(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, amen look where the Bible read in verse 46 and it says and said of them thus it is written and Thus it behooved Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day and the word behoove that just means duty or Responsibility. It was the duty or the responsibility of Jesus Christ who have suffered That's what the scriptures had written about him That's what the Word of God had said and so we're gonna continue our series from this morning because I had a lot of other Great examples and things that I want to look at but go back to Matthew chapter number 27 We're gonna kind of pick up where we had started It's entering interesting how many times the Bible references the fact that What Christ did was written. I think that's obviously on purpose They want to continually emphasize the fact that the scriptures are pointing to the coming Messiah But not just the fact that he's coming the fact that he's gonna suffer Not the fact that he's just gonna come and suffer but the fact he's gonna rise again as well and You know the morning sermon was entitled Christ must needs have suffered and it's really just part two I want to continue on that theme but look at Matthew 27 look at verse 15 Now at the feast the governor was wont to release unto the people a prisoner whom they would Says and they had been a notable prisoner called Barabbas Therefore when they were gathered together Pilate said unto them whom will ye that I release unto you Barabbas or Jesus which is called Christ for he knew that for envy they had delivered him When he was set down on the judgment seat his wife sent unto him saying have down nothing to do with that Just man for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him but the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas and Destroyed Jesus the governor answered and said unto them whither of them the twain will ye that I release unto you They said Barabbas Pilate saith unto them. What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ? They all sinned him. Let him be crucified and the governor said why what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more saying let him be crucified When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing but rather a tumult was made He took water and washed his hands before the multitude saying I am innocent of the blood of this just person See ye to it Then look what they say then answered all the people and said his blood be on us and on our children So this is quite an exchange that we have here in the Bible We have the Lord Jesus Christ on one side and we have Barabbas on the other Who was taken captive for sedition? That would be like a mutiny that would be some kind of rebellion and for sedition of murder In fact through the rebellion of the Jews of Barabbas he had killed somebody He's a murderer someone who would be worthy of death on one side and then we have Jesus Christ Whom Pilate saying is a just person who's saying is innocent. There's nothing wrong with him And as they're presented before the Jews whom do they want to die? They want the just person to die don't they keep your finger and go to Leviticus chapter 16 go to Leviticus chapter number 16, and we're gonna see That scapegoat clause that we'd read about a little bit before this morning actually enacted now, what is a scapegoat? it's when someone gets off the hook by someone else taking the blame for them and Barabbas is gonna end up getting released and Jesus is gonna end up getting crucified. He's literally gonna take his place on the cross for him Which is a picture of us. We are Barabbas. So I've never killed anybody Yeah, well, you're still a sinner and the Bible says he that keepeth the whole law yet offendeth in one point He is guilty of all plenty of people have no problem throwing Barabbas into hell But the reality is for any sin we're deserving of hell and we all stand there us and Jesus and Jesus is not deserving of the cross. We are deserving of the cross and Jesus is gonna be that scapegoat for us Look at Leviticus chapter 16 verse 5 and he shall take of the congregation of the children of Israel two kids of the goats for a sin offering and one ram for a burnt offering and Aaron shall offer his bullock of the sin offering which is for himself and make an atonement for himself and for his house and he shall take the two goats and present them before the Lord of the door The tabernacle the congregation and Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats one lot for the Lord and the other lot for the scapegoat and Aaron shall bring the goat upon which the Lord's lot fell and offer him for a sin offering but the goat on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat shall be resented alive before the Lord to make an atonement with them and To let him go for a scapegoat into the wilderness notice the scapegoat is presented, isn't it? Isn't that kind of what happened with Jesus Christ is kind of presented before the congregation and what are they gonna do? He's gonna take the full recompense. Yeah, that's not fair. It isn't fair. It isn't fair to blame this goat I mean, what did the goat do? Right, but that's what all the sacrifices were They were a picture of what Jesus Christ was gonna do for us and a scapegoat is gonna be blamed for all that wrong Go back to Matthew chapter number 27 go back to Matthew chapter number 27 So when you read through the Old Testament a lot of things in there are seemingly perplexing It's kind of difficult to be understood But when you understand that it's all picturing Christ, it becomes very clear I think it becomes very obvious what these pictures represent, but look at Matthew 27 verse 25 Again, it says then answered all the people and said his blood be on us and on our children 20 verse 26 then released the Barabbas unto them and when he had scourged Jesus he delivered him to be crucified then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall and Gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers and they stripped him and put on him a scarlet robe And when they had plated a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head and a read in his right hand They bowed the knee before him and mocked saying hail king of the Jews and they spit upon him And took the reed and smote him on the head and after that they had mocked him They took the robe off from him and put him in his own raiment Raiment on him and led him away to crucify him and as they came out They found a man of siren Simon by name him. They compelled to bear his cross. So we have this gruesome picture And honestly, we can't even fully understand how gruesome this truly was of them taking the king of kings