(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You won't need your Bibles If you've got a sheet, you won't need your Bibles Okay, because I've got all the scriptures on this sheet Tonight's going to be more of a Bible study Okay? Sorry? My job, I stay silent Your job's to see me? Tonight's going to be a pretty in-depth Bible study We're going to go to a lot of Bible passages I didn't want to waste time flicking through different passages And I want you to see all these scriptures for yourself anyway, okay? But the title of the sermon Well, I was going to preach, first of all I was going to preach, you know, sins that will get you kicked out of Church Part 4 That's going to have to wait another week I really wanted to continue on to this theme of the resurrection So we had Resurrection Sunday, you know? But what did Christ do? I mean, once he was resurrected, was that the end of it? What did he do for the next 40 days? Do you guys know? He just kept appearing to all his disciples, okay? In his physical resurrected glorified body He would appear to his disciples And so when we look at John chapter 20 Which was read, it's not there on the sheet I think But John chapter 20 verse 20 The Bible says And when he had so said He showed unto them his hands and his side Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord When they saw the Lord The title of the sermon tonight is They saw the Lord They saw the Lord And so Christ had many, many appearances to his disciples for the next 40 days And then he was on the Mount of Olives Do you guys know about the Mount of Olives? When all his disciples came And he gave the great commission Not for the first time But for the last time I think it's four times that he gave the great commission But for the last time then he was taken up in a cloud Do you remember that? He was taken up in a cloud And so, you know, he'll return When he returns he'll be coming back on a cloud as well But these appearances of Christ are so very important The resurrection is so important for our Christian faith Okay? Because look at the first reference there First reference in 1 Corinthians 15 1 Corinthians 15 verse 13 But if there be no resurrection of the dead If there be no resurrection of the dead Then is Christ not risen And if Christ be not risen Then is our preach in vain If Christ is not risen Then me preaching right now is vain It's empty It's waste It's useless Right? Being in church tonight is a waste of time If Christ was not resurrected from the dead And your faith is also vain Your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is vain If the resurrection never took place Look at verse 15 Yea, and we have found false witnesses of God You know we laugh at the Jehovah witnesses We call them false witnesses of God But if Christ was not resurrected Then we are false witnesses of God And they don't believe Christ was resurrected from the dead They don't believe he was resurrected boldly I mean sorry, bodily They don't believe that So what does that make them according to this passage? False witnesses of God So that is the right term to use for these people But then it says Because we have testified of God That he have raised up Christ Whom he raised not up If so be that the dead rise not Verse 16 But if the dead rise not Then is not Christ raised And if Christ This is the most important part right This is the most scary part of it all And if Christ be not raised Your faith is vain Yea, yet in your sins Yea, yet in your sins If Christ was not raised Which means you're going to have to face God on judgment day With your sins Unpaid for And you're going to have to pay for your sins Eternally in hell So we see how important it is That Christ was resurrected from the dead Which is why Christ spent the next 40 days Showing himself to his disciples And that's what we're going to be learning about tonight Look at Romans 4 23 Now it was not written For his sake alone That it was imputed to him But for us also To whom it shall be imputed If we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead Who was delivered for our offenses And was raised again for our justification So again it's just reinforcing That our justification before God Is because Christ was risen from the dead Okay Now why is this important? Why is it so important That Christ was risen I'm giving you some reasons behind this right This is a waste of time My preach is a waste of time You know your faith is a waste of time You're stealing your sins You might as well try to be keeping the law of God or something To go to heaven You know it's for our justification But also look at John chapter 2 verse 19 Because if Christ was not resurrected from the dead Then Christ's testimony would be in vain He would be a found a liar Jesus Christ would be a found a liar Because in John 2 19 He says Jesus answered and said unto them Destroy this temple And in three days I will raise it up This is Jesus speaking He says in three days He will rise up this temple Then said the Jews Forty and six years Was this temple in building And will now rear it up in three days But he spake of the temple of his body So Christ promised that he would raise his body up After three days When it was taken down When it would be destroyed right And if he was not resurrected from the dead He'd be found a liar This would not be someone I would want to put my faith on This would not be someone That I would want to follow And believe on right So I mean just his testimony You know if he was not resurrected from the dead Would fall apart But look at Acts chapter 1 verse 1 Okay if you're following in your sheep I've got it all laid out there for you guys Acts chapter 1 verse 1 The former treatise have I made O Theopolis For all that Jesus began both to do and teach Until the day in which he was taken up After that he was After that he through the Holy Ghost Had given commandments unto the apostles Whom he had chosen To whom also he showed himself alive Alright to whom he showed himself alive After his passion By many infallible proofs So what's the proof that we have of Christ's resurrection? That he