(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Luke chapter 18 and look at verse number 26 the Bible reads and they that heard it said who then can be saved who then can be saved that's the title of the sermon this morning who then can be saved this chapter is not too deep this chapter is pretty straightforward and it covers a lot about salvation about how one can be saved what must you do to be saved you know how must you approach God in order to receive salvation in fact you could give this chapter a second title such as the proud versus the humble this deals a lot with pride it deals a lot with humility and how we are to come before God so let's start off by looking at verse number one there Luke chapter 18 verse 1 and he spake a parable unto them to this end that men ought always to pray and not to faint now let me just start off by saying when we continue in with parables of Jesus Christ but what I like about chapter 18 is that Jesus Christ tells us exactly what the parables are going to be about before he tells us so it tells us there in verse number one that this parable I'm going to tell you is that man that you ought to always to pray that you are always to pray and not to faint not to give up you know and this is an area of our life that I think a lot of Christians struggle with a lot of Christian when I talk to people about you know how they going in a spiritual walk yeah they're coming to church yeah they're reading the Bibles they may even be out soul winning but quite often it's just that prayer time that alone time with God you know going into your closet going into your bedroom somewhere private and having that conversation with God the Father and sometimes people just faint fainted that task you know because it is a spiritual work you know it's not so much a physical work but it does require strength for the spirit to go before God and to pray and if you're like me I've had experiences where I've gone you know to bed at night and I've started to pray to the Lord you know and then I wake up in the next morning not knowing that I finished that prayer or not I mean have you been there have you ever woken up and like I did I finish that prayer last night you know because it is it is tiring for the spirit is work of the spirit you know but let's look at this number two let's look at this parable so ready God is ready Christ has already given us what this parable is about verse number two saying there was in a city a judge which feared not God neither regarded man I mean this judge look if you're in a position of authority where you need to make decisions where you may need to make right judgment you already have a poor start if you have no fear of God and that's the problem with our governments today that's the problem with our politicians today they're passing judgment they're making laws for our nation but they just don't have a fear of God they don't turn to the Word of God and find the answers that God gives us that they don't want to see what's righteous they don't want to see what's sinful or what's a crime and what God has to say about you know correct punishment for certain crimes that's that's how well today politicians at large do not fear God and as a natural consequence of not fearing God they naturally do not regard man okay because if they're not taking what's righteous from God's perspective then how can they expect to do right in accordance to their fellow man you know to make sure that you know the fellow man's been avenged for the for the wrong that they've done or that you know the wicked are not being punished the way God sees fit so really see this judge is in a bad position no fear of God no regard of man he's in it for himself he's in it for making a name for himself but look at verse number three and there was a widow in that city so a widow a woman that doesn't have a man to represent her she doesn't have a husband to stand up for her to defend her so there's a widow in that city and she came on to him saying avenge me of mine adversary she brings a case where someone has done wrong to her and she's looking for justice she's looking for to be avenged for the wrong that's been done toward her verse number four and he would not for a while because this guy has no regard for man you know even less a widow who's probably you know lower on the social scale you know he doesn't listen for a while but afterward he said within himself though I fear not God nor regard man yet because this widow troubleth me I will avenge her lest by her continual coming she weary me so this widow just keeps coming to this unjust judge just continues bringing her request please avenge me please avenge me and this judge even though he's unjust even though he's wicked even though he has no fear of man just just just for this woman to just leave me alone instead of her coming to trouble me over and over again I just want to get rid of her I'm going to answer her request I'm going to avenge her for the for the adversary what he had done against her and it's interesting because Jesus uses this analogy or this parable as prayer now do you think God the Father is going to treat us that way when his children come before him we bring our needs we're being a request before God of course we know God is not unjust I mean if anyone's just it's it's the God of the universe it's the God of the Bible all right but Christ has just given us a really bad example of a really bad judge and yet even he you know just to be left alone will answer that request of that widow woman okay so let's have a look at it verse number six and the Lord said hear what the unjust judge saith and shall not God avenge his own elect listen to me have you been mistreated do you have enemies that hate you have done wrong against you you