(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right back to Psalm 59 and verse number 6 they return at evening They make a noise like a dog the title for the sermon this morning is noise like a dog I like that. I like that in this psalm in fact It actually gets brought up twice in this psalm noise like a dog And I'll give you some thoughts around that in a moment But if you've got your many Bibles when it comes to the psalms You've got a little introduction before the verse even begins and in my Bible It says you probably have yours at the same. It says the chief musician Altas altas church Mitchum of David and now do you guys have that title in your Bibles? And then it says when soul sent and they watched the house to kill him So we get the setting of this psalm when we get the reason why? David wrote this psalm wrote this song wrote this piece of poetry Because it's a time when when soul sent some messengers or sent some soldiers I should say it's a spy on the house of David getting ready to find an opportunity to kill him Okay, remember King Saul is who David's father-in-law. Okay, and in fact in this story we have David's wife Which is Saul's daughter, you know protecting David during this time So before we get into the psalm Let's get the context of this story turn with me to 1st Samuel 19 Come with me to 1st Samuel 19 and verse number 11 1st Samuel chapter 19 and verse number 11 1st Samuel 19 and verse number 11 The Bible reads soul also sent messengers unto David's house To watch him and to slay him in the morning. So you got these messengers Just just you know these spies just just wait in for the morning as soon as David leaves the house They're going to slay him. They're going to kill him You know you remember the story of course many times they King Saul sought to kill David because of his envy and it says here And Michael David's wife Michael is the daughter of King Saul Okay, and Michael David's wife told him saying if thou save not by life tonight Tomorrow thou shalt be slain. So Michael gets this information Okay, we'll find out in the psalm how she gets this information Okay, but she knows that her father has sent spies they're going to kill him in the morning So so look tonight before the morning comes you need to leave the house. Okay. She's warning David or you'll be killed verse number 12 so Michael let David down through a window and He went and fled and escaped It's not the first time or it's not the only time in the Bible that you see the people of God being Escaping out of a window. Okay, but you know, I guess this is a some type of tower You know, maybe like an apartment block kind of the idea, you know, where he's actually going to be let down It's not an easy maneuver to just you know, jump out of a window if it's a single-story house But it says here and he went and fled and escaped verse number 13 and Michael took an image and laid it in the bed and put a pillow of goats hair For his balsa and covered it with a cloth So she finds some type of Audiment some some large statue they've got in the house She puts that in the bed making it seem like he's asleep and some goats hair to make it look like it's his head There in his bed, right? She's trying to deceive these messengers and then it says in verse number 14 and when Saul sent messengers to take David She said he is sick Right trying to buy time for David. Look. Look, he's sick. He can't come out He's not feeling well hoping that they'll leave him alone for a period of time Right, and then it says verse number 15 and Saul sent the messengers again to see David saying bring him up to me in the bed That I may that I may slay him Okay, so they go back to Saul. So look just go and get him bring him I don't care if he's sick bring him to me. I'll kill him like so such a such such a wimp like such like Because if David like if he wants to give David a fighting chance Look give me a sword and give David a sword and we'll go at it, but Saul knows David's the better fighter Okay, that's so fine. Oh, he's sick. All right, bring him to me and I'll kill him Now there's my chance to kill him, right? Verse number 16 and when the messengers were coming behold there was an image in the bed with a pillow of goats hair for his bolster and So said unto Michael remember this is his daughter Why hast thou deceived me so and since away mine enemy that he is escaped and Michael answered so he is he said unto me. Let me go. Why should I kill thee? So she makes up this story. She said look I couldn't stop him that right He said to me look I was trying to stop him from escaping that actually and he said to me look if you don't let me go I'll kill you as well Alright, so she's making it seem like David is the bad guy in this situation even though it was her plan to let him escape So and then verse number 18 So David fled and escaped and came to Samuel to Rhema and told him all That Saul had done to him and he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naiaph Alright, so he finds the the judge and the Prophet Samuel, you know to take to take refuge You know, he's with a man of God and of course He feels safe being in the presence of a man of God in that situation. So that's a story That's a story, you know the father-in-law tried to kill him his wife helps him escape You know, she hears the the news that this is the plan and she helps David escape So then we get to the psalm and I assume I don't know exactly I assume Once he's in the ref in under protection of Samuel's hand. This is probably when he had the inspiration to write these words So we get back to Psalm 59 Psalm 59 in verse number one Psalm 59 in verse number one It says deliver me from mine enemies. Oh my god Defend me from them that rise up against me So we know immediately now the story verse number one who are the enemies of David here? King Saul and the messengers that he sent to spy out on David to kill him verse number two Deliver me from the workers of iniquity and save me from bloody men Now wait to think about that for a moment these enemies of David. It's King Saul Was King Saul a