(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Jordan stormy banks song 75 on Jordan's stormy banks song 75 on Jordan stormy banks on Jordan stormy banks I stand and cast a wishful light to Canaan's fair and happy land where my possessions lie I am bound for the promised land I am bound for the promised land oh who will come and go with me I am bound for the promised land although those wide extended plain shines one eternal day there God the Sun forever reigns and scatters night away I am bound for the promised land I am bound for the promised land oh who will come and go with me I am bound for the promised land no chilling winds nor poisonous breath can reach that helpful shore sickness and sorrow pain and death are felt and feared no more I am bound for the promised land I am bound for the promised land oh who will come and go with me I am bound for the promised land when I shall reach that happy place ever blessed when shall I see my father's face and in his bosom rest I am bound for the promised land I am bound for the promised land oh who will come and go with me I am bound for the promised land good singing let's open up in a word of prayer heavenly father thank you for this day and thank you so much for the free gift of salvation that you've given us I pray that you would bless all of us this morning and just give us a heart to love you in Jesus name we pray amen all right our second song is 323 more about Jesus 323 more about jesus 323 more about jesus more about jesus would i know more of his grace to others show more of his saving fullness more of his love who died for me more more about jesus more more about jesus more of his saving fullness more of his love who died for me more about jesus let me learn more of his holy will discern spirit of god my teacher be showing the things of christ to me more more about jesus more more about jesus more of his saving fullness more of his love who died for me more about jesus in his word holding communion with my lord hearing his voice in every line making each faithful saying mine more more about jesus more more about jesus more of his saving fullness seem more of his love who died for me more about jesus on his throne riches in glory all his own more of his kingdom sure increase more of his coming prince of peace more more about jesus more more about jesus more of his saving fullness more of his love who died for me thank you so much for coming to steadfast baptist church if you need a bulletin lift up your hand nice and high and one of our ushers and come by get you guys a bulletin on the front our bible memory passage of this week is revelation 1 verse 7 anyone that can quote the entire chapter of revelation 1 will receive a prize and then we also can have a midweek midweek treat for those who are 18 and under that are able to quote just even the verse so of course that doesn't preclude any of the children from quoting the whole chapter so they can win a prize every single week and the whole the whole enchilada the entire prize there so trying to encourage you to memorize scripture on the inside we have our service and so many times make make note that church-wide soul winning meets at our location for churches church services and the regional so many times meet in different parts of the city if you'd like to go so winning any of those regional times please contact any of those leaders there and they can help you with those regional so many times also please make sure to report church stats to our soul winning captains and lieutenants that way we can update into our bulletin on the right please pray for expecting ladies we have several ladies are expecting we also have our prayer list that we try to go through every wednesday so if you can if you have a prayer request or if you'd like to be added into our bulletin just for extra prayer you can email us at steadfastbaptistkjv.com and we'll try to get you in there also we do try to update our prayer list every week so if you do have updates or a continual prayer request please continue to give us updates or or let us know so that way we have it accurately reflected in our prayer list um upcoming events or dallas texas so many marathons coming up soon april first and then also the the bahamas missions trip april 24th to the 29th and uh i do have one other announcement um we uh with the help of brother richard um we ended up making some new movie ticket uh handouts and so um we have thousands and thousands and thousands of these and and really my strategy probably moving forward is to just only leave these on the door so whenever you go out i just hand them these and then if if you end up talking to someone and they become interested you could end up giving them another gospel track or another church card or something like that but to me this is a this is a full replacement for putting things on the door and on the front side it has a it just says free movie pass and it has a qr code that goes directly to a website called thepreservebible.com and on there we have the free film so people can watch that on the back side it has a qr code and it says the gospel for all nations this goes to our god resource page that has a gospel presentation in several different languages we have arabic english french hindi mandarin russian spanish and tagalog so if you also you know god willing we'll add more over time and if we have other gospel presentations we'll just keep adding to it but then that way people have an opportunity to pretty much you can use this one invite for almost every scenario you can think of and then of course obviously if they are you talk to somebody and they're interested in church then you could give them like church related material but for icebreakers and just stuff to leave on the door this seems like a better alternative and it's probably more likely that someone would decide to watch a free movie than it is to just check out a church invitation a lot of times people see oh church invitation is throw in the trash whereas maybe if it's a free movie they may at least go check it out or watch a little bit of it before um deciding they're not interested anymore so that is a strategy also we're going to make some more movie tickets so we'll make some this is a preserved bible we'll try to make some some sodomite deception ones are already in the works so we'll have lots of movie tickets that you can hand out to people and be like hey here's a free movie and uh you know it might even be a better icebreaker when you knock on doors just say hey we're out giving out free movie passes would you like to watch a free movie on the bible and that that might be a really easy icebreaker for people when you're talking to them so it's just another thing to add we are still working on getting the actual dvds and and everything like that uh ordered as well but you know a lot of people don't have a dv player so i feel like these are really more important to have in hand so they can just watch it for free right now online and they don't have to put any effort but also we will get the dvds and stuff so that way when you do talk to somebody you can hand them a movie as well and god willing we'll have those in time for our bahamas missions trip so we can take a lot of those but we'll take a lot of these tickets to with us as well too so um either way and i'm also the tickets are generic in the sense that they're not related to like steadfast baptist church or pure words baptist church or anything like that so if anybody wants these you know i'm going to send these to anybody i'll send them to any church to any soul winners to any individuals you know we ordered our first batch is 40 000 of these and so that's a lot and so i have no problem with giving these out to whomever wherever however we want to i would love for this to just be in the hand of every person going out soul winning and giving it to people so um you know of course don't be shy and distributing these and we want people to watch our film and to get on a king james bible that's what's actually going to change our culture and change the world faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god so of course if we want to increase the faith in our country in our world we need to get them reading the scripture and hearing bible preaching so that's pretty much um all the announcements i have this morning make sure uh to get in your new handouts for a third song psalm 150 you could use a bible if you need it but also the handouts are a little bit easier to follow along psalm 150 sing it out psalm 150 amen praise ye the lord praise god in his sanctuary praise him in the firmament of his power praise him for his mighty act praise him according to his excellent greatness praise him with the sound of the trumpet praise him with the psaltery and harp praise him with the timbrel and dance praise him with stringed instruments and organs praise him upon the loud symbols praise him upon the high sounding symbols let everything that hath breath praise the lord praise ye the lord praise god the father praise god the son praise god the holy ghost praise god in three persons as the offering plates are being passed around please turn to first thessalonians chapter 2 first thessalonians chapter 2 so so first thessalonians chapter 2 the bible reads for yourselves brethren know our entrance in unto you that it was not in vain but even after that we had suffered before and were shamefully entreated as you know at philipi we were bold in our god to speak unto you the gospel of god with much contention for our exhortation was not of deceit nor of uncleanness nor in guile but as we were allowed of god to be put in trust with the gospel even so we speak not as pleasing men but god which trieth our hearts for neither at any time used we flattering words as you know nor a cloak of covetousness god as witness nor of men sought we glory neither of you nor yet of others when we might have been burdensome as the apostles of christ but we were gentle among you even as a nurse cherishes her children so being affectionately desirous of you we were willing to have imparted unto you not the gospel of god only but also our own souls because you were dear unto us for you remember brethren our labor and travail for laboring night and day because we would not be chargeable unto any of you we preached unto you the gospel of god ye are witnesses and god also how holily and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe as you know how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you as a father doth his children that you would walk worthy of god who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory for this cause also thank we god without ceasing because when you received the word of god which he heard of us you received it not as the word of men but as it is in truth the word of god which effectually worketh also in you that believe for ye brethren became followers of the churches of god which in judia are in christ jesus for you also have suffered like things of your own countrymen even as they have of the jews who both killed the lord jesus and their own prophets and have persecuted us and they please not god and are contrary to all men forbidding us to speak to the gentiles that they might be saved to fill up their sins