(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you well good morning everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your actually we're going to start with our mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual song books we have a new song we're gonna sing it's page number 15 in the blue folders so we'll sing Lord bless our home it's a it's a pretty easy song if you would stand we'll sing song number 15 more families all around us are crumbling every day yielding to the enemy and throwing life away bind our lives together keep us if your truth when the struggle seems too great Lord keep our eyes on you Lord bless our home protect our home let it be a refuge in this world of sin Lord reign within keep us strong and true and when we need you most Lord draw us close committed to each other Lord bless our home we give our home to you thank you for your goodness our love was in your plan help us face the future always trusting in your hand keep us warm and tender keep us clean and pure drive us to each other's arms and make our love endure Lord bless our home protect our home let it be a refuge in this world of sin Lord reign within keep us strong and true and when we need you most Lord draw us close committed to each other Lord bless our home we give our home to you let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again we just want to thank you and praise you God for your love and your goodness and your mercy Lord thank you for this church thank you for our pastor I pray Lord now that you would just be honored and glorified out of everything that's undone again we love you we pray all this in Jesus name amen all right you may be seated and we're gonna stay in our Mountain Baptist song books turn a couple pages back to actually page page number one we'll sing psalm 11 page number one in the Lord but I might trust how say ye to my soul flee as a mountain below the wicked bend their ball they make ready their arrow upon the stream that they may privilege shoot at the upright and hard if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do the Lord is in his holy temple the Lord's throne is in have his eyes behold his eyelids try the children of men the Lord trite the righteous but the wicked and him their love is violence his soul hey it's all hated upon the wicked he showering snares fire and brimstone and and horrible tempest this shall be the portion of their cup for the righteous Lord loveth righteousness his countenance doth behold doth behold the upright and the Lord but I might trust amen so welcome to mount baptist church on this sunday morning and uh just some announcements here all the service time should be normal this morning so uh nothing should be out of the ordinary we'll have our sunday morning service and then we're going to have our soul winning time at 1 pm so if you want to go out soul winning meet up here a little before one o'clock and then we'll go out soul winning uh and get teamed up and all that and then we'll have our four four o'clock afternoon service after that we have our regional so many times as you can see there monday tuesday wednesday saturday brother brother chris is going to be actually leading up the monday time this week so but either way just be on the church group there so you know the exact times that all these uh these uh events are going to be happening and then also the locations of where you're going to be soul winning at as far as upcoming events we're obviously coming into september here soon uh we have our church anniversary that's on the 17th so that's actually the day that we started six years ago and so it's it's the exact date usually doesn't work out that way but uh but we're gonna have we're planning on having kind of like a fellowship in between the services so um like we did last year so we're gonna we're kind of getting that figured out as far as everything that's going to be going on there um basically we're going to be planning on having food out at the pavilion again um but it's going to be more of like if you want to bring a dessert or any type of side dish or anything like that you can but we'll be providing the main course um and so that'll be going on that being said is the day before that uh brother charles is going to be leading up a soul winning marathon it may not be point marion it may be a different location um but right now we just tentatively have point marion on there um and so but either way it's going to be something more local uh as far as the marathon goes there the next saturday we're going to be doing a soul winning marathon in the akron cleveland ohio area so um i know the brother brother daniel i think clemens who lives up there he's going to maybe be putting together a video that gives the address and all that stuff and i'll post that up on our channel um but there's a church that they go to up there that we're going to be meeting up at to go out so winning so we'll probably be meeting there around 9 9 30 and then uh kind of our typical way of doing it is that we meet up then we go out from like 10 to 2 and then we get like a late lunch um and then just fellowship for the rest of the time there and so um but that'd be like four hours of soul winning there and so uh that'll be coming up as well coming up in september so if you can make it either one of those again the one on the 16th is going to be more of a local soul winning marathon and then obviously the one on the 23rd is going to be a little bit of travel there so um but obviously if you need a ride or whatever we can always we're always trying to carpool when it comes to that type of stuff so um yeah uh just kind of get get with us there i think it's close enough to where we don't need to stay the night um when it comes to going up there so um we'll just have to leave early in the morning to get up there around nine nine thirty so um and then on the back of your bullets in there we have chapter memory for the month we have malachi chapter three uh so we're memorizing the book of malachi and uh so coming up in september it's gonna be malachi chapter four and so um and then our memory verse for the week is second parenthian chapter five verse 17 uh therefore if any man be in christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new and uh as far as the birthdays go um i know that michael jones uh so they're not here so we'll need to try to remember sing happy birthday to him when he's in and then um and then my wife's birthday is coming up here this week so i won't say how old you are so what's that i mean most everybody in here probably the ladies probably know but she's younger than me i'll say that if that helps at all but so um and then so we'll sing happy birthday to my wife after this and anniversaries we got that how was that brazilian steakhouse by the way i was a little envious of that so you got you so okay of course you did you're the typical tourist we went to greece by the way when we went to greece he's like telling me that i'm like a tourist he's over there just like snapping pictures like like he's from japan or something like that and uh just like everything's video and everything we're going to the stores we're going into the restaurants i'm like you make me feel like a complete tourist right now so i'm sure you got some good videos though but anyway yeah i do want to see that later so um but so yeah we don't have any more anniversaries on the list here the pregnancy is being in prayer for all the ladies on the pregnancy list and so uh just being a prayer for these ladies being prayer for miss tiara who had uh their baby uh so the elisco family uh just being prayer for them as they're transitioning to having more children there and so um yeah with that whole recovery process there so don't stop praying for the ladies after they have children that's actually probably when you need to pray for them even more afterwards and that recovery process and all that um and so i think that's about all i have for announcements we do have some visitors in from uh the michigan area michiganders is that how you say it uh so um but uh welcome and then um offering boxes in the back there if you want to give tithes an offering mother baby rooms for the mothers babies only about what i got for announcements brother dave's going to come up sing one more song who's i i didn't even see who's who you reading this morning okay so um first britain's chapter one uh brother jose is going to read that after we do one more song and everything happy birthday to my wife so get your keys oh yeah all right take your song books and turn to song 246 song 246 in your song books we'll sing redeemed but before we do that very very very special birthday our pastor's wife turning 24 all right what day is your birthday thursday okay yeah it's something right around there and all right well happy birthday we'll get you to stand up of course there we go she had a team player right there she's setting the example teaching the younger women and uh all right we'll sing happy birthday to miss holly there we go teaching the younger women and uh all right we'll sing happy birthday to miss holly there we go ready happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday god bless you happy birthday to you well happy birthday to you and we will song sing song uh 246 redeemed and claim it redeemed by the blood of the lamb redeemed through his infinite mercy his child and forever i am redeemed redeemed redeemed by the blood of the lamb redeemed redeemed his child and forever i am redeemed and so happy in jesus no language