(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Good evening everyone welcome to steadfast baptist church if you'll please find your seats and grab your song books we're going to sing 389 great song about soul winning bring them in 389 bring them in let's sing it out nice and loud together 389 bring them in Music Heart is the shepherd's voice I hear out in the desert dark and drear calling the sheep who've gone astray far from the shepherd's fold away bring them in bring them in bring them in from the fields of sin bring them in bring them in bring the wandering ones to Jesus 389 on the second who'll go and help this shepherd kind help him the wandering ones to find who'll bring the lost ones to the fold where they'll be sheltered from the fold bring them in bring them in bring them in from the fields of sin bring them in bring them in bring the wandering ones to Jesus out in the desert hear their cry out on the mountains wild and high as the master speaks to thee go find my sheep where ever they be bring them in bring them in bring them in from the fields of sin bring them in bring them in bring the wandering ones to Jesus great singing let's open up in a word of prayer heavenly father thank you for this day and thank you for all the people that were saved this afternoon I pray that those people would begin to read their Bibles and to pray to seek you Lord and to come to church and just pray that you would give us more laborers for the harvest we love you in Jesus name we pray Amen all right for our second song we'll go to 349 the comforter has come 349 the comforter has come 349 the comforter has come the comforter has come the comforter has come the comforter has come the comforter has come the comforter has come the comforter has come the comforter has come the long long night is past the morning breaks at last and hush the dreadful well and fury of the blast as are the golden hills the day it bends fast the comforter has come the comforter has come the comforter has come the holy ghost from heaven the fathers promised him the tidings round wherever man is found the comforter has come lo the great king of kings with healing in his wings to every captive soul a full delivered springs and through the vacant cells the song of triumph rings the comforter has come the comforter has come the comforter has come the holy ghost from heaven the fathers promised him the tidings round wherever man is found the comforter has come O boundless love divine how shall this tongue of mine two wandering mortals tell the matchless grace divine that I a child of hell should in his image sigh the comforter has come the comforter has come the comforter has come the holy ghost from heaven the fathers promised him the tidings round wherever man is found the comforter has come thanks for coming to steadfast baptist church if you didn't already get a bulletin you'd like one you could lift up your hand nice and high one of our ushers can come by get you guys a bulletin we have our grace week for revelation chapter number one if you can quote that there'll be a special prize for those who are able to complete the entire chapter who's already quoted revelation chapter number one all right who is who is not but they're planning on finishing anybody okay we got a couple all right so the grace week is there for you also we have our service times are so winning times church that's please make sure you turn in your numbers for this afternoon so winning and throughout the week we have our prayer list we have several ladies you can be praying for for the pregnancies also just a general prayer list of our church family if you'd also add miss eva garcia for health if you'd add her to the list upcoming events july 12 is pastor anderson is going to be guest preaching for us august 17th to the 19th is our mighty men's conference and that's for all men are invited there's a sign up sheet out here in the hallway and then october 12th to the 15th is the fbbf so that's pretty much it for his announcements are concerned we'll go ahead and sing our third song we're gonna do song number one psalm 146 it's in our special handouts or you can just use a bible if you'd like psalm 146 all right psalm 146 praise the lord praise the lord oh my soul while i live will i praise the lord i will sing praises unto my god while i have any being i will sing praises unto my god while i have any being put not your trust in princes nor in the son of man in whom there is no help whom there is no help praise he the lord praise the lord oh my soul his breath goeth for he returneth to his earth in that very day his thoughts perish happy is he that hath the god of jacob for his help whose hope is in the lord the lord is god praise he the lord praise the lord oh my soul which may heaven and earth the sea and all that there in his which keepeth truth forever which executed judgment for the oppressed which giveth food to the hungry the lord who sinned the prisoners praise he the lord praise the lord oh my soul the lord openeth the eyes of the blind the lord raiseth them that are bowed down the lord loveth the righteous the lord praise he the lord praise the lord oh my soul but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down the lord shall reign forever even thy art of Zion unto all generations praise he the lord praise he the lord as the offering plates are being passed around please turn to first timothy chapter four first timothy chapter number four you you first timothy chapter four first timothy chapter four the bible reads now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils speaking lies and hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats which god has created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth for every creature of god is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving for it is sanctified by the word of god in prayer if thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things thou shall be a good minister of jesus christ nourish up in the words of faith and of good doctrine whereunto thou has attained but refuse profane and old wives fables and exercise thyself rather unto godliness for bodily exercise profiteth little but godliness is profitable unto all things having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come this is a faithful saying and worthy of all exception for therefore we both labor and suffer reproach because we trust in the living god who is the savior of all men specially of those that believe these things command and teach let no man despise thy youth but be thou an example of the believers in word and conversation and charity and spirit and faith and purity till I come give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine neglect not the gift that is in thee which was given thee by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery meditate upon these things give thyself holy to them that thy profiting may appear to all take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine continue in them for in doing this thou shall both say thyself and them that hear thee let us pray Father thank you so much for this church and thank you for Pastor Shelley and his family I pray that you would fill in with the Holy Spirit today and that he would preach with boldness and power lay on his heart the message that you've prepared for him help us to walk away with a renewed mind and renewed heart Lord and we pray these things in Jesus name Amen Amen We're here in 1 Timothy chapter 4 I wanted to read verse 1 one more time the Bible says Now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils and that's the title of my sermon this evening is doctrines of devils now when we talk about this particular subject we really the sky's the limit because there is so many false doctrines and doctrines that are coming from Satan but instead of going off and venturing on our own of what that could possibly be I really just want to actually focus on the doctrines that are being mentioned in the Bible themselves Now notice what it says in verse number 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with the hot iron forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth So the Bible actually gives us two very specific doctrines that are end times doctrines end time deceptions that are doctrines of devils the first one is forbidding to marry and the second one is commanding to abstain from certain meats or really just meats in general and really it's crazy because when I would read this especially as a young child I'm thinking like who would ever go along with this you know it doesn't make any sense but you know as it seems like we obviously were getting closer every second to Christ coming back because that's just how time works but as it seems like the world is escalating and it's an insanity and Satanism these two particular doctrines seem to be getting more and more popular and so I want to first address this idea of forbidding to marry forbidding to marry Now go if you would in your Bible to Proverbs chapter 19 Proverbs chapter 19 I do not believe that there is only one application of this forbidding to marry I think there's probably a lot of different movements there's a lot of different places where we could find people who are subscribing to this craziness you know you could look at the Catholic Church they have really a history of this having a lot of their priests or having their nuns take a vow to not ever marry and they basically stay single their entire lives but that's really been you know kind of a historical position that's been pretty common throughout history as well because of the fact that women are just a weaker vessel they're not able to necessarily provide and they're constantly