(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) at Psalm 46 verse number one it says God is our refuge that's how it begins and that's the title for the sermon tonight God is our refuge and you'll notice that this is the the theme of of this of the psalm so if you drop down to verse number seven for example so about halfway through the through the psalm it says here in verse number seven the Lord of hosts is with us the God of Jacob is our refuge silla drop down to verse number 11 the last verse it says the Lord of hosts is with us the God of Jacob is our refuge so you notice that three times with this psalm you know it's talking about God being our our refuge now also notice that in verse number 7 and 11 it begins by saying the Lord of hosts is our God of refuge a lot of hosts and uh you know this should bring to your remembrance hopefully last week um I'll just quickly read to you from the book of James because we did James 5 last week and I just want to bring to your thought here you know God is our refuge we think about a place of refuge a place for where refugees will flee so the idea there is that we would be afraid we'd be fearful be very weak and we will need to go to a place just to hide from all the problems or the turmoils uh we run to the Lord God you know he's a place of refuge he's a God of refuge we can be protected under his wings but in James of the five verse number four might just recall this it says behold the hire of the laborers who have rigged down your fields which is of you keep back by fraud crier that the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of Saba and I had mentioned to you that twice in the New Testament the Lord is above this title comes up and it just means the Lord of hosts and so when we think about this psalm for psalm 46 you know it says that the Lord of hosts is our refuge and you may recall last week I had spoken about how the Lord of hosts is a reference is a reference of a military term that the heavenly host that God has is in a sense his army okay the armies of the angels that are in heaven and that in this passage in James of the five you do not want to fall in the hands of an angry God the Lord of hosts who would use his judgment who would use his hosts to judge and to bring uh chasing upon those that are wicked those that had defrauded their laborers from being paid etc like that and now again we're thinking about the Lord of hosts as we saw there in verse number 7 and 11 but this time instead of him being a uh a source of chastisement upon the wicked believers now he's a source of refuge so when we think about an army we think about you know God as a general of his large armies heavenly hosts yes you know you you'd hate to be the recipient of of the the damage of the judgment of the of the battle but just like any army it's also supposed to be a defense force so when we are being uh attacked and we feel like we're we're down and we need a place of refuge you know as we've probably seen on the on the media probably seen thousands of Ukrainians fleeing to Poland for refuge that's the idea that we ought to have that when we need to go to a place of refuge it's not necessarily a location but it's a person the person of our Lord God he is our defense force he protects from those that are trying to hurt us of course and so I love that how how we can sort of link James to the five you know that's the negative side of the Lord being the host because you don't want to be at the brunt of his judgment but the Lord of hosts being our protector our place of refuge what a great blessing this is and also notice in verse number one it says God is our refuge and strength not only is our place of refuge a place where we're weak and we need to hide and be protected no when we go to God as a place of refuge he doesn't keep us in a weak state what does he do he's our source of strength as well and so while we go we retreat in the hands of God we also are motivated we're also encouraged we're also strengthened by the Lord God so then we can step out once again and continue fighting that good fight of faith and so that's what's great about the Lord yes a place of weakness but also it's a place we can draw strength be strengthened to continue walking in the paths that God has laid out for us and not only that in verse number one it says a very present help in trouble I love that a very present help not only is he a present help in trouble he's a very present help in trouble and you know we're reminded of Hebrews 13 5 where God says I would never leave thee nor forsake thee and so what I love that about that in God when you when you need a place to run hide when you need protection from that which is hurting you you don't necessarily have to go looking for God where are you God I need to seek for you I need to find you no God is a very present help he's right there he's never left us he's not he's not forsaking us once again when we feel that we are far from God it's because we've walked away from the Lord it's because we're walking in paths of darkness right the Lord's never left us never left us okay he's a very present help and God doesn't make it hard to be found he's right there we just need to turn to him say Lord help me Lord protect me and he's a very present help in trouble and so brethren I don't know what troubles you might be going through uh you know for those that were in Gympie of course the flooding I don't know how much the flooding and rains affected you brethren now the floods some of the floods not as bad as up there but some of the floods are going to affect people down here in Sydney as well and you know when we go through times of troubles and that's where we go to the Lord God right whatever trouble that may be now let's keep going there in verse number two and then it says therefore we're like therefore will we not sorry therefore will not we fear all right so because God is our refuge because he's our place of strength our present help in trouble then we don't have to fear brethren he said I did fear initially that's why I ran to God yes you may have