(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So, in verse 25, the Bible says that if you smite a scorner, okay, the simple will be where? The title of the sermon this evening is flat earthers are stupid or wicked or both. Flat earthers are stupid or wicked or both. That's what I've always said. That's where I'll always stand. And the point of this sermon is to help those that are simple. The Bible says when you smite a scorner, the simple could be where? And I hope that people today, they wouldn't get entrapped with stupid ideas like the flat earth. Now, this is not just one type of stupid idea. There's many different stupid ideas. This is just one that unfortunately I've had to deal with personally since coming on to this church and every single church. Every single church, there's been some morons, some idiots that believe in the flat earth and not only that, they're evangelizing other people with this garbage. In fact, a lot of the people that decided to part with that fake Adam Fanon, you know what? Most of them are flat earthers or oneness or some variation thereof. Multiple witnesses are proving it. Multiple witnesses will testify that these people are that way. So it's not something you say, why are you preaching about this? Well, the reality is that it's affecting our church, it's affecting people that actually love the Lord. And I don't want you to be simple. I don't want you to be stupid. I don't want you to fall for some gimmick or some garbage like the flat earth. So let's just understand why we can understand this from the Bible. Now here in Proverbs 19, it uses the word simple. You say, what is simple, okay? Simple can have a lot of different definitions, but in this context, it literally means stupid. Now let me give you the dictionary definition, okay? Being in knowledge or expertise, lacking intelligence, then has a colon, and it says stupid. And the literal definition of the word simple, it says stupid. How can you call a flat earther stupid? Well, the Bible talks about people being simple. The Bible says the simple believeth every word, meaning the guy just goes out and just believes anything he hears. If you believe everything on the internet, if you believe everything on YouTube, you're stupid. There's no other way to put it. There's not a nice way to put it. And in fact, I love you. I don't want you to be stupid. I want you to grow up and be wise and not fall for some foolish idea or concept. Let me give you some other synonyms of simple. Foolish, silly, fatuous, asinine. It says asinine. What's that word mean? It says extremely or utterly foolish or silly or relating to or resembling an ass. This is the type of person that would fall for some kind of junk like this. Go to Proverbs chapter one. Go to Proverbs chapter number one. The Bible says the law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. So if you're simple today, if you're stupid, if you're foolish, if you're asinine, the Bible can make you wise. You don't have to stay that way. If you believe in the flat earth, let me help you out, you're at least stupid. And you need to fix that. You need to fix the stupidity or you can just be wicked, right? Now I'm not really preaching this to help the wicked. The wicked is already, you know, I can't help them. But someone that's not stupid or someone that is not wicked but they're just stupid, I can help that person. I can help you with the word of God. The Bible says the word of God can actually help you graduate from your stupidity and go on to be someone that could be wise in the future. So that's the point of a sermon like this. And it's also to give you instruction to understand there's certain things that are so evil, they're so stupid, so foolish, if someone starts whispering in your ears, you need to get away from that person immediately. You need to realize this is a red flag. This is a big problem. How come it takes dozens of people to all have the same testimony and I have no idea? Why is it that someone could go around evangelizing literally the dumbest thing on the planet and nope, you know, well, let's not tell anybody about it. I mean, it's ridiculous. When someone's going around teaching literally the dumbest thing on the planet, the stupidest theory, I mean, Elvis is more alive than the earth is flat, my friend. There's not a dumber theory. It's literally, I mean, evolution has more credence in my mind than the flat earth theory. It's complete garbage. And obviously evolution is as false as anything else can be. It's science falsely so-called, but at least within the caveat evolution, they talk about, you know, micro evolution, which is natural selection, and, you know, they try to take some truth and turn it into lies. The flat earth theory has zero truth in it. There's nothing about it that's right. It's all lies. It's all idiotic. You're a moron, an imbecile. You're dull if you think that the earth is flat. There's no nice way to put it, and I'm not going to put it nicely because I don't want you to be simple. I don't want you to be so simple-minded that you could believe something so foolish. The Bible says in Proverbs chapter 1 verse 20, wisdom crieth without. She uttereth her voice in the streets. She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the opening of the gates, in the city she uttereth her words, saying, how long, ye simple ones, will you love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge. The Bible is saying wisdom is screaming at you, like, why are you so stupid? Why are you saying stupid? Why can't you gain some wisdom? Why do you hate knowledge? Why do you hate truth? Why do you hate reality? That's what the Bible is saying here. In Proverbs, it's just chock full of so much wisdom, every single verse. In fact, sometimes there's even just phrases in each verse that just have so much power, so much truth, and people just reject all of it. Just reject knowledge. They just want to say simple-minded. Look at Proverbs 8. Go to Proverbs chapter 8. The Bible warns that being simple, being stupid, is not a virtue. It's not something to be praised. Sometimes you'll even hear pastors. They'll get up and be like, well, I'm not that smart, but, you know, I just believe the Bible. That's a dumb attitude. That's a dumb philosophy. The Bible teaches we should be wise. Why do you want to go around pretending that you're so stupid and so foolish? If you're so stupid and foolish, then sit down and let someone that's smart stand up behind the pulpit and teach the Bible. Be a good ambassador of Christ. Be a good minister of the Word of God. Not be someone, some bumpkin. Well, I don't know about science and stuff, but, you know, Bible. Quit being a hillbilly and get some smarts. Look at Proverbs 8, verse 5. O ye simple, understand wisdom, and ye fools, be of an understanding heart. Notice the Bible says simple ones are fools. It uses them interchangeably. You look up the synonym, it's the same. I'm not going to lessen the word simple down to something, well, it's a little bit better. No, you're stupid. No, you're a fool. It's the same thing. You're a moron. Look at verse 13 of chapter 9. Let's look over on the page. A foolish woman is clamorous, notice, she is simple, and you say, what does simple mean? The Bible tell us, knoweth nothing. She knoweth nothing. If you're simple, you have no knowledge. You're an idiot. You're a fool is what the Bible is saying. We're laying down a thick foundation here. Go to chapter 14, all right? We ought to not be simple today. So when I preach against something so foolish, so idiotic, I feel like I got to, you know, ram in a couple verses here or there, I don't even want to talk about this. I mean, it's ridiculous I even have to preach a sermon about how foolish it is, but when I have like dozens of people that are just like, yeah, I've been, you know, people have been telling me about this and talking about this, but, you know, we can't tell the pastor that someone's literally opening their mouth and saying the most dumb idiotic foolish things ever. Why? That should just be like, run away. Obviously, when you hear damnable heresy, you would think I should run away. Well, guess what? The flat earth, while it's not damnable, it's really bad. It's horrifying. Look at verse 15, the simple believeth every word, but the prudent man looketh well to his going. Look at verse 18, the simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge. See, the simple, the folly, it's the same thing. Go over to Romans chapter 16. Now that we've laid down a strong foundation of what simple is, you know the word simple is only used in the New Testament in one place? Used two times in one place. Let's see what that reference is, but the Bible says when you're perceiving, you know, not the lips of knowledge in someone, it says go from the presence of a foolish man. You're not supposed to have fellowship with someone that's an idiot, someone that's a Someone that's so idiotic, they can actually think that this world, this earth is flat. You should say, I'm afraid of you. I don't even want you to handle heavy machinery. You shouldn't even be allowed to operate a car. That should be one of the questions on the driver's ed test. I'm not joking. It's so stupid, it's so foolish, I don't want you