(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 the memory verse before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations now this is the first sermon on a Sunday where I'm branching off a little bit more now of course as you guys know I'm preaching through our statement of faith okay I'm preaching through our statement of faith today I'm preaching against abortion okay but just to run through some of the some of the previous sermons that are preached on Sunday morning the first one well the first one with the church goals that's not really encountered but straight after that we preached on the King James Bible remember that being our final authority so I thought that was important to cover that first and foremost because all our truth everything that we believe everything we practice ought to come from the Bible okay but the next seven things were very important to teach because it revolves around salvation okay and misconceptions of salvation so number one was salvation by grace through faith okay so salvation is not of works it's by grace through faith that was sermon number one on salvation number two was on biblical repentance okay understanding how repentance fits in with salvation number three was about eternal security of the believer okay because some people teach well you still got to work your way to maintain that salvation number four and number five well number four was about the Trinity and number five was about Jesus Christ being a hundred percent God and a 100 percent man because there are those cults out there that deny the deity of Christ so those two topics were important understanding the Trinity and understanding that Jesus Christ is 100% man and 100% God I'm of course God said I mean sorry Jesus said what did he say I'm paraphrasing here that if you don't believe that I am he referring to God then you will die in your sins you're still yet in your sins so that's why important it's important to understand that Christ is still is God when you're receiving the gospel and number number six was about our hell okay because obviously we go out and we're teaching people hey you're being saved from hell you're being saved from your sins which is the ultimate destination of hell and then there was water baptism though I preached that out of order because we had baptisms earlier but it was about water baptism because again you've got those that teach that baptism is a requirement of salvation they're having to teach that baptism is a sign of someone that has already believed on Christ so those things okay those things are vitally important doctrines okay you can see how a lot of those things also revolve around salvation people that misunderstand those concepts are usually wrong on salvation they're adding some type of works or some other requirement for salvation this is the first time we kind of move away from the topic of salvation okay we're going to be talking about abortion next week God willing on marriage and the week after that Lord willing on creation okay how how old this earth is and how this universe how all this universe is now none of these things are required for someone to to believe to be saved okay people can might get might be mixed up on these doctrines but none of those things are a requirement for salvation okay so that's what I mean by we're taking a slightly different approach now with the topics that we're covering okay so going into it first thing I want you to realize and look even though it's not about salvation it's vitally important okay it's vitally important and I would hate for anybody in this church to be mixed up on these on these things I think the Bible is crystal clear on these doctrines but unfortunately there are people that are Christians and even believers that are mixed up on the doctrine especially even on the doctrine of abortion believe it or not I mean I I thought honestly I just thought anyone that had a fear of God even those that are not saved you know believed abortion was wrong it surprises me that there are Christians even in the IFB movement that believe it's okay I don't know if you guys even think that's true but believe it or not there are people that believe that but Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 God says to Jeremiah before I form thee before there was any forming of you as a person before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee okay so when before even the formation of that person in the womb of the woman before that God knows who that person is going to be God knows that person already okay because God's all knowing of course right but I just want to point out that it's even before anything begins God knew him and before thou camest forth of the womb I sanctify thee okay so he was a person before he came out of the womb as well because there are those that teach you're not a person until you come out of the womb and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations okay I ordained thee a prophet unto the nation God knew that the plan for Jeremiah God knew that Jeremiah was going to be a prophet even before any of this took place even before he existed in the womb God knew that was his will for Jeremiah okay what I'm trying to point out to you is that life begins at conception life begins at conception what I mean by conception and what all dictionaries talk about as far as conception is that's when the man's seed meets the woman's egg right once those things are joined together that is universally understood as conception the moment the man's seed joins with the woman's egg okay now why is that important you should say yeah of course now look conception basically means this it comes from the word conceive when you say I've conceived it means that egg of the woman has been fertilized by the man's seed I'm gonna be very careful with the words I choose because I you know I think these are important things that parents ought to teach their kids but of course you know I can't hide those facts you know those things exist and they come from the Bible so be cautious with what I say just you know parents I believe you should be teaching your kids this this teaching but it comes on the word conceive now I'm telling you that is because the medical world wants to change what conception means okay when a doctor or a nurse or a midwife says conception or just anyone else in those you know fields they don't mean conception like you mean they don't mean conception like the dictionary means they've changed conception to mean not just when the egg and the seed join but when it's planted of the uterus wall once it takes that extra journey that's what they call conception now in the medical world okay and so we need to be careful when we're talking to these people we probably need to use the word fertilization now okay because they want to change the meaning they want to change the definitions just like the homosexuals want to change the definition of marriage people want to change because here's the thing they