you know having to deal with either being pregnant or nursing it's very impractical for them to provide for their needs as far as food, shelter, clothing and they need a man to assist them in that particular function of life therefore for women they pretty much just wanted to get married for sure like they need a husband they needed a man to be in their life but with technology and with the abundance of food that we have in this country it's afforded women to have the ability to not necessarily need a man as much as they have in the past and because we have this less of a need less of a practicality for many people we actually see marriage is being trashed in our society it's really going by the wayside a lot of people are not getting married anymore a lot of young people are afraid of marriage and arguably there's a lot of people that would just simply say I'm never going to get married now they're just literally and they're telling other people don't get married some movements out there there's a movement called men going their own way okay and this is a this is a satanic doctrine it is a doctrine of the devil for men to go their own way and and really you can look this up so you know I was just kind of curious so I looked up men going their own way and urban dictionary who knows what urban dictionary is urban dictionary is basically like this it's not really a fundamental Baptist website okay basically just a bunch of young people decided to put their own dictionary of slang terms but it is kind of it is generally true as far as you know what people kind of perceive saying slang and things to be said so men going their own way you could look this up on urban dictionary there's lots of different definitions this one I thought was pretty funny said men not being able to get a girl but pretending it's a choice and they said it's like it then they had a that definition then had a this is kind of like how men that have hair loss will shave their entire head to make it seem like it's a choice so it was just kind of a joke I thought it was funny they said if you're men going their own way they have they have cutesy sayings okay they have these things that you kind of get an idea this is actually someone that kind of subscribes to this ideology because I don't think a lot of people actually want to say like I'm one of those guys but I think a lot of guys are sucked into this mentality so they'll use certain lingo or certain keyword phrases here's one women hitting the wall so they'll say women hit a wall at age 30 and and that's kind of one of your keywords they also look at a career woman and say she's a cat lady and then they'll also look at a woman if any woman is is kind of interested in guys that make a lot of money there's a fancy term called hypergamy and hypergamy is basically where you're striving to get married to someone that's above your social class so you know maybe they're better looking than you or or they make more money than you're worth or something like that and it's just all this like status stuff but what's so funny to me it because whenever they they look at women like this they just call them gold diggers okay that's that's your fancy term that's your old school term for all of you old school people me too all right gold diggers but at the end of the day is there really anything wrong with a woman wanting to be married to a guy that can provide a lot of money for her because what's so hypocritical about that is guy the guys they want a girl to be attractive you know and if she's not attractive then they're not interested so then why can't a girl want a guy that's actually can provide and has skills and has a good job you know it's funny they'll be like oh these girls they just want a guy that has a lot of money it's like that's innate that's the whole point of them getting married they're not getting married to take care of you they want someone to take care of them just like you don't want to get married to some ugly looking dude you want to get married to a beautiful woman that's what she's bringing to the party right so it's kind of funny how a lot of these men going their own way are very hypocritical about their stances and their viewpoints and I'm going to get into this in a little bit more detail but Proverbs chapter 19 tells us something about marriage and it tells us something about wives it says in Proverbs chapter 19 verse 14 house and riches are the inheritance of fathers and a prudent wife is from the Lord notice that the Bible is telling us that wives are actually from God actually from the Lord and of course you know I think every guy that's you know normal is thinking like I'm ready for for you know the Proverbs 31 wife you know I'm ready for her to just come down on a cloud and for me to just basically get to inherit the greatest woman ever but that's just not really how it works look at Proverbs 18 verse 22 who so findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtain a favorite Lord so notice according to the Bible if you really want a wife she's going to come from God but then notice the balance of you got to find her too so you have to go out and you actually have to find her but then that godly wife is a gift and is a present from God and of course we kind of strike this particular balance but in my estimation you know in talking about this forbidding to marry it's more important for us to harp on the men because I find and this is my personal opinion my personal opinion is that the women in this country are more likely to get married if the right guy comes along then for guys to get married or choose to get married and I feel like it's a guy problem if guys were willing to just go out and fulfill the requirements necessary to get the right kind of woman I think that they would and I think from the men in this room that are married already that you know are successful in their marriages if god forbid they ever had to find another spouse that they would in a very short period of time but we have a lot of people not getting married because there's a lot of misconception there's a lot of deception even from this from the devil and there's a lot of lies out there that are just poisoning the well and causing people to just not get married forbidding them to get married and they're so afraid of everything they're afraid of divorce and look divorce is something to take seriously because it's a horrible thing it can permanently damage you in your relationship it can damage your children we don't want to take divorce lightly but I think that too many men are afraid of divorce and so they won't get married and it's like this is not a reason not to get married I don't care how many people in this country divorce you know what me and my wife don't have to and you know what the Bible is telling me that the prudent wife is from the Lord and I can go out and find a woman that's not going to divorce me and you say well how do you know that well you know what I never know what's going to happen but you know what I feel is competent about the fact that my wife won't divorce me than almost any other carnal confidence I have and anything else because you know what we both love each other and we we knew that that was not a one-time decision like well or we knew that it wasn't like well I kind of not against divorce today but I might change my mind later no as a one-time hey we're locked in we know we want this you know if something really bad happened we'll just kill each other you know it's like you know if I if I ever committed adults you should just kill me anyway so it won't matter right divorce is off the table you know getting in trouble for other things you know that's on the table right and that's fine that's fine right I would deserve it but at the end of the day you know you want to just go out there and find a woman that has the same values as you and and go for it the Bible's not saying like be afraid because personally as long as you make a decent decision and I mean that you're not necessarily just going out and just marrying a random person you've never met as long as you have a little bit of the parameters in place and these are always my four they're saved they're equally yolk you're attracted to them and you're jealous for them if you meet that four type criterion I believe you can have a successful marriage and never divorce now of course as the man if you decide to just be a terrible husband you might tempt your spouse to divorce you you might cause her to have feelings or desire put her in a position where she might decide to do something so foolish but at the end of the day I think if you're making all the right decisions and you're leading your house faithfully I mean there's basically a 99.99% chance that's not even on the table anyways you're in still control of the decision they're called to divorce you and look there is free will out there but just like I believe all my children and get saved and go to heaven is the same confidence I have that me my wife are going to be married until death do us part okay and so yeah can I force my children to get saved no can I force my wife to love me no but I believe that if I love my wife she's gonna love me back and she's gonna want to be in this relationship and she's gonna be married and this is a dumb reason to forbid marriage it's a bad reason to forgo marriage and as the man it should be even less scary honestly it's way more intimidating if you really understood things to be the girl on the situation who has to be led by some guy because honestly it's much easier to change a woman than it is to change a man and most every relationship I've ever seen the woman becomes like the man it's not like the man becomes like the woman