(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You Good evening, everyone. Welcome to church Good to see you all in the house of God this evening Can I get you to grab your hymnals and turn to him number? 165 in number 165 I worship the king Number one six five and when you found it, can I get you to stand please? Oh Oh Oh Oh All right, let's open in a word of prayer Dear Heavenly Father just want to thank you that we can be gathered in your house this evening Lord just pray that you Be with us during this service Lord And I just pray that you help us to learn from this the sermon that is to be preached in Jesus name. Amen you may be seated and Can I get you turn now to him number 44? Him number 44 will work till Jesus comes number 44 Oh Oh Oh All righty final hymn before the Bible reading Can I get you to turn now to to him number 255 in number 255 come and dine He's mad Oh Oh All righty good singing Time for the bubble reading can I get you to turn now to Psalm chapter 20 Psalm 20 and brother Matt will be coming up for the bubble reading Psalm 20 to the chief musician a son of David The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble the name of the God of Jacob defend thee Send thee help from the sanctuary and strengthen thee out of Zion Remember all thy offerings and accept thy burnt sacrifice sealer Grant thee according to thine own heart and fulfill all thy counsel We will rejoice in thy salvation and in the name of our God. We will set up our badness the Lord fulfill all thy petitions Now know I that the Lord saveth is anointed He will bear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand Some trust and chariots and summon horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord our God They are brought down and fallen, but we arisen and stand upright Save Lord let the king hear us when we call. Let's pray do you got a thing today and For the service, please be with us cameras preachers with us and let us all learn something. She's never a man All Right so we're there in Psalm 20 and look at verse number 7 It says some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we We reverend what are you trusting? What are we going to do when we need it when we have a time of of? We need a time of help. You know when things are going different Challenging and and we're going through trials and difficulties Hey, do we trust in the might of man in the might of armies the might of chariots or in horses? It says no, but we will remember The name of the Lord our God the name that's interesting isn't it you know many times as you read for your Bible You know we understand that our dependency our trust our hope is in the Lord God But there are so many times the Bible just refers to the name of the Lord What did it say we will remember we will bring to remembrance what the name of the Lord our God? It says there in verse number eight they hey those that trust in chariots and horses in the strength of man They are brought down and fallen, but we brethren are risen and stand upright What's going to help you when you're having a time of difficulty? When you've when you've you know when you're cast down, and you need to be lifted up You need to remember the Lord's name say Lord your name. You know Lord. I'm gonna uphold your name I'm gonna remember your name the name of the Lord Jesus Christ the name God Almighty the name Jehovah There are many names that the Lord God presents himself as and they all carry a special meaning We are to remember his name so You know one of the things that you know I want us to remember that as Christians. Why we called Christians Well to be a Christian is to be a Christ follower But we carry the name of Christ don't we you know to say that we're a Christian we say we identify with Jesus Christ We wear the name of the Lord as it were by our titles and So we ought to represent that name that mighty name of our Lord God We are to remember the name of the Lord our God now We are continuing our series on the Ten Commandments this Wednesday, and we are up to commandment number three You don't need to turn they'll just read to you what commandment number three is it says in Exodus chapter 20 verse number seven? Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain Interesting we're not to take the name of the Lord in vain so the title for the sermon tonight Brevin is God's name in vain God's name in vain was a mean So to have his name in vain to to take his name and make it vain of course What is vanity vanity is emptiness worthless useless? You know we can take God's name and make it worthless make it useless We do have that ability now We often think about when you think of that command We do think of what it would just read there that shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain But then the second part of that verse is quite interesting it says For the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain So if we take God's name in vain God's not going to hold you guiltless He's going to claim that you're guilty that you're worthy of judgments if you take his name, and you lower it to nothing There's strength in the name of the Lord God there's power in the name That's you know we think about in the New Testament of course the name of Jesus Christ's power in that name Salvation is through that name You know it's one thing to go in and to preach the gospel And you know if we went out knocking the doors And you know we told ask people if they're sure of going to heaven they gave you time to give the gospel you explain They're a sinner you explain that they're on their way to hell You explain that God sent his son and that his son died in their place Death bear resurrection and all you need to do is trust in the son, and then you say well the son's name is Fred Call upon the name of Fred and thou shalt be saved Listen that person could understand what happened, but he hasn't got the name of Christ He's not trusted in Christ There's power in the name of Jesus Christ their salvation in the name of Christ There's no point of you believing in some Fred who died on the cross of your sins that would be some other gospel That would be some other Christ Salvation must be in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we have to be careful with this commandment God's not going to hold