(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) which is My last name is Stevie. My last name is David. David. David. My first name is David. David. David. Do you know what I'm saying? Do you know what I'm saying? Because I get a lot of my feelings instead of getting normal. Yeah. I was like meant to be here today. But I came for a wedding to study. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I guess I don't know. I don't think I know what you mean. Yeah, but I don't know what you mean. No, no, no. You have no choice. No words to say? I don't know. How are you? My wife is from Brazil. She's from Colombia. I'm from Chile. Where are you from? I don't know. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. I'm from Spain. ... .... ... ... Yeah, thank you. ... All right, brethren. All right, brethren. Please, find your seats and grab your hymnals. Grab your hymnals and let's turn to hymn 2. Let's start off the service by singing Glory to His Name. hymn number two glory to his name please and when you have found it can you please stand hymn number two glory to his name all right let's sing it up down at the cross where my Savior died down where for cleansing from sin I cried there to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name glory to his name glory to his name there to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name I am so wondrously saved from sin Jesus I swear they abide within there at the cross where he took me in glory to his name glory to his name glory to his name there to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name oh precious fountain that saves from sin I am so glad I have entered in there Jesus saves me and keeps me clean glory to his name glory to his name glory to his name there to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name come to this mountain so rich and sweet cast thy poor soul at the Savior's feet plunge in today and be made complete glory to his name glory to his name glory to his name there to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name yes heavenly father lord we come to before you lord this morning lord to give you glory to give you praise and lord we want to praise of course your son the lord jesus christ who is our savior lord the foundation and the head of this church and lord as we sing our praises i pray that you receive it i pray that we be a sweet smelling savior to you lord and that lord we love you so much because we you first loved us lord and i want that to receive by you i pray that your holy spirit will work in our hearts and minds lord as we learn from your word today in jesus name we pray amen you may be seated all right hymn number 424 please 400 424 424 424 oh come all ye faithful 424 oh come all ye faithful oh come all ye faithful joyful and triumphant oh come ye oh come ye to bethlehem come and behold him born the king of angels oh come let us adore him oh come let us adore him oh come let us adore him christ the lord sing choirs of angels sing in exultation oh sing all ye bright host of heaven above glory to god all glory in the highest oh come let us adore him oh come let us adore him oh come let us adore him christ the lord yeah lord we pray for this happy morning jesus to live be all glory word of the father now in flesh appear oh come let us adore him oh come let us adore him oh come let us adore him christ the lord all right great singing 191 please one nine one in my heart there rings a melody 191 in my heart that rings a melody i have a song that jesus gave me it was said from heaven above there never was a sweeter melody there's a melody of love in my heart there rings a melody there is a melody with heaven's harmony in my heart there is a melody there is a melody of love i love the christ who died on calgary for he washed my sins away it will create my heart a melody and i know it's there to stay in my heart there is a melody there is a melody with heaven's harmony in my heart there is a melody there is a melody of love to be my endless fame in glory with the angels i will sing to be a song with glorious harmony in my heart there is a melody there is a melody with heaven's harmony in my heart there is a melody there is a melody of love all right please say goodbye to us now and turn to song of solomon chapter eight song of solomon chapter eight brother ramsons coming up for the reading song of solomon chapter eight thank you song of solomon chapter eight oh that thou wert as my brother that sucked the breasts of my mother when i should find thee without without i would kiss thee yea i should not be despised i would lead thee and bring thee into my mother's house who would instruct me i would cause thee to drink of spiced wine the juice of my pomegranate his left hand should be under my head and his right hand should embrace me i charge you or daughters of jerusalem that you stir not up nor awake my love until he please who's this that cometh from the wilderness leaning upon her beloved i raise thee up under an apple tree the apple tree there thy mother brought thee forth there she brought thee forth and bear thee that bear thee set me as a seal upon thine heart as a seal upon thine arm for love is strong as death jealousy is cruel as the grave the coals thereof are coals of fire which hath a most vehement flame many waters cannot quench love neither can the floods drown it if a man would give all the substance of his house for love it would utterly be contempt we have a little sister and she hath no breasts what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for if she be a wall we will build upon her a palace of silver and if she be a door we will enclose her with boards of cedar i am a wall and my breasts like towers then was i in his eyes as one that found favor solomon had a vineyard at balhamon he let out the vineyard unto keepers everyone for the fruit thereof was to bring a thousand pieces of silver my vineyard which is mine is before me thou or solomon must have a thousand and those that keep the fruit thereof 200 thou that dwellest in the gardens the companions harken to thy voice cause me to hear it make haste my beloved and be thou like to a row or to a young heart upon the mountains of spices let's pray lord thank you for this morning we have gathered the church please help us to understand the preaching of your word pray for pastor kevin please fill in with your holy ghost to preach your word with power and with authority in jesus name we pray amen thank you all right appreciate that so we are up to the final chapter of the song of solomon i hope it's been beneficial to understand what god's standard is of marriage and where you are weak in certain areas i strongly encourage you to line yourself up your marriage or you know your life as much as you can of course with the word of god and we have great instructions from this book for both husband and wife let's start there in verse number six it says set me as a seal upon thine heart as a seal upon thine arm for love is strong as death the title for the sermon this morning is love is strong love is strong when it says as death you know uh once you're you're dead you're dead right it's not like you're coming back to life i mean just i'm not talking about the resurrection here we're just talking about death in general right well that's how strong love is you know once you uh have passed on you have passed on as it were that body is not going to come back to life you know once you have found love that love will never die and you say well you know there was this person i used to love and i don't love them anymore that's not real love them because it says here that love is strong as death if your love so-called love is not as strong as death then it's not true love okay let's start there in verse number one song of solomon chapter eight verse number one it says uh so the wife here is speaking to her husband she says oh that thou works as my brother that sucks the breast of my mother i when sorry mother when i should find thee without i would kiss thee yea i would not be despised okay quite an interesting way of describing this now don't forget that you know the book of song of solomon