(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Commandment number 10 in our Ten Commandments series and the commandment of course is thou shalt not covet thou shall not covet You know covetousness is one of these things. I remember just growing up as a Christian in church listening to things that coverage I just for in my mind. I never really understood what covetous really meant and I sometimes I talk to my friends who was you know Christian the church, and you know we would try to define it some extent But we really kind of we didn't really know what does it really mean like you know? Sometimes you look at someone's car They might have a really nice car, and if you just pay the car a compliment say hey That's a nice car that you've got there is that covetousness Always covetousness to say well hey, that's a that's a nice car You know I'd hope to have that car one day my own life You know that'd be something nice to drive my own life is that covetousness You know it's a question that I kind of guess that's you know when you read the Bible you see another sin That's mentioned in the Bible is envy go envy You know that's kind of similar isn't it you kind of looking at someone else And you're looking at what they've had it have or you become envious And I don't know if you've had these questions at times are you know I remember kind of growing up and not having the answers Not fully understanding what this was all about and you know I hope as we as we go for this sermon today that you start To draw in a better understanding of what covetousness is now We're reading there in Exodus 18, and we've got the very famous story of Moses, and he's been overwhelmed You know he's got the whole nation He's delivered Israel out of Egypt not only is he serving as he were a pastor being a spiritual leader for the people of Israel But he's also serving as a man one-man government over the entire nation You know any issues any problems any conflicts right we the people of the land It's all being brought to Moses to be the judge in the situation. He's been overwhelmed You know it's estimated that was roughly two to three million people you know something around that number of Israelites that were that came out of Egypt and For all of their problems being given to to Moses to deal with obviously it's it's overwhelming so he receives this really good counts really good advice from his father-in-law Jephra, and He's commanded to hey why don't you have people under you and then people under them have people under them have Have people of authority under you and under you they have different levels of authority And so when there's a smaller matter to be dealt with Let that you know be brought to the first level of Government or authority of judgment, and then if they can't deal with that situation Let that be brought forward to the next level and so the things that only come to you most are only the things that extremely difficult extremely complex Maybe things that you have to go to the Lord God about and inquire of him and so then you'll have to you know You won't be dealing with every little fire every little thing that takes you up your time And you'll only be dealing with a larger issue This is good advice, and so Moses does this and we look at the instructions here in Exodus 18 verse number 19 When Moses is to choose which men are going to help him in government. This is what he decides It says here in verse 19 harken now unto my voice I will give thee counsel and God shall be with thee for be thou for the people of Godward that thou mayest bring the cause the causes unto God and Thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws and shall show them the way wherein they must walk and the work that they must do Moreover thou shalt provide of this out of all the people able men such as fear God So let's start there. You know if you want to be put into a position of authority You want to be used by God you know you're going to take you're going to have people under you Maybe you want to be a pastor you want to be a deacon one day you want to start a church one day? You want to be an evangelist or you know any kind of position that you may take of authority over people? Here are some really good things qualities that you need to have in your life number one. You're to fear God the next one is men of truth Okay, you're not someone that is lying bearing false witness you speak the truth you stand on the truth, but notice the next criteria hating covetousness Hating Covetousness brethren we're all covetous to some extent You know we all desire something that belongs to another person it happens in life doesn't it you look at what others have you go? I mean that'd be nice. I wish I could have that you know and and you know but look if you want to be used by God in a mighty way you want to become a pastor one day you have to learn how to hate Covetousness and so I had a desire You know my early 20s to be a pastor And I had a look at this and I said man I'm gonna be someone that hates covetousness, and I realized no I'm actually quite a covetous person You know I went on when I thought about my teenage years I look at my early 20s mid 20s even late 20s I could see the sin of covetousness in my heart You know I remember you know maybe when I was 18, and you know I was struggling to find someone or 19 or 20 You know well actually not met Christina wasn't when I was 18 anyway, but I remember just being young and just going hey You know what my friends. They've got girlfriends You know they might have a future They might have a few just spouse there that they're dating and and what about me lord. You know it'd be nice to have one Praise God I was given Christina But you know even after I got married and I had a few kids oh no actually before I had a few kids Let me get my timing right you know I you know the the big push that happens Upon Australians is to be a homeowner own a house You know and you've reached the Australian dream if you just have you and you know what I just looked at my income I looked at my bank account said Lord How am I ever going to afford a house and I drive through the streets of Sydney? It's a big city right the biggest city in Australia you drive through that city You'd see all these houses all these homeowners. You go man. It'd be nice to be one of these people Lord Why can't I be a homeowner Lord? Why can't and you know these are just different things that are in your heart now look is there anything wrong with desire in a wife? Is there anything wrong with designer has to live and of course you know these things in of themselves are not a Horrible things in fact they're good things to have aren't they? And I'm just you know I'd look at my life and sometimes I look at what others would have you know what whatever it was you know positions in the workplace or You know certain success, and I'll be like man. I I wish I had that I wish that was me actually And you know and again Covetousness is such an easy sin to sort of fall into and you don't realize just how bad it is Alright, and so anyway. I realize man if I want to be a pastor one day You know I've got to learn I'm going to learn to stop being covetous In fact not just not be covetous, but I'm going to learn how to hate Covetousness and go this is horrible. This is wicked Why are we to hate such a thing? Let's keep going that says and place such over them to be rulers of thousands and rulers of hundreds rulers of fifties and rulers of ten tens