(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You You You Good evening everyone welcome to Steadfast Baptist Church if you could please find your seats and grab your hymnals We're gonna sing song number 22. Are you washed in the blood? Song number 22. Are you washed in the blood? Song 2 2 are you washed in the blood? Let's sing it together You Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power are you Are you fully trusting in his grace this hour are you washed in the blood? Are you In the soul cleansing Or your car Are you washed in the blood Are you walking daily by the same or are you Rest each moment Oh Are your garments are they why are you With the bride Are you Oh They aside the garments that are There's a fountain for the soul Oh Good singing let's open up in a word of prayer Heavenly Father. Thank you for this evening's service I pray now that you would bless our pastors he prepares to preach to us and pray that you bless this time of singing that we would sing out nice and loud and That we would just be mindful of the words. We're singing. We love you and you send me pray. Amen All right for our second song. Let's go to 138 the haven of rest 138 the haven of rest 138 the haven of rest My soul and sadness I was out unlike sea So burdened with sin and distress Till I heard a sweet voice They made me your choice I'll sail Me My Oh Oh Oh Say To say And Oh Good evening. Thank you so much for coming to steadfast Baptist Church If you didn't already get a bulletin or you'd like another one Just lift your hand up real quick. One of our ushers would be able to come by get you guys a bulletin We are on Proverbs 31 verse 23 getting closer to the end on that and on the inside our service soul winning times several ladies you can still be in prayer for Who are expecting we have upcoming events March 9th is the preaching class that's on Saturdays at 2 One thing that's not in the bulletin But just wanted to update you on March 16th is going to be a baby shower in honor of Mariah Jackson And that's going to be at 1230 So please if you'd like to participate in that you can still RSVP to mrs. Milstead So if you'd like to attend we would really appreciate that also The 30th is a cedar like Cedar Hill soul South Dallas area soul winning marathon We'll probably just meet at the church For that Saturday morning and it'll pretty much just be like an all-day soul winning We got new cards for our Easter service. And so you can go ahead and start handing those out right now We got about 5,000. So we should have plenty to hand out from now until Easter. It is a little earlier this year So it is March 31st We'll have our Easter service in the morning and then in the evening Amelie following the evening service will have our communion service that we have about once a year also April 9th through 10th is a very Baptist Church It's a youth rally. It's it's geared towards teenagers and they had their first service today and their new building So it's really exciting. They're actually really close to where they were already Just kind of on the other side of the highway and it's been remodeling and a building and so It's very exciting for them. Just be in prayer that everything continue to go smoothly for them and then also April 13th is gonna be a soul winning marathon and Shreveport again and so we pretty much hit this town about once a year for the last few years and Every time it's been really receptive people really like going there for soul winning If you're newer to soul winning or you feel maybe like you haven't gotten to get a lot of people saved This is a great opportunity to go somewhere where it's it's been Historically, very receptive. I would anticipate it's probably still gonna be very receptive again as we go And so it's just a great opportunity To be able to see a lot of people getting the gospel hearing the gospel and a lot of practice opportunities It's only about three hours away. So it's not too too bad. You can make a day trip out of it and Highly encourage you if you can participate with us We've all had some friends also go out there with us at different times, too So it'd be great to see them as well That's pretty much all I really have as far as announcements are concerned on the events on the back. We have The congratulations of the cracker family on the birth of Katrina Elizabeth She was born on the 22nd at 2 40 a.m. 7 pounds 9 ounces and 20 inches long. Congratulations them And of course we have our prayer lists on the bottom so please do help pray for our church family Psalm 148 we're gonna sing Psalm 148 is a Psalm Special handout that you can sing with us All Right, let's sing together Psalm 148 Crazy the Lord crazy the Lord Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh All right as the offering plates being passed around please turn your Bibles to Deuteronomy 23 Deuteronomy chapter 23 You You Deuteronomy chapter 23 will read the entire chapter as is our custom beginning at verse 1 He that is wounded in the stones or hath this privy member cut off shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord a Bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord even to his 10th generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord and Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord even to their 10th generation Shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord forever? Because they met you not with bread and with water in the way when he came forth out of Egypt And because they hired against thee Balaam the son of Beor of Pithor of Mesopotamia to curse thee Nevertheless the Lord thy God would not hearken unto Balaam But the Lord thy God turned the curse into a blessing unto thee because the Lord thy God loved thee Thou shalt not seek their peace nor their prosperity all thy days forever Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite for he is thy brother Thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian because thou wast a stranger in his land The children that are begotten of them shall ever enter into the congregation of the Lord in their third generation When the host goeth forth against thine enemies then keep thee from every wicked thing If there be among you any man that is not clean by reason of uncleanness that chanceth him by night Then shall he go abroad out of the camp. He shall not come within the camp, but it shall be When evening cometh on he shall wash himself with water and when the sun is down he shall come into the camp again Thou shalt have a place also without the camp whither thou shalt go forth abroad And thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon and it shall be when thou will ease thyself abroad Thou shalt dig therewith and shalt turn back and cover that which cometh from thee For the Lord thy God walketh in the midst of thy camp to deliver thee And to give up thine enemies before thee therefore shall thy can't be holy That he see no unclean thing in thee and turn away from thee Thou shalt not deliver unto his master the servant which has escaped from his master unto thee He shall dwell with thee even among you in that place which he shall choose in one of thy gates Where it liketh him best thou shalt not oppress him There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore or the price of a dog into the house of the Lord thy God for Any vow for even both these are abomination unto the Lord thy God Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother usury of money usury of vittles Usury of anything that is lent upon usury unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury but under thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to do in the land whither thou goest to possess it When thou shalt vow a vow unto the Lord thy God thou shalt not slack to pay it For the Lord thy God will surely require it of thee and it would be sin in thee But if thou shalt forbear to vow it shall be no sin in thee That which is gone out of thy lips thou shalt keep and perform Even a free will offering according as thou hast vowed unto the Lord thy God which thou has promised with thy mouth When thou comest into thy neighbor's vineyard Then thou mayest eat grapes thy fill at thine own pleasure But thou shalt not put any in thy vessel when thou comest into the standing corn of thy neighbor Then thou mayest pluck the ears with thine hand But thou shalt not move a sickle unto thy neighbor's standing corn. Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer Father in heaven we thank you for the souls that were saved at the 2 p.m soul winning time and I just pray that you would move on their hearts and Give them a zeal to want to serve you and I pray also that you would bless the sermon this evening And help us to pay close attention to the message you've laid on pastor. Shelly's heart. We love you in jesus name. I pray. Amen Amen Deuteronomy 23 is a very powerful chapter and I want to look at verse 19 again. The bible says Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother usury of money usury of vittles usury of anything that is lent upon usury, so according to the old testament law usury was banned and specifically for Usury to your brother meaning those of the same nation those of the children of israel within their own country They're not to charge usury to any other person in their Their land a word that we kind of use as a citizen A fellow citizen when they use brother That's kind of what they're referring to in the sense that Those who are of the nation of israel are not to charge others of the nation of israel any usury Now usury is kind of an older word. It's a word that we don't use as often Our word that we're more familiar with is the word interest And so when you go to the bank and you get a loan or you have a credit card often We hear the words interest or interest charges This is what the bible is condemning and banning and saying that should not be allowed in society is interest and when those who came Crossed the mayflower and came on many other ships to america decided to found this nation They were given the ability to make laws That were in congruence with laws of england because we were under english domain And they sought to the bible to determine what kind of laws to use and so I believe That that same principle should be applied no matter what the