know they can't change the Word of God they know they can't change the words that's in there so what they'd rather do is change the definition that's in the Bible that's how they can overcome the words of God is by changing what the definitions are but all dictionaries at the moment currently agree that conception is when the seed meets the egg now even the word conceive that's a Latin word whenever you see the word con before a word that means with in Spanish which is heavily influenced by Latin when I say con I'm saying with if I'm saying contigo I'm saying with you okay so con in Latin is with okay con and then what's sieve conceive okay it's like the word receive okay it means to get okay to get so with get that's what it means okay that's not only about you know falling pregnant you might say I've conceived an idea that's because you've got an idea you've come up with an idea right I've conceived something so but that's what it means it's with and it's with its get okay now why is that important it's because the Bible uses these words to describe falling pregnant so Genesis 4 1 you don't need to turn there I'll just read to you generous actually turn there Genesis chapter 4 verse 1 it's easy enough to get to the first book of the Bible Genesis chapter 4 verse 1 Genesis 4 verse 1 this is the first time Eve who's the first woman the mother or living the first time she conceives and look what it says he Genesis 4 1 and Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived right there's the conceived and bear Cain and said I have gotten a man from the Lord so a con means with and sieve means get I have gotten a man from the Lord now it could read to you Ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 5 Ecclesiastes 11 verse 5 says and thou knowest not what is the way of the Spirit nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child and that's a term that you're gonna find a lot more in the Bible when it talks about a woman being pregnant it's going to use that phrase with child even so thou knowest not the works of God who make a fall so con being with with pregnancy with child and see which is get gotten a child okay so you can see how that word is very specific to do with falling pregnant with conceiving as well okay so you might say well Kevin you know that might just mean you look like Genesis 4 1 when she says I've got a man from the Lord that's after the birth and doesn't really say here about being with child to do with being in the womb well I mean it has to do with being in the womb but at what point is that exactly because it says he know how the bones do grow in the womb so bones develop later in the stage not straight at conception but developed later but you'll see that even at the moment of conception that the the the cells that occur at that moment is considered a child according to the Bible there is great support of that being a child 2nd Samuel you guys turn to Matthew chapter 1 you turn to Matthew chapter 1 and I'll read from 2nd Samuel chapter 11 2nd Samuel chapter 11 verse 5 says and the woman conceived okay there's that word conceived and the woman conceived and sent and told David and said I am with child okay so this is when David commits adultery Bathsheba the woman conceives and whether she says I said she says I am with child now some people say well no it's not a child just yet but according to what the Holy decided to capture in this story that she was with child now we have further evidence of this in Matthew chapter 1 verse 21 Matthew 1 verse 21 this is about Jesus Christ the Bible says talking of Mary and she shall bring forth a son and thou shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet so this is a fulfillment of prophecy okay it was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet saying this is the prophecy behold a virgin shall be with child remember that word with child okay she shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Emmanuel which being interpreted is God with us okay so this the New Testament is quoting the Old Testament prophecy as being with child a virgin shall be with child right now that prophecy is found in Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 I'll read it to you Isaiah 7 14 this is the best passages you're going to use to teach that the moment of conception that is a living child okay Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 this is the prophecy that we just read therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign behold this is this is the prophecy behold a virgin shall remember New Testament be with child but now it says behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel so comparing scripture with scripture comparing the Old Testament which said the virgin shall conceive the Holy Spirit saw truth saw right to translate that in the New Testament as a virgin shall be with child so conception is with child don't be fooled in this by the medical system saying well that's not a child just yet that's not a life just yet that's not a human being just yet no according to the Bible the moment you conceive you a with child okay now here's something interesting about conception now people have been studying conception for a long time scientists have been put in you know just in the laboratory which is which is an abomination by the way but they've been studying and and you know joining you know male seed with a female egg and doing it all kinds of experiments and and doing what they've been doing this for decades okay but they're still learning new things and look I don't endorse the way they came up with this study but the study is interesting anyway okay but only last year on the 26th of April 2016 so just a year ago the Telegraph published an article on on a scientific discovery the the heading was bright bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins when sperm meets the egg so a bright flash of light makes marks incredible moment that life begins when sperm meets the egg and I'll just read part of the article to you it says human life begins and by the way the article recognizes that it's human life it's interesting right but human life begins in bright flash of light as a sperm meets the egg scientists have shown for the first time after capturing the astonishing fireworks on film fireworks on film an explosion of tiny sparks erupt from the egg at the exact moment of conception scientists had seen the phenomenon occur in other animals but it is the first time it has been also shown to happen in humans not only is it an incredible spectacle highlighting the very moment that new life begins let me just this is not the Bible this is a secular news article okay the very moment a new life begins the size of the flash can be used to determine the quality of the fertilized egg isn't it amazing that this light just emulates and you know what I mean that takes place you know inside you don't no one sees that that takes place inside but God sees fit for this light to emulate to to