(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The passage that I wanted to look at there in Matthew 21 verse number 28 is this, these are the christs of words, but what think ye, verse number 28, but what think ye, a certain man had two sons and he came to the first and said son go work today in my vineyard. He answered and said I will not but afterward he repented and went. So you know this first son that he speaks to, I mean you know he disobeys his father's command, the father needs a vineyard to be tender, to be worked out and the son goes you know what dad, I don't feel like working, all right, but then he kind of feels bad about it, he repents, he goes you know what, my dad needs me to work in that harvest, I'll get out there and he gets out there and he does the work. Look at verse number 30, and he came to the second son and said likewise and he answered and said I go sir and went not. I mean I like the second son's attitude, yes I go, sir, yeah your boss you know, I'll do what you want dad, I like that attitude, I like it, but then what, he doesn't he doesn't go, all right. Verse number 31, whether of them twain did the will of his father, they said unto him the first, Jesus saith unto them verily I say unto you that the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. Wow, what a slap in the face, though you know the harlots and the publicans, publicans are the tax collectors and you know I mean they're doing a government job but they're also known to be cheaters and for taking more tax than what they were required to take and so you know the covetous, wicked lies as well, God says, Jesus Christ says these people are going into the kingdom before you and so you say well what is that talking about, is this you know going to heaven, how to be saved, yes it is, that's what it means to enter into God's kingdom but then some people take this passage to say well hold on then it's salvation based on works you know is God saying hey go work in my vineyard and then salvation is by works is that and yes I've heard those kind of teach that the teaching from this lesson here but just if you want the answer just go to the next verse like anything in the bible you just keep things within the context. Verse number 32, for John, so now Jesus is explaining this, for John that's John the Baptist came unto you in the way of righteousness look at this and ye believed him not, all right so it's not about going to work for your salvation, it's about believing what John the Baptist was preaching, what was John the Baptist preaching, he was preaching pointing people to Jesus Christ, the lamb of God which take away the sin of the world, you either believe John the Baptist or you did not, okay, he's talking about these people they did not believe on John the Baptist, he goes but the publicans and the harlots believed him, that's why they're going to enter into the kingdom of God, they believed the teaching of John the Baptist which was pointing them to Christ and ye when ye have seen it, when ye had seen it, speaking about himself now, repented not afterward that ye might believe him, so notice the work in the vineyard, this parallel or this illustration is about our belief, it's about our belief, all right, now I'm not preaching on how to be saved, not trying to preach, you know I'm not really trying to take that lesson though that is the primary lesson from this passage here, what I want to take is the principle out of this, the fact that there are two sons, one says I'm not going to do it there but he actually gets out there and does the work and the other son says he will do it but then he refuses to go, okay, I want to take the principle out of this story, okay and teach something more out of this, now one thing that I've learned in life, I wasn't this way growing up, I was a bit of a lazy kind of guy, you know my mum sport me a little bit, you know, you know my mum would make my bed and even when I'm a teenager and I'm willing to my, even when I'm willing to my 20s, you know my mum's still making my bed, you know, thanks mum, my mum sported me, you know, I thank God for my good wife, I've got a good mum anyway but you know even my wife spoils me a little bit but you know one thing that and so what I'm trying to say is, you know, I wasn't always this go-getter kind of guy, you know, I've always had sort of other people do things for you and you know we have too many, when you have other people doing things for you, you know, you kind of become a little bit lazy, you think other people will be there to step in, one thing that I learned in life and this is what I wanted to teach the children, you know, if you want to succeed in life and if you want your life to, you want your life, you want to do well and you want to achieve and you know to excel above others, you need to have two characteristics in your life and the first one is initiative, you need to take initiative but you also have to be diligent, the title for the sermon tonight is initiative and diligence, initiative and diligence, now you say what does that have to do with the story of the two sons, we'll have looked at in a moment, okay but let me just give you some dictionary definitions of these two words, okay, to take, you know, someone says you say that person's taken initiative, what are you thinking about, initiative, well it contains the word initiative, sorry, initiative contains the word initial, initial, yeah that's right, which means first, okay, to be first, to step out and be the first to do something is the idea but from dictionary.com, just to give you some definitions, initiative is an introductory act or step, okay, leading action, leading action, you know, if you want to be a leader, you have to learn how to take initiative, okay, if you want to be a husband, a father one day, you've got to be the leader, okay, you've got to be the one that takes initiative, all right and any kind of positions of authority, you've got to be that person that takes that step and you're the leader, all right, some other definitions were readiness and ability in initial action, okay, the readiness, yeah, you know, go to work in my vineyard, yes sir, I'll do that, you know, like the words of the second son does have initiative, he says yeah, I'll do that but then he fails to do that, see and then it says another definition was one's personal responsible decision, now this is the part where most people refuse to take initiative, okay, you know, I would say the vast majority of people do not want to take initiative, the vast majority of people want to be sheep and be told what to do, all right but if you really want to stand out, you need to show initiative but you need to understand if you take initiative, this is a personal responsible decision, you're taking this upon yourself and that's where people get afraid, so if I just step out, you know, I'm taking risks and I don't want to lose out, what if I fail, what if it doesn't work out and you start getting that fear, you know, as to whether I'm going to step out, you know, it's kind of like I'd rather someone else step out, step out, you know, it'd be better off someone else does that when, you know, maybe it's you that needs to step out and take, you know, that step forward, that's what it means to take initiative. The next word is diligence, let me give you the definition for that, diligence, well diligence is a little bit different, it's not just taking that first step, stepping