(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, all right good effort reading that passage brother Caleb it's a tough one of all those names see the secret is when there's all those names that's where you get brother Matt or you get brother Jason to come for the reading you've learned your lesson you can't do all the bibing all the time it gets challenging get those guys to do it. All right Nehemiah chapter 8 hope you got your Bible still open there Nehemiah chapter 8 and today's the the 5th isn't it the 5th of August and amen. Excited I mean I don't know is this a Pentecostal Church or is this a Baptist Church it's all good excited for church I like it but obviously it's the 5th of August what does that tell you that tells us well my goal Lord willing is on the 5th of October that the Sepulveda's will head down to Sydney so when you think about that we've got basically two months two months before we go down there and with the current climate I mean I don't know what's gonna happen but you know let's just step out in faith see what the Lord wants and so in light of it being two months before we head out there I really want to keep the Wednesday services Wednesday sermons on topics or preaching things that will benefit the church you know in light of the past of being away for some time okay so this might not be it's not like I'm not gonna preach you a series or anything like that just topics things that come in mind how we as a church can work together because the church is a is the body of Christ hey you know some of you guys are the feet some are the knees some of you are the other hips some of you guys are the arms the fingers the eyes the mouth you know we're all part of this one body and Brevin you know as I'm away for those 12 months with the family and like I said my desire to get up here weekly if I can but I don't know with the coronavirus I don't know what's gonna go happen but anyway you know we need the whole body working together we need a whole body thinking about each other and supporting one another remembering that when you serve one another you're serving the Lord Jesus Christ and so my goal over the Wednesdays is just to give you stuff that I probably wouldn't have preached otherwise just in light of me being away and so look at Nehemiah chapter 8 verse number 8 it says so they read in the book in the law of God distinctly and gave the sense and caused them to understand the reading the title for the sermon tonight is sermon preparation sermon preparation what I want to cover today especially for those men they're gonna be up here preaching more regularly I want to cover what you need to be thinking about when you're putting together a sermon now some of these things I've covered during the men's leadership class I understand I haven't just copied and paste the same information I've tried to dig in a little deep I tried to give you more things for you to think about and right now you might be saying well you know does this is this really a sermon for me I'm a child I'm a woman I'm not going to get up to preach behind the pulpit yeah that might be true but remember we're one body okay and when somebody comes to get behind the pulpit to open the Word of God they're doing it because they love you they're doing it because they want to feed you the Word of God they're doing it because they want you to grow to be more like Jesus Christ and so if you understand what a preacher does in order to get prepared for a sermon the work he does the study the closeness to God that he needs to be you're going to appreciate the sermons okay and I know when you go to church every week three times a week you know it can become a mundane task oh there's pastor Kevin again preaching I don't know what he's saying now that's a bad place to be understand that the preachers put a lot of work you know he spent time with God the Holy Spirit has been working through that man to prepare something for you to learn okay and so let's pick it up here in Nehemiah chapter 8 in verse number 1 I really want you you know if you're not a preacher just to appreciate preaching appreciate the work that goes behind the scenes Nehemiah chapter 8 and verse number 1 says and all the people gather themselves together as one man hey we're one body all right into the street that was before the water gates and they spake unto Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses which the Lord had commanded Israel okay so the first thing I want you to notice here in chapter 1 now I know this is not about the local church but this is about the new temple that's been rebuilt which was the house of God in the Old Testament so we can take the principles here we can learn and apply it to the house of God in the New Testament but what you notice is what they brought to be preached was the book of the law of Moses why do you come to church why do you listen to a preacher because they're going to come and bring you the book of the law of Moses the writing of the prophets you know the saints of Jesus the writers of the Apostles that's what church ought to be about that's what preaching ought to be about and when you're preparing a sermon you got to start with the Word of God you know I'm personally not interested in some preaching where some guy gets behind the pulpit and he says you know I'm gonna amaze you you know by my intellectual study you know you know my well-thought-out logical reasons why Adam and Eve had or didn't have a belly button okay now I'm not interested in that I'm not coming to hear the wisdom of man all right God doesn't tell us in the Bible whether Adam and Eve had a belly button it's not important it's stupid I don't want to hear that nonsense we come to church because we come to hear the book of the law of Moses okay the Bible that's what we come to preach and so preach is the first thing you need to do and understand look we all have different personalities you know we're you know not everybody is as charismatic as others but listen why people come to New Life Baptist Church at least this church is to hear the Word of God