(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But Acts 17, this is a famous passage on a lot of things, but name of the sermon, the house of Jason. No, I'm just kidding. That's not what we're doing. But you better believe that I was going to preach on the passage. I talked about my name, right? So no, actually the name of the sermon is these that have turned the world upside down. So I do like the fact that my name is in there. They assaulted the house of Jason and Jason received them that turned the world upside down. So I do like that. But I want to talk about this subject of turning the world upside down. And so especially as we get closer to this soul winning marathon, the soul winning conference is coming up, because this is something that is told to people that were preaching the gospel, that were getting people saved, is that it was said to them that they were turning the world upside down. And they look at that as far as that's a bad thing, but you know that's actually a good thing. And that's something that I want to talk about as far as turning the world upside down with the gospel, with the truth of God. And so Christians label us this way. But see, things that are upside down to them are actually right side up. And the things that are right to them are actually upside down to them. So to them, everything's backwards to them. Everything is upside down to them. And sometimes I feel like I'm in a twilight zone when I'm listening to the world and what they have to say and everything, all their logic, all the stuff they believe, it happens to be completely opposite a lot of times, most of the time, as far as what the truth is. And so go to Isaiah chapter five, Isaiah chapter five, I'm going to show you some passages, just the thought process of the world itself. So the Jews in this passage, they're in Thessalonica. So Paul and Silas and Timotheus, they come from, Paul and Silas is the famous passage of them being in jail in chapter 16. So they were in Philippi and now they come into Thessalonica. And I love the fact that it says, as the manner Paul was, right? Basically that's just who he was. That's what he did. He went into the synagogue and he preached Jesus. And so that's something, and then as soon as they get out of Thessalonica, because of this uproar right here, he goes into Berea, guess what he does? The same exact thing. Now Berea, they were a little more ready to hear, they searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so, and the Jews actually followed them. So these people that were in Thessalonica actually followed them, they made them so angry about what they were doing and what they were preaching that they followed them to another city to try to get ahold of them. And so that shows you the world and how much they hate you. But remember, Jesus said, if they hated me, they'll hate you. Marvel not if they hate you, they hated me before they hated you. And so they hate Jesus and that's what, you know, this world, they give us these monikers and they think that they're giving us a bad moniker or something like that. They say, you know, people hate you, don't you want everybody to love you? No. I don't. Actually, if everybody loves me, then I'm a false prophet. So, you know, they hated Jesus, so why do I think I'd be any better than that? And so what we'll see is that actually the Lord is going to turn the world upside down and actually most of the time if you look up the word upside down, it's dealing with the Lord doing it. And so it's not a bad thing for someone to say that you're turning the world upside down, especially if it's doing what God wants you to do. And so it's funny that they give you, they're saying the exact opposite, they're actually giving you a compliment. You know, they're actually giving you a compliment and they don't even realize it by saying that these have turned the world upside down saying that there's another king, one Jesus. I mean, that's a huge compliment. I wish they would say that about me all day long, that I'm turning the world upside down. And in their eyes they think I'm destroying it, but in God's eyes we're actually saving it. And so that's what I want to show you, but Isaiah 5 and verse 20. Isaiah 5 verse 20, it says, Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, that put darkness for light and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. This is the world we live in today. Things that are sweet are bitter, things that are light are darkness, and things that are good are evil. And so to them, we look at it and we're like, that's disgusting, that's wicked, and they say it's good. We look at that and say that's sweet, you know, a family that stays together, a family that has both father and mother, they're raising children, they're having a bunch of children, that's the sweet thing. They look at that as bitter, you know, why don't you just, you know, have two kids and then you can have a whole bunch more money and then we're not overpopulating the world or something like that. So everything to them is backwards. They look at you, and remember I was preaching about Cain, they hate you because your deeds are evil. They hated Jesus because he put the light on them and he put the light on them and they basically cowered into a corner and they hated him because their deeds were evil. Men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil, and that's exactly what we're dealing with today, and when we shine the light on people, there's going to be people that hate you. There's going to be people that are going to come out and say, you're actually destroying the world. Have you ever heard that where they say Christians are the downfall of the world? They try to say that, they try to say that the Christians are the reason that the world is in the state it's in, and it's just baffling to me to hear the stupidity that's coming out of their mouth. They say, well, only religion and Christianity has been the most, you know, they've started all the wars and, you know, that's where all the people have died. Really? Have you even studied history? You know, Mao Tse Tung, Joseph Stalin, like all these people that murdered millions and millions of their own people, you're going to tell me that it's Christianity? And by the way, Catholicism is not Christianity. So when they were killing thousands and thousands of people, guess who they were killing? Christians! And people that were actually believers. And so, you know, it's just their stupidity and ignorance that they think that Catholicism is actually Christianity. Catholicism has always been a false religion. It's never been Christianity. It's not like we came out of it or something like that and we fixed it. There's no fixing that, that false religion. So go to Micah chapter 3. So Micah chapter 3 kind of says a little bit of the same thing, but remember, they call evil good and good evil. Isn't that exactly what the world is saying today? Sodomy, that's good. Marriage, bad, evil. You know, divorce, good. And so all this stuff, abortion, good. Having children, bad. Like all, you think you're in a twilight