(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, so let's go back to Genesis 33. It's not a very long chapter. There's not a lot that develops there But there's still a lot of great lessons There's still a lot of great things that we can take from the life of Jacob here And just as a reminder when we looked at Genesis 32 We saw that Jacob was preparing himself to meet Esau You know he was afraid that Esau would kill him would slay him and Jacob We see him just praying to the Lord praying for deliverance praying for safety to the point that his prayer is Is manifested in a physical form with with Jacob wrestling physically wrestling with the Lord Jesus Christ and asking for Those supplications asking for those prayers to be answered He would not let go of Jesus until he knew those prayers were answered And I just quickly look at verse number 32 again look at verse number 30 Genesis 32, but Genesis 32 verse 30 Just as a reminder so after he wrestles with Jesus Christ It says here and Jacob called the name of the place Penuel for I have seen God face to face And my life is preserved Just keep that in mind. He says he's seen God face to face. Okay. He's he's seen the grace of God He's received the blessings of God He believes his prayer has been answered now when you go to Genesis 33 look at verse number 11 Genesis 33 verse 11 It says here take I pray thee my blessing that is brought to thee because God have dealt Graciously or just up there because God have dealt gracious graciously. That's a title for the sermon this morning God have dealt graciously You know Jacob has gone to God in prayer has seen Jesus Christ face to face, and he sees well God has dealt with me graciously. I received the grace of God as it were so let's pick it up there in verse number one Genesis 33 verse 1 now remember Esau is coming. He's making his way to Jacob He's coming with 400 men And that's what gave Jacob great fear that these 400 men would be trained soldiers or something They would come and slay him and his and his family and his servants and it says here and Jacob Lifted up his eyes and looked and behold Esau came and with him 400 men And he divided the children unto Leah and unto Rachel and unto the two handmaids and he put the handmaids and the children foremost and Leah and her children after and Rachel and Joseph in the most Now I'll stop there for a moment. I've heard people accuse Jacob here I've heard people accuse him that he's put in he's still afraid at this point that he's so afraid that Esau will come and slay him And so he divides his family up okay, and he puts the concubines first with their children And then his his his favored wife Rachel at the end that I've heard that preached or taught that in case you know Esau comes to slay his you know the first concubine his first wife as it were and the children They would still be able to flee. I don't believe that at all. I don't believe that at all We saw in the previous chapter that he's already had the answer to prayer God has already blessed him God has already told him that he's got power with God and with men God has pretty much told him your prayers have been answered Jacob, okay, so I don't believe this is some sort of defensive Process that he's going through that he's going to meet Esau with I just believe this is the way he's done it So he can introduce his family You know the wives and the children that belong to these women and introduce his family to him So that's what I see happening. I don't believe this is some sort of fear tactic I don't believe is look even if this was a ploy to If Kate in case Esau went to slew slay his concubine and the children There's no way they're going to get away from that. Anyway. It's 400 men. Okay. This isn't some defensive thing This is just him presenting now They you know Esau has seen the servants he's seen the cattle the gifts that Jacob has given to Esau now He's introducing his family to Esau and then he keeps going here in verse number three and he passed before them He passed before all the concubines the wives and the children Bowed himself to the ground seven times until he came near to his brother look at look at Esau's reaction verse number four and Esau ran to meet him and Embraced him and fell on his neck and kissed him and they wept What a great reunion what a great reunion 20 years of conflict 20 years of separation 20 years of fears 20 years of burdens Alright unresolved disputes and they finally meet and they you know Esau runs to meet him You know Esau doesn't run to slay him He runs he embraces him and the Bible says he embraced him and fell on his neck I just want you to remember that phrase Embraced him and fell on his neck and kissed him and they wept I mean this was a long-waited reunion and brethren, you know I've been going through conflict resolution in the last two chapters with you and you'll probably find You know the conflicts the disputes that you have unresolved with with good friends with family with whoever it is that if you just Sort it out if you just do what's right if you just go and resolve the conflicts You're going to have a situation just like this Where you just sort it out, you know You come closer than you were before and you can just put that behind you I mean looking at their reaction. This is something that's been a burden on their hearts this is only that's been a burden on their minds and Finally that burden has been lifted and they can't help themselves But embrace they can't help but show some physical affection and even weep, you know, finally it's over Finally, we're reunited after these 20 years So brethren, please if you have unresolved conflicts go sort it out. You know, you're just destroying your life It's just that thing that's going to be at the back of your mind for the rest of your life unresolved dispute when you can just resolve it and get out get it over with this is why these stories are here for us in The Bible so we can learn. I mean this guy's about to kill it. Esau made an oath to kill Jacob I doubt the person that you're you have unresolved disputes with I doubt that they've made a vow to kill you I'm sure the the dispute that you have