and really as a man you should have almost no to little fear in comparison to how a woman should treat marriage and you know I'm all for women being picky I'm all for women hey marry a guy that has skills and a job okay because like I said it's way easier for the woman to be changed than for the guy to be changed a lazy derelict just continues being a lazy derelict it's like hard to motivate them to do anything so you know don't marry some loser out there but you as men you know don't be afraid of divorce don't be afraid of alimony don't be afraid of child support don't be afraid of feminism and they'll even say this all the women are damaged and look that's a reality that we live in today where a lot of people have baggage in their relationships but you know what there's some people in the Bible that had way worse baggage that turned out pretty good I mean how about Rahab the harlot do you think she had any baggage do you think she had any issues coming into her marriage but she's in the lineage of Jesus Christ I mean how about Tamar that was kind of a weird situation you know obviously he didn't end up in the marriage but he did end up in the marriage but he ended up in the marriage but he ended up in the marriage but he ended up in the marriage but he ended up in the marriage but he ended up in the marriage but he ended up in the marriage but he ended up in the marriage but he ended up in the marriage but he ended up in the marriage but he ended up in the marriage but he ended up in the marriage but he ended up in the marriage but he ended up in the marriage but he ended up in the marriage but he ended up in the marriage but he ended up in the marriage but he ended up marrying her but at the same time there's a lot of people that have some serious damage have some serious issues that are still able to end up having a relationship or do work for God I mean think about some of the women that follow Jesus the most faithfully some of the women that follow Jesus the most faithfully marry Magdalene she has a rough past I mean she had multiple demons inside of her I mean you have a lot of people in the Bible that have rough pasts rough issues and yet they can they can make a change and they can serve God and they could still be faithful now obviously I'm not gonna go and try to find the most scandalous person to marry if I was a single individual but at the same time I'm not afraid of someone having a little bit of baggage especially if you're already in a situation where you're not top-notch either okay you know don't have this like double standard it's like well you know I don't bring anything table I mean if you're like 35 you don't have a good job you're not a virgin and you don't make good money don't expect to just marry you know the most attractive virgin that's hot off the mark I mean that's just not realistic folks okay that's it and frankly speaking beauty fades instantly all right beauty beauty changes you look different you know for most women they look different in the morning you know it was really quick okay I'm just kidding but seriously now you want my wife's natural beauty so I don't have to worry about that you know all day every day is the same all right but you know we all get old we all we all age we all get old you know your wife god-willing will get pregnant and have babies and she's gonna change and you know what if you're chasing all of the the fake artificial pictures these days eventually you might get tricked into being attracted to a tranny because you know what they always use Photoshop and all that other stuff to change pictures wouldn't that be the worst thing if somebody somebody at work shows you a picture and you're like oh yeah and it's like that's a dude you probably you just be like Jim Carrey and Ace Ventura he's like vomiting and washing his teeth out and all this stuff he's like so mad at himself for being attracted to that because it's fake look beauty is the beauty industry is a fake industry even the most attractive Hollywood celebrities when they show pictures of them at their house or just out shopping or whatever they look hideous I'm thinking like every person that I know is more attractive than this person it's just when they have when they're on the TV and they got all the right lighting and they got all the makeup and they threw up every meal for the last month and a half they somehow look attractive for that one scene but you know it's all fake even then they still can't even make some of them look pretty Sarah Jessica Parker still looks ugly she's got that giant Jew nose and it's just like it's like dude you can't make that thing look pretty but I'm telling you what you know as men there's a lot more to marriage than just how she looks that's why I said my criterion is that you're attracted to her and honestly for us that are actually married and have been with our wives for a while you become more attracted to your spouse over time anyways it's like they age and then you still get more attracted to them somehow so it's stupid to even worry about that stuff if you're already attracted to her check that box off let's worry about all the other boxes you know let's worry about all these other things but at the same time don't be so you know I think that a lot of times dating has now just devolved into an online profile mindset like basically they basically you know you go online to do dating and it's like okay hi this weight this shape this color skin this you like have all these little checkboxes and then you just that's how you view dating and it's like this is not how to have a relationship relationship is just you like people and in fact oftentimes you don't even know what you like you like different things things on the list that you wouldn't even checked off when you actually experience it in real life you're like wow I actually like that person wow I actually this is actually a real person that I connect with and I like their soul you know if you ever hear some of these you know actresses talk as soon as they open their mouth it's such an annoying voice and that's usually not even on the sheet like annoying voice or whatever but it's like you know you talk to people and it changes your perspective about them anyways it also even it changes their attractiveness there's some people that just you saw a picture you might think that they're attractive and then they open their mouth they're like whoa and then there's other people that you're kind of like yeah but then you start talking to them you get to know them and all of a sudden they're just a lot more attractive to you because of their personality and so you know the best way to do dating is in person talking to the person spending time with the person again I'm not against online dating if you do on my dating or you tried that or you're successful god bless you but I'm telling you what you have an advantage if you're willing to actually talk to people because girls girls are not being a talk to by men that are interested in them as a person anymore it just doesn't happen virtually our society has denigrated itself so much that the only reason guys are approaching women anymore is just for one reason fornication and you know women they they actually appreciate it when a guy's interested in them not for that and you would stick out so much if you would just attempt to just talk to girls and and try to be nice try to be godly around them it would it would blow their minds in a lot of cases but I will say this and I get a lot of weird looks when I say this but I don't care what you think all right I believe that marriage or getting married is easier today than it's ever been before I've said that before and I'm gonna say it again now again let me give you some just facts these are things you can't argue with there is more people alive today than there ever has been in history the population is higher than it's ever been fact number one fact number two there is more single people than there's ever been as far as percentages when it comes to the percentage of people that are single and available to possibly marry that is a much higher ratio than has ever been before and times past people are getting married much younger much earlier staying married there was a lot less opportunity as far as just the percentage of people that you were around number three you have way worse competition than you've ever had before have you ever seen the men in America today it's it's a clown show folks and I'm not talking about hookups I'm talking about marriage because obviously you may not be you know Don Juan when it comes to hookups you know what you might be the best option when it comes to marriage and number four is travel travel has never been easier than ever before so you have an opportunity to drive to all kinds of churches all kinds of states you could fly on a plane to every country in fact there's this term now called passport bros it's where some men say I'm only gonna marry a foreign chick and I'm like fine get on the plane already quit telling me about it and just do it you know I don't care if you marry foreign or domestic it doesn't matter to me you know import it you know you might pay a tariff whatever okay sometimes it takes longer to you know shipping or whatever how that works I don't know the shipping seems to be slow from certain areas but I'm telling you what that makes it even easier these these options were not always afforded to every single person how about if we go back to the 1800s and we're in Dallas Texas how many people are you gonna meet from Mexico or meet from Canada or meet from Europe or meet from these other places there's no internet there's no trap I mean there's not travel the way it was back then plus