(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Isaiah 47, Isaiah 47 is about the city of Babylon and God basically judging the city of Babylon. We'll have a look at some of those passages soon, but I'm preaching through the Rightly Dividing Series. We'll be going through this series and the title for the sermon this afternoon is Nakedness, Modesty and Shame. Nakedness, Modesty and Shame. And I'll tell you right from the beginning, some of you guys are not going to like what I'm preaching tonight, to that this afternoon. But this chapter is about Babylon and I don't want this church to become Babylon Baptist Church. I don't want God's judgment to fall upon his people here for the same reasons or the same illustrations that we see happen to the city of Babylon. And so a lot of people have questions about nakedness, about modesty, shame. This will touch upon clothing standards as well. And it's important for us to see what the Bible has to say about this. But one thing I want to make very clear about a few couple of things here. When it comes to the Bible, there are some things that we have just the clear commandments about. There are some things that are just obvious, you just read it from the Bible and that's what God says, that's what we need to do. There are other commands or principles or applications that we find in the Bible that are not necessarily strict commands. It's not like thou shalt do this or thou shalt do that. But there's an expectation. And I mean this seriously, there is an expectation from God that you already know what is right and wrong. That the Lord has already written his law in our hearts. The Lord has already given us his Holy Ghost. The Lord has given us a born again new man that will help us and a conscience and direct access to God. The seeking of wisdom and knowledge that will teach you other things as well so long as those things are consistent with the word of God. You know when you're seeking something and you think well I believe this is true, what you should strive to do is look at the Bible. Does this line up with the Bible? If it does, praise God, it's probably true. It may be a revelation that God has shown you just by the natural world, just by understanding things. But if it's not in accordance with the Bible, if it's contradicting the Bible, that is not wisdom, that is not instruction that has come from God. Alright? So look at Isaiah 47 verse 3. The title once again is nakedness, modesty and shame. And when we understand these things, this will help you know how you ought to dress in a pleasing way that pleases God. Isaiah 47 verse 3. Look at this. Speaking of this city, Babylon, it says, Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen. I will take vengeance. I will not meet thee as a man. You know God is saying here that your nakedness will be uncovered and your shame shall be seen. What will God do? He says, I will take vengeance. God will take vengeance when he sees these cities that are naked. And this is an illustration of a greater truth of what is nakedness. You know, if we are people that uncover ourselves, that show our nakedness, expect God's vengeance on your life. Expect God's judgment on your life. Okay? Now, when I said to you, there are some things that are crystal clear. Okay, we know, we can see clearly, God does not want you to be naked. That's quite clear as you read that. But what is nakedness? You know, how do you define nakedness? And as I said, there are some things that God just expects you to know. And I'll take the principle from 1 Corinthians 11 14. It says, Doth not even nature itself teach you that if a man having long hair, it is a shame unto him, but if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her, for her hair is given her for a covering. You know what God is saying here? You should know already. Nature should tell you. This should be common sense that men need to have short hair and women ought to have long hair. Okay? And the contentious person will say, well, how long is long? How short is short? Is that how you want to live your life? Is that how you want to live your Christian life? Just, okay God, tell me exactly how long my hair needs to be to be considered long. Or how short it has to be exactly to be considered short. You know, there are some things that are just obvious, right? Doth not even nature itself teach you? Do I even need to tell you this? And yes, God spends half a chapter explaining how important it is for men to have short hair and women to have long hair, but the expectation was that you should know that already. There are some things that are just common knowledge to man. And when it comes to hair length, brethren, no matter where you are in this world, it is universally accepted that long hair is for a woman and short hair is for a man. I'm sure there are exceptions out there. Of course there are exceptions. But when you look at nations as a whole, the majority of women will have long hair. The majority of men will have short hair. Okay? And these aren't Bible-believing Christians. They didn't turn to 1 Corinthians 15 and read it. Okay? It just comes naturally. It's what they already know. You guys are in Isaiah 47. Look at verse number 2. Let's take the definition that we can from the Bible here. Isaiah 47 verse 2. It says here, Take the millstones and grind mill, and notice the next word, uncover thy locks. Now the word locks is your hair. Okay? It's referring to Babylon here as a woman and it's uncovering her, like taking her hair from being tied to uncovering it. And then it says this, Make bare the leg, uncover the thigh. Notice that we have two uncoverings here. We have uncovering of the hair, the locks, and we have the uncovering of the thigh. Pass over the rivers. Look at verse number 3 again. Thy nakedness shall be uncovered. Let's stop there. As Bible readers, we read this, as people are saying in the Bible, we see in verse number 3 it says, Thy nakedness shall be uncovered. Say, well, what's uncovered? Well, we go back to verse number 2 and it says there are two things specifically that are being uncovered. Your hair and your thigh. Okay? Now I'm just going to ask for just your natural common sense understanding here. Do you think the uncovering of the nakedness here is referring to the hair or to the thigh? Yeah, to the thigh. You could make an argument with the hair, but come on. Are you using common sense there? Are you using logic? Does nature tell you that it's hair? That's nakedness? Of course not. This is definitely a reference to the thigh. When you uncover the thigh, when your thigh is on show, guess what you're doing? You're uncovering your nakedness. Your nakedness. Your thigh is part of what the Bible classifies as nakedness. Now go to Isaiah chapter 20, just a few chapters back. Isaiah chapter 20 verse 3. We have another definition of nakedness here, another classification, this time talking about the northern kingdom of Israel. And it says here, because you know if you're in the northern kingdom of Israel, it was taken captive by the Assyrians. It says here in verse number 3, And the Lord said, Like as my servant Isaiah have walked naked and barefoot, for three years as a sign and wonder upon Egypt and upon Ethiopia, so shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians' prisoners and the Ethiopians' captives, young and old, naked and barefoot, look at this, even with their buttocks uncovered, to the shame of Egypt. And they shall be afraid and ashamed of Ethiopia, their expectation, and of Egypt, their glory. What is the shame here? What is the nakedness that's being referred to? We don't need to know the passage or the sort of context right now, guys. Just what is being referred to as nakedness here, guys? The buttocks. Now the Bible says every word of God is pure, so I'm going to try to use as many biblical words as I can here. Of course we've got children here. I'm keeping that in mind, but I'm going to try to use God's word as much as possible. Now this makes perfect sense. If the thigh is nakedness, well just a little bit above the thigh, on the reverse is your buttocks. And the Bible says if you uncover your behind, that is uncovering your nakedness. And so, you know when the plumber comes to your house, and he's got his plumber look, he's got his pants down, and you can see his crack, that's nakedness. That's nakedness. It's not a good look. Buy him a belt. Give him a tip, buy him a belt or something when he's at your house fixing your things. What about the, I don't know, is this in fashion anymore? I remember maybe