with others are not as severe as this so go out there resolve them You know, that's what the Lord wants from you. Please keep your finger then go to Luke please the book of Luke chapter 15 Luke chapter 15 and I want you to just remember there how Esau reacted he ran to meet him embraced him Fell on his neck and kissed him and as we turn to Luke 15 We have a parable that Jesus Christ taught which basically takes this almost word for word and Jesus Christ tells a story And so I believe just by the by the nature of how similar it is I believe these two stories need to come hand to hand. So back to Luke 15 verse 20 Luke 15 verse 20 We have the story of the prodigal son, right? Where a father had two sons and one of the sons took an early inheritance Took everything that would come to him from his father and he went off into a far country He wasted it all he lived worldly, you know, he was away from his father And he ends up broke right he ends up broke see feeding He was working on a farm feeding pigs, you know feeding unclean animals as it were for this time of state And he finally comes to himself. He can't find he comes and realizes man. I was better off with my father I'm better off just being a servant to my father than being here feeding these pigs And so he makes according to the parable Of course of Jesus Christ this prodigal son makes his journey back to his father And of course before I get before I read verse 20 the picture there is the father is our Lord God Father You know the God the Father and the picture of the prodigal son is not salvation It's not someone that was lost and on their way to hell and they've been reunited back to the father No, this is someone that was already a child of God someone that is already saved a child of the family Okay, but then he leaves the father he goes lives lives a world alive This is the picture of a backslidden Christian far from God, you know Just living like the world where that backslidden Christian finally realizes finally wakes up to himself So look, I was just better off when I was with God the Father I was better off when I was in fellowship with God and so we pick it up there in verse number 20 It says yeah, and he arose that's the prodigal son and he arose and came to his father Look at this But when he was yet a great way off his father saw him and had compassion and ran and Fell on his neck and kissed him pretty much identical right from Genesis chapter 33 I believe Jesus Christ is telling us a story to bring back to remembrance the you know How Esau and Jacob were reunited? Okay, and then it says here in verse number 21 and the son said unto his unto him father I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy son but the father said to his servants bring forth the best robe and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and Shoes on his feet and bring hither the fatted calf and kill it and let us eat and be merry For this my son was dead and is alive again He was lost and he's found and they began to be merry they began to be merry Joyful happy right relieved. It's been sorted. The father has his son once again and Brethren, you know, I don't know your spiritual state. I know you're here in church today, but I don't know Maybe your heart is far from God, you know, you're in church. Maybe you're going through the motions When's the last time you've prayed to the Lord? When's the last time you've picked up the Bible? When's the last time you've been in fellowship with God? You know if you're in a bachelor in state state, you need to go back to the Father And you go back to God, you know what he's not going to he's not going to throw you in prison or something, right? He's not going to reprimand you if you're in a fast state from God the Lord God is going to run to you He's going to embrace you. He's going to welcome you back. He's going to Kiss you fall on your neck as it were, you know when we're far from God God wants nothing more than to be reunited with his children and This is the story we see from Jacob and Esau You know and when you're walking in the world when you're walking against God when you're committing sin You are hurting the fellowship that you have with God the Father, you know, you're removing yourself from his presence, you know and and When you're far from God you are going to feel that his presence is far away Okay, not cause God left you the story isn't the father left the son The story is the son left the father and the son had to make a conscious decision to come back in fellowship with God Keep your Bible. Keep sorry. Keep your finger in Genesis 33. You don't you don't need to stay in Luke Go to first John, please go to the book of first John chapter 1 first John chapter 1 Brethren I just want to encourage you sort out your disputes sort out your conflicts, you know Maybe it's not with a physical person Maybe you have a dispute with God. Maybe you have a conflict with God Maybe you're angry with God because something in your life has not gone according to the way you wanted it to go And so now you're blaming God. I don't know. Okay, we can have disputes with men We can have disputes with God the Bible says in first John chapter 1 verse 6 first John chapter 1 verse 6 If we say that we have fellowship with him We walk in darkness We lie and do not the truth Brethren are you walking in darkness? Are you in fellowship with God? You know, you might come to church and say man God, you know, I mean in good fellowship with you But how have you lived throughout the week? Has your life reflected a life of fellowship with God or has your life been more one? of self-pleasing of self-gratification of giving into the temptations and committing sin You know if you're committing sin, the Bible says here that you walk in darkness Okay, you're not in fellowship with him look at verse number seven But if we walk in the light as he is in the light We have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ his son Cleanses us from all sin Brethren this is not about salvation Okay, this is not about your position before God you are a son to God no matter what happens if you believed on Christ You are his son. This is about the