know maybe they've taken things that of taking your possessions maybe they've taken your finances maybe they've not paid back what they said they were going to do you know people have done wrong to you you know you should take a relief in the fact that in verse number seven and shall not God avenge his own elect if you're saved God's going to avenge you you can't always get justice on this world but we know that God sees all things we know we're children of God if we're saved and God will avenge us for the wrong that's been done toward us you know it's we need to rest in that you know instead of us getting bitter and frustrated God I want my justice no just let go and give it to God you know God's going to avenge you and then it says which cry day and night unto him though he bear long with them what should we take out of that that we should be people that come to God and cry day and night unto him hey this is encouraging believers to be praying continually day and night we should be bringing our requests before God okay now we should leave it in God's hands take things that we have no control over the burdens that are on our shoulders put it to God but we shouldn't leave those things and we should keep asking God about these things keep talking to him he's our father you know parents if your children came with an urgent need with something they needed you know wouldn't you attend to that need and if you've kind of forgotten but your kids keep coming and reminding you I need this I need this eventually you'll be like okay yeah this is the time I can go and fulfill that need for you now so much more our Heavenly Father wants to avenge his own elect but the requirement is that we come to him we cry day and night we bring our requests before him and I think part of the reason I know this is my personal experience part of the reason I failed to go to God in prayer more often is I often think and this is just the failure of the flesh I often think man God must be sick of hearing about me you know God must be sick of hearing my requests but we see in this parable that God wants us to cry day and night unto him to bring our requests before him please if you're like me and you have those those doubts that don't you know we should be going boldly to the throne of God we you know we have the spirit of his son that Jesus Christ in us and we are made the children of God verse number eight and I tell you that he will avenge them speedily nevertheless when the Son of Man cometh shall he find faith on the earth and I think that's a challenge that Jesus Christ is placing at our feet guys is he asked that question you know when the Son of Man cometh shall he find faith on the earth what's he saying when I come back in my second coming am I gonna find the people of God with faith am I gonna find them praying to God relying on him trusting on him I mean you know we hold a post-tribulation position where we believe that the last generation of believers we persecuted by the Antichrist now how much more then should we be praying and seeking God for deliverance how much more than should be filled with faith you know ask God to increase our faith and call upon him with our every need so that's our challenge is he going to find you brethren is he going to find you brothers and sisters in faith is he going to find you praying to God you know day and night continually and ask you know of him or not I hope you take that challenge on board from Jesus Christ and say yeah today I'm going to start crying day and night to my Lord and bring my request before him and look they don't have to be long winded prayers you know just just come into the Lord you know and and seeking him can be just a couple of minutes you know in fact some of muscle a lot of my prayers are just a few seconds and I driving in the car or you know especially when I'm flying on the plane you know as soon as take off you know the plane starts taking off on Tuesdays I'm like dear Lord this is a big machine here please keep it in the sky and then as we land into Sydney I'm like dear Lord please let the landing be safe and secure I'm always praying a few seconds to the Lord when I'm flying that's when I'm the best Christian by the way when I'm in the air I'm always with the Lord you know let's keep reading verse number nine and then he tells us talks of a second parable here and again he gives us the explanation on this parable before he gets into it he says and he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others okay now keep your finger there turn to Ephesians chapter 1 Ephesians chapter 1 what does it mean for certain people which trust in themselves what does that mean exactly Ephesians chapter 1 verse 12 I just want to show you this Ephesians chapter 1 verse 12 the Bible reads that we should be the praise of his glory who first trusted in Christ you know when we go door to door we preach the gospel you know we tell people that they need to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and sometimes people struggle what does it mean to believe does it mean to believe the facts that he was there to believe the facts that he died on the cross that's part of it but we see here that the Bible uses the word trust interchangeably okay you know when we believe on Jesus Christ for our eternal salvation we've essentially trusted on Christ we've trusted his death bearing resurrection you know as the payment for our sins and so when we think about this parable of people that are trusting in themselves then we can easily say well these people are not believing on Christ they're believing in themselves they're believing in their righteousness they're trusting in their own righteousness look at verse 13 of the Ephesians chapter 1 in whom ye also trusted after you after