shine forth the moment the sperm meets the egg the seed meets that egg now you know what it reminds me of and look I am losing used in a loose interpretation right but immediately when I when I heard about this I thought about John chapter 1 verse 4 talking about Jesus Christ where it says in him was life and the life was the light of men you know in him was life and the light was a light of men I know this has nothing to do with conception I understand that but it's interesting that Jesus Christ who comes and gives eternal life is considered the light of men okay it's it's interesting that you know to receive eternal life you must receive that light okay that light being Jesus Christ to to mankind I think it's just interesting and I wouldn't surprise me this there's a coincidence to like you know purpose for this directly from God that physical life also begins with that light okay so it's just an interesting thing that I thought was you know interesting there but there is something special about conception there is something special about that moment that takes place when the man seed meets the egg the woman's egg so I'm preaching against abortion okay and I just wanted to reinforce to you that life begins at conception because abortion guys is murder okay we give it these names we call it abortion you know people call it abortion that's ending the life that's in the womb destroying that new life in the womb of the mother and it gets me emotional thinking about this but what did God say to Jeremiah I don't want to misquote it before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee and before thou camest forth of the womb I sanctified thee you know life in the womb is a work of God God is performing a miracle the scientists don't they don't know they don't know how it works they don't know and the Bible says they don't know you know you don't even know where the bones are formed I think that's found in Job I think I'm getting I think I might be getting mixed up but they don't even know that they don't know how blood is formed they don't know how bones are formed they don't know how flesh is formed it just happens those cells start to to you know split and multiply and before you know it it develops everything it needs for it to be a fully functional human being okay I'm not talking about life here we know life begins at conception but the flesh develops into this fully functional human being that life in the womb is a baby it's a man or a woman that God knows God knows that person already and abortion such a selfish act such a wicked act such an evil act I must say people that perform this act must be reprobates I'm not I'm not talking about the mother because the mother might be fooled you know this world is is just corrupt in the minds of men but I'm talking about the medical practitioners who do this the doctors that do this day in day out murdering life day in day out now I would say to you a serial murderer is a reprobate I'm not talking about someone that just murder someone out of rage loses control and murder someone okay I'm not saying those people I'm saying people that find pleasure in going out and just killing people one after another they find satisfaction in that wouldn't you say that person's just a reprobate some of that God's rejected is given a mind a reprobate mind to that person's not even human anymore that person's not natural as we are anymore that person doesn't even have a conscience anymore how much more these doctors that aren't killing adults but babies in the womb where that baby ought to be the most protected destroying the work of God these people I can't believe it we have these people treating women these reprobates these murderers these serial killers that's what they are that's what they are and why do they do it for the Prophet it wouldn't surprise me if they find pleasure in it either it wouldn't surprise me if they love destroying life they love killing babies and you know I didn't want to want to read about the procedures but from what I understand they try to stab that brain or something right to kill it I don't know I don't know if they always get it right but they also try to pull apart that child rip it from limb to limb right now you might think that all they're trying to do is destroy it but no no no no no you know recent reports in America it doesn't surprise me if in Australia as well they're trying to harvest the organs they don't want to destroy it fully the more complete that little embryo that little baby is the more complete the eyes are and the brains are in the ears are in the legs and the greater price they can get for it when they sell it so not only are they making money by killing it they're making money by selling parts of it it's disgusting it's wicked it drives me crazy I can't even imagine it I can't even I can't imagine that there aren't more more Christians there aren't more churches preaching against this it seems crazy to me it's the Roman Catholic Church out of all all kind of churches that seem to be most against abortion they're the ones seemed that seemingly are doing the most work against it and that's adding to me that it's the Roman Catholic Church doing that right now I've been an independent Baptist for about 14 15 years honestly I can't remember a single sermon on abortion I can't I can't remember a sermon against it I don't know why that is did I just miss it I don't know turn up to church on that day I don't know but we see the importance of life in the Bible now I bought in a child you know killing a child that's not the end of it there are side effects for the for the mother that goes through that there are physical obviously there are physical side effects any kind of surgery is going to have side effects especially this you know that there's surgery to save your life there's surgery to make your life better you know because you might be deformed or have some difficulty like that there's I understand doing that but having surgery when you're not even sick in fact my wife tells me she feels healthier than ever when she's pregnant right because there's a kick kick of hormones in the body you know the body's trying to look after protect that baby at the same time protect that mom you know you know of course there's all those you know there's the morning sickness is all that kind of stuff that goes on with it as well but your body's trying to look after you as much as possible and as well as looking after that baby's life you know you're not even sick you're probably at the best health in your life when you're pregnant and they're destroying their bodies destroying the life when they do abortion makes me sick but some of the side effects are abdominal abdominal pain and cramping and these are these are common side effects these are minor with a term minus side effects nausea after you do it vomiting diarrhea and slight bleeding all right just to make it sound okay just slight bleeding you know we're not even talking about the normal menstrual