(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright let's get into the sermon now. Please take your Bibles and turn to Genesis 28. Genesis 28. Genesis 28 and look at verse number 17. The Bible says and he was afraid and said how dreadful is this place there is none other but sorry this is none other but the house of God. The title for the sermon this morning is the house of God and this is the beginning of what we identify as the local New Testament church. The local New Testament church is known as the house of God and if you hear or you listen to the sermon on Wednesday I was explaining the books of the Bible and how the book of Genesis begins all the core doctrines all the all the fundamental doctrines you're aware of even the New Testament church we start seeing many of the truths many of the applications associated with the church just here in Genesis chapter 28 but let's start with verse number one. Genesis 28 verse 1 the Bible says and Isaac called Jacob and blessed him and charged him and said unto him thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan arise go to Padanaram to the house of Bethel thy mother's father and take thee a wife from thence of the daughters of Laban thy mother's brother. You may remember the name Laban. Laban was the brother the older brother of Rebekah and it seems like her father had passed away and it seems like from the story that were introduced to Laban and Rebekah that he's taken a prominent position in the family kind of like you know being being that you know taking over the house because the father was not there. Now keep your finger there go back to Genesis 24. Genesis 24 please just four chapters back Genesis 24 verse 3. Now this might sound familiar because it's the same instruction that Abraham said to Isaac or to his servant to find a wife for Isaac. Verse number 3 Genesis 24 3 it says that I will make thee swear by the Lord the God of heaven and the God of the earth that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the daughters of the Canaanites among whom I dwell but thou go to my country and to my kindred and take a wife unto my son Isaac. So just to bring to remembrance now we're seeing Abraham we saw there in Matthew in Genesis 24 Abraham saying to his servant to his most loyal servant or to the second commander of his house hey go back to the place go back to where was it to Padanaram and go find a wife for Isaac and so here in Genesis 28 we're seeing the same process Isaac having passed the blessings of the you know of the birthright the blessings of the seed the blessings of all nations being blessed for this lineage being passed down to Jacob and the same instruction Isaac is telling to Jacob look don't take a wife from the Canaanites and fathers mothers we need to teach our children you know don't take a wife or don't take a husband of the unsaved Canaanites of this land we need to make sure we instruct our children to make sure they go find a godly spouse somebody that can have a fear of the Lord someone that is saved and we see the same concerns we don't want these Canaanites they worship false gods they go look and plus they know they know the promise that God has given them that that land will become theirs they know the promise you know there was the curse of Canaan that fell upon Canaan and we see the promises here that you know knowing that God's going to destroy these people one day that one day this land we taken by the nation of Israel and they did not want a wife from this land and so we see the same thing playing out here go back to Genesis 28 verse 3 Genesis 28 verse 3 and while you're going back there please also go to Hebrews 11 keep your finger then go to Hebrews 11 I want to clarify a couple of things here go to Hebrews chapter 11 verse 20 Hebrews chapter 11 verse 20 because Hebrews 11 of course is known as the the chapter of faith right the Hall of Faith great men that had great faith and if you recall last week that Isaac blessed Jacob right with the blessing but did he mean to bless him no he was deceived wasn't he he was deceived and he blessed Isaac he blessed Jacob instead of Esau and so one thing as you're reading through the great Hall of Faith in Hebrews chapter 11 look at verse number 20 Hebrews chapter 11 verse 20 the Bible says by faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come now I don't know about you but I remember reading Hebrews chapter 11 at some point in my life and go by faith Isaac blessed well we know he blessed Esau later on but he blessed Isaac I mean by faith he was deceived in the previous chapter was that really by faith did he do it by faith or was he deceived well here's the clarification if you go back to to Genesis 28 verse 3 Genesis 28 verse 3 have a look at this what does Isaac say to Jacob verse number 3 and God Almighty bless thee and make thee fruitful and multiply thee that thou mayest be a multitude of people and give thee the blessing of Abraham to thee and to thy seed with thee thou mayest inherit the land wherein thou at a stranger which God gave unto Abraham and Isaac sent away Jacob and he went to Padan Aram unto Laban son of Bethuel the Syrian the brother of Rebekah Jacobs and Esau's mother so here it is guys you know once again we see Isaac blessing Jacob with the same blessing the same promises the same blessing but this time he's doing it by faith all right in the previous chapter he did it by deception but this time now we see not only you know he's not given a new blessing he's repeating the same blessing but now he's confirming it you know it says yes you know Jacob is the one Jacob is the one that will be blessed Jacob is the one by which the promised seed