(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Right. Right. What's he doing? Showing him what he's got. He's... A boss? She's putting out what? She's putting out what? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he doing? Song of Solomon, chapter one. Alright brethren, find your seats, grab your hymnos, we're about to begin. Just find your seats and grab your hymnos. Alright, let's turn to hymn number 130. Hymn number 130. Hayden! Man, good to see ya! Alright, hymn number 130, let's sing Yesterday, Today, Forever. And if you can stand, please do. 130, Yesterday, Today, Forever. Let's sing it up to the Lord. Oh, how sweet the glorious message simple faith may claim. Yesterday, Today, Forever, Jesus is the same. Still he loves to save the sinful, ill the sick and lame. The mourner still the tempest, glory to his name. Yesterday, Today, Forever, Jesus is the same. All may change but Jesus' never glory to his name. Glory to his name. Glory to his name. All may change but Jesus' never glory to his name. He who pardoned every Peter never needs to fear. He that came to faithless Thomas all night long will claim. He who led the love disciple on his bosom rest. It's distilled with love as tender clean upon his breast. Yesterday, Today, Forever, Jesus is the same. All may change but Jesus never glory to his name. Glory to his name. Glory to his name. All may change but Jesus never glory to his name. He who made the raging billows walk upon the sea. Still can hush our waters tempest as on Galilee. He who wept and prayed in anguish in Gethsemane drinks with us each cup of trembling in our agony. Yesterday, Today, Forever, Jesus is the same. All may change but Jesus never glory to his name. Glory to his name. Glory to his name. All may change but Jesus never glory to his name. As of old he walked to heaven with them to abide. Still through all eyes when he walketh ever near our side. Soon again shall we behold him hasten on the day. But we'll still be missing Jesus as he went away. Yesterday, Today, Forever, Jesus is the same. All may change but Jesus never glory to his name. Glory to his name. Glory to his name. All may change but Jesus never glory to his name. Amen. Let's go to a word of prayer. Yes, Heavenly Father. Lord, we give you glory. We give you praise. We thank you for being our mighty God, Lord, who loved us so much to send your son to dine our place. And Lord, we do give glory to Jesus Christ, your son as well. Thank you so much, Lord, for that sacrifice. Thank you for the Lamb of God that take away the sin of the world. And Lord, we come to be in your house tonight, Lord. To be in your presence, to hear from your word, to be moved by your spirit. And Lord, may our praise and worship be received by you. We pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. You may be seated. Okay, our next hymn is hymn number 150. 150. My faith has found a resting place. 150. My faith has found a resting place. Amen. Great singing, by the way. Sounding beautiful. 150. 150. My faith has found a resting place. My faith has found a resting place Not in device or creed I trust the ever living one His words for me shall plead Amen I need no other argument I need no other plea Enough that Jesus died And that he died for me Enough for me that Jesus saves This ends my fear and doubt A sinful soul, I come to him He'll never cast me out I need no other argument I need no other plea It is enough that Jesus died And that he died for me My heart is leaning on the Word The written Word of God Salvation by my sin Salvation through his blood I need no other argument I need no other plea It is enough that Jesus died And that he died for me On the last, my great physician Here's the sick, the lost he came to save For me his precious blood he shed For me his life he gave I need no other argument I need no other plea It is enough that Jesus died And that he died for me Alright, 173 and then we'll have our Bible reading. 173, love lifted me. 173, love lifted me. Amen. I was sinking deep into it Far from the peaceful shore Very deeply stayed within Sinking to rise from all But the Master of the sea Heard my despairing cry From the waters lifted me Now safe am I Love lifted me Love lifted me When nothing else could help Love lifted me Love lifted me Love lifted even me When nothing else could help Love lifted me All my heart to him I give Ever to him I'll cling In his blessed presence live Ever his praises sing Love so mighty and so true There is my soul's best songs Faithful loving service to him belongs Love lifted me Love lifted me When nothing else could help Love lifted me Love lifted me Love lifted me When nothing else could help Love lifted me Souls in danger look above Jesus completely saves He will lift you by his love Out of the angry waves He is the Master of the sea He loves his will obey He your Savior wants to make me safe today Love lifted even me Love lifted even me When nothing else could help Love lifted me Love lifted even me Love lifted even me When nothing else could help Love lifted me Excellent singing. Please take your bibles and turn to Song of Solomon. Song of Solomon, chapter number one. Song of Solomon. It's quite a romantic book so I thought I'd get the most romantic person to do the reading for us. Brother Tim. Brother Tim, Mr. Romance. Well I wasn't aware of that. Okay. Song of Solomon, chapter one. Song of Solomon, chapter one. The song of songs which is Solomon's Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth For thy love is better than wine Because of the savour of thy good ointments Thy name is as ointment poured forth Therefore do the virgins love thee Draw me, we will run after thee The king hath brought me into his chambers We will be glad and rejoice in thee We will remember thy love more than wine The upright love thee I am black, but comely O ye daughters of Jerusalem As the tents of Kidah As the curtains of Solomon Look not upon me, because I am black Because the sun hath looked upon me My mother's children were angry with me They made me the keeper of the vineyards But mine own vineyard have I not kept Tell me, O thou whom my soul loveth Where thou feedest Where thou makest thy flock to rest at noon For why should I be as one That turneth aside by the flocks of thy companions If thou know not O thou fairest among women Go thy way forth by the footsteps of the flock And feed thy kids beside the shepherd's tents I have compared thee, O my love To the company of horses in Pharaoh's chariots Thy cheeks are comely with rows of jewels Thy neck with chains of gold We will make thee borders of gold With studs of silver While the king sitteth at his table My spikenard sendeth forth the smell thereof A bundle of myrrh is my well-beloved unto me He shall lie all night betwixt my breasts My beloved is unto me as a cluster of campfire In the vineyards of Engedai Behold, thou art fair, my love Behold, thou art fair, thou hast dove's eyes Behold, thou art fair, my beloved Yea, pleasant, also our bed is green The beams of our house are cedar And our rafters of fir Let us pray Dear Lord, thank you once again That we can be gathered in your house to hear your word preached And that we can have Pastor Kevin here to preach for us and bless us We pray that you would now fill in with your Holy Ghost And help him to be apt to teach and to preach to us And that our hearts and our minds and our ears would be open To learn and to hear your word In Jesus' name we pray, Amen You know, this book, I've often heard it said that You know, it's speaking about the relationship between Christ and his bride And yeah, you know, we can definitely take truths from that You know, the whole Bible is Christ-centric