out but diligence speaks about constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken, okay, a constant need, you know, if you want to be diligent in soul winning, you know, you need to be getting out there on a regular basis, you know, on a weekly basis and if you want to be diligent in your Bible reading, you know, whether you really feel like it or not, you just need to get in that habit of picking up God's Word and seeing what God has to say to me today, you know, that's what the diligence is, the consistency of your actions. Another definition is persistent exertion of body and mind, persistent, so being persistent, like not giving up, keep going, right, that's the idea of being diligent. One thing that I learnt is, you know, as I got older and I started to work for work jobs, you know, I would just kind of do the bare minimum at the beginning, all right, and I realised just by doing the bare minimum, not that I was slacking off on the job but I'll just do enough that's expected of me, you know, I'll just get through the day and earn my paycheck and I'll go home and spend my money or whatever it is, right, but I started to realise that there are some people that get the pay rises, there are some people that get the promotions, there are some people that get the honour and when I started to look at these individuals, I started to realise, oh, these are go-getters, they take initiative, okay, they find an area that they can do something and they just take the step forward, you know, they don't wait for others to be that person, they just say, you know what, there's something to do, I'll do it and then when they put their mind to work, they're diligent, they get it done, they don't quit, they keep pushing forward, they keep, you know, doing the work to what they've committed themselves to do and I realised, wow, these are those that succeed, these are those that do well and I think these are good character building things that we need to have in our lives, I think children need to, I learnt this, I learnt this eventually by my mid-twenties but I think the earlier you learn this, the better you'll be in the long run, okay and I'm not just talking about a workplace, I'm talking about even serving in the house of God, I'm talking even about your own family, right, I mean, we all have chores to do and you know what parents want, they just want to see their kids take initiative, there's something there, you know, not that my parents have to tell me to do that but I'll just step forward and I'll do it, that, you know, parents really like that and not just that you step forward in that you do it but you show diligence in what you're doing, right, let me give you an example, I'm not going to name any names for my children, okay, they're all different characters, different personalities, right, I mean, I've got, you know, a son that wakes up early in the morning, he knows his chores, he gets it done, right, there might be other kids that, you know, you kind of have to kind of push, hey, have you done your chores, I kind of forgot, right and you can kind of see, well, who shows initiative and like we love that initiative, right, we would like to see that we don't have to remind our kids every time, hey, do your chores, we like to just sit, they sit, they get it done and then when they get the chores done, they just get their homeschooling done, right, when they get the homeschooling done, then, you know, they're out, then they can enjoy themselves and enjoy the rest of the day, that's great, initiative is good but sometimes, yeah, they have initiative, they don't have the diligence, so let's say that their chore is to take care of the toilets, so making sure that there's enough toilet paper, you know, that it's been swept and that it's been cleaned, yeah, I mean, maybe they've had the diligence of stepping out and doing the chore but then when you go to the toilet, there's no toilet paper, what does this demonstrate, they had the initiative but they didn't have the diligence, okay, they didn't put their best effort, they have, they're not remained consistent, they're overlooking things, they're just checking the box, I've done my chore but they're not putting their best foot forward, okay, and so what you really want in an individual, okay, is are these two qualities, initiative and diligence, you know what I want from my church members, exactly the same thing, initiative and diligence, you know what kids, your parents want, initiative and diligence, men, you know what your employers want, diligence and initiative, it's the same thing, okay, these are great qualities but the vast majority of people do not have these things. Now, when I say the vast majority, I don't know, maybe going generations ago, maybe this was a common trait, you know, but I found especially as an employer that the, you know, people that would apply for jobs, they just were lacking these things, you know, you kind of have to just push them, you have to, you know, you know, you know, work a little harder, you know, you kind of have to show them things rather than just picking things up and going with it and so I think there's a lot of areas of your life that you can apply this to. Now, when you think about the story of the father and his two sons, let me ask you the question, which of the two sons showed initiative? Which of the two sons do you reckon? Well, kind of neither, but if you're going to give initiative to one, it would have been the first son, okay, sorry, was it the first son? Let me just get that right in my mind. Oh no, sorry, the second son, the second son is the one that says, I go, sir, you know, I go, sir, you know, he's kind of showing some elements, the second son did not show initiative, he goes, no dad, I don't want to do it, but when you think about, you know, which of the two sons showed diligence? Who was it? It was the first son, right? I will not, but afterward he repented and went, he got the job done, is what I'm trying to say, all right, and so I just want to show you where these sons are lacking in these areas, all right, now you say, well, maybe the first one did show some initiative there, right? Yeah, but it was all talk, I mean, the talk was good, but he didn't have the action to go with it, he says, oh, do it dad, yes, sir, oh, get out there, but it's not, it's not gone done, all right, I mean, it's all verbal, and one thing that I've noticed in this generation, this coming generation, especially as an employer, is a lot of talk, a lot of talk, but no accomplishments, okay, you know, you hire staff, you do the interview, and they know how to talk themselves up, you know, they train themselves in YouTube, all the instructions, they've got it on their videos, which is good, good to train yourself up, and yeah, I'm going to be this, I can do that, I can achieve that, you say, what are your strengths, here are my strengths, can you show me a time when you had to step in, you had to fix a problem, and you know, it's on your shoulders, and you accomplish that, they've got all these great stories, but then you put them in the job, it's like, uh, uh, or they don't turn up on time, they're on their phone, and you kind of, hey, look, you got to get off your phone, and get back to work, you say, what happened to that person at the interview, you know, because it's like that person, it's just like that son that says, yeah, I'll go, dad, but he doesn't do it, and I'm afraid that I do not