(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So 2nd Corinthians chapter 8, guys. 2nd Corinthians chapter 8. Now, as that was being read, it's not an easy chapter. Like, let's put it this way. If you were just reading this chapter on its own, it'd be kind of difficult to understand what it's about, I think. Just on its own. You really need the context of 1st Corinthians to understand chapter 8 of 2nd Corinthians, okay. But let's look at verse number 2. 2nd Corinthians 8 verse 2. It says, How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. So the title of the sermon this morning is the riches of their liberality, okay. Now, keep a finger there in 2nd Corinthians and turn back to 1st Corinthians 16. Let's build some context before we read 2nd Corinthians chapter 8. So the last chapter of 1st Corinthians. 1st Corinthians chapter 16. Now, I hope you can sort of take your mind back to what we preached about in this chapter. But you may remember, you know, pretty much leading up to this final chapter, there was a lot of correction. There was a lot of things that the Corinthian Church had to fix. And then we get to chapter 16 and things turn and Paul is asking that the Corinthians would put a collection together, a donation together, for the saints that were in Jerusalem, okay. For the saints that were in Judea, okay. So let's look at 1st Corinthians 16 verse 1. 1st Corinthians 16 verse 1. And by the way, the next two chapters, 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 and 2nd Corinthians chapter 9, is about us giving of our finances, okay. And it's not about giving of your tithes, but actually it's giving toward needy believers, okay. These are special collections, special offerings for other people, not so much about the running of the day-to-day church. But 1st Corinthians chapter 16 verse 1, the Bible reads, Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. Upon the first day of the week, let every one of you lay by him in store, as God have prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. Because remember, Paul had planned to come to this church, and had not yet come. Verse number 3, And when I come, whomsoever ye shall approve by your letters, then will I send to bring your liberality, that's your donation, your liberality, your donation, your giving unto Jerusalem, okay. So they're doing a special collection amongst all the churches. Paul was going and visiting different churches, and they'll get in a collection together, a donation together, to those in Jerusalem, okay. To those in Now please send to Acts 11, Acts chapter 11 verse 27, Acts chapter 11, Acts chapter 11 verse 27. Again we're just building the context here. Why did they need to give to the saints in Jerusalem? Acts 11 verse 27, the Bible reads, And in these days came prophets from Jerusalem unto Antioch. And remember it was the Antioch church that sent out Paul. So Paul had heard from these prophets from Jerusalem. Verse 28, And there stood up one of them named Agabus, and signified by the Spirit, that there should be great dearth, or that's like a great famine, throughout all the world, which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar. Then all the disciples, every man according to his ability, determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt in Judea. So it seems like Judea suffered the worst of this coming drought that was prophesied, okay. And so it says there in verse 29, Then the disciples, every man according to his ability, meaning of his finances, some have more than others, some had more to give than others, but of their ability they determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt in Judea. Verse 30, Which also they did, and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul. And Saul is the name of Paul, okay. Paul is Saul. So you see that Paul continues this work that is going around collecting of the finances of each church's ability to give toward this future need of the brethren in Judea who would be suffering in this drought, okay. So go back to 2 Corinthians chapter 8 now, 2 Corinthians chapter 8, because I think once you have this centered in your mind, you understand what this chapter is about, it makes a lot more sense, okay. It makes a lot more sense and you'll notice that there are certain words like liberality or of the grace. You know we're used to these words meaning freedom and grace being something that's unmerited, undeserved, but really these are words to basically talk about the donation that was being collected, okay. So 2 Corinthians chapter 8 verse 1, the Bible reads, Moreover brethren, we do you to wit of the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia. Alright, so what grace of God is he referring to? We'll see in this chapter he's actually talking about the donation that the churches in Macedonia were able to give to this effort. So it says look, I'm able to witness of this grace of God bestowed upon the churches of Macedonia, okay. So he's talking about the Macedonian Church giving off their donations, giving off what they had and what you'll notice in these first few verses, he's saying this to encourage the Corinthian Church to give of themselves, okay. Because what you'll notice later on is that yes, Paul wrote about it in 1 Corinthians that they need to give, but they had not yet done it. And so 2 Corinthians he's there reminded them you've got to continue what you've left off. You started a collection but you've not finished it off, okay. So he's talking about now the churches of Macedonia and again if you remember the reason why Paul was in Macedonia was because he was looking for his brother Titus, remember. And in Macedonia he was getting a lot of persecution, a lot of problems within this city for being Christians. Look at verse number 2. How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. So say look it's not just me that was suffering persecution in Macedonia but it's these churches as well that they've been suffering great trial of affliction and yet even though they're suffering great trial affliction it says that they had an