way you walk your Christian life Are you working in light or you're walking in darkness Brethren? What is it? What is it that you're doing and you know, we've seen every day, you know, we sin every day meaning every day There's a point where you're walking in darkness And if you're walking in darkness, guess what you're not in fellowship with the Father at that point in time Okay, you're not in fellowship You know in order for us to maintain a close fellowship a close walk with God The Father is that we to walk in his lights. Okay, because that's where God resides He resides in the lights and he can let's keep going there verse number eight If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us Verse number nine if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness What I promise what I promise Okay that all we need to do brethren to maintain a close walk with God all we need to do to remove ourselves from darkness Back into the light with God is to confess our sins to God to go God. I messed up again God I committed this sin once again, you know, I'm too ashamed to say it to God. Well, God knows you committed it Okay, just go and confess it to God God. I've messed up again God. I'm sorry Please forgive me the Bible's Christically here if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins You can't out out sin God Okay, no matter how much you mess up your life no matter how bad you end up in life No matter how far you are you are away from God you cannot out out wait You know get to a point where you've committed too much sin that God can't forgive you to get you back in fellowship to get you back walking with God and brethren because we sin every day We should confess our sins the Lord every day I Would say look as soon as you sin and as soon as you you come to realize I did wrong That's the time just just go to the Lord immediately, you know, don't save them up all day and then at night before bed Lord I'm sorry for my day Because then you go all day without for walking in fellowship. You've got you go all day without being in the lights You know as soon as you sin just got a mess up. I'm sorry, you know, and he's he's going to forgive you He's not going to turn around and say well You know, this is the this is the this is now 250 times. You've done the same sin. That's it I'm done. I'm not gonna figure no, of course not. Okay. Now again, this is nothing about salvation You're saved you're eternally saved once I've always said this is about our walk our fellowship with God You know those that teach that you can lose your salvation They love turning to these passages, which is clearly about our walk, but they turn that about salvation. It's not about salvation. Okay If you look at first John John's writing to the Brethren to the Brethren constantly the Brethren the Brethren, okay It's about saved people Anyway, I just want to bring that to your remembrance, you know when we have disputes when we have conflict with men Go and sort it out. That's what God expects from you Okay, go and sort it out But when we've also broken fellowship with the Father go and sort it out go and sort it out straight away Okay, man sometimes won't forgive you. Okay, it might take them longer to forgive you It's possible because we're made of sinful flesh But God the Father will forgive you immediately as soon as you go and confess those sins go and sorted it out immediately Keep a short account with God keep a short account with men back to Genesis 33, please Genesis 33 verse 5 Genesis 33 verse 5 The Bible says here and he lifted up his eyes and saw the women and the children this is Esau and said Who are those with thee and he said the children which God have graciously given thy servants Praise God, you know Esau sees the family sees. Hey, these are my nephews. These are my nieces These are my in-laws right and he says who are these people and Jacob responds correctly the children which God have graciously Given thy servants and I told you the guys are titled for the sermon this morning was God have dealt graciously Hey, God has dealt graciously and I want to cover right now It's just to talk about God's grace, you know, what is the grace of God? You know, the reason you're given things is because God is gracious Toward you, you know often people talk about what is it? What does it mean? What does grace mean? What is it? It's unmerited favor You know when God shows grace toward you it's because you didn't deserve it All right, and so how valuable is God's grace when you don't deserve it and he gives it to you anyway You know when God has given you things in life He's given it to you because of his grace and I want to talk about that a little bit today If you guys can go keep your finger there in Genesis 33 and go to 1st Corinthians 15, please go to 1st Corinthians 15 for me and The first thing while you're tuned there That's not my first point the first point that I have when we talk about God's grace immediately The first thought that probably pops in your mind is Salvation and yes salvation is by God's grace Bible says in Titus 3 7 that being justified by his grace We should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves? It is the gift of God right the Bible says that it is by God's grace that we receive salvation Brethren unmerited favor you did not merit salvation Okay, when we go and talk to them to our neighbors we talk to our our community about salvation Well, I think I'm good enough for heaven. No, you know, it's aren't salvation is unmerited If you think you can merit salvation Then that's not grace. Okay. God's grace is how he offers us his gifts and his gifts are Unmerited brethren unmerited. We did not do anything to earn that look at 1st Corinthians 15 verse 9 But first 1st Corinthians 15 verse 9. It says here Paul speaking about himself. He says for I am the least of the apostles and Am not meet to be called an apostle because I persecuted the Church of God Paul looks back at his past because I'm the least I don't even deserve to be called an apostle Why because he persecuted God's people he threw them in prison You know his desire was to destroy the Christians to destroy the Church of