(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Good evening New Life Baptist Church. Can you please take your Bibles and turn to Matthew chapter 26. Matthew chapter 26. And you know obviously this is my opportunity to preach an Easter themed sermon to you. So I did want to look at Easter, touch upon Easter and see you know some of the stories that we do see in the Bible and see how we can apply that. But then we also have the situation that you're in right now in Queensland for those of you that live in the Brisbane or Greater Brisbane area. Obviously been affected by the lockdowns and you know we're not having church service tonight. And you know I know your hearts. I know you you want to be in church and you know I want to be there. I want to be out there and and preaching for you guys and all those kinds of things. And I thought is there a way that I can combine these two thoughts into one sermon. You know can I have an Easter based sermon and as well consider the current situation, the COVID situation there in Queensland. And I think I think we can look at this here in Matthew chapter 26. Look at verse number 31. Matthew 26 and verse number 31. Then saith Jesus unto them all ye shall be offended because of me this night for it is written I will smite the Shepherd and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad. And so these are the words of Christ of course he's speaking about his arrest. He's speaking about his coming crucifixion and he says when the Shepherd the speaking of himself will be smitten then the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad. So obviously I'm thinking about tonight's I'm thinking about well at the moment you're all scattered abroad you're listening into this sermon Lord willing at home you know with your with your family or on your own. And you know we're not gathered together for church. In a sense you are scattered abroad. And of course these words of Christ is what led up to his crucifixion which is what we think about when it comes to the Easter message. So I think we can look at these two things together. And of course we're not in a situation where you're where your shepherd or you know my position in the church is to be that under shepherd. I am a shepherd. I am the pastor of the church. It's not that I've been smitten or anything like that but we can take the principle we can take the thoughts here you know what is it that God wants to teach us when the sheep are scattered when they're not together when they can't come together and we have a scattered situation what is that we can learn from this chapter. Well let's backtrack a little bit let's look at Matthew 26 and let's start look at verse from verse number 26. Matthew 26 26 it says and as they were eating Jesus took bread and blessed it and break it and gave it to the disciples and said take eat this is my body and he took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to them saying drink ye all of it for this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins but I say unto you I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my father's kingdom. Isn't it a blessing that we were able to partake of the Lord's Supper last week right before all of this commotion and that wasn't the original plan my plan was to have the Lord's Supper with the church this week but because of the flights because of the how expensive the Easter flights were we decided to have it one week early and lo and behold now you've got the you know the Queensland issues the the Greater Brisbane lockdown and so it's it's a blessing that we were able to take part of the Lord's Supper together before the current state that you're in and so you can see how this continues here in verse let's look at verse number 30 it says and when they had sung and him they went out into the Mount of Olives then say of Jesus unto them all ye shall be offended because of me this night for it is written I will smite the shepherd and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad but after I am risen again I will go before you into Galilee alright so what do we see here Christ has given the Lord's Supper the bread representing his body the wine representing his blood right and so we know he's he's thinking about his his coming crucifixion he's thinking about how his disciples are going to be offended how they're going to be scattered and I love how he begins this night after the Lord's Supper in verse number 30 it says and when they had sung and him they went out into the Mount of Olives so what's the first thing that Christ thinks about let's sing a hymn let's sing it together the title for the sermon this evening is do's and don'ts when scattered abroad do's and don'ts when scattered abroad okay the first do is do sing hymns if you're scattered abroad I know we normally come to church and we sing together collectively as a body or just because we're not together as a body tonight that does not give you an excuse to not sing some hymns to sing some praises unto the Lord I believe I've got three do's in this list from this chapter and two don'ts okay but the first point the first do is do sing hymns okay this will strengthen you in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 19 the Bible says speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord what's wonderful about singing hymns what's wonderful about singing praises and singing the Psalms and spiritual songs is that you