(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The verse I wanted to focus on this morning was verse 13 where the Bible read, Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men. The title of the sermon this morning is Fake Christian Spirituality. Fake Christian Spirituality. And you say, what are you going to preach about this morning? Well, I'm not preaching about the Catholics today. I'm not preaching about the lame Baptists today, the ones that are saved, that have just forsaken, you know, God's word, that have forsaken going out and preaching the gospel, that don't really want to teach doctrine, that are stooped in false doctrine. I'm not preaching about them. I'm preaching against fake Christian spirituality. What is this? You're Joel Osteen. You're Hillsong. I mean, Hillsong. I mean, all these Christian temples today, these buildings, filled with thousands and thousands of people this morning, and they claim to be Christian. They claim to have spirituality. They claim to be Spirit-filled. Now go, if you would, to 2 Peter chapter number 2. 2 Peter chapter number 2. You say, well, what's wrong with these type of, you know, institutions today? I don't even like to call them a church, because they're not a church in the eyes of the Lord. If you read Revelation chapter 2 and 3, he tells you what's a church and what's not a church. And they're not a church. They're just a social club. They're just a gathering of unsaved, fake Christian people. Now, the world today, they'll label, you know, billions of people Christian. They'll even lump the Catholics as Christian. But we see from the Bible, that's not what a Christian is. A Christian is one that's actually believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. That's saved by faith. Now, Christian can also mean Christ-like. So, if we're really going to take a strict definition of a Christian, it would only be those that are saved and trying to be like Christ. Trying to actually follow in his footsteps. Now, I'm not against you saying anybody's, you know, that's saved is a Christian. There's a backslidden Christian. But I'm just saying the purpose of being called a Christian is you're trying to be like Christ. And Antioch is the first place they're called Christians. Why? Because they're trying to be Christ-like. They're starting the church. They're going out and preaching the gospel. They're persecuted for Christ's name. You're not going to be calling the guy hiding in his house, not letting anybody know that he's a Christian a Christian. You just don't even realize that he's a Christian, right? The ones that are going out and being persecuted, you're like, these guys are the Christians, right? It's kind of a good title, a good name to be called. I would love to be called a Christian by my persecutors. Why? Because they're saying you're trying to be like Christ. Amen. That's what I'm trying to be like this morning. Look at 2 Peter 2, verse 18. For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lust of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. So what's wrong with these megachurches today? What's wrong with hell's song? What's wrong with this church that's just reaching millions and millions of people? I mean, have you heard their music? I mean, their music's so fancy and it's so alluring. Oh, man, it just sounds so great. Guess what? It's great swelling words of vanity. Now, you say, how can you preach against their music? I mean, they're singing about Jesus. They're singing these great songs. It's so catchy. Well, let's understand why we wouldn't want to sing their songs. Now, I picked out a song. It's not the most popular, but it's one of the most popular songs they have. It's called I Surrender. I Surrender. It has 80 million views on YouTube. They're just one video of this upload. Some of their videos have 200 million views of some of their songs, okay? Now, I'm just going to read for you the lyrics of their song I Surrender. Here I am, down on my knees again, surrendering all, surrendering all, and find me here. Lord, as you draw me near, desperate for you, desperate for you, I surrender. Drench my soul as mercy and grace unfold. I hunger and thirst, I hunger and thirst. With arms stretched wide, I know you hear my cry. Speak to me now, speak to me now. I surrender, I surrender. I want to know you more, I want to know you more. I can repeat that about four or five more times, and that would be the song. The song's like 10 minutes in length. I mean, they just say the same thing over and over and over. Now, get your hymnal back out this morning. Turn to hymn 308, 308. Say, didn't we sing that this morning? Yes, we did. I didn't pick that. Somebody else picked that. 308. Now, we sing a song that's pretty similar. I mean, we just sang a song this morning, I Surrender All. So you say, well, what's the difference? What's the difference between, you know, the hell song version and what we have in our hymnal this morning? Well, my first point is that the hell song version is lack of doctrine. It's void of any doctrine. Now, obviously, they're repeating the same words over and over, and if you read 308, the chorus, hey, we repeat the chorus four times, don't we? So we're singing things in repetition. We're singing certain things over and over. Is that what's wrong with it? Not at all. Let's focus first on the things that are positive about the hell song version, okay? First of all, they use the name Jesus, okay? Some songs in this modern, you know, fake Christianity, fake spirituality, they won't even use the name of our Savior in their song. They won't even use the name of God anywhere. It's just this generic blend of just secular music. But at least this song, it does mention Jesus somewhere in it. So we'll say positive check mark, all right? I'm just giving them the most benefit of the doubt. I'm just trying to be as, you know, generous as I can with this song today. It says that they're surrendering. I mean, that's a pretty good, you know, concept. At least, you know, they're wanting to surrender. Now, they don't really define what that means in their song. You know, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. The Bible talks about us trusting the Lord. The word surrender is not in your King James Bible this morning. If you were like wondering what that word is, it's not in your Bible, but there's similar words like trust, submission. So we'll just give them the positive, we'll say maybe that's good. Both songs talk about surrender. Both songs mention Jesus. Not only that, they also mention being down on my knees. Well, this song also mentions being down on your knees. Look at verse 2. All to Jesus I surrender, humbly at his feet I bow. So they both kind of give the same imagery of being surrendered in some way, submitting unto the Lord, giving reverence unto the Lord. In the Hillsong version, they also say arms stretched wide. Now, I preached previously that the Bible does talk about men lifting up their holy hands without wrath and doubting, that you would lift up your hands in the sanctuary and you could praise the Lord, would be a biblical concept. It's not something that's unbiblical. This version in your hymn doesn't mention that. Okay, so there's their one real positive check. That's all the positive, okay? That's all the things that I was just trying to look at and say, if I was just going to look at the positive, it mentions Jesus, talks about surrender, it's down on your knees, arms stretched wide. But here's the negative, okay? If we compare it with the hymn this morning, what does verse 1 say? All to who? All to Jesus I surrender. So we know who we're surrendering to. This song's just I surrender, I surrender, I surrender. Who are you surrendering to? What are you surrendering to? I mean, who are we going to actually surrender to? What is it that you're surrendering to? Is it, you know, another spirit? Is it the Lord Jesus Christ? What is it that they're surrendering to in this song? You don't know. It's just generic so it can be applied to any person for any reason. Not only that, let's look at the second part of verse 1. All to him I freely give. So in your hymn this morning, we already destroyed the false doctrine of Calvinism. Calvinism says you don't have free will. This song we're singing, hey, even though I'm surrendering, even though I'm trying to trust the Lord and getting on my knees and bowing to him, I realize I'm doing it with my own free will. I'm freely giving this unto the Lord. It's not this tractor beam where God just says, you better surrender. I hope you're going to. No, he begs us, he pleads us, he commands