you wouldn't even know if anybody was out there unless you saw them in person you'd have to literally go to a place to find that individual and travel so much less they're basically like the one country person hey I know there's this one single person my whole town and every single guy wants to be with that particular woman it's like that was way harder back then than this day not only that number five the Internet the Internet makes it so much easier to possibly get married because you can just meet so many people in fact there's people in this room that got married via internet who got married via internet all right I see there's some hands in here yeah multiple people in here are like hey I met a spouse on the Internet that wasn't even an option before the Internet did you realize that it sounds pretty pretty easy to understand but with the Internet you can meet so many people find so many people online also you can continue a relationship that you may not have been able to continue without the Internet sometimes you meet someone and you hit it off but because of distance or whatever you don't have the opportunity to spend time with them but you could make the relationship work and the Internet affords you the opportunity to actually continue that relationship all the way to marriage via you know FaceTime or via Skype or any of these types of tools so again there's your fifth point and then the sixth point is the cost has never been cheaper in fact our church will marry you for free okay in times past in order to get married you had to pay a really expensive dowry almost no who in here has ever paid a dowry anybody see look at that in times past you had to pay a dowry you had to pay a hefty sum of money not only that the wedding itself was expensive not only that you had to go and prepare a place you know many people now just rent an apartment you know just rent some you know place in some sketchy town area and then they just you know they get married and they're already going for it so the cost has never been cheaper the Internet has never been freer as far as just you know obviously there's censorship I get that but I'm just saying in comparison to historical events travel worse competition there's never been more singles and you know what there's never been more people I just say fact it's never been easier to get married you can argue with me all day long but you're wrong and I'm telling you that there's more opportunity out there and think about this you only have to get married to one person you know you only have to be you can fail like a thousand times and you get married once and you you still win you know I mean what other game is there where you can lose that many times and then still come out a winner you know getting married it's not that hard it's just being made hard and put there's all this pressure on people but it's mostly a lot of lies go go to Proverbs chapter number five Proverbs chapter five here here's something that I think is making it difficult and it's just the mindset and the mentality of our country especially from from movie TV and internet so there's a counterbalance because of the internet because of movies and because of the fact that you can view more people than you've ever been able to in your entire life sometimes people's standards are unrealistic okay because think about it let's go back to our 1800 scenario again okay you've never seen a Hollywood actress in your life you've never seen some movie you're not looking online and seeing all kinds of different people so you just see a single girl and you're like wow I'm attracted to her you know and you might actually decide to get married to someone that is actually still attractive still in your range but because of the way that the internet works and movies and they try to romanticize relationships beyond reality people are just like well I'm just waiting for the better one it's like dude she's way out of your league already like you were gonna get better and I think that sometimes people just have a hard time admitting to their reality you know everyone likes to speak about how great they are or think about how wonderful they are but it's like bro you don't have a lot of opportunity here if one said yes you need to go with it you know and vice versa sometimes girls can have the right the wrong mentality they have a good guy that's gonna make good money that's interested in them and it's like I'm gonna wait around for the next one but you know girls that's a real dangerous game because the longer you wait a lot of times the worst up the worst the options are gonna come you're not you kind of sometimes can miss out on your best option first whereas guys you kind of have you know a little bit more leniency here whereas you may be elevating your career you get a little bit older a little bit more mature maybe you even work out a little bit more you could actually have a better prospect in the future potentially but for young ladies I mean you know obviously I'm not telling you to just settle with whoever but again what was my criterion for marriage let's think of it saved equally yoked attracted to each other and jealous for one another if you can meet that criterion you probably should just go ahead I mean if you're a dude you probably just need to lock it down I mean that's just how it is whereas if you're a lady obviously you want to be careful don't marry a loser if he can't provide for you you know he's worse than an infidels with the Bible already said about him so I'm not suggesting go for that guy but he may not be Bradley Cooper is this a more modern reference okay I don't know I always use Brad Pitt and I'm like dated or something like that you know he's not gonna necessarily be David Beckham and and that's that's okay you know you don't want these losers anyways you don't want these guys that are obsessed with themselves look if he's looking in the mirror more than you it's problem okay you don't want that guy anyways and and I'm telling you that marriage is something that we need to encourage the young people to seek after and to go for look if I was young and single as a man I'm gonna tell you my number one job in life would be finding a wife I'm not even joking I am not joking and it is a doctrine of devils for people to go out there and tell them hey don't get married wait don't do this no no what does the Bible say Proverbs chapter 5 look at verse 18 let thy fountain be blessed and rejoice with the wife of thy youth notice what the Bible saying the wife of thy youth it didn't say hey wait around see if you can get a better thing later no no no hey once you have the wife of thy youth you know marry her get it locked down celebrate with her rejoice with her you know it's not telling you to wait and as a young man the temptation for sin in this area has never been higher either it's never been it's been easy it's easier to get married than ever before it's also easier to sin in this area than ever before and so it's really really important that you seek for marriage and not go the way of the devil the devil wants you to not get married why you know what happens when you get married babies unless you're taking something less you're deciding hey I'm gonna just pump my body full of drugs to kill my babies unless you're deciding to use stupid devices that ruin it for everybody including the baby you know what you're gonna produce babies and you're gonna have lots of babies you know what the devil hates babies I don't even know anything about Satanism they it hates babies it wants to kill babies right I mean that's actually a big part of Satanism is sacrificing babies and murdering babies I mean it's it's it's not a new thing it's all the way back it goes all the way back to Genesis hey we talk about you know lots to daughters the two feminists and of course their children end up being children that are in the satanic practice of sacrificing their children unto false gods and in this country and all over the world Satanist worshippers are practicing this right now our politicians many of them are hooked up into pedophile rings and satanic groups that are doing this thing right now and they're so obsessed with blood and they're so obsessed with children and you know what the devil wants the devil wants to kill every single person you know the duck you know the devil hates Joe Biden I hate Joe Biden he hates Joe Biden too you know he's just using Joe Biden as a pawn for right now okay he's just using Hillary Clinton he doesn't like Hillary nobody likes Hillary okay nobody likes Nancy Pelosi nobody likes any of these people okay nobody likes George Soros the devil has the devil doesn't care if all of them went to hell he wants them to go to hell he wants to kill all of humankind why do you think on the Georgia Guidestones it said keep the population under half a billion it's because the devil just wants to kill as many people as humanly possible it's his goal in fact revelation chapter 12 I'm not turning into a lot of places but revelation chapter number 12 the devil wants to make war with the woman and he wants to kill all of mankind and he fails so then he just goes after the Christians because that's the the success that he cares about the most you know what the devil just wants everyone to die and go to hell he doesn't care who it is what color skin what height what gender what ethnicity he doesn't care he just wants to drag as many people down with them as possible and what he hates more than anything is us reproducing he hates us bringing children in this world and he hates people getting saved he hates it he wants to destroy it he's evil he's satanic I mean Herod what did he do kill all the babies just just to try and catch