us guiltless if we take God's name, and we lower it to nothingness You know to vanity then you're not you're not guiltless You're guilty and God will hold you accountable for what you've done to his name And so when I realize man government hold him guiltless that take up his name in vain I realize my this is so important So important that we don't do such thing you know if we lower his name it offends the Lord God There is strength there is might in the name of God not only should we remember our Lord God? But we should remember his name bring it to remembrance as we need his power and strength to get through life Now I will get to turn to Please turn to Matthew chapter 6 turn to Matthew chapter 6 Now while you're turning to Matthew chapter 6 I Want you to think about how important the name of God is to him While you're turning to Matthew 6, I'll read to you from Exodus 34 verse 14 Exodus 34 verse 14 this is what God says to Moses. He says for thou shalt worship no other God For the Lord whose name is jealous is a jealous God What do we learn we learn that God is jealous Okay, and of course. It's it's righteous to be jealous What does it mean to be jealous that that which belongs to you? You don't want that for anybody else? It's righteous. It's good to be jealous for the things that belong to you Don't let anyone take what belongs to you what God has given you and make it and destroy it You know I mean you know my family belongs to me You know and God's given me a wife she belongs to me It would be you know it would hurt me if someone came along and tried to destroy my family Right or if my wife spending time with some other man I ought to be jealous about that because she belongs to me and I belong to her and so of course the Lord God is jealous what so when you think about that what does that mean? It means that our worship our praise belongs to him that we belong to him our bodies have been purchased with a price You know this body is the temple of the Holy Ghost we belong to him brethren God wants to use us You know God wants us to be a channel that he can use and do great works through us We belong to him and so of course we don't want to Give ourselves to this world We don't want to give ourselves to the devil or give ourselves to some other God we want to give ourselves to God Alright, we're called Christians. We want to walk in the steps of Christ But not only is God jealous. What did it say in that verse whose name is jealous? Whose name is jealous? And it's capital J another name for God is jealous Say what is God's name or whatever his name is jealous? You know therefore God is jealous about his name God does not want us to take his name and make it worthless You know he wants us to uphold and uplift his name Understand how important it is to be thankful for the very name of our Lord God So yeah, our God is not only a jealous God, but his name is jealous We have to be careful about how we use the name of our Lord God Now wait to look at Matthew chapter 6 verse number 9 because the disciples asked Jesus how to pray You know and and Christ gives them the example of how to pray And I want you to think about how Christ is praying to his father How Christ honors the name of his father it says there in Matthew chapter 6 verse number 9 Matthew 6 9 after this manner therefore pray ye our father which are in heaven Hallowed be thy name Hallowed be thy name Christ says What's it mean to hallow something? It sounds like Halloween? It's kind of it does have the same root word, but the word hallow means holy it means separated Jesus Christ says to the father your name is different your name is special your name is set apart From everything else he he honors the name of his father Say what is the father's name the father? That's his name That's his name right our father which art in heaven. That's his name hallowed be thy name So brethren when we come and we pray we say the heavenly father dear father Think about what you're saying when you pray Think about who you're speaking to whose name is jealous as well our jealous God Hey our prayer ought to go to the right God Jesus Christ in the fire in the father It should be going to the Lord God, but when we speak of his name You know one of the bad habits that I have and a lot of Christians have it just it just happens in churches as we're praying Lord no Lord is a name of God. It's one of his name. It's not just a title. It's his name Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord, you know someone's talking to me It's just Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin come on come down I Think sometimes we can be in danger of using the Lord's name in vain when we simply go before God and we pray You know when you think about is using his name are we really you know thinking about what we're saying Are we honoring his name are we Halloween his name? I think we have to be careful, and I I have to change this about the way I pray Sometimes I'm praying and I'm just thinking what's the next thought that I have to to bring to the Lord God And I say Lord, and I say Lord kind of like um What's the next point Lord? You know what we're gonna be careful? You know am I upholding his name or am I using it as a placeholder? You know these things we know III think as Christians we use them we take the Lord's name in vain many times And we don't even think about it Because often when you think about the Lord's name in vain You think about you know how people just walk around and say oh my god And that is taking the Lord name in vain that is of course But there are many ways times that we just use the Lord's name, and we don't think about what we're saying does it carry meaning Do we are we honoring his name? You know is that how do we have a heartfelt love toward God when we use his name? You Know we sing hymns don't forget. We're singing to the Lord many times the name is mentioned You know glory to his name Glory to his name Are you sure you want to say that are you thinking about the words you're saying or? Are they just empty words that are coming for your mouth because we're at church, and we're singing our songs We've got to get through the songs to get to the service to get sorry to the sermon Okay, it's a sermon to get to the end of the service, and then we can go home Whatever it