(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Luke chapter 10 Luke chapter 10 guys I hope you've been enjoying the study for the Luke our book of Luke One thing that I don't understand we've got the preachers I'm not saying I'm the best preacher anything like that, right? But obviously a lot of pastors a lot of churches preach through the Gospels, you know Matthew Mark Luke and John and I was telling some of the men I don't know how you preach for the Gospels without preaching on soul winning. I mean soul winning is on every chapter How do you get away from being a prairie? How do you how are you a preacher that doesn't preach? You know on so any even if I wanted to avoid it I couldn't I couldn't avoid it so many speeches and Listening to the reading from Luke chapter 10. We've seen that all over again. But look at verse number 16 Luke chapter 10 verse 16 And I think this is a good reminder for us as soul winners in verse number 16. It says here that here a few Hereth me and he that is spires of you This spires of me and he that despises me despises him that sent me So the title of sermon this morning is here that here if you here with me All right here that here if you here with me, let's start off with verse number one and remember chapter 9 Jesus had sent his 12 apostles, you know to go into every city and he gave him power to heal. He gave him power over Casting out devils and we see the same thing play out all over again here in verse number one After these things the Lord appointed other 70 also and sent them to and to before his face into every city And place whither he himself would come So we saw there in Luke 9 that he sent out the 12 and now he's sending another 70 praise God Right. Praise God that the Lord had added Laborers into the harvest right what what the 12 could achieve was fantastic They came back rejoicing now Jesus says, you know what we're going to increase that by another 70 So now we have you know with the 12 the 12 apostles now We have really 82 82 been given this power they go into every place to every city. Look at verse number two Therefore said he unto them the harvest truly is great But the laborers are few pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvests that he would send forth laborers into his harvest Hey, this is what he's telling the 70 that he's sending out Alright, this is look at the 70, you know, you need to be praying for more laborers as well All right, and I keep your finger there turn to Matthew chapter 9 turn to Matthew chapter 9 Because I want to show you this where Jesus said very similar words. Okay in Matthew chapter 9 verse 36 Matthew chapter 9 verse 36 I Just want to show you and compare this it says but when he saw the multitudes He was moved with compassion on them because they fainted and was scattered abroad as sheep having no shepherd Then say if he unto his disciples The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest That he will send forth laborers into his harvest look at chapter 10 verse 1 and when he had called unto him his 12 Disciples he gave them power against unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease You see that chapter 9 the end of chapter 9 the beginning of chapter 10 is what we read in the previous chapter Luke chapter 9 So when Jesus sends out his 12, he says hey, you're gonna go out there and be a laborer in the harvest I want you also to be praying for more laborers So then we get later on the prayers are answered We get another 70 going out and Jesus says to the 70 pray for the same thing I'm gonna give you power over The devil's and heal the sick the same way that the 12 were given and he says to the 70 Hey you pray for more laborers. All right, but I want you to notice there that the expectation Is that you're a laborer yourself, you know that you're a laborer yourself And that's just Jesus's expectation and this is because you're a laborer pray for more laborers and we see the prayer answered another 70 going out. Okay, so we see that, you know truly Christ wants laborers He wants laborers into his harvest, you know and go back to Luke chapter 10 go back to Luke chapter 10 So I just wanted to show you that Jesus gave those Instructions to his disciples and now he's given the same lesson the same teaching to the 70 that are going out and Look at verse number three. It says go your ways behold. I send you forth as lambs among wolves Hey when we go out and we preach the gospel, we should be going as lambs. Okay, you're not the wolf You're not the one that's trying to devour the person at the door. The lamb is gentle. All right, the lamb is pleasant That's how you ought to be when you knock on your neighbor's door. Okay, don't be rude, you know Don't be hostile that like a wolf be like the lamb being sent forth as lambs among wolves And if you notice in verse number one Jesus sends them out to and to okay two by two The way we will do it the reason we do it two by two today and look if you got no partner There's nothing wrong with you going by yourself and knocking doors. But the ideal scenario is that you would have a partner with you Why is that because you're like a lamb amongst wolves All right, having that person with you that silent partner is a huge help Okay, first of all, that person should be praying at the door, you know, maybe they can help you You know if you get stuck on something they can help you out But also, you know if you get injured if you're out there, you know and someone harms you or you just get injured You know, there's someone there that can call for help to some there that can lift you up and help you out But also, you know if there's a false accusation You know you go to some of the door and they claim that you've done something wrong You've you've you know, you've done some evil that you've got that second witness there with you that can say no You know, I was a witness I saw what happened and this is what took place So going two by two is biblical, but it also gives us protection as lambs among wolves Verse number four and the same instructions that he gave his to his twelve He says carry neither personal script nor shoes and salute no man, by the way And look when it says salute no man, by the way, it's not like like ignore people that you come across It's basically don't be distracted by the work you're doing. I'm sending you to these cities. Your goal is to preach the gospel I don't want you getting sidetracked with conversations Okay, and again good things that we ought to apply as soul winners, right? We go to the door Sometimes people say to you look I don't have I don't have time, you know You have time for me to give you the god No, I haven't got time but many times they want to tell you their life