(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you Good morning one church to see everyone here. Can you please one years him know and let's tend to song number 424 we will sing joy to the world song number 424 let's sing it out loud 423 I'm sorry 423 you joy to the world Let us receive Let every heart And having a nature see nature see Joy to the world the Savior reigns that man the songs employ both fields and Repeat the sounding joy repeat the signing joy repeat the sounding joy No more the sins and sorrows As the ground He comes to make his blessings flow He rules the world with truth and grace The glories of his righteousness And wonders of his love Our Heavenly Father thank you Lord for this day we gather a church Lord How glorious they will be when your kingdom will come rule over the nations of this world Lord want to thank you for the Bible. It is our rock and our foundation. Thank you for our salvation Lord Also, it's an unspeakable gift Lord in Jesus name we pray amen All right, please take your Bibles and turn to Psalm 119 Psalm 119 Let's continue our reading through this together We're up to verse number 105 none All right, none one hot versus 105 to 112 let's read together Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path I have sworn and I will perform it that I will keep thy righteous judgments I am afflicted very much quicken me Oh Lord according unto thy word Except I beseech thee the freewill offerings of my mouth Oh Lord and teach me thy judgments My soul is continually in my hand yet Do I not forget thy law the wicked have laid a snare for me yet? I heard not from thy precepts Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage forever for they are the rejoicing of my heart I have inclined mine heart to perform thy statutes always even unto the end Alright before I hand back to brother Rams. Just want to remind you guys that next Sunday We're having our church anniversary celebrations. Okay next Sunday So instead of coming here at 12 you come at 12 you're too late Service is gonna be at 10 a.m. 10 a.m. Here at blessed our Baptist Church and at new life Brother Jason's gonna be preaching so I don't have to be spending time there for next week But don't forget Sunday 10 a.m. Right here Anniversaries and the church anniversary and then we're going to rashes in Karima, which is five minutes away And we'll have a lunch together. Okay, so that that's all we'll be doing during the anniversary now I'm not sure there might be some of the people coming that might need to get baptized So I'll just see how the week plays out if there are people that need to get baptized or someone knows that you need To get baptized, please. Let me know and we can probably do it on the same day same Sunday Yeah, so that's number one the second thing that I want to mention is So winning okay from the 15th of December unless Omicron has changed things Supposedly we're supposed to be able to go out as an unvaccinated person go door-to-door visit people now We shouldn't have any restrictions that will stop us from soul winning. So we've got a mega marathon week coming up starting on Wednesday The morning morning session will be from 10 a.m. To 12 p.m. And then after that we'll be having lunch together Lunch will be provided by the church That's if someone else comes in the morning All right, it's just me I want I want I want to have lunch just provided by it by the church like proper the church But if there are people in the in the morning, that's 10 to 12 and then in the afternoon from 2 p.m. To 4 p.m Okay, so it's gonna be four hours of soul winning every day. That's Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Not on Sunday because we've got our church anniversary and then again on Monday and Tuesday. So what I've done I've got a little a list here In mega week, so if you are planning to come I'm gonna leave that on the back table there with all the lollies please write down your names and When you intend to come because then that helps me plan out the maps and all that stuff for the coming week So can I just see a show of hands of who is planning on coming at least for one of those things? All right, so I've got a few hands, all right, awesome All right, so I'll leave this at the back table and now I hand back to brother Anson. Thank you Please Stand to him number 37 There be no dark belly song number 37 Oh Oh There'll be no more Glorious Oh Oh There'll be songs of reading when Jesus comes there'll be songs of reading when Jesus Joyful Oh Man let's turn to song number 159. Let's be the name One five nine, let it be the name Let's be the name Exalted more and more Oh Oh Shall be Oh Oh Lamentations chapter 4 Lamentations chapter 4 starting in verse 1 How is the goal become dim? How is the most fine goal changed the stones of the sanctuary are pulled out in the top of every street? The precious sons of Zion comfortable to find gold How are they esteemed as autumn pictures the work of the hands of the potter? Even the sea monsters throughout the breast they give suck to their young ones The daughter of my people is become cruel like the ostriches in the wilderness The tongue of the sucking child cleaves to the roof of his mouth for thirst The young children ask breath and no man break is it unto them? They did defeat delicately a desolate industries They they were brought up in scarlet embrace Donghills for the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people Is greater than the punishment of the scene of Sodom that was overthrown as in a moment and no hand stayed on her Her natural eyes were purer than snow. They were whiter than milk. They were more ruddy embodied and rubies Their polishing was of sapphire Their visage is blacker than a core They are not known in the streets their skin cleaves to their bones. It is withered. It has become like a stick They they be slain with the sword are better than they they be slain with hunger for these pine away Slickened through for want of the first of the fuel the hands of the pitiful women have sudden their own children They were their meat in the destruction of the daughter of my people The Lord has accomplished his fury He pulled out his fierce anger and has kindled the fire in Zion and has devoured the foundations thereof The kings of the earth and all the inhabitants of the world Will not have believed that the adversary and the enemy should have entered into the gates of Jerusalem For the sins of our prophets and the iniquities of a priest that have shed the blood of the just in the midst of all They have wondered as blind men in the streets they have polluted themselves with blood so that man could not touch their garments They cried unto them depart ye it is unclean depart depart touch not When they fled away and wondered they said among the heathen they shall no more sojourn there The anger of the Lord had divided them. He will no more regard them They respected not the persons of the priest they favored not the elders as for us Our eyes has yet failed for our vain help You know watching we are watching for a nation. They could not save us. They hunt our steps that we cannot go in our streets Our end is near our days are fulfilled for our end is come our persecutors are scepter than the eagles of the heaven They pursued us upon the mountains. They laid wait for us in the wilderness The breast of our most rules the anointed of the Lord was taken in their peace of whom we said Under his shadow we shall leave among the heathen Rejoice and be glad or daughter of Edom that dwellest in the land of us the cup or soul shall pass through unto thee Thou shall be drunken and shall make thyself naked The punishment of thine iniquity is accomplished or daughter of Zion. He will no more carry thee away into captivity He will visit thine iniquity or daughter of Edom. He