(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Galatians 6. I'm not going to be preaching on 2 Corinthians today. I thought it was probably adequate that I would cover a topic about what our new church name is, New Life Baptist Church. I like it. I like the sound of it. Like I said, I wouldn't have come up with it myself. I was thinking of Assurance Baptist Church or Deliverance Baptist Church, something like that, just like a one name. I really like what we've come up with, so good job everyone. If you look there at verse 15, for in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision. When we talk about circumcision, we talk about circumcision of the Jews, that's a showing of the flesh. Now God did ask the Old Testament Jews to circumcise themselves, right? That would be a mark that they would be the people of God. But it's not the fleshly. Now in the New Testament, what marks us as the people of God is not that circumcision. It's not the outward flesh. That was just a picture of the new creature that it says there, but a new creature. I'll just read the whole thing again, verse 15, for in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. Or we can say it this way, but a new life. The new life that we have in Christ Jesus. So the title of the sermon today is New Life. I want you to turn to 1 Thessalonians 5, verse 23. The Bible reads, And the very God of peace sanctify you holy, and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. So what I want you to notice in that verse is that you are made up of three parts. Your body, your soul, and your spirit. There are three parts that make up that one man. And this topic of the new life or the new creature, the new man, this is one of my favorite topics to preach on. If you were there for the Solwenny Marathon back in 2000, what was it, 2016 it might have been. I can't remember when I first came up here. I preached on the flesh versus the spirit. And I love preaching on this topic. I haven't preached it yet in this church. When I preached up in Canada earlier this year, I preached on this topic as well. But I love preaching on it because it is such a simple doctrine. It is such a simple topic. And yet for whatever reason, Christians tend to forget about it. Christians tend to forget that there's this new man and there's this old man. There's this new life and this old life when they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. There's this carnal man and there's this spirit, this new spirit. And when you read the Bible, you must keep this in mind. You must remember that sometimes the Bible addresses the new man, sometimes it addresses the old man. These things are very simple concepts. And yet people forget it time and time again. Preaching after preaching, they forget it, they forget it. And before you know it, people in the church are doubting their salvation because they've read about the new man, they've read about the wonderful things of the new man, and then they look at their own life and go, well, I fall short of that. Am I really saved? And they start doubting their salvation. It's such an important topic just to reinforce the assurance of salvation that you can never lose your salvation and have a confidence that you have that new man and also understand that there's the old man that you've battled with for the rest of your life. And then also to be able to approach the Bible and read the Bible and not get confused. But it's such a simple thing that people tend to forget. And I don't know why that is. Either people just are ignorant of this. Maybe they think you need to fix the old man to be saved and the works and repent of your sins and all that kind of stuff. That's another reason, you know, works-based salvation. But there's probably many reasons why people don't understand this basic concept. So the new man, the new life, the new life is what I'll be preaching about today. Now, notice in those verses there are three key things there, the body, the soul, and the spirit. Okay? Now, why the body? Why do we have that physical body? Well, basically it's because we live in a physical, three-dimensional, tangible world. We need a physical body to operate in this world, right? I need to be able to speak to you. I need to be able to shake your hand. We need to be able to interact with one another, go to work. We need a physical body to interact with this physical world. That's very basic. That's well understood. But what I want you to understand, and again, very simple thing, is that this body will not last forever. This body will die. This body decays. This body will get illnesses and sicknesses and deteriorate, and there's nothing you can do about it unless it's God's will to fix things here and there, but ultimately it's a downward spiral as far as this physical body is concerned, and it's not eternal. I'll just read to you James 4.14, which says, Whereas you know not what shall be on the morrow, for what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. It's not very encouraging to think that your life is but a vapor. It's just a little vapor, a little bit of steam that's here a moment, you see it, and then it vanishes away. In reality, next to eternity, that is what this physical life is, just this vapor that's here a moment and goes away. This life, this physical body, is not eternal. Another important thing that you must understand about this physical body is that this physical body cannot inherit the kingdom of God. You will not go to heaven in this physical body. The physical body you're dressed in right now, you will not go into the kingdom of God. I'll just read to you 1 Corinthians 15.50 that says, Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood, that's what you're wearing right now, cannot inherit the kingdom of God, neither doth corruption, because your body's corrupted, inherit incorruption, because heaven is incorruptible. Our bodies are corrupted. You don't want to be in heaven in this body, because you're going to mess up the place, which is incorruptible. Unfortunately, every other religion except biblical Christianity says you've got to take this corrupted body and clean it up and do the works and do the best you can in this body in order to obtain heaven. No, this body's corruptible. You will never clean up this body. You know, all the sins that you've committed, you've got the sinful nature in you, it's all been done in