(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, take your Bibles and turn to Genesis chapter 11, Genesis chapter 11. Now, Genesis chapter 11 gives us a story of the Tower of Babel. It gives us a story of the confounding of languages and how the people were divided into nations because God had confounded the languages there. And I've heard, I'm just going to mention it to you, but just total stupidity from people that want to deny the Bible, people that want to try to find contradictions in the Bible. They'll look at Genesis chapter 10 and say, well, Genesis chapter 10 mentioned already that the nations were divided, and then we get to chapter 11 and we see the people coming together, making themselves of one name, of one language, and then they get divided again. What's going on? The contradiction of the Bible. I mean, that's just stupidity. Obviously, Genesis chapter 10 gives us a big picture, gives an overview of what took place, gives us a breakdown of the nations, and then chapter 11 gives us the detail as to why the nations were divided. And it's very similar to Genesis chapter 1. It gives us the great picture of God's creation for the six days, and then Genesis chapter 2 takes us to the detail of day number six and tells us more about Adam and Eve. These are not contradictions, all right, just because one thing is before another. It's just the way God sees fit. And I think God makes perfect sense. He gives us a good way of giving us the Bible. I was listening yesterday to Sister Eve explaining that there's a church in America that have basically come up with their own Bible. They've taken chapters or passages and mixed it all up so you can't just find a reference. The church has decided what you should read in which order. God has given us His word in perfect order for our understanding, for His reasons, so we can better understand His word, all right? So there's no contradiction. If someone mentions that, they're just being stupid, honestly. I mean, I think even a non-believer can understand that. It's just someone that hates God, that hates the Bible, that claims it's a contradiction. So, Genesis chapter 11 verse 1, the Bible says, and the whole earth was of one language and of one speech. Now, this would be expected. Remember, Noah and his family came off the ark. You would expect that they're speaking the one language. Now, what that language was, we don't know, okay? We don't know what that language was. Some people say it must have been Hebrew because they think of certain languages being very magical and special. We don't know what language they spoke, okay? I'd be interested to know, but I don't think we can ever find out, at least on this side of eternity. So, of course, they're speaking one language. Of course, the families, the children being born, all these families, and then it says in verse number 2, and it came to pass as they journeyed from the east that they found a plane in the land of China and they dwelt there, okay? Now, one thing that I preached last week that I was then scratching my head and questioning, I mentioned this to Brother Sam, is sometimes when I get up to preach, now remember, I'm a product of being in church my whole life, okay? Since I was born, I've been going to church, okay, and listening to preaching, and sometimes, you know, you listen to preaching, you hear the same thing said over and over again, and you can sometimes, you know, I can preach things that I believe are true because I've heard it said so many times, but then when I preached it, I'm sort of scratching my head, hold on, is that in the Bible or did I just think that because I've been preaching about that for so long? And one thing that I mentioned last, and I don't think I was incorrect, by the way, necessarily, but one thing I mentioned last week that I didn't really clarify with the Bible was I mentioned that Babel, now remember, we talked about Nimrod and him being a king and Babel being one of the cities that he was king over? Well, I mentioned that Babel was Babylon, okay? That Babel was Babylon. That's what I pretty much heard preaching my whole life, but as I went to investigate in the Bible, is that true? Can I quantify that? Can I qualify that with the Bible? I found that I was lacking a bit, okay? But I'm not saying that Babylon is not Babel. I'm just saying I don't think we can be sure in the scriptures, but there is one thing that I want you to notice in verse number two, Genesis 11 verse two, it says that they found a plane in the land of Shinah, so remember that, the phrase, the plane in the land of Shinah and they dwelt there, okay? Now, if you go back to the previous chapter, Genesis chapter 10 verse nine, where it mentions Nimrod, it says in verse number nine that he was a mighty hunter before the Lord, wherefore it is said even as Nimrod, the mighty hunter before the Lord, and look at this, and the beginning of his kingdom was Babel and Eric and Akad and Kelna in the land of Shinah, okay? So we have confirmation here that Babel is in the land of Shinah, right? Now, take your Bibles, keep your finger there, and turn to the book of Daniel, Daniel chapter one verse one, Daniel chapter one verse one, Daniel chapter one verse one, and if you know the book of Daniel, it tells us the story of the king of Babylon basically taking Judah into captivity, okay? The king of Babylon being king Nebuchadnezzar, and it says in Daniel chapter one verse one, it says in the third year of the reign of Jehoiachim, king of Judah, came Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, unto Jerusalem and besieged it, and the Lord gave Jehoiachim, king of Judah, into his hand. Just in case you're wondering, it was God that allowed, you know, Nebuchadnezzar to take over Judah there, and then it says, with part of the vessels of the house of God, so the house of God is a temple, they took obviously the gold, the precious things from the house of God, and it says here, which he carried into the land of Shinah, to the house of his God, that's Nebuchadnezzar's God, and he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his God. So this was the biggest connection that we can get from the Bible, is that Babel was in the land of Shinah, and so was Babylon, and so was Babylon. Now does that mean they're exactly the same city? I don't believe we can actually know that, okay? I did a lot of