my rapture can tell i know that the light of his presence with me doth continually dwell redeemed redeemed redeemed by the blood of the lamb redeemed redeemed his child and forever i am i think of my blessed redeemer i think of him all the day long i sing for i cannot be silent his love is the theme of my song redeemed redeemed redeemed by the blood of the lamb redeemed redeemed his child and forever i am i know i shall see in his beauty the king in whose law i delight who lovingly guardeth my footsteps and giveth me songs in the night redeemed redeemed redeemed by the blood of the lamb redeemed redeemed his child and forever i am all right take your bibles and turn to first corinthians chapter one first corinthians chapter number one in your bibles we'll have brother joseph read that for us all right first first corinthians one in your king james bibles and if you found your place there you'll say amen paul called to be apostle of jesus christ through the will of god and saustanese our brother under the church of god which is at current to them that are sanctified in christ jesus called to be saints with all that in every place called upon the name of jesus christ our lord both theirs and ours grace be unto you and peace from god our father and from the lord jesus christ i thank my god always on your behalf for the grace of god which has is given you by jesus christ that in everything you are enriched by him in all utterance and all knowledge even as the testimony of christ was confirmed in you so that you come behind in no gift waiting for the coming of our lord jesus christ who shall also confirm you unto the end that you may be blameless in the day of our lord jesus christ god is faithful by whom you were called unto fellowship of his son jesus christ our lord now i beseech you brethren by the name of our lord jesus christ that you all speak the same thing that there be no divisions among you that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment for it hath been declared unto me of you my brethren that them which are are of the house of chloe that are contentious among you now this i say that every one of you say saith i am of paul and i'm of paulus i am cephas i of christ is christ divided was paul crucified for you or were ye baptized in the name of paul i thank god that i baptized none of you but chrispus and gais lest any should say that i had baptized in my own name and i baptized also in the household of stefanus besides i know that whether i baptized any other for christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel not with wisdom of words lest the cross of cross of christ should be made of none effect for the preaching of the cross is of is to them that perish foolishness but unto us which are saved is the power of god for as written i will destroy the wisdom of the wise and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent where is the wise where is the scribe where is the disputer of this world hath not god made foolish the wisdom of this world for after that in the wisdom of god the world by wisdom knew not god it pleased god by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe for the jews require a sign and the greeks seek after wisdom but we preach christ crucified unto the jews a stumbling block and unto the greeks foolishness but unto them which are called both jews and greeks christ the power of god and the wisdom of god because of the foolishness of god is wiser than men and the weakness of god is stronger than men for ye see your calling brethren how that not many wise men after the flesh not many many mighty not many noble are called but god hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and god hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty and base things of the world and the things which are despised hath god's chosen yea and things which are not to bring to not things that are that no flesh should glory in his presence but of him are ye in christ jesus who of god is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption that according as it is written he that glorified let him glory in the lord that's right lord uh thank you for this morning we're able to gather together lord i thank you for your pure and holy word you've given to us lord i ask you to be a pastor robinson edifice this morning in jesus name amen amen to you're there in first corinthians chapter one and i'm going to preach a sermon this morning entitled who are the saints who are the saints and so uh uh there there's a i guess just there's there's a lot of confusion as far as like who the saints are i grew up catholic so uh when it came to the saints it seemed like uh only the pope could become a saint but it was only after he was dead and they had to beautify him uh which sounds like they're beating him i don't know like uh but anyway the idea there is that when you hear that term like saint or that person's a saint or i'm not a saint uh what they mean by saint is someone that's basically perfect and righteous all together right and what i want to preach on is the fact that actually every believer is a saint every believer okay and so this is something that uh most the world gets wrong they have no idea about this of course they have no idea that salvations by grace through faith or at least they don't believe it but the idea that we're all saints every believer is a saint really gets into the fact of what we believe about salvation which is that when you get saved you're all the way saved you're completely cleansed 100 and you're what the bible is going to teach as far as what is a saint is someone that's sanctified okay so look at first green thing in chapter one here in verse one and i just want to show you here that how it equates being sanctified with being a saint and who that applies to okay so in this one verse we can we get this picture here but it was actually in verse two but starting in verse one it says paul called to be an apostle of jesus christ through the will of god and saustanese our brother unto the church of god which is at Corinth to them that are sanctified in christ jesus so is that present tense future tense that's present tense right you are sanctified in christ jesus called to be what saints then it says with all that in every place call upon the name of jesus christ our lord both theirs and ours so let me ask you a question is it a certain uh geographical location when it comes to being a saint or being sanctified is it just the jews i mean it's basically saying both theirs and ours and in every place all they call upon name the lord or what sanctified call to be saints now even in that term you kind of see the word sanctified in that word saint and the idea of it's basically one who is sanctified uh now another way to to look at it as far as being sanctified is being holy okay uh something that's sanctified is something that is holy or set apart uh it so uh i think about this as far as like knowing obviously you can look it up as far as what sanctified means but um in latin the holy spirit is called spiritus sanctus which is like where we get our term sanctification which is holy and when it comes to uh being holy or sanctified or being a saint that is something that is to every believer now i'm going to explain it a little further because obviously we're going to be getting into the fact that physically speaking we're not completely sanctified physically speaking it's not like we're just there there's a there's a a a damnable doctrine out there that teaches that you can be sinlessly perfect holistically meaning like i could just i don't sin anymore at all you know and i'm just walking uh in the spirit at all times and i never sin anymore that's a false doctrine but what we're going to be getting to is that this really gets into the idea that you have the new man and you have the old man you have the inward man which is the spirit the soul that's completely sanctified and that is the part of you if you will that is a saint that's a child of god that's completely made righteous and the catholic church doesn't understand this because they obviously believe in a false gospel they believe that you know you're not saved by grace alone and that when you get saved your soul could still go to hell and your soul can still have sin yet the bible teaches that he will not impute sin unto unto the person that obviously has believed on christ so go to 1st Corinthians chapter 6 go to 1st Corinthians chapter 6 i just want to show you another place here where it talks about us you know how we are sanctified and that's what it really comes down to is that the saints are those that are sanctified and every believer if you're if you're a believer then you've been sanctified and you are a saint so it's not about uh you know some church deeming you a saint right by the way they i think they they they uh put pope john paul into sainthood like years ago like after he died but pope john paul is in hell right now i mean he has split hell wide open not only did he believe in paul's gospel but he was leading millions of people that direction and so every pope by the way is in hell right now especially the one that just well the one that stepped down i think he's still alive the one that looked like darcydius from star wars like every time that you'd see him on tv i'm like he's gonna say execute order 66 like he's looked like the emperor i mean there's so many memes out there just look up what was it what was his name pope benedict i mean good night on top of that you're in america right benedict arnold like pope