(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Good evening brethren, please take your Bibles and turn to Ruth chapter 4. Turn to Ruth chapter 4. Now I did miss one week of preaching when my child was born so we did miss one chapter of Ruth and so it's my intention this Wednesday night to catch up on the chapter that we need to. We're up to the last chapter in the book of Ruth and again the book of Ruth is found between Judges and 1 Samuel. So it's that little book with four chapters found between those two books. Ruth chapter 4 is what we're up to and the title for the sermon tonight is the Kinsman Redeemer. The Kinsman Redeemer. It's probably a term you've heard before, the Kinsman Redeemer. It has to do with the book of Ruth. That's where it comes from but it also points us to Jesus Christ and my greatest advice for anybody that's reading through their Bibles especially the Old Testament is look for Christ. Look for Jesus Christ in everything that you read because he is found throughout all the scriptures. He is found in every book of the Bible and the book of Ruth is as I've mentioned before a love story between Boaz and Ruth but we also see the great love that God has for his people. The fact that Jesus Christ would ultimately become the Kinsman Redeemer as well. Now that title is given to Boaz okay but that title is also something that we can give to Jesus Christ and so it's my intention tonight to show you those parallels between Boaz and Jesus Christ. Let's pick it up from verse number one. Ruth chapter 4 verse 1. Then went Boaz up to the gate and sat him down there and behold the Kinsman of whom Boaz spake came by unto whom he said ho such a one turn aside sit down here and he turned aside and sat down and he took 10 men of the elders of the city and said sit ye down here and they sat down. So let's just do a quick reminder of what's led up to this. Boaz is interested in getting married to Ruth right but there was one Kinsman there was one person that was closer closer relation to the family and he had the right to marry Ruth before Boaz had the right and so Boaz wanted to clarify this he wanted to make sure that little problem went away so he could be the one that could step in and marry Ruth and so he organizes this meeting as it said in this verse number one he came to the gate and so he comes to the gate of the city yes the gate was used to enter and to exit the city but gates quite often in the Bible you'll notice this gates is a place where they would hold official business you would have those you know there are elders here so there are people of high reputation there are a lot of decisions being made official decisions being made at the gate of the city and so this was a legal exchange that needed to happen. Boaz organized the meeting he organized this new Kinsman to come along and he organized 10 elders you know 10 people of of good reputation that hold an official position in the in the in Israel to oversee this matter to oversee this matter and he ties it not just into marriage to Ruth as you'll soon see he ties it into a piece of land all right look at verse number three and he said unto the Kinsman Naomi that is come again out of the country of Moab sell off a parcel of land which was our brother Emimelechs all right so I want you to notice that Boaz is saying Naomi wants to sell a piece of land now that you know the fact that Naomi wants to sell a piece of land this is the first time it's brought up in this book okay and so the point I'm trying to make here is obviously Naomi and Boaz had a meeting before this meeting obviously they met up Boaz explained his desire to marry Ruth and Naomi is the one helping him along and and the way she contributes is to sell a piece of land and you'll soon see that this piece of land had a condition of sale whoever bought this piece of land would also have to marry her daughter-in-law that's part of the price of purchasing this piece of land okay now that meeting is not recorded for us in the Bible but we know it took place because we see that Boaz knows that Naomi wants to sell this piece of land and here's the one that's communicating this to like in an official capacity okay and it says here in verse number four and I thought to advertise thee saying buy it before the inhabitants and before the elders of my people if thou wilt redeem it redeem it but if thou wilt not redeem it then tell me that I may know for there is none to redeem it beside thee and I am after thee and he said I will redeem it okay so this piece of land is being sold now keep your finger then go to Leviticus 25 go to Leviticus 25 let's have a look at the law of Moses very quickly here the law of Moses Leviticus 25 now obviously as the Israelites came into the land of Canaan you know this was the promised land this was the the land that had God had promised Moses and as they came out of Egypt that they were to inherit this land the land was then to be divided into the tribes and the tribes divided into different families and so obviously Naomi has a piece of land and if you look at Leviticus 25 verse 23 Leviticus 25 verse 23 keep in mind that Naomi is very poor at this point in time she's lost her husband she's lost all her possessions so she's poor and a poor person could sell a piece of land you know so they would have a bit of money they would have something that they can live on and the law is found here in Leviticus 25 verse 23 which reads the land shall not be sold forever for the land is mine for ye are strangers and sojourners with me first thing I want to say is who does the land of Israel belong to you know right now we have you know it's been going on for decades this fight between the Palestinians and the Jews about the piece of land the Jews say