Like the whole Bible is pointing us to Christ And so we want to look at Christ as we go through this book chapter by chapter But I don't want you to miss the primary purpose of this book This is to keep the romance in your marriage, alright So if you're a husband, if you're a wife If you desire one day to be married In your book, you need to pay attention One of the problems we have, men, is that When we go and we find a lady that we want to be with We try to put on the charm We try to show the best demonstration of what we are We turn it on, don't we? We turn on the glory We try to impress the person we want to be with But then when you get married, what happens many times? It's like, ah, who cares now? She's stuck with me, he's stuck with me So what's the point of trying? You need to understand, you know, this is not King Solomon trying to find a spouse This is King Solomon with his wife And I want you to pay attention to how they speak to each other What they say about each other And, you know, the whole purpose of this is to spark some romance in your marriage Or your marriage to be, if that's you one day And, you know, there is a reason I know for men we don't understand this completely But there is a reason, I remember that, you know, teenage girls would like to read their romance novels Like, guys, we want to read the adventure novels Or watch some movie where there's guns blazing Or something like that, but the girls, they want to read that romance novel And you're like, ah, come on, that's not real life Well, it should be to some extent Okay, at least within the biblical framework that we see Solomon Solomon is the romance novel, okay, of the Bible And so, you know, if you truly apply this in your life You're going to enrich your marriage, okay? God does not want us to get to a point where we're just, okay, we're married with this person We're stuck with them for the rest of our life No, we need to continue having that relationship, right? Continue taking out your spouse Continue having great conversations Continue showing love toward one another You know, don't let that stop in your marriage Because if that stops, you're going to start heading toward divorce You're going to start heading toward broken relationships Hurt feelings, you need to maintain the romance Even if you're married today Now, let's, before we start reading Or let's actually look at verse number one there Song of Solomon chapter one verse one Begins by saying the song of songs which is Solomon's The title for the sermon tonight is The Song of Songs The Song of Songs What does that mean? Which is Solomon? So we definitely know Solomon wrote this book, right? One of the greatest kings of Israel He definitely, Israel at its peak, at its greatest, Solomon was the king Well, this is the Song of Songs And my understanding of what that means Is that this is the best song that he's ever written Like, out of all the songs he's written in his life This is the Song of Songs This is the most important one Which makes sense for God to have decided to put this in the canon of scripture As an entire book But what I want you to do is just keep your finger there in Song of Solomon And turn to first Kings chapter four Turn to first Kings chapter four and verse number thirty First Kings chapter four and verse number thirty I do want you to turn here So first Kings chapter four and verse number thirty The Bible says In Solomon's wisdom excelled I'll give you a moment more to turn there First Kings chapter four and verse number thirty please First Kings, four thirty The Bible says In Solomon's wisdom excelled The wisdom of all the children of the east country And all the wisdom of Egypt For he was wiser than all men Than Ethan, the Ezehites, and Haman, and Chalkol, and Dada, and the sons of Mahal And his fame was in all nations round about So let's stop there Kings, you know, King Solomon was given this great wisdom by God You may recall that God had promised, asked him, you know, what do you want Solomon Solomon wanted wisdom to be able to judge the people of Israel And God was really impressed by that And he gave him that wisdom You know, he's wiser than the average man Okay, what he writes about romance is wisdom It's going to help your marriage This isn't just romantic feelings, you know, butterfly feelings in the heart And just being overly emotional and just carried about No, no, there's wisdom in the song of Solomon Alright, let's keep going there, verse number thirty two And he spake, look at this, he spake three thousand proverbs We know that King Solomon was also the main author of the book of Proverbs Hey, he spake three thousand proverbs, look at this And his songs were a thousand and five King Solomon wrote a thousand and five songs I mean this guy, you know, had it all This guy was poetic, he could sing songs, he could say proverbs You know, great wisdom, great truths And so if there's a thousand and five songs And then we're reading the song of songs It's going to be the best one of that thousand and five It's going to be the best one, okay So we're really hearing, you know, the number one hit of Israel Back in those days, right In the Billboard top hundred, this was number one You know, weeks on end The songs, verse number thirty three, it says And he spake of trees from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon We're going to start hearing a lot about the cedar tree in Lebanon in the song of Solomon It says even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wool He spake also of beasts and of fowl and creeping things and of fishes You know, what this is saying is, Solomon was not just this romantic He also has wisdom in the sciences He had good understanding of biology You know, he was a studied and well-learned man And even though he was studied and well-learned He still saw time to stop and write some songs of romance Alright, verse number thirty four And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon From all kings of the earth which had heard of his wisdom So all the kings of the earth at that time Wanted to hear what Solomon had to say They wanted to hear the songs of Solomon The problems of Solomon So brethren, as we go through the song of Solomon I want you to think about this is wisdom This is learning that even the great kings of the earth wanted to hear You get to hear it tonight You get to hear it week after week As we go through the song of Solomon chapter by chapter Back to the song of Solomon please Chapter one, verse number two So again, I don't want you to just ignore what we're reading about Just think, oh that's not for me No, no, this is for you If you're married, it's definitely for you If you're married, it's definitely for you And if you're hoping to get married, pay attention Start on the best foot forward that you can Try to get what you can from this book Verse number two Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth For thy love is better than wine Let's stop there for a moment, who's saying these words? Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth Who is saying these words? It's the wife, it's the wife of Solomon Okay, so one thing that you need to do with the song of Solomon You know, this is kind of unlike other books of the Bible That you might be able to just read through chapter by chapter pretty quickly With the song of Solomon, it's not always clear When the wife is speaking or when the husband is speaking It just starts to change It just goes from one verse, the wife's speaking To another verse, the husband's speaking You know, you've got to pay attention To figure out who is speaking at this time Well of course if it's saying let him kiss me Kiss me with the kisses of his mouth It's the wife, the wife is speaking It's as for thy love is better than wine Okay, and so the first thing I want you to take out of this teaching Is that between husband and wife there ought to be physical affection There ought to be some physical affection Between husband and wife Kisses Now I don't know, you know This is something that you need to maintain, okay To kiss your spouse with the lips, alright Keep that in your marriage Don't let that just be something that's early in your marriage It's got to continue Year after year after year You know one of the sweetest things that, you know Sometimes I go with Christina And every now and again you'll find like a really elderly couple Just walking down the street together Holding hands You know, one kisses the other And it's like man that's just like, it's amazing to see How this elderly couple could maintain such sweet romance Such sweet friendship All the days of their life You know they come from a generation that divorce was never an option They come from a generation that said you know what No matter how hard things get We're going to stay together, we're going to love each other You come first in my life And you see these elderly couples walk around and you think Man how beautiful that is How long have they been married How long have they just had their eyes just one toward the other Well don't let the physical affection be removed in your marriage Okay Don't just make that the first part of your life No that needs to continue Day after day after day Years and years and years as you keep going on Till death do you part Let's keep going there, verse number three Because of the savour of thy good ointments Thy name is as ointment poured forth Therefore do the virgins love thee So the wife continues to speak Now what does she say? What she's saying here is she's praising her husband Why is she praising her husband? Well because of the savour of thy good ointments Good ointments are speaking about perfume Okay Solomon smells nice to his wife Okay This is something you're going to constantly see Okay again in the Song of Solomon Look men there's nothing feminine about perfume Unless it's feminine perfume Okay It's okay to put on deodorants It's okay to have a shower Okay This is look Because I you know I've got manly friends And it's like this is just how I smell You know I go to work or I have a good workout brother in the gym or something Right And this is just This is my body odour This is my manliness No no no look Your wife's not going to appreciate that Alright You want to cover yourself Go have a shower Go put on some nice perfume Go hide your body odour And we're kind of laughing at it But it's actually serious Okay This is important in a marriage Alright You know think about like there are many And you know I want to be just a bit careful with how I say things But you know you don't want to be around just belching You know just burping around your spouse Alright Because you know it's what you're eating You know the smells are coming out of your mouth Oh that's why I can't stop it No you've got to do something about it You've got to change that Try and impress your spouse You want to smell nice Or just go around passing wind Oh you know it was just that curry Or whatever it was right Look you've got to control that right I mean if you're not going to smell too good Go to the backyard Go somewhere You know don't Don't you know Don't have bad body odour In front of your spouse It's funny but it's true Like this is something we need to do Like respect your spouse Oh well she's just going to live with me every day of my life She's just going to get used to how I smell Well if you want to have a good romance If you want to improve in your marriage Hey start caring about the person that you love Okay and this is one great way You know to smell nice That you're pleasant to be with her Or vice versa right You're not just trying to stink up the place And well this is my territory Like a dog marks a tree or something Well this is my territory We don't want to be that way We want to be presentable You know to all the person that we love Alright But look at this She praises him for being this way Alright Because of the savour of thy good ointments And then he says Thy name is as ointment poured forth Because you're presentable Because you smell nice Because you do your best to present yourself in a great way She goes even your name is as ointments Poured forth And Solomon has a good reputation Everywhere that he goes Everyone looks up to him Not just because he's the king But because he's well presented Alright He cares about how he presents himself to other people And then she says Therefore do the virgins love thee She goes you know what It's not just me that loves you It's the virgins Who say who are the virgins Well because Solomon's wife is also queen Okay she's obviously part of the royal family You know in these days The royal family especially the queens They had like handmaids around them You know other ladies that would help in the kingdom Other ladies that would help the queen You know get dressed Get herself ready You know do the roles that she's responsible to do And so she had an entourage of these other ladies That would help her out You'll soon see as we keep going through this chapter That these virgins do refer to the handmaids Okay So she loves her husband But she says look even my handmaids Even the virgins here They love you Like they appreciate you They you know They say hey You've got a good husband Right he's a good man No They love the fact that There are You know the queen Is married to such a good honorable presentable man Verse number three Sorry verse number four It says draw me So she's speaking to her husband Draw me We will run after thee Who are the we The virgins Not just herself But hey because you know The handmaids They're there to take care of the queen But when the husband calls for his wife And has a need for his wife Hey these handmaids are also willing to serve the king Because they respect him They honor him Right Now the king's calling her You'll soon see it's to have a romantic time together It says The king have brought me into his chambers We will be glad We will be glad And rejoice in thee We will remember thy love more than wine The upright love thee The upright love thee And so again Relationship between husband and wife Okay The king calls his wife to the chambers But listen all the people who entourage Those that look at this marriage Hey they're celebrating They're so thankful that this marriage is together That they're together Right They love the queen But they love the king Who loves the queen And they're thankful that this union is together You know it's the same thing as marriage right When we have a wedding You know and you have witnesses You have people there You know you're celebrating the love between Those two people You know the father The father who hands the hand of marriage To the man you know of his daughter You know to his daughter's hand to another man You know the celebration of that love Right Even though the husband's only calling for that wife Hey but they're all celebrating They're all rejoicing That this love exists between Husband and wife And so the thing that I take out of this brethren Is that we should not hide Our love toward our spouse Right Like when we're at church You know sometimes you know My wife can't always be here But you know I take extra effort When my wife is here To put my arm around her Right To speak with her Because I want the church to know That I love my wife Okay It's good to set an example Like that's not all we just