us to trust him, to bow down unto him, to give him reverence. But you have a choice this morning. You don't have to be here this morning. You can go do whatever you want. You can go, you know, fake worship with all the fake Christians today, with the fake spirituality today, or you could come into a church that actually honors the Lord Jesus Christ, that's going to give him the praise and the glory, and we've already destroyed false doctrine in verse 1. This other song, I don't know any doctrine. There's no information here that's from the Bible. I'm not learning any points. We're not destroying any false doctrine. Look at the third line. I will ever love and trust him. So, wow, we've already destroyed Calvinism and we've defined surrender. We talk who we're surrendering to. We're surrendering to the Lord Jesus Christ. That's who we're surrendering to. We're giving him, you know, honor. Not only that, we're saying that we're going to freely give it. Not only that, we say we're going to trust him, meaning what we meant by surrender. We're helping define our mind. What did we mean by surrender, since it's not even a biblical word? We're saying we're going to trust the Lord. We're going to trust Jesus Christ. Let's skip to the second verse. Okay, so all to Jesus I surrender, humbly at his feet I bow. Let's look at the next line. Worldly pleasures all forsaken. So not only that, he's telling you what it even means to surrender. Because it's cool to just say it. Hey, I surrender. What does that mean? Well, you know what? Your hymn this morning told you what that means. Hey, you're giving up worldly pleasures. You're dying to yourself. You're getting the filth of the world off of you this morning and you're trying to put on holiness and righteousness and true godliness that comes from God's Word. But you know what? This song, it doesn't talk about that. It just says, I surrender. But that just means something different to every single person. But see, when we sing our hymn this morning, we all realize worldly pleasures are not of the Father. This world is not of God. God is at enmity with the world this morning. Not only that, if we look at the next line, it says, take me Jesus, take me now. Hey, we get some rapture doctrine. We're talking about the day of the Lord. We're saying, man, I just can't wait to be redeemed. I can't wait to take on that new body. I can't wait to see the Lord in the air. Just take me now. I mean, we get excited about the day of redemption. We get excited about the rapture. How many doctrines have we already covered? I mean, it's just doctrine after doctrine after doctrine. You say, why do you sing the hymns? Because it's just doctrine after doctrine after doctrine after doctrine. And you know what? This fake Christian spirituality, they're void of doctrine. None of their songs talk about doctrine. You know why? Because doctrine divides people. The Calvinist can't come in here and want to sing this song because he's not going to talk about it. He's going to freely give. He's like, well, I'm going to forcibly give. I'm just going to do it not of my will. It's his will. It's just irresistible gively. I'm just going to irresistibly give you everything because I just can't make any other decision. What kind of song is that? It's like being a slave. That's not being a cheerful giver. That's not giving the Lord of love. Not only that, the Bible says in verse 3 at the very top, it says, I surrender. Make me Savior, holy thine. So we also are defining other things about the Lord Jesus Christ. He's our Savior. Let's skip down to verse 3, the second part. It says, let me feel the Holy Spirit. Some people accuse Baptists because they don't believe in this false speaking in tongues that we, like, deny the Holy Ghost or something, that we don't believe in the Holy Ghost. Look, this, we're talking about feeling the Holy Spirit this morning. You know how you feel it? When you hear God's word and it's convicting your heart. When the Holy Ghost is bringing to remembrance God's words and they're wanting to change your life for the good. To be more godly, feel the Holy Spirit this morning when God's words come off the page into your heart. That's feeling the Holy Ghost. That's the power of the Holy Ghost. Don't tell me I don't have any spirituality. You're the one with the fake Christian spirituality getting up and singing, oh, I surrender, I surrender. What does that mean? Nothing. It means nothing to them. But you know what, when we sing the doctrine, when we sing how we're not going to go out and get those worldly pleasures, it can convict our heart this morning. God's word can convict our heart. We can feel the Holy Spirit when God's word is convicting us. Not only that, he says, truly know that thou art mine. Look, we're the Lord Jesus Christ. Skip to the next one right there just below. Fill me with thy love and power. God's word has power. The word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing, even dividing asunder a soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is the discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. The Bible says that word of God has power this morning. It says, let thy blessings fall on me. Let thy blessing. It's the Lord's blessing that we receive. In our chorus, we also talk about how the Lord himself blessed Savior. We're talking about our blessed Savior. Look, all this great doctrine, all this great information, all this reverence of the Lord, is just stripped out of these modern songs, of these modern worship songs. They sing them for ten minutes, and they don't give any honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. They don't have any doctrine. What is that doing? It's removing the spirituality of their song. The spirituality comes from God's word, and when you strip out all of God's word, you just stripped out all the spirituality. Now you're just like the world. Now you're just like secular man that's just singing vain words. They're great swelling words of vanity. They don't mean anything. Now go to, in your hymnal, go in your hymnal to 243. This is going to prove my point that just because it's in the hymnal this morning doesn't mean it's a good song either. And that's why it's important to have doctrine because, because of doctrine, I will choose to sing or not sing a song. But, you know, that's why these other songs, they strip out all the doctrine. Because then someone comes in, they're like, well, I don't agree with that. I'm not going to sing it. So they have to make a song that anybody can sing. Let's just make sure not to offend anybody for any reason with any doctrine because then somebody might decide it's a bad song. They might decide not to sing it. So they have to just get this stripped down version that just everybody can love and enjoy. Well, let's look at 243 this morning. Say, why do you not sing this song? Because of the tune? No, I like the tune. I think it's a good tune. It's catchy. I mean, I've heard this song a lot of times. I really like the tune. I heard an old, old story How a Savior came from glory How He gave His life on Calvary To save a wretch like me I heard about His groaning Of His precious blood atoning Then I repented of my... What? I repented of my sins? What is this song talking about? Show me that in the Bible. Show me that phrase in your King James Bible this morning. It's not in there. You know what? I saw the blood of Calvary. I didn't do anything to earn my salvation. I didn't turn from any of my sins. I just believed on His Son. That's what the song should say. That's how it should be sung. Of His precious blood atoning Then I believed in Jesus Christ And won the victory Now, if it said that, I'd love to sing this song. But you know what? Because it has this false doctrine in it, because it has this wicked false teaching, I'm not going to sing that song. That's what's wrong with all these fake Christian spirituality. None of their songs have any doctrine. People just love that song. Everybody can just love the song. It can be iconic forever. Our God is an awesome God. He reigns. Who's offended by that song? The Muslim's not even offended by that song. I mean, anybody that believes in a God is not offended by that song. The atheist might not even be offended by that song, because he's really not an atheist in his heart. Now go, if you would, to 1 Corinthians 14. 