will come through his lineage and so this is the time he does it by faith right this is the time he does it by faith so in the read Hebrews 11 verse 20 I used to get confused by it until I recognized well hold on yes he blessed him by deception but now in the pretty next chapter he confirms it not deceived and he blesses him properly and then we have verse number six in Genesis 28 verse 6 when Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob and sent him away to Padan Aram to take him away a wife from thence and that as he blessed him he gave him a charge saying thou shall not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan and that Jacob obeyed his father and his mother and was gone to Padan Aram and Esau seeing that the daughters of Canaan please not Isaac his father then when Esau unto Ishmael and took unto the wise which he had a halaf the daughter of Ishmael Abraham's son the sister of Nebuchadnezzar to be his wife now when it says there in verse number nine then when Esau unto Ishmael Ishmael we already saw had passed away okay what he's saying is he went to Ishmael's family all right and he took for a wife one of Ishmael's daughters there okay so why did he do this and the thing that I wanted to talk about here is we start to see the effect of favoritism in the family if you remember Rebecca favored Jacob and and Isaac preferred Esau okay but now he sees both parents blessing Jacob both parents blessing him and what I what I think we can take out of this lesson when you start to show favoritism toward a child you start to give them special privileges special blessings you know you think you might be doing a great thing for that child you think that child needs it or deserves it but it has an effect on your other children your other children are watching that and what's going to happen they're going to want to emulate that other child instead of being the person that they are they are instead of being you know someone that feels validated by their family you know they this they desire to be like their sibling and so here we see with Esau remember he already had two wives the previous chapters told us about this he really took two wives which were wrong he took them from the land of Canaan where he shouldn't have taken a wife and they were grief they were a burden to his mother to his father to his parents and he sees Jacob being blessed he sees instruction don't take away from Canaan go go back to Padan Aram then he goes oh wow Jacob's done that I better go do something similar you know so he goes to the family of Ishmael which was part of the family of course the father of the son of Abraham and he takes a third wife all right now the lesson here is two wrongs don't make a right okay he tried to fix things I can see at least with Esau he's trying to do what's right right he's trying I'm gonna take a wife hopefully this pleases mum and dad you can see the insecurities he has you can see that he's trying to emulate his brother you know he doesn't feel validated by his family now because both of them you know have Jacob as were in his view as their favorite so he's observed this and he's trying to emulate that he's trying to do something and this is what happens when you show favoritism the other child might just might mean well they might be trying to do what's right but they end up doing what's wrong you know and and here Esau's trying to fix the fact that he took two wives he takes a third wife I mean it's committing adultery it's committing polygamy and just makes things worse you know two wrongs do not make right and so please be careful parents with how you demonstrate love and favoritism you know if you do to a child it's going to have an effect on your other children let's go back to Genesis 28 verse 10 oh you guys are there ready to verse 10 the Bible says and Jacob went out from Beersheba and went to what Haran and he lights it upon a certain place and tarry there all night because the Sun was set so this is a this is a you know several day journey so he's on his way he needs to find a place to sleep and he took of the stones of that place and put them for his pillows and lay down in that place to sleep I mean I've always wondered about this how I mean I want to use the stone as a pillow I'm assuming these are like smooth out stones or something I really don't know but anyway he lays down to sleep verse number 12 and he dreamed and behold a letter ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached to heaven and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it now before I keep reading this is not a vision or this is not something is seen with his physical eyes he's gone to sleep he's having this dream and God is showing him this dream so there's a ladder from the earth all the way to heaven angels descending and ascending up and down on that ladder verse number 13 and behold the Lord stood above it and said I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father and the God of Isaac the land where on thou liest to thee will I give it and to thy seed now just a reminder of course the seed who is the seed Jesus Christ okay so we saw Isaac bless Jacob with this blessing and here comes God confirming this confirming this himself saying the same thing that it's coming from God himself verse number 14 and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth and thou shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south now you might say hold on how can one see Jesus Christ be as the dust of the earth that's because if you're in Christ you are Abraham's seed everyone that saved all generations you know over the time period if you're in Jesus Christ you make up that