want to see a church of people that are just hot air, you know, yes, I'll do it, yes, oh, but then you just don't do it, and I'm not having, like, I'm not like having a go at you, right, because I know I had to grow into this, I know that I was a little bit lazy, I didn't show initiative, and I had to just reprogram mine, you know, what is it that people really want, you know, in those that are under them, you know, and these are the two qualities that I realise are so critical, so important, you know, makes everything function so well, you know, when someone says, yes, I'll do it, but then you actually do it, you show the diligence, you know, and you're consistent with what you say you're going to do. I'm sure we all can think of people that say, you know, one day I'm going to do my studies, or I'm going to get that qualification, one day I'm going to work that job, one day I'm going to, I don't know, all right, it's like, I've got these plans, and I'm going to do this, I'm going to step out, and then you check up, and at first when people tell me things, I'm like, yeah, great, you know, I want people to step out and make something of themselves, I get encouraged, and someone says, can you pray for me, I'll pray for you, absolutely, but then like a month later, down the track two months later, it's like, well, how's that going, oh, no, I've changed my mind, now I'm going to be doing this project, now I'm going to be doing that, I mean, again, I'm like, okay, well, great, at least you've got something in mind, you know, you've got a vision, you've got a purpose, all right, let's pray for you, and then a month later, how's that going, oh, yeah, now I'm doing, you know what it is, it's just hot air, and I sort of, once this happens, look, I think, let's not name any names, all right, but I'm sure we can all think about people that are like this, all right, and what happens after a while, at first I'm like excited, I want to pray for them, you know, I'm trying to encourage them and motivate them, yes, step out, but then after a while, it's like, oh, you're not going anywhere, you know, and so you kind of, your words lose value as time goes on, because you don't even value yourself by your own words, and again, you know, if you identify yourself as this person, you know, I'm not mad at you, this is something we need to fix, we need to change, all right, let's not be people of hot air, you know, I don't know if it's just my lot in life, I've just come across so many people like this, and I'm sorry, even before I'm a pastor, like family members and, you know, friends, and there's like big dreams and big, I don't want to do this, like, but then you check on them and nothing's progressed, and then you just kind of look, I don't think you're going anywhere in life, I think you're just going to stay exactly where you are, you seem content exactly where you are, you're not going anywhere, I mean, you can talk a lot, you can give a big story, but you're just not going anywhere, and so this is something, again, these are characteristics that we need to put in our lives, it's going to help you in life, but I truly believe God, you know, as God's people, we should be people that show initiative and be diligent, okay, in whatever aspects, you know, of life that we have, if you can please turn to the book of Ezekiel, go to Ezekiel 22, turn to Ezekiel 22, and again, I give you stories of my life, okay, just because the lessons that I learn, all right, and then I can see how the Bible applies to things that I've observed in life, okay, and I know I've used this illustration before, but I, to me, this helps me, all right, where I would be in my workplace, I would identify a problem, okay, there'd be something that I know can be done better, so because I want the business to do well, I go to my manager and say, manager, there's an issue here, you know, and then one thing that I found is, you know, my manager appreciated that I came with the issue, but then, you know, she'd turn around and say, so what's the solution, and I'd be like, I don't know, and then she's like, well, you go away and work out a solution, then come to me about the problem, okay, I thought, okay, wow, okay, I mean, I started to understand, especially later on, when I started to take on positions where I was over people, that people like to come to me with problems, all right, this is an issue, this is an issue, and I'd be thank you, thank you, thank you, and I'd start to accumulate that upon my shoulders, all right, but I just, because I've got too much on my plate, I can't fix those issues, then I was taken to, I did some leadership course, I can't even remember what leadership course it was, and there was just one lesson in that course that really stuck out at me, and it was this saying that goes, he who speaks, owns, he who speaks, owns, if you speak about a problem, you own that solution, that's yours to fix, and so it's okay, how does this apply, you know, in the workplace, and, you know, it's kind of, it's the same thing, you know, when people started to come to me now about problems, I would start taking the same approach, so I realised, okay, you've come to me with a problem, so how do you think we should fix this, my staff would be like, I don't know, isn't that why I came to you, to give you the problem, but then I started to realise, oh, you notice the problem, therefore you're the best qualified person to think of the solution, that's how it is, because what I started to realise is when people come to you with problems, and you can't fix it, because maybe it's not your problem, or you're not the expertise of that problem, people start to blame the leadership, leadership, so well, I told the leader the problem, and he's done nothing about it, but you see, we want to be people that take initiative, here's a problem, and boss, here's what I think the solution should be, what's that showing, initiative, all right, now look at Ezekiel 22 verse 30, Ezekiel 22 verse 30, the Lord Christ, the Lord God says these words in Ezekiel 22, 30, and I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none, God says, look, there's a gap, there's a problem, God is seeking, hey, which man is going to take initiative and fill that gap for him, God says, I found none, and you know, this basically is about preachers, you know, pastors or preachers, you know, this is why I'm not excessively critical of pastors, even when I think sometimes they can do better, because I just realised this, there's just not enough men that want to take a step for God, take the initiative and close the gaps, it's just, it's not there, but you know, I'm sure there are men in this church, I'm sure there are men down at Blessed by the Church that would like to be pastors one day, okay, they would like to start a church one day, you know, what do they realise, they're noticing the gap, all right, and that's great, you notice the gap, you notice that, you know, there are churches to start, right, we need to preach the gospel to Australia, right, I mean it's great, you know what you need to do, if that's your heart to be a pastor one day, all right, do a great work for God, you need to stand in the gap, meaning you need to take initiative, so I see the gap, instead of going, who's going to cover the gap, come on guys, there's a gap over there, come on guys, there's a gap in Blessed by the Church, who's going to say, well maybe I can take that, maybe I can fill the gap, you