saved man of God He was a saved man of God wasn't he? You know, he was God's choice As the king and the Bible says that even prophesied, you know And the Bible tells us that all prophets are saying like, you know, you cannot be a prophet of God and not be saved King Saul is a man of God you need to understand this he's saved and As hard as it can be we know we understand that our enemy is you know Can be this world our enemies can be the devil. Hey our enemies can even be our family members that are that do not love the Lord But isn't it a sad thing when your enemies are actually a brother or sister in the Lord it can happen It can happen in this church, you know, it can happen in any church In fact, I've seen it happen my whole life where God's people are against God's people Where God's people turn against their own brother or sister in the Lord and you wonder how can that be? How can that be there are so few that are saved to begin with there are so few that have trusted Christ You know, we ought to have the same goal. We ought to have the same love toward the kingdom of God and yet division and envy can enter into a Friendship and destroy and cause the you know, the wicked to rise up against those that are innocent. I Love what he says in verse number three This is for low they lie in wait for my soul Obviously thinking about the fact that they're gonna kill him in the morning the mighty are gathered against me He says not for my transgression Nor for my sin Oh Lord the mighty are gathered the mighty is King soul, you know, he's got the authority He's the government of the land even the government's against me My father-in-law is against me the government's against me my brother in the Lord is against me I mean, it doesn't get any worse for for David But notice that he says not for my transgression. They're not against me Lord for anything that I've done against them I've never transgressed against them. I've never sinned against him Lord, but they're still lying to kill me verse number four he says they run and Prepare themselves without my fault Awake to help me and behold They run look without my fault. Once again, I haven't transgressed. I haven't sinned I haven't done any and it made any faults against them Lord One of the things that's going to confuse you the most is When someone turns against you someone betrays you someone seeks to hurt you and you've never done anything wrong toward them You know the so I'm sure you know the story of Dave and soul David has done nothing worthy of the hatred that soul has against him nothing Okay, I mean Soul is introduced to David when David comes and there's Goliath defying the stir the army of Israel and David volunteers to go and take on Goliath. He slays him delivers Israel from the from the Philistines David is nothing but a loyal man a loyal soldier, you know Even when he gets the opportunity to kill soul he refuses to do so You know, he wants vengeance to be the Lord's hand not his hand and you know David is like the perfect son-in-law this is so he's so loving so so respectful toward his father-in-law the king and You know when this happens, you know, sometimes that there is just well there is a reason why there is a reason why and you need to understand that as Good as you can be toward people. We've never hurt them You've never sought to to harm them. You've never sinned against them You've never transgressed against them people are just going to turn against you and think of you wickedly and you just won't know why Okay, you've done nothing and brethren. This is this is a reality of life If you live life long enough, you're gonna find these situations pop up and they're very hurtful Because you've shown a lot of love toward this person and now they've become your enemy So, you know if you're going through that today if you're going for that this morning or you've gone through that in the past I hope this Psalm speaks to you, you know You can see what David's prayer and his song is toward his Lord God now if you can Keep your finger there and come back with me to 1st Samuel 19 I probably should have told you to keep a finger there, but come back with me to 1st Samuel 19 Because I want to show you that David truly is a man that's never harmed King Saul and he's never harmed his nation in 1st Samuel 19 So we read verses 11 to 18 which was the story of the the messages seeking to kill David in his house But just before that I want you to notice just a quick little story just before that in 1st Samuel 19 verse 8 1st Samuel 19 verse 8 it says and there was war again and David went out and fought with the Philistines and slew them with a great slaughter and they fled from him So again, we see David in the army. All right, there's war again with the Philistines They've come to attack Israel and they've come to attack King Saul's kingdom and who's the one out there doing the fighting? David David once again an honorable soldier Loving his kingdom loving his nation for King Saul and he and he has a great victory against the Philistines Look at verse number 9 and the evil spirit from the Lord Was upon Saul as he sat in his house with his javelin in his hand and David played with his hand. So David's David's delivered King Saul's kingdom once again from Philistines Now David is in the in the presence of King Saul and he's playing his harp playing his beautiful music Okay, he's trying to entertain King Saul, but King Saul has this evil spirit from the Lord I'll talk about that in a moment and then verse number 10 and Saul sought to smite David even to the wall with the javelin but he slipped away out of Saul's presence and he smelt the javelin into the wall and David fled and escaped that night and then we get the story of King Saul seeking to kill him in his house Has David done anything wrong to King Saul? Look he fights for him risks his life in battle Then he like he goes from warrior to musician I mean King King and like David is is obviously multi skilled multi talented You know, he's a hard man is a hard warrior on the inside, but he's got an artistic heart on the on the