very well but once you remind yourself that you're in the hands of God that he's the heaven he's the Lord of hosts that he's got an army that can protect you then you should not fear when you're reminded about the great God you know remind that he is not just a God but he's our father he's our heavenly father we've been made children of God through Jesus Christ and so we have a family relationship you know just as much as a father to myself I'd protect my kids as much as I can God will come in and protect his children and therefore will not we fear it says look at this though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea and yes there's been I said great flooding down the Sunshine Coast but what about if the earth be removed the idea there about being removed it's moved out of its place it's like a you know significant earthquake where the earth basically moves as I said at its position although and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea and earthquakes so powerful that the mountains are leveled and they fall into the sea not to exist again I mean when you think about that kind of catastrophic you know environmental damages then even in that state we should not fear and so whatever the weather throws at us whatever the environment is brethren you know whatever damages might be caused by by nature you know God is our place of refuge we run to him and it's not necessary for us to fear now as brother Jason was reading for this psalm I don't know if you picked up that this psalm has a lot to do with the end times a lot and as we keep going I'm going to show you a lot of parallels with the end times and I'm not just I'm not just saying that it has a lot of parallels it definitely is about the end times okay now of course when you think about the earth being moved mountains being uh you know basically thrown into the sea these are significant events that are going to take place when God pulls out his wrath upon this earth and let me just quickly get to keep your finger there and please turn to revelation chapter six turn to revelation chapter six please and verse number 12 revelation chapter six and verse number 12 now it says that we will not fear because we're children of God because God is our refuge but you can definitely imagine if there's such significant earthquakes that the mountains are being destroyed that the earth will fear won't they the earth will fear when does this actually take place well it takes place at the sixth seal okay at the sixth seal just a reminder for what we've taught in the past that's when the believers are raptured that's when God takes raptures his saints where forever to be with the Lord Christ in heaven and then or shortly before that I should say in revelation 6 12 it says and be and I behold when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake well that lines up with the earth being removed okay and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became his blood and for those of you that know the teaching of the oliver discourse um you know Matthew and Luke and Mark then you know this is about the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ but look at verse number 13 and the stars of heaven fell onto the earth even as a fig tree cast off her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind and the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together look at this and every mountain and every an island were moved out of their places so that's the idea the earth being removed okay they've moved out of their places every mountain and island and it says it so I mean this is a significant earthquake that takes place at the rapture look at verse number 15 and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and every bondman and every free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fallen us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb why they speak about the wrath of the lamb is because Christ has appeared to take away his believers before he pulls out his wrath but I want to notice to show you the difference between the believer and the non-believer the believer we've been encouraged here in Psalm 46 that we should not fear when this earth quakes when the mountains fall and you look at the non-believer what are they doing they're running they're trying to hide they're afraid they're fearful of the wrath of God it's amazing because we when we go are at a point of weakness and fear we should run to the Lord the Lord is our refuge the Lord is our protection but the non-believers they run to the mountains or rocks you know that they're I don't know caves and the you know their dugouts what have they got they call upon the earth as it were the earth that is going to be destroyed by God to protect them from God when actually we as believers we run to God and say God protect us from this evil world you know you can't make it any any more different can you and so when we see these events take place you know we will not fear we will not fear now the the kings of the earth the people of the earth all the people free men bond men great men you know they're all going to fear and run and let's look at verse 17 it says for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand and so the whole earth will know that God's wrath is about to pour upon the earth and we've already seen the great mountains the islands moving out of their places and uh again the fear of man the fear of the unbelieving world but brethren we will not fear okay and I'll show you that in a moment I'll show you some other parallels here soon uh go back to Psalm 46 go back to Psalm 46 verse number three Psalm 46 verse number three it says though the waters thereof rule and be troubled now this is relevant to you guys on the Sunshine Coast okay and and you know for those of you in Gympie as well this is relevant to you I'm sure some elements of fear right uh would have crossed your minds you know some element of of just being unsettled you know you know how long is this rain going to continue are the roads going to open are you going to be have access