know, maybe I can be the one, and you take that step forward, show initiative, and I'm using this, again, I'm not, you know me, I feel like I have to say this all the time, because I want to be a boastful preacher, I do not want to be, let me just give you some examples of this, okay, why does this church even exist, you know, I had to learn to take initiative, right, from 2013, we started this church in 2017, all right, 2013 is when I realised, all right, Lord, you want me to start a church on the Sunshine Coast, so what are the steps, let me try to find families, let me try and find people, you know, that are seeking a church like ours, maybe that's the step forward, and that door opened up, okay, even before the Sunshine Coast, I knew, Lord, you know, I want to start a church, I believe that's where you're leading me, I believe that's where you're placing my heart, and I did not know where, and I took my family to Adelaide on a road trip, it's pretty far, it's further than Sydney to the Sunshine Coast, all right, I can't remember how many hours, probably 15 or 16 hours, I can't remember exactly to Adelaide, and I was there for a week, and it just didn't take traction, but you know, one thing I was doing was taking initiative, all right, let's go to Adelaide, let's see if that's where God wants me to be, I don't know, let's see if something develops, let's see if I find people, you know, didn't quite work out, but there was initiative, all right, then start making trips to the Sunshine Coast, trying to meet the people that started to come across, and you know, try to do some soul winning events, some preaching events, just to see if people are keen on a church setting up here, you know, from 2013 to 2017, four, at least four years, more like five years actually, okay, it took from the time, you know, I decided the Sunshine Coast is the place at the time we started the church, okay, what I'm trying to say is, in order for something to happen, you need to say, Lord, I see the gap, I need to fill that gap, it's got to be me, I've got to take initiative, okay, if you think, I want to be a pastor one day, okay, what are you doing about that? Is there a location, you know, that's in mind, is the Lord leading you, are you trying to find people, right, are you trying to better yourself, are you trying to learn more Bible, right, are you trying to meet those qualifications that you see in the scriptures, got to take initiative, it's not just going to fall in your lap, you've got to take risks, what was one of the definitions of initiative, one's personal responsible decision, and again, that's the scary part, what if I take that decision, Lord, I'm moving from Sydney to the Sunshine Coast, with my, it was nine kids back then, and my wife, and I haven't got a full-time job, I haven't got a place to live, I don't even know where we're going to meet, it's a huge risk, what if it doesn't work out, you know, what if after a few services, everyone leaves, everyone quits the church, and I'm like, you know, what if, Lord, we don't even find a place to live, like, you know, I mean, it's, I understand the fear of stepping out, I understand it, is what I'm trying to say, okay, it is a true risk, and that's again why I'm not overly critical to pastors that are just, I realise, okay, they must be trying to do their best, okay, anyway, what I'm trying to say, I'm trying to give you some points to say, again, this was primarily a lesson for the children, so parents, I hope, you know, you see where I'm trying to head with this, okay, but the first point that I wanted to cover, what we read in Ezekiel 22, that if you want to take initiative, you need to find the gaps, and volunteer to fill them, find the gaps, and I'm not saying find, necessarily find the city to go start a church and be a pastor, I'm saying, hey, find the gaps here at New Life Baptist Church, you know, is there an area that we could be doing better as a church, I just told you, we need a musician, you know what, that's a gap that someone can fill, all right, but what are you going to do, are you just going to be musical, or do you have to take initiative and learn how to play an instrument, all right, I mean, this is what it means, you've got to find whatever gaps you fill, you know, you say, there's a gap here, instead of saying, hey, pastor, there's a gap, I'm like, so what are you gonna do about it, brother, what are you gonna do about it, sister, you know, he who speaks, owns, you see a problem, you see a gap, I want you to step in and do it, take care of it, okay, parents, same with the family, there are gaps, you got kids, use them, teach them, and encourage them, you know, and like, your kids aren't perfect, and they're not always going to show initiative, right, and they're not always going to be diligent, but you gotta teach them now, teach them now, right, don't, you know, I was lazy, like I said, I admit I was lazy, I had a good upbringing though, I grew up in a Christian family, a lot of good things going for me, but I was a lazy man, all right, I'm not a lazy man anymore, I can't be, okay, but you know, I had to learn this, I had to learn the initiative, right, I had to learn these things, so when I had staff come up to me with problems, I'd say, look, I appreciate you bringing me that problem, but come back to me with a solution, because I learned that from others, okay, or even come to me with two or three solutions, okay, what do you think we can do, you know what I liked, I liked when my staff would come, eventually, eventually I stopped doing all the problems, and eventually I started getting all solutions, okay, people would come up to me, there's an issue, I think we can do this, all right, if it sounded good to me and I thought it was reasonable and realistic, I'd say all right, it's yours to take then, you know, you've seen the problem, you can think of that solution, that's your project, it's on your shoulders, you say, but hold on, Pastor Kevin, was that in their job, you know, job description, no, they're stepping out, they're showing initiative, all right, and they would, they would do, they'd show initiative, they'd fix the problem, they'd be diligent with their work and get it done, they weren't always diligent, many of them were diligent, okay, you know what would happen, eventually, productivity increased, employees more happy, okay, people felt valued because they're coming up with solutions and not just leaving it to some other person, all right, and it made working so much better, so much more productive, right, employees developing skills that they did not have before because they had to step out and try to work it out, okay, it all really worked out really well, and then who got the promotions, who got the pay increases, those that showed initiative, those that were diligent, okay, it wasn't in the job description before, yeah, I understand, they weren't getting paid for doing those extra jobs, but then when it came time, let's give someone a pay increase, who do you think's going to get it, you say, well, no, Pastor Kevin, you don't understand, I'm on some award-based system in my workplace, and regardless of how hard you work or how little you work, you get the same pay rises and promotions, so what's the point, well, then just serve Jesus, okay, God sees the effort that you put in, he'll bless you, he'll find a way that you'll profit from all the labour and work that you've applied yourself to, but