zone, when you hear the stupidity, the wickedness that's coming out of their mouth, and you know what, we need to turn the world upside down. And the way that we're going to do that is preaching the gospel, getting people saved, and then giving them the truth of the Bible. And so that's what our job's going to be. So if anybody ever tells you, you know, you're destroying the world because you're preaching the gospel because you're a believer, take it as a badge of pride, you know, a badge of honor. As the fact that that is something that they said about Paul, they said about Silas, they said about the apostles, they said about Jason, you know, they said about these men and women that were standing up for the truth, and they said these have turned the world upside down. And they looked at that, and they were probably saying that in a way that they would hopefully be demeaning, or they'd feel bad about it, or it's a bad thing that this is the case. And so the world thinks that they're good. The world thinks that they don't need to be fixed. But it's truly the other way around. So Micah chapter 3 and verse 1, it says, And I said, Here I pray you, O heads of Jacob and ye princes of the house of Israel, is it not for you to know judgment, who hate the good and love the evil, who pluck off their skin from off them and their flesh from off their bones, who also eat the flesh of my people and flay their skin from off them, and they break their bones and chop them in pieces, as for the pot and as flesh within the cauldron. Now that's a pretty rough passage right there, but that's exactly what we're dealing with when we're dealing with the world. They hate the good and love the evil. They're like, no, we love the sodomite, we love the pedophile, and we hate the Christian that we're criticizing. Isn't that exactly what we're dealing with? We hate the pedophile, we hate the sodomite, and we love the person that is a righteous person. That's the way it should be. That's the way the Bible teaches. That's the way God deals with that. But the world is upside down, the world is backwards. Turning the world upside down is actually going to help the world, because the world is upside down already. So we're really just turning it right side up, but don't take that as a bad thing. If someone says that the world hates you or all these people hate you, don't you feel bad about that? No. Not if I'm actually preaching the truth, not if I'm doing right. If I'm doing right, doing what the Bible tells me, then amen. I just know I'm doing it right. Now obviously people can hate you for the wrong reasons. I'm not saying that you just want everybody to hate you for no good reason. But if it's for the Bible, if it's for preaching the gospel, if it's for preaching truth, then take that as a badge of honor. Malachi chapter 2, go to Malachi, so the last book in the Old Testament. So I just want to show you the mentality of the world. So when they go to this place and they're bringing up these lewd fellows, notice are these righteous Jews here? They're bringing up lewd fellows of the base or sort to come bring up a report and bring up this uproar against, it reminds me of Jezebel how she said, go find some sons of Belial to have a false accusation against, what's it that? It's not Nabal. I'm thinking, what's his name? What's his vineyard? Someone help me out here. No, but whose vineyard did he take? Is it Nabal? Naboth. Is it Naboth? Anyway, so I'm going to make sense because I'm thinking Nabal, I'm thinking of the guy that was a reprobate son of Belial himself, that Abigail, that Abigail, anyway, it doesn't matter. So but anyway, that's what we're dealing with with the world is that they're trying to find all these wicked people to try to go on their cause. Now that should tell you something. If you're conjuring up the dredge of society for your cause, then there's something wrong with your cause. Okay? If you need the dredges of society to fight for your cause, and yes, I'm talking about all the pedophiles and the rapists and all the murderers and all that stuff, and the lewd fellows. I mean, think about what the word lewd even means, and that's what they were doing here. They brought all these people up to bring an uproar. But Malachi chapter two and verse 17, is this not just like reading a newspaper? This verse right here. Notice this. It says, you have wearied the Lord with your words, yet ye say, wherein have we wearied him? When ye say, everyone that doeth evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and he delighteth in them, or where is the judgment, or the God of judgment? Isn't that exactly what we hear today? All know in the New Testament, he's not going to judge, he doesn't judge. Judge not. Judge not lest you be judged. I think I remember reading where it says, thou shalt judge thy neighbor with righteous judgment. I think I remember Jesus saying that you should judge with righteous judgment. But, the God of judgment hasn't gone anywhere. The God of judgment is just sitting there, he's slow to anger, and he's just racking up the wrath that's going to come upon this world. It's just steaming up. It's just getting ready to be poured out, and the more these people sin, the more these people just go and put their fists up to God, and hate God, the more that wrath is going to be on this world. Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever man soweth, that shall he also reap. God will pour out his judgment on this earth. It will happen, it's got to happen, and these people are saying, where is the God of judgment? But they also say, everyone that doeth evil is good. And that's where we're at today, where they not only, you know, they want to not be judged for what they do wickedly, like kill their baby, have an abortion, or to commit sodomy, to commit pedophilia, which is now something they're trying to push as far as being normal, and all this garbage, they're trying to say, well, you know, don't judge me on that, don't put me in prison for that, I don't want any punishment for that, but not only that, I want you to say it's good. I want you to say that it's righteous. I want you to say that I am actually a godly person for doing this. It's wicked, it's disgusting, and this is the world we live in, where they say everyone that doeth evil is good. I think I remember that there's none good, no, not one. I remember reading that, for all of sin to come short of the glory of God, and we're going to get into what God thinks about this, but this is what the world is thinking, so think about this, this is what they're thinking, it isn't completely opposite of what the Bible teaches. And so, go to 2 Kings, I want to show you some places where God is going to turn some things upside down. And so, this idea of these that have turned the world upside down, or come hither also, is a good thing, and we should try to emulate this. 2 Kings, just to give you some context, he's talking about King Manasseh and the punishment that's going to come upon Judah because of his wicked sin. You know what he did? He sacrificed his son on the ultra, I believe a molech, and