to our supplies and the things that we need and we're reminded here when that waters can rule can they can be troubling as I said to you right now right now in Sydney we've got an amazing downpour that's you know coming through and but though the waters are overall and be troubled though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof sealer so once again it's tying back into verse number two that we will not fear why because we have God as our refuge now I understand that if if you don't run to God yes be very afraid okay but don't don't forget that when you go for that time of weakness and fear you turn to God remind yourself I do not need to fear because God is my refuge he's my strength he's a very present help uh in trouble all right now keep your finger there go to Luke chapter 21 Luke chapter 21 I've just already mentioned the Olivet Discourse so we're going to read about the Olivet Discourse here in Luke chapter 21 please Luke 21 verse 25 and stay there in Psalm 46 Luke 21 verse 25 now just to remind the verse number three in Psalm 46 verse 3 said though the waters are of raw and be troubled well this language is repeated here in Luke 21 again about the end times and these are the words of Jesus in Luke 21 25 it says and there shall be signs in the sun and in the moon we saw that already and in the stars we saw that in Revelation chapter 6 the the sun being dark the moon turning to blood the stars falling from heaven all right and upon look at this and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity look at this the sea and the waves roaring so Christ says in these end times the environment's going to be intense okay not just the sun going dark and the moon turning to blood but the sea is going to be roaring tidal waves earthquakes all of it brethren and look at verse number 26 men's hearts failing them for fear now brethren we are you know if we are if we live to this time we you know the rapture takes place after this so we're going to see these events take place once again we do not have to fear and brethren yes there's a lot of seas and waves and and waters roaring right now but it's going to be so much more worse when this takes place the sixth seal but notice again the unbelieving world men's hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of heaven shall be shaken so again that idea just everything being unsettled and look at verse number 27 and then shall they see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory remember they see Jesus Christ coming and they know Christ is going to pour out his wrath upon this earth verse number 28 but look at us this is us brethren okay they are afraid the unbelieving world is afraid not just at the the uh catastrophic events that are taking place on the earth but also afraid to see the coming of the lord jesus christ but us brethren those that are saved those of us that have god as our refuge it says in verse number 28 and when these things begin to come to pass then look up and lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh jesus christ our redemption jesus christ yes our refuge is going to deliver us from this time of tribulation and environmental destruction upon the earth and so you know of course as the psalm is being written the psalmist has a view of the current events uh in jerusalem current events of of you know just other natural consequences that are taking place but don't forget the bible is more or the bible is you know uh the movement of the holy ghost the holy ghost movement to end these words there's always a greater truth and the parallels with the end times cannot be ignored here in psalm 46 now go back to psalm 46 please go back to psalm 46 and verse number four psalm 46 and verse number four so in in contrast to the waters roaring and causing trouble in contrast to the the waves in the sea roaring and causing fear in the hearts of men reverend as believers as we also receive some of this water but it's totally different okay that the waters have been contrasted here in verse number four it says there is a river oh there's a river okay the streams whereof shall make glad the city of god the holy place of the tabernacles of the most high all right so we have this river okay and this the streams of this river makes glad it brings rejoicing to the city of god as i said to you don't forget the psalmist most definitely speaking about earthly jerusalem okay that is i guess the the the first application of this passage but don't forget many things okay uh don't forget that when we read the old testament we need to read the old testament through the lens through the interpretation as it were of the new testament the new testament sheds light on the old testament and brings out the spiritual truths the greater truths for us in the new testament so let's have a look at this keep your finger there and we are going to turn to a lot of references but keep your finger there but please now go to hebrews chapter 11 go to hebrews chapter 11 and once again i'm going to be reading from the passage that i said that i can preach 10 sermons from all right it's just i guess it's a bit of a coincidence so maybe it's just the lord's leading we keep turning back to this passage in hebrews 11 verse number nine please i just want to show you again this idea that many truths apply to the earth that we read about but the spiritual lesson or the spiritual view that we also have is a heavenly spiritual one in hebrews 11 verse 9 hebrews 11 verse 9 speaking about abraham by faith his sojourn in the land of promise so that land is the land of canan the promised land the land where earthly jerusalem would abide as in a strange country dwell in tabernacles with isaac and jacob the heirs with him of the same promise and verse number 10 for he looked for a city which have foundations whose builder and maker is god so abraham is looking at the city i want the city that god builds this city that belongs to god that's where his heart was that's where his future ambition was toward the city whose builder and maker is god and what did we read there in