(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) This evening's sermon is going to be a little bit different. I'm really excited to preach this sermon. The title of the sermon this evening is Pure Words Baptist Church Doctrine. Pure Words Baptist Church Doctrine. And I'm handing out to every single person on a printed piece of paper what we have on our website and what is the doctrine of the church. And I wanted to take the time for us to just actually look at this piece of paper, look at what we believe and what are the core fundamentals of the faith. This is an independent fundamental Baptist church and you say, well what does that mean? It means that we believe the fundamentals of the Bible. Now when it comes to a doctrinal statement, I believe that every church should write their own doctrinal statement to some degree. Obviously I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel, I'm not trying to come up with some new doctrine And I think what's important though is that the pastor believes every word of the doctrinal statement that he has. So even if he were to just copy somebody else's, he better believe every single word of that and understand every single word of that and be able to defend every single word of that. Just to be careful for myself, I wrote everything that you see here. Everything you see is on this paper. I literally wrote because I wanted to know what I believe and where it comes from the Bible. And it's important for you as well. Some people ask a question and they say, don't we believe that the word of God, the King James Bible is God's word? But how do I prove that to somebody? Where do I get the basis for that part of doctrine? Let's look at a couple of verses here that we had in 2 Timothy chapter number 3. Let's look at verse number 9, it says, but they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was. 2 Timothy 3 starts out by warning against all these false prophets, all these false brethren, all these false teachers. And the world abounds with false teachers, with false prophets. And one common denominator of all false prophets, they don't want to tell you what they believe. They're afraid to tell you the doctrines of the church. If you go to a Mormon church today, they will not just straight up tell you what they believe. They're going to hide it. They're going to lie about it. If you have to go for a long time, then go to a special meeting, like you're already at the special meeting. I'm going to tell you everything I believe. It's on the website. I don't try to hide anything. That's why he says, look at verse number 10, but thou has fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long suffering, charity, patience. Paul said, look, there's not anything I believe that I haven't told you. I don't have some hidden extra, you know, beliefs, some hidden extra values. Once you get into the really inner circle, that's when you really learn about the Bible. That's when I take you into this special class. No, it's for everybody. And you know, some people, they'll disguise this as Bible college. They'll say, hey, I want to learn the Bible. Well, if you want to get real deep, you know, you got to go to Bible college, right? If you really want to learn the Bible and learn everything that we believe, you got to go to Bible college. No, you just got to go to church. You should just go to church. And that's how you learn all of the Bible. Look at verse number 16, all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction, righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. Now, don't get, you know, nervous about the word doctrine. You say, what does the word doctrine mean? It just means belief. What do you believe? What is it that the church believes? That's its doctrine. You say, hey, what's the doctrine of the word of God? It's what we believe about the word of God. So I have on this first page on the very front of it, basically there's a line I haven't, I didn't put on your paper, but there's kind of a line underneath baptism to the second coming. Everything from baptism and above is what I view as core doctrines of the Bible. And I wanted to make sure I had at least four references whenever I wrote this. So obviously there's lots of other verses when we talk about some of these subjects, but I was just saying, what's some verses that just really nail this doctrine down, make it really clear. Now it's, I have no idea what we're going to do on the timeline. My notes are your notes. Okay. But I want to make sure this is really important to me. So it might be like a part two, maybe next week or something like that. But I want to make sure to get through this and really have a good understanding. So you say, hey, this core doctrine, how could I explain this to somebody? How do I know? How do we believe it? Let's look at these verses up. Let's see what the Bible has to say. Let's see if what I wrote in black actually lines up with the Bible. Because what I wrote in black is not just Bible verses. It's me taking Bible verses and then putting together a statement of belief. But what's our final authority? Is it Pastor Shelley? No, it's the word of God. So if the Bible doesn't say it, then we shouldn't believe it. But I'm pretty confident that I'm going to write a statement and put the references right here. It's going to say what I put. You know, a lot of people, though, sometimes you look at a doctrinal statement, it'll just list like 50 verse references for like what they said. And you're just like, where are they getting this from? You look up all the references, it still doesn't have it. And so it's really confusing. I don't want to be extra confusing. You know, if I was going to say salvation, I could probably put, I don't know, 150 verses if I just want to be, you know, like that. Right. But I want to get some clear verses that say exactly what I said. So let's look up the first one. Oh, 2nd Timothy 3.16. Hey, all scripture is given by inspiration of God. So you say, where did the Bible come from? It came from God. Some people say man wrote the Bible. Well, man was used in order to write down these words, but it didn't come from man. It came from God. God is the one who's the author of this book. Every single word is from God. It existed before all of mankind and it's all profitable. Now some parts of the Bible may not apply to you. They may not apply to us as a church. They might not apply to every situation, but we can have, we can learn from every single page, every single verse, every single line. There's profit for us. And let's go to Psalms chapter number 12 now, Psalms chapter number 12. Say, why do you pick that passage? Well, I named the church after it, Psalms chapter number 12. I think it's pretty important, you know, section of the Bible because really when I look at this list, I also tried to generally categorize it by importance. What is the most important doctrine of the church? It's the word of God. It's the Bible because that's where we get all of our doctrine from. You have, you have to start somewhere. Where's the foundation? It's this book. It's the King James Bible in English. I believe it's every single word of God without error. You say, where do you get that viewpoint? Well, let's look at Psalms 12 verse number 6. The words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever. Now if that's true, here's my question. Where is it? Oh, it's right here. It's this book that I hold in my hands. This is the words of God that God has preserved. And I don't care if you take every King James Bible in this world and burn them. God will make sure it gets to us again somehow. We'll get the, it's just God's word. It's forever. It's eternal. You can't destroy it. Even if you try. Now trying to gather every single King James Bible would be literally impossible because there's billions. It's on every continent. It's the most popular book of human history. I don't care what you do. You can't destroy God's word no matter how hard you try. And the more hard you try, the probably the more God will make it spread. Now let's go forward a couple chapters or a couple books. Go to Isaiah 59. Okay, let's nail down this doctrine of preservation because the reality is most people today, they reject the fact that the King James Bible is word perfect. They reject the fact that the King James Bible is God's word without error. But the reality is the Bible teaches that God will preserve his word. So when you don't believe the King James Bible is word perfect, you have two options. There's some other version that's perfect or God's a liar. Now which one is it? Well, most of these people that don't believe the King James Bible is word perfect, they don't believe there is a perfect version. They'll say, well, I don't know where it is. It was perfect in the original somewhere somehow at some point, but I guess we lost it. I guess man couldn't keep the