You want to be promoted you want to be given a position of authority? Let me encourage you you know the topic for the sermons the sermon that the title for the sermon tonight of course is thou Shall not covet thou shall not cover it you need to not just not cover it you got to learn how to hate Covetousness hate this desire that comes upon your heart to have the things that belong to others now if you can please turn to Deuteronomy actually no let's go to one of the passage. Let's go to Psalm chapter 10 Let's go to Psalm chapter 10 and verse number 3 Psalm chapter 10 in verse number 3 You say why should a leader especially a religious leader? Why should they be someone that hates covetousness? Okay, well look at Psalm 10 Psalm 10 in verse number 3 Psalm 10 and verse number 3. I want you to absorb this psalm You know this is how God feels about covetousness in Psalm 10 verse 3 It says for the wicked boastive of his heart's desire Then it says this and blesseth the covetous whom the Lord abhorth What Thou shall not covet You know what if you are covetous the Bible says the Lord abhorth that man Abhorth, you know we think about God's hatred and many churches. They don't like to preach about God's hatred But what is worse like what is stronger? I should say hating or Abhorring something of course to abhor is an extreme form of hatred You know not just a hate, but to be disgusted by it That's what that's how God feels about the covetous You know if you're looking at what other have and say you know what I want that for myself Lord why you know what they have it. Why can't I have this Lord? You know what the Lord abhors that? He abhors it and look not just that for the wicked boastive of his heart's desire You can see that covetousness is about desire. It's a wicked desire Why is it wicked? Why is it wicked? I just want to show you just how God hates it God hates this sin. Okay abhors this sin I'm going to quickly read to you from Romans 7 7 Romans 7 7 it says What shall we say then is the law sin God forbid nay? I had not known sin but by the law For I had not known lust Except the law had said thou shalt not covet The Apostle Paul says you know there were things that I lusted for is my desire And then when I saw in God's law this commandment thou shall not covet. He realized oh, man I've been covet in I've been covetous because I've had lust So as you read for your Bible when you read about lust desire and Covetousness, it's pretty much one and the same thing Okay, so if you're struggling to find verse about covetousness just look for lust or desire Okay, and you start to see that it's all just different ways of saying the same thing okay. What you lust for You know and you know what I want to clarify a few things and what and I will in a moment But I went to now turn to Deuteronomy Please turn to the book of Deuteronomy chapter 5 go to Deuteronomy chapter 5. Please Deuteronomy chapter 5 Because again you ask the question what is it wrong pastor to desire certain things and not in of themselves necessarily But one thing that I learned as I read through the Bible started to understand You know that there are certain things that God wills in our life You know and when it comes to the majority of people You know God desires that you would find a spouse and get married for the vast majority Okay, and so then to turn around say well Lord. I would like a wife is that a sin No, because you see one of the things that we're trying to do as Christians is we're trying to align our will with God's will Alright, and if we're aligned with God's will then it's not sin obviously You say you know I'd like to find a job Right is that covered just well no because you know men God wants you to work God wants you to put your hands and labor and take care of your needs and provide for your family This is not covetousness obviously there, so what I'm trying to say is if you desire certain things within God's will Obviously it's not a sin Obviously it's not a sin alright, but covetousness really it boils down We're gonna look at this in a moment it boils down to desiring what belongs to someone else Someone else has that and you want it because that someone else has it okay? What is envy? Envy is kind of similar You look at what other people have and you wish you kind of were that person you had that But envy has more to do not so much with what they have But your negative feelings toward the person that has those things Right like your neighbor might have a bigger house than you and you go man. I wish I had that house You know you don't have your feelings towards your neighbor You just kind of and it'd be nice to have that for myself You know that they may well be Covetousness that's coming out of the last for that okay, but when you start to you know what I'm gonna You know it's not right for my neighbor to have that house I don't like him you know and you start to mistreat that person You know you have negative feelings that is envy because you're basically saying to yourself. I wish I was more like that person Because of what they have and so covetous has more to do with the possessions and Envy has to do more with the person that has that possess those possessions All right, but one thing again if it's aligned with God's will it is not covetousness Okay, it is not covetousness the other thing is Your neighbor might have a two a double-story house a big house. That's a nice house Now you pay compliments say this nice house you meet your neighbor. Hey, man. You've done a great job You're in your house or whatever it is obviously that's not covetousness. You know you you find in pleasure No, that's quite nice, but not necessarily the same taken to the view well You know that ought to be mine. I wish I had that obviously that is not sin Okay, paying someone a compliment about something. You know there's a lot of people that drive nice cars Sometimes I get asked a question by people. I've got this nice car You know is it right for me as a Christian? You know it's not just a you know it's not just some he on day or some Toyota Alright, so I'm not something ice all right It's like you know is it right for me to as a Christian to have this nice car And I just my simple view is look you've worked hard. You've bought it. Hey praise. God. Thank God Appreciate what God has for you has done for you You know be thankful make sure your heart is toward the Lord God and hold on to the car if it gives you enjoyment praise God Don't be a show-off around you know don't be like don't thumb your nose down at people that have some beat-up little car You know, but just say praise God for what you have it's fine Alright, and I can also make that's a nice car you got there brother, but really I have you know in my heart I'm not this car person like I know a lot of people really like certain car I'm not that kind of person, but I can appreciate a nice car. Hey that looks nice. Hey those little seats They're comfortable alright. Hey the automatic warming or something like that when you sit in a that's nice You know you can paint compliments, but I don't really want the car You know obviously that is not a sin that is not coverage this if you're able to just hey That's praise God you know praise God that it was able to give you something nice You know obviously that is not a sin in of itself Now look at due to me chapter 5. Do you try me to have the five you don't forget? Do you have the five is a retelling of the Ten Commandments? And this is for the