it belongs to them the Palestinians say it belongs to them God says it belongs to him okay God says this land belongs to him and whoever lives on those on that land were sojourners all right obviously when Christ comes back to rule in that thousand year millennial reign that land will be given to Jesus Christ I mean he is God it's it's a land that belongs to to Jesus Christ okay so you know don't get caught up into the politics who does that Middle East piece of land belong to does he belong to this these people does it belong to that people the Bible's very clear no it belongs to God but look at verse 24 and in all the land of your possession ye shall grant a redemption for the land if thy brother be waxen poor so here's the condition if there is a poor person that owns a piece of land and of course Naomi would be that person who's poor at this point in time what can she do and have sold away some of his possession and if any of his kin come to redeem it then shall he redeem that which his brother sold all right so if you were poor you could sell a bit of that land you can sell a bit of your inheritance so you had something to live off and that was what Naomi was trying to do being poor trying to get something she can live off but notice who is the person that gets the first opportunity to buy the land okay what did it say there if thy brother be waxen poor and have sold away some of his possession and if any of his kin come to redeem it then shall he redeem that which his brother sold so the person that gets the first dibs on the land is the closest relation the closest kinsman okay this is why Bose is is grabbing this other kinsman who's a closer relation to the family and saying look are you going to buy the land if you're not going to buy the land then I'll step in and buy the land okay so the closest relation or the closest kinsman got the first dibs of purchasing the land now this is really important for you to remember okay keep this in mind as we go on okay the closest kinsman had the first dibs of purchasing the land very important to remember as we go on through the rest of the chapter look at verse number five back in back in Ruth chapter four verse five Ruth chapter four verse five then said Boaz what day thou byest in the field of the hand of Naomi thou must buy it also of Ruth the Moabitess the wife of the dead to raise up the name of the dead upon his inheritance so you can see this this close kinsman says yeah I'll buy the land and then Boaz says well if you buy the land one of the conditions of sale is that you marry Ruth okay that's what Naomi's request is you don't just pay for the land but you also have to marry Ruth and when you marry Ruth that the obviously you would raise up a seed for that family name for her first the name of her first husband okay so there's that condition and look how the kinsman responds in verse number six and the kinsman said I cannot redeem it for myself lest I mar mine own inheritance redeem thou my right to thyself for I cannot redeem it so he wanted to redeem it he wanted a piece of land he wanted the possession but he didn't want Ruth he didn't want to marry Ruth he felt that that was I guess marrying beneath him you know he could see other opportunities for his future maybe if he married somebody else he would be able to inherit more land he saw a better opportunity for himself than taking this smaller piece of land and marrying Ruth okay so you can see the difference between this near kinsman the nearest one who's concerned about possession who's concerned about the piece of land and then you can see the difference with Boaz Boa it wasn't about the land for Boaz Boaz wasn't interested in the land Boaz was interested in Ruth okay he obviously had fallen in love with Ruth he wanted to marry that woman okay and that's why that condition was there the condition was there to you know scare away you know other people that may have wanted to take the land for themselves you know but obviously with having to take Ruth as a wife and Boaz was like oh I'm happy to take Ruth as a wife that was his ambition that was his desire right and so the piece of land for Boaz was just a cherry on top okay and so you can see this man defers and says look Boaz you can you know go ahead you know you can redeem it if you want I can't do it now look at verse number seven now this was the manner in the former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing so notice how the term redeem redeeming keeps coming up this is where we get the the kinsman redeemer from right the kinsman being Boaz the redeemer being someone that purchases something for themselves right so Boaz is the kinsman redeemer he goes and he purchases and he's someone that is close of kin someone of close relation and let's keep reading verse number seven it says for to confirm all things a man plucked off his shoe and gave it to his neighbor and this was a testimony in Israel so if you didn't want to redeem up the piece of land here you didn't want to go and marry the widow that's closest in relation to you you would just simply take off your shoe I mean we see a principle of this if a brother did not want to marry his brother's widow if she had no children I've covered that in previous sermons I won't go into all that right now but this was just a way of showing hey I've taken off my shoe it's a bit of a shame on that person it's a bit of a sign to say look I'm passing on on this duty I do not want to complete that and so this is what's happening here and then it says verse number eight therefore the kinsman said unto Boaz buy it for thee so he drew off his shoe says look Boaz you buy the piece of land you marry Ruth here's my shoe I've taken that off on in front of as a witness in front of