God and reflects back to his old life When he was that way, but then look what he says about himself in verse number 10 But by the grace of God I am what I am He says the reason I'm an apostle The reason God can use me the reason I'm writing the New Testament books is because of the grace of God unmerited I didn't deserve this he says I Am what I am and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain But I labored more abundantly than they all yet not I but the grace of God which was with me It says God's given me his grace. He's given me this important office of an apostle. Yes I worked hard, but then he stops for a moment. I've worked hard I've laid with more than all but then to not promote himself He says why was he able to work hard yet not I it wasn't me really that worked hard But by the grace of God which was with me He says the reason I was able to labor and work for the Lord is because of his grace once again the second point of God's grace that I want to bring to attention there is a Transformed life a transformed life. He was persecuted in the Church of God now He's one of the main leaders in the Church of God and God is using him because of God's grace Okay, you know what else God's grace has done for you. He's given you a Transformed life now for many that were saved at an early age or like me grow up in a Christian home I don't really have that much of a transformed life. Okay? That's okay And the reason I've not destroyed my life is because of God's grace Okay, but some of you have made major mistakes in life some of you look back and you can say look I'm just the least of the people. I'm the least of the brethren I'm the least in the church because of my past Well brethren don't dwell in the past. Okay dwell on God's grace, which has given you a transformed life You know you aren't what you were before You know what did Paul say, but by the grace of God I am what I am say Where are you today has has things improved are you walking more in the light? Are you more godly? Do you have a greater wisdom? Do you know better about how to conduct yourself in life? Have you been able to overcome some of those temptations some of those sins in the past well? You are what you are because of the grace of God God's grace has not only given us salvation, but God's grace also can give us a transformed life a transformed life a change You guys in 1st Corinthians go to 2nd Corinthians for me 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 You know what else God's grace can give you he can give you spiritual strength Spiritual strength you know you might not be very strong physically you may not be one of the strongest people out there one thing you can definitely be because of the grace of God is Spiritually strong okay 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 verse 9 says and he said unto me Might this is what God says to Paul my grace is Sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness Brethren are you weak? You probably are I'm a weak person. I have failings I have weaknesses, but God wants to take you in your weakness God wants to give you his grace and make you strong And then it says here most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirm It is that the power of Christ may rest upon me Man, you can be spiritually strong You know when you stand on God's Word it is the rock of our faith Okay, it is the rock of our salvation. Don't let anyone move you from God's Word You're gonna be stronger than anybody you know when you can be spiritually strong in the faith brethren spiritually strong in the faith Okay, no matter what hardships come your way and here Paul speaks about a personal infirmity that he has the thorn in the flesh Right he goes most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities Can you tell me today if you have an infirmity you know some sickness some chronic disease? Can you tell me honestly that you glory in your infirmities? You say I don't in fact. I don't glory Well you need to get in touch with God's grace You need to ask God to bestow his grace upon you to give you the strength because then he said there that the power of Christ May rest upon me Paul goes. I know when I'm weak. I know when I'm sick That God's grace is what I need to rely on God's strength is what I need to rely on and God's gonna give that to me When I'm weak he's having a glory in that area because he knows he's going to get more of God's glory Than he would if he was in full health in full strength look at verse number 10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities say Paul man. You're crazy. Hey. This is true He takes pleasure in his infirmities not just infirmities in reproaches in necessities in Persecutions in these stresses for Christ's sake for when I am weak then am I strong he says Brethren you might be the weakest Christian You might be the least of the Christians that you think that you personally think out there But that just means good news for you Okay that means God's grace can fall upon you can be bestowed upon you and you can be strong in God's strength in the power of Jesus Christ you can be strong instead of in your Own physical strength so God's grace gives us salvation. It gives us What's the second thing? I forgot what I said I Transformed life and spiritual strength okay in the weaknesses of your flesh flesh You can still have great strength about you. I'll get you to turn to Turn to Romans chapter 12 for me Romans chapter 12, and I'll read some other passages out to you You guys go to Romans 12. I'm going to go to Ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 What else does God's grace give us it says here? In whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins. This is salvation according to the riches of his grace So it's all about the riches of God's grace But then Ephesians 1 8 says this we're in So we're in like basically told me at the grace of God there wherein he have abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence All wisdom and prudence what else does God's grace gives out give us it gives us Wisdom it gives us knowledge it gives us prudence Prudence is when you're careful when you