circumstances are that we as a people Should determine our laws based on what the bible says Now here's another principle that I think is taught in the bible and it's important for us to understand is the bible gives us Principles and then from those principles we can derive laws. So it's not that every single thing That is a law has to be a verbatim quote from the bible It's simply giving specific principles or the spirit of the law and then from that we can derive our laws And so I believe in america we should pass laws to ban interest and specifically charging interest to other american citizens Now when it comes to this specific statute it says in the next verse it says this verse 20 unto a stranger Thou mayest lend upon usury, but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury That the lord thy god may bless thee and all they'll set us thine hand to in the land where thou goes to possess it Now a stranger here is a person that we would refer to as a foreigner Someone that's not part of the nation. Maybe they're just visiting. Maybe they're just sojourning, but they're not a citizen They're not part of your nation. Perhaps they're just traveling for business. They're traveling for vacation or Or whatever the circumstance is it's saying you could technically charge interest to this individual from a legal perspective Now here's another thing we have to understand just because something's legal Doesn't mean that god is recommending this or saying this is the right way to treat someone It's just simply saying these are what the laws should be because when you charge interest to a person you are harming them You are an enemy under that individual you are doing evil under that individual. Okay now again, it might be pretty minor And inconsequential, maybe they're wealthy and you're charging them a nominal interest rate and it's not really that big a deal But in some way it is a harmful action towards that individual Interest is very destructive in nature And in fact when you charge interest on your own nation, you're dooming your own nation. You're dooming your own people It is impossible to ever pay back the interest because the money just doesn't simply exist And so it's a very evil device that god is trying to say this is illegal and it's funny that there's a group of people out there that do the exact opposite of the bible And they love to charge interest. Okay, and and this group of people Are thriving off of industries that have practices that are banned in the bible And we need to Emphasize what the bible teaches on these issues now, this is what I find interesting because I think that there's a lot of things we need to change about our laws. Okay I think that we have a lot of problems in america. I think that there's a group of people that love satan That would be really hard to get rid of but I came up with a plan that's I think really simple And a way to eliminate a lot of these problems and as if we just ban interest And we ban pornography that's all we have to do and it would it would solve a lot of problems Now look at what it said in the verse right before this verse 17 There shall be no whore Of the daughters of israel now again, this is where I say that is not necessarily Describing every single law that could be driven from that particular principle. That's a principle It's saying we as a society we as a whole should not allow whoredom to be prominent in our society And one of the ways that whoredom is prominent in a society is through pornography and you know The pornography is just even a gross word. It's hard for me to want to say it and it's really a difficult subject But unfortunately, we live in a dark world That's very disgusting and sometimes you have to use disgusting words to describe disgusting things Okay. Now i'm going to try and just talk about things like in smut and you know general You know euphemisms but at the end of the day sometimes we just have to call it as it is And god even has to call women sometimes whores That's a that's a gross word to a lot of people a lot of churches you would go to today You would never hear the word whore ever Like they probably just wouldn't even read this verse out loud They'd probably just ignore this verse just because they don't want to hurt your eardrums or something But but here's the thing. God doesn't want to hurt your drums either and you know, what's really dangerous in a society It's not the word whore. It's whores Like some people they're so offended by the word whore, but they're not offended by literal whores They're not offended by taylor swift. They're not offended by the ever-increasing pornography that's going on in this world They're not offended by the smut and the filth put on the tv screen and they'll go and see all the rated r movies Filled with whores, but then they get offended when someone brings up the word whore It's like what in the world? How dare you use the word whore? How dare you watch whoredom? I mean what's really worse here And these people that pretend like they're so holy and so righteous. They're not that righteous and they're not that holy You know who's holy and righteous god And his law is holy and righteous and we should look to it as to how we should rule and govern our nation And I believe you know, i've thought about this a lot if we truly banned Interest and pornography in our society it would cause a lot of people to want to leave like a specific group of people That are running these industries. Okay, that's their main source of income. Okay now we'll get there in a little bit but I want to prove my first point a little bit further go to exodus 22. We need to ban interests The bible is very clear on this. I do believe obviously, of course There was an exception in the law that you could charge interest to a nation right america could charge interest to another foreign country when we Have to borrow or lend money to them or something but at the end of the day, that's not really a good thing um, and in fact I think there's definitely room in the bible and a lot of verses that talk about helping even strangers and helping foreign nations Where we wouldn't necessarily have to do that but considering the fact that we live in a world with I think what? 256 nations or something you could fact check me on this a lot of different nations Not all of them are our best friends if we have a literal enemy that needs to borrow You know, I I don't see why it would be necessarily wrong to charge them interest from a geopolitical position Okay, and again, we're talking about legality What's right with god not necessarily what's the most christian thing you can do because of course God loves to triumph mercy over judgment in the sense that god often gives us things that we don't deserve I may deserve a particular punishment for my sin But god gives me mercy and grace above that and I don't always get what I deserve, right? So just because I may deserve something according to the law doesn't mean that that's how I have to treat somebody For example, someone hits me on the cheek. I could turn him the other I don't have to smack him back on his cheek Legally you should smack him on the cheek, but you could go ahead and show mercy and say i'm gonna decide not to Exact exactly what you deserve i'm gonna give you grace. I'm gonna give you mercy I'm gonna be long suffering unto you This is a principle often taught in the bible interest is like the exact opposite interest is basically saying I don't trust you at all And I don't like you and I want to take advantage of you It's not even charging interest on someone is not What's fair Like I think that today's world many people think that charging interest is what's fair Like if I give you money why at least deserve something in return So therefore I should charge you a fee or interest or something. That's only fair. No, no interest is not fair Interest is a predatory practice which takes advantage of people and you know, it takes advantage of the poor because who needs money Poor people rich people aren't necessarily Needing tons and tons of money and of course It's not that rich people don't make loans today or take loans out or do these type of practices But the people that really need the money the people that really need the loans are the poor people And the poor people are the ones who are taking advantage of the most and in our society It is no different the people that are getting ripped off the most with high interest loans are often the poorest people in our society They are the most financially Deficit they have essentially just the the shirt on their back and people are just ripping them off with 15 20 25 30 interest loans And when you don't have good credit, they of course I mean you go get a car and you don't have good credit You're getting a 20 25 interest loan from these shady car dealers You can't buy a house someone will sell you a house with a super shady interest rate And they'll rake you through the coals and they'll take every single one of your welfare checks, okay, because Interest is a predatory practice And it's always been that way. It always will be that way that's when the bible that's why when the bible brings it up It's always talking about the poor look what it says in exodus 22 verse 25 If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee Thou shalt not be to him as a usurer Neither shalt thou lay upon him usury notice. He's saying when you lend money to who? To poor people because who needs the money poor people and then of course, he's saying hey to those people Don't be a usurer Don't charge them interest now for sake of time I'm, not going to go through all this but some people would argue like oh, it's just high interest Well, you know what and I believe it's the book of nehemiah, but he gets really mad at them charging interest and it's one percent And good luck finding a one percent loan ever Okay You you can't even find that anymore this high interest high interest is just any percentage above zero Okay, that's high interest. All right Now go to lividicus 25 go to lividicus 25. I want to show you another verse on this But the bible's really clear I mean this is a constantly being brought up in the old testament law I don't think that god wants to repeat himself over and over for no reason Why why would you