a decade ago, the low rider jeans on girls. Low rider jeans. I found it disgusting. You could see the beginning of their buttocks. The Bible says that's nakedness. That's nakedness. They weren't covering anything. They were low, and you could see the start of it. You could start seeing the shape of it. That's nakedness. I never wanted to marry one of those girls that were dressed like that. That's nakedness. And guess what? Bikinis, Speedos, all of these things, guys, you might as well just not have them on. You're already naked. You're already naked when you're in that area. And so be careful about how you dress. Be careful also where you go, because people could be dressed a certain way. That's not good for your eyes. And I don't care how righteous and how I've been saved for this long, I'm such a mature, I don't care. God has put in the DNA of a man to be attracted to the appearance of a woman, the shape of a woman. And women are naturally attracted to men. I don't care what you say. And you have to make a conscious effort to not give in to that temptation. Look away from that temptation. And girls say, oh, well, that's his problem if he's looking at me. No, it's your problem as well. And especially if you're a Christian, especially if you're in the house of God, and the way you dress could cause your brother in Christ to have impure thoughts. You've got to be careful. We spoke about this morning about serving, ministering to one another. Well, guess what? You can minister to one another with the way you dress. Or you can cause people to stumble, people to be tempted by the way you dress. How do you want to be? Now, listen, this is nakedness. This is what the Bible classifies as nakedness. It looks and we see pretty much from the hip down all the way to your thigh. That's what the Bible describes as nakedness. Now, just as much as long hair differentiates a woman from a man that's got short hair. I mean, when someone's far away and you see someone with long hair, you're pretty confident that's a woman over there. Pretty confident that's a man over there. Every now and again, though, you're driving a car and your media thought that's a man. Then you're driving. It's like, honey, was that a man or a woman? No, because of their hair. Or vice versa. I'm sure you've seen men with long hair. I remember when I flew down to Sydney once for church. I was going through the airport. I went through the food court thing, and I saw what I thought was a woman with long hair. Not only did I think it was a woman with long hair, but he had a dress. I'm going past and I'm like, what in the? And I'm thinking, what am I looking at? I have no idea what I'm looking at. It boggled my mind. I couldn't tell if it was a man. It was a man with long hair and a dress. But look, just as much as hair should differentiate, a man and woman, you know what's a greater differentiation between men and women? What's the greatest distinction? We have a lot of differences. We have a lot of physical differences. We have even emotional differences between men and women. There's a lot of differences. But the main difference, and I'll be careful with the way I use this. Remember, every word of God is pure. The main difference between men and women is what the Bible calls privy members. The privy members. And guess where that is? Well, if the buttocks and the thighs are considered nakedness, guess what else is part of that area? The privy member. The private parts. The Bible uses this word, the privy member, so that's what I'm going to use as I speak about this. That is the most significant difference between a man and woman, okay? I mean, anybody can tell you that is the biggest difference between the man and woman, okay? And so the Bible is in Deuteronomy 22 verse 5 says, the woman, now I'm going to talk about dress here. It says the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment, for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God. Do you want to be an abomination to the Lord your God? The Bible tells us there is clothing that belongs to a man, there is clothing that belongs to a woman, okay? Now, you know, we might have different thoughts as to what that could be, okay? And I don't think it's that complicated. Just as much as hair can distinguish a man and woman, and just as much the privy members distinguish the differences between a man and woman, so shall the clothing, so should the clothing that covers those privy members, so should be the clothing that covers the nakedness of men and women, should be just as distinctive as the privy members that are behind those garments, okay? That's another clear way that we as a society, as nature itself teaching us, that is the difference between a man and woman by what they wear from their hips to their thighs, okay? And it's no surprise to many of you that I believe men should wear pants and women should wear dresses or skirts, okay? And not vice versa. That is cross-dressing, okay? And the argument is, well, where does the Bible say that women shouldn't wear pants? Where does the Bible say that men can't wear skirts? Well, maybe there are some passages that appear to say that men are wearing skirts. Well, you know what? I'm wearing a skirt right now, okay? You know what the Bible refers to skirts many times when it comes to men? Or all the time when it comes to men? The hem of your garment, okay? Around this coat right now, the bottom bit, that's a skirt, okay? But am I wearing a skirt? Now, I'm going to present the case to you that pants are for men and skirts and dresses are for women, and I'm going to address this in three different ways. Number one, I'm going to talk about the cultural reasons, okay? Number two, I'm going to talk about a logical reason. And number three, I'm going to give you the biblical reason, okay? I'm going to hit it from those three different areas, cultural, logical, and biblical. Let's start with cultural. Let's start with cultural, okay? When you think about our society today, think about our society today, would you say our society today has a greater fear of God, has a greater respect and love for the Bible today than they did 100 years ago? Would you say that people today are striving to live after the commandments of God? People are striving to know the way of salvation. Do people have a fear of God today? A lot of people don't even believe He exists, all right? Or they just have a God of their own imagination. Think about this, brethren. If 100 years ago, let's say maybe even more than 100 years ago, where people at least had a fear of God, I'm not saying they were necessarily saved, they just had a fear of God in society, they had a respect for what the Bible said, whether they did it or not, they still had a respect for what the Bible says. Think about the dress standards 100 years ago, just 100 years ago, when they had the Bible as their somewhat authority, okay? When our politicians somewhat built laws and commands, instruction on the word of God, how did people dress? What about today? We're further away, aren't we? We're further away from the laws of God. We're further away as a society with a love and respect for the Bible. We're further away from a fear of God. There is no fear of God today, out there. Man, we've got to bring the fear, that's why we've got a door knock in. So we've got to tell them, hey, you're going to hell, because we're trying to bring back the fear, okay? It's not there anymore. We have to bring it there, door to door. And look, how has dress standards changed? Has it changed? Absolutely. What's changed? Well, like I told you, men wearing dresses, men wearing skirts, but something that's more common, women wearing pants. Women wearing pants. Look, I'm not basing my beliefs on culture here, okay? I'm just saying, look at it. Open your eyes, okay? I'm not going to base my doctrine on culture, but it tells us something about society. It does give us some level of instruction as to what's changing, okay? When I was a child, people made fun of the cross-dresses. People made fun of the trans, what do you call them? Trannies. The trans, whatever. The men that wore dresses and lipstick and stuff like that. You know, when I was a child, people hated that. They mocked that, okay? It's not just now. Look, in 2019, that's accepted now, right? It's accepted for men to dress like that. But it's more than that. We've gotten past that. Now we have a society, we have generations saying to their children, well, you can decide if you want to be a boy or girl. Who cares what your preview members are? Who