next generation the next generation that would go into the promised land And I want you to see how it's quoted here in due to me chapter 5 or someone 21. It says neither shout out desire Thy neighbor's wife now in Exodus 20 It's format covetousness so again you see desire Being brought up in as a word that basically covers the same topic as covetousness, okay But notice that shall not desire thy neighbor's wife Is there anything wrong with desiring a wife or a husband is there anything wrong with desiring to get married of? Course not the sin is desiring your neighbor's wife She belongs to him all right She you know yeah, that is a sin she belongs to another person you say I want that wife How come she he got to marry such a nice beautiful wife? I want that wife for myself That's wicked That's covetousness Nothing wrong with haven't wanted a wife, but listen once that lady's been taken. She's taken she belongs to another man Let's keep going in neither shut out cover thy neighbor's house Hey neighbor he's got the house. I want the house for myself. No that's covetousness You see we're talking about what belongs to someone else what belongs to your neighbor? Neighbor's house his feud or his manservant or his maidservant his ox or his ass Look at this or anything that is thy neighbors or anything that is thy neighbors Brethren I'm sure we all have some level of nice things I'm sure there are some things that I have a night that are nicer than yours I'm sure you've got some things that are nicer than mine. You know praise God just praise God You know we should not take the attitude and say well. You know I need that that's that I want that See the problem with covetousness forever at the end of the day what it really really boils down to Why is this such a major sin? Why does God abhor it? Because when you're desiring what belongs to another You'll lose in contentment with what God has given you God has given you nice things God has given you nice things. I mean I'm blown away by the Sunshine Coast Honestly, I am like I feel like man. I'm on holidays every single day Yeah, it's like you know. It's like the best place on the earth. I mean it's the best place best place I've ever seen I'm not joking. I'm not just saying I really believe the Sunshine Coast is most beautiful place I've ever seen on the earth Okay, and look God's allowed us to live here All right praise God you may not have much more But praise God every day you can wake up in a place that has great weather great scenery. You know a great great location You know fresh air You know you know you're not being hammered by the traffic or sometimes you are well You know not that much in compared to some other big cities people here are generally nice Honestly people here generally nicer than in the big cities There's a lot going for this place. You know, but what do we do we turn around say God? Thank you God, thank you for allowing me to live on the Sunshine Coast All right, and and and God wants us to be content with what he's given us He's given your family be happy with the family God has given you if he's given your spouse be happy with the spouse that he's given you If it's given you a job be happy with the job that he's given you be content God has given it to you, and then God has given other things to other people When you turn around say I want that what belongs to another You're saying God you're not just God. I'm not happy with what you've given me God You shouldn't have given it to that neighbor because I want it for myself. I Mean you're basically slapping the Lord in the face By not being thankful with what he's given you that is really at the that's what blows that That's a problem with it would cover just us you won't be happy. You won't be happy in life And we're going through the Ecclesiastes series aren't we King Solomon had it all he was cover chest He wanted all he wanted to try everything all the experiences, and then he turns around says it's all vanity It's all vanity. Why because he was not content. He was not thankful to God for what he had You know what you can amass more and more and more. I want this. I want that I want that you won't be happy in life Covertiousness desire lust things that belong to another Now as we keep going for the sermon what I like about due to only 521 is we've got some great things that we can Build from there okay, so the first thing we're going to be looking at neither shut out I'm sorry neither shut I desire that night thy neighbor's wife Let's start there, and then we're going to look at neither shut that cover at thy neighbor's house or field man So it means that we'll keep going like that. I think I think the verse is perfect We can use that as a platform to continue on this sermon Now what I want to do is please turn to Hebrews 13 turn to Hebrews 13 and verse number 4 Hebrews 13 and verse number 4 Hebrews 13 and verse number 4 I'll give everyone a moment to turn there Hebrews 13 and verse number 4 So we should not cover our neighbor's wife, you know When you're young you know when when you've gone through puberty, and you're a teenager You know you start to develop crushes on people. You know sometimes I kind of like that girl that girl might so I kind of like that boy, and then you kind of get teased Whatever it is right like it's just normal its feelings You know emotions hormones all that kind of stuff you know and you know it's normal because at some point You know you're developing to that point where you're going to be like I want to get married one day You know I want to start a family one day. These are all good. These are all good things you're right But sometimes you know you can desire someone when you're young and you have a crush on that person And then you go your own separate ways And then you know you jump on something like Facebook And you might you might be married at that stage, and you'll be like you know I'm curious to see what? My my you know high school crush is up to is she married Look you're going too far at that point. You know one thing that you need to understand and like you know that part of Of growing up is kind of fun right those feelings And you know kind of like that person and the way ask them out And you know can this be my spouse kind of exciting times though Yes, listen once you're married That's finished. It's done, or if your crush is married. It's done. Don't chase them Don't worry about them. They've got their own lives Okay, see we all grow up right we all grow up And and there's a time for everything But the time to to look for the spout that there's a time for that once you're married It's all over you know you need to find contentment and joy in the wife that God has given you Although or the husband that God has given you you don't start looking okay. That's that's in the past. That's childhood That's growing up all right. That's that part is over in your life And I say that because when we look at Hebrews 13 verse number four the Bible says marriage is honorable in all Marriage is honorable in all okay. We're talking about unsaved saved. It doesn't matter marriage is a great institution Family is something God intends You guys know I'm a family man all right I preach a lot about family because I know not just because I like it, but because the Bible is full of this It's like one of the main most important things that God has given mankind It's the very first thing when he created Adam and Eve on day number six they were married on day number six