(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So look at Genesis 47 verse, let me just find my place there, Genesis 47 verse 15 the Bible reads and when money failed in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan all the Egyptians came unto Pharaoh and said give us bread for why should we die in thy presence for the money faileth. The title for the sermon this morning is the money faileth. You know brethren there's going to come a time when your money just fails you. You know I mean it's a tool that you use you know to purchase your goods and your services but there are too many men there are too many people and we're driven by society by the program in this world to think that money is the most important thing of this world. You know the Bible warns us that the love of money is the root of evil and so money will fail you. I mean it can serve its purpose for this life but when things get desperate when things matter about you know saving your life or even eternity your money will fail. So let's start off here in verse number one, Genesis 47 verse one and the family of Joseph is being presented before Pharaoh it says and then Joseph came and told Pharaoh and said my father and my brethren and their flocks and their herds and all that they have a come out of the land of Canaan and behold they are in the land of Goshen and he took some of his brethren even five men I'm not sure why he took five I'm not sure why he didn't take all his brethren but he takes a portion of them and presented them unto Pharaoh and Pharaoh said unto his brethren what is your occupation and they said unto Pharaoh thy servants are shepherds both we and also our fathers. You may recall from the previous chapter that Joseph told them that shepherds are an abominable nation to the Egyptians so what they're saying to Pharaoh here basically yeah we're an abomination to you okay and that they want to stay in the land of Goshen you know they don't want to be where the majority of the Egyptians are they don't want to be you know stuck in a major city they looked for the lands where they could have their herds and the benefit of being an abomination is that they would be left alone that was the benefit they'd be left alone there in the land of Goshen and you'll soon see that Pharaoh yep you know he agrees to leave them on that land and it says here in verse number four and more and said moreover unto Pharaoh for to sojourn in the land are we come for thy servants have no pasture for their flocks for the family saw in the land of Canaan now therefore we pray thee let thy servants dwell in the land of Goshen. What I want you to notice there at the beginning verse number four it says they moreover said unto Pharaoh for to sojourn in the land are we come you know they make it very clear Pharaoh we haven't come to Egypt to reside here indefinitely you know we're not here to take all your land to take all your possessions we're not here to to you know you know what's the word I'm looking for to infiltrate your nation we're here as sojourners only and that was important for them to make that known you know because the Bible is very clear about how you know Egypt is as we read about Egypt in the Bible it represents the world it represents this ungodly world that's here brethren and our hearts and our desires shouldn't be to make this our permanent dwelling place you know our hearts our minds ought to be on eternity ought to be on heaven and the way we look at ourselves on this earth is to look at ourselves as sojourners just passing by you know what we're here to accomplish a task that God has left us to do you know we're here to to be about the father's business but we're not here to be about our own business you know our business ought to be the father's business God has put us on this earth for a purpose keep your finger then go to John 17 go to John 17 I've got many passages in the Bible that are my favorites John 17 is one of my favorites John 17 14 John 17 14 you know we're on this earth because of a necessity brethren we're here you know when we got saved when when God washed us from our sins when we were made children of God he did not take us to heaven immediately did he he left us he left us here for a purpose he didn't leave us here to seek the riches of this world why because money will fail you that's not what we're about brethren that is what this world is about yes but that ought not to be what we're about John 17 14 Jesus praying to the father you know getting ready for his departure he prays to the father and says these words I have given them thy word speaking about his disciples speaking about the believers and I want you to think about not necessarily the disciples the 12 disciples and the you know the 120 in the upper room now I want you to think about this prayer about yourself and it is for you it is a prayer that Jesus makes on your behalf Jesus says is given thy word you know your Bibles that you're holding your hands have been given to you by Jesus and it says here and the world have hated them because they are not of the world even as I am NOT of the world think about that was Jesus of this world no he came from heaven he came from above and he says in the same way that I am NOT of this world neither are they neither are you he said but I was born here yes but now that you're saved you're not of this world anymore you're just like Jesus you're just passing through your destination is heaven your home is heaven this is why you know the Bible tells us that we're ambassadors for Christ we're ambassadors we're not from Australia we're not from earth we're from heaven we represent the kingdom of God we're his children you know what that means that means while you're on this earth you ought to represent Christ you ought to represent heaven that's what you're ambassador of you know you've been given a job there to represent heaven and then look at verse number 15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil okay so now you know what God wants us here on this earth he doesn't want us taken out of this earth of this world just yet but he wants us to protect us from evil protect us from living a sinful life protect us from the evil one protect us from just being like the world verse number 16 they are not of the world even as I am not of the world sanctify them through thy truth thy word is true so what do we learn there Jesus already told us that he's given us his word and now he wants us to be sanctified he wants us to be cleansed he wants us to be walking in accordance to the way of his word not in the way of this world but by the way of his word his word thy word is truth verse number 18 as thou has sent me into the world even