inside You know, he's able to just play beautiful music, you know trying to alleviate King Saul from this evil spirit King Saul has a javelin in his hand He just gets so enraged that David tries to kill him David quick is able to escape before you know, he gets he gets hurt and I don't understand this. I don't well, I we do know why let me say I don't understand I do understand the reason why King Saul is feeling this way Not only is it an evil spirit by the way people get confused about this. I Believe that a believer, you know cannot be possessed by a devil You know, I did I do not believe that any child of God can be possessed by a devil Okay, so you say what is this evil spirit Well, don't forget in the Bible evil spirit does not necessarily mean a devil or a demon as we you know Or an unclean spirit as we commonly talk about that You know when Christ is walking the surface delivering people from an unclean devil or an unclean spirit, you know That's not what we're talking about here The word evil does not mean sinful in the Bible and you need to look if you're gonna be King James Bible readers You need to understand this. Okay, the word evil does not mean sinful Evil just means harmful Okay, evil means harmful. Now all sin is evil because all sin is Harmful, but not all evil is sin In fact, the Bible talks about you know, the Lord doing evil many times you go Well, the Lord's doing evil. Does that mean it's a sinner? Of course not It's just that it's harm. That's all he means Okay, like, you know in the Bible days if a murderer was you know found guilty He was to be stoned to death, you know, you'd be doing evil by putting that person, you know But by by killing that person, you know and the corporate corporal punishments you'd be doing evil against him You'd be causing him harm obviously putting him to death, but that's not sinful That's the the righteous law of God, which he had laid out in the Bible So you need to understand when God has given a soul an evil spirit. It's not that he's possessed him with a devil or something It's just that one of the spirits of God, you know That is causing harm causing grief in the heart of soul Because of course King Saul's heart has turned away from the Lord And so the Lord is allowing this this grief and burden this spirit to influence King Saul Now why why is this happening? Why is this happening? Why does he hate David so much? You may recall that as David was getting victories over the Philistines and and showing himself to be this great warrior That people in the kingdom started to praise David You know, what was that saying that goes something like, you know So has slayed slain Thousands and David tens tens of thousands something like that. I'm just paraphrasing something like that Okay, but look they're praising the praise and soul King Saul But they're also praising David and it's true. David was a much better warrior than King Saul knows this This is why he doesn't just face him go face to face, you know Give him a fair fight King Saul knows that they will beat him in battle Okay, this is obvious But it becomes envious It becomes envious now this is sad because again David is only doing what is right in the sight of God and Also blessing soul in return, but he becomes envious Now why can it be that someone that you love and care about you do only good things toward? Why is it that they turn against you? because of envy Because of envy that's the reason why and Brevin we need to be careful of envy in our hearts, okay? I Look, I I know I've been envious, you know growing up in in church and Let me show you some stories that just and maybe maybe you can relate to this You know, I grew up in a Baptist Church is a Baptist Union Church, but it wasn't all liberal It was pretty pretty solid. It's pretty much what you'll find in any ifb style churches those structure of things but I went to a high school and It was it was meant to be Baptist, but it was just it was everything It was it was you know, in my view It was more like a Pentecostal charismatic type school, even though I had Baptist on the name Anyway, I would hear these stories you have these people come in and speak in before the the students in the school And they'd give their wonderful stories how they were able to you know, raise someone from the dead You know how some little child got hit by a car and his leg got ripped off and he was able to go and just pray over the child and the leg Reconnected and all the nerves and it's you know, when the ambulance came, you know, the doctors are like well What why'd you call us? There's nothing wrong with this child like you hear all these crazy stories, right and I For those of you that have been in the Pentecostal charismatic circles, you know, what stories I'm talking about But I remember just being a student listening to these stories going. What about me Lord? How come I can't do all these miracles How about me Lord? How come you're not talking to me audibly, you know, is there something wrong with me Lord? Yeah, I didn't get mad with God You know, I don't think there's I can't even think of a time that I've ever been angry at God personally I got maybe I have I don't know about just I can't remember. Okay, but I'm just thinking man These guys have all these wonderful stories. I don't like them Now all those stories were rubbish don't don't get me wrong, but I'm just thinking you know, what how come It bothered me that why aren't I going for these amazing experiences? Obviously once you find out that it's all lies and rubbish and you hear the same stories repeated by different people You definitely know it's all lies by then. Okay, and But you know, I remember feeling envious You know I remember going to my first IFB church and there are people out soul winning and I was too timid I was too scared to go and knock on a door I'm beginning envious toward those that had the courage to go knock doors. I'm thinking man You know, they're getting the recognition the Lord's probably blessing them and I'm missing out and I become sort of Bitter a little bit toward even my own brothers