psalm 96 verse sorry 46 verse 4 it said uh there is a river the streams wherever shall make glad the city of god you see the city of god is a city that abraham was excited about but it's not a city that is found on this earth it's a city that is built by god himself now please go to hebrew chapter 12 just across the page in your bible please turn to hebrew chapter 12 and verse number 22 hebrew chapter 12 and verse number 22 it says but you come unto mount zion and unto the city there it is the city of the living god wow hey the city of the living god is in mount zion you say well that's earthly jerusalem hey that earthly jerusalem the earthly mount zion the earthly jerusalem brethren is just a type it's a picture it's an illustration of a greater truth let's read it again hebrews 12 22 but you're coming to mount zion unto the city of the living god look at this the heavenly jerusalem the heavenly jerusalem not a jerusalem on this earth the heavenly jerusalem and look at this and to an innumerable company of angels innumerable a company of angels are so great that you cannot count them this brings into realization once again the idea here that our god is the lord of hosts okay the lord of hosts he has a great army he has he has a great host of those that worship him and serve him and he's able to do great works you know he's a he's a god that deserves our praise he's got this innumerable angels worshiping serving him brethren and one day we are going to be in this new jerusalem this heavenly jerusalem praising and worshiping god you say pastor kevin i think maybe you're taking this too far about the river here and um you know i don't think this is about heavenly jerusalem i still think it's about earthly jerusalem we'll just keep that thought for a moment please go back to um psalm 46 please go back to psalm 46 and verse number five psalm 46 and verse number five psalm 46 and verse number five it says about this city of god okay which has this river it says here in verse number five god is in the midst of her we say well you know pastor kevin you know god's presence was in the temple or the tabernacle at this point in time and so yes god was in the midst of of her as it were of of her people but no there's there's more to it brethren i'll show you this in a moment god is in the midst of her she shall not be moved god shall help her and that right early now brethren why can this not be about earthly jerusalem because earthly jerusalem you know in the times of the babylonian take up takeover was destroyed you know this city shall not be moved this city will never it'll it'll be established forever okay and earthly yes we have an earthly jerusalem today but that's been rebuilt okay if we go back as far as the times of day but that jerusalem it has been completely changed because when babylon came and took uh the jews into captivity they took they destroyed the temple they destroyed they knocked down the walls they built the whole city with fire and they had to rebuild from scratch pretty much all right they had to lay down the foundations all over again and so this cannot be about an earthly jerusalem because if god's what is true this jerusalem shall not be moved the only jerusalem that will not be moved brethren is heavenly jerusalem all right keep your finger there and please go to revelation 21 please go to revelation chapter 21 please revelation chapter 21 and in revelation chapter 21 verse number 10 revelation chapter 21 verse number 10 it says and he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me that great city the holy jerusalem descending out of heaven from god listen this jerusalem is from god god built this jerusalem it's descending out of heaven heavenly jerusalem it's this great city holy jerusalem in the end times all right now let's learn more about the city go to your next chapter there in revelation chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 and look at verse number once these are some of my favorite verses in the bible revelation 22 verse number one now remember in psalm 46 in verse number 4 it says there is a river the streams whereof shall make glad the city of god look at revelation 21 verse 1 begins in reference to holy jerusalem coming out of heaven it says and he showed me a pure river of water of life wow okay clear as crystal look at this proceeding out of the throne of god and of the lamb proceeding out of the throne of god yeah god will dwell in this new jerusalem okay his throne will be there therefore we'll read psalm 46 verse 5 god is in the midst of her she shall not be moved this is definitely speaking about this jerusalem god is in a very literal physical sense in the midst of her his throne is right there and from that throne flows out this pure river okay this pure river what else did we learn about it clear as crystal proceeding out of the front of god in the land that's number two in the midst of the street of it and on either side of the river was there the tree of life which bear 12 manner of fruits and yielded her fruit every month and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations and there shall be no more curse but the throne of god and of the lamb shall be in it and his servants shall serve him and i love this on the floor and they shall see his face and his name shall be in their foreheads you know one day we're going to see our heavenly father face to face we can't see him now we'd be wiped out god's going to already at this point he's given us a new resurrected bodies of the rapture he's created new heavens and new earth okay new jerusalem he's sitting out of heaven the lord god in the midst thereof this river flowing you know given i guess the nutrients for the tree of life to bring forth those 12 manner of fruits and there we are serving god being able to see him face to face what a wonderful thing right with all the innumerable angels the lord of hosts our refuge our strength praise god let's go back to psalm 46 go back to psalm 46 so i hope i've proven to you that this psalm is not just what it might look like on the surface all right