1 Corinthians 14. Why are you giving them such a hard time? Because they're ruining people's lives. Because they're making people like us see, oh, y'all aren't spiritual. Because y'all aren't up here swinging and swaying, and you don't have all the lights turned off, and it's super dark, and you're worshipping Satan this morning. I mean, you're not doing any of that, so you're not spiritual. You don't have this song that has no meaning, that's devoid of any doctrine, that's devoid of any intelligence. Look, their song doesn't even have complete sentences. Did you notice how your hymnal, it's actually like completed sentences. They actually flow together and make sense. These are just random sayings that just kind of flow together, have no meaning. You don't actually learn anything. You're just teaching your kids how to text. People today, they don't even know how to write sentences anymore. They don't even know how to spell, and you get these stupid songs when they're just listening to rappers who just make up words, don't know how to spell, don't write in complete sentences. Oh, shock! Your kids can't write complete sentences? Your kids don't even know how to spell? Hey, why don't you get them to read the hymnal a couple more times? Maybe they'll actually learn a complete sentence, they'll learn grammar and sentence structure, they'll actually learn how to write. Look at 1 Corinthians 14 verse 15. What is it then? I will pray with the Spirit, I will pray with the understanding also. I will sing with the Spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also. God gets no honor, no glory, from you just making vowel sounds. That's not glorying under the law father, and just vain words, that doesn't give him any honor and glory either. We should be singing with understanding. That's why we need doctrine in our songs, that's why we need the Spirit in our songs, we need God's word in our songs so that when we're singing, not only are we giving him honor and glory from our heart, we actually understand what we're saying. We're validating the doctrine, we're getting it stuck in our mind, we're building ourselves, we're edifying ourselves with the word of God. Now go to 1 Corinthians 11 if you would. 1 Corinthians chapter 11. What else is wrong with this hell song music? What's also wrong with this hell song church? Well they have, their songs are devoid of any doctrine. Not only that, I mean they're not giving any honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ, but how about this? How about every single person on stage looks like a sodomite, looks like a queer, looks like a sissy, doesn't even want to follow God's commandments. They're sitting there like I surrender all while they're dressed like the world, while they're dressed like the devil, while they're dressed like celebrities today. Let's look at 1 Corinthians 11 verse 1. Be followers of me even as I also am of Christ. Now I praise you brethren that you remember me in all things and keep the ordinances I delivered to you, but I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man every man praying or prophesying having his head covered dishonoreth his head. You say, well who's the guy's head? It's Christ. When a man has long hair, he's dishonoring God. He's dishonoring Christ. Let's keep reading. Verse 5, but every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoreth her head for that is even all one as if she were shaven. They might as well just shave it all off. That's how shameful it is. That's how ungodly it is. And the Lord Jesus Christ gets no honor and no glory from the man who has long hair praying or prophesying. From the woman who has short hair that's looking like a boy. That's looking like a butch dyke this morning. And if you look at this hell song worship, that's what they all look like. All the women look like a bunch of butch dyke lesbians on stage. Glory to God. All the men are dressed like effeminate queer sissies. That's not giving any glory unto the Father. And they're sitting there, I surrender all. Sounds like they can't even surrender to this. Due to the obvious point, this whole chapter is talking about hair length and they can't even get that right. But they're going to get all the rest of the Bible right. Yeah, I'm sure. What are they surrendering to? Well, they're not surrendering to 1 Corinthians 11. Hey, it's in your Bible. Let's keep reading. It says in verse 6, Let's read that one again. Nevertheless, neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, and the Lord. For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman. But all things of God, judge in yourselves, is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? Doth not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her, We said earlier it was talking about women having covering on their head. Yeah, according to the Bible, it's her hair. If you want a woman to be covered, it's her hair. Some people have stupid false doctrine that women have to wear like this prayer shawl. They have to wear this stupid blanket over their head. The Bible is saying her covering is her hair. Having long hair. And the man, if he has long hair, that's a shame. He's like, look, nature teaches you this. I don't have to teach you. God's word doesn't even have to teach you, but it did. Just nature itself says it's obvious. It's just so obvious. And if you look at a billboard today, and the billboard's primary goal is to be like seductive, like trying to advertise and attract men, the women will always have long hair and they'll be always dressed very feminine. They'll be dressed like a woman in a dress. They'll be dressed, maybe they might be just provocative, but they're going to be dressed very female oriented. They're going to have really long flowing hair that's going everywhere. They're not using these butch dyke lesbians to attract men. Because it's not comely. It's not attractive. It's not beautiful. And God says, look, a godly lady, I gave her hair for glory. Look, it's so pretty when a woman has long hair is what the Bible teaches. Go if you went to Deuteronomy 22. Deuteronomy chapter 22. You say, I thought it was just what was in the heart that mattered. Well, guess what? Whatever's in your heart is going to come out in the outward appearance. If you love the Lord, if you actually do want to surrender to Him, you actually want to trust Him, then your outward appearance will be a reflection of what's in your heart. That's why the Lord Jesus Christ is saying, I want to get in your heart. Because if you're just trying to make outward changes, but it isn't what you really believe, it won't last for a very long time. That's what all these other fake churches try to do. They try to get you to make a change that you don't actually agree with. That's not really in your heart, so you just do it temporarily. You just do it for a little while, but God's saying, look, if I can just get into your heart and say, I want you to trust me with your heart, look, all the other stuff's going to get taken care of. All the other little things, all the minor things, you're going to say, no problem. I just want to follow God's word. But if you're looking at just trying to follow a checklist, I mean, usually it's not going to last. You'll drop out of church, you'll go back to the world. The temptations of the world are too strong. God says, look, I need to get in your heart. I need to get my word in your heart. You need to be filled with the Spirit this morning, which is God's word. That's how you're going to make the changes that you need to. Look at Deuteronomy chapter 22, verse 5. The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment. For all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God. Now, before I even interpret this verse, I have an illustration with me today. And I need to volunteer. I was hoping I could get Henry to help me out. Can I have one of you ladies? Can I have one of you come help me real quick? Yep. You want to come here? Come up here. I haven't even told you what I believe this verse means. I haven't even said anything. What's your name? Lauren. Tell everybody. Lauren, this is Lauren. Nice to meet Lauren. Alright, I want you to tell me which one of these is a boy and which one of these is a girl, okay? That one's a boy and that one's a girl. How'd you know that? Because that one's wearing a dress. Hmm. How old are you? Ten. Ten. Alright, Henry. You weren't paying attention. I need you as a volunteer. Ready? How old are you this morning, Henry? Seven. Seven years old, okay? Can you tell me which one's a boy and which one's a girl? How'd you know that? Because boys have short hair. Well, so he did get the right answer, but maybe he didn't understand the explanation. Okay. Do they have different hair links? No. So why'd you pick this one for the girl and this one for the boy then? You're not sure? Okay. Thanks for my