in the Lord. I've never attacked them I never treated them harshly, but I know what any of you can feel like in the heart You know when you see the Lord blessing someone and you feel like how I'm missing out, you know And instead of just realizing hey, maybe there's a shortcoming or maybe Lord I maybe I need to focus on the great blessings. You have given me Maybe I'm not appreciative what you've given me and I'm focusing this is why so how many times do I preach about not comparing yourself with others Because I know what it's like. I know when you start comparing yourself with other people The enemy will creep in you might even get mad at the Lord Lord Why are you blessing them and seemingly I'm not getting the blessings that they get in so envy starts to grow in the heart of of King soul and by the way You know today when we use the word jealous we use it in a negative connotation But really what we should be using is the word envy. Okay when we use jealous today in our in our Vernacular we're really talking about envy because jealousy in the Bible is a positive attribute to have Okay, the Lord's name is jealous. The Lord is jealous Okay, the Lord is jealous. That's a lot of sins. That's a positive attribute again What's the difference when you're jealous for something? It's something that rightfully belongs to you Okay The reason why God is jealous over his people is because his people's love and worship Rightfully belong to the Lord But when his people the nation of Israel would worship false gods God would talk about being jealous because that worship belongs to him and Brethren my wife belongs to me and I belong to her it's right for us to be jealous one toward another It'd be a problem. Don't you think if I'm just hanging around all these girls and my wife doesn't mind She'd be like I'm jealous. Yeah, rightfully so because I belong to you You see what envy is envy is when something rightfully belongs to another and you want that And you get bitter and angry toward that person who has those things that doesn't belong to you It rightfully belongs to them. And so as David has been praised for the great a compliment that he's done Soul gets envious, you know, he doesn't think David that praise should belong to David that praise should belong to him And So this is what causes people as much as you love them as much as you do good on to them You've never hurt them. You never harmed them. You've never sinned against them They just hate you and I'm telling you now. It's always envy when you're like, I don't understand pastor It's envy. There's something about your life that they want and they're mad about it Okay, and they get mad at you. They should be examining themselves Again brethren don't compare yourself one to another please Don't compare your family Okay, ladies don't compare your cooking Man, don't compare how much money you make in the bank accounts Don't compare how much you go soul-winning versus someone else Don't compare yourself how many times you're in church service compared to someone else Please get that out of your life. It's gonna cause envy in you it's gonna grow bitterness in your heart and anger toward your brother in the Lord and They've done nothing wrong against you and you're going to turn against them So this is a lesson that we see here in Psalm 59 So obviously David's got a clean heart He's going to battle he's trying to help soul with his evil spirit. He's trying to be a good friend And King Saul tries to kill him multiple times It doesn't make any sense. That's it except for envy except for that bitterness. That's growing the heart of soul back to Psalm 59 verse number 5 Psalm 59 verse number 5 By the way The end of verse number 4 David says awake to help me and behold He's asking God God. Can you please wake up behold means look Lord wake up and look what's happening Now do you think for a moment that God's sleeping? Do you think for a moment God does not know what's going on? And it just shows you that well Let's keep going there because in verse number 5 he says the similar things verse number 5 He says thou therefore Oh Lord God of hosts the God of Israel Awake once again wake up to visit all the heathen be not merciful to any wicked transgressors sealer All right, so he's asking God a few times. Can you wake up Lord wake up? Now again God is not asleep. Okay. God knows all things God knows the persecution David is going through but when you're going through this kind of pain and betrayal from your Loved ones from your friends. You may feel like that. God is sleeping on the job Okay, and the biggest lesson that we can take out of this is that once again, and you know this But it's hard when you're going through it. Your timing is not God's timing Okay, you're saying God take action now wake up Lord. He must be sleeping Remember when the disciples are with Jesus on the ship and there's a storm and and they're all afraid that they're going to be capsized And once Jesus is sleeping, but do you think for a moment Jesus does not know that that's not what they're going through Jesus is testing their faith to say look we've got Jesus in our midst. We've got Jesus in our ship Nothing horrible is gonna happen to us. That should have been the reaction of the disciples But we know the heart of man and you know your own heart when you're going through these situations Feel like Lord are you gonna step in look can't you see what's happening Lord? I've never done anything against this person I've never sinned against them. Why do they want to hurt me so much? Wake up Lord Okay, just a reminder Set aside your timing and say Lord in your timing in your right timing. Please take vengeance for me Now there is a change from verse number four to verse number five We know that verses one to four were about David and King Saul, okay, we get to verse number five David takes his psalm and applies it broadly broadly because then he says I'll read again therefore a lot of God of hosts the God of Israel awake to visit all the heathen the heathen are the nations or the Gentiles Okay, so it's gone from his