showed himself to his disciples That's the proofs Okay that he showed himself alive After his passion That's after his crucifixion Being seen of them 40 days That's where the 40 days comes from 40 days What happened on the 50th day? Pentecost right? So 10 days later that's when the Holy Ghost Came and empowered the believers They preached Got many thousands of people saved But the 40 days He was showing himself to his disciples He was getting them ready For the great commission He was getting them ready to believe on him And to boldly stand for the truth Because so many of them died preaching Jesus Christ And if they're going to give their life for something They better see Christ They better see that it's true It's the infallible proofs That Christ has given his disciples It's the same for us The reason why we believe in a risen living Saviour Is because we have these infallible proofs In the scriptures for us today Okay 40 days verse number 3 And speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God And being assembled together with them Pay attention to that Jesus Christ when he showed himself Assembled with them This wasn't some spirit This wasn't some hologram This wasn't some pie in the sky apparition He assembled with them He fellowshiped with them He ate with them He spoke with them He hugged them He held them Okay This was a bodily resurrection of Christ Commanded them That they should not depart from Jerusalem But wait for the promise of the Father Which save he He have heard of me So that's the day of Pentecost 10 days later Alright So we see why the resurrection is so Vitally important to our faith Now 1 Corinthians 15 Look down there There's an order of appearances of Jesus Christ In 1 Corinthians 15 Okay There's 6 appearances in this chapter Okay Now What I want to tell you Cause one of the difficulties Okay One of the challenges you're going to find in the scriptures Is trying to build a chronology Of the appearances of Jesus Christ It's challenging It's not easy Okay And I have seen people try to use this As contradictions to the scriptures And so if these are our infallible proofs Then I want us as a church I want every one of you This is why I've given you the handout To know exactly Who Christ appeared to And in which order It's not that difficult once you've worked it out Okay But it does require a lot of scriptures So that's why I don't want you to use your Bibles We're just going to read off the page today And then when you go home You can do further study if you want Okay But in 1 Corinthians 15 We get 6 appearances of Christ Let's start with verse number 1 Moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you Which also ye have received And wherein ye stand By which also ye are saved If ye keep in memory what I preached unto you Unless ye have believed in vain For I delivered unto you first of all That which I also received Had that Christ died for our sins According to the scriptures And that he was buried and that he rose again The third day according to the scriptures Now notice verse 5 I've highlighted and bolded these names for you Okay And that he was seen of Cephas Who's Cephas? You guys remember? Peter, Simon Peter, Cephas But notice What he's written here is a chronology It's not just a random name of names of people that he appeared to Because it says of Cephas Then of the twelve Okay so that's afterwards And then look at that After that, verse 6 After that He was seen above five hundred brethren at once Of whom the greater part remain unto this present But some have fallen asleep Some have died Um And then after that Do you see the chronology? After that He was seen of James Then of all the apostles And then he says this And last of all The end The last one that saw him Risen The last of all He was seen of me also As of one born at a due time That's Paul Paul the apostle says last of all he was me That's seen him As one born at a due time Okay So we need to make sure when we start to build this chronology We need to make sure that 1 Corinthians 15 remains intact Because we've got a good order there Now those are six appearances that Paul lists But there were more than six appearances Okay So this is what we need to combine to put together So Turn your page over to page number 2 Before we get into the appearances The most challenging appearance To work out is the first appearance Believe it or not Because it's straight after Um We need to read about um Resurrection Sunday We need to read about the empty tomb And work out what's going on with the disciples Okay So it's the first one that I'm gonna spend most time on But then the other ones Once we work this out The other ones will follow quite easily Okay So in the On the early morning Of Resurrection Sunday On the early morning Let's pick up John chapter 20 verse 1 Notice what it says this What it says here The first day of the week cometh who? Mary Magdalene Early When it was yet dark unto the sepulchre And by the way I don't know if I've mentioned this to you guys Have you noticed that sepulchre sounds like sepulveda? That's cause you know My surname does come from sepulchre Like it's got the same root words So someone asks you You know Who's your pastor? You can say You know it's Pastor Death You know It's Pastor Grave It's Pastor Toon You know That's where it comes Anyway That's something else But it's Mary Magdalene And when you If you guys have seen Like movies of Jesus Quite often They'll depict Mary Magdalene coming all by herself To see the empty tomb And they take that from John chapter 20 But I just wanna show you Like tell you that That's That's a lie Right Cause when you put all the verse All the scriptures together You'll notice that Mary Magdalene did not come by herself Now the question might be Well why didn't John mention the others? Well Think about Think about our church tonight Okay Like if someone wrote down Let's say someone writes down I saw Kevin come to church Is that true? Yeah But was it just Kevin that came to church? No What if someone else wrote down I saw Kevin come with Christina and the children? Is that contradictive