the Lord of Lords Putting clothing on him to mock him trying to make him look like a king and just ridiculing him Beating him the blood you have a lot of pictures here You have the blood on them and you have the scarlet robe Well, all these things are pictures from the Old Testament keep your finger here obviously because we're gonna keep coming back But go to Exodus chapter 24 Go to Exodus chapter 24 Now an interesting factor in here is the fact that the Passover lamb Was one to be killed by the entire congregation It says the whole congregation comes together and as one they kill That Passover lamb and that's exactly what we have of the Lord Jesus Christ We have the whole congregation to there and they're condemning Jesus Christ. They want to kill the Lord Jesus Christ now Exodus 24 look what it says in verse number six and Moses took half of the blood and put it in basins and half the blood he sprinkled on the altar and he took the book of the Covenant and read in the audience of the people and they said all that the Lord has said will we do and be obedient and Moses took the blood and Sprinkled it on the people and said behold the blood of the Covenant which the Lord hath made with you concerning all these words So the Old Testament was signified by Moses literally sprinkling the blood of Goats and of Rams on all the people to enter into that first covenant now for I'm not gonna do that as a real Example, I think you'd get kind of weirded out if I get blood but imagine I mean just having some guy get there and sprinkling blood on all the people and they're saying we're gonna obey God We're gonna obey his commandments Well, the New Testament's ushered in the same way What did they say in that verse verse 25 then answered all the people and said his blood be on us and on our children They're gonna enter into the Covenant the exact same way with the sprinkled blood of Jesus Christ coming upon them Now go to Hebrews chapter 9 because this is interesting Hebrews chapter 9 is gonna give us more detail about what Moses did when he sprinkled the blood on the people and the things that were involved But this is important for a lot of different reasons it has a couple earthly examples, but they're really spiritual significance Verse 16 says for where a testament is There must also of necessity be the death of the testator Meaning that if you have a living will That will doesn't matter until you die Because I could chair up that will and throw it away and then wouldn't matter or I could change my will So will is not in effect until someone dies and in the same as with the Old Testament the Old Testament was not of Force until after the shedding of the blood and the sprinkling on the people and the New Testament does not start in Matthew It starts after the death of Jesus Christ So they actually enter in with the shedding of blood. It says in verse 17 for a testament is a force After men are dead Otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth Whereupon neither the first testament was dedicated without blood For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law he took the blood of calves and goats with water and scarlet wool and hyssop and sprinkled both the book and The all the people saying this is the blood of the testament which God hath enjoined of you moreover he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry and Almost all things are by the law purged with blood and without shedding of blood is no remission So he's saying hey the way that he did this he read the entire law to them then notice with the blood of calves and goats and water and notice this scarlet wool and hyssop and Sprinkled both the book and all the people now What was it that they were doing with Jesus Christ when they said his blood be honest then they array him and a scarlet robe Isn't that interesting they put the scarlet robe on Jesus just like they had the scarlet wool at the first testament Go back if you would and let's look at verse number 34 It says they gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall And when he tasted thereof he would not drink so another picture here go to Psalms chapter 69 go to Psalms chapter number 69 is What they're gonna do with Jesus is is they're leading up to the death The actual shedding of his blood now a lot of his bloods already been shed if you think about it I mean they they shoved that crown of thorns upon his head bloods obviously gonna be coming out They whipped him with that cat of nine tails or whatever. They've scorched him So obviously he's got the stripes already obviously He's got the blood coming down But his blood is gonna be fully shed on the cross When they stab him with the spear and the blood in the water is gonna gush out that's gonna be the final You know dagger although he's already dead according to Bible But you say well, that's not very fair. I mean, why did Christ have to do all this? Well, it's not fair It's not fair that Christ has to shed his blood for us But the problem is there's no other way for us to have gone to heaven Because some people like Richard Dawkins or these atheists they'll mock God they'll say oh, you know God's just this like child beater is what they'll mock the Bible Mock Jesus Christ and they'll say oh, he just wants to beat up on his child or beat You know that what kind of a God is that? Well, here's the thing. That's the only way for us to go to heaven is For his son to take the punishment that we deserve and again you say well That's not fair for a son to have to do that. It's not fair That's why it's called the scapegoat. That's why you have the picture of the sin offering That's why I have the gruesome, you know killing of all these and what are the animal ever do Do anything? But we see what did the Lamb of God do nothing. He didn't deserve it. He's taking our place But if you don't have that then you don't have a just God Because we have a just God Someone has to take the penalty Someone has to take the punishment and you know what when I read these stories about a crown of thorns being shoved on God's or Jesus Christ's head and The stripes and I'm trying to carry his own cross and happen to drink this vinegar and all these things You know what that tells me sin is very bad God hates sin He hates it so much. It has to be punished with such a Gruesome punishment. That's what the punishment for sin is but God knowing that we could not endure that and go to heaven He decided to send his son to take that punishment for us and it's crazy to me that When we see what Christ had to do for us, then people complain about having to serve Jesus It's like was it fair what he did for you All you have to go to church and read about it. That's so gruesome. That's