so he made him pass through the fire, so to speak, meaning he sacrificed and killed his own son to a false god. Now, I believe Manasseh ended up actually getting saved. If you read in 2 Chronicles, there's a prayer where he humbles himself before God. That's not the question, I'm not saying, we're not talking about Manasseh himself, but that sin that he committed was judged. When they were going into captivity, when Babylon came in, they said for the sins of Manasseh. Do you think God forgets? Where's the God of judgment? Because that was hundreds of years later, that was later down the line, until you got after Josiah and his sons. And so, 2 Kings chapter 21 and verse 10, 2 Kings chapter 21 and verse 10, the Bible reads and says, And it was spake by his servants the prophet, saying, Because Manasseh, king of Judah, had done these abominations and had done wickedly above all that the Amorites did which were before him, and hath made Judah also to sin with his idols, therefore thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Behold, I am bringing such evil upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whosoever heareth of it, both his ears shall tingle. And I will stretch over Jerusalem the line of Samaria and the plummet of the house of Ahab, and I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipeth a dish, wiping it and turning it upside down. And I will forsake the remnant of mine inheritance, and deliver them into the hand of their enemies, and they shall become a prey and a spoil to all their enemies, because they have done that which was evil in my sight, and have provoked me to anger since the day their fathers came out of Egypt, even unto this day. He's going to wipe them like a man wipeth a dish, and he's going to turn it upside down. These that have turned the world upside down have come hither also. You know, they're just emulating their Heavenly Father. They're just emulating what God's going to do, and obviously we're not pouring out our wrath on this world, but we are turning it upside down with the knowledge of God. And isn't that exactly, you know Paul was just in prison for preaching the gospel in the chapter before this, and they're coming after him just for preaching the gospel. And so it's interesting, now go to Psalm 146, Psalm 146. Now this is the Jews, now isn't this exactly what they said to Pilate about there being another king? Remember Jesus, they were saying this is the king of the Jews, and they said we have no king but Caesar. And they said the reason that Pilate, really I believe the breaking point for Pilate was the fact that he was going to let someone go that believed there was another king but Caesar. And that was the breaking point where he said, okay, I'm going to wash my hands of this, because he didn't want to be accused of being treasonous against Caesar. But isn't that exactly what they're saying here in Acts chapter 17? They're going against the decrees of Caesar, and there's another king saying that there's another king, one Jesus. But isn't Jesus the king? Isn't he the almighty king, the great king? Now I want to show you, this is a place that really just shows that he's going to turn the world upside down, but go to Psalm 146 verse 5, there we won't read the whole Psalm for sake of time, although it's not that long, but it says in verse 5, it says, Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God, which made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that therein is, which keepeth truth forever, which executeth judgment for the oppressed, which giveth food to the hungry, the Lord looseth the prisoners, the Lord openeth the eyes of the blind, the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down, the Lord loveth the righteous, the Lord preserveth the strangers who relieveth the fatherless and widow, but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down. The Lord shall reign forever, even thy God, O Zion, unto all generations, praise ye the Lord. He's going to reign forever. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, my friends. That one Jesus, that king that they were proclaiming is going to be king forever, and he's going to turn the wicked upside down. So it's interesting that a lot, most of the times that you look up the word upside down, it's dealing with God turning someone upside down. So it's not a bad thing to be said about you if God is saying that that's what he's doing. So in Acts, you know, that's exactly what it says, that these that have turned the world upside down are come hither also, whom Jason hath received, and these also do contrary to the doctrines of Jesus, saying that there's another king, one Jesus. Amen. Amen to everything they just said. Everything they just said. And it's funny because these are the Jews that are supposed to be the ones that are on the side of the word of God, and they're the ones that are completely against it. Have you not read? Right? You know, these are things that they should know. And it's interesting because half the time what they say ends up being in the Bible. When they said, you know, when they were mocking Jesus and saying, you saved others, you know, save thyself, come down, you know, and that's in Psalm 22 where they were saying this stuff. And it's like verbatim, word for word, what it says in Psalm 22, and I'm like, how do you not know that you're quoting scripture, and it's just, it's uncanny actually. But to show another place, so I just wanted to show you that God does turn the world upside down. God is the one that's doing this most of the time in the Bible, and it says in Isaiah 24, go to Isaiah 24, and while you go there, in Psalm 47, in verse 2 it says, For the Lord Most High is terrible, He is a great King over all the earth. So if you're ever doubting that He is the King, so there's nothing wrong with saying that the Lord God Almighty is our King. And obviously His laws are above all the laws, but He's the highest power. We preached on that in Romans chapter 13, so I don't care if we did have a King here. God's always going to be King over anybody else. But Isaiah 24, in verse 1, it says, Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. So just over and over again, God's going to turn upside down the wicked, He's going to turn the world upside down, He's going to turn upside down, He's going to wipe Jerusalem as a dish and turn it upside down. So this accusation, as far as Christians too, they were called Christians, a lot of times we get these names not because it's a good thing, it's because they're trying to label us as a bad thing. And so that label saying that you're turning the world upside down, to them it's bad, to us it's good. And so don't be afraid of that. Don't be afraid of the world saying that you're tearing the world apart or you're destroying the world. No, they're destroying the world and we're just trying to save as many people out of it as we can. And they can say that we're turning the world upside down, amen. Amen. I agree with that. Because the world is a mess, the world is just a pit of sin and wickedness and turning it upside down