notice. What is dangerous, and you stay away from that okay? And and God's grace is able to do that not just salvation But it says he have a bounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence You want wisdom Brevin you want to know what God thinks about things you want to know the truth of this world You want to know the truth of the spiritual powers? God can give you wisdom Accessible through his Bible through his book You know and I know you know I struggle sometimes as I read from above I sometimes struggle What is this referring to what is this about and when that happens you just go and ask God for his grace? go ask him for his wisdom go ask him for knowledge and Quite often God will tell you what it is Many times I prepare a sermon when I'm going chapter by chapter in the Bible, and I'm like God I have no idea what this is I go away. Have a shower. I go away do something else have a sleep on it Come back. I'm like oh, yeah, that's what it's about right why because God's grace right God's given me his grace He's given me wisdom. He's shown me what he took what he means and then I can preach it okay? I I go through the same struggles as you do Brevin sometimes I read the Bible like I have no idea what that is well ask God for wisdom that's what his grace can give you wisdom and prudence and Also, I'm going to reach you from Hebrews for you guys stay in Romans 12 I'm going to reach you from Hebrews 4 verse 15 What else does God's grace give us it says here for we have not an high priest? Which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities? But was on sorry, but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin and I love verse 16 let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of Grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need Brethren what it says God's grace gives that give us it gives us help in the time of need Help in the time of need help in the time of trouble Brethren the reason when you go through hardships when you go through persecution or some trial some difficulty You know what God allows you to do he allows you to go to his throne boldly You know not creeping on your on your you know on your hands and your feet with your head lowered Oh, man, God will you hear me because come boldly to my throne come and tell me what you need come and ask me for help You know why you can do that Brevin because of God's grace You don't deserve it. It's unmerited God allows us to go before him before his throne in heaven of course We can't do that physically, but that's prayer in prayer before God asking for aid asking for assistance in our time of trouble and The last thing guys you're in Romans 12 verse 5 that I have here Romans 12 verse 5 Bringing it back here to our local church our local New Testament body of Christ. It says in verse number 5 So we be many a one body in Christ and everyone members one of another Verse number six having then gifts different According look at this according to the grace that is given to us What's the Bible teaching here that in the body of Christ? We're all different and God has given us gifts We all have spiritual gifts brethren to serve the body of Christ Okay, and the gifts have been given to us according to the grace of God right that's been given to us It says here whether prophecy let us prophesy according to the proportion Proportion of faith so God has given some people the ability to preach to open up his word and preach to the people Verse number seven or ministry let us wait on our ministry ministry now This is a general term ministry ministry just means to serve any area that you can find to serve in the church Go for it brethren come and let me know hey I would like to take care of X Y & Z you notice there's something to do You notice this maybe you're not doing anything for the body of Christ Just find something to do all right find something to do you know whether it's honestly You know I have people that take care of the toilets. I have people that just tidy up when the kids make a mess That's ministry. That's serving one another okay, and we should teach our children to minister to serve one another okay It's all what can I do you know sister Eve brings morning tea for us? Hey, that's a ministry that you found Hey, that's a gift a spiritual gift that God has given her through her grace. You know for God's grace To serve the body of Christ we all have something you just need to figure out what that is you know sister Trish with her Cards Christmas cards you know that we've got up there Hey, you know that's a gift that God has given her to serve the local body I mean, there's so many things. I don't even know what they all are just find something to do and just do it All right, just find something to do and serve the Brethren. Let's keep going Verse number seven or ministry let us wait on our ministry or he that teach earth on teaching or he that exhorteth on exhortation You know some of you have been given gifts of exhortation say what's that just to lift each other up? Hey, brother Great seeing you this morning. Hey sister praying for you You know hey, I've just been thinking about you for the first week. You've been praying about you You know is everything okay? You know maybe you know Maybe you remember things that people have been going through some difficulties you go to me Just asking about hey, how's that have you been able to resolve that you know what you're doing? You just edifying you're you're exhorting the Brethren. You're lifting them up That's a spiritual gift that God may have given you You know may not be something that's sort of physical and outward But it's just you edifying lifting exhorting the Brethren that is a gift There's some right or here that exhorteth an exhortation here that giveth let him do it with simplicity Hey, maybe some of you have been blessed financially Maybe God's grace has fallen upon you and you have more than you need and you can give more to the local church Hey, that's a gift that God has given you right here. They giveth let him do it with simplicity He that ruleth with diligence he that show mercy with cheerfulness even mercy showing mercy on brethren You know