volunteers. So a ten year old, for sure, can figure out what's going on in this picture. Now here's my question. Did I use misleading, like, coloring? Now honestly, I just looked, just the gender, you know, for bathrooms. What do the signs look like in America, in China, in India? It doesn't matter what country. They all look like this. Every single one. Without wording. They sell signs without any wording, without any lettering. You don't need language to understand this this morning. Now what's the difference? Is it the hair link? Now if you look at older ones, they actually did, you know, kind of put their hair like a lady should be. But even now, even without 1 Corinthians 11, you can still tell this is for a lady, because it's just obvious that women wear dresses and skirts. And if I was wearing a skirt this morning, I would hope all of you would run away screaming. That you would not sit here and let me preach you the word of God this morning. My question is then, how come men and women don't dress like this anymore? Well, in the 60s, a bunch of lesbians decided to put on a pair of pants, and all the celebrities decided to follow after them. And guess what? The celebrities infected the culture with wickedness, with ungodliness. It used to be against the law in America for a woman to walk down the street in a pair of pants. And less than 100 years ago, they would be arrested. Wow! I think we've made a change today, haven't we? What happened? Oh, we were infected with God's Spirit, weren't we? No, we were infected with fake spirituality. Fake Christian spirituality that says God's commandments don't matter anymore. And anytime you want to argue with me on this verse, come argue with this sign. I guess you can't go out to the restaurant this morning. You can't go out and get lunch today and figure out which bathroom to use. You're just so offended this morning. Let's understand what it's saying. The woman shall not wear that which pertains to a man. Let me help you with what that is. Pants. The Bible teaches that a woman should not wear pants. Not only that, it says, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment. You think that, well, I'm just attacking the women today. Well, guess what? Unfortunately, in America, there's a time coming where men are gonna start dressing like women. They're gonna start putting on the skirt and the dress, and it's wicked as hell. And even though you think, well, that's wicked, look, the other's wicked, too. It's just our whole culture's been infected with ungodliness. And we see this hell song, all the women are dressed up like dykes, like lesbians, not dressing like godly ladies, singing, I surrender all. Do they? Do they really surrender all? Look, it sounds like people who are honoring me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Why? Because it's fake spirituality today. They don't care about God's word. They don't care about God's commandments. Go to First Peter chapter number three. First Peter chapter number three. Not only that, they dress in the fanciest, most, you know, provocative type of clothing. They dress like the celebrities in their, you know, thousand-dollar denim jacket that looks like a bum wore it. I mean, these clothes look like trash, but you can tell the way they're manufactured that they probably paid like a thousand dollars for that stupid jacket that looks like some derelict bum rolled around in the garbage, you know, pail in it. And they're like, oh, look at my cool jacket. I'm so studly. It even looks like a girl with his skinny jeans on. Look at First Peter three verse three. Who's adorning, let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair and wearing of gold or of putting on a parable. Look, the Bible makes it clear godly men and women should not be dressing to attract attention. It should not be, oh, I'm just going to put all the fancy clothes on. They get in in their thousand-dollar clothes, dressed completely wrong, don't even have the right haircut, and they're screaming, oh, I surrender all. It's fake. It's feigned. It's not what God said. God is not pleased with them for one second. Oh, but they're singing about Jesus. Doesn't matter. They're either honoring with them's lips, but their heart is far from, they've removed their heart from the Lord. They don't care about God's word. It's not spiritual. It's vanity. It has nothing to do with the Bible. Go over to Psalm 17, Psalm 17. My question is, what are they surrendering to? They look like a bunch of feminazis. Look at this Tanya Smith. This Tanya Smith of Hellsong, she's buzzed her hair a complete buzz cut, like a guy in the military. My question is, why don't you just shave it all off, Tanya? Why don't you just get it all off? Why don't you just be shorn then? Why don't you just get it all off if it's so cool, it's so trendy, dressed like a lesbian, this Jonathan Douglas with his hair down to his nipples. I mean, this guy looks like a long-haired, effeminate hippie. And you know what? They dress like wolves. They don't even dress like godly people. They dress like wolves so when the wolves are in their church, they blend in. The wolf doesn't even have to put in the lamb's clothing anymore. So then they have these campuses, like in New York City, where the choir director comes out as a sodomite. He gets married to some dude in the choir. And they're like, this is the response of the pastor. We were all shocked. We were so surprised. We didn't know. Well, I guess if every single dude in your choir looks like a faggot, shock! I mean, I guess you'll be surprised when someone comes out as a faggot? Wow. I mean, look, if you haven't really dressed like a man, and dressed like a woman today, it would be a surprise if someone comes in dressed like a fag. Dressed in in, you know, this effeminate type clothing. Look, we should be as far away from that as possible. There is a war today for your mind and for your soul and for your children. They're trying to get you to dress so wicked. Dress like an effeminate faggot today. Dress like a sodomite today. And my question is, do you care for God's Word? Are you going to be filled with His Spirit? Or are you going to say, oh, I got that fake Christian spirituality. I just love everybody. I'm never going to judge anybody. I surrender all. I surrender all. But I don't care about any of His commandments. I don't care about His Word. I don't care about the chapters of the Bible. Look at Psalm 17 verse 1. Hear the right, O Lord, attend unto my cry. Give ear unto my prayer that goeth not out of fanged lips. Let my sentence come forth from my presence. Let thine eyes behold the things that are equal. Thou hast proved mine heart. Thou hast visited me in the night. Thou hast tried me and shalt find nothing. I am purpose that my mouth shall not transgress. We're talking about a godly person this morning. This is the type of songs we should be singing. And he's saying, look, I don't want what comes out of my mouth to be fanged. Meaning that I say I'm going to surrender all, but I don't mean it. I'm just fake. But I'm not really godly. But I don't actually want to follow God's commandments. He's saying, look, try me, Lord. Figure out if I'm doing anything wrong. I don't want to do anything out of fanged lips. I don't want to be fake today. I don't want to be a hypocrite today. I don't want to be, you know, someone that's against Christ while I'm trying to serve Him at the same time. What a worthless life. What a worthless life to say you spent your whole life trying to serve God, but you didn't care about any of His commandments. You did it all. It was all fake and it was all fanged. And look, they're sucking real Christians into this junk, into this trash, into this filth. It has nothing to do with God's word. It's so wicked. Go to Colossians chapter number three. Colossians chapter number three. They get up and they sing for ten minutes. They think they're so spiritual. They think they're so much more spiritual than us than saying, I surrender all in two minutes. Although we learned, like, twenty more doctrines than they did in two minutes. Even though we actually, you know, sang to the Lord and Spirit and the truth this morning. Colossians three, chapter verse fifteen. So according to the Bible, you say, well, what is the purpose of our singing? To let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. Look, if you strip out all of God's word, if you strip out all the doctrines, you're not letting Christ dwell in you richly. That was the point. He's like, I want the word of God to dwell in you richly. How are you going to do that? By singing the hymns, the psalms, and the spiritual songs. You say, what's a spiritual song? It's one that's got lots of God's spirit in it. God's word. Here's a great one in your hymnal. I have it in my notes, I believe. But I know whom I have believed for I'm persuaded that he is able to keep that which I've committed unto him against that day. Now is that in the psalms? Does anybody know where that is? It's in 1 Timothy. It's in Timothy. So we learn from God's word. We learn all kinds of spiritual songs. Why? Because it's God's commandments. It's God's words. It's God's spirit. You say, what's a spiritual song? It's the words from God's book. It's not from your own heart. Now look, the Bible says to sing a new song. I'm not against using words that aren't found in the Bible explicitly. Look if it's a Bible word. If we're learning a Bible doctrine we're putting in modern vernacular. We're singing the Lord a new song. But it should be filled with God's spirit. And if you don't have any of this book in it, well I'm not going to sing that song. I'm not going to sing a song that's not giving honor and glory and praise to the Lord because I want the words of the Lord to dwell in me richly. Now go if you would to 2 Timothy chapter number 4. 