so have I just sent them into the world you probably didn't notice that brethren now it's obvious we know that God the Father sent the Son that's obvious we know he came on a mission to die on the cross to give us forgiveness through his sacrifice in the same way that the Father has sent the Son now that you're saved you're being sent by Jesus you're on a mission you've got a job to do Jesus counted on you to do the job he's sending you he thinks you're worthy of this calling you may not feel yourself worthy but you are according to Jesus he sent you for a job and what is that verse number 19 and for their sakes I sanctify myself that they might also be sanctified through the truth neither pray I for these alone not just those disciples that he had but for them also which shall believe on me through their word that's you okay because of the disciples because of the Apostles passing down the gospel you now have believed on the word so Jesus praying for you also verse number 21 that they all may be one as thou father are in me and I in thee who this that they also may be one in us that the world may believe that thou has sent me hey what are you being said to do brethren what is your job as an ambassador for Christ is to cause this world to believe on Jesus Christ that's your job you say what is it what's the will of God in my life it's to win the lost it's a preach the gospel it's to be an ambassador for Jesus to get people saved that's what you're called to do that's your job right but you say but I've got my nine-to-five job yeah all of that is ultimately to facilitate your ability to preach the gospel or to facilitate other people you know to do the works of God that he sent us to do you know everything brethren that we do yes we need to live yes we need to work yes we need to have relationships yes we need to get married have kids go to church you know we need to interact with this world I understand go to the shops all of it is for the purpose that Jesus Christ has sent us to do to see this world saved did you know that that's your purpose that's why you're saved that's why you're still here on this earth we're just so generous brethren we're not here to make our permanent abode on this earth to amass as many riches as we can know our purpose is to preach the gospel I want you to think about that then if that's the truth which is it is the truth if that's the truth how well does your life line up to that truth how well does it line up or is it really just trying to get the most out of this world just please yourself just seeking the pledges of this world or you truly seeking to be someone that is already sent by Jesus to do the work that Jesus has sent you to do you know what if you were an employer and you sent your employee to do a job you know I'm giving you two weeks to accomplish this project at the end of the two weeks your employee comes up to you I didn't do it say what were you up to odd I went bowling I went fishing you know I went camping I mean wouldn't you just be angry wouldn't you just be upset at that employee wouldn't you be frustrated at that employee I mean you might even fire them right for being such things so lazy what Jesus has given you a job Jesus is sending you I don't want Jesus to be frustrated at you I don't want Jesus to be angry at you and all you need to do brevin is open your mouth boldly and proclaim the gospel and you're doing the work that Jesus has asked you to do let's kick that back to Genesis 47 please Genesis 47 verse 5 Genesis 47 verse 5 and Pharaoh spake unto Joseph saying thy father and thy brethren are come unto thee the land of Egypt is before thee in the best of the land make thy father and brethren to dwell in the land of Goshen let them dwell if thou knowest any man of activity among them then make them rulers over my cattle and Joseph brought in Jacob his father and sets him before Pharaoh and not notice the next words this is all the memory versus the one verse number ten it gets repeated and Jacob blessed Pharaoh is that a bit odd to you Pharaoh who is an ungodly authority in Egypt number one in charge of Egypt he's not saved he's not he's not a Christian it's not a godly man he has his false gods he's got his false priests you read about the peace later on but Jacob comes and he blesses Pharaoh you know and so Jacob blesses a powerful yet ungodly man and I believe this is you know we're passing through this world like I said right and I believe this is just an example of how we ought to deal with this world you know with dealing with ungodly people all the time in your workplace in the interactions you know that you go about you know your life my kids play soccer with some other kids you know they're not saved those families aren't saved you still got to interact with this world right you can't close yourself up in a bubble and say well I'll have nothing to do with the ungodly and yet Jacob here is brought before Pharaoh and he blesses Pharaoh you know he wishes him well I don't know exactly how he blesses him it doesn't really tell us I don't know if he brings him a gift you know but at the end of it Pharaoh can say well my interaction with Jacob was a blessing I got something out of it it was profitable I'm glad I met Jacob is in the mind of Pharaoh he's been blessed by Jacob you know and Brevin you know we ought to be Christians you know sons of God yes we have our convictions yes we have the doctrines by which we stand yes you know we are not to be like this world you know yes we're not to support the ungodly practices in this world but your goal also when you interact with the ungodly is to be a blessing is to be profitable for them is that they can meet you and say well this person's not a jerk okay I thought he was a jerk because of the things he believes I thought he was a jerk because of the doctrines that he stands on but when I meet him he's a blessing when I meet him he's a good guy he's a good woman you know she's a good woman that's how we ought to interact in this world where people meet you and they're glad to have met you not just be a jerk all right and look if the things you believe causing you to for them to think that way great but listen when they meet you don't be that jerk just say hey you're like Pharaoh you're ungodly all right but you're someone I have to interact with you're someone I have to deal with and if you if I can bless you if I can profit you somehow this might open the door for the mission that we're left to do which is to preach the gospel I mean if they don't like you if they think you're an idiot if they think you're just just that jerk you think they want to go want to hear the gospel from your mouth no they got it like you right