(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I will be preaching on a topic that is socially unpopular in this day and age. I am returning back, it's been a little while, but I'm returning back to the Strange Doctrines series. I'm just going through different things, if you may recall, just different things that I've heard preached behind the pulpit in churches that I've been part of, where the doctrines have just been a little bit weird, a little bit unusual. And just in case any of my brethren have heard similar things, I want to correct that, you know, using the Word of God. So let's look at Genesis chapter 3, verse number 6. Of course, we're picking up the events when Adam and Eve sinned against the Lord by eating of the tree. Of the knowledge of good and evil, they were tempted by the devil. And then it says in verse number 6, A woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes. And a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat. Now notice verse number 7. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. Now I want you to notice the very first thing, as soon as they sin against the Lord, what's the very first thing that they realize? They look at their bodies and they say, we're naked. This was an awareness that they were just not familiar with before eating of this tree. This is part of the sin nature. Now that they've sinned against God, they've got the sin nature. You know, we don't know what it's like to have lived in the Garden of Eden. We don't know what it's like to have lived, at least not on this side of eternity, without a sin nature. One day we'll know. One day when we're resurrected with new resurrected bodies, or we go to be with the Lord, we don't have to deal with this sinful flesh, we'll know then what it's like to deal with that sinful nature. But we're born into this life, okay? One thing that you notice, as soon as someone is in this life, they recognize that they are naked. And they're naked to the fact that they want to deal with it. It says they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons. So that's the very desire. Okay, we're naked, what do we do? We need to cover ourselves. So they get fig leaves and they make themselves aprons. I guess it wasn't that, you know, these aprons from fig leaves, you'd think that they're not very well, you know, it won't cover their body very well. You know, to the point where later on, we'll have a look at this soon, you know, God has to make them new clothing, okay? Now, you know, when a baby is born in this world, probably the closest thing that we're going to see of Adam and Eve in the inner sense of nakedness is seeing a baby come into the world, right? When a baby is born from mother, it's born without clothing. No surprise there, okay? The baby's naked, but you know, the baby doesn't care. The baby doesn't realize he's not naked, right? But it takes a while, it takes a while. You know, I would say generally when a child starts to hit about the age of maybe four, five, they start, maybe even earlier, but they start to, at some point, they realize, hey, I'm naked, right? It's not easy for a child to just walk around naked, they want some clothing. You know, I've experienced this with my children. You know, as they're little, we would bathe them, we would, you know, give them a shower. At some point, they're like, Dad, don't give me a bath, I'll do it myself. Because they don't want, you know, anybody to look upon them. Like they realize, you know, that awareness of sin, that awareness of nakedness has come upon them and they don't want anybody to look upon them, okay? And so this is just a realization of human beings, that when we're naked, when we're without clothing, we want to be covered. Look at verse number eight. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden. So, of course, they've sinned against the Lord, they hide, not only do they hide the fact that they're sinners, they're ashamed of their nakedness, okay? So the title for the sermon this evening is Biblical Clothing Standards. Biblical Clothing Standards. And it's not popular. You know, to preach this topic is just not popular in 2021. But I want you to just understand the reality. You know, the book of Genesis is the book of beginnings. We learn about clothing from the very beginning. We learn about nakedness from the very beginning. It's something of all of us with a sin nature we would desire to cover and we see this in, you know, in people's lives, okay? So this desire to cover our nakedness. Now, what I want you to notice there, if you drop down to verse number 21, that the aprons of fig leaves was insufficient to cover their nakedness. God comes in and clothes them, okay? So look at verse number 21. It says, And to Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins and clothed them. Okay? So the fig leaves was not enough to cover their nakedness. God steps in and makes them coats. Think about a coat. I guess this is a coat, okay? But it's a coat of skin so it would cover their entire body. And this also reflects upon the first sacrifice. The fact that it's a coat of skin means that God would have to have killed an animal, most likely a lamb or something like that, in order to take the skin of that animal. It's the first sacrifice. It's the first blood sacrifice to cover the sin that man has made against God, okay? Now, if someone is just comfortable in their nakedness, like, you know, there are nude beaches, things like that, right? They're just whatever, right? They just flaunt it all out. They happen to just walk around naked in public amongst other people. You know what that shows me? It shows me that this person does not have a fear of God. Like, they don't have that shame. They don't have that desire to hide their nakedness because to them, they're not a sinner. To them, they're far from God. They don't think about God. But someone that is just a normal, natural human being, okay, with fear of God, with an understanding that they're a sinner, will naturally want to cover themselves, okay? And we all make different types of effort, right? People make an effort to cover themselves to some extent, okay? But it's not enough for God. God required a full clothing there of coats of skin. All right. So, as I said, this topic is about biblical clothing standards. And I want to basically teach you what God expects a man to wear and what a woman is to wear. And why is it unpopular? It's unpopular because, you know, we live in a society where people don't want to differentiate the sexes. They don't want to differentiate genders, okay? There's a great push for, you know, gender fluid, I don't know, right? There's a push for men to dress like women and for women to dress like men. And women can just be like men and men can be in touch with their feminine side. And, you know, there's a blurring of the genders in our society, okay? And it's not just now. I mean, this has been going on for some time. But one thing that is very clear in the Bible, God wants very clear distinctions between man and woman, okay? Now, can you please go to Deuteronomy, please, Deuteronomy chapter 22. Deuteronomy chapter 22 and verse number 5. Deuteronomy chapter 22, verse number 5. Why is this topic important? Why is it important, okay? Deuteronomy chapter 22, verse number 5. Because there is a commandment here in verse number 5. And, you know, as I said, God wants clear distinctions, okay? We know that, you know, generally speaking, men have short hair and women have long hair. That is a distinction that we're going to look at soon as well, okay? But God wants a distinction in the clothing between man and woman, okay? Now, look, it's possible that when Adam and Eve made the aprons of fig leaves, it's possible that the clothing they made themselves, it may have