personal battle with soul to Lord. Actually. I've got enemies all across the nations In fact, we know because he just had a battle with the Philistines So obviously he's thinking of the Philistines at this point in time He probably has other enemies in other places, you know And he's just saying Lord actually just all the heat that everyone that is against me Lord Can you please it says be not look be not merciful to any wicked transgressors Lord. Don't show their mercy Lord just a full brunt of your anger and vengeance. Can you please avenge me is the idea that he's asking there? You know sometimes when you're going for that personal one-on-one situation All of a sudden it You know every other problem and every other enemy, you know It starts to bother your mind and I think this is what's happening to David Well, you got this sort of immediate threat King Saul, but then you think about all of a sudden all the problems you have Like everything just starts to and people, you know starts to share, you know They've got these concerns in their heart and they feel burdened by all the different situations and hardships that they have and So he's kind of gone from personal one-on-one to just the general burden that he has Against all the enemies all those that are against him verse number six And this is what we get the total for the sermon They return at evening. They make a noise like a dog and go round about the city Make a noise like a dog barking They're loud. Okay, they're obnoxious you know and What this reminds me of I don't think we experience it so much here in Australia Because we've got so many laws around animals and pets and dogs You know if there's a stray dog walking around the streets What's gonna happen the council is gonna send someone to collect it gets put into some pen Okay, but what this reminds me of dogs going about the city This so reminds me of Chile Okay, and if you ever go to Chile one of the experiences that you'll you I don't think I don't think any other country is like this But you're gonna find dogs everywhere like just stray dogs Everywhere it's estimated as about three million dogs stray dogs stray dogs not to about domesticated in the in the house looks like three million dogs just roam in the streets and The capital city of Chile Santiago, which has about five million people. I think it's a bigger city of capital city And if you're staying the night there All night long. It's just barking all along Just constant howling constant barking and we got your stray dogs on the street barking You've got your household dogs barking as well. It's just loud and and like you You know during the day you just walk the streets and and by the way these dogs They're kind of cared for but I don't really understand like in Chile It's the it's a second largest Consumers of bread I think second from Germany There's always a lot of bread a lot of a lot of our bakeries and quite often You know because it's fresh bread after a day or two It's stale and so usually people just throw bread on the streets for the dogs and these dogs are kind of cared for and Nourished like even when I went with the kids a few years ago You know, my girls are kind of like patting the dog trying to fear, you know, they're eating chips like that Can I feed the dog? Like they're not like skinny, you know, they're actually kind of in Chile. They're almost considered like community dogs But they are dangerous like, you know in the evening once the Sun Goes Down that they're also they're in packs It's like gangs It's like just watching a whole bunch of gangs walking around Like you know and it can be a scary thing if you're walking in the night and you're by yourself and there's a pack Of dogs following you. Okay, they probably just want some food But you know, it's still there are attacks these things do happen And so I'm reminded more of Chile because I don't really you don't really experience this in Australia but there are literally you go there there are dogs like even even um Even if you got a house or dog in the house, it's common for Chileans when they walk out of the house So just okay dogs, you know off you go you know and then you know by the time you get back from work your dogs just sit in there in the front gate Ready to go back in and so they just breed like crazy and it's just this is It's just like, you know in Australia We if you have a dog you kind of like, okay, you gotta walk the dog You gotta take it to the vet in Chile. It's not we don't walk the dog Just there you go off you go of your mates, you know But Like I'm saying like I'm not it's just barking bark and you eventually get used to it, you know, it's hard at first I'm not just the first night's not being asleep properly But then eventually you kind of just get used to the noise and I'm reminded of this They return this summer six they return at evening because that's when they're mostly active They make a noise like a dog and go round about the city and then look at this on the seven What kind of know the barking loud? Obnoxious verse number seven behold they belch out with their mouth Swords are in their lips For who say they doth hear they're talking loud. All right, and they're asking who's gonna hear us who cares? you know that they're so arrogant the soul lifted up and Now we understand actually why David's wife knew of the plans Guess what because soul and his his messengers they go into the city and they talk up. Oh, we're gonna kill David Okay, and and the soldiers that I guess they're just loud and belching like a dog Barking they're so confident that they're gonna win against David and the news travels to David's wives ears and Then she can help him escape now. We know why because they're loud like dogs. Everybody knows their plans They make noise like a dog they go around about the city behold they belch out with their mouth Swords are in their lips for who say they doth hear and So with their overconfidence, they release secret information Okay, and they lose their advantage, you know, the advantage is Michael hears the words means able to warn David is