the people you meet your unsaved family members I gotta say well you know yeah okay he's got some weird beliefs but he's a likable person you know I actually enjoy been around his company that's how we do the job that God has left us to do right we be a blessing to other people notices well in verse number six you know our Pharaoh basically the second half of it says and if there knows any man of activity among them that's your brothers you know your family then make them rulers over my cattle you know that means Joseph was such a blessing to Pharaoh Joseph had such a good reputation amongst Egyptians that for Pharaoh is like well if it's worth having Joseph if this is how he was raised and brought up and look at the quality of man that he is then I'm sure his brothers are like that as well and immediately says well you guys can be the bosses you guys can have promotions you can you guys have a job available to you because of Joseph's example right now he doesn't know what his brothers are like I mean it looks like they're a bit of a mix right but because of Joseph he was able to look at the other and say well I want them to be an authority I want them to to rule over to be rulers over my cattle what says they're right I want them in positions of authority and if you're a blessing to people they're going to give you those opportunities they're going to open the doors for you to do more things to be a greater blessing you know to be put in positions of authority and you know this is where the argument comes if you've been in the workplace you know what I'm talking about especially in an office environment where you know there's that saying it's it's not what you know but who you know it's not what you know but who you know and it's usually used in a negative connotation so basically let's say me and my colleague you know we're both trying to get that promotion or Trump both trying to get that job all right and I might have more skills I might have been in the business longer I might I might know more okay but then my colleague gets along with all the managers right I mean he's a likable fellow everyone kind of likes him he may know less you know but he knows the people and then he gets the promotion instead of me and that's where people get frustrated I say it's not what you know it's who you know you know what Brevin it's both if you want opportunities available to you if you want to succeed in this world whatever opportunity that is Brevin it's both you've got to know what you're doing and you've also got to you know get along with people it's both if you want to succeed in this world you know both elements are important you know I've used I often use business examples because that's where I gained a lot of my experience a lot of my knowledge and I realize it it sort of doesn't matter where it where it applies it applies in all aspects of this world but I wanted to think about this for a minute and think about how you know I was blessed with the opportunity to preach at the admissions conference at Paperwood Baptist Church I was blessed to be able to do that right now how did that come to be because think about it I was sent and ordained by a man that is considered to some extent an enemy to that movement how did that come to be Brevin was that the people you know is it who I knew that got me there in fact the people that I knew would be the reason to not get me to preach at that conference right the people that sent me and ordained me would be the reason not to I mean that's quite a big risk right and when we started this church you know there was a push to some extent that I thought anyway maybe maybe maybe it's just me but I feel as I push through what we've got to be part of this movement and for me I was like no we're an independent church we're in and I'm glad we started that way I'm glad we started this church in controversy not our controversy but within controversy because then we could really drive home the importance for an independent church where I felt that you know you guys could respect me as your pastor not because I'm part of some big movement or some some worldwide thing but you respected me as your pastor because I proved myself for that right that I did the hard yards that I that I served in my local churches that I had the qualifications to be a pastor and then that's how it started you know what how did it start with what we know we started just doing what we know God wants us to do to serve him to start churches to preach the gospel to preach a Bible without compromise that's where we started brethren okay we started to do the things that we know we ought to do and you know and then in time in due time you know organically as things develop then people see the work that we're doing here people see the work that we started the church that we planted down in Sydney they see the work our heart our zeal for the Lord then those opportunities present themselves then you start meeting other people and guess what when you meet other people you don't be a jerk about it you be a blessing it's both brethren it's what you know and who you know and those that you know be a blessing and then the opportunities come right and then I get to stand behind a big 500 whatever it was people right and preach a sermon you know at a conference you know that's how things go that's how things develop right we do the things that are important here the independent nature of this church doing what God has asked us to do but it's the same thing anywhere in your workplace in your family in your general life it's what you know yes that comes first work hard do what caught what you're called to do serve Christ and then when you meet people just be a blessing just be someone that people like you know don't be the Facebook anonymous Facebook I guess you're not really anonymous on Facebook the anonymous YouTube you know commenters don't be that person no one likes those people even when they're telling the truth I don't like it how they saying those things even when I agree with what they're saying it's like well they're jerks they'll never preach behind my pulpit okay the ones that get to preach behind this pulpit are people that stand for the truth that know what God has called them to do but it's a blessing as well they're profitable as well you know we like them as well because we see the heart for the Lord we see the heart for the lost we see the heart for the things that are true in Genesis 47 verse 8 Genesis 47 verse 8 and Pharaoh said unto Jacob how old how old art thou and Jacob said unto Pharaoh the days of the years of my pilgrimage are in 130 years that's a lot huh imagine living 130 years we'd say man that person's due to pass