benedict really and he also looks like the dark lord anyway sorry to get off on a listen i'm not here to like you know star wars is not not you know biblical all that stuff but i was just waiting for lightning to come out of his fingertips that's all i'm saying but that guy he's not dead yet but he's he's dead he's a dead man walking he's twice dead i mean he he is waiting for that time where he's gonna just drop straight into hell there's no hope for that benedict arnold pope but also pope francis pope john paul i don't know who was after before that don't care they're like all these people are just like well you know pope so-and-so and his dissertation don't care i i don't give a rip what that person says you don't care what they're not they're not church father to me it's you know the catholic church is is an apostate branch of christianity and it's basically the roman gods and and their their polytheism uh just smashed into christianity and i'm getting off track here dealing with the catholic church but the reason that i you know i i think the catholic church is one that really perpetuates this idea of like saints being uh just like high up people so you think of like the apostles were saints but we can't attain unto that or you know you have to be like a pope or a cardinal or one of the birds in the catholic church in order to be basically become a saint and what the bible teaches is that if you called upon the name and lord for salvation if you believed on christ for salvation you're a saint it's as simple as that and this is why when you're looking throughout the bible you'll see saints mentioned all the time and if you think that that saint is just some like special group of christian or special group of believer then all those verses don't apply to you right it's like oh you know they're ministering to the saints it's like well who are those people are those just the leaders and then or the poor saints in Jerusalem who are they dealing with there it just over and over and over again you'll see that god's talking about the saints even more so in the old testament so this isn't just like some new testament thing as far as being saints that is old testament as well now first christian chapter six here in verse one paul's rebuking them because they're not judging matters in the church so if you think about the idea chapter five is dealing with someone that's committing fornication with his father's wife obviously it shouldn't even be named among them let alone the gentiles all that and he's rebuking them in chapter six saying hey listen you should be judging these matters but notice what he how he's addressing them okay it's interesting that saint is brought up a lot in first corinthians in first corinthians and second i mean think about the corinthian church if you look at any church that's being written to which is the one that you'd say is probably not not doing as much as they should be doing right or that's getting rebuked the most right as far as fornication or just other things that paul is just hammering on the corinthians with the idea is that we're not exactly dealing with the thessalonians here we're not dealing with those where he's saying hey just about more and more you're doing good just keep going emma sit down and look up here these are my kids by the way so i'm not just yelling at someone else's kids we got visitors and they're like you're just yelling at kids today emma look at me so first corinthians chapter six just to kind of give you that preface is that in verse one here it says dare any of you having a matter against another go to law before the unjust and not before the saints now if the saints are some special class of christians you could have to ask this question right who are they right i mean according to catholic church it's only the pope after he dies and they've declared them to be a saint so how are you supposed to go before the saints if you're just like well it's some special class of christian or whatever and so and i'm sure some catholics going to be writing on there it's like it's not just some dead pope that we declare to be a saint well here's the problem is that you're declaring them to be a saint it's god who declares someone a saint but it says in verse two here it says do you know do you not know that the saints shall judge the world and if the world shall be judged by who you who's he writing to all those that are sanctified called to be saints with everybody that calls upon like everybody in every place all they call upon name the lord right so he's saying that they're going to be judged by saints and if they be judged by you it's interesting and i don't think it's by accident either because god obviously knows that there's going to be things that are going to be twisted and there's going to be things that are going to be taught wrong in the future and all that that when he's bringing up saints a lot he's bringing up with the corinthians and listen i i'm not i'm not like knocking the corinthians i mean at least they were doing something right they had problems they were rough around the edges but you know what they were accomplishing stuff and so but no one would say well you know what we're going to model our church after corinth right i mean you might as well just say hey thyatira that's how we want to be laodicea yeah that's how we want to be now all those churches had good things going for them though right even thyatira even with all the problems they had laodicea with all the problems they had remember he said you know what i have a few things against you though he would mention all the things that were good i have a few things against me the same thing would go with corn but i don't think it's any uh coincidence that he's dealing with that he brings up saints so much because he's making a point that you're saints even though i'm rebuking you right now i'm telling you that you need to judge these matters and you're not right with god because you're not kicking this person out of church that's committing this wicked sin you're a saint and you're going to be judging the world and how much more should you be judging things in this life right so keep going there in verse three it says know ye not that they which uh know ye not that we shall judge angels how much more things that pertain to this life if then you have judgments of things pertaining to this life set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church now he's kind of talking tongue in cheek here because he's basically saying he's going to get into the point that you you'd rather find the worst believer out there to judge these matters than some unbeliever dealing with the matters right but then he goes on to say i speak to your shame so he's basically speaking this is shame because obviously that's not who you want to pick the judging over matters is the least esteemed but it's better than the unbeliever because then it says is it so that there isn't is not a wise man among you no not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren but brother go with the law before with brother and that before the unbelievers now therefore there is utterly a fault among you because you go to law with one another why do you not rather take wrong why do you not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded nay you do wrong and defraud and that your brethren so when he when he's talking about here is that you'd be better off just not just being defrauded than going before the unbelievers right what should be happening is you have believers in the church that are judging matters and who are those people the saints you take it before the saints you take it before the believers those that are sanctified you take it before them and if there's no one that can judge that you might as well just be defrauded than going before the unbelievers that's what he's basically saying and then he goes on to say in verse 9 here know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of god and such were some of you but ye are washed notice this but ye are sanctified but ye are justified in the name of the lord jesus and by the spirit of our god so when it says that you know when people read this they're they're always just like well see you got to not commit these things or if you commit these things then you're then you're not going to inherit the kingdom of god well what you have to understand is that our flesh is not going to inherit flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of god but if you died right now what goes to heaven your your body or your spirit and your soul and again what we're going to be dealing with here is that when you become a saint as a believer it's your spirit your soul it's the inward man that is sanctified the body isn't yet the body will be but the body isn't yet and that's why it is no longer i that do it but sin that dwells within me because it says for in my flesh dwells no good thing now let me just hit on this i this the abusers of themselves with mankind just for a second okay because you know everybody you know all those people out there they want to say well the sodomites can be saved well first of all a feminine doesn't mean uh mean being a queer someone could be a feminine but they're not they're not a homo you know i'll give you you know when it comes to being a feminist talking about being soft which makes sense right you know a guy that's soft is a feminine right the idea that you know and i and i don't want to do like a hand check but listen if you're a man you should have calluses on your hand okay