is what needs to happen. We need to turn this world upside down like a dish. Wipe it as a dish and turn it upside down. That's what God said. But Christians' idea, you know, everything is backwards to them and they go off their own feelings, they go off their own little logic and their own wisdom. Go to Proverbs. I'm going to go through a little tour de force through Proverbs here for a second. But Proverbs chapter 14, Proverbs chapter 14, and see if some of these things sound familiar to what they preach and teach to the world today and to society. Do what's right in your own heart, follow your own way. That's the mentality. Follow your heart. Whatever your heart tells you, just do it. So let's see what the Bible says about that. That's the mentality that the world has. Proverbs 14 verse 12, there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. So this whole idea of follow your own way, follow your own path, is going to lead you to death and destruction. It's going to lead you to hell is where that's going to lead you ultimately. But that's what the Bible teaches. But isn't that what the world teaches? Follow your own way, follow your path, find your own way. You know, don't listen to anybody, you know, don't listen to authority, just follow your own way. You know what, in Proverbs 16 it says it again, there is a way which seemeth right, or that seemeth right unto, there is a way, it just changes to that, it says there is a way that seemeth right unto man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Anytime the Bible repeats itself, you should probably listen to that. So Proverbs 14, Proverbs 16 says the exact same thing. Go to Proverbs 21, Proverbs 21, and verse 2, Proverbs 21 and verse 2, it says every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord pondereth the hearts. Isn't that the case? Every way in your own mind, and you know what, we're not exempt from that, we need to remember this, that there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but you need to look and see is that what the Bible teaches, and in our own eyes our way is right. You know, just think about that, you wouldn't follow it unless you thought it was right. But you've got to understand that what you think is right is probably not going to be right, because notice what, and go to Proverbs 28, but I'm going to read Jeremiah 17, 9, it says the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it? That's why you can't follow your heart. That's why you can't follow your own way, because you need to follow God's ways, because his ways are higher than our ways, we're going to see here in a second. But Proverbs 28 and verse 26, trust in your heart, right? Proverbs 28 and verse 26, he that trusteth in his own heart is a fool. That should be on like a billboard somewhere, right? And so he that trusteth in his own heart is a fool, but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered. So he that trusteth in his own heart is a fool, every way of a man is right in his own eyes, there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. That's the world we live in today, they think they're doing right. And so, go to Isaiah 55, Isaiah 55, I was actually looking at my sermon and I thought of another passage, and that's bad, I should just like not do that, because my sermons are long enough as it is to be adding stuff, but anyway. So Isaiah 55 and verse 8, it says, For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. So that's a very famous passage about the fact that God is higher in wisdom and understanding and all that, but go to John 16, this is what I was thinking about this morning. John 16, because I want you to understand the mentality of the world. The mentality of the world, you know, the road to hell was paved on good intentions. And so the world, you definitely have people out there that don't sleep unless they do mischief, they're really just trying to hurt you, but then you have most of the world I believe that thinks they're doing right. They really in their mind, and in their eyes, they're doing right, and they think that they're right and we're completely wrong and we're just destroying the world. Okay, I'm just going to get, that's just their mentality. They're wrong, obviously. But here's that mentality and how far it can go, and John, did I say it's John 16? John 16 and verse 1 there, it says, These things have I spoken unto you that ye should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues, yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God's service. These social justice warriors out there, these libtards out there, these people that on their soap boxes preaching about unity and tolerance and all this stuff, they think that they're doing God's service. They think that they're right. They think in their own minds and in their own wicked hearts that they're doing God's service. Think about that. They literally think that if they were to kill you, they would be doing God's service. That's extreme case, obviously. But that's the mentality of the world. That's the mentality of this idea that we're turning the world upside down. To them, we're destroying it, but to God, we're saving it. And if some have compassion making a difference and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garments spotted by the flesh. That's what we're about. We're about turning the world upside down for God, for the gospel. And so, if I go to 1 Corinthians chapter 1, because I know you know this, I'm preaching to the choir, but God's wisdom is way above man's wisdom and it makes man's wisdom look like foolishness. It's foolishness compared to God's wisdom. So the idea that you would try to say, well, I'm going to go on my own understanding, I'm going to lean on my own understanding and not God's is pure foolishness because God's wisdom is so far above us, why would you even think to even try to look on your own understanding and on your own wisdom and on things that you think are right? You should always be going to God. But 1 Corinthians chapter 1, verse 18, it says, for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God. Isn't that the truth? They think that it's just a bunch of foolishness. People that aren't Christians, that when we preach the cross of Jesus and we preach salvation, they just think, oh, isn't that cute? Aren't you cute with your clinging onto your little religion? They think it's foolishness. But it says in verse 19, for it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world? Hath not God made foolishness the wisdom of this world? For after that, in the wisdom of God, the world by wisdom knew not God. It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. For the Jews require a sign and the Greeks seek after wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified unto the Jews a stumbling block unto the Greeks foolishness, but unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God, because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. I love it. Every time I'm listening to the Scorpio read this passage, I'm just like, yes, amen. Because that's just shoved down our