away right but then he says this few and evil have the days of the years of my life been and have not attained unto the days of the years of the life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimage he says look you know what does it say there again uh the days of the years of my pilgrimage he's the same right here's just we're just so journey I'm just a pilgrim on this earth and I've been I've been on this pilgrimage now for 130 years but it says that they're few in comparison not to us but in comparison to his father and his grandfather Isaac lived 180 years and Abraham lived 175 years okay and Jacob's getting out toward the end of his life okay so he's right you know in comparison to his father and his grandfather he hasn't lived as long and he says evil have the days of his years life been and we know because he suffered a lot right he suffered with um you know being cheated many times by Laban you know his brother the conflict that he had with his twin brother and then you know the issues with his wife how they were bickering amongst themselves about how many children they were having and then we have him believing that he lost Joseph you know his favorite son so he has suffered a lot in these 130 years that he's lived and if you can keep your finger there go to Hebrews 11 for me Hebrews 11 verse 13 Hebrews 11 13 and uh just as a reminder here and this is really important because we're dealing with old testament saints okay old testament saints and I have talked about dispensationalism before a interpretive you know tool that some Christians use to read their bibles and I reject it completely I used to be non-dispensational and I still am but I've turned into anti-dispensational like I'm actually against it now I was non like in my early 20s when I got taught dispensationalism I couldn't understand it I couldn't find it in my bible and I said well it's not for me dispensationalism yeah if it helps brother so and so if it helps person so and so fine it doesn't seem to help me at all so it's non-dispensational but the more I learn about it the more I realize how deceptive it is how how it causes people to misunderstand the scriptures now I'm just completely anti okay because according to dispensationalism they they actually teach that the Jews or the old testament saints were actually seeking to live on this earth that they were actually you know this physical earth that's that's their heart's desire that's where God wants them for all eternity you know when God creates the new heaven and the new earth they teach new testament saints or the church they they will be in heaven we will be in heaven according to them but the old testament saints and the Jews no no they're going to remain on the new earth and we're forever going to be separated the new testament saints in heaven the old testament saints in on the earth but is that what we're seeing so far they're just so generous they're just they're on a pilgrimage right and this is why when we turn to hebrews 11 verse 13 hebrews 11 verse 13 speaking about these old testament saints it says these all died in faith not having received the promises but having seen them afar off and were persuaded of them and embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth that's how they saw themselves strangers and pilgrims verse 14 for they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country oh that's israel that's that's Jerusalem right we need to give the Jews the land because that's what they're seeking for verse 15 let's understand this and truly if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out they might have had the opportunity to have returned but now they desire a better country that is and heavenly wow the old testament says they want to go to heaven they want a heavenly country wow hebrews 11 yeah it destroys dispensationalism every chapter of the bible destroys dispensationalism all right and heavenly wherefore god is not ashamed to be called their god for he have prepared for them a city we know that city is new jerusalem i'm telling you dispensationalism says that new heavenly city that's for the church just for the new testament saints but the old testament saints they're just going to stay on the earth like on the physical earth but what are you looking for the city god has prepared for them a city that's what isaac's looking uh jacob's looking forward to that's why you know he's he's just passing through right he's on his pilgrimage he says abraham isaac they were on a pilgrimage also there were strangers also on this earth back to genesis 47 verse 10 and jacob blessed pharaoh again and went out from before pharaoh so he blesses him when he meets him he blesses him as he parts i'm sure pharaoh likes jacob jacob is a likable guy right jacob's trying to be friendly he's thankful that pharaoh is offering this land for them to stay and he tries to get along with him as much as he can even though the guy's an ungodly man all right verse number 11 and joseph placed his father and his brethren and gave them a possession in the land of egypt in the best of the land in the land of uh rameses as pharaoh had commanded and joseph nourished his father and his brethren and his father's household with bread according to their families so remember they're in the land of canan they're in famine they haven't got enough food now they're in the land of egypt and joseph is making sure they've got the best of everything they've got the best lands they've got the best food they've got bread it's important you soon see later because the egyptians don't have bread but these israel israelites these children of israel um have bread you know and as i as i was preparing for this sermon i couldn't help but see some parallels with the end times and maybe it's because i'm going through this end time series it's all kind of in my mind but as i was just looking at the rest of it i'll share some of these things with you here uh but you know the first thought that came to my mind is how many years of famine was it again yeah seven years of famine right how long is that final week that's coming up it's a seven year period right i mean i'm not saying we can take everything from this story and apply it to the entire time i'm just saying there's some interesting parallels right and they were going through two years of that famine where they were struggling well they still had enough food but they were struggling they needed to purchase food but then it got to a point where they were provided for you know instead of dying from hunger instead of dying from salvation god prepared something for them you know god prepared them wagons god prepared them joseph to be in the right place at the