the first point, Brevin, was find gaps and volunteer to fill them, can you please send to Isaiah chapter 6, verse number 5, Isaiah chapter 6, verse number 5, Isaiah chapter 6 and verse number 5. This is such an interesting story, Isaiah's, you know, got this vision, he's in heaven, and he starts to get a little worried, right, I mean, he's in the presence of God, the heavenly host, and he recognises, I'm just a sinful man, you know, even the great prophet Isaiah is a sinful man, and he says these words in verse number 5, Isaiah chapter 6, verse number 5, then said I, woe is me, for I am undone, because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips, for mine eyes have seen the king, the Lord of hosts. Isaiah says, oh man, I'm just a sinner, I'm unclean, I shouldn't even be here in the presence of this king, of my king here, my Lord God, right, he's feeling like he's out of place, okay, he's out of place. The second point that I have for you brethren, if you want to show initiative, you have to be willing to step out of your comfort zone, step out of your comfort zone, life can't always be about being comfortable, all you want, you just stay where you are, all right, if I wanted to be comfortable today, I'd just stay home, and you would stay home, all right, truly we would do that, right, and it's a little bit chilly tonight, we'd just be warm in our house, in our bed, that's comfortable, hey, but you know what, we want to come and praise God, you have to step out a little bit, you know, come to God's house, God's people, and you know again, Isaiah thinks, you know, he's a wicked man, he's a sinful man, he shouldn't be there, you might say, well that's me, you know, I don't think I can take initiative, because I'm just not up to it, you know, I don't have the skills and qualities that other people have, well let's keep going there, Isaiah chapter 6 verse number 6, then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar, and he laid it upon my mouth and said lo, this have touched thy lips, and thine iniquities taken away, and thy sin purged, also I heard the voice of the Lord saying, whom shall I send, and who will go for us, then said I, here am I, send me, what's he doing, he's taking initiative, God you need a preacher, all right, send me, look just a moment ago, he was like worried about his sinful condition, you know, feeling that he's out of place, right, how can I be here and do the work of God and stand before an almighty king, you know, but no, the Lord wants to use us, the Lord wants us to have initiative, and say Lord there's a work to be done, then I'll step in and do it Lord, you send me Lord, and again I'm, we're just taking biblical principles here, okay, and applying it to just every aspect of life, all right, the Bible is full of great principles that work anywhere you go, all right, Reverend show initiative, send me, whatever it is, you know, one of the best ways to impress your boss, all right, is when something's just not, let's say the cleaner doesn't turn up, and it's a mess, all right, the cleaner didn't turn up, and you know what, you say, you know, you don't say anything, you just go to the cupboard, you get that sweeper, you get that vacuum cleaner, and you just start cleaning up, you just start doing it, it's too low of a job for me, you know what, you're demonstrating yourself to be someone who has initiative, okay, someone that's willing to step out, you see a gap, you say I'll do that, you know, someone wants to be a pastor, I don't know, maybe the children, I don't know who it's going to be, all right, you know what, just find something to do, and step out and do it, and I always use the analogy, I say look if the toilets need to be cleaned, you say I'll do that, you just do the job that nobody sees, you do the job that nobody recognizes, okay, and when you're not being praised for serving God's body, you know God's going to see that, all right, he's going to use you, he can multiply your efforts, he can cause you to do great things, please don't feel you're a nobody, all right, again Isaiah and the Prince of God felt like a nobody, but eventually gets to the point says you know what, you need a preacher, send me, let me be the one, so be willing to step out of your comfort zone, you know the bible says in Matthew, I'll just read to you, in Matthew 19 24, and again I say unto you, these are the words of Jesus, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God, when his disciples heard it they were exceedingly amazed saying who then can be saved, but Jesus behold them and said unto them with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible, with God all things are possible, you know, again we're talking about salvation here, you know, a rich man, yeah they're trusting their riches, they're trusting their accomplishments to be right with God, right, it's very hard for a rich man to be saved, all right, and you know they asked this question, if it's easy for a camel to go through an eye of a needle than for a rich man to be saved, it's like then you know what, I mean is this even possible then, okay, yes salvation is not possible by the efforts of man, it's possible with God, right, he did all the work, amen, but the what Christ says, with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible, not just salvation, but all things are possible, you say I don't know if I can be the one that shows initiative, with God all things are possible, God can use you, you know we've got some great preachers in this church, backup preachers, I really appreciate the men that get behind this pulpit, open God's word, you know what, I don't know, maybe God's got something for you, all right, maybe right, it's like nah, you know past Kevin, you know I've got these issues and problems, yeah right, all right, we all have issues and problems, okay, but I don't know, I really want God to you know do a great work and you know I'd like to see other churches established in other cities, you know we have someone from Melbourne here, right, I don't know right, you know just happy to be in a place where God's word is being preached without compromise, maybe Melbourne's a place you know to start a church one day, I don't know, maybe it's you brother, I don't know, all right, but you know what, okay we all have limitations and you know we know that in our own strength it's impossible, but we've got all things are possible, the bible says in Philippians 4 13, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me, yeah I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me, and again I know we're talking about the apostle Paul and his work for the kingdom of God, but I'm just saying in our everyday life, children you want to do your chores better than you ask God to help you, employees you want to do a better job on the job, you ask God can you help me, can you strengthen me, all things, right, as a pastor, Lord can you make me a better pastor, can you help me preach better sermons, and all things are possible with God, all right, Lord strengthen my marriage, you know we've got marital problems, all things are possible with God, say God can you strengthen me, can you strengthen my spouse, can you strengthen our family, all areas of your life, all areas, all right, again that fear of failure though, the fear of failure right, some people say well I just can't step out because I'm afraid that I'm just not going to be able to accomplish it, I'm afraid that I'll