is it's a song it's the song of solomon right the song of songs in some bibles and so of course it's very poetic and it uses very expressive language here and she's not saying that she literally wishes her husband was her brother that she grew up with the thought here and of course you know raised by her mother is that we've seen in this book how much she desires to be with her husband how much her husband desires to be with the wife and i can sort of relate to this you know and you know i met my wife christina when i was i believe i was 18 2019 along those lines and i remember when i met her and how much i enjoyed her company i remember wishing that i knew her earlier in life like and like you go well that's 19 you were really young yeah in hindsight now that was really young but when i was that age i was thinking man you know i would have much rather have gone to the same school as christina you know known her when she was younger and spent even more time with her got to know her even longer and so that's what i believe she's describing here that she just wishes she had known him all her life you know not just after getting married and you know i guess the dating time whatever whatever that period was to get to know each other she just wishes she just knew him from the very beginning and that's what she's obviously like i know that's because that was my feeling so i don't know if that's how you feel about your spouse but i remember feeling that way just man i've got these 18 19 years you know i graduated from high school you know and i've known all these people i i kind of wish i knew my wife earlier like like she's much more valuable than the people that i got to know those first 18 19 years and so i can definitely relate to this and then she says at the end of verse number one when i should find thee without you know without the word without is outside of okay so this is saying basically and what does she do when she finds you outside of i would kiss thee yea i should not be despised and so you know we've looked at this before and i said look there's nothing wrong with some level of public affection like when my wife is here because my wife doesn't get to come to this church very often with my family you know i i don't know if you notice this so i try to make a point of putting my arm around my wife okay i try to make a point of being close to her and uh because i want to set an example to this church that i'm not this detached pastor that just you know travels to sit and just to get away from my family in fact that's not even that's not even the desire at all you know and i want to you know just demonstrate some public affection so the church knows hey yeah you know what we don't see the pastor's family very often but when we when they are together we definitely see love we definitely see uh protection and so i kind of go a little bit out of my way more so when i'm at this church than i am with new life practice church to show my wife affection so you know there's nothing wrong with some public display of affection many of us were at a wedding yesterday weren't we and and there was you know you may now kiss the bride and you know there was a public display of a kiss right there in front of many witnesses there's nothing wrong with that in of itself and uh you know it's good it's healthy it's good for especially this new generation to see you know a christian couple who love each other that shows some level of affection but of course you need to also understand that we need to have certain boundaries you know you don't want to obviously as we look here there's going to be you know that further intimacy there's much a much more of a deeper intimacy that takes place between the husband and wife and there are some things that need to be kept in private there are some things that you're not going to just publicly display you know it's quite filthy you know i was um i took my kids to to martial arts just a few weeks ago and i was there just waiting in the car waiting to pick them up and there was a young couple there just just in a park just being gross i mean you know i mean just it's just too much just too much going on there and that's why she says that you know i should find thee without like you know we're going to go to a place where there's no one else we're going separate and and so the if the the the deeper affection the deeper intimacy is taking place in a private setting she says i should not be despised okay because people aren't going to be obviously observing the intimate relationship in that sense and so it just gives us an idea of making sure that we set some boundaries when we show some public displays of affection and you know this should go as well with the things that we speak about okay uh being careful about how much we speak about there was a time when you know i was recently married and um i was working a job and one of my one of my work colleagues wanted to know he was just asking too much he was just asking way too much information about my intimate life with my wife okay and i was like i just had to go at him i said look that has nothing to do with you all right i mean what i what i get up to my wife in that sense has nothing to do with you you don't need to be asked those are inappropriate questions all right i don't know exactly what i said to him all right but the guy was taken back you know and then he came up afterwards you know he kind of kind of left and then he came and said sorry to me and he said yeah that was inappropriate but you know this is what the world is like that they often like to just bring up these intimate details you know very physical details and you know we need to you know be christians that yes we understand the right place uh for this intimate relationship but also the one that we speak about with this within this information ought to be your spouse you know not just a public display no filter in your mouth just telling dirty jokes and just giving you know unnecessary details about your relationship that should not be the case it's the woman says i should not be despised you know people that are just have no filter about you know the sexual side of marriage that they've got just just no boundaries they they become despised people observe them go man you know yeah they might laugh at the joke but eventually they're like i don't want anything to do with you like you know what you've you've got a dirty mind like you've got a perverted mind you've got no boundaries you know i don't want to be around i don't know that's how it ought to be anyway that's how especially amongst god's people we ought not to want to be around people they just talk about perverted things you know private matters there ought to be some boundaries okay even she says i should not be despised because they're keeping it in the boundaries of marriage okay they're not speaking about this or exposing themselves in a very public way and so brethren please be careful about not just what you do physically but also what you speak about or you might find yourself to be despised because you've gone too far you you've not kept it within the boundaries of well how we learn about this stuff in the word of god let's keep going there verse number two she says i would lead thee and bring thee into my mother's house who would instruct me i want you to notice that she says look i i would you know especially if you were uh you know we've known each other for a long time i would bring you to my mother's house who would instruct me she's saying look my mother is the one who has given me instruction on on being a wife she's given me instruction on romance she's given me instruction about who to look out for in marriage and parents we need to remember this because we do live in a perverted world we do live in a in a hyper sexualized world i mean you can't even go to the shops without there being some poster some advertisement that's trying to draw your eyes away from your spouse okay you can't turn on the tv you know even if you're just watching the world cup of soccer or something there'll be some advertisement that's trying to draw you away you know uh to to just appeal