able to escape okay, and verse number eight But thou a lord shall laugh at them thou shall have all the heathen in the region The word the region means it's kind of similar to being ridiculed or being ridiculous You know, they deserve in a ridicule. It's a look the heat and these these enemies that I have against me Lord You're just going to laugh at them You can see the confidence of David slowly growing because at the beginning is like Lord. Can you wake up? Well wake wake Lord, but can't you see and now it's like has now he's got got confidence And this is probably why he's probably writing this at the time when he's with Samuel I'm sure Samuel will have encouraged him. Samuel would have reminded him. Hey, don't forget the Lord's chosen you to be the next king You're not going to die anytime soon. Don't worry about it. And I guess his confidence is growing now It's like actually Lord. I know you're not sleeping. I know actually you're laughing at them You know, you're you're laughing at their antics verse number eight reminds me a lot of Psalm chapter 2 if you can come with me to Psalm 2 Psalm 2 verse number 1 Psalm 2 and verse number 1 And you know Psalm 2 Just personally has given me a lot of comfort over the years a lot of comfort when you see the world just getting worse When you see governments becoming more ungodly All right You just remind yourself of Psalm to read it read it and just meditate upon it and be encouraged in the Lord Because it says in verse number one Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? What are they raging about? Verses number 2 the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed saying The Bible is saying here that the government's Politicians they get together and they conspire against the Lord When you see ungodly laws passed into our nation don't think it's just odd They're just you know, they don't know any better the Bible telling us here No, they know it's against the Lord and that they decide, you know what let's do what is contrary to God's Word Let's do contrary against Christianity Verse number three, let us break their bands of sundown cast away their cords from us These were the heathen kings are saying look we want nothing to do with the Lord Let's take away all the restrictions all the rules that are out laid in God's Word. Life will be better for us like this And when you see this happen your heart grows a little fearful maybe A little concerned a little bit worried about this earth and this world and what kind of future is going to be for my children the next generation And look what we see in verse number four. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh The Lord shall have them in the region. There it is again The Lord's laughing at these politicians. He's mocking at them. He's not laughing with them He's laughing at them Okay, the Lord's like you think you can break me away you think you can control this world without me You know, you think you can pass these laws and there are no consequences to your actions And then in verse number five it says then shall we speak unto them in his wrath and Vex them in his sword displeasure Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion Verse number six is interesting. It can apply to David And this could be similar to what Samuels reminding David of as he's gone and sought refuge there This is look if this is about David himself as a man. Yeah. Have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion we know that Zion can be used for as a as a word for Jerusalem and And David's probably been reminded by same once again. Look the Lord set you as king over Jerusalem. Don't worry Okay, you'll be fine. You'll get through this, you know souls not going to kill you All right But also I do believe this is by extension a prophecy of Jesus Christ that one day he will come back and rule Get that millennial reign of Jesus Christ when he comes back He's going to rule over this entire earth and all powers all corrupt governments are gonna have to submit themselves unto the power of Jesus Christ And so that's what the encouragement is is like Lord, don't you see Actually, you're laughing you're mocking your mark you're mocking the wicked you're mocking the enemies Back to Psalm 59, please Psalm 59 verse number 9 Psalm 59 and verse number 9 You can see he's getting encouraged because in verse number 9 it says because of His strength will I wait upon thee for God is my defense. So remember originally is like awake wake up No, it says I'll wait upon you Okay. Oh wait for your time in Lord. I Just think it's it's a wonderful thing to think about how he's with Samuel You know and then he's riding these that's I don't know is again. Is he right now with Samuel afterwards? You know, there's something about being encouraged by other brethren You know, even when your heart might be a little distant you may not even want to be in church And let me call you just come to the house of the Lord, you know, you only need one friend You only need one person to say hey brother praying for you. Hey, brother. I love you, you know thinking about you this week You know, is there anything that you need? Sometimes it just requires one person You know, I remember going to church and you know and just kind of being discouraged and that life in general Don't even feel like being in church, but I know it should be there and You know in my old we're not like here, but in my old church We had like an usher a man who just greet you at the door and give you hymnal It's a bigger churches, you know Needed more order in that sense and I'm just coming in one Sunday just being downcast and and the ash just greets me Hey, brother Kevin, how's your week been praying for you? You know, I Don't know you've been an encouragement something like this You've been an encouragement to me, you know, and I just walk all of a sudden all of a sudden I'm like, whoo All of a sudden man, what a great day Oh, so I'm just encouraging the Lord because just have a brief interaction with a brother in the Lord And this is what you know, David needed a friend. They even