(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We're in Deuteronomy 18 and I want you to notice verse number 15. It says the Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee of thy brethren like unto me unto him ye shall hearken. These are the words of Moses. He's telling the nation of Israel, hey there is a prophet that the Lord will rise like unto me and I started this new series last week. We had a look at Joseph as a type of Christ. We're now going to be looking at someone else like Christ and it says Moses saying these words like unto me and of course I'll put this in a moment to you but of course Moses here is speaking of Jesus Christ and if we continue it says in verse number 16 according to all that thou desirest of the Lord thy God in Horeb in the day of the assembly saying let me not hear again the voices of the Lord my God neither let me see this great fire anymore that I die not and the Lord said unto me they have well spoken that which have they spoken I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren so again this is being said by the Lord like unto thee like unto you Moses this prophet's going to be like you Moses and will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. Now isn't that isn't that the truth of Jesus Christ that he spoke all the words that the father commanded him you know Christ came in and taught perfectly yes Christ was a prophet he is the prophet that has been prophesied here in Deuteronomy 18. I want you to notice verse number 19 is quite important and it shall come to pass that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name I will require it of him. So as this prophet comes this prophet to come preaches the word to God you know if people would not receive the words God says that he will require it of them he's going to hold them accountable for not receiving the words of this prophet to come. Now I want you to keep your finger there in Deuteronomy 18 actually truth is you don't need to actually you can turn away from there come with me to John chapter 1 we've been going through the book of John we'll be going chapter by chapter through the book of John and I just want you to notice that as we've been going through the book of John I did touch upon it a few times you know the Jews at this time they were waiting for this prophet to come okay the prophet that God told of Moses there's going to be a prophet like unto you Moses and yet you know you see here in turn with me which is John chapter 1 John chapter 1 verse number 19 John chapter 1 has you know the story of John the Baptist and John the Baptist is doing a great work for God he's doing baptisms and you know the the Pharisees and the and the Jews they come up to him they ask him hey who are you like by what authority are you conducting this ministry and it says in verse number 19 John chapter 1 verse number 19 and this is the record of John when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him who art thou and he confessed and denied not by confessed I am not the Christ so John the Baptist makes it very clear look I'm not the Christ I'm not the one to come there and they asked him what then art thou Elias and he saith I am not then they asked him these words art thou that prophet and he answered no and I'll show you in a moment the prophet they're referring to here again back to the the prophecy that Moses gave that God gave to Moses that a prophet be raised like unto Moses John the Baptist makes a very clear no I'm not that prophet they're asking are you that prophet John the Baptist says no I'm not okay come with me to chapter 6 now John chapter 6 verse number 14 John chapter 6 and verse number 14 John chapter 6 verse number 14 the bible says then those men when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did said this is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world so some people have seen them great miracles the great works of Jesus Christ and amongst themselves saying well this has to be that great prophet this has to be the one that's been prophesied to come that great prophet again coming back from uh for what we read in Deuteronomy chapter 18 come with me to the next chapter John chapter 7 John chapter 7 verse number 40 John chapter 7 verse number 40 many of the people therefore when they heard this saying they're hearing the words of Christ said of a truth this is the prophet do you see how the Jews at this time they're they're expecting at some point this prophet to come you know at first they think could it be John the Baptist but John the Baptist makes it very clear no it's not not me and they're starting to realize man it's Jesus Jesus is that prophet that's been prophesied to come and then verse 141 says others said this is the Christ but some said shall Christ come out of Galilee and so what they're saying they're both correct Christ is both that prophet and he of course is the Christ now come with me to Acts chapter 3 come with me to Acts chapter 3 this is all just an introduction just to show you that Christ is that prophet like unto Moses if you want to put it that way Acts chapter 3 please Acts chapter 3 I'll give you a moment to turn there Acts chapter 3 and verse number 20 Acts chapter 3 and verse number 20 the bible says and he shall send Jesus Christ which before was preached unto you I love that by the way you've you've got the other the apostles he's speaking that Christ has been before preached unto you this is something that is found in the old testament scriptures because the new testament scriptures are not yet written at this point that's like this has been told from from the past this is something that you guys should have known a long time ago according to the scriptures verse number 21 whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things which God have spoken look at this which God has spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began you know all of God's prophets all of them spoke of Christ they all did did Moses speak of Christ well let's keep going there verse number 22 for Moses truly said unto the fathers a prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me like like Moses okay him shall ye here in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you so you can see here the apostles they're confirming that this prophet that's been prophesied