abundance of joy. They were rejoicing in their tribulation. They were rejoicing in their affliction. And look and their deep poverty. So these churches did not have too much of finances. They weren't really blessed financially as much as the Corinthian Church was. Though the Corinthian Church had a lot of problems they were doing well financially okay. Whereas the churches in Macedonia they had deep poverty. They were lacking for themselves and yet they're able to rejoice even in trials and afflictions. And it says and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. So he could see how much these churches were rejoicing by how much they were giving for this donation for the needs of these brethren in Jerusalem. And what I find interesting about this is this seems to be a common denominator no matter where you go people that have less seem to be the more generous versus the people that have more people that have a but in abundance they're more likely to be very tight with what they have very likely to be tight with their money tight with their service for other people but yet people that have that are without always seem to be a lot more generous you know. I liken this to you know what when we're in Chile I've been I've been to Chile South America for I mean I don't know how many times maybe 15 times in my life you know we almost traveled every year when I was a child. And a lot of my family there live in farms. A lot of them don't have a lot of finances. They work on their farms you know they've got cattle or they've got you know they grow up berries and things like that and then sell them off. But it's what I always found was with my family it was always those that had least that would look after you the best. It's that would always be the ones that would bring you and offer you a meal. And it wasn't just a meal. They would bring a meal you guys know you've been there and then when you're full and you're finished they bring another meal. It's like oh man I'm full. And then when that's done they bring you another meal. It's like I can't finish this. I can't eat this. And then you think it's finished and then they bring dessert you know. But it's always those that have the least for whatever reason you know money drives us to be very tight. Money drives us to be very selfish. And you know if you're if you're not you know like completely rich if you're not like a millionaire praise God because you might be a much more terrible person if that was the case okay. But those that's that that lack are always more willing to give of themselves. And this is just a principle that we saw here with the Macedonian Church. Not only were they poor they were being afflicted but yet they were able to give of their riches okay. Now let's look at verse number three. For to their power or to their ability I bear record. Yea and beyond their power they were willing of themselves. So beyond of what they could give they gave even more. Now these poor these poor people in Macedonia okay. And Paul is saying look I bear record of this. You know they saw the need in Judea. They have a love for the brethren. Yes they gave of their of what they can but they gave even more than that okay. Beyond their power they were willing of themselves. You know to give of themselves out of love and generosity. Verse number four. Now it's interesting verse number four because it seems like Paul knowing their state knowing their affliction and knowing their poverty he pushes back a little bit. You know has anyone ever offered you something and you're like ah you know you don't need to do that you know there's there's no need for that. Well that's kind of what we see in verse number four. He says this these churches praying us or asking of us with much entreaty that we would receive the gifts. So these churches are like no Paul we want to give of this. You know Paul's probably saying hey no it's too much you know you guys need to look after yourselves you know just just give up what you can you don't need to give more than what you can and he's saying look they're praying us they're asking us with much entreaty Paul no please take this. Please take of what we have that we would receive the gift because it sounds like he was kind of resisting the gift right. And take upon us it says in verse four take upon us the fellowship of the ministry to the saints. So this was a way the Macedonian churches were ministering to the saints in Judea by giving of themselves financially because they know their brethren were going to suffer in the droughts. And it says the fellowship of the ministry of the saints okay the fellowship and when we think of fellowship we think of a physical interaction right. We think of spending time together conversing together praying together but giving to another church giving to a needful ministry is a way of demonstrating fellowship to those brethren okay. So it reminds me of Acts 20 35 you don't need to turn there but the Bible says speaking of Jesus Christ saying how he said it is more blessed to give than to receive and I have found that in my life that is so true. In the flesh we want to receive right in the flesh we want to make sure we have an abundance and not to give. Yet when you give of yourself you know doesn't always have to be financially it can be you know offering a meal to somebody or giving of your time giving of you know of yourself to another believer it's a blessing you know you find great joy when you give to other people you know. And let me just encourage you when you give to somebody don't have an expectation that they need to return that favor okay because it's it's more blessed to give than to receive and I think it feeds the spirit it feeds a new man when you can give of yourself and give all your finances to other brethren that need your help okay. Verse number five verse number five and this they did not as we hoped meaning that because they had given more than what Paul thought was right so this they did not as we hoped because their hope was they would give less right but first gave their own selves to the Lord and unto us by the will