all these witnesses these 10 elders I'm forfeiting my ability to buy this land you know go ahead you know by the law of the land you can go ahead and take this position for yourself verse number nine and Boaz said unto the elders and unto all the people ye are witnesses this day that I have bought all that was Elimelech's and all that was Killian's and Malon's in the hand of Naomi so Elimelech was the husband of Naomi and just a reminder that Killian and Malon were the sons of Naomi and Malon was the husband of Ruth okay so Boaz is saying look there are witnesses that I have made this purchase I mean do you see the parallel of Jesus Christ when Jesus Christ you know was put to death buried and rose again on the third day what did he go and do for the next 50 days before he ascended up to heaven he went before many witnesses didn't he went to his disciples he went to many many many people up to 500 at once so people could see it could witness his resurrection so people could witness that he had purchased us with his blood so you can see the importance there of the witnesses you see the parallel there of Christ verse number 10 moreover Ruth the Moabitess the wife of Malon have I purchased to be my wife to raise up the name of the dead upon his inheritance that the name of the dead be not cut off from among his brethren and from the gate of his place ye are witnesses this day so this Boaz says look I am marrying Ruth you're a witness that I'm marrying Ruth and by marrying Ruth I'm going to make sure that I raise up a name of the dead okay so for for Malon his name would continue the the child that would be born from Ruth would continue on in the name of Malon and so there would be in a sense a raising of the dead okay raising of the name of the dead here as a picture and of course what is that a picture of the resurrection that we have been purchased by Christ he has paid it all so one day the dead will be raised the dead would be resurrected okay because of the purchase of the Redeemer because of the purchase of the Redeemer you can again see those parallels there with with Christ and so as I said Boaz is known as the kinsman Redeemer and if you can please keep your finger there please go to 1st Peter chapter 1 keep your fingers in Ruth and go to 1st Peter chapter 1 because it is Christ who has redeemed us right Boaz redeems Ruth he he continues the name of the dead you know he raises that name and Christ is our Redeemer Christ is our Redeemer Boaz purchased Ruth from by purchasing the land of Naomi and Christ has redeemed us will purchase us by paying for our sins you're going to 1st Peter chapter 1 and I'm going to read to you from Acts 20 28 where it speaks about God which says which you have purchased with his own blood talking about the church of God being purchased by his own blood so what is the transaction when it came to Boaz he obviously had to pay some money for that land and he had to purchase Ruth in that land when it comes to Christ making a purchase the bible says that he purchased her with his own blood the blood of Jesus Christ is what redeems us you're going to 1st Peter chapter 1 verse 18 1st Peter chapter 1 look at verse 18 the bible says for as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold okay so Boaz paid silver and gold for the land but you've not been redeemed by that same corruptible thing no not by silver and gold it says from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers verse 19 but with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spots okay so you were redeemed you were purchased not with gold and silver but by the blood the precious blood of Christ the precious blood of Christ is more valuable than any gold and silver it says here a lamb without blemish and without spot it's incorruptible okay you've been purchased this is why it's everlasting I mean it's everlasting life for so many reasons it's eternal life for so many reasons and one of the reasons we're being told here is because the blood of Christ is without blemish without spot it is not corruptible you know the blood of Christ is incorruptible in compared to other units of possession like gold and silver which is corruptible on this earth okay so it's eternal security it's everlasting life because it's that blood is everlasting it's not corruptible it'll be always there you know covering us washing us from our sins the blood of Jesus Christ now please go to 1st John chapter 2 1st John chapter 2 because I want to stress a point here in 1st John chapter 2 verse 1 a lot of people understand yeah you're purchased by the blood of Christ okay 1st John chapter 2 verse 1 which reads my little children these things write I unto you that you sin not and if any man sin we have an advocate with our father Jesus Christ the righteous now notice verse number two and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world so when Christ came he died not just for those that would believe on him but he would die for the whole world he died for every man and the word propitiation there quite a big word that's been brought up there it means to be appeased or to be satisfied okay so if I go to the shops I go to Woolworths or something buy some groceries I obviously just can't walk out with those groceries I've got to make propitiation I've got to satisfy the you know the company so I pay what is due you know they work out okay groceries are going to be $200 I put down $200 that satisfies them so I can then walk away with a purchased possession I can work walk away with the groceries that I've bought when it comes to the shedding of Christ's blood it was the propitiation Christ was a propitiation for our sins it satisfied the demands of the father it's been paid for in full please go to 1st John