back in Deuteronomy this prophet like unto Moses is Jesus Christ you know all the prophets gave witness of Christ they all spoke of Christ even Moses when he spoke of this prophet to come then notice verse number 23 and it shall come to pass that every soul which will not hear that prophet shall be destroyed from among the people now we actually get the definition of what God meant in Deuteronomy 18 verse number 19 i'll read that verse again it shall come to pass that whosoever will not harken unto my words which he shall speak in my name i will require it of him i will hold him accountable in what way are people going to be held accountable well it gets defined for us there in acts triple 3 verse number 19 and shall come to pass that every soul which will not hear that prophet shall be destroyed from among the people yes you know if you reject Jesus Christ if you reject his words if you reject his salvation you reject him you will be destroyed you know you you'll be cast away from the people you'll be thrown into the into the hellfire you'll be destroyed you know and you see just how serious it is to reject this prophet to come and so just like we looked at last week we saw Joseph as a type of Christ the title for the sermon this evening is Moses a type of Christ Moses a type of Christ because Christ would be like him okay and you know again just another thing i explained this very clearly last week the word type is just a a theological word for all these ideas of something that is where Christ is like something in the old testament scriptures or a shadow or an illustration of things to come would be pointing us to Christ and in the theological realm they would say that uh you know objects of the old testament objects or practices or people they're the type of Christ and Christ is the anti-type okay the anti-type is is the is the the product of what that type represented and so Moses is also a type you know in the life of Moses we'll also see pictures of Christ in in his life and if you can uh come with me to uh Matthew chapter 2 please come with me to Matthew chapter 2 Moses a type of Christ now you know just like Joseph I'm not going to have enough time in one sermon to just show you all the parallels okay I'm really just scratching the surface in these sermons I've only got an hour when it comes to Moses I had too many I had too many parallels to teach on today I just pulled out certain ones and look in your own time study the life of Moses study the life of Joseph and see if you can find any other parallels with Jesus Christ there's just two minutes to go through one sermon okay but when we think of Moses think about his birth Moses of course was born in in Egypt sorry just another parallel just came to me right you've got the people of God under a foreign government under a foreign power under the power of the Egyptians when Moses was born of course when Christ was born he also was born under a foreign power wasn't he the Roman Empire anyway that's not one of my on my list but there's an extra one that you can add okay but when of course when Moses was born we had the famous story when uh Pharaoh wanted all the Hebrew men men children to be to be to be put to death as soon as they were born and we know that Moses's mother protected him you know she kept him for a while and then when she couldn't hold you know keep him secret any longer she put him into that little basket into the river and uh of course that's because that there was a desire to to kill these children and it's did I get to turn to Matthew 2 you can say Matthew 2 I'll read to you from Exodus chapter 1 verse number 22 it says and Pharaoh charged all his people saying every son that is born you shall cast into the river and every daughter you shall save alive and so from Moses's infancy they sought to kill him not just himself but all the children that was you know in his age you know around his age and of course we have the story of Jesus in Matthew chapter 2 verse number 13 Matthew chapter 2 verse number 13 it says and when they were departed behold the angel of the lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream saying arise and take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt and be there there until I bring thee word for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him when he arose he took the young child and his mother by night and departed into Egypt and so the first thing that or the second thing now uh point that I have for you uh tonight brethren is both had attempts to be killed in their infancy both Jesus and Moses had attempts to kill them in their infancy and again I just want to the only reason I'm showing you this brethren is just so you can appreciate that Christ is everywhere in the scriptures every even when you least expect him to be you know you'll find parallels of the life of Christ you know in the characters in the object lessons in the examples uh in the in the practices that they did in the old testament you will find Christ and I really want you to be excited when you open the old testament and it might feel a little bit dry it might feel like you know these are passages that I just prefer not to read you know I was uh cleaning a customer's house just this week and he said to me because he knows my past he says um you know I just much rather read the new testament I don't like the old testament and I said to him well if you come to my church you're gonna hear it all you know the whole testament new testament you know because the old testament taught us of Christ every prophet you know every book of the bible points us to Christ in some way and it's exciting when you see Christ in its pages but both had attempts to be killed in their infancy you're there in Matthew chapter 2 and let's continue there verse number 15 and was there that was in Egypt isn't that interesting that they're both in Egypt though you know Moses was born there and Jesus eventually they had to flee into Egypt verse number 15 and there was there until the death of Herod that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying out of Egypt have I called my son you know so there had to be a prophecy to be fulfilled that out of Egypt Christ would be called out of out of Egypt I mean he was born in Bethlehem but he had to go to Egypt for this prophecy prophecy to be