialogue forward however many times it's going back and retracing certain events or giving you more details about certain events and pushing the dialogue forward and forward and really you know i feel like everything's borrowed from the bible even movies do this movies will give you kind of a timeline and then it'll kind of go back in time and then it'll kind of fill in some of the gaps or some of the details so you can kind of keep pushing the sword forward and understanding it from different perspectives and getting details in an unique way and so when we get into verses four and five we have to understand god is going back to day number six when he had created the beast and the man and he's kind of going to give you those really specific details because we already read in genesis chapter one that male and female have been created and the beast is being created but look what it said in verse number five there was not a man until the ground wait a minute i thought he already created adam and eve that's because he went back before he had actually created adam and eve and he's going to give you really specific details here and we see that it also says this in verse five every plan in the field before it was in the earth and every year with the field before it grew so what is he telling you he's telling you nothing had ever been planted yet nothing had ever grown yet he's saying not only had it not grown it had never rained yet not only not rained no man had ever tilled the ground and why is that important again god's just hammering the fact everything god created was just straight up ex-helo or whatever where it just out of nothing where he just basically he just spontaneously has trees and grass and man and everything nothing had been planted nothing had grown of itself nothing had been rained on nothing no man had tilled the ground it was just a complete creation by god god just created all this stuff by his word it says in verse number six but there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground so also in the beginning god you know didn't even have it rain sounds good to me because you know i don't really want to live in seattle i don't really love the rain but in the beginning god just had a mist just kind of come up and it would just water the face of the earth and it hadn't even rained and so that's pretty cool people will speculate because of this verse that it hadn't even rained until noah's ark which i don't know if that's true or not maybe through our study i might come to that conclusion too but at this point there hadn't been rain it says in verse number seven and god the lord god formed man of the dust of the earth of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul even more good doctrine here you know other places you know god will tell man that thou art dust and you say why does he say you're dust because that's what adam was literally created of just dirt and god ended up breathing into him and he becomes noticed as a living soul and so man is unique from the beasts of the field in the sense that a man has a soul and that soul will continue for eternity whether that be in heaven or in hell you know some people would think that dying is kind of ceasing to exist but the bible doesn't teach that dying is ceasing to exist it's rather a constant pain and torment and being in agony for the rest of your life rather than being in heaven which is eternal bliss you either have eternal bliss or you have everlasting destruction as the bible teaches but your soul is going to continue to exist throughout all of eternity either in the greatest place ever or the worst place ever but man is different than a beast because beasts they do cease to exist and the bible tells us that their spirit you know just descends back down into the ground and i'm sorry to tell you that fido he's not gonna he's not gonna make it you know but people will and you say well why do you teach that you're just mean you like hate animals or something first of all i don't hate animals but there's a sick world that we live in today where they care more about animals than people and people today they need to realize that that animal is not going to last forever but souls are going to last forever and really the only thing that we can take out of this world is the souls that go with us you know the bible makes it clear with joe he says naked came into this world and there shall i return so joe he's not going to take anything out with him he came in with nothing and he's going to leave with nothing and really the only thing we can take is a spiritual aspect it's the souls that we win to christ and so we need to get our focus off of the things of this earth and and be focused on the living souls on this planet that's what really matters and all of god's creation was for that you have to understand while we have this great heaven and earth there's a new heaven and a new earth all this stuff is going to be completely destroyed and you know god is just going to completely replace it the only thing that's going to really stay is that soul that's quickened with the lord and so we need to realize that winning souls of christ is the most important thing we can do it says in verse number eight and lord god planted a garden eastward in eden and there he put the man whom he had formed and so god's doing all these different actions we see a little bit more detail on day number six than we had gotten from genesis chapter one we see god literally creates a garden he decides to put that man that he created adam into this garden and gives us some more information about it it says in verse number nine and out of the ground made the lord god to grow every tree that is pleasant to the site and good for food free of life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil and so god creates this garden and he has two trees there a tree of life and a tree of the knowledge of good and evil now this is what's really interesting is that in this perfect paradise adam he doesn't have the knowledge of good and evil because the tree is what has that knowledge of good and evil and so he's absent from this knowledge of good and evil and really when you consider what's going to happen in the future and consider the end times we're going to go back to a stat a status where the knowledge of good