research, looked up every verse that I could find, I couldn't really determine that, but one thing is for certain, is that Babylon took its name from Babel, okay? Took its name from Babel, so whether it's the same city, or if it's the same city in a spiritual sense, Babylon was inspired by Babel, I'm not entirely sure, but hey, as a preacher, I'd like to come to you guys and just be honest, say this is what the Bible says, this is the best you know, that we can understand it as, it may very well be Babel, like reconstructed, or it might just be influenced by Babel, that being Babylon, okay? But one thing you'll also notice is that these two cities are strongly connected, especially when it comes to the end times, but we'll get to that soon, alright? Back to Genesis chapter 11, Genesis chapter 11 verse 3. Genesis chapter 11 verse 3, and they said one to another, that's the people that went to the land of Shinah, all the descendants of Abraham and his sons, and they said one to another, go to, let us make brick, and burn them freely, and they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar, and they said go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven, and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth, alright? So here's what's interesting about this, okay? It says they want to build a city and a tower, and of course that city is known as Babel, okay? Now it's not called Babel at this point in time, it's called Babel after God confounds the languages, okay? So I'm not sure what they would have named at this point in time, but you see one thing that you notice in verse 4, it says they want this tower to reach unto heaven, okay? Now one thing I don't really want to talk about all that much, but one thing I have heard, that's again, I just need to cover some things that are really stupid, okay? And this is the teaching of the flat earth, you know, people that believe in the flat earth, and I've heard one of the arguments, I don't know if this was online or by somebody, I can't remember exactly, was well this proves verse number 4, proves that the flat earth is true, because the flat earth, if you know what they believe, they believe it's completely flat and there's a dome above the earth, and basically all the stars, all the sun, the moon, all the celestial bodies are either contained in that dome or in that dome, I'm not sure exactly, but basically it's not, you know, how science they teach us, and then I say see, they were trying to penetrate through the dome, because beyond the dome, that's where God lives, okay? That's where heaven is, and if they can just penetrate that dome, they'll be able to reach unto heaven, so therefore these ancient people knew that if we just broke through that dome, we'll make it to heaven, you know? That's what I've heard taught, okay? Now, I was just thinking about that, and I mean first of all, building a tower that large is just physically impossible, okay? That tall, that tall is just physically impossible, all right? So I just did a little bit of research here just for your information about that, but if you guys are familiar with Mount Everest, that's the highest points on the earth, right? The tallest mountain that we have on this earth, or it might not be the tallest mountain, but it reaches the highest peak. I think the largest mountain is like underwater or something like that, but as far as the highest peak that's on the earth, it's Mount Everest, and you're probably familiar that a lot of people that have climbed Mount Everest have actually perished, have actually died. Why? Because when you get to certain points, you know, there's less oxygen, the air becomes thinner, and you know, you don't get the oxygen that you need in your body, and you can perish. That's why people that generally climb Mount Everest don't want to make the peak, they'll also take oxygen tanks with them to make it all the way. So you get to about 8,000 meters before it's known as the death zone on Mount Everest. So imagine, obviously Mount Everest is not close to the dome, or whatever, whatever it is. So imagine people trying to build a tower that tall. I mean, you're going to just start dying. It's not going to be even, not only is it physically impossible, but not even a human being was not able to do it, okay? Would not be able to, you know, get a team of people building a tower that large, and once you get to about 8,000 meters, people are just going to start dying, okay? Now, the average cruising altitude of a passenger plane, and they do fly, I'm sure a lot of us have been on passenger planes, is more than that. It's 10,600 meters, okay? It's 10,600 meters, and we still not hit the dome, all right? And by then, you're obviously not going to be able to breathe properly. I mean, you're definitely going to perish at that point, at that height, okay? Now, I did a bit of more research. What's the highest that a passenger plane has flown? This was a Concorde jet, and they've flown 18,300 meters, okay? The reason why planes need to travel that high is because the air is thinner, and they can travel faster, less resistance, and they'll save on fuel as well, okay? So, Concords were very fast jets. They would have to get that high to be that fast, 18,300 meters. So, obviously, they're still not hitting the dome at that point. My point is, it's impossible to build a tower that would literally reach beyond a dome, okay, and make it to heaven, okay? So, that argument that I've heard, that argument, has anyone else heard that argument for the Flat Earth? You're like, we don't even look into that, Kevin. Why are you talking about that? I just thought it was interesting, all right? I'll just get you some. But I've heard that, so I just wanted to cover that. It's impossible, all right? So, obviously, when they say they want it to reach up to heaven, remember, heaven is also the sky. It's also, you know, so they obviously just want a large tower, okay? And why do they want a very high tower? It said there in verse number four, and let us make us a name. He says, let's make a name for ourselves as people, as human beings. We start to see human beings after flooding almost immediately, you know, starting to lift themselves up with pride. You know, we need to make sure, you know, we're remembered, you know, for the coming generations. And he goes, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. We