cycles of a woman here just after that that you know but then there are the serious and physical serious physical side effects to having an abortion which are these are the ones they won't really tell you about this heavy and consistent bleeding you can have infection of course right you do surgery the chance of affection is very high you know scarring of the uterine lining which will cause women to not fall pregnant later should they choose to or make it difficult for them damage to the cervix damage to other internal organs and it may even cause death how many times do you hear about that how many times do you hear that abortions may even cause death for the mother right and sometimes people say well it's okay to have an abortion it should protect the life of the mother no it can put them to death as well it can cause them to die as well and you know more people now I don't know if this study is right I couldn't get enough it's hard to get data on abortions you know that even in Australia only two states actually capture data as far as how many abortions take place that's South Australia and Western Australia so it's hard to get data but from the some of the things that I read is that more women die from abortion or abortion related injuries then they do from childbirth you know people say well it's okay because you know the mother might die in childbirth you're more likely to die having an abortion because childbirth is not an illness it's natural it's normal you know the woman's body is made to give birth okay God created the body the woman's body to be able to give birth it's perfectly normal it's not a sickness but then there's not just a physical side effects to an abortion there's the emotional side effects these are again these are the ones they don't tell you about but these are the ones you hear constantly women that had an abortion that talk about right the regret the anger the guilt of killing a life the shame why because you know while that baby's growing in in in the mother she feels a connection she feels a connection with that you know for for men it's harder for us to feel a connection until that baby's born right I remember you know after Isabel was born our first child it took me two weeks two weeks after the birth for me to feel kind of a connection you know like to feel love to feel protection like protecting that little one it's like my mind hadn't switched from you know just being a single and I wasn't single married man to being a father it took me two weeks for my mind to go like you're a dad you know it takes longer for a man but a woman immediately she has a connection with with that life that child because it's growing in her you know she has a love that's why I feel such great shame such great guilt when they do it there are some other emotional side effects a sense of loneliness or isolation a loss of self-confidence insomnia that's lack of sleep they can't sleep or nightmares relationship issues suicidal thoughts and feelings eating disorders depression and anxiety all things that a woman will feel side effects they feel after having an abortion and don't tell me they don't feel this all right the way they market abortion it's like it's perfectly fine this little surgery that takes place you'll find your back on your feet in a couple of days you're back to normal no these are things that go on for years and years okay years and years destroys their life it destroys their life now whether I took I took down I'll go to that later well actually I'll go to now I'll change my plan a little bit like I said it's difficult to get stats on abortions in Australia only Western Australia and South Australia actually capture some data so basically taking the data from these states we can extrapolate that and apply that to all the states of Australia now if you take the data from those states and just apply that to the whole population of Australia like as a percentage it's estimated estimated we don't even know we don't even know the government doesn't even know how many babies it's killing how many babies it's facilitating to kill I mean that's crazy in of itself can you at least record that can you Lisa Lee give some respect to that life that was taken but it's estimated that some eighty three thousand two hundred and ten abortions happen per year in Australia and that data comes from 2005 I can't find any more recent data so over ten years ago our population has increased since then by the way and I reckon women falling pregnant and having abortions is a higher percentage than 2005 today right but let's take that data let's be conservative 83,210 abortions per year now abortion clinics are open six days of the week let's say you know six days of the week that breaks down every day an abortion clinic is open that's 266 abortions per day 266 babies being mass murdered in our nation today what a sin our nation has now for normal you know if these clinics are open like a normal nine-to-five seven and a half hours you know working at you know day that works out to be 35 abortions per hour so by the time I'm done preaching if abortion clinic was open right now it's usually not on a Sunday that's 35 babies killed at the end of my roughly if my sermons an hour long 35 babies in our nation not just murdered murdered they must be reprobates these doctors that do this these medical practitioners that do this serial killers now I don't know if you think that's bad I think that's horrible I think that's crazy bad lights that's but you know that's not the end of the abortions in Australia no that's not the end because there are more abortions taking place than that through what they call silent abortions silent abortions this is when women take contraceptive pills you know what I mean by that it means they go out play the hall and I'm not excusing I'm not excusing the men okay because the men are whoremongers as well playing the hall falling pregnant and so our nation is filled with women going out there taking contraceptive pills so they would not have a baby okay contraceptive pills yeah there let me explain some of this to you okay there are three main types of contraceptive pills the first one is the high-dose pill now this is kind I don't heart they don't use this that much anymore but in the past the first contraceptive pills that they were given to women and these are basically hormones that trick a body into thinking things but the high-dose pills the idea was to suppress ovulation so the woman would not release the egg okay would suppress ovulation and it does this by tricking the body into thinking that is it is continuously pregnant okay so you know when you take these contraceptive pills your body thinks it's continuously pregnant for the you know so it doesn't release the egg okay now that doesn't always work of course these pills aren't always going to work right and so women still ovulated on these pills the second thing it does it changes the cervical mucus in the woman the cervical mucus is supposed