they're not interested in your fancy stories and your fancy intellect okay because it comes short you know it fails in comparison to the wisdom that come from the Word of God all right look at verse number two and Ezra the priest brought the law before the congregation both of men and women and all that could hear we've understanding upon the first day of the seventh month so church men and women together listening to God's Word right we're not like the Muslims with a man worship over here and the ladies worship over there no men and women coming together families coming together we're a family integrated church we want all family members in church moms dads children everybody here learning together verse number three and he read therein before the street that was before the Watergate from the morning until midday before the men and the women and those that could understand and the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law now you thought we were the only church that went back to back with services from the morning 9 a.m. all the way to midday with a second service right you thought that was Kevin's idea pastor Kevin's idea no actually it's coming from the book of Nehemiah hey they're reading from the morning till midday okay now it's not all reading of course we'll soon see that it's not just reading the Word of God but they're preaching the Word of God as well okay and so you know this is part of the reason well should I say it's the main reason well it's one reason why we do church the way we do okay from morning to midday all right and you know what I want to also notice that the end of us number three it says and the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law and so brethren once again you come to church it's an effort you know straight after especially a Wednesday night straight after work you're tired you've been especially the men working all day whatever you know it gets late you get tired you start to doze off you know sometimes when I bring my little kids they start to doze off because it becomes a long day for them but what we see here we need to be attentive pay attention if you're making the effort to be in church pay attention give focus to the Word of God okay that's why you're here we need to learn from his word and then look at verse number four and Ezra the scribe stood upon a pulpit of wood which I had made for the purpose so here we go you know the pulpit of wood is biblical okay you ever wondered why this is here yeah it's here because Nehemiah right is what we learn in the book of Nehemiah here all right look at verse number five and Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people for he was above all the people and when he opened it all the people stood up now look we have a little step here okay I'm not very tall makes me feel a little bit taller when I when I step up here and preach behind the pulpit hey you know what having a step having an elevated position for the preacher that's biblical as well okay he stood there above the above the people and then verse number six and Ezra blessed the Lord the great God and all the people answered Amen Amen with lifting up their hands and they bowed their heads and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground so hey saying Amen to the preaching Amen Amen agreeing to what has been heard that's biblical amen so you know hey you know men if you agree with what's being preached say Amen okay it encourages the preacher to know hey you know I'm not preaching something off the wall you know what is being preached is truth okay Amen is I agree that is true okay that's what you're saying when you say Amen now verse number seven also jeshua and baini and cherubiah jaman acab shebethiah horijjah maya sia kelita azariah jozabad hainan pelayah and the Levites now let's pay attention now the Levite so the Levites were also the priests that were teaching okay caused the people to understand the law and the people stood in their place so preachers this is your job okay this is the sermon is sermon preparation what you're preparing to do what your motive is what you're trying to accomplish is for people to understand the law to understand the Bible that's again it's not about showing off your intellect not showing off how you're so intelligent you can work out some minor issue that doesn't matter in the Bible okay that's not what people need to understand they need to understand the Word of God okay you know one of the qualifications of being a pastor you know taking on the office of a bishop is apt to teach being able to teach so people can understand and learn all right verse number eight so they read in the book of the law of God distinctly and gave the sense and cause them to understand the reading hey there are three things here that you need to pay attention to preachers when you get ready to preach number one you need to read in the book of the law of God distinctly what does distinctly mean it means clearly you know something is distinct it's clearly you know noticeable compared to something else okay it's clear it's plain it's without confusion okay so your challenge as a preacher is to take the Word of God which can be challenging which can you know for someone that hasn't been saved for very long maybe a babe in Christ there are certain passages that they can't fully understand your job as a preacher is to break down that passage and teach it distinctly clearly so they can understand what is being taught there okay not just that look it says there and gave the sense and gave the sense that's basically it's like saying your job is to is for the preaching to make sense you know for the for the law of God to make sense to the hero you gave the sense you know the explanation the preaching makes sense you don't want to be a preacher that's all over the place you know one moment you're saying salvation is by grace with faith alone the next moment you're saying well you got to repent your sins as well hey that's not making sense that's a conflict that's confusion that's not the job of a preacher the preacher is to be