this flesh, it's all been done in this flesh and blood, and that's why you will not inherit the kingdom of God. The other thing that you need to understand about this physical body is that there are no second chances. Hebrews 9.27 says, and it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this, the judgment. Okay, after this, the judgment. There's one death, there's no reincarnation, you don't come back to this life and try again. Once this body dies, that's it. It's judgment. God will judge you whether you obtained heaven or whether you have obtained hell, and you're paying for your sins in hell forever. Okay, there's this one chance. And you know, a lot of people around here, I don't know why they've accepted Eastern, you know, New Age religion. A lot of people think they're going to be reincarnated. They think they're coming back and again and again and again until they reach some level of perfection, and then they might make it to heaven or whatever it is. Okay, some people have some wild ideas here. It's not something that you just see in Asia anymore. It's here. It's here on the Sunshine Coast. People believe there's many chances to life. There's many chances to life. That's not true according to the Bible. The next thing that you need to understand is our spirit. We have a spirit in us, okay? We all have it. If you're saved, you have a living spirit, but first of all, when we talk about the unbelieving world, the unsaved out there, they also have a spirit, but that spirit is dead. The unbelievers are spiritually dead. Why do we need a living spirit? Why is it that when we're saved, we're born of the spirit and we have a revived spirit? Well, it's just like having that physical body that allows us to interact in the physical realm. When you're made alive spiritually, guess what? You can now interact in the spiritual realm of the kingdom of God. You can now pray to the Father. You can now have the Holy Spirit move you and guide you in your life. You can interact in that spiritual world with our Heavenly Father through that new spirit that is put into us, okay? But everyone's got a spirit. It's either dead or it's alive, and it's alive if you've been saved. I'll just quickly read to you. You can turn there actually if you want. Romans chapter 7, Romans chapter 7, because this passage is really, really interesting. I find it really, you know, I used to read this as a child and not understand what was going on, but Romans chapter 7, Romans chapter 7 verse 9, Romans chapter 7 verse 9 says, this is, you know, obviously Paul writing, for I was alive, for I was alive without the law once. So he's saying, I was once alive, and you're thinking, well Paul, you are alive. You're writing this letter. You're sending this letter to the Roman Christians, but he's saying, look, I was alive once. What does that mean? But when the commandment came, the commandment of the Lord, the Lord of God, sin revived and I died. So when he became aware of the Lord of God, when he understood the commandments of the Lord, when he understood that he had sinned against the Lord, he says that sin revived and I died. Was he really dead though? Physically? How did he die? If he didn't die physically, obviously he's writing this letter, how did he die when sin revived in him? It was a spiritual death. He died spiritually. Okay, look at verse 10. And the commandment which was, sorry, I just read that, didn't I? Verse 11. Did I read that? No, I didn't read verse 10. And the commandment which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death. Verse 11. For sin, taken occasion by the commandment, deceived me and by it slew me. So it's not the commandments of God, it's not the Lord of God that kills you, it's the sin in you. When you understand that you've sinned against the Lord God, that's what kills you spiritually. And every unbeliever, you know, just generally speaking, I'm not talking about newborn babies here, you know, little children, I'm just saying every unbeliever in general has gotten to a point when they've realized I've sinned against God, sin has revived in them, and it's slew them, it's killed them, killed them spiritually, okay. And by the way, this is why we believe, well I mean I can give you many references, but this is one key reason why we believe little children, little babies, you know, or aborted children or whatever, well people that have died in miscarriage, little babies, go to heaven, okay, because they haven't had the chance there to be able to understand the law, the commandments of God, they haven't had the chance for sin to revive in them and have that understanding and for that to kill them spiritually. So they go into heaven, and there's many references, one day I'll probably preach on this topic why little children go to heaven, but this is obviously where you get to a point of understanding what that point is exactly, you know, is it an age, is it a level of maturity, I think it's a level of maturity, a level of understanding, because I also throw like, you know, people that are kind of mentally disabled, you know, a lot of adults have the minds of little children and they just can't comprehend many of these truths. I personally think these people also, if they die, they go to heaven, because they're mine, you know, mentally they're just little children. So when we understand we've broken God's laws, we die spiritually. Now if you can turn to Genesis chapter 2, Genesis chapter 2, let's just quickly read about Adam and Eve, because obviously the reason why we have this sin nature in us, the reason why we have this fallen nature, is because of our great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandparents, you know, all the way up to Adam and Eve. You know, we're all one blood by the way, we're all related somehow, all the way to Adam and Eve, but in Genesis 2 16, Genesis 2 16, Genesis 2 16, the Bible says, and the Lord God commanded man, saying, of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shall not eat of it, for in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die. Now God is a God that cannot lie, and he says when you eat of that fruits, you on that day, that same day, you will surely die. Now did Adam and Eve die? If you guys know the story, did they die physically? No, they didn't die physically, obviously they lived for many hundreds of years laters and had many, many children and Cain