right time so they could go into egypt and see out the rest of the hardship see out the rest of the the famine and i couldn't help but think of that you know in the same way and i'll just read to you luke 21 verse 17 you know jesus speaking of the last days and he says and you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake and i thought about them you know the family of joseph being shepherds which are an abomination to the egyptians right being being hated in a sense for their jobs for their occupation but in the last days the christians will be hated for the name of jesus christ and then it says jesus says but there shall not an hair of your head perish in your patience possess you your souls what does jesus promise to believers that not a hair on your head will perish in the last days but things are going you know there's turmoil there's famine there's pestilences there's earthquakes there's a whole lot of things going on at the beginning of that final seven year period but jesus says look if you just remain patient you just possess your souls you just stand strong you just be faithful god will make sure that no hair on your head will perish you know and i just couldn't i could see that relationship there that parallel that these these israelites would not perish even in a time of famine look at verse 14 genesis 47 13 sorry 13 and there was no bread in all the land so that you know joseph's family's having bread but not the egyptians and it says for the famine was very sore so that the land of egypt and all the land of canan fainted by reason of the famine now i want you to notice this because there is famine in the last days when it comes to that seven year period there is famine jesus christ clearly uh speaks of that and what i want you to notice here is we see a pattern of how a nation collapses okay a pattern how how how money fails you know how it no longer holds the the value of what it once held you know hyperinflation or losing or money just just having no value anymore you know we see a pattern of these things and you know we've seen this in history we've seen where nations have crumbled where kingdoms have crumbled where you know if you know where money perishes basically where the economy fails you know and so we see a pattern of this in the bible because the famine is grievous in the land of egypt yes joseph did his best to make sure there was food there was sufficient food but we're coming out of time now where he has to be really careful with how he distributes the food okay because there's still a lot of the famine left and there's only a portion there's only so much food left to go around and then it says in verse number 14 and joseph gathered up all the money that was found in the land of egypt so basically joseph has all the money you know people's bank accounts are empty you know the their wallets are empty right they try to pay for the food they've run out of money here and in the land of Canaan for the corn which they bought and joseph bought the money or brought the money sorry into pharaoh's house so we see pharaoh now just having all the money of egypt having all the wealth of the land of Canaan verse number 15 and when money failed in the land of egypt in the land of Canaan all the egyptians came up to joseph and said give us bread for why should we die in thy presence for the money failure brethren you know what's more important than money is food feeding yourself you know when you're going hungry when there's nothing on the shelves there's nothing in the supermarkets when there's no food there's no flour you're not going to care how big your bank account is all you're going to care about is whether i can feed myself and whether i can feed my family forever you know what's more important than money your food your daily bread what does jesus do when he prays to the father he gives the modal prayer doesn't he pray for his daily bread isn't that more important to jesus your bread your food than how much money he had in the bank accounts for a brethren how often do we pray to the lord and we ask him to give us the finances and we don't pray for the bread why because we live in a rich nation we leave a nation you just walk down the road buy a loaf of bread and you're fine and you don't appreciate the fact that you can do that you know but we need to learn to appreciate that we can even just do that the very the the most minor thing to get bread to buy eggs you know to buy milk whatever it is you know all the ingredients to make yourself a meal learn to appreciate even those small things because it doesn't matter how much money you have in the bank account it's going to fail if you don't have food it's going to fail when the world is going through hardships all anybody's going to want to do is to have food if you guys can keep your finger there go to revelation six revelation six verse five it says here this is one when when the lord is opening up the seals uh the seven seals and it says here in verse number five and we had opened the third seal i heard the third beast say come and see and behold and i beheld and lo a black horse and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand and i heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say a measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine this is talking about that final seven-year period brethren you know what's going to happen famines you know what's going to happen money will fail you know here we have a full day's job a payment which is a penny roughly in the bible times and all they can afford with a full day's labor is a bit of flour a bit of wheat right oh just a measure of it that's all for a full day's labor imagine having to feed a large family in these days are you concerned brother kevin you know are you concerned that your family won't be fed if you're that last generation not really because i have god god's gonna sort it out just like the israelites when they were going through famine god sorted it out he had joseph in egypt you know he brought them wagons he took them to the right place where they could you know provide for themselves you know and you know as we go through the end time series and i know this is not you know same series but i want you to consider that if you go through fear if it starts to if if the words of the bible starts to give you fear about this time just remember you've got god on your side you know the children of israel they had joseph on their side we've got someone greater than joseph we've got jesus christ we've got god on our side he's gonna look after he's not gonna allow a hair of our head to perish what does it say there in verse number oh no sorry please go to matthew six