don't want to be scattered abroad. We want to stick together. If we stick together, we can make a name for ourselves. And it's funny because it's exactly what God does to them. He scatters them abroad, okay? But verse number five, and the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. So I'm not sure exactly if this is the Lord literally coming down, you know, maybe a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ that's come and checked out the building, or it's just using it as a figure of speech. But the Lord had and was looking at what the children of men were building. And verse number six, and the Lord said, behold, the people is one. So that's awesome. The people are one. Isn't that what we're striving to do, you know, in 2019 is bring all the nations together, you know, to love one another, break down the walls of divisions of nations. You know, why should we have borders? Why should we have all these divisions and nations and languages? We should just be one people. Surely that's the goal, right? Surely that's what God wants. What does God say? Behold, the people is one. And they all they have all one language. And this they begin to do. And nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. So this becomes a problem for the Lord. The Lord realizes when the people are one, it's bad business. It's bad for the world, when human beings are all gathered and making a name for themselves as one. Okay, because they mankind just lift themselves up, right? They start worshiping human beings as it were. Now one thing I want you to notice here, this is Babel once again. So you see all people becoming one. Now keep your finger then go back to Daniel. I should have told you to keep your finger in Daniel. But anyway, go back to Daniel chapter three. Daniel chapter three, we're looking at Nebuchadnezzar as the king of Babylon. Okay. Nebuchadnezzar as the king of Babylon. One thing you'll notice, and as we go through this, is when the people become one, when the nations become one, the people think it's a great idea, we're going to make ourselves a name. But there's always someone that wants to get in there and make them make a name for just themselves. There's always someone that will come in and claim that authority, that power for themselves. Okay. And this is Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel, Daniel chapter three verse one. The Bible says Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold whose height was three-score cubits and the breadth thereof six cubits. He set it up in the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon. Then Nebuchadnezzar the king sent together, together the princes, the governors, and the captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counselors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces to come to the dedication to the image which Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up. Then the princes, the governors, the captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counselors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces were gathered together under the dedication of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up. And they stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up. Then Aharad cried aloud, to you it is commanded, O people, nations. Okay. Not just the people of Babylon, but all the nations it had power over and languages. They're trying to bring all the people, all the nations, all the languages together to worship this image. Verse number five, that at what time you hear the sound of the cornet flute harp, sackbut, sultry, dulcimer, and all kinds of music, you fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king have set up. And whoso falleth not down and worshipeth shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. So do you see the problem? When you try to get all the nations, all the language, all the people together for one purpose, there's always some wicked person there wanting to claim that power. There's always some wicked person there that will lift himself up. And here we have Nebuchadnezzar lifting himself up to be a god because he's asking for all the peoples of all languages and all nations to come and worship at his image. I mean, this is how it is, guys. Babylon, I guess maybe they started with an innocent thought. We the people. What we see develop in Babylon is there will be a man that comes in and claims all that. That's for me. And of course, let's go now to the book of Revelation, the book of Revelation chapter 17. Because when we put these two things together, the Tower of Babel, and we put together Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, these two things give us a perfect picture of the Antichrist, the beast that would come in the tribulation period. The Antichrist that would come and persecute the people of God. And in Revelation chapter 17 verse seven, John gets a vision of a harlot woman riding upon a beast. And then he gives us the interpretation of what that is. In Revelation chapter 17 verse seven, the Bible says, And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carrieth her, which have the seven heads and ten horns. Drop down to verse nine. And here is the mine which have wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sit up. And there are seven kings who pay attention to this slowly. There are seven kings, five are fallen. So at this point in time, five kings have already passed on. And then it says, or the historical kingdoms is what they are actually. But I don't want to go into too much detail. And it says, and one is. So at the time of John's writing, there was one kingdom that is at that point in time. That's the Roman Empire. And then it says, And the other is not yet come. And this will be the kingdom, the authority of the power of the Antichrist. And then it says, And when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, this is the beast that the woman's riding on, and is not, even he is the eighth. So there's an eighth king. And it says, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. So you might remember that the Antichrist is also known as the son of perdition. Okay, so here, we see that there's an eighth king, but it says he's of the seven. So how does that make sense? Well, because the seventh king is the Antichrist. And if you remember your Bible, the