chapter 4 verse 10 1st John chapter 4 verse 10 which reads he ran his love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins he sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins he loved us Boaz loved Ruth right he loved us so much he went and bought that piece of land he went and married Ruth so that she could be taken care of God loved us so much he sent his son he paid for us he paid for our souls by the sacrifice of his son I'm going to read to you from Romans 3 25 which reads whom God have sent forth to be a propitiation there's that word again through faith in his blood okay so what is the payment for our sins how have I have our sins been satisfied been dealt with been taken care of the full payment where God the father is satisfied how was it faith in his blood it was the blood of Christ that washes us and how do we receive that faith in his blood faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God okay so full payment of your sins the full propitiation the full satisfaction to God the father was by the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ okay so you know I wasn't that long ago where I preached on the importance of the body of Christ the flesh of Christ what that means we can see now a great truth about the blood of Christ it's actually what purchases us okay it's what buys us it's what redeems us Jesus Christ is the kinsman redeemer when it comes to our spiritual life if you can please go back to Ruth chapter 4 verse 11 Ruth chapter 4 and verse 11 the Bible reads and all the people that were in the gate and the elders said we are witnesses the lord make the woman that is come into thine house like Rachel and like Leah which too did build the house of Israel to and and and do thou worthily in Ephrata and be famous in Bethlehem notice verse 11 how it starts and all the people that were in the gates and the elders said we are witnesses they said we witnessed that Boaz has purchased the land we've witnessed that Boaz is taking Ruth as his bride he's purchasing that and we are witnesses and brethren then what are we all right what are we we know what Christ has done we know how he has purchased for us our sins we we can see how he purchased us then what what's the next thing to do well the next thing to do is we are witnesses we've been purchased we've been saved and now we go and we witness for God we go and say what Jesus Christ has done hey these elders were witnessing what Boaz did were as saved believers we need to go and witness what Jesus Christ has done how he has purchased us with his own blood and brethren man I miss the door-to-door soul winning I miss it I miss getting out there on a weekly basis to the neighborhood and giving people the gospel being a witness to Jesus Christ hey not like those false Jehovah witnesses in fact that they're not witnesses of Jehovah they are Jehovah false witnesses aren't they that that cults that that's uh that that false religion that teaches that it's not just Christ that died but you need to work your way for salvation no no you don't work your way to salvation it's been paid for by Jesus Christ in full he is the propitiation Jesus Christ is the propitiation for our sins not Christ and our works no those that teach such things are Jehovah false witnesses we need to be true witnesses of Jehovah we need to be true witnesses of the purchase that Jesus Christ has made for us not only that that we look at verse number 11 but notice how they celebrate notice the words they say after this purchase has been made it says the Lord make the woman that is come into thine house like Rachel and like Leah hey who are they Rachel and Leah those are the wives of Jacob hey those are the two women by which the 12 tribes of Israel would come okay and of course they're handmaids as well but the the name that was given to Rachel and Leah notice this like Rachel and like Leah it says here in verse number 11 which two did build the house of Israel so he says look man we want you to marry Ruth we want the best for you guys we want you to have a bunch of children we want you to establish your own house like Rachel and Leah were able to establish the house of Israel okay so you know Ruth is being elevated here you know Ruth is being promoted isn't she Ruth is being promoted to be a mother of many and you know as saved individuals I spoke about the importance of us being witnesses of Christ and here's the truth when we go and witness of Christ when we go and preach the gospel and people understand and they believe and they call upon the Lord to save them hey we give birth to spiritual children don't we you know we see a new soul being born again believing on Christ knowing that they're going to be in heaven for all eternity because of what the Redeemer has done for them okay and so you know I'm not a woman I can't understand I'll never understand what it is like to have a child in me to to develop that little baby and to give birth but we can relate to it even as men when we see people come into Christ as their savior people believing on Christ and being born into God's spiritual family notice what else it says here at the end of verse 11 and be famous in Bethlehem be famous in Bethlehem all right so there's two two thoughts here number one is they did become famous I mean so famous it's recorded for us for all eternity in the bible in the word of God isn't it okay but we spoke about Boaz and how he's a picture of Christ here and of course who who is the most famous in Bethlehem you know when you think of the town of Bethlehem who's the first person you think about it's Jesus Christ who was born in Bethlehem okay so there's a another parallel you know Boaz famous in Bethlehem but even more famous than him was Jesus Christ let's keep