please matthew chapter six matthew chapter six you know the money we hold in our hands that paper plastic money it's got no intrinsic value the only reason it has value states because the government says it has value the only reason it has value is because the government passes laws to say you know shop owners have to receive that plastic paper for the goods they have on their shelves and it serves its purpose for now but one day it's going to fail one day it's going to collapse every currency in this world is going to collapse when it comes to the end times okay all of it's gonna collapse and uh you know we don't even have the at least at least the plastic paper money at least it has the value of the plastic in it or the paper in it right but today we just use our credit cards it's all just digital it's all just somewhere on a computer it's got even less value all right all it takes is for you know all the the computers to collapse the internet to collapse all these you know wi-fi and all the vices collapse there goes your bank account all it takes is for someone to go to a bank put zero on your bank balance and there goes your bank account i mean it's got really there's no value in these things you know we shouldn't put our hearts and our trust on these things but matthew six please matthew six verse 31 oh sorry i should have just read another well stay there i'll just read to you from uh genesis 47 verse 16 it says and joseph said give your cattle and i will give you your cattle if money fail so what's the next thing that happens when money fails when it goes to zero right the next thing you want to do is you go to a barter system right you go to to barter in that's where you exchange not not finances but you exchange one goods or service for another goods and service right if you're a mechanic and i'm an electrician you know you have some electrical problem in your house i'll say well i'll fix that problem as long as you can fix my car next time it breaks down that would be a barter system we're exchanging you know either services or goods one for another and so they've run out of money that their money has failed and all they've got left is their cattle all they've got left are their their assets and and they they go to joseph and say well let's i want to give you my assets for the food verse number 17 and they brought their cattle onto joseph and joseph gave them bread in exchange for horses and for the flocks and for the cattle of the herds and for the asses and he fed them with bread for all their cattle for that year so for a whole year another year of the famine i mean seven years long for just one year they sell off all their assets just to have food right this you sell off your you know your your um investment houses that you have you know you sell off you know the maybe the gold and the silver and the things that you've set aside for for a tough time you know you sell off all the other things that have value in your life you know you might sell off your second car or even your first car just to have food and this is this is this is the pattern this is the process when you've run out of money the next thing you want because you want to feed yourself and your family is to sell off your assets and so joseph is receiving all these things in exchange for money now listen joseph is a godly man he's a righteous man right he's a believer god has put him in this position for that purpose but what if it's not joseph what if it's a wicked man what if it's the antichrist i mean look how much power joseph is getting he's getting all the money all the assets on the land of egypt isn't this what the antichrist wants isn't this what the wicked one wants but do you think he's going to be kind like joseph of course not okay i mean the the wicked one to come the antichrist the beast you know he's seeking to destroy the world and specifically seeking to destroy the believers but look at matthew 6 verse 31 matthew 6 verse 31 jesus says these words therefore take no thought saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or wither or shall we wither with all shall we be clothed for after all these things do the gentiles seek for your heavenly father knoweth that ye have need of these things listen brethren if we're the last generation going through that last those end times the father knows what we need okay he knows we need food he knows we need clothing you will never as a child of god go without food and clothing this is why we have these stories in genesis Genesis is a book a foundational book for many doctrines well here we have a foundational story of how god provides and needs even when you're struggling in a time of famine god will make sure you're provided for but what you need to do brethren is the job that god has left you to do right to serve him to preach the gospel you just do what you know god wants you to do and he'll make sure your needs are covered right verse number 33 but seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you should we be afraid brethren of going hungry going without no and if we go for a time when we're hungry and we're going without and we're doing everything god wants us to do then just rest in the thought that this is something god wants you to go through this is a difficulty god wants you to go through for your profit for your benefit okay but god's not going to allow your children to go hungry and we need to learn to be content with what the food and the reignments how would you feel brethren if you lost your house you lost your cars you lost your jobs you lost it all and all you had left was food and clothing how would you feel according to the bible you should be happy okay you should be content with what god has given you the bible says in first timothy 6 6 but godliness with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into this world it is certain we carry enough we can carry nothing out and having food and reignments let us be there with content are you happy with the food you had this morning or the raiment you put on oh but my my tie didn't match my shirt be happy with the tie that you've got brother jason's happy with his purple tie i'm happy for him all right we're gonna have morning tea be content with the morning tea that we're going to share together be content with god god has given you and god has given you more than that hasn't he so much more for the bible you know god makes it very clear we ought to be content with the food and reignments back to genesis 47 genesis 47 verse 18 the ungodly though they're begging for food verse 18 verse 18 you know i don't believe if again if we're the last generation in those end times i don't believe we're going to go hungry if we