hug When we go home after church Or we just spend time together When we go home after We don't want anyone around It's good for people to see it You know it's good for children to see Some level of affection Between mum and dad Right To say hey you know dad loves mum Mum loves dad It gives them security It gives them safety To know that this marriage You know it continues Continues being strong You know if you're married You should not be ashamed Of showing affection You know Even when other people are aware of it They see it right Again at a wedding You know What do we say at the wedding When they finish saying their vows You know you may kiss Your bride Right And they kiss And everyone sees And woo Everyone's clapping Everyone's celebrating Hey that's good to see Between a married couple Verse number five Now she says these words I am black But comely She goes look I am comely meaning I am attractive I am beautiful But she goes I'm black What does she mean by that? You know she's dark skinned Sort of Okay She goes oh ye daughters of Jerusalem So before she was talking You know one of the things That you need to see As you keep going through The Song of Solomon Is that yes the wife speaks The husband speaks Sometimes the wife is speaking To the husband Or the husband is speaking To the wife In this scenario The wife is not speaking To her husband She's speaking to her friends She's speaking to her girlfriends Because she says I am black but comely Oh ye daughters of Jerusalem She's talking back To the other ladies in Jerusalem She's talking to the other ladies That she's associated with right She goes oh man I'm black I'm not you know I don't look too good You know what sense As the tents of Kedar As the curtains of Solomon Look not upon me Because I am black Because the sun Have looked upon me One thing men That we start to notice In this Straight away here In chapter number one Is that ladies Often Are very self conscious About their appearance You know They're always You know Just finding a fault About how they look Right If a lady has straight hair She wants curly hair And if she's got Curly hair She wants straight hair And if she's got blonde hair She wants dark hair And if she's got dark hair She wants the blonde hair Right And if her nose Is a little bit longer She wants it shorter And if it's too short She wants it a bit longer Alright And then this is why you get These strange looking women Right These Kardashian type women Who are constantly trying to Improve their figure They're never satisfied They're never happy And then they just look like Some awkward freak Okay Because they're constantly Making them But look this is just a reality Man that you need to remember About your wife Is that she's going to Look at herself in the mirror And find Problems Okay That they don't think They're necessarily beautiful Alright Even though you found her To be beautiful Even you You know you decided Hey I'm going to marry her You know I love the way She looks in my eyes I'm going to take her As my wife Well sometimes she's not Going to feel that confident About her appearance Okay So what are you going to do About it When she feels that way You know what You know what you do You keep telling her about No you don't tell her How bad her appearance is You've got to lift her up You'll soon see that King Solomon does Lift her up Okay She's black In what sense is she black Again let's have a look at that Again in verse number six Look not upon me Because I am black Because the sun Have looked upon me So she's not necessarily Dark skinned Okay She might be fair skinned But she's been out in the sun For too long Okay And when you're out in the sun What are you going to get A tan Alright So look it's strange Because Another thing that we learn here Is that just You know What ladies kind of think Is nice Changes over time You know a lot of ladies These days they want the tan Don't they They want to go And get you know To the sun And get a sun tan Or they just go into one of those machines And do it easier Like do it quicker And you know They ruin their skin actually You know All this tanning they do But they think they look better When they look tan Well in the days of Solomon here If you got a tan That wasn't very pretty Like you know Fair skinned I suppose Was the preference And so she's kind of ashamed That she's received a tan You know Why did she receive a tan Why is she tan She goes In verse number 6 My mother's children were angry with me So her siblings are angry at her Now I don't believe for a second Her siblings are angry at her But this is how This is her reaction to being tanned Okay Because This is why Because They Sorry They made me the keeper of the vineyards But mine own vineyard Have I not kept She goes Look my family Put me to work in the vineyards Alright I was out there You know Picking the grapes Or whatever they were doing She got tanned She got a bit of sunburn Right And because she doesn't like her appearance She's blaming her siblings Right They're angry at me I don't think they're angry at her But that's just her reaction She's overreacting Okay To the situation And But she says this Look they've made me keeper of the vineyards But my own vineyard Have I not kept She goes I've been looking after the family business But I've not looked after my own vineyards Speaking of her own appearance Okay So I guess her Hair's not done right She's got tanned Or whatever it is Alright She's probably sweating You know Her mascara's You know Come off a little bit Or whatever it is Right And she's just feeling She doesn't look nice Okay Because her skin was darkened Now again Men You need to just remember That when your wife You know Starts to complain about their appearance Don't get mad at her All women do it All of them Okay I promise you this They all do it Okay And you can You know You can kind of get tired of it Because you think she's beautiful Like you think she's just perfect But they just notice the little things And you know Men You're wired differently to ladies Okay You know We don't We don't Like we see the big picture men Like we see the vision We know what we want to get to But the ladies look at the details Okay They really pay attention to the smaller details They notice things more than we notice You know But we're looking at the bigger picture We're just trying to get We're just moving forward As fast as we can And usually our wives Our wives are paying attention to the details And they're going to pay attention to their own details Their own defects Their own little issues This is why you've got to encourage them To show them that You still love them It doesn't matter You know And we get older ladies We get older You know Our skin's going to change We're going to get wrinkles You're going to get pimples You're going to get marks on your skin As you get older You know If you have a baby Your body's going to be a little bit out of shape Alright I mean the more babies you have The more damage it causes to your body But this is part of life Now I did say That not only the Song of Solomon About a marriage relationship But we can also learn about Christ And if you can please keep your finger then Turn to Psalm 51 Turn to Psalm 51 and verse number 7 Psalm 51 and verse number 7 And you know When it comes to our walk with the Lord You know Because we're sinful creatures And when we sin against the Lord You know We are going to You know You know Hurt our appearance before God Like you know If we're walking in darkness And God is light And he can't have darkness in him Psalm 51 please Psalm 51 You know Then we're going to break We're going to hurt The fellowship that we have Between us and God