seed and yeah if you put all the believers together we'd be as the dust of the earth or the sand of the sea and it says he keeps going and in thee verse number 14 and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed what was that blessing salvation Jesus Christ the gospel right verse number 15 and behold I am with thee and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest and will bring thee again into this land for I will not leave thee until I have done that which I've spoken to thee of and Jacob awaked out of his sleep and he said surely the Lord is in this place and I knew it not and he was afraid and said how dreadful is this place there is none other this is none other but the house of God and this is the gates of heaven I mean the next verses are so much in these verses I mean I can just think about several sermons that I could preach on the following verses now I don't know how much you know Jacob is speaking you know by the Spirit of God you know I don't know how much he's speaking kind of out of ignorance or just out of the fear of God that he has but so much of what he says now applies to the church okay so much of what he says let's look at verse number 17 again it says and he was afraid and said how dreadful is this place and I mentioned how the house of God is also the name given to the New Testament Church you know when you come to church it ought not to be a casual thing it ought not to be something that you know just monotonous part of your life that you don't really care about when you come to God you ought to say how dreadful is this place and of course by dread it's all about fear it's also about something bad it's something a fearful place it says he was afraid when you come to church you ought to have you know a fear of God and let me tell you brethren when I get up to preach I have a fear of God I don't want to preach the wrong thing you know I don't want to mislead you I have a fear of the people of God even you know to make sure that I teach what's right because I don't want the chastisement of God I don't want God to be ashamed of me I don't want God to say well you're not studied you don't know the scriptures you know I have a fear of God just to preach we ought to have a healthy fear of God when he comes to this place why was he afraid look at verse number 16 and Jake and Jacob awake that we sleep and he said surely the Lord is in this place hey that's why we ought to have a fear of God when you come to church because the Lord is in this place praise God for his promises you come to church you come to his house the Lord is here and he says and I knew it not you know and that's what we need to realize sometimes you might come to church you know that monotonous part of your life no fear just casual at that point you knew or not you forgot that the Lord is here the Lord wants to work with you the Lord wants us you know wants you to learn from the preacher the Lord wants you to fellowship and serve one another the Lord wants you to learn from the hymns the Lord wants you to lift up your hearts and your voices to worship him and we need to remember how important the local church is and but the church is not the only place that's known as a house of God so I want to look at this title the house of God please keep your finger there in Genesis 28 and go to Exodus 34 let's have a look at the several places in the Bible that are known as the house of God and these things develop over time these things develop over time and they basically take over the previous thing that we saw here where Jacob is at he identifies this as the house of God because this is where God is right and if we go to Exodus 34 verse 26 Exodus 34 verse 26 so God is passing down the law to Moses and explaining how things need to operate in this new nation of Israel and God he instructs Moses how to build the tabernacle so if you recall before the temple God instructed them to instruct to build a tabernacle it was basically like a temple but it was something they could carry with them it was basically covered by a tent they could pack up carried it with them as they journeyed in the wilderness you know it's carried with them as they went to the land of Canaan and it says here in verse number 26 Exodus 34 26 the first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shall bring unto the house of the Lord thy God thou shalt not see a kid in his mother's milk so you can see here the tabernacle that they're required to give to to the sacrifices in is known as the house of the Lord thy God now go to Exodus 25 please just a few chapters back Exodus 25 look at verse number 8 Exodus 25 verse 8 the Bible says and let them make me a sanctuary that's the tabernacle look at this that I may dwell among them that's something you'll notice about the house of God right is that is that it is it is a place not as his house but the purpose for it is that he will be amongst us you know his presence will be there and of course his presence was there in that tabernacle now please go to 1st Kings chapter 8 1st Kings chapter 8 now we're going to look at the temple we're fast forward in several centuries later and King David wanted to build a temple for the Lord he wasn't satisfied with the tabernacle he thought the Lord deserves something a little bit more solid a little bit more permanent but the Lord did not allow King David to build it but he allowed his son Solomon to build it so we're going to 1st Kings chapter 8 verse 10 1st Kings chapter 8 verse 10 of course this is speaking about the temple once it was completed and it says here and it came to pass when the priests were come out of the holy place that the cloud filled the house