Jesus he didn't even care what does Pharaoh do throw the babies in the river for all the men children into the river why is it always associated with the most reprobate evil satanic people it's because they hate babies and that's why there's this tie to don't get married because of course in our country the people that are not getting married what do they do well they find a method that's gonna make it where they won't have children will it and even if they do then they'll try to kill it through abortion which of course you know who loves that the devil so the devil is behind this movement and I'm telling you you know what you need to get married young and you should have children look what it says in verse 19 let her be as the loving hind and pleasant row let her breasts satisfy thee at all times and be thou ravished always with her love how does this sound bad this sounds amazing it's saying hey you can always enjoy your wife and you can always be refreshed by her love you know what find a woman to love and let her love you verse 12 or verse 20 and why wilt thou my son be ravished with a strange woman and embrace the bosom of a stranger you know strangers means someone you don't know and isn't that what our world's doing today they just want to embrace strangers they just want to be with people they don't know they've never met and honestly again TV in Hollywood and movies they try to romanticize this and make it seem awesome but I don't have any personal experience in this but just from what people have told me and just understanding reality many of these experiences are disappointments they're not as cool as everybody hypes them up to be like oh yeah being with the strangers is so awesome many times it was awful many times they hated I look at some statistics it said women in college who end up having a hookup 75 percent of the time admit to regretting it completely so like that's what they're admitting to they're saying man 75 percent of the time I wish I had never even done it that's pretty high so again I'm not saying that you couldn't enjoy it you could but even if you did it would be temporary and in many cases they even regret that and it's not even close to the same as someone you actually love being intimate with someone that you love is always going to be better it's always going to be more special it's how God designed it to work whenever you go outside of God's boundaries it's not going to be fun and it's not satisfying you know I know it's not satisfying because the people that live this lifestyle can't get enough of it can they they'll never ever get enough of it that's why young single men need to get married what does the Bible say 1st Corinthians chapter 7 verse 1 now concerning the thing where have you wrote unto me it is good for a man not to touch a woman nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband let me tell you something there is only one one solution in the Bible to avoid fornication was marriage so when when men say I'm going to go my own way you know what they're literally saying I'm going to commit fornication I'm going to sin I'm going to sin and I'm going to sentence probably even worse and many cases they're not even just committing fornication they're committing adultery and many cases they're they're just consumed in this particular sin because it's just natural it's just normal it's how God wired us you know why do you think God made it where men and women want to be with each other it's so that we would have babies you know if if the activity that caused babies was really painful and no one wanted to do it we have a lot less children let's be honest aren't there a lot of children that are created and it wasn't necessarily on purpose it wasn't necessarily what the parents wanted at a particular time but there's a reason why there's so much population it's because God hardwired men and women to want this particular intimacy and because of that intimacy you know what we have birth we have children we have conception we have the things that God designed on purpose because honestly a lot of men would go their own way if they didn't have that desire if they didn't have that appetite if they didn't want that then probably the whole human race would just cease to exist pretty soon it would just be over because look I love my wife and she's my companion and my friend but you know you can have friends and you can get all these other things from just other people but that one thing you can't get from anybody but your spouse and that's the one thing that really drives in marriage and makes it really special you know never become a roommate with your spouse you should never ever be roommates you should be husband and wife it's a really important really important thing notice who's behind you not doing this look at verse 3 let the husband render under the wife do benevolence and likewise also the wife under the husband the wife hath not power of her own body but the husband and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body but the wife defraud ye not one the other except to be with consent for a time they may give yourselves a fasting and prayer and come together again that Satan tempt you not for incontinence see you know the Bible doesn't bring up Satan tempting you that often but it does in this verse about this particular issue and I wonder why because it's the one of the biggest issues ever I mean what is one of the biggest issues facing in America they fornication what is one of the biggest sins that almost everybody in our country is guilty of fornication what is one of the ways that the devil destroys people for the rest of their lives it's fornication and let me tell you something it is a big temptation it is a big sin not only fornication adultery is a huge issue in our country and the Bible is saying if your husband and wife do not get into this contract and not fulfill the contract because you're just begging the partner to end up screwing up you know you're basically putting them in a position where it's gonna be very difficult and the devil loves to prey on people when they're weak the devil loves to put you in a weak position so that he can prey on you the devil doesn't necessarily like to prey on the strong he likes to prey on the weak so you know who's gonna be attacked the most is marriages in here are gonna be attacked the most the ones who are struggling the marriages that are going great in this room that have no problem especially in this area the devil's not gonna really attack you that much but you know the couples that already have some issues already have some problems you know especially in this area the devil is gonna go full-scale attack on you because he knows he has an opportunity he has a door he has a wedge and he wants to separate people he wants to destroy people's lives he came not but for to still kill and destroy and I'm telling you do not give the devil opportunity in this area this area is an is an important area and I can't even imagine being a man and thinking like oh you know what I don't want that or need that that's bizarre okay I think you're probably a faggot okay and unless you had you know some kind of a deformity at birth or you know you're a eunuch for some other reason like there's something wrong with you okay so as young single men you know I'm telling you this has got to be a big priority you need to and again if you're expecting for some supermodel come out of the sky with a King James Bible in hand and a skirt and a modest skirt okay you're gonna die alone it's just gonna happen okay but you know when I look at the room I see lots of men and women lots of husbands and wives in this room and let me tell you something a lot of those wives were not King James only at one point in their life a lot of those wives were not wearing a dresser skirt when they first met them a lot of those wives maybe weren't the most godly or into Bible preaching but you know what they changed didn't they and you know why don't you just go find think about the Benjamin's they had to go grab a random girl dancing and just make it his wife but you know you can make it work it's like just grab the one you can carry okay and run off all right obviously you know the the girl that weighed 500 pounds probably didn't get carried off so you know you young single girls be capable of being carried away all right and you know what you guys carry them away all right that's the whole that's the whole fairy tale say I'm offended okay be offended all right go to first Timothy chapter 5 go to first Timothy chapter 5 daddy why didn't they pick me up we know first Timothy chapter 5 look at verse number 9 oh well they hit the wall when they turn 30 or something that's stupid women do not hit a wall when they're 30 fact the Bible says that is different number look at this first Timothy chapter 5 verse 9 let not a widow be taken into the number under three score years old what what is the wall quote-unquote it's 60 years old guys okay and even then I'm not saying they're done you know what my father got remarried to a woman that was over the age of 60 you know what he too was over the age of 60 and it wasn't like oh man he had to settle because look when you're 70 60s probably like awesome okay and be realistic about who you are you know you know you should probably we should you should force the single people to fill out a reverse type of profile in the sense where they're basically filling out where they're on the sheet you know it's like what do I have okay I'm this that and this that you know okay because if you're more realistic about who you are then maybe you would be a little bit more excited about a girl or a man that's interested in you when they're fitting