will discover thy sins. Let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you for this church. We thank you for your words I just pray that you bless the pastor as he preaches your word with your power and spirit knowledge and wisdom and Help us your children run your world and do it in Jesus name we pray I mean All right, so lamentation is chapter 4 there. I'm just gonna warn you now. This is not going to be a pleasant sermon Like there's almost I don't know you heard that red you saw that red Could you find any like positive takeaways from that chapter probably not much maybe nothing okay? So it's going to be a negative sermon I hope I don't like leaving in the dumps But you know what even when we have these confronting chapters and negative chapters. You know it's still God's Word There's still profit we can still learn something right we can still learn more about God and learn more about his ways and learn it More about the God that we worship and it says there in Lamentations 4 10 look at verse number 10 the hands of the pitiful Women have sodden their own children the title for the sermon This afternoon is sodden their own children sodden their own children I was thinking about what should I use to describe this this chapter and It's it's really I don't know. I don't know if you really know what that means to sodden your own children We'll touch upon that soon, but this is a very bad place that Jerusalem is in remind yourselves They're surrounded by the Babylonian Empire. You know they're being destroyed there. They're without food You know that they're dying by the pestilence and by hunger and by by all the other Methods of destruction at the hands of God, and they're not listening to the preaching. They're not listening to preachers like Jeremiah They're not giving themselves over to the Babylonians, and they're just making it worse for themselves One thing that we can take away from this chapter is just to see how far how depraved Man can be when we lose all our liberties when you lose all our Comforts and just how depraved just how wicked Mankind can become so let's start there in verse number one lamentation chapter 4 verse number one How is the gold become dim? How is the most fine gold changed the stones of the sanctuary are poured out in the top of every street? So verse number one it says there's stones of the sanctuary the sanctuary was the house of God the temple right Solomon's temple that he Built at this time and we know that the Babylonians have come in a few times before this final Siege and they what are they done? They've taken away. They the gold they've taken away the precious things that were part of that temple you may recall when the temple was built much of it was gold silver and brass and Babylonians have come and taken away all the precious ornaments for their own riches and so the goat has become dim Okay, it's no longer beautiful It's no longer it no longer reflects the the glory of God right and then it says the stones of the sanctuary are poured out In the top of the street so the stones the stones that made up the building It's scattered throughout the street now This is the temple has been destroyed at this point or at least large large parts of the temple has been destroyed and whatever street You walk through in Jerusalem. You're going to find stones that made up the temple the house of God the sanctuary verse number two The precious sons of Zion so these are the men that lived in Jerusalem Comparable to find gold so just like the fine Go that we spoke about even the men in Jerusalem are like this code in what sense how are they esteemed as? Earthen pictures the work of the hands of the potter now We often talk about how God is the potter and we are the clay all right and we want to be vessels that have been Used by God vessels and to honor and he says look the people in Jerusalem Just like the gold the gold the gold was once to beautify the sanctuary to beautify the temple It was for the for the service and the worship of God, but now it's been taken away by the Babylonians We're just like the people the men of Jerusalem Who should have had them should have been committed unto the Lord serving the Lord now They're taken away to captivity and taken away into Babylon so all the things that God would glory in or that would give God Glory have been taken away by the hands of the enemy including the sons of Zion all right Let's keep going first number three even the sea monsters draw out the breast They give suck to the young ones the daughter of my people is become cruel like the ostriches in the wilderness So we talk about the men the men have been taken away into captivity And now we still have some of the ladies that the daughters of the people it says here They've become cruel in what sense have they become cruel the ladies have become cruel well He basically uses two creatures here two types of animals to describe how the women have become First of all we see that the sea monsters. What could the sea monsters be here? They draw out the breasts they give suck to the young ones obviously this is not talking about fish Okay, fish do not give breast milk to their to their little babies right so when we talk about the sea monsters here We're talking about the mammals of the oceans things like seals and sea lions dolphins and whales You know these are mammals of the oceans and yes You know even the mothers have the breasts and they are able to give milk to the to the little ones And so we're describing a sea monster Just just an animal all right just an animal that swim in the ocean They know how to be protective of their little children right they're born from the mother They're not born like you know like fish like a fish egg That's left aside and the predators can go in and hunt for it No They're born like like in any other mammal or these these creatures here And then they're side by side with the mother until they're big enough to to leave mum and dad okay that they drink from the from The breast of the mother now. This is again the natural Love and desire that a mother has when she gives birth to a little child She wants that little baby close to her she wants to be able to nourish it feed her clothe it protect it And that's how mothers ought to be but the mothers here in the time of Jerusalem's Captivity have become cruel in what sense like the ostriches in the wilderness now look I was I don't think unless I'm mistaken unless you know better than I I'm not that familiar with ostriches Okay, but as far as I'm aware. I don't think ostriches are actually bad parents or anything like that or bad mothers Okay, I mean that they are a creation of God They aren't an animal in the in the in the animal kingdom and generally speaking even the mothers Animals they know how to protect the young and even ostriches, okay? But the difference with the ostrich and the sea monster or those seals etc dolphins is that they're not a mammal Okay, that they that when they lay an egg right and then you might know that the ostrich eggs are like Like there's so many predators they actually love to eat ostrich eggs Okay, and the ostrich might leave the nest for a period of time not to neglect the young But just to get food or whatever it needs to do and that's when the predators come in and they take those big eggs Okay, things like hyenas lions vultures me cats baboons These are all predators of ostrich eggs And so the point is that the ostrich needs to sometimes go away from the nest and it leaves it Unprotected and that's what the mothers have become like these Unprotective mothers instead of having the child side by side Protecting that child the mothers of Jerusalem have become the ostrich and they're leaving their children to become Pray for the predators. All right, so I don't think there's