always for the wrath has come upon them to the uttermost but we brethren being taken from you for a short time in presence not in heart endeavor the more abundantly to see your face with great desire wherefore we would have come unto you even i paul once and again but satan hindered us for what is our hope or joy or crown of rejoicing are not even ye in the presence of our lord jesus christ it is coming for ye are our glory and joy let's bow our heads for a word of prayer father in heaven we thank you for steadfast baptist church i pray that you fill pastor shelley with your spirit and help him to preach his sermon with clarity of mind and help us lord to apply the message to our lives help us to be edified by the preaching of your word this morning and we love you we thank you for salvation we thank you for all the blessings lord that you've given us and in jesus name i pray amen amen first thessalonians chapter number two look back at verse number three the bible says for our exhortation was not of deceit nor of uncleanness nor in guile but as we were allowed of god to be put in trust with the gospel even so we speak not as pleasing men but god which try their hearts for neither at any time use we flattering words as you know nor a cloak of covetousness god is witness nor of men sought we glory neither of you nor yet of others when we might have been burdensome as the apostles of christ and this this section of scripture is the apostle paul's explaining to the church of thessalonica that he is not coming to them or coming to their area or he's not preaching the gospel to please men in fact he makes it very clear when he states in verse four not as pleasing men he says again also in verse six nor of men sought we glory and the reason why he's making this abundantly clear is because he doesn't want them to be confused about the fact that christianity doesn't please men christianity doesn't please men and that's the title of my sermon this morning is christianity does not please men now in this particular passage he is bringing up a lot of different things but notice what it is that's not pleasing men well he says in verse number four that they've been put in trust with the gospel even so we speak the word even means specifically so specifically they're preaching the gospel of jesus christ specifically they've been put in trust to preach the gospel and when they're preaching the gospel what is the effect that the gospel itself has it's not pleasing men but what does it do it pleases god which tries our hearts now what does he mean by trying our hearts well why is it that the apostles and the disciples were put in trust of the gospel is because god felt confident that these men would be willing to preach the gospel even though it's not popular even though it's not going to please people even though they're going to suffer great persecution great afflictions evil is going to come upon them for preaching the gospel they have been put in trust with the gospel because god is confident they are going to be willing to speak the gospel of jesus christ and of course that's why it's so important for certain events in the bible to transpire think about when peter is confronted with a young damsel that he is with christ and yet he denies he denies that he even knows the man let alone that he was a disciple let alone that he believes everything that jesus has said he wouldn't even acknowledge that he knows the man this is not the person that should be a disciple of jesus christ this is not the person that's going to go and turn the world upside down with the gospel this is not the man that you would entrust the gospel to when it's not pleasant when people don't like it when you're confronted that's why the lord jesus christ says unto peter that he needed to be converted why not be saved but essentially where he'd be converted to where he is willing to preach the gospel despite any adversity despite any foe despite any threat of death and he had said earlier if you think about when christ confronted him about this issue that was going to take place you know peter said that he would die with christ he said hey i'm ready to die with you and then jesus says what unto him hey before the cock crow thou should deny me thrice meaning that he wasn't ready to die at that point in time he said it he thought it i i think that peter genuinely believed he was willing to die with christ but the problem was for peter is he had never really faced any kind of true adversity up to that point or severe persecution and so when actually confronted with an opportunity to die for christ he cowers he's afraid he's fearful he goes along with men he wants to please man here and so he says i don't even know the man but after going through that experience and failing completely he ends up weeping bitterly and realizing you know what i never want to make that mistake again and other great men like the apostle paul having gone to different cities being stoned being persecuted out of the city having all manner of evil happen unto him constant threat of death he needs boldness every time he enters into a new city because he already knows how it's going to go he already knows what is going to transpire he already realizes it's not like well this city didn't like christianity but this next city is no no no it's the same problem no matter what city they go to whether they go to thessalonica whether they go to colossi whether they go to quarant whether they go to ephesus it doesn't matter what city they travel to it doesn't matter what part of the world you're talking to it doesn't matter what group of people you're talking to christianity doesn't please men and specifically the gospel does not please men point one of the my sermon is the gospel the gospel doesn't please men and i want to show you this go to genesis chapter number four go to genesis chapter number four now when i was thinking about this topic of course we live in america and so we have a lot of apostate christianity we have a lot of churches out there and they all give lip service the idea that they like the gospel or they like christianity they're like jesus but don't let that fool you fool you because they still don't like christianity they still don't like the gospel it irritates the gospel irritates them and to illustrate this in a very clear way at the very beginning of history you have two brothers cain and able and what you have to understand about that is they're both quote-unquote christian they both know who the lord is and they both are willing to offer sacrifices unto the lord so it's not like one's an atheist and one doesn't even believe in god you know one's a christian and one's not no no no both of them are under the label of what americans would call christians today now of course we understand that cain wasn't truly saved he wasn't really a follower of christ but it's the same in the world that we live in the day where there's a lot of people who use a title like catholic christian and they're not saved it does not mean that they don't recognize who the lord is it doesn't mean that they wouldn't even talk to him it doesn't mean that they wouldn't offer sacrifices unto him they'll do all of it but here's what will irritate the fire out of them the gospel the gospel irritates the fire out of fake christians in fact i would argue this fake christians are usually the most offended by the gospel when you go and talk to people that don't even care about the bible or christianity they they're not that offended when you explain to them the gospel you know when you talk to someone that's not really gone to church not very religious and you explain hey salvation's a free gift usually they're just incredulous usually they're just kind of like well that sounds too good to be true or i don't know but when you talk to a christian that's not saved about the gospel of jesus christ they get very angry at you and you say why do they get very angry at you well it's because they'll say this oh so you're telling me that i can live however i want and go to heaven isn't that who's heard that oh yeah everyone okay why why is it that they say that you know why they say that pride pride is why they say that because they look at someone that's living worse than them and they think you're telling me that guy's going to heaven and you're like well first of all i if he believed yes but i'm not necessarily saying he's going to heaven you know it's oh so you're telling me that adolf hitler is going to heaven no he never believed in jesus oh so you're telling me jeffrey dahmer is going to heaven no because he's a sodomite okay he never believed in christ he doesn't believe in faith alone okay oh so you're telling me all these terrible people are going to heaven i'm not telling you anybody's going to heaven i'm telling you who has ever believeth in him is going to heaven yet why is it that they get so angry and so mad because they look at themselves as being better than other people so it's an issue of pride but additionally goes even further than that because if you think about it what is the pride that they hold in their heart what is their pride attached to their pride is attached to their works it's attached to their sack because they look at someone they say well i could have just gone and lived however i wanted i could have gone out and committed more fornication i could have drank more alcohol i could have partied harder i could have skipped church i could have decided not to get dressed on sunday morning and show up at catholic you know whatever they call it mass i could have decided not to do the sacraments i could have they they're thinking about all the things that they've done in their lives and they're looking at people that did not do that didn't offer that particular sacrifice and it it makes them upset because they they realize their sacrifice their works is in vain when it comes to achieving salvation and they don't want to believe that they want to believe that their sacrifice that their works that what they've done has counted for something but look what the bible says in genesis chapter 4 verse 1 same concept and adam knew eva's wife and she conceived and bear cain and said i've gotten a man from the lord and she again bare his brother able and able was a keeper of sheep but cain was a tiller of the ground and in process of time it came to pass that cain brought of the fruit of the ground and offering unto the lord and able he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof and the lord had respect unto able and to his offering but unto cain and to his offering he had not respect and cain was very rough and his countenance fell notice what made cain really upset that god did not respect his offering and let me tell you something when you go and you knock on the door of a catholic today and you say hey your sacraments are not respected with god you have to believe the gospel of jesus christ many times will become very rough and their countenance will fall why because the gospel does not please man the gospel does not lift up your works the gospel does not go along with the pride in man's heart in order to be saved you must humble yourself and accept the free gift of salvation not of works lest any man should boast is what the bible clearly