there's a much deeper teaching all right definitely about the end times look at verse number six verse number six also references the end times it says the heathen raged the kingdoms were moved so we know we know that when christ comes back he's going to take over all the kingdoms of the earth right the heathen rage the kingdoms were moved he uttered his voice the earth melted the earth melted keep your finger there and go to second peter chapter three second peter chapter three so the heathen rage the unbelieving world they're going to hate this plan of god they're going to hate the coming of christ they're going to rise up and try to fight against christ right getting their armies together remember this is a lot of hosts he's got a heavenly army and and the the kings of the earth they think they can gather their armies together and fight god the bible says that god just has to utter his voice he just has to open his mouth and the earth will melt well second peter chapter 3 verse 10 please second peter chapter 3 verse number 10 it says but the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night that's the day of the rapture okay in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are there in shall be burned up so again when we look at psalm 46 about the earth melting where we see that the earth is going to melt following the day of the lord okay and of course the day of the lord brings brings in the wrath of god the seven trumpets the seven vials and the earth's going to literally be on fire okay the trees are going to burn down the grass is going to burn the oceans turn blood i mean it's just going to be catastrophic and part of that is this melting of the earth okay and let's keep going there verse number 11 in second peter chapter 3 verse 11 seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness looking for and hasten unto the coming of the day of god we have to be looking forward to this day why because god's going to destroy well that's partly why he's going to bring his judgment upon this earth but don't forget it's because it's the coming of christ we're going to see christ we're going to be with him in the clouds it says looking for and hasten unto the coming day of lord who is we're in the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat and you say but this earth this is all we know but don't forget verse number 13 nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwell of righteousness and of course that new heaven new earth is where the new jerusalem the heavenly Jerusalem is going to descend and where god is in the midst and where this river flows peel river that flows from the throne of god all right back to psalm 46 please psalm 46 verse number 7 psalm 46 verse number 7 it says the lord of hosts is with us the god of jacob is our refuge sealer and so i believe it's here because you know we're looking at god's judgment we're looking at the kingdom of the earth turning against god you know we're coming to a point in you know in the future where you know this entire world is going to turn against the lord right they're going to to love the beast they're going to love the antichrist they're going to hate jesus christ and it's going to be a time of tribulation it's going to be a horrible time you know believers are going to be persecuted we're going to see uh so much destruction on the earth and you know we're reminded about this that you know these events will take place and again it can bring forth fear but that's why we get to verse number seven just as a reminder you know we've gone look at instruction it says the lord of hosts is with us the god of jacob is our refuge sealer and so brethren if we are a generation that goes through the end times you know if if your if your heart starts to bring forth the fear don't forget you've got the lord god as your refuge a very present help in a time of trouble and you know yes end times yes you can apply it there but apply today apply today apply it tomorrow apply it every time that you're going through a period of trouble that remind yourself that god is our our refuge and don't forget in first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 9 it says for god have not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation by our lord jesus christ god hath not appointed us to wrath so as we start to see the beginning of this process if we are that generation of the end times don't forget you're not going to go through the wrath of god you are going to be delivered you're going to be delivered right at the time of the rapture verse number eight come behold the works of the lord what desolations he have made in the earth and so god's going to show us the destruction on the earth i mean this makes sense because as we read through the book of revelation uh you got the apostle john spiritually in heaven and from heaven he's able to see the destruction that's taking place on the earth and so we're all invited to this come behold the works of the lord you know we think of the works of the lord as something constructive i guess but in this time the works of the lord will be destructive you know destroying this earth melting this earth what desolations he have made in the earth now look at verse number nine he maketh wars to cease until the end of the earth now we've got war developing right now of course you know it's been going on for a few days now russian ukraine well if god wanted to he can stop that war immediately if he wanted to god has stopped wars over you know over the centuries you know god can step in and stop wars but there is coming a time when he's going to put a complete stop to wars it says he breaketh the bow and cut off the spear in sunder he burneth the chariot in the fire now let don't let these things go over your head all right so we have that god's gonna you know definitely cause wars to cease until the end of the earth you know so god is able to step in anytime and destroy a nation destroy the armies okay we see those stories for us in the bible but there is definitely coming a time when god has to stop to all wars okay