and evil is not going to exist anymore and i want to show you a few verses to think about but the tree of life is still going to be there go if you went to revelation chapter 21 go to revelation chapter number 21 in order to have perfection we can't really have the knowledge of good or of evil and really in order to understand good you have to understand evil in order to send evil you have to understand good because these two things are relative you know what's good to some may be evil to others and there's always going to be a little bit of a balance here and god created it where man was you know absent from that knowledge of good and evil he didn't have that he didn't have this comparison and we really as humans love to compare everything whether it's good or bad and people like to think that they're all good everybody thinks they're a good person and they're going to heaven and really they don't understand god's standard but the the devil wants the temp man with this knowledge the secret esoteric knowledge or special knowledge is what that means but we don't need that and when we go back to perfection we're not going to have these type of things look what it says in revelation 21 and look at what it says in verse number four and god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away the bible also says that there's no remembrance of former things now this is important because to understand if there's no sorrow if there's no pain then you cannot have evil thoughts you cannot have good thoughts even because if i can remember you know past loved ones that ended up going to hell that would bring me sorrow that would bring me you know pain and you see that he's wiping away tears why would he be wiping away tears right now we just went through the great white throne judgment and it's going to be sad to see lots of people thrown into the lake of a fire for all eternity to see them judged according to their works you know obviously there's some people that right now we might think like i kind of want that guy to be thrown like a fire but there's plenty of people even aside from him that no one wants to see thrown in the lake of fire you know you're you're going to have loved ones you're going to have family members you're going to have neighbors you're going to have those people that you didn't reach with the gospel you're going to have people that you did try and they were you know resistant to the gospel and it's going to be sad to watch billions and billions of people just thrown into hell into the lake of fire for all of eternity to see them judged according to their works and so we have god in verse number four is going to wipe away those tears and they're going to all just pass away and everything all the memories everything that's going with it we're not going to remember the former things anymore we're going to enter into eternity and it's going to be similar to that first state where there was that absence of the knowledge of good and of evil and it's going to be completely different and you know it's kind of hard for us to wrap our minds around all this but i liken it onto being a child go to Revelation 22 just flip the page for a moment you know as a child you don't really understand a lot of things and then when you become an adult you forget what your thought process was as a child you know when i became a man i put away childish things you know when you're a child you think as a child you speak as a child but when i became a man you know i put away childish things and so just like that is a is a picture a metaphor to how when we go into heaven and we go into eternity you know our understanding right now is so minimal it's so minuscule compared to what it would be in the future that we're really going to have a lot of these things just completely whitewashed from our brain and we won't even know them you don't remember your two your second birthday or your first birthday you don't remember your birth actual your actual birthday you know no one knows what happened that day and just like that we're gonna forget everything that happened in the past so why would i live for this world when i'm gonna forget it all why would i want to live for the things in the flesh when they're gonna be destroyed when i'm gonna forget about them you know well i just want to be a really good person or whatever it's like well who cares that's gonna you're not even gonna know what that's like you know you're not gonna understand these different things now it says in revelation 22 look what it says in verse number two in the midst of the street of it on either side of the river was there the tree of life which bear 12 manner of fruits and yielded her fruit every month and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations and so the bible tells us that the tree of life though is going to continue to exist and i like this because the bible talks about good trees and it talks about an evil tree that doesn't bear fruit it's going to be what hewn down and cast in the fire and so the thing that was worthless going to be destroyed but the tree of life is going to permeate and the tree of life is a picture of jesus christ why because if you eat of the tree of life you're going to live just like eating jesus christ flesh from a spiritual perspective when you eat of him you're going to live forever and we have that living in paradise with the tree of life and we're going to have that forever go back to genesis chapter two a lot of foundational doctrines here that are kind of being laid out that we can understand you know as much as a human can understand but just like the world was perfect in the beginning we will go back to perfection now in the beginning though there's a little bit of difference because god has these two different trees and he gives man a choice look what let's keep reading it says verse 10 and a river went out of eden to water the garden and from thence it was parted and became unto four heads name of the first is paisan that is it which compasseth the whole land of havala where there is gold and the gold of that land is good there's bedelim and the onyx stone and the name of the second river is gaihan same is it that compasseth the whole land of ethiopia and the name of the third river is the deco that is it which goeth toward the east of iseria