says it's not of works of righteousness which we have done but by his mercy he saved us and so of course when you go out and you confront people on what they believe you tell them that they're not saved you tell them that that's not what the bible says you know what you're doing you're just like when god is rejecting cain's sacrifice and it makes them upset no i believe that the sacraments no i believe that my works no i believe i'm a good person no i believe i've repented of my sin no i believe because i've been baptized no i believe because i've been faithful to church no i believe because i quit smoking no i believe because i quit fornication but you know what god has no respect on your sacrifice because it's not your sacrifice that gets you into heaven it's christ's sacrifice that gets you into heaven it's the gospel of jesus christ but let me warn you christian the world does not like the gospel because it constantly rebukes their work salvation it constantly rebukes the pride in their heart and you know what it's a reminder of the fact that god is not pleased with them it's a reminder of the fact that they're not right with god and it's a reminder of the fact that they're going to die and go to hell unless they humble themselves and you know what many people don't want to do that many in fact according to scripture it's broad is the way that leads to the to destruction i mean many be there which go in there at straight is the gate and narrow is the way which lead them to life and few there be that find it according to scripture it's not that the majority likes the gospel the majority do not like the gospel this is why when you go out soul winning many people get upset with you and of course let let your mind not go to the place of thinking oh well this person just must be a reprobate we don't know that because the reality is the vast majority of people just don't like the gospel now of course once they die and go to hell they're reprobated at that point i mean yeah eventually they could be but you know what it doesn't mean that they rejected all opportunities in this life and there's many people that were very adversarial to the gospel initially but then got saved later the apostle paul is a great example the apostle paul was not someone who initially believed in christ is not someone who initially accepted the gospel in fact was an enemy of the gospel in some regards was one who hailed christians off it didn't please the apostle paul why because the apostle paul had to count his entire life dung that he could win christ he had to realize that me being a Pharisee was completely worthless that what he was taught by gamaliel was all false that he was wrong that the layman that the the prostitute and the tax collector have more knowledge of god than he did at that point in time the prostitute and the tax player that had believed in christ was further along their spiritual journey than the apostle paul before he got saved that's that's really humbling to think about i mean imagine you're in a profession your whole life i mean whatever whatever it is whether it be an electrician plumbing building houses building cars building computers you know whatever it is that you do that you're really good at you've done it your whole life and then someone comes along i've never even done this in my life and they're better than you at it that would rub you the wrong way you'd be like what you know you play piano your whole life and then someone just walks up and just starts playing just music way better than you're just like what in the world like that would kind of rub you the wrong way you would think like well what why do they get to just do this and and i put all this effort and energy and they're still better than me and the apostle paul just like every unsafe person had realized his whole life up to the point before getting saved was meaningless when it came to getting saved and then throw it all away but you know what many people don't want to do that's why it's easier to get children saved because they have less to throw away they have less pride as it is why do you think it is that children are so much easier to get saved it's because they don't have as much pride built up they don't have as much of their life to quote-unquote throw away and so it's a lot easier for them to just trust christ get saved and believe on him and you know we have to accept christianity like a child anyways what does a child do child trust their parents and other people to provide everything for them so it's natural and easy for them to say you know what i i couldn't get myself dressed this morning i couldn't even feed myself dinner this morning i couldn't drive myself to church this morning why would it be hard for me to believe i can't go to heaven on my own it wouldn't be but the pride of man that thinks that they've well i can get myself dressed i can go earn a wage earn a job i can do all these things but you know we really it's just pride of man that doesn't realize how much god's still allowing us to have all the things that we have while we can put seeds in the ground we're not we're not in control of the rain we're not in control of how those those crops actually produce themselves we're not in control of all the raw materials we're not in control of all the information and the knowledge and all the dependencies we have on god you know what if all the oxygen were sucked out of this atmosphere i would die instantly and i have no control over that i have no control over the sun i have no control over the moon i have no control over the evil wicked people that live in this world that want to hurt and harm every single individual you know it's god that sustains us every single moment every single second of our lives is in god's hand and it's foolish when we become so prideful that we can't just accept oh god has to do it all because god always had to do it all god will always have to do it all we are but dust i mean how how precious is dust to you today i mean if you find a little bit of dust in your house do you do you like you know treat it gently and put it on the shelf and say look at all this beautiful dust i have or do you just throw it away you know you sweep it up you're like oh dust no one likes to we are dust literally you are dust and water some really incredible elements i mean just some dust and some water just slap together but you know what makes us special is the fact that we're made in god's image as men that god created the women to be a help meet under the man that we have a soul to go along with our spirit that we're eternal beings whether that be eternally in heaven or hell but let me tell you something the only reason someone goes to heaven is because of what god did for him god sacrificed and the reason why able his sacrifice was accepted was not because of what he did go if he would back to hebrews all the way to hebrews and let's look and see how the bible describes it the bible says it was the first thing of his flocks and the fat thereof that he offered to the lord and the lord liked that offering but if you think about it you know while he tended to the sheep or he tended to the flock he's not really doing the hard work or hard labor you know he's doing the hard work and our labor is the sheep the sheep is the one that's eating growing and the sheep is the one that got slaughtered the sheep is the one that had to sacrifice his life and so if you think about it it's a picture of the gospel of jesus christ that lamb is like the lamb of god which is jesus christ because jesus did the hard part jesus is the one that came and lived and grew up and and did all the work and then when he came to a full maturation of age he's the one that had to sacrifice he's the one that had to be killed he's the one that gave his life and all cain i'm sorry all able did was believe that that was going to give him righteousness with god now look what it says in hebrews chapter 11 verse 4 by faith able offered unto god a more excellent sacrifice than cain by which he obtained witness that he was righteous god testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaketh so why is it that able was accepted with god and cain was not because able sacrifice was a faith it wasn't about the sacrifice itself that much it wasn't about the animal because here's the thing the blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sins neither could an animal a sheep or whatever animal we want to look at none of the animals provided any kind of sanctification what sanctified him what set him apart what made him righteous in the eyes of god was his faith now we know from romans what is faith faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god so therefore for able in order to have been right with god must have had the commandment from god to offer of the first thing of the flock to offer this type of a sacrifice and he's doing it by faith believing what god said following god's actual instructions and that's what made him righteous so we notice even from the very beginning why is it that people are getting saved because they're putting faith in god's word they're putting faith in the instructions that god has given them it's always been the same god always is given the word of god unto man even at the very beginning when he creates man he gives commandments unto adam and e he doesn't leave them with no instructions he always gave man instructions he always gave them the word of god and so man would always live by faith of course that faith is not a blind faith it's not that able just was sitting around just thinking like i wonder what god wants me to do i don't know let's just try an animal sacrifice and see how it works out no that's not what happened no obviously god had given instruction on the man god had given him some reason to believe or to understand why you need to offer that sacrifice and so by faith following god's commandments following god's instructions he offered that particular sacrifice and what you have to understand is did they have the book of hebrews back then not in physical form but you know you can read in jude where the apo where the the bible talks about words that enoch spoke and enoch had prophesied so enoch preached the new testament all the way back in the old testament folks it's not like you know we kind of think of the the bible as being locked into a particular timeline like well you know matthew didn't exist until matthew pinned it down false that is not true because the word of god has always been in heaven number one number two men of god would have the spirit of god come upon them and they could preach anything whenever the spirit of god would come upon them so there's nothing stopping people in the old testament from preaching the new testament did they have it in written form no not necessarily but we have i mean if you think about it the new testament's almost just all old testament quotes anyways so of course they could be preaching and explaining the exact same concept they could have been preaching the roman's road just like we are back then there's nothing stopping them from doing these things we see consistently before christ even came people understood that he was the lamb of god people understood hey this is the savior i mean whenever simians