of the Lord so you can see the temple being called the house of the Lord verse 11 so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of the Lord so you can see again when the temple is built the Lord comes with a fullness of his glory there's a cloud they can't even serve they can't even minister it's too much for them the glory of the Lord appeared there in this new resurrected completed temple that they had set up but you can see it's known as a house of the Lord and the Lord's presence is there once again his glory was there just a reminder remember these are the house of the Lord the things we learn from these previous places is applicable to the New Testament Church you know our church ought to be filled with the glory of God okay with the glory of God this is why we sing him the praises because of his glory he's deserving of our worship now please go to Ezra chapter 1 Ezra chapter 1 because the first temple got destroyed during the Babylonian captivity the entire city of Jerusalem destroyed including the temple and then after the seven years of captivity in Babylon they you know the Jews went back and they started to rebuild the city they real and they built a new temple okay it's the river builds temple the second temple and it's the second temple by which Jesus Christ when he came on the earth that's the temple that he would refer to wasn't Solomon's temple it was the second temple that was built and in Ezra chapter 1 verse 5 Ezra chapter 1 verse 5 the Bible says then rose up the chief of the fathers of Judah and Benjamin and the priests and the Levites with all them whose spirit God raised to go up to build the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem which is in Jerusalem the house of the Lord so if there's any doubts you might wonder was that second temple really you know just as valuable as as important to God as the first temple yes it is we see here the Bible oh you know we have the Holy Ghost as our narrator and the Holy Ghost calls it the house of the Lord okay but what we don't have recorded with the second temple is the glory of God or the cloud of God fill in that temple now I'm not saying it never happened I'm not I'm not really sure it's just not recorded for us in the Bible nevertheless I'll just read to you from Matthew 21 verse 13 Jesus Christ goes into the temple right Jesus Christ goes into the second temple and he says here and he said unto them it is written my house shall be called the house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves what does Jesus call the house of God he calls it my house and where was Jesus Christ in the temple in the house of God so even though we don't have the glory of God feel in that temple the presence of God recorded for us we still see when Jesus Christ God manifest in the flesh will work work in the earth where was he in the house of God his presence was there as well he taught he taught from the temple he spent you know spent many times they especially during the Passover he would go there and teach the people so what I want to notice the tabernacle well we have a you know Jacob identifying where he was as the house of God but then it gets overtaken by the tabernacle we no longer have that reference as the house of God we have a tabernacle known as the house of God then that place gets replaced by the first temple known as the house of God that gets destroyed then we have the second temple which is known as the house of the Lord again okay what happens in 70 AD that temple is destroyed okay so where's the house of God now I've already been talking about it it's right here you know in this body the body of Christ the local New Testament Church if you guys can go to Matthew 18 that'd be great Matthew 18 verse 20 Matthew 18 go to Matthew 18 and I'll read to you from first Timothy 3 15 first Timothy 3 15 you guys go to Matthew 18 the Bible says in first Timothy 3 15 but if I tarry long that thou mayest know how thou ought'st to behave thyself in the house of God which is the church of the living God the pillar and ground of the truth now I'm gonna read that verse later on again but I just want you to notice it says in the house of God which is the church of the living God right now you're in the house of God what a privilege that we can come every week we have free service every week you have the privilege of being in the house of God now if you go to Matthew 18 verse 20 where I asked you to turn Matthew 18 verse 20 what does Jesus say he says for where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them what I promised by God what I promised by Jesus Christ that when we gathered in his name we gathered here in this church he said is going to be in the midst of us the Lord's presence is here this morning whether you feel it or not easier he wants to work in you he wants you to learn and grow know the Bible more grow as a Christian be more Christlike you know when you come to church you ought to be asking the Lord please Lord I'm going to meet you I'm gonna be with you not pastor Kevin right I'm gonna be with you the word of the Lord is going to be preached I want to meet you Lord I want to I want to see you please show yourself to me please show me where I can fix things in my life please show me how I can grow and mature in the Lord don't take you know for advantage the presence of God Jesus promises us he's going to be promises us that and you might say well does that mean if we gather two or three you know me my mates me my family the Lord's in the midst of them look at verse number 17 just backtrack a little bit some people take that you know they start their home church and say well we don't need the local church we