anything wrong with an ostrich Just remember this is these are poetic words Okay And we kind of see the differences of how one has to leave the exercise whereas the other one in the sea monsters They are with their babies side by side until the baby is old enough to grow up Now what we've seen the previous chapters is that the children of the city they're starving there we have food they're begging for food They're asking mom. Where's you know, we're starving when it's been nourished and there's nothing children are dying in the streets So why the mothers are no longer taking care of the kids the kids are out there on their own Trying to find trying to make a living for themselves trying to find scraps of food, whatever it can be So this is what the mothers have become and don't forget the men have been taken away to captivity So the men aren't there to provide they're not there to you know work hard and or they can't really I mean There's little there's there's very little they can do because the entire city is under siege look at verse number four the tongue of the sucking child Cleave off to the roof of his mouth for thirst the young children ask bread and no man break it unto them Okay, so little children not only are they hungry they're thirsty I mean, they're so thirsty their mouths are dry that their tongue is stuck All right to the to the mouth of the roof of their mouth there. Okay, they're asking for the begging for food No one's willing to give them any food because people are out looking for themselves and brethren This is what happens to a society when they've lost all the comforts. They've lost all the riches You know, they no longer care for other people. It's just what can I get? How can I survive? What must I do to be to survive? and This is the these are the consequences brethren of A generation that has rejected God a generation that has rejected the preaching of his word and look I don't know if we'll ever face difficulties like this, you know I hope not I hope never have to deal with a situation like this But I want you to remember our parents that you know our obedience to God's Word our direction our guidance Affects our children if we neglect God's Word if we neglect his house we neglect Church. We're not helping our children We're not helping them There are going to be consequences down the line You know as we turn against the Lord and turn against his ways and we no longer have a zeal and love for God and his Word it's going to affect our children in a negative way These people did not hear the preaching of Jeremiah. What is Jeremiah saying surrender to the Babylonians? I mean, it sounds horrible Surrender to a foreign power, but it's better than your children suffering in and dying in the streets It's better than your children going without the Lord and being judged and chastised and suffering the anger the consequences of the judgment of God Starving children died in the streets verse number five They they that did feed delicately a desolate in the street. So these are the rich people Okay, they that were brought up in scarlets and Embrace dung heels. Talk about the rich now. Okay, they've been able to eat whatever they want Okay brought up in scarlet. So rich rich clothing possessions in that time. And what are they doing? They're acting like the homeless. They're looking they're embracing dung heels. Now. This is literal brethren. Okay, what's happening? That they'll I mean it's disgusting they're looking for food and food scraps amongst the feces The feces of the animal the feces of human beings whatever it is. They're so hungry You know that they're just going through trash. They're going through garbage. They're going through Pooh, all right looking for anything they can eat. I mean what would get you to that point? I mean the desperation of the people because they're not listening to Jeremiah They've destroyed themselves, and they're destroying their own children verse number six for the punishment of the Iniquity of the daughter of my people look at this is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom That was overthrown as in a moment and no man no hand stayed on her I mean look the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was severe I mean no one would want you know fire fire and brimstone on this earth to rain down and destroy entire cities And we look at that and go yeah You know what for your homosexuality you deserve the judgment of God you deserve the wrath of God you deserve the fires of hell But you know what these people so-called people of God They've got it worse because at least the sodomites died immediately okay these guys are suffering long-term suffering Okay, hunger. I mean desperate for food their children dying Their punishment is even greater than the punishment of Sodom Verse Number seven her Nazarites now the Nazarite if you made a Nazarite vow You know you're someone that you could couldn't cut your hair until you accomplished your vow the most famous Nazarite in the Bible is Samson okay now let me just quickly say because we're approaching Christmas Jesus was not a Nazarite a lot of people think Jesus This is why they paint they put Jesus with long hair They go Jesus must have had long hair because he was a Nazarite the problem doesn't say he was a Nazarite He was a Nazarene meaning he was from Nazareth the town of Nazareth Okay But the Nazarite vow is something completely different where they make a special vow to God and they would not eat any grapes Okay, they wouldn't touch anything that was dead Okay They would keep themselves clean and pure and washed and they would let their hair grow until they accomplish the vow and once the vow Was accomplished and they could cut their hair okay? Now I'm not teaching so much about the Nazarites, but the Nazarites basically would have stood out in the community Okay, number one because of long hair men with long hair. That's a bit unusual, okay? But they would have stood out they've been very clean You know keeping themselves from things that were unclean they would have stood out They would have been obvious this man here walking through Jerusalem is a Nazarite So what happened to the Nazarites in verse number seven her Nazarites were Purer than snow they were whiter than milk They were more ruddy in body than rubies their polishing was of sapphire Okay, so they they stood out in the community, but what happens to them in verse number eight? Their visage is blacker than a coal. They are not known in the streets No one knows that Nazarites anymore their skin cleaveth to their bones as it is withered It has become like a stick. They just look like anybody else right there in the dumps. They look like homeless I assume that probably other people other men in Jerusalem have long hair as well because they can't take care of themselves They're not able to cut their hair right when you have the lockdowns We couldn't even access the barbers, and I tried my best to cut my hair, and it's all it's all over the place Prefer okay, but you know that's the situation I mean you can't even tell someone that's trying to keep themselves pure and clean and serving God and keeping a vow to God They just look like anybody else in the city dirty homeless. You know looking for scraps verse number nine They that be slain with the sword are Better than they that be slain with hunger for these pine away stricken through the fruitful wants of the fruits of the field So fighting fighting and dying against Babylon Was better than starving in the city now King Zedekiah in the last you know he's the last king He's rebellious against Babylon. He's rebellious against Jeremiah rebellious against the Lord. No these are our rights These are our freedoms. This is our city How dare we allow some power to come here and tell us what to do all right