in the temple he's wanting to hold baby jesus looking at his salvation and it was even told him by god that he was going to see the salvation physically before he had died physically so there's nothing limiting the word of god from having existed in all generations to all mankind did they have all the same understanding no the certain things were kept back from them they didn't understand all the details at every moment but you know what the coming messiah and trust and faith in him has always been the case the gospel's always been the plan there is no such thing as different dispensations well in this dispensation you were saved by doing an animal sacrifice false no you know how abel was saved faith amen you know how noah was saved faith you know how david was saved faith moses was saved by faith david was saved by faith all of the disciples were saved by faith paul was saved by faith you know how people are going to be saved in the great tribulation period faith i've heard some people say oh we're going back to work salvation whenever the antichrist comes false you know who come up with that doctrine the antichrist that wants you to believe in work salvation it's always been by faith and you know what that always rubs people the wrong way go to first john chapter three just to the right a little bit first john chapter number three people get mad that their sacrifice is meaningless people get mad that their works don't have anything to do with being saved because they think they're better than other people it's what it comes down to it's always the case that's why virtually every door you talk to someone that's not safe what is it that they always say that gets them in heaven being a good person and it's like well what's the standard of good because the standard of good in 2023 america is not quite the standard it was in the 1950s is it i mean those standards seem to keep shrinking and changing so what's that standard it is the standard the apostles life style was the standard the Pharisees lifestyle because even jesus christ said that if their righteousness did not exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees and the Sadducees they were going to enter in heaven and you know why he brought them up is because they lived the most strict lives and of course they were hypocrites about it of course they were sinners still of course a lot of them were beyond you know a normal sinner because some of them were very wicked you know think about the apostle paul do you think that the apostle paul was just this super wicked guy while he was a pharisee no no he lived arguably one of the most strict lives ever he said as touching the law blameless that's what the apostle paul said under the inspiration of the holy ghost about himself meaning that if you were going to look at someone if there was any person on the planet that could ever claim they were saved by works it was the apostle paul like if you were going to try and find someone that had more righteousness by their own merit someone that had the most works of any man to ever live it's arguably the apostle paul but you know what he said hey it's not by works of righteousness which we have done but you know what he said i counted all but dung you know what he said hey that's not what gets you saved it's faith so if the one guy that could get in on works doesn't even believe it why do you believe it makes no sense it's silliness and of course because you believe the gospel because you've been saved you've been deemed righteous in god's sight it irritates the unrighteous now what does first john chapter 3 say in verse 12 not as kane talking about loving one another who was of that wicked one and slew his brother and we're forcefully him the word wherefore means why and we're forcefully him because his own works were evil and his brothers righteous so notice according to the bible he doesn't like that his works are evil his works based salvation isn't going to get him saved but when you look at king or you look at abel's sacrifice that is righteous in the sight of god and it makes him upset it makes him angry and of course when we go around and tell people hey i'm saved by grace through faith that irritates people that irritates the fire item go to philippians chapter one it irritates the fire out of them also because think about this okay and you and i know this is true they they'll get mad at you oh so you're telling me i can live however i want and go to heaven well number one technically yes yes i am saying that but i'm not but i don't live that way you know isn't it funny they want to get mad at us they say oh you're giving people a license to sin you guys are telling people to just go live however they want then why is it that our church lives way more righteous than your church why is it that our church is more separated than your church why is it that at our church the men dress like men and the women dress like women why is it that at our church we don't have a woman getting up and preaching the bible behind the pulpit why is it in our church the women actually submit to their husbands and actually act like a godly lady why is it that in our church the men actually go out and work hard and provide for their family by themselves why is it that at our church men in this room could quote scores and scores of bible verses why is it that men in this room dedicate their lives going out and preaching the gospel to people that'll never thank them that'll probably never even show up at church why is it that people try to drag someone in to get them baptized why is it that people in this room go across the city and pick people up and try to bring them to church why is it that people in this room donate of their money and their time and their effort and their energy unto serving god for no one to even tell them thank you why is it that people would show up at a building when their sworn enemies trying to destroy them in their church trying to attack them when they could go to any other church in this area and not have that problem why is it you know why because we're filled with the spirit of god and because we're righteous and you know what it irritates the fire out of them it irritates them so much to look at us and say like wow why are these people living so righteous and i'm so evil yet they believe salvation is a free gift it just it just irritates the fire out of them but you know what it's not to please men because when you live righteous you know what you're doing you're reminding them of how wicked they are because think about this hey what do you have to do to be to go to go to heaven or what do you have to do be saved be a good person and they're looking at you who's a way better person than them and you're like that's not going to get you in that's going to irritate the fire out of them because they can recognize wow this person's actually a way better person than me and they don't believe that just like the apostle paul way better person didn't believe it that's going to irritate the fire out of the jews that's going to irritate the fire out of people that are trying to live these separated lives you know when someone that's way bitter than you i mean think about this if you said like hey how am i going to lift this really heavy object and someone that's way stronger than you is like you can't like yeah i can let me show you it's like no you can't so by you living righteous you know you do you remind them of them not being righteous because at first they're thinking well of course i'm going to heaven because i'm not jeffrey dahmer but you know what you didn't you're not jeffrey dahmer it's like well of course i'm better than this guy but wait a minute are you better than these people are you actually better than the saved are you actually better than the righteous and the answer is almost always no the answer is just not at all not even close to so by you living a righteous life by you being separated by you reading the bible by you doing good it reminds them that they don't read the bible it reminds them that they don't go to church you don't remind them of that when they can't even figure out what the church's name is yeah i go to the church it's uh experience uh say uh honey where do we go you have a church invite in hand it reminds them they don't know what church is they don't know what the bible is they don't know what the commandments are they don't know what they don't know jesus they don't know god and you know what it makes them angry they're angry at you for that they're mad at you for that because you're preaching the gospel you actually know god because you're living righteous and you know what it doesn't please them because you would think like oh if i live such a good and holy clean life everybody will just like me no no no it irritates them you being good irritates them just remind who went to public school okay i went to public school all right yeah did did everybody in the class like the teacher's pet did everybody in the class like the goody two-shoes student did everybody like the student that always did what the teacher said and always did their homework on time and always was no everybody hated that guy you know why they hated him because it reminded them how much of a crappy student they were because they didn't study they didn't do the homework they're talking they're disrespectful because they're a bad person but you know what is there anything wrong with being the teacher's pet no and i guarantee every mom in this room that does homeschooling wishes all their kids were teacher's pets like they're bringing me an apple and they're always doing their homework and they're being respectful and they're on time there's nothing wrong with following the rules there's nothing wrong with being a good student but let me tell you something everybody hates that good student because it reminds them how bad a student they are just like when you love god and you serve god it reminds them of how much they are not a servant of god it reminds them of how wicked and unrighteous they truly are and it just irritates them it makes them angry philippians chapter number one look at verse 29 the bible says for unto you it is given in the behalf of christ not only to believe on him but also suffer for his sake well the only thing god wants me to do is believe and get saved nope that's the first thing but notice you don't it's not that you just get to believe on him you also are supposed to suffer for his sake too that's what the bible says now go back a few verses of 27 verse 27 says only let your conversation be as we come at the gospel of christ that whether i come and see you or else be absent i may hear of your affairs that you stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel and nothing terrified by your adversaries which is to them an evident token of perdition but to you of salvation and that of god for unto you it is given in the behalf of christ not only to believe on him but also to suffer for his sake so notice what he's actually saying he's saying in this passage hey you need to live your life you need to have your conversation in the gospel of christ now conversation is a little bit older word well i think i always just instantly think of conversation as talking that's usually it's