Antichrist will perish, and then he'll be brought back to life. Okay, and when he gets brought back, he'll be empowered by the devil himself. He will be empowered by Satan. And so in a sense, he's the eighth because he's been resurrected, but he's of the seven because he was a seven. Okay, that's what it's teaching there. And then in verse number 12, this is the important bit here. Verse number 12, And the ten horns, which thou sawest, are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet. So these are future kings to come, but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. Now look at this. These have one mind. Hey, these are ten kings of ten kingdoms on the earth. And the Bible says they have one mind. You know what that reminds me of? The Tower of Babel. One language, one people. Let us make a name for ourselves. All these nations, all these people gathered together. And what we see when this happens, it's problem. They create problems. Okay? It's not what God wants. God does not want a one world government. Okay? God does not want a one world police force. Hey, that's what the USA has become. You know, the international police force. They're the world's police force. They've got no business in the affairs of other sovereign nations, regardless of how wicked their governments are, regardless of how wicked their false religions are. It's not for one nation to go into another nation and tell them how it needs to be. Okay? Now it's a different thing if people are going to war. That's a different issue. I don't want to cover that right now. But just going around and just flexing your muscles and saying, hey, we are one nation. Listen to us. That's the wrong way to go. When you start supporting, look, Christians should not be supporting nations conquering other nations because God has divided these things for a reason. He realizes when nations come together, when power is all brought centrally, it's problems, problems. So we see these 10 kings here. Verse number 13. These have one mind and what they do and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. That's exactly what happens. These shall make war with the lamb and the lamb shall overcome them for he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful. So you see when all the nations come together, give the power to the antichrist, what happens? They want to make war against Jesus Christ and make war against the Lord God. You see the problems that can come when our nations, our sovereign nations try to get together and make themselves of one people, of one mind. Now one thing I forgot to cover, if you can just go back to, you're in Revelation 17, so look at verse number 5. Revelation 17 verse 5, speaking of the mystery woman, the woman riding the beast, I forgot to mention her, sorry. It says here in verse 5, and upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. A lot of Christians have different opinions as to what this Babylon is, what this mystery Babylon is, but one thing you'll notice is that she was riding, what did it say in verse number 1? So look at verse number 1, just because I got confused with my thought there a little bit, but at the end of verse number 1 it talked about the woman, it says, I was shown to thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters. And now look at verse number 15, Revelation 17, 15, what is this many waters that she sits upon? It says here, and he saith unto me, the waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues. So this whore that sits upon many waters has authority, has power, has influence over many people, many nations. So we see in the end times the world is going to try this again. The world is going to try this again, and one great influence in that is this Babylon. Now I do believe that is a spiritual Babylon, that it's Babylon as a figure, that it's Babylon as a spirit in a sense, not literally Babylon in Iraq. I mean they could play a part, I don't know. But here's the thing, we definitely see the theme in the Bible that we see here, from Babel to Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon, and then to Mystery Babylon. And I did mention to you guys that many times the book of Revelation does tie in to a lot of things that the book of Genesis has set up. So look, nothing good comes from all being one. Nothing good comes from it. The United Nations, such a good idea, all the nations coming together and talking about things, look it's nonsense. The United Nations is just attempting to do exactly what the people in Babel try to do. Now look, do I believe the United Nations is the kingdom of the Antichrist? No I don't. Because as we saw in the book of Revelation is that these kings, the ten kings don't have power yet, but when they do, they'll reign with the Antichrist for one hour, and they will give all their power to the Antichrist. I don't get caught up, and I want to encourage you guys, don't get caught up with every little thing that happens in our globe, in our international communities and nations, all the little arguments and little agreements and be like, man this is prophecy now being unfolded and this is what's happening, or people talk about the mark of the beast and every little upgrade to currency and how we exchange, oh man is this the mark of the beast? Now don't get too caught up on that, because the Bible gives us clarity as to when we need to be aware of these things. I've once heard a pastor say prophecy has a way of making you look stupid. Absolutely it's true. Just go back to the 80s and read the prophecy books and look how stupid it is. It just can't happen now because the world has changed so much. You look through history, all the people that wrote about the end times, and people are always looking at the situation going, well it must be now, it must be now. Just be mindful. Jesus Christ has told us when that will be and actually let's go to that now. Go to Matthew 24 verse 14. Matthew 24 verse 14. Matthew 24 verse 14. And verse 14 is what we should be preoccupied with by the way. Matthew 24 verse 14, and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come. So what should we be concerned with? Should we be concerned about how the nations are combining, how they're separating, what's going on with the world? It says we should be preoccupied with preaching the gospel to all nations. That's what we should be