(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Can someone have, one of the ladies go in there and turn the thermostat to not be heat. I turned it on heat because it was kind of cold, but it is like getting really warm. I turned that air back on, so anytime you turn the heat on, it is a mistake in this building. So I should just let it bend cold. But amen, you are there in Matthew chapter 3, and we are going to be continuing our study through this doctrine of baptism. So go to Hebrews chapter 6 again, and we covered last week the doctrine of baptisms as far as one of the baptisms is just the main baptism which is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus and also how we take part in that when we get saved. So when we get saved, we are buried with him and we are raised with him, spiritually speaking. That will happen eventually, physically as well, but basically we are going to be baptized with him and resurrected. And so that is the main one, but we are going to be getting into the water baptism. And so this is the one where most people think of when you think of baptism, you think of the water baptism. But I just want to refresh your memory here that we are dealing with multiple baptisms and it says in verse 1 of Hebrews 6, Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this is what we do if God permit. So he is saying that we don't want to lay this foundation again, we want to go on to perfection, we want to go beyond this, but the foundation is repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, salvation. Next one that is a foundational doctrine is the doctrine of baptisms, plural. And so we are dealing with multiple baptisms, and like I said we dealt with the one Lord, one faith, one baptism, which is the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ himself, the death, burial, and resurrection, the gospel, and I hit on that last week. This week I want to hit on the physical water baptism that we have, the New Testament baptism that we have a baptistery here and dealing with this physical commandment. And we find this commandment in Matthew chapter 28, go to Matthew chapter 28, we will be getting back to Matthew 3, go to Matthew chapter 28, Matthew 28 and verse 18 here, it says in verse 18, and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth, go ye therefore, and notice there are three things that are going to be said here, three different things that they need to do, go ye therefore and teach all nations, that's one, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, that's two, and then three, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world, amen. So teaching all nations, I believe that's where going into all the world, preaching the Gospel to every creature, you know, we're teaching them the Gospel, we're preaching them the Gospel, so that's number one. Next on the list is baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. So you know, there's differences, and I may get to Mark 16 again, I covered this last week and how I believe Mark 16, 16 is actually talking about, you know, being baptized into Christ, you know, believe and be baptized into Christ and thou shalt be saved essentially is what you're dealing with there, but notice that in Mark 16, it doesn't say, it's not telling you to baptize someone there, it's basically saying that that person is believing and being baptized. Here, this isn't talking about spiritual baptism, okay, because it's saying that you need to go out and teach, you need to go out and baptize, okay, so this isn't talking about something that's happening on in the spiritual realm here, you know, I mean obviously there's a spiritual realm to preaching the Gospel, but you're physically opening your mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the Gospel, you're teaching them the Gospel, and then you're physically baptizing somebody and you're physically teaching them the Bible after that, okay, and this is the progression, this is the Great Commission, if you will, or so we call it, you know, in the fact that you preach them the Gospel, you get them baptized, and then they get in the church and they observe all things, you know, that's how you're supposed to progress, okay, so go to Matthew chapter 3, Matthew chapter 3, and John the Baptist is the one that really started this water baptism as far as, you know, dunking people under water, and obviously this is Old Testament still, but it's basically paving the way for the New Testament, okay, but in Matthew chapter 3, I want you to see something very clear here, is that John would not baptize people unless he thought they were saved, okay, he was, I know that if you saw the greatest story ever told, the old movie, you just see John the Baptist just dunking people and saying repent, okay, but Charlton Heston's not really John the Baptist, and, you know, he would say repent and throw him underneath the water, okay, you know, that's not what he was doing, okay, obviously that was a, you know, that's a movie, okay, and what I want to make a point here is that he would basically, he wanted to make sure that the person is saved before he would baptize them, now as much as anybody could, and I'll show you where he baptized people that actually weren't saved, we find out later, but that's going to happen, okay, we can't see someone's heart and know for sure that this person's actually a believer a hundred percent, okay, so there will be people, I'm sure, and in the span of this church where we baptize them, but they really didn't actually believe, okay, but by and large, though, you should be trying to make this, make sure this, right, because before I baptized somebody, I talked to the person, and I say, what do you believe someone has to do to go to heaven? Do you believe you can lose your salvation? Do you think there's any works involved? You know, like, I go through the whole thing with them as far as, like, just making sure they understand the gospel and make sure that they understand how they're saved and all that, and at that point, all right, let's get baptized, but if someone's not sure about it or they're still, you know, trying to figure that out, I'm like, well, let's wait, let's wait until we get this shirt up and make sure you know this, okay? Um, Matthew three in verse five, it says, then went out to him Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region round about Jordan, and were baptized of him in Jordan confessing their sins. But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, Oh, generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruits, meat for repentance, and think not to say within yourselves, we have Abraham to our father, for I say unto you that God is able of these stones to raise, raise up children unto Abraham. And now also the axe is laid onto the root of the trees. Therefore, every tree would bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. I indeed baptize you with water under repentance, but he that cometh after me is mightier than than I whose shoes I'm not worthy to bear. He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire, whose fan is in his hand, and he, he will thoroughly purchase floor and gather his wheat into the garner, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. Now I read all of this because there's actually three different baptisms mentioned in this. Okay. And we're going to hit these pretty much in this order. Today, we're gonna be dealing with the water baptism, you know, the water baptism that john did, and that we still do today. Then there's the baptism, the Holy Ghost, and then there's the baptism of fire. Okay. And I don't want to steal my thunder going into those. I'll explain those later. But the baptism of water, the thing that you want to notice here is that he didn't baptize everybody that came to him. And you say, Well, did they come to be baptized? You know, because he's he's rebuking describe the Pharisees and Sadducees that came to his baptism. Okay. Well, go to Luke chapter three, Luke chapter three, I'm going to show you that those scribes and Pharisees were wanting to be baptized of him, and he basically he denied them. And he's stating that you need to bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance. Now, this has been often misused to say, Well, you need to bring forth works meet for repentance. It's not what it says. It says fruit, and the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that when his souls is wise, and by the way, a good tree cannot bring forth corrupt fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. That means that if you're talking about works, then that means no one saved. And, you know, it just wouldn't make sense in reality. Okay, because an unsafe person can still like do good things and a safe person can still do bad things. Okay, but it's talking about what you're bringing forth. And then he starts going on talking about being children of Abraham. Okay, and he's basically stating that just because you're a child of Abraham physically does not mean that you're a child of God. Okay, and he's making a point here, you get a Roman chapter nine, it hits on this very clearly that those that are the children of flesh, these are not the children of God. Okay, and he's making a point saying, you're not children