going verse number verse number 12 and let thy house be like the house of fairies to whom tamable unto Judah of the seed which the lord shall give thee of this young woman so Boaz took rif and she was his wife and when he went in unto her the lord gave her conception and she bare a son notice that it is the lord who gives conception it is the lord that allows a woman to fall pregnant it's the lord that has given a woman the ability and the lord can shut up a womb if he desires and he can open the womb if he so desires okay it's in the lord's hand is what we're saying okay and you know it is a difficult thing when women can't fall pregnant or they can't carry a child and they might struggle with um you know losing that child before it's delivered um it's such a and I think I mean I just think about the you know the horrific things that our nation does you know was it 250 abortions a day where they would take a child that God has allowed to be in that womb that God is knitting himself I mean we have the wickedness of our nation I think of Australia and I think about well it's a I love living in Australia it's a decent nation in comparison to many other places in the world but there is such wickedness in this world where they cannot value a baby in the in the mother's womb when we're approaching Mother's Day aren't we we're approaching Mother's Day I'll save a sermon for that on Sunday but you know God values motherhood God values babies in the womb he is the one who rewards a mother and a father with a child and she bare a son you know she wasn't able to have any children with her first husband you know I'm not sure if he just passed away too quickly or they were having it's difficult to tell but we can see here God is blessing Boaz and Ruth and she's able to bear a child verse number 14 and the woman said unto Naomi blessed be the Lord which have not left thee this day without a kinsman and his name that his name may be famous in Israel that's the famous again in Israel and he shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life and a nourisher of thine old age for thy daughter-in-law which loveth thee which is better to thee than seven sons have borne him and Naomi took the child and laid it in her bosom and became nurse unto it so Naomi has this child and I it's interesting the words that have said here some of the women in this in the in the town of Bethlehem speaking to Naomi of course Naomi is the mother-in-law remember that so Naomi is older in age okay but they're saying hey this child this grandchild that you that God has given you it says here in verse number 15 he shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life and a nourisher of thine old age you see grandchildren are a blessing to grandparents you know my mum would say about you know Isabel's our first child she's my eldest daughter and my mother you know her grand Isabel's grandmother would say Isabel you saved my life okay and by that she means you know when you're born into this world you gave me hope you gave me something to look forward to you know and my mother is looking forward to seeing Isabel continue to grow hey hopefully she's able to make it to Isabel's wedding one day who knows God willing you know that could be a blessing for my mother you know so when I read this passage I was thinking about my mother how my mother would say about Isabel you know you saved my life you know you restored you nourished you gave me a strength as it were and so not only is Ruth blessed through this encounter with Boaz having a child but so is grandmother Naomi and so there is a there is a happy ending to this story okay and notice again there in verse number 14 at the end of it says that his name may be famous in Israel so not only is Boaz and Ruth famous because their stories recorded here for us in the bible but the child that Ruth had would also become famous okay in fact his name is recorded for us in the old testament and in the new testament let's keep reading verse number 17 and the women her neighbors gave it a name saying there is a son born to Naomi and they called his name Obed he is the father of Jesse the father of David the father of David who's David that's king David okay you all know about king David so we see Obed's name the child that Ruth had is mentioned here his name and this is in verse number 18 and these are the generations of pharise pharise begat hezron and hezron begat ram and ram begat amin adab and amin adab begat nashon and nashon begat salmon and salmon begat Boaz so that's Boaz that we've been reading about and Boaz begat Obed and Obed begat Jesse and Jesse begat David so what do we learn here that Obed the child of Ruth is the grandfather of king David this is why they're famous okay because the greatest king or maybe you could argue Solomon but I suppose the one that remained the most consistent as as someone who who had a heart after uh who's a man after god's own heart was king David and Obed this son that was born to Naomi was the grandfather that means sorry Ruth and so Ruth is the great grandmother of king David okay king David keep your finger then go to Matthew chapter one for me go to Matthew chapter one and so we see this great story this great love story and how god provides you know god has a great love for widows god has a great love for orphans and widows people that are without a husband without our father and who tend to suffer in life because of that you know and fathers you know your role in your family is so important you know god is has given you your family your wife your children so you can look after them so you can provide for them and if you're not doing it you know well god's going to judge you for that but look um go to Matthew chapter one and verse number