Okay And you see that Solomon's wife is saying Look she's black She's been darkened Well you know what brethren When you commit sin You've darkened yourself You've poured yourself away From your walk with God Our God who has no darkness in him You want to fellowship in fellowship with God Have a good relationship with God You've got to clean yourself I'm not talking about salvation That's a one and done event The moment you've trusted Christ the Saviour You've been saved positionally Before God you're perfect In the righteousness of Christ I'm talking about our fellowship Our walk I have no doubt We've all sinned today Okay We've darkened our steps To some extent You know We know We've been darkened We're black as it were Alright But the Bible says in Psalm 51 verse 7 This is King David King David was far from the Lord When he said these words He says to the Lord Purge me with hyssop And I shall be clean Wash me And I shall be whiter than snow Hey King David is already a saved man When he's saying these words He had sinned with Bathsheba He had committed such grievous sins Against the Lord And he said Lord please wash me He's been darkened He's darkened right Because he wants to be whiter than snow He wants to be back in fellowship with God He hasn't lost his salvation He just wants to be close to God And he asks God God can you wash me I want to be whiter than snow So I hope you can see As we go through the Song of Solomon There are some parallels With how we think of Christ And what Christ has done for us Back to Song of Solomon Chapter 1 verse number 7 Chapter 1 verse number 7 Now she says to her husband Tell me O thou whom my soul loveth Hey she says to her king Hey I love you Hey what else do we learn brethren We need to tell our spouses That we love them Okay Husbands love your wives Is the instruction in Ephesians 5 But you know what ladies You should tell your husbands That you love them as well Okay that's what she's saying Tell me O thou whom my soul loveth We have to tell Our spouse that we love them Okay And that was just back when we got married Now tell them today Tell them every day that you love them Okay She goes Where thou feedest Where thou makest Thy flock to rest at noon Let me just explain what's going on here King Solomon You would think that As the king of Israel You know He's got all the riches He's got all the wealth He's got all the investments He's got all the servants That surely King Solomon Doesn't have to go and work hard In the field But actually he does Okay He's out there still working Right He's actually there tending to some flocks Alright I'm sure he's got shepherds But he's going around You know Looking at business Looking at the shepherds Making sure everything's under control Being taken care of Right He gets down from the throne From time to time And starts looking at everything And he's got all his investments Making sure everything is at the right place And so he's out working Is basically it Okay And the wife is saying Oh Solomon where are you Where are you at noon Okay Cause normally I guess at noon That's lunch break Or whatever it is right Let's keep going Let's have a look at it again Tell me She says Look tell me Solomon O thou whom I so loveth Where thou feedest Where thou makest thy flock To rest at noon Hey Solomon Tell me where you're gonna be in noon Cause I wanna be with you Is what she's saying She goes I know you're out working I know you're tending to the flock But hey I know at noon you take a rest I know you're having your lunch break Alright I wanna be with you Tell me where you are What do we learn We learn that hey As married people we wanna spend time together She goes Look I can't even wait for the end of the day When you get home I wanna be with you on your lunch break Where are you Isn't that interesting Okay So You know going to work Or not to have You know Almost have this mentality I can't wait to go to work Because I can't wait to get away from my spouse Can't wait to get away from my wife and kids Wrong attitude You wanna have a romantic strong marriage You know what Even the lunch break You also desire to be with each other You know maybe What's You know And I know we can't do this practically all the time Okay But is there anything wrong men On your lunch break To text your wife at least Give her a quick phone call Say honey thinking of you Love you Love you honey You know I'm going to have lunch now Just a quick message on my lunch break I love you I wanna be with you Can't wait to be home this afternoon Hey Okay That's the kind of attitude that we ought to have Okay Even when we're far from our spouse Keeps going there She asks this question in verse number 7 The rest of it She goes For why should I So why should I as the wife Be as one that turneth aside By the flocks of thy companions Alright She says look Why should I be Of a lower priority In your life Than your companions Than your workmates She goes look I wanna be there at lunch with you Solomon You know I know you've got your companions I know you've got your work colleagues I know you care for them And they're important in your life She goes But why should I be turned aside For your companions Listen Your spouse comes first In your marriage Alright If you decide I'm going to marry this person They come first in your life Look And your companions at work They're important You gotta work with them Okay You gotta function with them But the most important person in your life Must be your spouse Alright Look There are many times Where when I was working You know After work I'd be like Hey come and hang out with us Come hit the pub Or whatever You know I never went to the pub Come play soccer Sometimes I went to play soccer Okay But you know what Many times I'm invited Come and hang out Say no I've got a wife and kids They come first But It's It's maturity It's maturity Is what it is Because Many of us have gone You know My kids are homeschooled So They're not going to experience this But many of us have gone To the school system You know And in that system You get taught That your friends Are basically the most important In your life You know Make sure you have friends With the same age With the same interests You like the same music Right You're on the same path And that's your group of friends You know And you kind of Once you graduate from school You kind of think That's what life is But that's not reality It's not reality You know what We need to mature and grow And understand There's one person for me in my life I cannot be far from that person Okay That person completes me And you know what Husbands, wives If you don't feel that way About your spouse You need to pay attention To this Song of Solomon Like if your attitude is I can't wait to be away from them Then you need to make changes in your life Changes in your marriage Okay Get yourself You know Focused upon what God's Word teaches How God describes marriage And start working toward it Start working toward it This is God's book To fix your marriage Verse number 8 If thou know not So now Now Solomon is responding to His wife Cause his wife wants to be with him In the afternoon Oh sorry At lunch time Roughly But what he's saying is Look I don't know where I'm going to be Exactly Cause you know You might be leading them To different pastures I don't know exactly Where I'm going to be Wife Okay But he says this If thou know not Like if you don't know where I am Cause I could be anywhere Okay Look what he says Oh thou fairest among women Look how he speaks to his wife He says Wife You're the most fairest of all the women You're the most beautiful woman In the world Is what he says Now Is his wife Literally the most