black and white very clear as to what he believes and what is teaching and then finally and cause them to understand the reading so once again your job is so the congregation the church the congregation learns okay learns that's what you're trying to do again it's not about you put on a show you want the people of God you ought to love the people of God the church so much that you want them to understand something you want them to get something out of the sermon so they can grow thereby okay so they can become a little more like Jesus Christ so they know there's something in their life that they need to change and look yeah I'm talking to the preachers right I'm talking to those men they're gonna stand up to preach but you that the congregation those that are listening okay you want to walk away from church service having learned something you know something being a little clearer for you you know for you to understand something and there's nothing wrong with you if there's something you didn't understand during the service during the sermon to go to the preacher and say look I I didn't quite understand what you were saying there can you please explain that to me a little further there's nothing wrong with that whatsoever okay because the goal is for the congregation to understand and so as I said the title for the sermon tonight is sermon preparation and again I'm primarily you know preaching to the preachers but to everybody and so what I first want to cover you're going to you know in some Bible college courses there's like there's a course called homiletics and homiletics is how you preach I'm very happy that I got to learn I've got to do a course in homiletics this was like when I was Howard was like probably 23 or something along the lines and it wasn't in Bible college it was through my local church it was with my past and I really appreciate it because the same things that I learned there I still apply today okay but what you know when it comes to sermons there are three types of sermons there are three types of sermons okay and let me just tell you what those three are number one this topical a topical sermon number two an expository sermon okay and number three a textual sermon okay a topical expository and textual all right so I want you guys to kind of understand what these are these aren't foreign words most preachers know what they're talking about and you know most preaching that you listen to you're going to be able to basically break it down into one of those three things so what I get you to do please turn to Galatians chapter 6 Galatians chapter 6 and we're going to look at Galatians 6 and pretend we're going to put together a topical sermon or an expository sermon or a textual sermon just from that passage okay so Galatians chapter 6 Galatians chapter 6 please now let me start with expository sermon okay because these are the sermons that you're most familiar with that I preach generally speaking on Sunday mornings we're going chapter by chapter through the Bible aren't we okay right now we're going through 1st Peter but we've gone through Genesis we've gone through the first and second Corinthians we've gone through a few Psalms and what am I doing during that time isn't most of my sermon basically on that chapter you know most of my key points are from that chapter yes from time to time we'll be going to other passages but we're not going to other passages to learn some new truth we're going to those other passages just help support what is already in that chapter that we're going through hey that's called an expository sermon we're taking a huge chunk a whole chapter and we're building our points from what is within that chapter okay now so when we turn to Galatians 6 and I'm not going to give you an example of this because you see this every Sunday morning okay expository would be me taking the entire chapter Galatians chapter 6 and just preaching verse by verse by verse by verse all the way to the end and trying my best to expand on that so you understand the reading now one of the challenges with an expository sermon is that some of the chapters could have many topics okay and so the goal in order for your sermon to not sound all over the place is to find some key themes one theme or two themes not too many themes so I'm just some one or two major themes so as you're going through that chapter you're kind of putting those verses back into the main theme that you see in the sermon that way the sermon feels unified you know it feels concise it doesn't feel like you're going every everywhere you know I don't know if you guys have ever heard preaching where it's like I thought you're gonna start on this and okay I get it then all sudden the past ends on a totally separate topic unrelated I've been there it's like did he switch sermons midway through the preaching well that's the challenge of an expository sermon because a lot you know obviously the whole chapter can have different thoughts and you want to keep that one major theme but let's look at Galatians chapter 6 and verse number 1 let's now take an example of a topical sermon okay a topical sermon now Galatians chapter 6 verse 1 reads brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual restore such an one in the spirit of meekness considering thyself lest thou also be tempted now if I wanted to do a topical sermon what does that mean we take one topic okay one topic you know the probably the the clearest example was on Sunday Sunday afternoon I preached on pornography okay so I took the topic of pornography and that was the main topic and I wasn't really building on any major passage we were going all over the place right we're going all over the Bible just taking certain truths you know of that topic and trying to build a sermon from that that is called a topical sermon one major topic so we as we look at the Galatians Galatians 6 verse 1 and brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual I'll be like yeah all right the topic that I want to preach on is you know people that are spiritual how to be spiritual maybe we'll take