(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So we are continuing in Isaiah and we are up to chapter 12 and what I want you to notice in verse number 4 it begins by saying in that day in that day we'll talk about in a moment shall you say praise the Lord call upon his name declare his doings among the people make mention that his name is exalted the title of the sermon this morning is his name is exalted his name the name of the Lord is exalted I want his name to be exalted he had blessed up at the church this morning and I thank you for praising him thank you for singing with your heart and with your with your mouth and of course all I want all I want from our church is to put a smile on God's face I just want him to be happy I want him to be pleased with our church here in Fairfield I want him to be pleased in the church and New Life Baptist Church and so it's so important that we teach the truth of his word you know that we exalt him and we we make known his word we know that he elevates his name about his word above his name and so the the Word of God is very important to God if we honor his word we're going to honor his name and we're going to please our Lord God so I do want to notice that when we did see the beginning of verses before it says in and in that day and that's how verse number one begins look at verse number one it says and in that day and so just to bring you up to speed what day are we referring to when we're looking at chapter 12 what day in that day of course it's speaking about what we spoke about in Isaiah 11 so come back with me to Isaiah 11 very quickly just as a reminder Isaiah 11 look at verse number 10 for example Isaiah 11 verse number 10 it says and in that day so again it's a continuation of what we saw in verse number chapter 11 sorry and in that day there shall be a root of Jesse which shall stand from ensign of the people to which shall the Gentiles seek and his rest shall be glorious and so I was teaching how this is speaking of the millennial reign of Christ when he comes back to this earth and reigns for a thousand years it says to thee shall the Gentiles seek in other words the entire world all the nations are going to be looking to Jesus as the ruler but also as the Savior and the knowledge of God's going to be known throughout the whole world instead of soul winners having to go out you know and basically shining light in a place of darkness I still believe someone's gonna have to show people the gospel but the salvation of the Lord's going to be well understood you know and there's going to be a majority of people that have trusted on Jesus Christ in that day and even though he's ruling from Israel and there's still some twelve tribes of Israel on the land all the nation of the earth will know the name of God and so when we start chapter 12 in that day it's speaking of the continuation of that time in the mill in his millennial reign but we can also look at chapter 12 because it speaks of salvation and of course for those that will be ruling with Christ in that thousand years a people that are saved and you know when you're saved the Bible speaks of being regenerated in the spirit but of course we are expecting the rapture to come after the great tribulation before God pours out his wrath at the rapture we're going to receive new resurrected bodies and our bodies will be regenerated and so of course to enter into that millennium reign with Jesus Christ you must be saved and so chapter 12 begins teaching us about that time but also the salvation that is given to his people and so if you look at Isaiah chapter actually before we start with verse number one there's something I do want to turn to keep your finger there and come with me to 2nd Kings come with me to the book of 2nd Kings please 2nd Kings chapter 21 2nd Kings chapter 21 please again keep your finger there in Isaiah 12 and the reason we're turning to 2nd Kings is because 2nd Kings is the 12th book of the Bible and I've been showing you how there are parallels with the number of books the way that the books are numbered in the Bible with the corresponding chapters of Isaiah so I want to bring you to up to speed to a better story of Manasseh King Manasseh and his father was King Hezekiah we have had a look at King Hezekiah in the previous chapters and how King Hezekiah was a godly King King Hezekiah's father was a wicked King but Hezekiah himself was a godly King and he took down the idols he he rebuilt the altars and you know he brought the nation back to worshiping the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and even though he was a great King what we see in Isaiah as Isaiah is preaching the nation itself is wicked like even though Hezekiah is great the nation is still worshiping false gods the people the families have still chosen many of them of course have many chosen to still worship the gods the false gods of the surrounding nations rather than the God of Israel and so eventually of course King Hezekiah passes away and his son Manasseh begins to reign in his stead and we read about King Manasseh here in second Kings chapter 21 and the reason I'm going to this story is so when we start Isaiah 11 verse number one you have a better picture of what's