can just meet up with friends and the Lord says it's going to be in the midst of us right two or three gather together for the context Matthew 18 verse 17 of course was church discipline here that leads up to that and it says here and if he shall neglect to hear them tell it unto the church but if you neglect to hear the church let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a Republican so you can see the context of the two or three gathered together is the church or if you just read it within the context it's not just me my mates hanging out having a Bible study okay it's in context of the church so appreciate what you have here on the Sunshine Coast you know New Life Baptist Church it's the house of God so the next thing that I want you to cover for you just quickly for actually stay there in Matthew 18 stay there Matthew 18 but Jacob also caught it the gate of heaven didn't he right what did he say that let me have a quick look for it again Matthew 28 what verse was that 17 this is none other but the house of God and this is the gate of heaven what an amazing thing this is the gate of heaven have you ever considered your local church to be the gates of heaven that's what Jacob says I don't know again I don't know how ignorant is but there's so much truth to this you know and but here's where it gets abused you have the Catholic Church right now the Catholic Church that say basically the only way you can be saved is being part of the Roman Catholic Church because we're the gate of heaven is what they'll say please yes of course that's not what's being said you know go you know being saved has nothing to do with your church attendance but if you guys are you guys are in Matthew 18 verse 18 Matthew 18 verse 18 we just read the bit where we talked about you know if there's a dispute within the church how to handle things you know things will eventually they don't aren't dealt with need to be brought to the church and the church is meant to decide on that matter but look at verse number 18 verily I said to you what server you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven what's the context of that or just what you read Church discipline right you know dealing with conflicts in a church if they can't be rectified and the church has to step in but we're saying here whatever the church decides will be decided in heaven you know and this is the power that God gives us you know that that basically what this church body decides to do God ticks it off as long as we are following the principles the teachings of God we're doing things according to his will whatever we decide to do even if it's Church discipline God says yes what you decide to do what you loose on the earth will be loosed in heaven what you bind on the earth will be bound in heaven you know this is why it's the gates of heaven this is where you come in and learn how God feels about things how God thinks about things and our decisions that we make as a church need to be made with prayer with a lot of deep thought because what we decide will be decided in heaven as well okay the gates of heaven go to Matthew 16 now Matthew 16 verse 18 Matthew 16 verse 18 this isn't the only time that Jesus says what the church does or the authority we have to bind and on and loose on earth will also be done in heaven Matthew 16 verse 18 Matthew 16 verse 18 and I say unto thee speaking to Peter thou that thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and of course that rock is Jesus Christ and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it so we're talking about the gate of heaven alright and the gates of hell here and some people have misinterpreted this to say the gates of hell are the forces of the devil I don't believe that because the devil has no authority in hell it's just that the local church is made up of saved believers and we don't have to have any fear of hell you know the fear there should be no concern of us ever going to hell we shouldn't you know the gates of hell should not have any concern on us because we're saved we're going to heaven but look at verse number 19 and I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever that shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever that shall loose on the earth shall be loosed in heaven and so we see that Christ has given us his church remember the previous verse the keys of heaven and here you know I believe what are the keys of heaven how does someone enter heaven it's the gospel right it's salvation you know God has given that to the church says look I'm giving you the key to heaven you know and how horrible is it when you have you know churches you know that that are right in the gospel but they're not doing any gospel preaching they're not knocking the doors they're not soul winning they've been given the keys but they're not unlocking the door they're not unlocking the gate they're not leading anybody to salvation that's a sad thing when God has given that to us the house of God these keys and you know what I take out of that is basically you know we have it's hard to say but it's the truth you know we have the power to see people saved or unsaved you know if you don't go and preach the gospel you don't give people the gospel you're withholding them from going to heaven you go out and you preach the gospel you are opening that door to heaven you know it's not like there's no middle ground on this you know if you're not giving the gospel you're closing the door on people now let me show you this go to Luke 11 go to Luke 11 verse 52 I know we're going to a lot of verses but go to Luke 11 verse 52 I don't want anyone in this church to be like these people that were