so difficult You know, that's why you know when you go to church You ought to be doing it at a heart of gratitude because if you're not it doesn't even matter We ought to look at what Christ has done for us and truly want to serve him Not be compelled to have to do it because the reality is you don't have to you don't have to do anything All you have to do is believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you're saved His blood is applied to your account But then when you read these stories It should do something to your heart to say if he did all that for you if that's how bad sin truly is Maybe I should clean my life up a little bit. Maybe I should go to church. Maybe I should read the Bible Maybe I should try to serve him Maybe I should be like him and go out and and and serve the Lord Jesus Christ Some people say oh, you know one say it always saves a license to sin Well, you know what? They don't seem to need a license. First of all second of all When I read these stories, it makes me want to serve him more But if he said well you have to do this to go to heaven then I would just quit tomorrow I mean I quit now I just get out and see you guys. I Can't I can't bear my own cross all the way up into heaven is never gonna happen. He did it for me What would be the point of Christ doing all this if then I have to somehow work too? It doesn't make any sense So they gave him this vinegar to drink now think about this What was the point of the gall and the vinegar? It was the lesson the effect of how bad the pain it was that he was going through What does alcohol do alcohol just makes turns off all the feeling in your body? That's why people I'm hurting I gotta go drink some beer and I gotta drink some whiskey my heart just hurts So they just got to drink the pain away, right? What is this gall this vinegar gonna do if Jesus accepts it it would make the pain be less You know what? He was sober the whole time He didn't want to lessen the pain he took the full pain the full punishment Every single ounce of pain he could possibly feel he felt it for you He took it all Look, it says in Psalm 69 verse 19. Thou has known my reproach and my shame my dishonor mine adversaries are all before thee reproach hath broken my heart and I am full of heaviness and I look for some to take pity But there was none and for comforters But I found none they gave me also gall for my meat and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink Just pictures of the Lord Jesus Christ and what he had to do for us now You say well, what do you think Jesus thought about those people remember it kind of we were kind of hinting at this in the morning What do you think Jesus thought about those people that crucified him and you know, does he just just all just love them You know, just be merciful. Well, sometimes when you get a quote like this and it's so obvious that this is Jesus Christ We just should just keep reading and just see like what he thinks about those type of people. Okay verse 22 let their table become a snare before them and That which should have been for their welfare. Let it become a trap Let their eyes be darkened that they see not and make their loins Continually to shake pour out thine indignation upon them and let thy wrathful anger take hold of them Let their habitation be desolate and let none dwell in their tents for they persecute him Whom thou hast been and they talk to the grief of those whom thou hast wounded add Iniquity unto their iniquity and let them not come into thy righteousness Let them be blotted out of the book of the living and not be written with the righteous When I when I read what happened with Jesus it was pretty rough, but guess how he felt about those people hell He said well, who are those people? Jews He said who thought that David Who is of Judah who thought that Jesus Christ, I mean this is Jesus and David and the Holy Ghost it's just like hey Blot them out of your book Lord He's saying let these people be reprobate add Iniquity unto their iniquity make it even worse unto them. Let them become a desolate habitation That's the feeling in the thought Now go to first Thessalonians chapter number two. Let's see if we get a different thought or the same thought It's it's insane for me to read this passage and then think that I should invite some rabbi To come in here and teach me the Bible Hey, hey rabbi, what is Psalm 69 22 through 28 mean What is that section all about? Hey rabbi, what's first Thessalonians chapter 2 about? Well, that's New Testament, you know. Well, that was the Old Testament Let's give the New Testament. I like the New Testament too. It's a little bit more plain It's a little bit easier to be understood Okay, verse 14 for ye brethren became followers the churches of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus free also suffered like things of your own countrymen even as they have of the Jews So just tells you hey, it's the Jews Okay FYI who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets and the persecuted us and They please not God and are contrary to all men Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved to fill up their sins all way For the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost God says man, there's no more wrath that could possibly port on them. What did they do? Well, they killed Jesus and the prophets and They were persecuting the Apostles and they don't please God and they're contrary to all men And they don't want you to preach to any of the Gentile, I mean it's just like everything bad It's all bad Why am I gonna go out there and give money to a nation that is described like this in the New Testament? And in the Old Testament Jesus Christ is saying hey, let them be blotted out of thy book Yet there's so many independent fundamental Baptist churches today. They got the Israel flag waving in the church And they're gonna have a missions trip to the we've got to go to the Jew first All right, my first message is first the Sunnis chapter 2, all right, I mean and again this is not about ethnicity It's not about race is about religion. I Don't care if you're you know, red yellow black and white if you're a Jew, you're one who is of Judaism You're of this synagogue of Satan You're the of the father your fathers are the ones that killed Jesus Christ and the Jews are no different today than they were back Then they're the most wicked evil reprobate people Who should just be blotted out and I'm not saying that someone that doesn't you know raised in a family like this couldn't get safe But when we're talking about Jews, we're talking about people's religion We're not talking about people who were born in this type of family or something like that