think that he's going to say in exodus? No interest. No usury in lividicus No interest. No usury in deuteronomy. No interest. No usury. You know why because it's a big deal And it's a constant reason why people are taken advantage of nations are destroyed Economic misfortune depressions tyranny Essentially every bad thing you can imagine it almost always is related to interest Why because the love of money? Is the root of all evil and the reason why people charge interest is because they love Money, they love money and they love being lazy and making money Because charging interest is what the bible describes as unjust gain And we're going to get a verse in that a minute, but look at lividicus 25 verse 35 The bible says And if thy brother be waxen poor and falleth fallen and decay with thee then thou shalt relieve him. Yea Though he be a stranger or sojourner that he may live with thee Take down no usury of him or increase but fear thy god that thy brother may live with thee notice He's saying hey when this guy You know, he's a screw-up. He doesn't he maybe doesn't work that hard. He's ruined himself bad things have happened He's poor whatever don't be don't then just pile on And then be a usurer to him on top of that help him And yet that's what our society does is it literally preys on people in their weakest most vulnerable moments These payday loan places are the most predatory and evil places Never go there never let them rip you off I mean they're taking people's paychecks and they're charging them all kinds of fees that are similar to the way usury Works in europe at times because christianity reigned interest was illegal From a historical perspective. So then what a certain group of people would do That all wear the same tiny hat what these individuals would do is they would they would charge a fee But it wasn't interest they would just charge fees in order to get around the fact that they were just charging interest on Money, but you know what? It's always been the same Always ways to try and work around and try to have these loopholes So they can keep charging lots and lots of interest but you know what that is an evil satanic practice And the bible says that it should just be not exist in our society. We should ban it We should try to pass legislation now, of course, there's a lot of problems with that go to proverbs chapter 28 You know if you have a little baby wolf That is born near you And you decide to start feeding it It'll grow And then it doesn't it's no longer a baby wolf. It's a big bad wolf And then when you let that big bad wolf have babies and then they have babies now It's not just a little baby wolf now it's a pack of wolves and here's the thing We've been feeding so many wolves so much interest and usury and they've gotten so rich and they have their fangs Sunk in to america so much that if someone were to try to fight This pack of wolves and say hey, let's be an interest. Oh boy You might die very quickly. You might accidentally commit suicide or whatever because Man there's a lot of people making a lot of money And it is a big business Okay, so we've allowed it to get out of control But that doesn't mean we should just give up and just say now we're just subject to wolves for the rest of our life you know Part of the problem is just admitting the problem. Let's let's just admit the problem. We have an interest problem in america We have a usury problem in america and You know both of the problems that i'm talking about this this evening Are things that are very easy for all of us to fall into the trap the trap is available everywhere There is an interest trap Everywhere available for you. I mean whether it's a payday loan credit card Just traditional loans mortgages. I mean just you can get interest charged on you faster than you can think Someone will take advantage of you as quickly as you want them to take advantage of you Okay, I mean i've even seen I got a letter in the mail about getting a loan to pay taxes It was like what in the world it was like do you i'm like i'm already getting ripped off by the government Now I have to then get a loan and then get ripped off by you while i'm getting ripped off by the government for time I mean, it's just like the Homelessness of someone trying to take advantage of you It'll never stop there is a sea of wolves and bad people ready to pray on you And many individuals today that seek to get ahead and to make money They want to to be like the wolves and they want to get into this interest practice and making money through this But you know, the bible is very clear that this is not a good way to make money It's not it's not benefiting a society, you know, you know what benefits society Growing wheat and then selling wheat. It's like your comp your your country as a whole It's its economic system When you charge interest you didn't add anything to the economic system All you did was rip somebody off inside of that system But by building something now you've added to society By creating some hey creating wheat or Building something or manufacturing something growing something building something doing something you've actually added to society And then there's value added because of the work that you've done You know, there's a lot of ways to contribute to society that benefits society interest is the exact opposite It is just sucking the life out of the economic system and it's basically just draining the system All just to you it's a it's a complete selfish action It's not really doing anything. It's not building anything. It's not helping anything If literally every single person in our society, the only thing we did was just charge interest we would have no economy We would have no society. It's a parasite without a host People who charge money are parasites Without a host the only way for a parasite to live is to have a host to suck the blood from And the only way for someone to make money on interest is for a poor sucker to come in and get taken advantage of It's like if if mosquitoes had no host to suck the blood from they would all die okay, and the reality is if America if americans started saying i'm not going to seek interest i'm not going to seek loans Well, that's going to dry up that well, isn't it? It's going to start killing off a lot of the wolves. The problem is we're so self-indulgent And overindulgent and we fall into these traps so easily that we're allowing these wolves to multiply And to grow and to increase and really try to destroy our Nation, but the bible is clear here proverbs 28. I want to look at verse number eight Let's get at least a verse on this. It's really clear He that by usury and unjust gain and crease of the substance he shall gather it for him That will pity the poor so god up from heaven though. He notices these parasites and he says hey, you're You know, you're sucking all that blood Well pretty soon i'm just going to pop you and all that blood is going to go back into the system, right? He's just saying he's looking at these people that are ripping people off through unjust gain practices And he's like i'll find out i'll figure out a way to then take advantage of you And then i'll take your money and i'll give it back because god obviously can't just allow this to happen because all the parasites would just suck everybody dry he Through his wisdom and vengeance will constantly redistribute the wealth of all these wicked people And it just somehow feeds its way back into Society but at the end of the day, it's unjust to make money this way. It's what you would call dirty money Dirty money meaning not every way to make money is good Not every way to make money. God is pleased with God Thinks that some ways of making money are wrong like charging interest interest is considered unjust gain Go to psalm 15 go backwards just a little bit psalm 15 The bible brings us up now i'm not going to every verse on usury in the bible There's a lot but I want to just give you a sense of how negative it is in the bible charging interest And I would say there's a lot sometimes people come up and they ask me They're just like well, you know, I work for this company and they charge interest And it's like should I work for them? Well, you know if we were to play that game all of us would pretty soon be unemployed Because it's just like What what does your company not do that's bad. It's like well my company donates to sodomites. Yeah Every company virtually, okay, my company charges interest. Yep. My company rips people off. Yep. My company doesn't pay taxes, right? That's a lot of them my company, you know, it's just like my company sells liquor my company I mean, it's just like what company out there isn't involved in sin. Like I don't know Steadfast baptist church working but I can't hire everybody. Okay, you know, it's like If you're fortunate to work for a church, you know, okay, that's a like an exception but outside of that You know I even have jobs outside of working for the church. I do a lot of other things and you know what? You can't escape sin. You can't escape living in a sinful world It's like you're going to if you want to find a way to think that your job's sinful I guarantee there's not a person in this room apart from somebody that only works for a church that could say Like hey, my job doesn't have some Tie directly into sin. Okay, it just is there and so, you know, I don't get like I would never condemn somebody if they said like hey, I work for a bank. I'm not going to be like oh you wicked sinner You're so evil, you know, but the guy that works for anizer bush is somehow a good guy, right? Yeah, right. I mean it's like, you know, what is it? What's the difference? You know, I mean like what companies out there are people not doing something shady Weird there's probably issues with almost everything if you own your own business There's some businesses that are more wholesome than others and I get it but I would just say this Try your best to avoid being directly involved In the most sinful businesses and if you're going to start your own business Don't just start an obvious one that's sinful like i'm just going to start a business charging interest It's like that's pretty much just asking for god to not be pleased with you and to basically curse you Okay, hey daniel worked for neba