story many times They want to have a conversation about anything besides the Bible and you might get trapped into thinking You know what? Maybe if I just let them talk for a while They'll give me the chance later on and I've done that, you know, I've done that. Oh, they want to talk All right, I'll let him talk a bit and it's like well, you know now that you because you do have the time You know, can I show you the banana? I'm not interested. I don't have time All right, so look, you know as soul winners We should be careful not to be distracted when we have a goal when we have a mission to do All right verse number five Into and into whatsoever house he enter First say peace be to this house So you're bringing a blessing if someone accepts you into the house and we'll see his soon here that it's actually it's actually believer Okay that accepts you into the house, you know, bless the house bless the people there verse number six It says that and if the Son of Peace be there your peace shall rest upon it if not it shall turn to you again Now that that phrase Son of Peace It's not found anywhere else in the Bible. So if you're I was kind of wondering what is it? What is the Son of Peace? So we don't have anything that we can reference but I think it's it should be pretty straightforward I think because Jesus is known as the Prince of Peace right in Isaiah 9 6 the Prince of Peace And when someone receives the all the gospel what's the gospel also called it's also God and the kids you guys memorize this You know the arm of the armor of the the armor of God when you when you put your shoes on what was it called? You guys remember? It was the what are you preparing yourself for you're preparing yourself for the gospel of peace. Remember that the gospel of peace So what I believe the Son of Peace is here is someone that has the Lord Jesus Christ Someone that has received the gospel of peace and has the Prince of Peace basically in them, okay So I believe he's saying here that if you go into someone's house, they're a believer, you know bless them But if they're not a believer then turn away from don't go into an unbelievers house. I think is what essentially what it's being taught here verse number seven and in the same house remain Eating and drinking such things as they give for the laborer is worthy of his hire Go not from house to house So if someone receives you, you know, I believe especially they give you they offer you a drink They offer you a bit of food or whatever so you can be comfortable on your journey Jesus says look accept it, you know for the labor is worthy of his hire You know, you know someone that's that's a preaching the gospel someone that's working for the Lord They're worthy to be to be paid. They're worthy to be rewarded, you know and Keep your finger there and turn to 1st Timothy turn to 1st Timothy chapter 5 turn to 1st Timothy chapter 5 Because this this is a Teaching from the Old Testament. Okay, but we see two applications here We see it to of someone that's out there preaching the gospel All right But we also see this as an application to pastors in 1st Timothy chapter 5 verse 17 It says let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double on honor Especially they who labor in the word and doctrine So those that labor in doctrine those that study it those that preach the Word of God feed you the Word of God They're worthy of double honor and look at verse 18 for the scripture saith Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn and the laborer is worthy of his reward Alright, so, you know, there are people that believe you know full-time workers, you know that that serve the church or maybe act as you know Like a evangelist or a missionary, you know, these people shouldn't be paid I mean, there's a movement that that basically doesn't want pastors to be paid and they believe if a pastor gets paid You know, they're a hireling there's someone that's just working for money, you know, but we see in the Bible It's very scriptural that if you go into labor in word and doctrine that you're worthy of your higher You know, you're worthy of your reward you you know, it's some someone that ought to be paid All right, so I'm not saying that because I don't get paid here. I'm not saying that It's just what we're up to in the scriptures, you know But I would love it and I'll just give you a quick testimony and I've shared this with a few of you But last Sunday was the first time that I've been completely reimbursed like since we started the church Obviously I put some you know, you know, some of my personal finances forward and you say what is it? You know, I mean there's actually a lot that goes to Organizing a church and having the resources that you need and all those kinds of things and obviously as a new church We just didn't have the finances So I put forth a lot of you know things that in my own pocket when we got this building again I you know, I took it out of my own pocket and I was kind of expecting, you know I probably won't get that money back for a while, you know, and I wasn't too bothered about it It's not like I'm desperate for anything like that. But you know this past Sunday was fantastic. Praise God We had enough we had an amazing amount that came in through November Again a surprise because we're approaching Christmas and normally in Christmas, you know people that say, you know Concerned about money for holidays or concerned about money for Chris, you know, you know buying presents and all those kinds of things So I'm you know as the past I'm really appreciative of the of the you know The offerings or tithes and offerings that are coming into this church. Honestly, it's it's fantastic completely reimbursed That's that's something that's off my mind right now and you know, maybe in the new year, maybe looking forward I can I can revisit and see hey whether you know, this laborer is worthy of some higher worthy of some reward We'll see we'll see in the new year. Okay But let's move on go back to Luke chapter 10 verse 7 Luke chapter 10 verse 7 Hmm It's interesting that last our last sentence there. He says go not from house to house So the instructions to these 70 if someone lets you into the house just you know be there they're gonna provide for you They're gonna feed you etc. They're gonna give you what you need, but don't go from house to house, you know Establish yourself and then from that location go and preach the gospel into that city Okay, don't waste your time going from one house to another house This is not going house to house preaching the gospel This is you know, what you're saying is don't go house to house seeking for you know sustenance Seeking for what you need to be able to do your job No