concerned with when it comes to the nations. But then verse 15, when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place who so readeth let him understand. So Jesus tells us when we need to realize and how we're going to understand that we're now in those last days. He sees when we see the abomination of desolation. And again if you know your Bible that's when the Antichrist does something very similar to Nebuchadnezzar. He creates an image or statue or something about himself and people are called to come and worship that image. That's the abomination of desolation. That stands in the holy place. When that happens and we see what happens as well there's going to be 10 kings that give the Antichrist that power. When all that happens that's when you'll really know we're now in the end times. That's when you'll really know. The next world war may not bring in the end times. It could be world war 10 by the time we get there. The next upgrade to how we do currency now we've got crypto currency or something. It's not necessarily the mark of the beast. I remember just again I grew up in the 80s where I was born in the 80s and I remember seeing documentaries from churches and pastors and Christians and talking about the barcodes and saying does this have a barcode? Anyway you know the barcodes that's the mark of the beast. And then it's like well now we've moved on from barcodes. I mean we still use barcodes when we go shopping but now everyone kind of realizes well it's just a good way of scanning products. And then it's become well when we had credit cards and electronic banking that's the mark of the beast. And then it became sort of more of a cashless society and then there were smartphones and your apple phones and stuff and that's the mark of the beast. That's the mark there in your hand in your forehead because you're talking like this that's the mark of the beast. And what else? Cryptocurrency you know bitcoin and things like that you know that's the mark of the beast. Look obviously the antichrist is going to use all this technology and devices for his purpose at his time. But that doesn't mean every little thing that happens. I'm not in favor of all these. I'm not saying I'm in favor of all these things. But what I'm saying is it's not all the mark of the beast. You don't have to panic. When you find out on the news that someone's put an RFID chip into their hand or something you don't need to panic. That's not the mark of the beast. Am I saying that's what you should do? I would never do it. I mean I don't even vaccinate my kids. I don't want any foreign objects into my body or into my kids body. I don't think it's a wise thing to do at all. But when the mark of the beast comes it's going to be obviously a number 666 which is the number of his name. Say what does that mean? We'll know when the time comes what that means. Trust me we'll know what it means. And you're going to be required to worship the beast and Satan himself the dragon. When that happens that's the mark of the beast. That's the mark of the beast. Don't panic about every little technological advance that happens. I'm sure the Antichrist is going to be driving a car as well. That doesn't mean it's evil. It doesn't mean driving a car is evil or anything like that. Don't be overly concerned. Be watchful. Jesus Christ says to be watchful. Be aware. Pay attention. But don't freak out about every little thing. You should be concerned about making sure the gospel is going out to the nations okay. So we see then that when nations gather together they're lifting themselves up eventually against the Lord. Now go back to Genesis chapter 11 please. Genesis chapter 11 verse number 7. Genesis chapter 11 verse number 7. So obviously the Lord knows what man is able to do. And then he says this to himself. This is the words of the Lord. He says go to let us go down and there confound their language that they may not understand one another's speech. Now I just love again verse number 7 because God says to himself let us go down. What's that confirming for us? The plurality of God. And of course we believe in the Trinity the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. And we see the Lord speaks you know maybe the Father speaking to the Son or you know whatever way you want to look at that. We see that the Lord wants to confound their languages. And see God is the author of languages okay. Every language has beauty in it okay. Every language is very intelligent. You know my kids sometimes they come up with their own language but it's sorry kids but it's nonsense. I mean I think Sebastian just yesterday the day before he was coming up with his own language. He goes you know in my language when you want to say this you say do you remember any of that Sebastian? Can you give me one example? Panajog is what? What's that? Okay Jonathan is Panajog. Okay that's the kind of language if we were creating languages ourselves that's what we'll come up with okay. Every language is complex is beautiful you know and it's the law that came up with them okay. And I know the languages we have today not necessarily the languages they spoke then but obviously they've been built upon you know even our English language has been built on several other languages and has had a Germanic influence you know Latin influence things like that. And this is why again you know in Acts chapter two when they receive the power of the Holy Ghost to speak in other tongues you know the Lord was able to just give them that ability because again it's the Lord is God over languages okay. So languages are a beautiful thing if you're able to learn more than one language I really encourage you to do that. You never know how you might be able to use it in the future with preaching the gospel to all nations. And verse number eight verse number eight. So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth and they left off to build the city. So exactly what they didn't want you know God brought that in. So of course you know you're building something together and all of a sudden your co-worker is speaking a totally different language. I mean let's say the guy starts speaking mandarin you know and you're just like there's no translators. There's no one there trying to tell you what he means by that is this because everyone's now speaking some other language you know and they can't communicate