2 Timothy chapter number 4. Now you say, how do you know that all this stuff is fake? How do you know this is all for show? Because after they do their jumping and jiving, after they do all their fake singing, they go and they listen to the worst sermon ever. They listen to the sermon worse and more devoid of doctrine than that stupid song. Say, what's wrong with these churches? Well not only do they have these worthless songs, they have worthless preaching! They have worthless, they have no doctrine in their preaching! Look at 2 Timothy chapter 4 verse 1. So according to the Bible we're supposed to get God's word. Look at verse 3. Now here's the reality. They could sing that song for their 10 minutes. They could sing that song for 10 hours! I surrender all! And then I get up and I rip on 1 Corinthians 11 and they're all offended and they all want to walk out! None of them want to hear any of God's word! Because it's fake! It's not real this morning! They're not actually being filled with God's word, so then they have to hear some sermon that just agrees with their doctrine already. Some weak, filtered, watered down sermonette that's not going to offend anybody because they can't endure sound doctrine. If I start reading Deuteronomy, oh that's Old Testament I don't want to hear that. You start reading the New Testament, well that's not what my Bible says, even though it is still what this says. I mean they just have to come up with some excuse. So they're just willingly ignorant of God's word so it won't affect them. So they can't try to follow God's commandments. And you say, well they're turned into fables. What are these fables? Well how about these fables? Have you ever seen a picture of Jesus? I mean have you ever just gone online and looked at a picture of Jesus? What does he look like? Some effeminate faggoty queer! That's a fable today! That's not God's word! So it excuses their doctrine! They say, well Jesus was in a dress and Jesus had long hair so I'm going to have this long hair effeminate queer sissy. That's a fable today! That's not God's word! The Lord Jesus Christ didn't look like that! He looked like a man! He dressed like a man! He wore a pair of pants and he had a short haircut and he did all those things that pleased the Father! He wasn't one of these faggoty dudes but they have to listen to all these fables. Oh look at Jesus! He's just you know this prancing fairy! That's wicked as hell! That's blasphemous! That's not the Lord Jesus Christ! And they just want to tear in their ears of these fables. Oh men have always worn dresses and skirts. Yeah maybe in Roman wicked sodomite culture but that's not how most men have dressed throughout history. Men have always worn men's clothing. Women have worn women's clothing. That's what the Bible teaches. That's what normal history teaches but if you listen to these fables today you'll be led astray. You'll be led into deceit and destruction of your life and your soul. Go to 1 Corinthians chapter 22. The Bible says in Mark 7 but in vain they do worship me. Matthew chapter 6 Jesus warns about vain repetitions. They just get up and they just say the same thing. I want to know you. I surrender all. I want to know you. I surrender all. They don't want to know Christ. They don't want to hear the Bible preached. They don't want to read the Bible. Let's see what they really want. 1 Kings chapter 22 verse 5 and Jehoshaphat said unto the king of Israel inquire I pray thee at the word of the Lord today. Then the king of Israel gathered the prophets together about 400 men and said to them shall I go against Ramoth Gilead to battle or shall I forbear? And they said go up for the Lord shall deliver it in the hand of the king. And Jehoshaphat said is there not here a prophet of the Lord besides that we inquire of him? So Jehoshaphat figures it out. He's like look at these fake you know Christian preachers. They're all just like hey just go to battle. You'll win. And Jehoshaphat's like isn't there like another guy? Like a real preacher? Someone that actually knows the word of God. Look at verse 9 then the king of Israel called an officer and oh let's back out of verse 8 I'm sorry and the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat there is yet one man Micaiah the son of Imlah by whom we may inquire of the Lord but I hate him for he doth not prophesy good concerning me but evil. And Jehoshaphat said let not the king say so. He's like I don't want this preacher he's going to give me a negative message. He's going to tell me what I'm doing is wrong and I don't want that. Don't tell me I'm wrong this morning. Don't tell me I'm doing anything bad this morning. That's what they want at these churches. They want nothing bad. Nothing negative. No hate. It's being pushed down our throats from all this fake celebrities and the government. Hey no hate. No wrong. No judgment. Nothing bad. I just want good and love and puppies and rainbows and let's just wave our rainbow flag while we just sodomize America. It's wicked as hell. Let's keep reading verse 9. Now is this guy sounding really weak? I mean when I read it I felt like this guy is you know with a lot of power a lot of authority. Look these fake preachers they'll get up and scream. They'll yell. They'll say thus saith the Lord. Look don't take it just because someone's real serious and real bold. I mean oh they must be right. Oh they must be you know a prophet of the Lord. Look the fake prophets today they'll get up and scream their false doctrine too. Look at verse 13. Behold now the words of the prophets declare good unto the king with one mouth. Look they have hundreds of prophets they all say the exact same thing. And you know what you go to these big mega churches they say the same thing. It's the same mouth. It's the same lying spirit. They only want to preach good. Let thy word I pray thee be like the word of one of them and speak that which is good. And there's pressure on God's man to speak just like them. Hey you better get in shape buddy. I don't want any of this hate speech. You better just love and preach what's acceptable and what we tell you. Let's filter down the Bible. Look if you preach the whole Bible you'll lose people. Yeah I'll lose weak people that don't want to serve God. I'll lose all the people that have fake spirituality this morning. The people that don't actually want to serve God. Let's keep reading. Speak that which is good. Notice he doesn't say what is true. Notice he doesn't say what is right. Just what's good. I don't care if it's right. Don't you actually want to know the truth though. I just want to hear something good. I don't really care if it's true. Just give me a fable. Just give me a story about how everybody loves everybody and it's all this pleasant place. Look at verse 14. And Micaiah said as the Lord liveth what the Lord saith unto me that will I speak. He's just going to preach the Bible. He doesn't care good or bad, ugly you know rebuking. I'm just going to say whatever the Bible says. Verse 15. So he came to the king and the king said to Micaiah shall we go up against Rhema of Gilead to battle or shall we forbear? And he answered him go and prosper for the Lord shall deliver it into the hand of the king. So he's just mocking him. He's just lying. And he says and the king said unto him how many times shall I dare thee that thou tell me nothing but that which is true in the