fulfilled the next point that I have for you of course is that both Moses and Jesus were called out of Egypt all right Moses was born there he eventually found himself out of it come with me to Hebrews chapter 11 come with me to Hebrews 11 of course very famous chapter the great men of faith and we have Moses listed in that great chapter let's come come with me to Hebrews chapter 11 Hebrews chapter 11 verse number 27 Hebrews chapter 11 and verse number 27 Hebrews 11 27 speaking of Moses by faith he forsook Egypt not fearing the wrath of the king so why did he flee Egypt for he endured as seeing him who is invisible the reason Moses left Egypt is because he had his eyes on the Lord God he says this is not the place that I ought to be I need to remove myself out of this land see they were both caught out of Egypt they both left Egypt okay isn't that amazing you know that Christ had to go into Egypt to flee from Herod to fulfill and you can see again the parallels of the types you know being fulfilled completely fulfilled in Christ now that passage that you read in Matthew 2 15 uh you know that said and was there until the death of Herod that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord by the prophet saying out of Egypt shall sorry out of Egypt have I called my son do you guys know where that passage comes from it's actually found in the book of Hosea okay now I'll quickly read to you from Hosea 11 you don't need to turn there Hosea 11 verse 1 if you want the reference you can look at it in your own time Hosea chapter 11 verse 1 I find this one really fascinating actually this passage here Hosea chapter 11 verse 1 now when you're reading the book of Hosea it's clearly talking about the northern kingdom of Israel okay and then Hosea is preaching about how you know God took Israel out of the land of Egypt and it says in Hosea 11 verse 1 when Israel was a child then I loved him and called my son out of Egypt the old testament is speaking about Israel as a nation again being led by Moses and I you know I don't want to get too far from that you know it's kind of out of scope my sermon but you know the point of my sermon is that Moses is a type but we learn here when Israel left Egypt after God put the 10 plagues on Egypt and they left that that's a picture that's another type that Israel was a type of Christ and that's where the reference comes from like when you read the old testament you think it's talking about old testament nation of Israel and yes that's the surface level application but it's there as a type that Christ would be called out of Egypt let me read it to you again Hosea 11 verse 1 when Israel was a child then I loved him and called my son out of Egypt again just showing the connective tissue between the old testament and the new how can you love the new testament and not love the old testament I don't understand because the new testament is built on the old testament the new testament shines light on the teachings of the old testament that always pointed us to Christ to begin with the same customer said the reason I love the new testament is because of Jesus yeah but Jesus is everywhere in the old testament you're missing the point you're missing the point of the bible another reason I like Hosea 11 verse 1 it says I called my son out of Egypt you know you every time you see Israel in the bible the old testament nation of Israel it's always in the masculine form my son in this all right and of course Israel who was Israel he was a man wasn't he he was Jacob right Jacob had his name changed to Israel which means a prince he had power over God and power over man the reason I'm saying that to you is because everywhere you go in the bible you'll find Israel again and again being referenced in the masculine because it's a masculine name it's a type of Christ but you know what's strange people turn to revelation chapter 12 and say that that woman clothed in the sun and the moon at her feet that's Israel the woman huh I mean like you read the bible from genesis all the way to revelation Israel is always masculine but we'll get to revelation chapter 12 and now it's a girl and you know and like these are dispense these are strange dispensational teachings like to me it's like what haven't you read the bible you know I it's just it's so clear that it's a masculine name that it's it's Jacob Israel is Jacob right and here God refers to him as his son and the reason I say that is because you know there's this funny teaching out there I don't know if you've heard it as well they'll say that the church is the bride of Christ they'll say which is kind of a half truth but then they'll say but Israel was a bride of the father really the father wanted to marry a man like I'm just telling you things because I hear these strange doctrines strange things and unfortunately God's people at church they just swallow up these lies and it doesn't make any sense they'll say well Israel's a woman revelation 12 okay but everywhere in the bible and I look I'm going off topic aren't I that was anyway like you know oh it's it's you know it's a type of Christ Israel was and in fact God's people in the new testament are part you know fellow citizens with the saints you know it's not a physical Israel it's a it's a spiritual Israel that our eyes are upon that we're part of I just find that the teachings that I hear behind the pulpit sometimes they just blow me away like just how ridiculous are these things it's strange it's super strange look I'm going off topic now but let's just do one more thing come back with me to do you try me chapter 18 please it's not even my notes do you try me chapter 18 please come back do you try me chapter 18 because I want you guys to be like I don't even want you to take everything that I teach you know I want you to like this find out for yourself look in the bible yourself figure it out for yourself you know you have the holy ghost in you the father loves you he wants you to read his word and learn you know the great truths of the bible and in Deuteronomy chapter 18 let's just drop down to the last verses verse number verse number 20 so we just finished talking about Christ and look I have gone off topic I'm sorry verse number 20 but the prophet which shall presume to speak a word in my name you know preachers can presume truths okay meaning that