is, but you know we really think about the name that we're we're giving glory to and we sing from our hearts I Think sometimes we can sing and go for the motions our hearts not there We're just doing it because we know we need to sing and we're up. We're saying his name, but it means nothing to us Is that taking the Lord's name in vain I say yes, I think it's him you know it's important I'm not trying to you know there. I think we all have an area that we can fix in our lives in this I know I can and we need to be careful because God says he's not gonna hold us guiltless You know I just as I'm thinking was working to on this sermon. I just thinking you know how much How much chastisement? How much judgment have I received? Where I just did not think and I've used the Lord's name, and it just meant nothing How many times have I come to church and sung of the name of Jesus and you know my heart just wasn't there I was just going for the motions How many times you know does this does happen or as I said just praying Lord Lord Lord? But am I really asking the Lord? I'm just using as a placeholder to get some of my next points Again, I just don't want us to be judged and chastised Unnecessarily, I think all of us can be a little bit more careful when we use the Lord's name Okay Hallowed look at look at Matthew chapter 6 verse number 9 after he says hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven God's will in heaven is different to to you know the trash on the earth They were the name of the Lord. It's a it's it's a name that is above all things It's a it's a heavily name It's a name of my God of my Savior and am I am I lowering that name to just be any other name You know one of the problems amongst South Americans Hispanic countries that the name of Jesus Jesus Is often used just as a regular person's name? Like it's you know be rare It's so rare for us as an english-speaking country to know someone named Jesus like just a regular person named Jesus But in South America, it's so common like everyone's like Jesus or a middle names of Jesus or something like that And I'm just thinking man. That's that's a very special name That's a name that is above every other name, and we're just using it as a common now You know I'd strongly encourage you to think about you know the names that you give to your kids You know you don't want to give your children the name of Jesus Because it's the name of our Lord and Savior. I don't want to use that name in vain Anyway To be hallowed is to be holy hallowed be thy name we see the example of Jesus He came to set us the example don't forget He lifts up he Hallows He honors the name of his father And we ought to be doing the same thing when we go to God in prayer we lift up the name of God Should we think about what we're doing? We're speaking that name. I don't want to use it in vain. I don't want it to be nothing and empty and worthless Gotta be careful about how we use the name of the Lord I'll quickly read to you from Isaiah 42 verse 8 Isaiah 42 in verse number 8. It says I am the Lord That is my name. I Am the Lord that is my name Yep, Lord capital L. Capital capital capital R. Capital D. Lord Jehovah Okay, that is his name, then he says and my glory will I not give to another Neither my praise to graven images Now thankfully you know we're not a type of church that has graven images and idols and statues I've already preached on this last week about the idols the idol worship But you know what God says that he is the Lord that is his name He's not going to share his glory with another. You know he's not going to share his glory with statues and images But then you go to the Roman Catholic Church, and what they say well that statue is Jesus Don't they that's what they say Well that they're taking the glory of God the name of God, and they've given it to a piece of wood a piece of gold a Piece of nothingness that he's taking the Lord's name in vain Saying that statue is Jesus. We just use the Lord's name in vain because that's a piece of wood It's nothing it can't speak can't hear can't see it can't walk it can't answer your prayers, and you're calling that Jesus and So there's another problem with those statues in the idols brethren is that you're taking the glory of God the special name of God And you're giving it to Nothingness you're giving it to vanity Think about that you know how we can take God's name and making it nothing Say well, you know we don't do that pastor Kevin. You know we don't have statues We don't walk around say well. This is a Jesus over here, and yeah I understand that but you know when we think about the the names that we use for God obviously God's name Lord we saw as a name Jesus and The one of the problems in our society You know at least in the english-speaking world is that we have these sayings you know one of the things that disgusted me going to a Christian school a Christian school expecting people to be Christians to love the Lord is how many times people would just say oh my god Especially the young girls oh my god, not something happens, and they're surprised oh god Who are you speaking to? Are you speaking to the Lord and of course they're not speaking to the Lord? What are you doing? They're taking the Lord's name in vain? God's not gonna hold them guiltless You know you turn on the TV some Hollywood movie That's all they do all they do constantly is take the Lord's name in vain And we get entertained by these things You know one of the things that When someone gets saved When someone wants to clean up their life, you know sometimes you got to clean up your your words clean up your language You know if you're used to just cussing You know usually you start to realize I need to change this about myself, and it's not easy I mean I I was I was never someone that had a filthy mouth or anything like that So it's you know I never had the challenge, but I've seen people that want to clean up their their mouths I just seen it how hard it is for them because it's so common It's just so it's part of their their nature so part of vocabulary to say words or to use the Lord's name in vain And then to realize man. This is horrible So sometimes instead of using the Lord's name in vain like oh my god. They're using you for euphemism Okay, so becomes. Oh my gosh. Oh My gosh like I