fail, and I understand that, again one of the definitions was one's personal responsible decision, it does fall on your shoulders to step out, you want to get married, man wants to take a wife one day, you know you've got to show initiative right, you've got to find that lady right, you've got to step out and you might get rejected and that fear of failure could be there, even the fear of taking a wife and knowing that you're going to provide for her needs is a fear that you might not be able to do what you're you know you that you want to do, and I understand that fear, you know I'd be lying to you if I said I was not afraid coming to the Sunshine Coast to start a church, I'd be lying to you if I said you know said that, but see that fear is normal in man when you're taking certain risks, it's normal okay, and sometimes people say well I don't want to do it because I'm afraid to fail, now what you do with that fear instead is this, you recognize that you could fail, so instead of that fear stopping you from stepping out, use that fear to fuel you into being successful and going you know what if I'm going to fail if I'm going to stumble then I better make sure that I put my best foot forward, that I do the best I can, that I give everything that I've got because I don't want to fail and then turn around and say well I didn't give my best, it's okay to fail sometimes, you know I don't think I necessarily have made all the best decisions every single time for New Life Baptist Church or Blessed Up Baptist Church, I can't say that you know but at the time at the time when it makes no decisions it's the best decision that I knew at that point in time okay, but I can't you know I'm still a man you know I'm still I've still got weaknesses right, I'm sure we can all relate to that, but look the fear of failure if you just spin it the right way okay I'm afraid to fail therefore I'm going to give everything I've got so I don't fail rather than I'm fear I have a fear of failing therefore I won't even do it, wrong okay that will prevent you from stepping out and doing something great. So the third point that I have for your brethren is this, accept that there will be mistakes, accept that there will be mistakes okay you think you can live a life and not make any mistakes, look brethren I'm going to make a mistake one day as a pastor, maybe you already have I don't know all right and you're going to be tempted to say oh pass Kevin or accept that sometimes pastors make mistakes all right sometimes your wife's going to do something that you're not going to like it's human nature okay you've got to accept that people make mistakes all right I'm not sure I'm not thinking of a mistake right now I don't know but if you're thinking that I probably have made mistakes all right but look at least I'm taking initiative all right at least I'm trying to fill a gap all right I'm stepping out I realize that I'm taking certain risks being a pastor I realize that if I get myself in some some major sins that I could just embarrass myself embarrass my family embarrass my ministry there is a bit of fear so you know what instead of just not doing it I'm just going to just give the best I've got and you know what my best is not enough because it's impossible with man so I've got to turn to God and say God it's possible with you please help me achieve help please help me do what I need to do to serve you that fear again I've told you I'm afraid every time I get behind this pulpit the fear of God okay now I could be so afraid because I don't want to make a mistake like I don't want to say thus saith the Lord and it's actually thus saith Kevin I don't want that all right so then the fear is like well then I just won't preach I won't stand behind this pulpit no that's the wrong attitude the right attitude is man I've got a fear of God therefore I'm going to put my best effort in preparing this sermon making sure that it's consistent with God's word you know brother there are times that I'm up at on a Saturday night I don't know if you're like this brother but oh maybe I'm a bit different you know to you as a preacher brother but I can be up at two or three a.m in the morning Sunday morning just thinking about my sermon and I'm like I'm not gonna get enough sleep I need enough I need some sleep it's not that I've left it to the last minute it's just that I'm going back to my notes and going is this really correct you know I don't want to turn up on Sunday and make some massive mistake in my preaching and I preach some heresy by mistake or something right say something God said and he didn't say it I'm some I got that fear so what I just give my best I'll stay up late when the house is quiet the kids aren't making any noise my wife's asleep there's nothing to distract me and I can just look at my notes again say Lord is this right and there are times literally at two in the morning that I'm making complete changes to my sermon notes okay but that's what fear should drive you to do to give your best not drive you to not do it okay but there will be mistakes from time to time you know the Bible says in you guys know if in fact can you turn to Proverbs I'll get to turn somewhere please turn to Proverbs 24 Proverbs 24 verse number 16 Proverbs 24 verse number 16 Proverbs 24 verse number 16 it reads for a just man a just man okay a man who's actually doing right a just man fall off seven times and rise up again so the third point that I had for you was except that there will be mistakes okay when you make a mistake what do you do you rise up again okay you learn the lesson why did I fall all right I get that now I'm going to rise up and do better next time up to seven times you keep doing it all right I mean don't keep track and go all right this is the seventh time that I failed therefore I'm not going to try anymore okay the point is get back up and keep serving get back up and get busy you know do something you know don't you know achieve and learn from your mistakes it's good to learn from mistakes all right I mean please don't beat yourself up when you make mistakes just get back up and keep going own the mistake put your hand up yeah I messed up sorry guys all right and then push forward learn the lesson and push forward go to Proverbs chapter 3 Proverbs 3 verse 21 Proverbs 3 verse 21 now if we also try to limit our mistakes we shouldn't just be falling for the sake of falling try to limit how many times we fall and so we have Proverbs chapter 3 verse 21 which says my son let not them depart from thine eyes keep sound wisdom and discretion so shall they be life unto thy soul and grace to thy neck look at this then shall they walk in thy way safely and thy foot shall not stumble so if you want to limit how many times you fall what do you do you take the wisdom of God you take the instructions the commandments and you do them you take the good godly counsel that you receive from your parents and from brethren from your pastor and you put that into practice you line it up with God's word say God what is it that you want me to do you walk in his ways and your foot will not fall but you will fall sometimes okay because none of us are perfect but again when you do fall you get up again seven times that's what the just man does all right diligence step out right be something more do more okay do more keep growing all right now you know say well I don't work a job I don't have okay the standard is Jesus Christ every day in your life