throat, all these atheists, these evolutionists that are out there just on their little high mountains thinking they're so smart, they're so intellectual, and they're a bunch of fools. I look at them, and they're just like a bunch of fools, and they're just drooling at the mouth like a bunch of babies that don't know how their ABCs. And so it's just disgusting to see the stuff, and the reason that they're pontificating all that garbage is to get God out of the equation. They hate the fact that there's a God, because they don't want to retain them in their knowledge because their deeds are evil, because they want to do what they want to do with no restraint, no consequences, no punishment, but the punishment's coming on this world. The God of judgment is still alive. He's still here, and one day it's going to come down on this world like a hammer. The word of God is a hammer, it's a two-edged sword, it's a rod of iron, and Christ is going to come down on a white horse, and he's going to execute judgment on this world. And it's going to come, but in the meantime, he's making the wisdom of this world foolishness. And so in 1 Corinthians chapter 3, it talks about this just for a second too, in verse 18 it says, Let no man deceive himself, if any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God, for it is written he taketh the wise in their own craftiness, and again the Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise that they are vain. And so the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God, it's vain, it's stupidity. And so when you listen to these people that have these high educations, the education is only as good as who's teaching it, my friends. Think about that. When you have a bunch of morons in these ivory towers or these ivory colleges that are teaching a bunch of foolishness according to God, then what do you think they're going to produce? Everything brings forth after its own kind, my friends. And these people, you think that the people from Harvard and MIT are that smart? If they were that smart they'd get saved. If they were that smart they'd have a little more logic and common sense to understand just simple things in the world. But they can't understand it. They believe in a fairy tale called evolution. They believe in a fairy tale that God doesn't exist and they're a bunch of fools and they beget fools. And so this whole idea of this high, and I'm not against education, I'm not against college, I'm not against, you know, if it's a college that's just teaching something for you to do, and actually real knowledge, right? But these colleges are usually promoting their own humanism, their own philosophies, their own foolishness. And that's what you get in these, you know, Harvard and MIT and all this stuff. So I'm not against, you know, learning math. I'm not against learning actual science. I'm not against learning history. But why don't you get some smarts and read some books and you know what, you can learn this stuff without going to and paying $100,000 in student loans to get that knowledge. You know, I went to school and I, you know, I got my engineering degree and it actually wasn't that much if you think about the cost of everything for me to go to engineering school and get a degree and all that stuff. So obviously there's things that you can go and get to where you can pay it off pretty quick and then you're good to go. But a lot of this stuff you get into debt so much that you can never pay it off. That's what the problem with college is. And you're getting a degree that doesn't mean anything. But here's the thing. When I went to college, a lot of the professors didn't even, they could barely speak English. I couldn't understand what they were saying. I couldn't read the writing. I remember I had, for Calc 4 I had this guy from Russia, Shashevsky was his name, and you couldn't understand what he was saying, you couldn't read his writing, and it was elementary differential equations. If you want to have a fun course, go take that course. So and I just remember, I'm like, I have no idea what's going on. And I just had three calculus' up to this, okay. And I'm like, I don't know what in the world he's doing. I don't know what's going, you know what I did? I took the book home and went through the examples, and that's how I passed the class. It was all just me reading the book, reading the examples, and learning it myself, because that teacher didn't teach me anything, because I couldn't understand a word he was saying. And even if I did understand what he was saying, I don't think it was coherent as far as what he was trying to get across. It's like someone trying to teach you something, and they jump into the middle of it, and then they assume you know something, and everybody in the class just like starry eyed like what in the world is going on, right? And so all I'm saying with that is that there were classes where I just learned it myself. But I paid that guy, right, because you had to pay to get your degree, you had to pay for that person's salary through your tuition. But I've learned a lot of stuff just by reading it myself. When I got out of college and I started working, I learned probably 75% of what I know now for my engineering job by studying stuff, by looking up stuff, by working out rooms, by figuring out stuff on my own, and through people that have already done it. And so that's my little plug as far as I'm not completely against college, okay? I'm not saying if you go to college you're an idiot to go to college, okay? But what I'm saying is that there's a lot of stuff you can just learn on your own, and you can learn it for free, okay? And so it's all about respect, and it's all about lofty and flattering titles when it comes to higher education most of the time. Let's just put it on the bottom floor right there. When it comes to the wisdom of this world, it comes to the fact they just want to say I'm from, I went to MIT, I went to Harvard. Well, good for you. You know, that doesn't mean anything to me, because if you're not saved and you don't go to the Bible from a hole in the ground, that means nothing to me. You're going to go to hell with that Harvard degree, and you're going to burn in hell forever with that Harvard MIT degree and all your accolades that are on top of it. What does it mean in the end? Nothing. You think God's going to respect that? He didn't respect Cain's offering. I don't think he's going to respect your MIT degree either. So anyway, I'm just getting on that little, I'm beating that horse with the world's wisdom, because it just, it angers me when you just see this stuff, and kids look up to it and think, oh, that's what I want to be like. That's, you know, those people are so smart. They're a bunch of idiots. If you listen to these people talk, they're morons, okay? And you would think that these people would have, and they can't speak very well, and obviously I'm not one to talk, kettle meat pot, when it comes to speaking abilities here, but these people are so high and lifted up that their grammar's awful, their vocabulary's awful. Like they're, you