(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right guys there in luke chapter 15 I'm glad we've got a chapter. That's a little Not so meaty you know because I do want to cover some things before we get too much into this chapter But first look at verse number 7 Luke 15 verse 7 it says I say unto you that Likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth the title of sermon tonight is one sinner that Repentive all right so this chapter is not that meaty compared to many of the other chapters that we have in Luke I could preach through this pretty quickly But I want to use the time that I have to really explain to you a little bit more about parables Okay, we know when Jesus Christ came you know teaching his disciples. He used many parables Okay, and you got to be careful about parables all right the other thing You need to understand is when Jesus Christ came for those three years in his ministry He was preaching every single day and many of those times for the whole day Okay, and also because he was traveling he was going from town to town city to city Many times he taught the same thing over and over again, okay So what's good about the Gospels is it captures us a snapshot of what Jesus preached and sometimes there are parallel teachings but they're not parallel as far as What's the word I'm looking for as far as chronology because sometimes Jesus preached yeah the same thing, but two different people and sometimes even the Application was different compared to who is he talking to and you got to look at the context of everything you see I mean just to give you an example, and you know sorry I say this because a lot of people misunderstand Luke 15 to be about salvation Okay, and I've already shown you as we go into the book of Luke many times We've looked at certain teachings where people try to add a workspace gospel, okay? Now the biggest misconception you can have is us is assuming that Jesus was preaching on salvation all the time You know that he was preaching on the gospel every time you think for the three years every day of preaching He was always teaching on on salvation Very total on many things on many things and in chapter 15 of Luke He's actually teaching not about salvation, but about a backslidden Christian, okay? I will go into that later on okay, but about a backslidden Christian Jesus taught many things it taught about you know um you know treasures in heaven You know working for the treasures in heaven He taught you know how to how to be a good neighbor, and he taught many things besides just salvation And when you think about my ministry here, okay, I've not been teaching for three years I've only been teaching for 15 months and in those 15 months I only teach for like twice a week does that you know and when you look at my teaching have I always been teaching about The gospel you know is every sermon. I've ever preached about the gospel all the time of course not okay We've covered many many topics you know during these 15 months many times Yeah, about the gospel many times we do touch upon it, but most often than not we're teaching on other aspects Okay, just on Christian living or just just a solidified You know doctrine things like that, so we can't assume every time Jesus preaches. It's about salvation Now one clear way to know if he's teaching about salvation if he talks about Salvation of the soul if he talks about eternal life if he talks about hell when he talks about these topics Then you can assume you can look at the passage and say well this must be about salvation Okay, so I say that because you need to be careful with parables You know parables are there to serve and as an illustration, okay? It's it serve as an illustration to help solidify to help visualize doctrine that we're already familiar with Okay, I'm saying that because you should not build your doctrine Primarily on parables, okay, it's a dangerous thing. I mean pretty much every pastor will be will warn you about that, okay? Don't build your doctrines primarily on a parable let the parable help develop help visualize doctrines That are already clearly stated in the Bible. Okay. I mean one example of that was we went through Luke 13 And we look at the parable of the of the mustard seed and the parable of leaven you know representing the kingdom of God You know if I only use those two parables to start with you know I can make that mean anything But you know it was all the other teaching on the kingdom of God trying to wrap my head around it Accepting or everything else that I saw is true And then it was the parable that helped me visualize and put it in a nice order Okay, so that's important parable parables are there to help us illustrate things But parables are set in a way to be purposely a little bit cryptic Purposely by Jesus Christ Okay, like for example, and you don't need to turn about in Matthew 13 verse 10 It says and the disciples came and said unto him said unto Jesus. Why speakest thou unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven But to them it is not given So Jesus uses parables Yes to give us lights as believers to help illustrate something, but also it's a bit cryptic So there are there are certain people that God does not want to reveal