of God, you may be children of the flesh, but he's like, God is able to raise up children of these stones. Okay, and he's making a point that we're talking about a spiritual sonship, if you will, of being of the child of God, and it doesn't matter about physical. Okay. And he says, I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance. And we'll get to that later on as far as what that means. And but Luke chapter three in verse three here, I want to I just want to prove this point that the people that he's ripping their face off saying, Oh, generation of vipers are wanting to be baptized of him. Okay, because when you read into Matthew three, you kind of think, well, they just came to it, right? They just came to kind of be there. But notice what it says in Luke chapter three and verse three says, and he came into all the country about Jordan preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. And I just want to say this is that he preached the baptism of repentance and he baptized with water. And you don't believe me Mark one says this, you could write this down if you want Mark one for says, john did baptize in the wilderness and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. See that there's a separation there. The baptism of water did not bring the remission of sins. The preaching of the baptism of repentance brought the remission of sins. And this is why you're you're baptizing with water unto repentance, meaning that the way that you would think about this is that if you said I dance to music, okay, you don't dance in order to get music. You're dancing because of the music, right? The music is what's causing you to dance. Okay. And the same thing with, would you say this, I'm going to baptize you so that you will repent? No, I don't think anybody believes that. Okay, but that's what they're trying to say. They're trying to say, well, you know, you got to repent of your sins to be in that in order to, you know, then you get baptized. No, first of all, it doesn't say repent of your sins. Okay. That's never in the Bible. But it's basically stating the reason you're getting baptized is because you're doing it unto repentance, you've repented. And that's why you're getting baptized. And I'm kind of getting ahead of myself on that. But I just want to make a point here that the fact is, is that he did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance. There are two things that are going on there. And in Luke three, it says that he came into all the country about Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. Okay, so it's again saying he's preaching this is what he's saying, as it is written in the book of the words, he's at is a is the prophet saying the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare you the way the Lord make his pass straight, every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall be brought low, and the crew shall be made straight and all and the rough ways shall be made smooth, and all flesh shall see the salvation of God. So when he's preaching the baptism of repentance, what's he saying? All flesh shall see the salvation of God, we're talking about the salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. And let me just say this, that he preached the baptism of repentance saying that they should believe on him that should come after him even on Jesus on Christ Jesus. Okay, that's what it says. I'm getting ahead of myself. But it's very clear that the baptism of repentance is preaching that the believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, when he said he that believeth on the son hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the son shall not see light, but the wrath of God abideth on him. That's John the Baptist. John the Baptist said that. John the Baptist also said behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. So John the Baptist preached to believe on Christ and to believe and before he knew who it was, before he baptized Jesus, he just said who should come after him. Okay, once he knew it was Jesus, he said behold the Lamb of God. This is the Son of God. He bare record that this is the Son of God. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that's who you're supposed to believe on and that's the baptism of repentance. Okay, now keep reading there in Luke 3 and verse 7. Then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him. Okay, so he's talking to the people that came forth to be baptized of him. Old generation of vipers who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come. So there's a group of people and I believe this is the Pharisees and Sadducees as it says in Matthew chapter 3 that's coming to him saying you know that they were wanting to be baptized of him. They didn't just come just to see the sight and just to be there for the baptism. They came to be baptized of him and what does he say to them? He says old generation of vipers. So does he think they're saved? No. Okay, he's making a big point. He's like no. He's refusing them and saying that they're not saved. He says who hath warned you to flee from wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance. And this is why the King James Bible is awesome because if you don't know what the word meet means you know what the word worthy means. Okay, if you think about I'm going to make a help meet for him, you know a help worthy of him would be another way to say that in Genesis chapter chapter 2. Now in keep reading here it says it says bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance to begin not to say within yourselves we have Abraham to our father for I say unto you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham and now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is shewn down and cast into the fire. You know where this is talked about a lot is Matthew chapter 7 and you're talking about false prophets and good prophets. That's the dichotomy you're dealing with and what's he calling them? He's saying you're false prophets and he says bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance or worthy of repentance. He's talking about their proselytes because it says that they can pass sea and land to make one proselyte and when he is made they make him two fold more the child of hell than themselves. Okay, so you're dealing with you know the fact that he's saying your children your your proselytes that's not good fruit that's corrupt fruit and you're a generation of vipers. Okay and so the thing is is that he didn't just baptize everybody that came and if someone came here I'm not just gonna they'd be like I need you baptized be like all right let's do this okay no I'm gonna make sure hey are you saved. Now John the Baptist is dealing with an extreme example of like a false prophet. Okay, but obviously when it comes to just a normal person you may not see like you know whether this person because someone can get saved and never bring forth fruit. Does that make sense? When it says without fruit it's talking about like in Jude where it says without fruit twice dead plucked up by the roots. Trees whose fruit withers without fruit twice dead plucked up by the roots. You're talking about a corrupt tree that you so it's not just saying like hey you're a Christian you don't get someone saved you're you know a corrupt tree. Okay, now obviously a tree can be still a good tree that's just not bearing like it should. Okay, so in those cases you got to obviously see okay what do they believe what do they say okay out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speak it you know you get into that aspect of trying to figure that out and with that you will run into times where you're gonna baptize somebody that's not saved. Okay, John the Baptist did it I'm gonna prove to you that John the Baptist baptized people that weren't saved. Okay, but I'm not here to fault John the Baptist by the way he was the greatest prophet to ever be born of a woman. Okay, so he's obviously I mean if he if he was bad and what are we you know now and go to go to me back to Matthew chapter 3 Matthew chapter 3 so I wanted to make that point very clear is that John the Baptist was very careful to make sure someone was saved before he baptized them. Also baptism water baptism clearly doesn't take away sin because Jesus was baptized. Okay, so if baptism water baptism was for the purpose of taking away sin then then you'd have to tell me that Jesus needed some sins to be washed away but Jesus explains exactly why he's getting baptized and this explains to us as far as why you know why we do it okay and Matthew chapter 3 and verse 13 it says then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized of him but John forbade him saying I have need to be baptized of thee and cometh thou to me. Now I can understand where he's coming from right the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God comes to you and says I need to be baptized you know you need to baptize me he'd be like this should be the other way around right you know like I am you know you're the Lord okay but you know he what does Jesus say here in verse in verse 15 it says Jesus answered and said unto him suffer to be so now so he's saying just just you know suffer this right now obviously I know this this seems like it should be the