that you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also after that you believed you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise so we see how God they uses interchangeably the word trust and believe and so go back to Luke 18 I just wanted to show you that in the scriptures and I think that's a really great way you know when you're preaching the gospel you know this is something I've only come up with in the last sort of couple of years where when I say to someone when I read John 3 16 the whosoever believes in him and then and then I'll put this this before them and I'll say to them look if I said to you I'm going to heaven because I'm a good person because I go to church because I gave money to the poor because I helped the old lady cross the street am I trusting in myself am I trusting in Kevin to go to heaven or am I trusting in Jesus when I put it that way they tend to trust in yourself alright but if I said to you that I'm not a good person that I'm a sinner but Jesus Christ died for my sins was buried and rose again on the third day and I am trusting him to take me to heaven am I now believing on Kevin am I now believing on Jesus Christ and at that point it clicks in their mind go oh wow yeah you know now you're believing on Christ now you're trusting in Christ so that's how I presented to him when I go door to door but look at verse number 10 verse number 10 of Luke 18 so this is the parable two men went up into the mount sorry into the temple to pray the one a Pharisee so one a religious leader and the other a public plan publican you know just just a regular government worker workers and the public in those days weren't trusted a lot of them weren't you know weren't just in the way they're handled business so they weren't really trusted by the people verse 11 the Pharisees stood and look at this we're talking about prayer you know we ought to be praying to God the Father who wants to avenge his elect who wants to answer our prayers but this Pharisee prays and it says there in verse 11 the Pharisees stood and prayed thus with himself hey he didn't pray to God he prayed to himself why because he's trusting in himself you know people when you go and knock doors and they tell you they love God they tell you they're a Christian but you ask him what must you do to be saved they say I'm a good person hey when they pray they're not praying to God they're praying with themselves because they're trusting in their own works they're trusting in themselves what are they saying verse 11 says God I thank thee so who is he calling God himself he's praying with himself God I thank thee that I am NOT as other men are extortioners unjust adulterers or even as this publican you know I fast twice in a week I give tithes of all that I possess you know so this is the religious leader all right and you know you don't need you don't need to be you don't need to only hear that from the religious leaders again you go door-to-door soul winning and it's exactly what people say you know you know what do you think someone has to do to go to heaven if someone says they're sure of that going to heaven if they're not saved what do you believe you have to what what what yeah you know what gives you the assurance that your only way to heaven well I'm a good person you know that's what that's exactly what the Pharisees saying right I fast twice a week I give tithes of all that I possess I've been a good person you know surely I deserve salvation surely I deserve heaven or they might say something like you know I haven't committed any of the major sins you know I've not murdered anybody you know I've not raped anybody I've never done any of those major sins compared to other men in this world like that publican over there that's the same response we get every time we go door-to-door soul winning you know or you know I'm not wicked like like many others you know pointing their fingers at other people and saying you know they're a cut above you know their generation or whatever it's exactly the response of the Pharisees these people when you hear those responses they're trusting in themselves they pray to themselves they pray with themselves all right look at verse number 13 and the publican standing afar off would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven hey what's the impression that you get of this man that he's so ashamed of his sins that he can't even lift up his head all right this man is showing humility what did the Pharisee show who's full of pride look at me Lord I deserve it okay this man the other way around full of humility full of shame as he approaches God but smote upon his breast saying God be merciful to me a sinner that's his prayer God be merciful to me a sinner you know verse 14 I tell you this man went down to his house justified rather than the other for everyone that exalts of himself shall be abased that being the Pharisee full of pride he'll be brought down low and here the humble of himself shall be exalted the one that humbles himself that comes before God seeking his mercy and humility you know God will raise that man up that God will justify that man in his sights what does it mean to be justified what does it mean to be justified I'll get you guys to turn to Romans chapter 3 very quickly Romans chapter 3 again keep your finger in Luke 18 what does it mean to be justified my old my old pastor victory Baptist Church used to say justified means just if I'd never sinned justified justified never sinned you know I I'm righteous I'm clean before God as it were Romans 3 verse 20 therefore by the deeds of the law shall sorry I'll read that again Romans 3 20 therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sights for by the law is the knowledge of sin hey the Pharisee in the