can do that at any moment in your life you don't have to be gathered together in church you can be scattered abroad you can be scattered in places you can be in prison even and you can be singing hymns you're gonna be singing unto the Lord you can be making melody in your heart to the Lord hey singing hymns is part of our praises it's part of our worship it's part of our sacrifice unto the Lord you know one thing you should definitely do when you're thinking about tonight being scattered not being together in church is well doesn't matter if we're not in church I'm going to sing some hymns tonight and if you've been if you started to listen to this sermon before singing some hymns well make sure you end this sermon with the singing of some hymns all right all of you guys in your in in our church you've got a hymn book please open your hymn book and sing some some hymns unto the Lord look at verse number 33 in the same chapter we are gonna get all our thoughts here from Matthew 26 look at verse number 33 Peter answered and said unto him though all men shall be offended because of thee yet will I never be offended I like Peter Peter's are you know he's a great character in the Bible and if you know him well enough you know he's he's always very outspoken right Peter you know it's generally does not think too much of what he's gonna say he's passionate he's got a zeal he's got a love for Christ he has a love for the Lord and he's very quick to speak I know individuals like this but they're quick to speak and they say things sometimes that may sound very righteous and very very you know excellence in the ears of a hearer but what they say does not really line up with how they really are because we know that Peter of course did get offended that we know when Christ was arrested that Peter was one of those that was afraid okay he was one of these scattered sheep and he was offended even though he said he will never be offended all right look at verse number 34 Jesus said unto him verily I say unto thee that this night before the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice so Peter goes I'm never gonna deny you Lord Jesus says yeah you can do it three times okay he's coming from the words of Jesus Christ look at verse number 35 now Peter usually gets the bad rap because he's the one that speaks this first but look at verse number 35 Peter said unto him though I should die with thee yet will I not deny thee then it says this likewise also said all the disciples so the other ten disciples forget Judas because Judas has gone to betray Jesus but the other ten disciples after Peter said that I will never deny Christ you know even if I have to die I'm never gonna deny him the other ten disciples said the same thing so I know Peter gets a bad rap here but they all said the same thing okay the second point that I have for you tonight is don't so this is our first don't don't make foolish grandstand in statements okay don't make foolish grandstand in statements I know you're being inconvenienced I know your heart I know you want to be in church you know I know it's frustrating I mean things have been a lot more frustrating than in Sydney than it has been on Sunshine Coast this is the first time you guys are pretty much mandated to wear masks so I'm not sure how you're gonna cope right and you can get fired up and you get yet emotional and you may be tempted to say words that you'll later regrets okay don't be like Peter don't make foolish grandstand in statements you know even if it appears righteous even it may it seem like yeah this is the right thing to say pause think clearly think clearly before you say words you know consider what is happening consider reality before you say words because you know quite often people say things that sound wonderful but then they cannot follow through with what they said and so it's going to ruin your testimony it's going to ruin your reputation amongst others now I looked up what it means to be grandstand or to grandstand you know this is a phrase that I've heard being used especially with a lot of people that puff out their chest and you know it during COVID world you know during this new normal and they'll say many many things that sound once again they say it sounds great okay but grandstanding the definition for grandstanding is to conduct oneself or perform showily or ostentatiously in an attempt to impress onlookers so I'm going to conduct myself I'm gonna say things I'm gonna show myself to be something to impress others wow look at brother so-and-so look at sister so-and-so look how they're managing this situation and you speak great sounding words that may sound very righteous and then Christ has to say to you yeah you're gonna deny me thrice okay you're not going to live up to the words that you've spoken all right so be very mindful about this and if you can keep your finger there let's go to 1st Corinthians chapter 10 let's go to 1st Corinthians chapter 10 it's very important that you are mindful about what you say and how you conduct yourself okay be thoughtful of what God needs from you what God expects from you don't be considering what are others gonna say about me if I do XY and Z if I don't do XY and Z okay be mindful don't make foolish grandstanding statements you're turning to 1st Corinthians chapter 10 and verse number 12 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse number 12 these words are very true okay these