properly so they can't work together and then obviously they can't communicate and they leave off and stop the work there and then they're scattered upon all the face of the earth all right. So and then it says here in verse number nine therefore the name of it is called Babel. Okay now notice this so it's after the Lord's confounded the languages it says therefore the reason for the reason that it's named this or given this is the name sorry therefore is the name of it called Babel. Okay so it wasn't Babel before but once the languages were confounded it became Babel because it says now because the Lord did there confound the languages of the of all the earth and from then said the Lord scattered them abroad upon the face of all the earth. So we still have that word in our english language Babel we use that you know and Babel just means exactly what was defined in verse number nine it's confusion. Okay hearing confusing noise noises that's when you talk about someone that's babbling or you know it's just you know confusing unknown words that have been said you know we might say that little babies you know babble you know say say sort of nonsense things that no one really understands and yeah that's where we get it from. Okay so one thing I did want to talk about very quickly here as well is that you notice that when people don't speak the same language they can't work together. Okay I mean that's just so the principle that I want to take out of that here is that look I'm all for immigration you know I think Australia is a wonderful nation I think we have a lot of land I think we're very rich we've got a lot of resources and I'm very thankful as a son of immigrant parents you know my parents came from Chile okay they obviously spoke Spanish and you know my father had the skills to to be basically to receive a visa to come into Australia and work for this nation obviously to bring his skills here and so I'm very thankful for Australia okay but one thing my parents did very wisely and I believe all immigrants should be you know anyone that wants to immigrate to let's say Australia they should learn the language learn the language because when you don't learn the language you can't communicate you can't work together and I get frustrated not so much here on the Sunshine Coast but down in Sydney because we're a lot more multicultural you know you go knock on the door I don't speak English I want to give them the gospel right I mean look thankful we got some apps now we've got some technology that can actually you can actually give people the gospel in another language okay just play it out there so I'm thankful for that hey but you know people are never going to be able to you know integrate into society if they don't learn the language I truly believe I'm all for immigration but I truly believe whoever immigrates to our nation should learn English to be able to work with us to be able to be part of the same people of you know of Australia and I'm really thankful for my parents because you know they they came on in a visa you know they didn't have to my dad didn't have to start working immediately I think it took a year or two he was doing language classes so did my mother and then obviously in the early years they were going to a Spanish church Spanish Baptist church and then they said look we want our kids to learn English we don't want them to be confused with the language we want them to be able to assert you know not just be you know all one people just the Spanish people get that's what happens when people don't learn the language you just have all the people gathered together then you've got these ethnic groups within the one nation and people are just not able to really get along okay a lot of times they bring their their historic problems that they had in their other nations and bring it here and cause problems in Australia you know I love this country I don't love I don't like what it's becoming okay but I do love what this country is able to provide for people that immigrate here but I truly believe that should be one of the rules just learn the language I mean that's just a basic thing so we see that from the Bible when you don't learn the language you're divided you can't work together and these people then are brought into separate nations all right now what's stupid teaching out there by the ruckmanites is that see this proves that you shouldn't marry um you know within other nations you shouldn't have interracial marriage you know and they look down some of these ruckmanites if you don't know they're disciples of Peter Ruckman okay and they're usually more extreme than Peter Ruckman himself and there's a lot of them believe you shouldn't marry someone of another race you know but what we saw here is we're all one blood we've already seen that we're all one blood but they think because God's divided that's why you shouldn't marry you know it's just it's a stupid stupid teaching that's out there okay um I mean even even Moses married an Ethiopian woman okay I mean Joseph a great man in the Bible married an Egyptian and we could go on and on you know in the Bible about people marrying from other nations and uh verse number 10 please verse number 10 these are the generations of Shem now remember Shem would be then the progenitor of the Israelites to come so this is here these are the generations of Jim Shem Shem was 100 years old and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood okay so obviously we know Shem was on the ark but now we're going to start looking at people that were born after the flood all right and I want you to pay attention to how old they were when they started having kids okay so verse number 11 and Shem lived after he begat Arphaxad 500 years that's still a long time people are still living a very long time but it's almost half of what they were living prior to the flood I mean they'll almost get into a thousand years well now Arphaxad I mean 500 years that's that's a long time okay but it's half of what they would live in before the flood so we start to see a change in the biology of man you know God has brought about some change into human beings there and then it says he begat sons and daughters verse number 12 and Arphaxad lived five and thirty years and begat sailor so he was 35 okay and Arphaxad lived after he begat sailor 403 years and begat sons and