and of course this has to do with the end times and he also when it says here he burneth the chariot in the fire i think that's an important part that we need to consider as well that the end of these wars will be one that requires a burning a fire as as well so keep your finger there and go to revelation chapter 20 please revelation chapter 20 i probably should have told you just keep a finger revelation but anyway revelation chapter 20 please in verse number seven revelation chapter 20 please and verse number seven so don't forget we've got the rapture we have god then jesus christ pouring out his wrath upon this earth then christ comes back he establishes his millennial kingdom we're going to rule and reign with christ for a thousand years okay at the end of the thousand years that's when god creates new heavens and the earth newer but at the end of the thousand years before god creates a new heaven the earth there's a little event that takes place here in revelation chapter 20 please verse number seven revelation chapter 20 verse number seven it says and when the thousand years are expired satan shall be loosed out of his prison remember he's in the bottomless pit verse number eight and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth gog and magog together them together to battle to the number of whom is as the sand of the sea so at the end at the at the end of the thousand years christ of christ reign on this earth satan is able to amass a great army okay people that hate jesus christ it says they're going to be a number as the sand of the sea it's going to be a great army and brethren this is going to be the final war ever the final war okay and as we saw in psalm 46 he maketh wars to cease until the end of the earth and so god is definitely going to cause this war to be ceased in fact they barely are able to affect christ at all okay when they gather together but look at verse number nine and they went up on the breath of the earth and come past the camp of the saints about and the beloved city now notice the next words and fire came down from god out of heaven and devoured them and that's it reverend that's the end of world war okay they come they start surrounding christ the the earthly jerusalem here when he's reigning for that thousand years you know the saints are all gathered together with jesus christ and reverend it's it's not even a war it's it's it's just a slaughter christ the lord god's going to cause fire to come out of heaven and destroy them all destroy them all this makes sense when we go back to psalm 46 when it says he burneth the chariot in the fire hey this isn't just a regular fire this is a fire that comes from god out of heaven and this is the end of war as we know it it there will never be war ever again because then we go into the period of the new heavens and the new earth now just in case you think i'm drawing a long bow here okay about this being to do with revelation can you now turn to ezekiel please turn to ezekiel chapter 38 turn to ezekiel 38 i want to show you some other parallels here ezekiel 38 please ezekiel 38 verse number 18 now this wall that we read about in revelation 20 we get a lot more detail about this wall in the book of ezekiel all right so i just want to show you a few things here you can read it in your own time the chapters as a whole but in ezekiel 38 verse 18 please ezekiel 38 verse 18 the bible reads and it shall come to pass at the same time when gog shall come up against the land of israel save the lord god that my fury shall come up in my face okay so you see here referencing gog okay verse number 19 look at this for in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have i spoken yeah so that fire that comes out of heaven that's the fire of god's wrath okay um of my wrath who have i spoken we saw before that the earth melts because god decides the art of the words and the earth can melt okay it says surely in that day look at this look at this there shall be a great shaking in the land of israel so we saw this psalm about the earth being being removed you know the shaking the earthquakes and again this ties in once again to the end times but this time with this final wall with god look at verse number 20 so that the fishes of the sea and the fowls of of the heaven and the beast of the field and all creeping things that creep upon the earth and all the men that are upon the face of the earth shall shake at my presence and notice next words and the mountains shall be thrown down and the steep places shall fall and every wall shall fall to the ground and so god is saying at this battle of gog and may god that the the mountains are going to fall and as we start we started reading there in psalm 46 what did it say once again in verse number two therefore will we not fear though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea so you can see that this psalm 46 just captures all these at end time events in different ways right the battle of gog and may gog uh you know the wrath of god when jesus christ comes at the rapture you know the new heavens new earth the the heavenly jerusalem the river that flows out the throne of god you know captures all these events uh in in this psalm it's it's you know it's amazing i just find that you know i love preaching these kinds of sermons when you just see so many parallels you know man could not write the bible you know i mean what is someone he has 11 verses and how deep is it you know we spend time meditating upon god's word you man this is like a little book of revelation in psalm 46 look at verse number 10 please psalm 46 now verse number 10 psalm 46 stay there in ezekiel sorry stay there in ezekiel look at some uh 46 verse number 10 i want to show you another parallel to the book of ezekiel another parallel to the to the battle of gog and may gog here because you know it speaks about god coming into walls right in verse number nine then it says this in verse number 10 be still and know that i am god why does god allow the wickeds to seemingly get away with things at times because we're going to see