of God so wait to notice that why was this church able to be so generous in their given even in their poverty it says because they first gave of their own selves to the Lord and if you find yourself as someone who is not generous if you find yourself you know you don't want to give liberally of you of your of your finances to the church or to other ministries then potentially you've not yet given of your own self to the Lord that's step number one to give of yourself to give your time to the Lord spend time in fellowship with the Lord God because when you're fellowshiping with God you're going to be filled with his lights you're going to be filled with his love you're going to be filled with his generosity and as a natural outpouring of that you're going to be able to give of yourselves to minister to the Saints okay if you find yourself just not wanting to to encourage your fellow believers then you need that you're probably missing this first part you've not given enough of yourself to the Lord you've not necessarily given yourself in yourself enough to Bible reading to a quiet time with the Lord where you spend time with the Lord praying with him okay reading the Bible singing praises to God just your own self okay coming to church twice a week is not enough that's only twice a week you know you need to spend every day with the Lord and what you'll find is the more you fellowship with the Lord the more closely you abide with him the greater you become as far as your generosity you're given your your your nature will change toward your fellow brethren okay verse number six in so much that we desire Titus that as he had begun so he would also finish in you the same grace also so that same grace is the finances okay so remember Titus went to see this church you know he came back with a good report they they're doing really well Paul they've really implemented a lot of these things but the one thing that I had dropped was I hadn't yet collected the donations to the Brethren in Judea and so say look Titus began this when he went down to see you but we also need to finish this we need to finish this this same grace okay because again what's grace undeserved merit right it's something that's free that's undeserving so in a way these these believers in Judea are in a way undeserving of these finances that were being collected by the churches and that's why it's called the grace that's been given by by this church okay so they had to finish what they had begun okay so yeah it looks like they took it on board first Corinthians 16 looks like Titus was involved in helping this collection get started but had not finished what he had begun and there might be many reads you know I'm willing to give the Corinthian Church the benefit of the doubt you know because we see that they had a lot of things to fix they had a lot of false doctrines that's a kick someone out of the church they had to have us a selfish I sorry work work off their selfishness and and give of themselves to other believers in the church they had a lot of things to improve so it might be this being the sort of the final chapter in chapter 16 the last task that Paul had given them to do they just didn't get around to do it they just didn't get around to finishing it that's a possibility I like to give them the benefit of the doubt it's not like they intentionally try to avoid this to give of themselves they might have just forgotten they had some maybe this was just a lower priority thing for them they had so many other things to fix in their church verse number seven therefore as ye abound in everything so now he's referring to the Corinthian Church he spoke of the Macedonian Church how they had given of themselves more than what you know he thought was right and then that's number seven therefore as ye abound in everything so he says look Corinthian Church you're abounding okay the Macedonians they're suffering they're in poverty but you're abounding in everything he's talking about their improvement once again he says they're abounding in faith you know they're trusting God has increased the faith of the church as a whole has increased and utterance you know I believe the word utterance there is the preaching of the gospel okay like Ephesians 6 19 says as for me that utterance may be given unto me that I may open my mouth boldly and make known the mystery of the gospel so I believe this is the utterance here that they're abounding in is that this church has got back out there doing the soul winning got back out there preaching the gospel what else is they abounding and knowledge okay so there are wiser Church now than they were before remember Paul calls them a carnal church but now he says you're abandoning knowledge you're much smarter you're much wiser now than you were before and then he says and in all diligence what's diligence they're putting an effort in right they're not slacking off they're working hard as a church now they're working hard to improve and then what else have they bothered in and in your love to us so they've increased in love to Paul and to the other leaders that Paul was sending into the church but then it ends with this so you're abandoned in all these things Corinthian Church see that you're bound in this grace also see that you were bound in your giving to the needs of the brethren in Judea okay because that's that's the last bit that you you've left off that's the last bit that you need to work on okay again the context is this is not about their regular giving of tithes okay again just keep that in mind because in chapter 9 there are verses there that people apply to to the doctrine of tithing but this is not even about tithing this is just about a collection for saints that were needful, needy okay verse number eight verse number eight now Paul is laying it on pretty thick right to the Corinthian Church I mean if I was in the Corinthian Church I'd be thinking man we better do this donation we better finish this off right and send it to Titus but verse number eight he says this I speak not by commandments okay so this is not some mandatory thing