daughters and sailor lived 30 years and begat Ibar if you remember I took you to the new testament where Ibar is pronounced Ibar and that's where they used that's where we get the term the Hebrew is from okay not to say that everybody born of Ibar was a Hebrew I'm just saying that's where the term comes from and then verse number 15 and sailor lived after he begat Ibar 403 years and begat sons and daughters and Ibar lived four and thirty years and begat Peleg so it was 34 when Peleg was born now if you guys can go back to Genesis chapter 10 please Genesis chapter 10 and verse 25 Genesis chapter 10 verse 25 remember what he was said of Peleg it said here in verse number 25 and unto Ibar were born two sons the name of one was Peleg for in his days was the earth divided and I strongly believe that division is what we see in the Tower of Babel okay when all the nations were separated so if Peleg the reason he was called Peleg is because his name means that the earth the earth was divided this gives us an idea of when the Tower of Babel when the events of the Tower of Babel took place right because it must have happened and then for Peleg to be named that name all right and it said there uh in verse number sorry Genesis 10 25 right the name of one was Peleg for in his days was the earth divided so Peleg must have been basically a newborn must have just you know because you give you generally give people a name when they're born or soon after they're born okay so in Peleg's days he was given that name because that's when the earth was divided so this gives us an idea of how long after the flood the events of the Tower of Babel took place okay now this is this is easy kids or maybe it's not that easy but kids start paying attention now when I test your maps adults you as well but I'll let the kids answer first if they can let's work out how long after the flood um it took to the events of the Tower of Babel okay so remember if you go back to verse number let's have a look verse number 10 verse number 10 these are the generations of Shem Shem was 100 years old and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood so we're going to start with what number after the flood two years yeah okay start adding these numbers up now in your mind okay and then uh verse number 12 verse number 12 and Arphaxad lived five and 30 years and begat Sailor so 35 plus 2 is 37 all right good now you guys just keep it in your mind now look at verse number 14 so we're up to 37 you're going to have to add something to 37 verse number 14 and Sailor lived 30 years and begat Eba don't give me the number just keep in your mind okay so you've got to add 30 years drop down to verse number 16 and Eba lived four and 30 years that's 34 and begat Peleg so we now need to add another 30 34 years on top of that okay which kid has the answer yes Nicholas 101 so Peleg was born 101 years after the flood okay so that gives us an approximate time of when the events of the Tower of Babel took place not that long after the flood not that long you know it didn't take long for man to want to start elevating themselves even after God destroyed um the entire world you know so it's just that it doesn't give you much hope for mankind right I mean mankind's not going to sort out this place it's going to just come from Jesus Christ when Jesus Christ comes sets up his millennium that's when we're going to be living exactly the way the Lord wants us to live on this world okay so I'm just looking I'm looking forward to Christ I don't think Donald Trump's our savior you know I don't believe any politicians out there is going to get things how we want it as believers as the bible teaches until the days of Christ coming in his kingdom all right so just a bit of fun they're going for the for the ages there now look at verse number 17 in Genesis chapter 11 verse 17 and Eba lived and again paid attention to how old they were are when they're having kids and Eba lived after he begat Peleg 430 years and begat sons and daughters and Peleg lived 30 years and begat Ryu and Peleg lived after he begat Ryu 209 years and begat sons and daughters and Ryu lived 2 and 30 years and begat Serag so you see a lot of these guys have kids around the age of 30 okay but again keep in mind these guys also living for some hundreds of years okay verse number 21 and Ryu lived after he begat Serag 207 years and begat sons and daughters and Serag lived 30 years and begat Nahor and Serag lived after he begat Nahor 200 years and begat sons and daughters and Nahor lived nine and twenty years and begat Terah okay so Terah would be the father of Abraham and Nahor lived after he begat Terah and 119 years and begat sons and daughters and Terah lived 70 years and begat Abram, Nahor and Haran okay so Terah is the father of Abram and we know Abram his name would become Abraham okay and he's obviously a very famous person in the Bible now you could read verse 26 and think well Terah was 70 years old and he had triplets that's what it sounds like if you just took it like that right he had triplets but just like when we saw the sons of Noah remember there was a certain order it was like Shem, Ham and Japheth but then we looked at well is that who was Shem the oldest and who wasn't it was Japheth was the older and we had a look at that Ham was the youngest okay and the reason I gave you well the reason for that is because God usually puts the the first name the person of prominence in the Bible first when he comes to the brothers okay and of course we know that Abram would be given the promise of God you know and he would have great faith and then we'd have the Israelites that would ultimately descend from Abraham that's why Abram is mentioned first but Abram may be the youngest he may be I'm not 100 percent sure if he's the youngest but he may be the youngest now let's have a look at this because it says here that Terah lived 70 years and he begat children okay so we know his first sons were born or first son was born when he was 70 all right but how old was was he really when he gave birth well not when he gave birth but when he had Abram how old was he really so let's let's do a little bit of uh research here let's take our Bibles and turn to um Genesis chapter 11 please oh sorry Genesis chapter 12 actually no um back to Genesis 11 just the last verse for our first Genesis chapter 11 verse 32 pay attention