they don't really know it's true but prophets preachers will actually preach lies presuming that it's true okay it's not that they've confirmed that it's true it's not that they've gone to God's word to check it that it's true they just speak it you know and it says look if I shall presume to speak a word in my name which I have not commanded him to speak or that shall speak in the name of other gods even that prophet shall die look how serious preaching God's word is to God like brethren I want you to understand I'm a very careful preacher not because I lack confidence okay what I know in the bible what is black and white in the bible I'll preach that with confidence but things that are not black and white things that are not plainly stated I'm not going to preach that with confidence I'm not going to just presume that it's true because look if I was a preacher in the old testament and I'm preaching lies I'm saying thus saith the Lord and the Lord did not say God would want that preacher killed look how serious it is to preach the bible to God's people and I it just it confuses me how people can take be preaching God's word so lightly just making up stories the father was married to Israel no because marriage is between a man and a woman that's the genesis chapter one and genesis chapter two explains to us what marriage is people start saying all kinds of ridiculous things or half-truths things they presume to be in the bible you know I once asked my pastor pastor can you show me anywhere in the bible that it says that the rapture is going to take place before the tribulation and I was being kind and and you know what he said to me no nowhere in the bible to say the rapture is before the tribulation but it's implied it's the presumption you should just know that by reading the bible even though it doesn't state it anywhere thus saith the Lord preaches behind the pulpit that Christ is coming before the tribulation where does the bible say that you're just presuming that to be true so you're gonna see how careful you gotta be when you preach like it's worthy of death brethren you understand why I have a fear of God when I get behind this pulpit you understand why things that any other preacher says unless I check it for myself and I have the confidence to know that's what it says I don't have the confidence to preach something just because another preacher has the confidence to preach that I have to see it in God's word let's keep going there it continues there in verse number uh sorry verse chapter 18 verse number 20 uh 22 when a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord if the thing follow not nor come to pass that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken but the prophet have spoken it presumptuous presumptuously thou shall not be afraid of him you know there are preachers man if these charismatic and pentecostal preachers lived in the time of the old covenant there would be no pentecostals and charismatic preachers they'd all be put to death anyway send that aside I just want you to understand I take preaching God's word so seriously it gives me fear like I I'd rather Lord can you just someone else do it because I don't want to make a mistake you know and if I make a mistake you know and I just got to own up to a brethren I made a mistake I'm sorry but I want you to notice that like don't be afraid so you gotta realize you gotta you gotta figure out do the prophet preach correctly or not don't just take what the prophet says okay you gotta find out for yourself does it line up with God's word is it true okay I mean there are a lot of doctrines that for me in my brain are half baked it could be true don't know possibly but then because I don't have that confidence because I don't know it black and white I'm not going to preach behind the pulpit I don't want to be one of these preachers in the old testament when I'm being put to death because I just preach something because it's just presumed it's just you ought to know that just you know without you without having some scriptures telling us that's the truth I've gone off topic I've gone off topic all right let's get back into it come with me to back to Hebrews 11 please Hebrews 11 Hebrews 11 and verse number 24 Hebrews 11 verse number 24 I just want to like you know I just want to uphold the importance of preaching the Bible you know and men that preach here what in my absence I appreciate you guys but I want you to have a fear of God make sure that you just preach what is true what you know 100 you know if you haven't got the confidence just just leave it alone just just cover the things that you know to be 100 true you know preach those things Hebrews 11 24 please Hebrews 11 24 Hebrews 11 24 by faith Moses when he was come to years refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season esteem in the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward the next point that I have for you brethren is that both both refuse the pleasures of an earthly kingdom both refused the pleasures of an earthly kingdom Moses was privileged to you know be taken into Egypt and given the best of everything Pharaoh's daughter Pharaoh's grandson as it were he'd have the best education he'd have you know all the finances he needs he'd have a reputation all would look up to him he says no I'd rather suffer like Christ isn't that what it says I'd rather suffer like Christ did Moses know Christ of course he did again some people say that the old testament saints knew nothing of Christ well Moses clearly knew about the sufferings of Christ and says I want to be partaker of that and when did Christ refuse an earthly kingdom well I'll just quickly read to you you guys know this passage when Jesus Christ has been tempted in the wilderness by Satan it says in Matthew chapter 4 verse 8 and again the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and safe unto him all these things will I give thee if that will fall down and worship me then Jesus then save Jesus unto him get thee hence Satan for it is written thou shall worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve see Satan was willing to give Jesus Christ all the kingdoms all the glory okay of the earth and Christ says no it is written thou shall worship the Lord thy God so you know the eyes of Jesus was on the Lord God the eyes of