to your lusts but we have to be careful we live in such a wicked society and even more so our children i mean i've seen things get worse and worse in my generation you know when our children grow up it's going to be much worse much worse we need to in parents we need to instruct our children about marriage about relationships about being romantic you know we are men dads we need to instruct our boys how to treat a woman and mothers you're to instruct your girls how to treat a man this is so important otherwise the schools are going to teach them filthiness the media is going to teach them filthiness you know their friends are going to teach them filthiness parents we must step in and give instructions to our children and see how the wife says hey my mother would give me instruction you know she would instruct me she said in verse number two i would cause thee to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranates and so she's saying look make sure just teaching how you offer yourself to your husband you know make sure that you're someone and of course with the light of the rest of the bible that you're submissive to him that you respect him they don't you know you don't talk bad about him to your friends etc etc these are good instructions that you can give your children now what i want you to do is please turn keep your finger there in song of solomon chapter 8 and turn with me to proverbs 31 turn with me to proverbs 31 proverbs 31 is known as the chapter of the virtuous woman and if you're a lady you know i strongly recommend that you really pay attention to proverbs 31 but before we get to that uh virtuous woman we have some instructions that the mother gives to a king here in proverbs 31 verse 1 proverbs 31 verse number one not only should mothers give instruction to their daughters but mothers you have the right to give instructions to your sons as well they are under your authority okay even though husbands are the head of the wife you know mothers you are over your children whether they're boys or girls and you see here the instruction that a mother gives to her son in verse number one it says the words of king lemuel look at this the prophecy that his mother taught him you see his mother taught him great truths great prophecies taught him the bible gave him good advice hey wonder what advice his mother gave to a king okay verse number two she says what's my son and what the son of my womb and what the son of my vows she says look at this verse number three give not thy strength unto women nor thy ways to that which destroy of kings she instructs the son look don't just give yourself to women okay you notice the plurality there okay no just think look one woman for life king lemuel all right one woman don't just think that you know your life is just to uh you know uh try before you buy and and sleep around with as many people as you want look that's going to destroy you that's going to destroy kings don't you give yourself you know just chasing every skirt that you find okay know that which destroy of kings kings so you can see she's very she's given clear instruction here and again you say are you sure that's weird i know because that's the instruction my mom gave me okay i'm not some king okay my mom said look you know when you start dating you know make sure you find a christian girl that was number one she goes find a christian girl i disobeyed that i found a catholic girl but i got her saved and then i married her okay all right but you know she said look wait and and you know the purpose of dating is to get married all right you don't want to just date someone so oh yeah i've got a girlfriend look at me who cares you date someone for the desire to get married one day why would you give your love time and attention for you know for you for weeks and months and maybe years to someone then you're like oh i can just get rid of her and find someone else what a waste of life what a waste of time okay don't give your strength unto women all right hey give your strength to a wife that's what you ought to be doing you know dating ought to be something by the way i'll give you just some quick pointers here to the girls don't date a guy that's not ready to get married don't waste your time you can be friends with guys that you're interested in hopefully they mature hopefully they find a job hopefully they demonstrate that one day they can get married and provide for you at that point yeah fine date them okay but you don't want to date a bum i tell you now there are too many women in society today that have married bums they have married gamers that spend all their night all their time just playing video games and giving no attention to their wife you know they're just living off the inheritance that they've received they're too lazy to go get a job and provide for the family okay let girls be careful about who you date i'll give you some advice now all right and hopefully your parents you know say yes that's right okay and and boys i'd say don't start dating until you're ready to look after someone all right give your attention give your strength not toward women give your strength to a good education give your strength to a good job okay get yourself in a position where you say you know what not only can i provide for myself but now i can provide for a wife okay and once you have set yourself in that position say lord please help me find someone that i can marry okay do it the right way hey remember when god created adam and eve okay you say well he married on day number one yes but before he got married god gave him a job remember that he had to he was a gardener not one job to name all the animals another job to take care of the garden okay once he had his job then god gave me okay then he had his deep sleep from working so hard god took that rib and made him a wife okay that's the right priority okay and i'm just saying look don't waste your time dating until you're ready to get married okay otherwise you're opening up yourself to lust and fornication and look that that that emotion those desires they're too strong for you okay the title for the sermon is love is strong you don't want to open yourself up to temptations that are very strong that are very natural okay but they're very strong and very natural supposed supposed to be in marriage okay not before marriage so please be very careful about who you date young people let's keep going there she continues there in proverbs 31 what destroys kings verse number four it says it is not for kings o lemuel it is not for kings to drink wine nor for prince's strong drink so she warns him hey don't just chase women don't chase women and don't drink alcohol i mean that's pretty good advice isn't that like the complete opposite of what's going on right now in this world the complete opposite okay once you turn 18 oh now you can drink alcohol okay sleep around as much as you want and and you know don't tie yourself down to a marriage that's the advice you get from the world you see the bible's advice hey the words of a mother to her son that she loves is the complete opposite parents we need to be on the same page as the bible you know instructing our kids instructing them the complete opposite to what this world is teaching them please don't just leave your kid oh well that teacher will teach you know that that teacher will look after them you know oh their uncles and aunties they'll teach them good things well bring them to church because they'll hear good things from the pastor look that your kids don't love me as much as they love you okay they'll hear advice from you and children you take advice from your parents because no one loves you more than your parents okay now i love children i love the children in our church of course i do but i don't love them as much as their parents love them okay you've raised them you've worked hard for them you've provided for them okay of course your parents are going to love their children much more than anyone else make sure we give them good advice well let's uh can you please turn to me to the book of titus turn with me to titus in the new testament titus chapter two and