and Abel and all that stuff, but they died. How did they die? They died spiritually. It's the same teaching that we saw from Paul in Romans chapter 7. Now God has to fix this, you know, this physical body is going to die at some point, that spiritual body, that spirit in you has already died, if you're of an age of understanding that you're a sinner, you've broken God's laws, God has to fix that, okay, and God will, you know, when you're saved, he gives you that new spirit, okay, if you're saved, you have that new spirit right now, but you don't have that new body right now, that comes at the resurrection, that comes at the rapture, God promises us that new spirit and also that new body, but we know there's a third part of man, well that third part is what? The soul, the soul, you know God never promises us a new soul, the soul you have today is the same soul that you will carry into eternity, okay, so if we get a new body and we get a new spirit, when you think about it then, it's the soul that needs to be saved, it's the soul that needs to be saved, how is it saved? By getting that new spirit and ultimately that new body, okay, now that's why we call it soul winning, that's why when you go and knock doors and preach the gospel and get people to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you know, call upon the name of the Lord, we call that soul winning, because really we are winning that soul, okay, now I'll just read to you very quickly a few passages here, I'll just read to you Hebrews 10 39, it says, but we are not of them who draw back into perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the soul, you're going to read a lot in the Bible about the soul being saved and a lot of that's also found in the book of Psalms, I'll just read a couple of passages, I'll just read one passage to you, Psalm 86 12 says, I will praise thee O Lord my God with all my heart and I will glorify thy name forevermore, for great is thy mercy toward me and thou has delivered my soul from the lowest hell, so it's the soul that needs to be saved, we can say yep the spirit is saved or we can say the body will be saved at the rapture but really it's not really so much being saved, it's actually a brand new one that's coming your way, anyway you can say that it's saved, you can say that as well but it's really that soul that never changes, that's the part of you that will never change and that soul needs to be saved by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. Okay so let's move on to let's move on to John chapter 3, John chapter 3 verse 1, John chapter 3 if you can turn there, John chapter 3 verse 1 and John 3 obviously John chapter 3 has the most famous verse in the whole Bible, John 3 16 but don't just fixate on that, the whole chapter is amazing, the whole chapter is important and let's start reading from verse number 1 because let's talk about now being born of the flesh and being born of the spirit and if you're born of the spirit that's the new life that we talked about, that's the new life that you have, John chapter 3 verse 1, it says there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, the same came to Jesus by night and said unto him, Rabbi we know that thou art a teacher come from God for no man can do these miracles that thou doest except God be with him. Now this is really interesting just a side note that the Pharisees, Nicodemus being one of these Pharisees who gets saved later on, we read about him later but the Pharisees in general knew that Jesus was sent by God and if you read the Bible you know that the Pharisees are still rejecting Christ, they know he came from God and yet they still reject him, it's amazing like you know thankfully there are people like Nicodemus, there are people like Paul that were Pharisees that still you know, no I'm not so prideful I'm going to accept you know Jesus Christ as my Savior. Verse number 3, Jesus answered and said unto him, verily verily I say unto thee, verily means truly, truly, truly, this is a true saying, I say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, how can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born? So obviously he's been born of his mother and we've all been born from our mothers, thank God for mothers but you know Nicodemus maybe having a laugh or I don't know just being totally stupid thinks how do I go back into my mother's womb and be born again okay that's just crazy, obviously that's crazy and I love how Jesus responds, verse 5, Jesus answered yeah verily verily truly truly you've got to be born again. Very verily I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Now we already saw that the flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God so we must be born again, we must have new life in order to achieve that, in order for us to see the kingdom of God, in order for us to enter into the kingdom of God we must be born again, we must have that new life okay but Jesus says look you need to be born of water and of the Spirit right, verse number 5. Now some people mess this up and think well water there must mean baptism, you must be born of water, you must be baptized and come out of the water and that's that's what you need in order to be saved but now you're adding works to salvation and I don't know why I mean it's just it's like people that just believe in false things in the false gospel but just find anything to prove their case I mean well I mean look Jesus God is not a God of confusion if baptism was necessary for salvation he would say except a man be baptized okay he wouldn't just say born of water and just you know well you know the other thing about this is verse number six answers that question Jesus you know goes another takes another step and explains what it means to be born of water we don't need to wonder about it I don't need to give you my opinion because verse number six makes it very clear what it means to be born of water verse number six that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit so Jesus says you need to be born born of the flesh and of the Spirit in verse number five born of water and born of the Spirit so what is the equating being born of water as being born of the flesh okay so in order for us to see the kingdom of God in order for us to get to heaven we must obviously be born from our mothers now you might say well why would Jesus say that well because Nicodemus just