those truths to okay certain people like like reprobates People that hate God that hate the teaching of God. They're never going to come to the knowledge of truth Okay, so parables are set in a way to be purposely cryptic cryptic. Okay. We need to be careful about that all right The other thing you need to understand is that parables can have multiple applications all right now Yeah, sorry a good example of this is the parable of the Good Samaritan Okay, the primary application of the parable of the Good Samaritan Was about being a good neighbor. You know how can we be a good neighbor and we saw the Samaritan? Helping a Jewish person Okay, because in the time of Jesus the Samaritans hated the Jews and the Jews hated the Samaritans So Jesus was given a good example of what it's like to be neighborly but we can also take a secondary application to that parable and teach how Jesus Christ came and came and healed us you know that He restored us and that he paid all things so we would be made whole we can take that secondary application But the key thing I want you to understand is whatever Applications you draw from a parable it must be aligned with all other doctrines that are in the Bible Okay, it can't contradict clear doctrines. You can't be like well hold on this parable seems to be safe to say something else I need to change my my other doctrines. No you can't build your doctrines on parables. Okay. That's not the reason behind it and You know let me give you an example of this because Let me just make sure I've got this right actually turn to Matthew turn to the book of Matthew keep your finger there in in Luke 15 turn to Matthew 18 verse 7 Matthew 18 verse 7 Because as I said some parables some teachings can have multiple applications when we looked at Luke 13 Remember that teaching of Jesus Christ when he said when he spoke about you know You know about saying blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord and we saw that it was an application to Believers that received him as a he came into Jerusalem, but it was also applicable to those that were Eternally damned they would not escape the damnation of hell And they too will proclaim that truth at some point in their lives Okay, so we need to be careful about that sometimes the teaching is to believers But there's also an application to non-believers all right now I want to give you this example because let's go to Matthew 18 verse 7. Let's have a look at this together Woe unto the world because of offenses for it must needs that offenses come But woe to that man by whom the offense cometh Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee cut them off and cast them from thee it is better for thee to enter into life Holt or maimed rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire Now let's stop there for a moment. What's everlasting fire? Hell right the lake of fire or hell So as we start looking at this the context of what we read in you will understand that this is about Salvation the salvation of the soul let's keep going There's number nine and if I'm I offend thee pluck it out and cast it from thee It is better for thee to enter into life with one eye rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones for I say unto you that in heaven Their angels do always behold the face of my father, which is in heaven For the Son of Man is come to save that which was lost Now do you think that's a sentence about salvation? I do especially when he's come off talking about hell fire, okay? Let's keep going How think ye if a man have a hundred sheep and one of them be gone astray? doth he not leave the 99 and golf into the mountains and seek if that which has gone astray and If so be that he find it verily I sent you he rejoiced of more of that one sheep than of the 99 Which went not astray now look at this even so it is not the will of a your father Which is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish? Now do you think it's safe to say that parable there of the lost sheep is about salvation I? Think it's perfectly reasonable we've in the context of what we're seeing Jesus warning of hell fire You know saying that he's come to save that which was lost okay, and talking about you know You know that the little ones not perishing okay? I believe it's it's safe to assume there in Matthew that the parable of the lost sheep is about salvation All right now what happens is some preachers will go well Yeah, that's about salvation so when they read about it in Luke 15 15 is that we're up to 50 15 they'll then say well this must be about salvation as well Mistake immediately okay because all it is is to help visualize some truth Okay, and as I said sometimes Jesus uses our teaching or parables that has different applications based on the context Of what you're reading Okay, keep that in mind be careful when you preach with parables Okay, make sure your parables are supportive of existing clear sound doctrine and not creating some brand-new doctrine That might be heretical all right, so be mindful of that now. Let's cover some very clear doctrines Okay, you don't need to turn there. You're already familiar with this passage Well you're in math you can turn there if you want Matthew 7 verse 22 Matthew 7 