Bible. Look, it's not man's to keep, it's God's to keep and God's the one that's preserved it. God's the one that's passed it down. He used imperfect people to write it and he used imperfect people to keep it. And look, we have it. This is God's word. I have no doubt this is God's word. Every single word. I've read it many times cover to cover. I believe all of it. You say, what about the unpopular parts? Those are some of my favorite. Those are the parts that I like. They're really interesting. Look at Isaiah 59 verse 21. As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the Lord. My spirit that is upon thee and my words, which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor the mouth of thy seed seed, saith the Lord, from henceforth and forever. So according to the Bible, whose words are we reading right here? Is it the prophet Isaiah? No. God says he put his words in his mouth. It's not Isaiah's words. Isaiah spoke them, but there weren't his words. If I just read the Bible, that doesn't make them my words. I'm quoting God. I'm quoting the word of God. I'm quoting whatever the author is, and that's Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the word. But notice he also says that it's never going to depart out of the mouth of his seed or his seed seeds from henceforth forever. So here's my question. Where's the book of Isaiah? Where's the words of Isaiah? Because didn't God just promise us that we would have it? Someone is going to be saying these words. If they're not, then where is it? Here's my question. Everybody that doesn't believe in a perfect Bible, they just don't believe the Bible. Let's just make it clear. Because the Bible says over and over that God has preserved his word. That's why we're King James only in this church, because if you get an NIV, they take out from God's word. They take whole verses out. They call Jesus Christ a liar in John chapter number seven. They justify rape in Deuteronomy chapter number 22. They do all kinds of wicked, perverted things with the word of God. They tamper with the word of God. And God says there's a curse on anybody that would tamper with the word of God. So it's the most important doctrine. The Bible says if the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? You can't do anything without the Bible. I talked to one lady. She said she was a Muslim, but then she didn't believe any of their doctrines. I don't know what she is. But she was trying to tell me how she's a Muslim by choice. And she says, well, I don't believe there's a perfect Bible or a perfect word anywhere. We're just all kind of, you know, figuring it out. And I said, well, if there is no perfect word, how could any of us agree on any doctrine? And she said, well, you can't. I said, that's a scary thought. I mean, if we don't have a source to all agree upon, then we will never agree on anything. That's what keeps unity in the church. That's what keeps unity upon believers. The fact that, hey, if I go to the hardware store today and I buy a measuring tape, guess what? It's going to be the same as your measuring tape. And it's going to be the same as your measuring tape. Why? They're all the same. They all have the same measurements. But if we all decide to make our own measuring tape with our own decides, well, I think an inch is this big. And brother Nick thinks an inch is this big. You know, we're going to have a lot of communication problems when we try to make something together. We try to build something together. This is like your normal church today where they got the NIV and the NLT and the ESV. Well, my Bible says this. Well, my Bible says that. Look, it's confusion. You're never going to accomplish anything. And you're using perverted words. You're not even using the pure. We only have the pure words of God today. The King James Bible. Now go to Matthew chapter number four. Matthew chapter number four. Jesus Christ says that his word is so important. It's more important than when you physically eat today. Now when you think about this, what is probably the most important thing you need? Food. Isn't food and clothing like your bare necessities, your bare essentials? You have to have food to survive. And God says that the word of God is more important than that. Oh, but we don't have a perfect Bible. What? What do you mean God preserved food for us today, but he didn't preserve his word, spiritual food for us today? Ridiculous. Utter foolishness. That's why non-King James only churches don't accomplish anything for God. That's why they have a bunch of false doctrine. Because if you don't have the right source, you're not going to have any of the other doctrine correct. You find me a non-King James only church that goes soul winning, that believes salvation by faith, that does hard preaching, doesn't exist. They just don't exist because they don't have the right foundation. That's why it's such a core, such an essential doctrine. Look at Matthew 4, verse 4. So what happens here? Well, Jesus Christ is being tempted of the devil. And we see their first interaction. And the tempter, which is the devil, he's saying, if thou be the son of God, command that these stones be made bread. So Jesus Christ has been fasting in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights. Get this. How hungry do you think you'd be after 40 days of not eating? I mean I struggle after 40 minutes sometimes. I'm just being honest, alright. I'm getting hungry just right now. Okay. 40 days of not eating. And the devil's coming to him and he's tempting the most primal instinct, your most basic necessity food, he's saying, well, if you're the son of God, couldn't you just turn this stone into bread and eat it? And wouldn't that be nice to eat something when you're that hungry? But you know what Jesus' response is, let's read it. And he answered and said, it is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. You know what's more important than your bread? God's commandments, God's word. But my question is, where is it? It's right here. That's why the word of God is our most primary, you know, doctrine, our most primary viewpoint. That's why I say, hey, the word of God. The King James Bible is the preserved word of God in English without any error and his word perfect. You say, well, how'd you get to that conclusion that it's the King James Bible? Well, here's my question. If it's not the King James, then show me where it is. Nobody else has a viewpoint. I've never heard of NIV only. I've never heard, well, we're NIV only. Which version? Because they change it every single year. They keep updating it and changing it and saying different things. But the King James Bible after translated in 1611 has never changed one word period. Never. Why? You're not going to change it. If you change it, it's not longer the work of God anymore. So they don't need to change it. They don't need to update it. They don't need to fix it as it were. It's the word of God without error. Why? Because the Bible is telling us it's preserved. So I'm just taking practical application and telling you where it is. It's right here. You have it. You have the word of God. Go to Matthew 24. Let's go to one more place. In order for the Bible to be true, you must have a perfect Bible. Otherwise, all these verses that I'm showing you are a lie. And if they're a lie, then what's the point of our faith? I mean, why are we here? Why go to church if you don't have a perfect Bible? Because how can you know anything you believe in there is true? If there's any doubt that any of it's not true, then how can you base any of your opinions on it? Well, it might not be true there. Okay, what are we doing then? I'm going to actually take something that's true and believe it and study it and conform to its image. Look at Matthew 24. Look at verse 35. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away. Man, isn't that powerful. God's saying, hey, you think my Bible doesn't exist? Guess what? Heaven and earth would cease to exist before my word wouldn't exist. But then we have people today, 99% of Christians today, they don't have a perfect Bible, do they? They don't believe in a perfect Bible. It's a shame. It's a folly. It's confusing. And we shouldn't act like that. We should be very clear that it's the King James Bible. Now other than salvation, if I'm talking to somebody, okay, that's, you know, not saved, the only doctrine I'm going to show them is salvation. I'm going to get them saved. Now after they're saved, the next thing I'm going to show them is the King James Bible, that we have the preserved word of God. Why? Because every other doctrinal viewpoint cannot be agreed upon without the King James Bible. If you try to argue with your family members about the rest of this sheet and they're not King James only, you will fail 99% of the time. You will just fail. They will not get it. They will not agree. Why? Because you don't have to agree on a measurement. You first have to agree on the tool before they'll agree with you on any doctrine. Now obviously, generically, Christians all kind of believe, well, the Bible's God's word and facts about the gospel and God's Trinity. I mean, you could probably get most people to kind of vaguely agree with those things. But if you venture outside of that, it's a wilderness. It's a jungle. And the only way to get them to agree is to get them to have the same foundation, to have the same measuring tool, to help them understand, hey, this is God's word. And so I'm going to show them as many verses as I can say, well, didn't God say to preserve it here? And didn't He say He's going to preserve it here? And didn't He say it's the most important thing here and here and here and here? So my question is, well, where is that? Where is this preserved word of God that He says is the most important thing? Let's figure that out first. That's where I'm going to start. So whenever you're talking with somebody that is saved and they're not King James only for some reason, I think that's the most important discussion you can have with them. If you're going to talk Bible, well, let's get you on the King James, buddy. Okay? And that's why I don't want to, I'm never going to go to a church that's not King James. Now, obviously I'm passing the church, but let's say I wasn't. I'm not going to then go join the NIV church. I'm not going to go join the Pentecostals or the ESV, the Calvinist church or the NASB, the very pseudo intellectual. We are so intellectual and we have, you know, a master of divinity and we've studied the Bible. It's a joke, okay? All of these versions are the same anyways. The NASB is not better than the NIV. It's just, you know, puffed up arrogance. It's got more pride in it, so it's probably worse. But the most important doctrine is the word of God. Now let's go to the next important doctrine, salvation. Let's just read what we have written here. Salvation is by grace through faith. The only requirement of salvation is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart. This means to put all your trust in the gospel, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. So this is what we teach. This is what we believe. Let's go to John 3 16. I mean the most famous verse in the Bible. Let's see what it says about salvation. And again, some people think, well, is salvation more important than the Bible? Honestly, I still would say the Bible because if you don't have the Bible, how can you get anyone saved? You have to have the Bible to have John 3 16. It's the first foundation. Now, obviously, salvation is the most important thing to teach somebody. It's the first thing. Paul said he just preached Christ and crucified when he's going out and preaching the word of God. Let's look at John 3 16. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. The Bible's crystal clear. There is only one thing you have to do to be saved. Believe in Jesus Christ. It says it over and over and over. The word believes found in the book of John 99 times. It says believe, believe. Look at verse 15. That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life. Look at John 3 18. He that believeth on him is not condemned. Look at verse 36. He that believeth on the son hath everlasting life. The Bible says believe, believe, believe, believe. Now if you get one of these false versions, sometimes they'll change it. Because in verse 36, the counterpoint says and he that believeth not the son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth him. Modern versions will change that and say obey. Say he that does not obey has the wrath of God abiding on him. And they literally put work salvation in their Bible. They'll sneak it in there. Or the NLT, which is the only English version to my knowledge that uses the phrase repent of your sins, they will slip that in into their Bible eight times. It's the only English version that says it. And sometimes it'll say like repent and believe the gospel. They'll say repent of your sins and believe the gospel. It's wicked as hell. The phrase repent of your sins is never found in your King James Bible. Some guy wants to like have a discussion with me about repent of your sins as a part of salvation. And I'm just like, well, if there's not a phrase in the Bible, that's a requirement to salvation, how is that possible? I mean, God's like, I want you to be saved. This is what you have to do, but I'm not going to tell you. Okay, because this is what God told us. This is God's word. So if it's not in this book, how could it be possible to be the way that I get saved? It has to be from this book. That's why we had that first point, right? I'm not going to explain to you how to get saved outside of the words of God. Let's go, if you would, to Ephesians chapter two. So Romans chapter 10 verse nine says what? That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised from the dead, thou shalt be saved for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. It says in verse 13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. It says how shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? So obviously it's the believing that saves you, but again you have not because he asked not. That's how you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. You call upon his name. You put your faith in him and once you put your faith in him, you're saved. There's not like a, well, what if I don't, you know, screw up or what if I commit sin? Look, you're saved with a D at the end. Salvation is by grace. I mean, you don't deserve it. I don't deserve salvation. I didn't deserve salvation when I got saved and I still don't deserve it after I got saved. Just FYI, I'm still a sinner. FYI, I still make mistakes. I'm still wicked in the sight of God. I don't deserve anything. I deserve hell, the lowest parts of hell, but by his grace I am saved because one time I put all my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and I hope for the rest of my life I can continue putting faith in God, not just for salvation, but every part of my life with my family, with my finances, what church I go to, every decision I make in my life, we should try to put our faith in Jesus Christ. Look at Ephesians 2, 8, and 9. For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. So according to the Bible, salvation's a gift. It's a free gift because all gifts are free and it's not of yourself. I mean, it has nothing to do with how you live your life, how good a person you think you are. I had somebody tell me when I was knocking doors, well, I have a good heart. You don't have a good heart, unfortunately. The Bible says the heart is desperately wicked and is deceitful above all things. The Bible says the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it? Jeremiah chapter number 17. Okay? It's deceitful. You might think you have a good heart, but you don't. It's wicked. That's why Disney, they tell you what? Follow your heart because Disney's wicked as hell and they want you to follow the lust of the flesh. They want you to do that which is wicked and ungodly and trust in yourself. Oh, and all your dreams will come true. All your wicked dreams, all your ungodly dreams, we need God's word to tell us how wicked our heart is so then we can know, hey, I need to follow God's commandments. Now also, sometimes in the salvation statements I've seen, they'll just tag in certain parts of the Bible. I put a very clear verse in instructions, right? Ephesians 2, 8. Okay? Some people just say James 14 through 26. Now I preached James 2, a whole sermon on James 2. I don't remember it talking about salvation in that section. Now you could take one phrase out there where it says Abraham believed God and it was counted unto righteousness. That is the picture of salvation. But if you're going to say the context of James 2, 14 through 26 is salvation, you're a false prophet. You're a false teacher because James 2 is clearly about works. There's no getting around the fact that it's about works. But guess what? It's about how to be saved. It's about how to perfect your faith. It's about how to move on to perfection and be called the friend of God. You see then how that by works a man is justified and not by works only, or not by faith only. Meaning what? That when Abraham believed God, he's kind of righteousness, but he was also called the friend of God because he offered Isaac his son upon the altar. Just like Rahab was given blessing by God that she didn't die physically when Jericho was destroyed because she hid the spies. Now she was probably already saved. I believe she was saved when they showed up because she says, look, I fear the Lord. That's why she let them stay with her. She already was saved, but then she did the works on top of it. That's what saved her physically. Now let's go to another important doctrine. Go