the sermon title and call it ye which are spiritual and so my topic is I want everybody to know what it means to be spiritual how you can be spiritual or if you're carnal or if you're in the flesh right and that's my main topic and so I'm not really building from that verse necessarily I might take some some thoughts there I'm not necessarily taking you know the whole thought of the chapter there but it's spiritual that's what we're doing right the spiritual man and so the points that I build on that sermon will come from other places other places throughout the Bible let me give you some example point number one might be you don't need to turn they'll just give you some examples first Peter chapter 2 verse 5 which says ye also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house and holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ so point number one of my topical sermon will be hey you know God's making us a spiritual house where to offer spiritual sacrifice that's what it means to be spiritual and then I'll be like point number two Ephesians chapter 5 verse 19 says speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord to be point number two you know to be a spiritual person you've got to sing the Psalms the hymns and the spiritual songs that's what makes you a spiritual person right and so you can see I'm just going all over the place taking different thoughts of the Bible it's all good nothing wrong with that style of preaching it's good you know learning about a topic and then I'll be like point number three is coming from first Corinthians 14 verse 37 which says if any man think himself to be a prophet or spiritual let him acknowledge that the things that are right unto you are the commandments of the Lord and so the spiritual man will say hey the Bible is the commandments of God it's written by God you know it's point number three and so we need to you know enjoy the Word of God we need to read the Word of God we need to learn and study the Word of God that's going to help you be a spiritual man okay so you can see you know I'm trying to pick a sermon there but you know that's just an example of a topical sermon we've taken what it means to be spiritual we've gone to different places and we've built that sermon you know if there was three main points there and that would be a topical sermon right all right what is a textual sermon textual sermon what does textual you know well text all right so that's where the word comes from but let me give you an idea of verse number one again Galatians 6 verse 1 look at it again now we're going to I'm going to give an example of a textual sermon from this same verse okay so Galatians chapter 6 verse 1 let's read it one more time brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault all right so this would be the title of my sermon okay I'll be saying okay restoring a brother in a fault okay that'll be the that'll be the title how to restore a brother when he's in fault okay now the textual sermon is you're looking at you know a few verses maybe one verse maybe two or three just just a sample number of verses and your main points don't come from other passages but your main points come from that text in of itself okay and you still will go to other passages but again they're kind of like sub points to the main point that you're doing again supportive verses of that text and so we'll start okay restoring your brother in a fault let's keep going there it says ye which are spiritual okay so point number one will be hey the one that restores a brother in a fault you have to be spiritual you have to be mature you can't be this carnal worldly Christian and think you got your job is to restore someone in a fault okay that'll be point number one let's keep going restore such and one in the spirit of meekness point number two in order for you to restore a fallen brother is you've got to have the spirit of meekness you need to approach him meek with meek meekness right you can't just beat him down beat him up while he's down hey you've got to have that meekness about you and then what else do we see there in verse number one it says considering thyself so point number three will okay consider yourself hey cuz you can fall you can sing you can get into some bad places so you know you got to be careful when you're restoring somebody that you're careful not to fool yourself right and then it says lest there also be ten so there's my three points right you which is spiritual it's going to be a spiritual man that restores a brother in fault you've got to have meekness and you've got to consider yourself be careful about you know how your walk with the Lord is and so that would be a textual sermon hope that makes sense okay the points are coming from the text okay then we might also have and by the way textual sermon it just to give an example of a sermon that I preach remember I did a series on the seven churches of Revelation okay so we're looking at Revelation chapter 2 Revelation chapter 3 I wasn't doing a whole chapter we're just taking verses about specific churches okay maybe two three four verses and I was building my points off what Jesus Christ was saying to those churches that would be an example of a textual a sermon okay and then also so those are the three main ones topical expository textual I hope that makes sense to you guys but you can also have hybrids okay you can have a bit of mix you know you don't need to necessarily follow these things but it is important when you get up to put a sermon together that you decide what kind of sermon am I going to preach when you understand this will be topical this will be expository or do be textual it'll help you put that sermon together okay so it feels a little more concise now there is a hybrid version and for example a hybrid would be when I just did it the series on the armor of God okay did the armor of God so it's a bit of it was a bit of both it was only a handful of verses that talk about put it on the whole armor of God and those verses talk about putting on the helmet of salvation you know the breastplate