And then they'll instruct to be fruitful and multiply Hey have children like have a family God knows these are important things that we naturally desire It's going to give us contentment, but it's honorable in all and the bed undefiled but Hormongers and adulterers God will judge You know especially for our younger people when you have a design you say man. I want to date this person I want to go out, and you maybe go out with them or whatever. I'm not against that that's that's great You know but your mindset ought to be when you go on a date is You know is this someone that I can marry Because marriage is honorable Okay, the bed is undefiled in this institution So that's what you ought to be aiming for that's your goal. Is this someone that I can marry Girls don't date some bum who is without work All right, I remember when I was um I was in year seven so I was like 12 I guess I was around 12 years old all right And I was in school, and I had some girls come up to me and says hey We want you to know that our friend over there likes you And I'm kind of thinking to myself. I'm 12 years old Well, I know what school is like. I know boyfriends and girlfriend. I'm like but I Can't I can't marry you. I haven't got a job. I can't look after you I'm not interested in you right now, or you know I don't know if I will ever will be I just think how foolish You know but and it is you know I mean again those feelings are there. It's all natural It's all part of growing up, but you know I'm talking to the girls don't marry a bum Make sure the guy that I'm going to date is working a job. He's got a permanent position Okay, he's serious about making sure that he one day can provide for me. Okay. That's the person you date And that he's saved of course. That's without saying okay. That is a saved individual Alright, because that's the goal Otherwise you're going to fall into the temptation where it says, but whoremongers and adulterous. God will judge You know desire someone that is not right for you Someone that's not interested in Taking you as a wife or or having you as a husband They're only interested in one thing and there's great judgments that comes from God if you defile this Beautiful thing that God has created for your life marriage Okay, now notice verse number five in context of this let your conversation that's your behavior let your conversation be without covetousness and Be content you see that without covetousness Rather instead of covetousness be content with such things as ye have For he have said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee What is the opposite of coverage less? contentment Don't be covetous be content if you're single You know and it's taking you time to find the right person be content in being single Nothing wrong with the desire to get married, but say hey Lord right now. I just I'm not finding someone Lord please help me cross paths with someone that I can marry Okay, you say well pastor. We don't have too many young people in our church We don't look even if our church had a hundred young people okay. It doesn't matter marriage is between one and one Just have to find one person What are we in this world right now? Is it eight eight billion seven billion? I have no idea Just one just one okay. They say well. They're not saying well get him saved then Preach the gospel and that's what I did preach the gospel to Christina. She got saved then we got married All right, but listen contentment be content if you're single you can't find someone you're looking at other people With their boyfriends and girlfriends don't be I wish I want that but no We can learn to be content You know one thing that I really learnt in life And I told you because I was covetous when I was a teenager my early 20s. I learned when I'm content God gives me more It's true when you're content with what God has given you he gives you more Lord you know when I was young I'd say Lord. I wish I had a better job I feel like I'm stuck in a dead-end job Lord Then I started to learn hold on no. I'm gonna serve Christ. I'm gonna be content. We've got what God has given me And then I was content in my dead-end job, then what happened. I got promoted It's like oh Lord. Okay. Look the lesson. I had to be happy first with what you've given me You know I guess Lord if you don't want me to find a wife. I'm I'm just gonna be happy I'm gonna be in church. I'm gonna do the best I can to serve you and then what happened. Oh, here's your wife You've learned to be content instead of covetous every single time Lord I really want this house, and then I got to a point where say Lord You know what if you want me to rest rent for the rest of my life. I'll be happy doing that I'm a month later. Here's your house It's strange so like it's sort of you know again these things. You know themselves. They're not wrong But you need to learn contentment Thank you Lord for what you've given me even if it's a little bit And you'll find once your heart is content you're satisfied You're joyful with what God has given you then don't be surprised when God turns around says well He's here's what you actually wanted before, but now you've learned the lesson now. You're happy now You're thankful with what I've given you here it is Okay, be content again Don't forget this follows verse number four marriage is honorable in all in all and the better defile about whoremongers and adulterers God will judge You know and I've already preached against adultery, but again be content in your marriage If you're not if you don't learn contentment in your marriage, you know what's gonna. It's gonna lead to adultery If you're not content with your spouse, it'll lead you to start looking at other people and so I want someone else Destroy your marriage it will destroy marriage It'll destroy your children Okay, it'll make you someone that people will know this is an untrustworthy person Okay So I've already preached about you know That I shall not commit adultery, but again just the fact that the neighbor's wife is mentioned again You know please learn to be content. You're single be content right now as a single person Okay, at least I don't have the responsibilities of a spouse right now You know there are there as a single person you have the time to work on yourself and prepare yourself for marriage And then when you get married be content with what the person that you said I do to I? When you say I do that's it. That's the person for your life be content be happy be satisfied with who God has given you The next thing that was mentioned was your neighbor's house Right neither shall that desire that our neighbor's wife neither shut out the back show not a shadow covered by neighbors house Now can you please turn to Hebrews 11 Hebrews 11? Thy neighbor's house And Again you know the Australian dream right you've got to be a homeowner. It's a lot of rubbish Honestly, it's a lot of rubbish Okay, and what I really want to think about this person here in Hebrews 11 verse number 9 we're talking about Abraham and Abraham was a very rich man a very wealthy man Okay, a very godly man a man who feared the Lord knows that you know he's known as the father of faith You know it says here in Hebrews 11 verse 9 Hebrews 11 verse 9 by faith He's sojourned in the land of promise know the Lord God promised Abraham a land the land of Canaan and Abraham he sojourned that land he he went to that land he looked at the land He goes okay. This is the land that God has promised me