about to read okay Luke 11 verse 52 this is a time when Jesus Christ is just ripping face against all the religious leaders but this time he goes to the lawyers and the lawyers you know people that know the law the law of God right lawyers Luke 11 verse 52 it says woe unto you lawyers for ye have taken away the key of knowledge ye entered not in yourselves and then they were entering in ye hindered ye hindered I don't want us to be like this you know now first of all these lawyers are entering heaven themselves anyway but those that are striving to enter in those that want to know and I know how unaccepted this place is but you know there's someone right now and how in their house wanting to know how to get to heaven we just need to find them we just need to keep knocking those doors until we find them we might find them today okay but we just need to keep going and someone's wanting to know but if we don't do it you know we're hiding the key from them we're hiding the entrance from them I don't want to be like that as a church we need to get out there preach the gospel to the lost you know the Lord has given us his word he's given us all 66 books of the Bible we've got all the ammunition ammunition we need we've got it all you know some of those soul winners before us did not have the completed Bible in their hands you know the disciples of old they only had whatever they had a few scriptures here and there people would have to come to the to the synagogue to hear the Bible read and preached you got it in your hands you probably have several copies in your house we've got how many copies here you know of the Bible you know we've got no we've got so many keys that God has given us so many privileges we need to make sure we open the gates of heaven to those that are seeking to enter in back to Genesis 28 please Genesis 28 if we can just backtrack to verse 12 for a minute verse 12 and I want to give you some thoughts on this Genesis 28 verse 12 and it says here and he dreamed and behold a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it preached I reached to heaven and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it now keep your finger then go to John chapter 1 John chapter 1 I'm gonna give you my thoughts on this I'm not going to be completely dogmatic if you disagree with me you disagree with me but I believe this ladder now remember it's a dream okay and so it's not something you seen physically with his eyes it's a dream but I believe this ladder is symbolic or represents Jesus Christ okay it's a ladder from earth going all the way to heaven and the angels are these ascending and descending on it I believe this is Jesus Christ because it's only Jesus Christ that can link us to heaven it's only through him that we can make it there okay and if you look at John chapter 1 verse 51 John chapter 1 verse 51 this is after he meets Nathaniel under the tree John chapter 1 verse 51 this is Jesus what he says to him and he saith unto him verily verily I say unto you hereafter you shall see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man so we see now you know that that verse has always made me scratch my head a little bit they're sending and sending now we do see several instances where the angels come in and minister to Christ you know after the temptation in the wilderness we see the angels come to minister to him when we see Christ praying in the Garden of Gethsemane before his crucifixion we see an angel come to comfort him and to strengthen him what are the times we have angels associated with Christ and his resurrection so when the people come to the tomb to see the body of Christ and the stones rolled away you know the ladies are met by some angels there also the ascension of Christ as he ascends up to heaven in the cloud the angels come and say what are you looking at right the angels are there as well so maybe that's a reference to that to Nathaniel maybe yeah you know they physically saw these angels but I just believe what's being referred to here is that Jesus is referring to himself as that ladder pointing back to what Jacob said pointing back to that ladder where the angels are ascending and descending and maybe Nathaniel maybe he just finished reading that recently and he's been oh you're the ladder you're the way to heaven right I think that's what's going on here but that's I'm not gonna be totally dogmatic on that you might have some different views but go back to Genesis 28 please Genesis 28 verse 18 Genesis 28 verse 18 it says and Jacob rose up early in the morning and took the stone that he had put for his pillows and set it up for a pillar and poured oil upon the top of it again how much does Jacob know what he's doing did God instruct him to do this no but he's doing something he takes those stones that he slept here that vision puts it up as a pillar you know I like a memorial you know something like a monument and he anoints it with oil he pulls oil upon the top of it now please go to 1st John chapter 2 1st John chapter 2 and while you're turning there I'm going to read once again from 1st Timothy 3 15 already read it but just a reminder it says here but if I tarry along but thou mayst know how they ought us to behave thyself in the house of God right which is the church of the living God but what is the New Testament called here the pillar and ground of the truth you know how amazing is that right Jacob I don't know how much he knows but he sets it up as a pillar this is the house of God and the New Testament Church is known as the pillar and ground of the truth and so I think you know God is just honoring what Jacob did and he takes those principles and applies it to his