verse number three titus chapter two and verse number three titus chapter two and verse number three now remember we're looking at how a mother would instruct her daughter well within church you know we are a church family we are brothers and sisters in the lord we need to remember that as well and it is important that we're going to look at this part here that aged women the older women also give good instruction to the younger ladies in our church if that if that situation is there okay look at verse number three titus chapter two verse number three it says the aged women likewise that they be in behavior as become of holiness not false accusers not given so much wine teachers of good things so ladies as you get older as you gain more experience more life experience and you know you've had a family your children have grown up and you know you say well how old is aged in my opinion i'll just give you my opinion because we have we do learn in the bible that if you're under 60 you're considered young if you're under 60 and you're you're a widow you know the bible you know instructs that person that woman to get married okay so i would say an aged woman just if you want a you know a rule of thumb you know i can't be too dogmatic on this i would say an aged woman here represents a woman that's over the age of 60 okay why is that because she has time like generally speaking if you're 60 years old your children have grown up like generally you're not going to be tied down with little kids you know you're going to have a lot less responsibilities but you've gone 60 good years at least of learning about the world you know serving christ you know having gained much experience and those aged women are then able to give their time because you know their children have grown up they've got a lot more time on their hands they've actually got the time to give good instruction to other younger ladies in the church okay you say what instructions are they to give them well it says here in verse number four these are the instructions this is what they have to teach for some form they may teach the young women to be sober yeah so hey get away stay away from that alcohol okay but sobriety means a sound mind okay just you know being in control you know ladies and i think ladies you you know this i'm not being you know i think ladies are different to men you know you but sometimes ladies can get too emotional okay and look the emotions that ladies experience are the same emotions that men experience but generally speaking men are able to have just a lot more control over their emotions ladies sometimes just it's they struggle you know and when a man has no control over his emotions it's kind of effeminate you know and so uh ladies you know you need to be sound mind you know of sober you need to be of sound mind okay don't get overly worried and don't get overly you know uh you know just just concerned about you know the smallest of matters you know sometimes ladies lose sight of the big picture of the great things that are happening for them and they just find the little issues and they worry and stress about the little issues without rejoicing and being thankful for the greater things that god has given them but they had to be sober it says uh to love their husbands that's good instruction all right look if an older lady in church says oh you know you need to get away from your husband you know instead of talking to your husband about problems come and talk to me about no no wrong that's the wrong if you're getting instructions from a lady that are contrary to what we've seen here stop receiving instructions that person please they're not giving you biblical advice okay they're telling you look love your husbands all right instead of speaking horribly about them instead of criticizing them to your family your friends love them love your husbands what else to love their children all right oh that's such a burden oh so much of my life is taken up looking after kids oh love your children i mean what more could you want in life what's the greatest thing you could have in life an extra house going to holidays all across the world or being given a human being a life it took you know a child that can serve god and can be in heaven with you for all eternity that's the greatest thing any family could have love your children verse number five to be discreet chased keepers at home look if a lady in church says oh go go just go and get a job go and chase a career don't worry about the family look no that's the wrong advice don't listen to that woman okay listen to the woman that says hey be a keeper at home look after your household all right why would you want to look after some other stranger's man's company when you can be looking after the house that god has given you the people that you care about good look at this obedient to their own husbands by the way husbands if your wife is going to be obedient to you that means you have to give them some instruction okay you have to direct them a little bit so they have the chance to obey okay so husbands you've got to be the leader you've got to be the leader a loving leader not a dictator a loving leader you know someone that you know your wife can look at says you know what the decision she makes is going to be best for me best for my family okay i know i can trust him because he loves us okay because he's proven himself to be a man you know he's proven himself to be following the biblical principles of a man and of course she's going to be obedient towards you in that sense it says that the word of god be not blasphemed so if you're not doing these things ladies wives then the word of god is being blasphemed that's what it's saying okay this is what our life ought to look like this is the kind of instruction that the older ladies the aged women are to give to the younger women in the church all right back to song of solomon please and chapter number eight verse number three song of solomon chapter eight verse number three she says his left hand should be under my head and his right hand should embrace me so again that that physical affection you know very close affection which they're doing without they're not doing that out in the open public okay uh verse number four i charge you oh daughters of jerusalem that you stir not up nor awake my love until he please who is this and verse number five is probably the hardest verse that i could figure out in this chapter and i'll just give my thoughts around this who is this that cometh up from the wilderness leaning upon her beloved i raise thee up under the apple tree where thy mother brought thee forth there she brought thee forth that bear thee now it could be that the mother of the wife is saying these words it could be she's because she says i raise thee up under the apple tree remember she was getting instruction from her own mother my mother would instruct me she says look i raise you up under the apple tree and then where thy mother brought me but then and then it's kind of like well now it sounds like she's talking about herself in a third person if that's the mother so maybe it's not the mother you know and look at the end of the day i don't think it matters too much you know you can have your opinions i've you know i've got some thoughts that i'm not really settled upon but i think we find something quite interesting uh it's well it says uh in verse number five there thy mother brought thee forth so you can see that she was born under this apple tree okay she gave birth to her daughter not in a hospital okay not that that's not that sinful anything like that but she did it out in the open under the shade of an apple tree now i do believe that's what took place uh for this uh wife here but i think there's a greater teaching here because you may recall earlier in the song of solomon that her husband was referred to as an apple tree do you remember that well she was the lily of the valley the rose of sharon and the husband was then compared to the apple tree okay so if you took that to understand again the mother giving instruction to her daughter it makes a lot more sense as well it says i raise thee up