of the person that said Kevin came to church? No They're both true Someone's adding more detail, right? What if someone wrote down I saw Callum and his family attend church But they don't mention me Or my family Is that a contradiction? No You know you got different writers Just writing different parts of the same event The same thing that took place That's what you're gonna find in the scriptures You gotta be careful Compare scriptures with scriptures And it'll give you a full picture of what took place But John chapter 20 verse 1 We see there was Mary Magdalene that came early When it was yet dark unto the sepulchre And seeeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre Then she runneth Now pay attention to this This sounds like It sounds like it's happening straight away It kind of has, right? Then she runneth and cometh to Simon Peter Who's Cephas, right? So she runs She sees the empty tomb I guess she panics And runs to Peter Specifically Peter And to the other disciple whom Jesus loved Do you guys know who the disciple that Jesus loved is? John Right? So John wrote this book That's how he describes himself The disciple that Jesus loved Right? It's John He's referring to himself Came to She went to Peter and John And saith unto them They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre And we Notice the we Okay, so that's your first reference It wasn't just her by herself And we know not where they have laid him Okay Now let's find out who else Who's the we? Who was with Mary Magdalene? We learn about that in Luke 24 verse 1 Now upon the first day of the week Very early in the morning They You see that? Plural They came unto the sepulchre Bringing the spices which they had prepared And certain others with them Whoa, there's others And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre And they entered in And found not the body of the Lord Jesus And it came to pass As they were much perplexed thereabout Behold two men stood by them in shining garments Now what I believe has taken place here I believe Mary Magdalene has already run off Okay Mary Magdalene has already run off to find Peter And she's not seen these two angels Okay But the others that are with her Are seen these angels But Luke 24 doesn't mention Mary running off We get that from John Okay Now let's We can get some names We can find out who these others were Let's look at Matthew 28 verse 1 Matthew 28 verse 1 And in the end of the Sabbath As it began to dawn toward the first day of the week Came Mary Magdalene Yep, we know that And the other Mary To see the sepulchre So now Okay, we have another name It's another Mary Right? Mary was a very common name in those days So who's the other Mary? Well Mark 16 verse 1 tells us And when the Sabbath was passed Mary Magdalene And Mary the mother of James That's the second name And Siloam That's the third name Had brought sweet spices That they might come and anoint him And very early in the morning The first day of the week They came unto the sepulchre At the rising of the sun Now was it just these three ladies? No, let's look at Luke 23 Luke 23 verse 55 And the women also Which came with him from Galilee So there was a bunch of other women That had followed Jesus Christ from Galilee They were there as well Followed after And beheld the sepulchre And how his body was laid And they returned And prepared spices and ointments And rested the Sabbath day According to the commandment So that's prior to Luke 24 Luke 24 is above there on the page Because then it says They came to the sepulchre Who? Those three names You know Mary Mary Magdalene The mother of James Siloam And all these other ladies from Galilee So it's quite a large group When you think about it It's not just Mary Magdalene on her own And again think of those movies you watched It's always Mary Magdalene all by herself right? Look I'm not against those movies Well I guess I am In some ways I am against it in a way But if you're going to watch those movies At least understand what the Bible teaches first And then watch the movies So then you know what the errors are Otherwise you end up watching these These Bible movies And it's going to taint your perspective Of what truly happened in the scriptures okay? Now Look at Luke 24 verse 10 It gives us another name It was Mary Magdalene and Joanna There's another name Joanna And Mary the mother of James And other women that were with them Which told these things unto the apostles Now let me just pause here for a minute I've just given you a whole bunch of names I just want to prove the point That it was many ladies That's important to understand The appearances of Christ leading up Soon after this But let me just say this about the book of Luke Now I was discussing this with Jason the other day The book of Luke Is not written in chronological order Okay It's not written in chronological order Now As an overall thing Yes It's in chronological order As an overall Yes it starts with Christ being baptised And it ends with his crucifixion Yes As far as you know Just a big picture It's in chronological order But Luke if you read If you read the first chapter He says he's written things In a specific order So we can understand what took place And the way Luke writes Is very different to the other Gospel writers The other ones that wrote the Gospel Wrote in very good chronological order If you compare Matthew, Mark and John They're very aligned chronologically And it's very excellent So if you're ever going to build something chronologically Always use those three books first And then use the book of Luke To supplement the gaps Okay Now the reason why the book of Luke is different Is just the way he wrote it So for example Think about the snow winning Saturday The service The church service that we had on Saturday For the snow winning marathon You know we had When we had the church service We had a song Then we had a Bible reading Then we had a song Then we had a sermon Then we had a song Then we had a sermon Then we had a song Then we had a sermon Then we had a song Okay and then we finished in the word of prayer or whatever