you need to do this is not a command of God if you want to if you just rather not give that's fine I mean if you run not give that's that's okay this is not a commandments okay this is but by occasion of the forwardness of others and to prove the sincerity of your love so Paul goes look this is this is not a command but this is a way that you can prove that you love the brethren if I was this church I'd be like it's not a command but it feels like a command otherwise if we don't give it's gonna seem like we're not a loving church and that's that's the truth of it basically you know I've said this before you know look thanks for the giving that you guys do by the way the offering it's always sufficient and we'll see soon why it's always sufficient but you know if there's ever brethren in need if there's ever if we ever need to take on it take up a special offering for a reason for other brethren that is a way for us to demonstrate a love toward them okay now I'm not going to give to people that are lazy you know I'm not going to give to people that are suffering because of their own laziness the lack of work or whatever no okay but obviously when we see the need here there was this great drought I mean this is stuff something that was outside of control of the brethren in Judea and so hey you know if there's brethren in need in in need outside of their control then yeah I'm more than happy to take on a special collection and give to another church or to other brethren that need it okay it's a demonstration of our love verse number nine verse number nine for you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ I'm sorry I shouldn't say this it's kind of like verse number nine that's the memory verse right it kind of just appears out of nowhere here but like I can imagine certain people in the Corinthian Church going ah do we really need to give you know I mean you know we've got our own problems you know we're fixing our own issues do we really need to give to others and I love how he just drops in verse number nine here he goes for you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that ye through you his poverty might be rich so I say look just in case you don't want to give of yourself don't you remember how Jesus Christ was rich he was glorious in heaven he had all the riches in heaven and yet he made himself poor he became a man you know to make you rich you know Jesus Christ did not have great possessions on this earth he didn't even have a house he had no place to rest his head he was going from city to city preaching the gospel for a moment in time God himself makes himself poor for others right and of course you can't deny that right as a church you know you're thinking I should really give oh by the way Jesus gave to you oh yeah so I must feel like he's guilt-tripping the Corinthian Church to give of themselves because Jesus Christ has given so much more of himself and it wasn't just his life it wasn't just his teaching it wasn't just his suffering that he gave but when you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you are in Christ and everything that Jesus Christ inherits from God the Father you inherit as well so it's not just the riches of salvation of knowing God of having the new man of having the blessings of God upon you on this earth but for all eternity we're going to rule and reign with Jesus Christ inherit everything that he has inherited by the Father so it's kind of like in comparison come on you can give of yourself right you can come on church you can finish this donation and give to the Corinthian Church can you guys turn to Philippians chapter 2 keep a finger there in 2nd Corinthians 8 Philippians chapter 2 verse 4 and by the way if you ever find yourself unmotivated to serve God the best thing to do is just to bring to remembrance what Jesus Christ has done for you if you feel unmotivated to go and preach the gospel just remember hold on Jesus Christ preached the gospel Jesus Christ is the reason I'm saved and obviously when you when you think of Jesus Christ and you think of what he's done for you that's going to drive your motivation to do the works to serve him but in Philippians 2 verse 4 this goes well together the Bible says look not every man on his own things now obviously we all do look on our own things we all do look and make sure that you know we have enough for ourselves enough for our families nothing wrong with that right but the rest of verse 4 says but every man also so also means not just on your own things but also on the things of others so I think this goes really well with 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 because this church needed not just to look apart for their own things but also for the things of others that being the church in Jerusalem verse number 5 let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus okay who been in the form of God for it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation but God of the universe who's full of reputation makes himself of no reputation when he comes to be a man okay and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross where for God also have highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name and that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father so we see the Son of God Jesus Christ full of glory okay full of power full of riches he humbles himself he takes on the form of a servant he becomes a man becomes a servant I mean think it just you know that's why great is the mystery of godliness how can God do this you know it's amazing but this is the mind of Christ Jesus he's looking out for the needs of others you know and again if you find yourself pretty selfish and you know not wanting to give of yourself or giving up your finances to people in need then you need to have the mind of Christ you need to be about fellowshipping with the Lord God more often so that he can work in you and he can change your mind he can renew your mind to be more like the Lord Jesus Christ go back to 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 so you would think with that knowing