what's developing here but in second Kings 21 verse 1 second Kings 21 verse 1 the Bible reads Manasseh was 12 years old when he began to reign how would you like to be 12 years old and being a king over entire nation I mean you're going to mess things up pretty badly and he does and yeah and of course look he's 12 years old obviously at 12 years old he's been directed by other people okay he's got you know counselors and he's got advisors and because the nation is still wicked of course this had an impact on his life and it says he and he reigned fifty and five years in Jerusalem and his mother's name was Hepzibar and he did look at this he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord after the abominations of the heathen whom the Lord cast out before the children of Israel and so Hezekiah's father was a bad king Hezekiah was a good king and then his son starts out wicked okay becomes wicked and he goes back to the way it was with his grandfather worshipping the gods of the other nations verse number three it says for he built up again the high places which Hezekiah his father had destroyed remember Hezekiah destroys all those idols all those places of false worship to false gods his son turns around starts building them up again you know we learn a lesson fathers that you know it's our responsibility it is our task of course to teach our children about God you know to read the Bible to them you know to show them the love of God to show them salvation and you can do the best job that you can I mean there are great men of God like even Samuel okay even King David is a great example you know great men of God who love God who directed the children to love God but at the end of the day it's the children they're gonna have to make their own decisions in life you know the world is wicked the world is tempting you know the world's gonna throw all matters of philosophies and ideas and things that are contrary to to the God of the Bible and our children are going to be influenced you look as much as we protect them they've got to operate in the world eventually eventually they're going to get out there and depending on how strong their faith is is going to depend on how well they perform in the world if their faith is weak they're going to be influenced by the world if their faith is strong they're still going to be influenced by the world but of course they're going to have a better chance of overcoming the influences and the evil that that the world brings into their life and so as much as Hezekiah tore down the false worship you know there is his son King Manasseh building them all up again and let's keep going there in verse number three it says and he reared up altars to Baal and made a grove and as did Ahab king of Israel and worshiped all the hosts of heaven and served them when it says he worshiped all the hosts of heaven he's not talking about the third heaven where God's throne is well you know worshiping God when it's all the hosts of heaven he's saying that he's worshiping the Sun the moon the stars okay so things like what's that religion that what's the well they look at the stars and they fall to the future what's all that astrology astrology not astronomy that's the study right astrology so basically he's got some form of astrology right they're worshiping the Sun the Sun the moon the stars that's our God you know that's going to tell us how we're going to live our lives it's by looking at these objects that we're going to be able to foretell the future and so he's gone this direction against the Lord God and verse number four it says and he built altars in the house of the Lord so in the house of the Lord that's a temple he starts worshiping altars for other false gods in the temple he says of this and then it says this of which the Lord said in Jerusalem will I put my name so God said look Jerusalem is where my name is worshipped and then we have King Manasseh put in the names of false gods in the very temple of God now the reason I read that to you if you can and we read um sorry I'll just read it to you again in where are we up to here as I took the 12 if you've got a finger as I told come back with me please as I 12 and look at the last verse in Isaiah 12 and verse number six in Isaiah chapter 12 verse number six says this cry out and shout thou inhabitants of Zion remember Zion is a reference to Jerusalem it says here for great is the holy one of Israel in the midst of thee so according to that verse who should be worshipped in Zion who should be worshipped in Jerusalem our Lord God right the holy one of Israel and what do we see happening in second kings the opposite okay King Manasseh put in false gods worshiping false gods in the very house of God now we are going to come back to Isaiah 12 Isaiah 12 is not a very long chapter obviously so I'm trying to give you some other stories that will help flesh out what we're seeing in Isaiah 12 now what is the end of King Manasseh though he reigned for 55 years so he had a very long time reign as a king more than many of the other kings of that day come with me now to second chronicles let's see the end of his life second chronicles 33 verse 9 second chronicles 33 second chronicles 33 now look in your own