But So someone that's writing chronologically Would say that Right Song Bible reading song Sermon Like that Luke writes differently He writes like this There were Five songs And then there were three sermons Okay It's not that it's not true Yes There were five songs and three sermons But he doesn't write it in a way That's chronological He's more thematic He's more topical In the way he writes So when he's trying to Cover Like you know Jesus was preaching for a whole day for example He's preaching multiple things every day Luke kind of grabs the same topics And puts them all together Another really good example of this If you look at Luke chapter 3 He talks about John the Baptist But then you've got John the Baptist getting Arrested and put in prison And then the verse afterwards is baptizing Jesus Like what? What happened there? It's cause you know Luke's got his order He's got his way of writing things Okay so I just say that just as a rule of thumb If you're ever trying to put things in chronological order Don't use Luke Use the other ones And then use Luke To supplement the other material that you have Alright All that Just to Just to you know help Help along with this study Now Let's understand what took place We have these women They came to the sepulchre They're shocked The stones rolled away The body's gone Mary Magdalene runs away to fight To look for Peter and John Okay The other women stay Now Let's follow Let's follow Let's follow Mary Magdalene Let's follow her journey She's going to run looking for John Look at John chapter 20 verse 3 Peter therefore went forth And that other disciple That one's been John And came to the sepulchre And they ran both together And the other disciple did outrun Peter And came first to the sepulchre And he stooping down and looking in Saw the linen clothes lying Yet went he not in Then cometh Simon Peter following him And went into the sepulchre And see if the linen clothes lie And the napkin That was about his head Not lined with the linen clothes But wrapped together in a place by itself Then went in also the other disciple Which came first to the sepulchre And he saw and believed And as yet They knew not the scripture That he must rise again from the dead Then the disciples went away Unto their own home So Mary Magdalene gets Peter and John They all come to the sepulchre Now Peter and John sees it And they're like wow it's empty And then you see The disciples went away to their own home Okay they've left Now Turn the page over Now we're going to get The first appearance Of Jesus Christ Who did Jesus Christ first appear to? It's there in the title First appearance Mary Magdalene Because when Peter and John left Guess what? Mary Magdalene stayed behind She was all by herself now The other ladies had already left Look at verse number 11 John chapter 20 verse 11 But Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping And as she wept She stooped down and looked into the sepulchre And see of two angels in white Sitting the one at the head And the other at the feet Where the body of Jesus had lain So these are the same angels That the other women had seen Remember? But they've left the scene now Now Mary Magdalene's seen these two angels Verse 13 And they say unto her Woman Why weepest thou? She saith unto them Because they have taken away my Lord And I know not where they have laid him And when she had thus said She turned herself back And saw Jesus standing And knew not that it was Jesus Jesus saith unto her Woman Why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou? I mean I don't know Is Jesus saying a joke here? I mean She's looking for him Anyway Why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou? She supposing him to be the gardener Saith unto him Sir If thou hast borne him hence Tell me where thou hast laid him And I will take him away Jesus saith unto her Mary That's all she had to say to her Mary She turned herself and saith unto him Rabboni Which is the same master So she knew there That was Jesus Christ Jesus saith unto her Touch me not This is important by the way Just keep this in mind We're not going to talk about this right now Touch me not For I am not yet ascended to my Father But go to my brethren and say unto them I ascend up unto my Father And your Father And to my God And your God Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples That she had seen the Lord And that he had spoken these things unto her Okay So She's the first that Jesus appeared to And was she allowed to touch Jesus? No Right Jesus says Touch me not Yeah, touch me not Because he had not yet ascended to the Father We'll talk about that later on Now what's the second appearance? Matthew 28 verse 8 Matthew 28 verse 8 Okay Now we've got to get this chronology right, okay? Remember There was a group of other women Right Mary the mother of James And Joanna and Salome And other women from Galilee Matthew 28 verse 8 And they departed quickly from the sepulchre With fear and great joy Okay Because the angel said You know, he's not here anymore And did run to bring the disciples word So they went to the other disciples Peter and John were somewhere else That's where Mary Magdalene went They're going to the other disciples, okay? They've taken different paths Which is why you don't see Peter and John meeting these ladies On their way back Verse number 9 And as they went to tell the disciples Behold Jesus met them saying all hail And they came and held him By the feet and worshipped him Now Are these ladies touching Jesus? Yes It says there And they came and held him By the feet They stooped down They touched his feet And worshipped him Then said Jesus unto them Be not afraid Go tell my brethren That they go into Galilee And there shall they see me This is important Okay Tell them to go into Galilee Because that's where another appearance of Christ is going to take place That's going to be the appearance Where the multitude Where a great number of people see Jesus Christ Just keep that in the back of your head But you see now These other ladies see Jesus On their way back to tell the disciples But