other way around and it says for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness doesn't say anything about you know covering sin or washing away sin and would that make any sense when Jesus was you know it says he was manifest to take where sins and in him is no sin it says who hath no sin neither was gall found in his mouth was tempted and all points like as we are yet without sin would that make any sense that he needs to get sins washed away no but what's he say to fulfill all righteousness okay so when you're dealing with why do we get baptized to fulfill all righteousness okay now obviously we're not the Lord so we're not actually going to fulfill every bit of righteousness that's out there but righteousness and the fact that sin all all sin is unrighteousness okay so what's sin the transgression against the law that means all keeping the law is righteous okay so when you're dealing with this is a commandment that's being made and when you do it you're doing something righteous you're doing something right you're doing something good okay and I love that Jesus did this okay now obviously I'm sure there's other reasons why he did this but one of the big reasons I believe he did this is just he's not going to do something he's not going to tell us to do something that he's not that he's not going to do himself okay this is a true leader here okay the Lord Jesus Christ is the greatest leader obviously ever but a leader leads by example okay it'd be like me saying let's go soul winning you know this church should be a soul winning church and then I never go soul winning hey that'd be that'd be ridiculous okay how can I be a leader of a church that's supposed to go soul winning if I don't go oh that's beneath me guys you know I'm not gonna go but Jesus you know he did he went soul winning he showed people how to go soul winning he got baptized and he said you know I'm gonna fulfill all righteousness so when he says to go out and get baptized you can't be like well why should I do that why'd Jesus do it are you better than Jesus you know is water baptism beneath you no pun intended but obviously you know it's just showing you that hey this is a righteous act and Jesus went around doing good listen Jesus didn't know sin but it's not just the fact that he didn't sin he also had righteousness he also went around doing good he also healed the sick had charity you know loved his neighbor like loved God did all the commandments kept them all to a T and so you can't take that stuff out and it shows you hey we're not dealing with with remission of sins here we're dealing with doing something good okay so when you do when you get baptized water baptized you know that has nothing to do with getting atonement for sin even physically okay I don't believe it's like even like okay you get water baptized and it's kind of like atoning for some of your physical sins so getting right with God no I believe this is something where God tells you to do it you do it okay and it's a it's something that you're keeping and you're just on this righteous walk with God and and all that now go to 1st Corinthians chapter 1 1st Corinthians chapter 1 and so first of all baptism has nothing to do with salvation has nothing to do with remitting any sins okay and I'm going to show you a verse and you say well what's it what's a big verse if someone said hey baptism is what saves you okay you'd be like where would you take him this is where I take him 1st Corinthians chapter 1 I'm gonna take you to verse 17 but I want you to get led up to that I'm going to show you context okay what are we talking about here it says verse 12 it says now this I say that every one of you said I am a Paul and I of Apollos and I of Cephas and I of Christ is Christ divided was Paul crucified for you or were you baptized in the name of Paul I thank God that I baptized none of you but Crispus and Gaius so he's talking about water baptism here it's very clear he's talking about water baptism and he's stating here that you know we didn't baptize in our in each other's names okay if I baptize you it's not like I'm baptizing in my name like I was baptized in in Jason you know that's weird you know it's ridiculous but they're basically wanting to say hey I was baptized by Paul I was baptized by Peter you know Cephas one of the top three it's like what do you do who cares who baptizes you okay has nothing to do with who physically is baptizing you by the way this isn't in my notes but did you know this that Jesus didn't baptize anybody now his disciples baptized it says this in John 4 it says that Jesus baptized more than John okay you know what that shows you is that he got more converts okay that Jesus got a lot of converts and baptized more people than John okay with no marvel because Jesus is obviously better than John the Baptist but it says though Jesus himself baptized not but his disciples okay so that means that Jesus wasn't actually in the water dunking people but they're saying you know people would say I was baptized in Christ because obviously they were under his ministry and you know he's get they're getting saved through you know like Jesus preaching the gospel and they're getting saved then they're getting baptized but he's using one of his disciples to physically baptize them okay this really shows you that I don't believe it really matters who the person is okay that is baptizing you and meaning this is that obviously you want to be at a church that's a saved church that believes right okay but if let you down on the road you're like I don't know if that person was saved to baptize me okay that's to me that's ridiculous to think that that has to be in the equation because you weren't baptized in that person's name okay you know what the important thing is is that you were physically immersed okay I'm going to get to that that this is by immersion because that's what the word baptized means that you're physically immersed after you got saved that's really all you need to worry about obviously if you have if you're just like worried about that then you can get re-baptized okay but at the same time I don't think you need to if you're like oh you know I was going to this church turns out the deacon wasn't saved turns out the deacon was an infiltrator okay let's just say forsake of our let's say the pastor was okay but it was you know you're in a church that believes right on the gospel and turns out there's some bad apples in there okay and one of the bad apples ends up being the one that baptized you well you weren't baptized in their name were you then there's nothing to worry about okay now let's get to the verse that I want to show you here verse 15 it says lest any should say that I had baptized in my own name so he's saying I thank God I baptized none of you now this is talking about salvation that would be a really mean thing to say well I'm glad again didn't get any of you saved that's what he'd be saying right if baptism if water baptisms a part of salvation it says I and I baptized also the household of Stefanus besides I know not whether I baptized any other for Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel not with wisdom of words lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect verse 17 this is the kryptonite to this baptism regeneration heresy I came not you know Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel you know what he's doing here he's showing you that water baptism in the gospel are completely disconnected not to mention Paul just said I thank God I baptized none of you could it would anybody be like I thank God I didn't get you saved like that's that's ludicrous to say something like that but in the aspect that these people are basically trying to one-up people he's saying I thank God I didn't baptize any of you because then you'd be trying to one up everybody else that was baptized by people in the church and they weren't baptized by an apostle okay that's why he's saying it and he's not saying like I think God you know I wish none of you got baptized he's not saying that either he's not saying don't get baptized they think I think God I baptized none of you because why you don't be saying I'm I'm a Paul okay so but this is the kryptonite okay and anytime I run into a Church of Christ person out soul winning and they try to say oh you got to be baptized be like well what does it say in 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verse 17 and I've never heard them ever get a give a rebuttal to this I'm just saying there's nothing you can say to this okay I've never heard them ever try to gain say this you know what they say well you know and they just don't want to talk anymore or they'll go off on some other tangent but I usually say what does it say there Paul said Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel what's the gospel we're gonna chapter 15 the gospel is clearly laid out what is the gospel well the gospel is glad tidings is glad tidings of good things I mean obviously that's what the word means but when we're preaching the gospel there's there's Gospels right there's basically there's a lot of glad tidings in the world okay glad tidings that my son was born right that's a glad tiding that's a good news right but then there's the gospel okay then there's the good news