that that's now going to cause the church to want to give oh yeah you know Jesus Christ has given so much of himself verse number 10 and here in I give my advice so that is saying like it's not a commandment this is my advice like for this is expedient for you this is profitable for you who have who have begun before not only to do but also to be forward a year ago so this verse gives us confirmation that 1st Corinthians and 2nd Corinthians is at least a year apart right could say look it started a year ago you started to give a year ago but you need to finish this you need to this work that you begun you need to finish it verse 11 now therefore perform the doing of it that as there was a readiness to will so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have so the church was willing you know Paul recognizes you've got a you're willing to give but you need to make sure that you carry out a performance you know it's good to will to do something but it's only profitable once you do it you know and the Bible says the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak we understand that that principle but still what's the point of willing something and not trying to carry out and doing it you know I've said this before you know we're talking about repentance you know someone's willing to turn from the sins or whatever you know it's like me saying I'm willing to go to work but I just don't go to work you know do I get credit just just to be just because I'm willing to go to work no you know it's profitable once you you perform that will once you do you go about and you do that will okay then it's profitable and that's what Paul is saying yes you look you have a willing to do it that's a good thing but make sure you carry out that will okay and let me just liken that to well actually before let's have a look yeah I like that to say to say so say so winning a lot of believers are willing to go so winning okay they're willing to do it and they say to me Kevin I want to get out there and knock doors all right let's set a time I can't make it all right next week oh no I don't think I can it's like well when like okay it's one thing to will but you've got to carry that out okay and so think about all the things that you're willing to do for the Lord you know maybe it's so winning maybe you're willing to finish your Bible read it from cover to cover okay you're willing to do it but that's finish it right 15 minutes a day and you'll get through it in a whole year finish in the Bible I don't know think about you know yourself things that you're willing to do for God but you've not yet done hey it's time to perform it it's time to you know it's good that you're willing but it's time to do something about it right verse number 12 for if there be first a will in mind it is accepted according to a man hath and not according to that he hath not okay so a will in mind ought to be based on what you have what you can do so yeah so a will in mind is is based on what you can give if I said to you brother I'm willing to give you a million dollars but I don't have a million dollars so you know you need to be able to give of what you have okay you know if you say I'm willing to go so winning you've got two legs you've got a mouth you've got the Bible that's something you can do okay but don't promise don't make don't be willing to do things you know that you're not able to do thanks as well otherwise and I've met a lot of Christians like this they become a sounding brass a tinkling symbol that's what we read about in first Corinthians right a lot of noise you know ah I want to I want to do this missionary trip or you know I want to read a preach the gospel every day of my life or I want to do this and I want to do that but they never get around to doing it you know I want to read the Bible cover to cover I want to do this you know just just do it stop talking and make sure when you're willing to do something it's something that you're able to achieve and then do it and then put into place the next greater thing that you can do okay one thing at a time start with the smaller things and I preached this a little bit on Friday and I gave the example of of new believers that finish high school and they're like man I want to serve the Lord I want to get into Bible College I want to get into full-time ministry but yeah you know Bible College is not a god-ordained institution but the workplace is the business is a god-ordained institution okay do that do what God has asked you to do first and then think about going one step at a time you know and getting into full-time ministry but just be willing to do what you're able to do not what you're not able to do verse 13 for I mean not that other men be eased and ye burdened because look it's not about favoritism I'm not trying to make the Judean Christians are eased right to get this this huge donation and they can live easy and now you're living in in you know you're burdened because you don't have enough that's not the goal it's not about favoritism it's not take about taking all the wealth of the Corinthians to make the Judea Judea and Christians wealthy and and easygoing but verse 14 but by an equality that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their wants okay so you know Corinthian Church you have an abundance of riches you you're doing well financially now's the time for you to give to these to these believers and then it says that their abundance also may be a supply for your wants that there may be equality so there might come a time where you need financial help you have a need and then these guys will be in abundance and they can help you okay so it's not about favoritism it's not about having this church favor over that one it's about equality we're all the same in Jesus Christ and if we can give ourselves to a needy believer we should do so okay the Christians in Judea were struggling because of drought because of a lack of rain and again this isn't about just lazy believers let's just give to a lazy believer all right let's say let's say there's a believer that's saved that's our brethren