kenezer. God still blessed him while working for a pretty, you know Evil boss right for a boss that's not really involved. I mean you think neba kenezer is champion of holiness and righteousness for the kingdom Probably doing a lot of evil stuff, right? But at the end of the day you can be a good servant And and be a good testimony in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation But at the same time I don't have to directly get involved with sinful practices I don't have to directly start businesses that are just violating the bible clearly Okay, and I think that there's plenty of things that you would just say are a complete off limits. Okay now God forbid, you know if we had a perfect society then yeah, I would say don't ever get involved in interest in any way But just to be honest almost every company's involved in this I mean, it doesn't matter whether it comes to just a chair manufacturer I mean think about it just your local furniture store. They're not doing anything wrong But guess what? They have credit cards and they have interest to buy that furniture You could go to walmart and walmart will give you a credit card with interest on it just to buy gum You could buy gum on interest I mean, it's just like it's like what business isn't involved in this shady practice now I think we should as principled christians though say that we're against interest right we should stand against that and try to Have a reasonable balance. I think that god Doesn't expect us to have unreasonable demands put upon us And try to live in a society where we've just escaped anything that could possibly be bad or negative or something like that Obviously we live in a fallen world, but you know Me personally like I just really didn't want to I worked for a bank for a while And I was in the loan department specifically and was being groomed to be a commercial lender where that would be my like Daily functions and I decided to get out of it and you know You could tell like a lot of the people that were in that were getting sucked into the love of money They had a weird You know They had a weird mindset. They didn't even look at people as people anymore. Everybody's just dollars and cents to them And I think that that obviously is an unhealthy lifestyle. So I wanted to avoid it Okay, so, you know, I I probably would do my best to avoid being a direct money lender Just because it's just you know, it's a very negative thing It's a very evil thing and you can see the evil By what you do to people on a regular basis, especially when I work for wells fargo Very satanic place and you know, I worked as a personal banker And what they do to the poor people in society is just evil How the lending practices and the way that banks manage people's money is just evil They rip people off they literally will change your transaction history on purpose to charge you more fees And like I even remember this one particular customer was being like stolen from like, I don't know a couple like tens of thousands of dollars And I try I was trying to tell my boss like we need to alert this customer and they said they'd fire me If I told the customer they're being ripped off and it was just like it was just like why am I here? Like you know banks in general are just very evil places because they're they're essentially violating the most important aspects of what the bible says like Having a love of money and their their whole business is based on a principle. That's just wrong Not a legitimate way to make money is by selling interest. Okay, so you can take that for what it is Somebody's gonna come ask me like should I have this I don't I don't care, you know I've already told you what I think on that but at the end of the day, you know If you feel really wrong about it or bad, then you probably should change Right. I mean You know to him that knows to do good to you know And do it not to him it is sin or you know If you if it's if you're not doing something by faith, it's sin to that person So, you know if you just felt that crummy about the evil wicked things you're doing then Yeah, you know if I worked for a company that just happened to sell alcohol I would hope that i'm not in that department, but I don't want to be the bartender You know, like I can't be the bartender somewhere literally serving people poison And and having a god-fearing conscious like at that point it sometimes crosses the line for me. Okay, so I I want to Give you a reasonable viewpoint here. But look what the bible says in psalm 15 about this verse 1 Lord who shall abide in thy tabernacle who shall dwell in thy holy hill Just talking about the people that are going to be abiding with god close to god near god in church And look what it says in verse five he that putteth not out his money to usury So who are the people that are abiding with god? Who are the people in his tabernacle? Who are the people praising him? It's not the people putting their money out the usury And you know, it's not a coincidence that people that love to charge interest and love to be in banking and stuff like that Aren't knocking down the door of steadfast baptist church They're not really knocking down the door of fundamental baptist churches. Usually they infiltrate Non-evangelical churches and get on their board and basically rule from afar, you know, i've seen a lot of it It's frustrating, but it is kind of gross But you know the people that are going to buy it in the right kind of house of god. They're not Greedy of filthy lucre and of this kind of money It's evil go ahead to first samuel chapter eight go to first samuel chapter number eight Well, you're not going to get a lot of rich people bringing in all their interest in here pastor Shelly well, you know what curse would be you and your money I don't need your filthy money You know what? I'm not interested in you know, seeing how many people we can drag into this building I'm not interested in seeing how many rich people we can get to be members of our church You know, sometimes rich people aren't even there for the right reasons Okay. Now again, there's always exceptions. I know people that are you know Have lots of money and they're really nice generous people and they're very godly christians So there can always be exceptions but by and large rich people are high maintenance They are lovers of themselves They want to basically act like they walk on a cloud into the church and be treated like, you know Everybody should just worship them or something and it's kind of gross, you know, I remember growing up there was an individual who attended A baptist church in our area and he started a bank and then he basically ended up just becoming a multi-millionaire And kind of a very prominent figure But but here's the thing You could tell That that affected how he treated people You could tell like hey i'm gonna say something and it's like well Why do you get to say something? Have you done anything in the church? No Are you a soul winner? No, do you do anything spiritual? No, but you know what i've made a lot of money And it's like what if we decided hey the next person that gets to preach a sermon while i'm gone It's just whoever makes the most money in this room Like is that really the best way to determine? Who should be the person that gets to preach the next sermon or who gets to be on the board of directors? Or the person who's the elder or the deacon or whatever the church but you know what in most churches You know, they decide to be the deacons and the elders and whatever It just who's the richest business owners in their in their church or the or the bankers or whoever Can get them hooked up with loans and whatever And prestige, you know what that's wicked And you know who loves You know taking advantage of of people false prophets And evil satanic preachers and they're always obsessed with money Now there's a common theme in the bible about unjust gain and filthy money and false preachers Look what it says in first email chapter number eight verse number three And his sons talking about eli's sons walked not in his ways but turned aside after lucre and took bribes and perverted judgment So these two sons of eli who were sons of belial according to the bible They took what's called lucre now go over to first peter I just want to go to a few places real quick go to first peter I don't want people to get confused on some of these words But the reason why i'm taking a kind of a break in the sermon to define this Is because I think it really helps us to set words in our mind the word lucre is in reference to money But it's always in reference to filthy money or dirty money or money made in an Just way what's an unjust way to make money charging interest here's another way to make money That's really wicked is by preaching lies Is buying being a minister of god and saying things that are not true for money That is lucre when someone's taking money to preach lies in god's name And so false prophets and false teachers are often Called out for lucre Why because they're not sincere they're not really in the ministry for ministerial purposes. They're in it for money And even a lot of times people in business and in finance, they literally go to church for money And you would think like how in the world How is someone going to church for money that doesn't even make sense But you don't understand how these these systems work you go to gateway. You know what they're going to do They are going to network They network in these churches and they tell they even tell people like hey if you're going to do business Do business with the people in this room And so anybody that needs a loan they'll go to the banker in that in that church And they'll go to the so-and-so business person and basically just everybody is just having this incestual Business relationship in these mega churches and they'll get them hooked up with their 401ks There's a lot of predatory people that go around and try to sell 401ks everybody and mutual funds and all these different things And they're always ripping people off My mom even got suckered by one of these uh, sideshow freaks who tried to tell her like hey you should get Um all your money in these mutual funds are doing really well So she took like a bunch of her money and my money and invested all these mutual