Moses was on Jesus the sufferings of Christ they both refused an earthly kingdom no we don't want that you know and uh I love I love that and you know again I just see the eyes of Christ in the eyes of Moses not on this world and brethren our eyes ought to not be on this world either you know again it's easy to look at others achieving and their possessions and their wealth and and think you know you may want that but brethren honestly you gotta set that aside you know serve the Lord God right put him first you know his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you you know set your eyes on the Lord God set your eyes on the sufferings of Christ and uh you know I love this example that we see you say well hold on isn't Jesus Christ coming back one day to rule over the entire earth isn't he going to have an earthly kingdom one day well let me just quickly read to you from John 18 36 Jesus answered my kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world then would my servants fight that I should not be delivered to the Jews but now is my kingdom not from hence he says my kingdom's not from here my kingdom's not from this world of course the kingdom of Christ is the kingdom of God it's the kingdom of heaven and when Christ rules this earth it's not a bottom-up kingdom it's not a kingdom that's been given to him by the world no it's a kingdom that's been given to him by the father and he brings that kingdom on this earth and takes over every single power and and you know principality that's on this earth that kingdom is a heavenly kingdom it's not an earthly kingdom but both both refuse the pleasures of earthly kingdoms can we meet to the book of acts chapter 7 please acts chapter 7 and verse number 23. Acts chapter 7 verse number 23. Acts chapter 7 and verse number 23 please. Now of course we know the famous story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Did you know before that took place 40 years before that happened he tried to do it once before that and he failed he tried to be the deliverer of of the Israelites but he failed okay he tried tried it when he was 40 years old eventually he was 80 years old when he took the Israelites out of Egypt okay but it says here in acts chapter 7 verse number 23. Acts chapter 7 verse number 23 and when he was full 40 years old he came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of Israel and seeing one of them suffer wrong he defended him and avenged him that was oppressed and smote the Egyptian you guys know that story he ended up killing he went to the defense of a fellow Jew he ended up killing the Egyptian man look at verse number 25 this is important for he supposed his brethren would have understood how that God by his hand would deliver them but they understood not so as Moses went to deliver or to protect that fellow Israelites he thought they would understand that he Moses would be the deliverer of them out of Egypt but they understood not he fails in his first attempt Moses does and then verse number 26 and the next day he showed himself unto them as they strove and would have set them at one again saying sirs ye are brethren why do you wrong one to another but he that but he that did his neighbor wrong thrust him away saying who made thee a ruler and a judge over us you see both Moses and Jesus were rejected by their own both Jesus and Moses were rejected by their own Moses went again self you know to defend an Israelite in that process an Egyptian dies he thinks they'll surely realize I'm here to deliver them that's God's going to use me to deliver them but what do they what do they say what the brethren say who's made you a ruler and judge over us like rejecting him and of course this is why he ends up fleeing he ends up fleeing and God calls him 40 years later to do the work I mean Moses knew his what he had to achieve but of course God's timing is not always our timing isn't it most had to wait another 40 years imagine having to wait till you're 80 to fulfill what God really wanted from you that's pretty crazy you know that's pretty but anyway you know we see that the brethren rejected uh Moses at least the first time and of course in the bible in John chapter 1 verse 10 about Jesus it says he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not he came unto his own and his own received him not okay the vast majority of the Jews at the time of Christ did not receive him you know especially the the leaders especially those in power and authority they rejected Christ and of course the rest of the people they're just going to follow their leaders they're going to well the leaders aren't believing on him and uh you know of course many many did not believe in Christ many did not receive him and it was that prophet that was prophesied all the way back from Moses you know that God was telling me you've got to listen to him you know this this prophet's going to speak all my words and if you don't listen to him if you don't receive him God's going to hold you accountable and we're the same thing you know as we go out we preach the gospel you know people have the opportunity to hear the great news of Jesus and if they reject you look really they're rejecting Christ you know God's going to hold them accountable one day that you came to the door knocked on the door with love to show them a way of heaven and they they're going to be hold accountable you know for what they've done come back with me to Exodus chapter 34 please Exodus 34 what else can we see between Moses and Jesus Christ remember Moses as a type of Christ what other parallels do we see well in Exodus 34 Exodus 34 verse number 27 Exodus 34 Exodus 34 and verse number 27 it says in the Lord said unto Moses write thou these words for after the tenor of these words have I made a covenant with thee and with Israel and he was there with the Lord 40 days and 40 nights he did neither eat bread nor drink water and he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant the ten commandments you guys know where I'm going this one surely okay both fasted for 40 days and 40 nights okay isn't that amazing Moses with the father and Moses with God you know writing down these words neither he didn't eat nor drink and uh this is this is amazing this is amazing I mean I don't know does anyone know how long he can go without drinking water