been very similar. They may have covered themselves in a very similar way. But I do not believe for a minute when God clothed them that they will clothe exactly the same. I don't believe that for a minute. Why? Because in Deuteronomy chapter 22, verse number 5, it says, Do you think God would dress Adam and Eve in a way that He would say, that's an abomination to me? Of course not. If God is saying a woman is not to wear something that a man wears, and a man is not to wear something that a woman wears, well, when God clothed them in the Garden of Eden, don't you think He would have clothed them, a man with man's clothing, and a woman with woman's clothing, because otherwise it'd be an abomination to him? Okay? So there's a very clear distinction. God wants women to wear and to dress a certain way, and for men to dress a different way, okay? You know, if a man can put on a woman's clothing, it means there must be enough differences between the clothing, where you can tell that is woman's clothing and that is man's clothing. Okay? That is very clear. What is abomination? If a man puts on a woman's clothing, that's easy to understand, a man puts on, right? I mean, you know, men, it's happening, I've seen it, you know, where men are putting on skirts, men are putting on dresses, okay, the transvestite, hey, that's an abomination to God. Okay? You say, what's an abomination? An abomination, I just, for the sermon, I just did a quick Google, okay? The very first definitions that I found are the word abomination. Number one, a thing that causes disgust or loathing. Number two, a feeling of hatred, okay? But number one was a thing that causes disgust. You know what, if a man puts on a woman's clothing, a woman puts on man's clothing, God is disgusted. He says it's an abomination. So if God feels that way, don't you think it's important that we consider the way we dress? Don't you think it's important that men go, hey, you know what, I better put on clothing that is clearly men's clothing and for women to say, I'm going to put on clearly what is women's clothing because I don't want to be an abomination to God, especially as Christians, especially people that love the Lord and want to serve him and want to do what's right and want to please God. We don't want God to look upon our clothing and say, that's an abomination. But it's very clear that there must be a distinction between the two clothing if a man can put on a woman's clothing or a woman can put on man's clothing. Now, what I'll get you to do, please turn to Isaiah 47. Turn to Isaiah 47. As I said, this is part of the Strange Doctrine series. Why is it part of the Strange Doctrine series? Because I've heard it from my church, I've heard it from my preacher, from my pastor, state that, well, you know, there's really not much difference between men's and women's clothing. Because what I'm going to draw for you today is to teach you that the man's clothing is the pants, and the women's clothing is the skirt or the dress, okay? And I'm going to prove that to you from the Bible, okay? It's not just my opinion, all right? Now, we lived in a society not long ago in Australia where it was very clear if you just walked down the road, the one that was wearing a pants was a man, and the person wearing the skirt or the dress was a woman, okay? I mean, that was just part of our normal society. These days, not only are men sometimes putting on skirts and dresses, but what is more frequent is for women to put on pants, okay? And what I'm saying to you is that is man's clothing. If a woman puts on a pair of pants, you're an abomination. Your clothing is an abomination to God, okay? Now, I need to prove that's why, you know, it's an unpopular sermon, you know, because I know, I'm sure there are many Christian women, I'm sure there are women right now listening that will put on their pants, okay? And, you know, I don't want to apologize to you, but, you know, I love you. I want you to know the truth of the Bible. And at the end of the day, you know, it's my job just to preach God's Word, and it's up to you to decide what you want to do with it, okay? It's between you and God what you decide to do with it. Now, before we read Isaiah 47, so those that are, you know, in opposition to this teaching will take passages like Psalm 133, I'll just read it to you, Psalm 133 verse 2 that says, It is like the precious ointment upon the head that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard. Who's Aaron? Aaron is the first high priest, the brother of Moses, okay? Then it says that this oil that went down to the skirts of his garments. Say, well, see, you know, the men in Bible times, they did not wear pants. They'll say they wore skirts like women. And sometimes if you see like a Jesus movie on Hollywood, you know, they basically dress men in dresses, right? The way men are clothed, the way Jesus is clothed or whatever, all of them, they all wear long dresses, because people think that's how they dress in that day. But you know why they come to that conclusion? Because they look at Islamic Middle East, and they see, you know, Muslims, false religion, by the way, no surprise there, men wearing skirts, men wearing dresses, and they think, well, that must be how they wore, the clothing that they wore back in Jesus' time. They think that's what men wore back in the time of Moses. No, that's not true. Why would you take Islamic dress and think that's how godly men dress in the Bible? That's just stupid. It's ridiculous, right? But people have been so fooled by Hollywood to think that men did not wear pants until like recent, like it's a recent invention, all right? So they say, well, see, Aaron's wearing a skirt. See, you know, well, another passage that they use, and I will address these passages later, another passage that is used is Exodus chapter 20, verse number 26, which says, neither, again, talking about the priest, it says, Neither shalt thou go upon thy steps upon mine altar that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon. So how can someone see somebody's nakedness if they're climbing up steps? You know, if they were wearing pants, how can you see someone's nakedness, they'll say? They must have been wearing skirts. Okay, so if they walked up steps, then you can kind of see their nakedness, you know, as they're walking up steps. So they'll use these passages about men and say, see, men wore skirts or dresses in Bible time. All right, now, I will come back and address that. You know, again, these are strange doctrines. You know, don't you think it's strange for someone to just say, hey, men wore skirts? Actually, immediately, that should just be something strange to you, right? Say, but, you know, pants are a modern-day invention. No, they're not. Go to Google, type in the world's oldest pants, and they're from China. You know, they're kind of like, you know, they found some pants that date back 3,000 years ago. That's before Jesus Christ, in China, out of all places, where now today men wear skirts, pretty much in China. In China, men wear dresses. Hey, but that's not how real Chinese men wore. That's not the clothing they wore back in Bible times, okay? And there's plenty of depictions of men wearing pants going back thousands and thousands of years ago, okay? And, look, just because we don't find, you know, pants 5,000 years ago, it's simply because if there were pants, it'd be completely rotted, I mean, the pants would have been completely rotted away by then, okay? The bacteria would have destroyed all the material by then. That's why we don't even have skirts going back 5,000 years ago, because it's all deteriorated, right? But, look, you just, you know, if you don't believe me, go to Google, look up the world's oldest pants, dates back over 3,000 years ago, okay? Pants