funds and just lost tens of thousands Of dollars with this vampire coming in and just sucking the blood out of people and of course because in church everybody's so trustworthy Oh, it's a guy in a nice suit at church, you know He's going to probably do great, you know, be careful doing business with people in church Okay Look i'm not against any of you and I don't want any of you to not be successful But at the end of the day sometimes it's better to stay friends from afar Okay, because business can sometimes get a little messy and I try my best to avoid that sometimes Not because I don't like you but just because when it goes awry it really sucks Okay, especially when you know the person and a lot of bad people they literally go to churches only to network Only just to try and procure business It's just another social club for them to try and get ahead And get more people on their bait their bank statement their payroll their mlm or whatever and it's wicked It's wicked because it's similar to the preacher getting up and preaching lies There at church on false pretenses They're not there because they love the lord. They're just looking for the next sucker to take advantage of now first peter chapter five Look at verse number two Feed the flock of god, which is among you taking the oversight thereof not by constraint, but willingly Not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind meaning someone should never be a pastor for money That should never be the reason why anyone is ever a pastor is for a paycheck You know, it's it's it's a scary thing That person should be a pastor because they love the lord because they want to minister to souls Because they want to help other people serve christ better And I don't think that it has to be the case, but i'll tell you Men who have to make a financial sacrifice to become a pastor often are in way better shape And way better people to be a pastor because you can tell that their heart was in it for the right reasons Whereas somebody that's kind of not been good in business or not succeeded If they were to make a lot more money by being a pastor that's a danger because that person could end up continuing pastoring only for the paycheck You know and and so I think it makes sense as we raise the next generation of preachers That we should try to help young men make good money and have lots of skills And then choose them to become pastors not to make more money some cases make less So then that way they're only motivated to stay being a preacher Because of the right reasons not for a paycheck And you know, I know lots of people You know myself included that you know pastoring is not furthering our financial careers In the sense that you could you could take all the effort and energy you're putting into this And apply it somewhere else and probably make way more money that's safer Because it helps motivate people to do things for the right reason Not to hey I'm, just doing this for filthy lucre's sake look at i'm all for paying pastors a good price You know a good price and making sure they're paid well, but you know if they Are just doing it for a paycheck. It's filthy lucre at that point Go view the first timothy chapter 3 we'll go to a few more places and i'll finish this tangent but I don't want you to get confused. There's nothing wrong with paying a pastor We have people coming here and they'll be they'll be telling me like oh, you know pastors should never get paid and it's just like Why? Should you not get paid? Like, you know, why why would a pastor not get paid like that? And they just they just they just hate on people for getting paid for the work that they do And you know the apostle paul he kind of always says the opposite he's like saying hey if someone's ministering you spiritual things How much more should they take your carnal things? It's like you're not helping them. They're helping you. Okay, that's silly to think that by you giving them carnal money You're somehow helping them out as opposed to them giving you spiritual things that no one can really distribute to you I mean how many godly spirit-filled ministers really are out there that you can just get free services from the day Versus how many people will hire you and just give you money for doing work? This is like there's a there's billions of people that will pay me for doing work There's very few people that are willing to offer me free spiritual counsel wisdom and advice from the scripture Okay, so it makes plenty of sense to pay those people Okay from a carnal perspective and specifically from a biblical perspective I'm not going to prove that point But when we talk about lucre We're talking about as a pastor not getting paid for working for god Not for doing that which is right not for preaching the right things but rather for preaching lies For not being there for sincere reasons pastoring just to get the paycheck Not because he actually cares for people or wants to be a minister now. There's something deceitful about it first timothy chapter number three The bible says in verse three Not given to wine. No striker not greedy of filthy lucre. Pastors should not be greedy of filthy lucre Meaning what there's no way they would like to make money if it's by dirty means Meaning that they're not a person that's willing to make money at all costs They have a moral compass and they said i'm not going to make money on usury I'm, not going to make money By preaching lies i'm not going to make money on smut on literal smut Okay That kind of filth and we're going to get there in a minute But there are literal ministers out there that make money on literal smut It's insane. That's a person that's greedy of filthy lucre. Okay, look at uh verse eight The bible says likewise must the deacons be grave not double tongue not given to much wine not greedy of filthy lucre Hey, you want to be a deacon? It's someone that's not greedy of filthy lucre. Oh Guess who's our our new deacon? The the commercial lender Oh Let's all clap for the new banker the new guy. He makes all of his money by charging usury Let's bring him up here the guy that's not greedy of filthy lucre Oh, wait, that's exactly who we just ordained as the deacon of the church And how many churches are doing that today? And then they get mad about all the problems in society when they're literally Praising usurers and the bankers and the people charging money and making money by ill gain by unjust gain and praising them on stage I mean don't you think children in a church look up to the guy that you just ordained as the deacon or the elder? The past like what do you do for a living? Oh, I charge money on usury on interest Like oh, I want to do that then It's wicked You know what how can we as a society Be christian when we're violating the old testament and then putting these people in positions of power Right. I mean it just doesn't even make any sense yet. How many churches are doing that? How many churches are putting these people in these positions of power? shame on them Titus chapter number one It's because they don't want to actually define what lucre is It's because they don't actually want to define what filthy lucre is and what these words actually mean But you know what the bible is really clear on unjust gain making money by ill means preaching lies titus chapter number one look at verse seven For a bishop must be blameless as the steward of god not self-willed not soon angry not given to wine No striker not given to filthy lucre I think the bible is really clear on this. Hey, the leaders of the church should never ever want to make money In an unjust way it reminds me of when moses are ordaining people and when they are doing men, it's men that hate covetousness Hating covetousness, that's the kind of judges and leaders that we need in our society Ones that say hey, the only way i'm going to make a buck is on the sweat of my back I'm, not going to go out there and just rip off poor people and then pretend like i'm a righteous person The bankers today going out and taking advantage of all the poor and the derelicts in our society ripping them off Taking advantage of them when they're weak and then pretending like he's a righteous person Putting on his blood money suit. How is any better than the drug dealer? Oh, I don't like this sermon. Well go to that church He'll give you a loan Look at verse 11 The bible says this whose mouths must be stopped whose overtly houses teaching things which they ought not For filthy lucre's sake hey, you know what the jews did they taught things that they shouldn't for filthy Lucre's sake here's something that they teach interest is a good thing Hey banks are helping society, you know, who's like the the biggest proponent of praising themselves for donating money to charity banks You know what the bible like literally says like not to let your left hand know what your right hand doeth But banks will literally have huge checks That they give and they'll be like we're donating this five hundred dollars to save a puppy You know, we're donating it to this homeless charity now Mind you this guy is the guy that we literally made ten thousand dollars off of his back Charging him all kinds of interest and we literally made him homeless, but then we gave him five hundred dollars in a big check Yay, yay us Oh teaching that banks are such good. I mean you watch a commercial on a bank They'll tell you how much they're helping society and they love people. We're helping people find a home For three times the price it was worth. Oh, they never finished the sentence do they We're we're helping people save for the future by taking a percentage of their money away from them You know, it's like that's what bank that's how the banks promise it. You know, this is all all love And happiness and goodness teaching things which they ought not for filthy lucre's sake, you know, they should be getting up We're evil and satanic and gonna rip you off Who's who wants to sign up now? It's the fine print. They just don't yell it. Okay The fine print will tell you all the dirty details But they they make them so long and they just sign here just sign a couple times. Don't worry what that's saying It's just saying we're gonna take your soul You know, one of the worst people out there is the reverse mortgage people I