verse 22 Let's just solidify some things before we get into the parables Let Me ask you this question and Do non-believers? Do they belong to God? Non-believers are they known of God? Non-believers, I mean look God knows everyone of course God knows who are saved and knows who are not saved Okay, and God obviously knows who will eventually be saved and who will receive him as Savior But the Bible is very clear when he does not know somebody in the spiritual sense It means that they are not saved and that if you are known of God you are someone that is saved Okay, so of course this familiar passage to all of us Matthew 7 verse 22 many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many Wonderful works, and then I will profess unto them I never knew you Depart from me ye that work iniquity What does Jesus say about those that are unsaved in the day of judgment? He says I never knew you Okay Spiritually speaking in terms of salvation. He says I never knew you. I don't know who you are Okay, you say you've done all these amazing works in my name. I don't even know who you are Okay, that's the reality of the unsaved person who passes away without Christ Now go back to Luke Luke chapter 13 Luke chapter 13 verse 25 Luke 13 verse 25 We covered this not long ago once when once the master of the house is risen up and have shut to the door and you begin to stand without to knock At the door saying Lord Lord open unto us, and he shall answer and say unto you. I know you not whence ye are Then shall you begin to say we have eaten and drunk in thy presence and thou hast taught in our streets But he shall say I tell you I know you not whence ye are depart from me all ye workers of iniquity So here we have God not just saying I don't know who you are, but he says I don't even know where you're from I don't know anything about you That's the reality of the non-believer as they face God on Judgment Day. He doesn't know them Okay, now if you guys can turn to Galatians chapter 4 Galatians chapter 4 verse 6 Galatians chapter 4 verse 6 And because ye are sons So these are saved people right because ye are sons God has sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts crying Abba father See because we're sons of God we can cry unto God and call him our father Okay, if you're not saved God is not your father You can only have him as your father if you have the spirit of his son the spirit of Jesus Christ verse number seven Wherefore thou art no more a servant That's important as we go for these parables later on wherefore thou art no more a servant But a son and if a son than an heir of God through Christ Howbeit then when ye knew not God ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods But now after that ye have known God or rather unknown of God How turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage So you can see that when become a son of God, okay, we're as Through Christ and we are known of God, you know when we say when we when we see God He's not gonna say to you. I never knew you he's not gonna say to you. I don't know where you're from God's gonna say I know you Okay, and it's gonna open his books and your name's gonna be there written in the book of life He knows who you are, okay Now that's clear. Okay, those passages are clear that make you know, put them all together. It's crystal clear You know unsaved God does not know you saved. God knows you Okay, that's important because when we get to these parables, we can't change what's clear in the Bible Okay So what's clear That salvation is without works. We know that that when you become a son of God that you are known of him It's clear that the unsaved are unknown by God Of course, we know eternal security Once you're saved, you're always safe because these parables are not so much in the Baptist churches But these parables are used by other churches to teach see you can lose your salvation So you got to come back to God and get your salvation back or whatever. No, we know that eternal security is a clear doctrine It's it's called eternal life for a reason Alright and so then allow the parables that you read to help structure to help visualize that what you already know Okay, please be careful. Please be mindful about that when you teach on parables Otherwise you can get into a lot of trouble Anyway, Luke 15 verse 1. Let's get to Luke 15 now. I hope that's given you a good introduction Luke 15 verse 1 Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners for to hear him and the Pharisees and scribes Murmured, you know that they're whispering and criticizing, you know, this man receive of sinners and eateth with them The Pharisees did not learn their lesson from the previous chapter Jesus Christ remember was previous chapters talking about you know about humbling yourselves and God will exalt you, you know here We have the Pharisees. They haven't learned their lessons They're still exalting themselves above all these sinners and publicans and saying how can that Jesus How can that so-called man of God be dealing with sinners and publicans, you know those that cheat the fellow man You know in other words, they're uplifting themselves. Okay, they're exalting themselves once again Verse number three and he spoke this