but they don't work they don't even even they don't look for work they don't work and they're like brethren I need help I've got bills to pay I'm not going to give to that all right that's not that's not what it's about okay if you're if you have control then you need to look after your own needs but if something's outside of your control and you're struggling that's the time to give okay that's the time to give verse 15 as it is written he that had gathered much had nothing over and he that had gathered little had no lack does anybody know where that is written anybody want to take a guess Exodus sounds as well I think maybe it's when it's when God rained manna from heaven remember that when God rained manna in heaven to the Israelites because they were hungry go to Exodus so keep a finger there in 2 Corinthians 8 go to Exodus 16 Exodus 16 let's look at it Exodus 16 verse 16 Exodus 16 verse 16 so ultimately the teaching here guys is this give what you can because ultimately it is the Lord who provides okay give what you can ultimately it's the Lord that provides and when he provides when God provides it's always the perfect amounts it always matches up with the need always okay look at verse 16 Exodus 16 16 back in the in the days when they were in the wilderness Israelites this is the thing which the Lord have commanded gather of it so that the manner that was rained from heaven gather of it every man according to his eating and Omer for every man so the Omer I don't know how what that weight is but it's a weight so every man is to take an Omer for him for themselves according to the number of your persons taking every man for them which are in his tents and so let's say my family you know we're a family of 11 right now so we would then take if we were in these days we would take 11 Omers for the family okay and then verse 17 and the children of Israel did so and gathered some more some less it shows you their disobedience right God says look one Omer for each person and yet when they gathered it some took more and some took less it's just the nature of man for some reason they like to disobey the Lord but then look at this in verse number 18 and when they did meet when they measured it with an Omer so that's that's a weight when they when they measured it with an Omer he that gathered much had nothing over and he that gathered little had no luck they gathered every man according to his eating so somehow miraculously if you gathered more than you needed when you waited it still waited Omer and if you gathered less than you needed and you waited it was an Omer okay this this was a miracle that took place and you might say well what's the what's the teaching here is that when God provides it's always enough okay some churches might be able to give little okay some churches are able to give a lot but ultimately when those donations reach the needy believers it's going to be sufficient God's going to take care that the amount that gets given is sufficient there won't be anything left over and it won't never be not enough okay and I'm keeping this in mind it's good that I'm going through this chapter because we're soon going to be hiring a building we're soon going to be paying twice as much to have our church services and I'm hoping that you know I'm taking this at face value you know to the Lord and say well the Lord will make sure you know it's provided for the Lord will make sure the sufficient income sorry offering and tithes coming in to make sure that you know every month we can pay what we need to pay that's my hope that's my belief and going through this chapter right but the other thing I want you to understand is that the manner that came down from heaven was a type was a picture of the the sacrificial body of the Lord Jesus Christ right when Jesus Christ says that the Israelites ate of the manna he saying but you need to eat of my flesh of my body okay so the manna represented the Lord Jesus Christ and we know the Lord Jesus Christ came and he died on the cross of Calvary the point is this his sacrifice was enough okay you might be someone that has a terrible past you might be someone that has great sins in their life or you might be someone that doesn't have like a terrible past doesn't really have any great sins but you've got your own sins you know of itself it doesn't matter how messed up your life is it doesn't matter how sinful your life was when Christ died on that cross it was enough it was sufficient there was nothing left over it was all paid for there wasn't he didn't die for more than he needed either okay it's all been purchased by Jesus Christ he even died for the sins of the unbelievers okay he died for every sin but the reason they don't get saved obviously is because they don't believe on Jesus Christ okay so you got to remember that this picture of giving also points to the sacrifice of Christ which is why again Paul goes back saying hey you know Christ has given a lot of himself you know he had given himself so we need to have that mind of Christ back to 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 please 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 and by the way if Christ is paid for all our sins if his sacrifice was sufficient there's nothing that you can add to it okay there's nothing more that you need to do except place your full faith and trust on the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ okay verse 16 2nd Corinthians 8 16 but thanks be to God which put the same earnest care into your heart of Titus for you so obviously Titus having been refreshed going to the church I had a great love for these people okay he was refreshed by their improvement refreshed by their zeal and he said look I'm sending Titus your way to finish this collection because he has a great love for you and I know that you have a great love for Titus verse 17 for indeed he accepted the exhortation but being more forward of his own accord he went unto you so say look yeah I told Titus to go back but he says look out of his own accord he went unto you he wants to go back to the Corinthian Church he's