in your category and I'm sick and tired of setting people up sometimes I set people up and they're like I'm not interested in I'm thinking they were way better than you anyways so you know it doesn't even make any sense to me okay but here's another thing that's interesting to me and we talked about this morning but in chapter 3 we talked about the qualifications of a bishop and I will argue that being married makes you a better person because in order to even be a pastor you have to be married which means the quality of that person has been increased by being married so look don't look at marriage as a downgrade I hear this idea of like well I would serve God better if I just stayed single or something like that that's a weird idea number one if you have the problem of 1st Corinthians 7 you're opening yourself up to a lot more sin potential and number two in order to even be in some of the highest positions of ministry in the Bible you had to be married and number three from personal anecdotal evidence the people that I respect the most the people that I look to and say you know what this is like the greatest Christian I know they're all married every single time I look at people that I'm thinking like these are the people that I aspire to be like or that I think are really making a big difference in Christianity they always seem to be married so don't get this weird idea that like well I'm gonna be more spiritual if I stay single you know if that's you keep it to yourself but you know there's not a lot of Apostle Paul's out there it just really isn't and and okay if you are that person great go for it the Apostle Paul said you would technically be better off but if you don't have that gift you are not better off staying single you it would basically saying you bought a four-wheel drive and you have two tires you know it's just it doesn't work well and you can argue all day long the front tires are better than the back tires but you know what without those back tires you suck so you know get those back tires on there right we all need we all need every complimentary part that our spouse provides for us now we're already here and I've pretty much exhausted this point I could go a little bit longer but look forbidding to marry is is a satanic doctrine we need to encourage the youth to get married we didn't encourage our children to get married we encourage the singles to get married and and sometimes you know you need to talk some sense of the singles and say look they're better than you you know like don't don't give up on this particular relationship thinking that you're gonna find something better you know I don't think that very many people would give bad advice to singles and oftentimes they can't see it if someone came up to me and it was obvious that they're married they're like gonna try and marry a loser I'd be like no but most of the time you know ask a few other people what they think about the individual and sometimes I'm thinking like why have you not married this person they're way you're never gonna get anything like that again you know you're never gonna have this opportunity ever again you need to just go ahead and seal the deal you know and there's some proof of people in here that have married way above their social class fine I'm living proof okay but you know what I locked it down early all right so you know that's great for me and of course if you are later in life okay but be realistic about your situation all right here's the second doctrine of devils that we have to address and that is abstaining from meats now nothing makes me angrier I mean I don't I don't know I was already a little fired up but this one really makes me fired up listen to this quote that I saw from an article February 14 2021 so it wasn't that long ago rich nations should shift entirely to synthetic beef what I'd say tannic doctrine man here's here's another really recent article in the last few weeks headline USDA lab meat approved now who's heard about this okay yeah hands this is gross all right I watched a video about this and of course you know Bill Gates loves this but they have now figured out a way theoretically to take some meat and grow it in some kind of a vat and then they serve it to people to eat so they're taking like a little bit of proteins or something and then they're just allowing it to grow and multiply and then they claim that it's meat and then they're serving it I think the it happened ten years ago is the first time it ever happened it was in like maybe Japan you can fact-check me on this but the first burger they ever made synthetically cost three hundred thousand dollars to eat it wasn't worth it okay but that was of course this is how any technology is at first the first time it takes a lot of money now they're making it more economical I think there's now two restaurants in America that are gonna start serving the synthetic meat it's one in San Francisco and the other one in New York I wonder why those two areas Jews but they they're serving at these restaurants is a high-end restaurants because it's still way too expensive to be economical to be putting on like Walmart shelves or anything like that but they're so excited about this because they're thinking about how no animals were hurt process and I'm just thinking like I don't care they taste so good and to think that God cares about this is to reject the entire Bible folks okay now look at what it says you're right here in chapter 4 look at verse 3 so we'll read again forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats which God had created be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth for every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving for it is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer so notice in the New Testament praise God we can eat bacon as long as we're receiving it with thanksgiving and we're sanctifying it by the Word of God and prayer so never eat bacon with an ungrateful attitude all right because you you you don't even realize you could have been born in the Old Testament you wouldn't even know you know what appreciate every single slice and every single bite of bacon of all the juicy things that we get to eat today it you know and there's sausage I like sausage you know when my my wife makes chili she puts sausage in there all right and it tastes really good when my wife sometimes makes meatballs she'll use sausage and I love breakfast sausage breakfast sausage is really really good I don't necessarily like the links too much but they say well have you ever seen it being made I don't care I'm sure it was really ugly and really violent just like when the when Jesus cast all of those demons into the hardest wine they ran violently down into the sea I bet it was violent since the Bible said it was violent you know what I don't care well but did you know when they kill it it hurt the animal duh like do you really think that the animal cares that much like when you kill me will you please do it really fast it's like it doesn't it's gonna scream you know it's gonna you know it's gonna wink or whatever now for cattle they usually don't even know what's going on because they stun them in the head because they want to keep them alive but it's just to be more humane and to keep them kind of docile or whatever but they they stun them in the head and then they'll slice them so that because they're alive their organs will pump all the blood out for them and then they don't have to you know try and get the blood because in fact if you try to get it yourself many times it's gonna be too slow because it's such a big animal and there's so many parts there and if you let the blood stay in the animal for too long it could rot and contaminate the food so in fact they try to keep the animal just kind of alive there temporarily before actually killing it and allowing all the blood to just leak out on its own naturally so then that way I can enjoy steak later and you know what I enjoy it every time I've never cried for one second about any animal ever being slaughtered nor will I ever cry go to Genesis chapter 9 and and frankly God is not up in heaven crying every time an animal gets slaughtered you know is he is he crying or is he sad every time a baby slaughtered absolutely you know what that breaks his heart that makes him feel bad but you know he's never felt bad for any animal getting butchered so that I could eat it it's it's good it's what he's ordained it's what he wants for me look at Genesis chapter 9 look at verse number 3 every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you even as the green herb have I given you all things but flesh with the life thereof which is the blood thereof shall you not eat so basically the the second part of this verse is just saying don't eat animals while they're still alive like you want to kill it drain the blood and then you cook it and then you eat it okay but you don't want to eat it with the blood there there's a couple times in the Bible where this happens there's one where Samuel I'm not in the book of Samuel with King Saul where they're just so hungry and famished that they just start eating it with the blood and it's kind of a big deal and everything like that but and obviously Satanists love to drink blood and all that but they're freaks so there's there's definitely structure to how God wants to do this he doesn't want us just eat animals alive and he doesn't want us to eat their blood you know what eating their meat is fine and people that are commanding us to not eat meat are of the devil organizations like PETA are of the devil they are of Romans 1 where they worship and serve the creature more than the creator is blessed forever amen they they'll