kind of a modern a more modern usage that we use the word conversation but conversation is much broader than just your conversation of course it can encompass that particular definition but another definition is just simply your life style that's what conversation is typically referring to in the bible so he's saying let your lifestyle be as the gospel of jesus christ now here's the thing you say well i thought salvation was by faith absolutely but of course because you've been saved and if you think about it what's the next step baptism what is the point of baptism to walk in newness of life so what you're supposed to do is you're supposed to live your life like someone who believed the gospel now someone who believed on christ and got baptized and wants to follow him and all of his commandments isn't their life going to look different than someone that didn't believe absolutely of course it is of course we should live a life that appears like we believe the gospel and not just get a free pass into heaven and just be like see you suckers you know that's a bad testimony you could do it there's nothing that's going to stop you from doing this but you know what god's commandments in the bible god's instructions are not just to believe and then see see you later sucker no no god's also saying not only to believe on him but also to suffer for his sake meaning you're supposed to live godly and let me tell you something yea and all that will live godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution right it doesn't say in the bible well if you live godly a lot of people will like you if you live godly you'll be popular if you live godly people will look up to you and say you're so godly no no no if you live godly people are going to hate you for it people are going to despise you for it in fact if you're godly enough they'll kill you i mean the godliest people in the bible are constantly being killed who is the godliest christ of course you said why do they kill christ because he was godly they didn't kill him because he was wicked they didn't kill him because the fact that he was sinning he they didn't kill him because he was giving them food they killed him because he was godly because he was of god because he is the son of god because he was god manifest in the flesh and guess what they hate god and let me tell you something god is righteousness god is holiness god is love god is all of these attributes that people give lip service to but let me tell you something they actually hate love they actually hate godliness they hate righteousness and you know what really just shows you how much they have hatred for it leviticus 2013 because leviticus 2013 is loving it's righteous it's godly and they just gnash on their teeth about it why because they hate god folks they hate love they hate righteousness they hate god they hate everything that has to do with the truth why is it that you just see a common pattern of the leftist democrats who hate truth also hate the gospel also just accept every lie also are the most wicked people on our planet also are the pedophiles also are the satanists also i mean there's a reason why all these things are connected the more someone hates the truth the more they hate god the more someone doesn't love the more that they hate and of course we have to understand that true love true righteousness true holiness true godliness comes from the bible comes from god this righteousness and the world hates it by and large now i can't necessarily explain why but that's just are the the reality of the world that we live in and it's it's a reality of this really important word free will the calvinists cannot understand this word so they take all of the evil of the of the world and they attribute it to god but no that's not that's not it free will is why is why we have the evil in the world that we do god always gave man a choice and god will always give man a choice but here's the problem man often chooses his pride and his works over the gospel of jesus christ and so when you preach the gospel it just irritates them look at philippians chapter 3 verse 2 beware of dogs beware of evil workers beware of the concision now here's another thing that just irritates the fire out of people and doesn't please men number one is the gospel but number two is god's children god's children now why i say god's children is because the more the the more specific reason why they're getting irritated is because you're recognizing who god's children are and recognizing god's children doesn't please men because when you recognize god's children you know what you're also doing you're recognizing those who are not god's children in the same vein and you know who's not god's children well it's very clearly here the concision and you say who's the concision it's the jews and for some reason it just blows a gasket with mankind when you say this the jews religiously speaking are not god's children they're not saved they're of the synagogue of satan according to the scripture but boy i'll tell you that will irritate the fire out of a lot of men today for some reason it's way more popular it's way more acceptable to just get up and just say yeah these christ rejecting god hating synagogue of satan baby molesting pedophiles they're actually god's children for some reason i mean you go to a lot of baptist churches this morning and you get up you could say way you could say any jews are amazing they're god's people let's bring up a guy with a little hat on i mean you'd be closer to getting everybody to bow down to that guy than you would to be able to just read what paul said about them no preaching just reading it out loud you wouldn't even be able to do why because whenever you recognize who god's children are it makes everybody go crazy it just makes them go insane they're just like how dare you tell you you know who's god's children this is why also you go out door knocking a lot of people say we're all god's children wrong i thought the jews were god's chosen people wrong i thought the catholics were god's children wrong i thought you know when you start telling people hey the catholics aren't children of god the methodists aren't children of god the joe's witness and mormons aren't children of god the jews aren't children of god you're not a child of god it just starts everybody gets mad everybody gets really really frustrated but you know i've noticed when i tell people hey you're not the son of trey shelley no one ever got mad at me for that if i say hey you're not in my physical family no one gets mad at me for that they're like good but you know what when you tell them they're not in god's family they get really mad they get really irritated with you really fast and of course the apostle paul is warning about the concession why would he warn about these group people because they're not children of god right that's why they're dogs many of them they're evil workers the bible couldn't say very i mean it has nothing positive to say about the religious jews and the new testament they're the enemy of the new testament they're the ones who killed christ they're the ones who hate god more than anyone they're the ones who are described as the anti-christs they're the ones who are described who are going to accept the anti-christ if another come in his own name him will you receive is what jesus rebuked them with jesus said that they were the sons of their father and that their father was the devil the new testament says that they're the synagogue of satan and let me tell you something about the book of revelation there's a lot of red letters in it because it was jesus speaking again he's like hey let me remind you you didn't get enough of this and you know what it's called in today's world it's called replacement theology and let me tell you it makes people mad people get mad about replacement theology but you know what that's what the bible says look at verse 17 brethren be followers together of me and mark them which walk so as you have us for an example for many walk of whom i have told you often and now tell you even weeping that they are the enemies of the cross of christ yeah it's just funny to me how most christians no one's an enemy i'm just thinking like what how do you interpret in order to interpret this verse correctly there has to be an enemy an enemy has to exist identify who it is and it's usually you know the new ifb or something right that's the only enemy notice whose end is destruction whose god is their belly notice who their real god is themselves they are the god their pride their ego and whose glory is in their shame they get they're so i'm such a good person really well let's go ahead and let's just talk about all the things you did this week and see how great they are i mean people are glorying in the weirdest stuff today they're glorying i mean the the practices of the jews are so wicked and so evil to take glory in that is just mind-blowing it's mind-blowing if you actually knew what these people are doing and then taking glory in blaspheming christ doing all kinds of pedophile acts and all kinds of weird gross things that you don't i want to describe and they take glory in these things i mean it's it doesn't even make any sense but of course the bible says who mind earthly things so notice those who are not saved those who are the enemies of the cross of christ what is it that they appeal to earthly things what are earthly things the pleasures of this life and let me tell you something you know who's really really good in the industry of the pleasures of this life jews i mean where where what is the most pleasure that people are gonna how about movies and music and all the different smut activities that they provide men to have what that's earthly things that they're just the pleasures of this life riches i mean if you think about what are the jews who i'm talking about not ethnically religious jews what are they in banking hollywood music and what is it that's pretty much the tip of the iceberg for all pleasures of this world the money music and the movies it's just where everybody is just so fast and it's all about the earthly things it's all about this life finding your true love you know who your true love is god and you know what they want to replace it with a whore they want to replace it with a whoremonger they want to replace it with some person let me tell you something you know what i love my wife she's the greatest relationship i have on this planet but let me tell you something she has never to replace god in my life no one has replaced god in our lives and they take every song about loving and they take it from god and they put it into man i mean what is almost every song about love and lust and just getting all the pleasures of this life get rich or die trying doing drugs committing fornication committing adultery having riches spending lots of money just all the pleasures of this life that's all they can talk about because they mind earthly things and according to the bible we're supposed to mark these individuals and call them out and it's not even just the religious jews it's even a lot of quote-unquote christians today there's a lot of false teachers and false prophets and you know how you can tell who they are because they mind earthly