cares? Don't worry about that. Don't worry about your DNA. Don't worry about your X and Y chromosome. If you want to be a boy, you can be a boy. If you want to be a girl, you can be a girl. Can you imagine that? I can't imagine that when I was a child. We were mocking the cross-dresses. Now that's gone. Forget it. That's not the issue anymore. The issue is, do you want to be a boy or girl? Children making these decisions, having life-changing surgery, hormones put into their bodies. The boy would never be a girl, and the girl would never be a boy. Okay? But what's led up to that, brethren? I'll tell you what's led up to all that. Feminism, cross-dressing between men and women, the culture has changed. And unfortunately, Christians are changing with the culture. Instead of going back, well, what were things like when people had a fear of God? It's like, well, who cares? All right? If it's acceptable in our society, it should be acceptable in our church. No, brethren. That's not how it ought to be. Okay? That's not how things ought to be. And so, you know, culture is not my primary reason. I'm just putting it out there as an argument. Okay? Again, I think nature itself is teaching us some things. Okay? But the opposition to this, and you know, some people take the opposition, well, you shouldn't build biblical doctrine on culture. You know, such as, you know, some people teach on this topic and they say, well, what is the universal sign on the toilet door? You know, on the men's toilet door, there's a man with pants. That's a universal sign. And the universal sign for a woman is a woman in a skirt. Okay? That's a good argument. I'm not, you know, I'm saying that's pretty good. Yeah. That's a cultural understanding as well. You know, internationally understood. Okay? But I'm not going to build my doctrine on signs on a door. Okay? But here's the thing. Here's the thing. Those that are in opposition to taking a cultural view will say, well, yeah, you know, you shouldn't build doctrine on culture, which I agree, which I largely agree, but then you turn around to those same people and say, well, then how do you decide? How should we decide then what is men's and women's clothing? You know what the answer has been for people that have asked that? Well, whatever is in the women's section, that's for women, and whatever's in the men's section at the shops, that's for men. Okay, men's culture, but you can use culture. You know, the argument, the opposition against using culture is using culture. You just cancel each other out then. In fact, you're not in opposition to anything because you're bringing your own cultural beliefs into the equation. Now, I would love it if that was, I would love it, you know, if I could go to the men's section and just find men's clothes. I would love it if I could just go to the women's section and find women's clothes. You know, I say, men's pants and women's pants. Well, generally, if you look at the differences, women's pants are a lot more tighter. They're a lot more fitting, right? They're a lot more, they're just, it's kind of like, when you look at it, you can obviously see that's women's pants because they're not so baggy. They're not so loose as men's pants. Well, guess what's happened? Men's pants have become skinny jeans, right? Men's pants have become tighter. Men's pants, I've tried on pants. I'm like, whoa, I can't put this on. I haven't got my width here. What's going on? You know? And then, oh, slim fit. Where's the, what's the opposite of slim? Loose. Where's the loose fit jeans? You know, can you find me that? Shouldn't this belong in the women's section if that's what differentiated? No. Brevin, society's changing, culture is changing. You can't decide what is men's and women's clothing based on what these designers have done. In fact, many of these designers are homosexuals. Many of these designers want men to look like women and women to look like men. Many of these designers have dressed you a certain way so you can be more sexually appealing to the opposite sex and commit fornication. That's why they design what they design. Okay? Why would you take what they say is women's and men's clothing and run with that? Why don't you go back to society when we feared God and saw the differences there? Okay? That's the argument from the cultural viewpoint. And then the other opposition to this is, well, what about those places in the world where men wear skirts? You know, that's culturally accepted in China. Oh yeah, because, you know, China's such a great Christian nation. Is that why? I mean, think about it. What's China known for? Buddhism? Taoism? All right? Praying to dead relatives? Is that where you're gonna get your inspiration for how you should dress? Because Chinese men wear skirts sometimes? Where? What about India? India? Oh man, have you seen those Indian gurus? All right, with their skirts? Oh man, that's culturally acceptable in India. Hey, they edify men as gods. They're polytheistic in their view. Is that the cultural view you wanna take and bring to the argument as how you should dress godly? How you should please the Lord with your style of dress? You know, Samoa, the Polynesian nations where they wear, I forget what they call it. Sarong, yeah. They've got different names for it. Sarong. They wear that. Well, there's a lot of Christians out there. Yeah, there's a lot of false teaching out there as well. There's a lot of Mormons. There's a lot of JWs. I mean, the cults love to go into the Polynesian areas because they almost believe anything. You tell them. I mean, it's a great place for soul winning. You know, they're more likely to believe the gospel. They're more likely to be receptive, but these places in the world that are more receptive are also more receptive to the cults. Okay, is that where you're gonna build your culture from? I mean, is Samoa the nation that's sending out missionaries across the world? You know, is that where God is bringing the new leaders and gospel preachers from? You know, what about the ancient Egyptians and the Romans? You know, ancient Egyptians, yeah, well, with their polytheistic gods, with their half gods, half animal religion. Is that, again, is that where you're gonna be based in the Roman Empire? Again, they're Jupiters and they're false gods. I mean, think about it. Of course, religion has an effect on the culture, has an effect on the way people dress. You know, and look, I wouldn't be surprised, in fact, I'm confident that in these ancient civilizations, men wore pants. It's just that they probably weren't drawn on the walls wearing pants. Okay, it's usually these people that elevate themselves as gods or something important that put on, you know, that cross dress, basically. And, you know, if you look up, some people have, I've heard it said that, pants are a new invention. You know, it's something that's just come into, you know, in the last couple of hundred years or something. You know, if you just go to Google, type in the world's oldest pants, you know what they found? They found pants that go back 3,000 years ago before Jesus Christ. In China, out of all places. Okay, in China, you know, 3,000 years ago, men wore pants. Hey, that's the oldest found. It's a rare find because nothing's meant to be found. Okay? After a few thousand years, I mean, material just deteriorates, right? The bacteria eats it away or whatever. It rots away. This is a rare find. It's not like this is when the pants started. The fact that they found it 3,000 years ago just confirms to us that they've been using it for thousands of years. I would say they've been using it from the very beginning. Okay? Once God clothed Adam and Eve. So, look, I'm not going to build my understanding of clothing on cultures that are ungodly. Say, what about the Scottish kilt? Oh man, the Scottish kilt. You know, that's just a recent thing. You know, it's only been around since the 16th, like what we know as the modern day Scottish kilt. It's only been around since the 16th century from like 1700s. All right? You know, before that, you know, actually there's that movie Braveheart. I've never seen it. Okay? So, I'm not promoting Hollywood. I've never seen it. But apparently, there's this Scottish hero William Wallace, you know, had some great victories for Scotland and the kilt was not invented for several hundred of years until after William Wallace. He never wore a kilt. You know, if you look him up, he wore pants like a man. Okay? That's what he wore. And you know, where the kilt comes from, it wasn't even a skirt. It was a