beautiful woman In the world Probably not Okay I don't think Solomon has looked at Every single woman on the earth And decided You must be the best Alright Look Obviously You can't That's a hard thing to say But what we're learning here is that In Solomon's eyes She's the most beautiful woman on the earth Okay And I've already said Look ladies are already self conscious About how they look And men Instead of making them feel worse They say Ah just get over it Hey you say Hey look You're the most beautiful woman You're the most fairest among women Honey there's a reason why I married you Okay Cause you are that So much more important to me Than any other woman That possibly could exist on this earth So who's the most fairest among women Every single wife Wants to be that person Okay In their husbands eyes Alright That's how he speaks to her He says look Go thy way forth By the footsteps of the flock And feed the kids Beside the shepherds tents He says look I don't exactly know Where I'm going to be at noon But you just hang around The shepherds tents Can you feed the kids Which are the baby goats Alright I'll find you there Okay I can't be sure Exactly where I'm going to be But you just hang around The shepherds tents I'll come and find you Okay So Yeah You know Husbands you need to tell your wife That she's the most beautiful woman On the earth When she turns around And says Ah but I'm black I'm tanned Ah my siblings hate me Cause they made me do X Y and Z And look at the scars on my body Because of that or whatever it is They say you know You're the most fairest amongst women That's your attitude That's your response Alright This is God's word This is not a romance novel This is God's word Or it is a romance book Okay But it's God's word Alright This is the wisdom that God has given Solomon None of us can say what we think Whereas why is Solomon Get some wisdom in this book Apply it to life I know we laugh about it It is funny sometimes Cause relationships can be funny Like you're going to notice You're going to notice Issues in your spouse Or you know The person you want to be with You're going to find little faults And you're going to see that It applies to the Song of Solomon Which it should Because it's God's word God's word knows you God's word knows What a man is like God's word knows What a woman is like You know God has wired us differently We think differently You know We act differently And the Song of Solomon Is to help us To make the little improvements That we have in our life Can you please turn to 1 Peter 5 Keep your finger there In Song of Solomon Turn to 1 Peter 5 So what do we learn In this little passage We learn that Solomon You know He's not just on the throne He gets his hands dirty Right He goes out And looks at the flocks You know He acts like a shepherd Makes sure the goats and the sheep Are all being taken care of And you know Of course What we learn out of this Is that of course Our God Is our shepherd The Bible says in God is my shepherd I shall not want That means I shall not Have any needs Because God is my shepherd He gives me everything That I possibly could need Alright He maketh me to lie down In green pastures He leadeth me beside The still waters Amen You know Our Lord God leads us To green pastures You know He wants his sheep To be fed So we come to church To hear the preaching Of God's word That we would feed our souls Nourish ourselves With the good food Of God's word But even though that's the case Even though The Lord is our shepherd We know that Jesus Christ Is called the good shepherd The great shepherd You know Just like Solomon told the wife Look You hang around the tents Like I'm taking care of The big flocks Can you make sure You just take care of the kids You know While you're at the You know Waiting at the shepherd's tents Well we know that Christ Was here 2,000 years ago And he's gone Right But he's also left people To take care of the sheep He's left people To take care of the kids Alright And in 1 Peter 5 verse 2 1 Peter 5 verse 2 The Bible says Feed the flock of God Which is among you Taking the oversight The oversight there Is the overseer Or the bishop Okay Taking the oversight thereof Not by constraints But willingly Not for filthy lucre But of a ready mind Neither has been Lords over God's heritage But been and samples To the flock Look at verse number 4 And when the chief shepherd Shall appear Who's the chief shepherd? Jesus Christ Ye shall receive a crown of glory That fadeth not away And so look Jesus has gone to heaven He's seated at the right hand Of the father But he's left the bishops He's left the pastors In church You know Okay Look as a pastor I can't take care Of every sheep On this earth Okay But Hey he's left us This tent Hey this house The house of God This church Also New Life Baptist Church That I contend To some of the few kids Some of the few sheep Alright That are still in the local area Hey And God has left these instructions To other pastors But notice that The main priority The main job of the pastor Is to feed the flock of God To feed the flock of God You know It falls on my shoulders If this church has not been fed It's my responsibility To make sure This church has been fed And one day This church has a full time pastor It's going to be on his shoulders To make sure The church has been fed Alright Back to Song of Solomon Song of Solomon Chapter 1 verse 9 Song of Solomon chapter 1 verse 9 The king continues The husband continues by saying I have compared thee O my love To a company of horses In Pharaoh's chariots So there's some One liners for you men Alright When your wife is feeling This is what you O my love To a company of horses In Pharaoh's chariots Is what you tell her And she'll be like Oh what a romantic man Probably not I guess this works This works for her Okay But look The point is this Okay That she's been She is a company of horses In Pharaoh's chariots Meaning that A chariot is great It's a great Sign of power And warfare But the chariot Okay She is the horse As it were He is the chariot Meaning that Look He needs her Okay She's important to him She completes him Without the horses He's just a chariot Okay It's great Wow What a great chariot Okay But it's not going anywhere Okay And you know what Marriage is about Coming together as one flesh You know Supporting one another Encouraging one another You know When God created a woman And the Lord God said It is not good That a man should be alone I will make him And help Meet For him Men Your wives Are created to be A help to you A help Okay And then the feminists are like Oh Is that all I am? I'm just a help To the man Yeah Okay But what is the other way around? What if we say to the ladies Alright God created man To be your help The feminists would be like Help I don't need no man Right I make the money You can't satisfy the feminists Okay But Men When you look for a wife You need to find a wife That's going to help you in life Okay That's going to encourage you That's going to love you That's going to motivate you Wives That's your responsibility Okay If your husband is out working Laboring hard Alright He comes home He's done everything he can Don't complain About the size of the house Don't complain That you can't buy everything That you wish you could buy Okay He's out there working hard You compliment him You know You encourage him You motivate him You thank him For his labour For his efforts For helping You know Taking care of the needs Of the household The other thing that we learn I believe that we can learn Out of verse number nine If she's being compared to Pharaoh's chariots Lord Horson's chariots I do believe that this wife Is an Egyptian If you