parable unto them saying Here we have the parables We're gonna enter now in this chapter three parables and each of these three parables are teaching the same truth But notice the first parable is the same one the same illustration that we read in the book of Matthew, which was about salvation What I what I'm saying to you what I'm putting forward to you is that now it's not about salvation, but it's about a Backslid and Christian. Okay, let's look at it. That's number four What man of you having an hundred sheep if you lose one of them doth not leave the 99 in the wilderness and go after that which is lost until he find it and When he hath found it he layeth up on his shoulders rejoicing and when he cometh home He could have called together his friends and neighbors saying unto them rejoice with me for I found my sheep Which was lost I say unto you that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth More than over ninety and nine just persons which need no repentance Now you may notice in Matthew Jesus did not mention that bit about the repentance Okay, if I don't know if you guys recall that but now when he gives this story this illustration now he talks about the repentance Okay. Now we talked about rejoicing over one sinner that repenteth Okay, so all these parables they're teaching the same truth and we start it's very new numerical We start with one lost sheep out of a hundred. Okay, so it's one lost sheep out of a hundred All right You had I don't know about you if I had 90 if I had a hundred sheep And I still had 99 and one went missing. I don't know if I would go and look for that sheep I'm just saying just myself if I was just you know with animals. I probably go well go 99 of them you know But it shows us the heart of God Okay, it shows us that God is concerned even for one in a hundred Okay that is concerned over one sinner that leaves that that group that leaves that flock of sheep and Is eager to go and search them out to find them and to bring them back and what I'm putting forward to you guys today Is that this is about the backslidden Christian? What I'm saying to you right now is this sheep already Belonged to the Shepherd this sheep was already known by the Shepherd Okay, the Shepherd could not say I never knew you Okay, but it does belong to the Shepherd. He goes and seeks it and brings it back. All right Let's keep reading because this will come clearer as we move on verse number eight the next parable Either what woman having ten pieces of silver if she lose one piece doth not light a candle and sweep the house and see Diligently till she find it and when she have found it she calls her friends and her neighbors together saying Rejoice with me for I have found the peace which I had lost Likewise I say unto you there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repented So we have a very similar story a woman starts with ten pieces of silver Okay, ten pieces of silver, and she loses one instead of it being one of a hundred now. It's one of ten Okay, one of ten and even then you know she still has nine But she goes and seeks diligently for that one that was missing hey if you're one in ten That makes you more valuable than one in a hundred right Makes you more valuable and as we see as we move on in these parables you start to see how valuable a sinner is to God that has left his fold how valuable it is to God when one of his children leaves him Departs into the world and destroys his life and goes after wickedness and sin who backslides They're still valuable to God all right. They're not any less valuable, and he wants them back He wants them to return and if they return the Bible says that it's going to be rejoicing Okay, that God will rejoice, but the angels of heaven will be rejoicing as well an amazing truth an amazing thing You know especially if you ask someone that's backslidden You know you can be at church and still be backslidden. You know your heart might be far from God You might be just be keeping up the appearances coming to church You know but there are others that you know go all out You know that they destroy their lives on this earth you know they seek after the pleasures of this world they get sick of church they get sick of serving God and Yet if they repent and come back to him God rejoices the heavens rejoice to see the children of God come back But I just want to point out there again The woman with the silver it belonged to her to begin with she knew of the silver to begin with she lost it She brought it back again. She can't say I never knew you or I never knew that piece of silver I guess I went searching for it all right look. Let's look at verse number 11 now verse number 11 The third and final parable here it says and he said a certain man had two sons So now from one to a hundred to one in ten now It's one in two okay, how important you know we see the value increase of this lost sinner, okay? Now again, it's a man that had two sons Are we all sons of God is? Everybody that's born in this world a son of God are the people that go to hell for eternity are they sons of God No, okay, but there's that misconception in churches that we're all children of God there is that misconception You know I'm pretty sure I've