parable was coming before the law saying hey I match up to the law but there's no justification in the sight of God through the law okay it's to bring us a knowledge of sin verse 21 but now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested being witnessed by the law and the prophets even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all upon them upon all them that believe for there is no difference for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God look at this being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus whom God have set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God to declare I say at this time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus now you've been justified if you believed on Jesus Jesus God God is the justified he's made you just you know what being justified is better than justified never sinned it's better than that because you're actually given the righteousness of Jesus Christ it's beyond just not sinning you have the perfection of God in that new man okay yeah we know we still have the flesh and we struggle with that that's a topic for another day but we see what justification is it's taken on Jesus Christ it's believing on Christ but trusting him it's it's been we've been justified freely it's one of our works not about efforts it's not by keeping the laws of God and it's the same thing that this publican did when he prayed he just smote his breast he couldn't lift up his head in humility and and asked God for mercy back to Luke 18 Luke 18 verse 13 just again verse 13 I know we read this again but what did the publican say God be merciful to me a sinner did the publican say God I repent of my sins the publican say God I'm turning from my sins no all right did he say I'm willing God I'm willing to turn from my sins I'm willing to get your law and follow your law is that what justified him no it was simply the admission that he's a sinner and he needed the mercy of God okay look we should confront people with their sins we should tell them that they're sinners all right but that's to make them realize that they need a Savior that's not to make them think they need to change their lives and turn a leaf for salvation otherwise they're trusting in themselves just as the Pharisee had done let's keep reading verse number 15 so we move on from those two parables but you'll notice that the these themes just continue in the whole chapter and they brought unto him they brought unto Jesus these are parents the parents brought unto him also infants children little children they here would touch them but when his disciples saw it they reviewed them disciples the little children came all right it's like little children come to church you know and parents bring in the children to come and hear the Word of God and you know and and pride fills our hearts and go no no this place is not for children and you rebuke them you say no you know the children are too loud the children to distraction distracting take them away to the mother's room or take them away to the Sunday school class or things no we want our children here we want our children listening to the Word of God now I'm not Jesus Christ but you know the Word of God Jesus Christ is the Word of God you know so when we preach the Word of God we are preaching Jesus Christ to the children as well as to the adults they could see that the pride of man they're lifting themselves up against the children and children are distracting they are sometimes I get distracted I'm preaching here I see the kids you know walking around or you know making frequent trips at a toilet or whatever you know we should teach our kids to sit down but at the same time it gives me a great joy that the kids are here it gives me great joy that there's a regeneration that we're trying to train to love the Lord to serve him and hopefully they go and do greater works than what we've done look at verse 16 how does Jesus respond but Jesus called unto the court them unto him and said suffer little children to come unto me allow little children that's what suffer means to allow allow the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God what does Jesus say says the kingdom of God heaven is filled with little children why do we want little children in the church why is it when we go door to the soul we're excited when a child answers the door or a teenager young man it's because they're more receptive to the gospel you know they haven't been corrupt their minds haven't been corrupted they're not trusting in themselves they already have an innate knowledge that there's a God there's a heaven and hell and they want to make sure that they're right before God you know before they get into their schools and they're taught you know humanism and all kinds of you know you know worldly philosophies before their minds get corrupted it's exciting when you talk to a young one because you know the chance of them getting saved is much higher than when they're an adult so Jesus tells us look heaven is filled with little children all right but also verse number 17 it's not just physically little children but look at verse 17 verily I say unto you whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein so if we want to be saved we want to enter into the kingdom of heaven into the kingdom of God we need to become like little children say what do you mean you know well humility you know we need to realize hey there is a God I need a Savior I want to know that I'm right with God and I'm not going to trust in myself I'm going to trust in what God says in his word that's what it means to come as little children you know when you tell a child something they tend to believe you you know that you know almost immediately you know when I talk to my