back to John chapter number three, John chapter number three, the doctrine of hell. Hell is an important doctrine today. It's not something that we want to shy away from. The Bible uses hell, I believe 54 times. I'd have to look that up to double check, but I think your King James Bible is the word hell 54 times. The modern versions will take out the word hell. They'll just get rid of it. And even today you ask some people, Hey, there's two places you can go heaven or where they get all squeamish about him wanting to say the word hell. They think it's like a cuss word or something. Look, my Bible is a pure word. The word hell is a pure word. Now it's not a pleasant place. I don't want you to go there. I don't want anyone to go there, but it's a pure word and we need to believe in hell. We need to preach hell. And I hope that I'm a hell fire and brimstone preacher, because guess what? That's what Jesus was. Jesus preached about hell fire. And if it is a real place, wouldn't it be a terrible shame to never tell anybody about it? I mean, if hell's real, if hell's it, I believe it is real. Let me just make it clear. It is real because it's real. That's why I want to preach and warn about it. So people won't go there. But if you hate somebody, I get, well, let's take Genhitta, Sheol, you know, the grave or whatever these modern perversions want to say. Look at John 3, 18 and what your Bible has to say, he that believeth on him is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed and the only begotten son of God. So why does someone go to hell? Why is someone condemned? The Bible says because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God. So has this person ever believed? I mean, if I believed before, if there was some point in my life where I believed, could you accurately say he hath not believed? No. The reason why someone goes to hell is because they've never believed. Not one time. Look, salvation is a one time putting your faith in Jesus Christ. The difference between the people in heaven and hell is all the people in heaven believed at some point. All the people in hell hath not believed. They never believed. They never put their faith in Jesus Christ. Now look at verse 36, he that believeth on the son of their everlasting life and he that believeth not the son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. That's present tense. That means God's wrath, he's angry. God is angry at every single person that is not saved and they're ready to go to hell. The only thing stopping them from going to hell is the breath in their lungs and as soon as they take their last breath, they will look up their eyes and hell is what the Bible says. You are the gap in between them going to hell. You going out and preaching the gospel and warning them and telling them, hey, it's a free gift. Just believe in Jesus Christ, you'll be saved. But the sad reality is most people are not going to get saved because they're too apathetic. They don't want to hear the gospel. They want to believe in their works. They're too prideful and arrogant to want to humble themselves and say, you know what? It is just by Jesus Christ. You know what? It is a free gift. And unfortunately, a lot of people go to hell because nobody preaches in the gospel. The Bible says if our gospel be hid, it's hid to them that are lost. There's people that died today that would have gotten saved if someone had preached in the gospel. That's a sad reality. You know what? 99% of these false prophets could care less as long as people are coming in and lining their pockets. But I care. That's why I want to reach the whole city of Houston with the gospel. It's that important. Why? Because hell is real. Hell is a real place. And when we understand the importance of the doctrine of hell, it can motivate us to want to go out and pull people out of the fire. If hell did not exist, if the only reason you believe in Jesus Christ was just to get rewards or something like that, I think most people would be even less influenced to want to go out and preach the gospel. Hell is literally the worst thing imaginable. And people still don't want to preach the gospel. You don't want to preach the gospel to somebody when you know they're going to be burning in a lake of fire with no rest day nor night for all of eternity? What more do you need? So it's important that we understand the reality of hell. Go to Revelation chapter 14. So let's read our statement. Everyone who does not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ alone for salvation will spend eternity in constant torment of flames of hell with no rest day or night in the presence of the Lamb, which is Jesus and his only angels. There's also a false doctrine that will say, well, hell is just separation from God. That's not true. God's everywhere. I mean, that would violate the fact that they also believe that he's omnipresent. Most people believe God's omnipresent. That means he's also present in hell. You can't escape God by going to hell. What you can escape is God's wrath by going to heaven. Look at Revelation 14 verse 10. The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation, and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. You will get to see the Lord Jesus Christ pouring out his wrath on you front row seats when you go to hell. It's not separation from God. It's separation from God's love. It's separation from God's peace. It's separation from everything that is pleasant and good and holy and righteous. You're in the worst place imaginable for eternity. Look at chapter 20, a verse I often use in soul winning. And the devil that, look at verse 10, and the devil that is even was cast in the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever. It doesn't end. That's a sad reality, but it's something that we must preach and teach because the Bible is true. Look at verse 8 in chapter 21. But the fearful and unbelieving, the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Just as true as it is that when you believe in Christ you have eternal life is true when the people don't believe that they will spend eternity in hell. They will have their part in the lake of fire. And so that's why we should be motivated to go out and preach the gospel. We should be motivated to try and compel people, pull them out of the fire, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. I want to go to one more place. Go to Matthew chapter number 5. Sometimes you'll talk to somebody at the door and they'll say, well I don't even believe in hell. Or the Bible doesn't talk about hell. And so I like to go to Matthew chapter 5 because it's Jesus Christ preaching specifically. So we're going to get a red letter verse where Jesus Christ is preaching and warning about hell by name. He's not using just other words like wrath of God or he's expressly stating hell. So if I'm going to prove to somebody that hell is a real place, if they say the Bible is God's word, well let's see what Jesus said. Matthew chapter 5 verse 29. Jesus Christ said hell is so bad it would be better for you to literally rip out your own eyeball right now than to go to hell. Now I can't even imagine how horrible that would be. To rip out your own eyeball? I don't think I could do it. That would just be too painful. I can hardly do anything that's super painful. You've got a splinter in your finger. It's hard to even want to rip that out. Let alone your little eye. But Christ is saying you would be far better to have that happen to you than to go to hell. Some people say life on earth is hell. Although nobody wants to pull out their own eyeball, nobody's in that much pain. But hell is that much pain that you would go back and rip out both eyeballs. I'd chop off both my arms and legs. I'd go through any punishment on earth. There is nothing to compare to hell. It is ultimate worst place. That's another proof of God. Because if God's going to come up with the worst punishment possible, that proves how powerful he is. If we could think up worse, a worse punishment, then God wouldn't really be that powerful, would he? But he literally came up with the worst imaginable punishment. Because he's that powerful. He's that wrathful. And that's why we need to believe in his son so that we can be saved. People that reject his son, he has a lot of wrath for those people. Now go back to John chapter 3. It's getting hit a lot. This is a great chapter. Maybe you should just memorize it. It's a good chapter to memorize. So let's contrast hell with the gift of God, which is what? Eternal life. What did I write here? Anyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and receives salvation will never die and has eternal life once saved, always saved. I love that. It's so simple. It just rolls off the tongue. Once you're saved, you're always saved. Otherwise you weren't saved. Just in the fact that you use the word saved, if you go to