lose our jobs we lose our house and we lose everything god's just going to supernaturally provide god's just going to have a joseph out there somewhere you know we will have plenty of joses out there throughout the world to make sure the people of god are taken care of verse number 18 when the when that year was ended they came unto him the second year and said unto him we will not hide it from my lord how that our money is spent my lord also have our herds and herds of cattle there is ought there is not left in thy side of my lord but our bodies and our lands all we've got left is ourselves and the lands we live on right wherefore shall we die before thine eyes both we and our land by us they're so hungry let's say look we'll go into servitude can you purchase us can you buy us our lives our bodies by us and our land for bread and we and our land will be servants unto pharaoh and give us seed that we may live and not die that the land be not desolate and joseph bought all the land of egypt for pharaoh for the egyptians sold every man his field because the famine prevailed over them so the land became pharaoh's you know again you know pharaoh's a decent guy here right he's working alongside with joseph but just think what if this is the beast what if this is the antichrist you know when we look at these wars the famines these world wars that we've gone through future wars to come you know the the reason behind all these all you need to look at is who's profiting from it that's it who's making money from this war well they're the ones that started it okay well now look pharaoh he's he's going with what the conditions right it's god that brought the famines in the land right but we see in this time of hardship how people can benefit from it pharaoh's benefited benefiting from it because of joseph right i mean everyone on this land is benefiting because of joseph otherwise they would have died of famine they would have died from hunger they would have died for salvation but how desperate can people get where they say look just we'll sell ourselves can you buy us can we be your servants right keep your finger there and go to revelation six please revelation chapter six revelation chapter six verse one so the next phase was to sell their land and sell themselves and revelation six one it says here and i saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and i heard as it were the noise of thunder one of the four beasts saying come and see and i saw and behold a white horse this is a this is the antichrist here right on this white horse and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him look at this and he went forth conquering and to conquer conquering and that's what the antichrist wants to do he wants to conquer the nations hey pharaoh was able to conquer all the lands of egypt he was able to take it all for himself away the private property was gone it all belonged to pharaoh okay so we see this parallel being played out in the last days where the antichrist takes full advantage of the people of the hardships that are going on in the land back to genesis 47 verse 21 and as for the people he removed them to cities from one end of the borders of egypt even to the other end thereof so instead of living on their land instead of being spread out all the people of the land are now being put together into big cities all right that's why i got out of sydney from one end of the borders of egypt even to the other end thereof verse 22 only the land of the priest bought he not for the priest had a portion assigned them of pharaoh and did eat their portion which pharaoh gave them wherefore they sold not their lands so the piece had this personal arrangement with pharaoh obviously these priests are the priests of egypt they're not priests of the lord all right so pharaoh again he's not an ungodly man but he made sure that his false priests were taken care of verse number 23 then joseph said unto the people behold i have bought you this day and your land for pharaoh lo here is seed for you that you may sow the land now joseph then gives him advice how to spend this money verse number 24 and he shall come to pass in the increase that you shall give the fifth part unto pharaoh so there's there's the tax it's 20 tax a fifth part of what you what you grow from this seed has to be given to pharaoh and he goes and four parts shall be your own and now i'm not sure if i'm reading too much into this but he seems to break down how these four parts ought to be divided i think i think joseph has just given them good advice right he says number one for seed of the field so save one portion to make sure you can plant more seed in the future all right and then he says the next portion and for your food so take one portion 20 percent of it and make sure you feed yourself and it says and for them of your household so another portion for your servants the people that are in your house and for food for your little ones don't forget your children don't forget your little children another portion for the future generations to come i think i think joseph is just making sure he's giving them good advice divide your portions up make sure everyone is provided for so you're not you know you're not just you know just looking out for number one you're not just looking out for yourself but you're also concerned for the future to come make sure you have enough seed to plant in the future so joseph seems to be giving them sort of financial advice as it were right verse number 25 and they said thou has saved our lives let us find grace in the sight of my lord and we will be pharaoh's servants and joseph made it a law of the land of egypt unto this day that pharaoh should have the fifth part except the land of the priest only which became not pharaohs now the parallel that i see here brethren is that these these egyptians are making themselves servants unto pharaoh all right and what we see play out in the end times is that the people will ultimately make themselves servants unto the antichrist unto the beast right i mean the money has failed them right and what we learn about the end times is that is that the um the beast the antichrist creates a new financial system you know what we know as the mark of the beast and i'll just read it to you in revelation 13 16 it says speaking of the antichrist and he calls of all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads that no man might buy or sell save he had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name so we see this pattern how nations collapse how finances collapse right and this is going to be the purpose of the devil the purpose of the antichrist to get the people this world depending 100 up on