and to my seed which we know is Christ But then look what he does he goes in the land of promise as in a strange country To him this land was strange Because it's not really home Is his attitude all right he goes look dwelling in tabernacles? With Isaac and Jacob the heirs with him of the same promise You know what Abraham was not interested in building a house Even on land that God had promised him He did not find the local builder He did not find brother. You're a builder you work for a building company. He did not look for that company right go hey You know Who's the best builder? I've got here. I want a good quality house. God has promised me this land You know we're gonna build something strong and solid know you know what he's satisfied living in tabernacles basically intense With his child and with his grandchild, okay, and this was the same thing with Isaac and Jacob The heirs of him of the same promise say why? You know I mean you've given our land surely Abraham you want to build a house Don't you know the Australian dream? Owning your own house Abraham Look at his attitude verse number 10 for he looked for a city He goes a house is not good enough. I want a whole city. That's what Abraham's heart was one house No, I want a city. What city a city which have foundations whose builder and maker is God He goes I don't want man to build me a house. I'd rather go to the city that God is building Okay, that's where I want to live for return. This is all strange to me. I'm just so journey I'm content to just live in a tent Even though God has promised him that land He says no, you know what I want the master builder I don't want a building built by man man. You know they make mistakes when they tell the house It's not gonna be straight And you know they're gonna cut corners, and we're gonna end up living in some you know low quality house And yeah, I want God to build my house in fact. I want God to build the city that I'm going to live in Abraham had eternity on mind that was more important to him than lands and houses on this earth Okay, and that's why I say to you. You know if this is the father of faith You know often with some that way of that same faith. We're we're given the same promises This land is also promised to Christ and if you're in Christ this land is promised to you as well I assume we're gonna get a chunk of it in the millennium not sure exactly how it all works Okay, but I just want to show you the heart of a good godly man Okay, the father of faith, and it's as ours. You know what it's tense good enough for me a Tense good enough for me my heart is on God building me a city Okay, and that's where we ought to be brother that city of course is New Jerusalem that city of course is when Christ after Christ Rules for a thousand years and God creates the new heaven and the new earth that city will descend To this earth that's the city of the streets of gold That's the city with mansions all of you that are saved will have a place that has been prepared by Jesus Christ Christ himself building these houses for you. That's the best beauty you can get Jesus Christ Jesus says in John 14 verse 1 let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me in My father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I Go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you may be also Not just this city, but a place that we can be with Christ Also, we were gonna walk out of our mansions one day walk the streets. Oh hi Jesus We're with the Lord God we were the saints of God for all eternity That's the heart of Abraham. He was not overwhelmed or concerned about his house on the earth Now again is there anything wrong with a house of course not in of itself all right? But let's not be people that look at our neighbor's house and say I want that's what I want for myself You know what if God has it for you to rent for the rest of your life. What's the answer? Be content be content You know if God allows you to be a homeowner be content Be content with what and when you're content well God will give you more trust me it happens I've seen it so often in my life. You just learn to be happy with what God has given you Instead of whining and complaining and desiring what other people have God steps in his supernatural. He does amazing things It makes impossible possible Okay, but he just wants to make sure your heart is not on carnal treasures on this earth make sure that your heart is on On on the new heaven your heart is laying up treasures in heaven. That's what God wants your priority to be okay So let's not be someone that desires your neighbor's house Well you're gonna look at the double-story house go man. I want to add a story to my house Wonder what renovation is gonna cost because my neighbors got it But then if you're that neighbor, and they've got the double-story house in Malaney you know they're saying man It'd be nice to have a house on the coast Right next to the beach. That'd be nice. You know and then the person that's living house on the beach You know they're saying to themselves Man, it'd be nice to have just like the other people there nice to have a holiday house in Thailand and a holiday house In New York and the holiday house in Los Angeles People are never happy is what I'm trying to tell you doesn't matter what they've got It's always when their hearts on earthly things on earthly treasures. It's what I want more No contentment. No joy. You're better off. Just having nothing and being happy The next thing that's mentioned brethren is your neighbor's field covets in your neighbor's field Now when I think about the neighbor's field my immediate thought goes to this story in first Kings 21 if you can turn there, please go to first Kings 21 and verse number one First Kings 21 in verse 1 I'm still a little bit congested so apologies for that But first Kings 21 in verse number one We had the story of King Ahab Okay, and it says here in first Kings 21 verse 1 it came to pass after these things that Naboth the Jezreelites had a vineyard which was in Jezreel hard by the palace of Ahab king of Samaria So this is we're talking about Naboth he owns the vineyard and then King Ahab He is the king of Israel and they have spake unto Naboth saying give me thy vineyard That I may have habit for God for a garden of herbs Because it is near to my house You notice this he says and I will give thee for it a better vineyard than it For it seemed good to thee I will give thee the worth so or if it seemed good to thee I will give thee the worth of it in money He goes look Naboth. I like your vineyard. You know what and what we can do we can trade vineyards I've got you got a better vineyard than yours Doesn't make you scratch your head a little bit. I don't King Ahab. You've got a better vineyard Why aren't you content with a better vineyard you've got? It says no because this one's closer this one's closer to the palace He's not happy he's the king He's got riches. He's got power. I'm sure he's got several vineyards. I'm sure he's got several houses But he goes I want that one though. It's closer to the palace That's what covetous leads to a lack of contentment. You've got so much King, but you want what Naboth has Because it's closer You Know so what happens? First number three Naboth said unto Ahab the Lord forbid at me that I should give the inheritance of my father's unto thee You know if you know your bibles You know that God has made it and give you instructions for certain tribes have pieces