coat. You know, it was used by Scottish soldiers that would have a coat, quite a long coat, and they would sleep in that coat at night when they'd get cold. It was just a coat, like from top to bottom, all the way down. Okay? And then over time, they eventually put like, instead of putting a belt, like I've got a belt underneath my coat, they put the belt around the coat. So, then it was kind of like that with a belt. Okay? So, keep it still. Now, what I read was King George II because he was the king of England and Scotland at the time and they did not like the idea of people wearing kilts, you know, from top to bottom where they banned it because, again, it was something that soldiers mostly wore and they wanted a united kingdom, so they banned the kilts. And guess where the modern day kilt comes from? Well, after he banned them, people started protesting and they started to put on modern day kilts as skirts, basically. There was no practical reason why men ever wore skirts, even in Scotland. Okay? It was a sign of protest. I didn't know this. I went to look it up because I wanted to see why the Scottish men, why were they wearing kilts? What could they do in kilts that they couldn't do in pants? And I realised there was no practical reason. It was just someone, they were protesting against the king. That's all. Okay? And that's become, you know, something that now, today in Scotland, they use. Again, guys, are we going to use these examples to build our understanding of how we need to dress? Okay, so I presented to you a cultural view that when you look at the nations, the nations, the peoples that God has used where the Bible has been published, where missionaries have come from, where the word of God has been proclaimed, those nations, guess what? Women wore skirts and pants, skirts and dresses, men wore pants. Okay? When you look at where God used his word, where churches were established, where missionaries were sent from, guess how they dressed? Men pants. Women skirts and dresses. So that's my argument from a cultural perspective and I don't think we should ignore that. I think it's important but we shouldn't build our doctrine just on something like that, okay? We shouldn't build our doctrine on, of course, on the word of God. The next point that I wanted to bring is logical. I never really kind of brought this up very, very early on, okay? But if the preview members which fall under the scope of nakedness and are the most important differences between men and women, if that's the most important difference between the two, then doesn't logic just tell you when you cover up those preview members we ought to have a distinction in that area between men and women. If that's the most important difference that God has put in place, okay, reproduction, okay, then if we're going to have clothing that differs, there's some difference between men and women's clothing, where would that fall? Logically. Well, it would fall logically where the biggest difference are between men and women. I'm just appealing to your logic here, okay? I think this is common sense. I don't think I need to really bring this out. I think most people, yeah, that makes perfect sense, okay? Now, if that doesn't make sense to you, I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. Okay, there are some things that doth not even nature itself teach you, okay? That's what I have in logical. That's what I have in logical, but now I want to go to biblical. Take your Bibles and go to Exodus 28. Exodus 28 verse 40. Oh, man, you're going to turn to the commandment, you know, you know, watch out, wear pants. You're going to turn to that commandment, aren't you? There's no commandment like that, okay? But there is a difference. There is a difference between men's and women's clothing and we're going to look at that in the Bible. Look at Exodus 28 verse 40. Exodus 28 verse 40. We want to take a biblical perspective here, a biblical view. It says here, Exodus 28 verse 40, talking about, now the Bible doesn't always tell us about how people are dressed in the Bible, okay? Now, we know that John the Baptist was dressed exactly around his waist. Guess what he was holding up? Pants. All right? Let's have a look at this. Biblical, this is looking at the way the priests were dressed. Exodus 28 verse 40. And for Aaron's sons, thou shall make coats. Now, this is important for you to remember. Thou shall make coats and thou shall make for them girdles, that's a belt, and bonnets. If you remember the thing, oh, I don't know if you've seen the pictures that had quite a tall hat thing going on, the priest back then. And thou shall put them for glory and for beauty. And thou shall put upon, and thou shall put them upon Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him, and shall anoint them and consecrate them and sanctify them, that they may minister unto me in the priest's office. Look at this. And thou shall make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness from the loins, that's basically like your hips area, even unto the thighs they shall reach. Thou shall reach. Hey, this is consistent. What do they wear? Breeches. This is just an old term of saying pants. Okay. They wore pants and guess what else was made for them? Coats. Okay, now they had longer coats than this but they had coats and guess what's on the coat? A skirt. Okay. This becomes important. Okay. Because there are those that say, well, the priest had skirts. Well, hold on. Did we read they were wearing skirts? No, they had pants. Okay. And they had a coat around them. Okay. So, what we see, now we don't have much more to go by. Okay. Again, we don't have thou shall wear pants in the Bible. But what do we see? When we see how God has instructed a man to dress. Yes, a priest but it's a man. What does it say? Pants. Pants on the man. Pants to cover his nakedness from his loins to his thighs. Okay. Now, let's look at the women. Go to Jeremiah 13. Jeremiah 13. And we're going to read some passages that are a little bit, I don't know. Every word of God is pure. Let's just say that, okay. Jeremiah 13 verse 26. Okay. Jeremiah 13 verse 26. And the context here, kind of like what we started to preach about Babylon and started to see some troops there. The context here is about the city of Jerusalem. Okay. And God is talking and they're soon going to be taken into captivity by the Babylonians and God is telling them about how unfaithful they are. Okay. And look at Jeremiah 13 verse 26. Therefore, it says this about Jerusalem. Therefore will I discover thy skirts upon thy face and thy shame may appear. Verse 27. I have seen thine adulteries and thy names and lewdness of thy whoredom and thine abominations on the hills of the fields. Woe unto thee, O Jerusalem, wilt thou not be made clean when shall it once be? Now you can look at this chapter as much as you want but you'll notice that God refers to the city of Jerusalem in the feminine form as a female. Okay. As a female. And God's telling them, look, I'm going to embarrass you. I'm going to shame you, city. Okay. And how does, what illustration does it use? Look at verse number 26 again. And I'm sorry but, again, it's the word of God here. Therefore will I discover thy skirts. Let's stop there for a minute. This woman, the city of Jerusalem, allegorically or illustratively, what is it wearing? A skirt. Okay. A skirt. Now, what kind of skirt? Therefore will I discover thy skirts upon thy face that thy shame may appear. What is that in reference of? Look at verse 27. Verse 27, I have seen thy adulteries. Okay. This is using, you know, the illustration of the preview members, basically. Okay. Now, a woman would typically wear a skirt, okay, from the hips, right, and if you're doing it biblically, to covering the thighs, right. But here's the thing. If you took a skirt that long from your hips to your, say to your knee, to your knee area, and you flipped it, you reversed it, it's not gonna cover your face exactly. The length from your hips to your face is actually longer than from your hips to your knees. Okay. That's just pretty much universal with anybody. But if this case, if the skirt's able to cover the face, okay, it's been lifted up to show the nakedness, right, it's been lifted up, guess what? That means the skirt that God is referring to here, I know it's illustrative, okay, would be longer than going past your knees. Now, I'm not saying, this is saying, thou shall wear a skirt that's past your knees. That's not what it's saying. I'm just trying to show you how God is using the illustration of a skirt