anywhere around me. You shouldn't be allowed to carry a knife or carry scissors, you know. You need a minstrel institution. The Bible says when the scorner is punished, the simple is made wise, and when the wise is instructed, he receiveth knowledge. Look at Romans chapter 16 verse 17. Now beseech you brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned, and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by good words and fair speeches, deceive the hearts of the simple. There's your Bible simple right there. Now what's the Bible warning? People are going to come around and they're going to find someone that has no knowledge, and then they'll just give them bad knowledge, but they don't have anything to cross reference that from, because they're so simple, they're so stupid, they'll just receive anything. The simple believeth every word. Why? Because he doesn't have any knowledge. He gets bad knowledge, he can't even realize if it's bad or not, because that's the only knowledge he has. So these wicked people, they come around, they try to find a fool to accept some idiotic stupid false wicked doctrine. Why? Because they're idiots. Now obviously a baby Christian would be really susceptible here, because a lot of times they don't have that much knowledge. The Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. You don't really fear the Lord, you don't read your Bible, never really been to church, you could be easily led astray. Look at Christianity today. They lift up so many false prophets and false doctrines and all kinds of things going on in this world. Why? Because they're simple. Because they're foolish. Because they have no knowledge. They lack knowledge. Look at verse 19. For your obedience has come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf, but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good and simple concerning evil. The only simplicity we should have is that concerning that which is wicked, that which is evil. We want our kids to be pure and innocent and wholesome, even ourselves included. The Bible says it's a shame to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. So according to the Bible, we should be as simple as we possibly can when it comes to wicked evil things, but when it comes to God's word, when it comes to knowledge, when it comes to truth, when it comes to reality, we should have as much wisdom as we can possibly get. The Bible says get wisdom. Now, laying that kind of a foundation, go to Isaiah 40, okay? So you say, oh, you're just sitting here just making ad hominem attacks. You're just saying they're stupid and foolish. Let's get some Bible, okay? Let's see what the Bible has to say about the earth and understand how there's no way it could be flat unless you're blind. I don't know how you can even think that. I'm not knocking the blind. They're probably smart enough to realize it's round. Look at Isaiah 40 verse 22. It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers that stretches out the heavens as a curtain and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in. Now, according to the Bible, the earth is described here as a circle. It's talking about God sitting on the circle of the earth, okay? Now, we live in what I would call a three-dimensional world. Now, our modern thought process of a circle when you go to math class is what? A two-dimensional object, right? I mean, pretty much everybody would agree, hey, this is a circle, right? But is the Bible saying here that God sits in a two-dimensional world? No! Now, what shape could be this shape in a three-dimensional world? Guess what? There's only one. It's called a sphere. Now, let me explain to you what a circle is. I know we're going real deep tonight, all right? What? Triangle squares. What's a circle? Well, a circle by definition is a round plane figure whose boundary, the circumference, consists of points equidistant from a fixed point, the center. So the definition of a circle is the fact that every outside edge is equidistant to the center. The center to the outside edge would be known as the radius. I know some of you all went to math class. Maybe you got at least a B plus, but it wouldn't be that hard to understand this information, okay? Now, if you just could imagine for half a second what if this came out and was a three-dimensional object? Did you know that a sphere, all of its outside edges are also equidistant to the center? Hey, that might make sense. That's why, hey, I'll just give you the definition, okay? A round solid figure or its surface with every point on its surface equidistant from its center. That's the definition of a sphere. It sounded really similar to that circle, my friend. I wonder why it was known as a circle, okay? Now maybe you could interpret. I'm trying to just play devil's advocate here, okay? Let's try to interpret this another way. If we were just to say what is the outside edge that we live on, we would call that the earth, the outer, you know, the mantle or the crust. There's a mantle, the crust, the inner core, right? We pretty much reside on the crust of the earth, and you could quantify that by saying that's just earth. Then you say everything below is just hell or whatever classification you want to make, but if we were just to say the crust, what would the crust look on the earth? Oh, yeah, a circle, wouldn't it? Now, you could never look at a frisbee and say that's a circle. There's only one possible perspective that you could kind of manipulate it and make it kind of perceived to be a circle, but it's not a circle. You know what? A sphere is a perfect circle. I could hold a perfect ball, and no matter how I turned it, twist it, whatever, you know that you'd see a circle. Why? Because that's what the Bible is describing. Now in fact, someone gave me a nice gift. They gave me this Santa Biblia, okay? It's a 1602 version. Now let's just get the verse from this version, and I know y'all don't have this, but the Bible says it's okay to speak in tongues as long as someone interprets, all right? So we're going to interpret this verse for you, all right? We're not just going to go off into La La Land. Isaiah 40, okay? Verse 22. What did that verse say? Well, let me read it for you, okay? It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers, that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent dwelleth. That's exactly what it said in Spanish, okay? But let's compare one word here. What did it say for circle? El globo. Now I wonder what that word means. I looked it up online. It said a globo means globe. Can I get a confirmation? Is that what globo means in English? So I have two out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, shall every word be established. Now let me tell you what a globe means, okay? A spherical or rounded object. So how come in 1602 when they had the Spanish Bible they said el globo, but it's, oh, they thought it was a flat earth too, huh? Liars. You'd have to say that that translation's wrong. But you know what? The circle's right and the globe's right. It's both God's word. And you know what? You know what? God sits on the circle of the earth. It's a sphere, my friend. Because we live in a three-dimensional world. If I can accurately look at a sphere and make it known as a circle, okay, go to Matthew chapter 12. But there's no way their stupid flat earth models could ever be described as a circle. It's stupid. It's idiotic. It's garbage. I'll just read for you a sphere from Wikipedia. A sphere is a perfectly round geometrical object in three-dimensional space. That is the surface of a completely round ball. Now, you could say that a disk, okay, which is usually what they kind of draw up is some kind of a disk or something. You could say that a disk is round. You could say that a disk is circular. You could not say a disk is a circle. That would just be false. But you can say that a sphere is a circle. Look at Matthew chapter 12. Let's get some more evidence from the Bible. Look at verse 40. For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the well's belly, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Now, this is important for a couple reasons. First of all, it teaches the fact that Jesus Christ, after he died on the cross, his soul actually descended into hell for three days and three nights, a doctrine that unfortunately a lot of independent Baptists don't even believe. A lot of people don't, you know, accept that doctrine. But the Bible's crystal clear. And that was the whole picture of why Jonah was in the well's belly, to picture that Jesus Christ was actually going to go into hell for three days and three nights and take the full punishment and penalty for our sins. Isn't it great that he went to hell for you? I don't want to have to go there for one second and praise God, you know, I deserve it. This is as much as the next guy. But you know what? Jesus took my place in hell for me so I wouldn't have to go. That's why in Revelation chapter number one he says he has the keys of hell and of death. You know how he got them? He bought and paid for them. He took upon him, you know, the form of flesh and he suffered on the cross, which was horrifying and terrible, but not only that, he went to hell for you. And he did not want to go. But the