words are so important to sink down and meditate upon these words okay 1st Corinthians 10 12 it says wherefore let him that think of his stand of take heed lest he fall okay so the the Christian the believer I'm gonna stand for the Lord no matter what and you make some statement some grandstanding statement right you say you just you fly words out of your mouth you know to appear to be courageous and strong and look how spiritual I am you say these words right well that same person has to be very careful because you are the one that is most likely to fall okay in this passage look at verse number 13 there there have no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it so instead of making grandstanding statements instead of making foolish statements okay the Bible tells us we will be tempted to do what is wrong we will be tempted okay to make mistakes or do some type of sin or something like that instead of making grandstanding statements all right what should you do you should look at the way of escape the Lord is not going to tempt you more than you are able to bear say Lord this is a difficult situation that I find myself Lord what is the way of escape what is that you've provided the Lord is the one that provides the way of escape Lord what is it that you've provided for me to be able to get through this period of temptation okay you know you make it some grandstanding highly righteous statements okay what what you're doing is basically trying to make it look like I know the answer to this situation I have a way out the Lord says you know what I'm the one that provides a way of escape I'm the one that provides you a way to not be tempted otherwise if you're not seeking God's ways and you go with your own way your own grandstanding righteous words that you've said you are going to fall okay don't think that you're such a standout Christian that you're so righteous and you're so spiritual now those people that promote themselves that way they are the ones that fall they're the ones that are always going to fall and fail because they're depending on their own abilities they're depending on their own strength and not waiting on the Lord Lord how is it that you're going to allow me or how is it they're going to help me get through this time of temptation this time of trials and difficulties point number two is don't make foolish grandstanding statements please go back to Matthew 26 go to Matthew 26 and verse number 36 Matthew 26 verse number 36 so we've seen how Jesus responds to come in difficulties right to to the thought that my sheep are going to be scattered right we saw that he sung a hymn they sung hymns together what's the next thing that Jesus leads them to do in verse number 36 then come off Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane and saith unto the disciples sit ye here while I go and pray yonder we'll soon see that Jesus Christ sets a great example he goes out and prays and then he's going to instruct his disciples to also pray so the third point that I have for you this evening is do pray for spiritual victory do pray for spiritual victory look at verse number 40 if you can just drop down to verse number 40 in the same chapter Matthew 26 verse 40 it says and he cometh unto the disciples that's after Christ has gone to pray he returns back to see his disciples it says and findeth them asleep and saith unto Peter what could you not watch with me one hour right this is the same Peter that says you know what I'm not going to be offended by you Lord I'm gonna I'm gonna follow you I'm gonna die for you Lord and Jesus says look you can't even do this for an hour you can't even stay up and watch with me for an hour look what Christ instructs them to do in verse number 41 watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation okay so why is it so important that we pray that we enter not into temptation okay you know I don't know if you know for for Queensland if especially for those in the in the Brisbane area I don't know if this is just going to be three days I hope it is you know it sounds I saw some news this morning sounds promising that they may lift it by the end of the free day and you can go about your business all right but I don't know it could be expanded it just depends on what the results are whatever they decide on that day to do okay you know you may go through a harder a harsher period of temptation than you think and so what should you do watch and pray watch and pray that you enter not into temptation you know we are always going to constantly be going through some difficulties in life you know the Christian life is not this promise that everything is going to be fun and happy and roses and butterflies it's not always like that the Christian life has many challenges it is a spiritual wall okay and so you need to watch and pray but notice the next words in verse number 41 it says the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak that's one of my favorite statements in the Bible just reminds me about my flesh okay my flesh is weak the spirit the new man that is in me that which has been revived by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ it's willing it's willing to serve the Lord that spirit is willing to never deny the Lord that that spirit is willing to just just watch and pray for for all hours of the night that spirit is willing but the Bible also says that the flesh is weak this is why we don't accomplish