house you know there were pillars set up in the temple for example as well which was the house of God and here in John chapter 1 so not only does it set up the pillar sorry first sorry 1st John chapter 2 I asked you to go to 1st John chapter 2 not only does it set up the pillar but then he anoints it with oil ok he anoints it with oil and this is what I believe is going on here let's have a look at 1st John chapter 2 verse 27 we've also been anointed the Bible says here 1st John chapter 2 verse 27 but the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you and ye need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things and is truth and is no lie and even as it have taught you you shall abide in him what's that anointing that you have that teaches you all things we know it's the Holy Spirit yeah it's the Holy Spirit of God and that's the anointing and so we have this pillar that Jacob sets up he anoints it with oil and what do we get how can we you know relate that to local church well that our church ought to be a pillar of the truth all right the ground of truth it's where you come to hear the truth preached all right you're not going to hear the truth preached on the media you're not going to hear the truth preached in your magazines all right on radio this is the ground of truth this is the pillar but that pillar was anointed with oil and I believe what's been represented here is that the Church of God needs to be made up of saved people people that are believers people that have been anointed with the Holy Spirit that's what the church is for but what are the churches doing these days well no no the church is for the world let's open the floodgates let's let everybody in that's not how it is church is not for the young believer no church are for those that are anointed with the Holy Spirit that's what church ought to be okay I would rather a small church made up of believers then a church of a thousand people where most are not even saved don't even know the gospel all right I mean that's what it is right the pillar and the ground of truth and Jacob does he anoint it with oil for whatever reason well I know I know the reason now alright because it's made up of anointed people that have the Holy Ghost living in them back to Genesis 28 verse 19 Genesis 28 verse 19 and he called the name of that place Bethel but the name of that city was called Luz at the first and Jacob vowed avowed saying if God be with me and will keep me in keep me in this way that I go and will give me bread to eat and raiment to put on so that I come against my father's house in peace then shall the Lord be my God it's interesting what he says here you know if the Lord be with now they'll just finish saying to him yeah you know I'm gonna be with you he just finished saying that right I'm gonna be with you I'm gonna bring you back to the land I'm gonna bless you all these kinds of things and he says you know if God does that for me and not only that but gives me bread and to eat and raiment to put on if God can just provide my food and my clothing is what he says and again so profound what he says so profound I don't know if you realize because the Bible says in 1st Timothy 6 6 and having food and raiment let us be there with content all right having food and raiment God wants us to be content full of joy happy and joy in life being satisfied if all we have is food and raiment but our society teaches us that's not enough to make you content our society teaches that you've got to have the house get out of the car you go in the internet connection the whatever the Netflix the Fox Fox tell I don't know whatever other you know subscription services there are you know fill your life with merchandise and fill your life with all these kinds you know we've riches you know go on holidays you know go all over the world and there's nothing wrong with some of these things but you know that's not what ought to drive you to be content I mean if you're seeking possessions material wealth to make you happy it's not gonna happen once you have it you're gonna want more you know God says be content with just the food and the raiment and if you can tell me today you've eaten you know you've got clothes then guess what God's provided for you be happy be content he says look if God's able to do that and in verse 21 I think is kind of relevant so that I come against my father's house in peace it's all about of course eyes are coming back because he's on his journey but you know we got the father's house we finished what is our father here in heaven and father the house of God you know we ought to be you know can you have you come to church today in peace will you persecuted on your way here you know were you arrested and thrown into jail today this morning now you come to the father's house in peace those will give God's able to do all these things you know and then shall the Lord be my God is is the Lord God of of Jacob your God is the God of Abraham your God you know and before I keep going I'll just read to you from Matthew 6 31 Matthew 6 31 just you don't need to turn there Jesus says take therefore take no thought saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or wither or wither with all shall be clothed for after all these things of the Gentiles seek for your heavenly father know if that you have need of these things what things eating and what you wear verse number 33 but seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you you see if you put God first you put his laws his ways do things according to God's Word he's gonna make sure you at least have the food in the rain at the very least and all of you I'm sure will say well we've got