only thing that kept him alive or kept him like, you know, in hope was the fact that he would be resurrected. The fact that God would not leave his soul in hell is what the Bible says. But another thing we can note here is the fact that it says the heart of the earth. So that means no matter what earth shape you draw, okay, he had to be in the center of it. That's where hell has to exist, according to the Bible. So even if you had this flat disk, garbage, okay, somewhere in the center, okay, has got to be your hell. You have to have a hell here, okay? Now obviously, we believe hell is here, which every scientist, whether they accept or reject the Bible, says this is like hot molten lava. Shock. Sounds like a lake of fire if you were to ask me about it. Now that makes perfect sense that Christ would descend down into hell after the cross, you know, it's kind of making sense. But why is that important? Well, go to Jonah chapter 2, let's get a couple of verses there too, and then I want to go to Genesis chapter 7, if that's the next place we'll turn. Jonah chapter number 2, in Isaiah 14 verse 15, the Bible says, yet thou shall be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit. There's dozens of verses that say hell is down. It's going down, a big sinkhole opens up and devours Korah and all the rebellious group with them. They go straight into hell alive. They go quick into the grave, which means what? They fell alive physically and just like, go to hell, like, obviously they died on the way or something, you know, I don't know when they died, but they were alive at the moment that the earth swallows them up and just takes them one way ticket to hell. That's crazy. But we know that the earth, according to the Bible, hell is in the center of it. There's no way to argue against that. It has to exist there. And even in Jonah chapter number 2, it gives us a picture, look at verse 1, then Jonah prayed in the Lord his God out of the fish's belly, and said, I cried by reason of mine affliction in the Lord, and he heard me. Out of the belly of hell cried I, and now heard is my voice, for thou hadst cast me into the deep, and in the midst of the seas, and the floods compass me about, all thy billows and thy waves passed over me. Then I said, I am cast out of thy sight, yet I will look again toward thy holy temple. The waters compass me about, even to the soul. The depth closed me round about. The weeds were wrapped about my head. I went down to the bottoms of the mountains. The earth with their bars was about me forever. Yet hast thou brought up my life from corruption, O Lord my God? Now in this verse, there's a lot of going back and forth between the prophet Jonah, what he's experiencing, and the prophecy of what Jesus Christ himself would experience. When it says out of the belly of hell, it's kind of just like a metaphor in a sense, because Jonah could probably be in there and it sucks, and he's just like, this is like the belly of hell. But according to the New Testament, Jesus was literally in the belly of hell. Not only that, when it's talking about the seaweed, we know we're talking about Jonah. When we see here in verse number 6, the bottoms of the mountains and the earth with the bars about me, this is talking about the Lord Jesus Christ. Meaning he was completely, like just Jonah was completely surrounded by the well, Jesus Christ was completely surrounded with inside hell. Earth is completely surrounding about it. Now you have to have, whatever model you have here, you have to have earth going around hell. Now some of them will do this, some of them kind of like an ice cream cone, I don't know. It doesn't really matter. But either way, we'll put this as kind of like a dash line, all right? We don't know which model they want to pick or choose or whatever. But somehow you have to have earth beneath hell. No matter what model you pick, okay? Now that presents a problem. Go to Genesis chapter 7 for the flat earth crowd. Why? Well, look at Genesis chapter 7 verse 17. And the flood was 40 days upon the earth, and the waters increased and bare up the ark, and it was lifted up above the earth, and the waters prevailed and were increased greatly upon the earth, and the ark went upon the face of the waters, and the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth, and all the high hills that were under the whole heaven were covered. And clean cubits upward did the waters prevail, and the mountains were covered. According to the Bible, all the earth is covered with water. That's what it's clearly saying. Now from our model, that makes perfect sense. The entire earth, it's a, you know, it's a lake. It's a sea. It's the ocean. I mean, you just got water everywhere. Here's the problem with their flat earth model. If you're consistent and all the earth is covered with water, you'd have to have water coming down here. Well, here's the problem. They don't even believe in gravity. They don't even believe, and in fact, they believe there's like this big ice wall a lot of times because they have to keep the water in somehow, so they believe there's great ice wall that's like keeping in the water, but then the water didn't prevail over everything. It's telling me all the high hills that were under the whole earth, heaven, the mountains are covered. Oh, but we forgot about that ice wall. You know, there's this secret ice wall that's not mentioned here that's somehow keeping all the flood waters just, you know, over here. Show me a model that makes all these verses make sense because this one doesn't make sense, my friend. It's stupid. It's idiotic. It makes the Bible look stupid. You know, the Bible says in 2 Peter 3, for this they willingly are ignorant of that by the word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water. According to the Bible, it says that the world was overflowed with water. Show me that in this model because you keep building a container. You have to containerize it. This doesn't have to have that. The whole world is literally covered in water. It's not that hard. It's not rocket science, okay? And, you know, the Bible also says in Isaiah 45, if you were to go consistently with this model, it says that God himself that formed the earth and made it, he has established it. He created it not in vain. He formed it to be inhabited. I am the Lord and there is none else. According to the Bible, all of the earth was created for a purpose to be inhabited, okay? So, if we consistently go with this model, there's all this earth that has no purpose. Just no purpose. Just nothing. God didn't create this in vain. God's creation is not stupid. It's not imbecilic. It's not wasteful, okay? That's why all the earth is literally created to be inhabited. That's what God told us. But these stupid morons have to build a wasteful, idiotic, dumb earth. That's what they build. Go to Psalms chapter 104. Psalms 104. Let's get another proof or another evidence from the Bible why this is so stupid. It's such garbage. They have a lot of problems with something very obvious to all of us, okay? We can't really see what the earth looks like from that picture except for just relying upon, you know, some kind of satellite image or something. We can't just see it with our naked eye from our perspective on the earth. But there's something that we all see every day. It's called the horizon. The horizon causes so many problems for a flat earth theory. It's not even funny. It is funny, but it's not funny for people to believe it. Psalms 104 verse 19, he appointed the moon for seasons. The sun knoweth his going down. Notice the Bible says that the sun goes down. It does not say the sun vanishes, disappears. Now all these stupid flat earth models, they have this little sun kind of like spinning around on top of a disk going like this. And so it's supposed to like go out of your vantage point, okay? But there's a problem because if you have a vantage point or you have a, you know, middle point and you kind of have like, let's say we have a road, okay? I'm not an expert artist, but I'll do my best. Basically everything has to go to this vanish point, okay? All drawings, all pictures. You have a horizon line. See everything has to eventually vanish to this little tiny dot. But there's a problem because the sun does not vanish. The sun does not just go away. The sun will be here and then it'll go here and then it'll go here and then it'll be here. That's what it really does, okay? Their picture or their model would have to basically go like this. That's what it would have to do. It would have to vanish. But it does not vanish. In fact, many times when it's very close to the horizon line, it's bigger. I've even seen the moon, it's like this big going down. That's not vanishing. Now they'll say, oh, it's perception. You know, there's all these perception. You don't understand it, Pastor Shelley. There's all these perception, deception, you know? No, you're just denying reality. You're willingly ignorant at that point. The Bible says that the sun is going down. Why? Because that's exactly what we see, isn't it? And it proves that it has to be the way the solar system looks. You know, obviously the public school lies a lot, okay? Don't get me wrong. They have lots of problems. But it doesn't mean