is not some modern-day invention. It's not like someone just figured out just recently, oh, what if we stitch in the middle there, and, you know, for two legs to fit in trousers, you know? That's not a modern-day thing. But that's what the opposition teach. They say it's modern day, and going back thousands of years ago, men wore skirts. Now, some men wore skirts. You know, there are some, even today, there are some cultures of men wearing skirts, okay, like I said, in China. Hey, but is that a Christian country? Do you think we can turn to China and say, hey, let's learn about biblical principles by looking at the culture of China? Do you think we can look at the Polynesian islands today, like Samoa, where men put on their, you know, skirts, and say, well, that must be a Christian culture? No, they're not. They worship false gods, right? Some people say, well, what about the Scottish kilt? You know, the men in Scotland, they used to wear these skirts. That's not even true. There are so many people that believe, you know, that the Scottish men wore skirts, okay? Going back thousands of years ago, it's not true. It's not true. Those kilts are actually a modern day invention, okay? I haven't got time to prove this today, but the kilt that was worn, the so-called kilt that was worn by Scottish men was just a long coat, a very long coat, okay, for soldiers, because, you know, at night it gets cold. With a long coat, it was like a blanket, all right, they put over it. And like my coat that I'm wearing, all right, you normally have a belt underneath the coat. Well, for the Scottish men, they wore their belts outside of the coat, all right, to close it up, all right? And then later on when the King of England outlawed the kilt, the long robe kilt, okay, they were processed in Scotland and they put on modern day kilts which were basically skirts, okay? This is not something that men wore, you know, thousands of years ago. We can't look at culture, especially a non-Christian culture, and say, well, that's how men dress. No. You know, we're Christians. We're meant to be building our understanding of God's Word, whatever it is, even if it's standing up dressed, on the Bible, okay? Now, I could make cultural arguments as well, okay? One of the most famous cultural argument for men wearing pants and women wearing skirts is the universal sign for the toilet. In fact, do we have that? We have it right there. You can't see it on the video, but we have a sign for the toilets. Guess what? The man there is wearing pants, and the woman is wearing a dress, okay? And look, I did not go to an independent Baptist store to find that sign. I went to Bunnings, okay? I went to Bunnings where, you know, all kinds of religious, you know, different people with religious background went to, and the sign says men wear pants and women wear dresses. So, you know, if we wanted to make arguments from culture, we could just say anything, okay? Now, that is a good argument, okay? When I see the pants on men, yeah, that must be a man. I'm not thinking, I wonder if that's a transvestite, okay? When I see a woman with a dress there, immediately, yeah, that must be a woman, okay? But, you know, when we build our doctrines, we want to make sure that we build our doctrines upon the Word of God, okay? Now, does God speak about nakedness? Does God describe what nakedness is? Yes, he does, okay? And we may have different ideas of what nakedness is, but the Bible tells us, will give us some ideas of what that is, and it becomes very clear once we read a few passages. So, let's go to Isaiah 47, I think I already asked you to turn there. Isaiah 47, verse number 2, which reads, take the millstones and grind mill, uncover, I want you to notice that word, uncover, all right? Uncover thy locks, so your locks refers to your hair, okay? Make bare the leg, uncover, there's a word uncover again, uncover the thigh, pass over the rivers, look at verse number 3, thy nakedness shall be uncovered, and yea, thy shame shall be seen, I will take vengeance and I will not meet thee as a man. All right, so, do you notice that when nakedness is uncovered, it ought to be something that you're shamed of, okay? That you're embarrassed about, you don't want people to see you naked. Well, what did it say there, verse number 3, thy nakedness shall be uncovered. Well, what was uncovered in verse number 2? Well, there were two things that were mentioned that were uncovered, it said, uncover thy locks, that's the hair, okay? And then it says, uncover the thigh, okay? You know what the Bible's telling us here? Of course it's not referencing the hair, your hair is not nakedness, okay? But here what it's telling us is that the thigh is nakedness. What is the thigh? Well, the thigh is basically from your waist all the way to your knee. That's your thigh, those are your thighs, okay? Now, you know, I know we live in Australia, and it's common for men to not just wear shorts, nothing wrong with shorts in and of themselves, but Australian men sometimes, especially if you watch the AFL, aren't the shorts like short shorts? I mean, they're like, they're kind of disgustingly short. You know, one reason I don't like to watch the AFL is because I don't like seeing these men running around with these little shorts, okay? And uncovering the thigh, all right? Well, that is nakedness. You know, for men, if we're going to wear shorts, you know, at least make sure that your thighs are covered, okay? I mean, otherwise, you shouldn't be ashamed. You know, you're uncovering your nakedness. The Bible makes it very clear that your thighs are considered nakedness here, okay? Now, stay there in Isaiah, go to Isaiah chapter 20, Isaiah chapter 20 and verse number 3, Isaiah chapter 20 and verse number 3, Isaiah chapter 20 verse number 3, it says, So in the same way that Isaiah was naked, okay, so shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians' prisoners and the Ethiopians' captives, young and old, naked and barefoot, now, in what way are they naked? Even with their buttocks uncovered to the shame of Egypt. Again, nakedness ought to be a shame, okay? What is being referenced here? Your buttocks, you know? Your behind, okay? Of course, that falls in that area. If you consider your waist at the beginning of your thighs, you consider all the way to your knees, but what's on the reverse? Your buttocks, okay? Your buttocks is nakedness. I mean, this is straightforward. This is consistent, right, with the Bible. Now, look at verse number 5. Again, being ashamed. I want to show you that over and over again, that when we show our nakedness, we ought to be ashamed of that, right? If it's out in the public, we ought to be ashamed of nakedness. So we want to be able to cover that part of our body, okay? Now, when I think about the buttocks being uncovered, the first thought, and it's not something I like to think about, right, but it's that plumber look. When you have the plumber come to your house, and his belt's not on tight enough, it's all a bit loose, and he's down there working on something, and you see his buttocks, the beginning of it, that's not a nice look, okay? Well, you know what? If that's your job, and you get down low, you need to consider that, right? If your pants are being lowered, and people can start seeing the beginning of your buttocks, that's nakedness, you should be ashamed, okay? You should lift up your pants a little higher, put your belt on a little tighter, whatever you have to do to make sure it doesn't get lowered, okay? Also, I remember, I don't know if it's so common in this state, but I remember when I was a teenager, a lot of girls wore those low riding jeans, and you can basically, I don't even know how they wore it, because it's like under their, you know, lower than their