him and he's going to bring in this new system the mark of the beast you can only buy and sell if you have this mark you know and it's it's tied in with worshiping the beast it's tied in with worshiping the devil and the dispensations will say well hold on what about us you know if we're going through the tribulation if what you're teaching is true aren't we going to be hungry aren't we going to be you know you know desiring to worship the beast to take the mark so we can you know feed ourselves hey that's not the pattern we see in the bible the pattern we see in the bible is that god will not allow his people to do such things in fact if you did such thing the bible says that your part will be taken out of the book of life and we know we can never lose our salvation we know that we're once saved we're always saved which means when he comes to these times if we're that last generation god will provide for us he's going to make a way that we're going to be able to provide for ourselves he's going to have those josephs as i mentioned so we shouldn't be afraid of the antichrist we shouldn't be afraid well what if we're made to take the mark of the beast it's not going to happen okay about what you're never reading the bible believers taking the mark of the beast okay it's not there and people come up with stupid teachings oh but you know if you take the mark of the believer if you chop off your hand you can still be saved you know if you take it on your forehead you chop off your head and that's how you can be saved stupidity i mean i don't know how people listen to these preachers you know build your doctrines build the things you believe on what the bible says not what the bible doesn't say and what does the bible say when his people are going through famine he's going to provide that's what the bible says and that's the pattern throughout the bible so you're going to be provided for don't just start making up doctrines where christians are taking the mark of the beast it's stupid jesus 47 i'm almost done now verse number 27 and israel dwelt in the land of egypt in the land of goshen and they had possessions therein and grew and multiplied exceedingly so look they're not just surviving they're doing really well they're multiplying exceedingly they're growing verse number 28 and jacob lived in the land of egypt 17 years so the whole age of jacob was in a seven years and the time drew near nigh that israel must die and he called his son joseph and said unto him if now i have found grace in thy sights put put i pray thee thy hand under my thigh and deal kindly and truly with me bury me not i pray thee in egypt joseph says i don't want to be buried in egypt he knows he's about to die okay and he said well why is that important why does it matter where you're buried well it doesn't really matter where you're buried okay but again we learn doctrines from the bible right what does egypt represents the world okay what what uh what jacob wants he doesn't want to stay in this world forever he's looking for something else we know that right and uh we actually get a better understanding of this if you guys can go to um go to genesis 50 please go to genesis 50 we get a better understanding why jacob did not want to stay in the land of egypt when we read about joseph because joseph didn't want to stay in the land of egypt isla even as a dead person right in genesis 50 verse 25 it says genesis 50 verse 25 and joseph took an oath of the children of israel saying god will surely visit you and you shall carry up my bones from hence what joseph is saying is god's going to come at a point and he's going to deliver you out of egypt and i want you to carry my bones with you when you go say why why did joseph want that yeah why did joseph want that well hebrews 11 22 gives us the answer it says by faith joseph when he died made mention of the departing of the children of israel and gave commandment concerning his bones he said listen take my bones with you i don't want them staying in egypt because of faith he had faith that god would deliver the israelites out of egypt one day it's going to take him out of that place that's where his faith was and so by knowing what joseph was hoping for now we have a better understanding why jacob wanted the same things he said don't bury me here take my bones with you bury me in the land of canan and brethren as i said we're just sojourners we're just passing in this land and i look at verse number look at verse number 30 genesis 40 verse 30 he says but i will lie with my fathers and thou shall carry me out of egypt and bury me in their bearing place and he said i will do as thou has said and he said swear unto me and he swear unto him and israel bowed himself upon the bed's head all right so please go to first corinthians now 15 first corinthians 15 as i said i was seeing just these parallels about the end times here you know parallels of tribulation parallels of how the antichrist would take advantage of the destruction in this world you know parallels how god will provide for his people and i think we have a final parallel here is that you know their bones their bodies would not be left in egypt their bodies will not be left on this earth they want it to be taken away from there because of faith that faith that god will physically deliver them out of that place and brendan we have the same faith we have the same hope we have the same desire first corinthians 15 verse 51 first corinthians 15 51 the bible says behold i show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality brendan i see i believe what the world's seen here with the desire for their bones to be not left in egypt is a picture of the rapture that our physical bodies will not be left on this earth again this is not our home you know yes we're saved our souls our spirits will be with god when we die but whatever's left you know our bones whatever dust remains of us on this earth if we're here for for very long whatever's rotted away in this earth god's going to take that corruptible thing and make it incorruptible god's going to take that mortal thing and make it immortal god's going to give us new resurrected bodies and those bodies are going to get out of here you know this earth is not our home that heaven the new heavens the new earth that new jerusalem that new city that heavenly city that's our home that's our dwelling place and so brendan the same thing's going to happen to us we have faith not just in the salvation that god gives us not just the salvation of the soul but the salvation of the flesh god's going to come back give us those resurrected bodies one day and we too are going to be taken out of the land of egypt all right let's pray