time you can read about more wicked acts of King Manasseh in second Kings 21 if you want but he did horrible things such as sacrificing his children to the fires you know just the most horrendous things that you can read about and in second chronicles chapter 33 verse number nine there's a reason why I'm showing you these verses okay second chronicles 33 verse number nine it says so Manasseh made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to err that means to make to to make error okay they've gone the wrong way it says and to do worse than the heathen whom the Lord had destroyed before the children of Israel worse like the nation's doing worse than all the other pagan and heathen nations that surround it you can better understand when you go through Isaiah you know the book of Isaiah why God's judgment is so severe why he's warning them again and again and he's giving them chance of the chance to be made right with God and look at verse number 10 and the Lord spoke to Manasseh and to his people but they would not hearken and it says that the Lord spoke to Manasseh they would not hearken God sent them prophets like Isaiah okay and God would speak to the people you know God would plead with the people and they would not hearken now brethren every time we read stories of the bible they're meant to be lessons for us lessons for us okay I am the pastor of this church I'm the main preacher here you know a new testament prophet if you will all right my job is to tell you what God's word says my question is are you going to hearken to those words are you going to listen are you going to pay attention are you going to put them into practice in life it's up to you like God is so generous with his time and so merciful so long suffering with us but it's at the end it's free will are you going to hearken or not are you going to listen or not Manasseh chose not to listen this is why he's gone down a dark path I have no doubt Hezekiah his dad taught him well have no doubt Hezekiah showed him every truth of God's word try to protect them from the wickedness of the world but Manasseh just doesn't listen okay and look every time we sin every time well I'm not saying some of you are just the most righteous amazing you know holy people and some of you just the most wicked we all don't hearken every time you sin every day when you sin the moment when you sin when you give into temptation you say no Lord I'm not going to listen to what you have to say I'm going to do what I want every time so you know as wicked as this is and stories I want you to take the lessons and apply them to yourself take them to heart and then it says here in verse number 11 second chronicles 33 11 wherefore the Lord brought upon them the captains of the host of the king of Assyria which took Manasseh among the thorns and bound him with fetters and carried him to Babylon so God says all right I'm going to let you be arrested taken prisoner into Babylon look at verse number 12 and when he was in affliction he besought the Lord his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers brethren when you're far from the Lord and you know you're far from the Lord and you know you're not walking with him and God brings his chastisement on your life you better do what Manasseh does you better humble yourself greatly before the Lord you better say look what he says he besought the Lord his God okay Hezekiah taught him this is our God and all these years he's like no that's not my God I'm going to worship other gods but God allows me to go through great affliction arrested taken into prison treated harshly and so he calls on the Lord look at verse number 13 and prayed unto him and he was entreated of him and heard his supplication and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom then Manasseh knew that the Lord he was God that's it look he ends well like his later years he ends well praise God we have examples in the bible where kings start well and they end badly we have an example here a king starting badly but he ends well and the reason I show you that brethren is our Lord is merciful this guy sacrificed his children in fire like at some point you'd be like I wouldn't be surprised I wouldn't I wouldn't like for us to be like that guy must be reprobate right I mean obviously he was not reprobate you know but what we're seeing here is that some people can be so excessively wicked and God still stretches out his hand of mercy still God still hears the prayers of a man that says sorry God I was worshiping the wrong things I was turning my heart to the wrong things but look it took great affliction okay and some of you are saved some of you have trusted Christ simply because of great affliction in your life where your life is upside down your life is falling apart relationship problems you know marriage problems you know financial problems all kinds of problems and you said God where are you I need to hear from you and you spoke to the Lord and he's come through he's shown you the wonderful gospel and you trusted him but that's the lesson that we see of King Manasseh again what we started with in second Kings 21 so come back with me because we're going for Isaiah aren't we so let's go back to Isaiah 12. Isaiah 