the glad tidings meaning that what's the ultimate good news is that Jesus died for us and for our sins and rose again a third day that is the good news okay and that is the gospel and what does it say here in verse 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verse 1 moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preach unto you which also you have received and wherein you stand by which also ye are saved if ye keep in memory that which what I preached unto you unless ye have believed in vain so he's basically saying I preached unto you the gospel by which ye are saved so you're saved by this gospel and then he's gonna then he's gonna define what that is verse 3 it says for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again third day according to the scriptures very simple okay what's the good news that Jesus died for our sins was buried and rose again third day that's it you say well you go through eternal security you know that's not a part of the gospel well if someone believes they can lose their salvation then they don't believe that he died for their sins notice that sins plural okay it's not just some no it's all okay by the way you know the gospel the record is that that he gives unto us eternal life and this life is in his son okay that's the record that you have to believe and if you believe you can lose your salvation you don't believe it's eternal and you don't believe he died for your sins okay there's some sin that he didn't die for and therefore what are you doing you're denying the gospel now go to John chapter 3 John chapter 3 and the next thing that you see here is that baptisms by immersion John chapter 3 well Matthew chapter 3 when Jesus was baptized it says in verse 16 and Jesus when he was baptized went up straight way out of the water okay so he wasn't just like and you know there's there's movies out there where they'll be in a river and then John the Baptist takes this little dish and then sprinkles them I'm like why you in the river get a bucket move out of the river like what are you in the river for okay and it was just like I'm like talking about putting the Bible on its head okay but it says he came up out of the water and then obviously he you know the talks about the fact that the Spirit of God came down upon him like a dove and obviously yeah that's a great passage you have the Trinity there you have the the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God standing there the Spirit of God coming down from heaven and then you have father talking about his son so it's a great Trinity passage there but in John chapter 3 here what I want you to also see here is that when they would baptize people they would go where there's a lot of water okay if you're just sprinkling people you just carry around like a vessel of water okay and just like dunk it over to people you know if you're just talking about sprinkling and John chapter 3 and verse 22 it says after these things came Jesus and his disciples into the land of Judea and there he tarried with them and baptized so we see that Jesus you know and his disciples were baptizing chapter 4 clarifies that it wasn't Jesus physically baptizing people but his disciples but that their ministry Jesus ministry with his disciples had more baptisms than John okay in verse 23 there and John also was baptizing in a non near to Salem so at the same time they're getting converts they're they're baptizing people it says in a non near to Salem because there was much water there and they came and were baptized so why were they baptizing people there because there was much water there why because you need to immerse listen the sprinkling makes sense when baptism represents the death barrel resurrection now sprinkling would make sense if it represented blood because you had the blood of sprinkling on the mercy seat but that's not what baptism represents baptism represents the death and burial okay and the resurrection obviously is the good news to that he didn't just die and was buried but he rose again okay so it's very clear as by immersion and go to Acts chapter 8 we'll see that again with the immersion part but I also want to show you here that what's the prerequisite to being water baptized okay and I'm just gonna say this it's only one thing one thing okay it's belief if you believe you can be baptized like whoa whoa I mean what if they don't understand all the doctrines of baptism I don't care what if they don't understand that they can't live with their boyfriend or girlfriend I don't care that is not a prerequisite now being a church member that's a different story okay I didn't I'm not talking about church membership I'm not talking about being here when I say church membership I mean like being in the church okay and not getting church discipline okay we don't have a list of church members okay if you're here you're a member okay if you come on regular basis you're a member of the church okay now go to Acts chapter 8 and verse 35 we're dealing with Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch and this is a great passage if you want to understand water baptism and just the sequence of events this is a great passage now if you have an NIV ESV then this is gonna be messed up okay because there's gonna be a very crucial verse that's missing in all the new versions okay verse 35 it says then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus so he was reading Isaiah if you remember and he and basically Philip came up to him and just started preaching to him Jesus verse 36 it says and as they went on their way they came unto a certain water and the eunuch said see here's water what doth hinder me to be baptized now this questions in the Bible okay it's like well you know what where should I go to see what I must do to be saved probably where the person that asked what must I do to be saved you say well what do I where do I go when it says what must I do or what what hinders me from getting water baptized well you should probably go to the place where that question was asked okay and this question is clearly asked what does hinder me to be baptized and what did Philip say verse 37 and Philip said if thou will believe us with all thine heart thou mayest now they didn't say anything about what you need to have a seven week Bible study you need to come to our church for a little while you need to come to our church at all okay he's in the way with him they're not going to church they're not they haven't been the church together at all okay they're just walking down the road or you know riding on the cherry or whatever they're doing right and they're just going down the way here and there's nothing else that's mentioned as far as what you need to do to be baptized as far as like what's the prerequisite if thou believes with all thine heart and I love that it says that because there's a lot of people that say they believe but listen if you believe you can lose your salvation for any reason then you don't believe with all your heart you know it has to be all or nothing it's all Jesus or none of Jesus it's either all grace or it's no grace now in verse 8 here I'm sorry if thou believes with all thine heart now by the way verse 37 here is not in the new versions okay it's in the New King James but there's a there's a note there saying this shouldn't be here because it's not in the originals right which is their corrupt manuscripts but this is not there and Phillips said if thou believeth with all thine heart thou mayest and he answered and said I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God you know why this is taken out in a lot of places you say well I do you're saying that they had nefarious reasons yes I'm saying they had nefarious reasons one money two they want to insert their doctrines you know what doctrine they want to have baby baptism is it any marvel that the Calvinists and the Reformed Baptists love the ESV because they also love baptizing babies a bunch of Presbyterians that baptize babies and sprinkle them they don't like this verse why because it's saying that you have to believe in order to get baptized okay and he says I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God well he's so ever believed that Jesus the Christ is born of God well that works let's do this you know and what happens verse 38 and he commanded the chariot to stand still and they went down both into the water why didn't you just pull out his vessel of water and just sprinkle them right there no they both went down into the water both Philip and eunuch and he baptized him and when they were come up out of the water the Spirit of the Lord caught him caught away Philip that the eunuch saw him no more and he went on his way rejoicing this yeah it's very clear it's just it's just believe he never even saw Philip again what about Philip what about your follow-up you're really failing on your follow-up yeah yeah he is isn't he because he never saw him again now obviously we you know if someone wants to come to church well we'll follow up with them if they really want to come but I'm not here to beg people to come to church I'm not here to beg people to get baptized even okay who has to be baptized now obviously I think Philip talked about it okay or he wouldn't have known that baptism was even a thing right but