addressed it why you know do I need to go back to my mother's womb so of course you need to be born into this world you must be a human being right you must be someone that's alive and and then you must be born again you must be born of the Spirit you must have that new life in order for you to see and enter that kingdom of God okay and you would say well why water is because you know we've got two pregnant ladies here you know your babies that are growing inside of you they're covered in water they're covered in the amniotic fluid which is like 99% water something like that okay and so obviously when your waters break you know the baby's on its way you know it's the scariest time of my life when Christina says to me my waters are broken and I was like oh what do we do like we start to panic obviously we know what we need to do and you know this is baby number 10 that's coming on our way but I'm still gonna panic it's still gonna happen when the waters breaks like oh no what are you gonna do you know if we have the kids at home what are we gonna do with them or whatever you know so normally normally Christina's pretty sure it's coming and then we dump the kids somewhere and then we just wait you know last minute to get we don't like to get to the hospital early because the midwives and doctors make you like so worried it's like oh man maybe cesarean I mean how many times have you been told you need a cesarean twice twice enough and even that they were getting her ready and they had put a little cap on your hair and it's like no then baby came naturally you know I don't know I don't know what it is but yeah that's why we don't like to go to hospitals too early is because they get tired of you they want that bed for someone else it's like oh well you need cesarean you know anyway so yeah being born of water is that amniotic fluid that gets broke you know the waters have broken and the baby's delivered and obviously when that baby grows that that spirit of the baby will die and then it needs to be saved it needs to be born again and obviously John 3 16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life Jesus addresses what it means to be born of the Spirit is to believe on him the Son of God who was sent by the Father okay so please turn now to 1st John chapter 1 1st John chapter 1 verse 8 1st John chapter 1 verse 8 so if you know you're saved today can I just see a show of hands if you know you're saved today let me see a show of hands all right so everyone that's put their hand up that means you've been born of water and you've been born of the Spirit you've been born of flesh and you've been born of the Spirit okay you have the flesh and you have the new life you have that spirit in you okay now when you read 1st John chapter 1 actually no let's go to 1st John chapter 3 1st John chapter 3 just a couple of chapters over 1st John chapter 3 and let's read verse 9 1st John chapter 3 verse 9 now if all of you that have put your hand up you know and you say you're saved let's read verse number 9 1st John chapter 3 verse 9 this is talking about you it says whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he's born of God so I'm looking at you guys I put your hands up you're saying you've been born of God you've been born again you have the new life well according to the Bible here it says you don't commit sin and if you've committed sin it's because you're not born of God can you say that can you say in your life right now I've since I've believed on Christ I've never sinned in my life let me see a show of hands if you can say that that's it whoa are you serious you've never sinned since you've been saved well that's a true statement that's a true statement you have not sinned since you've been saved okay I'm trying to confuse you on purpose but I want these things to be clear what part of you has not sinned look at it again in verse number 9 verse number yeah 9 1st John 3 9 whosoever is born of God was your flesh born of God or was a born of mum was a born of Adam your flesh is the son of Adam it's got the sin nature but the part of you that new life that new man that new spirit in you was born of God and that new man in you never sins according to the Bible why does it never sin because the seed of God it says for his seed the seed of God remaineth in him there's a part of you in this new man that is made up of the same I don't know if DNA is the right word probably not but of God it's the same seed of God and if God cannot sin that means that new man in you does not sin okay you have a part of you that does not sin which means when you do sin it's not the new man sinning when you do sin it's still that old flesh it's still that old man it's still that corrupted nature of you that physical nature that will not inherit the kingdom of God look at verse chapter 1 go go to 1st John chapter 1 verse 8 1st John chapter 1 verse 8 1st John chapter 1 verse 8 same book right same writer John writing the same thing just two chapters earlier verse 8 if we say and Matthias and Sebastian these were you guys if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us how do you like that the truth is not in you verse number nine but look verse number nine if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so there's a part of you that never sins and there's a part of you that you can't say you never that's why you were honest the first time when you didn't put your hands up you do sin okay but when you sin it's in the flesh it's in that old man and that old man can break fellowship with God which is why you need to confess your sins on a regular basis to maintain that fellowship with God but even when you sin in that old man that new man never sins that new man remains pure does that make sense that new man in you is not what sins this is why the Bible says we need to walk in the spirit and not walk after the flesh you have a choice to make in your spiritual life am I going to walk in that old life of mine or am I going to walk in the new life and all of us including me have made decisions to walk after that old man okay and then other times we made decisions to walk in the spirit this is a constant battle that you'll have for the rest of your life is Samuel falling asleep I need I need a little kid all right I'll get Emmy Isabel can you bring me Emmy I want to illustrate this to you okay so bring me Emmy let's pretend Amelia's a little