12 please Isaiah 12 and I think now that we understand that story we understand God's mercy and love and we see even a man so wicked able to come to faith in the Lord God of his father Hezekiah then we can understand what verse number one is speaking about here in Isaiah 12 verse one and in that day now we're now again we're talking about the millennium we understand that those that were going to rule with Christ are going to be those that are saved Manasseh is going to be one of them okay believe it or not Manasseh a wicked man I mean who he is not wicked who he has not done wrong can I see your hand good okay good if you raise your hand I've got to talk to you later on I mean look praise God that he's able to look down at our wickedness our wickedness was put on Jesus Christ our sins were put on Christ and he paid for them on the tree okay and he's given us salvation praise God because then we see this in that that in that sorry and in that day that shall say oh Lord I will praise thee though that was angry with me thine anger is turned away and thou comfortest me so think of King Manasseh was God angry at King Manasseh absolutely to the point where he allows a foreign nation to take him prisoner but then his anger was turned away because Manasseh humbled himself look all he did and I have taught him pride we all have pride you know when you humble yourself and you've got a broken and contrite spirit within you God looks down and is pleased you've got to exalt God right the title for the sermon this morning was his name is exalted we come to church to exalt Jesus not pastor Kevin Sepulveda not brother or sister so and so we come to exalt the name of Jesus because he's our savior his anger was turned away from us and it says and thou comfortest me he gave Manasseh back the kingdom I mean I don't think I would do that like I don't think I'm that merciful like to see such the wickedness of a man and restore to him the kingdom in his later years I don't think I'd do that if I was you know if I was God shows us that his mercy his grace is far superior than what any man's mercy can be so much so that he offered his son to die in your place and so this is the story this is what we're going to be praising God in the millennium that yeah he was angry at us we were sinners we went our own way you know we may have worshipped other gods if you came from a you know a family of false religion but his anger has been turned away he comforts us and just like he gave Manasseh the kingdom brethren we're going to have the kingdom of Christ like unbelievable like who are we to reign with Christ you know he says we're going to be made kings and priests in his kingdom who are we to deserve such a thing who is Manasseh to deserve his kingdom restored unto him and of course again we're again speaking of the thousand year rule of Christ let's continue verse number two behold God is my salvation why are you saved this morning because you're a good person are your good works your salvation is blessed hope Baptist church your salvation is pastor Kevin Sepulveda your salvation if you said yes to any of those in your heart there's something wrong again i've got to talk to you and if you're getting baptized and you said yes to any of those i've got to talk to you as well you're not getting baptized don't worry look you've got to get saved and and look God is our salvation we can't we can't save ourselves we can't do enough good works to save ourselves we can't just find the right church that's preaching all the right things and that's what saves me it's not going to save you either it's God God is our salvation understand Jesus Christ had to die on the cross for a reason i mean christianity as a whole they know like how many churches have a cross you know on their building or you know behind the preacher or somewhere in the building they've got a cross but they still think keeping the ten commandments is my salvation they don't look at the cross and understand it's God who died for me that's my salvation and if you're able to say it's his shed blood his death his burial his resurrection that saves me then that's the right approach it's what God has done for you that saves you look at this i will trust verse number two people say to me all the time but i believe he died yeah but you don't trust that he died for you you don't trust that he paid for all of your sins because you're still trying to pay your own sins in your own way you haven't put your trust on Jesus you know the bible uses the word trust and believe interchangeably it's the same thing if you're if you're going dorsal soul winning and you're having a hard time explaining to someone that they need to put their belief or their faith on Jesus and they're a christian to some extent and they say but i have believed on Jesus i do believe in him but you know they haven't because they said earlier i'm a good person that's what i'm going to heaven because i said earlier i'm taking keeping the ten commandments they said earlier i can lose it if i don't live righteously you know they haven't put their trust on Jesus and so it's the best way to show people if they're confused on that term is to show them that believe is to trust you're still trusting