what's the what's the natural body able does anyone know it's like two weeks isn't it is it three four five days okay yeah not too long at all how did Moses go 40 days without drinking water of course he had the supernatural power of God upon him okay and you know of course Jesus Christ as he went into that wilderness we really saw the way he was tempted by the devil to worship him and he would have the kingdoms of the earth I'll just read to you from Matthew 4-1 then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights he was afterward and hungered you know I've heard of people fasting for that long that's that's full on that that's that's you know of course you'd have to drink water if you're going to make that decision fast I'm going to try that 40 days and 40 nights so you have the power of God will come upon me during that time or make sure you have some water okay make sure you have some water on the side all right um where else can I get to turn come with me to um come with me to luke chapter 9 can we meet to luke chapter 9 actually no come with me to numbers 13 numbers 13 sorry go to numbers 13 numbers 13 and verse number one now when Moses obviously led Israel out of Egypt where were they headed they were headed to the promised land weren't they all right and and before they they went into the promised land God instructed Moses to do what to send some spies onto the land all right so in numbers 13 verse 1 it says and the Lord spake unto Moses saying send thou men that they may search the land of Canaan which I give unto the children of Israel of every tribe of their fathers shall you send a man everyone a ruler among them and Moses by the commandment of the Lord sent them from the wilderness of paren all those men were heads of the children of Israel so how many tribes were there at this time 12 tribes of Israel and if Moses is going to send one of each tribe how many men did he send 12 okay isn't that a parallel isn't that a type of Christ you know how many men did Jesus Christ appoint as his apostles 12 yeah you stay there in numbers 13 let me read to you from Luke 9 Luke 9 verse 1 then he called his 12 disciples together and gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases and he sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick now I understand that Moses did not send his 12 spies to preach the gospel like I understand that I'm not trying to make that the parallel but the fact that they're both sending 12 men is the parallel okay but I want you to notice something else you stay there in numbers 13 there's more to it so of course Jesus Christ is sending these apostles these 12 apostles out to preach the gospel he says in verse number three and he said unto them take nothing for your journey neither starves nor script neither bread neither money neither have two coats of peace and whatsoever house you enter into there abide and thence depart and whosoever will not receive you when you go out of that city shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them and they departed and went through the towns preaching the gospel and healing everywhere okay so yes they've got great great abilities to cast out devils to heal but primarily they're going to preach the gospel that's why the 12 was sent all right come back with me to numbers 13 and look at drop down to verse number 17 so just between the verses the verses that we read in verse number 17 we just have the different men the different names that Moses chose to be these spies and then in verse number 17 it says and Moses said them to spy out the land of Canaan and said unto them get you up this way southward and go into the mountain and see the land what it is and the people that dwell if they're in whether they be strong or weak few or many and what the land and what the land is that they dwell in whether it be good or bad and what cities they be that they dwell in whether in tents or in strongholds look at the cities look at the towns look at the places they live of course that's what Jesus Christ told them to go to every town but then it says in verse number 20 and what the land is whether it be fat or lean whether they be good therein or not and be of good courage next words and bring of the fruits of the land now the time was the time of the first ripe grapes I want you to notice what Moses tells his his spies when you come back bring of the fruits of the land I want you guys to go and pick the fruits I want you to bring back the fruits and it's a time of the first ripe grapes it's a time of harvest for the grapes and of course you know many times in the in the bible we see the parallels of being fruitful right and and what what's been fruitful winning souls okay and you know our goal is to bring it bringing in the sheaves isn't that how the hymn goes bringing in the sheaves bringing in the sheaves we shall come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves and you know we ought to be fruitful we ought to you know go into this land of the of the sunshine coast and and look at the places where where people live and and to go out and preach the gospel and ideally you know bring this fruit to church as well you know but you know preaching the gospel winning souls that's a very fruitful thing that you can do and you can see the parallels with Jesus and Moses they both sent 12 12 to go out to look at the land now not only that you're there in oh no you're not you're not there your numbers so come back with me to numbers 11 come with me to numbers 11 show you another interesting parallel with Moses and Jesus while you're turning to numbers 11 i'll read to you from luke chapter 10 so i originally read to you from luke 9 where jesus sends his 12 apostles then when they get back you know what jesus does next he appoints another 70 another 70 apostles to go out there and continue preaching the gospel and it says there in luke 10 verse 1 after these things the lord appointed other 70 also and sent them to and to before his face into every city and place whither he himself would come therefore said he unto them the harvest truly is great but the laborers are few pray ye therefore the lord of the harvest that he would send forth laborers into his harvest so he sends out another 70 right the first 12 laid the groundwork he sent another 70 out there well look at numbers 