five let's read a little bit here Matthew chapter one verse five because as I said Obed is mentioned not just in the old testament but he's mentioned the new testament okay his name forever recorded for us in the word of god and it says here and salmon begat Boaz of Rachab that's Boaz of and Rachab there and then it says here and Boaz begat Obed of Ruth okay so there's Ruth there's Obed again and Obed begat Jesse and Jesse begat David the king so king David okay now backtrack to verse number one there in Matthew one verse number one it says the book of the generation of Jesus Christ the son of David the son of Abraham and so Christ when he came to this world okay as our redeemer he came as a descendant all the way from king David Obed um Boaz and Ruth okay so here's why that story's in the Bible for us Ruth she was not a Jew at the beginning right she was from Moab she had other false gods that she worshipped okay I mean she would she's a gentile you know she's a heathen as it were okay but she desired to know the god of Israel and she was received into the nation she was married into the family there and god blessed them you know it does I mean I have to say this almost every sermon don't I you know god is a god of the Jews and of the gentiles okay god does not favor one person over another because of their DNA okay just because you're a physical Jew does not make you god's chosen people Ruth became one of god's chosen people because she made the god of Israel her god and god took her even with corrupted DNA all right use that loosely gentile blood and yet she was used to be an ancestor that would bring Jesus Christ into the world what a great spiritual truth there if you can please go to uh Galatians chapter 4 now go to Galatians chapter 4 and verse number 4 and I just want to remind you that when this offer of selling the land was made it was made first of the new kinsmen and I said keep that in mind that's important why is that important Galatians 4 4 please turn there Galatians 4 4 which reads but when the fullness of the time was come god sent forth his son notice the next words made of a woman made under the law when Christ came into this world when the son of god came into this world he was made of a woman he became man okay why did god have to send his son why did Jesus Christ come as a man because the one that could make the purchase had to be a new kinsman the one that had to make the purchase had to be a relative all right I mean god this is just you know the way that god operates we see this play out for us in the old testament as a truth for the new testament Jesus Christ had to come as a man and Jesus Christ had to redeem us as a close relative you know he was made like sinful flesh the bible tells us he was a man and as a man he had the right to make the purchase you know and there's no other way there's no other man just like the other new kinsmen who couldn't make the purchase you know he didn't want to redeem the land and roof he couldn't do it well there's nobody on this earth that can save themselves there is nobody that can save another man on their behalf the only savior the only redeemer is Jesus Christ look at verse number five to redeem there it is that word redeem to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons please go to galatians 3 verse 13 galatians 3 verse 13 christ have redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree the crucifixion of christ on the cross the shedding of his blood that's how he redeemed us from the law by the shedding that's the payment remember the payment for our sins was the shedding of the blood of Christ on the cross if you can please turn to titus chapter 2 turn to titus chapter 2 and i'll read to you luke chapter 1 verse 68 you go to titus 2 luke chapter 1 verse 68 reads blessed be the lord god of israel for he have visited and redeemed his people and have raised up and horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant david that david king david right that that family line that brought jesus christ into the world but it says here that god has visited us and redeemed his people we are the people of god if you're redeemed you are the people of god okay once again not physical jews they are not the people of god the people of god are those that are redeemed redeemed by the blood of christ and we receive that by placing our faith on the blood of christ amen you're in titus chapter 2 look at verse number 13 not only was the redemption for our salvation for our souls but this plays into a greater truth in titus chapter 2 verse 13 which reads looking for that blessed hope now of course that's the rapture soon see and the glorious appearing of the great god and our savior jesus christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works okay so christ has come not just to redeem our souls but redeem us from all iniquity that's why we're looking for that blessed hope the rapture because we're going to get the new resurrected body no more iniquity found in our flesh on that day when you receive your new bodies and uh that's salvation salvation is faith on what christ has done for us and you know what salvation was the same in the old testament you know in the old testament days they had to place their faith in the redeemer you know they had to place their faith on christ and you know job chapter 19 job in old testament saints job who wasn't even an israelite okay job 19 verse 25 reads this is the words of job for i know that my redeemer liveth did job need a redeemer yes and he says look my redeemer is alive not only will he die but he's going to come back from the dead it says here he liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth and though after my skin worms destroy this body yet in my flesh i