look it would have been better Just go and fight then instead of hiding the city go and fight. You know what's even better than fighting Surrender the whole purpose of Jeremiah was surrender surrender to the Babylonians and things would have been well with them Look there was no perfect answer to this situation They'd become so bad so deprived God was so angry God was judging that place judging that that nation judging that city The best option in a bad scenario was just surrender and give in to the new powers of the land They're full of pride aren't they full of rebellion. They don't want it to know I don't you know I don't I don't accept the new COVID mandates pastor Kevin I don't accept our rights being stripped away. It's just gonna be harder for you It's just gonna get harder and harder and harder when the rest of us have surrendered. Okay, whatever. Let's move on there Let's get on with our lives, and let's make the best of a bad situation If you can't do that brethren you're gonna find yourself just constantly frustrated constantly stressed constantly negative Alright, and you know I mean we're not facing these days like like it is there But we want to take the principles the lessons and apply it in the times that we live verse number 10 So we get the title for the sermon The hands of the pitiful women have sodden their own children now if you don't know what that means Let's keep reading. They were their meat In the destruction of the daughter of my people I can barely hardly read that Not only had mothers deserted their children to look after themselves trying to take care of themselves But some mothers have eaten their own children some mothers are eating their own children to sodden Means to soak but in reference to food is to boil That's how desperate they had become brethren to Just Eat their own kids. I mean cannibalism your own children I Mean I just want to show you just how wicked how depraved Society can become without the Word of God You know blessed about this church brethren. We're not just some church We're not just some local small church here in Fairfield East. We're important You know we're important to to proclaiming the the righteousness of Christ to teach the Word of God Because if we do away with all the churches we do away with all the preaching brethren our society is just going to become worse and worse and You know what it's already killing babies. We're our society our nation is already murdering babies in the mother's womb Alright, I mean, we're already a depraved nation, and then we wonder why is God judging us well That's why we live in a sick world Killing babies in the mother's womb abortions Toussaint as I said is to soak in reference to to imagine boiling your own children Keep your finger there, and please turn to 2nd Kings turn to 2nd Kings chapter 6 2nd Kings chapter 6 I want to read to you another portion of scripture 2nd Kings chapter 6 and This is at another time, and this is happening to the northern kingdom of Israel not you know in Jeremiah's day lamentations This is about the southern kingdom of Judah, but the same thing happened to the northern kingdom of Israel They too had become so depraved okay, so wicked 2nd Kings and in for them. They were surrounded that was see under the siege of Syria okay, Syria, so let's have a look at this 2nd Kings chapter 6 verse number 24 2nd Kings chapter 6 and verse number 24 The Bible reads, and it came to pass after this that Ben-Hadad king of Syria Gathered all his hosts, and they went up and besieged Samaria So in lamentations we have Jerusalem under siege in 2nd Kings 6 We have Samaria. Samaria was the capital city of the northern kingdom of Israel Okay, the ten tribes right the southern kingdom were the two tribes, okay? So this is about Samaria look at verse number 25, and there was a great famine in Samaria and behold they besieged it until an Assa's head was sowed for four score pieces of silver They were so hungry if he could just get a donkey's head to eat I mean, I don't know what meat can you get off a donkey's head anyway? You're eating the eyes I guess you're eating the brains all right sowed for four score So four score that's four times twenty eighty eighty pieces of silver Look and look at this and the fourth part of a cab. I don't know what that is exactly of doves dung for five pieces of silver Just getting a doves dung now look just recently my kids. We've picked up a rainbow lorikeet on the street It's been attacked by some crows It's now a pet and man that rainbow lorikeet eats fruit and what else does it eat? Pretty much fruit all the time just sugary stuff, and it's just constantly It's just you know what every five minutes or something coming out of his backside, okay? It's it's filthy disgusting. I wish we didn't pick it up now. It is a beautiful bird It's a little bit, but imagine you're selling the dung to somebody You know and I don't know exactly what they use it for maybe maybe Fuel to light a fire Maybe to eat it. I don't know brethren. I don't know but they're so desperate for just a doves poo those feces Okay, they're so desperate. You know they're just eating whatever scraps whatever whatever they can find where does this lead to verse number 26 and As the king of Israel was passing by upon the wall there cried a woman unto him saying help my lord o king and He said if the lord do not help thee whence shall out shall I help thee out of the barnflower or out of the winepress so he's been sarcastic if God's not going to help us What can I do for you all right? verse number 28 and the king said unto her what aleth thee and she answered this woman said unto me Give thy son that we may eat him today, and we will eat my son tomorrow So we boiled my son and did eat him and I said unto her and I said unto her on the next day give thy son that we may eat him and she have hid her son, and it came to pass when the king heard the words of the woman that he rents his clothes and He passed by upon the wall and the people looked and behold he had sackcloth within upon his flesh Filthy disgusting all right two women starving hungry one woman says look just let's kill your son Let's boil it's eat him so we can survive and tomorrow I'll do the same to my son, and she does it and the other woman I mean, I guess she's still got motherly instincts doesn't want to give up her son You know she deceived the other woman, but I'm just trying to show you brethren. How wicked a society can become When they just kill their own children, right? But it's it's for it's for health reasons pastor Kevin right where we're killing children So we can survive tomorrow so we can eat their flesh and survive tomorrow Pass okay, it's just a vaccine who cares if it was developed on aborted tissues Who cares if a baby was taken out of its mother and killed it's for our health isn't it It's for our benefits and for our profit revenue is the same thing Okay, we might not be ingesting babies, but we're injecting babies into our bloodstream Disgusting it's an all the vaccinations all all the colored vaccinations. Okay. I have either been developed Okay, or researched or contain tissues of babies that have been murdered All right, this is why I'm against vaccinations. Okay. This is why I'm not a look I don't care that it's harm. It could be harmful. I don't know or good for you. That's not the issue Okay, that's not the issue. You know that's that's not the issue at all for me Okay, I'm willing to surrender to give into Babylon to give into this world's power. Whatever it is Okay, but I do not want to contribute to something as wicked as a bait Murdered baby for my health so I could survive tomorrow, maybe But this is a society that we live in brethren. And then we wonder why is God judging us? Why do you think? How wicked we've become? Okay, I mean God