what we want to accomplish for the Lord okay because the flesh gets in the way you know it's not that some people have this impression that well my flesh is too strong you know my flesh has overpowered the will of the spirits okay this is my spirit wasn't as strong as the flesh which is why I failed no the reason why we fail the reason why we sin is not because the flesh is strong we fail and sin because the flesh is weak we give in to temptations because the flesh is weak and yet though a spirit is willing to serve the Lord the spirit is willing to walk in the right paths that Christ has put us on remember this is a battle that we fight every day okay and this is what is ultimately going to give you spiritual victory in your life remember the point here was to do pray for spiritual victory part of that is overcoming the flesh part of that is making sure that we walk in the spirit that's a significant part of this and remember it's Peter here that is being addressed and this is very important because later on as we keep going through this chapter you'll soon see that Peter allowed his flesh to basically overcome the spirit because his flesh was weak he did not watch and pray like Christ instructed him to do and so in his weak flesh he went about and did something extremely wrong all right and we'll have a look at what that is soon but look at verse number 42 Matthew 26 verse 42 he went away again the second time and prayed saying oh my father if this cup may not pass away from me except I drink it thy will be done so what does Christ do he goes and prays a second time you know Christ prayer life is very different to the prayer life of his disciples you know and let's keep going verse number 43 and he came and found them asleep again for their eyes were heavy so the Lord's prayed twice these guys have not prayed once their eyes are too heavy the flesh is weak all right and they're unable to pray you know and to prepare for this coming difficulty that's on their way look at verse number 44 and he left them this time Christ just leaves them doesn't wake them up and went away again and prayed the third time look at this saying the same words you know normally on a Wednesday night after the service we get together as a church and we pray for the needs that people are happy to be public and open about and you know never get the idea or get the get the thought in your head oh we prayed about this last week we prayed about this two weeks ago we've been praying about this for a month why is this you know why is so-and-so why is brother so-and-so constantly bringing up the same prayer request well you know why they do it because they want to be like Christ Christ comes here prayed the third time saying the same words and this is not vain repetition this is us going in petitioning the Lord and say Lord can you answer our prayers can you give us spiritual victory can you give me victory over this weak flesh that I have because I want to serve you I want to be able to accomplish what it is that you want me to do in this life but the flesh is weak brethren never get to a point where you just you know ah man we're repeating the same things again in prayer don't be that way it's foolish okay Christ sets us the example he's gone the third time to pray hey but the disciples their eyes were heavy you know they could not pray they just decided to go to sleep don't be like that when it comes to the topic of prayer okay look at verse number 47 let's drop the answer verse number 47 the Bible reads and while he yet spake lo Judas one of the twelve came and with him a great multitude with swords and starves from the chief priests and elders of the people now he that betrayed him gave them a sign saying whomsoever I shall kiss that same is he hold him fast and forthwith he came to Jesus and said hail master and kissed him and Jesus said unto him friend wherefore art thou come then came day and laid hands on Jesus and took him so we've gone a little bit forward now with Judas Iscariot come in with all these men to arrest the Lord Jesus Christ and these people they've laid their hands on Christ that they're capturing him that they're arresting Christ okay now what would cross your mind you know if you were Peter if you are one of these disciples that said you know what Lord I will never deny you I will die for you Lord and now you're seeing the same Lord Jesus Christ being taken captive you know being taken and and you know who knows what's gonna happen to the Lord you know I can understand why as a Christian you may rise up and think we need to defend Jesus Christ we need to go and fight for him now I've just said some foolish grandstanding statements I better live up to the bargain I better live up to what I said okay and this is the situation when you when you're not mindful about what you have said it can cause you to react in a way that Christ did not want you to respond even though you may think it's righteous okay and again part of this a significant part of this is they did not pray all right Christ was praying three times these guys went to sleep the Spirit was willing but the flesh was weak okay before you make any major decisions in life you better go and pray for spiritual victory make sure you pray and ask God God you know guide me give me the way of escape in this time of temptation what is it that you want me to do Lord okay don't just take it upon yourself well I said X Y & Z maybe I