of land and within those tribes of families We're to inherit land and pass it down to their children so obviously King Nate at sorry Naboth You know he's trying to follow God's laws He understands the importance of the land, and he wants to make sure it stays in the family line It's not something that he can sell off. It's not something that he's looking to get something better off Look what cover just leads to verse number four and Ahab came into his house heavy and displeased Because of the word which Naboth the Jesuit light had spoken to him For he had said I will not give thee the inheritance of my father's and he laid him down upon his bed and turned away His face and would eat no bread That's a covetous man He's not content with his power with his riches with his lands. He doesn't get this one piece of land He comes home, and he moans and and I'm not hungry goes to bed. It just turns around leave me alone What a whiner what a complainer what an ungrateful jerk What's his problem? covetousness Desiring his neighbor's vineyard when he's got a better vineyard already It blows the mind, but we read these stories and we can be like this You can be given things and go up. I just be better to have something else You know learn to just be happy with what God has given us learn to be happy When we also think of neighbors field the other Thing that we can take out of this of course is you know because it was a nation of agriculture farmers You know the field represented the fact that that's where they labor. That's that's their work Okay, that's how they made a profit so obviously if you had a vineyard you'd be selling your grapes or your juice Whatever it is you'd be making a profit in that sense, so it's also in many ways your workplace And I do believe when you throw out your covet in your neighbor's field you're also kind of looking at coveting your neighbor's job I Mean nice to to work that job You know you're you're working in a certain company, and that guy got the job. I Mean look I know because there have been positions that I've applied for we've in my workplace And and I you know I'm thinking I'm probably the best can I saw I think I think I've got a good chance to get In this job, and then someone else lands the job. How do you feel about that this person's less qualified? The reason this person got the job is because they're friendly with that manager over there. Maybe that does happen These things happen you know the best qualified person is not always person that gets the job And you know my immediate thought is that job belongs to me But it doesn't belong to me because I never got it. You know what that is it's covetousness Say you can learn say Lord. Well. Thank you that the position came available Thank you Lord that I got the experience of applying for it. Thank you Lord for being rejected because it learned teaches me humility, and thank you Lord because still got a job I'm still earning a paycheck. I'm still able to pay the bills Rather than be looking at someone else and going I wish I had what they had The Bible says in Colossians 3 22 Servants obey in all things your masters according to the flesh Not with eye service as men pleasers, but in singleness of heart fear in God And whatsoever you do do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men I've taught on this so many times. I think this passage. I think this it's it's very important to me You know because when I preach. I'm not just preaching. I'm preaching two things that I've learned in life And when I was stuck in my dead-end job, I really became displeased. I really started to get okay It's paying the bills, but I wish I had a better job Lord I mean where's this gonna lead me Lord this job this dead-end job that I'm in And then what happens when you have that attitude you stop being productive You're not a high-valued employee you come home Like King Ahab, and you're more than we are You know you're not happy it has effect on other people on your on your own family when they see you not content But then I came across this verse. I can't remember where must have been a sermon so wow You know what I need to just work for Jesus I Need to set Jesus as my employer. I don't care who's in that office. I don't care who's giving me instruction I'm just gonna pretend in my head, and it's not pretending because it's true actually It's Jesus and Jesus if you want me in a dead-end job Then I'll stay in my dead-end job because it's what you want from me Jesus. Thank you for the job. You've given me And it changed my attitude it changed everything You can be working at McDonald's you can be working at some entry-level job. Whatever it is Pizza Hut Hungry Jacks You say you know what I'm just gonna set Jesus as my manager You know when your boss says go in I Don't know and they work these kinds of jobs what they tell you go and clean up right go and wipe down the tables Right you say yes, Jesus. I will do that. I mean not to them, but in your mind. You say yes, Jesus I'll do exactly what you want me to do Jesus because the job you've given me. Thank you Lord for giving this job. I Don't care dead-end job entry-level job I'm telling you from my own experience once my attitude changed my productivity went up. I was happier I'd come home. I'd be a happier man at home and then not much longer Jesus offers me the promotion Again, it's the same. It's the same lesson over and over again just be content with what Jesus has given you and when you learn that and It's not just you know what you have to learn in all areas of life, and then it gives you more It can't just happen to me because when I talk to people happen to them once you learn to just be content and not Covets not be covetous Thou shall not covet Be content with what God has given you said Jesus whatever you do, okay? You'll learn your homeschool. You're in school ever you're learning learn as though Jesus is teaching you that truth You're doing mathematics pretend Jesus is my math teacher He's wanted me to learn this Whatever activity you do you play soccer Your coach says go and play defense or your coach says get off the field. You're a sub. Oh, I want to play Jesus you told me to get off the field. Yes, sir straight away Instead of whining be thankful what God has given you Don't learn to be covetous In fact you need to learn you automatically are covetous We have to learn how to stop being covetous and not just learn how to stop being covetous We have to learn to hate covetousness hates. It's the way God hates it The next thing that's mentioned not just the neighbors field, but it we should not to cover our neighbors man servant or maid servants Okay, now when you think about that a man who has maids, and you know man servants We're obviously talking about a man with status if he's got servants He's a master okay, and so we're not to cover other people's status or position Okay, that's basically the lesson there, and I suppose we okay It's not just possessions that we look at sometimes to other people, but we look at who they are in society You know maybe even a pastor of a church go with that pastor's got authority. I'd be nice if it was me I don't know. I don't think it's happens in this church, but But you know these people do sometimes cover these positions they want the higher position Now please turn with me to James chapter 3 turn with me to James chapter 3 and verse number 1 Okay, so we're not to covet someone's status their position their authority Now I Believe that