waist, and you know, you kind of see the beginning of their, you know, the buttocks. You can see, well, that's nakedness, according to God, okay? That is nakedness, and you know, other things that would fall in this criteria, of course, you know, you go to the beach, and women are wearing bikinis, okay? I mean, their thighs are definitely on show there, okay? And I'm sure much of their body is on show there, or men wearing speedos. This is why I like to, you know, I'd rather avoid, you know, public beaches where people are just walking around, you know, because in their eyes, they think they're covered, okay? They've got their underwear on, okay, their swimming underwear, and they think, well, I'm not naked. No, well, if they've uncovered their thighs, they're showing their buttocks, okay? That is nakedness, you know, according to God's word. And so the Bible tells us what nakedness is, according to the Bible. It's basically from your hips all the way to your knees, okay? We, as God's people, need to make sure we cover that area all the time, okay? If we're out in public, you know, we cover that. I'm not saying that you can't, you know, you can't be uncovered if you're having a shower or something. I'm saying when you're out in the public, okay, when you're out and other people can see you, you'll need to remind yourself, this is nakedness, this part of my body is nakedness, I need to make sure that it is covered. Okay, can you please turn to 1 Corinthians 11? Turn to 1 Corinthians 11. Because now I want to speak to you about the differences between men and women, okay? So if that's nakedness, okay, we know that not only in that area between the waist and the knees, not only is the buttocks there, but on the other side, you know, I'll use the Bible terminology, there's the preview member, okay? And obviously between men and women, we have different preview members, okay? That's, you know, that would be the biggest difference between men and women. So we need to make sure that part of our body is covered up, all right? Now, 1 Corinthians 11, verse number 14. 1 Corinthians 11, 14. There is another principle in the Bible that you need to understand, all right? And I'll show you what it says here, 1 Corinthians 11, 14. Doth not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him. Notice the same words, the shame. Nakedness out in public is shameful. A man having long hair, it is a shame unto him. Look at verse number 15. But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her, for her hair is given her for a covering. All right. So what we see here is God differentiating between a man and woman, okay? The Bible says men ought to have short hair, if they've got long hair, it's a shame unto him, and if a woman ought to have long hair. You know, God wants distinction between the sexes, right? God wants distinction between the two genders. Yes, there's two genders. I have to say this these days, right? There's two genders. There's two sexes, okay? It comes down to your preview member, okay? It comes down to your chromosomes. It comes down to your genes. You can't change that. That's how God created you. God created you. You know, fearfully and wonderfully made he's created you, okay? You know, the gender of the man, the gender of a woman, these are beautiful things, okay? You start blurring the lines. All it is is filth and disgusting, okay? It's an abomination to God. It's an abomination to me as well. I hate it, okay? But I wanted to show you there that, you know, it's like God is saying here, I don't have to tell you. I don't have to write down in the Bible that women ought to have long hair and that men ought to have short hair, okay? Because it says doth not even nature itself teach. There are certain things in the natural world. There are just certain things in the instinct of man and woman that we just know, okay? Again, you go any place in this world, and of course there are exceptions out there, but generally speaking the vast majority of whatever nation you go to men are going to have short hair and women are going to have long hair. And again, we're going to nations that aren't Christian nations, okay? It's not like, you know, they all started reading or hearing Pastor Sepulveda's sermon or some other pastor's sermon about length of hair and they decided, all right, men, we better shave our hair and keep them short and ladies, you better grow your hair. No, doth not nature itself teach you, okay? There are just some things that are just common to man. God doesn't even have to tell us, but then God does tell us there in 1 Corinthians 15. Okay? Just reinforcing the facts that God wants distinction between man and woman. All right, so what I tend to find on this topic of hair, and I've probably even asked this question, right? The contentious person, the person that doesn't like what God has to say. Because at the end of the day, whatever I preach, you know, someone might not like it, but at the end of the day, you're basically saying, I don't like what God has to say, okay? Now, those that are contentious will say this, well, how long is long? How short is short? Okay? And a woman may be like, well, you know, how short, you know, what length should I have that it's long enough? Because basically what they want to do, they want to find, you know, what is that line exactly? But that's not how I want to live my life. That's not how God wants to live our life, okay? We just have like, okay, men's hair, two centimetres, maximum. Okay, every time, okay, it's 2.1 centimetres, you better cut your hair, men. Or ladies, you know, long hair, you know, 15 centimetres as far as the minimum. And then, you know, if it's a bit shorter than that, then you're an abominator. You know, that's not how God operates, okay? Doth not nature itself teach you? What this is saying is that, you know, for men, your hair ought to be short enough that it's just clearly short. And for women, that your hair is just long enough that it's clearly long. That's it, right? God gives us the freedom to decide how short men's hair ought to be or how long women's hair ought to be, okay? But it should be clear enough that you can identify this is short hair on a man, this is long hair on a woman. Now look, at the end of the day, men's hair and women's hair is not all that different. We both have hair, okay? Now, men and women, I guess for men, we tend to grow hair on our face as well, things like that, you know, where hair grows can be different, but hair is hair. You know what, there's a bigger distinction between man and woman. I already talked about it, the preview member, a greater distinction. And God wants us to cover that part of our bodies, okay? Now, if God cares enough to make a distinction between the length of hair between man and woman, don't you think he wants a distinction between the preview members? If that is the biggest difference between man and woman, right, the reproductive organs, the biggest difference, okay, then surely if God is saying we need to cover our nakedness and God wants us to be clothed to cover our bodies, you'd say, well where, you know, when it comes to clothing, I'm just talking, I'm appealing to your logic here. If we're going to wear clothing that differentiates between man and woman, where do you think that difference in clothing is going to be? You know, is it going to be on the sleeves? Is it going to be the shirt that's the biggest differentiation between man and woman? Is it our shoes that's going to be the biggest differentiation? No, it's going to be that area where the preview member is. It's going to be that area of nakedness that God wants to cover. Like if that's the biggest difference and God wants distinction between man and woman, don't you think that's what the difference in clothing is going to