under the apple tree so if you want to take this a little bit further it sounds like the mother instructed her daughter hey when you get married you are under the authority of that apple tree the man you are under the authority of your husband okay you are starting a new family unit okay and he becomes your head and girls please remember this your dad is your head okay right now before you're married your dad is the head okay the head of the family but when you get married your head becomes your husband there's a change in authority and the reason i'm saying this is because one of the worst things that you can do for your marriage okay is when you have marital problems is to run to your dad look he's got no more say he he is not your authority anymore i know he was your authority for some 20 years potentially but the moment you got married your head your authority has become the apple tree your husband okay the worst things that you can do is run to your in-laws and and and complain about all the problems in your marriage now look the only exception would be this you know if your husband is physically abusing you you know if your husband is physically beating you up you know it's not a safe place to be you know in that sense then of course you need to get help okay but i mean that you know most marriages are not going to be like that the vast majority okay why would you take your problems to your in-laws you know your in-laws are older okay it's very unlikely they're able to do something to help you're just going to stress them out you know they're at a point now where they just need to just enjoy the rest of their life they probably don't have that many years ahead of them you don't just take all your problems and take it to your parents or your in-laws okay that's not going to help your marriage you say well i've got problems passed so what am i supposed to do then you come together husband and wife and you talk about your problems you fix it amongst yourselves you know and when you do that you build your marriage when you do that you have a greater care and appreciation a greater trust toward one another that's what you do with problems you know there are times my wife and i don't see eye to eye on certain things and i'm sure there are times that i've gotten frustrated my wife and wife's gotten frustrated at me you know what we don't do we don't just pick up the phone and ring our parents what are they going to do about it if you need to talk to someone beside your spouse who you talk to god you take it to god i mean here's the one that can help you here's the one that can change the heart of your spouse right here's the one that can do those works your parents can't do that why why make them stress why make them worried and then make them look you know think badly of your spouse that's not going to go well for your family and so this is what i believe you know the mother who's teaching her daughter hey your father is the apple tree i mean you've been raised under that okay here's the one that gives you shadow protection here's the one that feeds you the apple he's the provider of the family house let's keep going in verse number six set me as a seal upon thine heart and a seal upon thine arm okay so look she's saying look seal your heart with me right uh man our hearts ought not to be toward anyone else okay it's to be sealed no my heart is sealed and it's to my wife and wife alone and not just my heart but my arm this arm is not to embrace other women okay it's still for my wife alone all right and she's saying that to her husband please you'll soon see she's getting jealous okay she's getting jealous and look this is part of life you know you you if you're married and you get times of jealousy let me just say that's actually a good thing okay because it shows that you have love and affection for your spouse you know uh wives obviously don't want their husbands spending time and checking out all the girls that walk past okay men that's something you have to control and men you know just as much as i do husbands you don't want your wife just hanging around with a whole bunch of dudes all right i'm just going to hang around with my old high school friends my you know you don't want you want that for your wife seriously what's wrong with you if you want that something wrong with you okay there's jealousy all right and you soon see you know she's asking look please uh seal your heart seal your arms not to anyone else then she says these words for love is strong as death this is why when we get married we say till death do us part if you truly love someone it's till death okay if you if you if you say no i've lost i don't love them anymore you never loved them in the first place i tell you that how much did god love us till death jesus christ died for us okay that is real love god is love and you know how much if you know if you you'll know if you have real love if you're willing to die for that person okay and let's uh been married for 30 years and we just don't love each other and then you didn't love each other okay we're just lying to yourselves you just lying to yourselves and you think it's just easier life will be easier getting divorced and finding someone else it's not going to be easy you're just going to create a whole bunch of new problems new complications in life okay till death do us part and by the way that ought to be the next thing you know our young people when you start dating you know you start making that decision is this the person that i really want to get married to you know you need to make that decision am i willing to die for this person am i am i willing to make this one person my partner for the rest of my life and if you say no i can't i can't or stop dating that person okay because it's not going anywhere it's not real love real love will be till death that's how strong it is okay it says jealousies can see that jealousy is mentioned jealousy is cruel as the grave the coals thereof are coals of fire which have a most vehement flame so when your spouse gets jealous and you're like come on honey just get over it listen you just can't put out a fire like that like if there's a bushfire right and we get bushfires every year and as a vehement fire just burning out of control you can't be like oh come on fire just just just stop no you you got to fight the fire you got to put it out you got to do you got to put a lot of work a lot of effort to quench that fire don't you you know but again jealousy is good you need to understand society has taught us that jealousy is wrong or sinful no it's not again the emotions that people feel that are wrong and sinful is envy and envy has to do with things that do not belong to you you know you look at other people's things and you become envious i want that no jealousy is good and proper the lord's name is jealous jealous are things that belong to you your wife belongs to you you know if your wife your husband belongs to you your children belong to you we have to be jealous for these good things i don't want my my you know my wife's arms around some other man or vice versa that's jealous that's good and even if it just kind of resembles that even to the smallest thing even if my husband did not intend that at all for example if you're a wife that jealousy is still going to burn there okay it's just that's how god has created us jealousy is good because it caused us to be protective of the things that belong to us we don't want someone else to come in and damage the precious things that god has given us can you please keep your finger there and turn to proverbs chapter 6 proverbs chapter 6 and verse number 34 proverbs chapter 6 and verse number 34 proverbs chapter 6 and verse number 34 so in song of solomon we're looking at a wife that was getting jealous all right now in proverbs chapter 6 we see a man who gets jealous okay in proverbs chapter 6 verse number 34 it says for jealousy is the rage of a man so that's the next thing i want you to realize when someone gets jealous which is a good thing it's going to quickly lead to rage quickly lead to anger okay the rage of a man i mean i think one of the things