hate the reverse mortgage people Because they're taking advantage of the elderly, too And and a lot of the elderly people they haven't they've lost their mind You know, you can find them at the white house and a lot of other places the geriatric unit In the whole office These people don't even know their name and they're signing up for these more forth They're taking and ripping out all their inheritance and stealing all this money from them And then they'll say oh they're just helping them preserve their home by stealing it from them by literally stealing instead of like I don't know them selling their house and moving in with their kids and not getting ripped off for the next 20 years They basically get signed up with some reverse mortgage guy who literally will repo their house and put them in the house in the you know community home That's what our society has turned into why because everybody's just greedy of filthy lucre And we have to stop the problem ourselves, okay now go if you went to leviticus chapter 19 go to chapter 19 The reason why I coupled these two is because they were coupled in the bible. I want to go visit the other one for a minute Because it's another Way of making money that's unjust It's a dirty way to make money is by smell by selling smut Okay, there's so many people selling smut today and it's just it's insane. How much this has grown Mostly because of the internet and the internet hey is a neutral thing, but the internet is being used for a lot of evil Um, I worked in software i've worked in software for over a decade and one of the first jobs I had I worked with someone who originally worked for an internet servicing company So they basically provided you internet. Okay, and they were like an alternative to a lot of the big big boy names You know, we think of like spectrum comcast at and t they were just a small local Supplier of internet and I remember talking with him about the issue this issue of smut being on the internet He said they would monitor their traffic And around 80 to 90 percent of all internet traffic is just pornography That's a that's a scary statistic That's sad. It's like you would think like hey the internet's a good thing, but 89 80 to 90 percent of it is that Just that that's the only reason people are even using it Now I think because of social media that would probably be a lot lower today Just because a lot of people are doing a lot more activity But you know, this was this was about 10 years ago 10 years ago we didn't really have the explosion of facebook and and some of the youtube and stuff so The vast majority of the internet usage was just that Now again, I think that the usage has increased only Because people are using the internet more i'm sure that statistic is probably lower. I have no idea. This was an anecdotal story But it's pretty sad It's pretty sad of what's really going on in reality And what's happening in our society is we are being destroyed because of this sin And I believe that we need to stand against it now the bible says in leviticus chapter 19 Look what it says in verse 29 do not prostitute thy daughter To cause her to be a whore this really stuck out to me because Notice it's saying to cause her to be a whore It's not that she's a whore You're causing her to be a whore. I don't think that young girls are whores I don't think that young ladies are whores. There could be an exception out there But the vast majority of women that become whores they were caused to become a whore By being prostituted out and the prostitution in many cases is not obvious It's just hey, we're going to drop you off at college and just see how it goes and by prostituting their daughter they ended up causing them to be a whore why because Young girls need things they need protection. They need emotional support. They need money They need someone to help them to guard them They need all these things and in a lot of ways for these young women The only way they feel like they're going to get this is by whoring themselves out to their boyfriend or to some man And some man will provide that for them when it should have been their father Their father should have been the man in their life providing them with the emotional support the money The security and just not letting them just go off and do whatever and be where because now you're causing her to be a whore You're causing her to go into that and once they go down that road, it's really hard to pull them back That's the really difficult, uh, you know aspect of this go if you went to genesis 34, I have a few verses on this that I want to look at here, but If we want to be honest and if we really want to solve the problem of pornography We have to recognize why it's happening and let me explain why pornography exists. It is a father problem It's it's only a father problem And you know, it's sad because a lot of men have understood this and in high school and college and everything They would even often try to target women or girls that would admit they have daddy issues Or they have an issue with their father or they have an absent father Why because they were more likely to become a whore or to go down that road and let me explain something You know, the reason why women become whores is because of their dad There could be an exception and I don't want to necessarily always say you couldn't have a bad seat But the vast majority of whoredom and the vast majority of girls going in this direction is because of a bad father It's because of the father's not taking responsibility for their daughters and the bible is literally even saying hey Don't prostitute thy daughter to cause there to be a whore lest the land fall to whoredom And you know what america has fallen to whoredom because fathers are allowing their daughters to prostitute themselves And in many cases, they're literally prostituting themselves in their physical presence I mean you just go to the mall today and there will be dads walking up and down The all of the area with their daughter dressed like a literal whore dressed like a literal harlot Dressed in a way that she would have been arrested 50 years ago in this nation And people are horrified and shocked by that, you know You couldn't just dress however you wanted in america in the 50s and in the 60s you couldn't wear that Uh, itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini, you know that whole song Is is basically talking about there was so much of a social stigma and even criminal law against it That this woman's afraid to be in a two-piece two-piece bikini But now it's a sports bra and it's fine, right? Now it's just whatever you want to call. I mean girls literally are just virtually just dressed naked everywhere in the presence of their father I mean You're causing the whole land to fall to whoredom And of course now women then they sell their bodies online For money because they feel like that's the only thing they can do Because you've already got them going down that road and they're just going to keep going down that road It's not that they're just inherently worse than other women or something It's you're pushing them in that direction They feel like they have no option and they end up going in that direction in many cases Now a lot of times they don't even have a desire to get into that But they they get damaged and as a result of getting damaged then they end up becoming a whore even more down the road Now, let's let's try to stop it at its root Here's a woman that I don't think's a whore but could very well go into that lifestyle and it's Dinah Jacob's daughter. How did she even get there? Genesis chapter 34 look at verse number one And Dinah the daughter of Leah which she bare unto Jacob went out to see the daughters of the land and when Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the country, saw her he took her and lay with her and defiled her Notice Dinah went out to what? See the daughters of the land. Dinah has no intention to become a whore Dinah has no intention of going in that direction, but she ends up going in that direction. Why? Because her dad wasn't around You know who wasn't with Dinah? Jacob He's not hanging out with her. He's just letting her just go out on the town And you know what if you fathers think you can just let your young daughters Just go out and do whatever they want you are literally setting them up to destroy themselves Don't do it. I saw someone. It's not even like a Fundamental Baptist or anything he said you know my daughter is going to go straight from my roof to her husband's roof with nothing in between and I was like how can even the secular world or these you know fake Christians figure this out and Even fundamental Baptist can't it's like the college and the dorm room and just letting girls Just go out and do whatever. It's destroying our country It's destroying our society and once they get defiled here's the problem Hamor is actually an honorable guy. He's considered the most honorable person in this town most guys are not like him Most guys as soon as they get this now They're done with her and then she just goes to the next relation next and then pretty soon now the sudden She's she has no options so now. She's just selling her body online Selling smut online getting tricked into this scam and when they get into this scam now It's hard for them to get out. This is the story of many young women today The dadder the dad is not present. Go over to Proverbs chapter 7. You'll see this is a common theme Proverbs chapter number 7 the dad's not present and It's just it's destroying our society. We need to ban Pornography in our society and not even make it available We need to make it a crime again, and you know it's so sad in many states in America It's illegal to to engage in prostitution like it's it's a criminal act But magically if there's a camera involved. It's all of a sudden legal isn't that insane? That's literally insane who's coming up with these loopholes. I wonder Jews that's who you know and of course if we banned interest and pornography Jews wouldn't have any way to make any money anymore In our society they're their purveyor They're the purveyors of a lot of this bill pretty much everything the Bible says not to do they're doing and making money on it all the vices Gambling casinos just all this