here that if you flipped it over and you uncovered the woman's nakedness, it would cover her face. That's a pretty long skirt. It's a pretty decently long skirt, okay, being used there. Okay. Why didn't he just refer to the breeches on the woman there? Oh, you know, I'm gonna pull down your breeches. Because women, in that day, all right, logically and culturally, it should be universally understood they were wearing skirts. That's why. And God just expects you to know that as you read it. Go to Lamentations, the next book in the Bible. Lamentations. Lamentations. Lamentations. So, Jeremiah is about how Israel, sorry, how Jerusalem is gonna be taken captive by the Babylonians. And then Lamentations is about when the Babylonians have already taken Jerusalem, okay. They've already conquered Jerusalem in Lamentations chapter one, verse eight. Lamentations, chapter one, verse eight. It says here, Jerusalem have grievously sinned. Therefore, she is removed. All that honored her despise her, because they have seen her nakedness. Yea, she sigheth and turneth backward. Look at this. Her filthiness is in her skirts. She remembereth not her last end. Therefore, she came down wonderfully She had no comforter, O Lord. Behold my affliction, for the enemy hath magnified himself. What happened to Jerusalem? They saw her nakedness, right? Verse number nine. Her filthiness is in her skirts. Okay. She's been a whore. She's been an adulterous woman to God. And your filthiness is seen, as it were, illustrated again on her skirts. Okay. Why? Because, again, everybody knows that women wear skirts. Okay. This is a description of a woman in the reference of a city here. Now, I'm going to read you one more passage. You don't need to turn there. I'm going to turn to Nahum chapter three, verse four. Nahum chapter three, verse four. Nahum is preaching against Nineveh. So, we're not talking about Jerusalem now. We're talking about a Gentile city, Nineveh, of the Babylonians. And it says, he uses the same language, Nahum chapter three, verse four, because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the well-favored harlot, the mischief of witchcraft that selleth nation through her whoredoms and families through her witchcrafts. Behold, I am against thee, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will discover thy skirts upon thy face, and I will show the nations thy nakedness and the kingdoms thy shame. What does God say about Nineveh? Again, your skirts are going to be flipped up. It's going to cover your face. It's going to cover the nations, your nakedness, your shame. Again, using a feminine way of describing the city and how a woman is dressed. Okay? And of course, this would be super embarrassing if this was a real woman, her dress being lifted up to her face and her nakedness being shown to everybody. Okay? So, look, where's the verse? Women, thou shalt wear skirts. This is all we get, guys. What do we see with men? Pants? Skirts? I mean, are you going to fight against that? What are you going to do? Okay? That's how the Bible has it. And it's written in a way expecting you to know this. Right? Right? Expecting you to understand this. Expecting you to know this. And you might say, well, maybe these women and men that had multiple clothing in their closets like we did. Multiple shoes, multiple pants, multiple shoes. Back in those days, clothing was super expensive. Okay? It's not like today where machines basically make clothing where everything comes from China with cheap labor. You know, I just had to look this up. If you wanted to get a properly made tailored suit, you know, where you'd got someone, they'd measure you up. You know, this suit and the pants, it didn't cost me like a hundred bucks. Something like that, right? Cheap. But if you wanted something made for you, and that's what they did back then. They made clothing for the person that wore it. Right? Measured it up, put it all together, and they made it from $1,000 to $5,000. Okay? And you'd get to the $1,000 mark if you're importing the material from China or something. If you're getting it from Australia, yeah, it's going to get up there like $4,000, $5,000. Okay? Clothing was expensive back then. They didn't have a variety of clothes. They wore pretty much the same things all the time. Okay? As they needed it, they bought clothing. Okay? And a great illustration of this is when Jesus Christ is crucified. I'll just show you very quickly. Mark 15, 24. And when they had crucified him, they parted his garments, casting lots upon them what every man should take. They knew Christ was going to die. They said, man, there's good clothing here. It's expensive. Thousands of dollars worth, right? In our eyes. Well, let's divot it up. Let's see who can take what. Because it's valuable. Clothing back then was valuable. It's not like you had a skirt in your closet and then some pants there. Bible uses this term. That's pretty much all they had. Pretty much all they had. I think back just a few generations where I hear stories of my parents are like basically we just, we slept in what we wore at work. We bathed in the river with the clothes that we wear kind of thing, right? I mean, it was obviously expensive back in the days before machinery to have clothing and that's the time they lived in, right? It's expensive to have clothing. Now, if you guys can go to Psalm 133, please. Go to Psalm 133 for me. And I just want to address some opposition to teaching. Psalm 133, and again, I'm not going to necessarily address every opposition. You may have some verses you want to bring up that I don't really, you know, I can't spend a whole sermon going through every verse that people use, okay? But I just want to show you some things that people use to teach against this and say, well, men wore skirts or whatever. Psalm 133 verse 2. Psalm 133 verse 2 says, It is like the precious ointment upon the head that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard, and went down to the skirts of his garments. Aha! There it is. Aaron was wearing a skirt for a garment. There you go. Man, I just wasted, how long have we been preaching this? No, look, what did Aaron wear? We already read it, right? Now, I'm going to turn to Exodus 29 where this is coming from. Exodus 29 verse 21. It just says, And thou shalt take the blood that is upon the altar, and the anointing oil, and sprinkle it upon Aaron, upon his garments, just says garments, and upon his sons, and upon the garments of his sons with him, and he shall be hallowed, and his garments, and his sons, and his sons' garments with him. So, what was sprinkled with this oil of anointing? His garments. This is Exodus 29. What did we already read in Exodus 28 verse 42? And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness, from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach. Just the chapter before, talk about the garments of these priests that these priests wore. They were wearing pants, not skirts. When the oil was put on these guys, they were wearing pants. The skirts I've been referring to are the skirts of their coats, okay, the skirts or the hem of their coats, all right? That's one opposition that I've heard. And just to sort of bring this further into light, just a very quick one. I'll read it to you. You guys go to Exodus 20. Go to Exodus 20 for me. I will turn to 1 Samuel 24 verse 4. 