now guys get your maths brains working once again and the days of Terah were 205 years and Terah died in Haran so how old was he when he died 205 years so you put that number in your brain it was 205 years when Terah passed away now look at Genesis chapter 12 verse 4 so now the Lord calls Abram out of Haran okay and this happens look at this in chapter 12 verse 4 and Abram departed as the Lord had spoken unto him and lots went with him and Abram was 70 and five years old when he departed out of Haran okay so Abram was how old 70 and five years 75 years when he departed Haran and he departed after his father passed away so how old was Abraham sorry how it was Terah when Abraham was born what would be the equation there well I'll let you know it's easy so we know he died when he was 205 okay and then when God calls Abraham after the father passed away he says here that Abram was 75 all right 70 and five so the answer is 205 take away 75 who's got the answer yes Isabel 130 okay so Terah was 130 years old when Abram was born okay so that's why I think he's the youngest because he was 70 when he had his first son and then it was 130 when Abram was born so there's plenty of time there to have obviously another child and so yeah hope that's kind of interesting go back to Genesis 11 verse 27 Genesis 11 verse 27 it says now these are the generations of Terah Terah begat Abram Nahor and Haran and Haran begat Lot so Lot is another famous person in the bible Lot's father is Haran and so that would make Lot the nephew of Abram okay and verse 28 and Haran died before his father Terah and I actually believe Haran is the oldest son okay I believe Haran was the one that was born when Terah was 70 and the reason is because we read here this is Haran died before his father Terah in the land of his nativity in Ur of the Chaldees now look at this verse 29 now this is going to shock you a little bit but hey it's what happened and Abram and Nahor so the two brothers took them wives the name of Abram's wife was Sarai and she would become Sarah in the bible and if you remember Sarah was Abram's half sister okay she was the daughter of his father but not the daughter of his mother okay so Terah had another wife or had relations with another person and Abram marries his half sister and you're like oh no it's what happened all right this is before the Levitical law this is before Moses gave the law and prevented these kinds of marriages okay but that's not the worst part well I don't know that maybe that is the worst part but look at look at uh look at uh uh Nahor because Nahor also took a wife and says here and the name of Nahor's wife Milka the daughter of Haran he was Haran that was his brother so Nahor marries his niece okay he marries his brother's daughter the father of Milka and the father of Iska so obviously Nahor marries Milka who was the daughter that's why I believe Terah was the oldest and then probably uh Nahor and then Abram last because Nahor marries the daughter of his I believe his older brother uh Terah okay so if you've got some other thoughts on that let me know as to you know who came first but yeah it's a bit unusual we'll look at that today and go that's a bit unusual marrying your niece or marrying your half sister but again you know these people were biologically different I mean they're living for hundreds of years okay so they don't have the same corruption in their genetics as we do today and this is prior to the law being given by Moses okay so it's all cool it's all good okay they're not sinning they're not doing anything wrong it's just the way it was and of course we know that obviously when Adam and Eve being the first parents I mean even Noah coming off a flood with the three sons you know their children had to marry it you know at least their cousins or something you know so that's how it was and um verse number verse number 30 verse number 30 but Sarai was barren she had no child now I just want to stop there for a moment because again these people I truly believe are biological biologically superior than us okay and even in those days we have a woman who's very faithful she's even named in Hebrews chapter 11 in the hall of fame with all these other great men of God Sarah is mentioned as being a faithful woman hey not only is she biologically superior but she's a godly faithful woman and even she had difficulties the bible claim says here that she was barren you know she was she was struggling to have children she was barren she had no child and we know of course that Sarah would ultimately will have a child but she only has the one child okay and I just want you you know especially ladies that might struggle with this issue okay and I remember when I got married well before we got married my wife was told she'd not be able to have any kids you know and um you know for a lot of ladies that makes them feel like less of a woman you know makes them feel that you know they're they're sort of this you know you know just just low you know just they feel really low about themselves and they beat themselves up and um but here's the thing look even a faithful godly woman even a woman who was biological biologically superior you know was barren okay and yet God holds her up God names her there in Hebrews chapter 11 what a great honor to be named amongst them okay so if this is an area ladies that you're struggling in you know take hope you know get strength in the word of God because Sarah is not the only one that was barren many ladies in the bible were was barren this is a normal thing this happens in life you're not a second-class citizen you're not less than a woman okay Sarah was used for a great purpose by God and look even if it's just a one child if that's all God gives you praise God praise God for what God gives you God will give you exactly what he needs he knows that you need to have okay verse number 31 verse number 31 and Tyra took Abram his son and Lot the son of Haran Haran his son's son and Sarai his daughter-in-law his son Abram's wife and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees to go into the land of Canaan and they came unto Haran and dwelt there I don't want to talk too much about that but obviously they go into the land of Canaan and then in the next chapter we're going to learn a lot more about Abraham and his family so we'll leave it there for now guys let's pray