and the four river is ufredes the lord god took the man and put him into the garden of eden to dress it and to keep it and the lord god commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden now may is freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die and so we have toys given unto man we see also before sin god gave him work notice that god tells us in verse 15 that he was in the garden to dress it and to keep it picturing another thing hey when we go back into perfection okay because eventually we'll go back to this uh garden of eden type status where everything is very good and there's no evil and man's even apart from this knowledge of good and evil that there's still work to do and we're still going to serve the lord and the bible even tells us that there's going to be certain levels of service you know he that is uh least on this earth is going to be greatest in heaven and the bible talks about people that uh whosoever break the lease of these commandments and shall teach men so shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven so obviously there's going to be levels to heaven there's going to be different services that we pertain to but it's all going to be good it's all going to be very good and you know man's still going to have a job and it's important to serve god now because guess what you're going to serve god for the rest of your life you're going to go into eternity and you're still going to have a job and you know what your job is going to be dependent on how good you work now why would i want to be the guy that barely makes it into heaven by the skin of my teeth you know the guy that says but him that worketh not but believeth unto god hey at least he's going to heaven you know what he's going to have a lot better job if he does some works and we see that adam was created doing some work and he had work to do but he had commandments too and he had a commandment not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil or as the bible says it in the midst right but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it and he says this the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die i love that god says this you shall surely die he's not even trying to say like he doesn't want to make it unclear he's saying as clearly as possible hey the day you eat you're going to surely die this is a bad thing he's trying to protect adam he's not trying to harm him he's not trying to hurt him he's not trying to keep from him that would benefit him and this is the deceitfulness of sin people think like oh god's trying to keep some really good thing away from him nope god wasn't trying to keep any good thing away from him he gave him all the trees that were very good he's telling him not to eat the knowledge of good and evil because it's bad and it's going to bring bad things into this world but god still gives him a choice man has free will and this is an important aspect to understand in the bible that man has free will let me show you this word in the bible go to leviticus chapter number 22 leviticus 22 and you say why would god give man free will because god does not want a bunch of robots to serve god wants people to choose to love him choose to accept his free gift of salvation he wants people in heaven that want to be there and ultimately god is sovereign you know people will say oh god sovereign what does that mean he's all powerful he has the ability for his will to exist but god ordained it god decreed it that through his will mankind would have free will and this is what separates god for man because while i can create many things that are subject to my will i cannot create something that has free it's impossible for man to give something free will this is what a distinction between god and man there's two major distinctions one that god can create something that's alive from something that's not alive or out of nothing and that god can give something free will these are two things man cannot do and never will be able to do and this is what also is interesting about god because the calvinist today would say oh god sovereign that means that everything that happens god wanted to happen exactly like that but that's a weird doctrine and really it's a satanic doctrine when you get to some of the very specific instances of this but god is all powerful and his will can be accomplished through the free agency of man through the free will of man at the same time that's what truly makes god sovereign if you think about it even though god gives man the ability to do whatever he wants god's will still accomplished that's way more powerful than someone manipulating robots than someone manipulating just things that are slaves and have no free will god is able to give all of his creation free will and yet his will is still accomplished everything he wants to happen is still going to happen and there's a couple of things that we have to understand there's things that god wants to happen that aren't going to happen but everything that god has ordained or decreed to happen is going to happen and the bible tells us though that god gave us free will this is an important distinction look at leviticus 22 verse 18 the bible even has this word 17 times and it says speak unto Aaron to his sons and unto all the children of Israel and say unto them whatsoever he be of the house of Israel or the strangers in Israel that will offer his oblation for all his vows and for all his free will offerings which they will offer unto the lord for a burnt burnt offering so when it comes to the offerings of the lord some of them were free will offerings meaning that they could of their own volition just decide to offer some kind of sacrifice to god because they just wanted to bless the lord they wanted to bless the things of god they wanted to do something special for the lord out of appreciation of thanksgiving or a cheerful heart look at verse 21 and whosoever offer the sacrifice of peace offerings in the lord to accomplish his vow for a free will offering on beaves or sheep it shall be perfect perfect to be accepted there shall be no blemish therein now bees that's just beef that's lots of cows all right so that's what it means by i always thought it was like beehives or something i was like bees what is that it's just be it's like lots of