they're allowed to touch Jesus Mary Magdalene was not allowed to touch him Yet they are allowed to touch Jesus So something's taken place Right Jesus said he had to ascend to the Father We'll talk about that later The third appearance What's the third appearance? The third appearance is to Simon Peter or Cephas And we get that from 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verse 4 Now what's interesting about this appearance It's not recorded anywhere in the gospels We don't know anything about it except with what Paul wrote about it Okay Like we don't see the meeting We don't see what Jesus says to Simon Peter We don't know how Peter reacted We don't know We don't have a record of this except for Paul saying this took place in 1 Corinthians 15 verse 4 And we know that that chapter is in chronological order So the third appearance is to Simon Peter And then it says here in 1 Corinthians 15 verse 4 And that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures And that he was seen of Cephas He was seen of Cephas Okay Let's turn the page to page number 4 So first was Mary Magdalene Second was the other group of women Third was Simon Peter or Cephas What's the fourth appearance? The fourth appearance is the Cleopas and the other disciples Jesus appeared to two men Okay If you know that story Well here let's have a look at it Luke 24 verse 13 And behold Two of them went that same day to a village Called Emmaus Which was from Jerusalem about three square furlongs So there's two disciples on a journey Okay To Emmaus And then verse 18 And the one of them whose name was Cleopas So we know one of their names, Cleopas Answering said unto him Answering to Jesus Jesus has appeared to them at this point And Jesus basically asked them Why are you guys so upset? Why are you so upset? What's going on? Cleopas answering said unto him Are thou only a stranger in Jerusalem? And hast not known the things which are come to pass there in those days? Don't you know what happened about Jesus Christ's crucifixion? Haven't you heard about that? Let's drop down to verse number 30 Jesus then, you know They allowed Jesus to fellowship with them And then he goes into their house And in their house, look at verse 30 And it came to pass As he sat at meat with them He took bread and blessed it And break and gave it to them So he does the Lord's Supper here with them He breaks the bread Blesses it Look at verse 31 And their eyes were opened And they knew him And he vanished out of their sight So as soon as they knew him Jesus is alright, done Disappears out of their sight Verse 32 And they said one to another Did not our heart burn within us While he talked with us by the way And while he opened to us the scriptures? And they rose up that same hour And returned to Jerusalem And found the eleven gathered together And them that were with them So they go and find the apostles But look at verse 34 Saying the Lord is risen indeed And hath appeared to Simon What's the third appearance, remember? Simon Peter, Cleopas So we have confirmation here That Jesus must have told them That he had appeared to Simon before them Because they knew about it, right? They mentioned it to the apostles That they had appeared to Simon That's the third appearance That's the confirmation we have in scriptures And they told what things were done in the way And how he was known of them In breaking of bread So the fourth appearance is to Cleopas And the other disciple The two disciples on the way to Emmaus So the fifth appearance Now, by the way All these appearances so far Are all on resurrection Sunday They're all on the same day Okay From the morning, you know, Mary Magdalene And then this is toward the evening now It's getting later during the day And then we're going to continue the story Because these two disciples They go to look for the apostles, the eleven And then let's pick up the story from verse 33 Let's look at the fifth appearance of Christ And they rose up the same hour And returned to Jerusalem And found the eleven, gathered together And them that were with them So there wasn't just the eleven There were others with them But let's look at verse 36 And as they thus spake So as these two were telling the apostles About their appearance of Jesus Jesus himself stood in the midst of them And saith unto them, peace be unto you So this is Christ's fifth appearance But they were terrified and un-frightened And supposed that they had seen the Spirit And he said unto them, why are you troubled? And why do thoughts arise in your hearts? Behold my hands and my feet That it is I myself Handle me Touch me So they can touch him, right? Handle me And see For a spirit hath not flesh and bones As ye see me have And when he had thus spoken He showed them his hands and his feet Now look at verse 24 In John 20-24 it talks about the same event But it gives us a bit more detail It says But Thomas You guys know about David and Thomas But Thomas one of the twelve, called Didymus Was not with them when Jesus came So Jesus appeared to his apostles Now notice in the heading there I've got fifth appearance But notice I've got first appearance Of the apostles as a group Okay That's important because we're going to get Some people We'll look at it later I'll explain to you later But some people say hey There's a contradiction in the Bible No there's not This is the first appearance to the disciples To the apostles as a group Minus Thomas Thomas wasn't there Now That's the last appearance on the same day of Resurrection Sunday Five appearances of Jesus Christ All in one day Okay Now turn the page over Now let's confirm Going back to the first and second appearances The first Mary Magdalene The second the women On their way back Let's make sure that we have this order correct The first and the second The reason we know the order is correct Because in John 2017 When Jesus speaks to Mary Magdalene I won't read it all He says touch me not Why can't he Why could Mary Magdalene not touch him For I am not yet ascended to my Father He had to go to heaven On the first day of his resurrection He had to go to heaven Then