know, you would think, okay, this person's really smart. Do they at least read something every once in a while? And so, but anyway, I want to give you some examples of things that are upside down to the world as far as just Bible things or principles that people are completely upside down. First one, salvation. Salvation, what's the world say? Buy works, and there's many ways to get there. Is that just in a nutshell what everybody believes? Buy works, and just many ways to find that way. Doesn't matter what path you're going on. What does the Bible teach about that, though? Is it buy works? It says, therefore, we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law, according to Romans chapter three, verse 28. Romans four, five says, but to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. And I could go through a tour de force on like all of the verses on not buy works, but that a man is not justified by the law on the side of God, it is evident for the just shall live by faith. I mean, there's tons of passages in the Bible that teach that it's not buy works, it's buy faith alone, that the works of law have nothing to do with salvation. But there's also tons of verses to say that Jesus is the only way, and that the God of the Bible is the only way to heaven. One of the most famous passages is in John 14, six, where it says, Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no man cometh unto the Father, but by me, period. Period. So that means the Jews, that means the Muslims, that means the Hindus, that means the Sikhs. And it is Sikh, not seek. They actually pronounce it Sikh, so they got a Sikh religion. I mean, that's just what, I'm just going by their pronunciation. So all these weird religions, Buddhism, all this stuff, that's their way, but they're all gonna go to hell because they didn't go through the sun. In Isaiah 43, go to Isaiah, I'll just show you a couple of passages here in Isaiah. But isn't that exactly opposite of what the Bible teaches? That there's many ways, no, there's only one way. It's always been taught, it's always been that way, it always will be that way, that there's only one way for salvation, there's only one way to heaven, and it's through Jesus Christ. It's through the King of Kings and Lord of Lords himself, the Son of God that came down and died the Christ. It's always been that way, always will be that way, the everlasting gospel. But Isaiah 43 in verse 11, it says that I, even I, Isaiah 43 in verse 11, I, even I, am the Lord, and beside me there is no savior. I have declared and have saved, and I have showed when there was no strange God among you. Therefore, ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, that I am God. Isaiah 45, Isaiah 45, so just a couple chapters over, Isaiah 45, verse 21. Tell ye, and bring them near, yea, let them take counsel together, who hath declared this from ancient time? Who hath told it from that time? Have not I the Lord? And there is no God else beside me, a just God and a savior, there is none beside me. Look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth, for I am God and there is none else. None else. There's no other savior. There's no other way to heaven. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me, Jesus says. So that just throws it down. How about Acts chapter four, 12, where it says, neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. Over and over and over and over and over again, it's by Jesus Christ the womb, you cannot go any other way. Anybody else that came in was a thief and a robber, Jesus said. So that's very clear, but the world is completely opposite of that. The world says, no, salvation's by works, by being a good person, and many ways to get there. Yeah, there's many ways to hell, that's what the Bible says. The broad way to hell, and hell is paved on good intentions, the road to hell is paved on good intentions, so you can be sincere as can be on good intentions, but you're gonna go straight to hell if you don't go through Jesus Christ. That's why we preach the gospel, because people need to come to that knowledge of the truth, that it's just by Jesus Christ the womb. How about this one? Love everyone. Love the, hate the sin, love the sinner. That's in the Bible, right? No, that's from our good friend Gandhi. Okay, that's where that came from. But they actually think that's from the Bible. They literally think that that's found in the Bible, or that all sin is equal. That's not even on my list. That's another one, all sin is equal. And so, but just some passages on this in Psalm 139, it says, do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee, and am not I grieve with those that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred, I count them mine enemies. Search me, O God, and know my heart, try me and know my thoughts, and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. The sweet psalmist of Israel said, I hate them that hate the Lord. And he even said, search me, and see if there's any wickedness in me. And so, the sweet psalmist of Israel, the man after God's own heart, hated those that hated the Lord. And it says that, shouldst thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord, therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord. And 2 Chronicles 19, too. Proverbs 8, 13, and they'll even take it as far as that we should never hate. And this goes into worldly Christians too, where they think hate's a bad word, or we should never hate anything. Well, in Proverbs chapter 8, I know I'm kind of going quick, because I kind of just have, obviously I always have a lot in here that I'm trying to get across, but Proverbs chapter 8, in verse 13, it says, the fear of the Lord is to hate evil. Pride and arrogance in the evil way, and the froward mouth do I hate. You know what, what's the beginning of knowledge? The fear of the Lord. And what's the fear of the Lord? To hate evil. And to hate a lot of other things, too. So the idea that we should never hate anything, or that hate's a bad thing, yes it can be, right? But so can love. Do you know that loving someone that hates the Lord is bad? So this whole idea of love everybody, you know what, they're all a bunch of hypocrites that say that, because they hate me, right? The same person that says, you know, you shouldn't do that, you should love the queers, you should love the pedophiles, you should love all these rapists, you should love all these psychopaths. They're the same people that hate me for not liking them. So there are a bunch of hypocrites that say that, that we should never hate anybody. Because if you asked them and said, do you love, did you love Stalin? Did you love Hitler? And did you love all these other people? They'll say, well no, no, no, no. Most of the time they say that just so they don't get called anti-Semitic, right? Because that's always like the key, they don't want to be called like someone that's against the Jews. But anyway, all I have to say is that everybody hates something. Would you love someone that would hurt your child? If you do, I wonder about you, okay? And I would say you're just lying