in yourself you're still trying to keep the commandments yourself to be saved no you need to put your trust on Jesus who was perfect who was without sin and it's through Jesus Christ that we can enter heaven so trust verse number two let's read again behold God is my salvation i will trust and not be afraid brethren the moment you put your trust on Jesus there's no more fear of death there's no more fear of what's going to happen in eternity you know what's going to you know how is God going to judge me for my sin he's not going to your sins have been judged already on the cross Christ has paid for all of your sins look when you stand before God on his throne praise God he sees you through the righteousness of Jesus Christ he doesn't see you for your own righteousness which are like filthy rags he doesn't bring up your sins that is forgiven no he sees the righteousness of Jesus and he welcomes you into heaven based on what Jesus has done that's why we don't need to be afraid once you're saved hey i know where i'm going maybe i might be a little bit afraid of how i will die but i'm not afraid of death i'm not afraid of eternity i'm not afraid to stand before God i'm not afraid because you're prideful no because i'm standing in the righteousness of Jesus Jesus was 100 perfect so when God sees me i'm 100 perfect in Jesus Christ not afraid and then it says this for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song he also is become my salvation okay so you can either take this to speak of King Manasseh you know preach singing spiritually as it were a spiritual illustration of King Manasseh you know you can take this of course for those that are going to rule with Christ that thousand years we're going to be praising of him where it's on the previous chapter the whole earth will know of him and so all of these things are applicable but one thing i do want you to notice here in verse number two is that it says for the Lord Jehovah is my strength you know i think this might be the only time i didn't check this but i i could i believe i'm right i believe this is the only time you're going to see the term Lord Jehovah together in your King James Bible and when you look at the word Jehovah there it's the word Lord like that's why it's together the Lord Jehovah and in the Hebrew it's known as the tetragrammaton the tetragrammaton i don't know if you've heard of that before now there was a discussion not long ago on the one of the church chats about you know why do some people call Jehovah the name Jehovah as it's translated in English for us as Yahweh not Yahweh as is it Yahweh yeah Yahweh it is why why do people say no no the name of God is Yahweh now first of all it's pretty much like the Jehovah witnesses right or the Jehovah false witnesses what do they say to you they say well in order for you to be saved you must know the real name of God Jehovah now look is Jehovah one of his names of course okay but today in the new testament you're not saved by the name Jehovah okay so i want to show you a few things here keep your finger there and come with me to exodus chapter 6 please come with me to exodus chapter 6 exodus chapter 6 i feel this is something important to understand in the scriptures because there is a crazy desire to return back to the Hebrew you know known as the Hebrew roots movement and people will say to you hey the name of Jesus that's not really his name his name is jeshua and god's real name is Yahweh and you better get these names right in order for you to be saved and yet you open your bible and you'll never see those names anywhere in your bible okay so let me just give you a bit of history regarding this in exodus chapter 6 and verse number 2 and god spake unto moses and said unto him i am the lord that's Jehovah right there okay and i appeared unto Abraham and unto Isaac and unto Jacob by the name of god almighty but by my name Jehovah was i not known to them so Abraham Isaac and Jacob great men of god amen god says they did not know my name as Jehovah so if you have to be saved by the name of Jehovah that's not right because how did Abraham Isaac and Jacob get saved they knew him by god almighty so what we see here is that the very first saints believers when you caught upon the name of the lord they caught upon the name of god almighty when it began when we start with moses and the the old cup the old testament or the old covenant god revealed his name as Jehovah or lord capital l capital o capital r capital d Jehovah okay now that's known as the like i said the tetragrammaton i feel like i'm pronouncing that wrong no that's the right way to pronounce it okay and people are saying well that's not really how it should be pronounced because Jehovah is the latinized form of it now i just want to show you that god has revealed himself in different names at different times okay god almighty before the old covenant under the old covenant Jehovah and in the new covenant okay let's go to um acts of the four let's go to action the four versus number 12 action the four versus number 12 acts chapter four and verse number 12 of course the new name that we're given about god is found in new testament is jesus you know jesus and in acts 4 12 it says neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved there is no other name reverend in the new testament you must call upon jesus to be saved jesus was jehovah jesus is god almighty that's who he is the son of god who sacrificed himself for our sins jesus jesus in spanish what is it in greek brother do you know jesus what is it in uh asirian tom what is it in australian jesus australian english american english british english jesus all right this is the name that god has given us whereby we must be saved like if i'm going to get any doctrine of the bible right like if god says all right you got a choice you get one doctrine right and everything else wrong the one i'm going to get right is salvation like that is by far the most important doctrine and that doctrine teaches me that i need to call upon them with jesus to be saved yeshua who's that yahweh who's that i have no idea who those names are they're not in your bible i don't know who they are god did not reveal those names to anybody god almighty jehovah jesus okay now how did jesus pronounce the tetra grammaton does anyone know did you say yeah yahweh come with me to um come with me to luke chapter four please luke chapter four you're still you still got a finger in isaiah don't you so go to luke four and go to isaiah 61 please go to isaiah 61 let's read from isaiah 61 first isaiah 61 verse number one isaiah 61 and verse number one please i'll give you a minute's turn there to luke chapter four and isaiah 61 isaiah 61 verse 1 reads the spirit of the lord god is upon me because the lord that's a tetra grammaton okay you see most of the times when the english king james translators translated that name sometimes jehovah but most often the lord capital l capital o capital r capital d because the lord have anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek he have sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that abound look at verse number two to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord or jehovah or the tetra grammaton and the day of vengeance of our god to comfort all that mourn now that passage of scripture should be pretty familiar because it's a passage of scripture that was read by jesus okay so come with me to luke chapter 4 and verse number 17 look we've been given the old testament we've been given the new testament the job of this church is to preach the bible not what some scholarly man says the real name of god is now i want to know what the bible says god's real name is how did jesus speak of this name in luke chapter 4 verse number 17 and there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet isaias and when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written the spirit of the lord is upon me because he or in the old testament says the lord there anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he have sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised look at this to preach the acceptable year of the lord it doesn't say to preach the acceptable year of yahweh how did god choose to translate this in the new testament the lord the acceptable year of the lord so how did jesus pronounce the tetragrammaton the lord the new testament was written in greek do you think god cares look if you don't understand what okay after after jerusalem was destroyed in 70 a.d and the jews were all scattered hebrew became a dead language there's nothing wrong with the language it's not righteous language it's not wicked language it's just a language like any other language and for 2 000 years nobody spoke hebrew the jews started to speak yiddish okay nobody knows what hebrew sounds like what biblical old testament hebrew sounds like nobody knows what it sounds like okay back in those days there was no tape recorder there were no videotapes there was no youtube to capture how they spoke how they pronounce the words not only that even more difficult is that the hebrew language has no vows so with vows you can't even get the word out you don't know what it sounds like does that seem like a major problem to god god says you know what we need the new testament in greek and when it's translated what jesus spoke it's translated in greek and it's translated as in greek as kyrios if that's the right word if that's the right pronunciation which is the lord in english that's why the english king james translators went with the lord more often than jehovah and did not say yahweh because who knows what even that name is or even yeshua nobody knows that's the hebrew way to pronounce jesus name well if that was important god would have told us in his word if that was important god would have made sure that the hebrew language stayed true till today so we know how to pronounce hebrew language we have no idea how to pronounce it modern day hebrew is at best a good attempt at trying to speak the language but they have no idea what it sounds like and then the scholar comes up to you it's yahweh it's yeshua for jesus look i truly believe the reason for this hebrew roots movement garbage is to move our trust away from the name of jesus they're calling upon the name of yeshua who is that you say well that's joshua okay it is okay there's plenty of joshuas in the world okay do you call upon the