kind of stuff, and they just want to they want to make everyone filthy and dirty like them They want you to go down into the sewers with them literally, and if you don't go they might just snatch your daughters and drag them in the tunnels with them anyways and You know you know how your daughter doesn't get snatched up. You're with her our world's getting dark people are getting Literally just taking advantage of and praise God you live in Texas because if you lived in Europe or in some of these really Democrat cities women are being snatched off the streets and droves and killed there was a young lady in Georgia recently who some migrant just snatched her off the road and Just did horrible things to her and then killed her young 22 year old girl who's involved in her church and She was trying to become like a nurse or something an a student in college Just just walking up down the street. You know what you know who wasn't there dad because he's off to college Don't just think oh, I'm just gonna send off Dinah and just see how it goes That never goes well the Bible makes it abundantly clear. It's the dad's problem The daughter whenever she's given in marriage, you know gets paid for the dowry the dad But you know what that dowry went away I wonder if it's because dad just kept shipping off their daughters and just not even caring anymore and none of them are virgin anymore And they haven't protected them anymore. They're not worth getting paid anyways because all the women have just become horrors, and they're selling their bodies online and You know oftentimes when it gets to that point. It's already too late And it's like a lot of a lot of Christians and a lot of people say like yeah, I've been in pornography Do you know what they won't do? They won't actually watch their daughters until they get married. Oh I'm against pornography. Well, if you're against pornography then make sure your daughter never leaves your sight until she has a ring finger on her hand How about that oh that sounds that's difficult that's hard I don't want to have to do that I'm not to pay your bills. Yeah, that's how you ban it When you literally stop the supply when you literally stop people from just having all these young women being out there and And being damaged goods and just having no real good option And they just fall victim to this system look what it says in Proverbs chapter 7 verse 7 It says and beheld among the simple ones I discerned among the use a young man void of understanding So this is a guy going out. He's stupid Verse 8 passing through the street near her corner, and he went the way to her house He runs into a woman now What kind of a woman it says in verse number? 9 in the twilight in the evening in the black and dark night and behold there met him a woman with the attire of a Harlot and subtle of heart so this woman's dressed like a whore But you know this is what's sad She is loud and stubborn her feet abide not her house now as she without now in the streets and lieth and wait at Every corner this sounds like America Just tons of women out on the street dressed like whores and no dad in sight No father in sight no husband in sight just whatever So she caught him and kissed him and with an impudent face said unto him I have peace offerings with me this day have I paid my vows Therefore came I forth to meet thee diligently to seek thy face And I have found thee I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestries carved works with fine linen of Egypt I have perfumed my bed with myrrh owls and cinnamon come let us take our fill of love until the morning let us Solace ourselves with loves here's the key verse for the Goodman is not at home None of this would have happened if the Goodman was home None of this would have happened if the Goodman was standing there and putting on a modest dress or skirt on this horse woman This horse woman's out there in the attire of a harlot out there seeking for tricks and you know what it's a shame because the Goodman is not at home and Why is it that we have such a pornography issue in our society is because the Goodman is not at home It's because while men slept the enemy is sowing tears amongst the wheat It's because men don't want to raise their daughters It's because men are allowing girls to go out and just make this industry boom Because if there wasn't any there wasn't any supply there wouldn't be any demand folks And let's just be honest about the demand factor here men are always in demand of this The problem wasn't like hey, let's stop men from wanting this Never had gonna happen. It's saying don't supply it It's basically like don't just put food outside and Expect that critters won't come it's like we got to solve the critter problem stop putting food outside You know you can't you can't just put food outside And then not expect all the night creatures to come and try to get it you have to basically stop the food You know my parents would always say if there's a stray cat never feed it because it'll keep coming back okay, and if the reality is you know the only way to really solve this problem is you have to you have To cut it off at the root, and we have to stop supplying it We need to stop having the ability to put it out there and as as a Christian society You know we us we need to stop supplying it a hundred percent. You know we're raising the next generation We're the ones bopping out babies have you seen the bulletin? So many precious little girls here What a shame and embarrassment if we have the same rate of girls going into prostitution and pornography is the world I? Mean all these precious little children But you know what it's gonna be because a dad Didn't watch his daughters didn't take care of his daughters didn't protect his daughters didn't provide for his daughters You know we need some real men to rise up and and help this problem and stop this problem And you know what there's even Politicians there's a guy in Oklahoma City Dusty Devers. He's a state senator. He's proposed a bill to ban pornography And I'm thinking like praise God That sounds great, you know he's a Baptist pastor Hey, praise God. There's actually a Baptist pastor out there. That's willing to ban pornography I hope he also watches his daughters to though I Hope he also encourages people to do that because the reality is this is probably never gonna happen It's another wolf where there's so much money There's another guy out there Solomon Friedman. I don't know if you know what religion he is Solomon Friedman is the owner of a company called ethical capital partners That sounds wonderful Ethical we're so ethical well, what's unique about ethical capital partners is they recently bought a new company They bought a company That owns 16 Websites and guess what they're all invested in adult entertainment in Fact they're the top they're the number one all this is the number one company for providing adult entertainment online Solomon Friedman and his company's part of this company Ethical capital partners who recently purchased this here's some interesting facts about Solomon freedom. He's an ordained rabbi You want to talk about someone that's guilty of filthy lucre you want to talk about someone That's going after unjust gain. It's the rabbi who literally owns the top porn sites in the world Think about that The number one company and this company doesn't own one site it owns top 16 in fact some argue the top six in all the top six are owned by the same company And it's this guy ethical capital partners What a wicked satanic evil person Now they have a business front website where you can learn about this ethical capital partners This is what they say about them They have like all these paragraphs talking about how wonderful the company is what is called ethics first investing So of course they're their ethics minded first folks. Okay. Here's a quote from their website We seek out investment opportunities and industries that require principled ethical leadership I Mean you invest in Smut and that is requires principled ethical leadership The this is insane folks the world that we live in But you know what it's always the same people Why do you think it the Bible says there's a synagogue of Satan and they do exactly the opposite of what the Bible says and It's like what are Jews mostly invested in Interest and pornography my friend you want to know who owns the banks you want to know who owns the money in this world You want to know who's putting out all the smut in this world it is Jews and is They are the minions of the devil it is Satan behind the curtain using his minions to try and pervert the minds and the hearts of our youth and They want Christians to fall into the trap of pornography and they want Christians phone the trap of interest and both will suck the life out of you and It has never been easier than 2024 to get to fall into one of these traps It is literally on every street corner on every website on Everywhere there's just businesses. Just trying to rip you off with interest There is an opportunity to look at smut at the drop of a finger and let me tell you something We need to protect our children from these evil traps They will destroy them. They will destroy everyone and You know the reality is you're never going to crush demand for these products We have to as men try to create boundaries and try to prevent our youth From getting taken advantage of these areas and let me tell you something children are too foolish and too stupid To guard themselves you as a parent you have to protect them on these issues Protect them from the internet protect them from a lot of these evils don't let them get sucked in I mean how many children are going to college and what are the two things that they leave college with? student loans and an STD list I Mean think I mean think about it young men are going to college, and they're just getting just totally in debt and interest and You know they have a big problem in this area usually as well why because they don't have any boundaries you know I'm even for keeping your sons at home and Protecting them and guarding them and not letting them down this road You know we as men need to make sure that we are The gatekeepers of our household, and we have to try our best to prevent this as much as possible It's probably