be? And isn't it interesting when you look at the universal sign of the toilet door right there that the area that's different between the man and woman is in that same area where the clothing differentiates in that area that is considered nakedness between the waist to the knee area? I mean, I'm just appealing to your logic, right? If there's going to be an area of difference in clothing, where is that area going to be? Very clearly, it's going to be that preview member. I think anybody would agree to that, just from a logical perspective, okay? But we want to teach from God's Word. So please turn to Exodus chapter 28. Please turn to Exodus chapter 28. Now, I will say this. It's not like you read the Bible and God's just constantly saying, see, men have to wear pants. The Bible does not say to women, thou shalt wear a skirt. The Bible doesn't say, thou shalt wear a dress. Say, well, maybe then God doesn't care. Well, listen, if God finds an abomination, if men put on women's clothing, women put on men's clothing, isn't there a distinction? There must be a distinction. And if we're going to build our beliefs on the Bible, then we need to turn to the Bible and see the few areas, and granted it is few, but the few areas where God describes the clothing of a man and the clothing of a woman, okay? And if there's distinction there, and if it's pants and a dress or pants and a skirt, then so be it. If that's what we have in the Bible and we want to build our understanding from God's Word, that should be sufficient for you, let alone what culture dictates, let alone what logic dictates, okay? As long as we have what God's Word says, we go with that, okay? And that ought to be, you know, the end of the discussion, what the Bible says. Now go to Exodus 28, verse number 40. Here we have a description of what priests had to wear. And don't forget the priests had to be men. There were no such thing as women priests, okay? So when we talk about the priests here, it's about men. And someone contentious will say right now, well, Pastor Kevin, I know where you're going with this, but that's not just for all men, that's for the priests, okay? But this is all we have about how men dressed, okay? So this should be sufficient for us, okay? If this is what God says, then we go with it. What does it say? Verse number 40. And for Aaron's sons, so sons, boys, men, and for Aaron's sons, thou shall make coats, so yeah, coats, this is like a jacket or coat, and thou shall make for them girdles. Why do you need a girdle? It's like a girdle is like a belt, okay? And bonnets, that's a hat that they used to wear, thou shall make for them for glory and for beauty. Look at verse number 41. And thou shall put them upon Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him, and shall anoint them, and consecrate them, and sanctify them, that they minister unto me in the priest's office. Look at verse number 42. And thou shall make them linen, what? Linen skirts. Linen dresses. Dress them like women. Is that what they're meant to do? And thou shall make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness, to cover their nakedness from the loins, hey, that's basically your waist area, even unto the thighs. Why is the thighs mentioned again? Because we know the thighs are nakedness. Shall they reach? Okay? So when Moses would be instructed by God, hey, I need you to dress some men, okay, for the priesthood, which is supposed to be the most holy office, all right, in that day and age, then God says, hey, put on some pants. Get some pants on. You know, breeches is just an old term for the word pants. And notice it's to cover their nakedness, right? From the loins, we know what the loins would include, right? The preview members, the buttocks to the thighs. We need to cover the thighs as well, okay? This is what God instructs from us. And basically, brethren, this is all we have. This is all we have. Again, the contentious person will say, well, that's not enough to convince me. It's all we have, okay? If that's what the Bible says, then you know what, men, we go with what the Bible says. You've got no passages that claim that men ever wore skirts. Yes, you've got your Hollywood movie that says men wore skirts in Jesus' time, but not according to the Bible, okay? Because even in the Hollywood movie, the priest, guess what they're wearing? They're wearing skirts and dresses as well. No, they wore linen breeches, and they had a coat around them as well, okay, to keep them warm. Now, like I said, some people have that opposition, and they think, well, didn't that say that Aaron wore a skirt? And I'll just quickly read to you again Psalm 133 verse 2. It is like the precious ointment upon the head that ran down upon the beard. Now, if you look at Exodus, I hope you'll see it there in Exodus 28, because it says in verse number 41, and shall anoint them and consecrate them. The anointing there is anointing with oil, okay? So when they were to be put in that position of the priesthood, then as they were ordained and anointed into that position, you know, Moses was to put some oil upon their heads, and that oil would run down, right? Run down to the beard, as it said there in Psalm, even unto Aaron's beards. And then it says that went down to the skirts of his garments. Okay, so what did we learn there in Exodus 28? What could be the skirt of his garment there? Well, if you remember, there in Exodus 28 verse number 40, it says, And for Aaron's sons thou shalt make coats. You see, the jacket, the coats, it has a skirt, right? The hem that goes, you know, at the bottom of the coats, that's a skirt, okay? But the men were not wearing skirts in a feminine form, okay? They were in breeches, they were in pants, okay? But their coats, of course, every coat has a skirt, okay? It's the hem of the garment, all right? So, yeah, you know, using that verse as opposition to say that men wore skirts is stupidity, because any man that wears some type of jacket or some type of coat has a skirt around that garment, okay? But that's not talking about a skirt that is covering the preview members, okay? The other opposition, if you can please, you're in Exodus, so go to Exodus chapter 20 and verse number 26. The other opposition to this, of course, is Exodus 20, 26. We already saw how a priest ought to wear. What was it again? Breeches, pants, okay? Exodus 20, 26, and again, talking about priests, priests going and offering sacrifices. You know, God did not want an altar being made with steps, okay? He did not want you to walk up steps, because, you know, walking up steps kind of pictures, you know, a works-type sacrifice, okay? But God didn't want, you know, the steps, okay? So it says there in verse number Exodus 20, 26, Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar, okay? So don't go by steps. Why? That thy nakedness be not discovered thereon. And again, they say, see, he must have been a skirt, because if you're walking up steps, you can see, oh, man, I can see his thighs, I can see his preview member. We already saw in chapter 28 that, no, it wasn't a skirt they wore pants. So in what way then can their nakedness be uncovered if they're walking up steps? Well, this isn't complicated, okay? If you wear, you know, a pair of shorts, okay? And by the way, they're called shorts because they're short pants, okay? Shorts are pants, okay? They're just short pants, okay? But if you wear a pair of shorts, and let's say, let's say I was wearing a pair of shorts that went up to my knees. I was covering my nakedness. But if I started walking up steps, guess what's going to happen? You know, every time you run with shorts, okay, every time you move and you stretch your leg with shorts, guess what's going to happen? You know, your shorts are the part where it covers your thigh, it's