heard it preached myself. You know you know sit in the pew or whatever But the Bible says very clearly and I love I love John 1 12 You know but as many as received him to them gave you power to become the sons of God Even to them that believe on his name, okay, we become Children of God will become sons of God when we believe on Jesus Christ all right So if this man had two sons do you think this represents a as unsafe person No, it's gonna represent safe people Otherwise they cannot be rightly called a son. That's what we read in Galatians chapter 4 remember We'll look at that again a bit later but um I'll just quickly say this before I read that Every person in this world is a son of Adam Okay, Eve is called the mother of all living Okay all of us are from Adam and Eve, okay, we're all children of Adam We're all children of Eve. We're all children of Noah. You know we can narrow it down there as well. You know But that doesn't make you a child of God You can only become a child of God born again when you believe on Jesus Christ Okay, spiritually speaking you can be born again, and you're born as a child of God in order for us to go to heaven We must be born spiritually we must become a son of God You know there's also a reality which is outside of the scope of the sermon that there is another spiritual birth Okay, where people can actually become children of the devil you know children of Belial you know and we think about you know When you're born of God when you become a son of God you know we believe in once saved always saves It doesn't matter how how you live your life. You will always be a son of God We use that illustration you know when we go out soul winning especially when I take my kids I like using that illustration because then I you know point to my son Doesn't matter what my son does in his life even if he hates me even if he leaves home he's still my son that will never change and Unfortunately for those that become children of the devil the same thing is is it's true once damned always damned Okay, once they become a child of the devil once they become a reprobate. They are always damned Okay that can that cannot be changed you cannot be unborn once you've been born into a family once you become a son You cannot we can ever become unborn from Adam because we always had that flesh Okay, and then when we're born of God we can never be unborn of God because we're born of the spirit and those reprobates That are born of the devil that are children of the devil. They cannot be unborn. Okay. That's why they reprobate That's why they have eternal anyway. That's outside of the scope of the sermon, but you know that's that's a truth that we see in the Bible now Let's keep reading. Sorry guys sidetracked verse number 12 verse number 12 and The younger of them said to his father father What did we see in Galatians 4 who can call God father? But his son who can call God father, but those that have the spirit of Jesus Christ in them This son calls him father Give me the portion of goods that falleth to me and he divided unto unto them he's living and Not many and by the way, what did we sing Galatians 4 again? When you become a son of God you become an heir with Christ remember that so this son He's an heir. He has an inheritance and he asked his father for that inheritance Okay that he divided unto them his living verse 13 and not many days after the youngest son gathered all together and Took his journey into a far country and there wasted his substance with riotous living This man takes his inheritance He takes what he has and goes and lives a riotous life in a far country He goes and lives a dirty life All right, and if you want an idea of what that was in verse 30 It says that prostitutes that harlots were involved in this Wouldn't surprise me if gambling and smoking marijuana is included in his riotous living All right, but it's definitely prostitutes that he was he was mucking around with you know destroying his life wasting his life Now one thing you need to understand here guys. Is that just because you're you're you're a believer just because you're a son of God Does not mean you will automatically serve him. God gives us free will to do what we want Okay, he gives us freedom to decide, you know Do I do I live after God or do I go for the riotous living? Do I go searching for sin and the and the prostitutes and the drives and the gambling do I seek that? Or do I seek to serve God and you know what if you seek to live that riotous life? God will allow you okay and God will allow you and he'll have to chastise you He'll have to correct you and you're going to hurt yourself. You're gonna hurt your your life You might even destroy your life entirely, you know seeking that way, but God will allow you if that's what you want to do He will let you go live that life. Okay, that's what this son did He took in his his inheritance and wasted it. Let me say this the moment that you're saved Okay till the day you go and be with Christ whether that's in death or in the rapture Okay, God has given you all those days of your life Okay on this earth to build your inheritance in heaven You have all the days of your life to serve him You have all the days of your life to earn rewards