to aid the seed to get to the egg basically okay but it changes the cervical mucus to try to prevent the man seed for implanting itself into the egg that's how it works now here's the thing it didn't always work okay these high-dose pills didn't always work okay but there were side effects to these pills because they're high-dose there's a high amount of hormones and estrogen and it's playing up with the woman's body why because a woman is not meant to be continuously pregnant all their life right they're only meant to be pregnant for that nine-month period the body takes a break and then later on they can fall pregnant again but some of the side effects of this high-dose pill were blurred vision nausea weight gain painful breasts cramping irregular menstrual bleeding headaches and possibly some studies linked it to breast cancer as well and so because of the complaints because of these side effects and because it didn't always work they came up with a new pill the low-dose pill okay the low-dose pill so it says less hormones it's not as as powerful and harmful to the body okay but here's the thing because it's a low-dose pill that means it doesn't suppress ovulation as much as the high-dose pill it doesn't change the cervical mucus as much as the high-dose pill meaning that a woman was is more likely to fall pregnant on these low-dose pills right because it doesn't work as effectively as a high-dose so they had to come up with a third thing for these pills to do and that is to create a hostile environment in the uterus so it prevents implantation so after the seed meets the egg it travels down the fallopian tube of the woman and it attaches to the heavy layer of blood of the uterus wall okay and if I've got this wrong ladies I apologize you know I'm you know I did my best to look at this without trying to because I hate abortion I don't even like looking it up all right but basically it makes it a hostile environment so this conceived child this living being cannot implant itself and it would die away because it needs to be implanted to that wall and for the mother to be able to provide you know it's in the nutrients and so it can continue to develop okay so this these are silent abortions now think about how many people are taking contraceptive pills all right so we look at abortions we say that's disgusting but then how many abortions are taking place and I know there's miscarriage I know there's natural miscarriage but that's not done on purpose right that's not done on purpose these people are taking contraceptive pills and they might not even know this but their medical practitioner knows that this will cause abortions this will kill a child so this start is not even being captured this start is not even being captured and then the third pill that's common is called the mini pill the mini pill and this doesn't even now try to stop ovulation okay because it's still side effects people are complaining it's causing me to do this to do that all right let's lower the dose we'll call it a mini pill and what that doesn't even prevent ovulation so this woman the woman's now falling pregnant as much as any other woman but it just creates a hostile environment so that can that can see it conception doesn't continue to grow again makes the uterus wall hostile so it doesn't implant itself and continue to grow all these babies in our nation in our nation of Australia being killed I mean how do you think God feels about that it makes me sick it makes me angry it makes me hate these workers of iniquity and I'm not even righteous as God is how much more does this anger our God how much more does he hate this in our nation the founder of planned Planned Parenthood was a woman called Margaret Sanger evil woman I won't go into her right now but I just want to give you a couple of quotes a couple of quotes that she said she says this about a large family so family like mine the most merciful thing she says that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it this is the founder of Planned Parenthood women flock to these institutions Planned Parenthood to get their medical help and and get their examinations done and get their abortions done and what have you what else did she say look at what she says this it is interesting to note she says that there is no hesitation to interfere with the course of nature when we desire to eliminate or prevent a super fluidity of rodents insects or other pests so she's going to compare human life to insects rodents and other pests but when it comes to the elimination of the immeasurably more dangerous human pests so human life is more dangerous than rodents more dangerous than insects and pests she says we blindly adhere to the inconsistent dogmatic doctrine that man has a perfect right to control all nature with the exception of himself this is straight out against the Word of God the reason why man can control all nature is because God gave Adam the minion over all things on this earth did you know that we read about that in Genesis God gave Adam the minion over all the earth okay but he never gave right for a man to take another man's life never okay murder is always wrong now you might think well that's the end of the abortions right we have the abortions done in the clinics and then we have the silent abortions with the contraceptive pills that's not the end of it there are people there are women that can't fall pregnant and they probably can't feel pregnant because of all the contraceptive pills they take right creates a hostile environment and then when they want to fall pregnant they find they can't because their body doesn't want to receive right the body doesn't want to fall pregnant anymore it's damaging and so what they do they take IVF right IVF in vitro fertilization instead of falling pregnant the natural way instead of trusting the Lord and putting their prayers to the Lord the world and even Christians turn to IVF to fall pregnant now if you don't know what IVF is a woman takes a hormone that stimulates egg production so instead of releasing you know one egg per month roughly on average once they take this hormone they release 10 15 20 eggs at once okay unnatural those eggs are then retrieved from the woman's ovaries okay so you got some electric surgery taking place so you're already putting yourself in harm's way right so these eggs are harvested and then the mature eggs more you know it's all it's usually more than 10 those mature eggs are taken and implanted with the seed of man okay the sperm of a man okay in a Petri dish in a Petri not in a woman's womb not where it's safe and God's intention is for it to take place but in a Petri dish that egg is forced to conceive that egg right to fertilize that egg I should say now what did God say he knows them right we know that from the moment of conception it's a child and so in these Petri dishes there is life being made okay 10 15 20 new life new babies being made in these Petri dishes then what do they do they find the best the