name of the Lord. So I assume when he's talking to him because he's giving all this pressure like just tell me good. Just tell me good. Just tell me good. You know Micaiah is probably just like yeah you're going to prosper buddy. Go for it. Yeah see you. It's going to be good. He's like no tell me what the Lord really said. He's like don't lie to me. Give me that word of the Lord. He finally wants to hear the truth. He says in verse 17 he said I saw all Israel scattered upon the hills as sheep that have not a shepherd and the Lord said these have no master let them return every man to his house in peace and the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat did not I tell thee that he would prophesy no good concerning me but evil. And he said hear thou therefore the word of the Lord. I saw the Lord sitting on the throne and all the host of heaven standing by him on his right hand on his left and the Lord said who shall persuade Ahab that he may go up and fall at Ramath Gilead and one said on this manner and another said on that manner and there came forth a spirit and stood before the Lord and said I will persuade him and the Lord said unto him wherewith and he said I will go forth and will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets and he said thou shalt persuade him and prevail also go forth and do so. Now therefore behold the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets and the Lord has spoken evil concerning thee. You know what all these fake Christian preachers Brian Houston the pastor of Hillsong he's got a lying spirit in his mouth today he's preaching lies today and it's like all of them I'm just preaching on one of them they're all the same they're all cut from the same cloth they all preach the same wicked messages they don't want to preach doctrine they don't want to preach God's word they're not going to teach sound doctrine and they're just going to bring in the masses let's just come worship with us come get that spirit we've got oh I surrender it's just this rock concert it's fake Christian spirituality they think because they go there and rock out and jam for Jesus oh I'm so spirit filled but you know if you open the Bible wow let's get that out of here let's not listen to any of God's words today just preach something that's good just make me feel good about the fact of how fake my spirituality is today now go if you would to Ephesians chapter number 5 Ephesians chapter number 5 I'll just read for you a couple places I want to get through a lot more of my sermon this morning hopefully I can get through it in Matthew chapter 15 when the Lord Jesus Christ was rebuking the Pharisees he says thus have you made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition when he's rebuking the Pharisees he's saying look they're not teaching God's word they're teaching their traditions they're teaching the commandments of men and that's what you get when you go to these fake churches they just preach love to everyone no matter what that's their doctrine that's not a commandment of the Bible that's not what the Bible teaches they just want to teach their convenient doctrine to not judge anybody for any reason another one of their traditions false doctrine Jesus Christ said judge righteous judgment oh is that not in my Bible this morning that came out of the Lord Jesus Christ's mouth he said judge not according to appearance but judge righteous judgment that means not what you think what the Bible thinks what is the Spirit of God saying to you this morning not only that they'll teach that divorce is okay I mean they'll say hey if you're neglected if you're being abused if your relationship's not what you thought it was you know just move on get the next one that comes around that's not what the Lord Jesus Christ said the Lord Jesus Christ said it was adultery the Lord Jesus Christ said let not men put asunder what God has joined together look men and women are supposed to be married forever until they die it's not forever like the Mormons believe it's forever on this earth it's forever in this life you're supposed to be married till death do us part not only that they'll they'll rail on people for calling them heretics look when you call a false prophet a false prophet it gets them stirred up like a bees hive I mean it gets them so hot he'll start speaking all kinds of perverse things at you cursing you in the name of the Lord saying all kinds of wicked evil manner about you look don't fear evil doers don't fret the wicked don't fret these false prophets don't fear them the Bible says when someone would speak in the name of the Lord presumptuously and it would not come to pass don't fear them have no fear of these wicked false prophets you know there's Paul Crouch this is an old TV preacher he had his wife had the big pink hair and then she died her dog pink like she literally had this poodle that she died pink they're on TBN they were on TV for a long time this guy is constantly be called a heretic so he'd get on TV and he would curse him he's like I'm gonna shoot you if the Lord doesn't and curse you in the name of the Lord you know what makes me think of Balaam you know Balaam did he was trying to curse the children of Israel in the name of the Lord but the Lord wouldn't let him do it the Lord didn't hearken unto his word and these TV preachers they'll get up and say thus saith the Lord give me two hundred dollars thus saith the Lord give me a thousand dollars thus saith the Lord give me fifty others you need to obey the voice of the Lord this morning and call in and give us your two hundred dollars is that in your Bible I mean this is some egregious filth that they're preaching this Mike Murdock this guy is a wicked false TV preacher and look all the TV preachers they have the lying spirits you say how do you know I just listen to one of them they're all wicked as hell if you're on TV you're a wicked false preacher this is fake Christian spirituality today this Mike Murdock I saw a short clip it's so wicked he just sits there and he's bragging about how much he loves money I'll just read for you what he says I love new money I love stacks of new money I love brand new money I don't want any money around me that's not new money is there something that excites you more than new money you like a hundred dollar bills he says all those statements right in a row and then the moderator the guy that's talking to him is just so uncomfortable he's just like he's just like uh did you just hear what she said he's like do you love hundred dollar bills and you're just kind of like yeah yeah I like hundred dollar bills he's like I haven't seen a woman as good looking as a new hundred dollar bill what kind of wicked filth is coming out of this guy's heart look I don't care how much money you stack up my wife's always better looking than any amount of money that's stupid look the Bible says a godly woman is to be treasured above precious rubies there's no a hundred dollar bill those things are gross I don't even like touching money it's so filthy and disgusting all these people that you know stuff it in their body parts it's wicked as hell he says it's a commandment of God to give him money he says look I want to give you a stack of money just to make you feel good wow where is he getting his love there not only that he says brother Mike he's talking about somebody talking to him and he says brother Mike when I give to God I expect nothing in return so then Mike is like well I wrote a song for this guy how dumb thou art how dumb thou art he's singing against the guy who says well I give to God I want to be out of a cheerful heart not expecting any return like the Bible teaches like the Bible says in Luke chapter 6 but love your enemies and do good and lend hoping for nothing again that's what the Lord Jesus Christ is saying in his Bible this morning but these wicked false preachers they're trying to get you in their fake Christian spirituality oh I feel so spiritual I gave $200 to this TV preacher look that was wicked as hell you just funded Satan directly you just put money directly into Satan's pocketbook this morning look that's not spirituality you're not spiritual that's not hearkening under the voice of the Lord the Lord said to lend hoping nothing in return and look these guys want to be like a slot machine they want to be like give us money and pull this lever and see what you win see if all sevens line up look that's not the God of the Bible go to John chapter 4 this morning the Bible says God loved the cheerful giver now I've been hinting at this point but I really want to explain it for a minute I've