did you see Philip saying listen you get baptized I'm gonna force you go down this water and you know I'm gonna dunk you under that water until you like bubble you know no he he was just I'm sure he preached it I'm sure he said you know the next step you know you should be getting baptized and then they come to water and it's the Ethiopian eunuchs that's saying hey can I get baptized okay so it should be a voluntary act okay if Philip thought that water baptism was that important if it was a part of salvation then he wouldn't be waiting on the Ethiopian eunuch to basically be asking if he could do this and even even Philip saying hey well if you believe with all your heart then he did he's like all right let's go and they went down now go to 1st Corinthians chapter 10 because you know what's interesting is that the Old Testament actually has this progression very clearly shown in the Bible as far as salvation baptism and notice what it says in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 because what we're gonna see here is when they pass through the Red Sea it likens that unto baptism now obviously the Red Sea is water okay so you can see how that would represent it it also likens the cloud to baptism and by the way a cloud is water vapor okay it's a different form you know obviously you have like water that's on in the oceans and but then you have vapor and then you have ice okay liquid solid gas right anyway in verse 1 here 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 1 it says moreover brethren I would not that you should be ignorant how that all our fathers were under the cloud and all passed through the sea okay so we all kind of know that right that they had this cloud that would follow them by day and be a shadow by day and then they went through the sea the Red Sea and verse 2 it says and we're all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea so you have this picture of the children of Israel getting baptized as they were going through this sea right they they had the cloud over them and they had the you know the sea unto Moses now when you think about this this is the Old Testament the Old Testament started the day they came out of Egypt okay that's what the Bible teaches it says that that covenant made with them went the day that he led them out of the land of Egypt okay so what happened the day you know that night you know going into the day the Passover the Passover lamb was killed the blood was put on the door posted on the lentils and what happened they were spared from what death right it talks about the destroyer coming and killing the firstborn and so what you have you have the blood of Christ the Bible talks about Jesus Christ or says Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us it says in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 so Jesus Christ is our Passover what happens after the Passover what's the next event you have chapter 12 talks about the Passover right chapter 13 you know you're dealing with the fact of instituting it and going forth right chapter 14 what do you have the parting of the Red Sea chapter 15 you have a song about parting of the Red Sea chapter 16 17 18 you're leading up to and 19 you're leading up to giving of the Ten Commandments right and they're they're traveling they're murmuring you know you had the manna because you see that in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 chapter 16 you have or I'm sorry chapter 17 I might be off of my chapters here basically you have the story about the manna coming down then you have the story about the rock the water coming from a rock and then you have the fact in chapter 19 he's stating I'm making a covenant with you it's contingent on you keeping these commandments chapter 20 boom Ten Commandments and then the law is given and all the other ordinances and everything that are given after that okay so think about this in the Old Testament what's the progression of when they come out of the land of Egypt okay because Egypt is likened unto a fire of an iron furnace did you know that it talks about Egypt being referred to he saved them out of an iron furnace so when you get saved what do you say from a burning fiery furnace aren't you you're safe from hell you're safe from the second death you're safe from hell death and hell so when the blood was applied what happened they were saved out of this this iron furnace that talks about in the Bible which is Egypt then what happens after they get saved after they get the blood they pass through the sea what does that represent according to 1st Corinthians chapter 10 water baptism baptism and then what happens that they are in the wilderness for 40 years and what happens after the wilderness promised land think about this when you get saved you believe on Lord Jesus Christ you get saved then you get baptized and then what happens that way after you get baptized you're in the wilderness for a while until you die and then what happens promised land heaven that's literally the Christian walk it's the fact that salvation baptism walk in the Lord in this wick you know this crooked and perverse nation that we live in in this dark world that we live in a world of sin and iniquity and we're walking through it trying to be a light in it and then what's what's what's our end game heaven eternity the promised land okay and so it just pictures it perfectly so in the Old Testament yet Passover Red Sea wilderness promised land and spiritually speaking what do you have in the New Testament salvation baptism Christian walk heaven that's exactly what you're dealing with there okay so it pictures that obviously in the Old Testament they weren't getting water baptized you know like it was instituted in the New Testament now in verse I go to I'm sorry go to act chapter 19 act chapter 19 what if someone gets baptized and then they realize they weren't saved or they didn't believe right okay and then they believe after that because I get this question a lot especially when I win someone to Christ because I'll win someone to Christ and be like well the next step is you want to get baptized you know you want to get water baptized and I'll give him a verse on that I'd be like well I've already been baptized and I have to explain to him and say well the prerequisite to getting baptized water baptized is to believe now if you didn't believe what I showed you back before you got baptized the last time then it wasn't legit okay and I'm going to prove that to you with acts chapter 19 okay and this is where you're going to see that John the Baptist actually baptized people that turned out to not be saved okay they didn't actually believe they weren't like reprobates he didn't these people actually did get saved and then they got baptized again so we're not talking about the vipers okay there was just people that came he thought they were saved he baptized them so listen I guarantee that'll happen that happens in every church okay so if you ever go to church and then someone's like I got baptized by this person and then they turn out to not be saved you shouldn't be like you know what kind of leaderships over there it's like Walden talk to John the Baptist okay you say well I can't believe you guys had an infiltrator you know yeah you have this went infiltrator yeah you know Judas was also one of the twelve you know that right obviously Jesus knew that Judas was an unbeliever and ultimately a devil you know I'm not saying that Jesus didn't know okay but he's making a point hey listen even the best are gonna have bad people in the midst even the best John the Baptist baptized people that actually weren't saved okay and and and Acts chapter 19 this is such a great passage dealing with baptism because it just destroys so many false doctrines verse 1 here says and it came to pass that while Apollos was at Corinth Paul having passed through the upper coast came to Ephesus and finding certain disciples he said unto them have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed and they said unto him we have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost so he's basically talking about you in a lot of times dealing with being filled with the Spirit or you know the Holy Ghost coming upon them and he's basically saying have you have you had this happen since you believed and they're like we don't know if there is a Holy Ghost now if someone said that to you today would you be like this person saved if someone says I don't even know if there is a Holy Ghost like then you don't believe in the right God okay because we know that God is the Father Son and Holy Ghost but then Paul says here notice in verse verse 3 it says he said unto them unto what then were you baptized and they said unto John's baptism now this really lines up well with the fact that I baptize you with water unto repentance okay and Paul's basically saying unto what then were you baptized meaning like what did you believe right what were you what was the reasoning for your baptism and you say well they just said they didn't know that there's a Holy Ghost yet we just read a chapter where it's saying you know there's one that comes after me that I'm not worried to unloose is the shoe latchet right of his shoe he's gonna baptize you with hope the Holy Ghost and with fire right so the idea