shouldn't have said that we're now gonna live by that this is pride okay don't allow pride to get in the way and poor Peter here is very proud okay look how Peter responds in verse number 51 it says and behold one of them which were with Jesus stretched at his hand and drew his sword and struck a servant of the high priests and smote off his ear now I know this passage says one of them but in the book of John it actually names him as Peter this is this is the same Peter right here's the one that takes a sword and cuts off the ear of one of these men that are arresting Jesus now you might look at that situation if you're there you say oh look how brave and strong Peter is look at him defending his Christ look at him standing up against the wicked and and fighting this battle hey what did we cover last week we looked at you know what battles we ought to fight how we ought to fight okay this is a battle Peter thought he had to fight literally taking up the sword and cutting off a man's ear you know I mean this was not going to end well for Peter having done such a thing okay this was going to end really bad for Peter and we see how Jesus steps in and how he takes care of the situation verse number 52 then said Jesus unto him put up again thy sword into his place for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword so what is Jesus doing to Peter he's rebuking Peter Peter this is not the time to fight put your sword away and this is for all day that take the sword shall perish with the sword Peter you taking up the sword you're gonna die because of this okay you're you know the the consequence of your action is going to lead you to death okay now Jesus is a great Shepherd he loves his sheep he knew this was gonna happen he knew his disciples were going to be scattered okay so Christ steps in and does a miracle and make sure he protects Peter okay but if Christ did not step in and do a miracle Peter will end up dead ultimately because of his actions okay look at verse number 53 thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my father and he shall presently give me more than 12 legions of angels and we know that Christ performs a miracle and heals that man's ear okay and so nothing can happen to Peter I mean even if they tried to arrest Peter even if they tried to bring him to to court right for having done such a thing you know the judge will say well show me the man's ear where's it cut off and it's gonna be completely healed you know I wouldn't be surprised if his ear is working better than it's ever worked all right with the hand of Jesus upon it and giving him healing okay but we learn this lesson and it goes well with what we looked at last week is knowing what battles to fight knowing what battles to fight you know why did he fail why did he fail in this battle why was it that he was confused remember he did not watch and pray he did not prepare for this time of temptation he he made foolish grand standing statements that he could not walk there by okay and so these are lessons that we need to learn in our current states you know where we are scattered abroad I don't know what kind of difficulties may come to the Queensland region okay but you know prepare yourself for some challenges you know make sure you learn from what we see here in Matthew 26 now if you can please yeah I'll sorry my next point the next point that I have here brethren is point number four is a don't okay and this has to do with what we just looked at but don't get distracted with light afflictions don't get distracted with light afflictions okay right now you've got light afflictions you've got this lockdown it's three days I'm suffering it's a light affliction okay you're not being tortured you're not being thrown in jail you're not being beaten up and you're not being stoned to death all right you're facing it look even if you were facing that okay the Bible refers to all that other stuff as light affliction in comparison to the eternal rewards in comparison to the eternal eternal state that we will be with the Lord can you keep your finger there and turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 please turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 and verse number 16 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 and look at verse number 16 and remember these are the words of Paul he says for which cause we faint not but though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day you know what your outward man right now may be perishing to some extent you know frustrated about the mask wearing that you've got up during Queensland or whatever else situation you may face okay listen let the outward man perish and it says here yet the inward man is renewed day by day that's what your focus ought to be on don't worry about this outward man focus on renewing the inward man that's the spirit that's the new man every day walk in the new man verse number 17 it says for our light affliction and look if you know Paul's story you know he went through significant afflictions but Paul says it's just light okay again in comparison to the eternal state you know Paul says there in verse number 17 for our light affliction which is but for a moment work for us a far more exceeding an eternal weight of glory while we look not at the things which are seen but the things which are not seen for the things which are seen a temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal okay so point number four is don't get distracted with lights afflictions you know the disciples here are seeing Christ being arrested and you know in comparison to the mission of Christ he's taught them he told them multiple times that he would be arrested that he would be beaten that he would die and then that he would be risen again okay he told his disciples multiple times this is what's going to happen this is important for eternal salvation this is the whole purpose that Christ came to this earth okay but unfortunately for his disciples at this point in time of the arrest they could not see those eternal matters all they could see was the temple my my my shepherd my Christ is being arrested and they got distracted with a carnal fight okay they got distracted and forgot what the eternal goal was for Christ to suffer and take on our sins in Romans 8 verse 5 it says for they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace you see your mind can be focused on two things it can be might it can be focused on the things of the flesh things that are carnal or it can be minded on spiritual matters all right this is in verse number seven because the carnal mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be so then they that are in the flesh cannot please God and I know the context here of Romans 8 is about sin okay carnally seeking sinful pleasures but I want to apply it to Peter as he went and he cut off the ear of that servants right you know in his mind I'm going to rise up against these wicked authorities you know I'm gonna go to the battle and and you know we're being inconvenienced my Lord is being arrested you know what why did he respond that way don't forget he was carnally minded okay he was not spiritually minded at that point in time reminder why he was not praying okay the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak and in Peters weak fleshly state he rose up and got himself into a battle that was not what Christ wanted him to do all right Peter got distracted now if you can go back to Matthew 26 for me please Matthew 26 I'm up to my final point now Matthew 26 and look at verse number 69 Matthew 26 and verse number 69 Matthew 26 verse some 69 so we're fast-forwarding a little bit now Christ has been arrested and he's been beaten all right as you know the story and Peter was followed crisis as they took Christ into Jerusalem into the cities Peter was one that was tagging along following along from a distance seeing what would happen to Christ in verse number 69 it says now Peter sat without in the palace and a damsel came unto him saying thou also was with Jesus of Galilee but he denied sorry but he denied before them all saying I know not what thou sayest I mean look at where Peter has gone okay look look look at how fine he's gone where a lady says to him you know I I saw you Jesus you know you were one of his disciples you're one of his disciples aren't you and Peters like I have no idea what you're talking about you know I don't even know I don't know what you're talking about okay I've got nothing to do with this man think about where you've got to be spiritually to say such a thing about Jesus Christ remember this was a man who was grandstanding this was a man who was saying you know lifting himself up you know I'm not gonna fool Jesus immediately we seem for the same night okay we seem for and and disgrace you know in a way the words that he had originally said to Christ and this is you know I don't want to get to this point where you're too afraid to even speak about Jesus Christ okay again what is it that we should do we saw we need to sing hymns of praises it's going to strengthen you make sure you do it what else should we do you know we should go to prayer watch and pray you know ask God to give you spiritual victory ask God to help you overcome that we are weak flesh ask God to help you open up places a way of escape when you go for a time of temptation and difficulties and trials look for God's escape okay Peter had failed in all these areas and now we're at the point where he can't even speak about Jesus Christ he doesn't want to even acknowledge that he's one of the disciples of Christ let's keep going verse number 70 sorry verse number 71 and when he was gone out into the porch another maid saw him and said unto them that were there this fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth and again he denied with an oath I do not know the man this so it's happened a second time verse number 30 73 and after a while came unto him they that stood by and said to Peter surely thou also at one of them for thy speech be ray of thee then began he to curse and to swear saying I know not the man and immediately the cock crew so the third time Peter denies Jesus Christ denies knowing Christ verse number 75 and Peter remembered the words of Jesus which said unto him before the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice and he went out and wept bitterly all right so this chapter there's a lot of you know we can learn a lot about Peter Peter's behavior you know starting off after having the Lord's Supper he's on a spiritual high and he thinks I will never deny the Lord and then we see him later on not praying you know not taking into consideration these temptation and you know thinking that you know I'm gonna battle to the end I'm gonna die for Christ and he did not pray he did not prepare himself for a time of temptation