of righteousness etc and so it's only a handful of verses okay and so you know it's kind of textual but then because I did a whole series okay and I did you know one sermon on righteousness one sermon on you know the sword of the spirit one sermon on prep the preparation of the gospel of peace and so those sermons became topical sermons right even though it's one of part of one series and it's textually in spirit but the practical way of it being taught was topical because we're hitting each one with each topic within that armor of God okay so that's an example of a hybrid version okay and so those are the three types of sermons now please turn to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 2nd Timothy chapter 3 and verse number 16 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse number 16 we've looked at types of sermons okay I don't know if that was interesting for you guys but it is helpful it is helpful when you can identify what kind of sermon am I going to preach okay the next thing I've got here is the purpose of the sermon okay what is the purpose of the sermon 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 reads all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness again Timothy was a pastor Paul is writing to Timothy as a pastor and he says look when you're teaching the Scriptures this is what you want to get out of it this is the profit that you want to get you know when you're preaching God's Word prophets doctrine reproof correction instruction in righteousness and so what's important as they preach as you put in your sermon together you want to make sure that your sermon meets one of these criterias one or more okay it can be one or more okay so let me just give you some ideas of what they are let's start with the first one and it's profitable for doctrine what is doctrine doctrine is to teach I guess what it means you know teaching or to teach and so if I'm teaching you doctrine let's say I want to teach you guys on the second coming of Christ okay I want to teach you what the Bible says about these things what am I trying to do I'm trying to give you more knowledge my goal or my purpose of the sermon is for you to attain more knowledge right to understand to learn more about the Bible in Isaiah 28 verse 9 it reads whom shall he teach knowledge and whom shall he make to understand doctrine them that are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breast so we're going to start with the milk of the Word of God this is this for precepts must be upon precepts precept upon precepts line upon line line upon line here a little and there a little for we stamina lips and another tongue will he speak to this people okay and so what we see that you know God will use stammering lips God will use you in your weaknesses to be able to teach people the Word of God to teach people doctrine okay and it's important that you learn something it's important that you say hey I want to take something from the Bible here so next time they read that chapter they read that book they have a better understanding of what is being taught through that book okay they have a better understanding on this doctrine they have a better understanding on the Trinity they have a better understand what whatever doctrine it is finding topic right a doctrine you want to make sure people grow and learn and understand because they're going to your the congregation will hear false teachings from somewhere you know that there'll be a false prophets out there false preachers out there and if they haven't gained the understanding on certain doctrines they're easily going to be swayed to and fro with every wind of doctrine that's not we want for the church okay and so it's important that we learn my biggest frustration was going to church you know and just hearing watered-down preaching I'm like am I I'm not learning anything can you tell me a little bit about the Bible can you tell me something I want to know more when I want some of the deeper things in the Word of God I want to gain understanding next time I read my Bible I want to know what that's about okay who was this man who was this prophet what's going on here I don't fully understand the preachers failed me okay in church and so my goal you know I spent a lot of hours putting sermons together because my goal is that you would walk away with some further understanding so you gain some knowledge I want you to be fed with the Word of God all right and so you know something else that might fall on this category is biographical preaching by teaching biographical teaching so where you might take one character in the Bible you know you might take Moses we may take Joseph or you might take you know King David and basically teach a whole sermon about that one person okay that would be an example of doctrine as well you're teaching about individual people in the Word of God okay so doctrine to teach we want to equip ourselves with knowledge all right that's one purpose for preaching a sermon the second purpose that was mentioned in second Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 it says profitable for reproof say what is reproof well reproof is the act of reproving say what's that rebuking okay rebuking all right so one you know another purpose for your preaching is to rebuke sin okay rebuke sin rebuke false doctrine or rebuke false prophets that there's a time for that as well okay and I guess the clearest example again on Sunday preach about pornography well I was I was rebuking that sin okay and you we need to hear that kind of preaching from time to time as well all right and so these things are important okay but you as a preacher you want to make sure that you have your sermons are all different sometimes you just preach it on doctrine all right sometimes you're rebuking that's important and you know there was this time where I was I won't name the church right now but there was that there was a church I was going to and there was like an assistant I mean I won't say that now all right so like there was an assistant pastor okay and he wouldn't