hell, were you ever saved from hell? No. I've never been to hell. Okay. So if I'm saved from hell and in the future I go, I was never saved. So just by the fact of being saved means that, guess what? You're never going to hell. Otherwise that was a lie. But because you're saved, you will never go to hell. Look at John 3 verse 15. That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. The Bible makes it so simple. You just believe in Jesus Christ. You have eternal life. Look at John 5 verse 24 now. Flip over the page. Let's look at a couple new verses. Verily, verily, I say to you, he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is past from death and life. Here's a good verse. You say, yeah, but what if I do something wicked? You will not come into condemnation. You already passed. You already passed from death, which represents hell, unto life, which represents heaven. So no matter what you do, you can't get to hell if you tried once you believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. It's impossible. It's not possible. You've already been past. Look at chapter 6, verse 47. This is also Jesus Christ preaching. He says, verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me hath everlasting life. As soon as you believe on Jesus Christ, you have everlasting life in that moment as soon as you believe. Let's look at another place. Look at John chapter number 11. I want to look at one other place, because I had written on this statement that you will never die. Now, obviously, we understand that physically we will all die at some point. Our physical bodies will die, but we won't experience death, and that's why Jesus Christ says in verse ... Let's go to verse 25 first. Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life. He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. So right now, if someone's not saved, they're dead. He said, what do you mean they're dead? They're like walking around and talking. They're dead, because they're spiritually dead. In the day that thou eat, thou shalt surely die. So when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, they committed sin. They spiritually died immediately. They were immediately dead. They're dead men walking. When they believe on Jesus Christ, when someone believes on Jesus Christ, what the Bible's known as, quickened, made alive. Guess what? That inner you will never die. Obviously, your physical flesh, it will die. But you died with Christ when you believed. Once you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that's why you get baptized, picturing the death, burial, and resurrection. You were buried with him in baptism, that you should walk in newness of life. Now that I'm dead to sin, now longer I don't have any sin. The Bible says in Romans chapter seven, when Paul's talking, that he doesn't even sin anymore. You say, what? He doesn't sin anymore? He doesn't sin in the sense that his inner man, who he truly is, never sins. If it wasn't for his flesh, he would not sin. He says, there's no longer I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. Meaning the vessel that encapsulate your soul and spirit, it wants to sin nonstop. But it's not really you, because one day you'll shed that, and you'll get a new body that won't want to sin, and you will never sin. It's impossible for the person that's ever believed in the Lord Jesus Christ to sin in a spiritual sense, okay? And that's why he's saying in verse 26, and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die, believeth thou this. He's trying to get them to understand the spiritual truth that when you're a believer, we're not going to die. As soon as you take your last breath on this earth, you're going to be present with the Lord in heaven. What a glorious thing. You won't experience what death is. You're still going to be alive. You're still going to be there. It's still going to have conscious presence and, you know, bliss. Now go to 1 Timothy. I think I had there 1 Timothy 1 verse 16. Let's look at one other verse. The Timothy's are kind of towards the back. You got the 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and 1 and 2 Timothy, then Titus, right before Philemon and Hebrews. You got the series of T's. Look at 1 Timothy chapter number 1 verse 16, the Bible reads, how be it for this cause I obtain mercy that in me first Jesus Christ might show forth all long suffering for a pattern of them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting. So once you believe in Jesus Christ, you have everlasting life. But he's saying, hey, this is a pattern for people to believe in him and everlasting life. Now who is speaking? Paul. And Paul says he's chief of sinners, saying, look, it's to anybody, anybody, whosoever believe in him. The worst guy imaginable believes on Jesus Christ will be saved. Now unfortunately this is not part of this statement, but there are some people that will never believe in Jesus Christ, okay? They're not going to get saved. And they do some really wicked stuff too. But according to this, Paul says he's chief of sinners. He's literally killing Christians, okay, against what the Bible says. And he's saying I'm chief of sinners, but I still got saved, showing a pattern for anybody that would believe on him to have everlasting life. There's not a sin that you committed that would stop you from going to heaven if you believe in Jesus Christ. If you believe in Jesus Christ, you will go to heaven, period. Now go, if you would, to Genesis chapter number 1, Genesis chapter number 1. Now the way I've kind of broken down this doctrinal statement in my sheet is there's basically four points that I make in the core. First is the Bible, okay, that was the first point. Then secondly is salvation, which was the next three points, salvation, hell, eternal security. They're all basically wrapped up in the thought of salvation. But the next most important doctrine I would say is God, just information about who is God. Now let's read verse number 1, in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. So we have the beginning of the Bible describing to us someone called God. Question is, who is God? Now on our statement, we're going to tell you who God is, it says God created the heaven and the earth and consists of three persons, the Father, Jesus Christ, which is the word, the Holy Ghost, and these three are one God. So we believe in the Trinity, we are a Trinity believing church. Now in verse number 1, we didn't learn all that, we just know there's God, okay. But let's look at another verse, let's look at verse number 26, and God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping demon that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them. So according to the Bible, we just learned a lot. First of all, God refers to himself as an hour. Now for anybody that speaks English, that's plural. Now how in the world would God refer to him as plural if there's not some kind of plurality to God? Now you say, does that mean there's multiple Gods? No, there's one God, but God is referred to as a plurality in the Bible. Not only that, he said that he made man in his image. So you say, what does God look like? He looks like a man. God looks like a man, man was created in the image of God. Now women, according to the Bible, are created in the image of man. They're the glory of the man, but the man is the glory of Christ, okay, is the glory of what God looks like. Now the Bible also says he made him in his image. So now that's singular again. We have to look at this. Imagine me, my grandfather, and my father. We're all standing here, we're talking, and we're looking at my son, Clayton. And we all say, man, doesn't he look like us? Wouldn't that make sense? Does that mean that Clayton looks like three people, though? Is that what I'm trying to say? He looks like my grandpa and me and, no, I'm just saying we all look alike. Now if we looked at a bear, oh, that looks like us, he'd be like, what are you talking about? That's what the Bible means by he was created in his image. Man is created in God's image. A bear is not created in the image of God. A lion is not created in the image of God. What does God look like? He looks like a man. That also does not mean that God, like, I look exactly like God, though, okay? All men have differences of appearance, I don't know if you noticed this, but white guys and black guys and Hispanic guys, they all look different. Now some people say all white guys look alike, I don't know. That's for you to decide, you know. But God looks like a man, and even in the New Testament, the Bible talks about how we will all be in the likeness of Christ. Some people get this weird idea that we will all be like robots, like we all just look exactly like Jesus Christ. I don't believe that for one second. What it means when we look in his image, it means we have the same type of body, meaning that we have the same glorified flesh that he does, okay? It's not in the fact that we all look exactly like him. I don't know if we'll look exactly the same as we do now, but that doesn't matter, all right? Let's keep going with our train of thought, though. Go to 1 John chapter number 5 now, it's all the way in the back of your Bible. There's only two more books before that, there's Revelation, and then there was Jude, a very short letter. Then there's 1, 2, and 3 John. This is the clearest verse on the Trinity. And unfortunately, most modern Bibles take this verse out. I mean, I was talking with my family, and we were going to a church called Trinity Fellowship Church, okay? And I'm trying to prove to them the King James Bible is the word of God, and then we're talking about the Trinity, which again, I should have just kept to the, you know, the Bible. But I was trying to use this as a point, I was saying, well, don't you believe in the Trinity? I mean, we go to a church called Trinity Fellowship Church, and I said, your Bible takes that verse out. Don't you think that's a problem? Don't you think it's a problem when the clearest verse on your doctrine is taken out of your Bible? I mean, that's pretty scary. Let's read what the Bible has to say. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. Now, in the context of 1 John 5 verse 7, when it says these three are one, what that means is they're unified. That's the context. It's saying, look, there's a record that God gave of His Son, what, that Jesus Christ died on the cross. If you ask Jesus what the gospel is, He's going to give you the same answer that the Father's going to give you. And if you ask the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost is going to give you the same answer. They're one. There's only one gospel, and no matter who you ask, the Father has the same gospel as the Son and the Holy Ghost, these three are one. That's why in verse number 8, it says, and there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit and the water and the blood, and these three agree in one. He's saying, look, in heaven, it testifies to the gospel. On the earth, we have the same testimony of the gospel. That's why some people that believe this doctrine called oneness Pentecostalism, they say that God is only one person, and they want this verse to read that these three are one person. That's what they want this verse to say. But if that were true, it completely destroys the context, because the whole context is the fact that there's multiple witnesses of the gospel in heaven. So if there's just one person, then you don't have multiple witnesses. You say, hey, Pastor Shelley went to court. Well, I'm going to testify on my behalf as husband Jonathan Shelley, and as Pastor Jonathan Shelley, and as son Jonathan Shelley to Trey Shelley. So I have three witnesses. They're like, what? What are you talking about? No, that doesn't work. You actually have to have three. So the Bible teaches that the Trinity is three persons that make up one God. You say, how many gods are there? One. That's super clear in the Bible. There's tons of verses that say there is one Lord. The Bible makes it clear that there's no other God. There's just one God. But he's consisted of three persons. Now I want to prove the word person for a moment. We could read other verses that emphasize other parts of God, but to get the Trinity, let's emphasize this word person, because I think it's important. Go to Hebrews chapter number one. So flip back just a couple books, Hebrews chapter number one, because there was a time way before I started this church where I was considering doctrine, and I had read different things about the Trinity, and I wasn't sure if I believed the word person was biblical. I'm not saying I was against it. I've never been against it. I just wasn't sure about it. I didn't know if that was the exact best way to word it. Since then, I do believe person is a biblical and accurate way to describe who God is. Three persons, one God. But in order to do that, we'd have to have some verses that told us that there's multiple persons in the Godhead. Now let's read Hebrews chapter number one, verse three. So this is talking about Jesus Christ, who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sin, sat down on the right hand of the majesty of high. So according to the Bible, Jesus Christ is the express image of who? God the Father, and it describes God the Father as what? A person. So we know at least, at the very least, that God the Father is a person. So here's the question. Then what is Jesus Christ? Because if Jesus Christ is a person, then that sounds like there's multiple persons in the Godhead, right? So you'd have to believe Jesus Christ is something not, is not a person somehow for you to believe in this oneness, garbage, or some other type of doctrine, okay? So let's go to 2 Corinthians chapter number two. 2 Corinthians, flip back again in your Bible, there's Acts, Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians. Look at 2 Corinthians chapter number two. And let's look at verse number 10. Now we were preaching this morning about being thrown out of church. Now when you read chapter number two, it's pretty clear that this is probably, in this context, Paul's talking about this guy throwing out of church, but that he repented and he came back into church. And so he's saying, look, when he comes back to church, we need to forgive this guy. Don't keep giving this guy grief about the fact that he used to be a fornicator, or that he used to do something wrong. If they've gotten it right, don't forget, just forgive it. Don't bring it up again, don't put any, you know, make him feel worse about it than he already does. I mean, he's thrown out of church, that's horrible, okay? And then what does he say in verse 10? To whom you forgive anything, I forgive also, for if I forgave anything to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ. So when the Bible talks about Jesus Christ, what does it call him? A person. So that sounds like there's multiple persons. Now here's the only other way I could think you'd wiggle out of this. You'd say, okay, well, Jesus is a person, and the Father is a person, but they're the same person, okay? We'll flip back just one chapter, all right? Let's see. Let's see if this is the same person. Stupid. Look at verse three of chapter one. Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. So here's my question. If Jesus Christ is a person, who's his Father here? Because it just told us that there's a Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. That's God the Father, and he's a person too. So we have God the Father as a person, we have Jesus Christ as a person, and when we talk about the Holy Ghost, it says he, him, his, so he's obviously another person using personal pronouns. It says that he does not speak of himself. Now how could you have God's word if you don't speak of yourself? That would in and of itself not make any sense. That means it must be somebody else's words. If that verse is true, which we'll read about here in just a minute, then you have to have another person. How can I get up and say, this is the book I wrote, but I never said any of it? What? How did you write it? I mean, we believe in the inspiration of God's word. It was spoken. It was spoken by God the Father. Jesus Christ is the word, and the Holy Ghost brings the word to our remembrance. The Holy Ghost speaks the words of the Bible, don't get me wrong. But according to the Bible, it's not his words. It's not him. It's God the Father. It's God the Father speaking the word. Jesus Christ is the literal word, and we have the Holy Ghost who brings into remembrance all things that Christ commanded us. So three persons, one God. You can look up other verses I have mentioned there. They're good verses to look at. In John 1, one really good verse on the Trinity in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. So we see Jesus Christ is God, but he's also with God. How does that make sense? Oh, three persons, one God. That's how it makes sense. Any other explanation is foolish, makes no sense, and contradicts all the rest of the Bible. The only explanation is three persons, one God. Now you will not find a verse that says three persons, one God. But we're talking about doctrine here, and we have to come up with something to describe God. That's why I have this statement. Anything I have in black letters that's contradictory to this book, believe the book. But I'm not going to change on this. I've already studied this. I know what the Bible says. You're not going to trick me with some Bible verse. When it comes to the core doctrines of the faith, they're settled in stone. Just like when God wrote the Ten Commandments with his finger, we're not going to go back with an eraser on that, okay? Now let's explain each person then. So let's go to John chapter