name of joshua to be saved they call by the name of jesus that's the name that god recorded for us in his word if you start telling me pastor no you got it wrong you need to go back to the hebrew well so you're smarter than god you know something that god didn't want us to know that god did not reveal look the emphasis in the new testament is the name of jesus i'll read it again neither is there salvation in any other that's what it says for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved none of the name he's given us the name of jesus yeshua yahweh who are these people who are these gods i don't know i don't know them the bible doesn't give you those names okay so please don't be sidetracked don't start thinking oh man we've got to go back to him go back to his word god's word is the most important thing okay learning from god's word god what name have you given us what name am i going to trust what name is my salvation for everything in the new testament we've got the honor to know the name of the son of god jesus christ back to isaiah 12 please isaiah 12 isaiah 12 verse number three isaiah 12 verse 3 by the way when jesus spoke his native tongue what was his native tongue aramaic when the bible records his native tongue you know on the cross you know eli eli lamash shabakthani the jews did not understand they're like oh they call him for he's calling for elijah give him something to drink right he's calling for elijah no he's calling on god he's speaking aramaic now did jesus know hebrew of course he knew hebrew okay because he also walked jesus spent most of his time in galley they spoke aramaic there okay god translated the new testament in greek because that was the international language of the time we have the name jehovah as latin because we had the roman empire as the power of that time okay and obviously there were times that jesus had to interact in jerusalem in judea okay teaching there and of course he must have been teaching in hebrew okay for the people to understand okay but the native tongue of jesus was aramaic so this are the holy hebrew language and we've got to go back and name it it's just it's garbage it's garbage to drive you away from the name of jesus okay verse number three therefore with joy shall you draw water out of the wells of salvation so this is what salvation is brethren this is how easy it is jesus offers you water you say thank you nice water great salvation no work required okay you know and jesus says in john 4 14 but whosoever drinketh of the water that i shall give him shall never thirst but the water that i shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life look now look now that you're saved the bible says you've got a well of water a well of water springing up into everlasting life well what the verse number three say therefore with joy shall you draw water out of the wells of salvation when you combine that with the new testament you are the well of salvation you are the one that you'll need to go to people and say hey i've got a well of water in me let me show you how i got saved and you can be saved too that's you going out preaching the gospel of jesus christ verse number four and in that day shall you say praise the lord call upon his name his name yahweh and yeshua no call upon jesus declare his doings among the people make mention that his name is exalted remember the top what is the context of this the millennial reign of jesus in the in that thousand years who are they going to be glorifying yahweh no jesus what am i up to i'm losing track five sing unto the lord for he have done excellent things this is known in all the earth cry out and shout though inhabitants of zion for great is the holy one of israel in the midst of thee so the entire world in the millennium is going to be praising god jesus christ is going to be ruling from zion okay and again i had mentioned about a physical nation of israel of regenerated people people that have been saved old testament saints ruling with christ in that thousand years because they're it says in verse six cry out and shout they're inhabitants of zion so again there's going to be habitation in that place you know we know that the 12 apostles are going to be ruling over the 12 tribes of israel during the millennial reign of christ now what i want to end with is let's go back to second kings because second kings is the 12th book of the bible and something is said very similar in here in second kings chapter 5 second kings chapter 5 second kings chapter 5 while you're turning to second kings of the five let me read one more time from isaiah 12 verse 5 it says sing unto the lord for you have done excellent things this is known in all the earth so again all the nations all gentile nations are going to be praising the lord god and they're going to be saying for he have done excellent things okay they're going to be saying for great is the holy one of israel in the midst of thee okay what makes israel holy if jesus is in the midst of thee again modern day israel is garbage god is not in the midst of them jesus is not worshiped jesus is not praised okay i'm not i never look when i'm preaching about israel and a godly israel i'm never talking about modern day israel 1948 