set Sodom and Gomorrah on fire. And what do we have in Sydney? All right. I mean you can't even turn on the TV now without seeing the sodomites shoving down their throats you know their wicked lifestyle for our children to learn their ways and We just think I you know, we can go, you know, God shouldn't be judged. God is judging us brethren Okay, God is judging Australia. God is judging this world And yeah, we look at this we think it's crazy. We think it's crazy. Don't we? Boiling a baby so we can survive tomorrow and then what's the whole world doing? You know, what's Australia 90% double vax or something? I don't know. Okay People have just lost their morals, you know And this is what happens the further we get away from God's Word The further our nation gets away from the laws of God the more depraved this nation becomes Let's keep going there verse number 11. Sorry Lamentations 4. Lamentations chapter 4 verse number 11 Now verse number 11 is probably the hardest to wrap your head around after the verses that we've looked at Okay, because it says in verse number 11 the Lord have accomplished his fury He have poured out his fierce anger and have kindled a fire in Zion and he have devoured the foundations thereof Now, of course that fire is a literal fire. They burnt down the city They burnt down the house of God But I want you to notice that after it mentions that women have boiled and eaten their own children It says that the Lord have accomplished his fury This is part of God's judgments that women would eat their own children You know what that little babies will be taken and murdered and turned into vaccines and for health benefits This is part of God's fury God's judgment on a wicked nation Now this is the hard part to wrap our minds around Okay, because do you think for a minute that God wants women to become cruel and eat their own kids? Of course not of course not this is why Jeremiah's been preaching for decades Right turn back to God, you know give up on your idols You know what? It's not so much that it's it's it's not God's doing it's the doing of the wicked people on the earth Okay, and as the consequences of the wicked works of people that is the consequence or that is what produces God's judgment and God's wrath is by the weakness of the hands of man And God says all right, if that's how you want to be you want to turn against me? You want to live a life that is wicked and godless then you're gonna end up eating your own children It's not God's desire. Okay, it's just part of the consequences of a wicked world and brethren We live in a wicked world. We live in a wicked world. We live in a wicked society, Brethren All right, it's so important that we find ourselves in the house of God You know what and every every year that goes on I'm gonna look Weirder and weirder for preaching these things, you know, like we're normal Brethren, you know, this is normal God's Word is normality. God's Word is truth. God's Word is righteousness But the more you stand in God's Word the more unusual we're gonna look But Brethren just because the world's going down the toilet and the world's become more wicked. Let's not join the world Let's not keep let's not go down the same trajectory as them. Okay, let's just say it's true. Let's speak Jeremiah Yes, we weep we cry we warn but brethren if the world wants to go down the toilet What more can we do? We can just tell people hey, this is the judgment of God These are the consequences of turning against the Lord God Can you please keep your finger there and turn to Deuteronomy 28. Deuteronomy chapter 28 It's as I say it's hard to wrap our heads around because You know, I've mentioned before, you know people that believe in reformed theology or Calvinism They look at these passages of God's fury and God's judgment So yeah That was God's plan like God premeditated God planned for these people to become so wicked and eat their own kids Like it's God's doing no, it's not God's doing. All right, it's the consequences of turning against God All right, that's what it is. It's part of the fury of God All right, Deuteronomy 28 verse number one Deuteronomy 28 verse number one. Let me just show you this And I think you know as I was preparing this I think I preached some of this stuff in Jeremiah But anyway, it's good to be reminded. Okay, Deuteronomy 28 verse number one So after God, you know is um, so after Israel has gone through the wilderness for 40 years Okay, God's prepared this nation to go into the promised land. We have the book of Deuteronomy God again is repeating a second time the commandments the laws of God So the new generation will be aware of what God's expectation is upon them And so we get to Deuteronomy 28 and God says look You can either choose to be blessed by me or you can choose to be cursed by me All right and in Deuteronomy 28 verse number one it says and it shall come to pass if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God and Observe and to do all his commandments Which I command thee this day that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come on thee and Overtake thee and thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God Brethren God wants to bless us God wanted to bless Israel right if they just hearken they just listen to God's voice They just live the best life they could in accordance to God's will and God's ways God says look you're gonna be lifted up You're gonna be a mighty nation, and that's what they became you know under King David under King Solomon They become the greatest nation on the earth there okay, a nation that prospers a nation that pleases the Lord and Brethren the same for you you want to be blessed by God you and be lifted up listen listen to his words obey his commandments Don't walk after the wicked paths of this world. That's what God wants from us right Obedience he wants to bless us he wants to give us great rewards Drop down to verse number 15. We haven't got time to go through the whole chapter obviously drop down to verse number 15 Now he says the opposite deuteronomy 28 15 But it shall come to pass if thou will not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God To observe to do all his commandments and statutes which I command thee this day That all these curses shall come upon thee and overtake thee Cursed shall thou be in the city and cursed shall thou be in the field so God says look you turn away from me You're gonna end up cursed all right now. Which of those two do you think God wants to do? Obviously he wants to bless them. He wants to bless Israel just be obedient Okay, I mean God's Word isn't really that heavy right I mean with a with a help of God we can walk in his ways and look God knows we're not perfect God knows we make mistakes. This is why he's merciful this way is gracious So why we can come before him in prayer and ask for forgiveness Okay, and then when we get that forgiveness we move on and keep serving God to the best of our abilities right and if we Do that brethren God will bless us God will reward us think God wants to just curse us You know that's why he created us just to destroy us Destroy Israel now from verses 15 just down We're just gonna go like we're not gonna read all the verses But it's just curse after curse after curse after curse you can read about in your own time But drop down to verse number 49 please Deuteronomy 28 verse number 49 I just want to show you this part of the curse of God Deuteronomy 28 verse 49 The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far is that what happened to Israel yep Is that what happened to Judah yep? Okay, the Syrians for the northern kingdom of Israel the Babylonians for the southern kingdom of Israel of Judah the Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far from the end of the earth as Swift as the eagle