stay in the house that you're at and then go and preach the gospel and I thought I thought this was interesting because it reminds me of a waste of time That a lot of my Baptist brethren do you know and I know they're not you know They don't mean that it's not like they mean evil. They mean well, they're just trying to serve the Lord They have a heart to serve the Lord, right, but they've been taught that before you can become a pastor They've been taught before you can become a missionary. You've got to essentially go house to house What I mean by that well, the church is the house of the Lord and essentially they'll spend years You know two years three years going from church to church, you know seeking financial Help so they can go in and work for the Lord But you know what preaching the gospel doesn't cost you anything Except maybe 15 minutes of your time. All right, that's all it cost I mean knocking on your neighbor's door and saying hey, I'm from the local church. I'm here to give the gospel Can I present it to you? That's not gonna cost you anything You don't need to go from house to house from from church to church to get you know, what you need Hey, you know what? We should be teaching our young people, you know If you have a desire to get into the ministry one day become a full-time worker What we should be teaching them is go get a job You know go get a job get married have kids live life, you know preach the gospel You know every week in your church serve in your church And when the time is right and you're able to provide for yourself then go out and serve the Lord All right, you know establish yourself in that one house and from that house serve the Lord Don't waste time going everywhere spending years and years when you should be just out there preaching the gospel All right He's our I have a desire to to become a missionary in a foreign field. That's fine I don't have a problem with that But if you're not being a missionary here, you're never gonna be a missionary in the foreign field Okay if you're not serving here when you have you know a church that supports you when you have a house that's over your head and You're not doing that. You're never gonna be the missionary overseas. Okay. So anyway, I just thought that was interesting, you know Stay in the house that you're at and I think there's also a challenge for churches You know if a church has someone that they want to send out to be a missionary I think that church and and you know, they're going to a place where they can't work Maybe it's a foreign field or whatever Then I think that church should be doing everything they can to help that person achieve that goal. Okay, and again, you know, I Know they mean well But have you ever been to a church where they've literally got like a hundred missionaries on the wall? They're like look at all these these hundred missionaries that we support and they're like, you know They send 50 bucks a week to this 120 bucks a week to that 100 bucks a week to that one Like, you know, I mean why I mean what if you just helped one missionary what if that missionary knew hey this church You know the church that sent me they're gonna they're gonna provide for me They're gonna make sure that I have everything I need instead of you know, having the hundred, you know missionaries for 50 bucks a month It's not I mean you pray for them But I think what we see in the Bible is that you know, the house of the Lord should be providing for the workers Okay that they have anyway, let's let's go back to Luke 10 Luke 10 chapter 8 Luke 10 chapter 8 And into whatsoever city ye enter and they receive you each such things are as are set before you So you can't be a fussy eater if you want to be a worker for the Lord, right? Whatever whatever they serve before you you got to eat it. All right, there's no vegans. There's no vegan missionaries Verse number nine and heal the sick that are there in and say unto them the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you Now I just want you to as we talk about the kingdom of God I'm going to talk a lot about it in chapter 13 of Luke But I just wanted to pick up things as the kingdom of God is mentioned We know that the preaching the kingdom of God is preaching the gospel And we see that the kingdom of God say to them the kingdom of God is nigh unto you. What does that mean? It's near it's close. Hey, you can you can have it right now I'm coming to show you how you can enter into that kingdom And we ought to be a little bit like that when we go and preach the gospel And don't be shy, you know, don't be um, what's the word? Timid don't be timid. You've got the keys to the kingdom of God right there. It's close It's near that person that door can be saved right now Should they hear the word believe it and call on the name of the Lord to be saved? All right, we ought to go with bonus we have a an amazing power Yeah, maybe not to cast out devils but to open up that kingdom and allow people in through the preaching of the gospel It's an amazing thing, you know, we're coming in and bringing that kingdom very near very close to these people at the door It might be the closest I ever get to the kingdom, you know Verse 10 But into whatsoever city you enter and they receive you not go your ways out of the streets of the same and say Even the very dust of your city which cleaveth on us we do wipe off against you notwithstanding Be you sure of this that the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you So even the ones that don't want to hear the gospel they say hey tell them You had the chance you've had an opportunity to have the kingdom of God to receive the kingdom of God You know, don't be ashamed. Don't be timid There's number 12 But I say unto you that it shall be more tolerable in the day of Sodom than for that city say why? Because that city those people had an opportunity to hear the gospel Okay, they had a prophet coming through, you know and and and and bringing that kingdom close to them And so while we know the sins of Sodom and we know, you know, the hellfire these people are suffering right now You know, it's gonna be worse for those that have the opportunity to receive the gospel Those that have every opportunity Today and they reject it. It's gonna be worse for them Now these people were casting out there was doing amazing works of God, you know They were able to see you know, essentially, you know, the great works of God and they still reject it. They reject these people Hellfire is gonna be worse for them Okay, hellfire is gonna be worse for them and we see that this is definitely about hell. Look at verse 13 woe unto thee Corazon so these are all cities woe unto thee Bethsaida