everything they say is a lie. Two plus two is really four, okay? Most of the things you learn in English class, they're all right. They're all good. You know? The there, there, there. You know, that was a good lesson that you need to learn, okay? All the there's, all right? This and that. Everything. There's another problem with the horizon. Let's just take the sun and moon out of the equation for a second, okay? I was driving to Amarillo or Oklahoma, I can't remember, recently. Whenever I was driving. And I even took a picture on my phone. So I can give you some evidence of this. But it was awesome. I'm driving, and we've gone through a lot of storms, but there's literally like just clouds just like billowing everywhere. Just right on the horizon, like huge cloud structures. It looked like, you know, the ocean was just going to come and engulf us, it was like this huge wave coming or something. But here's a problem. If you have a flat earth model, clouds could never touch the horizon line. It's impossible. Because on your stupid little flat earth model, you have clouds going like this, okay? And you're standing here with your blockhead, okay? Your perception, no matter how far you draw this line, clouds will never meet the earth. Never. Everything touching the horizon proves a curved earth. You just walk outside, look at the horizon, oh the earth's round. That's all it takes. That's all you have to do. Because your stupid flat earth, you would never have the clouds meeting right here on the horizon line. It's impossible. I don't care what drawing or picture or mountain or whatever you do. Now obviously, somebody could say, well what about fog? But here's the thing, when I was driving, the clouds are touching the horizon line, and then 100 miles later, these exact same clouds are above my head. They didn't change, they didn't like, they're not like, it's not an illusion, it's not every cloud. The clouds already stand 100 miles in front of you, and the clouds are above them, and when you look, they're at the horizon line. You know why? Because the earth is round. It's not that hard. It's a circle. It's a sphere, okay? We're just going and just proving from the Bible, okay? The Bible told us the sun going down. What a great verse. Go if you would to 2 Kings chapter 23, 2 Kings chapter 23. I feel embarrassed that I have to teach such basic, you know, information here, but we all need it, apparently, 2 Kings chapter 23, because apparently you all didn't think it was stupid enough. I'm trying to help you understand how stupid this really is. Look in 2 Kings 23 verse 5, and he put down the idolatrous priests whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense, and the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem, them also that burned incense and the bale, and to the sun, and to the moon, and notice this, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven. You know the Bible talks about the planets? You know you can look into the sky and see the planets, and did you know every planet and the moon and the sun, they're all what? Spheres. Shocker. I guess God just thought, well, let's make the earth look stupid, but everything else can be a perfect sphere. Everything else looks exactly the same, but the earth is just this weird garbage, you know, wasteland that they draw up. Go over to Acts 14. Let's get, you know, and in fact, all the planets that could be seen with the naked eye were named. They were named by who? The Romans. The Romans' name, that's why an axe, you know who's in charge? The Romans. And they name all the planets after who? Their own gods. Look at Acts chapter number 14 verse 12, it says, and they called Barnabas Jupiter. They didn't just make that up. It's literally a false god that they have, and they ascribe that name to the planet Jupiter that you learned of in school, and Paul Mercurius from Mercury, because he was the chief speaker. Now what is Mercury? It's the closest planet to the sun. So they're saying he's the chief speaker. I guess in their mind, Mercury, which is one of the stars that you can see, the biggest and the brightest, because it's, you know, closer, but it says Mercury is the smallest and innermost planet in the solar system. Its orbital period around the sun is 87.97 days. It is the shortest of all the planets in the solar system. It is named after the Roman deity Mercury, the messenger of the gods. So Mercury, hey, it's one of the, it's the messenger of the gods, you know, whatever that garbage is. Jupiter, it's the fifth planet from the sun and the largest in the solar system. It is a giant planet with a mass 1000 that of the sun, but two and a half times that of all the other planets in the solar system combined. Jupiter and Saturn are gas giants and the other two giant planets Uranus and Neptune are ice giants. Jupiter has been known to astronomers since antiquity. It is named after the Roman god Jupiter. So they've always been able to know this. Why? Because there's certain planets that are seen with a naked eye. Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Neptune and Uranus are not visible by the naked eye. So later when they were discovered, they were like, well, we've already named them all these other Roman gods. Let's just kind of keep going with the system. That's what they kind of came up with. That's how you get the planets in the solar system. The Romans named them. Okay. I'm sure they had names before the Romans had taken over because according to the Bible says since antiquity, they've always known about it. They've always seen it. And the Bible talks about it. The Bible even talks about Mars, talks about Mars Hill. I wonder where they got that from their false god Mars. And then guess where we got the planet name from the false god Mars. Now Mars, I think I said it wrong. Mercury is not, Mars is the planet we can see the best because it's biggest and the closest as far as like all the, you know, I think it's the closest planet to us outside obviously the moon, but it's not a planet. Jupiter's bigger, but because it's further away, it can't be seen as well. But Mars in fact is where we even get the sign for a male. You know, it has this circle and then it has a spear. It's basically like a shield and a spear. That's why they say men are for Mars and women are for Venus. You know, that's a book you shouldn't read, okay. But we see even in the Bible, it's mentioning the planets, don't we? Why? Because God knows about everything. God already knew about it before man knew about it. Now I'm going to take a break from the Bible. We've seen a lot of things in the Bible. We could look at a lot of other passages. The Bible teaches the earth is a sphere, but what's just the world's evidence, okay? We already talked about the horizon. That's a lot of evidence. We can see the sun and different things. But if you believe that the earth is flat, okay, you must accept certain facts. You would have to accept that all governments and all countries on this earth are in on the scam. There is not a government or a country that believes in the flat earth. And in fact, most countries that are somewhat developed, they've sent satellites up into the atmosphere or above the firmament to take pictures of the earth. Let me give you some lists. I found a list of at least 90, 90 countries that have sent up satellites. The first country to do it was the Soviet Union in 1957, okay? Give you some history. It was basically the space race. But you know, NASA was not created until 1958. I guess they, you know, Russia got ahead of the order, right? Because NASA is the one that fakes every image and does everything wrong. Russia had already sent up a satellite before NASA was ever formed. Then the United States in 1958, they finally make it into space with Explorer 1, okay? Then the UK, then Canada, I mean Canada, you're surprising. It's the one time they were even the top 10. Italy, France, Australia, Germany, Japan, China, Netherlands, Spain, India. India did it in 1975. That's a pretty long time ago. Let me give you some other countries. Well, yeah, but these guys, they're in cahoots with the United States. What about Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria? How about Saudi Arabia? Oh, I'm sure they're just really in cahoots with America, right? Mexico, Israel, now they might be, okay? Luxembourg, Hong Kong, South Korea, Portugal, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Malaysia, Norway, the Philippines. I know there's a good reason to go there, right? Egypt, Chile, Singapore, Denmark, Morocco, I'm not going to read all of them, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, you know, I mean Venezuela, Switzerland, Hungary, Sri Lanka, North Korea, just great friends of America, right? I'm sure they were like, hey, we can't let anybody know about this flat earth theory because it's so important. North Korea, you have to get in on it. Okay. Jersey, Peru, Bolivia, Lithuania, Uruguay, Iraq, I mean apparently you already believe in the one world order at this point because there's no way you could say all these guys are their friends, they're all collaborating on this elaborate scheme to cover up the flat earth theory with all their satellites, Angola, New Zealand, Kenya, Jordan, Nepal, I mean there's