that a man can get most angry and furious about is seeing his wife potentially being flirtatious with some other man i don't think something's going to slap that man as hard as that okay that's going to bring him to rage all right it says therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance he will not regard any ransom neither will he rest content though they'll give us many gifts and of course the context of this is adultery you know if if your spouse commits adultery you know if your wife ends up committing adultery you know what it says here that that man will not spare in a day of vengeance you know there could be an opportunity where that husband gets a hold of his wife or gets a hold of of that other man he's not going to spare this is this is very dangerous this is a very dangerous time okay because jealousy is meant to be good meant to be protective but when you go and commit some grave sin like adultery you know this happens many times where the other spouse might go and literally murder you know the the partner that may be cheated or the person that they cheated with or both this happens in the world okay because this is the rage you know you've committed yourself you know it was meant to be till death and you've given yourself to someone else there's nothing worse than adultery there's nothing worse for the feelings the anger the rage that it causes with people that's why we need to protect our hearts we need to seal our hearts don't we if you're married you seal your heart that's it this is the person you seal your arm no i'm not going to embrace some other woman right you seal it you protect it because you don't want your spouse to get to this point where they end up losing control okay because of the grave sins that you may have committed back to song of solomon chapter 8 verse number 7 song of solomon chapter 8 verse number 7 as i said the title for this sermon was love is strong and you're beautiful you you you you you you you you testing one two three testing one two three all right so love think if not evil what else do we see here uh verse number six rejoice if not iniquity okay but rejoice if in the truth bear full things believe of all things hope of all things endure of all things you know what that what that means believe all things hope of all things you know that you have a positive mindset about your spouse that you're not just thinking negative all the time okay you know wise if your husband's worked hard and he's put a roof over your head and you get to eat every day you know be positive-minded don't be like oh we just don't have enough money to go and eat at that restaurant you know i say this to the people on sunshine coast because it's such a beautiful place to live i often say to them look you are so blessed you know you go to other places in the world and people don't even know if they're going to have food on the table people struggle to have a roof over their heads you know we need to think positive-minded if you look if you ladies if you live in a house and you get food why don't you just thank god that god has given you a man who's a hard worker okay why is he working hard for himself not for you for the children for the family okay i've said it before this society has the men today they're so effeminate so lazy so self-centered they can't be bothered to work but you've married a man who's given you so much hey be positive you've got so much more than what these other women who are complaining about their husbands who don't look after them and they're the ones that have to go out and be the breadwinner because their husbands are too lazy it's been been positive-minded there's always negative in life there's always going to be some level of negative in marriage but what are you going to give your attention to the negative things or the positive things because i'm i'll tell you now i'm sure if you consider the positive your blessings it's going to heavily outweigh the little problems that you have in life as well and then look at verse number eight charity never faileth the title for the sermon was love is strong love will never fail okay never fails you cannot say i used to love her i don't love her anymore no because true love never fails okay there's only two options number one you never really love them in the first place or number two you do love them you're just too lazy to maintain that relationship okay you're just too lazy you know you've learned the way of the world now god's ways hey work on your marriage spend time together love one another okay and look just i don't know about your marriages just think about it yourselves does your love line up with what you see in the bible or does it not and if it doesn't don't panic and go maybe i don't no don't panic if you're married that's the person once you have said i do it's death to death uh to death was part then you fix it and if you can't fix it you go to god and say god can you fix it because you are love i need the love that you have god so i can give that to my spouse back to someone solomon chapter eight verse number eight someone solomon chapter eight verse number eight the wife says we have a little sister and she hath no breasts what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken so i'll just break this down for you it's not saying that some women are larger than other women in that capacity when it says yeah it's that she's not gone on breasts it means she hasn't hit puberty yet okay because that's only what happens right normally a little girl she's bare chest you know she doesn't have breasts in that same sense but then when she hits puberty that develops all right and the reason i know that is because she goes uh what shall we do for our sister in the day when that she shall be spoken for the day that she should be spoken for the day that she gets married okay she's spoken for she belongs to that man okay so you can see that she's talking about just her little sister that she has that hasn't hit puberty yet and she's saying hey you know how can we increase you know as she as she grows and and she becomes a woman how can we help her you know in in getting her to find a man you know to find a husband again there's nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong especially family helping you know their brothers and sisters or their parents even their children helping them find the right spouse hey what can we do to help our children be ready for marriage to find the right person we already saw that parents are to give instruction to the children in this area okay but you know we see some things that she recommends verse number nine she goes if she be a wall and a wall just means she's upright she's grown right a wall is something that gets built that gets higher and higher and so she's developing right she's if she'd be a wall or like fully develops fully built she goes we will build upon her a palace of silver and if she be a door we will enclose her with borders of cedar again very poetic language she's just married to okay so she's considering these options hey how can we help her on that for that day when she shall be spoken for and then she says about herself in verse number 10 i'm a wall and my breasts like towers then was i in his eyes as one that found favor so of course she is matured she has grown she's obviously gone through puberty and she's older and she goes because after that fact is when i found favor in the eyes of the king of my husband in that regard okay we learn a few things here i don't want to go on a tangent too much here but we learn that it is not normal it is not natural for a man to desire a girl like a little girl all right like like when it comes to islam and mohammed okay he was a pedophile okay how old was the girl that he married was a nine years old six and consummated the marriage at nine if that's correct okay that is not normal that is abnormal that is contrary to god's word you must understand that person is a reprobate that person does not have love okay that is not normal you know any culture or society that's married off their children you know at six nine years old whatever that is wicked that is filthy