preach too often he maybe would preach like once a month all right and I remember the first time I heard him preach he got up to preach and he like ripped face I mean he was like having a go at all the church you know how we weren't friendly we weren't you know greeting visitors I mean he was just tearing up the church and I was like yeah this is awesome it's like man yeah just you know it's you know it feels good sometimes to hear you know the the face ripping sermon all right and then I was like man how's it he's a great preacher I hope I can hear you more often right and then next month he got up to preach again and he's ripping I don't know what he's ripping on this time is he's criticizing that he's ripping on the church it's clear I'm like man yeah you know you know you know don't stop brother you know just keep going right amen I'm hearing all right I was like wow this guy's awesome and then next month he got up again he's criticizing the church and his ripping face and he's all your failures at that point I'm like is he gonna preach anything else and then I your fourth man from the fifth man it's like oh every time you get up to preach I know we're in trouble every time you got up to preach I'm like man I guess God hates us now because we're such a bad church you know we've really let him down right and listen I mean there's a time for that and it's exciting at the beginning but if that's what you're doing like oh this is non-stop telling everybody how you're a sinner you like you know you can't you're just not faithful to God hey you actually give it to church you let us down hey there a visit why haven't you agreed with me what's wrong with you people man you come here every single week here and preaching like that you're just gonna be like why am I in church God seems to hate us I think I was better off before I came to church all right or if you're just constantly rebuking false prophets yeah there's a time for that there's a place for that but again you know you come to church this Wednesday I'm preaching against I don't know the Catholics like amen all right next Wednesday all right I'm gonna be preaching against the Mormons amen so I'm gonna preach against the the Pentecostals this time every Wednesday it's like wait he's always gonna preach against somebody I mean you're not gonna listen it's preaching is for you it's for you to grow right if I'm just preaching about other people constantly what are you gonna get I mean every listen every sermon against false prophets or against false religion is basically the same they've got the gospel wrong all right they preach them false gospel and because they're not saved they're mixed up with all other doctrines that's basically that's basically you know every sermon about some false prophet it's the same sermon I just just replace the name I guess you know that's all it is and so yeah the time again there's a time for that it's not saying this that's wrong but you don't want that to be all you do all the time okay you need to mix it up with all these things all right the next one that's on that list was profitable for correction correction okay now this sounds like rebuke but it's not really rebuke is just saying hey this is wrong correction is continuous improvement okay continuous improvement okay so you know we're not perfect we still fail you know you know we're still not where I personally want to be as a church and look I think we can still grow we can still do better we can still do more and so you know correcting something that might be failing is important we need to be able to preach about that you know in Philippians 3 14 Paul says I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus you know Paul kept trying to improve Paul kept trying to correct the things that he has in his life and so we need a time for that as well right hey we're failing in this we need to improve in this area we need to do that hey just your personal sanctification your personal growth right your personal overcoming of sins and and having how do how do I change that you know hey you know replace you know the worldly rock and roll music which which disgraces the name of Christ we've signed biblical hymns Psalms hymns and spiritual songs that would be a correction right we would need to have that kind of preaching and also just the failings at church you know maybe there are failings at church and no church is perfect you know I love this church I think we're doing great you know coming into three years I think we're doing really well but you know are we perfect have we reached a goal are we where we need to be no we need to keep growing and so if you can uh no no you say where you are yeah I'll just read to you Revelation chapter 2 verse 4 and this is the church of Ephesus and so the church of Ephesus was doing some great works for God they were accomplishing a lot but then Jesus says to them nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because thou hast left thy first love now okay so they there was there was a failing there was an issue in the church that they weren't able to do and then in verse number five it says remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first works or else I will come unto thee quickly and will and will remove thy candlestick out of his place except thou repent and so this is correction right that the preacher needs to get behind the pulpit and say hey we've left the first love we're not doing the first works that God has asked us to do let's repent let's get back on track let's go back to the things that God wants us to do hey that would be a preaching on correction profitable for correction okay and the last thing that was mentioned there profitable for instruction instruction what is instruction instruction is passing orders or direction you know and so this is more about Christian living right you're trying to give people instruction how to live for the Lord you know encouraging them to do that you know encouraging people to attend church to read their bibles to pray to go soul winning hey just to praise God just to glorify