1 Samuel 24 verse 4. And the men of David said unto him, behold the day of which the Lord said unto thee, behold I will deliver thine enemy into thine hand, that thou mayest do to him, as it shall seem good unto thee. Then David arose, look at this, and cut off the skirt of Saul's robe, privately. So, was Saul, King Saul, wearing a skirt? I was wearing a robe, all right? And King David cut the skirt off his robe, okay? The bottom parts of the robe. And it came to pass afterward that David's heart smote him because he had cut off Saul's skirt, okay? So, it was his robe, okay? David did not cut a skirt, like a women's skirt, off King David, King Saul, okay? Now you guys are in Exodus 20. Look at verse number 26. Exodus 20 verse 26. And this is the one, aha, here we go, here we go. See, men wore skirts in the Bible. It can't be the skirts and the pants that differentiate between men and women. So he said, Exodus 20 verse 26. Neither, this is talking about the priests, neither shall thou go up by steps unto mine altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon. All right, so one of the instructions when you built an altar was not to have steps in place. And the argument is there, well, hold on, if the men were wearing pants, okay, how could you see their nakedness if they're climbing up the steps, if they created steps and that would reveal their nakedness, how can that be unless they were wearing skirts? Well, let's just take for a minute that they were wearing skirts. Let's just take that for a minute. How far upstairs do you need to get to be able to look up someone's skirt? Pretty high. I mean, it's got to be above my eyesight. And not only just above my eyesight, you pretty much have to be right there, like, if they're wearing skirts. Is that what it's about? We already saw that they were in pants, you know, up to the thighs, okay. And we already saw that the thighs are considered nakedness in the Bible, okay. So, what's the principle here? Well, if you're climbing up steps, guess what's happened? You know, when you put on pants, when you buy clothing, you don't just stand still and walk like this. You know, when you move, you bend down, you run, you climb upstairs, guess what's going to happen? The garment's going to roll up a little bit, okay. You've got pants or skirts, right, and you start walking up the stairs, it's going to start revealing your thighs. It's going to uncover your nakedness. Hey, there's a great principle here. Make sure when you buy pants, not only does it cover your thighs, but as you're going about doing some type of activity, bending down, walking, sitting down on a chair, that it's still covering your nakedness. It's still covering your thighs. That's the principle to take out of that. Not that men wear skirts and people would look up their skirt and see the nakedness. No, it's just walking up, doing activity. You know this. Everyone knows this, right? You stretch, you sit, you get up, you bend down, you walk upstairs, it's going to pull up the garments on your thighs. And so that's all it is, guys. It's not some complicated, look, I mean, does that verse say they're wearing skirts? No, but that's what they want you to believe, okay. That's what they want you to believe because they're contentious. They don't like what the word of God teaches. I've spoken about, sorry, nakedness, let me get on to modesty, modesty. If you guys can go to 1 Timothy chapter 2. 1 Timothy chapter 2 verse 9. 1 Timothy chapter 2 verse 9. Because, and look, I'm not having to go to the ladies in this church because I've seen it everywhere, all right, every church. Ladies eventually get convinced, okay, yep, I've got to wear a skirt. Okay, good. But then they come to church and they're wearing a skirt, but it's skin tight, all right. Skin tight. 1 Timothy chapter 2 verse 9. 1 Timothy chapter 2 verse 9. In like manner also, the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety, not with broided hair or gold or pearls or costly array. You know, I looked up Cambridge dictionary just on Google quickly. What is the definition of modest, okay? When it comes to, we know what modest means. It means like not bringing attention to yourself. But when it comes to clothing, what's the definition there in Cambridge dictionary? It says the quality in women of dressing or behaving in a way that is intended to avoid attracting sexual interest. That's modesty. When the Bible says in modest apparel, that's what it's saying. Dressing away that is intended to avoid attracting sexual interest. Oh man, I've covered my nakedness. I've covered the... The idea there is basically, see, I've covered the skin. You can't see anything. The skin of my thighs or my loins or my buttocks. Skin is not the issue, Reverend. It's the shape. It's the figure. It's the shape. That's what the issue is, Reverend. Come on, don't tell me you don't get this. Don't tell me you don't know this. Of course you know this. Again, men are naturally attracted to the figure of a woman. Naturally. It's not like you just start with these impure thoughts. It's just that's how God made you to be, right? And that's why you go and find a woman, a wife, and settle down. And you make a commitment like Job did, right? I covered it with the eyes that I would not look upon a mate. It's settled. That's it. I've chosen this woman. You know? And women are attracted to the figure of a man. We're different. We put on weight differently. We put on fat differently. Women put fat around their hips and their thighs and men put it around their bellies and stuff like that, right? Everything's different about us. You know? And believe it or not, men find the hips, child-bearing hips, the shape of the thighs and the hips, they find that attractive. Oh man, just you, Pastor Kevin. All men find that attractive. Okay? So is covering your nakedness with a skirt but it's skin tight so you can see every figure and everything. You know, it almost matters where I just wear pants. I mean, it's probably less sexually attractive if a woman wore pants, right? Baggy pants, than some tight-fitting skirt. You know, that rolls up when they sit down, you can see the thighs and all that. Think about what you're doing, all right? Are we just trying to get by and do the minimum of God's commands? Are we trying to live properly and according to his laws and his ways? Understanding, like, come on, man. We've got the same flesh and blood. The things that I find attractive, I know other men find attractive. The things my wife finds attractive, I know other women are going to find attractive. Okay? There's a right place to put all that, though. That's in the marriage bed. That's between husband and wife. Okay? Not in church. Not at the beach. Not in these other places. Not in public places. Okay? There's a proper place to uncover the nakedness. We'll go into that later on. Like I said, Job says in Job 31, one, I made a covenant with mine eyes. I made a covenant with mine eyes. I made a covenant with mine eyes. Why, then, should I think upon a maid? You know what Job is saying here? I just naturally will think upon a maid. Job is one of the most righteous men that we read about in the Bible. Perfect in his generations. And even he had to make a decision. I need to stop my eyes. I need to make a covenant agreement. Eyes, you're in obedience to the new man here. You don't look upon these other women like that. Job, a righteous man. I don't think any of us are righteous in Job. Okay? I mean, he was a great man and he even struggled in this area. And I'm just saying, ladies in this church, think about how you dress. You know, do you want your brother in the Lord to stumble? To have impure thoughts? To have wrong thoughts? We're here to serve one another. And when it comes to modesty, not only should you not wear skin-tight clothing that just shows every shape of your body. Okay? But, I'm going to talk about the breasts. Okay? And I've heard it said, you know, breasts are not nakedness. And I agree. Well, you cannot build a biblical definition for breasts being naked. But you know one thing you can do? This is not just about nakedness. This is nakedness, modesty, and shame. Okay? Uncovering the breast is immodest. Is immodest. Okay? And the thought that, look, men, again, naturally find the figure of a woman attractive. That includes the breasts. I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable. Okay? But this is, I've got to teach this stuff. I've got to teach it. Including the breasts. And it's like, well, you know, the thought there is, well, you know, breasts have only been sexualized in the Western cultures. You know, it's only a recent thing in the Western world. No, it's not. It's all over your Bible. It's all over your Bible. I'll just read to you. You need to turn all there, guys. Song of Solomon, chapter eight, verse 10. The wife says to her husband, I am a wall, and my breasts like towers. Then was I in his eyes as one that found favor. Song of Solomon, Proverbs 5, 18. Let thy fountain be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as a loving hind and pleasant roe. Let her breasts satisfy thee at all times, and be thou ravished always with her love. So, where's the right place to appreciate one another? The marriage bed, husbands and wives. Verse 20 then says, why and why wilt thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman and embrace the bosom of a stranger? You know what it's saying there? The word bosom is just another saying breasts. Why would you look at another woman? In what reference? The breasts. Go and find a wife. That's the right place. That's the right place in the marriage bed. Union between husbands and wives to share that. Okay? So, don't tell me that this is, you know, you know, breast. Yeah, I know it's