still get to say it when I'm surprised you know I get that out of me a little bit. Oh my gosh What's that mean? Gosh is a euphemism. It means it's a word in the place of Meaning the same thing, but just sounds a little bit nicer gosh To me it's no difference now. You're taking God's name and making it into something that is less powerful than that name I Think we have to be careful, and I'm saying even within my own family. We have to be careful about the euphemisms that we use You know are these just words in the place of the Lord's name But what for what purpose exactly? You know if we want to use the Lord's name, let's use the Lord's name, but let's hallow it. Let's lift it up Let's honor that name Instead of lowering it to you know a word or phrase just to express our emotions To express when we're surprised, and you know when you know how people do that What a golly I? Didn't know that was a euphemism for God golly That's the same thing You're just saying God in a more cuter sense I? Had no idea that's I'm saying to you like I look at these things like a man How many times have I truly taken the Lord's name in vain and then I'm lowering it to some other word That carries a similar sound And I think I'm right with God. I think I'm just doing just fine using these other words What about this one goodness gracious goodness gracious? Did you know that was a euphemism? Who's gracious? Who's out who's gracious for by grace are you saved isn't God gracious? So if you're like oh, we can't you know we don't use God's name in vain so instead of God being gracious We'll say goodness is gracious We're surprised, and we know we have to be careful I had no idea once again that goodness was in the place of God because God is good So we all we've got to be careful with God's name. Let's call it goodness. Well. Why don't we just not say it at all? Why don't we just be careful with God's name? Because I know it's lost some meaning I guess you know some of these words I didn't realize was associated with the name of God, but that's how it is. That's our society That's this is how we speak sometimes People get surprised oh Lord all right shocked oh Lord or Jesus Hey, I hate that I hate that when I hear people say Jesus Wait are you speaking to Jesus? You're just shocked you can't control your emotions You know You can't keep your mouth shut and honor that name that saved me They offers you salvation So say well, maybe not Jesus what about gee gee Well you just short in the name of Jesus another euphemism geez You know the one that surprised me the most Because of the famous crocodile hunter You know that all the late crocodile hunter I should say that you know was from the Sunshine Coast or at least these zoos on the Sunshine Coast Crikey what does Crikey mean does anyone know what the euphemism? What's it? What does it represent? Christ Instead of him just going Christ Crikey Hahaha, you know Aussie slang it's a euphemism for Christ You're taking his name Okay, and you're loaning it to just rubbish It's Nothingness vanity Thou shalt not take the name of the law died the name of the Lord thy God in vain It's commandment number three. I think we're important think about it We've done this so many times You know we've really messed up I know I've messed up so many times again out of ignorance, and I do believe God you know we know God is merciful We know Lord the Lord God is long-suffering But I just think that man Lord you've gone so long and I've used your name so many way So many different ways that I didn't know Lord. Well. Maybe you've punished me. Maybe you chastised me I don't know along the way, but I think we have to be careful I Mean we should be careful as Christians. We should have control over our mouths anyway You know we should be slow to speak all right swifter here We should be careful about the words that come at our mouth When you get emotional and heated and fired up, we're gonna be careful because the Bible says we ought to be temperate in all things We're gonna have self-control Okay, and sometimes. Yeah many of these words It's just because we lack self-control We've been taught by our world and society to just let go you're emotional just tell the world Just say God's name in vain get that out of you You Know what as I thought about this I think I'd rather just cuss No, I'm saying it's okay, but I think I just rather drop the f-bomb than to drop the name of God in vain That is profane in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and look I don't even want to drop the f-bomb I don't want to speak with those words But it's even worse to take God's name and to lower. It's nothing God's not going to hold you guiltless Okay, so You know I hope this touches your heart a little bit. I hope you think about what I'm saying Because I think we can all improve our language They say well pastor Kevin, I'm so you know when I get emotional it just comes out of my mouth You know can I just what do I do? Shut your mouth. Yeah, shut your mouth learn to close your mouth You don't always need to express your disgust or your surprise again temperate in all things Learn some self-control Tell your mouth shut up Shut up before you say something stupid or before you say something as bad as taking the Lord's name in vain There are other words you can use if you can't help that what about Wow Find something amazing something a surprise Wow That's amazing That's awesome You're serious. You're kidding How about we you know if you're having a hard time? We've controlled that mouth, and you want to say something just don't take the Lord's name in vain, please I Don't want to see you punished by the hand of God And I want this church new life at the church we come in the name of Christ We're here because of his name We come to honor and exalt the name of the Lord God Be careful about the words how you speak Now of course I've used Examples as I'm preaching behind this pulpit where the Lord's name is taken in vain And I'm trying you know I'm not trying to do the same I'm just trying to teach that we should be careful about these things Okay, be careful about the way we speak Can you please turn to Leviticus chapter 19 Leviticus chapter 19 and verse number 12 Leviticus chapter 19 and verse number 12 How else can we take the name of the Lord God in vain? You