every man God's created every man to be a leader Okay, so I believe you know God gives you a wife. You're the head of your wife. God gives you a family That's your kingdom. You're the king you're in charge Okay, you say my servants don't listen to me or you need to make them listen to you. We've loved Okay We've loved the Bible says husbands love your wives wives submit yourselves unto your husbands But you know we're to we're to love our wives and to love our family You know in the same way that Christ loves the church. That's the instruction Why is it? Why do we have this desire to just serve Jesus? We're not the flesh, but the new man With a desire because he's given himself for us He sacrificed his life for us Men if your wives are having a hard time following you you need to sacrifice yourself a little bit more You know you need to show your wife you need to show your children How much you're willing to give of yourself to give them a good life? To give them what they need You know And wives you need to turn around and say my husband works hard You know I can't look at my neighbor. I can't look at these other people that have more Thank you Lord for the husband. You've given me. He's paid the bills. He's put the roof over our heads He's made sure we've had food to eat Okay, we need to learn to be content Anyway, I'm getting off topic here, but James chapter 3 verse number 1 James chapter 3 verse number 1 we're talking about authority positions of authority Status position authority I want you to keep this in mind James chapter 3 verse number 1 my brethren Be not many masters a master is someone of authority, okay? Look don't desire having too much authority Why why knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation? The greater condemnation the greater authority you have the most saddest you have the greater your condemnation will be When you do something wrong? You know as a pastor of this church if you and I commit the exact same sin straight off the surface God's gonna be harder on me I'm gonna have the greater condemnation because I'm the church pastor Think about that So do I really want and I'm just saying me. I'm just saying that church You know we've got other places of authority Do we really want to cover someone else's authority when we know they've got the greater condemnation? You need to understand that right. I mean it's nice to have authority It's a nice thing I supposed to have and you know you can kind of shake things the way you would like you know if you were a Supervisor or a manager in the workplace you can change the workplace to some extent to be you know to work more the way You want to see things work, but you need to remember the condemnation falls upon you Like if you've changed the business to where you want, but then you're losing profits. It's gonna fall on your head It's not gonna fall in the head of your employees. It's gonna fall upon you Okay, if the company's not working the way that it should You know father's your family. You've got the greater condemnation. You've got the authority Okay, you know you know if that family breaks messes up. You know is in clear You know this obedience to the Lord God. It's gonna fall on your head And authority is great You know for what it is But you need to remember the risks the condemnation that falls upon you by having that authority So I mean just don't covet for the sake of coveting please understand nothing wrong again Is there anything wrong for masteries to have authority you know to seek that at some point in your life to develop yourself? There's nothing wrong with it But one thing I've learned in life if you want to be someone who's effective in authority You've got to be an effective follower first You've got to be humble and whoever your whatever your boss says say yes boss. I'll do it And look if your boss says to do something, and you don't think it's a good idea Hey voice your opinion, but if your boss says see you know what thanks for sharing your opinion But we're not doing your way. It's a well. Thanks for letting me share that anyway with you. I'll do it your way Thanks boss, and you put your head down and you be a good follower And then God will make you that master at some point in time If you can please turn to Matthew chapter 23 Matthew 23 in verse number 10 Matthew chapter 23 in verse number 10 Matthew 23 in verse number 10 Jesus Christ says Neither be ye called masters for one is your master even Christ? Now we can take this in two ways You know one way is you know we should not call like you know I should not desire that you would call me Master right instead of pastor Kevin or just Kevin Master Master Sepulveda, that's not right. Okay the context of this our religious leaders by the way Okay, people that have positions of authority in religion You know we're not to call these people masters because the issue was you know the word rabbi the right word rabbi in the Jewish religion means master You know But anyway the context is here that our master is Christ okay verse number 11 This is if you want to have authority this is what you need to do, but here that is the group But here that is greatest among you Shall be your servant You want God to promote you you need to be a servant You need to lower yourself If you want to be a pastor you know what you do you lower yourself And you do the most basic roles you can in your local church You serve as much as you can to other people you become a servant and Then God will promote you verse number 12 and who server shall exalts himself shall be abased and here that shall humble himself shall be exalted This is the best way to be promoted the best way to get authority Just lower yourself Make yourself of no reputation the way Christ did when he came to this earth He lowered himself a little lower than the angels he became like man And now he sits on the right hand of the Father glorified Okay, that's the that's what Jesus did that's what we need to do Christ lowered himself to the point that he died for sinful man You know who the right pastor is for blessed out Baptist Church the one that lowers himself the most the one that serves the most You Know if God were to have a pastor that's not me in this church Who's the right man the one that lowers himself the most the one that serves the most? The one that's willing to do the lowest tasks the things that are behind the scenes that nobody sees That's the person that the Lord is going to promote So let's not cover other people's positions, but if you want a higher position You Lower yourself You humble yourself like the complete opposite the complete opposite of what the world tells you to do Do the complete opposite and then God's I will be upon you okay, and then he will give you those positions of mastery Alright next thing that was mentioned which not to cover our neighbors ox or our neighbors ass Now this is basically you know again think about what they were used for the ox will be to plow the ground So this will be like tools. Yeah, you know if you're a handyman you got some tools in my house, brother You know these are these are tools and the ass that could be like you know someone would ride the donkey Into town instead of walking on their feets. Oh, they'll be like a car Yeah, so you want to look at it that way your vehicle your tools You know these things are also a sign of wealth because not everybody had ox and not everybody had ass Asses, and you know things like that donkeys to get around and