to me if you said that. If you said, I would love that person if they murdered my child, I would call you a liar. And so that's, you know, even in logic you would think that they should just see the delight on that. But in their mind, you know, I guess it's okay for them to hate people, it's not okay for me to hate somebody, right? I gotta hate what they hate. That's what it comes down to, is that you gotta conform to what they want to, only that they're implacable, so good luck with that. So, but there's a time to kill. There's a time, to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven. There's a time to kill, there's a time to heal, there's a time of peace, there's a time of war. There's a time to love and there's a time to hate. Period, that's just the way it is. You can't put it all in a box and say you always do this one thing. God hates. So God is love, God is love, right? So how in the world, you know, how do you reconcile that? Besides you just saying that the Bible's in error or something like that. They say, well where does God hate anybody? He just hates the sin, he loves the sinner. Well, go to Psalm chapter seven. They'll say, well God's not angry with anybody. You know, this is the Joel Steins, Joyce Meyer, these are all these dogs and swines out there that are saying God isn't angry with anybody, he loves everybody, at this moment in time, he is working on the hearts of all these people and it's just a blatant contradiction of the Bible. Go to Psalm seven. So let's go through a little tour through Psalms for just a second. But Psalm seven, in verse 11 it says, God judges the righteous and God is angry with the wicked every day. Every day, he's angry with the wicked. Go back a couple of Psalms, in Psalm five, in verse five, it says, the foolish shall not stand in thy sight, thou hatest all workers of iniquity. Who, who hates them? God. Verse six, thou shalt destroy them that speaketh leasing, the Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man, abhor. I view abhor actually as a stronger term than hate. When I say the word abhor or loathe, those to me are even stronger than the word hate, okay? But he abhors the bloody and deceitful man. Go to Psalm 11, Psalm 11. Psalm 11, five. And I do believe that the people that the Lord hates are a certain group of people. It's not every, it's not a Christian. I don't believe he would hate a Christian, okay? That's another song from another day. He wouldn't hate his children. He loves his children. He'll chase his children. But, Psalm 11, verse five, it says, the Lord trieth the righteous, but the wicked and him that loveth violence, his soul hateth. So his soul, the soul of God, hates them that love violence. Love when people are violent. You know, people that love that people are violated, they love that. And God hates them. Them, not the sin, them. And Hosea, chapter nine, verse 15, Hosea chapter nine, so the first minor prophet after Daniel, Hosea chapter nine, verse 15. What I want you to know about that, too, is the fact that if he hated them, he did love them at one time. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. He loved them at one time. But at this moment in time, there are people that he doesn't love anymore. Hosea chapter nine, verse 15, it says, all their wickedness is in Gilgal, for there I hated them. For the wickedness of their doings, I will drive them out of mine house. I will love them no more. All their princes are revolters. So you say, well, it's just a lesser, you know, they'll say, well, hate's just a, it's just not loving as much. It's less love, love less, right, whatever. No, it says he'll love them no more. So obviously, when he's talking about hating people, he's talking about no love, no love at all. So anyway, so that's another point. They say, well, salvation's by works, many ways to get there. Love everybody, hate the sin, love the sinner. God loves everybody, he's not angry with anybody. Well, we saw that falls flat on its face when you look at the actual Bible. How about this one? If you spank your kids, you don't love them. Have you ever heard that? I love my kids too much, I don't wanna spank them. I don't wanna discipline them. I just love them too much. I wanna be their friend. Well, let's see what the Bible says about that. Go to Proverbs chapter 13. I think you're gonna already know that everything I'm showing you right now is gonna be complete opposite of what they're saying. But I've heard that so many times, if I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say that to me, that I don't spank my kids because I love them too much. Proverbs chapter 13 verse 24. He that spareth his rod hateth his son, but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes. You know what betimes means, early. So, you've probably heard the term, he that spareth the rod spoils his child. That's not, although I do agree with that, that's not what the Bible says. It says you hate him. You hate your child if you don't spank them. Let me give you some other verses on that. Proverbs 19, Proverbs 19 verse 18. Proverbs 19 verse 18, it says, chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying. Proverbs 23 verse 13. Proverbs 23 verse 13. Withhold not correction from the child, for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell. There's a lot of good teaching here as far as, thou shalt beat, that's the commandment, thou shalt beat thy child, okay? With the rod, and obviously in the, it says the rod for the fool's back, the backside meaning the rear end, right? The padded area that God has given for the seat of instruction, right? And so it's very biblical to spank your children. You hate your son if you don't, you hate your child if you don't do it. You're not gonna deliver their soul from hell if you don't do it, why? Because your child's gonna grow up not thinking there's any consequences for their actions, and therefore when you try to give them the gospel, they're gonna probably wonder why in the world they'd even need it. Because everything they do is just brushed under the rug. And so I believe it's very important. If you want your children to get saved when they get older, you need to spank them. Proverbs 29 verse 15, I thought I was done. No, I'm going with the one more because this is an important point, and this is our world, and the world is gonna try to come down and say, well if you spank your children, I'm calling CPS and all this garbage, well I got enough verses for them that I'm gonna shove down their throat when they come to me with that. By the way, if CPS ever tried to come and take my children, they're gonna have to kill me before they do it. This whole idea of CPS coming and taking people's children, I don't understand how they let it happen because every time that they take their children, they put them in the foster care, and then they're raped, molested, and then they're never gonna be the same, they'll end up turning into reprobates. They'll kill me before they ever take my children. But I believe God will protect me. I believe God will protect my family. So I don't believe that's gonna happen, but