children you know they don't have to say that are you lying are you telling the truth and if I tell them a fact for them it's the truth you know it's true so when you show children the Word of God they're more ready to believe it they're more ready to receive it but it's the same thing with us you know if we're adults and we haven't you know we need to be saved we need to come as little children and just trust what God has said in his word you know be humble come with humility rather than that critical adult mindset that can ultimately get you to turn away from God oh that's the other thing I've got here is that children like to receive gifts you know children are more likely to receive a free gift they won't really question it you know it's a we've we've adults like I came and I got a gift and I presented I gave you guys a gift immediately your response will be you didn't have to oh you know I don't deserve that or you know you don't have to do that for me like kids you give them a gift they're like yeah let's open it all right and salvation is that free gift is that free gift from God and you know the kids rejoice in free gifts you know that's why we need to come to God as little children come in humility come with the mindset of a child let's keep reading verse number 18 and now we have the the story of the rich young ruler that came before Jesus and hey I'll tell you now he came in pride he didn't come in humility before God verse number 18 and a certain ruler asked him saying good master what shall I do to inherit eternal life what shall I do to inherit eternal life instead of saying to Jesus Jesus what have you got for me you know what are you what's this gift that I'm hearing about you know what's this water that I've been hearing about that that you know if I drink it I'll never thirst what's this all about says no look he comes to the good master and says what shall I do what do I need to do to inherit eternal life and Jesus said unto him why call us down me good now was Jesus good of course he was perfect okay he is good but why call us down me good none is good save one that is God so by the response of Jesus doesn't respond this way to everyone that calls upon him you know my understanding here is that Jesus is causing this ruler to understand that he is God okay if Jesus is good and you're calling me good master then you also have to acknowledge that I am God that's what Jesus is saying so it seems like this young rich ruler it's probably saw him as a good prophet as a good teacher but did not recognize that this was the Son of God but this was you know God manifest in the flesh verse number 20 and so this is how Jesus answers to him thou knowest the commandments do not commit adultery do not kill do not steal do not bear false witness that means do not lie honor thy father and thy mother and he said all these have I kept from my youth up all right so what does Jesus say he gives them parts of the Ten Commandments primarily the parts that have to do with dealing with your common man all right and this is something similar when we go to the door you know the question we you know I think all of us ask is you know have you ever told a lie you know and most people are willing to say like 90 percent 90 99 percent of people will say yeah I've told a lie you know and maybe they'll say I've told many lies in my life but Jesus asked him you know do not bear false witness what does he say in verse number 21 and he said all these have I kept from my youth up he do you think this guy really has never told a lie in his life it just told a lie right then you know and I I thought you know I haven't really come across it so much here in Australia but when I was in Detroit and I went soul when it happened twice in one day where two ladies when we were asked and have you ever told a lie I've never told a lie have you wait okay so um have you ever stolen anything not never saw anything it's like have you ever sinned no I've never sinned it's like what in the world you know essentially it's the answer of the young ritual I've kept these from my youth up you know and these people that have this approach of themselves they're trusting themselves they think they're righteous they think that they're they're godly okay these people I've never seen anyone like this get saved they're not even willing to admit they've done anything wrong I think they realize if I admit that I've done something wrong then I need help they don't need a Savior and instead of trying to get you know being there they're just I've done nothing wrong I'm fine it's crazy you know thank God in Australia I don't you know I don't really up maybe once you know at that door to the soul winning but I noticed in America that seems to be more more of a frequent answer verse number 22 now when Jesus heard these things he said unto him yet likest thou one thing sell all that thou hast and distribute unto the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come follow me basically look calm and become my disciple yeah okay you know you're saying you've kept all these things now it's time for you to take all your riches give it to the poor and come and be focused on eternal matters come and lay up treasure in heaven rather than treasure on this earth now Jesus knew where this man's heart was the reason he was full of pride the reason he was full of self-righteousness was just because of his position a young rich ruler and yet great wealth and he wasn't willing to let that go for God hey this was a man that was seeking to justify himself with the law of Moses this was a man that was trying to seek to justify himself by his own righteousness and so Jesus gives him another measure of righteousness I sell it all come and follow me and he you know this man was unable