baby I was going to use Samuel but we'll let him sleep all right just just hold Emmy here and then pass it to me when I want to ask you so let's pretend this pulpit is is that that line of you believing on Jesus Christ and being saved okay but over here this is the unsaved realm this is unsaved Kevin you know I'm a non-believer I'm just living for myself I don't care about the things of God you know I'm probably a pretty good guy in the world standard but still I'm not saved I'm completely the old man okay and then when I cross this line this is when someone's giving me the gospel I believe them Lord Jesus Christ and I cross this line and I get saved okay and I'm born of the spirit okay so this is what happens this is what happens I want to illustrate this so you understand here here am I in my old flesh I have the dead spirit you know I'm sinning I don't care about the things of God I'm not pleasing God even my righteousness even the things that I do are like filthy rags next to God okay but then someone comes you know Matthew comes and gives me the gospel door-to-door wow that's awesome that's wonderful I want to be saved I want to go to heaven I make that decision to believe I call upon the name of the Lord and I cross here and then when I cross here I have the new man or the new little one right you know there's a look when I've crossed I still have the old man it's still here the old man but when I've crossed I've also got the baby in Christ the baby in Christ in me okay so now now that I've got two natures I can decide you know do I live after that flesh do I live in that old life that old man or do I make the decision to live in the new life now I could because I still got that old man here on this side I'm saved I believe in Christ you know I could continue in the same sins that I did before I was saved because I've still got that old flesh in fact I could even be worse because listen I got saved when I was four years old and I promise you I did more sins after I got saved after I was four than before I was four you know I can't give you a testimony that before I was four years old I was this drug dealer stealing cars and and robbing banks and and breaking into people's houses I can't give you that testimony but when I got saved my life changed and I'm no longer doing those things no I can't give you in fact after I got saved I committed even greater sins right because I grew up and I started to rebel against authority and all those things but no matter what kind of sins I do in this flesh it's in this flesh and the baby in Christ remains sinless it's perfect okay and I have to decide am I going to walk after the spirit am I going to nurture this new man in me go to church do Bible reading and the more we nurture the new man this new man will grow and mature okay and ultimately the goal of your life this new life that you have is for this new man this baby Christ to mature and we get get to a point where it is stronger than the flesh the flesh will be subject to the new man and the new man has desires of God the new man never sins the new man wants to know more about the Lord and read the Bible and go to church and serve the Lord and win souls but the old man the old man wants to please me the old man wants to please myself the old man wants to sin the old man wants nothing to do with God okay but when you believe on Jesus Christ you have this dual nature in you okay and this is a constant battle who's going to win right now well you know the new man's a baby in Christ probably the old flesh is going to win a lot of the battles right and that's why this baby in Christ needs to grow you know read Bible go to church and do all those kind of things all right now that should be that should be easy to understand okay but but here's here's what a lot of churches teach okay you've got the old man I'm sinning you know I'm living for myself I've believed on Christ whoa I'm the new man now the old man's over there the old man doesn't exist anymore now I'm the new man and I don't sin anymore and I'm always going to serve the Lord and I'm always going to praise him and I'm never going to do those old sins that I did before I was saved and then what happens you do those old sins that you did before you were saved and I didn't did I lose my salvation was I ever saved who knows well that's you know that's crazy and this is such an easy concept and you know how many people you know and how many churches have you heard preaching like this that as soon as you're saved now you're the new man and if you're back doing those old things you will never say to begin with or you lost your salvation or whatever you know and so what is it then what is it that that makes you cross this line is it believing on Christ no for them it's you've got to clean your life up you've got to repent from all your sins you've got to try to have new desires and whatever to be saved instead of thinking no those new desires come later that new life comes later because there's a baby in Christ that's just been born of the Spirit that never sins so be aware of this because a lot of people just do not understand this simple concept now let's talk about losing your salvation you know can we lose our salvation actually yeah I'll leave Emmy alone she looks tired but look when you have this dual nature you have the old man you have the new man you have the new life obviously you need to make a decision do I serve the flesh do I serve the old man or do I try to you know live after the spirit this new man that I have in me now think about this people say if you you know if you continue a life of sin if you continue in sin in in a life of sin in what's the other word that is habitual sin then you could potentially lose your salvation well first of all think about it does flesh and blood will your flesh and blood ever inherit eternal life will it inherit the kingdom of God no he won't this flesh and blood will not okay and all the sins that I do are in this fleshly body this sin nature that I have and then so if you're turning around saying well if you continue a life of sin you know either you weren't saved or you can lose it okay well that's not true because you can't lose something you never had this flesh this body was never going to inherit the kingdom of God so if this flesh and body continues in sin it cannot lose salvation because he never had salvation does that make sense