fly off a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand a Nation of fierce countenance which shall not regard the person of the old nor shall favor to the young and He shall eat the fruit of thy cattle and the fruit of thy land until thou be destroyed Which also shall not leave the either corn nor wine nor oil or the increase of thy kind or flocks of thy sheep? until he have destroyed thee now, let's keep going there verse number 52 and He shall besiege thee in all thy gates Yep, they were under siege okay, Samaria and Jerusalem verse number 52 And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates until thy high and fenced walls come down wherein thou trustest Throughout all thy land and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy land which the Lord thy God hath given thee look at verse number 53 and Thou shall eat the fruit of thine own body The flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters Which the Lord thy God hath given thee in the siege and in the straightness where we've thine enemies shall distress thee Now the reason I've read that to you brethren is to show you that all the way back in the time of Moses all The way back before this nation what I came into the land of Canaan God warned them God warned them from the very beginning okay. This isn't like some unexpected results You know of killing children eating children. You know eating poo eating feces This isn't just some well. We didn't know God warned them all the way back in Deuteronomy Hey, if you walk in my ways you keep my commandments I'll bless you if you turn against me some nations going to come against you They're going to siege you and you're going to end up eating your own kids Brethren all they had to do was believe God's Word. That's all they had to do. Oh, man We don't want this to happen to our nation. We don't want to be cursed by God We believe God's word. They didn't believe God's word. They didn't believe the preacher They didn't believe Jeremiah, and they just thought no we're going to rebel against Babylon. We're not going to surrender You know we're too prideful for that and they end up eating their own children God warned them brethren God warned them. It's not like oh we didn't know You know what what do you think Jeremiah's preaching? He's preaching of course. He's preaching the book of Jeremiah's He's preaching the laws of the land. He's reminding them. God's warned us about this wake up to yourselves They didn't and they just went down the path of God's curse As I said the COVID-19 vaccines they've been developed researched or manufactured all of them Using tissues from murdered children, and that's what it is brethren murdered children. It's not just embryonic Fetal cells whatever they like to term. It's murdered babies Alright brethren so again. This is why I'm against the vaccinations all right Verse number 12 back to Lamentations chapter 4 Lamentations chapter 4 verse number 12 And again brethren if you end up deciding to take these vaccinations It's just the consequences brethren of the judgment of God on the land of Australia You know What are you gonna? Do you know what are you gonna do? verse number 12 verse number 12 The kings of the earth and all the inhabitants of the world Would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy should have entered into the gates of Jerusalem Like so people look at Jerusalem now. God. We can't believe it like they were once a prosperous strong nation There's so many people they're just doing so well It seemed on the outside and now it just come happy badminton come in and just destroy this place. It's unbelievable You know what else is unbelievable COVID world it's unbelievable That the whole world right all the nations all the politicians all the governments have bowed their knee To who to the World Health Organization or whoever else is pulling the strings. I don't know it's unbelievable brethren But it's a judgment of God believe it. That's what it is. It's a judgment of God, okay There's number 13 for the sins of her prophets and the iniquities of her priests So what are the prophets and the priests religious leaders? Okay The sins of the prophets iniquities of the priests that have shed the blood of the just in the midst of her You know Jeremiah saying here that the religious leaders are guilty of blood The reason people are suffering and dying is because of the religious leaders Verse number 14. They have wandered as blind men in the streets They have polluted themselves with blood so that men could not touch their garments So Jeremiah saying look the religious leaders are at fault here. All right Now if you can please keep your finger there and turn to Ezekiel 33 Please turn to Ezekiel 33 and verse number 1 Ezekiel 33 verse number 1 You know I'm one of these I'm one of these prophets and not an Old Testament prophet But a prophet is someone that proclaims God's Word. I'm a religious leader as it were a pastor Okay, and you know what I need to I need to listen to this I can be guilty of blood too All right If I don't teach God's Word faithfully if I don't warn people of God's judgment if I don't teach you against sin I can be guilty of blood as well Okay, you know you might think well make pastor Kevin you shouldn't just you know Okay. Yeah, the Bible does say that women ate their children, but did you have to really preach about that? You know, I mean, I mean, it's not pleasant to you know, you've got little children here pastor Kevin, you know Do you think that's listen every word of God is pure every God every word of God is pure. It's all profitable Okay, even for children. All right, but look at Ezekiel 33 verse 1 Ezekiel 33 verse number 1 It says here again the word of the Lord came unto me saying that's to Ezekiel Son of man speak to the children of thy people and say unto them when I bring the sword upon a land if the people of the land take a man of their coasts and set him for their watchmen if when he see if the sword come upon the land He blow the trumpet and Warn the people then who's over here of the sound of the trumpet and take if not warning if the sword come and take him Away, his blood shall be upon his own head Brethren as a as a religious leader as the part of this church. I'm also a watch man The bishop is an overseer. It's to watch it's to supervise Okay, it's my job to warn you if I don't warn you brethren then I'm gonna be guilty of your blood But my job is just to warn you to blow the trumpets and then it's up to you Are you gonna hear the trumpet or you're not? It's up to you. And if you don't hear the trumpet and you destroy yourself the bloods upon you. It's not upon me I don't want your blood upon me brethren. You know what? This is why I'm just gonna preach you God's Word Even if it's not pleasant, I even if it doesn't make us feel good, you know what? It's God's Word web to lamentations for it needs to be preached if I go man, you know, you know God That's just a little bit of a hard chapter. I think we'll just avoid this one this week You know I won't preach about that and you know what and you make some mistakes that we see the limitations for Your blood your mistakes are upon me. All right, let's keep going there verse number 5 listen to 5 He heard the sound of the trumpet lambda. Sorry Ezekiel 33 5 He heard the sound of the trumpet and took not warning his blood shall be upon him But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul Brethren, I want you to deliver your soul. That's one that's salvation because I know at least the majority you definitely are saved Amen, what's about our life? We can just just live in a life that that is pleasing to God We don't destroy ourselves with sin We don't destroy ourselves with weakness brethren when you hear the trumpet blow Listen to the trumpet and do what