do more to be more like Christ get into God's word more to increase your wisdom you know ask God to guide you in holiness to help you overcome the temptations so that you don't sin as much as you do all right I mean the goal is Christ all right you may not have those responsibilities you may not have that job you may not have all these other things that I'm talking about you know what you're still commanded to grow you're still commanded to learn if you're not if you're not at the level of Christ you've got a lot to go I know I've got a lot to go you've got a lot to go all right so we take God's word we take his principles we take the lessons we apply it to our lives and we let God use us in a mighty way the next thing I've talked about initiative but I haven't talked too much about diligence and all right we better get to that okay you're there in Proverbs chapter 16 I'm sorry you're in Proverbs so please go to 16 chapter 16 Proverbs 16 verse number three let me just give you some thoughts on diligence because you don't want to be the guy that just takes initiative all the time but then you're not diligent with what you've decided to do okay you don't want to be the kind of person that says all right boss there's a problem I want to fix the problem and then you quit on day number two okay now you want to be someone that's diligent all right and the first point that I have on diligence is number one commit to what you said you'll say you do commit to what you said you'll do okay don't quit all right don't quit commit to what you said the bible says in Proverbs 16 verse 3 Proverbs 16 verse 3 commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established whatever you do whatever you set your mind to do right you commit it to the Lord men when you go to work tomorrow morning before you step into the office or whatever you wherever you work all right you say Lord I commit this job to you help me establish my thoughts okay help me do well help me not to give up help me to succeed help me to do more help me to be productive help me to please my employers children the same you wake up in the morning you say man I've got all these chores I've got my school in I've got whatever else that you've got they're looking after the pets or whatever you've got you say Lord I'm going to commit this day to you help me be productive help me impress my parents Lord make it a day when my parents don't have to instruct me because I've done everything and I've done it to my full ability and you've made the impossible possible help me be a blessing to my family diligence stick to it but you've got to commit it to God the whole thing you've got to really I mean it's about it's always about the Lord's help isn't it I mean we can only do so much in our flesh you know in the strength of our bodies we really need the Lord to direct us you know in all areas of our life Galatians 6 9 actually you go to 2 Thessalonians you go to 2 Thessalonians chapter 3 I'll read to you actually no let's just go to 2 Thessalonians 3 12 2 Thessalonians 3 12 please 2 Thessalonians chapter 3 verse number 12 3 Thessalonians 3 12 the Bible says now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ that with quietness they work and eat their own bread but here we're talking about lazy Christians men that do not want to go to work okay I told you I was lazy you know I'll confess my faults to you I was lazy as a teenager all right but then you get challenged with God's word it says all right here I've got to work and I've got to eat my own bread I've got to make sure that I'm providing for my needs and if I'm going to take a wife I've got to make sure that I provide for her needs and if God you give me children I've got to be able to work to provide for their needs get to work and then it says in verse number 13 but ye brethren be not weary in well doing you know what working a job providing for your family this is well doing this is something good to do but you can get weary in well doing can't you you can get weary doing that which is good this this idea of being weary in well doing also comes up in Galatians 6 9 which says and let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not now this is speaking about doing righteous works for the Lord right you know serving the Lord you know serving his kingdom but I want to just show you there in 2 Thessalonians this has to do with your everyday job job I know work can get hard and it's day in day out and you get get tired and you may desire to quit again a big problem in our society in our generation quitters parents don't let your children be quitters if they've committed to something say hey you get that done you do that job I gave you guys an example I gave you I can't when I preach this I said to you guys when you know in our my old workplace where if we lost an employee we had to go and hire someone to replace them this was back in 20 2010 2011 I can't remember exactly right now but it would cost the business ten thousand dollars to just replace a worker all right you know to train them up so they can be as productive as the previous ones right that kind of cost and it's a lot of money you know don't let your children parents and I want my children to be the same if they go work a job all right and after two weeks I'm getting weary in well doing they quit you know what don't let that happen teach them diligence teach them to keep going push forward that employer has given them an opportunity okay yes I know they care about their profits but they've given your children opportunity right to learn diligence right God's given that opportunity for them to learn something to grow you say dad two weeks this person was rude to me I want to quit say no you stick to it because everyone pastor Kevin said it cost ten thousand dollars to get another employee and train them up you know what before you leave let's make sure you added value to that company before you go and you just weren't an expense because yeah if you're just there you're two weeks you know two months and you quit you haven't helped the business at all in the long run you've been a cost you've been an expense okay no we need to learn diligence I don't care how hard the job gets you stick to it God has given you that opportunity to learn not to be lazy learn not to be slothful all right learn that life is not always fair you're not going to get things going your way every single time but you know what instead of getting weary well doing it's going to labor hard you know pastor said we need to learn initiative diligence this is my opportunity to learn this I'm going to step out of my comfort zone I'm not comfortable all right step out of your comfort zone it's your opportunity I want the kids to learn this because I'm telling you like children your age your generation they are quitters they apply for jobs and you look at their resume they're here for two months they're here for one month they're there for two weeks why would you want to hide that person and then you know the the chance is they're just going to quit the moment things get a little difficult all right again every aspect of our life though I know I'm taking a lot of business because that's Mike's background all right now the next thing okay commit to what you said and that you say that you'll do the next thing Reverend is in order to help you stay diligent all right you need to identify purpose and goals what is it that you're trying to achieve when I started