strongest you know the one that's going to probably last you know survive and then they insert that back into the woman what happens to the others discarded killed that's what happens to it this guy did not need it anymore or frozen right frozen because IVS very expensive so if it doesn't work the first time they try to freeze the others so the woman has other turns instead of doing that whole procedure again human life frozen and probably discarded at some point as well right once once they don't need it anymore discarded now why is that different to miscarriage because miscarriage you lose one at a time naturally not intentionally this is miscarriage purposely miscarriage this is murder 10 15 20 life forms children at once it's wickedness and we have Christians doing this procedure I hope ladies and you know I think you know you've all had children so okay but I hope you know young girls you never consider you never consider choosing IVF but if you can't fall pregnant okay every woman in the Bible that was barren every woman that was barren was able to have a child God was able to give them a child so trust in the Lord some of the women had to wait years 20 years but if it's the Lord's will he'll give you that child pray to him and ask him for it don't take IVF which kills children multiple of your children being killed further abortion taking place right now I'm going to try to speed speed forward but there are some warped teachings out there and turn to Leviticus chapter 17 Leviticus 17 there are some warped teachings out there by Christians that want to approve abortions and they'll come up with other teachings as to when life begins Leviticus 17 verse 11 now they'll basically say this that the the the cells is not a baby the cells are not alive until it has blood okay so until that baby has its own blood that's approximately five weeks after its conception and or when the cells attach itself to the uterus wall that's somewhere between three to four weeks okay so that what these Christians are saying is it's fine to have an abortion as long as there's no blood all right so it's fine to have these contraceptive pills because those cells are not attaching itself to the uterus wall which is blood okay it's fine to do that they teach they believe and they take Leviticus 17 verse 11 for the life of the flesh is in the blood and that's what they use but by the way they misquote this this is how they quote it they'll say the life is in the blood but is that what the Bible says that doesn't say the life is in the blood no it says for the life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it unto you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul verse 14 says for it is the life of the flesh the blood of it it is for the life thereof therefore I said unto the children of Israel you shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof whosoever eateth it shall be cut off so they'll say the life is in the blood what they're trying to say to you is that life equals blood blood equals life that's basically what they're trying to say to you so until there's blood it's not a life and until that blood comes but what did you what did God say about Jeremiah before I formed thee before there was any forming he knew him was there a life yes there was right but that is so ridiculous because I'll just skip some of these things that I've got here but you know a dead body some of that dies it still has blood did you know that and that they would still bleed for about ten hours after death until that that blood hardens and thickens and then you know it's harder for that dead body to bleed but when a person dies do they still have blood yes they do does that mean they're still alive does it mean blood equals life right because if a dead body still had blood that would mean it's still alive but what does the Bible teach it says that when the soul and the spirit depart the body that's when there's life I'm sorry that's what that's when the body dies all right when the soul and spirit depart the body that's when it dies it's not about the loss of blood now loss of blood can cause you to die obviously the blood is important right we'll cover why that is in a minute but some of that loses blood let's say they get shot they lose a lot of blood and they die from blood loss does that mean we can take that body and and you know do a blood transfusion on it bringing you blood fill it with blood and we'll come back to life no so does blood equal life in that sense no is this passage in Leviticus teaching that not it's not a life till there's blood no it doesn't teach that right because that doesn't make any sense also can and this is basically why the Jehovah Witnesses do not do blood transfusions because they think blood equals life so if they put someone else's blood in their body they think well what who am I right what is this life that's going in me right and that's why they refuse it they misunderstand this passage like other Christians do that try to support abortion or at least silent abortions but Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 says this is when God created Adam he says and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground so God forms man now I think it's perfectly reasonable to say this is a fully functional human being in a sense that it's got all its organs all its bones it's it's prepared to work right that would mean it have the Adam would have blood he'd be ready to go right he formed man of the dust of the ground but then what happened and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul so how did life come to Adam God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life now if life equals blood that would mean God breathed blood into his nostrils right of course not God breathed life why because life is required to make life and then Eve she came from the rib again but from it from living organism life was created and from then on forward all human life was through conception so God did not have to breathe blood into Adam to make him live right he already had the blood but he wasn't living so blood does not equal life in that sense what is being taught in Leviticus 17 is that blood sustains life okay you need your blood because it carries the nutrients it carries the oxygen through your body that is what sustains someone's life not that it is life in of itself but it keeps you living which is why it says for the life of the flesh is the blood okay because flesh your human flesh today needs the blood to sustain itself hey but when you die and you go to heaven you don't have a physical body just yet are you alive of course you are you're more alive than you've ever been you're in the presence of the God of God your soul spirit with the Lord no blood does that mean you're not alive no you're alive because light blood does not equal life it sustains the life of the flesh that's the teaching of this okay it's not saying that it's fine to terminate a pregnancy when it that those cells