there is that he his whole ministry is talking about the Holy Ghost he even said I'm not gonna you know he didn't know who the Christ would be but him that said unto him you know that he just gonna baptize with the Holy Ghost he said you're gonna see the Spirit descend on him like a dove says in John chapter one he's like the one sign that John said I'm gonna know who the Christ is is when I see the Holy Ghost coming down from heaven and aboding upon him and you're gonna tell me that you didn't know that there's even a Holy Ghost you weren't paying attention okay so verse 3 it says and he said of them I'm sorry in verse 4 there then said Paul John barely baptized with the baptism of repentance and what do we see that was that was preaching the baptism of repentance meaning that he didn't just baptize people just laxed easily and he didn't just do it with no any type of prerequisites okay he had the same prerequisite Philip had if thou believes with all my heart thou mayest and it says he baptized with the baptism repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him that should come after him that is on Christ Jesus when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus this is the only place in the Bible where you'll see people get baptized twice okay Apollos didn't get baptized again at least it's not recorded okay meaning that Apollos was already saved still okay Apollos was in a chapter before this and he was preaching the baptism of John and what's the baptism of John that they should believe on him that should come after him okay he didn't know he must have not been there when John basically said hey here's this is the Christ and we know that Paul Apollos wasn't living in Jerusalem okay so this makes sense he wasn't there he was in Ephesus okay so he was outside of everything that was going on but he knew the baptism of John he believed and he was baptized by John and we don't see him getting re-baptized because they basically just explained the Word of God more perfectly unto him okay and he's just like oh okay everything I'm preaching that's Jesus because the next breath in the end of chapter 18 it says that he started going through the scriptures and preaching that Jesus is the Christ okay so it's not like it's just he heard the shepherds voice he got more information and listen today that's not gonna ever be the case listen you're dealing with this case where Jesus is being preached but in Paul's day Christ was preached throughout the whole world okay so now there's no one out there it's like I believe on him that should come after John but I don't know that it's Jesus okay that's not a thing anymore that would never happen that's just ridiculous to even think that that would happen okay but this is the only place that you see someone re-baptized and what it comes down to is that they didn't know what they needed to believe and then they got re-baptized okay so I do believe that if if you got say you know after you've been baptized before then you should get re-baptized just like these men did here and also the Bible teaches that it should be when you get saved you should try to get baptized right away okay go to act chapter 16 act chapter 16 I'm not gonna belabor this point I'm just gonna show you a very familiar passage with someone getting saved and then show you that hey they did it pretty much immediately now I didn't personally get baptized until a couple years after I got saved I wasn't in I wasn't in a church really I you know I got saved went started going to college and we were reading the Bible going through all this stuff but we didn't have a church we were going to right and and so it wasn't until a couple years later and I actually got baptized by a liberal Baptist Church okay I mean it's a Baptist Church you know and on the surface they said they believed the right thing about salvation but you know what again I didn't get baptized in their name I got baptized in the Lord Jesus Christ and I was immersed physically you know underneath water and you know what I believed right so you know that's where that's where that stands okay and I know there was other people in that church that believed right you know and all that stuff and like I said if there's bad apples in there and even like I said even if the pastor wasn't saying and the person that literally baptized you wasn't saved later on you find out they were an infiltrator or they weren't actually saved listen that doesn't affect you okay we're not Baptist writers and if you understand what a Baptist brighter is a Baptist brighter believes that the person that baptizes you you have to know that that person saved and they were baptized by someone that was saved and they were baptized by someone that was saved and then that goes all the way back to John the Baptist that's a Baptist brighter okay that's ridiculous talk about endless genealogies good night try to find that genealogy I mean I've heard of ancestry.com and I've used it but try to find baptism.com you know like baptism ancestry.com you know good luck but in Acts chapter 16 verse 29 it says then he called for a light and sprang in and came trembling and fell down before Paul and Silas and brought them out and said sirs what must I do to be saved and they said believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved in thy house now we use this verse all the time out soul winning because it's a great verse and but then the story continues now that's the end of what the person needed to do to be saved okay but the story continues on because Paul gets out of prison all this stuff goes on let's see what happens with the Philippian jailer Paul and his house because it's interesting that that last portion on there says and thy house it's not saying that if you believe your house will also be saved because you believe no it's basically saying that if you believe and your house believes everybody it doesn't matter right whosoever okay it's just a kind of another way of basically putting it as whosoever believe it shall be saved he's basically saying thou shalt be saved and thy house shall be saved and everybody else that believes will be saved you know it's just kind of tagging that on but you know what ends up happening his house ends up getting saved okay notice what I keep reading there in verse 32 and they spake unto him the word of the Lord and to all that were in his house okay so they didn't just stop there they went to his house and he said he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes and was baptized he and all his house straightway now straightway just means like kind of immediately you know it's not a big gap in the time that that's going on verse 34 it says then when he had brought them into his house he set meat before them and rejoiced believing in God with all his house so did they just get baptized as they actually believe okay because he went and told his house they preached the word of the Lord to his house after that you know what happened they all ended up getting they all ended up believing and they all ended up getting baptized after that straightway okay now let's get into just a little bit of time I have left here some passages where people try to say you need to be baptized to be saved okay go to John chapter 3 John chapter 3 I tried to look these up because I'm like what verses did they use I know I know some of the ones that they usually use but to me I look at these verses and I'm just like like I'm never like looking into this man this is a hard one the answer now you may laugh at this because this one's real to me today okay but this is one of their big verses okay this is why it's so funny okay this is like the Church of Christ this is like one of their moniker verses besides acts 238 which I'm going to show you acts 238 is the Church of Christ John 3 16 okay but John 3 not 3 16 but before that is there like go-to passage well let's look at verse 1 there John 3 verse 1 there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus the ruler of the Jews the saying came to Jesus by night and said unto him rabbi we know that thou art a teacher come from God for no man can do these miracles that thou doest except God be with him Jesus answered and said unto him verily verily I say unto thee except the man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God Nicodemus saith unto him how can a man be born when he is old can he enter the second time into his womb at his mother's womb and be born so he missed the whole point of what Jesus saying he's saying can I be born physically again from my mother okay so what's context here Nicodemus thinks that he's talking about a physical birth okay now I told Holly that I was gonna put this in my notes and she laughed okay because verse 5 Jesus answered verily verily I say unto thee except the man be born of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God now anybody that's had a child knows what this is talking about and listen my truck knows all about what this is talking about okay about being born of water it just got done saying you know Nicodemus just got the saying can I enter into my mother's womb a second time and be born what's Jesus answering about being in the womb and being born there's amniotic fluid that your baby is in when they're born and there's a thing