churches made up of believers often people are very hard on each other Christians are very hard on each other And there are some that are just more merciful all right. I'm more forgiving You know I'm more likely to oversee someone's fault and say well You know we all have faults hey if you have that that mercy about you. That's a gift all right. That's a gift That you have that God has given you I mean you know there are many many things This is a list of things that you know some things only men can do like preach obviously we know that But there are other things here that anybody can do you know women and children? Can participate in these spiritual gifts that God has given us? So just a reminder when you know when Jacob spoke about how God has graciously given him things I want you to think about what has God graciously given you number one was salvation number two was a Transformed life number three was spiritual strength number four was wisdom number five was help in time of need But I wanted to think about this local body that you're in right now The gifts of ministry you know what gift has God given you for this ministry for this church and put it into practice Put it into practice okay back to Genesis 33 verse 6 Genesis 33 verse 6 Genesis 33 verse 6 then the handmaidens came near so Jacob is introducing his family now right that's why I split them up this way then the handmaidens came near they and their children, and they bowed themselves and Leah also with her children came near and bowed themselves and after came Joseph near and Rachel And they bowed themselves and he said what meanest thou by all this drove Which I met and he said these are to find grace in the sight of my Lord So just a reminder verse number right there Esau's asking What's all this all these animals all these droves they remember that were gifts they were presents that Jacob wanted to give to Esau to help you know you know calm him down in case it was coming to do something horrible to him and he said so what is this and he and Jacob responds these are to find grace in the sight of my Lord and then he says and Esau said I have enough my brother keep that thou hast unto thyself and Jacob said and by the way brethren if someone comes and gives you a gift And I know I've done this and I know you do this if I come and give you your heart Don't worry brother. You don't need to give that to me listen when someone comes to give you a gift Just accept it learn to accept the gifts all right. This is why so many people are hardened to the gospel You're offering them free gifts. Oh, I can do it on my own You know that's the same attitude you have when someone comes to give you a gift And you're like oh, don't worry about brother, and I do it It's just a bit of pride all right and Esau here has a little bit of pride Just accept well Jacob's willing to give this to you someone's willing to do something great for you something nice for you You may not need it But receive it receive it because it's a blessing that that person wants to give you just learn to receive it learn to say Thank you, okay, and then our verse number 10 and Jacob said nay I pray thee if now I have found grace in thy sight then receive my present at my hand for therefore I have seen thy face now look at this as Though I had seen the face of God and thou was pleased with me I got you to read in the previous chapter how when God when when Jacob wrestled Jesus He said he saw God face to face all right So he did see Jesus Christ face to face and now he refers to the way I look at Esau you know finding the grace that I found in Esau for myself It's like he saw the face of God You know what he's referring to he's basically saying God has answered my prayers You know the same grace that God has given me when I saw the face of God and and his grace I See that now in your face Esau is what he's saying. That's what he's saying right You know I've gone to God with my request and God has answered God has answered You haven't come here to kill me you haven't come here to slay me yeah I don't know if that was Esau's intention and God just changed his heart halfway through I don't really know the one doesn't give us that information right But Jacob's able to just refer back to the to the wrestling with God back to the prayer when he was weeping when he was needing Things he looks at the answered prayer says man I see it's like it's like looking at God's face at Esau the same grace that was in God I see that grace in your face I think it's a great thing there and Verse number 11 take I pray thee my blessing that is brought to thee because God have dealt graciously with me And because I have enough and he urged him and he took it Okay, so what I want to take from there in verse number 11 guys is when God deals with you graciously Give it back to others when God has given you the grace of gifts of the Spirit Give it to others that's serving the church serving the local body of Christ Find something to do and do it even if it's just to edify the brethren It's a great gift for you to have not many Christians have that grace alright verse number 12 and He said let us take our journey and let us go and I will go before thee Now this is quite an interesting thing because Esau's obviously met Jacob and now he's telling Jacob Let's go together on our journey back back back to where Esau lives basically and This is how Jacob responds and he said to him my lord knoweth that the children are tender So obviously Jacob has his children has his wives has his children. Maybe the servants children as well you know it's probably a whole bunch of kids around him and Esau's come with 400 men all right so Esau wants to go on this journey together with him, but Jacob looks at the children He says they're tender they're young right, and then he goes and the flocks and herds are young with young are with me And if men should overdrive them one day all the flock will die Let my lord I pray thee pass over before his servants And I will lead on softly According as the cattle that go before me and the children are a be able to endure until I come unto my lord unto see ah Now you're probably when you read your