know I think again. We're trying to think outside the box right we want to be careful with the name of our Lord God Leviticus chapter 19 and verse number 12 Leviticus chapter 19 verse number 12 it reads and you shall not swear by my name falsely Hey don't make promises empty worthless promises and say I swear to God Something else I observed growing up in school all right someone did something wrong And even if it's whether they're lying about it whether it's on the truth I swear to God Guys know I'm talking about Bible says hey don't swear by my name falsely Look at this neither shall thou profane the name of thy God. I am the Lord that is his name So look if you swear by the name of God falsely you profane the name of thy God You know I think about you know this is why I'm so careful when I preach So careful, I want to make sure that before I say something. I know the Bible says it I Don't want to come behind the pulpit and say thus saith the Lord and Then preach heresy preach lies Because what are you doing? You're swearing by the name of God falsely. You're saying God said this and you're lying We have to be careful as preachers about what we speak You know sometimes I think man is this a weakness of mine because I just I just want to be extra careful But not I want to be care. I you know what I'd rather be extra careful I don't want to preach falsely in the name of God say something that he never said There are too many preachers that do that. I want to be different You know everything that I teach I want to make sure that it's in your Bible that these are the words of God You know in Jeremiah 29 20 Jeremiah 29 verse number 9 God says to Jeremiah for they prophesy falsely unto you in my name I Have not sent them saith the Lord So what what's what's the deal with false prophets they prophesy falsely unto you in my name? They say this is what God wants you to do God is his name. This is what the Lord wants in your life The Lord's name They prophesy falsely God says I have not sent them saith the Lord What about your marriage vows I Remember when I got married And we said our vows The pastor said well, you know before God and these witnesses Before God and his weaknesses and I made those vows to my wife Right in richer in poorer in sickness and in health Till death do us part Before God I made those vows Okay, so what does that mean Before in the name of God I said those vows God be my witness witness What did it say getting livid because 1912 and you shall not swear by my name falsely Hey when I made those vows it's not to be it's it's true I've got to keep those vows Does that mean I'm gonna have a perfect marriage and we're never gonna argue and never gonna have conflicts of course not But even in the face of conflicts and arguments, I'm gonna stay true I'm not gonna profane God's name because again if you swear by my name falsely it says no I shall now profane the name of thy God. I am the Lord You know what if you desire to get divorced and you get divorced and you break those vows you've profaned the name of the Lord Because it's very likely on your wedding day you said before God I'm gonna keep to this truth You know before God I'm gonna honor these words And so everyone that gets divorced they've taken the Lord's name in vain he meant nothing when they said those vows And God's not gonna hold you guiltless Okay Can you please turn to Philippians chapter 2 turn to Philippians chapter 2 And I'll read to you from Acts chapter 4 verse 12 Acts chapter 4 verse number 12 The Bible says neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved It's a name of God that saves us. It's the name of Jesus That's What I said to you yeah, you can teach people the gospel what you call him Bob You call him Frank you call him, Yeshua. They're not gonna get saved Because it's by the name of Jesus That is a name that saves us So let's be careful when we speak the name of Christ We speak the name of the Father Let's pause for a moment just a brief moment in your mind before I say God's name Does it carry meaning? You know am I uplifting his name? Or am I taking that name and lowering it to nothing to vanity to emptiness could I be accidentally profane in the name of God Philippians chapter 2 verse number 9 Philippians chapter 2 verse number 9 says wherefore God also have highly exalted him and Given him a name which is above every name Amazing That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and That every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father Wow a name above every name Jesus and How often do people just go out there? Jesus Jesus Either prophesying falsely in that name or again just as a way to express surprise You know an emotional response Man, it's a name above every name at the name of Jesus every knee should bow I've already bowed to that name There are many times. I've gone to prayer and I've bowed my knees said in Jesus name I'm gonna bow to that name, but we're all gonna bow one day of things in heaven even in heaven the heavenly hosts they bow down to the name of Jesus and things in earth everybody on this earth one day is going to bow to that name and Things under the earth that would be hell Even the souls that are sent to hell even the souls that we have rejected Christ They're not gonna get far from the Lord one day. They're gonna also gonna bow before that name and They're gonna say that Jesus Christ is Lord To the glory of God the Father When we honor the name of Christ when we bow our knees to the name of Christ it glorifies the Father All Of creation will one day one day bow to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ So I want to give you some other thoughts, can you please go to Proverbs chapter 18 Proverbs chapter 18 and verse number 10 Proverbs chapter 18 I Brethren when you find yourself in in hardship in trials and difficulties Be careful Don't be like this world that yells the name of God Okay, God almighty Or Jesus stop. Yes. You know what I want you when you go for difficulties. I do want you to appeal to that name but not in vanity The Bible says in Proverbs 18 verse 10 Proverbs 18 verse 10 The Bible says the name of the Lord is a strong tower The righteous runneth into it and is safe Again the thought yes, we run to God when we need help But it says we ought to run to his name. His