more than that praise God you've been blessed your cups overflowing then be content with the food and the rain man Jesus says that's enough that's enough but look Jacob says look if you're able to do that for me God and then look at verse number 22 in Genesis 28 22 and this stone which I have set for a pillar shall be God's house so you come to God's house and of all that thou shall give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee Jacob says God if you take care of me you're my God I'm saved I come to the house of God you give me food arraignment you give me peace then I'm gonna tithe he says if you're able to do all those things that's when you time okay you give a tenth unto thee again I don't understand I don't fully can't wrap my head around all this you know that did Jacob continue we don't have this recorded you know did he continually come to the same place every time he was increased with goods that he always come back and give a tenth to it sounds like it this is a vow that he's making to God every time he would come to this pillar come to the house of God you know all that he was able to to we see later on he becomes a very rich man full of possessions full of things that he would come here and give a tenth you give his tithe that's what tithe means a tenth to the house of God and so I believe in tithing you know I believe it's a very important thing that needs to be done in the house of God and we see the principles here very quickly in the book of Genesis you say when should I tithe when you come to the house of God when should I tithe when you're saved when should I tithe when you have food arraignment oh but I gotta pay for other things food arraignment that's what you should be content with if you have those things then you should be tied into the house of God and it's you know it's one of these things that's difficult for a pastor to preach honestly I don't like really talking about it much because you don't want to you know there's always someone critical in church there's always there's always someone that's always preaching it because he wants more money you know the pastor once he wants money and then so you know he wants more and more no this isn't about the pastor this is about the house of God okay and the house of God is known as the body of Christ when you come and you bring your tithe to the body of Christ you're not tithing to the pastor you're tithing to Jesus Christ you're tithing to the house of the Lord now I'm going to preach on tithing soon coming up in a few weeks you know with the rightly dividing series but I don't want to steal all my thunder from that but let's go to let's go back a few verses now go to Genesis 14 a few chapters sorry Genesis 14 verse 18 this is the second time the tithe is mentioned in the book of Genesis the 10th Genesis 14 verse 18 you may remember this story with Melchizedek the king of Salem Genesis 14 verse 18 so the Bible says in Melchizedek the king of Salem brought forth bread and wine and he was the priest of the Most High God and he blessed him that's blessed Abraham and said or Abram at the time and said blessed be Abram of the Most High God possessor of heaven and earth and blessed be the Most High God which have delivered thine enemies into thine hands and he gave him tithes of all okay so should the tithe go to the house of the Lord yes but it's also to be given once it gives the house so those that are serving those that are ministering in the house of the Lord those that are serving in the house of the Lord and I'm going to quickly read to you don't need to turn I'm gonna read to you from Numbers 18 verse 20 the Bible says and this is of course with a tabernacle and the Lord spake unto Aaron remember Aaron was the first high priest of Israel thou shall have no inheritance in their land neither shall I have any part among them I am thy part and thine inheritance among the children of Israel now before I read verse 21 Jesus God says look to Aaron look I am your inheritance in other words I'll take care I'll take care of your needs because verse 21 explains this inheritance and behold I have given the children of Levi all the tenth of Israel for an inheritance for their service which they serve even the service of the tabernacle of the congregation so should the tithe should the tenth that's given to the house of God be given to the ministers of the house of God absolutely that's God's business that's what God instructs the ministers should receive that's what they should be earning you know serving the church being being a pastor or back in these days the priests it was right for them to take the tenth that is given to the house of the Lord for the service that they do so that's the end of that chapter guys Genesis 28 I hope you've learned some truths there it's just amazing all these things that Jacob does how it's still applicable for us today and remember these things of the house of the Lord are done you know centuries before the Old Testament is in effect all right now I know this is an Old Testament book but the covenant that God gives to Moses and Mount Sinai man it's several hundred hundreds of years before that happens you know people that say well tithing was done away with well it was before the covenant it was before you know and we see the house of the Lord the New Testament Church you know also being a place then that we should bring our tires and out and our offerings as well so you know I hope this this chapter gives you a great appreciation for your church I hope you're reminded when you come here have a fear of God God's presence is here you know and be seeking for the Lord to work in your hearts as well let's pray