still haven't hasn't generated its own blood then you've got some other crazy teaching out there and this is even more wicked than that is that it's not a life until the baby is born and takes its first breath that's just crazy yeah I think you guys know who Peter Ruckman is an IFB pastor independent fundamental Baptist pastor and his followers are normally referred to as Ruckmanites but Peter Ruckman taught this and these are his own words he says I do not teach that abortion is murder although I grant that a fundamentalist can teach that if he wants I don't teach it for two reasons in the first place the clear scriptures in Genesis 2 remember what we read about Adam as well as Job 30 31 and Ezekiel 37 I haven't got time to go through those passages but he says they teach that there is no life in the human sense until there is breath there's no life until there's breath until that baby takes its first breath so is God just waiting I mean I don't have to practice you know I don't know if this still happens but I think in the past when when babies were delivered you get a little smack on its bottom so you can cry and start breathing are you gonna tell me God's just waiting to give that baby life okay when are you gonna smack that child when are you going all right I'll give it life now is that no that's ridiculous I don't think that's done anymore I think if you can just rub the baby tickle its feet it'll start to cry and only of it you know within 30 seconds to a minute after its birth but it's a it's crazy teaching it's crazy and look it's only Adam that God had to breathe the breath of life into him why cuz life had to make life right and then life generated from there on forwards okay God doesn't sit there waiting for every baby to be born to breathe its you know breath of life into it okay it's something specific to Adam if you've not been made from the dust literally in that sense then you know this doesn't apply to people this applies only to Adam that's the context of that passage it's crazy it's crazy does that mean as soon as that baby is born you've got 30 seconds to kill it and then that wasn't murder until it's take this first I mean this is independent fundamental Baptists and there are what's that Sam Gibb that Sam Gibb who's a Rachmanite taught that this idea and he's careful with what he says he's very sly but he taught something about how Jesus was in heaven waiting for Mary to give birth and then as she was ready to give birth he came in to that child like you know that at that point when you know when he take I guess when he takes his first breath because he follows his idol you know Peter Rachman I mean he's very careful he doesn't say it's not a life or anything like that but he's very careful with his teaching but of course that's what he's that's what he's saying that it's not a life until Jesus came from heaven and enter that that that that dead flesh I suppose until you know made it made it live I don't know all right go back to Jeremiah Jeremiah but this time turns chapter 19 Jeremiah 19 you might say well Kevin why doesn't God speak more about abortions why doesn't the Bible have more about you know killing a baby and it's in the womb well let's read Jeremiah 19 verse 3 Jeremiah Jeremiah 19 verse 3 says and say he the word of the Lord so God's talking to Jeremiah this is what you need to say Oh kings of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel behold I will bring evil upon this place the witch whosoever heareth his ears shall tingle why because they have forsaken me and have estranged this place and have burned incense in it unto other gods whom neither they nor their fathers have known nor the kings of his Judah and have filled this place with the blood of innocence with the blood of innocence Israel was killing innocent blood at this stage evil upon this place God says verse 5 and they built unto the high places of bow to burn their sons with fire Israel at this point in time we're taking babies taking children and sacrificing them with fire burning them alive to this false god Baal the devil verse 5 again they have built also the high places to Baal to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal which I commanded not nor spake it neither came it into my mind I mean it's hard to think that God can be shocked doesn't God know all things he goes it doesn't even enter my mind what you're doing I can't even I can't even think about that I never even spoke about that nor spake it neither came it into my mind say well why doesn't the Bible have more to this look it doesn't even enter God's mind God that is surprised God is shocked that man look you don't need to be a believer you don't need to be a Christian people generally love babies right generally I think it's cute they think it's wonderful they might not like all the noise and dirty nap is but they generally speaking you don't need to be you just have to be a normal sane human being and people love babies they think it's wonderful right that's why when people give birth they congratulate they don't say I'll kill it you know they congratulate that by presence they rejoice non-believers same people normal people why would God expect man to do this doesn't even enter the mind of God I can't even think about it I struggle to think about this neither came it into my mind these people are reprobate reprobate minds they don't have a natural mind these medical practitioners these people that promote it that trick women into doing this procedure and I'm not saying the mothers are innocent I'm not saying that but they're being deceived they're being deceived just cause you're deceived doesn't mean you're innocent Exodus 21 I'll just read it to you Exodus 21 there is just punishment for this Exodus 21 verse 22 says if men strive so if two men are fighting and hurt a woman with child okay two men are fighting I don't know the wife of the one man comes to help and she gets hurt so that her fruit depart from her so the baby dies and yet no mischief follow he shall be surely punished according to the woman's husband will lay upon him and he shall pay as the judges So if two men are fighting in a physical alteration the woman comes and she gets by accident when it says there yet no mischief follow you know she just gets caught in it and gets hurt she loses the baby from an accident that man still will be punished I know it's an accident but that man still will be punished according as the woman's husband will lay upon him and shall pay as the judge so he's gonna pay you know this couple he's got it he's got to pay for it okay for the death of this child whatever the man says is right and whatever the judges agree upon that man has to pay for that life that was taken okay not by death but pay financially then verse 23 says this and if any mischief follow so now it's talking about this was purposely okay two men are fighting and one of the men purposely hurts that woman purposely knowing that she's pregnant right purposely hurts her so