11 verse number 24 it says and moses went out and told the people the words of the lord and gathered the 70 men of the elders of the people and set them round about the tabernacle what was the role of these 70 men verse 25 and the lord came down in a cloud and spake unto him and took of the spirit that was upon him and gave it unto the 70 elders and it came to pass that when the spirit rested upon them they prophesied and did not cease you see both moses and jesus ordained 70 men to preach both jesus and moses ordained 70 to preach isn't that interesting i think it's just a coincidence these numbers are in the bible like that you really think that i don't think so there's just too many parallels christ is everywhere in the bible everywhere okay every every story pay attention see if you can find christ in those stories where can i get to turn come with me to um hebrews chapter 9 please come with me to hebrews chapter 9 hebrews chapter 9 and i'm on my last point now hebrews chapter 9 please i'm on my last point so let me just go through some of those things uh some of the uh the types or the parallels that we see with christ the first one that i had was both had attempts to be killed in their infancy both were called out of egypt both refused the pleasures of earthly kingdoms both were rejected by their own both fasted for 40 days and 40 nights both sent out 12 men both also ordained 70 to preach and of course probably the biggest parallel between jesus christ and moses is that both ushered in covenants between god and man with the shedding of blood both ushered in covenants between god and man with the shedding of blood now while you're turning there to hebrews chapter 9 i'll quickly read to you from mark chapter 14 verse 23 these are about christ and he took the cup and when he had given thanks he gave it to them and they all drank of it and he said unto them this is my blood of the new testaments which is shed for many this is my blood of the new testaments christ came and brought in a new testament and it would be by the shedding of his blood okay that's why we have in the bible the old testament and the new testament okay but you're there in hebrews chapter 9 hebrews chapter 9 verse number 15 hebrews 9 15 and for this cause actually this this verse is so important can you please pay attention to this verse just this verse okay and for this cause he is the mediator speaking of jesus he is the mediator of the new testament that by means of death okay by the means of his death right the death of christ i want you to notice the next phrase the next phrase here for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament i want you to pick that up why did christ die for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament so everyone that lived under the first testament or the old covenant or the old testaments they're all all different ways of saying the same thing. How were they saved? By the death of Christ, isn't that what it says? That's what it says. Isn't it strange when preachers say to you they were saved by following the Old Testament laws? They were saved by offering the Old Testament sacrifices? They were saved by offering the lamb upon the altar? Reverend, they were not saved by such things. All of these things, all these good things of the Old Testament that they did, again, pointed to Christ. Pointed to the sufferings of Christ. Anyone that got saved in the Old Testament was saved by the death of Jesus Christ, the bringer in of the new covenant, the new covenant in his shed blood. I just want to show you, isn't that a black and white scripture right there that you can just say, you know what? I've heard preachers say to me over and over again, people in the Old Testament were saved by their works. They were saved by keeping the Old Testament law. Nobody could keep the Old Testament law perfectly. But doesn't that show you just how slack preachers are? They preach presumptuously, things, thus saith the Lord when God never said such things. Again, under the Old Testament, they'd be put to death. Make sure the doctrines that you believe, you see black and white scriptures, black and white. You can read it for yourself. You can show anybody. Anyone that's honest will look at that passage and read it and go, yes, that's what it says. And that's my challenge to you, church. There's a lot of great preachers. I don't think I'm even one of them. There's a lot of great preachers online, and I encourage you to listen to great preachers online. Listen to them, please, yes. Learn God's word, but then go back to the Bible, please. You have to do this. Even when you think, I always go back to the, no, you don't. Because I don't do it all the time. I know what my failings are. I know what my failings have been over the years. I know I've been in church. I know I've sat there in the pew, listened to some preacher and just go, yep, that must be true, without checking for myself. I want my church to be better than what I was going to church. And I want my preachers behind this pulpit to be better, even if you're not given a title, even if you're not a deacon, even if you're not a pastor. I want the preachers behind this pulpit to be the best preachers in Australia. Because we're careful, because we have a fear of God. We only speak what is clearly laid out for us in God's word for the fear of being put to death by God. Church is so important to me, Brethren, and even though I have less time to prepare sermons these days, it's still very important to me. I'm not going to be sitting there for 10 minutes getting a sermon together for you. I'm doing the best I can with the time that's been allocated to me to give you something that you can take away and absorb and appreciate. I can see there's been due diligence, due study, and you can turn to the passages with me. You can read it for yourself. You know? Because I really, we don't know what the future holds. Like, I don't know if you're always going to be my church members. You might find yourself in other places in Australia, under other churches, under different pastors, you know, even pastors that you think you can trust, and you've got to go and look for it yourself. I'm not saying I'm the only preacher that preaches great truths, you know? In fact, I've said many things that have been presumptions, things that