going to start to roll up, okay? It's going to start to move, right? When we put on clothing, it moves with our movements, okay? So if your shorts are only up to your knee, let's say, you run the risk that if you do something like climb up steps, walk up steps, that it's going to roll up and your thigh will literally be uncovered. That's why it says, you know, make sure that you don't walk up steps because I don't want your thighs to be uncovered. So, you know, the best thing to do if you're going to dress like a man and you want to put on some shorts, you know, be mindful that if you're going to do some activity, right, some type of maybe running or climbing up steps or whatever it is, that you consider the length of your shorts, that if it does get rolled up as you're doing things, that it's still covering your thighs, okay? So at the end of the day, look, if you're wearing shorts and your thigh gets uncovered a little bit, it's not a big deal, okay? It's obvious. But, you know, those AFL players, their thighs are on show, right? You know, they're not even trying to cover up the nakedness, right? But this is very clear. This is what we have for men. Men, pants, breeches, make sure you cover your nakedness. Please turn to Jeremiah chapter 13. Jeremiah chapter 13, verse number 26. The arguments about men wearing skirts and using these verses is stupid. You know, it's just the voice of contention, okay? And as I said, you know, this is an unpopular sermon, but so be it, right? Jeremiah 13, please. Now let's talk about the women. Jeremiah chapter 13. Now we don't have sort of clear stories of, you know, what women wore either, okay? But, again, doth not nature itself teach you? There are certain things that we just ought to know, okay? Now what we're going to be looking at here in Jeremiah chapter 13, we're looking at the judgment of Jerusalem, and God uses the picture of Jerusalem, the city, and illustrates the city as a woman, okay, an adulterous woman. And it was adulterous because it had rejected the Lord God and the people had gone and worshipped false gods, okay? So God is using the illustration of a woman, okay? And he uses and he explains what this woman wears, okay? So Jeremiah chapter 13, verse number 26. Jeremiah 13, 26. That thy shame, there's a shame again, may appear. Why would the shame appear? Because if the skirt is covering the face, well, you can kind of, you know, use your imagination of what is being uncovered by this woman, okay? This woman, Jerusalem, is a harlot, okay? But what is she wearing? She's wearing skirts, plural, okay? So this might be an outer skirt and then, you know, ladies sometimes may have an inner skirt underneath, like an undergarment kind of skirt. So there's multiple skirts that this woman wears and God says that if your shame were to appear, that skirt would be lifted up to cover thy face. Notice that this cannot be trousers, this cannot be pants because you can't lift up pants, you know, wearing your pants, you can't lift them up and cover your face, right? You have to pull down the pants and then shove it on your face or something, right? No, but this woman's skirts are being lifted that thy shame may appear, and I'm sorry about the crude language here, I'm not sorry, it's the word of God, okay? But it says here in verse number 27, so with the skirts being lifted up, he says, I have seen thine adulteries, okay? So of course that refers to, you know, sexual perversions. And thine names, the lewdness of thy whoredom, and thine abomination on the hills in the fields, woe unto thee, O Jerusalem, will thou not be made clean. When shall it once be? Can you please now go to the next book in the Bible, Lamentations chapter 1, Lamentations chapter 1, and verse number 8. Now, I want you to think about something that we saw there in Jeremiah 13. This is a description of a woman. What is the woman wearing? Skirts, okay? How long is her skirt? Well, if a skirt is being lifted up, okay? So skirts basically starts from the waist, as it were, right? If it's being lifted up, her skirt is long enough to cover her face. Now, if you look at the body of a woman and just the general measurements, okay, the general ratios of a woman's body, okay, women generally, of course, wear a skirt or a dress from the waist, okay? And if they were to cover their nakedness, it should cover their thighs as well, okay? But if that skirt just went up to the knee, and that's fine, you know, if that's what a woman wears and, you know, it's covering her thighs, praise God for that. But if it was just up to the knee, if you were to flip it up, it would not be enough to cover the face. So a whore's dress here was longer than what a lot of women's skirts are today, okay? It was long enough to cover the face. So it's from the waist covering the face as it's being lifted up. So if you were to put it back down, it would actually go past the knee of a woman, okay? And that's talking about a whore here, okay? Now, the Bible doesn't say, you know, thou shalt wear a skirt this long or that long. But one thing the Bible is very clear is that we're commanded to cover our nakedness. So for ladies, you ought to wear the skirt, ought to wear the dress, and it ought to be long enough that it at least reaches your knees so your thighs are not being uncovered. And again, just like the men, keep in mind that if you're doing activities, you're bending, you're moving, you're getting around, that you consider that in my movement, you know, is that still covering my thighs? Is it still covering my nakedness? You've got to keep that in mind when you buy your clothing. All right, Lamentations chapter 1, verse number 8. Lamentations chapter 1, verse number 8. Again, this is Jeremiah once again speaking about Jerusalem. Verse number 8 says, Jerusalem has grievously sinned. Therefore she, notice the she, again, referring to the city as a woman, therefore she is removed. All that honored her despised her because they have seen her nakedness. How have they seen her nakedness? Yea, she sigheth and turneth backward. Her filthiness is in her skirts. Again, she's wearing skirts. She remembeth not her last end, therefore she came down wonderfully. She had no comforter, O Lord, behold my affliction, for the enemy hath magnified himself. Once again, we know because of Jeremiah 13 that the skirt as it were, symbolically, was lifted up to cover her face, again, showing her nakedness. I want to show you that once again. The Bible's consistent here. When it refers to the clothing of a woman, she's wearing a skirt, okay? Not the skirt of a garment, okay, or skirt of a coat, but an actual skirt or skirts, multiple skirts, she wore. Can you please go to Nahum chapter 3, Nahum chapter 3 and verse number 4, Nahum chapter 3 and verse number 4. God's now talking about another city, not Jerusalem. This time it's a Gentile city, the city of Nineveh. And again, God is describing the city in a feminine form, okay? Nahum chapter 3, verse number 4, which says, Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the well-favored harlots, the mistress of witchcrafts, again, very feminine, right, describing the city, that selleth nations through her whoredoms and families through her witchcrafts. Behold, I am against thee, saith the Lord of hosts, look at this, and I will discover thy skirts upon thy face. There it is again. And I will show the nations thy nakedness, and the kingdoms thy shame. So I want you to notice, again, we don't have all these Bible passages about how women, you know, how long their skirts ought to be, or, you know, women, thou shalt wear a skirt. But when we have the description of a woman, okay, yes, granted it's a city, but it's symbolic. It's, you know, it's using a woman as an illustration. Whether it's Israel, whether it's a Gentile