Bible probably just read over that okay But what's happening is Jacob realizes look if you if you're traveling you're going to be a lot faster than us Okay, and and basically we're not going to be able to keep up. We're not going to have you know we got children We have these livestock's you know and if we need to stay and look after these things so you know we're going to take The journey it's going to be longer for us to take but I'll meet you there eventually okay, but you go about your way And I think this is a really great lesson that parents need to learn parents need to learn okay And even churches and I'll let me talk about parents first But what we see here with Jacob is that he puts the needs of his family first Yes, he's sorted things out with Esau. Yes, that's his twin brother But God has not made him accountable for his twin brother God has given him wives God has given him children and the people that he is accountable for brethren are his wives and his children Of course his servants and those that are under his authority Okay Now bring this up because this was a and I've really touched on this but in past sermons But I remember after getting married after having kids I Still wanted to spend time with my friends. I still wanted to play indoor soccer every week I still wanted to do the things that I was doing in the past when I was single Okay, and I had to come to a realization a maturity right and go That's not my priority life anymore. My wife is my priority my children are my priority Okay, and one thing you need to learn even if it upsets other people even if it upsets extended family You've got to make decisions based on your wife on your children on those that God has put authority you put you Sorry put under your authority That's your priority. That's how you make decisions You know and Esau's not doing anything bad he means well, you know, he wants Jacob to come with him Jacob Look, I can't keep up Esau. I've got children. I've got a wife. I've got these cattle. I've got these servants I'm looking after this first. This is my priority Brethren and you need to think about you know, your children your wives, you know your family and you have I'm sure extended family I'm sure you have unsaved extended family that mean well that probably wants you over for some party All right, Christmas parties are coming up right they probably want you over for that and You know, I'm gonna leave that up to the head of the homes whether you decide to be part of that or not You know the effect that will have on your families, but if you have a lot of unsafe families, there's probably the alcohol flowing All right, there's probably talk of things that you don't want your kids to listen to There's probably other influences out there that you don't want to affect your family and you're just gonna have to make a decision No, I can't be part of that party. I can't be part of that celebration. I love you Alright, I love you. You're my you're my family, but I've got to put the needs of my family first I've got to look after my children first. I don't want them to be affected by those things in the world Okay, that's the lesson I think we see with Jacob a great leader a great father making sure he takes care of his personal needs first you know Again, you know, I would often have to travel for work You know when I was working in my old workplace often travel for they always wanted me to go somewhere And I was cool with that. I like the experience of seeing other places, you know, visiting other cities all that kind of stuff But before I made a decision to say yes, I would always go to my wife I'd always go to Christina, you know, if I were to go this week, what would you need? What do you need make sure things are taken care of before I go and I would never never go for more than one week Never, okay. I would never because I'm needed at home. I'm the head of my family I'm the provider. I'm providing safety. I'm the spiritual head if I'm gone for too long I neglect my family I neglect my children and quite often I just have to say to my bosses and say look Alright, I'll go you want me there for a month. I can't be there for a month. I can be there for a week So what week you want me to go? Okay, why because of my family man why because I have a wife and kids I can't keep up with you I can't go on your journey with you. I can go for a week though That's what I'm willing to do after I confirm that with my wife you know brethren Before we started the church down in Sydney I knew I'm gonna be away one solid day every week away from my family away from this church You know, you're my priority when it comes to the church, you know, and what did I do? Did I just make a decision on my own? No, I brought this to the men in the church, right? We prayed about for weeks and weeks and weeks About whether we should start a church down in Sydney and the majority I think everyone in fact said yeah, let's do it You know who else I asked my wife, you know who else I asked my kids And if my wife had said to me, I just can't afford to lose you here for you know, one day a week I would not have started the church down in Sydney Why cuz my priority are my wife and my children. Okay, my wife goes. Yeah do it. All right do it You know, I'm willing to sacrifice that time with you and go and do it praise God, you know You put your family first you put your priorities first in place and God will bless you God will see you through and the other thing that brings to my remembrance here is Jacob's thinking of the children. He thinks that they're tender, you know, and when we think about the church I'm always thinking about the children always anything we decide to do. I'm thinking but what about the kids? All right, if we go out so winning for two hours, what about the kids, you know, there are little ones What are their nap times parents need to get them probably home. They need to be fed, you know, and you know If church was run There's a reason why the qualifications for a bishop and a deacon is to be a husband of one wife and to have faithful children Okay, it's because you know the effects if you make decisions, you know What kind of