over 90 countries that have literally set up satellites and they all have pictures of the earth and look, the pictures of the earth are amazing, they're incredible. There's some video I'd uploaded, I think the Pure Words channel of the International Space Station going across the earth, you know, and I see that, I just think, wow, look at the creation that God had created for us, praise the Lord for his beautiful creation, you know, it's amazing the things that he created, when I look at this, I think, what idiot designed this garbage? You know, the Bible says he stretches out the north over the empty place and hangeth the earth upon nothing, amazing, amazing that you can have an entire planet just in space just by the handiwork of God, I mean only God could create such wonders. Psalms 8 says, O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth, who has set thy glory above the heavens, out of the mouth of babes and sucklings, hast thou adorned strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger, when I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained. The Bible says when we consider the creations of God, we just think in awe of God, just praise to the Lord Jesus Christ, I mean, it makes us feel so insignificant, you know, there's times in the Bible where the prophets say, what is man, that thou art mindful of me, when we see how, you know, massive our planet is and the solar system and the things that God has created, it really brings things in perspective, why does he care about us so much, just the love he has for us, the adoration, you'd have to believe if you're a flat earther, that Google Earth is false. And look, I think Google Earth is one of the most amazing, you know, technological advances that we've even seen, you can literally see every square inch of the earth, and it's completely accurate. I mean, it's incredible, the amount of accuracy that our satellites and GPS systems are doing. Oh, but they all covering up this little flatter, stupid theory that nobody cares about. But they have the entire earth perfectly mapped. I mean, you can see anywhere and everywhere. And obviously, when you zoom out, it's an artistic drawing, I'm not stupid, okay. But we still have satellite pictures of the earth, you have to believe all it's fake, the thousands of pictures and the thousands of videos. I mean, they have videos where it's like 12 hour time lapses. I mean, the amount of time and effort and energy. I mean, it takes years for Hollywood to put together a two and a half hour film, and they're just uploading 12 hour live streams of all these earth things. I mean, to cover up this elaborate scheme, just so the tin foil hat wearing guy in his basement, you know, could be wrong. I mean, what's the motive? You have to believe that all time zones are a lie. Now, that might not, you know, affect you that much, but being a software developer, time zones is an incredibly difficult problem that you have to solve. Because right now, it's a different time all over the planet. And when someone does something on their phone, that data has to get stored. Well, the question is, what time is it? You know, is it the time where the phone is? Is it the time where the country they're in? What if their phone's different than the country they're in because they're visiting on vacation? Okay, what about where your server is? What about where your company exists? I mean, there's so many difficult issues when it comes to time zones. Let's just create this entire complicated web of systems just to accommodate time zones, just to believe in the Flat Earth Theory. And, you know, they're stupid garbage models. Whenever they try to show where the sun's like some like spotlight or something, kind of circling, they'll only ever have like a third or a fourth of the Earth lit at a certain time. But you can verifiably prove that false when you call someone across the Earth and they have light and you have light. I mean, you could just teleconference anybody across the Earth. You can prove when there's light and it's half the Earth, half the Earth going all around constantly. Why? Because we live on a sphere. It's not that hard. You also have to believe that all the physical structures today that are accommodating a curved Earth, they're idiots. You know, there's a huge bridge, okay, called the Humber Bridge. And at the base, compared to the top, the top is 36 millimeters further apart at the tops than the base. Why? Well, because of the literal curvature of the Earth. Let me be able to explain this, okay? So if you have a curved Earth and you have a bridge, okay, and it's coming out straight on these points, this distance from here to here is going to be shorter than the distance from here to here. They literally have to calculate that for the bridge to be constructed properly. Oh, but I bet they're lying to cover up, you know, the Flat Earth Theory. Oh, man, they just really want to cover it up. All these architects and engineers and construction workers, they care so much. I mean, it's ridiculous. You have to believe that's a lie. You have to believe all the maps of antiquity, they were all lying too. There's all kinds of maps from hundreds and hundreds of years ago where they're literally drawing, what, two circles. Why? Because it's hard to draw a three-dimensional object on a 2D map, okay? So they draw, what, two circles and they have, what, the entire Earth. They don't draw a stupid garbage flat disk, you idiot, you moron. And you know what? If you look at their accuracy, even back then, of what the continents look like, it's incredible. I mean, if you gave me a map and I'd never seen a GPS picture or a textbook or anything, and I'm supposed to map the Earth, that's intimidating. The fact that they were able to do this blows my mind. I mean, it blows my mind, the technology and the knowledge that our fathers had. And all the technology and information we have is we're standing on the shoulders of our fathers. They gave us the ability to have the technology and knowledge we have. You know, you rely upon satellites for so many things, but it can't tell us, you know, what a picture of the Earth looks like. I mean, you rely upon them for all your television, for all of your telephone communications between airplanes, for your navigation, for your business and finance, for your weather, for your climate and environmental monitoring, for your safety, for your land stewardship. I mean, all kinds of farmers are using satellite imagery to do better irrigation systems and to make sure different crop areas are being watered properly. And to see all kinds of different things. But it's all lies. I mean, we can trust them for every area of our life, but we can't trust them on just a picture of the Earth. Right. All development in the developing world. Not only this, you have to believe that, you know, the whole world's behind it. OK, but here's here's a problem. All right. So I'm going to shift quickly. Why is the flatter is such a big deal, Pastor Shelley? OK. I mean, I like conspiracy theories. I like these things. Well, there's a difference between conspiracy theory and heresy. OK. Now, there's lots of fun, cool, interesting and stupid conspiracy theories all mixed together. OK. You know, Elvis is dead. OK. I'm just thinking. Bigfoot doesn't exist. All right. I don't believe every conspiracy theory. But, you know, the word conspiracy is found in your Bible a lot. And you know, he's usually doing it, the government. And you know why they're usually doing it for power, money or influence. OK. So ones that involve the government with power, money, influence, a lot of times they might be right. And in fact, even our own government has admitted that they've tried to do things that were very wicked to deceive the American people. You know, in the Cuban Missile Crisis, Operation Northwood, they said that they were going to literally bomb Texas on purpose as a fake mission. They're going to, like, falsify some kind of bombing in Texas just so we could invade Cuba. All the documents have been released. It was in the 70s. I mean, it's not like questionable. So the government's already admitted, hey, we had this operation. We draw the plans. We handed the president and he decided not to do it. But who's to say the next president would do it? Now, when it comes to something, let's let's compare a theory, OK? How about 9-11? All right. Now, I believe that 9-11 was an inside job. There's no way that you could you prove to me that it's not. But I don't think it's important for me to go around evangelizing. First of all, I mean, it's not that big a deal. And really, who in the world gets up and says the Bible says that 9-11 was an inside job? Nobody says that. So there's a difference already. OK, but building seven is a smoking gun when it comes to this thing. Right. I mean, we have some tangible proof. And additionally, that whenever you're evaluating the validity of anything. And I've done this to my whole, you know, the last five years or so. OK. All of my ministry all the time. This is how I evaluate something true. I just evaluate the extreme opposition opinions. Let's just get the best arguments from both sides and compare. And you know what? The truth bears no investigation. But the problem is