impossible to escape it Completely, but can we at least limit it can we can we at least just be realistic about the threat? That's out there. Can we at least do the best that we can for ourselves, and you know probably almost every Person has fallen victim of both of these many times just because it's the reality It's what's going on there, but just think of a Jew laughing every time you do it, and maybe that'll help you Because it's literally a Jew behind the curtain doing all this stuff go if you want to go one more place go to Leviticus 20, okay, and You know Just like anything Sin is not trying to necessarily show you where they really want to take you at first They just they just kind of want to get you Like in the water and then eventually they'll suck you to somewhere you never wanted to be And that is how pornography is where they just want to kind of get you enticed with something And then they just want to take you to the weirdest most disgusting filthy Places imaginable okay, and it's called Leviticus 20 Leviticus 20 is literally what's happening in our country right now and Through this industry and it needs to be banned I mean it's insane when you read this chapter, and you're thinking like why are people doing this or why are we allowing this? It's like that's what's happening in the pornography industry in our country now Leviticus chapter 20 look at verse 10 and The man that committed adultery with another man's wife even he that committed adultery with his neighbor's wife the adulterer and the adulterer She'll surely be put to death This is now being promoted by people like sneeko Online who literally has men commit adultery with his wife and puts it on the internet I? I Mean that's the and then now it's like in popular culture where people are constantly talking about this and Constantly bringing this up like this should be the death penalty Sneaker's wife and that person should be put to death according to God's law not giving him lots of money I mean this guy is literally making millions of dollars by pimping out his wife And the worst thing about it is the Goodman is at home the Goodman is at home, and he's doing that look at verse 11 and The man that lieth with his father's wife Hath uncovered his father's nakedness both of them shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them and if a man Lie with his daughter-in-law both of them so surely with the death they have wrought confusion their blood shall be upon them Incest and look there's a lot of incest in this chapter I don't want to read all it's so gross, but a lot of that is happening in our society through this wickedness and What happens next verse 13 if a man also lie with mankind is he lies a woman both of them have committed an abomination There they they shall surely put the death their blood shall be upon them. That is a major component of pornography the LGBT community is Majorly involved in this industry, and they're putting it out there and in fact a lot of people are arguing You know these Jews and a lot of these individuals They're arguing that that's their goal is to get as many people involved in this But they slowly get them involved and the normal stuff so they can take them to the perverted route eventually And they can drag them down now of course we understand that someone who's saved can't go that far But think about how many people are not saved and they're just going into the normal stuff How close they're getting they're tempting fate on these issues and getting confused how many? Teenagers and young people are being told that they're this something that they're not and then getting sucked into this stuff and messed up on this stuff There's so many teenagers and college students today that are struggling with this because their dad won't shut it off He won't shut it off for himself And he won't shut it off for the kids and he's not taking control of the household And he's just destroying our country today and Some Jew is out there. Just destroying our country literally like the parasite. He is and Ethical it's ethical capital standards. We're so ethical look at verse 14 and If a man take a wife and her mother it is wickedness They shall be burnt with fire Both he and they that there be no wickedness among you this this is what we should have as laws You know verse 15 and if a man lie with a beast he shall surely with the death and he shall slay the beast You know this stuff I remember as a kid reading this chapter in the Bible and just thinking like why do we even need to say these things? Like this stuff doesn't even like this doesn't even seem real The sad reality is this is happening in America all the time. And you know what? Of course it happened in Canaan Look at verse 23 I'm not gonna read the rest of it. You can read it later You want to hurt inside verse 23 and he shall not walk in the manners of the nation Which I cast out before you for they committed all these things and Therefore I abhorred them God abhors America right now God is so angry in our country. God is saying here is the worst things Imaginable and here is a nation that was doing them. Here's a nation that was allowing them. Here's a nation that was Excusing it and turning a blind eye to it You know when you read Leviticus chapter 20th the very beginning of the chapter It's saying hey when you turn a blind eye to this stuff I'm gonna hold you guilty for it And you know what God is looking down at America and he's so angry at the wicked sins that we have He's so mad at the evil sins that we have and it would not surprise me if we are that end times Babylon That the Bible talks about and we're just like Canaan where God's just allowing the wrath to come to the full and then he's gonna pour Out extreme vengeance on our nation, but you know what as God's people we don't have to get into these traps You know, I would love for us to actually have a senator that would propose a bill to ban interests in pornography That guy has to be brave But it probably won't happen Now I'm all for it. I'll still support it. You know, let's go team. Hey, I'm for dusty Devers pray for him in Oklahoma Just even trying to ban pornography probably not happen But but let me say something at least just raising the issue causes a few people to say hey Maybe I need to make a change in my life Maybe I need to not have as much interest You know, it's almost as inescapable with mortgages, but you don't have to necessarily buy, you know gum on interest Stop, okay Because you know, they'll stop offering you credit cards to buy gum on interest. Would you stop signing up for them? right Stop getting taken advantage of through interest and you know what stop letting the smut Come into your lives Stop letting daughters go out of your sight and get involved in all this sin and evil and wickedness And you know when people bring this stuff up we need to shame them again You know, it's sad the site OnlyFans has become so popular now It has two hundred and thirty million users That's a lot of people 3.1 million creators and In 2020 it grossed 2 billion it makes more money than almost every other content like creator content site combined It's disgusting, you know, it's you know, it's really interesting about OnlyFans. I think it was in 2021 They were going to ban pornography on their site It came out If you don't believe me you look it up OnlyFans literally said hey, we're we don't like the reputation we've gotten We're gonna ban pornography on our site And then all of a sudden it changed the CEO left and then Solomon freedom bought it ethical capital partners Hey, what religion is, you know triumphing in America right now Christianity or The synagogue of Satan that's a shame. That's an embarrassment. You know, there was enough pressure and enough You know morality and someone to say like hey, I need to shut this thing down But then he what he sold out And just sold it to Solomon Sold it to Friedman. Hey, you know Solomon. It's interesting that guy's name. So Solomon seemed to have a problem this area too, didn't he? I'm telling you, you know, there's a serious issue a spiritual issue in our inner situ in our country right now and we need to take charge as leaders and set the right example and talk about these things and Expose these things and you know, we need to protect our children It's a it's a dark world if you give your children unfettered access to the internet you're an idiot You should be monitoring and you know, even just as men you should allow you know your wife to look at your phone and computer whenever they want and however they want and You know, we need to just stop letting the Jews destroy us I mean they they're not in it You know the agendas that they're pushing through both of these things are so evil I don't want to get into the details of it but it's just what they're trying to do to our society is so bad and they're trying to get people into the worst sins imaginable through these vices and we need to try and shut off the valve and Get control of them and even if we can't ban it as a state Let's just try to ban it in our own personal lives Let's try to get rid of it. All right, let's close in prayer Thank Heavenly Father so much for giving us righteous and holy laws Thank you for helping us, you know, even deal with dirty and gross subjects I pray that you would just give us strength as Christian men to resist the flesh and To not fall victim a lot of the traps that are out there I pray that we'd have the the fortitude and the wisdom to avoid a lot of the evils that are out there and I pray that you would give a strong desire in the hearts of men to protect their daughters and to protect their sons and They would help us to avoid these evils that are out there and if possible, you know I pray you just wake a lot of people up to what's really going on in our nation and And maybe we could have a revival of people recognizing the evils that are there But let us first begin at the house of God in Jesus name we pray amen For Our final song let's sing song 56 when we all get to heaven Song 56 when we all get to heaven Song five six, let's sing it out when we all get to heaven His grace in the mansions bright and blessed He'll prepare for us a place when we all Oh Wow Oh Oh Right The victory great singing. Thank you all for coming. God bless