things because they please man why is it that there are churches all over this area that have 20,000 people in them this morning 30,000 people in them it's not because they're preaching the gospel number one it's not because they're telling you the jews really are it's not because they're preaching what the bible says it's because they're minding earthly things they're they have they're there's only people who have an itching ear and they just want to be told that they're work salvation it's cain baptist church they're a bunch of cain christians today and you know what they get mad at the real thing they get mad at able baptist church that's a good one abc there you go go to romans chap number two go to romans chap number two let me prove this even further hey it says that he now he's still speaking according to the bible and you know it's just insane to me how people can read the bible and then think that they're going to be popular by following the bible think that they're going to have just prosperity and an earthly sense you know that's not what the bible teaches you know when did we see all the get rich quick schemes by the apostles when do we see them building great palaces i mean these guys are on the run for their life these guys are constantly getting beat up and hit and thrown in jail and imprisoned i mean there's nothing glorious about their life in fact the apostle paul described him and the apostles ministry as the off scoring of the world just like from the world's perspective the thing that they hate the most it's not the pedophiles it's not jeffrey dahmer it's not the sex traffickers it's not the fentanyl dealers it's not the cartel it's not joe biden it's fundamental baptist and you know what exists i mean i remember when we were in with taga and you know dylan sermon got a couple people upset and i don't know why it was very loving and the church across the street the pastor gets up from his whole congregation and he said that it was easier easier to pray for drug dealers and traffickers human traffickers of children it's easier to pray for them than for dylan than for not even just dylan our church you guys why somehow we're the off scoring of the world worse than human traffickers i mean think about the logic there why is it it's not because we're worse than them it's because we remind them of how they're actually wicked we remind them of the fact that he still doesn't know what leviticus 2013 means he gets up behind the pulpit he's just like now of course they're using this verse leviticus 2013 where it says that but when i was in seminary you know we're all sitting around talking about what that actually means and we can't figure it out but wait a minute you just told us what it meant you had already figured it out you're like now it does say that exactly it's not that you didn't figure it out it's that you're like how can i say this out loud and please man and you know what they realize they can't so they just don't say it why is it that you go to some of these churches and they'll only preach about one percent of the bible because that's the one percent that's pleasing but they don't like the 99 that's not they don't like all the parts that are going to rebuke people and that's why they don't give a clear gospel because when you give a clear gospel it rebukes people when you give a clear gospel it calls people out and when you tell people who are really saved or not who the real children of god or not it identifies who's not the children of god and that really upsets people look at romans chapter 2 and verse number 28 free is not a jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh but he is a jew which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit and not in the letter notice this phrase whose praise is not of men but of god notice again whose praise is not of men you being a christian is not going to be a praise of men people are not going to praise you for being a christian people are not going to praise you for being an inward jew people are not going to pray no one's going to be like all right we're going to just take over the middle east and give y'all a special promised land and no one can hurt or harm you and everything you do is always right and we're going to bless you and we're going to never speak evil of you no matter what i don't care how many of the presidential cabinet is lined with you and i don't care how much inflation you cause me and i don't care how high you jack the interest rate against me and i don't care how much lies you send to all of my children and i don't care how much smut you put on the internet we will only bless you think about the insanity of that but i'll tell you what you know what when you're actually saved and you love people and you only tell them the truth and you give them the shirt after your own back and you would never hurt their children you would never lie to their children you know what they hate you they hate you for it because it's not the praise of men it's the praise of god and you know what praise god that we live in a world where following his commandments does not give you the praise of men because think of how many fakers there would be then i mean if if getting saved and loving god and doing right just everything good only happens to you and everybody loves you people would be doing it not sincerely and even still there's people that don't do the things of god sincerely but even more so if it was popular even more so if you got all of the accolades but because he put us in a simulation he put us in a world where we're going to be tested how you're going to actually respond to persecution we have an opportunity to show how much of a faith we really have because your faith is only going to really be tested through adversity just like any any product that's worth anything it's going to have to be stress tested go to luke chapter number eight go to luke chapter number eight do we really know if peter would die for christ until he's faced with that actual proposal do we really know if shadrach nishak and abednego would go into the fiery furnace if there were no fiery furnace do we really know if daniel would have prayed to god under threat of death if there were no such commandment would we really know any of the great faiths in the bible would we really know if abraham was the friend of god if he didn't actually have to drag his son up on the top of a mount and pull out the knot tie him up pull out the knife and as he's going to come down the angel catches him the angel prevents him the angel doesn't allow him and then god says now i know but god didn't say i already knew before he's like now i know hey now it's proven now it's established now it's clear and now you know what abraham can be declared the friend of god but let me tell you something god's not saying hey i want to just bless you with millions of dollars a mansion everybody's going to like you to see how much of a faith you have okay god wants to bless you with a faith to win the lottery everyone likes you only good happens to you let's see what kind of faith you have it's like that's not faith that's fun you know god's not testing your fun he's testing your faith the fun is later the fun is in the next world the fun and the joy is with god ruling and reigning on this earth for all of eternity but right now he's trying to figure out where to put you in that kingdom and you know why he wants to decide that because he wants it to be of sincerity he wants to be of truth he likes to judge righteous judgment and he's not going to just put somebody in a high position in the kingdom of god for all of eternity when you did nothing for god just like in an interview hey we have a really important job ceo of a company what experience do you have none well let's let's try you out let's see if you could actually do the job i can't do any of the job that's the worst person to put in the position you know if you actually have a career where skill is very much involved they will test you very harshly in the interview process you know especially in programming if you're going to become like a senior level developer or senior architect or senior engineer or something like that they're going to make sure that you actually know what you're talking about that you're capable of delivering on that product you know if you want to play in the nfl you have to go to the nfl combine and they're going to make you run as fast as you can they're going to make you lift as heavy a weight as you can they're going to make you jump as high as you possibly can they're going to make you run drills catching footballs throwing footballs running back and forth tackling jumping everything just all just constant constant constant constant with no promise of anything why because they're trying to figure out are we going to really put this guy in the game are we really going to give this guy a hundred million dollar contract are we really going to put this guy as the face of the company and it's like they're not going to just get some random guy and put them to face the company they've already tried it and it failed you know ryan leaf there you go one of the biggest nfl draft bus ever it's like you want to try these people out and see if they're going to be good in fact some franchises won't even do it i think like the green bay packers like they typically will never put a rookie in as as their their quarterback you have to basically get on the roster and be there for several years before they'll even put those guys into the roster i think i saw like a stat the other day it said for the last 30 years they've only had two guys at their starting quarterback it was like from 1993 to the present it's only been brett farve and aaron rogers and i think aaron rogers had to sit under brett far for several years before he even got put into that particular position whereas other franchises and other organizations they'll put rookies in and everything like that but you know you have to understand that when it comes to christianity god's not just going to take some random bozo it's not like lot is going to be the most greatly rewarded christian in heaven folks lot failed lot is an example of what not to do lot is an example of the guy that had no righteousness but believed and his faith was counted for righteousness lot was just saved and it says just lot it was that he was just saved i mean that guy didn't do anything what did he do in his life it was a train wreck it was an example of how not to live in fact his entire generation after him was wicked you want to know where feminism came from lot's family you want to know where abortion came from lot's lineage and family i mean talk about a pretty terrible uh heritage that this guy left and you know when it comes to god's children when it comes to who are the children of god you know it upsets people when you wreck you say hey look lot's my brother in christ you know people get offended saul king saul is my brother in christ oh he committed suicide okay samson well he committed suicide but he's still my brother david committed adultery murder still my brother moses committed murder still my brother hey dimas i think dimas is my brother you know there's a lot of people in the bible ishmael i think ishmael's probably