it says But go to my brethren and say unto them I ascend unto my Father And your Father And to my God And your God Why did Christ have to go to heaven on the first day of the resurrection? Hebrews chapter 9 verse 11 tells us why Hebrews chapter 9 verse 11 it's on your sheet But Christ being come and a high priest of good things to come By a greater and more perfect tabernacle What's a tabernacle? Where they would do the sacrifices Where they would sacrifice the animals They would sprinkle the blood And they would sprinkle the blood on the mercy seat If it was their annual event It says But a more perfect tabernacle Not made with hands This was a tabernacle that was not made by man A tabernacle made by God That is to say Not of this building It was nothing earthly It was not the earthly temple It was not the earthly tabernacle Verse 12 Neither by the blood of goats and calves But by his own blood He entered in once into the holy place So in heaven There is a holy place In heaven there's a tabernacle A perfect tabernacle Made by God himself And Jesus had to take his blood To the holy place Having obtained eternal redemption for us So Jesus Christ takes his blood And on the mercy seat in heaven as a tabernacle He sprinkles his blood As our great high priest Onto that heavenly tabernacle As a demonstration Not just of his shed blood on the earth But of his shed blood in heaven That his blood testifies our salvation That his blood testifies the forgiveness of sins In heaven and in earth That's what Christ had to do So he wasn't to be touched He had to remain pure And undefiled and clean Okay The same way when the Old Testament priests They had all these ritual washes They had to be clean They had to be you know Properly adorned To go into that holy of holies Otherwise God could have striked them dead Okay Christ had to be careful And make sure that you know He went up to heaven in the same way All those Old Testament pictures of Christ So he goes up So Mary can't touch him And then we see in Matthew 28 verse 9 This is soon afterwards I guess it didn't take him that long Because it all takes place in one day I mean Jesus did a lot on that day Right he raises from the dead He goes to heaven Sprinkles his blood He makes five appearances to his disciples And then Matthew 28 verse 9 As we already read And as they went to tell the disciples Behold Jesus met them saying All hail And they came and held him by his feet Okay they would have held They would have seen those nail prints in his feet They held his feet and worshiped him They loved him To see that resurrected Savior Now Let's move on to the sixth appearance of Christ This takes place eight days later Okay a whole week later Okay this takes place Now notice what I've written under the sixth appearance It says the second appearance To the apostles as a group I hope this is interesting for you guys You know I'm putting all this stuff together But it's his second appearance as the disciples as a group We're going to go a lot quicker now Okay John chapter 20 verse 26 And after eight days again His disciples were within And Thomas with them So Thomas has finally come to church He's finally made it right He's there with the other apostles Then came Jesus The doors being shut And stood in the midst and said peace be unto you Then sayeth he to Thomas Reach hither thy finger And behold my hands And reach hither thy hand And thrust it into my side And be not faithless but believing And Thomas answered and said unto him My Lord and my God Okay Thomas believed He was no longer doubting Thomas at this point That was the second appearance to the disciples Which was the sixth appearance overall To all his disciples Now the seventh appearance The seventh appearance to his disciples Is the third appearance to the apostles as a group Okay the third appearance to the apostles as a group Let's look at it John 21 verse 1 This is when a bunch of them are out fishing A lot of them are out fishing Not preaching the gospel They're not fishing for men They're fishing for fish Right John chapter 21 verse 1 After these things Jesus showed himself Again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias And on this wise Showed he himself So we don't know how long afterwards But we know it's somewhere within those 40 days okay? And then notice the names that are there Then worked together Simon Peter And Thomas Caudidimus and Nathaniel of Cana In Galilee and the sons of Zebedee And two other of his disciples So you can see it's a group of the apostles I don't know if it's all of them You know but anyway It's a bunch of the apostles there And verse 3 Simon Peter saith unto them I go off fishing And they say unto him We also go with thee They went forth and entered into a ship immediately And that night they caught nothing They're not catching any fish all night long But when the morning was now come Jesus stood on the shore But the disciples knew not that it was Jesus And Jesus saith unto them Children Have ye any meat? They answered him no Then he said unto them Cast a net on the right side of the ship And ye shall find They cast therefore And now they were not able to draw it For the multitude of fishes They catch this great amount of fish Right? Because Jesus said Put it on the outside Jesus Christ has a miracle Therefore The disciples whom The disciples whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter It is the Lord Right? Because it's a miracle They knew that Jesus Christ has done this before It is the Lord Now when Simon Peter heard That it was the Lord He girt his fish's coat unto him For he was naked And did cast himself into the sea Cast himself I don't know why Peter was naked Don't go fishing If If we ever go fishing And you start taking off your clothes I'm out of there I don't know why, okay? Maybe, I don't know, who knows? But he was embarrassed, right? He was naked And he quickly puts on his coat And he cast himself into the sea So Jesus can't see him naked Now Now in the same chapter John 21 verse 14 Notice this The reason I've been saying to you This is the third appearance To the apostles As a group