in heaven You can do that or you can take all the days of your life and live the riotous life. It's up to you Okay, you can you can do that and we see the younger son he decided to waste his life after prostitutes in verse 14 And when he had spent all there arose a mighty famine in the land and he began to be in want So he spent all his inheritance Now he's in need there's a mighty famine He's hungry verse 15 and he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country and he sent him into the fields to feed Swines a swine of pigs. Okay. Now if you know at this point in time with the Jews Pigs were seen as an unclean animal Alright, so there he is, you know representing his unclean life that there is amongst the pigs There he is having to feed pigs. He's serving the pigs He's serving the pigs That's how bad he's gotten to in his point in his life and then in verse 16 And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat and no man gave unto him He was so hungry. He would just want to eat what the pigs were eating alright Verse 17 and when he came to himself Boy, and that needs to happen You know when we when we when we leave God when we leave his presence and we seek after sin we seek after An ungodly life when we backslide there needs to come to a point where we come to ourselves We come to our senses and go what am I doing here? That's what happened to him okay, and when he finally realized the state that is in that's when he was able to repent and When he came to himself verse 17 He said how many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare and I perish with hunger I will arise and go to my father And we'll say unto him father. I have sinned against heaven and before thee Hey He this is a man. That's not been found out in his sin. This is a man that realizes man I'm a sinner and I'm gonna go and confess. I'm just gonna face the consequences And I'm going to go to God and to the father and say that I've sinned against him Just put my hand up and recognize that I failed instead of making excuses. That's real repentance instead of blaming others Instead of making excuses just own up to the fact when you've sinned and you've turned your back against God. That's repentance Verse 19 and I'm no more worthy to be called thy son Make me as one of thy hired servants. Okay, so And this is important because what do we read in Galatians 4 just read again verse 7 Wherefore there were no more a servants but a son and if a son than an heir of God through Christ this man thinks I can go back and I've lost my chance to be a son. I'll just I'll just be a servants, you know I'll go like that so you can see his humility. He doesn't go thinking of himself, you know Highly exalted as one that just deserves because he's the son, you know, just deserves it all to you know No, he goes back with humility. I'll be a servant. I'll just go and serve, you know I'll just eat that bread. That's that's that the servants get you know, and then verse number 20 and And he arose and came to his father and I love the next bit and when he was yet a great way off His father saw him Hey when we're backslidden when we've turned against God He hasn't forgotten you. He's always looking out for you to come back says he the father saw him Okay, he was looking out for his son and then it says Yes father saw him and had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him You know if you think God I've sinned And I haven't picked up my Bible in days. I've I've been sinning Lord I haven't been trying to overcome these sins in my life I say well, I don't know. I'm too embarrassed. The Bible says God has compassion God wants you to return back to him. He wants you to confess your sins to him He wants you to acknowledge your mistakes to him. He'll come and run fall and kiss you. Okay He loves his children verse 21 and the son said unto him father I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy son verse 22 But the father said to his servants bring forth the best robe and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet and bring hither the fatted calf and kill it and Let's let us eat and be merry For this is my son for this my son was dead and is alive again He was lost and is found and they began to be merry Another son comes, you know, just be a servant. I'm not worthy to be called your son The father says no you are my son, you know, let's rejoice that my son has come back You know, he was dead out there in the world. He was dead out there in sin He wasn't serving me here in my kingdom and yet he goes when his son is Repentant he gets the best robe there a ring on his hand shoes on his feet new clothes, you know jewelry You know, he gives him a welfare and kills the fatted calf and they rejoice and and have a party they begin to be merry You know, we should be people We can't be like the Pharisees Okay, they look down at the sinners that have come to Jesus. Okay. No, no, no When a sinner has repented when a baxan Christian has been reunited with the Lord. We need to rejoice over that Okay, we can't be like yeah, but do we really know if it's repented no No, if they've shown the signs of repentance if they've acknowledged their sin, then let's rejoice over that Okay, if the angels in heaven