do some work every once in a while and you don't you don't have puppy paws that's what i'm saying here okay you actually you do something with your hands every once in a while you get cut you don't like cry like a little girl you're you're you're masculine right you're not a feminine a feminine doesn't mean you're a reprobate but at the same time listen uh men man up and don't be a feminine now when it comes to the abuse of themselves with mankind what the thing that's interesting about there's two other there's another place where it talks about them that defile themselves with mankind is that what people will do is they'll go back to the greek though they they don't know greek and they'll just look it up in a greek lexicon or they'll look it up as a definition and they'll say well see that word there is it means homo it means a homosexual it means like a queer right and they'll say that that's what it means they'll say well it's just that's what it always meant except for the fact that that greek word that's used there in those two places in the new testament never once is it found in greek literature before this not once plato never used it socrates obviously plato is the one that you know socrates didn't actually write anything but when it was written about what socrates said never once used that term homer never used that term no addict greek homeric greek any greek before the biblical greek up to that point that we have recorded that we have in our possession which by the way i know there's a lot lost but we still have a lot of greek literature listen i'm reading esop's fables in greek it's not in there either of course that would be a little weird you know the tortoise and the hare took a strange turn but never used before that but yet no we know for sure that it means homo now in modern greek that that term is used for homo now well i guess when it says he that wears the gay clothing in the new testament means queer clothing now right because they've never taken words and and stolen those words and used them for their own use that's never happened right like the term gay gaming's happy listen i remember washington flintstones when i was a kid and in the song every single time it says we're gonna have a gay old time and no one thought it was talking about queers we just knew that it was talking about we're gonna have a you know like a gay old time as far as we're gonna have a happy joyful time right when we don the gay apparel and chris on christmas guess what they weren't talking about fags then either so just because they take a term and then they use it to mean something else later you can't look at 21st century definitions of words and then go back and you're dealing with first century literature and saying that's what that term means it doesn't mean that i don't believe for one second that it means that what it's dealing with is women that defile themselves with mankind that's what that's dealing with you're dealing with whoremongers and whoremongers would be the guys that are doing that and then the women that are doing that are the ones that defiling themselves with mankind or abusing themselves with mankind that's what you're dealing with so when it's like well such were some of you they just want to think that the corinthians were just a bunch of homos or something like that that got saved there's no there's no proof of that there's nothing that states that this is why you should have King James Bible by the way because when you look at these new versions they all put homo there for even a feminine which even if you looked up that term in and in modern Greek it just means soft there you see how they have an agenda that they're pushing in these new versions and everybody just always points the first Corinthians chapter 6 yet they don't know Greek they don't know the history of Greek this is why if you're going to go back to the Greek which I'm not going to because guess what you know guess what that term means in Greek abuses themselves with mankind and guess what women that sleep with other men they're abusing themselves with mankind point-blank fornication is abuse on your body and so obviously that's but you know what spiritually speaking that's all been covered you've been sanctified you've been washed it doesn't you know all that stuff that has happened it doesn't it's not a puted to your account anymore so but if you're going to go back to the Greek in the new test in the New Testament then you better know Greek before that because there's gonna be one word that you use one time and then you're just gonna make up some definition for it anyway so I got off on a rabbit trail there but abusive themselves with mankind there is no Greek evidence that that term meant homo back in that time period none zero for all we know Paul came up with that term I'm not saying he did but that's first time he's ever mentioned in Greek history as far as what we have recorded and I don't know about you but in Greek literature do you think there was a loss of communication about homosexuality I think they talked about it I read Plato symposium I read other other literature where they would talk about that type of stuff by the way usually be talking about pedophilia that's why these homos don't want to go back and really look at the text that is that is mentioning this is why we always like sitting a seat back because this row it's just like floodgates right here with the kids gotta keep them in so when it comes to this ye are sanctified first chapter what is it them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus here those that are washed that are sanctified so go to Acts chapter 26 Acts chapter 26 again we saw on first Corinthians chapter 1 how do you get sanctified by calling one name Lord actually up to 26 and verse 16 this is where Paul is on the road to Damascus but this is where Jesus is talking to him I believe that Paul gets saved on the road to Damascus and then Jesus telling him what he's going to do okay so here's here's what your mission is going to be and notice what it says in verse 16 but rise and stand upon thy feet for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou has seen and of the things in the which I will appear unto thee delivering thee from the people and from the Gentiles unto whom now I send thee notice this to open their eyes to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by what faith that is in me so how are they sanctified how are their sins covered or sins forgiven by faith for whosoever shall call upon name the Lord shall be saved how then shall they call on them and whom they have not believed faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so he's telling them basically to preach the gospel to them they'll get saved they'll be sanctified they'll be forgiven of their sins and notice that that's not after you die that's not something that is has anything to do with your own righteousness or whether you're you know being a good person and fulfilling all the law it has nothing to do with that it has to do with faith it has to do with calling upon name Lord and the moment you do that you are sanctified go to Hebrew chapter 2 and verse 11 Hebrew chapter 2 and verse 11 so I'm just kind of showing you some places where it talks about being sanctified and how that happens when you believe that it's happened it happens when you're here on earth it's not like well when you die we'll determine whether you're a saint or not we'll pray you out of purgatory and maybe we can put you in the sainthood eventually but also people just think of saints as people that are just good people right that's I mean if you were to look at probably just most people in the world if you're just to ask them what is a saint who is a saint someone that's really good someone that's good to other people someone that you know helps out people and all that stuff that's what they're gonna say yet saint means sanctified so now obviously when you're sanctified you are cleansed from all your sins and you are made righteous and that is true okay but Hebrew chapter 2 verse 11 it says for both he that sanctified and they who are sanctified are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren believers right we're we're we're brethren with Christ once we believe on him because as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name you're all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus and if you're a child of God you've been sanctified and he's not ashamed to call you a brother go to Hebrews chapter 10 Hebrew chapter 10 Hebrew chapter 10 verse 10 Hebrew chapter 10 and verse 10 it says by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all so we are sanctified once for all and it says in verse 11 and every priest dailies are staying daily ministering offering oftentimes the same sacrifice which can never take away sins but this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever sat down on the right hand of God from henceforth expecting to his enemies who made his footstool for by one offering he had perfected forever them that are sanctified how many times you have to see it that it's in present tense you're sanctified it's by one sacrifice once for all by the way it's once they always saved because once you are sanctified you can't be unsanctified because it's by faith not by works go to Revelation chapter 19 Revelation chapter 19 verse 6 it says and I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude and as the voice of many waters and as the voice of mighty thundering saying hallelujah