Because it says that in the scriptures It says here This is now the third time That Jesus showed himself to his disciples After that he was risen from the dead Right? And this is where people mock the Bible And say Ah, the contradiction was the third time It can't be the third time There was Mary Magdalene There was a group of women There was the two There was so many of them No It's the third time That he appears to his apostles Right? The third time that he appears to this eleven Now It wasn't always the eleven that were there But there was a great group of them There was a number of them It's the third time that he appears To his apostles You know the Bible's just giving us confirmation That we have the chronology correct That's what's going on It's not a contradiction So that's the seventh appearance The seventh appearance is out fishing The apostles out fishing Go to your next page Page number six The eighth appearance The eighth appearance Now remember Jesus told the ladies Go to Galilee Tell all the disciples To go to Galilee Cause I'm gonna meet them Okay This is the eighth appearance This is a great multitude On a mountain Galilee Now Galilee Was about a hundred kilometers away from Jerusalem And they didn't have cars A hundred kilometers isn't a big deal for us in a car Right? Takes us an hour Going a hundred kilometers an hour Whatever But they were trying to travel by feet Or you know Whatever they had So you know This was several days journey For them to get to Galilee This isn't something that took That was quick The other thing is Jesus gave time for the word to get around For all his disciples in the regions To come and see him Okay this is a great multitude appearance Now let's look at Matthew 28 verse 16 Then the eleven disciples So the apostles Went away into Galilee Into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them So not only did Jesus tell the ladies But Jesus told his apostles Hey Galilee That's the place to see me And when they saw him They worshipped him Now notice I just I've underlined the next words But some doubted Why? Because those are the others Those are the others that have come to see Jesus Christ These guys have really seen Christ multiple times Right? So they're not doubting But others This is the first time It's like Whoa is this really Jesus? Verse 18 And Jesus came and spake unto them saying The great commission guys All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth Go ye therefore and teach all nations Baptizing them in the name of the Father And of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Teaching them to observe all things Whatsoever I have commanded you And lo I am with you alway Even unto the end of the world Amen Now some people have mistaken these words As the great commission that he gives Before he ascends into heaven But when he ascended up to heaven That was the mount of Olives That was in Jerusalem This is in Galilee This is a hundred kilometers away from Jerusalem So Jesus Christ gave the great commission multiple times Okay It wasn't just a one-off This was a very important Teaching that Christ had to leave his apostles And he says it to this great multitude that appeared How do we know that it's a great multitude? 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verse 6 The chronology that Paul gives us He says After that He was seen of above five thousand brethren That's a lot of people Five thousand brethren at once This was the mountain in Galilee Of whom the greater part remain unto this present But some have fallen asleep So now five thousand Right Um These are the What was it? Sorry Page 1 These are the Many infallible proofs Right Five thousand all at once That's the 8th appearance We've got two more appearances to go The 9th appearance Was to James And very similar to his personal appearance To Simon Peter To Cephas We don't have a record of James Okay We don't have a record except for 1 Corinthians 15 Okay 1 Corinthians 15 The first part verse 7 After that After the five thousand He was seen of James So that's the 9th appearance Then the 10th appearance The same verse says Then of all the apostles So James and then all the apostles The 10th appearance are all the apostles On the Mount of Olives So back in Jerusalem Okay The Mount of Olives is near Jerusalem This record is found in Acts chapter 1 verse 7 Again the great commission being given Acts 1 verse 7 And he saith unto them It is not for you to know the times or the seasons That the Father hath put in his own power But ye shall receive power After that the Holy Ghost has come upon you And ye shall be witnesses Unto me both in Jerusalem And in all Judea And in Samaria And unto the uttermost part of the earth There's a great commission again But notice this verse 9 And when he had thus spoken Sorry And when he had spoken these things While they beheld He was taken up with a cloud Received him Out of their sight So that's the last time That's what That's Christ He goes to the Father He's seated at the right hand Of the Father in heaven That's the 10th appearance Okay On day number 40 When he goes up to heaven But there's one more appearance What did Paul say Out of due time As one born out of due time Turned the page over The 11th appearance was to the Apostle Paul Or to Saul 1 Corinthians 15 verse 8 And last of all Are there any more after this? No If people say to you I've seen Jesus Have they seen him? No way Paul says last of all He was seen of me also As one born out of due time For I am the least of the Apostles That am not meet to be called an Apostle Because I persecuted the Church of God Now Acts chapter 9 Records that appearance of Christ to Paul Let's read it Acts 9 verse 3 And as he journeyed So as Paul Who was being called Saul at this time As he journeyed He came near Damascus And suddenly there shined around About him a light from heaven And he fell to the earth And heard a voice saying unto him Saul Saul Why persecute us now me? And he said Who art thou Lord? And the Lord said I am Jesus Whom thou persecutest It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks So who