israel okay that's a garbage nation that's a garbage religion okay i'm talking about the israel of the thousand years that all the nations of the earth can be praising jesus because he rules from zion now coming to your day already second kings five second kings five let me show you of a gentile man here in verse number one now nayim captain of the host of the king of syria so he's not he's not a jew he's not a hebrew he's nothing like that right he's he's a syrian he says he was a great man with his master and honorable because by him the lord had given deliverance unto syria he was also a mighty man in valor but he was a leper so he got this great man this powerful man but he becomes leprous okay now i'm not going to tell you the whole story let's go to verse number nine so he goes to a prophet he says look he gets instructed look go to israel go to where god is okay and so in verse number nine second kings verse number nine says so nayim came with his horses and with his chariot and stood at the door of the house of elijah and elijah sent a messenger unto him saying go and wash in jordan seven times and thy flesh shall come again to thee and thou shall be clean so it tells name look your leprous go and wash yourself in jordan jordan river seven times wash yourself again get back in wash yourself again wash yourself seven times okay and you'll be clean you'll be clean from leprosy well again let's fast forward a little bit verse number 14 then went he down and dipped himself seven times in jordan according to the saying of the man of god and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child and he was clean you know why it says the flesh of a little child first of all little child's flesh is smooth nice but it's got no scars it's got no like you know as you live your life you damage your skin don't you like this the sign itself damages your skin okay well he once it gets washed and cleansed it's not like he gets he doesn't get fixed like he was before he had leprosy his skin gets fixed like a newborn baby like there's not a single problem with his skin like that's the miracle that took place in name's life and then verse number 15 it says now i want you to know what he says again this is a gentile okay and returned to the and he returned to the man of god he and all his company and came and stood before him and he said behold now i know that there is no god in all the earth but in israel now therefore i pray thee take a blessing of thy servants will say now i know that there is no god in all the earth but in israel it goes look the only place where the true god is is in israel what are they going to be saying in the millennium same thing all the earth are going to be saying the same thing you know just like name was cleansed just like a gentile was cleansed you know these all these people are going to know the the salvation of our lord jesus christ you know there's going to be a majority of people saved at least in the early days of the millennium praising god worshiping god you know leprosy many times in the bible is a picture of our sin nature you know even though you may not have leprosy on the outside you know sin is like leprosy on the inside you know and it stains us and and it's filthy before god but god of course cleanses us you know god saved manasseh god's saved name you know and you've got these these gentiles you know that have trust in false gods when they know that christ is ruling in zion in the millennium they're going to be praising him saying well there's only one true god the god of israel and so we see these parallels there with ziah 12 and you know um and uh second kings and so as i said the title for the sermon this morning was his name is exalted i hope you understand the importance to exalt jesus he saved you i mean you're going to heaven like man it's not like oh okay i'm not going to hell that's that's awesome that's awesome okay we're safe from hell great and i'm going to heaven great but he's got a mansion for you he's got positions of authority he wants to give you maximum reward you're going to be a joint heir with christ the bible says you're going to inherit all things in heaven and earth praise god like think about your position before god is it not worthy to be exalted is god not worthy to be praised and loved and honored and look like manasseh like nayim some of you guys were filthy people worshiping false gods you know you've been saved by jesus christ and look i hope you can take the sermon this morning and say you know what i don't want to be like manasseh who refused to hear the word of god you know i i need to find victory in my sin i need to live a life that is holier that is cleaner a life that pleases god because we can exalt him with our mouth but let's exalt him with all our body and sin with sin in our bodies let's let's try to fix that in our lives and brevin when you do sin don't forget just like manasseh all we need to do is call upon him in in humility and he's ready to forgive us you need we need to learn our lessons from chastisement from time to time but don't forget in all times whether you're in chastisement whether you're living the most spiritual life today make sure that you exalt his name okay let's pray