so we're looking at just in general what someone has Gained in life their wealth their possessions their tools their vehicles. I mean these things happen. You know people break into Utes people break into our garages and say still other pools tools okay, these things happen covetousness and If you can turn to first timothy chapter 6 turn to first timothy chapter 6 we'll end on this one first timothy chapter 6 and verse number 6 first timothy chapter 6 and verse number 6 First timothy chapter 6 and verse number 6 Great verse here, but godliness with contentment Isn't that the opposite of covetousness to be content? Godliness with contentment is great gain You'll be wealthy in the eyes of God be godly and be content with what you have Can you start there? I'm gonna be godly. I'm gonna try to live my life after God I'm gonna submit my will to God's will and whatever I have Lord. I'm gonna be happy and content and satisfied God says this is great gain Don't worry about other people's possessions Let God look at you and say man this person has much. He's gained much So I don't have a job yet. Just be it godly and be content Man you're the richest person on the earth if you've got these two things in your life Look at verse number seven for we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out Be certain of that you can't take anything with you into eternity okay verse number eight look at this, and this is the hardest bit and Having food and raiment Let us be there with content That's it. Did you eat today? You're wearing clothes We should all be content We should all be happy We should all be praising God and say God. Thank you for my clothing Thank you that I got to eat and nourish myself today That's it if that's all you have in life You don't even have a house Yeah, you have no one else. It's just you you have food and raiment be content be happy and Then look obviously you've got more than that don't you So if we're if we learn to be content with just food and raiment Then anything else that we add on top of that is like bonus. I Got a wife bonus I've got a house Bonus I've got a car whoa Man, I thought just food and raiment was going to make me happy enough look how much more God has given me Got new life Baptist Church praise God for that My pastor is a bit weird, but praise God for the pastor of God I praise God for the church members that I have I Do very thankful each one of you each family to help you all serve Christ. I hope you're all happy in life Content with what God has given you You know I mean I can be doing so many other things, but pastoring I But God has a purpose for this church God has a purpose for our children to serve him to love him to be used by him in a great way Just learn how to be happy food and raiment start there, then everything else is just amazing Why should I look at what other people have when I've got food and raiment? Plus everything else that God has given me Look at this on the line But they that will be rich You will your desire. I want to be rich I'm covetous they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts Which drown men in destruction and perdition? For the love of money is the root of all evil which while some covet it after They have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows We're talking about believers here. They've erred from the faith You know what covetousness leads to to departing from the faith Don't say you can lose your salvation of course not, but just you know what right now You're in church night. You start desiring other things in life What other people have you lose joy you lose contentment you're gonna find yourself at a church You're gonna find yourself not reading your Bible. You're gonna find yourself not enjoying not being thankful. What God has given you and Then what's it gonna lead you to? Temptation is a snare foolish and hurtful lusts. We drown many destruction and perdition That's where it leads a life of covetousness Okay, God's not gonna bless you. God blesses you when you're happy content with what he's given you Satisfied with what he's given you you rejoice in every time you get a little extra say thank you Lord for the extra that I had and And The last thing of course that we're not to cover because in case you go well, okay? Yeah, I don't cover any of those things pasta. I can't my neighbors wife I don't cover my neighbors ox and his ass and his maidservants. Yeah, but don't forget the rest of the commandments Know anything that is my neighbors Don't cover anything anything that belongs to another man Okay, don't cover anything that is your neighbors Alright brethren, that's it commandment number 10 thou shalt not covet and Hope maybe that's giving you a little bit of clarity as to I guess the difference between covetousness and envy You know covetousness is design what belongs to someone else again ask some of these things wrong. You know themselves of course not Just find out in God's Word. What is his will? God wants you to have what falls within his will and seek after that don't seek what belongs to your neighbor and What you have brethren whatever it is you are in life right now, whatever you have whoever you are I don't care what age you are whatever you've been given I don't care where how long you've lived or how little you've lived just say God. This is all I have This is what I have Thank you, Lord Give me contentment if you're struggling with contentment in fact. I probably was gonna say this earlier I Struggled with contentment when I had a covetous heart, so how do I change it about myself? It's hard to change yourself. I had to go to God and say God. I've got a problem. I'm not content Can you change me? Can you do something? I don't know what it is looking just do something. Can you change my heart can change my mind? You know I don't want to become I want to be happy I want to be content with what you've given me. You know Lord everything that I do in my life I want to do it unto you Lord, but I just I don't know how my mind's kind of Thinking earthly carnal worldly. I don't know what to do And I truly I did not know I can't tell you the secret ingredient here I have to tell you that it's a work of God Where I prayed that prayer, and I would say maybe a week later. I don't know exactly a short time period I just woke up one day, and I thought man. I've got such a good life No, I'm really happy with what God has given me You know I'm just it's just a click. I don't know if it's maturity. I maybe it's just maturity I don't know just something mindset my mindset clicks And so this must be the working of God because all of a sudden I'm happy with my dead-end job all of a sudden. I'm happy that I've got I had quite a small house back there I'm happy with where I'm living all of a sudden. I'm happy with how much I'm earning all of a sudden I'm happy that I can't you know we've how I'm living my life in the church, and I'm going to and I was like man This is awesome. I'm having a great life But it had to be a working of God in my heart something he just had to step in and change it and So I encourage you tonight brethren if you struggle with covetousness, or you're struggling with contentment You're not content. You need to go to the Lord Lord is the one that can change this stubborn flesh Okay, it's hard by yourself. You go to God just get on your knees. Just open your heart say Lord help me I'm a sinner help me to find contentment and joy with what in what you've given me okay. Let's pray