can keep your finger there And turn to 1 Kings chapter 3 And verse number one Cause I'm just thinking like If you're not an Egyptian Does this even mean anything To you kind of thing Right You know The horses in Pharaoh's chariots But look at 1 Kings chapter 3 1 Kings chapter 3 And verse number one 1 Kings chapter 3 Verse number one The Bible says And Solomon made affinity With Pharaoh king of Egypt And took Pharaoh's daughter And brought her into the sea And brought her into the city Of David Until he made an end Of building his own house And the house of the Lord And the wall of Jerusalem Roundabout So I just want to show you That one of Solomon's wife Was Pharaoh's daughter An Egyptian So I believe You know I can't be a hundred percent Sure about this But just the fact that he's Kind of said this about her You know I guess She would understand Pharaoh's horses Pharaoh's chariots Okay I believe that this woman Is the Egyptian lady That he married here In 1 Kings chapter 3 All right Back to first Sorry back to Song of Solomon Chapter 1 Verse number 10 Hey Now the husband continues to Complement his wife He says in verse number 10 Thy cheeks are comely With rows of jewels Thy neck with chains of gold He will make Sorry We will make the borders of gold With studs of silver Okay So you know He's trying to Beautify his wife even more With the jewelry Okay You know He's bought her chains of gold You know Jewels Right Upon I don't know On her cheeks I don't really understand But somehow She wore this jewelry Right She had these borders She had these clothing You know Of gold and studs of silver You know Obviously Very rich apparel Okay She was already A beautiful woman But he desired for her To be even more beautified All right Okay Or even buying some jewelry You know If it's affordable If it's affordable Nothing wrong with Complementing your wife If it's a wedding anniversary Her birthday Going out and buying some earrings Or something like that Something that she might like And you know For us men We kind of look at that And go But that's just a waste of money Right I mean like Why Who cares Like You know Like we buy flowers And what's the point Cause the flowers Are gonna die in a week Okay Because you love her That you've thought about her Okay And look Obviously she has all these riches Because she's the queen of Israel And men It's very unlikely That you're gonna be able to Clothe your wife With all these precious things Okay And So what I want to turn to Is keep your finger there And go to 1 Timothy chapter 2 1 Timothy chapter 2 verse number 9 Look There's nothing wrong with gold There's nothing wrong with jewelry There's nothing wrong with nice clothing All right If you can afford it If it falls within your budget You know It's a special occasion Do it Do it Okay But That is not the most important thing ladies Okay It's the size of your engagement ring Okay Or the diamond on your engagement ring That's not the most important thing Okay Your husband Is not going to marry That Diamond Okay Your husband's not marrying That piece of gold Okay All that jewelry All that nice clothing He's not marrying you Okay He wants you to be beautiful The jewelry That's the secondary All right We learn in 1 Timothy chapter 2 verse 9 Look at this 1 Timothy chapter 2 verse number 9 It says In like manner also That women adorn themselves With silver and gold And necklaces And expensive brand clothing Is that how No Hold on Adorn themselves in modest apparel With shamefacedness and sobriety Not with broided hair Or gold Or pearls Or costly array Which becometh women professing godless with good works So lady look You're to Clothe yourself in modest apparel You know what's more important than Your clothing and your jewelry Is your personality It's your character What you show yourself to be Is vastly more superior To God Than what you wear All right Now again If you can buy these things On special occasions I say go for it The Bible's not against it But you don't want your life to be about these things You know I must go out with the most expensive jewelry You know You must husband Go and work hard And buy me the nice You know Jewelry And best clothing And the brand clothing Listen ladies You know We're not all kings We're not all ruling our entire nation We can't all afford it Hey If we can't afford it When we can't afford it We'll go and buy you something nice But we can't always do it Can we? Okay So again ladies Just keep that in mind All right That more important than the jewelry Is the person that you are Are you the help to your husband That God has created you to be Verse number 12 Sorry Song of Solomon Chapter 1 verse number 12 Verse number 12 The Bible says Well the king siteth at his table My spichenard I think that's how you pronounce it Sendeth forth the smelter of So again The wife is speaking She goes While my husband's sitting at the table I guess he's probably having his dinner I don't know Okay She says Look her perfume Sendeth forth the smelter of Hey She smells pleasant too Hey Not only was Solomon wearing the perfume After he's gone and tendered the sheep But now when he's at home Having his dinner Hey She's prepared herself She hasn't just prepared the meal I don't know if she really prepared the meal With the servants Okay But you know As the king But like Alright He's come home You know And his wife looks nice You know She's prepared herself You know When her husband walks in the doors She wants to look beautiful in his eyes You know It's not just in her pyjamas You know You know And with unkept hair You know And whatever She says I'm going to present myself I'm going to look appropriate When my husband comes home I'm going to make sure That I smell nice to him Verse number 13 A bundle of myrrh So again Perfume Christie's A bundle of myrrh Is my Well beloved unto me So again They both smell pleasant Right He shall lie All night Betwixt my breasts And so What do you notice Once again That obviously They've been intimate there Intimate there all night long Okay But before They even spend time together You know Physical affection They make sure They prepare themselves That they've had a shower They've You know They've put on the perfume Right They've covered the body odor in and and just doing whatever they can to smell as bad as they can all right they love their spouse they want to be presentable they want to be well-pleased and they want to smell nice and once that has happened they you know what they spend time together in the marriage bed verse number 14 my beloved is unto me as a cluster of camp higher in the vineyards of Engeri to be honest brethren I could not work out verse number 14 if someone has any ideas what that is the cluster of camp higher I'm not sure some quick thoughts when you think about a cluster especially in the vineyards you know it looks like we're talking about the cluster of grapes here or some type of fruit something something that is fruitful okay and we're just that in mind because that that would be the gist of what verse 14 is saying you know she's saying that my husband he's fruitful like I benefit from him like he's profitable to me he makes me feel valuable right you know this relationship works you know we're moving forward together it's getting better and better it's fruitful and look if they're spending time together in the marriage bed all right then they're obviously going to be fruitful of course they're going to bring forth children okay that's what children are it's talking about the fruitfulness of a strong marriage relationship verse number 15 now verse number 15 and 16 I'm not sure who's speaking it doesn't matter it says this behold thou art fair my love