the Trumpets telling you to do brethren Alright, but if you don't the bloods upon you verse number six But if the watchman see the sword come and blow not the trumpet So if I don't warn you if I don't preach against sin if I if I just avoid put our portions of the Bible because it's not pleasant and The people be not warned if the sword come and take any person from among them He is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand? So thou O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel Therefore thou shall hear the word at my mouth and warn them from me Brethren, that's my job to warn you You know listen to God's Word to warn you to tell you we are living through God's judgment right now. I Hope it changes brethren. I hope come December 15th Unvaccinated I have a rien society I think I hope little by little our freedoms that all come back And I hope that we don't take it for granted that we enjoy the experience that we went through that We look back at COVID world. I mean that was crazy, but you know what was unbelievable Hey, but it's God's judgments And you know thank God that we had blessed up at this church Or we had you know great preaching or whatever whatever preacher It wasn't you listen to that got us through that helped us and encourage us that taught us great things And you know we need to do better in the future. I hope that's your attitude brethren But I don't know could things be worse next year. They could be worse next year. You know. I don't know Brethren I really don't know okay And my job is to warn you know please don't get offended when things aren't pleasant in the Bible Okay, it's my job Just to preach God's Word to warn to blow the trumpet and then it's up to you You want to listen to the trumpet or not you know? You know as long as I'm doing what I'm required to do as a religious leader, then your blood's upon you You mess up your life you destroy your life Well, I'll be sad for you Brethren, but at least it's not on me You know I'd feel horrible if I didn't warn you if I didn't preach against sin And you guys went off with bad preaching a bad religious leader, and you end up destroying your life, then it's upon me Back to Lamentations chapter 4 verse number 15 Lamentations 4 15 So Israel or Jude at this time they had poor religious leaders. They did not warn them They did not blow the trumpet and so they were guilty of the blood of the of the death that was taking place in Jerusalem verse number 15 They cried unto them now. I found these verses a little bit hard. I think what's happening here They the they are the people of Jerusalem They cried unto them being the priests and the prophets that we just read about that's what I think is happening here Okay, they cried unto them depart ye it is unclean Depart depart touch not the reason I think this is it's this way It's because the the priest was supposed to keep themselves clean for the service of the house of God right they had a ceremony Washings and things like that well the whole city's become disgusting Everyone's homeless people are eating theses right people are boiling their own And you look and they tell them that the the priest look just look depart get out of here everything's unclean There's nothing there's no service that you can do for us anymore. It's all dirty depart depart touch not When they fled away and wandered they said among the heathen they shall no more sojourn there So they've lost the ministry okay these people were unfaithful to God's Word They were not warning the people of the sins things have become so bad and people say look just go away There's no more use that you can do for us here in Jerusalem, and they wander away to the heathen They shall no more sojourn there. They'll no longer come back to Jerusalem and work in their offices as prophets and priests Verse number 16 look at this the anger of the Lord hath divided them so divided these religious leaders from the rest of the people He will no more regard them they respected not the persons of the priests they favored not the elders Okay, so people at some points. They wanted the smooth preaching they wanted You know to be told that this is not God's judgment They wanted to be told that Babylon is not going to take over them Okay, they wanted the positive only preaching, but when they receive the positive only preaching brethren. It did not help them It only destroyed them it destroyed the city and at this point. They're like we don't want to even hear from these guys anymore Now look I'm sure there are people in this world that do not want to hear from me Okay, they don't like my preaching. They don't like that I just say it as it is right according to God's Word But much rather that then someone says pastor this privilege preaches smooth things just tickle our ears Yeah, cuz at some point if that's all I do brethren then you get sick of me as well You're gonna be like get out. You know you don't you don't profit us anything my life doesn't improve You know I still don't know if I'm saved That's what false prophets do they preach complicated Gospels people still don't know if they're saved They commit one sin am I saved I committed a sin They don't understand that salvation is on the finished work of Jesus Christ alone, and then at some point you get sick of these preachers Man, I thought I wanted the positive only preaching, but it doesn't help me in life I'm no I'm not any closer to Jesus Christ. I'm still committing the same sins that I've always committed. You know before I came to Christ Verse number 17 as for us our eyes have yet failed for our vain help In our watching we have watched for a nation that could not save us so instead of You know going to the Lord for help. You know real recognizing that hey We're far from God and let's get back to God They reached out to another nation if you remember the book of Jeremiah that nation they reached out to help for was Egypt all right they thought Egypt will come and protect us no No, not only that afterwards Egypt was taken over by the Babylonians as well, okay verse number 18 They hunt our steps so Babylon hunts our steps that we cannot go in our streets our end is near our days are Fulfilled our end is come our Persecutors are swifter than the eagles of the heaven they pursued us upon the mountains They laid weights for us in the wilderness, so they're acknowledging man Babylon's too great too powerful. We can't beat him, okay We're defeated verse number 20 the breath of our nostrils The anointed of the Lord was taken in their pits of whom we said under his shadow We shall live among the heathen all right so in verse number 20 the anointed of the Lord there is King Zedekiah okay, so When they say the breath of our nostrils that's talking about life remember how when Adam was created then God breathed his spirit into his Nostrils you know gave him life So that's basically saying you know the one that we trusted with our lives the anointed of the Lord That's not they didn't trust in Jesus. It was Zedekiah Zedekiah was like no we're not giving in to the Babylonians And the people were Jerusalem that were trusting in Zedekiah right surely Zedekiah is going to get us through these tough times You know it says The anointed of the Lord was taken in their pits even Zedekiah Okay, you may remember. He was blinded You know his children were slain in front of him, and then he was taken away to captivity Even the guy as we said under his shadow We shall live among the heathen even the guy that we try to protect ourselves under his shadow even he's been taken away into captivity So what we don't trust man we trust the Lord Okay, we don't set our eyes upon a man or upon a pastor. We set our eyes upon the Lord We can't hide under the shadow of a man brethren. We hide under the wings of our Lord God. That's where