needed to go to Samuel someone It's some godly fellowship someone to encourage him someone to remind him of the promises of God Verse Number 10 The God of my mercy shall prevent me. God shall let me see my desire upon my enemies I know God you're going to take vengeance when it says the God of my mercy shall prevents me It doesn't mean that God's stopping David somehow preventing remember the word prevent in the Bible can also mean proceed So when you talk about like in 1st Thessalonians 4 about the rapture it says that I Get I'm paraphrasing but then that our lives shall not prevent them which are asleep In other words the ones that have gone to die of Christ are going to be the ones that will first receive the new Resurrected bodies of the rapture and then following that those that are still alive But when it says this just think about in that sense, you know David's saying the God of my mercy shall proceed or go before me Okay, I don't have to fight this battle is what he's saying the Lord's gonna fight the battle for me I don't need to take vengeance This is why again you see the hand of David even when he gets the opportunity to kill Saul many times He doesn't take it. He says look this is in the hand of the Lord and that's what he's saying and Brethren, if you're being if you've been betrayed or people hate you for without a cause without a reason You need to be able to say these words Lord be merciful to me show them no mercy But Lord, can you please go before me? Can you please take care of the situation? Leave it in the hands of the Lord Verse number 11 Slay them not Lest my people forget Scatter them by thy power and bring them down. Oh Lord our shield Now I wanted to because verse 11 says slay them not so don't kill them Now in the previous psalm, we had David speaking about his enemies, you know, Lord Can you can I smell I melt like a snail, you know and pass away So obviously he's asking the Lord to kill his enemies Now when he says in verse number 13 verse 11 say they're not he's not saying Lord Don't do any killing don't end their life because let me just if you compare to verse number 13 Drop down very quickly to verse number 13. What else does it say? consume them in wrath Consume them that they may not be So verse number 13, what is it saying Lord destroy them? Don't let them be anymore Don't let them live anymore Okay, so what is he saying if we understand that's what he's praying for in verse number 13 What is he speaking about in verse number 11 slay them not this is what he's saying Slay them not lest my people forget Okay, what is he saying? He's saying this Lord if you destroy all my enemies Lord if you take away all my problems all my trials all my difficulties Then we'll forget about you That's what he's saying lest my people forget Lord We can easily forget that you bless us that you help us Lord we can easily forget that you comfort us and Again, I can relate. I'm sure you can as well when things seemingly are going so well, no problems You know, you know life is easy That's when you your heart says to you. We don't need the Lord You just forget You're just like well I you know because usually I go and pray to the Lord when I'm having difficulties Usually I go and pray the Lord when need some help. I don't need any help right now things are so breezy so easy and it's so easy for your heart to forget the Lord and Again, this is why in Australia It's not a receptive country It's the gospel because people compared to the rest of the world are doing pretty well Their bank accounts are full their pantries are full. They're living in nice houses They can even afford to retire they gave it affords going holidays and then it's like well, why do I need the Lord? because things are too easy in Australia and So he's saying to the Lord look Lord say not less my people get well, don't kill them all Well, don't get rid of all our problems just this immediate threat that I have right now. Yes deal with that Lord But Lord, I don't want to get to a point where I have no problems. No issues. I know it sounds nice. I Know we all kind of would hope we would never have any trials or problems to go through But I promise you this the moment that happens your heart will drift away from the Lord Your heart will drift away from church. Your heart will drift around away from praying to him calling upon him for help and So many times the Lord allows us to go for a difficulty a trial Because we have gotten far from the Lord and we need to get back to the Lord say Lord help us He's been there all the time. It's just that we are the ones that drift away from the Lord's help Verse number 12 For the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride and For cursing and lying which they speak so David's asking look Can you judge them by even the words of their mouth? Okay, now we know that saying sticks and stones Will break my bones, but words will never hurt me. It's not really true What that I like the idea because it's basically teaching us to have thick skin It's it's it's a good thought. Okay, but words will hurt you like you know It will have some effects Especially if it's a brother in the Lord Especially if it's those that you consider You know these people that I love and care about and they're saying these things against me And so they was asking look not only their actions, but their words Their pride these these words like they box like dogs. They've made noise like dogs They've spoken openly against me Lord. Can you please judge them for the things that they've said? In the Bible says in Matthew 12 36 words of Christ But I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judgments For by the words thou shalt be judged and by thy words thou shalt be condemned Now we've caught upon the name of the Lord, you know, we'll be judged that we have trusted in Christ Praise God for that, but for those that have not trusted in Christ They've trusted in their own flesh or you know, whatever whatever wicked words whatever sin had come out of their mouth They're gonna be judged for that as well not just for their actions