that is not the way of the bible okay that is not god's way okay so you know what that that is that is gross and that is not normal that is but i think parents we have to be careful there are strange people there are this world is getting worse i'm just saying okay this world is getting worse and it's not just our daughters it's our boys too little boys they get you know uh attacked and there are wicked people out there okay but it's it's essentially god is here and i'll show you some other passages god is making sure that children are very protected in this sense okay they haven't matured they haven't gone through puberty they haven't got this they haven't mentally they cannot process you know what it is to be married and to be intimate with one another okay if i can get you to turn with me to turn with me to numbers numbers chapter 30 turn with me to numbers keep your finger there in song of solomon please turn with me to numbers chapter 30 please numbers chapter 30 and this is this is something that is you know reinforced in the bible quite a few times while you're turning to numbers 30 i'm going to read to you from first corinthians chapter 7 verse number 36 first corinthians chapter 7 and verse number 36 this is the instruction to paul to the corinthian church he says but if any man think that he behave himself uncommly toward his virgin it says this words if she pass the flower of her age and need so require let him do what he will he sin if not let them marry once again paul is saying look if someone has not hit puberty they are not right to get married okay this has been reinforced again for us in the bible numerous times okay it is not natural it is not normal to desire someone that young okay muhammad was a pedophile muhammad was a reprobate okay why would you follow that religion when your founder committed such filthy acts okay such a wicked man while you're you're in numbers chapter 30 look at this numbers chapter 30 verse number three because then here's the other mistake some christians make they're like well then god is saying that as soon as a girl hits puberty they should get married look some girls hit it at 12 maybe 13 right that's kind of the age well are you going to marry off your 13 year old are you 12 year old whatever is that what is it do you think that's what the bible is saying to you and number one god has given us a clear boundary that is not normal okay number two it's not saying as soon as someone hits puberty that's it they're ready to get married okay that's what it's saying okay because fathers you have a responsibility okay to nurture and take care of your daughters till the day that you find or they find themselves a good man that's going to love them and care for them okay and that age i got married when i was 22 some people get married when they're 17 okay but you know parents you ought to be the one that is able to determine this decision okay god's not saying all right your child's got to give us number three it says if a woman also vow a vow unto the lord let me just give you let me let me bring it to the context of what we're discussing a vow is a promise so if a boy goes up to a girl will you marry me and she says yes i'll marry you that's a vow that's a promise yes i will marry you okay that's that's a huge vow okay and it's okay let's just take that right she says to some man yes i'll marry you all right if a woman also vow a vow unto the lord look at this and bind herself by a bond okay so of course when you say that it's a bond been in her father's house in her youth okay so she's still a young lady and she's under the authority of her father okay and she makes a vow she makes a promise yes i'm going to marry you okay look at verse number four and her father hear the vow so she goes up to her dad says dad you know what i'm getting married to you know this this gaming bum right this is a cop this loser i'm gonna get married to him because we're just so in love all right if her father hear her vow and her bond wherewith she have bound her soul and her father shall hold his peace at her then all her vows shall stand and every bond where if she have bound her soul shall stand sorry i've got to turn to numbers myself because i didn't actually get all the whole thing numbers chapter 30 verse number three so dad you have a decision if she says look i got i decided to get married and you hold your peace you say okay honey that's fine you know well she's bound by that promise okay but then if we keep going then verse number five but if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth not any of her vows or of her bonds where if she have bound her soul shall stand so none of the vow shall stand and the lord shall forgive her because her father disallowed her okay so dads if your 13 year old girl comes up to you says dad you know my 14 year old boyfriend and they shouldn't be dating anyway i just covered that earlier but you know i promise that i'm going to marry him and you go honey that's ridiculous this guy doesn't work a job he's a bum all right no you're not going to marry him well that's biblical you've cancelled it okay so my point is this it's not just saying okay she's 13 she's hit puberty marry her off no dads you have a responsibility okay this is your say you know this is why traditionally in marriage we even saw that yesterday right who he gives this woman over to to marriage or something along those lines and the father says i do okay that's the right way okay yeah i i've given her permission okay i approve of this all right and if you didn't approve of that should have been approved a long time ago before the marriage day okay it's meant to be on the day of the vow of the house okay that we're made yes i'm going to marry you that's the day when you hear about it okay the day you hear about it so even if it's the next day or if it's the next week or if it's next year the day that you hear about it you are allowed to say no and god says all right that's fine that's exactly how it ought to be so fathers you have responsibility obviously i'm not going to let let my 13 year old girl get married okay because i've got authority over her okay i'm just going to show you in the bible okay how god hands that responsibility over to their fathers all right let's keep going there back to song of solomon chapter 8 so song of solomon chapter 8 please in verse number 11 song of solomon chapter 8 verse number 11 it says solomon had a vineyard at baal hamon we've seen this many times that solomon of course as the king he's got prosperity he's got vineyards he's got investments he's got holiday houses and i've said to you look this is not wrong or sinful in of itself okay if god blesses you you've worked hard you know and you're able to have investments well praise god for that okay you know remember money is not the root of all evil the love of money is the root of all evil okay but you know if you've been blessed and you've got these things great it says here um everyone for the fruit thereof was to bring a thousand pieces oh sorry i didn't finish it i'll read verse number 11 again solomon had a vineyard at baal hamon he let out the vineyard unto keepers so he's he's renting out his vineyard all right so you might have an investment property that you rent out to someone else so that's what basically solomon's doing okay everyone for the for the fruit thereof was to bring a thousand pieces of silver so i don't know if this was a monthly charge or whatever it was but the cost to rent the vineyard would be a thousand pieces of silver okay so you can see hey he's got investments he's making some side money that's fine okay let's keep going there verse number 12 she says the wife says my vineyard which is mine she's got her own vineyard too okay so you say well maybe this is teaching us you know husbands you've got your finances and you've got your investments and wife you've got your own investments and you know when it comes to marriage make sure you just keep it all separate and you know you live off what you make and i'll live off what i make and we'll just have separate bank accounts so there's nothing in common between us financially