name is a strong tower So brethren when you're going through difficulties and hardships and trials Do call on the name of God Absolutely, but not as as vanity like this world does of surprise and shock. No you go before God. God help me In Jesus name. I need your help You know, you know my father which art in heaven hallowed be your name Lord you deserve all glory your name deserves all praise and I need your help right now Lord I'm going through difficulty. I need a strong tower. I need a place of safety and protection in Jesus name and mean it Careful about his name Careful how you use it. It is a strong tower. It is a place that we can run to there's power in the name Please go to Psalm 61 Psalm 61 and verse number 8 Psalm 61 and verse number 8 Psalm 61 and verse number 8 reads So will I sing praise unto thy name forever That I may daily perform my vows You know what just to get through our day the things that we're committed to the things that we have to do One of the things that's going to help you accomplish your day get through the day. It's just sing. Praise to the name of God forever Again just a reminder when we sing hymns we come to church and we sing make sure you're thinking about who you're singing to Before you say the name am I meaning this or am I just going through the motions I'm not criticizing anybody here. I don't know. I don't know what your life is like obviously I don't know all I can say is I know what I was like Going to you know as a child as a teenager going to church Singing the hymns meant nothing to me many times just get through and sing the hymns can't wait for church to finish So Surely not you pastor. Yeah, even me how many times did I sing the name and it meant nothing? You know it was just vanity just emptiness. It's crazy when you think about how many mistakes we've made How many sins we commit we can't even keep track could you imagine salvation was repent of your sins? Can't be done can't be done Praise God we have a merciful God hey, but there's power in the name. Let's be careful with how we use his name So whether we read from Psalm 61 please go to Psalm 10 go to Psalm 10 actually go to Psalm 9 Psalm 9 verse 2 just some other thoughts here some 9 verse 2 I Will be glad and rejoice in thee I will sing praise to thy name. O thou most high You see how often the Bible speaks of it, and you know You know what I'm saying is true. How many times yeah, we don't sink to the Lord and yeah, but to his name God wants to make sure that we're exalting his name That we're actually praying and singing to the right God the only way you have the right God is by the right name For who shall shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved so important we have the right name Psalm 10 verse 7 Psalm 10 in verse number 7 We don't want to take his name in vain it says here about the wicked it says his mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud You say well my mouth is not like that my mouth is not full of deceit and fraud and cursing look at this under his tongue is mischief and vanity speaking vanity is lumped together with mischief deceit cursing and fraud So if we take God's name in vain and we use it as Nothing, we're lumping ourselves amongst the rest of these words cursing deceit fraud mischief We've got a Psalm 12 Psalm 12 in verse number 2 Psalm 12 in verse number 2 Again this thought of taking God's name in vain again about the wicked it says they speak vanity Everyone with his neighbor with flattering lips and with a double heart Do they speak? This is about a backstabber Have you ever been a backstabber to God? With flattering lips glory to his name But you know in your heart. You're not even meaning it Right with a double heart Do they speak so you're singing the words by means nothing I? Mean how is that different to just be in a backstabber to a friend or a neighbor? How is that different? It's not different I? Think we have to be careful I'm glad I'm going for the Ten Commandments because I think hey there are some things that maybe we've just missed a little bit along the way and we need to get this right I Don't want to speak to God with flattering lips, but I got a double heart You know acting like a backstabber toward God. I don't want to be that way Look at Psalm 31 verse number six Psalm 31 We Don't want to take God's name in vain But then it says in Psalm 31 verse 6 I have hated them that regard line vanities but I trust in the Lord I Have hated them people That regard line vanities You know what when someone says God's name in vain you ought to not just hate the sin, but hate them for doing it When you're watching some Hollywood movie, and it's oh my god, and you know it's God's name to be taken in vain You're to hate that actor you had to hate that movie But I trust in the Lord Man you know You know one of the things that churches are afraid to preach on is when God allows us to hate certain individuals People say well God hates the sin, but not the sinner isn't that what they often say which is not in your Bible Was it Gandhi that said those words? Gandhi okay, we're quoting some False prophet instead of God's Word, but this is one time that we can hate certain people hate people that take God's name in vain I Don't want to hate you for taking God's name in vain You're my brother in the Lord I'm your pastor. We ought to love each other. We're brothers in the Lord. We're to honor the name of God But yeah, you know what line vanishes. I have hated them that regard line vanishes, but I trust in the Lord So I want us to be very very careful with how we speak God's Word I Got so many passages to turn to where can we go if you go to state? Let's see go to Psalm 139 get a Psalm 139, please and While you're turning to Psalm 139, let me just read to you from Isaiah chapter 1 verse 10 you get a Psalm 139 I'll read to you from Isaiah 110 That's amazing what God says to Israel here in Isaiah 110 In verse number 10 it says hear the word of the Lord ye rulers of Sodom Who's he speaking to? Say but well may he's speaking to Sodom. No, he's not he's speaking to Israel God calls Israel Sodom you rule of the Sodom give ear unto the law of you our God ye people of Gomorrah Sodom and Gomorrah is Israel. That's what you are Okay, Israel. You're just as bad as Sodom and Gomorrah Verse number 11 