cows so it's really good and not the kind that bill gates wants that are like synthetic these are the real ones all right because notice it has to be perfect to be accepted no blemish that's the kind of cow that i want to eat i don't want this fake you know you know synthetic thing that bill gates is creating a lab somewhere no i want the real uh heifer that's gonna move but go if you would to psalms 119 go to psalms 119 i want to continue with this thought of free will for a moment and we have to understand this and this is what's really interesting god is so much better than we are and we understand that god is good and god is so much more righteous and so much more holy god is so much more loving than we are and it's interesting that god in all of his love and all of his goodness and everything that he extends when he gives something free will notice that the majority choose not to return love for love not to accept his free gift and that's a sad reality of free will whenever you give someone free will notice it's often not reciprocated it's often not going to be appreciated or thanked and perfect example is god himself you know so we also should understand if we give someone free will we should not anticipate them to take that free will and use it for good and use it and be very appreciative of it be very thankful of it that's the consequence of free will itself however there are many millions that will accept god's free gift and are appreciative of the free will that god has given us and look what it says in psalms 119 verse 108 accept i beseech thee the free will offerings of my mouth oh lord and teach me thy judgments now in the new testament we don't offer you know a cow we don't offer a lamb we don't have these type of free will offerings necessarily but the bible gives us a picture here of a free will offering in my mouth meaning what your prayers you know or thanksgiving you know just singing a psalm to the lord just singing a praise to the lord you know god created you god puts you on this earth and as much as a mom or a father they look at their child and whenever they give them food on the table you know what do i demand my child say thank you i tell them hey thank your mom hey tell your mom thanks for all the things that you do yet it's sad that christians today all the things that god gives us every single day and nobody says thanks for it and nobody wants to sing a song about it and nobody wants to praise the lord and people want to reject church today they don't want to go to the house of the lord today and praise the lord and sing praises to his name even of all his goodness and all of his mercy and all his long suffering and everything that he gives us we can't even say thank you and you say why because we have free will and it's sad today that people take free will that god gives them and does nothing with it and we see people today they're not thankful to the parents they're not thankful to their brother and sister they're not thankful to the teachers that they had in their life to their grandparents or their uncles or their aunts or their boss or the people that give them the things that they have in this world but ultimately people are really not thankful to the god that gave them everything the god that gives them the the oxygen that they breathe you know the the power to get wealth and everything that we have today god gave us free will and we should thank the lord for that everything he gives us you know god's not going to force you to thank him god's not going to force you to serve him god's not going to force you to do anything you have free will go to revelation 22 go to revelation 22 and you also have you also have free will and if you're gonna go to heaven or hell god did everything that was needed except for one you have the will to be saved you have to decide to be saved you have to make that decision to accept his free gift look what it says in revelation 22 verse 17 the bible says this and the spirit and the bride say come and let him that heareth say come and let him that is a thirst come and whosoever will let him take the water of life freely so notice the bible is saying hey the spirit saying come the lord saying come the bible saying come hey we go out into the highways and the hedges and we preach the gospel of jesus christ to people but you know what they have to decide i'm gonna come they have to say you know what i want to take of the water of life freely today and you know what we need to encourage people to make a decision for christ you know people get mad about uh you you pray with people after you preach them a gospel you're right i do you're right i compel them to believe on the lord jesus christ you're right i say hey now that you see the water of life you need to take it hey this is your opportunity to believe on the lord jesus christ and you know what there's people in the bible and luke chapter number eight that they hear the word the words you know sown okay and it goes into their heart but the bible says that the devil is going to come and take that which was sown in their heart lest they believe and be saved and so there's people they're hearing the gospel but they decide not to make a decision and then through the deceitfulness of riches through you know the the whatever the devil's agenda is to come and to take that seed sown they end up not believing and not getting saved and so you know what when i'm at the door i compel them to make a decision i try to encourage them to make a decision and you know it's not when they don't understand the gospel hey i want to make sure they understand the gospel when they got it and they say that they understand it you know what i want to compel them to believe in the lord jesus christ i want to compel them to call upon the name of the lord and to make that decision go through to second peter chapter number three salvation is not an acknowledgement of the gospel it's an acceptance of the gospel and that acceptance comes through the free agency of man through the free will of man you know man has the opportunity to believe or not you know the calvinist today wants to reject this ideology they want to reject they'll say you did nothing to get saved you know jd greer the president of the southern uh baptist convention he described salvation in a parable his own