true protection is But they trust it in a man. They trust it in their King verse number 21 Rejoice and be glad I see here's the positive one pastor Kevin rejoice and be glad Who our daughter of Edom the Edomites not the Jews know Jeremiah's been sarcastic here, okay Because the Edomites were enemies of the Jews and when the Edomites saw the Babylonians come in and take over The Jews the Edomites are like yeah right Take that so Jeremiah's kind of like sarcastically saying to the Edomites good remember. He's a he's a prophet to the nations It's pretty so many nations Rejoice and be glad or daughter of Edom that dwells in the land of us Then he says this the cup also shall pass through unto thee There shall be drunken and shall make thyself naked There's once Babylon's finished with us. They're coming after you eat them so rejoice in the meantime Psychastically all right, but it's all coming to you as well Verses 22 the punishment of dying iniquity. That's the equity of Edom is accomplished Sorry Jerusalem. Yeah, the punishment of thine iniquities accomplished our daughter of Zion's that's daughter of Jerusalem He will no more carry thee away into captive so once the captive one said once Babylon's finished with Judah and Jerusalem and people take into captivity it says he will visit thine iniquity our daughter of Edom He will discover thy sins Says you're not going to get away with it Edom all right and You know again you want to take a much less of you like a lot of you have here And what's happening in our world? You know when when COVID was first sort of you know came you know? In our nation it was Victoria right it was it was a Melbourne that was under lockdown in fact I think it they're still probably the city the most locked down city in the world And we will turn around say man there must be great wickedness in Victoria in Melbourne Yes, there is great weakness right. It's one of the most liberal. It's most one one of us probably the most anti God It's the most godless state in our nation, okay, but then yeah, okay? Yeah, Victoria Yeah, look look at them copper, but then comes it comes to Sydney all right, and then they're in Queensland. They think man Yeah, you know New South Wales Victoria. They must be so bad. You know what this week. They're gonna be locked out as well in Queensland Okay, I mean, it's just hitting every part for everyone. You know Because there's great sin across this entire world And this is another reason why I just believe us We're seeing the hand of God's judgment because no one's getting away with it like everyone's been affected Everyone's going through hardships. You know everyone's life has been turned upside down everyone's plans have been messed up and So you know just uh I guess this again reminds us of We should never look at others and say look how sinful they are because we've got our sins You know eat them looking at the other must been so sinful look that's so wicked even God even their own gods Wipe them out yeah now God's gonna wipe you out You're next okay, and he's gonna use Babylon the same way that he used them against Jerusalem I'm gonna just quickly read to you from Jeremiah 49. Maybe you want to turn that you're not far away Jeremiah 49 verse number 7 we'll end on this one Jeremiah 49 verse number 7 Just to remind you that Jeremiah was a prophet to Edom as well to the Edomites Jeremiah 49 verse 7 Jeremiah 49 verse 7 Concerning Edom thus saith the Lord of hosts his wisdom No more in Taman his counsel perish from the prudence is their wisdom vanished Flee turn back Dwell deep O inhabitants of Dedan for I will bring the calamity of Esau upon him The time that I will visit him It's trying to remind you there that after Jeremiah We when we look at the the last few chapters of the book of Jeremiah Not only has he finished preaching against Judah But then he's preaching about surround nations and Jeremiah chapter 49 is preaching against the Edomites all right so Brethren again, just a reminder. We all have sins Okay, don't compare yourself to another man Don't can compare yourself to the wicked in this world brethren because you've got your sins as well when we compare ourselves to The wicked we think we're just fine in the eyes of God okay, but in reality We should just look at ourselves assess our situation understand. We've all got wicked hearts Okay, we all have sins against the Lord. We've got the old man. We're rebellious You know we live a life that pleases us many times brethren You know just make sure to avoid the hand of God's judgment now. God's not going to curse us We cannot be cursed by God because we're his children, but just remind yourself that as a prophet God chastises us Okay, and again God gives us time his long suffering You know what you're much better off finding the sins in your own heart getting right with God before you're having to deal with some major judgment in your life So let's learn from Lamentations chapter 4 title for the sermon once again was sodding their own children. They'd become very depraved, but please remind yourself Children are being murdered every day in our nation and no one cares no one cares It's not reporting the news we forget about it. We forget about it, but it's happening in our nation as well We live in a very depraved and wicked world okay. Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord just want to thank you for your word. Thank you for Lamentations chapter 4 Lord as hard as it is to preach through and understand Lord We do just rest in your word Lord it gives us a greater understanding of your anger and your wrath and your judgment Lord But also Lord we understand that you've given this nation decades Lord to get right with you you sent them godly men Preachers Lord preaching the truth But Lord they harken unto the false prophets Lord there are so many false prophets in Australia today so many Lord and so very few faithful men serving you Lord I prayed protect your people protect your children, but I pray that you'd send Every one of your children Lord in Australia Lord a good church They can be part of a good man of God that you can use to help them learn More of your word Lord help us to change and to stem the tide Lord of this wicked world Lord I don't know how much we can affect this world we can all we can do is keep preaching Jesus Christ and preaching the truth Lord I hope that you would look upon this land and look at blessed up at this church and See a people that love you that want to serve you that want a better world Lord for our next generations Lord and be merciful to us be merciful to us Lord. We need your peace We need your love help us to get through this time of judgment Lord We love you and Lord help us also looking forward to the time that we can go sowing Lord on the 15th Thank you for opening that door for us. I pray that you bless us Lord in the work in Jesus name. We pray Amen Okay, let's take our hymnals And let's turn to him number 388 him number 388 And we'll sing have thine own way No, I've got the wrong number. I want to sing have thine own way Lord, so let's try to find it Have thine own way Lord Three zero six Thank You brother Three zero six have thine own way Oh Have thine own way Lord have thine own way Thou are the parter I am the clay Mowed me and made me After thy will While I am waiting You heard and still Have thine own way Lord have thine own way Search me and try me master today Whiter than snow Lord wash me just now As in thy presence Humbly I bow Have thine own way Lord have thine own way Were there and we Help me I pray Power all power Surely is thine Thine Touch me and heal me Savior divine Have thine own way Lord have thine own way Hold all my being Absolute sway Fill with thy spirit Till all shall see Christ only always Living in me Amen great singing that's it for the