New Life Baptist Church my purpose is that there will be a church that is preaching lost at the time when I thought this there wasn't heritage Baptist Church okay but my mindset was you know what the Sunshine Coast needs a church that's going to preach the gospel all right so I can be that person we can start that church we can be that people that knocks our neighbor's doors we can set goals right of knocking the clown area then we can set goals to knock the rest of the Sunshine Coast all right we can set goals of sometimes going to other places like a Sydney or like a Melbourne or whatever you know I have personal goals I do and that's going to help you stay diligent when you've got something in mind that you're looking forward to can you please turn to Psalm 37 go to Psalm 37 I'm going to try to be quick on the last points that I have here but while you're turning to Psalm 37 let me read to you from Proverbs 29 18 Proverbs 29 18 says where there is no vision the people perish we need to set a vision what are we trying to accomplish all right you said that if you don't set a vision if you haven't got purpose or goals you will quit you say what am I doing this for you find a reason why you're doing that you set that forward you commit that vision to God and say God help us accomplish what I need to do help me stay diligent help me to finish what I've started you're there in Psalm 37 verse 4 it says delight thyself also in the Lord look at this and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart okay let's think about that for a moment okay let's not think about selfish desires here say okay I want to be diligent Lord I want to be someone that's not a quitter I want to work hard right I want to achieve and step out and do great things all right set your goals what are your desires what are you trying to achieve all right you commit that to the Lord and he'll help you once again the Lord is the one that needs to step in and help you it keeps going there verse number five commit thy way unto the Lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass he shall bring it to pass Reverend I did not make New Life Baptist Church to pass God brought it to pass all right but God knew the desire of my heart and said Lord this is the goal these are the visions I can't do it but you can do it all right this church exists because of the Lord all right and again please all aspects of your life apply find whatever it is in your life that you know you need to be diligent about and apply it all right and just one more passage that I'll just quickly read to you for the sake of time and I've really preached on this a lot anyway recently but the third point that I had Brethren was for under diligence is do it unto the Lord do everything unto the Lord all right and the passage that I like that really drives me is Colossians 3 22 that says servants obey in all things your masters according to the flesh you know Brethren if I ask you to do something for the church obey your masters I have authority I have rule in the house of God now you guys know I'm not this heavy task master I'm not here just trying to make your life miserable right but whatever your master is your employer children your parents all right you do it heartily servants obey all things your masters according to the flesh not with eye service as men pleasers but in singleness of heart fear in God and whatsoever you do do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men changes everything Brethren changes everything I've said I've preached about this many times you know employees set Jesus as your boss do it to Jesus your boss says do this job you say yes in your mind in your heart you say yes Jesus I'm going to do exactly what you've asked me to do and if it's Jesus giving me command I'm going to be diligent with that it changes everything about life I'm not just preaching to God's people which is a scary thought you're God's children you know you're going to rule and reign with Christ one day you know you guys are important people I mean but you know what really I'm preaching for the Lord I want the Lord to be pleased with what I say behind this pulpit do it answer the Lord I've already preached many times on this point okay but the three points to remain diligent was to commit what you said commit to what you said that you say that you do so hey don't be a quitter number two was identify purpose and goals and number three is do it unto the Lord all right I wanted to end on the story of King David but we're not going to read it just for the sake of time but King David is a great example of an individual that was both that both took initiative and was diligent so I'll just I'll just read some quick verses to you you're in the story when Goliath came on the scene and he challenged Israel that they would just bring one man to fight against him hey the armies of Israel for in the army all the soldiers of Israel even King Saul there were no men there was no man that was ready to take initiative there was not a single Israelites who are the people of God who have seen God you know give them that land and do great things for them there was not a single one of them that stood up against Goliath but there was one man all right David who just came by you know to check on the welfare of his brethren and what he found the gap because there's a gap someone has to stand here someone's got to do it he says then I can do it if none of these soldiers want to fight Goliath he says I'll be the one I'll take initiative this is a soldier you know it's just a shepherd boy he's not a trained soldier all right hey but he took initiative didn't he he stepped out when nobody else would step out this man would eventually become the king of Israel all right but not only that you know he stepped out but when he came to um soul to explain that he wanted to fight against Goliath he showed not just initiative he showed diligence when he says these words he says um in verse number 36 uh sorry I'll just read the passage to you it says thy servant speaking by himself thy servant slew both the lion and the bear and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them seeing have defied the armies of the living God David also showed that he was a diligent person okay he's taking initiative taking Goliath but in his life he's been diligent to take out the lion to take out the bear and he goes I can do it again to this Goliath he goes I'm not going to quit I'm not going to look defeating the bear should be enough for me like that's man what an honor defending the lion as well boy that's what a great stories that you can tell David goes you know what I'm not done I'm not done I've got a bigger animal to slay we've got Goliath to take down I can be that person not only did he have initiative you can see that he was a diligent man okay he proved himself over and over and over then he says in verse number 37 David said moreover the Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion out of the paw of the bear he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine and soul said unto him sorry said unto David go and the Lord be with thee and we know he succeeded we know he defeated Goliath becomes famous becomes the king of Israel David's a great example of someone that was had initiative and also was very diligent with his work okay and of course you know he committed those things to the Lord which is why he was such a successful soldier and successful king.