effects that can happen family on children? You know, you've been in churches in the past when there's been ministries and you can't participate of that ministry Because of your family because Richard because of something and so in order to to make sure church runs most effectively I I'm always thinking about the children, you know when I get here behind the pulpit to preach I don't use big fancy words of number one because I guess I'm not that great I'm not that eloquent in my speech, but number two because I'm thinking about the kids I want the kids to understand I want the kids to learn We've made our mistakes. All right, the kids are still young They still can make mistakes and I want them to know what the Word of God says, you know, first and foremost I'm preaching to the children first and foremost, you know It gives me great delight when I see the children sitting at the front, you know Sitting still paying attention because I'm preaching to you children. Okay, I don't want you, you know And as a church we need to remember that this is the next generation We need to remember we're going to pass on and and these kids are going to be the next leaders They're going to be the next families in the church. They're going to be the ones doing the work of God we need to make sure we pass down a good legacy, you know a good inheritance as a church and Just recently down in Sydney because I'm trying to be less involved. We organized a team of I call it the men's leadership team where they can get together have meetings and make decisions for the church So I'm less involved now I can still I still oversee that they're under my authority But when I organize that group, you know what I said, it has to be men that are married with children attending this church I'll tell you why because a single guy would be like well Why don't we go solely in for five hours after church tonight, right? That's what's gonna happen. The single guy has nothing else to do, right? He wants to have a good lunch He wants to go in fellowship and just go and do some good solving good. Praise God. Praise God for your zeal Praise God for the position you're in if God can use you for five hours in one day So I went in go for it, but that's not going to suit families with little kids Okay, and so the men's leadership team is made up of people with children So when decisions are passed they can understand what effect that can have on their families. We see that's what Jacob does That's what Jacob does. Okay back to Genesis 33 verse 15 Genesis 33 verse 15 It says he and Esau said let me now leave with thee some of the folk that are with me And he said what needeth it Let me find grace in the sight of my Lord So Esau returned that day on his way unto Seir. Again, we see a great quality in Jacob here You know Esau says well, let me leave some men with you to help you on your journey Jacob is pretty much a self-made man. All right by the grace of God by what God has given him He's a great leader. Not just a great leader. Not just a great father Not just looking for those that are under his authority, but he's also self-made. He's a provider Okay, and he's got things taken care of because look no, it's all good. It's all taken care of You know, I don't need these extra people here to help us on our journey And so I see some great qualities here in Jacob even though we have learnt about a lot of his mistakes as well that he's made but verse number 17 and Jacob journeyed to Succoth and built him an house and made booths for his cattle therefore the name of the place is called Succoth and Jacob came to Shalem a city of Shechem Which is in the land of Canaan when he came from Padan Aram and pitched his tents before the city so just Just as an interesting fact when Bible says here in verse number 18 and Jacob came to Shalem That's also Salem in the New Testament and just very quickly John 3 23 says and John also was baptizing in Enon Near to Salem because there was much water there and they came and were baptized This makes sense why Jacob would want to come to Shalem or Salem because there's much water there Okay, he's got a lot of cattle He's got a lot of stuff then they need obviously access to water But it's the same place that John the Baptist was doing some baptisms in John chapter 3 And then it says here and Jacob came to Shalem a city of Shechem now The city is called Shechem, but it's called Shechem because there's a man called Shechem. Okay, let's keep going in verse number 19 and He bought a parcel of the field where he's where he had spread his tent at the hand of the children of Hamor Shechem's father so he buys a piece of land from Shechem's father Hamor so Hamor has called the city Shechem after his son, right? For 100 pieces of money and he erected there an altar and called it El Elohim Israel So just two points that I want to end on there just just as we go into the next chapter for on Wednesday but Shechem is introduced to us for the first time here Shechem and Obviously, this is a family of unsaved people. They're Canaanites Okay, and Shechem will play a major role in chapter 34 So when we get to chapter 34 we go for Shechem you remember why because Jacob's come to stay on this land, okay? The last point that I have there in verse number 20 is that where Jacob goes He erects an altar for the Lord right to offer his sacrifices to offer his offerings to the Lord of Thanksgiving so he keeps the Lord in mind everything everywhere he goes and then he calls that place El Elohim Israel Now I'm not going to go back to the Hebrew here I think for some of you guys that know what like you probably look at that and you already know what it says The word, you know when you read El More often than not that's a reference to God Okay And then it says El Elohim Israel. We know who Israel is That's the name that Jacob that God gave Jacob the new name Israel And all this is saying here is basically it erects this altar, and he says you're the God of Israel That's that that's what he calls the altar right he called it You're the God of Israel and obviously given thanks given appreciation for the great grace that God has given in Jacob's life Let's pray