for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth let us be glad and rejoice and give honor to him for the marriage of the Lamb has come and his wife hath made herself ready and to her was granted that she should be arrayed and fine linen clean and white for the fine linen is the righteousness of Saints and what we're what the reason I'm going to this is because when you're sanctified you're washed right you're clean and the idea here is that we are given righteousness Abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for righteousness that we don't have our own righteousness which is of the law but the righteous which is of God by faith that we are given his righteousness the moment we believe and even after even if we were sinning willfully we're still sanctified now let me prove that to you okay kind of already showed you that in first Corinthians even after he's rebuking them for not getting rid of this one guy he's saying put away from yourselves that wicked person and let me rebuke you that you're not actually dealing with these situations he says you are Saints go to Hebrews chapter 10 Hebrews chapter 10 verse 26 Hebrews chapter 10 verse 26 because we're Saints because inwardly speaking we've been arrayed with white raiment and we've been made righteous Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 26 I'm actually I didn't really realize this but I'm getting into a whole bunch of controversial passages to look at this so just making the heart of myself not to get off on tangents but this passage here is dealing with believers this isn't dealing with someone losing their salvation this isn't dealing with an unbeliever this is dealing with believers that with sin willfully or presumptuously meaning that they know that they shouldn't be doing it and they're doing it in spite of knowing that truth and they're doing it because they despise the commandment okay believers can end up doing this where they they're just like you know what I'm doing it anyway I know it says to do it but I'm doing it anyway that's different than falling in the sin right when you know you shouldn't do something but then you're weak and you fall into it and that's different than what this is this is like in spite of it right I know what says that I'm doing it it's like a child that knows that you told them not to do something and they give you that look they're like I'm doing it anyway though right doesn't mean they're not your child but guess what that punishment is gonna be a lot worse on that cut on that child than ones just like I know I messed up it's like if you said hey don't eat any cookies not until after dinner and then you have that child it's just like I gave in I really love cookies and with that's how to be like I understand completely understand and they may get a little bit of punishment maybe they just get mercy and be like I understand it's hard cookies are delicious all that right but if I said hey you're not getting any cookies to after dinner and that and that child looked at me like oh yeah I'm not getting any cookies and takes the cookie out and just eats it without dropping near the stair you know that stair which is kind of like and they're just staring at you as they're doing it guess what they're getting spanked and they're not gonna get cookies for a while at that point right why because that punishment is gonna be a lot sore because they're doing it in spite of the fact that you told them not to do it so read that with that mindset as far as we're dealing with believers here but also says in verse 26 for if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth there remains no more sacrifice for sins so notice that it's we it's not like if someone else I the author of Hebrews as far as the the man that's writing it down which I believe is Paul but either way holy man of God spake as they're moved by the Holy Ghost he's including himself into this says in verse 27 it says that there remains no more sacrifice for sins but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries he notices that despise the Moses law died without mercy under two or three witnesses so someone that just completely like just despised it they're just like no not doing it and I know that's what it says but I'm doing it in spite of it that's different than falling into sin okay verse 20 29 it says how of how much sore punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy who had trodden under the foot the Son of God and had counted the blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified right so past tense you're sanctified it's not like well you're not sanctified anymore it's just the fact that you are you're dealing with a sanctified person that is doing this and it says an unholy thing it had done despite unto the Spirit of grace for we know him that has said vengeance belongeth unto me I will recompense at the Lord and again the Lord shall judge who his people it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God you're dealing with sanctified people that are sinning willfully and it's not saying that they're going to hell it's saying that they're gonna have sore punishment now the idea of the cookie example obviously is a little like light of an example compared to what's going on here right you don't get the death penalty for eating a cookie when you're not supposed to write but an example of this in the Old Testament is where on the Sabbath day they're not to do any work and after it's talking about these presumptuous sins someone went out on the Sabbath day was picking up sticks now I believe that obviously you could say well they're not to do any work so therefore death penalty for doing work on the Sabbath but I believe is more so because they despise that commandment that it was just out of spite like I'm picking up sticks what are you gonna do about it right it's that kind of mentality when you're dealing with that but you're still sanctified here's the thing it's no longer I that do it but sin that dwells within me it is the flesh that is getting punished here physically getting punished for the sins that you commit and the thing to think about here too is that people in the Old Testament were called Saints I'll give you one example of someone who's specifically called a saint and that's Aaron Moses's brother Psalm 106 verse 16 if you want to turn there you can Psalm 106 verse 16 cuz I feel like some people think that Saints are just like New Testament it's just like the Apostles you know like st. Francis they have all these like st. Thomas st. France well st. Francis is not in the Bible but you know like they're saying for like I just remember this that st. Francis apparently likes animals so if you have an animal that's sick then you're supposed to pray to st. Francis or something like that that's about as far as the Catholic Church goes as far as growing up okay learn learn useless information like that okay but Anthony can you testify to that my thought my my fellow former Catholic we're no longer Catholic it's not once Catholic always Catholic my friends so but in and someone of six in verse 16 says they envied Moses also in the camp and Aaron the saint of the Lord so Aaron was considered a saint of the Lord now would you say that Aaron's perfect would you say that Aaron never names and we made the golden calf my friends but he's called the saints of the Lord why because he's a believer guess what Moses is to Mariam is to even though they all made mistakes did any of them go into the Promised Land would you say well no they're they're Saints because they're just doing everything right none of them went into the Promised Land because they all messed up they all disobeyed the Lord in some extent to where he said you're not going in but this gets into the idea of the inward man and the outer man as far as inwardly were Saints inwardly were children of God outwardly no the flesh no the body no not yet okay so what I want to get to here is that when you're dealing with someone being a saint you'll see in the Bible where it will it will talk about like we are sanctified but then it'll say that you you should strive unto being sanctified right or as far as like unto your sanctification and it kind of seems like well there's a contradiction there not if you understand that inwardly speaking you are sanctified outwardly speaking you're not so that outward man that flesh is on a constant basis of trying to sanctify it trying to make it holy trying to make it righteous right you're trying to reign it in you're dying daily you're starving the flesh and feeding the spirit so that holistically you're sanctified as much as you can be while you're here but so let me just explain this really quick as far as what we're talking about here is that I want you to go to 1st Peter chapter 3 but in 1st John 3 9 it says whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he's born of God now if that was talking about holistically then that would contradict the first chapter where it says if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us so both those have to be true we can't say that we don't have sin but then in other places says we have no sin and we can't sin so what you understand is that the seed remain within us we're talking about the inward man we're talking about my flesh dwells no good thing for my flesh dwells sin right that's the outward man so first Peter chapter 3 actually talking about women here so anybody out there is like well it's only men right if a man be born again well here we're dealing with women that women have this incorruptible