It's not about race here. It's about religion just like in the Old Testament the heathen nations It was not about some kind of a physical bloodline. It was about their Religion it was about how they worshipped false gods. That was their problem. We even see Ruth the mobitis She's a great woman of faith. We see Simon the Canaanite in the New Testament. We see all kinds of you It's about the faith. It's about the spiritual aspect and these Jews hate Jesus Christ many of them probably are proselytes They live in Thessalonica. I mean you think they're really of like Dan or of Benjamin or Judah or probably not you read the book of Esther a lot of people just became Jews So most of the Jews that you read about in your Bible, especially the New Testament. They're probably not even from Jacob they're just a weird intermingling. They're a Jew by choice They're a Jew by their religion and they're just wicked, you know, they're the ones that killed the Lord Jesus And they do it again. Just like Sarah Silverman said And it was like it was a joke. It wasn't a joke They always want to disguise that's how perverted people do they say weird wicked stuff and they're like, oh it's a joke Just hiding behind that go back to Matthew chapter 27 It's interesting how the Bible just is really clear on the Jew issue and yet Christianity today is so mixed up It's like what Bible are you reading are even comparing spiritual a spiritual here? I mean what group would you say is this one that's supposed to be blotted out? Usually of cognitive dissonance. Well, it's those Jews back then Okay, so do we support the Jews now? Oh, yeah, they're different somehow Somehow a thousand years of separate them or two thousand years of separated that that distinction There's no distinction still, you know, Judaism is incompatible with the Bible I'm not Judeo-christian. I'm just Christian I'm not Somewhat pro Israel. I'm 0% pro Israel. I'm anti Israel. That's the last place I'm gonna go and preach the gospel the last place Look at chapter 27 verse 35 And when we had thus spoken he took Brett, oh, I'm sorry, I'm still an axe Look at verse number 35 and They crucified him and parted his garments casting lots that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophet They parted my garments among them and upon my vesture Did they cast lots now keep your finger here and go to Psalms 22 Psalms 22? I Don't even think I have every single verse but it's almost like every single verse is just an Old Testament reference Then surrounded with even more verses and there's certain books of the New Testament that are just incredible like Romans chapter 10 It's virtually just a whole bunch of Old Testament quotes just all put together in one cohesive chapter I mean the Bible is so such an amazing book and the fact that the New Testament is virtually just the Old Testament repackage It's just put together in a new way that you've never really seen before. It's revealed It's just making a lot of sense and it's not Bible codes. Okay, it's just verses put together That you've never seen before in this way and it says in Psalms 22 verse 16 For dogs have compassed me the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me. How did he feel about these people? Let them be blotted out their dogs their abjects. They're the assembly of the wicked They pierced my hands and my feet. I mean another verse that's super popular It's like how does the Old Testament Jew read this verse and not think of Jesus because he's blinded Because he's a reprobate Look at this verse verse 17. I may tell all my bones What a gruesome Experience looking at Jesus on the cross. You can see every single bone. He was so beaten and bruised and marred He could he could count them. That's what I mean by tell They look and stare upon me They part my garments among them and cast lots upon my vesture I mean just pictures of the Lord Jesus Christ everywhere in this book and imagine I mean the book of Psalms is written thousands of years before Jesus Christ and just every verse every line Perfect fulfillment go back and let's look at another verse Look at verse number 38 Says then were there two thieves crucified with him one on the right hand and Another on the left now, this is another fulfillment good Isaiah chapter 53 Isaiah chapter number 53 It's interesting This has told us very clearly what this means in the Bible But I heard a sermon one time from this reprobate. His name was Garrett Kershway He came and preached here before for you guys in the past but he was on staff at faith for Baptist Church the church that I was going to and He got up and he taught the sermon about how when Jesus was taken the Garden of Gethsemane That the Romans were counting him as a transgressor and that's when he was numbered with the transgressors And it was such a weird false doctrine because the Bible just tells you what that means and according to Garrett Kershway He's read the Bible like 40 times Now this is what I learned from that. I Make all kinds of verbal mistakes. Sometimes I'll mix up a person's name. Like I'll say Jacob Israel, whatever But it's not like I'm teaching something wrong per se. It's just so much that I'm just mixing things up You can kind of tell when someone just makes an honest mistake But when someone just gets up and starts teaching something where the Bible explicitly tells you the other way that should be a red flag Okay, so if someone gets up and they just start teaching things like Peter denied Christ six times Garrett Kershway, you should be like that's there's a problem there Okay, or if he starts teaching that Jesus number of the transgressors means That it's when he was in the Garden of Gethsemane now I thought this there's two possibilities either he's ignorant of the Bible or there's a huge problem Because if you never read the Bible you make mistakes all the time, you wouldn't understand it Maybe you just missed that part, but someone that claims I read the Bible 40 times and just doesn't even understand this point Let's read the verse and I'll explain why this was stupid verse 9 and he made his grave with the wicked And with the rich in his death because he had done no violence neither was any deceit in his mouth yet It pleased the Lord to bruise him He hath put him to grief when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin He shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand He shall see of the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied by his knowledge shall my righteous servant Justify many for he shall bear their iniquities Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great and he shall divide the spoil with the strong Because he hath poured out his soul into death and