little parable and he said a lot of people think that salvation is a guy drowning in the water and he's yelling to jesus who's walking on the shore saying help me help me and that jesus throws him a life uh you know what's the u what's the little uh it's like or the donut he throws him like the life donut right for the guy to grab on to and for him to pull him to shore and he throws this little life donut out to the man and the guy grabs it and then jesus pulls him in and saves him and he's like jd is yours that's the wrong that's the wrong parable the right parable is you were dead in the water and jesus just came and picked you up out of the water dead and then just breathed into you the breath of life well then what separates one dead person from another you know that makes it makes jesus not the savior of all men then because if that's true then everybody's dead you know what jesus christ is the savior of all men and that's such a blasphemous weird teaching and it comes from calvinism day and calvinism's from the pit of hell because they don't believe in going out and encouraging people to believe on the lord jesus christ no they just say oh well i don't know if he's elect or not and if he's elect then he's just gonna magically get saved and magically believe and magically do all of the works but this is not what the bible teaches look at second peter chapter three verse nine the lord is not slack concerning his promise as some in count slackness but his long sufferings us were not willing that any should perish but that all should come under penance first of all his analogy is wrong because that they should perish notice this is a guy that hasn't died yet jd greer he's not the guy that's already dead in the water he's drowning and he's needing a lifeline and what god doesn't want any of them to perish why because jesus christ has already thrown out that lifeline to all mankind and you know what man has the opportunity to grab onto that lifeline and take it and if he doesn't he will die and he will go to hell but notice that the lord's not willing that he should perish he say well how does that make sense well god wants everyone to go to heaven but because god ordained it that we would have free will not everyone's going to make that choice and god decided you know what instead of just letting everyone come to heaven or everyone go to hell this is what i'm going to do i'm going to give everybody a choice and those who believe will go to heaven and those who do not believe will go to hell and so his sovereign will is what that those who believe go to heaven and those who don't go to hell and guess what that's always going to be accomplished everyone that believes going to heaven everyone does not believe is going to hell and it's in coordination with the free will or free agency of man just like adam is placed in the garden and he's given this option hey you can eat of all the trees of the garden hey you can eat as much as you want you know don't eat of this tree and god gave adam free will and you know what adam's gonna fail that plan eventually when we get into chapter number three we understand that god gave us free will go to hebrews chapter number two i want to show you a few more verses here he was chapter number two calvin is a wicked false doctrine and to say that you know god has ordained people just automatically go to hell and they have no choice that would be an evil god and it's not consistent with the god of the bible the only person that just wants people to go to hell without a choice of the devil that's the only the devil just wants to still kill and destroy the devil just wants everyone to go to hell with him you know what god wants everyone to go to heaven he wants everyone to praise him he wants everyone to accept his free gift and he's done everything he possibly can but you know what he's not going to force you to believe he's not going to force you to accept his free gift you have to make the right decision hebrews chapter two look at verse number nine we see jesus who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death crowned gory and honor that he by the grace of god should taste death for every man how can you say that jesus christ tasted death for every man of your calvinist today calvinists don't even believe that he died for every single person oh he died for the elect he really died for some people now the bible says every man go to first john chapter number two first john chapter number two i'm going to show you a few more verses here and we'll get back to our story but we we get this great picture of free will and i like to illustrate this throughout the bible that man has this choice look at first john chapter two verse two and he is the pro he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world notice jesus christ truly died for every single sin and every single person has the opportunity to go to heaven go to first timothy chapter number four it's those who reject it who break from god's uh free gift of salvation first timothy chapter number four look at verse number 10 the bible says for therefore we both labor and suffer approach because we trust the living god who is the savior of all men especially of those that believe they say well how is he the savior of all men look he's the only one that can save you and he is your savior whether you accept the saving or not he is the savior and it's just some people are not going to be saved and notice he's especially the savior of those that believe look what it says in chapter two verse number six it says who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time so jesus christ is there for everyone you have john 316 forgot to love the world that he gave his only begotten son so we see that god loves the whole world he gives all of man a choice and it's up to man to accept his free gift just like it was up to adam to make sure that he didn't eat of the tree of the garden of the knowledge of good and of evil in the garden go back if you would to genesis chapter number two now obviously in genesis chapter number two you know the man having to choose to not eat of this tree that's obviously a picture of a lot of different things i like the fact there's a picture of free will and that's kind of where i ran with it but obviously it's also giving us the option