one though. That's a good place to actually turn. We're just going to have to turn this into a couple sermons. It's just too important. There's no way we can get through all the rest of this. Let's look at John chapter one verse 18. No man has seen God at any time. The only begotten son which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. So God the Father, according to the Bible, has never been seen. Even says in the Old Testament, no man shall see my face and live. No one has seen God the Father's face. And if you did, you'd die. It's that holy. It's that righteous. It's that perfect. It's hard to even look at the sun. So you say, what is that like? It's really hard to just look at the sun. It's just so bright. The Bible is saying God is so much more bright that you'll just die. You just see God the Father's face dead. Now we got to see Jesus Christ. I didn't personally. But I'm just saying people did see the Lord Jesus Christ. If someone's going around telling you they saw Jesus Christ, you need to run away. That guy's on drugs or something. He's not an apostle. All the apostles are dead at this point in time. So while they're dead in a physical sense, obviously they're in heaven. Let's get our doctrine right, Pastor Shelley. So then let's go to John chapter 6 now. Let's learn a little bit more about the Father. The Bible says in John 3 16, we don't have to read that again, that God gave his only begotten son. That's the essence of the gospel. That God could love you so much that he would literally sacrifice his own child. Now it's hard for some people that have never had a child to fully understand the depths of this love. But if you have a child and you could literally offer that child and sacrifice for somebody else, talk about great love. I can't imagine taking the life of my child for somebody else. And think about this. Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole world. He tasted death for every man. He knew that some people would reject him and he still died for them. That's some love. But if you don't believe in the Trinity, I mean you just don't believe the Father and the Son analogy. You can't believe Abraham and Isaac. You can't believe the most essential, basic doctrine. I mean if you say what's the most simple verse of the Bible, John 3 16. What's the most famous verse of the Bible, John 3 16. That's why you say, hey these wondrous people, are they saved? Hell no. They don't believe the record that God gave of his son. They denied the Son of God. They're wicked devils. Now look at John chapter 6 verse 46. You should catch the sermon I preached last Sunday night. I make this really clear, but it says, not that any man has seen the Father, save he which is of God, he has seen the Father. Now this is a good way to transition to the Son because it's saying someone saw the Father though. You say, who's that? It's Jesus Christ which is in the bosom of the Father. What we read in chapter number 18. The only person that's ever seen the Father is Jesus Christ. You say, how do we know anything about the Father? Because of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the one that tells us who God the Father is, what he is like. He says, hey I'm the express image of his person. So the people that got to see Jesus, they got a good idea what he looks like too. You say, what do you look like? I don't know, whatever Jesus Christ looked like. That's what he looked like. So who's the son then? Well let's go if you would to, let's go to Colossians chapter number 1. So the Bible has after 1st and 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians. Colossians chapter number 1. What I have in my statement here is I said, Jesus is the word of God, the son of God and God. He created all things and became flesh born of a virgin and died for the sins of the whole world was buried and rose again. That's the gospel basically. Jesus Christ is the word, we already read John chapter 1 verse 1 or we at least quoted that. Let's look at Colossians chapter number 1 verse 16. For by him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers, all things were created by him and for him. So Jesus Christ is the creator. Jesus Christ created all things and they are for him, for his purpose. Now some people get a weird doctrine. I've heard some people take this verse to an extreme and say, well Jesus created the devil to be wicked. Jesus Christ created the devil to worship him, to be his servant, to give glory unto God but the devil rejected that, rejected God, was filled with pride and wanted to glorify himself and that's why he's wicked. Not because God made the devil wicked. Every person on this earth that is wicked, God did not create them to be wicked. God created them to be holy and righteous and to follow his commandments but they rejected him. They decided to do wickedly, it's of our own hearts lust that causes us to sin. You say, where does all the sin come from? Your heart. And what does Disney say? Follow your heart. That's where all the sin's coming from. It's just pumping out sin, lie, steal, cheat, covet, fornicate, adulterate, whatever is wicked and ungodly is pumping from your heart and if you want to get that fixed, it comes by pumping this in, pumping God's word, eating God's word, meditating on God's word, saying no to the flesh, denying the flesh. That is how you get closer to God and we see Jesus Christ, he's the creator. For sake of time, I'm not going to look at any more verses there, I want to get through the rest of this, just the core doctrine part. Let's go to John 14. Let's look at a couple more things. Again, I think it's good to look up all these verses if you want to. If you say, hey, I want to learn more about this topic or this subject, you can look it up, read it in your Bible. Obviously, I'll preach whole sermons on these. I think it's important as a fundamental church that we have whole sermons dedicated to these topics often, that we're constantly talking about why we use the King James Bible, why salvation is by faith, why hell exists, that we can never lose our salvation, what the Trinity is, who God the Father is, who Jesus Christ is, who the Holy Ghost is. So look at John chapter 14, verse number 26. But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things and bring all things to remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you. So, according to the Bible, the Holy Ghost, he's going to teach you God's words. He's going to say what God said. You say, what does the Holy Ghost do? What's the purpose of the Holy Ghost? It's when you've heard a Bible verse, when you've read a Bible verse, and you need it for soul winning, for you're struggling, you just want to talk to somebody about the Bible, you need the word of God, the Holy Ghost will whisper that verse in your mind, he'll remind you of that verse. Or maybe you're studying your Bible, and you're reading something, and then all of a sudden a verse pops in your head that fits with that one, you're like, whoa, that's cool how that works. That's the Holy Ghost speaking to you. But you know what the Holy Ghost doesn't say? Go buy a red Ford truck today. You're like, I really, I feel like God's telling me I need to buy a Ford truck. You know, move to Alaska. He's never saying that, trust me. He's not telling you these stupid things. He's only going to preach what God's word says. That's how the Holy Ghost will speak to you. So if you don't know this book, if you don't read this book, if you never hear any preaching, guess what? The Holy Ghost is not talking to you. That's how he talks to you. He can talk to unsaved people. When you go and knock on a door of an unsaved person, you start preaching God's word, that's the Holy Ghost knocking on their heart saying, hey, remember John 3 16, that guy just said it? That's all you got to do to believe, buddy. Believe on Jesus Christ. For all of sin comes short of the glory of God. Let that one ring in the ears of every unsaved person. Let the Holy Ghost just keep telling, hey, you're a sinner, buddy. There's none righteous, no, not one. There's none righteous, no, not one. Just knocking on their heart. That's all the Holy Ghost works. And look at verse 16. Let's get back. It says, and I will pray the Father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever. Even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not. Neither knoweth him, but ye know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless. I will come to you. So look, the Bible says the Holy Ghost is another comforter. He's not the same person. He's a different person. Says in verse 18, I will not leave you comfortless. I will come to you. So Jesus Christ comes back to the disciples and he gives them the Holy Ghost. But then he departs and we don't have Christ right now. But Christ will come for us one day. That's the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. But while he's