been talking about spirituality well let's understand spirituality from the Bible look at John chapter 4 verse 23 but the hour cometh and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth for the Father seeketh such to worship him go to Numbers chapter 11 Numbers chapter 11 so when Jesus Christ is talking to the woman at the well she's a Samaritan they don't actually worship the Lord they've got fake Christian spirituality they they don't have the right religion and he's saying look the true worshippers are of the Jews look the true worshippers are God those are the Jews and in the future the true worshippers are going to be the ones that worship in spirit and in truth now a lot of false doctrine could arise from this you say what does it mean to be in spirit you know the Pentecostals say oh this is talking about speaking in tongues that's not what the Bible's talking about I'll explain what it means here look at Numbers chapter 11 verse 25 so what's happening Moses is basically the one leader he's the one preaching the word of God he's given the commandments and then the Lord says hey I'm going to point 70 others also it's a picture hey Jesus Christ appointed 70 others also too but we see that God places his spirit on these other guys now when someone gets the spirit what happens what does it say it says and they prophesied look when the word of God comes into you richly guess what comes out of you the word of God so what is it talking about being filled with the spirit being filled with God's words that's what it's talking about and if you're going to worship God today what does he want he wants the word of Christ to dwell in you richly that's what it means to worship in spirit and in truth but if you have no Bible in your heart this morning you don't know anything in the Bible it's going to be really difficult for you to worship the father in spirit you're not going to be filled with the spirit look you need to start singing the songs to then become filled with the spirit get some of God's word into your heart so now you can worship him in spirit but you go to this fake churches where they don't know any of the Bible their song has none of the Bible in it guess what there's no spirituality period none zilch there's no spirituality then they hear a sermon without any of God's word no spirituality it's fake Christian spirituality today look all of our spirituality comes from God's word go to Ephesians chapter 5 the Bible says that spirit filled preaching is expounding God's word not only that the Bible says a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold and pictures of silver look when you apply scripture wow you're like wow the spirit really you know look how the spirit works the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 2 comparing spiritual with spiritual what does he mean by that everybody knows what that means he's talking about comparing scripture with scripture so what are we talking about being filled with the spirit being filled with scripture being filled with God's words the Bible talks about Saul it says but the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him you know the interesting thing about Saul is after the spirit of the Lord departed from him he never heard God anymore he wasn't hearing God God wasn't talking to him hey if this goes away guess what God's not talking to me anymore look we see the exact same parallels throughout the whole Old Testament look at Ephesians 5 verse 17 where for be not wise but understanding what the will of the Lord is and be not drunk with wine where in his excess but be filled with the spirit how do you get filled with the spirit you're like oh it's a mystery nope look at verse 19 speaking yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord look you don't want to just honor the Lord with your lips and you want your heart to be far removed from him look you need to be singing with the spirit get the words of Christ dwelling in you richly let it not come out of feigned lips this morning go if you would to Isaiah 11 Isaiah chapter 11 Colossians chapter 1 says who also declared unto us your love in the spirit for this cause we also since the day we heard it do not cease to pray for you and to desire that you might be filled with the knowledge of his will and all wisdom and spiritual understanding spiritual understanding now in the revelation the Bible talks about the Lord having seven spirits the seven spirits of God in Isaiah chapter 11 it's interesting because it mentions seven spirits I believe this is the seven spirits of God let's see what these spirits are how do we worship God in spirit well look at verse 1 and there shall come forth the rod of the stem of Jesse talking about the Lord Jesus Christ and a branch shall grow out of his roots and the spirit of the Lord so there's the first one the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom too and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord now what do all those things have in common hey it's talking about the word of God right how do you get the spirit of the Lord from the word of God how do you get the spirit of wisdom from the word of God how do you get understanding from the word of God how do you get counsel from the word of God how do we get boldness to preach God's word today from the word of God not only that how do you get knowledge from the word of God and the Bible says that men fear from evil because of the fear of the Lord that comes from God's word when you hear God's word and you decide I'm not going to do that sin I'm going to fear the Lord that's how you depart from evil today and look it's all through God's word so when Jesus Christ is saying you know you got to worship him in spirit and in truth what is he talking about he's talking about God's word that's what he's saying not only that go to 1 Timothy chapter 4 we'll finish my last point last point this morning not only do they have a fake music not only they have fake preaching but they have fake evangelism fake evangelism today they're not getting anybody saved and they think well just look at all of our numbers they have all these altar calls and they have all these you know big charades where they go around and they think they're getting all these people saved look it's wicked this guy named Reinhard Bonnke he's like the world's greatest evangelist this guy travels to Africa he boasts of the most ridiculous salvation numbers I've ever seen you won't even believe it if you go to his website he boasts to have 78 million people saved 78 million people saved and one of his crusades and one of his crusades in Nigeria he claims to have had 360,000 salvations in a one five day event so in 2010 they go to Nigeria they have these big gatherings they claim they had 360,000 people saved in this five days it gets worse it gets way worse than that and then he has a later crusade where this is the recap of the crusade okay he asks these as questions for when if ever have 1.6 million people gathered into one place to hear the gospel when in human history have 1.3 million people simultaneously cried out to God in new tongues there's their Pentecostal speaking in tongues who but God alone had heard the worship of such a multitude until that moment when have nearly four million books been given away at one time when before in a single week and a single city have over 3.4 million souls recorded decisions to follow Christ he claims that in one crusade of five days they had 3.4 million people saved and you know what people look at that and then they look at the hempstead soul winning marathon where we had 26 people actually saved and they're like well y'all guys need to get filled with the spirit because if you get filled with the spirit you'll get 3.4 million people saved but guess what I know that it's fake today why because of the word of God and you know what he also explains how he got all these people saved but if you just notice his wording he says that 3.4 million souls recorded decisions to follow Christ is that salvation I don't think that's I think that's discipleship I think that's being a lover of God let me read for you how he gets people saved he says the Bible says that whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved and I constantly preach to people of all different religions about Jesus who he is and that salvation he came to bring he didn't just sin salvation he came to bring it himself I tell them that we are all sinners who need a savior and Jesus personally made it possible for all our sins to be forgiven and for our relationship with God to be restored salvation is Jesus and Jesus is