nation, God describes that this woman wears skirts, okay? And it's skirts that can be lifted up to cover the face and show nakedness, okay? This is not talking about the skirt of a coat. It's talking about what she wears in that area that covers her nakedness, okay? Because if a woman was wearing, let's say, pants, and she had a coat as well like a man, yeah, you could say, well, the coat was a skirt covering the face, but the nakedness is still covered because of the pants. No, the woman's nakedness was on show because she was wearing skirts, okay? She was wearing a dress, okay? This is what the Bible uses. This is all we have, reverend. But again, if we want to make a decision on the Bible, okay, I want to dress like the Lord. I don't want to be an abomination. I want to make sure that my closet pleases the Lord. Okay, I've got to go to the Bible and see what God has to say. How does God describe the clothing of a man? How does God describe the clothing of a woman? It's no surprise that men wore pants and women wore skirts. And if the Bible's not enough for you, again, doth not nature itself teach you? Most societies in the world, okay? I know we're becoming more ungodly this day, but when there was a fear of God even in our own country, men were just always wearing pants and women were always wearing skirts and dresses. Can you please turn to 1 Timothy chapter 2. 1 Timothy chapter 2. 1 Timothy chapter 2, verse number 9. There's something else that I want to talk about, especially when it comes to the ladies. And look, I know, I'm sure there's some lady angry at me right now, okay? Because you get in the habit of wearing pants, okay? And I don't blame you. Society told you to wear it, right? You know, and a lot of ladies just don't know what the Bible has to say, okay? And they were pressured by society, put on the pants, put on the jeans, right? And you know what's kind of funny to me sometimes is, you know, you have Muslim ladies, okay, and they've got their head covering and then they're wearing tight jeans. It's like, what? Are you modest? You covered your hair, but you don't care about the tight jeans that you're wearing, okay, where it shows the shape of your body. You know, why are these areas so important? Look, I'll just be upfront with you, okay? Men are attracted to the figure of a woman. That's how God created us, okay? And women are attracted to the figure of a man, okay? That's how God created us. This is why we have a desire to find a wife or for women to find a husband, okay, to share, you know, one another, you know, in the marriage bed, in the proper place. That's what God's design is, okay? There's nothing sinful, you know, to be attracted to the opposite sex. That's what God created us to be, okay? But God also wants us to be mindful about our eyes, you know? Once I find my wife and I am married to my wife, hey, my eyes ought to be upon her alone, okay? Same thing for the ladies. Now, what happens is, and look, I've been there, okay? When I dated Christina, before we got married, she always wore pants. She did not have a single dress. When we went to our first IFB church, I think, if my memory serves me correct, we drove past the church and we saw all the ladies wearing dresses and my wife is wearing pants and I'm like, we can't go to church right now, okay? We've got to get you some skirt and look, my wife kind of fought it a little bit, okay? Because she's just used to being like anybody else, right? She's just recently saved. She's starting to learn the Bible, right? And she's pushing back a little bit about the pants issue. But you know what? It's our job to just make sure we teach God's word, right? We lovingly instruct the ladies that are in our lives, okay? We don't want them to be dressed like, you know, be abominable to God's sight. We don't want God to be disgusted, you know, at our wives and about our daughters, about the way they dress. You know, men, we have this responsibility to take care of our household. Anyway, the reason I'm saying this is because ladies will then, okay, I'll wear a skirt, okay? But then what happens is, and again, I see this in churches, you know, a lady comes in in a skirt and it's just tight, you know? You can see her whole figure. And again, it's natural for a man to be attracted to a woman, okay? And it's like, well, I'm wearing a skirt, aren't I? Yeah, but look, look. What kind of skirt you're wearing? Like, everything is on show, all right? And it's like, well, it goes past my knee, but then there's like a long split going up and showing the thigh. Isn't that nakedness? The thigh is nakedness, okay? So like, I'm wearing the long skirt, but hey, my nakednesses are still on show. So we've got to, you know, especially ladies, and you know, I've got to tell you, you know, I want you to dress properly. I want you to be pleasing to the Lord, okay? 1 Timothy chapter two, verse number nine. There's another principle very important for ladies in the way they dress. 1 Timothy chapter two, verse number nine. In like manner also, that women adorn themselves with modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety, not with broidered hair or gold or pearls or costlier rain. But I want you to notice that women are to adorn themselves in modest apparel. So it's not just the skirt, it's not just the clothing that is, you know, God created for a woman. No, it's not just that, but you ought to dress modestly as well. Now, I just got the Cambridge dictionary definition of the word modest, and I'll just read to you what it says. It says, the quality in women of dressing or behaving in a way that is intended to avoid attracting sexual interest. Okay, so if you're to dress modestly, you need to say to yourself, you put on your skirt, you put on your clothing, you know, is this, can this clothing, you know, attract sexual interest? And if you say yes, this can, okay, because my thigh's on show or because my breast might be on show or something like that, okay, we'll talk about that a bit later on. Well, that's not modest. God wants you to dress modestly, okay? Again, it's natural for a man to be attracted to the figure of a woman, okay? Now, especially when you come to church, and it shouldn't just be church, okay, but you should be mindful, you know, I don't want my brothers to stumble. You know, I don't want my brothers to be tempted, okay, or their eyes to wander, and look, men should not have wandering eyes anyway, okay? I'm not giving the men a pass here, okay? But women should not be dressing in a way that would tempt a man to look upon them, okay? Especially if a man is married, you know, we don't want to be looking upon, you know, other women in the church and having impure thoughts. You know, I want to come to church and look at all the women and say, that's my sister in Christ. You know, I love her like my sister, okay? And the woman that I go home with is my wife, okay? I don't want to just somehow in my mind, you know, think upon a woman, you know, with impure, you know, having pure thoughts, and you know, ladies, you can help your brothers in Christ in a great way if you dress in a way that is modest, okay, that does not attract sexual interest. And so, just because you're wearing a skirt, well, that's great, that's step number one, but what kind of skirt are you wearing, right? Is it showing, you know, all your figure? Is it, you know, ideally you want something that's loose, flowing, okay? Where you're, you know, you can't hide your body shape completely, but you know, where there's some, you know, you're taking some consideration, you know, that, you know, your body's not on show and sexually attractive. You know, I'll quickly read to you from Job 31, verse number one, and Job, everybody knows Job is a great man in the Bible, okay? He suffered a lot, and