to do it let's keep reading verse number 23 and when he heard this he was very sorrowful for he was very rich all right and when Jesus saw that he was very sorrowful he said how hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God and that again that's a that's a true principle people that have more when you go to the more affluent areas of this you know of the Sunshine Coast those were more riches it's almost it's much harder for people to be receptive to the Word of God because they have their riches they think we're doing fine why do I need God you know I'm a self-made man I've got my money I'm well taken care of why do I need God it's the same thing with this young rich ruler he looked at himself he looked at his riches he had pride and he wasn't able to let that go now look you think if he sold all his things and followed after Jesus that would have saved him of course not because he cannot be saved he cannot be justified by the works of the law okay but Jesus just showing him where he comes short you know and if you're someone that's trying to be saved by your own righteousness by trying to keep the laws of Moses yourself then hey you need to do it all you need to give it all up and follow up the Christ you're never gonna do it because you really lied you've already broken the law all right and then look at verse number 25 for it is easier for a camel to go through a needles I then for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God now notice this when you think of a camel it's a big creature and you think of a needle even the bigger biggest needles you can find are you ever gonna fit a camel through a needle it's impossible it's impossible okay what Jesus is saying this rich man that was trusting his riches it's impossible for this man to be saved by you know by by trusting in his ability to keep the laws of Moses it was impossible for him okay and the reason I want to bring this up is but just in case you guys I've heard this and look when you're reading your Bible just stick to the Word of God you know don't go to your commentaries don't go to that some of that there's a lot of nonsense in these books and I remember just hearing a preacher behind the pool at a good church I'm not bagging out the church but just a layman preacher gets up reads this preaches on this and he says well this this are this camel going through the through the needles I or the eye of the needle he goes you know you need to understand back in back in the days of Jesus Christ you know and you we know you're Jerusalem for example had walls around it and there were certain gates you have to travel through the gates to get into the city the reason for the walls will say you know you defend yourself from your enemies well at nights they say and this might be true it might be true at night those gates will be closed but if you wanted to travel into the city there were small doors small passageways that you would need to go through at night now I'm not denying the history behind that maybe it's true maybe it's not okay but what they say is these doors were known as the needles I these doors were known as the eye of the needle and so when travelers would come at night with their big camels you know they wouldn't open the main gates so they had to get the camels the camels will need to get down on their knees they take the burdens of the camels you know and walk through the needles I the small passageway and then we've the camel on their knees and the camel would need to then slowly it was very hard it was a very slow process you know but it was possible that was very hard to get the camel to go through that needles I have that gates it totally destroys the parable because you're saying look in order because this is about salvation this is coming to the kingdom of God you know so what are you saying then that it is possible for a camel to go for the eye of the needle it is possible to be saved for a very hard and slow process totally destroying the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ what Jesus saying here is that it's impossible hey if it's possible for a camel to go through a little gate then it destroys what Jesus is teaching here he says it's impossible okay have a look we'll keep reading you say where does it say it's impossible let's keep reading verse 26 and they that heard it said who then can be saved because they realize this is more than just being a rich man okay who can be saved because a camel cannot go for the eye of a needle verse 27 but he said the things which are impossible with men are possible with God hey salvation by keeping the law of Moses salvation by self-righteousness salvation by trusting in yourself is impossible hey but it's possible in God because it's Jesus Christ that offers us that free gift it's Jesus Christ that made it possible it's Jesus Christ that kept the laws of God perfectly and it's through his righteousness through the imputed righteousness that we can be saved it is possible in fact it's very easy all right it's very easy Jesus did all the hard work all we're required to do is put our full faith and trust on him receive the free gift of salvation verse number 28 and Peter said lo we have left all and follow thee and he said unto them verily I say unto you there is no man that have left house or parents or brethren or wife or children for the kingdom of God's sake who shall not receive manifold more in this present time and in the world to come life everlasting hey look it's never a waste of time to serve Jesus Christ it's never a waste of time giving up whatever it is that you need to give up in order to serve Christ you know giving up your time to go soul-winning giving up your strength to to serve him you know giving up your time to prepare a sermon and