I Listen to 13 Again, we read this about consume them in wrath. Let me really told God don't be merciful to them And what is wrath extreme anger? This is Lord. Can you judge them? Can you destroy them in your full anger? Like you're saying Lord don't go easy on them Lord go hard in your wrath Verse number 13 again consume them in wrath Consume them that they may not be and let them know that God ruleth in Jacob unto the ends of the earth sealer So get it is you know, it's more of a generalization now Obviously, I'm assuming talking about the Philistines. I'm thinking that they can be so prideful to take you know Power over the nation of God and so he's asking Lord. Can you consume them? He destroy them that they may know that the God of Israel is the true God Verse number 14 and At evening let them return and let them make a noise like a dog there It is again and go round about the city. So he's asking God. Can you actually make them do this? Can you make them make it make a noise like a dog in the evening? let them wander up and down for meat and Grudge if they be not satisfied Again he's using that illustration and I told you in Chile. It's like this you're walking down some alley and these Six seven dogs following you. It doesn't feel good. You know, if you're not a dog person Look, they're kind of nice because they're used to people Okay, it's kind of like here, you know, you can be eating let's say in Caloundary You can be eating a lunch and you got all these birds, you know These seagulls come in and they know you're not going to attack them But you won't see that in Chile Because you got a bird coming to attack like coming to get get a feed. Someone's gonna grab that bird And it's gonna be dinner Like the birds in Australia are used to just people, you know being nice or the dogs in Chile just used to people being nice But again that they're following you because they want food They're following you hoping that you'd be kind toward them, you know, and and David's asking Lord Can you can my enemies be like these dogs once again in the evening in what sense this time? Verse number 15 again, let them wander up and down for meat Lord, I want them to be like hungry dogs. Just roam in the streets and grudge if they be not satisfied I want them to be upset that they're not satisfied Okay, obviously a dog's not gonna be happy if it's followed you for blocks and you haven't given them anything That's what they were saying Lord, I want my enemies to be like these dogs unsatisfied Okay, and I do believe this played out. So when David Escaped out of his house Do you think King Saul is satisfied? Do you think the messengers are satisfied? Hey, they didn't get their meats What would have given satisfaction if they killed David? If they arrested David and brought him before the king and King slayed him They then they would have been satisfied then they would have received their meat like dogs But they were saying Lord, I want them to just be Unsatisfied I still want them to have this bitterness and and and and Let them feel like they're not like these hungry dogs. I Don't want them to have any satisfaction. I don't want them to have any fulfillment Lord Says asking looking can they be like these dogs because they're already louder Obnoxious, they're really barking, you know, and now I want them to be hungry unsatisfied Obviously by David escaping this would have been a huge embarrassment for King Saul. I mean, how do we kill this guy? We already surrounded his house What do we do? Why is it that David seemingly just gets away time and time again because of the hand of the Lord? verse number 16 But I will sing of thy power. Oh Man, this is why it's so good to come to church because if you're not If you're not artistic and musical like David In fact, we don't have many music. Can you pray that the Lord will send us a pianist? Keep that in prayer the Lord will send us someone who's musical that we can have some live music at church Please pray for that Okay, it's a wonderful thing when we can hear live music we can sing together and I love being in church because you know, it's a time where we can just fellowship and praise the Lord in song and Again, I believe he's with Samuel. I believe that they're praising the Lord together I believe they're singing songs together, you know to encourage David in his hardship, but I will sing of thy power Yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning for thou has been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble Again, it says in the morning because the morning they were meant to kill him But it's safe verse number 17 unto thee all my strengthful I sing For God is my defense and the God of my mercy So with the judge and the Prophet Samuel they're singing praises, you know, they have some temporary refuge from King Saul They're praising the Lord, you know that that David's been saved, you know, and I Love the change, you know What I really love about the Psalms is many times the Psalms start with like a despair of the psalmist The anguish and the trouble and then you just end it these beautiful words now There's just singing praises it to the Lord. You see how he just grows in Courage and he grows in you know in faith knowing that the Lord will step in and protect him And so brethren that's the end of that that Psalm Psalm 59 I hope it's you know help you maybe you know for some difficulty some trial You know if someone hates you without a cause I hope you understand why that is It's it's envy, you know as much as we may not understand that and look if you've got a problem with a brother Lord That's not wrong to you Search your heart as well. He may very well be envy may very well be bitterness You know for something they've they've got or some way the Lord is blessing them But don't forget look the Lord's not asleep. You don't have to wake up the Lord He knows all things and Brethren when people are persecuting you and when governments are passing laws that are contrary to God's Word Just remind yourself. My Lord God is in heaven laughing at these dogs. Okay, let's pray