called your water breaking okay this is why a lot of people have water births okay because it's going from water to water okay and once the baby comes out of the water that's when they breathe right they had the breathing reflex and so that's why a lot of people do water births because listen if there's no water that I would be like the baby's gonna drown you know you're going from like nothing to water but it answers in the next verse verse 6 it says that which is born of the flesh is flesh now which is born of the Spirit is spirit I don't understand how how somebody can misconstrue this you have to either be like illiterate when it comes to how babies are made and born or you just have to be willingly ignorant about this I mean I get this is just willingly ignorant because he follows up he says you have to be born of the water and of spirit born of water and of the spirit and he's saying that which is born of the flesh is flesh so and that was born spirit spirit so which one does the flesh of the flesh were referring to what's referring to the spirit what be like I wouldn't be able to talk to me be like listen you just need to get some smarts and read a book or something I don't know before I can talk to you again about this subject because obviously the born of water is talking about being born of the flesh and it is very clear that when you have a baby there's water that's involved there okay they are literally living in a sack of water while they're in the womb and when they're born that water breaks baby comes out that's a physical birth okay very simple I don't like I'm taking too much time to explain this to you okay I'm like literally taking too much time to explain that was too much I should have just said that was born of flesh is flesh boom that's what water is okay now go to Acts chapter 2 and I'm gonna hit on Acts chapter 2 38 there was others I was gonna get to but I don't know if I have time some of those were already ones I hit on last Sunday so I don't know if that's worth even going over again like the mark 16 one again or the the first Peter three I think we already beat that horse acts 238 well let's look at verse 36 first of all actually let's just look at verse 38 okay because this is what you that's what they do right you know we don't like a context of what was said before that it says then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gifts of the Holy Ghost this is there John 3 16 now now what they'll actually insert there is repent of your sins okay it doesn't say repent of your sins but let's look up a couple verses go to verse 36 okay what was that said that led up to what Peter is saying here it says therefore let all the house of Israel know surely that God had made this that same Jesus whom ye have crucified both Lord and Christ now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles men and brethren what must I do to be saved now is that what it says it does not say that now I've seen tracks where they'd say that they'll say what must I do to be saved repent and be baptized no it says what shall we do men and brethren what shall we do and you know what people ask the same thing John the Baptist and he's like be content with your wages and do no violence is that how you get the heaven be content with your wages do no violence now they may believe that but that's obviously not what the Bible teaches but it's stating here what shall we do well I can name a lot of things you should do you should believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you should get baptized you should observe to do all things you should read your Bible you should memorize the Bible should go out soul winning you should love your wife love your children you should go to church you should tithe you should you know dude should I go on what you should do what shall we do right now in this passage what you have to understand some English grammar here okay you have repent okay which I do believe is referring to you know the fact they rejected Christ the whole passage the whole preaching is the fact that they killed the Lord Jesus they rejected him and this goes back to verse 21 of the passage it says and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon name call in the name of Lord shall be saved so when it comes to what you should do to be saved the only thing that said before this about what you should do to be saved is what call upon name Lord okay first of all call upon name Lord shall be saved how then should they call on him and whom they have not believed so when it's saying repent I believe you're dealing with like repent and believe the gospel okay you were rejecting Christ you need to repent and you need to call on the name of the Lord for salvation okay that's clearly what I believe is being said there well now you have some grammar here because you have a comma there and then it says and be baptized every one of you in name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost now there's a comma after repent and there's a comma after the remission of sins and I believe that what's inside so repent would be referring to the fact that you repent so if you repent believe the gospel you'll receive the gift of the Holy Ghost okay but what's in between there's kind of like what you would look at as far as parentheses okay and the fact is is that you repent you receive to get the Holy Ghost but if you're back be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins okay now what I believe this is saying is that that's the reason why you're getting baptized okay just as much as that you're baptized unto repentance are you getting baptized to repent or are you getting baptized because you repented okay and this would be like saying I'm took it Advil for a headache I didn't take an Advil to get a headache I took Advil because I had a headache so the word for can mean because okay if you said that guy's wanted for murder well he's wanted because he committed murder not because he's not wanted so that you can go have him like you are you hiring a hitman like I'm this guy's wanted for murder meaning that that's why people want him around so they don't murder people okay so you have to understand that the word for can mean because of you say whoa you know in the Greek it says East and East always means unto all right I'll take that bet okay I'll take that I'll take that what you're saying there go to 1st Peter chapter 4 1st Peter chapter 4 now I'll say this even if it said unto here doesn't that match with I baptized them with water unto repentance did they baptize them to repent or do they baptize them because they repented okay just as much as you dance to music right the music's why you're dancing and the and the remission of sins is why you're getting baptized right because what does baptism represent what is physical water baptism represent but the death metal resurrection and the fact that you believed okay that belief is why you get the remission of sins but I'm just gonna you know I'm just gonna hit this real quick now you don't need to know Greek to understand this passage because you can understand the word for can mean because okay but for those out there that think they know Greek okay and think well no unto East always means unto first of all East can mean one okay it can mean that just a number one okay it's got a lot of meanings is using a lot of different passages but I'll show you where it means because right here in 1st Peter chapter 4 and verse 6 for for this cause was the gospel preached unto you I'm sorry priest also to them that are dead that they might be judged according to the men in the flesh but live according to God in the spirit partially I want you to see that that is not a typo that says four twice there's a few places in the Bible where it does this one's in Proverbs one's in Romans and then one's right here where it says four four okay now in the Greek you have a term that's used all the time for which is gar okay anybody that knows like that's learning Greek knows this word that's like four four four four like the normal way that you can use four right because a lot of times four means you know I went to the store for this right you know whatever the case may be right but the other word that's used there is ease now you know how would you say this in another way for because this cause or because for this cause was the gospel also preached to them that are dead okay it's not a typo it's just the fact that it's using four in two different ways right after each other a lot of times Bible do this with that you know or even in our senses a lot of times I'll rephrase my sentence because I don't want to say that that you know but you know sometimes words will be right next to each other like this and in this case it means because and so you could put that in your Greek pipe and smoke it because you know what here's a place where that term is used but you know what people will do is they'll go back to the great but I see the word easier and they'll show you all these verses where it says to or unto or or to get right and yes yeah that word is used a lot for that but it's also used for because it's also used for four and that's just one case I think that's a very clear case where you can see that that's used for because for because this cause or