go out of their way to make sure that an animal is okay but they could care less about God the God of the universe about praising him they'll pet their little lamb and pet their little cow and pet their little dog and act like there's such a wonderful person while they blaspheme God of the universe that gave them that animal and then they get so offended and they'll they'll even damage produce they'll damage food in the grocery store because of the fact that they're so offended at the fact that you slaughtered animals they'll pour blood or they'll they'll do all kind of grotesque things to food at the grocery store in protest it's not a protest it's crime can we just arrest these people you know these freaks these Satan worshipers or here's another reason why they're so excited about it climate change what what a convenient name yes the weather changes every second folks welcome to the reality but they had to they had to get back to this instead of global warming because they used to do this it would be like the earth's freezing and then it'd be warming and then be freezing they just keep looking like idiots so now they're just like well now it's changing you know all that change that's happening it's like they're just liars it's a satanic agenda to try and eliminate humans and all animals because what's the whole thing what's the negative thing when it comes coming to carbon oh there's all these carbon emissions and we got to talk about carbon credits and we just have too much carbon out there you know I'd almost venture to say chick-fil-a is a little satanic since they don't want you to eat any cows but you know what I love the cows and you know what we need to kill the cows and eat the cows to actually preserve the cows because you know if we stopped eating cows we would kill them all off you know actually by eating them is what's actually keeping all the cows alive because you're saying I want more cows so there's heavy demand for the cattle so cattle ranchers keep producing them and look raising cows and cattle is an expensive operation it is hard work hard labor stuff that not very many people are even very skilled at anymore because a lot of people have forgotten how to raise livestock and all the different skills associated with it and let me tell you something we need more cattlemen not less I would rather go to an all-meat diet than to ever eliminate me I mean if you were to say hey what do you want for America synthetic meat and crickets or just only steak it's like come on bring on the steak you know this is this is a satanic thing that's happening in our country and you know what I want no part of it I want no part of your fake meat or your synthetic meat this is a doctrine of Devils go go to Acts chapter number 10 go to Acts chapter 10 it's coming from these satanic New World Order type conspiracy people Bill Gates and Jews and CNN and whoever else that you basically think is literally the devil incarnate they're all promoting it and excited about it look anything that starts in San Francisco I don't want let's just be honest new diseases and all the other stuff they have out there I'm not interested San Francisco is not the place to model your suit your your city after and I know people get offended by this but you know what California always seems to be this the progenitor of evil in our country that or New York City it's like these two areas are where they try out all the evil and the Satanism first and you know what I'm not interested in becoming California light or New York City like let's taste Texas let's continue to be Texas let's continue to educate people that you don't put beans and chili it's called Texas folks okay and we like meat around here that we raised that we named Betsy and then we cut her throat all right now that's just how it is I mean all of gruesome yeah it tastes wonderful though and you know it's part of like death is part of life you know in order to participate in God's economy you had to kill the Passover lamb wake up people you had to slaughter a lamb to represent the Lord Jesus Christ and that was the only way to be a part of the nation of Israel well you know I just want to go back to the Old Testament okay well you have to slaughter lamb then and you had to eat all of it couldn't let any of it go to waste it was like you got to stuff your gullet full of the lamb because you know what that is how God ordained it so if you're gonna I don't want the synthetic lamb just like I don't want the synthetic gospel or the synthetic church or synthetic man and you know you are what you eat and of course all these people that are super excited about the synthetic stuff they're fake they're fake people they're gross people I don't want anything to do with them and in the Old Testament they ate meat and the New Testament we eat meat look at Acts chapter 10 verse 10 and it became very hungry this is me in the sermon okay and would have eaten yeah I would I just don't have anything but while they made ready fell into a trance and saw heaven open and a certain vessel descending unto him as it have been a great sheet knit at the four corners and let down to the earth where and we're all manner of four foot of beasts of the earth and wild beasts and creeping things and foul of the air and there came a voice them rise Peter kill and eat this is great but Peter said not so Lord for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean this is this is another time when the devil's whispering in his ear all right verse 15 and the voice spake unto him again the second time what God hath cleansed that call not thou common you know what of course the great spiritual truth here is the reconciliation of Jews and Gentiles but God uses carnal truths to expound spiritual truths and the carnal truth is that God blessed the New Testament we get to have every beast and not only do we get to God was commanding him hey kill and eat slay and eat and you know what I'm not looking at the cattle and be like oh no animal I don't want it to get hurt kill it so I can eat it slay it so I can have it all right don't be you know there was a young man in the Bible who was supposed to kill the evil king and he couldn't do it because he was a youth man up kill the animal you know what the Bible even says about the women in the book of Proverbs she had killed her beasts she had mingled her wine you know what even the women need to be able to serve up the meat I've been around women in my life praise God's not my wife and they're like I can't make that because it has bones in it get get over it but the women in the Bible had to kill it okay you know I like ribs I like turkey I like chicken I like hey any t-bone hey give me give me the meat with the bone I'll eat it you know grow up a little bit don't get all nervous about the animal you know just don't name it then or something okay don't watch those Sarah McLaughlin videos about dogs or something you know or maybe you know you should do just take there's plenty of farms out here take a little homeschool field trip and go help slaughter the animal and just get over it but you know what put the meat on the table cook up the steak and the bacon and the chicken and not the synthetic garbage not this fake garbage because who knows what else they're gonna put in it who knows what else they're gonna grow with it you know what the stuff that God's growing I like and God is helping these animals grow so I also like the organic version if I can Hebrews chapter number nine go to Hebrews chapter nine but you know at some point isn't it all organic because think about it this way didn't God create everything so if he created everything he's you know what some mad scientist does in the lab if it worked if it worked God it was the one that made it to be able to work anyways right now again I'm not super for GMOs and pesticides and putting poison in your food and all that kind of stuff I get it but at the end of the day it's like look if the cow moves I'm gonna eat it all right now if he's kind of retarded you might wear you know let's not kill that one you know that one just goes into the trash but you know as long as it wasn't sickly as long as it realized that the earth was round I mean hey you can eat it now if it was a flat earth cow it's retarded you got to just put that one down okay but look as long as it figures out you know what's going on hey I'm ready to slay this thing and eat it bring on the cattle now Hebrews chapter nine is another verse I want to bring up just because I need to but you know honestly most people in this room are probably they don't have a problem with this doctrine but some people will suggest oh well you can't eat unclean beasts you know who taught that Joel Osteen isn't it so funny Joel Osteen's for everybody and for everything except for eating bacon and pork you're like what in the world like why would you make that a sticking point you know you're not gonna win anybody over with that buddy but of course when you're filled with the devil you know it ekes out doctrines of devils you know it's forbidding you know people and commanding them to abstain from meats Joel Osteen it's like you know I know this guy's a false prophet he told you not to eat bacon look if a pastor gets up and tells you not to eat bacon leave the church right away don't even let him finish the sermon just get out okay it's like we welcome the bacon and we kick out the faggots okay you know we don't want the fake stuff if he's bringing in the synthetic meat that he grew in a lab and a vat somewhere you don't want it what is that I don't even know I don't even care what mad scientists you know dream this up I'm not interested now Hebrews chapter 9 look at verse 9 the Bible says this