encouraged by what was developing he was encouraged by the improvement that's not like Paul had to twist Titus his arm Titus by his own accord has gone unto them to finish that collection verse 18 and then he says this and we have sent with him the brother now the brother is not named but Titus is not going alone he's going with someone else whose praise is in the gospel throughout all the churches so Paul says look there's a brother going with Titus not named but he has praise amongst all the churches that he's been to he has a good reputation okay and he's going to be helping Titus with this collection okay but he's got a good reputation throughout all the churches he's got a good report amongst all the churches verse 19 and not that only but who was also chosen of the churches to travel with us with this grace so the churches have entrusted this brother to travel with their grace meaning their donation their financial giving right they trusted this man with the finances they weren't afraid that he was going to run off and spend the money for himself okay he was a trustworthy brother but it seems like this this brother had not yet met the Corinthian Church so that might be the reason why Paul is kind of speaking highly of him okay minister travel with us with this grace which is administered by us to the glory of the same Lord and declaration of your ready mind verse number 20 avoiding this so what is Paul trying to avoid that no man should blame us in its abundance which is administered by us so Paul is trying to avoid the potential blame of having others deal with the finances like instead of Paul being the one that does all the collection he's got other men with good reputation sent by other churches going around doing the collection for the Saints okay so you know Paul obviously wants to be open and honest we see that in verse number 21 proving for honest things not only in the sight of the Lord so the Lord knows we're being honest the Lord knows we're collecting and we're not you know spending the money for ourselves but also in the sight of men okay so Paul understands the importance of being open and honest about the finances okay and that's why as a church you know I always make an effort every few months to give you guys an update of the finances you know if there's ever a large expense that I'll tell you about it you know when it comes to this new building I'm telling you upfront what the costs are you know when I tell you how much is left to that I need to be reimbursed for you know I'm open with the amount that you guys you know if you guys have any questions about the finances feel free to ask me you know feel free to ask me it's important for a church to be open and honest about the finances okay that's the lesson that we see here verse 22 and we have sent with them our brother so I think I believe it's the same brother he referred to whom we have oftentimes proved diligent in many things but now much more diligent so this man was a very diligent very responsible with finances maybe here he had a job like an accountant or something I don't know you know but you know he was good with money he was very diligent with money and this is upon the great confidence which I have in you so I have great confidence that you're going to give you know liberally of yourselves to this need in Judea and this brother is very diligent he's going to make sure he takes care of it and sends it to the Saints in Jerusalem okay verse 23 now notice this this is when I said to you I'm happy for you guys to ask me any questions about the finances I've got everything down on spreadsheets if you want to check it out I can send it to you whatever it is that you want because look at verse 23 whether any do inquire of Titus he is my partner and fellow helper concerning you or our brethren being quiet of they are the messengers of the churches and the glory of Christ so Paul say look if you've got questions if you've got inquiries about the finances ask Titus Titus knows everything about it okay and so that's again please ask me if you have any questions about our finances our church offering I'm more than happy to give you that information because that's the way we ought to be right that's the way we ought to be verse 24 wherefore show ye to them and before the churches the proof of your love and of our boasting on your behalf so again just poor you know laying it laying it laying it on there you know to the Corinthian Church hey you know give before the churches prove your love to the brethren and it says and of our boasting on your behalf Paul says I've been boasting about you I've been talking well of your church how you've improved how you're doing so much better how you love you know the Apostles and you know you're going out you're doing the works now you're kicking out the ungodly sinners out of your church and I'm boasting of you and I've also boasted that you're gonna give of yourselves so make sure that you do so it proves you know the your love and it also proves that my boasting was right about you man I think it'd be hard to have a Paul around here right if we had Paul today you know it'd lay it on pretty thick for us I think so that's what we see in this chapter the next chapter is also about giving but I just want you to understand that this is a special offering okay you can't yes you can apply certain principles out of this like I have you know been open and honest about finances but it's not about your day to day given sorry your week to week given and your tithes and offerings that you give that's not what this is about this is about a special need a special offering and I don't know I mean there might come a time where we need to do a special offering I don't know for a person in need and I hope now that we've gone through this you understand why it's important to do that you know why you don't turn around and say well if there's a brother in need can't we just give of the offering that we already we already gave no sometimes there's a need for a special offering okay give it above and beyond what you normally give all right let's pray