because for this cause was this done okay it doesn't really matter which way you put them okay because it means the same thing also by the way it says whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins in Acts chapter 10 verse 43 okay so it's about the belief that you receive their mission of sins and why are you getting baptized for that because of that you know it's just as much as why are you getting baptized unto repentance okay until what then were you baptized right this is something that's used all over as far as saying what's the reason or why are you getting baptized the reason I'm getting water baptized because I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ I received the remission of sins and that's why I'm doing it because he told me to do it that's what it represents okay but that didn't save me that water bot that that water didn't save me let me show you one more I know I'm you know but I'm only preaching one sermon today so I got to get it all out now you know I'm gonna get my baby so it's a acceptor 22 in verse 12 actually up 22 in verse 12 I think this is an important one to kind of hit on because I can see them using this because they'll say well doesn't you know the Bible says that baptism washes away your sins where and this is the only place that comes close to it but it doesn't actually say that okay this is talking about Paul's conversion and when he goes to Ananias and it says in verse 12 and one Ananias the devout man according to the law having a good report of all the Jews which dwelt there came unto me and stood and said unto me brother Saul received thy sight in the same hour I looked up upon him and he said the God of our fathers had chosen me that thou shouldest know his will and see that that just one and shouldest hear the voice of his mouth for thou shalt be his witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard and now why terriest thou arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins calling on the name of the Lord now first of all the washing away thy sins is is not from the baptism but from the calling on the name Lord do you see that very clearly it says be baptized and wash away thy sins calling on the name of the Lord the calling on the name of the Lord is why you're getting your sins washed away now some people may believe that this is when Paul got saved and I'm fine with that but I don't believe that that's the case okay go to Galatians chapter 1 I believe Paul got saved before that and that's why Ann and I is called some brother Saul and that's why he's telling him all these marching orders I mean to me it would be kind of strange if you're like before you get someone saved they're like all right here's all the things you got to do for Christ okay you're gonna do all this stuff you're gonna go out and preach to these people it's like should probably get saved first before we go through all that material right there okay now if someone believes that this is when he got saved I'm not against you I'm not against that person either way you slice this calling on the name Lord is how your sins are washed away now I'm going to explain to you what I mean what I believe that's talking about I don't believe that's talking about spiritually washing away all your sins but it definitely is not saying that baptism wash away washes away all your sins okay but go to Galatians chapter 1 and I believe that it's very clear that Paul got saved by the Lord Jesus Christ himself okay he was the last to be called an apostle okay so this is definitely a special case it says he's born out of due time okay born out of due time okay could you say well you know Jesus wasn't in his earthly ministry I know he's born out of due time okay so this is obviously an exception that proves the rule okay because Jesus isn't down here like getting people saved now he's sitting sitting at the right hand of the Father in Galatians chapter 1 and verse 11 it says but I certify you brethren that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man so he's gonna prove he's like I'm gonna prove to you that this gospel I'm preaching to you is not according to man it's not after man verse 12 for I neither received it of man neither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jesus Christ so that Anna and I is preaching the gospel how does that verse make sense then if he says I never received it of man neither was I taught it but by the revelation Jesus Christ because I believe and I don't have time to go through this but that Paul obvious I mean was was talking to Jesus and I believe Jesus is the one that got him saved and then he was obviously blinded and they had to lead him by the hand to Ananias to heal him from that and they be baptized and go on his way okay you say okay well if he got saved you know before that then what's it talking about washing away sins calling upon name Lord well let's first of all deal with this most of the time when you're dealing with water baptism there's something that's coupled with that go to Matthew Mark chapter 1 Mark chapter 1 and verse 5 there's the last thing I'm hitting on here I just want to really hit this point that that acts chapter 22 is not talking about baptism washing away your sins I don't care what you believe about when Paul got saved it's talking about the calling on the name of the Lord is what washes away your sins okay I personally believe it's talking about physically getting right with God and washing away your sins physically like fleshly speaking okay now someone could say why believe that's talking about spiritual and I'm you know that definitely happens okay when you call upon name Lord and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ okay but I believe that this happens should happen on a daily basis but mark 1 verse 5 it says and there went out unto him all the land of Judah and they of Jerusalem and we're all baptized of them in the river of Jordan confessing their sins you'll see this actually in a lot of places where they're doing this is that they'll get baptized and they'll confess their sins because you ever wondered why he didn't say you know wash away their sins calling on name Lord and then get baptized you it says be baptized and then wash away thy sins calling on name Lord well that matches up with what happens with John the Baptist and other places where he's baptizing them unto repentance right because they believed the baptism repentance they believed on him that should come after him and as they're getting baptized they were confessing their sins now it doesn't say that they're confessing their sins to any one person okay I believe they're confessing it to God okay so when someone gets baptized here I'm not saying all right all right confess all your sins everybody now obviously this is something that happens between you and God you're getting baptized you're confessing your sins you're getting right with God well Paul had some sins to confess okay let's just be honest that he had some physical getting right with God because he was just trying to get Christians like put in prison and killed okay go to first John chapter 1 you say what is this talking about then I'm I believe it's talking about confessing your sins when it says wash away thy sins calling on name Lord I believe if thy shall confess that I'm out the Lord Jesus shall believe in that heart that God has raised him from the dead thou shalt be safe don't we don't we put confession of the Lord Jesus Christ and calling on the name the Lord as being synonymous in Romans chapter 10 as far as eternal salvation then why couldn't you do that with this verse right here and first John chapter 1 of verse 9 it says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so how are you getting cleansed from all unrighteousness how you washing away your sins by confessing by calling upon the name Lord and this should happen on a daily basis right that you're doing this but it's basically specifically saying you know after you get baptized go ahead and basically get right with God get you know and all that stuff cleaned up why should you go walk in the light and that's where what first John's talking about it's talking about having fellowship with the Father and the Son and you know all that's true okay I'm gonna end it there because I think those are the big ones you have John 3 which is laughable just have a child okay and you'll understand that's talking about physical birth and then you have acts 238 don't try to go to that and say well you need to be baptized to get the remission of sins no it's not what it's saying and then you have acts 22 where it says be baptized and wash away their sins calling on the name of the Lord okay and those are two separate things that are going on and I believe it's talking about confessing your sins to get right with God and have good fellowship with God okay but even if you believe that's talking about salvation it's the calling on the name of the Lord that gives you that anyway so let's end with a word of prayer family father we thank you for today and thank you for your word and Lord just praise you to help this sermon to just kind of sink in and just know why we baptize people with water but also why it's not a part of salvation and Lord we love you in prayer house in Jesus Christ's name amen.