for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon Which have been done in you they had a great while ago repented sitting in sackcloth and ashes Now if you remember go to Luke chapter 6 go to Luke chapter 6 Go to Luke chapter 6 verse 17 So Jesus is saying look to these cities and I'm assuming they're Jewish cities Bethsaida definitely is Corazon I'm not that sure but I assume it is It's saying look if these works were done in the Gentile in the Gentile cities in Tyre and Sidon They would have repented. Okay, they would have you know Repented in sackcloth and ashes. Look at look at Luke 6 verse 17 Luke 6 17 You might remember this It says and he came down with them and stood in the plain and the company of his disciples and a great multitude of people Out of all Judea and Jerusalem and from the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon Which came to to hear him and to be healed of their diseases. So, you know, Jesus is not talking nonsense He's not making empty threats You know We see that there are people in these Gentile cities wanting to come and hear Jesus Christ Wanting to come and hear the gospel and be healed and see the mighty works of God You know had he gone into the entire city. Wow, there would have been a Great revival there. Okay, but we definitely see what Jesus says. They said is the facts In fact, he knows very well the kinds of people that would receive him and many cases in this case It was the Gentiles instead of the Jews. All right, go back to Luke chapter 10 Luke chapter 10 verse 14 But it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment than for you. So those are those cities that Obviously did not believe on Christ But they have did not have the opportunity of Christ passing through those cities themselves It's going to be more tolerable in the day of judgment than for you We'll see this look at verse 15 and thou Capernaum, which are exalted to heaven shall be thrust down to hell So I assume Capernaum was probably filled with a lot of prideful people Thinking that they're close to God thinking that they're on their way to heaven and Jesus says you'll be thrust down to hell I assume then they probably obviously rejected Jesus Christ They rejected these 70 and the 12 that were going out there and notice that they'll be thrust down to hell So when we understand this about the cities, we definitely see that this is the judgment of God you know and have you ever have you ever had people say to you and Maybe you know you've come across and said you know some hard truths on the bottom of the Bible and people have said to you Hold on. I'm Christian supposed to be tolerant doesn't Christianity Christianity teach tolerance Have you ever looked up the word tolerance in the Bible? This is the only place that it's found Okay, this is the only place look at verse 12 But I said to you shall be more tolerable in the day of Sodom than for that city. Yeah, I don't believe in tolerance Okay, and some people in hell it's gonna be more tolerable for them than for others. I believe in tolerance Yeah, okay, but tolerance of sin. No, I don't believe in tolerance for sin. I don't believe in tolerance for false religions I don't believe in tolerance for false Jesus's and false Gospels. No But tolerance is taught in the Bible. It's basically dependent on how much you're gonna suffer in Hellfire Okay, and so this is one major Passage in the Bible that actually teaches us that for some like hell's not not equally painful for everybody But for some it's going to be much worse than for others, okay Especially for those that had every opportunity to receive Christ, you know And they rejected him Verse number 16 verse number 16 So, yeah, I do believe in tolerance verse number 16 He that hearth you hearth me and he that despises of you despise of me and he that despises me despise of him That sent me I love this verse Because it keeps us as soul winners it keeps us humble And it keeps us from getting discouraged as well. All right, so When we go out, you know, and we preach the gospel and people believe it and get saved etc, etc You know, this is gonna stop you from getting too prideful thinking man. Look at me. I'm so great I'm the greatest soul winner on the planet. No They they heard you because they heard Jesus Okay It's because of Jesus Christ because because of the words of God that they got saved It was a through the power of the gospel is the power of the Word of God that got them saved You know, not your not your good looks, you know, not your muscles that got him saved It was all through the power of God that comes from his word So that'll keep you humble, but also and he that despise of you despise of me So someone says hey, you know and you know, they hate you. They don't want you there Maybe they swear at you or whatever, you know, you might take that personally, but Jesus says hey, it's not you They hate me, you know, they despise me. So that's going to help you from getting discouraged All right, some people when people have a go you you'd be like, you know what it wasn't me They're actually hate Jesus. All right, and then he says and he that despise of me despise of him that sent me I mean, they actually despise God the Father ultimately, okay, because they despise the Son I mean, what does that say about Judaism? You know, I hear Christians say well they reject the Son, but they worship the Father and they love the Father They want to serve the Father know if they despise Jesus and they do then they actually despise God the Father Okay, so, you know never, you know Judaism is a false religion guys. It's not Christianity Old Testament No, all right. It's a false religion Just as much Islam is a false religion just as much Buddhism and Hinduism is a false religion You know anyone that rejects Jesus Christ as the Messiah the Son of God as a Savior also despises God the Father All right, this number 17 and The 70 returned again with joy saying Lord, even the devil's are subject unto us through thy name Fantastic same thing happened to 12 if you remember in the previous chapter Now, let me just say a couple of things about these 70 This is the only time in the Bible that we read about him But they were given the same powers that were given the same instructions as the twelve apostles You know and I don't think there's anything wrong with considering these 70 as apostles They may very well have been apostles, but sometimes we have this mindset that there were only 12 apostles I mean a lot of people think there were just 12 apostles, but we're seeing the Bible that there are there are more than 12 And so I think you could call these 70 apostles even though the Bible itself does not You know name them by that name, but let's look quick do a quick Bible