my brother in christ oh you know that'll upset a lot of jews isn't it's going to be so funny when all these christ rejecting jews see ishmael in the kingdom of god and they themselves are thrust out when they see a bunch of muslims quote unquote you know that have converted to christianity when they see a bunch of people from the middle east and they're like how are you the children of god that's going to really rub them the wrong way but you know what i'm going to tell you who god's children are i'm going to preach the gospel because i'm not here to please men i'm here to please god and if i was here to please men i would not be the servant of christ is what galatians one tells us and here's the last point and i've been alluding to this a lot so i won't spend as much time but it is point three is godliness doesn't please men number one the gospel doesn't please men number two god's children doesn't please men and godliness does not please men and of what what if what is godliness following the commandments you know if you dress like a normal man people won't like that people get mad at you if you dress like a godly lady you will upset every other lady in your life and it's so funny because you could i guarantee almost every lady in this room even if they didn't agree with me on wearing dresses and skirts in the past even when they didn't believe that they wore dresses and skirts at some points in their life like there was at least a day that they decided you know i'm just gonna wear this skirt or dress and they went and no one was offended no one got mad at you for that but then when you decide to do it every day it's like wait a minute and everybody gets mad at you and everybody acts like you're such a evil person and then this is what they say oh you're you're rebuking me by wearing a dresser i've heard people tell me that that our family has to walk on eggshells around me and i'm like why and they're like because your wife wears dresses and skirts and i said oh well did i bring something up about that and they were like no i was like did i say anything about your clothing no but but you believe that she should only wear dressing skirts so the fact that i believe this makes you feel uncomfortable and they're like yes it's like okay then so be it you know why it makes you uncomfortable because you know it's right because if i made my wife wear a purple hat every day of her life you know what you wouldn't be offended you wouldn't feel all weird inside you would just think that we were crazy because we are but you wouldn't be like i have to walk on eggshells because you don't think i'm wearing a purple hat or something it's like you wouldn't care you'd be like i have this crazy uncle or brother you know whatever who makes everybody wear purple hats i don't get it you know and look there are people like this aren't there people out there like they'll only dress in like their favorite sports team or something or they'll only dress in a certain color i mean the Amish are like this there are Amish that are called black buggy who knows what i'm talking about okay five people all right so in the Amish circles they take modesty to such an extremity that you can only have one color of buggy of course they can't have a car because it's a little too advanced right so they have to have a buggy a horse-drawn buggy but you can't have a white colored buggy you can't have a tan colored buggy you can only have a black buggy everyone has the exact same car you know and then car is a loose term there but because they don't want to you know if you have another car you might be a show-off you know that's a little too immodest there buddy so that's only black buggy but you know what i've been in the public who's seen Amish people at the mall or shopping or everyone okay how offended did you feel seeing them did you feel like you had to walk on eggshells around them like i feel so embarrassed because i'm not wearing this ugly garment that you're wearing that looks like it was sewn from a burlap sack you know when i walk around people that believe in islam and they they're women you can only see their eye slits i don't start feeling uncomfortable like oh you can see my wife's hair you know you can see my wife's forehead oh man so nervous right now i don't feel nervous at all but you know what whenever a a man is with his teenage daughter and his teenage daughter you can literally see her backside and then your daughters are actually covered they start feeling all nervous you know why because they know that you're right they know that what they're doing is wicked they know that it's sinful to just let their daughters go out and and flaunt their nakedness and prostitute their daughter to every single person and it's disgusting and frankly speaking i don't even think women wear pants anymore anyways i never see women wearing pants they're just naked i mean it's pretty much leggings or nothing i mean in fact it even seems like nowadays they didn't wear that they're just wearing a big t-shirt or something it's like you go into the mall i never see them wearing pants anymore their pants would be too modest for them and of course it's not even biblical because according the bible it's basically an abomination but what do they wear they just basically are wearing underwear girls are just virtually just all just only wearing underwear or wearing nothing why because pants aren't feminine so it was never going to mix well you know wearing a bunch of you know burly pants or whatever loose fitting baggy pants that's not feminine that's not attractive that makes you seem like a burly dyke or something and women don't want to be seen like that so the women that don't want to dress godly they just dress naked and then they get mad at me and my family for my daughters actually covering up their nakedness actually dressing like a godly lady and it's not like my daughters won't wear leggings or my wife wear leggings it's just they don't wear that by themselves just like i don't walk around in boxer briefs well it's not a skirt folks and look some dudes it's like they're wearing boxers or something out in public you're like thinking like what what i mean you don't want to really look you're kind of like oh what was that it's like dude and they'll even wear like bright colored ones and there's so many queers out there it's like you don't even know what's going on you're just like get me out of here and they get so offended by you wearing nicely you know think about all the churches today where the pastor get up and brag on stage how he's wearing skinny jeans and a graphic tee like we're not like these fuddy duddies wearing a suit or something like that yeah you look like a queer congratulations congratulations on looking like a queer that's so impressive you and bono can go hang out you and elton john can go get some daiquiris or something i mean what what kind of nuts you know are we really supposed to believe that this is christianity now that we just evolve into the lowest common denominator i mean this is the world that people have created for themselves and it's because they're not godly look at luke chapter 8 verse 14 and that which fell among thorns are they which when they have heard go forth and are choked with cares and riches and notice this and pleasures of this life and bring no fruit to perfection let me tell you something godliness doesn't please men godliness isn't going to please anybody the pleasures of this life please people and the people that love the pleasures of this life bring no fruit to perfection you can't have both folks and you say oh you just don't like to have fun oh yeah yeah i don't like fun i don't like the fun that you're having all the fun you're having taking prescription antidepressants think about all the people that criticize us they get mad at us that think we're so evil and so wicked and how many of them are taking antidepressants daily and you don't you don't even realize how many people are doing this if we go to the non-denom christian church down the street or we go wherever i would not even be shocked if 50 of the women in that congregation are antidepressants 50 probably even higher and then they're going to criticize you like oh you're in a cult you're on drugs how do you even know what a cult is you don't even know how to be happy by yourself and you're going to criticize us not only that when they're not just taking prescription drugs they're on alcohol they're mixing alcohol and prescription drugs and they have to go to a church that lets them drink alcohol so they can forget how miserable their life is and they have to go to the church that's going to let them get divorced from their spouse because they don't actually want to serve or love their spouse they want to have a crappy job where they make 30 or 40 thousand dollars a year and then complain about the wage gap you know why there's a wage gap because you suck at working because you're on drugs and you're a drunk and you don't want to show up and work you want to complain and nag and that's the reason why your husband left you and that's the same reason why the manager doesn't want to promote you feminism is destroying our country oh you're mean no no no i'm trying to tell you what the bible says what godliness really is and let me tell you something it's not going to make you happy it's not going to please you when i tell you that your bastard children are not fun that your tattoos aren't that cool they start sagging and stretching and they look like garbage in fact some of them look like garbage day one because the tattoo artist is also on drugs why do we think that everybody's good at drawing they're not and you're in your mind you're like thinking what the tattoo looks like and then you get it it's like not that that's not what i was thinking but you know what they don't get a do-over you know how many people have gone in to get a tattoo and they just butchered it they just totally ruined it that happens think about like it's it's bad to have a tattoo think about getting the butchered tattoo that's like the worst how about stds that's not very much fun i mean i see billboards all the time you're like hey come in and get checked for stds you know what i'm never thinking like that sounds like fun to go get tested for stds and back my my uh sister worked in nurse as a nurse practitioner for a while and she one time described to me i've never done this she just described to me how men get tested for sds you never want to get tested for sds let me just tell you if you think covet testing's bad whoa it's not even the same brother you don't want this kind of testing oh all your lonely nights so much fun aren't they all your rebellious children in fact it's so funny to me how the world they have 1.2 children and their life looks so miserable and people in this room have tons of children and their life's great and it's like why because they don't actually discipline their children because they don't actually spank their children well but that's not pleasing men you know people aren't going to like you because you discipline your children but they like discipline children in fact if you have discipline children you go out in public people will compliment you all the time that's just because they don't know you