God you know give people instruction hey lift up your voices and love the Lord and thank the Lord for everything he has given you hey this would be instruction just your your regular Christian living we need to be reminded of those things again and again and again all right so once again the purpose of preaching that we get there from 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse number 16 was it needs to be profitable all scriptures given by inspiration of God profitable for doctrine reproof correction for instruction in righteousness okay so for the preachers i really want you to think about this you know yeah you know it's fine to get a whole bunch of verses together but think about what what's my purpose here what am i trying to accomplish is it one of these things is it a mixture of those things and if it's none of those things you better go back to the you know drawing board and start all over again and say boy you know i'm not really profiting in the church i need to go back and have a sermon that's going to meet at least one of these criterias all right now please go to 1st Corinthians chapter 14 1st Corinthians chapter 14 the next thing that i've got here is the goal of preaching now that's kind of sounds like purpose sometimes purpose and goal can be interchangeable i guess but the goal is kind of like the end result okay you know you got the purpose i want to you know you know teach doctrine but you want an end result out of that okay what's the end result again it's for the congregation what is the congregation going to get out of this first corinthians 14 and verse number three first corinthians 14 and verse number three but here that prophesy and prophesy remember there's just another way of saying preaching right and here that prophesy speaketh unto men to edification and exhortation and comfort okay so this is what you want so when you finish a sermon this is what you want the congregation to be left with either they've been a edified exhorted or they've been comforted that's the goal okay again a mix of these things okay and if your sermon's just not doing it you you've got to go back to the drawing board and get that sermon you know fix it fix it change the conclusion make sure that it's something that addresses these issues that we see here in uh first corinthians 14 and so let's talk about edification first edification okay what is edification to edify what is to edify well in spanish the word for building like a building in spanish is edificio which is where edifying comes from okay and so a building so what is edifying it's to build up all right it's to construct to make something stronger to build that's what edification is you know our jobs as preachers is to help the church mature and grow go from the milk of the word of god and to get onto strong meat to gain some knowledge to gain some understanding right and or maybe just just uh just just to gain strength spiritual strength you know gain boldness gain courage something that will help them build themselves up to be more like jesus you're in first corinthians 14 look at verse number 12 first corinthians 14 and verse number 12 it says even so ye for as much as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts seek that you may excel to the edifying of the church excel he wants you to do the best you know do the best job you can right with what god has given you he wants you to to uh you know be successful in edifying the church okay and so that's the goal you can edify with knowledge yes you can edify with with uh reminding people that the lord is near and here's your rock and here's your strength and here's your here's your fortress you know in times of difficulties there's that as well the next one that was mentioned edification and exhortation exhortation what is exhortation well exhortation is kind of like to encourage or motivate okay encourage or motivate the bible tells us in hebrews chapter 10 verse 24 and let us consider one another to provoke and to love and to good works okay so that's what exhortation is to encourage to motivate you to love hey to love the lord god more hey to love the brethren more hey to love lost souls more but also that you will do good works that you would serve the lord okay and so sometimes they preach might get up and preach on soul winning okay say why is he preaching on so to edge to to motivate others you know to get back out there maybe dedicate a little bit more time in the soul winning become more consistent the ones that haven't gone soul winning yet hey get out there as a silent partner it's to motivate that person all right and uh if you guys can you turn with me to uh acts chapter 14 acts chapter 14 verse 21 acts chapter 14 and verse number 21 so exhortation is to encourage to motivate okay and by the way i'm going to ask especially the kids when i'm finished preaching this sermon i'm going to so pay attention kids you better start paying attention i'm going to ask you guys the questions and whoever gets it right will get a prize or bring it on sunday okay so keep paying attention remember attentive is right attentive to the preaching of god's word all right exhortation uh sorry acts 14 verse 21 let's read this acts 14 verse 21 it says and when they had preached the gospel to that city and had taught many it's by the way if they're preaching the gospel are they getting people saved yeah they're getting people saved okay and so those saved people are babes in christ they don't know much right so let's understand who they're preaching to who these people are they returned again to lystra and to iconium and antiok now look at this confirming the souls of the disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith okay what's exhorting to motivate them to encourage them okay and so these preachers are getting out there so look continue in the faith don't give up keep serving the lord and then it says here and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of god and that's when you need to really exhort people is when people are going through trials and tribulations when people are