he was numbered with the transgressors And he bare the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors So it's telling us in verse 9 that he made his grave with the wicked meaning what? He was dying on the cross next to two thieves right and When he's pouring out his soul into death, that's when he was numbered with the transgressors. How many people are up there? three a Thief on the left the thief on the right. He's numbered with whom the transgressors He's counted as a transgressor you read all these sections I mean you just immediately know what the Bible is telling you and So for someone to say that I've read the Bible 40 times and then they teach something weird like that You have to understand there's an underlying problem So you be careful you have to be a Berean today when someone gets up and they just start teaching obvious doctrine Contrary what the Bible says you should just be like leery of anything that person says Everything that person says should be immediately Suspect and you should be very careful. Look you're gonna hear people get up and say weird stuff This person literally taught behind the pulpit And look that's not the last time something like that's gonna happen when someone gets up and start teaching things and you say whoa the Bible says something completely different than that, that's a red flag and Say well, I don't know what the Bible says. Well, then you can let people lie to you all day long That's why it's important for you to read the Bible on your own and know what the Bible says so you can tell who's telling the truth and who's a lying scumbag and Who's a wicked person that has no idea what the Bible says because when you start listening to these people are really careful here You're gonna catch false doctrine after false doctrine after false doctrine. You're like, wow, there's something wrong with this person now Obviously, I'm not saying a good person can't make a mistake What I am saying is that it should alert you and you need to pay very close attention To the things that they're saying and you should make be suspect of that person go back to Matthew chapter 27 go back It's not a questionable doctrine of what happened with the being numbered with the transgressors And so when you notice little things like that You should is really perk up to your ears and you should start wondering about that type of a person and saying what's going on Here and I could every single person that's like really bad. There's all kinds of warning signs like this I mean Tyler Baker, he taught the worst sermon I've ever heard on like Greek wisdom in light of the Bible Just speaking the most perverted things and Garrett Kershway was teaching that Peter denied Christ six times and it's just like what in the world And so you start wondering like what's going on with this person? There's something wrong Like if I've only read the Bible cover to cover once, okay, maybe I make some like weird mistakes here But if you if it's somebody that supposedly knows the Bible and they're making mistakes like that You should not just give them the benefit of the doubt I mean imagine you walk into the doctor's office and he's like, can you hand me that thing? And you're like the scalpel and they're like the scaffold. It's the scaffold right? No, it's a scalpel It's like I don't want to hand this to you now It's like when they start making mistakes, you shouldn't just be like, oh, it's okay. Medical medical school these days, you know It's like whoa, what do you what do you mean? You don't know what that is. Have you ever used this before and look Surgery is very I mean if the doctor you walk in is about to give you surgery He doesn't even know the instruments. He's about to use Are you really gonna lay down on the table? How much more is spiritual surgery? It's so important that we know what the Bible says and we protect ourselves And we learn it for ourselves because a bad person can always creep in and just teach you a whole bunch of lies and ruin your family and Ruin your spirituality. You have to be careful and I you say why do you teach that passage? Well, I know myself I know I'm not gonna do it But I've seen a lot of other bad people do it and I want to protect you and other people Say, how do I protect myself pastor Shelley know the Bible? Read the Bible study the Bible and when you catch things like that don't just care You know, I'm all for grace and mercy, but those things are different That's not really being gracious. It's understanding. This guy is a problem. There's some kind of a toxicity there Sorry for my little rant. All right, go back to the Matthew chapter 27. Look at verse 39 and They that pass by Reviled him wagging their heads again. It's just like every verse keep your finger go to Psalms chapter 1 and 9 Psalms 1 to 9 I like I like doing this Bible study because when you compare spiritual spiritually, even though it might be one verse There's other verses oftentimes when you look up that reference that give you even more information about that situation Look at Psalms 109 verse 25. I Became also approached unto them when they looked upon me they shake their heads notice exactly the same thing 26 help me O Lord my God Oh save me according to thy mercy That they may know that this is thy hand that thou Lord has done it. Let them curse But bless thou when they arise let them be ashamed But let thy servant rejoice Let mine adversaries be clothed with shame and let them cover themselves with their own confusion as with a mantle Says in verse 30, I will greatly praise the Lord with my mouth Yeah I will praise him among the multitude for he shall stand at the right hand of the poor to save him from those that condemn His soul and what I like here again, is it just reiterates the same fact Jesus Christ is just trusting in God the Father to repay his adversaries, isn't it? He's not looking to get it his himself and it's really difficult I mean can you imagine going on the cross and just being helpless and despised and they're just shaking their heads And they're just like, oh you thought you're God There's mocking and ridiculing And he's like, hey, let them be clothed with shame. That's what he said. That's what he's really thinking Go back. Let's see how they they responded when they were shaking their heads Said in verse 40 and saying thou that destroys the temple and build us it in three days save thyself If thou be the Son of God Come down from the cross Likewise also the chief priests mocking him with the scribes and elders said he saved others himself He cannot save if he be the king of Israel Let him now come down from the cross and we will believe him That's a lie. He trusted in God. Let him deliver him now if