well enough you know eventually they would hate you because then they like oh you have such you have such wonderful children how did you get them like that oh well we dress godly we read the bible we go to a fundamental baptist church we discipline them it's like they can notice wow that's so great but then they get all freaked out about the godliness factor like well how'd you actually get that child we read to them you know you don't put them in public school you didn't vaccinate them yeah vaccination is not going to help okay folks all these all these things that the world's doing plus you know being godly will also help you in this way it'll make you want to stay away from queers and let me tell you something you know it's not fun hanging out with queers the least enjoyable experience you'll ever have they're the worst people they're filled with disease they're filled with aids and hatred and murder and lies and they smell bad on purpose they look ugly on purpose and you know what praise god that i go to a church where i don't have to look at a queer while preaching because my policy is even if you look like a queer you're not welcome this morning i mean i can't always know but i'm just like if you look like one get out of here right out we'll offer you different clothing if it's questionable but you know what you're not going to stay looking like a queer in this church don't look like a queer you know that's not fun i don't like elton john i don't like the satanic grammys i don't like their stupid shows by pfizer i don't like what they're doing out there you know you want to criticize us and say oh you're not having any fun it doesn't seem like y'all are having fun either since all you do is complain online you just go on twitter and you just you just oh my life's so terrible all republicans are awful donald trump it's like i'd rather hang out with donald trump than you oh you love donald trump that's not what i said go to titus chapter three you know the bible says they hate him they rebuke within the gate the unrighteous you know they hate the righteous it's always been the same it always will be the same you know why preach a sermon like this is because i just don't want you to be confused and think that you're going to win a popularity contest i don't want you to think you know there's a reason why we don't just tell everybody we're having church every single service because we're not going to win any popularity contests in fact every time we lose we always lose and you know we lose to queers think about that and i'll tell you everyone hates them they despise them they don't want nothing to do with them that's the only reason why we lose is because they're like well i don't want to deal with these people i don't want to be around them i don't want to see them i don't want them coming i mean think about this what if and then this is you know just just bear with me on this example but what if for example you know if you came and had a church service you were going to have the dallas cowboys cheerleaders come out and protest your service how many businesses would shut down because of a result of that there'd be plenty of places to be like please have church service where we're at they wouldn't be mad at you for that they'd be like this is great this is wonderful you know why it is that they want to shut you down it's because of what they're actually look like who these people really are they hate them they despise them they're so disgusting but even them even the most disgusting people parasites aids pedophiles they still choose them over us why because they hate godliness because godliness does not please men godliness does not please men god's children does not please men the gospel does not please men titus chapter 3 look at verse 3 for we ourselves also were sometimes foolish disobedient deceived serving divers lust and pleasures living in malice and envy hateful and hating one another but after that the kindness and love of god our savior toward man appeared not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the holy ghost which he shed on us abundantly through jesus christ our savior that being justified by his grace we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life according to the bible none of us were great when we were unsaved and notice what is a common word when you look at unsaved people or people being drawn away is pleasures serving divers lusts and pleasure don't live your life continuing to serve pleasure this church is not to serve pleasure and i'll say this look i love having fun we have fellowships at our church and we try to have a good time every once in a while but the purpose of this church is not pleasure the purpose of this church is not to please you my preaching is not to please you the works of this church is not to please you you know we're going to the bahamas but let me tell you something it's not a pleasure trip folks you know if i were going to the bahamas for pleasure i'd be taking my golf clubs i'd be taking i would go out and like surf and just lay around the ocean and just eat i would stay at one of the casinos they're fun i mean the food there the food at these like resorts is some of the most amazing food you've ever had in your life you know all i would do was just party i would just only stay at the resort i would just go to the there are thousands of pools i would just go play golf i would just go you know i would stay away from the locals because it's not pleasant you think you hear the bahamas and you think beautiful go into the city of the bahamas instantly not beautiful folks it's not cool it seems dangerous it seems like you could get killed or stabbed it seems like people i mean people are on drugs i mean it's it's not a cool like environment it wasn't an environment that i was thinking like i feel safe right now i felt very much in danger i remember one time we were waiting for a cab and it's like we have to wait in like a liquor store and everybody in there seems like they're high on drugs and then the cab drivers like ask hey you want to go get a fifth you know it's like no i'm not i'm not interested in drugs it's like the only reason people go out the resort is to get drugs or something and i'm like i'm not here to do that i'm here to give the gospel you know who's been to vegas who raised your hand in vegas okay who's been off the strip in vegas really beautiful place isn't it if you've ever been to vegas you'll realize this thing all of the money and all the pleasant stuff has been sucked into the strip everything else is disgusting decrepit it looks like an apocalypse it looks i mean it looks almost like someone dropped the bomb and just abandoned everything in sight around it in many places you'd have to go out to the suburbs or some of the newer developments to find anything kind of nice because all the area around that is gross and it's the same in the bahamas it's the same in jamaica it's the same in all these places where it's like yeah the resort's great but then as soon as you step out it's like oh whoa that's different you know what i'm not going to the bahamas to please man and let me tell you something if you're going to the bahamas thinking this is just to have pleasure that's the wrong attitude if you're coming on our missions trip now look if you want to go to bahamas and have a good time please do i'm not against you having a good time i'm not against you having fun in your own life but let me tell you something this church is not here to give you that fun the word of god is not here for you to just have so much pleasure it's here for you to suffer for his name's sake it's here for you to be pleasing to him not to your belly not to yourself and look i'll i'll take vacations i'll have fun i'll do trips i'll have fellowships you know what my church and this church is not here to please you and i think some people they want church to be their social life and let me tell you something you have a social life with the people in this room but it's not my job to give you a social life it is not my job to please you it is not my job to give you fun it is not my job to make your life easier in fact my job is to challenge you to be more like christ my job is to get you out soul winning my job is to get you to read your bible my job is to get you to understand doctrine my job is to get you to raise your family as a godly family my job is to make sure that if any of you getting wicked enough sin for me to confront you on that and to make you feel so uncomfortable you give up your sin but let me tell you something i'm not here to please you and you know what christianity does not please men and if you're coming to this church thinking i can't wait to have so much fun you're in the wrong church go join the experience church go join fun church or whatever they want to call themselves go join cain baptist church and you'll have all the fun you want but let me tell you something i'm here to please christ and to please god and that is why we're here to hear i hope that's why you're here if you're not go anywhere else but you know what our church is here to serve christ and we're here to preach the gospel to recognize who god's children are and to live godly let's close in prayer thank you heavenly father for giving us this assembly of believers i pray that we be motivated to serve and please you not ourselves not our families not our friends not our business not our work not our state not the people in this world not the unbelievers we are only here to please you and i pray that we would have a desire to deny self to not be caught with the cares and the riches and the pleasures of this life to not try to seek for pleasure but rather to seek for obedience to you and to realize that if we choose to serve you we'll suffer for your sake and i pray that we won't be offended when we suffer we won't be offended when things are hard or difficult but rather by faith we would do that which is pleasing in your sight in jesus name we pray amen all right for our last song this morning we're going to sing 145 it is well with my soul 145 it is well with my soul we're in no rush to sing this one and after the third verse pay attention to miss emily she's going to do a key change so you got to wait pay attention for that uh ladies on the first part of the chorus men on the second 145 it is well with my soul when peace like a river attendeth my way when sorrows like sea wrong thou hast taught me to say it is well it is well with my soul oh with my soul it is well with my soul though satan should buff it though trials should come let this blessed assurance control that christ has regarded my helpless stain and hath shed his own blood for my soul it is well with my soul it is well it is well with my soul oh my sin oh the bliss of this glorious thought my sin not in part but the hall is nailed to the cross and i bear it no more praise the lord praise the lord oh my soul it is well with my soul it is well it is well with my soul on the last now and lord hates the day when my faith shall be sigh the clouds be rolled back as a scroll sing it out the trump shall resound and the lord shall descend even so it is well with my soul it is well with my soul it is well well with my soul good singing god bless you are dismissed