why is it saying that to what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifice is unto me? Because you're doing all the sacrifices Okay, but what's the purpose? What's the meaning it means nothing God says? Sayeth the Lord I am full of the burnt offerings of lambs and the fat of fed beasts and I delight not in the blood of bullocks or of lambs or of he goats When you come to appear before me who have required this at your hand to tread my courts So when he says when you tread your courts they come into God's house they come into the temple God's house is the local church in the New Testament So whatever we're reading about here Brethren we can apply it to the New Testament Church When we tread his courts don't forget where two or three are gathered in his name. There is Christ in the midst of us this is God's house when we meet for church Brethren and They come in that they doing the our sacrifices they're doing the offerings Don't forget when we sing we're offering ourselves our sacrifices of praise from our lips We to offer sacrifices when we come to God's house Okay, but then God says in verse number 13 as I 113 Bring no more vain Oblations he says your sacrifices are vain Stop bringing vain oblations All right now God's not saying stop sacrificing just stop bringing the ones that are vain So they're going for the motions once again. They're offering the sacrifices, but it means nothing to them. I Don't want church to be this way for us. We just means nothing Well, it's Wednesday night. We better be at church Place your heart in it. Do you love the Lord? Are you sure you're coming to sing praises to honor him to lift him to exalt him? It Continues their incense is an abomination unto me the new moons and Sabbaths the calling of assemblies I Cannot away with it is iniquity even the solemn meeting It is iniquity sin even the solemn meeting even church attendance time can be iniquity If we're offering sacrifices that are vain vain oblations Verse number 14 Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth So hold on God you told the Israelites to do the feasts you told the Israelites off the sacrifices God says I hate at all Because it means nothing to you. It's vanity. It's worthless They are a trouble unto me I'm weary to bear them and When you spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you yay when you make many prayers I will not hear your hands are full of blood That's full on so God calls them Sodom and Gomorrah. You're no better than them look obviously In the time of Israel, we're talking about people under the old covenant. There were many people that were unsaved. Of course there were Okay, now the difference with the New Covenant praise God praise God, you know that we're all saved If you're part of the New Covenant, you have to be safe to enter in Okay, so obviously we're not comparable to Sodom and Gomorrah in that sense Okay, but I still want you to take the thought and the principle there that we don't want to come to church and offer our Sacrifices of praise it just means nothing Because God's gonna hate that It doesn't honor him How many times do we come to church and we hear the name of God we speak the name of God Be careful how you use his name Let's make sure we're lifting it. We're proclaiming We're honoring we're loving the name of our Lord God I'm going to turn to Psalm 139 verse number 19 better hurry up Psalm 139 verse number 19 I Think that's some other interesting points here verse number 19 says surely Thou will slay the wicked Oh God Depart from me therefore ye bloody men So the wicked here being called the bloody man because the idea of bloody men that murderers a horrible people For look at this verse number 20 for they speak against thee wickedly and thine enemies Take thy name in vain Who takes the name of God in vain the enemies of God the bloody men the wicked men? These are the people that take God's name in vain and Then verse number 21 do not I hate them Oh Lord That hate thee so what do we learn there if you take God's name in vain you hate God Is that right and thine enemies take thy name in vain do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee and Am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee I? Hate them with perfect hatred. I count them mine enemies So another group of people that we're allowed to hate not just a sin for the people are those that take God's name in vain Don't take God's name in vain Let's be careful me too me too Okay, please say God's name boy. We don't want to lump ourselves again with these people enemies of God haters of God Because they do that why should we do what the haters of God do? Let's go to another passage Proverbs chapter 30 Proverbs chapter 30, please in verse number 7 Proverbs chapter 30 and verse number 7 I Started with the thought that we carry the name of Christ everywhere that we go we're a Christian we're saved by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and So we're representatives aren't we we're ambassadors we know this truth with soldiers with children of God Proverbs chapter 30 verse number 7 reads two things have I required of thee Deny me them not before I die Look at this remove far from me vanity and lies But if you've got a hard time and you know that you you just oh my god You know that you take God's name, and you just throw it in the mud. You know what this is a good prayer to have This is a good prayer to have Remove far from me vanity God help me, and I know again. It's hard You know people are girl. You know thank God. I grew up in a Christian home because I don't know what my parents would have done if I'm taking God's name in vain but So many of us have and then you're trying to work your mouth and your tongues the hardest thing to control It's a little member remember, but it kindles a great fire the tongue It's hard to control who's going to help you just go to God Remove far from me vanity and lies Look at this give me neither poverty nor riches feed me with food convenient for me look at verse number nine lest I be full and deny thee you know when when we're too full when we're just way too blessed and In Australia, we're already too blessed. We're already too rich Honestly Visit the rest of the world and you'll know you're a very rich person but anyway this is the danger lest I be