hey you can't lose something you never had but when you have the new man you know when I was holding Amelia there the new baby in Christ that never sins well even when I sin it's done in the flesh and that new man remains untainted remains without sin so the new man can never lose salvation the new man will inherit the kingdom of God because it enters into the kingdom of God perfect in the righteousness of Jesus Christ so losing to yourself if you understand this concept the flesh and the spirit the new man the old man the new life if you will you will you will never think you can lose your salvation because you understand all the sins that you commit are in that old man okay you're in that flesh that was never saved in any way was never going to enter the kingdom of God anyway Galatians 5 please into Galatians 5 16 Galatians 5 16 I better hurry up Galatians 5 16 it says this I say then walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh so what does that mean if you don't walk in the spirit what are you gonna do you're going to fulfill the lust of the flesh okay so when you sin in your life you are you are committing or you're fulfilling the lust of the flesh lust of the flesh which is why we're commanded to walk in the spirit because when you're doing spiritual things when you're going to church when you're reading your Bible when you're doing the sowing when you're praying to the Lord whatever spiritual activity you take or even doesn't even have to be a spiritual activity it can be just your workplace but you have the mindset that I'm serving the Lord Jesus Christ and you're doing it in the spirit rather than in the flesh then you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh and when you have that that that desire that temptation to sin you need to make a decision am I going to fulfill the lust of the flesh am I going to go after that old man or am I going to live the new life and overcome that sin overcome that temptation and ask God God please deliver me from this temptation so I don't walk after the flesh but even if you do walk after the flesh that new man remains sinless perfect okay I'll skip some of my notes here but uh actually no this is important I'll just read this to you quickly in Galatians right so turn to the next chapter Galatians 6 verse 7 Galatians 6 verse 7 the Bible says be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap verse 8 for he that soweth to his flesh shall shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap reap life everlasting so you have a choice in your life am I going to sow it's like sowing like going to a farm and sowing seed you know if you sow seeds of corn you're going to get corn that grows if you sow seed of wheat wheat's going to grow okay it's not one or the other if you're sowing to your flesh if you're giving into your carnal desires if you're just satisfying yourself and not thinking about the things of God that spirit will not grow okay it will remain a baby in Christ and will be stunted in its growth but if you want to grow spiritually you've got to sow to the spirit you've got to sow to that life everlasting that we read about there and that will strengthen you in the spirit and when you have a stronger spirit than the flesh it'll be easier for you to overcome sins in your life okay it's not in the middle you're either sowing to the flesh or you're sowing to the spirit and you need to make that decision every day every morning that you wake up that's why I encourage you to just start your day in prayer start your day of the Lord and just try to get in the spirit okay because that old man's always there that old man's always going to be going knocking on you though hey remember me hey let's let's do something that we like to do all right let's go do some of the things that we used to enjoy doing before we were saved so be mindful be mindful make sure you sow to the spirit and let's look at let's look at this new life I'll skip some my notes there let's look at this new life what is that what's so great about this new life okay this new life that you have the first there's a few the four things that I want to talk to you about if you can turn to Psalms Psalm 73 please turn to Psalm 73 Psalm 73 verse 25 Psalm 73 verse 25 so this new life has new desires it doesn't have the desires that you had in the flesh as the old man the new man has new desires Psalm 73 verse 25 it says whom have whom have I in heaven but thee speaking of God and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee the new these the desires of the new life of the new man is a desire for God you have a desire to have to know him to want to fellowship with him look he says and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee I mean think about just your own personal life who do you desire the most in your life you know is that your spouse is it your children now you should desire them but who do you desire above them do you desire God above them you know the new man will desire God above anybody in this earth you know your own life your life of your loved ones you're going to want to love and please God above all and let me tell you when you have a desire for God and and and of who he is then your love and desire for your family is gonna grow anyway you know your love for your wife's gonna grow your relationship with with her is gonna grow or your or your husband and your children that's going to develop because you have you've set God first in your life okay turn to our Psalm 37 verse 4 Psalm 37 verse 4 so it's not just a desire for God that the new life has but also the desires of God the desires of God Psalm 37 verse 4 it says delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thine hearts do you have desires in your heart that you want well the Bible says if you delight in the Lord he will give you those desires of your heart and you might be thinking what am I going to get whatever I want I mean I have a lot of desires Kevin you know I've got a desire for a Lamborghini or whatever if I delight in the Lord is he going to give me that Lamborghini well no you know the the the new life has desires of God because here's what you're going to find when you delight yourself in the Lord when you desire God above anybody that you have in this earth your desires are going to change your desires are going to be the desires of God your will will line up with the will of God and your