with things that are false is they have no proof. They're not showing you mountains and evidences of proofs and all these different things that you can look at. It's the side that's true is the one that's providing all this proof. The ones that are not are providing all kinds of ad hominem attacks. Let's think about vaccination for a second. I mean, vaccination. They're not just saying, hey, look at all these double blind studies we did on vaccinated versus unvaccinated children. Let's test all these different populations. And here's all the evidence. Here's all the proof. They're just like, if you don't do it, you're stupid. You're a Bible thumper and you're an idiot. And you've got to just go along with the doctors and just trust the doctors. Just trust the government. I know you trust the government for literally nothing, but vaccinations are good. It's like what? Where the pharmaceutical companies are literally making billions. It's it's it's weird. OK. But the sphere has literally millions of proofs. Every picture that has been produced by these satellite images, every video, all the satellite things, all the horizon pictures we looked at, all the mathematical proofs, all the throughout history, the Bible. I mean, we're talking about mountains and mountains and mountains and mountains of evidence that the Earth. Where's the where's the one flat Earth proof? I mean, where's their mountains of evidence? They don't have mountains of evidence. They have nothing. They have speculate. They they have amateurs with a camcorder standing at some lake or seashore zooming in and being like, oh, I can see a little bit further. It's the Earth's flat. It's like, that's stupid. That's not a proof. You didn't prove anything. You're an idiot. Or they'll just draw a piece of paper. This is what it says. You know, really, they have nothing to base their arguments on. Do you know what a lot of them have started doing? The Bible teaches it, because now they have something to try and prop up their garbage. So they'll try to blaspheme God, blaspheme the word of God by saying the Bible teaches it. It's lies. Why? Because they have nothing else to point to. And look, if all reality, all math and science and reality is contradicting your interpretation of the Bible, you better be sure you're right on that interpretation. You better be like, I think I might be wrong here. Maybe I'm not interpreting this exactly correctly. You know, all kinds of different proclamations of when Christ is coming. Look, the abomination of desolation hasn't happened. Check again. Look again. When reality does not match what the Bible says, preterism. Here's a good example. Can you read the Book of Revelation? Be like, oh, it already happened thousands years ago. We already entered in the millennial reign of Christ. Didn't happen. Reality has already told you that that's a dumb idea. Recheck your Bible. OK, you'd have to believe. I mean, here's another thing. OK, just the number of advocates or believers. When you look at nine, let's compare 9-11 again. OK, to the Flat Earth. Now, when it comes to 9-11, there's literally multiple countries that will get up and, you know, just proclaim 9-11 was an inside job. America's lying. We have proof. But where are the countries like, America's lying about the Flat Earth? Where's the diplomats and the people going around evangelizing this? Where's the, you know, the real believers? There's some loser that doesn't have a job that just sits and eats chips off his chest behind a computer screen. They're weirdos. They're freaks. These people are just, you know, I don't even want to go around them. I'm afraid of you. Here's some countries. They did some statistics. OK. And they asked, who's behind 9-11 attacks? They asked lots of different countries. OK. I'll just give you the ones that said they believe the U.S. did it. In Indonesia, only 14 percent of their population thinks the U.S. government did it. Or I'm sorry, I'm saying this wrong. They believe the U.S. government was the one that was behind it. OK. In China, nine percent. In South Korea, 17 percent. In Nigeria, seven percent. In Jordan, 17 percent. In Egypt, 12 percent. In Turkey, 36 percent. Palestine, 27 percent. Says in Mexico, 30 percent. They're not as dumb as you thought, right? You know, the ones that they believe with Al Qaeda, there's not even a country here that's over like 80 percent. It's all 30, 20, 70, 11. In Jordan, only 11 percent believe the official story. And Jordan, they're real close to the action, aren't they? All right. But why? Where are you getting all of these advocates for your Flat Earth theory? They don't exist. That's why you should reconsider your opinion. You know, there's architects and engineers for 9-11 Truth. And again, I'm not going to get up here and try to preach you and convince you of that. I'm just trying to compare a conspiracy theory that actually has a lot of validity and a lot of proofs to it to the Flat Earth theory. They're not the same. There's no, you know, equivacy to them. OK, so where is this Flat Earth coming from, then? All right, I'll give you the history of this. Go to the First Chronicles Chapter 16, your Bible. First Chronicles Chapter 16. Where is this Flat Earth theory coming from? That's a good question, right? Because when it comes to any of these theories, you have to ask, where are these sources? You know, it comes to 9-11. A lot of people that are trying to get questions are architects, engineers, people that have insider knowledge. They're the ones that are asking for the investigation. They're wanting to know these things. You know, the countries that were greatly affected by the outcome of 9-11, they're wanting to ask a lot of questions. They're second guessing, you know, the insurance companies that are getting defrauded out of billions of dollars because of the inside job. They're wanting to ask questions, but I'm sure they're getting paid off somehow. But where is the Flat Earth coming from? What's the motive? Right. You say in 9-11, was there a motive? Well, there just happened to be billions of dollars of gold and silver underneath the World Trade Centers. There's a lot of questions about where some of that money went. What happened there? We entered into a war where we literally are taking all kinds of oil imports from countries. I think there's a lot of motive. Where's the motive in the Flat Earth theory? Like, can you give me one thing that, like, is beneficial from the Flat Earth theory? It doesn't benefit anything. There's no positive. There's no possible motive except for to just say, ha ha, I was right. You know, pride. Right. Let me give you the modern Flat Earth origination. OK. Came from a guy named Samuel Robotham. OK. He wrote based on conclusions derived from the Bedford level experiment. Basically, he was just looking out on a lake and he could see something further than he thought he could. So the Earth was flat. OK. I'm just simple. I'm oversimplifying what happened. But he later wrote a book about it. Earth, not a globe. Proposing the Earth is flat. This happened in the eighteen hundreds. OK. And then Robotham further, you know, held his opinion. Since the Earth is flat, the sun and the moon are three thousand miles above the Earth. So the guy that thinks the Earth is flat also thinks the sun and moon are only three thousand miles over. Have you ever flown on a plane? You go at least thirty five thousand feet. Many different times. OK. You're going way up there. I mean, that's only seven miles. But the bio area modern science is like ninety eight million miles. You know, the sun away from the Earth. This guy is saying that we're going to get scorched by the sun based on his calculations. Not only that, he had organized and lived in a socialist commune. That's where this guy's coming from. He's living in a socialist commune. Now, he took a wager. There's this famous wager. OK. In 1870, he took a wager. You know, a flat Earth is being challenged about the curvature of the Earth. It's called the Bedford level experiment. OK. The experiment was performed on a six mile long and straight Bedford canal. Basically, they had this straight river and the guy said, hey, I can bet you that the Earth, you know, curved. And so they took a wager. I can't remember the amount. It was a lot of money, especially back then. But essentially, the proposal, I'll just draw it for you real quick. We have some kind of idea. But since they had this flat lake and they have a bridge here, he said, I'll put some kind of marker on this bridge. And then we'll set up a telescope at the exact same level. OK. And then we'll set up a pole at the exact same height. And if the Earth's flat, then the pole, when you look at it through the telescope, will be an exact, you know, the same line. It's the exact same height. But if the Earth is curved. OK. Whenever we have this, you know, bridge with its marker and you have your pole. And you have your telescope. OK. You would see the pole markers above the bridge mark. And guess what? When they looked at the telescope, I wonder what they saw. They saw the two the two discs above this marker. Now, they actually ended up going through lots of lawsuits and all kinds of things. The guy wouldn't pay. I'm shocked. Right. But they literally proved this false. Immediately. The guy that originated a flatter theory, took a bet, lost publicly, was getting sued for you know, he tried to sue for libel and all kinds of different things. He gets proven wrong and he can't even defend it. This is where the flatter society comes from. This guy. This is who you're this is your champion. OK. First Chronicles Chapter 16. Let's get a let's you know, that's where it originated. And I tried to look up what are the verses that they're coming to from the Bible to get their doctrine. OK. Well, we'll wrap up here in a minute. I didn't want to look at every single verse. I just took the first argument. OK. Where are they coming from? Because they say the earth or the Bible proves it. First Chronicles 16, verse 29. The Bible says, Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name. Bring an offering and come before him. Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Fear before him all the earth. The world also shall be stable, that it be not moved. Let the heavens be glad and let the earth rejoice. And let men say among the nations, the Lord reigneth. Oh, man, there's flat. Didn't you just read that? Say what? It was hard to even figure out what their arguments. OK, but what they're trying to say in verse 30, it says the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved. OK, so they're trying to make this argument. They say that because of this verse, the earth is completely stable. It's not moving. OK, but there's a lot of reasons why we know that's a really bad interpretation. First of all, keep your finger here. But go to Psalms Chapter 96. Psalms Chapter 96. Now, what's happening in First Chronicles Chapter 16? This is when David is bringing the Ark of the Covenant back into Jerusalem and they're going to sing a psalm. You know, they're singing psalms. That's where we get Psalms 150. Praise be the Lord. And we see Asaph has the loud cymbals and he's just banging the cymbals. And they're going down to town and they're celebrating. They're singing this psalm. Well, the psalms also recorded in Psalm 96 this exact portion. Look at verse nine. Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Fear before him all the earth. Say among the heathen that the Lord reigneth. The world also shall be established that it shall not be moved. He shall judge the people righteously. So we go back to First Chronicles 16. You say, well, what is he talking about? Earth and world. It does not. It's not necessarily super clear. OK, it could be the literal earth or it could be what most of the time the Bible's referring to people. But when you look it up in Psalms 96, it's real clear what he's talking about. Fear before him all the earth. Now, the earth doesn't really fear that much. OK, it's inanimate. Say among the heathen that the Lord reigneth. The world also shall be established that it shall not be moved. He shall judge the people righteously. You know what the Bible is saying? It's saying when God is reigning on this earth, when the Lord Jesus Christ is ruling and reigning, you know what? It's going to be stable. It's going to be a time of peace. Be still and know that I am God, is what the Bible says. OK, so when it's talking about it not being moved, it's meaning God's economy, when he's ruling and reigning, it's going to be stable, my friend. It's going to be it's not going to be moved. You're not going to be able to overthrow it. Nothing's going to come against it. This is not saying that the earth is stationary. And in fact, even when we think of the word move, there's a verse that we have for our church. Right. Be steadfast. Right. Always abounding the work of the Lord. We're supposed to be unmovable. Now, does that mean that we're supposed to be steadfast, unmovable? What is it saying? It's saying always abounding the work of the Lord. Right. When we think about the word move, that's not what it's saying about us being stationary. It's not saying the earth is stationary. Let's prove that. OK, go to Psalms 99. Just flip over a page. I'll read for you in second Samuel 22. Then the earth shook and trembled. The foundations of heaven moved and shook because he was wroth. The Bible says the earth is going to literally shake. That sounds like some movement. When it's talking about the earth not being moved, it's talking about a time of peace. It's talking about it being stable when God is ruling and reigning. It's not that it's not going to move. Look at Psalms 99, verse one. They should have kept reading. The Lord reigneth. Let the people tremble. He sitteth between the cherubims. Let the earth be moved. You're going to have some problems with your garbage doctrine there because the Bible says let the earth be moved. Go to Isaiah 24. Let's get another verse. Revelation 20, 11 says, And I saw a great white throne and in that sat on it, whose face the earth and the heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them. I bet there was some movement. OK, I don't know, but it sounds like a lot of movement here. Isaiah 24, verse 17. Fear and the pit and the snare are upon the own habit of the earth, and it shall come to pass that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit. And he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare for the windows from on high or open, and the foundations of the earth do shake. The earth is utterly broken down. The earth is clean dissolved. The earth is moved exceedingly. The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard and shall be removed like a cottage, and the transgression thereof shall be heavily upon it, and it shall fall and not rise again. But they want to tell me that that one verse is like, oh, the earth's stationary. Just keep reading the Bible. Your garbage interpretation. It takes one second of study to realize he's not even talking about the earth in the verse you're trying to use. It's the people. That's the type of scholarship of these idiots. They literally try to pull a verse out that says the earth and it's not even talking about the literal earth. That's how bad their scholarship is. And they just have to grasp its straws. You know, I heard that false prophet Tyler Baker. He says, you know, the earth's never referred to as the planet, except for in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And guess what? That was the planet. He's saying it's always talking about dry land or something. He's an idiot, too. Why? Because the natural man receiveth not the things of God, right? They're foolishness unto him. Go to Proverbs 26. Let's conclude on this matter, right? We beat it down to where everybody's just like, come on, Pastor Shelley. I mean, I get it. I hope that you didn't even need any of these examples. I hope you didn't need any of these drawings. But I just want to help you realize it's that stupid. I don't even think I can make it manifest how stupid it truly is. But the reason why I want to make sure that you understand it's very stupid is because of what the Bible says. Look at Proverbs 26, verse seven. The legs of the lame are not equal. So is a parable in the mouth of fools. People that are stupid do not know how to interpret the Bible. You need to be aware of stupid people. Don't let a stupid person start opening up the Bible to you and show you anything, ever. It's going to be a problem. So flip back to chapter 14. The Bible says in Job 38, when God comes out of a whirlwind to talk to Job, and he's answering right after, you know, this bozo, this young punk ally who's coming around, he says, who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? And anybody that starts opening their mouth and saying anything about the flat earth is a person that has no knowledge. They're darkening counsel. They're making you dumber by even hearing anything that they just said. You need to just run away from this person. Look at Proverbs 14, verse seven. Go from the presence of a foolish man when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge. What does the Bible say? It's saying when someone is going to open their mouth and just say the dumbest things ever, you need to immediately go from that person. Do not hang around with stupid people, with foolish people. Be not deceived. Evil communications corrupt good manners is what the Bible says. I don't want you to be stupid. But if you hang around stupid people, you will be stupid. If you want to be wise, you need to get some wise friends. You need to be careful what friends you make. You need to be careful of the people that you hang out with. And let me just make something super clear, okay? Just because someone comes to this church does not mean they're a good person, does not mean they're a wise person, does not mean they're a person you should hang out with. Now wouldn't God we'd all be great people you could hang out with and iron sharpening iron. But you know what? Just because someone goes to church doesn't mean I'm going to drop my kids off with you and let's just open up the Bible and share the flat earth ideas and let's talk about how soul winning is stupid and let's talk about how Pastor Shelley is stupid and wicked. Look, there's some bad people in churches, even in great churches. In fact, pretty much every church that's not this church has got even more wicked