study here So turn to the book of Acts, Acts chapter 1 Acts chapter 1 verse 26, Acts chapter 1 verse 26 I just want to show you this just for your just for your knowledge Acts chapter 1 verse 26 And remember one of the apostles was the betrayer One of the apostles was not even saved and that was Judas Iscariot remember and he hung himself He died and then there were 11 left well in Acts chapter 1 the twelve apostles or the eleven apostles that remain They wanted to fill that role They wanted to fill that that office and in Acts chapter 1 verse 26 It says and they gave forth their lots and the lot fell upon Matthias, and he was numbered with the eleven apostles Okay, he was numbered with the eleven apostles So we see Matthias at least as far as the eleven are concerned Matthias took on the apostleship that was left By Judas Iscariot, so we see Matthias is an apostle okay now look at Acts 14 Go to Acts 14 verse 14 Acts 14 verse 14 Because we have other apostles besides the twelve Acts 14 14 it says Which when the apostles Barnabas and Paul now we we know Paul is an apostle right yeah, he's written so much of the New Testament He's a great apostle, but notice it says apostles Barnabas and Paul and Barnabas was obviously Paul's helper Barnabas and Paul heard of and they rent their clothes and ran in among the people crying out so we see another two apostles there by Name Barnabas and Paul now turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 4 1st Corinthians chapter 4 1st Corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 1st Corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 notice this and these things brethren I have in a figure Transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes that you might learn in us not to think of men above that which is written That no one of you be puffed up for one against another so there we see Paul mentioning Apollos Now drop down to verse number 9 verse number 9 He says for I think that God have sent forth us The Apostles last as they were appointed to death so when he says the us there in verse number 9 He's referring to himself and Apollos Okay, and so there he's essentially calling Apollos an apostle as well all right Turn to Galatians chapter 1 Galatians chapter 1 Galatians chapter 1 Verse 19 so this teaching is not going to change your life. Yeah, I'm just giving you information So when you read your Bible you're like oh, yeah, I remember that Galatians chapter 1 verse 19 It says but other of the Apostles saw I none Save James the Lord's brother so of the other apostles I didn't see any except James, so what is he saying about James that he's an apostle He's an apostle that he saw now We know that of the twelve there was there was also James there as well in the twelve but this James is actually a half brother of the Lord Jesus Christ a son of Joseph and Mary and we see here Paul calls James an apostle all right turn to first Thessalonians first Thessalonians chapter 2 First Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 6 first Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 6 So this is you know obviously we know it's a it's an epistle of Paul, and it says here Nor of men sought we glory Neither of you nor yet of others when we might have been burdensome as the apostles of Christ Okay, so he's calling himself and those that are writing this letter the apostles of Christ Now go to chapter 1 verse 1 chapter 1 verse 1 first Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 1 It says Paul and Silvanus and Timotheus unto the church of the Thessalonians Which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ so who wrote Who's yeah, who's written first Thessalonians? Where's that coming from it's definitely coming from Paul We know that but also from Silvanus and Timotheus And then you remember in chapter 2 who refers themselves as the apostles plural of Christ so here We definitely have Silvanus and Timotheus is also Timothy in the Bible as apostles recognized as apostles and One more turn to the book of Hebrews turn to the book of Hebrews Hebrews chapter 3 Hebrews chapter 3 verse 1 It says wherefore holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling Consider the apostle and high priest of our profession Christ Jesus all right so there We have Christ Jesus capital a apostle all right capital a apostle and high priest So just a little Bible study there, so I just wanted to show you that you know It's not just the 12 that were apostles But that you know Jesus Christ had appointed other men to be apostles as well throughout his ministry Remember his ministry was three years long Okay And then there were also certain criteria of somebody that could call themselves an apostle or take on that an office of an apostle I won't go into all that today, but I just want to show you it's more than 12 Okay, so if you ever have you know you have a plain Bible trivia and that question comes up You know there's more than 12 I showed you these ones because we know them by names there might be other apostles But they're not known by names that might be other men as well that we see in the scriptures But anyway, I hope that was interesting go back to Luke chapter 10 Luke chapter 10 verse 18 Luke chapter 10 verse 18 this is a very interesting verse okay Luke chapter 10 verse 18 So remember these 70 had just finished saying hey, you know we're casting out these devils You know even though the spirits you know we're under our authority in your name And then we get to verse 18 and and Jesus says and he said unto them I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven All right, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven It's an interesting interesting thing and I think this has to do with the kingdom of God Which I'm going to teach on you guys in chapter 13, but quickly turn to Revelation chapter 12 turn to Revelation chapter 12 verse 7 Revelation chapter 12 verse 7 so we turn to the book of Revelation During the tribulation or actually leading up to the great tribulation period in the Bible And it says there in Revelation chapter 12 verse 7 and there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels and prevailed not Neither was their place found any more in heaven and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan Which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him so some people Associate Luke 10 18 with Jesus beholding Satan falling from heaven with Revelation chapter 12 Even though Revelation chapter 12 is in the future has not yet happened They associate Jesus being the eternal God seeing this as a future thing of heaven Though that's not my interpretation. I just wanted to show you that that's not my interpretation I actually believe that Jesus