for sin to enter into the world now this is something that will not exist when we go to that future creation we won't have this option of sinning we won't even desire sin because we'll be like jesus christ in that sense but we see that adam is going to end up failing eventually and we want to pay attention to that when we get into chapter number three but look what it says in verse number 18 and lord god said it is not good that the man should be alone i will make him and help meet for him now in verse number 18 we learned something the woman wasn't created yet and notice god gave the commandments who the man not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and so one could assume that god's obviously in expecting the man to lead the woman in the future they tell her the commandments of god and to to rule his house well but i like this god said it was not good that the man should be alone now what did it say in genesis chapter number one at the very end if we look at verse number 31 and god saw everything that he made and behold it was very good so if god's saying the man being alone is not good that means he's not done that means that the man needs something he needs a helper in order for it to be good okay and what is this a picture of it's a picture of marriage that he's going to give us here in a moment and i'll get to that but marriage is good because notice the man being alone not good the man having a help meet is good which is marriage and so god is literally telling us that it's good he says here in verse number 21 all right i'm skipping too far ahead look at verse 19 and out of the ground the lord god formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air and brought them into adam to see what he would call them and whatsoever adam called every living creature that was the name thereof now some people so even again atheists again they say oh it says in genesis that you know animals are created and then the man but here it's saying like the man and animals look i believe the whole earth is filled with animals then god created a garden then god put the man in the garden and then god created another set of animals in the garden specifically that adam is now naming it's not getting out of sequence this is just an additional information and details about his creation and god is creating every single beast of the ground putting it right in front of adam and saying you know what's its name this is another instance of the fact that god's giving man free will notice that god is allowing man to make choices and you know what god lets us do all kinds of different things you know god's not going to force me to name my children a certain name he's not going to force me to uh pick a pick of the job or what church to go to you know god didn't say you better name your church pure words baptist church you know when you go down to houston it was like no i got to make that decision and you know what that's great god allows us to make decisions you know god allows us to pick whom we're going to marry and where we're going to go to church what kind of job we're going to have and you know what me and my wife we pick the names of our children because god gave us that option and it's great you know god's not going around and dictating you know what color shoes you're going to wear in the morning and what kind of blue jeans you're going to put on and where you're going to go to the store you know god gives you the ability to make decisions you know adam could have gone and eaten up any tree in that garden that he wanted every single day except for one and whenever you live inside god's boundaries there's a lot of freedom where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty but those that want to go outside of his boundaries they end up going into horrible wicked and evil sin and they end up destroying themselves but adam is given a great privilege here of naming every single animal and that's really a unique responsibility adam also must have been very intelligent to name every single animal and to give them all kinds of different classifications but it says in verse number 20 let's keep reading and adam gave names to all cattle and to the fowl of the air and every beast of the field but for adam it was not found in help meat for him so the porcupine wasn't a cuddler of a giraffe the panda bear kangaroo you know it wasn't really suitable even dog sorry to burst your bubble you know dog's man's best friend sorry it's not because god brought every single animal and adam looked and he said nope not this one it's not the canine it's not the cat it certainly wasn't the cat okay it wasn't the goldfish you know for all you dog lovers out there you know it wasn't that it was something different it says in verse number 21 and the lord god caused a deep sleep to fall upon adam and he slapped and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rib which the lord god had taken from man made he a woman and brought her under the man and adam said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of the man so god decided that his rib was way better to marry than a dog and you know it's interesting if you even look in science modern science today you can abstract parts of your rib or even a whole rib and if you do it correctly that rib will regrow perfectly that's why god chose a rib is in part is because it's going to grow back perfectly um but it's also just to represent that this is literal he says my bone of bones and he's flesh of my flesh and so the woman is made of the man literally and he even names her he gives her name so he named all the animals of the field he names the woman and we see that the woman was taken out of the man now this establishes a very important doctrine go to first corinthians number 11 go to first corinthians gap the number 11 in the new testament bible references this portion of scripture and it gives us some important you know understandings about why god created the things that he created what was the purpose of creating the woman adam was alone he didn't want him to be alone what's another purpose to make an help meet unto him and the word meat means suitable suitable or you know appropriate you know the animals were not an appropriate helper to the man he needed something else he needed something a lot more similar