I've heard over the years that I've never gone back to God's word to find out. And I hope I can be honest enough to say, you know what, I wasn't right about that, or I wasn't sure about that. I shouldn't have said that behind the ball, but. But I want you to be careful because there's so many independent fundamental Baptists that will strangely teach the Old Testament saints were saved by sacrificing animals on the altar. No, Christ had to die even for those under the Old Testament, even for the transgressions of the Old Testament. That was the point of Christ dying. Don't forget Christ is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the earth. Or is it the world? How's it go again? World, slain from the foundation of the world. Sorry, let me read verse 15 again. And for this cause, he is the mediator of the New Testament that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the First Testaments, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance. Boy, isn't that wonderful? Christ has died for all. Verse number 16, for where a Testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of a testator, of the testator. For a Testament is a force after men are dead, otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth. So when Christ died is when the New Testament began, at the death of the testator, at the shedding of his blood. Now look at verse 18. So hold on, when Moses didn't die, Moses did not shed, you know, he did not shed his blood to bring in the Old Testament, did he? But then it says in verse 18, whereupon neither the First Testament was dedicated without blood. So same here, the First Testament was dedicated with blood. There was death that enforced this First Testament, the Old Testament. And again, the shedding of the blood of the Old Testament is again a type, a picture of the shedding of blood of Jesus Christ. Verse number 19, for when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and of goats and with water and scarlet wool and hyssop and sprinkled both the book and all the people saying, this is the blood of the Testament which God hath enjoined unto you. I don't know if you knew that or not, but the Old Testament Israelites, when they accepted this covenant with God, that God will be their God and they will be the people of God under the Old Testament, that these animals were sacrificed, the blood was taken. And if you were living in that time, you'd be sprinkled with the blood of these animals. How would you feel about that? I probably wouldn't feel very good, but you're sprinkled with the blood of these animals. But again, a picture that we've been sprinkled, we've been washed by the blood of Jesus Christ. And so there was a death, wasn't there? There was death that took place, the death of calves and goats, and again, not that the blood of calves and goats could save anybody, that was the whole point, Christ had to die. But isn't it interesting that people still believe in order to be saved that they have to do the works, they have to keep the 10 commandments, they have to keep the commandments of God in order to be saved. Well, you know what? Anyone trying to be saved by the good works, it's like they're trying to be saved by the sprinkling of the blood of animals without the sprinkling of the blood of Christ. That's really like, they're gonna go to heaven, they go, well, yep, I did the best I can by your laws, God. No, the blood of animals will never save you. That's what the Old Testament, you try to get saved under the Old Testament, the Old Testament never provided salvation. The point of the Old Testament is that God would have a nation, okay? A nation which would perform these practices, you know, showing Christ, picturing Christ, that people would have their faith in Christ, that even if you transgressed under the Old Covenant, you would still be saved by the blood of Christ, where God would have his people. There was nothing ever wrong with the Old Covenant, it was just never a covenant of salvation. Salvation was always by the blood of Christ, by the bringing in of the New Testament. It's always been that way. And so you can see why it's so important that we look at types. We see where Christ is found all over the Bible. And we can see where people are trying to follow the type today instead of accepting the anti-type, which is Christ. People try to follow the Sabbath today, right? The Seventh-day Adventists believe in order to be saved, you gotta keep the Sabbath. They go as far as saying if you worship God on Sunday, you're taking the mark of the beast. Seventh-day Adventists. Because they're so caught up on the type, they've forgotten the anti-type, they've forgotten that Christ is the Sabbath, Christ is our rest, that we rest from works, and we just rest in the finished work of Christ. Again, the Sabbath is a type of Christ, isn't it? And that's what the Old Testament was all about. These practices, these object lessons, these people, you know, for the Old Testament believers before the death of Christ, that they would hear the preaching of Christ. They would be able to place their faith on the coming Messiah. They'd be able to place their faith on the coming prophet to come. And that God will wipe away all their sins, even the sins from the old covenant, even the sins before the old covenant was put into place. But brethren, that's the last one I had for you today, is that both are shedding covenants between God and man with the shedding of blood. And I guess my last question for you in relation of that is, how do you wanna be saved? I know you're all saved today, but if you could choose the blood of animals or the blood of Christ, you've got a choice. The blood of animals is the law. You wanna be saved by works? Well, number one, you won't be able to keep the law, and number two, the blood of animals does not save anybody. They're just types. They're pictures. Learn the lessons that this was about Christ. The law was to show us that we're sinners. The law was to show us that we could not save ourselves, and the blood of the animals was to show us that one day we need the sprinkling of the blood of Christ put upon us, that we can only be saved by the shed blood of Christ. All right, brethren, the last point was both are shedding covenants between God and man with the shedding of blood. Okay, let's pray.