going through difficulties hey when people maybe are concerned about covid 19 what does this mean for life hey people you know what the people need to hear pre-exhortation they need to be exhausted they need to be motivated and be encouraged hey just keep serving the lord just just hold strong to the faith right exhortation motivate encourage the brethren and the last one that was mentioned in first corinthians 14 verse 3 it said and comfort and comfort you know there's nothing wrong with comforting the brethren there's nothing wrong with with you know understanding that some people go through difficulties they look generally speaking i'm i'm personally uh pretty happy guy even when i'm going through some difficulties i can see a positive side of it but not everyone's the same all right some people really dwell on the negative and you know that's something they need to change and and uh you know with the lord's help they can you know uh you know be encouraged but you need to understand that sometimes you know i can't i i don't assume that all of you are going to react like me okay and there are a lot of people that do get discomforted for whatever reason whatever trials whatever difficulties they're going through whatever illnesses they may be going through and sometimes the people just need comfort they just need to know that the lord loves them the lord is there to help them you know and uh so to comfort is to give relief and comfort okay and as i've been preaching you know just most more recently in the last couple of months because of covet 19 right you know part of my goal is to help you keep your minds on the eternal matters okay you know too many christians today are just focused on the temporary focused on the earthly focused on all the masks focused on all the vaccination you know and they're getting discouraged they're being discomforted you know the greatest comfort you can get just remember we're sojourners you know this is not our home our home is heaven let's live for eternity let's live for heaven you know turn off the tv hey you know why i preach that because people need to be comforted people need to learn what they need to do in order to find comfort in the lord and you know this world can be very distracting there's a lot of difficulties in this world and i'm just going to read another passage to you here in romans 15 verse 4 romans 15 verse 4 reads for whatsoever things were written a full time were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope okay you know what's going to give people comfort comfort of the scriptures okay don't forget what did we start with the fact that we come and we want to listen to the word of god this is what we come for okay the bible and guess where people are going to find their comfort in the bible guess where people are going to be exalted in the bible guess where people are going to be edified in the bible these are god's words it's a powerful book it's a spiritual book it's a living book and and you know for the congregation i don't want you to ever think you know uh i don't know if i'm going to go to church today because brother bob is preaching right uh you know i'm not i don't really enjoy brother bob's sermons i'm just going to miss out this week that that's wicked you know having that attitude you know brother there's not brother bob here right but but brother bob i'm telling you loves you all right he's studied the word of god he's been putting his sermon together he's been saying how can i feed my brother or sister in the lord god help me lord lord work with me he's been spending hours and hours trying to put something together so you can be comforted so you can be exalted so you can be edified and you just have the attitude oh brother bob's preaching i won't turn up please don't be like that while i'm gone don't be like that i'll be so disappointed you know if you guys end up like this you know and i don't want the preachers that get behind this pulpit to think i need to be someone else i want brother bob to be brother bob okay and i want brother what's another name that we don't have here brother zach to be brother zach who else fred brother fred to preach like brother fred okay because god will use people's personalities introverted extroverted it doesn't matter okay there are plenty of people like this in the bible there are plenty of stammering lips okay uh he would god will use them in a mighty way to preach some great truths you know brother bob is going to be able to preach some things that i would never have thought about to preach and you know god will use him to touch your hearts and to teach you something new you know and so you know like i said this sermon is not just for the preachers the whole congregation i want to appreciate the effort that every man does and why do i encourage men to come up to preach so they can appreciate it they can they realize hey you know what it's not like pastor kevin's sitting there for 10 minutes writing out some sermon notes before the service you know it takes hours of thought you know it takes a fear of god a concern for the brethren in order to prepare a sermon and so the title for the sermon tonight was sermon preparation okay so i'm almost done now now here's the question did i preach any of the kids can answer you can boys or girls doesn't matter all right i guess you're considered a kid caleb so you can you can answer all right what type of sermon did i just preach was a textual or topical or expository yes paris i'll give you a point for for um for the answer but it's not the right answer yes lily you're next topical what was the topic how to prepare sermon and i went all over the place i got a verse here i got a verse there i got a verse there right it wasn't based on a certain text it was all over the yes lock you want to say something well you got to go back and listen to the sermon on youtube calum that's his homework for tonight he's got to go back and listen to the whole sermon all right all right god you should have just said topical all right let's pray heavenly father lawyers want to thank