did see Satan fall from heaven when when these devils were being cast out out of these people Okay When the devil's when the spirits were being cast out of people that were demon-possessed that devil-possessed He saw Satan fall out of heaven, but something that you may have noticed there in Revelation 12 It said about Satan neither was their place found any more in heaven So we know in Revelation 12 when Satan is cast out of heaven. That's it They will never have a place anymore. He will never ever walk into heaven ever again But that doesn't mean that he hasn't been cast out of heaven before I mean it kind of makes sense that Satan would come You know and God would just be like, you know, get out of here and he'd fall out of heaven But something that we notice about the kingdom of God as we see the kingdom of God increase You know and we see the great works of God One thing that you'll also notice in the Bible is we see the kingdom of Satan take a back step It's not just that the kingdom of God grows but the kingdom of Satan actually Also decreases as it grows. Okay, there's this twofold thing So I actually believe that as they were casting out devils the kingdom of Satan was being shaken To the point that Satan himself was you know fell out of heaven as lightning So I believe that was something Jesus had seen especially when you look at you continue reading look at verse 19 behold I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and Nothing shall by any means hurt you so, you know even even Snakes and scorpions could not hurt these these 70 could not help hurt the 12 that went out preaching the gospel And I believe this is also applicable to you know, the power of the enemy Spiritual enemies and not just physical creatures that can hurt them But also they had power over spiritual enemies and nothing shall by any means hurt you So verse 20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you But rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven So if we keep verse 18 in context, you know, we see that, you know Satan falling from heaven is associated with these devils being cast out with these devils being under subjection of these apostles in Jesus name but Jesus says look even better than that even better than these spirits being under your subjection You know at the verse of 20 it says be rejoice because your names are written in heaven What's even better than casting out devils is that you're saved? Alright, and how many people how many preachers, you know? Boast about the power to cast out devils, you know, I don't believe they're casting out devils, but that's what they talk about That's what they praise about. That's what they lift themselves up about Jesus Hey, it's better that you're saved and a lot of people aren't even saved Okay In other words you have greater reason to rejoice because you know Your name is written in heaven than having these great powers that God gave, you know, the seven apostles Let's keep reading verse number 21 And in that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, you know, Jesus rejoices when when the soul winners come back You know, you know talking about the great news that that happened He rejoices in spirit said I thank the old Father Lord of heaven and earth and thou has hid these things from the wise and prudent And has revealed them unto babes even so father for it so it seemeth good in thy sight All things are delivered Delivered to me of my father and no man knoweth who the Son is But the Father and who the Father is but the Son and he to whom the Son will reveal him so if you remember when I told him the Trinity last time I mentioned that the Trinity is specifically a New Testament doctrine Not that it's not found in the Old Testament it definitely is okay But we see that it is a doctrine that became very clear became very apparent by Jesus Christ It's Jesus that really came preaching the Trinity teaching about the Father teaching of the Son and you know This is a great passage here because he says look, you know, he mentions in verse 22 that no man knows who the Son is but the Father and who the Father is but the Son no one knows who the Father is except the Son and He to whom the Son will reveal him. The only way to know God the Father is By Jesus Christ revealing that to you Okay, when you are saved through the Son of God through Jesus Christ, then you have access to the Father Then you can actually speak to the Father in prayer. Okay, but we see that they're not one person Okay, there are two there right the Father there's the Son and notice that um It said there in verse 22 all things are delivered to me of my father We see the teaching of the authority structure the chain of command it's the Father that's given things to the Son You know, Jesus Christ is not God the Father. Otherwise, he'd be given things to himself No, he says the Father delivers things to the Son Okay So the rock the Son reveals to us who the Father is you're going to get the best teaching on the Trinity Through the New Testament and then when you revisit the Old Testament, you're gonna be like, oh, yeah, there it is You're gonna see the Trinity all over the Old Testament but that's because you've been given the light that Jesus Christ gave us teaching us about the relationship there of the Father and of the Son verse 23 and he turned and he turned him unto his disciples and said privately Blessed are the eyes which see the things that you see For I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which you see and have not seen them and To hear those things which ye hear and have not heard them Hey, you know as a kid I grew up in a church and I knew I had to be in church I knew it was the commands of God, but it was so boring And you know and maybe that's part of my you know, probably my own spirit I was bored, but you know what the preaching was boring. All right, I didn't learn anything new I would rather as a kid. I would rather just sit in church read my Bible I feel like I learned more just doing that than hearing the preaching. All right, but notice we have a great privilege Jesus says look there are many prophets of the Old Testament There are kings people of authority and power that wish to have the knowledge that you have They wish to hear the preaching that we've heard to know, you know, the things that we know You know and you know, we should never be people that get bored in church We should never get be people that get bored of hearing the Word of God preached Now I understand if you get bored because many preachers don't even preach the Word of God or they Read one verse and then it's all their own personal wisdom. Yeah, I can understand getting bored of that Hey, but you know, thank God