you know hidden man of the heart if you will it says in verse 3 it says whoso adorneth who's adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plating the hair and of wearing of gold or putting on of apparel but let it be the hidden man of the heart and that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price so you can even see in here that we're talking about the outward like let it not be that that that's what you're all about right it's not saying you can't fix your hair ladies because if it's saying you can't play if you can't do that at all then you then you're not to put on apparel at all right the whole idea is that it's not that's not what your whole you know I guess agenda is it's just like it's all about my outward appearance that's what everybody notices about me what they should notice is that you have the meek and quiet spirit nothing wrong with looking nice nothing wrong with braiding your hair nothing wrong with having jewelry on okay if that were the case then I wouldn't be wearing a gold ring okay but it shouldn't be like it's all about flashy like when you see that person you're like it's all about what they're wearing like that's all you notice but here's thing that the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit and the idea of that hidden man at the heart which is not corruptible that in that inward man is not corrupt for why because who's always born of God does not commit sin for his seed remain at the end of many cannot sin because he's born of God that's nothing about like well you don't continue and say no he doth not commit sin who's born of God sin if not it says in first John chapter five so when people try to like well commit there it means like an ongoing committed it means like you're not continually committing why don't you just add to the Word of God a little more when you do that but first John 5 is very clear you can't really mess with that right whosoever is born of God sin is not you don't sin right because inwardly speaking we don't but like I said when you're dealing with Aaron he's called the saint of the Lord that idea of being saved spiritually speaking and spiritually speaking you're completely cleansed from sin is not just a New Testament thing always been that way let me prove that to you go to Psalm 32 Psalm 32 in verse 1 Psalm 32 in verse 1 makes sense because our model for what we need to believe is Abraham right Abraham is before the Old Testament the Old Testament started with Moses on Mount Sinai but before the Old Testament you had Abraham and said Abraham believed God and it was imputed on him for righteousness and when it explains what that means it says but the him that worketh not believe it on him that just just him to believe it not but I'm but him but him that worketh not believe it on him to justify the ungodly his faith is kind of a righteousness goodnight but then it goes on to even explain it even more that it's not just that you're not working but you're just believing and not working at all like here's someone doesn't work at all but they believe it's imputed on their voracious but how about this being fully persuaded that what he had promised he was able also to perform and therefore is imputed on him for righteousness because he promised them what life eternal salvation eternal salvation and if you're not persuaded that he's gonna actually perform it then you didn't believe it and if you think that you had to do good works to add in with that then you didn't believe it then it's not by faith because if the law if it's up the law then the law is not a faith and if by grace and it is no more works otherwise grace is no more grace so when we're dealing with this Abraham believed God is imputed on him for righteousness David also described the blessings of the man on whom God imputed the righteousness without works then he quotes this passage right here in Psalm 32 in verse 1 blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven whose sin is covered blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputed not iniquity and in whose spirit there is no guile that's Old Testament my friends I mean David would you not say David the sweet psalmist of Israel was in the Old Testament but it's always been that way that in the spirit you have no guile in the spirit it's not corruptible the soul is purified by faith that's what the Bible teaches on this so that's why believers all believers are Saints they're sanctified they're washed from their sins all of that okay now go to first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 now when it comes to this this is why when you look at these other passages you're like well we are sanctified why does it tell me to be sanctified right seems like a contradiction but it's not because soul and spirit once you believe sanctified a body on the other hand is what we're working on and if people would just understand this concept they'd really understand salvation perfectly and the idea in this enlisted Calvinists if you'd understand this then you'd understand salvation perfectly and all those all the people out there that just don't they they're always mixing these two together of the sanctification of the flesh compared to the sanctification of the soul and what they're doing is they're melding those two together and that's why they're all lost because they're not separating those in that okay believe in the Lord Jesus Christ thou shalt be saved you're washed sanctified spiritually speaking the flesh on the other hand it's still there and there's nothing no change there okay and that's where we got to reign it in try to sanctify it try to purify it as much as we can while we're here but it says here just to kind of give you an idea of what we're dealing with here when we're talking about being sanctified we're talking about trying to holistically be sanctified while we're here okay it says in verse 23 in the very God of peace sanctify you wholly now that word holy there's not like holy like being sanctified but more so holy like holistically like add the whole and it even clarifies that what are we dealing with when we're talking about the whole it says and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and what body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ now we know that our soul and our spirit is going to be and we know that our soul and spirit sanctified but holistically that's not true unless you do what you should be doing this is where it gets into the idea that my soul that the spirit is willing the spirit is ready but the flesh is weak so when it comes to when it says are you ready when Jesus comes are you those that are ready spiritually every believer is but are you ready physically and that's where it comes into are you watching and waiting and praying and are you ready for that physically holistically right so go to 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 is back up a chapter there that's why when it when it's talking about hey we want to try to be sanctified we want to we want to work on our sanctification we're not talking about spiritually spiritually we're covered we believed on Christ talking about is the body we want that holistic sanctification it says in verse 3 here it says for this is the will of God even your sanctification that you should abstain from fornication that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel and sanctification and honor go down to verse 7 for God hath not called us unto uncleanness but unto holiness so notice how that sanctification and holiness are synonymous there really that really were being called to be holy and to be sanctified and what are we talking about we're talking about the flesh because it talks about how your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and that's why it says in 1st Corinthians not to commit fornication because you defile the temple of God we're talking about that physical temple we're talking about the idea there of the sanctification of the flesh go to Hebrew chapter 7 Hebrew chapter 7 by the way this idea of sanctifying the flesh was Old Testament as well shocker now this isn't a whole sermon on the difference between the Old Testament New Testament but the difference if you want to know like the big difference between the Old Testament New Testament it's not the gospel it's not how you're saved that's always been the same it's how you sanctify the flesh it's how you get right with God okay and I'm gonna I'm gonna show you this and we should all thank God that we're in the New Testament when it comes to this because notice what it says in verse 11 so Hebrew chapter 9 verse 11 says but Christ being common high priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not of this building neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us for notice in verse 13 for if the blood of bulls and of goats in the ashes of an heifer sprinkling unclean sanctify to the purifying of the what the flesh you want to know what all the sacrifices were for the sanctification of the flesh because we know that the bloods of bulls and goats can never take away sins spiritually speaking that never saved anybody so anybody that comes at you says well in the Old Testament the sacrifices and the blood of that that's how people got their souls saved they are dead wrong dead wrong that is not how anybody ever got saved but it did purify the flesh but notice what it says in verse 14 how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God think about this when you get saved you're washed spiritually speaking from all your