and then we end the story where he's following along a far away from Christ and three times people ask him or you know say about him you know Christ you're one of these guys and he denies Christ three times just like Christ had prophesied of him the fifth do oh sorry the fifth point that I have for you tonight is do take your opportunities to witness of Christ do take your opportunities to witness of Christ okay now this is not how Peter was was instructed or would have preferred to witness of Christ you know as Peter and his disciples were following Christ now we see our times where Christ would send them two and two two by two two cities two places to preach the gospel you know sometimes they're together as a group and they go and visit a city they're out there preaching the gospel and we find a situation here where Peter is outside of his comfort zone okay he's his friends they've all been split apart because of Christ and he finds himself in a situation where he's got three great opportunities to preach the gospel three opportunities to speak of Christ and say yes I am one of the followers of Christ let me tell you why I am and let me tell you why you should be a follower of Christ as well let me let me tell you why you should also be someone that believes in the Lord Jesus Christ Peter did not take those opportunities okay he was outside of his comfort zone he was outside of the usual business that he has when he comes to speaking of Christ and brethren you know coming up this Saturday you know for for the Sunshine Coast we've organized the soil winning mega marathon now look as far as I'm concerned that's still going ahead all right this is an opportunity for you to witness of Christ and this is up an opportunity for you to get out there you don't have to go out for the whole day if you can't get out there in the morning all right you know have lunch together with a Brethren or get out there in the afternoon if you only don't only do one you know just do the one but take the opportunity that's in ahead of you to witness of Christ now if there's some type of lockdown that occurs on the Sunshine Coast we'll deal with that if it happens okay but here's the thing what we experienced last year remember we had a period where we could not meet for church for a few weeks all right and we weren't out you know as a church door-to-door soul winning as we normally do all right and so you may be outside of your comfort zone at some point I don't know we may see that come again we may see something like that develop again all right and if you do find yourself outside of your comfort zone you do find yourself outside of the the norm normal way of witnessing of Christ well look for the opportunities that you do have you may have very well opportunities where people literally come up to you and ask you about Christ you know during the time where we were not outdoors or solving in guess what opened up opportunities for me at least as a pastor you know because people call me in regards to church spiritual matters you know I've had people calling me and I've had the opportunity to lead a few people to Christ see them saved over the telephone all right but sometimes the Lord will just you know change you know get you outside of your comfort zone all right and Peter was definitely one of those and instead of looking at the situation saying well you know what here's an opportunity for me to witness of Christ instead because he was offended okay because you know things had changed and things had developed in a way that he was not expecting he did not proclaim Christ he did not witness of Christ and so the lesson that we can get here brethren is do take the opportunities that you have to witness of Christ and so I hope this you know is a good sermon for you to think about you know it is Easter things because we know that Christ here was arrested and ultimately would be crucified and so it's a good time to think about what events took place during the death and crucifixion and the resurrection ultimately of Jesus Christ but a way to think about the disciples now you know at this point in time where Christ is doing exactly what he came for okay but they weren't ready they weren't ready to be inconvenienced you know are you ready to be inconvenienced you know what's going through your head when you look at the mask mandate and and the lockdowns in Brisbane what is going through your head you know can you see yourself maybe acting foolishly as Peter hope not you know do you see yourself getting discouraged these feel yourself you know being scattered abroad and not being able to come together for church tonight and and feeling downcast about that you know again I know where your heart is and I appreciate you you know there's nothing more that I like to do but to be in the house of God with other believers but when you are scattered abroad it gives you an opportunity to learn some other lessons okay you're scattered abroad right now what are the do's and don'ts that I should think about and consider when it comes to being scattered abroad okay let me give you in summary what those five things were once again the do's and don'ts of being scattered abroad number one do sing hymns number two don't make foolish grandstanding statements number three do pray for spiritual victory number four don't get distracted with light afflictions and number five do take your opportunities to witness of Christ god bless