that she would lose life okay purposely then that that mischief follow and thou shall look listen to this then thou shall give life for life so that man will die because that baby died so what to say life for life so was that baby in the womb a life yes did it have to take his first breath before he was life no it's a life in the womb so if a man causes a woman to purposely lose life it's life for life and then 20 verse 24 this is a famous one eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand foot for foot foot and that's what happens in abortion clinics it's hand for hand they take off hands they take out feet they rip out the limbs of that child hey that's what they deserve they deserve to have their limbs ripped off of them that's what the Bible says I fry you pulled out there are you get your eye pulled out abortion doctor you get your limbs ripped off you die life for life that's how God feels about it burning for burning wound for wound stripe for stripe that's how God feels about these people that purposely and the life in a womb just if you see when Jeremiah turns to chapter 1 back to Jeremiah we're wrapping up Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 4 I think this is the greatest sin of our nation by the way I think abortion is the greatest sin of our nation Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 4 by the way just let me say in Chile I was in Chile for three months you guys know that and I was wondering in Chile where there's a lot of there's a lot of and even in my own family there are a lot of girls single single parents right giving birth out of wedlock you know that they go to university or something full pregnant they're not married I think it went like I mean I'm not saying that doesn't happen in Australia it does but it just seemed like there was a greater percentage of women in Chile only to find out later that they were just about to pass laws for abortion so abort in Chile abortion is illegal that's why to me just looking at society I could see more women with you know single women with children right and so soon it's going to be like Australia right now all these babies are just going to be put to death and then we're going to you know we won't even know who these single parents are in like who these you know who these whores are anymore Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 4 then the word of the Lord came unto me saying before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee and before thou camest forth in the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations then said I ah Lord God behold I cannot speak for I am a child but the Lord said unto me say not I am a child for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak be not afraid of their faces for I am with thee to deliver thee sayeth the Lord then the Lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the Lord said unto me behold I have put my words in thy mouth see I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms to root out and to pull down and to destroy and to throw down to build and to plant my point of this passage is we didn't read this chapter for no reason not only did God know Jeremiah before he was formed not only did he sanctify him in the womb of the mother but he ordained him to be a prophet to the nations he ordained him to be a prophet and to proclaim boldly the Word of God my point is this why is this nation spiraling out of control why is this nation wanting two men to marry two women to marry now why is this nation promoting abortions and all this I just wonder how many men of God may have been upon this earth had they not been aborted what if Jeremiah Jeremiah's mother said you know what I'm gonna have an abortion there would be no Jeremiah this plan that God had for this life how many pastors how many missionaries how many soul winners are being put to death and so we'll say well what's wrong with it man you know these children go to heaven anyway I believe they go to heaven I believe they go to heaven but how many people have been stopped how many preachers that God has their plan for their in his will for their life to be great missionaries great men of God preaching the gospel how many are being put to death it impacts a nation it impacts the nations we need to speak out against this sin we need to speak out again any chance I'm going to get when I preach in the future I'm just going to keep preaching about this we'll keep putting on YouTube whatever I don't care whatever it's the great sin of our nation I want to be like Jeremiah you know yeah I'm a child all right you know I'm nothing but a man I'm nothing without the Lord I want to speak the Lord's words God hates abortion God wants to kill these people these serial murderers that's what they are these serial killers God wants them dead now in conclusion you might say you know I've had an abortion in the past I don't know maybe you have maybe you've had a solid abortion you've taken contraceptive pills and you know I get even it didn't even know I don't know and maybe you've had those side effects the regrets and the the shame and the suicidal thoughts I don't know you know and you might say well Kevin you know this woman just upsets me you know I already made mistakes but our children need to know for those that have not yet made these mistakes okay our daughters need to know our sons need to know okay if you fall pregnant hey you should first of all get married right but you fall pregnant you've got a responsibility to that life mums and dads you guys kids when you grow up your mums and dads you're married you have children you're responsible for that life okay it's a great blessing it's a great joy to have children every we didn't cover that topic right the great joy it is to have children it is and the reason people don't find join it is because they don't want to be parents they rather live a life where they just do whatever they want not be you know restricted to being in the home with their families and that's why they don't find joy in their children but there is great joy in having kids yes there's great sorrow to give bring them forth but then there's great joy when you have those children when you nurture them when you raise them when you love your love grows people say to me how can you have nine kids how can you love them your heart grows your love grows your joy grows this sermon is for the children so they don't make the same mistake that our generation made Philippians 3 verse 13 says brethren I count not myself to have apprehended but this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before I press the wall the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus if you've made this mistake in your life the recommendation is forgetting those things that are behind forget it it's done confess it to God he's forgiven you okay and reach forth unto those things which are before the high calling prize the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus let's pray