can rejoice then we should be rejoicing when sinners when baxan Christians come back to the Lord Or in a case if we ever have to kick some out of the church Over a grievous sin and they repent and they come and apologize. Hey, we need to put that behind us We need to rejoice that this believer has been restored to the church Okay, and forgive him Don't mention that again put it behind us and rejoice and be merry. That's how we should be Okay, not like the Pharisees were at the beginning looking down at sinners and publicans Verse 25 and His elder son was in the field and as he came in June 9 to the house He heard music and dancing and he called one of the servants and asked what these things meant And he said it to him thy brother is calm and thy father have killed the fatted calf Because he have received him safe and sound You should rejoice as well. His own brother has come back home But the flesh gets in the way sometimes verse 28 and he was angry And would not go in Therefore came his father out and entreated him and he answered and said to his father lo these many years Do I serve thee neither transgress? I am at any time thy commandment and yet thou never gave us me a kid that I make might make merry with my friends But as soon as this thy son was come which have devoured thy living with harlots thou has cured for him the fatted calf So you can see this one is the Christian when you have a restored believer come back to church or a Baccalaureate Christian brought back to God, you know, he criticizes her, you know, he says why are we rejoicing over that? Hey, look at me. I've been saving God this whole time Why aren't people rejoicing about me, you know, where's my reward? Look, this guy has a lot of reward. You'll see soon. Okay. It's just that he's let the flesh get in the way He's got me a bit blinded. He's gonna be envious of his brother and a celebration really He should just be rejoicing with that brother. Okay should be rejoicing thanking God that his brother has been brought back home. I Love what he says in verse 31 how the father? Responds to this and he said unto him son thou art ever with me and all that I have is thine It was meet that we should make merry and be glad for this thy brother was dead and is alive again And was lost and is found Hey You have the choice Okay, you have the choice. Do I live the righteous life? Do I go and serve sin? Do I go and serve swine? Okay, do I do I go and just live for myself? Do I take what God has given me that all the days of my life all the talents and and and Blessings that God has given me and do I waste that? Or you make the decision like the older son that stays back and works hard and serves the father Okay, and look when that when that righteous man is restored. We should rejoice we should celebrate we should be happy Okay, but don't become bitter don't become envious don't get jealous about that All right because God says There why would he say what he's saying? Son thou art ever with me and all that I have is thine Hey that one that stays faithful that one that serves God They may not see the rewards on the earth, but God says you've got the maximum reward you get it all All right. Yeah, the youngest son. He gets the ring. Yeah, he gets the shoes and the robe He gets the fatted calf But the oldest son gets it all Everything that was left all the maximum rewards are given to the oldest son because he saved say states faithfully serving God alright So let's not Look down on believers that that I've struggled and they're being restored No, you know rejoice with them, but also recognize. Yeah, you know what I'm just gonna keep serving God You know because I know what's to come in the future. I know that I can earn maximum rewards It's up to you guys. What do you want to do with your life? What do you want to do the rest of your life? You know take the inheritance and waste it or keep serving God and getting the maximum rewards you can get okay? That's gonna be the best part of it all okay You know it's not just a fatted calf and the gold ring and the shoes and the robe you get Everything that God will want to give you all the maximum what you can get hey, it's worth serving God Okay Okay, you might look and see why I look at that brother who's wasting his life, and now he's restored Everyone's happy. Maybe I should be living like no okay, otherwise you lose your reward. Okay. You lose your reward seeking after worldly things So I hope you can see in these parables first of all that you know this is not about salvation But it's about a son being restored to the father okay, and in all three parables What what went missing already belong to the owner, okay? And of course we know that when you're not saved God says I never knew you I don't even know where you're from okay be mindful as you read through these things Parables especially you know they are cryptic on purpose, but hold on to the doctrines You know that are right that are sound that are clearly taught through the whole Bible And then let the parables help develop help visualize help illustrate those doctrines that we already know all right Serve the Lord all the days of your life. It's gonna be worth it guys. God wants to give you the maximum rewards Let's pray