He will have him for he said I am the Son of God Notice they thought he said he was the Son of God Notice what they keep saying if you're the Son of God that makes me think of somebody. Oh, yeah the devil What did he say in Luke chapter 4 4 if thou be the Son of God command these stones that they be made made be made bread Ye have God said he's always wanted to put a little question mark where God puts a period doesn't he? God puts a period I am the Son of God. Are you? If is this one of God Isn't that every religion attacking whether or not Jesus Christ is the Son of God the Muslims the Jews. I Mean all kinds of non-trinitarian groups and cults and factions are always trying to question who Jesus Christ truly is And they're just going by mocking him go back to Psalms 22 They said that he trusted on the Lord and that's got to really hurt, too That's got to hurt God the Father when God the Father is looking down they're like, oh he trusted in God, where's God now? Oh Where are them? She bears them as you get that every time right? Oh, you trust in the Lord deliver you huh? Yeah, I am And he's getting angrier every day every second every moment. I'm just gonna keep trusting him You know, my enemies will be clothed with shame at one point Right now they think that they're cool they're hot stuff, but it's it's coming I like this verse. It's Psalms 22 verse 6 But I am a worm and no man or approach of men and despised of the people now obviously I don't like it on the surface of the fact of what it's saying about Jesus but I like that it gives us some insight about this word worm and What does it mean to be a worm? It means that you're despised. It means that your approach So while Jesus Christ is a worm on the cross Because everyone's despised him everyone's rejected him Everyone that rejects Jesus Christ. They're gonna be the worm in hell where their worm dieth Not and the fire is not quenched They're gonna be the worms. They're the abjects. They're gonna be rejected. They're gonna be despised They're gonna be the ones that's ridiculed. They're gonna be the ones that are clothed with shame. They're gonna be the worms So when the Bible says where their worm dieth not it's talking about them being the worm talking about them being despised and rejected Says in verse 7 all they that see me laugh me to scorn they shoot out the lip They shake the head remember that saying he trusted on the Lord that he would deliver him Let him deliver him seeing you delighted in him Now I think it'd be eerie, you know I don't know wouldn't it be eerie if you're one of these people that had like shaking your head at Jesus and Like said all these things them and then someone was like, hey remember where it said that in Psalms That people are gonna do that. You're like That's funny. I've been singing that my whole life and then I did it. I Mean think about that I mean every detail of the cross is detailed for thousands of years before it happened and then happens exactly like that I Mean, they didn't have what if they just didn't crucify the left and the right with them. The scripture would have been broken I mean all the intricacies that are going into this every single detail every single statement every single Picture here is just all pointing to what Jesus went through. Oh, it's just written by a bunch of peasant farmers They're just you know, most are collaborated Look, I work on software integrations all the time and they're trying their hardest to get it to work and it doesn't work I mean mankind cannot write this book go back to Matthew 27 and look at verse 47 Finally the Gentiles wake up, you know, finally the Gentiles realize wow There's something this guy is special look at verse 47 some of them that stood there when they heard that said this man called for Elias and straightway one of them Ran I took a sponge and filled it with vinegar and put it on a reading gave him the drink The rest said let be let us see whether Elias will come to save him Jesus when he had cried again with a loud voice yielded up the gross and behold the veil of the temples rent and twain from the top to the bottom and the earth did quake and the rocks rent and the graves were open and many bodies of the Saints which slept arose and came out of the graves after his resurrection and went in the holy city and appeared in the many now when the centurion and They that were with them watching Jesus saw the earthquake and those things that were done they feared greatly saying Truly, this was the Son of God. They finally like This is just obvious. This guy was the Son of God. I mean the Gentiles got it Says in verse 55 and many women were there beholding afar off which followed Jesus from Galilee ministered unto among which was Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph and the mother of Zebedee's children Now you'd think they were Catholic with all the Mary's but that's that's for a different reason go if you would to Psalms 38 go to Psalms 38 It's interesting. It said that the women were beholding afar off They were a far off even that detail is captured in the Old Testament prophecies. Look at Psalms 38 verse 11 My lovers and my friends notice this stand aloof from my sore and my Kinsmen stand afar off Just every single details. It's all about what Jesus we're gonna go through go if you would die Zaya 52 Isaiah chapter 52 and Let's take a verse there Says in Isaiah 52 verse 14 as Many were a stoning at thee his visage was so marred more than any man and his Form more than the sons of men So shall he sprinkle many nations the king shall shut their mouths at him For that which had not been told them shall they see and that which they had not heard shall they consider Now that sprinkling is to me pictures again. We talked about Moses Sprinkling the children of Israel what happened at his death? It was the sprinkling they enter in the New Testament The veil has been rent now no longer do we have to go to that high priest to intercede for us We have a high priest in heaven the Son of God the Lord Jesus Christ and we can go straight to the Father through Jesus Christ There's no longer that physical veil anymore of the temple He's sprinkled all of the people and it's giving a prophecy the fact that the Gentiles are now gonna end up hearing about the gospel Things that they've never heard before and they're gonna consider them They're gonna actually a lot of them are gonna get saved. A lot of them are become Christians and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ Go back to Matthew chapter 27 We're almost finished with this chapter Look at 57 Bible reads when the even was come there came a rich man of Arimathea Named Joseph who also himself was Jesus's disciple He went to