like a woman it was literally his own bone his own flesh that he is going to have as a help me and the bible says in first corinthians chapter 11 look at verse number seven for a man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the image and glory of god but the woman is the glory of the man that fits in perfectly because why because adam was created in god's image and then eve was taken out of the man and is the glory of the man verse eight for the man is not of the woman but the woman of the man so notice that man didn't come out of woman woman came out of man just like it said in genesis verse nine neither was the man created for the woman but the woman for the man so the bible is making it clear that the woman was created for the man so if god created it that adam would have a helper you know that makes it seem like that he's in charge and that the helper is there to help him and notice the bible is reiterating it the man was not created for the woman but who's created for whom the woman is created for the man and you know what people don't like this doctrine today they don't like the idea of a woman being there for the man but that's what god ordained that's what god chose and god said you know what this man needs someone he needs a woman and it's it's strange when people today they get it backwards you know they have the woman's there and the man's there to help the woman you know the man's there to you know provide for the ambitions of kamala harris and provide for the ambitions of hillary clinton and provide for the ambitions of their wife there's all these women governors and these women house representatives and these women pastors what kind of nonsense today to have a woman as the pastor of the church when the bible makes it clear look the man was not created for the woman the woman for the man what kind of weak man has his wife as the pastor of his church how does he not know the bible how is he not the one leading in the household today and you know we need men today to lead because adam was first form and then eve is what the bible says and we need people to understand their position how god created them now go back to genesis chapter number two go back to genesis chapter two and you know what god truly gave adam dominion over everything over all the animals even you know over his wife he is to lead his wife and he was given the first commandment you know that he wasn't supposed to eat of that tree look what it says in verse 24 therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh and they are both naked man his wife and one and so we see that marriage is a special union is a special bond just like the fact that adam his wife eve is literally his own body it's his own flesh he came from him and there's this special union this special coming together that the bible describes in marriage and is describe a lot of things go through a diffusions chapter number five go to fission's chapter number five and i want to show you something but you know marriage is under attack today and in every single way why well it's one of the most important doctrines notice it's right here in the beginning man's created and what's one of the first thing that god's going to give him a wife he's going to give him marriage and through marriage you have what family you have children being born you have all the other things that are you know really important in this life and really marriage is one of the most important institutions on the planet and it's one of the most important things for us to realize that the devil's going to attack the devil's going to attack it people say oh i don't want to get married anymore or marriage is bad or marriage is going to cause me all these problems that i wouldn't normally have look the bible said it was not good for the man to be alone look you're going to have problems no matter what don't tell me the guy that doesn't have isn't married you know doesn't have problems he has he has problems the women that aren't married they don't have problems they have problems and you know the guy that's married he has problems we all have problems you know what's better for the majority of people is to get married if you have a desire to get married the bible is best to marry it's better to marry than to burn is what the bible says yeah there's going to be a few exceptions out there but i'm not going to preach for the exceptions because really most people should be striving to have a good marriage to get married to love their spouse and it's the most important relationship you'll have in a physical sense on this earth it's different than just being buddies and being friends than being companions the bible says you're one flesh and because of this it changes dynamics in your life look what it said in eph 5 verse 31 for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall be joined into his wife and they too shall be one flesh this is a great mystery but i speak concerning christ and the church nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself and the wife see that she reverence her husband so the bible tells us that this marriage this union is a special union and because of it you're going to leave your father and mother now your father and mother are arguably the most important relationship you have when you start out when you start out in life your mom and your dad are your number one most important relationship the closest person in your life is going to be your mom and your dad and notice that god ends up replacing that intimacy that closeness with a spouse he says you know what for this cause only this cause would you leave your father and mother and replace it with a spouse meaning what that your marriage should become more sacred than your father and your mother your spouse should be at a closer intimacy than your father and your mother this does not mean that you don't love father and mother you don't appreciate father and mother it doesn't mean that you don't talk to your father and mother it doesn't mean that you don't hang out with your father and mother but you know what you've changed that dynamic that dynamic has changed and no longer are they the closest person to you you have a new person that supersedes and comes in place of and is now more important than your father and your mother that doesn't mean