preach a sermon you know and I'll cover this before even if no one thanks you it's not a waste of time because God has many manifold rewards prepared for you in heaven that's where it matters and that you know Peter's asking the question we've left it all Lord hey those disciples they gave it all up to follow after Christ kept the full time jobs gave up their comfortable lives or whatever you know these men are going to receive great rewards these these are going to be great leaders in the kingdom of God it is worth serving Jesus Christ verse 31 then he took unto him the twelve and said unto them behold we go up to Jerusalem so now this is basically Jesus's last trip into Jerusalem this is where you know eventually is going to be crucified and notice this and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man shall be accomplished for he shall be delivered unto the Gentiles and shall be mocked and spitefully entreated and spits it on and they shall scourge him and put him to death and the third day he shall rise again hey these are beautiful words to our ears like we understand it we understand that Jesus went to Jerusalem to die on that cross of Calvary to pay for our sins and to rise again that third day hey we serve a living God we serve a resurrected Savior and by understanding his resurrection we too know that one day we are going to receive our resurrected bodies with him and be caught up in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord know these are beautiful things but notice verse 34 and they understood none of these things he's talking to his disciples not to non-believers to his disciples and they understood none of these things and this saying was hid from them neither knew they the things which were spoken all right so you know I don't have time to cover this right now but you know there was a difference in the understanding of Old Testament saints and New Testament saints on on the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ we can see that the disciples here were lacking understanding they couldn't understand what was being said okay but even though the understanding is clear in the New Testament compared to the Old Testament it's still the one gospel and I haven't got time to cover this right now but brother Callum I think was the last year he preached a great sermon on I think was called the one gospel so if you're curious to see the you know the similarities with the Old Testament the way people saved in fact it's the same way it's by believing on God it's by putting your full faith and trust on him and they had pictures of this right in the practices of the Old Testament ways they had pictures of what was to come they had the sacrifices of you know the blood that was shed of the animals you know they had they could see you know some of it but it wasn't fully understood to the New Testament but it's interesting what Jesus says in verse um verse number where is it 31 he says uh and all things that were written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man so it's not that this was like this total mystery that nobody knew the prophets wrote about it okay and and and the Bible says that actually God gave the gospel to Abraham which is why when he when he went to sacrifice his son Isaac he had an expectation that Isaac would be resurrected from the dead because he understood more than some of these other Old Testament prophets and these disciples just quickly turn to Luke 24 keep your finger there in Luke 18 but turn to Luke 24 Luke 24 verse 25 Luke 24 25 this is after the resurrection of Jesus let it notice this and he said unto them these are Jesus's words Oh fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken ought not Christ have suffered these things and enter into his glory and beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself you know we have a great privilege being being believers in the New Testament we've got the New Testament to help us understand the Old Testament passages and when you understand you know Jesus Christ and you can see you when you read the Old Testament you see all these types you'll see all these things and go like this is about Jesus you know what a great thing we've been given a greater honor than many of these disciples had or many of the Old Testament you know prophets had so please don't neglect your Bibles you know you've got an amazing privilege that all you know the Old Testament Saints wish they they could take all 66 books of the Bible and have that at home you know we've been given a great privilege please don't waste it let's go back to Luke 18 verse 35 and we're up to the last story in this chapter and it came to pass that as he was come nigh unto Jericho a certain blind man sat by the sat by the wayside begging and here in the multitude passed by he asked what he meant and they told him that Jesus of Nazareth passeth by so you got a blind man on the side of the road he hears all these people walking all this commotion he's like what's this about he asked the question and said well Jesus of Nazareth is coming by and the next words tells us this man was a believer this was this was a man that had trust in Jesus Christ even though physically with his eyes he had not yet seen him verse 38 and he cried saying Jesus the son of David and who's David King David how does this man even know this I mean just just a random person in the scriptures hey I know you're the son of David right and he says have mercy on me it's the same words that the publican said of God have mercy on me and I've been merciful to me a sinner but in the story of the parable that's where the publican was justified before God this man already recognizes who Jesus is but he has infirmity he has blindness you know and again bringing it back because