not here, we have someone. Who is that? It's the Holy Ghost who lives inside us when we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Now if you still don't believe in three persons, guess what? He didn't leave you. But Jesus Christ is in heaven. He's not with us in that sense. But we have the Holy Ghost within us. Now the Bible does obviously say where two or three or more gathered in my name, there am I in the midst. So obviously if you have a Bible, you have the Lord Jesus Christ with you. He's the word of God. But he's sitting on the throne in heaven is where he is right now. But one day he will come back to this earth and he will be with us literally like in a physical sense. Now go if you would to Luke chapter number three. This will be my last point. I don't have enough time. So again, I'm going to wrap this up in God in the category of being who God is because you have to ask the question, if we don't believe in the creation of the Bible, then you really don't have the same God. We see that Jesus Christ is the creator. So this is why I believe this is a core doctrine that we believe this. I wrote on this that God created the world in six literal days, approximately 24 hours around approximately 6,300 years ago based on the chronology of the Bible and all science. So when you study your Bible, it's crystal clear that the world is only about 6,300 years old. Now if you go to an evolution class, if you go to the university, they'll teach you it's millions, yea billions of years old, stupid, ridiculous. And they have nothing to base this on. It's all a bunch of lies and deception. And God's word clearly tells you that it's not millions or billions of years old. There is no way around it. You say, how do I prove it? Do I have to get all the fossils? Do I have to get a fancy slide show? I mean how could I prove to somebody that it's not millions or billions of years old? Look, every single one of you can prove this in like five minutes or less, probably two minutes. You say, how do I prove that? Well, let's go to Luke chapter number three and there's an interesting passage here. Now in Matthew chapter number one, you start out with a genealogy. It's very clear that Matthew's genealogy is that of Joseph, the father of the Lord Jesus Christ. But in Luke, you get a different genealogy. You get one of Mary, his mother. Now look at verse number, let's look at verse number 23 to start. And Jesus himself being about 30 years of age, being as was supposed the son of Joseph, which was the son of Eli. Now Joseph was not his physical father. It was as supposed, but his mother Mary, she is the daughter of Heli. That's what we can glean from the Bible's teaching. But as you keep reading, it gives you genealogy. It says, sorry, excuse me, in verse 24, which was the son of Mathath, which is the son of Levi, which is the son of Melchiah, which is the son of Jana, which is the son of Joseph, which is the son of Matthias. Now it just keeps going, going and going and going. Look at verse 38, which was the son of Enos, which is the son of Seth, which is the son of Adam, which was the son of God. You have the genealogy all the way back to God. Now Jesus Christ was born when? Zero. What did he write on a check, 2018? 2018 years ago, Christ was born. So then you just add all these genealogies. That's how long the earth has been in existence. Jesus Christ, when he's on this earth, he said, have you not read that which God which made at the beginning, male and female? He created them at the beginning. When is the beginning? Well, go back to Genesis chapter one. All right. In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth, right? So we have it clear, and then on the sixth day, God creates man. So now we have what? There's no way you could believe that's millions of billions years old. Which one of these people lived a billion years? None of them. Now we do not have every single one of these people's genealogy, okay, as far as like their age. We don't know exactly how long this person lived. But right now, you could already prove that it's not millions or billion years old. You can even go to Exodus chapter 20. Let's go to one more verse. You say some people believe in what's called a gap theory, okay, because at this point, you can prove mankind has only existed for 6300 some years, but they'll say, yeah, but between Genesis one and two, there's like this, you know, millions and billions of gap or whatever. That's not what the Bible teaches. Look at Exodus 20 verse 11. For in six days, the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is and rest of the seventh day. Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. Now that means that what? Every single person in this room can prove that the earth is not millions of billions of years old. We have the genealogy from Jesus Christ to God, and then he makes it clear, he drills in the point, hey, I created everything in six days, all right? From Genesis one, one to Adam, six days, all right? And then we have what, several thousand years until now, and you can use other ways. We could take a whole sermon and kind of explain how we get to the 6300 number, but the clear point is that God, Jesus Christ, he's the creator, and he created all things in six days, and we see that is who God is, the creator, and he didn't create, you know, a bunch of cells somewhere that evolved into man. No, he created a perfect man. He created Adam perfect. All that God created, he said it was very good. That's the God that we worship, and if you say you believe the Bible, how could you believe in evolution? You're going to say that we're all from an ape, from a monkey, stupid, and God made the beast and man on the same day, so do you think the apes just turned into man in like less than 10 hours or two hours or 10 seconds or whatever? That's not evolution anyways. Even slow periodic changes, okay? We'll take more time next week to kind of go through this. I think it's pretty interesting to learn the core doctrines of the faith, and it's important for us as fundamentalists to teach our children the fundamentals of the faith, okay? There's a lot of independent fundamental Baptist churches today. They might believe everything that I've showed you up to this point, okay? But they don't teach that. They just expect that everybody knows it. And look, if you're reaching new people, people that haven't been in church, people that have never knocked the doors or opened the doors of a Baptist church, they're not going to know a lot of this. You know how you learn things? Someone teaches you. You know what? I had to learn reading and writing. It might be basic, but someone had to teach me those things. I didn't just learn how to read magically or learn how to write or learn arithmetic, and your children are the same. Your children need to learn all the fundamentals of the faith, and you need to teach it to them. And that provided you a pretty good head start. I mean, here's all the core doctrines of the church. Here's a whole bunch of verses. And we should learn these and memorize these and study these, and these should be the things that are on our heart. If someone says, hey, why do you believe God's a trinity? Oh, let me show you, you know. Oh, why do you believe the earth is 6,300 years old? Oh, I can show you that in just a few minutes. You know, I don't want to have a church of people that says, well, we believe a bunch of things. I don't have any idea what they are, and I could never prove any of them. You know, someone walks in, they say, hell, y'all believe in hell? I think so. Is that a word in the Bible? I'm not sure. But I think it's a real place. Look, I want to have a church. I want to help you be able to defend every point of the Bible. And you know what? It'll make your soul winning better too. Because you'll have people question these core doctrines. You'll have people knock at these core doctrines. And if you're kind of like, maybe, you know, I kind of believe these things, or you just use your own words, it's not powerful. The power comes from God's word. What did God say? What does the Bible say? Let's close in prayer. Thank you, Father, so much for your word. Thank you so much for giving us such great doctrine. I pray that you would just help us all to continue to grow in knowledge of your word. I just thank you so much for the great gift of the Bible, that we can study it, that it can change our lives. Thank you so much for your free gift of eternal life, the unspeakable gift of giving your son. I pray that we would do all to the glory of your son, the Lord Jesus Christ, that we could live our lives and be a glorious light to shine the gospel, and that we would learn the doctrines of the faith, that we'd learn the essential core doctrines, so that we could be a good vessel to be used for your glory and for your service. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.