is that what it's teaching here well what does she say she says my vineyard which is mine is before me okay thou o solomon king solomon her husband must have a thousand and those that keep the fruit thereof two hundred she goes not only does my solomon my husband gets a thousand dollars or thousand let's say a thousand dollars right for renting out the vineyard well even my vineyard solomon gets a thousand dollars okay and they get 200 so the people that uh you know growing things in the vineyard they make two hundred dollars all right and then they've got to pay the rent of a thousand dollars for example to solomon all right so they're making a 200 profit solomon's making a thousand dollar profit on this investment and but what i want to take out of that brethren is that even though it's her vineyard you see that it's solomon that's controlling the finances okay and i truly believe men used to be ought to be the one controlling the finances you know i think that also elevates you to a level of authority once again just showing you know that you can manage money you know that you and again hey these these uh properties these investments these finances what do we see they are shared okay they are shared it's not just this is my thing and this is your thing listen they live together they're one flesh finances and property are shared okay you know the property that i have 50 percent in my name title says 50 percent in christina's name it's a shared property okay i don't have some side thing that's just mine mine alone okay no when it comes to marriage we have to share this together okay the finances are to be shared all right so just keep that in mind you know i don't want you to be people when you're married to be two people living under one house but living completely different lives even financially you know we need to be understanding of one another you know sharing that the benefits and the blessings uh together verse number 13 she says thou that dwellest in the gardens the companions harken to thy voice cause me to hear it man this is something else that you need to learn okay when you go through life when you go through to work or whatever it is that you hang out with the boys okay your companions harken to your voice they hear your voice you got you guys talk sometimes men we go out have lunch together don't we we have a bit of chat a bit of fellowship you know join each other's one company again nothing wrong with that in of itself but then she says cause me to hear it just look don't just talk to your mates and your work colleagues talk to me i want to hear your voice too husband you know you've gone to work you've been there eight hours nine hours ten hours in a day you know you talk to all your workers etc your colleagues when you come home don't be quiet that i'm too tired to talk honey because i want to hear your voice i want to be your companion i want to be your friend so husbands remember this when you come home from work one day and your wife says honey you don't talk to me talk to me i've been home all day i've not had any adult interaction can you please let's have a chat don't get frustrated your wife this is biblical she ought to feel that way if she truly loves you if her love is strong she's going to want to talk to you okay and you're going to want to have to talk to her you know so chat find something in common do things together you know enrich your marriage build your marriage make time for conversation and then the final verse verse number 14 she says make haste my beloved she goes come on hurry up i want to spend time with you and be there like a row or a young heart upon the mountains of spices and that's how we end song of solomon chapter eight but i do want to just bring you to this thought she says look make haste be like this this uh dear that's you know skipping upon the mountains you know making its way back home i want to spend time with you after you've been out there working all day so i want to just bring you back to just something that we did look at earlier in song of solomon chapter two okay go back to song of solomon chapter two and verse number eight song of solomon chapter two and verse number eight so wives you ought to desire you know you're not to be like oh man my husband's going to be home at five ah you know now now now we've got to get you know now it's going to be a disaster i enjoyed my day till my husband now is coming oh man no that's wrong she's like make haste come early if you can right but you know what husbands we ought to be that way as well okay song of solomon chapter 2 8 it says the voice of my beloved behold he cometh leaping upon the mountains we saw that earlier skipping upon the hills is that you husband when you finish your days of work that you're leaping like whoa can't wait to see my wife now are we making a detour i'll just go somewhere else no we ought to be sleeping and skipping upon the mountains skipping upon the hills verse number nine my beloved is like a row a young heart which was taught in chapter eight behold he standeth behind our wall he'll look a forth at the windows showing himself through the lattice listen this guy can't even wait to see his wife before he even opens the door he's already looking through the window is my wife there he's looking through the windows verse number 10 my beloved spake and said unto me rise up my love my fair one and come away he's like honey i've just finished work come on let's go out let's go out on a date let's go and spend time together you know i'm so excited to see you rise up my love my fair one and come away and just to tie this you know and so men you know you ought to be excited to see your wife wives you ought to be excited to see your husbands after a day's work and husbands you ought to be excited to see your wife after you've labored hard but again the spiritual teaching that i took out of this in chapter number two is that one day of course christ is going to come back you know he's going to say these words as it were unto us rise up my love my fair one and come away you know one day the lord's coming back and he wants his people his believers his children to be with him in heaven for all eternity the day of the rapture is coming you know that same excitement you know we often often talk about i can't wait for the rapture can't wait to be with jesus you know what right now you ought to have that love and excitement for your spouse can't wait to be with my husband can't wait to be with my wife you know after a hard day's work all right let's pray heavenly father lord i want to thank you lord for the song of solomon lord there are so many things that we can learn about in marriage and lord even as i prepared these things and taught lord i realized where there were failings in my area of life and lord i just pray for each marriage each husband each wife that's here lord i just pray that we would not just grow cold we would not just let things slide lord but we would just be as romantic lord as we were from day number one even more so lord i pray that our love will grow that our love will be strong our love will never fail but lord we need your help you're a god of love lord we need the love that you you can give us lord to then pass that on to our spouse so lord i do pray that you help us in our marriages and for those that are single those that are going to be married lord i do pray that they will take some of these words lord and they will start their marriages on the best foot forward we pray these things in jesus name amen all right brethren please take your hymnals and turn to hymn number 17 hymn number 17 and before we sing hymn number 17 sorry guys i'm always out of practice on a sunday here with you guys i normally ask you about birthdays don't i so are there are there any birthdays this week anyone celebrating a birthday yes brother daniel your birthday on tuesday ah praise god happy birthday daniel amen any wedding anniversaries well we know that this time next year there's going to be a wedding anniversary don't we brother tim since the sheiling that's going to happen praise god for that um all right so i wasn't meant to be here