we're in a church and look I'm not boasting of myself because we've had other men preach and they open the Word of God They teach us great things from the Word of God. Praise God You know, this is something that we ought to rejoice in and value it You know value what we have because there are there are other men, you know You know better men than us prophets of the Old Testament that wish to have the information that we have You know, please value the Word of God. Please read it. Please meditate. Please love it Please, you know enjoy coming to church to just sit under the teaching of the Word of God Verse number what am I up to guys? 25 and behold a certain lawyer stood up and tempted him saying master. What shall I do to inherit eternal life? Now are you going when you go door-knocking and you preach the gospel Are you going to turn to Matthew 10 25 to teach on the gospel? So here it is. Here's the question master. What shall I do to inherit eternal life? Why won't you turn there? look at verse 26 and he said unto him what is written in the law how readest thou and he answered and said thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy strength and with all thy mind And thy neighbor as thyself and he said unto him thou has answered right This do and thou shalt live there it is guys That's how you get saved love God with all your heart. Love your neighbor and I just yeah you do this and thou shalt live That's how you get yeah, you know inherit eternal eternal life. Is that how we're gonna preach the gospel? No, okay let's look back at verse 25 and behold a certain lawyer stood up and Tempted him Okay, this this guy wasn't looking for a sincere answer He wasn't someone that really wanted to know how to get to heaven. Okay, he came testing Jesus. He came tempting him He wanted to trip up Jesus Christ okay, and Look at verse number 29 But he willing to justify himself Said unto Jesus and who is my neighbor? Hey, he wants to prove himself worthy of the kingdom of God He wants to justify himself No, you know you there's nothing you can do There's nothing you can bring to God and be justified of no It's it's salvation by the righteousness of Jesus Christ not your own righteousness. Hey, look, it's a pretty good answer It's the kind of answer you get at the door all the time, you know, we'll just love God love your neighbors Do the best no, no, that's how we get saved. No, what part of it there is a truth to that, right? Otherwise Jesus would be lying in verse 28 and he said unto him thou has answered right this do and thou shall live Alright, so hypothetically there is another way to heaven. There is another way to have the kingdom of God That's basically be perfect. Okay, keep all the commands of God be perfect Yeah, and thou shall live that's that's one great way to God I mean, but look Romans 3 10 as it is written. There is none righteous No, not one No, not one. Yeah, if you could do it all you could keep and be perfect like God you go to heaven Perfect. You don't even need to get saved because you're perfect already You're making your way through there. But hey, there is none righteous. No, not one We should never be like this lawyer trying to justify ourselves Someone asked you. Hey, how do you know you're gonna heaven? Hey, no, why are you saved? Why are you so sure? You never justify yourself. Well, look at me I go to church, you know, I do great works I read my Bible No, don't justify yourself. Let's say I'm a filthy sinner I'm not righteous, but Jesus died for me and I've placed my faith on him. Okay verse number 29 and He willing to justify himself said unto Jesus and who is my neighbor and Jesus and this is this is a great parable One of the one of the most famous parables that Jesus taught on and Jesus answering said a certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho So this is a Jew This is a Jewish man and fell among thieves which stripped him of his raiment and wounded him and departed Leaving him half dead. So this guy has been beaten. He's been stripped naked. He's half dead he's going to die should no one come to help him and By chance they came down a certain priest that way and when he saw him he passed by on the other side So the priests are meant to serve in the temple of God. They see this man He sees this man. He just walks by on the other side. I'm not gonna deal with that trouble. That's not my problem I'm gonna move on verse 32 and Likewise a Levites now the priests were meant to be Levites But a Levite was not all Levites were priests But all Levites were required to basically serve in the temple of God and be you know Basically be of service to the nation of Israel so this is another person that is supposed to be godly someone that's supposed to know the Lord well and Supposed to help their neighbors supposed to serve other Jewish people other Israelites Verse 32 and likewise a Levite when he was at the place came and looked on him and passed by on the other side Now stop there for a minute because remember it's a lawyer it's some of that not what lawyer it's not like the lawyers we have today Well, it's kind of similar because a lawyer is something like that. We have today is someone that knows the law Okay, they're supposed to know the law They're supposed to know how to represent people Through the law and a lawyer back in these days or someone that knew the law of God someone that was well studied someone that that I was maybe even a teacher a teacher of the doctrines of the Bible and so This is significant that Jesus Christ Mentions the priest and the Levite because essentially that they're all the same You know very similar to what the lawyer is supposed to be okay? It's saying look these righteous these supposed to be righteous godly people. They're not helping this man at all But look at verse 33 and a certain Samaritan as he journeyed Came where he was and when he saw him he had compassion on him and he went to him and bound up his wounds pouring in oil and wine and set him on his own beast and brought him to an inn and took care of him and on the morrow when he departed he took out two pence and Gave them to the host and said unto him take care of him and what's over there spend this more when I come again I will repay thee now which now are these three thinkest thou was neighbor unto him that fell among the thieves and He said he that showed mercy on him then said Jesus unto him go and do thou likewise Likewise So what's Jesus saying you're not loving your neighbor? Yeah, you gave the right answers if you were able to love the Lord and you're able to love the neighbor And you're able to keep the commands of God. Yeah, you would be righteous you would have life But Jesus he says at the end of the parable