Pilate and begged the body of Jesus then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered and when Joseph had taken the Body, he wrapped it and a clean linen cloth and laid it in his own new tomb Which he had hewn out in the rock and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulcher and departed So in this passage we have him going into new tomb I'm not gonna forsake a time reiterate it or have you turned there? But in Isaiah 53 it said that he had and with the rich in his death So his point of the fact that While he died with the wicked his grave was with the wicked his tomb his burial was with the rich He was in a rich man's tomb Okay, go if you would look at verse 61 and then we'll go to Daniel look at verse 61 And there was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the sepulcher Now the next day that followed the day of the preparation the chief priests and Pharisees came together into Pilate saying sir We remember that that deceiver said while he was yet alive after three days I will rise again Command therefore that the sepulcher be made sure until the third day Lest the disciples come by night and steal them away and say unto the people he has risen from the dead So the last error shall be worse than the first Pilate said unto them you have a watch go your way make it as sure as you can so they went and made the sepulchre sure sealing the stone and Setting a watch now go to the Daniel chapter 6 It's interesting because again all the pictures the Old Testament are of what's going to happen with Christ and at his burial They wanted to seal That with a stone they wanted to seal his tomb to where no man could come in and out To try and prevent him from rising again to prevent him from the resurrection Which they said it's gonna be even worse because then people believe him anymore That's right, yeah through the resurrection a lot of people are gonna believe through them There was no reason to believe in him if there was no resurrection it's not just the death and the cross that gets us aid is also the resurrection and Moses when he sprinkled the blood on the people it also said he sprinkled on the mercy seat and he sprinkled on the vessels Which Jesus had to do when he died? he had to sprinkle his blood on the mercy seat up in heaven because all the things on the earth were a Picture of what's actually existing in heaven There's an actual mercy seat in heaven all the tabernacle all these things that were made without hands are up in heaven And that's the truth. There's a picture. That's just a picture of the true up in heaven and Jesus literally with his blood Had to save us from God destroying us in wrath That's how bad your sin is when you just think about what happened to Jesus that should just help you understand How much God hates sin and how bad our sin truly is? But look what happened with Daniel. Daniel was thrown into the lion's den Which is a picture of Jesus Happening to be killed and thrown in the tomb and it says in a stone was brought and laid upon the mouth of the den and notice this and the king sealed it with his own signet and With a signet of his lords that the purpose might not be changed concerning Daniel So again in the Old Testament they had to seal the tomb with Daniel just as a picture what they're gonna try and do with Jesus but you know what he came out anyways And so did Daniel didn't he? Daniel came out of the lion's den unharmed untouched. No corruption Now go back to Luke chapter 24. That's where we started. I want to finish there and we could talk a lot about the resurrection, but I really wanted to focus on the suffering part of death and What he did on the cross for us But it's interesting with all that scripture with all of that Old Testament prophecy You would think that you would have been anticipating But you know, it's funny. I mean none of the disciples really were anticipating that in fact the Jews They were anticipating kind of like the Antichrist someone to come in just rule and just take over and all this physical stuff But it really upsets Jesus that people thought that way Now look at Luke chapter 24 verse 19 And he said unto them what things so he's they're saying like hey, where you been, you know, what are you talking about? What happened and he says and they said in him concerning Jesus of Nazareth which was a prophet mighty indeed and word before God and all the people and now the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to Be condemned to death and have crucified him But we trusted that it had been he which had ever deemed Israel and beside all this Today is the third day since these things were done. So on the walk to Emmaus you have two Jews two Israelites Essentially they're all sad and they're depressed and Jesus is coming unto them. He's like what's going on? They're like you haven't heard Everybody's heard, you know this Jesus of Nazareth He was supposed to redeem he was supposed to save us He was gonna save us and redeem us But he died he was crucified and he was supposed to rise again. What is the third day? Now here's the thing what kind of redeeming were they looking for a physical redeeming What did the synagogue of Satan look for a physical redeeming today? But what did Jesus do he actually did redeem them. He actually had saved them from their sins He actually was the one that they were supposed to be trusting him Well, you wouldn't says in verse 25 Then he said unto them Oh fools and slow of heart to believe all That the prophets have spoken ought not Christ have suffered these things and to enter into his glory So notice how Jesus talks to them. He doesn't say all you guys are just a little off. He's like you guys are idiots How much of the old the whole Testament was pointing to what Christ had to do for us How come you didn't believe it? How come you didn't believe Psalms 22 and Psalms 69 and Isaiah 53 How come you didn't believe all of these pictures and even the apostle Paul? He's saying man Christ must needs have suffered Have you ever opened the Old Testament just looked at it? That's why it's crazy these Jews who read the Old Testament. They can't find Christ It's everywhere It's on every page It'd be like him walking in the room and trying to find the light switch it's like the lights are on buddy You don't need to find the light switch. It's just right there in front of you. How can they not find it? But I like how he words that they're slow of heart to believe all And I think unfortunately Christians have the same problem today, don't they? Christians today have a problem believing all the Bible Believing every verse and every single line But if every single portion of the Bible is constantly pointing me to Jesus that tells