not nakedness. I get it. I get that. It's obvious. Alright? But it's still something that attracts men. Okay? It's why our society doesn't walk around topless. Oh, it gets new to speech and stuff like that, but you know, forget them, right? I'm talking about normal human beings, right? There's a reason why we get dressed. It's because there's something in you called shame. There's a conscience in you. There's something that nature itself teaches you. Okay? And you cover your breasts, ladies. And again, just like pants or skirts, you're probably gonna be moving your top. You're gonna be bending down. You're gonna be doing things. Well, dressed in a way where it's safe. Even if you're doing something. Now look, if something accidentally gets exposed, it's obviously not on purpose. Okay? You know, everyone knows whether you're trying or you're not trying. Let's put it that way. Okay? Everyone knows if you're trying or you're not trying. Okay? And be thoughtful. You know, if you've got a low cut top, I'm not gonna say, okay, it's gotta be two centimeters from the neckline or something. That's not for me. I'm trying to preach to the new man in you. I'm trying to preach to your conscience. Okay? I'm trying to preach to that person that's in tune with the spirit of God so you know what is right and wrong. You know what is right and wrong. Okay? Exactly. He gives us a general idea and it's, let's just go with that. It makes sense. Okay? You know, if you've got a top ladies, bend down. Look in the mirror. What's exposed? How much? Okay? Be mindful. Be thoughtful. Okay? Husbands, play a role in how your wives get dressed, how your daughters get dressed. For church. Yeah, but not just church. Every aspect of life. Okay? The reason I've not preached on this early on, is I don't want a church full of Pharisees. I don't want a church full of people dressed properly but inwardly, you're living like the world. You know, I just dress for church and I'll go home now and I can dress however I want. Put the pants back on. Men, put your skirts back on at home. I don't want that. I don't want that. You know, I want you to know that you've got to walk in the new man. Okay? You know. Sorry. Yeah. Walk in the spirit. You know what's right. You change what's on the inside first. Then the outward will naturally come. A lot of these things, I shouldn't have to tell you. I shouldn't have to tell you. It should be common sense. And um, let me touch on breastfeeding. Breastfeeding. A new baby. Okay? Again, breasts are not nudity. It's not nakedness. If you've got to breastfeed, you've got to breastfeed. You've got to feed the baby. Okay? Again, we know this. I'm not talking about our society. I'm not talking about, I'm talking about God's people. I'm talking about you guys. Okay? If a woman needs to breastfeed, breastfeed. But what did we read in 1 Timothy chapter 2 verse 9? It said, in a like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shame-facedness and sobriety. Shame-facedness. Ladies, you need to blush a little bit. Have a bit of shame. A little bit. It's healthy for you. Okay? To know. Sobriety. That means a serious mind. Alright? If you're, you know, if you've got to breastfeed your baby, and you've got a bunch of men gathered around you, you know, it's not the right time to flop it out to feed your baby in front of all the men. In front of everybody. That's not modesty. It's not nudity. I know it's not nudity. But it's not modesty. Okay? Do you want your brethren to stumble, to fall? You know, have some shame-facedness about you. You know, the Bible says in, I've got a reference here. Let me just see if I can, well, I've got to go shame-facedness later. I'm sort of skipping over my notes a little bit. Sorry. But you know, the Bible says in 1 Peter 3, 3. You guys go there. Go to 1 Peter 3, 3. Go to 1 Peter 3, 3. 1 Peter 3, 3. Now let me just say, if someone has a little baby and you need a breastfeed, you breastfeed. I'm never going to criticize you. I'm never going to attack you. Okay? Some ladies want to have a sleeve to cover themselves. So be it. It's their choice. It's their child. Some women would rather not have a sleeve or a covering. Okay. Fair. It's their choice. Don't go around criticizing other women because they do things slightly differently to you. Where's the command? You know, but be mindful. You know, before you do that, be mindful. You know, before you go and breastfeed a child, you know, don't announce it. All right, men, I'm going to breastfeed my child. All right, everyone gather around because it's not nakedness. Let me just pop it out here and I'm going to breastfeed my child. Is that how you should be? Come on. Come on. Common sense. Yeah. Common sense is what I'm asking for. All right. Now, if somebody, if a lady has a breastfeed and she finds a corner, no one's, everyone's going to be like, okay, you know, there's nothing wrong about it. Good. That's how you should be as ladies. Look at 1 Peter, chapter 3, verse 3. 1 Peter, chapter 3, verse 3. And, I want, men, you're the heads of your homes. You're in charge. God has given you your role. You've got to own it. Okay. I've got to own it. Okay. I'm in charge of my wife. I'm in charge of how my daughters dress and look, you know, we try to dress Isabelle as modest as we can with a long skirt, as much as we can, but kids grow. You know, before you know it, all of a sudden, she's putting on a skirt and I'm like, Isabelle, that's a short for you. That's not intentional. It's just you don't realize kids grow, right? So when you go and you buy your daughters a dress or even your son some shorts, keep in mind, they're going to grow. You know, you're not just going to put it on. Okay, does it cover your thighs? Is it up to you? Kids keep growing, right? What's the point of having a piece of clothing that's going to last, last you just a few weeks and then it's like, well, we spent all that money. You know, I'm not going to, what am I going to do now? Well, maybe you should have been a little smarter and bought a longer, you know, piece of clothing, you know, and make sure that it lasts a decent length of time. I understand the difficulties. I fully understand it. Christina spends hours and hours and hours looking for, not so much the boys. The boys are easier, but girls, looking for clothing for girls. Little girls, like Amelia's age, sexualized clothing. Okay, it's disgusting, disgusting. That's not just homosexuals. It's pedophiles that create these clothing. Okay, that's what they like to look at. I don't want you to like to look at that. You're God's people. You're the children of God. And, you know, I hope I've shown you why women, you should dress appropriately, dress in a skirt, in a dress, whatever. But here's the thing. I'm not your husband, you know, or girls. I'm not your father. You know, your father's at home. The head of the house is at home. You've got to talk to them. You've got to sort it out with them, see what they say. And, you know, I've spoken to a lot of men, and look, I'm not the kind of guy that walks into someone's house. Honestly, I don't want anything to do with your family, all right, except to preach to them at church. I don't want to sort out your own family issues, okay? I don't want to do it. But I have men come up to me and say, well, I would love my wife to wear a skirt. I would love my wife to wear a dress. And, you know, I talked to godly men when I was younger. You know what the godly men say? People that love the Lord, love the Bible, men that will actually look after a woman, say, you know, I find women that wear skirts and dresses more attractive, they say. They're showing less than the world, okay? I've seen churches where there's a lot of people and you have unsaved, worldly men coming to churches looking for a wife. Why? There's a difference normally, okay? Because in the world, yeah, they see the lust of the flesh. They see the promiscuous woman. There's plenty of that. That's easy. There's so many of them. But at a point when they get to realize I need to find a wife. I need a mother for my children. You know what they start thinking? Maybe the church. Unbelievers. Unsaved men. Maybe the church because the women seem to dress well. They seem to look after themselves. They're not going around you know, hauling themselves hopefully. You know, that's the thought of ungodly, unsaved men. And girls, you know, I want you to find a good husband. Boys, I want you to find a godly wife, okay? It all starts here. You know, when you start to neglect your clothing, when you start to dress like the world, you're not going to look anything different to the world. You're not going to be able to attract the godly man. The one that's going to look after you. The one that's going to stay with you till death do us part. You're not going to find that man. You'll find plenty of men. And boys, there's plenty of women out there. You'll find plenty of them, okay? But when you're looking for a wife, and that's what you should be looking for, okay? That's where these things, nakedness needs to be shared is in the marriage bed. And so I hear things like men say, you know, I'd love to, you know, my wife wears a skirt and she just doesn't want to. And look, let's just give it to these wives that don't want to wear skirts. Let's just give it to them. Let's just say, yeah, all right, the Bible never says that you need to wear a skirt. The Bible never says you can't wear pants. Let's just give that to them for a minute, okay? Let's go to 1 Peter chapter 3 verse 3. 