appeared to Paul here? It was Jesus, right? The Lord Jesus Christ Now Was this just some Spiritual vision Or was it a Physical Bodily Appearance Because all the other ones we've read Were physical, right? Bodily appearances of Jesus Christ Now I say to you it is a bodily Appearance of Christ We'll see in a minute Verse 6 And he trembling and astonished Said Lord What wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him Arise and go into the city And it shall be told thee what thou must do But look at verse 7 And the men which journeyed with him So other men Who were journeying with Paul Stood speechless Hearing a voice But seeing no man So was it a physical Apparition of Christ? Yeah it was They could hear Jesus talking They could hear the voice Right? Now the reason I say that to you Is because some people say Well there was a talk appearance of Christ And I've covered that Just at the bottom of the sheet And that talk appearance is to the Apostle John In the book of Revelation Now Jesus did appear to John in the book of Revelation But it's not a physical Appearance To John Because look at Revelation chapter 1 verse 10 Revelation chapter 1 verse 10 John says I was in the Spirit I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day And heard behind me A great voice as of a trumpet That's Jesus speaking Saying I am Alpha and Omega The first and the last And so on and so forth Okay? So yes, John did see Christ and heard Christ But notice he was in the Spirit When he saw Christ He did not see him or hear him Physically in his bodily In his body Okay? But Paul Yes It was a physical operation Of Christ That even the travelers with him Heard the voice of Christ Now that's what I've got for you today Now I want you to take your sheets And put them down Close them Put them down Let's do a test Let's do a test Let's do a quiz Alright If you've been paying attention Anyone can answer Ladies, men, anyone can say Okay? Because the teaching is over So ladies you're allowed to talk Okay What was the first appearance of Christ To his disciples? Anyone? Put your hand up if you know Matias? Mary Magdalene Yes Second appearance Of Christ To who? Brody? To the other ladies Correct The third appearance of Christ Yep Simon Peter Perfect The fourth appearance He remembers Brody? Sorry? Was it three? Not yet We got one before that One before going and meeting the apostles of the group For the first time Yes Cindy? Without pass The group without pass Yeah, before that There's still one before that one The two men The two men, yeah One of them being Cleopas The two men, remember? On their way to Emmaus Emmaus, yeah So that was the fourth appearance We got one more appearance on the day of the resurrection And Cindy? The group without pass Yep, the group without pass The group, the apostles without pass Excellent Okay, then eight days later There was another appearance of Christ Who's got it? Any of you girls? Ah, Nicholas? To Thomas, by himself? Yeah, all the apostles with pass Excellent Then the seventh appearance Who's got the seventh appearance? Come on, Carolyn Brody? The third appearance of the group, what were they doing? Fishing They were fishing, excellent Um, the eighth appearance Let me see if I got it I've kind of forgotten the eighth Go, Cameron To James Is that right? You're probably right, let me just make sure I'm forgetting now Wait, wait, wait Oh no, there's one before James There's one before James Was that a hand? Yep Yeah, 5,000 To the 5,000th reverend on the mountain Galilee Then Then, then James, by himself That's number nine And then number ten Which one's number ten? Callum? Stop looking at your sheep Number ten Come on, man, it's the easiest one Well, maybe it's not the easiest one Yeah? Not Paul, that one's pretty easy Before Paul, yeah? When he ascended up to heaven on the Mount of Olives Yeah, that's number ten And then number eleven Jason? Stephen Oh yeah, that's a good one to count, eh? Stephen, whoa It's not in my, it's not in my notes, so that's wrong Another try, yeah? To Paul Paul as one born out of you time Alright, excellent You guys can take this home Please study it out for yourself And remember, guys, look We're all together right now, right? We're one group at the church If I wrote about today And then, and we're all together And then Matthew wrote about today And then, you know, let's say Cameron wrote about today That's four people And then Callum wrote about today And wrote about, you know, who came into the church first And who came in second And who came in third Do you think we're all going to be consistent and have the right answers? No way And we're even a small group I promise you, four of us wrote about who came in first We're going to get that wrong We're going to get it wrong for something so simple And yet we have the scriptures Doesn't this confirm the perfection of the scriptures? Doesn't this confirm that we have the perfect pure word of God without contradiction? That even Paul can write about six appearances and have the chronology in order We can look at all the other gospels and put it together and it's in perfect order We can read about it being the third time that he appears to the apostles And he's perfectly lined up You know, that just shows you that this Bible is not authored by man but authored by God Right? This confirms that this is the word of God This is why, you know, in Acts 1 verse 3 To whom he had showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs This is your proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ The word of God and the fact that it's perfectly laid out for us And if someone wants to debate that Hey, you now have your sheets Go and study this I want you to know this Because the resurrection of Christ is more important than the doctrine of reprobates Okay? It's more important than the doctrine of Name one Of creation Okay? All that's important All doctrine is important But we saw how important the resurrection of Christ is Otherwise our faith is in vain and we are yet in our sins And yet we know we're not because the word of God is perfect and preserved Let's pray