sins past present future he will not impute iniquity unto you you have his righteousness boom done physically speaking though in the Old Testament you had to bring like a bullock or heifer you know I get to bring some animal put your hands on it confess your sins and like you know sacrifice this animal right and it depends on what sin you committed if you look at the book of Leviticus there's all these different sins sins of ignorance or whatever the case may be that you what sin you committed then you'd have to bring a certain sacrifice in the New Testament you know what the Bible says it says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness guess what we come boldly into the throne of grace by that new and living way that we may obtain mercy and grace to help in time need here's why the New Testament is great you want to get sanctified physically go straight to the Savior go straight to the high priest himself there's no more taking animal sacrifices to do that but listen if someone in the Old Testament that believed and that was saved never did this never took a sacrifice up there never got their flesh purified does that change the fact that they're sanctified spiritually doesn't just as much as if someone doesn't sanctify the flesh as a believer today guess what hasn't changed the only thing that's changed is the ministration or that the avenue in which you get that sanctification physically speaking and by the way Hebrews hits this a lot but we're dealing with a better Testament aren't we we're being with a better covenant and that's one avenue that's just I'll say that's better I can just go straight to my Savior and deal with my sins physically then have to go up to some high priest and take some animal and do all that okay obviously all those animal sacrifices pictured what Christ was gonna do don't get me wrong there's also that allegory and there's a shadow of things to come and you know a picture of a time then present there's obviously all of that in there but the purpose of them actually doing it on the physical realm was that just that the purifying the flesh go to Ephesians chapter 4 Ephesians chapter 4 by the way I just kind of want to sprinkle this in here that when people are just like well you know Saints you know that's when you die that's you know you're declared a saint after you die well that's interesting because it says precious in the eyes of the Lord of the death of his Saints well how in the world do you only become a saint after you die if the Saints are dying now that would obviously just make no sense when he's calling the those in Corinth Saints and he's he's just constantly talking about the congregation of Saints and being you know like Saints all over the place that are alive so if I get anything through you is that the idea of someone becoming a saint after they die is is stupidity and not biblical so if you're not a saint when you die then you go to hell simple as that now just to get give you another verse here on the idea of you know being sanctified or that how we need to do that on a physical manner here after we're saved it says in Ephesians 4 11 it says and I gave some apostles and some prophets some angels some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry so notice for the perfecting of the Saints well I thought Saints were just completely like God men right they were like these angelic creatures that don't sin right that's the idea of what a saint is right it's someone that doesn't do anything wrong ever physically speaking then why would you need to perfect them because Saints are those that are believers spiritually speaking they're completely sanctified but physically speaking they're imperfect physically speaking they got a lot to work on and that's the whole point of coming to church is for the idea of for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ till we come in the unity of the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ now let me just hit on that idea of becoming a perfect man again we're dealing with being complete holistically spiritually speaking already perfect already sanctified already sinless have righteousness imputed unto us physically speaking no he Philippians chapter 3 and verse 9 Philippians chapter 3 and verse 9 and the last thing I'm going to be pointing out here is that what we're trying to do and what Paul is going to state here after we get saved we can never lose our salvation we have eternal life spiritually speaking you say well why are you trying to be good well one I'm not a psychopath okay I didn't want to just murder everybody before I got saved so I don't want to do it now but there's this idea that I'm trying as much as possible to live and walk like all I have is that new man and by the way that new man it says therefore if any be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new you know if it was like when you get saved there's gonna be some change well don't use that verse then if that's what you're going to try to say is what what would you say there's gonna be some change you're gonna have some things you're gonna change your life chapter verse on that I'll show you where when you get saved all things are become new but they cannot be talking about your flesh right because Paul has a whole chapter basically saying the things I would I do not things I hate that do I and now if I do that I would not there's no longer I to do it but send it well within me for in my flesh that for in me that is in my flesh 12 no good thing so we know that we saw that flesh and notice how Paul is approaching this okay look at verse 9 Philippians 3 by the way is like my favorite chapter in the whole Bible love this chapter I love the book of Philippians but if you want to know a chapter that is my motivation in life well it's Philippians 3 13 and 14 okay but obviously this whole this whole chapter is amazing but in verse 9 here says and and be found in him not having mine own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousness which is of God by faith so he's laying down the law here is that hey none of this stuff profited me being a Jew the Hebrew the Hebrews and Israelite none of that profited me I count it as dung that I may win Christ and be found in him having his righteousness not my own okay then he goes on okay we don't just stop there because we could you're saved ready to go right but then he goes on and says that I may know him now this is something that is not talking about salvation salvation is he knows you but what we are trying to do is to know him that I may know him notice this in verse 10 that I may know him in the power of his resurrection in the fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto unto his death notice if by any means I might attain him to the resurrection of the dead now what in the world does he mean by that right see like well if by any means I might actually be saved you know they just got done saying it has nothing to do with our works that it's just by faith right the idea here though what he's trying to do is walk in the spirit as if he's in his resurrected state that he's walking holistically in the new man that's what he's trying to do you say is that possible well what does he say in the next verse not as though I'd already attained right so he's like this is what I'm trying to do I haven't attained it though right he's like I'm striving for it I'm trying to attain unto it I haven't yet though it says either were already perfect so he's like this is what I'm going for trying to attain unto the resurrection dead that's that's quite a goal right there you know what the resurrection it would mean is that you are in a glorified sanctified state completely holistically he's like I'm trying to attain unto it not as though it already attained already perfect but I follow after if that I may apprehend Christ I apprehend that for which also I'm apprehended of Christ Jesus the app he has another word for like knowing so he's like I want to know him and he's saying I want to be conformal unto his death and I want to attain unto the resurrection of death I haven't attained neither am I already perfect you know he's like I haven't attained unto that but he also wants to apprehend Christ he wants to know Christ as much as Christ knows him now is he gonna is he gonna let me ask you a question now you probably know the chapter here but would you say he's apprehended well in verse verse 13 there it says brethren I count not myself to have apprehended right so he's like I haven't attained I haven't apprehended but guess what I'm trying to do I'm trying to attain I'm trying to apprehend him as much as he apprehends me and then he goes on to say but this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before I press toward the mark of the prize the high calling of God Christ Jesus what's he doing he's like I'm pressing that way I'm trying to be like I'm in a resurrected state I'm trying to know Christ like he knows me I haven't attained I haven't apprehended but I'm pressing that way guess what I don't believe Paul ever attained or ever apprehended Christ as much as Christ apprehends him but you know what the Bible says that in the resurrection we're gonna know him for we shall see him as he is we made like unto him guess what notice what it says in verse 20 of that same chapter for our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look for the Savior the Lord Jesus Christ who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself guess what that change is coming but not yet we're waiting for it