you've got to do likewise in other words you failed You've broken the laws of God. You're not doing the things you can't justify yourself Okay, and he uses you know these these godly examples of the priests and the Levi because that's what the lawyer was supposed to be You know he's probably hanging around the Levites and lawyers and say look you guys you're not being merciful to people You know but the Samaritan the people that you hate you know the half-bred Jewish and the half you know Assyrians Or whatever it was mix of people you know some of these people You know I'm more merciful than you are you know some of these people are closer to the Lord than what you are And I also think that the the good Samaritan also represents Christ in many ways You know a lot of us Just know in sin lost and dying on our way to hell literally half dead right you know half that our spirits dead It's just the body needs to drop him, and then we're on to hell You know and Jesus comes takes him aboard heals him and pays it all he pays it says look if there's anything left Oh, I'll make sure that gets paid to all right when Jesus Christ paid for our sins. He paid for it all our past present and future sins Alright, just like that Samaritan anything future. That's gonna cost don't worry. I've taken care of that. I'll take care of that all right Verse 38 Now it came to pass as they went and he entered into a certain village and a certain woman named Martha received him into Her house, and she had a sister called Mary which also sat at Jesus feet and heard his word So Mary and Martha the two sisters, and and they've got a famous brother as well in the Bible You know that is that's Lazarus the Lazarus that was raised from the dead by Jesus Christ Well these are siblings Martha and Mary they received Jesus into his house into the house They you know they must be saved people you know we have Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus Christ Listening here in the Word of God and then verse 40 But Martha was come but about much serving and came to him and said Lord Dost thou not care that my sister hath left to serve alone left me to serve alone Bid her therefore that she helped me Look Martha is kind. I mean look. She's serving Jesus is here. I'm gonna make sure you know he gets fed, and you know he has what he needs You know I'm going to be working around you know But then he you know she she criticizes her sister Mary because she's not serving you know all Mary's doing is sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to the Word of God Look at verse 41 and Jesus answered and said unto her Martha Martha thou art careful and troubled about many things in other words The reason you're reacting this way about your sister Martha isn't just because she's not helping you you're actually Careful full of care and troubled about many things There's actually a lot of things in your life That is a bit out of control and you're really troubled and worried about all those things And it's coming out and you're criticizing your system area okay, and this happens in life You know it's happened to me. I don't know if you have experienced this maybe you've had a stressful day at work You know there's a lot of problems things on your mind You know sometimes you just want to come home and not think about work But you bring all the problems and stress with you and then something small happens in the house And you react the wrong way, okay? I mean what happened wasn't worth how you reacted this has happened to me It's because you know you're coming about with all the cares and all the worries That's on your mind, and it causes you to react in the wrong way. That's essentially what Jesus is saying to Martha Verse 42, but one thing is needful and Mary have chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her Hey, what's the good part that Mary did? What's the good work that Mary is doing right now? She's sitting at the feet of Jesus Christ and hearing the Word of God all right Martha. She wants to be a help She's not like an evil woman or anything like that right, but she's so concerned about other things She's distracted about other things instead of just sitting still and listening to Jesus. She's trying to to work and Look, this is why When we have church service we don't have any other ministries going on that there should be no other distractions going on We just want to sit at the feet of the preacher and listen to the Word of God being preached, okay? We're not ever going to have Sunday school during the church service Okay, because not only will you take the kids away you know now the now There's a teacher being distracted, and they're not sitting there being come bit about with worries and cares and stuff like that Hey, that's not what we want. We don't want met. We don't Marfa's in this church Yeah, actually I do want a lot of Marfa's I do want a lot of people serving, but when it comes to the preaching of God's Word It's time to sit down and not be distracted You know as parents we need to teach our kids to sit still and it's a sit still pay attention Listen to the Word of God, and I know like you know got little kids I know you know they're going to get you know bored and and maybe make noise And you're gonna have to take care of that and you're gonna miss parts of your part of the sermon or whatever But you know we're trying to do everything we can to make sure you don't miss too much You know brother Matthew has put speakers into the mother's room. You know please if you need to go in there Please turn it on if it's not on put it up loud if you have to I've been in church. We're literally mothers go to the mother's room and switch off the preaching so they can chat okay No, that's not how you know that's that's Martha No, you know it's time to be like Mary when we're in church service, okay? And if you miss the sermon you can't make it on the day Hey the preachers on YouTube the preachers on audio You know go back and listen to the Word of God being preached not because it makes me feel good You know I don't care if the numbers on YouTube go up by a number of years I don't care. It's it's for your sake it's for our sake so we can sit hear the Word of God And you know as we go through chapter by chapter sometimes I refer back to things we've really covered so if you've missed things you know it's not you're not going to get as much out of it in in future sermons But that's what I have for you guys today. You know let's learn to sit still Let's learn to take the Word of God seriously Let's learn to love the Word of God and and take it in and then once it's all over Then we can serve then we can be Martha and run around and serve one another all right. Hey, let's pray