your your focus will change the things that you desire in that old man you will no longer desire in the new man you desire new things you desire the things that God wants in your life and God will give you those desires of your heart okay and look you you'll never be more happy in your life you'll never be more satisfied when you seek God first in your life when you seek his will and his desires because then God will give you all those things and you'll be satisfied you'll be happy but if you continue after the desires of the flesh it's saying God why don't you give me all those desires of the flesh you'll never be happy or satisfied in your life you're always going to be upset you're always going to you know be like God why don't you give me what I want well you need to have the desires of God not just a desire of God but the more you know him you will have the desires of God psalm 19 turn to psalm 19 psalm 19 verse 9 you will have a desire for the Word of God a desire for the Bible a desire for the scriptures psalm 19 verse 9 the new life has a desire for the Word of God psalm 19 verse 9 you know we know this one because we've been singing that you know every so often the fear of the Lord is clean enduring forever the judgments of the Lord what are the judgments that's where we find it in the Word of God but you know this this whole chapter is about the Word of God and desiring that the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether more to be desired are they than gold yea then much fine gold sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb I mean do you desire the Word of God more than finances I tell you what the new man does but the old man doesn't the old man wants the finances the old man wants the honey you know the sweet tooth that kind of stuff that's the old man more than the Word of God but the new man is hungry for the Word of God I don't know have you ever gone a time where you've not read the Bible you've not picked it up for a number of days maybe a number of weeks maybe even a number of months and then all of a sudden you have this strong desire to read it and you pick up the Bible and you read it again you read it and you spend half an hour reading you spend an hour in it and you can't get enough of it and then you want to keep preaching you want to go to church and hear the things of God you know that's the new man that's a spirit that's really hungry that's skinny and saying feed me please so to the spirit because I want to know the things of God and when you've got if you've gone through that it's because the new man has risen up and you need to look after me because I have the desire to know the Word of God more I desire that more than any world I desire that more than any food any of your favorite foods your Indian Nepali more than that even Nepalese Indian food more than any sweet thing that you enjoy to eat you will find the Word of God sweeter than all those things and the fourth thing that the new life desires the new life desires please turn to Psalm 27 Psalm 27 verse 4 Psalm 27 verse 4 Psalm 27 verse 4 the new life desires to be in church with God's people the new life desires to be in church with God's people verse number four one thing have I desired of the Lord that will I seek after that I may that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple you know do you have a desire to be in church and obviously you're here this morning I know you have that desire to be in church and that's the new man speaking that's the new life saying hey I want to be in the house of the Lord all the days of my life am I all the days of my life really all the days that's the new man the pilot says really that's the old man that's the old man look there's never you know you should never try to find excuses to not be in church I mean of course there are legitimate reasons okay you know we have that you know that the missions away because they're on holidays or whatever or you might be sick and you have sicknesses and you can't come to church for whatever reasons you know of course but think about it you know if you have an excuse not to be in church just think does this excuse you know would God accept this excuse to not be in church and if you think no he won't accept this excuse then be here and when you're here the new man the new life and you'll be will be happy you will be delighted that you're here the old man be like oh man I wish I stayed in bed or whatever but a new man will be delighted you'll be so into that flesh you'll be walking in the spirit okay and growing in the Lord okay we also have and I don't need you to turn there I'll just read to you very quickly but the new life the new man has new purpose in life the old man has no purpose the old man's purpose is to look after itself to enjoy the world as much as possible before it dies or passes away there's there's no eternal purpose for that old man that old man's going to perish that old man will be six feet under but there's a new desire there's a new purpose for that new life John 20 21 I'll just read it to you quickly Jesus speaking to his disciples then said Jesus to them again peace be unto you as my father have sent me even so send I you the new life the new man has a new purpose okay now think about it God the Father sent the Son to do a work now would you say that work was important of course you know he came to save sinners he came and he died he sacrificed himself rose again from the dead why did he do that so he would save souls okay an important mission I don't think anybody would turn around and say what Jesus Christ did was not important and yet Jesus Christ says that same mission that the Father gave me I now give that to you as the Father sent me so send I you you have a new purpose in this life if you're saved the new life has an amazing mission it has the same job that the Father gave the Son the same job that the Word was manifest in the flesh to accomplish you have that today God Jesus Christ is sending you out into this world to preach the gospel to see souls saved the reason New Life Baptist Church exists is for us to go out into this community and preach that gospel and see souls saved we've been sent by Jesus Christ we have an amazing mission we have a new purpose in our new life the same mission that Jesus Christ had I mean that that should just be that should give you just great respect and great honor a