he was faithful to the Lord, right? He's considered the most faithful man on the earth, right? Satan wants to destroy Job. Job was a great man. I don't think any of us, you know, I hope we can be great like Job, but I think all of us would admit, you know, if I lost things the way Job lost things, I don't think I could be like him, okay? Job was a great man, and even Job as a great and faithful man. This is what he has to say about himself. In Job 31, verse one, he says, I, that's Job, made a covenant with mine eyes. Why then should I think upon a maid? You know what Job says, I had to make a covenant, an agreement. I say, eyes, don't look upon another woman. Don't look upon a maid. This is a godly man. He knows that if he lets his eyes wander, he's going to find other women attractive. Even a godly righteous man says, eyes, I need to make a covenant with you. Eyes, pay attention. We've got to be in the new man. We're going to have a covenant. We're going to have an agreement. Don't look upon some other woman and think of her in that way, okay? Job was very careful to seek and not to commit adultery in his heart, okay? So if Job has to take the action, surely all men of faith have to take the same action. We all ought to have a covenant with our eyes and say, you know what, my eyes are for my wife, my future wife if I'm not married, and I need to not look upon a woman in that same way, not to think upon a maid in that way, okay? I'm saying, because this is important, like, you know, some people might say, well, maybe it's just you, Pastor Kevin. No, all men, you know? That's why God's created us, right? But it's normal. Again, it's normal because the desire is to find the wife, settle down, and have that marriage relationship, you know, in the marriage way, right? God's way, God's proper way, you know, to avoid fornication, to avoid adultery, all these kinds of sexual sins. The other thing that falls under the topic of modesty is the breasts, okay, the women's breasts. Now, that, you know, from a biblical perspective, that is not considered nakedness, okay? Nakedness, again, is from the waist, okay? From the loins, covering the thighs, okay? That is nakedness. Breasts, biblically, is not nakedness, but that is not, you know, a license to just be, okay, then I can be topless, okay? No, because again, okay, men are attracted to that part of the body, okay? So if men are sexually attracted and you're, you know, wearing clothing or that kind of reveals it, okay, your top is low and it's, you know, your cleavage is on show or something, you know, that could cause a man to fall. That would not be modest. If you were to be in modest apparel, you need to consider that in your body as well, okay, to cover up your breasts. And again, keep in mind that, you know, we move, you know, we bend down, we pick things up, and for ladies, if you're wearing, you know, some top and you find that if you bend down, it's all on show, well, you need to find something else to dress, okay? You want to be pleasing to God, you know, not just covering your nakedness, but think about modesty as well. You know, I've heard it said that, you know, breasts have been sexualized in Western culture, that it's, you know, it's fine for women to just, you know, show it off or whatever, but that's just, that's silly because even in the Bible, you know, breasts are considered, you know, something that men would be sexually attracted to. Just very quickly, I'll just read to you from Song of Solomon, chapter 8, verse number 10. Song of Solomon, chapter 8, verse number 10. The woman says to her husband, I am a wall and my breasts like towers. Then was I in his eyes as one that found favor. In Proverbs, chapter 5, verse 18, it says, let thy fountain be blessed and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant robe. Let her breasts satisfy thee at all times and be thou ravished always with her love, okay? Now, who is this? Again, between husband and wife, okay? So, this is something that men find attractive. So, ladies, you know, make sure you cover that part of your body as well. This would be modest. All right, can you please turn to Genesis, chapter 2? We're almost done now. Turn to Genesis, chapter 2. We started with Genesis, chapter 3, where they sinned against the Lord and they realized they're naked and they realized they had to clothe themselves, okay? And I hope I've now shown you from the Bible, you know, if you had some confusion or you thought that it's fine for men to wear dresses and for women to wear pants, okay? It's not fine. Now, look, let me just say something very clearly, you know? If you don't agree with me, ladies, and you come to church and you wear pants, I'm not going to say a word to you, okay? As long as you're modest, you know, your pants aren't, like, skin-tight or something, right? As long as you're modest, you know, I'm not going to say much. I'm not going to say anything, okay? I'm not even going to think of you badly. But let me make it very clear. Men are not allowed in this church with a skirt, okay? A man walks in, tries to walk in with a skirt, he's out the door. I don't even see him. I think someone else in the church, some other man is going to tell this guy to get lost, okay? That's probably what's going to happen. But, you know, men, you know, that is not allowed. At the end of the day, I've got to call the shots somewhere, okay? But, you know, I need to leave this to you, ladies, you know, doff not nature itself teach you, you know? And if you want to build your understanding again, where are you going to build your understanding? Are you going to look at culture? Are you going to turn to God's word and say, God, can you show me, you know, what women wore? What did men wear in the Bible? I think I've shown you those passages and it's clear, all right? But, you know, nakedness is not always wrong. Because, again, when God created Adam and Eve, they were naked. So did God sin? Were Adam and Eve sinful, sinning when they were naked? No, okay? So look at Genesis 2, verse number 24. Genesis 2, verse number 24 says, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh and they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. You notice that nakedness is fine in its context, okay? Husband and wife, that is when it's okay to be naked, okay? Of course, when you're sharing that relationship in the marriage bed, okay? That is a perfect time, you know, for nakedness. It's a perfect time for husbands to enjoy their wives and for wives to enjoy their husbands, okay? That is where nakedness is in its proper place, okay? Nakedness in public, it's not right. You know, make sure you cover from your waist. Make sure your buttocks are covered. Make sure your preview members are covered. Make sure your thighs are covered, okay? That's going to please the Lord. Make sure, ladies, that your breasts are covered as well, modestly dressed. That's going to please the Lord. Men, make sure you wear pants. You can wear shorts so long as they're covering your thighs. Ladies, you ought to wear skirts and dresses, okay? Unpopular, absolutely. Someone's angry at me right now, but I hope you understand that I love you. My job is to preach you God's Word because I just don't want God to look down at your closet and say, this is an abomination to me, okay? Let's take the instructions from God's Word, and you know what? We've got to be different to society anyway. This society is going down the toilet, okay? Men don't even know if they're men. Women don't even know if they're women, okay? You know why? It's time for Christians to make clear distinction between the two genders, between the two sexes, and I thank God that He's made those clear distinctions, and I thank God that He allows nakedness in the marriage relationship. Okay, let's pray.