full and deny thee and deny thee and Say who is the Lord? Or lest I be poor and still and take the name of my God in vain When you're too wealthy when you're too full you forget the Lord but look We don't want to be too poor either We don't want to get to the point that we're poor and then we end up still in Because if we do that we take the name of the Lord God in vain So how is that possible? Because you're a Christian You take the name of God with you everywhere you go. You're a representative of a safe person you're a Christian you're a Christ follower and Then when you go out and still You destroy your testimony, and you destroy that name of Christ You know your behavior honors the name of the Lord or it dishonors the name of the Lord If you go out there and you commit theft You get caught you get embarrassed your testimony gets ruined. Oh these Christians Yeah, you've taken God's name in vain by your behavior You see this is why we also should just overcome sin You Know get you know don't get comfortable in your sins Well, I'm saved God and my life's better than it was before But you're still a sinner so am I Let's try to get better. Let's be a little bit more Christlike if you want to call ourselves Christians That's what it means to follow Christ. It means we ought to get better We ought to read our life or to uphold them of Christ even more so as we mature and grow as Christians But you get yourself into some major sins like theft you take God's name in vain because you've destroyed it by your testimony All right one more passage, please let's go to 2nd Timothy chapter 2 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse number 19 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse number 19 I Didn't want to end with this thought Because if you say well my mouth's pretty clean pastor yeah, yeah, but you still sin and don't forget your sin Can this honor the name of Jesus Christ okay the name of our Lord it says there in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse number 19 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse number 19 the Bible reads nevertheless the foundation of God's stand offshore having this seal the Lord knows them that are his look at this and Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity Do you name the name of Christ of course you do so in church? We come in the name of Christ we come to honor Christ So what if you want to name them Christ? What should you do you ought to depart from iniquity? Brethren when you sin I want you to be disgusted at yourself I Say man, I messed up I'm meant to be a Christian I Know I'm saved. I'm not gonna lose my salvation praise God, but my life did not honor the Lord right now I Gave into my wicked flesh. I've Dishonored the name of my Lord I Name myself a Christian. I ought to be living a life that is holy and pleasing Then what do you do? It's a lesson that I've done for the last few weeks Go and confess it before the Lord he made right with God say God. I'm sorry. Please forgive me Help me to walk in your paths help me to overcome this sin You know if there's something that I've not done that that's that's I've messed up now. Help me get that right Let me fix that Lord Okay, because I don't want to dishonor your name We name the name of Christ, and if we do that brethren we ought to depart from iniquity So you call yourself a Christian we call ourselves Christians amen I love that name Christian Christ follower named on my son's Christian. Where's Christian oh? Yeah It's a good name Okay, Christ follower, but then how well does your life represent Christ? Christian How well does your name or your name represent our Lord Jesus Christ? So yeah, okay, maybe you got your mouth under control, but hey you know what we still need to consider the iniquity that we have And we don't want to give the name of Christ a bad name. Okay. Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord just want to thank you so much Lord for your for your teaching in your word And Lord I just pray you to help each one of us Lord even as I pray right now if I name your name Lord that I'm just a bit more careful with how I say it And Lord we just thank you for loving us Lord for being merciful and Lord You've promised in your word that when you've taken your name in vain that you're not going to hold us guiltless So Lord I just pray you forgive us Lord. You know Lord. You know how we fail you know how Lord sometimes we just overlook things in the Bible and Lord sometimes we just pat ourselves on the back because we're not murderers when our adulterers Lord But maybe we've taken your name in vain and for that. We're sorry Lord we want in your life Baptist Church to be a church that honors you that lifts up your name that Hallows your name that honors Lord who you are and what your name is and Lord We thank you for giving the name of Jesus to your son the name above all names and that by that name Lord every knee should bow and Lord I pray when you send us to the Harvest and we preach in the gospel to the lost that we remember the power in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Thank you so much Lord that we worship the true God the true creator of all things we pray this in Jesus name. Amen all right brethren, let's take a hymnals and Let's turn to hymn number 116 116 116 and I've got the wrong Sorry, I've got the wrong hymn What's the name Jesus is the sweetest name I know that's what I want to sing Jesus is 156 Thank You Matthias Jesus is the sweetest name. I know now. Let's meet it There have been names that I have loved to hear But never has there been a name so dear To this heart of mine Divine the precious precious name of Jesus Jesus is the sweetest name I know And is just the same as his lovely name And that's the reason why I love him so Oh Jesus is the sweetest name I know There is no name That we should give such honor and such love As the blessed name Let us all acclaim that wondrous glorious name of Jesus Jesus is the sweetest name I know And he's just the same as his lovely name And someday I shall see him face to face To thank and praise him for his wondrous grace Which he gave to me When he made me free the blessed son of God Jesus Jesus is the sweetest name I know And he's just the same As his lovely name Jesus is the sweetest name I know