me that it's authoritative. I Mean, how can it just use verse after verse after verse every section every verse is all pointing to Jesus and what he did for Me, but then I'm gonna cherry-pick all the parts out that I just don't really think apply to me or don't really work today It's nonsense. I believe the whole Bible when I believed in Jesus Because it's all pointing to him. So why can't I then when someone gets in the Old Testament and start? Taking me to Deuteronomy and Exodus and Leviticus. We looked at a lot of those scriptures didn't we we all like the ones about Jesus What about sin? What about all of our problems then? It's like oh What would Jesus say to you slow of heart to believe? cool How can you put all your faith in him to save you but you can't concerning the rest of your life? Says the verse 27 beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself Now I I struggled this verses. I'm just thinking like did you just read him the entire Old Testament or what? Like it's just all pointing to him. I think that he probably isolated it to the the pictures of the Gospel specifically just the pictures and the verses like isolated that because it's all about Jesus period it's all about his ministry and the things that he did and We ought to believe all the scriptures they go to verse 30 and it came to pass that he sat at meet With them he took bread and blessed it and break and gave to them and their eyes were open And they knew him and he vanished out of their sight and they said one to another did not our heart burn within us While he talked with us by the way and while he opened to us the scriptures You know our heart ought to burn inside of us when we see the pictures of Jesus in the Old Testament It ought to stir us up it ought to cause us to feel something you say I feel nothing. Well you have a problem You have a heart problem It's not like football and I get really stirred up when I see that receiver catch a you know 40 yard pass and score a touchdown You got a heart problem You know, it should you should get that feeling when you see Jesus on every single page when you see another picture of the prophets Picturing Jesus when you see another aspect of the gospel and Unfortunately today because their hearts are not stirred up and not burned up. They don't believe the Bible and I think that unfortunately, you know, why why would you why do these people not believe this? Well, let's think about it this way. It was kind of negative, wasn't it? Thinking about Jesus suffering on the cross is pretty negative I mean, especially when it's talking about verses saying like his visage was so marred I mean you can't even like see his face anymore. I mean, it's basically saying it has no form No, comeliness some people twist that and say Jesus wasn't attractive. That's a lie Okay, that's just saying when he's on the cross. There was nothing physically attractive about it You wouldn't have liked the picture of him being on the cross at all It was so marred and so I think because of the negative parts of the Bible people don't end up believing it But we ought to believe all the scriptures again. Like I said The good the bad the ugly the negative because Christ is not pleased with us when we don't believe every single verse every single line You know, we ought to let that burning desire be pleasing in his sight because when we read the Bible, it's it's clearly the finger of God There's no other question every I mean if you can see all these verses of the sacrifices Picturing Jesus Christ. It's all about Jesus It's all about the gospel and then in the next verse it's giving us a commandment about sin. It's like well that doesn't apply Or that's just not right, you know We ought to just decide to believe, you know Every verse every single line and I don't think that churches they do that And I think that's just because they're slow to heart to believe like these two So I'm hoping that the more you can love Jesus That was my goal with the sermon is just to give you some more love for Jesus If you don't have any love for Jesus, you need to do some self-reflection Because the person that's burnt that heart doesn't burn, you know in love towards Jesus Christ when they read the Bible They're gonna be slow of heart to believe the other sections. You say why why is it that my family member? doesn't want to Read the King James Bible or go to a good church or get plugged in soul-winning or dress right or act right or give up Alcohol, it's always a heart problem and they don't love Jesus enough If you love me keep my Commandments, isn't it? And so I think a lot of times we look at our struggles. My question is how much do you love Jesus? Maybe you need to go back to the cross maybe you need to think about some of these verses of the things that he did for you and let that inspire your heart because True motivation is going to come from one of love not of being compelled and in this church We preach the cleanest gospel You don't have to do anything to go to heaven, but believe in Jesus Christ But the end of the day you say why do I keep struggling with things? Well, my question is how much do you love Jesus? The person that's not fabled the church doesn't love Jesus enough The person that doesn't read their Bible every morning. They just don't really love Jesus enough The person that's not following his commandments. That's so concerned with you know, fake book and YouTube and Israel and all these things they just don't love Jesus enough Your heart should burn within you when you read the scriptures when you look at them when you think about them And you know, I'm just trying to give you some kind of a taste I can't give you every single verse every single line. You got to do that on your own But I hope maybe in this sermon you can eat you liked at least one part of it If you liked one part of it read read the Bible yourself You'll see them on every page and there's so much more to it than just you know On every page and there's so much more that can be uncovered It's just a constant onion of just seeing him and I think when you have those moments It'll help motivate you and stir you up to serve your king. Let's go some prayer. Thank you father so much for your word Thank you for these great verses and these great scriptures. Thank you for giving us the Word of God the Word of Life I prayed that our heart would just burn within us when we read the Bible This week and this month and this year in our lifetime. I Pray that we just continually see the importance of the cross and your sufferings and How that ought to motivate us to want to serve you more And I pray that you just bless our church as we continue to try give more honor and glory to your son