shall see god so job knew that the redeeming power of christ was not just for his soul but also for his body that one day his body will be resurrected yes his body would go in the grave yes his body would be destroyed by worms and by whatever nasty creatures you know right away the flesh there but one day in his flesh in his new resurrected flesh he's going to see his redeemer he's going to see his god now i want to conclude if you can please turn to uh let's go to revelation chapter five let's go to revelation chapter five and verse number nine i just want to conclude on a few passages here so christ is our redeemer praise god you know thank you lord for for the great for the great sacrifice you know thank you for the purchase we can thank our lord god and worship him and honor him with that truth but you know what now that you're purchased you know if you go and you purchase something it belongs to you now doesn't it like i gave the analogy of going to the shops you buy the product once you've purchased once you've satisfied the demand for that product you walk away with it don't you it's now it now belongs to you well in revelation chapter 5 verse 9 the bible reads and they sang they sung a new song saying thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof for thou was slain and has redeemed us to god by thy blood there's that confirmation again how are we redeemed to god by the blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation and has made us unto our god kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth they're not just resurrected bodies but the redemption also promises us to reign with christ in his millennial kingdom and where we have been made kings and priests kings and priests listen kings were to pass judgment weren't they kings were to honor god they were there to give direction to pass judgment they were there to fight in wars as well they were there to be the lead in fighting wars to be a soldier as it were and the priest was there to serve the lord was to serve in the house of god was to serve the people you know god has given us those responsibilities to us now okay he has made us kings and priests through his purchased blood okay through through the uh yeah through through the redemption that's come through his blood and so god has given us work he's given us an office of a king he's given us the office of a priest and he wants us to use what we've been given obviously to work for him to serve him and you know my challenge to you brethren is how are you serving god in what capacity of your life are you putting you know uh your your purchased possession to serve god in in what manner brethren if you can now please go to first corinthians go to first corinthians chapter six first corinthians chapter six verse 20 first corinthians chapter six verse 20 very common verse here which reads for ye are bought with a price did you know you've been bought you've been purchased with a price that price we saw was the blood of christ therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit which are gods you belong to god you've been purchased by god you belong to him are you going to allow god to use you god has already given you work to do are you going to serve him with your body let's say there glorify god in your body how do you glorify god in your body you serve god you serve the people of god you serve in your local church you serve by being a witness of the redemption of jesus christ that's how we serve god in our body okay if you can go to verse number seven sorry chapter seven first corinthians chapter seven verse 23 first corinthians chapter seven verse 23 reads ye are bought with a price there it is again be not ye the servants of men say oh man does that mean i can't work for a boss no no no obviously if you're working for an employer remember you still set jesus christ as your boss okay you're still serving christ first and foremost but listen you can live out your life now you've been purchased you're saved you're going to heaven a hundred percent you know and you can either you can make a choice you can either decide to serve man or you can make the decision to serve god you know and there have probably been times in your life where you've served man well you've cared about being recognized by man well you've cared more about what men thought of you than what god thought of you no no the instruction brethren you're purchased by that kinsman redeemer is that you now serve god you go and and serve him he's he's the one that has purchased you and i'll just end on psalm 19 verse 14 which reads let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight oh lord my strength and my redeemer okay oh lord my strength and my redeemer okay so it's not just serving the lord in our bodies okay but what else did it say in psalm 19 14 let the words of my mouth let the meditation of my heart the things that you say the things that you meditate on the things that you have deep thought about let them be things that are godly let them be things that honor god okay he wants you to serve him in your body but he also wants your service and your worship and and your honor toward him inwardly and of course you know by the abundance of the heart the mouth speaker what comes out of your mouth dictates to others what is in your heart you know is is your heart about men is it about worldliness is about sinfulness or is or is what's in your heart about your love for god you know your appreciation for how he has delivered you from your sins okay so jesus christ he came to be a man he came to be our kinsman and he came to redeem us and he did it by the shedding of his blood he paid the full price praise god for the parallel that we see in the story of boaz and ruth god bless