the judgment of god we're going to be reminded that god hates wickedness that god hates sin that god cannot have these wicked people inside and we see god destroy a wicked world whether it's by the the trumpets and the vials whether it's by the coming of christ and the destruction of the armies of the antichrist or whether it's the gog and magog at the end of the millennial reign of christ every time we see that the handiwork of god the works of god the destruction the desolation that it causes it reminds us that he is god he is an all-powerful god he's the lord of hosts and as scary as that could be to the unbelieving world he's our refuge he's our source of protection he's our source of strength praise god for the god that we serve reverend listen to 10 again be still and know that i am god look at this i will be exalted among the heathen i will be exalted in the earth yeah that's going to be the end result when people see the judgment of god full upon this earth and the wickedness they're going to turn around and say man that is the great god this is the god of gods amen now if you're still there in ezekiel please go to ezekiel 39 you were in ezekiel 38 earlier please go to ezekiel 39 which still speaks about the battle of gog and magog ezekiel 39 verse number six please ezekiel 39 verse number six it says and i will send a fire on magog well we saw that earlier in the book of revelation and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles do this and they shall know that i am the lord you see the parallels with psalm 46 okay this isn't drawing a long bow brethren this is the bible this is the work of the holy spirit of god you know it it humbles me to be allowed to preach you know to even though it's online but to preach to you guys but you know sometimes i just wonder you know god can i really just preach your word i mean it's it's too great it's too amazing you know and thank god for preachers thank god that god's given me the gift of prophecy there's gift of preaching all right and uh you know i strongly encourage and i really love to see other men get up to preach don't forget the bible that you're reading from the bible you're studying the bible you're preaching from it's the work of god okay let that humble you you know let it humble you will you take your bible study seriously and the feeding of god's people seriously as well you know but um in verse number is equal 39 verse number seven please it says so will i make my holy name known in the midst of my people israel and i will not let them pollute my holy name anymore and the heathen shall know that i am the lord the holy one in israel the heathen will know this hey what do we read in psalm 46 verse 10 be still and know that i am god i will be exalted among the the heathen i will be exalted in the earth you know god is not just showing us that he is the almighty god and we know that already because we're saved by his children but he wants to show even this wicked ungodly world those that hate god those that hate jesus christ he wants to show them as well that he is god that he is the holy one of israel that he deserves to be exalted and praised and brethren these people even though they hate god even though they're going to end up in in the lake of fire they'll have no choice but to acknowledge the god of the universe the god creator of all things the lord of hosts and then the psalm ends in psalm 46 verse 11 the lord of hosts is with us once again just a reminder the god of jacob is our refuge sealer and so brethren we're going to see the hand the work of god we're going to see the judgment of god at different times and you know yes it's about future events now let's just bring it to the here and now all right as as i said we've seen the rains got i got leakage coming through the ceiling right you know i mean it's heavy rain right i'm sure on the way back home there's going to be some level of flooding uh please be praying just for the safety of the travelers of course but uh you know just remind yourself that we're going to see a continual you know continue problems on this earth you know our our scientists and the politicians are going to call it global warming but don't forget that whatever negative effects you know developing with climate it's in the hands of god and god is showing his wrath he uses the environment you know whether it's fires whether it's flooding whether it's rains whether it's earthquakes many times as his judgment towards this wicked world and you know don't let these things bring fear you know if you turn on the the um mainstream media they're just going to they they their goal is to cause you to fear their goal is to for you to use them as as your refuge you know what what's on channel nine news tonight what's on channel seven news tonight let's find out what's going on with the floods you know what when we see the environment destroying the earth and you know the flooding was so was so um the power of the water was so great where i was taking israel for a drive you know just earlier today and the stormwater drain we're just seeing the concrete of the stormwater drain just being eaten up and going down i mean and it's not even as heavy as it was in queensland but the destruct the destruction of waters you know god's judgment and it can bring fear and brevin if you have had fear maybe if you're still fearful today please remind yourself at the end of verse 11 the lord of hosts is with us the god of jacob is our refuge you can go to god if you're afraid if you're weak go to god seek him it's fine to be weak just go to god god i'm weak god i'm scared god you know i don't know what to do i can't find anymore lord i'm so downcast run to god here's your refuge and once you've got the protection of god's hand then seek not only is he our refuge but he's our strength seek that god will strengthen you once again so you can continue walking on this earth with a cheerful smile right looking up to heaven knowing that one day christ is coming back and we're going to have an exciting future for all eternity with jesus christ let's pray