which was a figure for the time then present in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices that could not make him that did the service perfect as pertaining the conscience which stood only in meats and drinks and divers washings and carnal ordinances imposed on them until the time of Reformation so yes there was dietary restrictions but notice we read in Genesis chapter number nine when Noah got off the ark there was no dietary restriction eat everything eat all of meat in fact he was supposed to bring seven of the clean beasts so that when he got off the ark he could offer sacrifices on the Lord and if you think about it the sacrifices of the Lord were made to be eaten you know they weren't just wasting the animals they were just slaughtering animals for no reason they ate the animals the priests would eat of them and then the person that brought the sacrifice would also get to enjoy and get to eat of those sacrifices and you know it's kind of a similar thing of how tithing is in my opinion you know we bring the tithes of the church and we all get to benefit from that and we get to experience you know positive things from church and church activities and church events and all this kind of stuff so there's a part that sacrifice but then there's also a part of joy and fellowship that you get to enjoy with that particular sacrifice and we have the Feast of the Lord and you have these special events now of course in the specific time period of the Old Testament yes there was certain dietary restrictions and they were supposed to follow them but now God bless it we're in the New Testament and look what it says in verse 11 but Christ being come so this was only imposed until the time of Reformation Reformation means a change this is not Martin Luther this is not the Protestant Reformation this is the Christ Reformation you say hey are you a Reformationist if you're talking about Christ Reformation amen not Martin Luther's though okay I would never wanted to be a part of the Catholic Church so I don't want it to change I want to just die but when it comes to this Reformation there was a change and you know what the New Testament is called the Better Testament because we don't have all of these restrictions that kind of go against us this is what it says in Colossians chapter number two I believe it is it talks about blotting the handwriting of ordinances it was contrary to us and of course it is contrary because Bacon's great you know it was kind of against us it was all this unique stuff unique restrictions to picture Christ but now that Christ has come you don't need all those restrictions because they weren't inherently sinful nothing inherently sinful about eating bacon or eating meat or eating these type of animals and you know what we need to enjoy while we have the opportunity who knows what's gonna happen in America who knows what they're gonna try and pull you know what I am not gonna be the reason why meat is stopped being eaten in this country I will do my best to make sure that steak and beef and meat is thriving and that cattlemen are like as long as pastor Shelley's in the world I'm gonna be in business and as long as steadfast Baptist churches in in the town we're gonna be in business and as long as fundamental Baptist have a backbone you know what they're gonna eat the meat and if they say hey pastor Shelley we're not selling it at the store you have to come down here and kill the animal yourself when do I show up hey I'll slaughter the animal if I have to I'll raise it I'll pull it out of its mother and raise it like my daughter and then slaughter it and then eat it but you know what I am NOT gonna go down the synthetic meat route and as America we need to say no to this junk no to these lies no to the deception I don't care how popular it gets no for me and I don't care if it's cheap as dirt I'd rather eat dirt I don't want to eat this garbage I hope that I never even accidentally eat it that's why you got to avoid restaurants like McDonald's and stuff now because you know Bill Gates owns it you know Bill Gates owns all the farmland that's producing all the potatoes for McDonald's so who knows what else is gonna put in there go to Romans chapter 14 this last verse I'll be turned to Romans chapter number 14 as soon as that synthetic meat is out there it's like man that's I don't want this junk and who knows what the health like there could be serious health consequences we don't even know because think about it they're just making meat grow what what did they put into that how do you know that when you eat it it won't start making parts of your body grow and if anybody knows anything about cancer which again I'm not an expert on this subject matter I know a little bit my mother had breast cancer I've researched it very minimal but cancer is something that is a growth type situation where it's trying to grow people have gross in their body that are a part of cancer how do you know that eating this garbage synthetic meat won't cause some kind of a cancer or related type illness that'll cause all kinds of weird gross in your body I mean it's not like they try to do weird stuff to people you know like the kovat 19 vaccine that was totally safe and totally legit and nothing weird about it whatsoever and all the people that may have just died suddenly was a total coincidence from that it had nothing to do with it all the increases in autism and all the different autoimmune diseases that seem to be directly linked to childhood immunizations totally coincidence folks okay all of that just random no obviously there's evil people out there that want to kill you and I want to stay as far away from that as humanly possible and you know I'm not saying that you have to eat meat in order to be godly but you're weaker this is what the Bible says look at Romans chapter 14 verse 1 him that is weak in the faith receive ye but not the doubtful disputations for one believeth that he may eat all things pastor Shelley another who is weak Edith herbs notice it's telling us that the person that doesn't eat meat is weak and look you are not gonna see gains as a man by not eating me you want to see gains you want to be strong you want to be a man eat some meat you know what when you don't eat meat it also decreases your testosterone levels and your testosterone levels are necessary for you to do what fight look for a wife be manly do what 1st Corinthians 7 was talking about you know what we need more testosterone in this country not a bunch of men drinking beer and getting estrogen in their system you know we need some real to you where am I getting this testosterone especially steak meat men need to eat meat to be strong now of course if we met this weak tiny frail little vegan it's like I want to serve God it's like okay you know I can't stop you you know but do you want a burger come on bro I remember my my dentist was a vegan and man you could tell and I'm not saying all of them are like this there's been you could be obese and be vegan it's possible but you know what they're gonna be weak they will be weak if you're obese and vegan I mean you have to eat so much garbage calories to even get to that particular size you know what you need to get some meat and and and bulk get in the bulk mode okay don't get in this weak fragile state and of course you know I'm not saying that eating meat makes you godly because it doesn't but you know what telling people that they shouldn't eat meat makes you satanic and hey if you want to be a vegan enjoy suffering but don't ever tell anybody else that they need to be vegan don't ever don't ever tell anybody else not to eat meat or command not to meet or try to get people to stop eating meat because that is a doctrine of the devil and the synthetic meat I believe is just another ploy to get people to stop eating meat and stop killing animals and stop Oh reduce climate you know change you're an idiot this whole world's gonna burn up and of course this climate change is perfect for the end times because you know it's gonna be happening in times crazy weather and they're gonna you know they're gonna blame Christians and all of us eating meat and all this climate change garbage but you know it's just God punishing them and then they're gonna blame us again it's like you're the problem right it's not us that love meat and are doing these things so get married and have a steak all right let's go to prayer thank you Heavenly Father for giving us such good doctrine and giving us truth in the Bible thank you for giving us meat thank you for giving us marriage I pray that you would just help the men in this room to get the the right biblical doctrines they wouldn't get sucked in to the lies and the deceptions of the devil that they would see the benefits and the the positives of marriage that they would seek for marriage I pray that you would help us that are married to love our wives and appreciate the gift that we have I pray that you would also help us to be thankful for all the meats and all the good foods that we have to eat and to enjoy I pray that we wouldn't take any doctrine for granted but that we would always embrace every part of the Bible and Jesus name we pray amen all right for a final song we're gonna turn to 343 revive us again 343 revive us again three four three revive us again we praise the Oh God for Jesus we praise the Oh God for my spirit who has shown us our Savior and scattered our night Oh glory and praise to the land that was slain who was born all our sins and has cleansed every day by the glory revive us again revive us again the target by love may so be rekindled with fire by the glory I'm the glory revive us again thank you all for coming god bless you are dismissed