salvation swelling words of vanity that is it is an act of God not of clever persuasion the Holy Spirit convicts of sin righteousness and judgment and confirms the spoken word of the gospel in a personal and powerful way so at this point he really hasn't said anything too bad you know it's kind of weak in some areas but he's just saying generally look the gospel is going to save it's through Jesus this is then what he explains once someone has heard the gospel this is what they do he leads them to respond by repenting of their sin which means turning away from the old sinful lifestyle towards Jesus Christ who forgives them Jesus said in Revelation I will come in and that is an iron cast promise because Jesus always fulfills his word if a person prays with all their heart their life will in all caps be changed because Jesus will in all caps come in and take control wow take control now I get an understanding I surrender I surrender they go through these motions look they're all unsaved, wicked they don't even know the Bible they want some demon spirit called Jesus to come into their body that's another Jesus look the Lord Jesus Christ gives you a free gift the free gift of eternal life it has nothing to do with repenting of your sins you say how do you know that well the Bible says so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God the Bible says someone gets saved from God's word so if repenting of your sins is never found in this book then it's impossible for that to be what saves you it's impossible why? it has to be in this book that's why the book's filled with believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life that's what the Bible says hey when I hear the gospel the gospel calls me to believe to put my faith in Christ not to say well I need to just give up all my sins and just try to follow and just take control of me that's not the gospel that's weird that's like a demon trying to take possession of you not only that he explains how you lead someone in the prayer of salvation he says now that they've come to receive this offer of salvation so someone's ready to offer you need to then lead them in repentance of sins and a commitment to turn away from evil to the Lord Jesus Christ think about going out and saying hey buddy are you ready to give up all of your sins no evil only surrender everything to Jesus Christ are you ready? can I help you pray that real quick? people are going to be like what in the world? I'm not going to do that that's why they think soul winning doesn't work because they're not preaching the gospel they're not preaching believe on the Lord Jesus Christ they're preaching their fake Christian spirituality it has nothing to do with God's word it's not the words of God that's not the spirit that they have they have another spirit, they have a lying spirit they have a wicked spirit and people look at this and they say look how spiritual this guy is no, he's damning that many people to hell by teaching them a false gospel by teaching them lies look at 1 Timothy 4 verse 13 this is the cure I'm going to give you the quick cure this morning to all this fake Christian spirituality you say what's the cure? verse 13 till I come give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine, what does that mean? that means when we come into church we're going to read the whole chapter of the Bible when I preach God's word I'm going to read scores of scripture this morning we're going to look at a lot of Bible this means that I need to exhort you to read the Bible also you need to go home and open up your Bible and read it read it every day read it all the time be filled with the spirit today look, I'm supposed to exhort you and encourage you to read your Bible to pray to go out soul winning not only that, to have doctrine the Bible teaches the core elements of the faith and look if you're filled with reading of God's word if you're filled by being exhorted to follow God's commandments if you're filled with doctrine you will never be tricked by this fake Christian spirituality you won't, you can spot it a mile away you want to get as far away from this hell song as possible but when people start losing that I'm not reading my Bible I'm not hearing good preaching I'm not filled with doctrine I don't have God's word dwelling in me richly you can be led astray in this wicked filth you can start to say well, you know, I mean what's the big deal, look at these people they're real zealous, they're singing for ten minutes y'all are singing for two minutes, you know, your little song I mean, look, they got 3.4 million people saved you'll just start believing all their lies but when you know what God's word says you'll be like, whoa, that guy's lying that guy is a wicked false prophet that guy is deceiving me and look, there's plenty of false prophets this is a verse I always show when I go soul winning go to 1 John chapter 4 this is the last place I'll have you turn this morning 1 John chapter number 4 look, I can't fix apathy today I wish I could but you know what, people they don't want to realize how apathetic they are so they have to have a fake spirituality today they have to make up their spirituality and these lame Baptists who I'm not preaching against today the ones that stop really reading the Bible in the church they stop singing the Spirit-filled songs they stop encouraging their people to read the Bible and to go soul winning they stop encouraging people to learn the doctrines of the Bible their people start becoming so nutritionally void of anything that they can be sucked away into this fake Christian crap they can be sucked away and led astray into this junk that has nothing to do with the Bible it's a warning today for Godly churches to continue reading continue exhorting continue teaching doctrine so that your people will not be led away with this fake crap today this fake lie look at 1 John chapter 4 verse 1 Beloved, believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the world the reality is most every church is fake is false, is wicked teaching lies look, they're not of God, they're not of his spirit just like Micaiah, there was one of him and hundreds of the other lying spirits and look, you can go to four other churches in this building today there's four other churches that will give you a lying spirit this morning but you know what? I love you and I don't want you to be affected by this fake crap I want you to have real spirituality today from God's word and you know what? Praise the Lord that we got 26 people saved yesterday the Lord was blessing us that's real spirituality that's getting real people saved and don't let this fake crap discourage you oh man, they got 3.4 million people damned to hell yeah, they didn't get anybody saved zero people have been let me give you an update he needs to change that 78 million to zero or negative 78 I mean, he's never gotten a person saved why? Because he preaches a false gospel all those things are in vain they do honor me through their lips but their heart is removed far from me what's going to protect you? you need to read your Bible and get spirit filled you will fill your spirit with God's word not only that, you need to come to a church to hear sound doctrine from a spirit filled preacher that'll fill up your spirit this morning that'll get you more spirit filled when you hear God's man getting up and preaching God's word not only that, when we open our hymnals this morning, you need to be singing God's word this morning to get spirit filled that's what the Bible teaches the Lord Jesus Christ sang the hymns that's why it's important to sing the hymns to be filled with the spirit don't get carried away with this fake spirit with this fake Jesus let's not only honor the Lord with our lips let's also honor him with our heart by getting his word dwelling in us richly let's close in prayer thank you Father so much for your word thank you so much for warning us against all this fake Christian spirituality I pray that we would just stay as far from it as possible that we would want to honor you with not only our lips but our hearts and with our minds and with the understanding we would understand what we would sing we would understand what we would read we would understand why we go to the church we do we would understand the doctrines of the Bible that you would fill us with your Holy Spirit that we would not be ignorant and foolish and led astray to the destruction of our lives the destruction of our children's lives but rather that we would try to serve you that you would breathe life into us through thy word in Jesus' name I pray, Amen