people probably. They're letting Sodomites come in. I mean, you know, at least I'm not going to let the Sodomites come in. But the Judases can come in and they'll whisper all kinds of weird things in your ears. Go to 2 Timothy chapter 2, we'll close there. When someone approaches you with something this stupid, this foolish, you must, you must let the pastor know. I don't care if you come to this church or another church. Look, when you realize someone is saying something this garbagey, you have to let other people know. Why is it that everyone in the whole church has to hear about it before the pastor? Did you not think it was that stupid? Did you not realize how stupid it truly is? Thank God that when somebody realized this was a problem, they came to me and they said, hey, there's a problem here. You know, even on how pleasant it is. You know, they didn't even necessarily realize how big a problem it is probably. You never really know. People are like, I didn't think it was that big a deal. Look, when someone's going around evangelizing the flat earth, what were they? Stupid or wicked or both? That's the options. And unfortunately, when you realize someone's not stupid, there's only one other option. They're wicked. They're wicked. And I'm going to stand by that. Every single person that I've known up to this point that's been caught in the flat earth is a very wicked person, a very evil person trying to destroy the churches that they're in, leaving all kinds. It's usually the tip of iceberg. I mean, that garbage Tyler Doka false prophet, he comes out with his flat earth garbage. Then he starts teaching that you can go to the lake of fire if you're saved. If you believe in Jesus, you have to be just like perfect Christian. And then maybe you'll just get barely toasted in the lake of fire or something. You know, I mean, you just get it kind of just, you know, sauteed a little bit or something. I mean, I don't know. It's ridiculous. You know, this I was when I was trying to figure out some information. I was like, what's the best arguments? So I went to the guy's YouTube channel just to see, like, what is best arguments on all those videos are gone now. He took them all off because he's such a, you know, devil. He's such a cult leader. Everybody who saw all his false doctrine, they're running away screaming. Now they have to hide it. Now they have to say, well, we want to bring people in and slowly teach him the doctrine. He said whenever he, you know, preaches a sermon, it's a ribeye. And, you know, these baby Christians can't be eating ribeyes, you know. No, it's really just eating dung is what it is. Look at 2 Timothy chapter 2 verse 15. Now I think this is what happens. Good people, they hear garbage out of someone's mouth and they think, I wouldn't fall for this junk. So they just let it go. But here's the thing. There are people that will fall for it. And you're doing them a disservice when something bad is going on and you don't take care of it. Because why? Their word will eat us up the canker. The Bible says that good people can get deceived and their faith can be destroyed from someone whispering garbage in their ear. It happens all the time. Good people get around a toxic person and a toxic person will ruin them, will destroy their faith, will get them out of church. There's people that go to church and they're serving God and it seems like they're zealous. Then they make a bad friend. Now all of a sudden they're not going to church as much. Now all of a sudden they're not serving the Lord as much. Now they're not as zealous. What happened? Maybe that toxic, infectious person is going around destroying their life. And you could have stopped it when you realized this guy's a fool. This guy's somebody I need to be aware of. This is somebody that there's a problem here. And look, the more I go down this walk, the more bad people just exist. Just get over it. Just realize that bad people exist. Just realize that there's people that want to say stupid things. And the person that's actually wise after this sermon, or at least that was simple, they could become wise. I'm not mad at somebody that decides to fall for this junk. I'm mad for you if you don't try to learn. If you don't try to take heed to the things that I just demonstrated for you. If you don't take heed to God's word, to all the proofs and all the evidence. And mostly, I think virtually all of y'all in here, you probably don't need me to tell you the earth is a sphere. But you know what you do need to hear? When someone's coming around teaching a stupid doctrine, you need to be aware of that. You need to take care and notice of that. It's not just going to affect you. It could affect other people, other people's children, other people's family members. And somebody asked me this question. I'll finish on this point, OK? They said, yeah, but when I'm concerned with an issue, when I feel like there's something bad in the church, I see something, someone do something bad. I don't feel like, you know, you're saying I can go around telling people. That's true. That would be gossip. If you have a problem with someone, you know, you tell that person and the leadership. It works the same way at your job. If you're at your job and another employee is taking cash out of the register and shoving it in his pocket, you know what two people you tell? You tell that guy and your boss. That's who you tell. You don't go around just being like, hey, do you see Johnny shoving money in his pocket? You don't go around telling all your coworkers. That's not the appropriate way to handle it. You go to your leader, whoever that is, your supervisor, your manager, and you know what? You're a bad employee if you see people taking money and shoving in their pocket and you say nothing. You're accomplice to their theft. When you see something bad going on, you need to report it and don't feel bad about reporting it. Don't feel like, well, I don't know if I should, you know, this person shoving money into their pocket and they're flipping customers off and they're coming in late and they're doing wicked. You know, if they're harming your company, you hate your boss to not tell them. You despise your company to just let someone steal and rip off your company. And if you love this church, let me make a practical application, if you love this church, you love your pastor, and you love your fellow members in the church, when someone is doing something wicked, you have to tell that person and the pastor. You know, and if you tell someone they're doing something wicked and they repent, great. Maybe they can fix it. You know, I'm not mad at a person when they do something wrong. I'm mad at them when they don't fix it. Because we all make mistakes, myself included. And if you were to sit here and say, well, I think Pastor Shelley did this wrong, you're probably right a lot of times. I mean, I make a lot of mistakes. You know, I said that Bathsheba was Solomon's mother. I mean, wife. I mixed it up. I say all kinds of dumb things in my sermons. I make all kinds of mistakes. I kept myself making bad references. And look, if you feel like I make a mistake, come tell me. I'm not going to rip your head off. I'm not going to be mad at you. I actually love you. I love you for helping me fix a mistake. You know what? Don't go around making false accusations about anybody. The Bible says, against an elder, receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses. So if you don't have that, you should say, shut your mouth. And if you don't, I'm telling the pastor immediately. Hey, you have a problem with the pastor? Let's call him up and see what he thinks about it. And it should be the same with anybody in this church. Hey, I've got a problem with this brother. Well, let's get him on the phone and let's get it handled. I'm not involved. Why don't you call him? Why don't you go deal with him? And when people are teaching you false, wicked doctrine, you need to beware. You need to keep your ears open. Be a Berean. Search the scriptures. Make sure those things are right. That's how we're going to have a healthy church. That's how we're going to have a good church. You don't want to go to the doctor and find out your whole body's filled with cancer. You just want to say, hey, it's just this one small part. We got it out. We're good. Let's close in prayer. Thank you, Father, so much for your word. Thank you so much for giving us strong warnings. Thank you so much for giving us just a great earth. I love this earth. I love the creations that you've made. They're so wonderful that we can just give glory unto you for your perfect creation. When you were done creating them, you said they were very good. I thank you for this church. I thank you for these people. I thank you for your words. I pray that we would, you know, not just take the good parts of the Bible, but even the difficult parts. And whenever we're challenged or whenever we're tempted or whenever we're tried or whenever we're tested, we would just be faithful in your commandments. We would not be respected of persons. And that we would love our brethren, not just the one that's, you know, causing pain, but all of them, and try to fix the problem. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.