that they're not important they're still very important and you should honor your father and your mother even after you get married but at the same time you now have a new person in your life that's even more important to you that is your spouse and notice it's a it's a mystery how you come together and i like the fact that the bible also says later in genesis chapter five and he called their name adam and you know it's a tradition that women would take the husband's last name i like that tradition you know we the shelley family we're now one together and you should look at your life as being one now not as just being oh we're just two buddies now or two companions no you're one no you're one family and decisions that you make you should realize as a husband as the leader they're not going to only affect you now they're going to affect other people so when you make decisions you need to think about your spouse you need to think about your family you need to think about all the other people that are now attached to you in a part of your life and how you're going to live it the bible also says in verse 33 that we're supposed to love our spouse okay like christ love the church okay because he's saying this picture of marriage is similar to church and what's interesting is this adam he ended up marrying his rib right he married his piece of bone okay but look what it said in verse number 30 for we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bone so just like adam said hey you know what eve is my bone and is my flesh he's saying hey there's another spiritual connection here where we're literally christ's bone and christ's flesh now how does that work well again we're not talking about physical things here now we're talking about spiritual things what are you talking about well the bible just likens the church unto the body of christ and that we're all members of his body and there's this special union that comes because we're now part of his body and that union takes place when we believe on the lord jesus christ and we're saved we're now part of his body we are the body of christ and we shouldn't look at ourselves as being disunited but rather in unity than that hey i am part of him and what was the purpose of the woman do you help me for the man okay so then what's my purpose of being part of jesus christ's body to help him i'm his servant i'm his helper so if you're going to tell me that a woman serving her husband is degrading then that telling that tells me that me serving jesus is degrading how is that degrading how is it the evil or or wrong for me to be subservient to christ and to follow his lead and to be his help me and to go out and to bless him and do things for him and to serve him and to be under him and to obey his authority now that's the same picture that we have go to epsilons or go to acts chapter number 20 for a moment and i'm going to kind of finish there but there's so much foundational doctrine here that's then picked up in the new testament other places explaining these but these are great pictures that god gives us of not only physical truths but also a spiritual truth just like adam you know his wife came of his body we're in the same way from christ's body and we have this special union with christ just like a wife would have with her husband and that's why you know people are referred to or the church is referred to as the body of christ as a whole because we are enjoined unto christ in a similar way now look what it says in acts chapter number 20 and verse number 28 take heed therefore unto yourselves and draw the flock over the which the holy ghost have made you overseers to feed the church of god which he hath purchased with his own blood but just in the same way that eve was taken out of adam we are literally purchased with the blood of jesus christ from his body we're taken out and we become part of his body and so we should not look at these stories it's just oh it's a cool story no this literally happened and it represents spiritual truths today and we should understand that we're bought and purchased with a price the precious blood of jesus christ and that we're enjoined unto him and you know we have these foundational stories of genesis one and genesis two you need to look at them and understand them from an intellectual perspective i like that you know i like studying things like science and young earth creationism and you know studying about dinosaurs and studying about you know what the world is like before the flood and those things are interesting but you know what's way more important is the spiritual pictures and you know there's people they dedicate their whole life to these creation ministries and understanding all these things in genesis you know it seems like people are not trying to get all the spiritual pictures out of genesis they're not trying to get all the spiritual understanding that we have and that's way more important that we focus on the spiritual pictures that we are that body of christ and we have those pictures of salvation and we understand the only thing that matters is living souls and so they go out and we preach the gospel and we try to seek and to save that which is lost and we emphasize the gospel of jesus christ you know what i love genesis but i don't want to elevate the art i don't want to elevate creation i don't want to elevate dinosaurs i don't want to elevate younger creation above the gospel because you know what all that stuff was pointing to the gospel and so if i'm going to have it in his proper role in his proper place i'm going to picture the christ and all the spiritual pictures that are attached to it that christ represents let's close in prayer thank you father for your word thank you for this great chapter genesis chapter number two thank you for the sacrifice of your son jesus christ and what he did for us and that we get a chance to be a part of his body and that we're enjoying it to him as eve was with uh adam and i pray that as we read the bible as we read genesis and we read different stories that we focus more on the spiritual truths and our service unto you and i thank you for the free will you've given us i pray that we don't take it for granted rather we choose to take the free will you've offered us and to use it for your service in jesus name we pray amen