we started with prayer didn't we we started with bringing our prayers before God and we see we end in the same way that this blind man with the infirmity of blindness calls upon Jesus says have mercy on me again prayer is a time where we need to humble ourselves and bring us before the throne of God and bring our requests before him but in the recognizes hey you're the son of David and I'll just quickly read to you from second Samuel chapter 7 verse 12 just very quickly second chapter 7 verse 12 this is God speaking to King David he says and when thy days are fulfilled and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers so David when you pass away when you sleep with your fathers he says I will set up thy seed after thee now yes the primary that the first application is about King Solomon but when you look at what he says this is beyond Solomon he says I will set up thy seed after thee which shall proceed out of thy bows and I will establish his kingdom so that's about Solomon yes but notice next words he shall build in house for my name and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever God promises David says look when you sleep there's going to be a seed after you and the kingdom is going to be forever there's going to be a king that sits on that throne forever and we know that is Jesus Christ we know that Jesus Christ was the king of or is the king of kings all right and so when this blind man hears of Jesus now he goes that's the son of David that's what I read in second Samuel chapter 7 this is the one that's going to be you know establish his kingdom forever that's why he calls him the son of David you know he knew his scriptures even though he was blind because back then you go into the synagogues you'd hear the preaching you'd hear the reading of God's word you know a lot of the people didn't have physical copies of the bible verse 39 and they which went before rebuked him so similar to the little children come in and the parents being rebuked for bringing the children same thing you know there's there's a blind man there's a disabled man they rebuke him you know what not only should our church be for the for children but it should be for those that are without those that are disabled those that are struggling with life you know if people come to a church I never look I'll call you out for this you know if you turn your nose you know you're nosed up against people that come you know visitors people that you know don't really fit the mold you know and you make them feel uncomfortable you rebuke them hey I'll call you out for that okay church is for all people to come in and hear the word of God doesn't matter if the man's blind doesn't matter if the guy's lame doesn't matter if the person's poor and can't give to the offering hey if people want to come and hear the words of God they're welcome children disabled poor all kinds of people verse 39 and they uh which went before rebuked him and that he should hold his peace hey be quiet shut up but he cried so much no more thou son of David have mercy on me seeking mercy coming before God in humility and Jesus stood and commanded him to be brought unto him and when he was come near he asked him saying what will thou that I shall do unto thee and he said Lord that I may receive my sight and Jesus said unto him receive thy sight thy faith have saved thee and by the save there I don't believe that's about the salvation of his soul it's just the salvation I guess of his eyes you know his faith he had already had his faith placed on Jesus and that had caused him to recover that caused him to receive his sight and we see this man definitely had faith on Jesus Christ verse 43 and immediately he received his sights and followed him glorifying God and all the people when they saw it gave praise unto God what an amazing story the blind can now see you know and that's the same for our salvation now before we were saved we were blind blinded to the words of God blinded to the gospel blinded to the to the great mysteries that God gives us in his word but when we're saved you know it's those blinds we're able to see you know we're able to see what God has in store we're able to understand you know his righteousness we can understand how sinful we are before God I mean it's so stupid when you ask people you got to turn from your sins to be saved hey they're blind you know they can't see properly how can you tell people to turn from sins you know I was saved young so I feel like I always knew what the bible said but you know my wife for example she was saved when she was 19 I think and she said to me after I got saved and I started to read the bible I started to realize man I really am a sinner look at all these things the bible says and I didn't realize these were sins and I realize now that you know I'm a sinner exceedingly you know it's the same thing God gives us a vision God gives us understanding but we need to seek that from him we need to go before God ask for wisdom ask for understanding ask for God to open our eyes you know if there are things that are hard to understand in the bible ask God for wisdom ask him for understanding if you find God's judgment is too harsh say God just help me renew my mind help me to be aligned with what your word what your word says and God can take those blindfolds off you you know not just in salvation but in just growing and understanding the word of God and you know we should be glorifying him when he answers our prayers all right that's what I've got for you today guys we need to be people of humility okay yes to be saved but yes also to come before God you know in our request of our prayer requests to come before him and and not be you know trusting in this flesh not trusting in our own strength let's pray