Romans chapter 8 Romans chapter 8 the last thing we show you here will be done inwardly speaking we're children of God inwardly speaking we are saints we're sanctified or washed or glorified inwardly speaking in the soul and the spirit that's why to be asked for the body to be present with the Lord that's why it makes a lot of sense right it's like well if if I died at any moment why wouldn't my soul go to heaven if it's sanctified righteous and whole you know like saved where would it go right but it also shows you too that well if the flesh still has sin that's why it doesn't go that's why it goes to the ground because the wages of sin is dead and it's corrupt and it's going to decay and all that right but there will be a resurrection and that's what he's saying I haven't attained to the resurrection but it's coming I'm pressing toward it but eventually listen Paul died his body is decayed it's in the grave so he's his soul and his spirits in heaven but he's waiting for this day right here notice what says in Romans chapter 8 verse 19 it says for the earnest expectation of the creature waited for the manifestation of the sons of God and it just got done saying that we are the children of God and our spirit bear witness his spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God and obviously you're all the children of God by faith okay so we've established that you know we're saved by faith that's how we become children of God is how we're born again but he's saying that the creature waited for the manifestation of the sons of God what's the creature it's talking about the body right it's talking about the physical body the creation the creature right now remember the Bible says if any man be in Christ he is a new creature right the old man which is called the flesh is called the old man that's still old it's not new yet but we're waiting for it manifestation just means like it's being shown it's being revealed right for the creature was made subject to vanity not willingly but by reason of him who has subjected the same and hope because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God so the body is going to also write our spirit or soul already has the moment we believe but our body that creature that that that flesh is going to also be delivered from bondage and it's also going to become a child of God it says in verse 22 for we know that the whole creation grown into surveillance and pain together until now and not only they but ourselves also which have the first fruits of the spirit even we ourselves grown within ourselves waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of our body so it just spells it out right here we're talking about that creature waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God where that creature that's waiting in and groaning and wants to be delivered from bondage what are we talking about the body old wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death therefore with my mind I shall serve the law of God but with my flesh the law of sin that's what we're dealing with is that you're dealing with the new man the inward man is sanctified it's a saint it's it's it's completely washed it's made righteous it's a child of God the moment you believe that's all changed into that old things are passed away behold all things are become new I take the Bible literally I don't know about you but all means all to me it's not about well when you get saved some things are going to change listen if you get saved you're everything spiritually speaking is made new but the body nothing is and it's up to you to sanctify that body it's up to you to holistically sanctify yourselves unto the Lord and that's where it comes into okay I need to reign it in I need to die daily be holy as I am holy as the by as the Bible says in first first Peter that's what we're striving to do we have the earnest of his inheritance which were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise the Bible says grieve not the Spirit of God whereby you're sealed into the day of redemption guess what when you get saved you're sealed in the day of redemption because your spirit is completely saved and completely sanctified and completely washed and what redemption we talking about the redemption of the body so I hope this sermon helps with this idea of what does it mean to be a saint all believers are saints every single one the thief on the cross Saint the believer that doesn't do anything that gets saved at his doorstep never goes to church never reads his Bible he's a saint but in this life do you want to just stop at that do you want to stop at the fact that inwardly speaking girls stop messing with each other do you want to just stop the fact that you're inwardly a saint or would you want to be like Paul it says you know what I want to attain it to the resurrection of the dead now as Paul I'm gonna say I haven't attained not already perfect you know I want to apprehend Christ as he apprehends me I want to know Christ as much as he knows me not as though I've already apprehended here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus I'm going to try to sanctify I'm gonna live a saint holy sanctified life as much as I can isn't it interesting you know how we get labeled that we're just given a license the same we believe that it's one safe always saved and it's a it's eternal security you can't lose your salvation isn't it interesting that those that believe that salvation is by grace through faith that you can never lose your salvation end up living the most holy sanctified lives should be kind of a conundrum to people isn't it and you know when we're out so many people are just like well what you know what's stopping someone from just doing whatever they want to do I always ask them said why am I not doing it though why am I here talking to you I could go home and just like put up my feet not worry about any of this I know I'm going to heaven and it's like this like they're just like I think they don't understand because the natural man receive it not the things of the Spirit of God they're foolish to send to him neither can he know them because he spiritually discerned and those that believe that salvation is the freest end up living the most holy sanctified lives and listen I know that kind of sounds weird because obviously you see they're freer it's not right but the idea there is that those that that know what's free and that know that they're going to heaven no matter what now they can start working on even the most meticulous things that they have a problem with instead of justifying every sin that they have just so that they can somehow think that they're going to heaven based off being good and so being a saint who are the Saints believers but the Pope is not a saint the Pope now isn't a saint the Pope before isn't a saint Darth Sidious isn't a saint Benedict Arnold you know none of the Pope's are Saints they're sanctified unto hell I mean I guess you want to say that I mean they're separated under that I guess but but Saints are believers so when you're reading through the Bible when you see the congregation of Saints the ministering to the Saints when you see that term used all the time in the Bible it's very easy believers those that are believers those that have been sanctified and I think that also helps to shoot when you look at that term Saints and you see it in the Old Testament over and over and over and over again know that hey this idea that Old Testament Saints didn't go to heaven is that even in that phrase Old Testament Saints don't go to heaven doesn't make any sense right were they sanctified or were they not were they washed or were they not like well they weren't technically sanctified yet doesn't make any sense so I hope this sermon helps if anybody had problems with that everybody may look at me like hey we already knew that brother well you know so be it you know there's always there's always a good time to have a sermon to just reiterate what you already know but but anyway let's end with the word of prayer dear Heavenly Father we thank you for today thank you for your word and Lord thank you for sanctifying us through your word and through faith and Lord we just thank you for cleansing us from all our sins would help us to holistically try to sanctify ourselves unto you and Lord that reign in our body reign in the flesh and to live for you and to be like Paul that is trying to attain unto the resurrection of the dead even while we're here in this life and Lord just help us to do that on an individual basis help our church with that and Lord help us see many souls saved as we preach the gospel and Lord we love you in Jesus Christ name amen for the day will come sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed all right take your song books and turn to song 159 song 159 in your song books if you would stand we'll sing blessed be the name song 159 all praise to him who reigns above and majesty supreme who gave his son for man to die that he might man redeem blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord his name above all names shall stand exalted more and more at God the Father's own right hand where angels hosts adore blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord redeemer Savior friend of man once ruined by the fall thou hast devised salvation's plan for thou has died for all blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord his name shall be the counselor the mighty Prince of Peace of all Earth's kingdoms conquer whose name shall never cease blessed be the name