1 Peter chapter 3 verse 3. The Bible says, And that's the person I want to talk to, by the way. That's the person I want to preach this afternoon, okay, to the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time, the holy women also who trusted the Lord and the Lord and the Lord and the Lord and the Lord and the Lord and the Lord and the Lord and the Lord also who trusted in God adorn themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands. You say, I don't believe it's a sin to wear pants. Okay, but does your husband want you to wear a skirt? Yes. Well then you're in sin because you're not being subject to your husband's request. You're not under his subjection. Okay, you may feel it's not a sin but you disobey your husband He wants you to dress you are committing sin against him you are committing sin against the Lord Okay, and if you want your husband's to be strong men strong leaders a husband that loves me a husband I look after me a husband that will give me attention well You need to learn to be submissive and vice versa men you want women to be submissive You need to learn how to be a leader you need to show them love you need to love them as Christ loved the church Okay, you need to be a leader man, but ladies you need to understand even if it's not You know in the Bible you you still required to obey your husband's Okay, just like children are to obey the parents in everything, but that's why I had to tell us what everything is no Okay, if your husband wants you in a dress in a skirt Do it for him do it because you love him do it because you love the Lord he's the one that put that authority over your head and Then I know once you do that these passages are going to be crystal clear to you It's gonna be more obvious than you realize all right, so Last thing I want to talk about your shame-facedness. I'm sorry. We've gone over time shame-facedness, but This is a quick one if you guys can go to you guys go to Genesis 24 Sorry, Genesis chapter 2 go to Genesis chapter 2 will end on this Genesis chapter 2 and while your turn there I'll read to you from Jeremiah chapter 6 verse 15 Okay, Jeremiah chapter 6 verse 15 remember the modest woman should have shame-facedness about her okay? And let me just show you what this means in Jeremiah 6 15 it says Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? Nay, they were not at all ashamed Neither could they blush Neither could a blush when you're not ashamed and you dress him modestly you dress naked You're not ashamed, and you can't even blush about it What I'm saying to you is you need to bring some of that blushing back you need to bring some of that shame-facedness Back in the way you dress okay? This is not a positive thing when they can't blush. This is a negative attribute, okay? You guys are in Genesis 2 chapter 24 Genesis chapter 2 verse 24 You see shame is part of your emotional whatever system God has put into us your conscience the things that help us in life that direct our paths, okay? You will know when you put on a piece of clothing if you feel a bit ashamed about it. Don't wear it Okay that that start there put on clothing. I'm going to get dressed they Bring me a bit of shame this brings me a lot of unnecessary attention here. You know well Don't wear it then get rid of it. Oh clothing is so expensive. It's so cheap these days guys. It's cheap Yes, it requires work to find the right piece of clothing, but it's there okay, and you say well I can't afford it. Well. I'm sure if you just bring up the statement your bank statement for the last month I'm sure you'll find tons of nonsense that you spent on Absolutely rubbish things you spent on well if you just didn't spend it on that guess what you probably could have bought yourself in your closet Of clothes okay, and if you still can't afford it well Don't you think if you go to God and say God you know what I need to fix my like you know my dress I need to fix the way I dress I need to go and buy clothing You're not think that God will bless you and God will provide you the finances You don't think if you're trying to do things in accordance to God's Word. He's going to help you in that step Listen it's worth it. It's worth it to please the Lord look at Genesis chapter 2 verse 24. We'll end on this Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh And they were both naked for man and his wife and were not ashamed Okay Quick summary if you're showing your nakedness in public you ought to be ashamed of that and if you're not ashamed There's something wrong with you. There's something wrong. Okay. You you there's something missing. Okay. I'm not saying you're not saying I'm just saying there's something wrong with your mind. Okay you could be So into the flesh a lot more than you realize and you don't even realize when you're showing nakedness, or you're being immodest But nakedness in of itself Is a good thing in of itself in its right place, okay? Okay either Privately when you go have a shower you have a bath privately you got to do it naked right nothing's sinful about that Or as husband and wife here, okay? God put this man and woman in their home in the Garden of Eden though both naked the man his wife and were not ashamed Okay There's a time and place to enjoy what God has created Okay, but once again. It's in the family. Okay. It's in the marriage husband and wives alone Privately behind closed doors the marriage bed. That's the right place for nakedness Outside of that guys. It's wrong outside of that is unbiblical outside of that is immodest, okay? So I hope that gives you some things to think about If you come to ladies if you come to church wearing the pants, I'm not gonna Tell you to turn around that's up to your husband. You know your husband. I don't know if men come wearing a skirt Oh, I don't know. I think I think I'm here to leave I'm the pastor I get to make these judgment calls, okay? But but look here's the thing I don't want to tell you you need to figure it out man I'm asking you do it in your home. Okay work it out all right But if I do find someone dressed really inappropriately You know I will address it with you, okay, and I'm not gonna dress it with you in front of everybody, okay? I'll dress it with you privately. I'll just say look. This is a situation Can you cover up okay? And if it's a man I'll say to the man if it's a woman I'll say it to her head Okay, if it's if it's a girl. I'll say to her father. It's a wife. I'll say it to her husband Okay, because again. I don't want to What's the word I Don't want to supersede You know the father father's authority the husband's authority in his home You guys are in charge you can do whatever you want You know if you really want and you get your wife's to wear skirts at church, but then she gets home. She wears pants It's not gonna bother me. It's you're not doing it for me. Okay. It's not about me it's about how well can we live our lives in accordance to God's Word and Make sure you do things not to be a Pharisee just to look good on the outside Make sure you're right on the inside and I'll tell you immediately you you do what's right on the inside you cleanse the inside you Confess your sins before the Lord the outward will automatically come with it. It's going to happen I personally seen a lot of change even in this church as The years have gone by and as we've learned more about the Bible and we learn more about walking in the spirit I've already seen changes. I already see good things happening in this church, okay? But maybe sometimes we need a sermon like this from time to time all right. Let's leave it there. Let's pray