behold thou art fair thou hast doves eyes now I'm not sure if doves lives are really that attractive I guess they are I don't know I'm not sure who's saying these words but what are you saying once again they're passing compliments aren't they verse number 16 behold thou art fair you're beautiful is what that means my beloved yay pleasant also our bed is green all right so again the compliments in one another and then they're saying that their bed is green what does it mean that their bed is green does that mean they have green bedsheets you know green pillows well I believe the key to the Song of Solomon is found in chapter number two please go to chapter 2 Song of Solomon chapter 2 verse number 11 Song of Solomon chapter 2 verse number 11 I believe this is the key to the whole book all right it says for lo the winter is past the rain is over and gone all right now think about this if the winter has passed in fact yesterday winter has passed today is the first day of what spring all right and spring is known because of vegetation right flowers flowers start to bloom all right and and and so the fact that the bed is green is speaking of the fact that it's a springtime marriage it's a springtime marriage all right it's not a cold winter marriage it's not an autumn where the leaves are falling and things are dying no it's springtime it's a fruitful time okay and so what I believe the green being referring to not some you know dead broken branches in their marriage but the fact that their bed the marriage bed is productive it's fruitful it's springtime it's bringing forth children if you can keep your finger there and turn to Psalm 128 Psalm 128 in verse number 3 Psalm 128 verse number 3 Psalm 128 verse number 3 the Bible says thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house thy children like olive plants round about thy table behold that thou shalt the man be blessed that fear of the Lord men you want to be blessed children are a blessing a fruitful wife is a blessing it's not a burden all right it's so strange the world that we live in children listen I thought you know we're a bird I'm not like like I understand because I've been brainwashed by this world as well you know I've gone to school as well right I've listened to the world as world and the world tells you don't have any kids it's going to slow you down they're a bird oh you've got all your whole life to worry about children it's rubbish your ladies go chase a career don't worry about the family no if you want to be blessed by the Lord it's children it's family it's getting married having a husband and wife this is the blessing of God and the marriage bed is green it's fruitful it's pleasant okay the signs of a good marriage is that your marriage bed is green okay that you've have that intimate relationship with your spouse on a regular basis right there's spending time together there's a marriage bed you sleep together that's what your marriage needs if you haven't got it okay that's why you're together that's why you want flesh back to song of Solomon chapter 1 verse number 17 and then enter this I believe the wife is speaking here though I can't be a hundred percent sure she says the beams of our house a cedar remember we saw earlier that the cedar refers to certain trees in Lebanon the beams of our house a cedar and our rafters are of fur all right so I believe it's the wife speaking I could be wrong but the fact that you know she's pointing out you know what Solomon's provided me a house you know it's built with cedar wood you know it you know she's talking about the construction of the place and again what is she doing she's praising her husband not just for who he is but for the provisions that he's given her that he's given her a place to live you see men it's our responsibility it falls on our shoulders to get out there and work hard and provide for our family that's the responsibility of a man okay and then I'm telling you what gives us the greatest satisfaction the greatest joy is that every day we go by we've worked hard we've labored hard that our family has had a roof over their heads that our family has had food on the table that our family has been clothed they're able to get through the day you know they have everything they need this truly satisfies a man we are created to labor to work hard and to be satisfied to rejoice you know when we provide for our families but again ladies don't be discouragement okay I mean if your husband's working hard and this is all you've got all right rejoice be thankful tell him thank you that our house is made of maybe it's not cedar but it's made of fibro what is some of the cheapest you know huh 10 it's made of 10 you know we live in a great fight we live in a shed that's right you know when I first got married I lived literally in a shed with my wife it didn't matter though I didn't care right we were enjoying marriage I don't think we could have survived that shed for too long thank God we're able to move out from there eventually but you know what it didn't matter we're just happy to have what we had and ladies please don't make your husband feel like a loser like you can't provide he's not giving you everything you need who cares about the earthly possessions really at the end of the day brethren you know what we're meant to set our hearts on eternity to lay up treasures in heaven but men just even though that's the case you still got to get out and provide for your family like if you're with your spouse your family have no home don't be like oh well don't worry honey I'm focusing on eternity you know I'm laying up treasures in heaven don't be a loser all right you have earthly responsibilities to all right work hard provide and ladies if he's working hard providing make sure that you thank him for everything that he's given you all right brethren let's pray Heavenly Father Lord just want to thank you for the wisdom of Solomon that you've given him Lord the Song of Solomon this book of romance and Lord I think it's a book that is commonly overlooked and not preached very often or not read very often but Lord we need help in our marriages Lord we need help to be better husbands and to be better wives to have stronger families and all the answers are found here in the Song of Solomon Lord I thank you for the wisdom you've given us and I just pray Lord that we would be able to apply the things that we learn chapter by chapter as we go through this Lord for the weeks and that Lord we will have strong marriages and for those that are single Lord and desired to be married one day Lord I just pray that start to apply this today now Lord so when they do get married they'd have a stronger marriage and they would have had otherwise Lord we pray these things in Jesus name Amen all right brethren please turn to hymn number 86 hymn number 86 let's sing in the garden hymn number 86 in the garden I come to the garden alone, while the moon is still on the roses. And the voice I hear, falling on my ear, the Son of God discloses. And He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own. And the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known. He speaks and the sound of His voice is so sweet. The birds hush the singing and the melody that He gave to me within my heart is ringing. And He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own. And the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known. I'd stay in the garden with Him, though the night around me be falling. And He bids me go through the voice of war, His voice to me is calling. And He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own. And the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known.