great privilege that you can enter into this same work that was given to Jesus Christ by God the Father and let me just I'm almost done here I'll just read to you I'll just read the references to you the new the new life also has new vision Proverbs 29 18 says where there is no vision the people perish but he that keepeth the law happy is he now do we need to keep the law to be saved no but if we want to walk in the spirit we need to we ought to try to keep the law and if we try to keep we keep the laws of God the commandments of God the Bible says happy is he this is the vision of the new life is for us to live in it even in this life even with the struggles of the old man that we would seek to keep the commands and laws of God and that's what's going to give you happiness in your life this is the new vision that you ought to have in your life I don't want to be just living for myself anymore I want to live for God I want to please him and what's great about the new the new vision the new purpose is that whatever you do in the spirit whatever you do serve in the Lord the Lord will reward you greatly in heaven the new heavenly rewards for all eternity that you know you'll never lose it's there forever remember this life is a vapor are you going to use this vapor to earn those eternal rewards we should do because that vapor is going to be gone and you're going to look back at life on the servant go man I wish I did more for the Lord okay we have a new vision 2nd Corinthians 5 16 says wherefore hence more no we no man after the flesh yea though we have known Christ after the flesh yet now henceforth no we him no more therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature all things are passed away behold all things are become new okay you have a new vision in this new life in this new life in the new man all things are become new okay in my one of my old churches there was a man that got up to preach and he had a South American background and so English wasn't was his second language and the way he pronounced things were a bit weird but I remember him reading this passage in verse 17 and he read it like this and I was just listening I hadn't turned this I wasn't sure what he was reading from he goes therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature instead of old things it sounded like because Spanish speakers have difficulty with the saying the and so instead of old things he was saying old sins old sins are passed away I'm going yeah okay yeah old sins are passed away but then you read behold all sins are become new saying what all sins are new but you know in that new man yes you've overcome all the sins that new man will never sin again but when you read about this new creature we're not talking about a reformed old man we're talking about that new man that's in you that new man all things that become you that new vision that new creature serving the Lord and doing the work that he left us to do you know the best thing about the new life the best thing about the new life is that you can't mess it up you can't mess up the new life you know when we buy new toys for the kids sometimes for a birthday or Christmas I get so disappointed when we buy them toys and then the first day after playing with them it's broken it's like as soon as they pull they open it and they play with it it's broken it's gonna happen when you have a bunch of kids playing with it right and it's disappointing it's like it's brand new toy and it's broken already or I don't know if you start you know you think I'm gonna start this project I'm gonna start this new project maybe you start it and then you leave it or you know you you don't end up finishing it you know you ruin you know your desire for that new project but you know the new life you can never ruin it the new life you can never mess it up even if you get saved and you know you're excited you're a baby in Christ but then you backslide you backslide you go back into the world you get out of church you stop caring about the things of God you start pleasing yourself once again you start doing all the sins that you used to do and you start destroying your life on this earth and you start doing all those wicked things whatever it is and then you look back and you see the suffering that you have in this life well the advantage of the new life is that even if you do all those weaker things that new man is untouched that new man is still perfect that new man is still righteous it probably hasn't matured but it's still perfect and no matter how badly you mess up your life or how strongly the Lord comes down with his chastisement you can always just press that reset button and be back in that new life and be back serving the Lord and whatever you've done in the past it's serving the Lord all the rewards that you've earned in your life serving the Lord they're still there they're still eternal you can switch turn that switch and you can be back there with the Lord just confess those sins to the Lord be right with him you know desire ask the Lord to help you to be back and walking in that spirit and all of a sudden you're back in that new man and it's untainted that new man has no sin that new man's going to heaven that new man has rewards and you can be back there immediately no matter how badly you ruin your life on this earth that's what's the best thing about the new life it's it never it's never corrupted it's perfect and even when you mess up this is why as Christians we all sin we all sin but this is why we can we get discouraged I've done it again but we can always go back to the Lord seek his mercy seek his forgiveness and be back on track immediately with him because the mercies of the Lord are new every morning okay great is his faithfulness so let me encourage you if you've been you know if you if you're backsliding if you've not been walking in the spirit if you've been not walking in that new life let me encourage you hey press that reset button just Lord I've messed up again the Lord knows Jesus Christ said that the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak the Lord knows your failures the Lord knows why you you stumble and why you sin but he's willing to help you to get back on track and you can do it straight away you know it's not like something you need to work toward the new man was always there okay I think that's all I have for you this morning let's pray heaven