that's a warning to them. They're gonna have to come blazing at me. So anyway, Proverbs 29, verse 15, it says, the rod and reproof give wisdom. Notice that, the rod and reproof give wisdom, because foolishness is abound in the heart of children, remember. But a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame. There's a lot of good principles here about spanking your children, and why do you think our generation of children, this generation that's coming up, is a bunch of children that do not honor their father and mother? There is a generation that honors not father and mother. And isn't that the generation we're coming into? And is it a coincidence that that same generation is that generation that kept telling me they're not gonna spank their children because they love them too much? That's right. They're all becoming these ungrateful, my name is Jimmy, and I messed it up. How's that go? Take all you give. I'll take all you give me, that's it, right? So anyway, so that's the generation we're living in today. We're living in the entitlement generation where everything needs to be handed to them, not work for anything, and they just expect it. They expect everything to be handed to them. Why? Because their parents handed them everything. Because their parents didn't expect anything out of them. Their parents didn't beat them with a rod. Their parents didn't give them chores to do. Their parents didn't teach them hard work. And so, spank your children, or you hate them, and the world is completely opposite of that. Evolution, completely opposite. We kind of talked about this, I'm not gonna go deep into this, but evolution, remember, everything's opposite. If you look at how the creation goes, everything's opposite of what they say as far as the fact that the earth was all water and then it became land, the earth was all molten land, then water rained on top of it, and so everything's backwards as far as their big bang creation story that they believe in. And so, but I'll just give you a verse on that. Evolution basically teaches that things come, things bring forth something that's not their own, meaning that whether it's through a lot of time or spontaneous evolution, so to speak, as far as like something like a cow becoming a dolphin, you know, or the other way around, like that's basically what they believe. And it is that stupid, it is that foolish, but that's exactly what they teach. But Genesis 1, 24 says, and God said, let the earth bring forth the living creature, and after his kind, cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, after his kind, and it was so. Notice after his kind, after his kind, after his kind, you will not make a cat dog, okay? I know there was a cartoon that was called cat dog or something like that, but it's not gonna happen, my friends, it's just not gonna happen, okay? That you're never gonna breed two things that are different kinds and to be one animal. And it always points to like a mule and like a donkey and all that stuff, yeah. Would anybody look at those two things? Put a mule and a donkey up here and tell me if you can tell the difference between the two. Unless you're like really up on like what the difference is, you're probably not gonna be able to tell me what the difference is, okay? And so same thing with horses and all that stuff. I mean, it looks like a horse. I mean, I don't know what breed it is, I don't know all that stuff, but all I'd say is that evolution's a bunch of nonsense and the Bible teaches completely opposite of that. It says that everything brings forth after its own kind. That's a principle that's throughout the Bible all the way to the very end. How about the church should feed the derelict bum homeless people? Now, this is something that's perpetuated as far as like, oh, you should be, the church should be a soup kitchen. Well, the Bible completely disagrees with that because even widows, even widows have this hardcore like if you don't have any family members and also if you're above 60 is the only way that the church is supposed to be taking care of you as far as like that's the requirements. If you're under 60, you need to get married and if you have family members, they need to take care of you and let not the church be charged. That's the widows that are ministering and washing the saints feet and you're gonna tell me that I need to go and like some derelict that's a drunk that who knows what he's gotten into and I'm supposed to feed him? What's the Bible? Go to 2 Thessalonians chapter three and verse 10 because I'll tell you this. I actually went to this leadership Mon thing up in Morgantown and we met up with the leader of the homeless, like basically that's what they did is they housed the homeless and they dealt with like getting them back on their feet and all this stuff. I asked him a question. I said what do you think about like panhandlers or these people that are like on the road that are asking for money? He said they're all selling something. They're all never giving money to them. That's what he told me. This is the guy that is like that's his mission in life is helping homeless people. He said don't give to them. They all know where they need to go to get food and shelter. That's what he told me. He said they all know where to go. In Morgantown, Morgantown's not a metropolis even though they think they are. It's not a metropolis. It's 30,000 people when the school's not there, okay? But do you know that there's no homeless people that don't have a place that they could, they all have a bed to sleep in if they need it? And some people just choose to go out on the streets and they don't want to go in there. That's their prerogative. But he said that there's three meals a day. They know where to go. There's a Methodist church that gives them lunch. There's this place that gives them breakfast and there's this place that gives them dinner. Three meals a day. They know exactly where to go. They know where to get sleep. If they're ever saying, hey, I need money and all this stuff, don't give it to them. Because first of all, this is what it says in the Bible. It says 2 Thessalonians chapter three. Now if you know the person and you know that person's sincere and they've been working hard and all that stuff, that's different. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about people that come up on the street, the little new you from Adam. And the first question I'd ask somebody if they call me up or they come in here asking for money is I'd say, well, where were you Sunday morning? Amen. You know, because that's who I'm gonna be dealing with first when it comes to the funds of the church or those that are actually in the church, okay? And so I'm not gonna take your funds and the funds of the house of God and just give it to someone that's gonna use it on drugs, use it on, and just enabling them. Enabling them to just never start working again. And that's what it does. 2 Thessalonians chapter three verse 10 it says, for even when we are with you, this we commanded you, commanded you that if any would not work, neither should he eat. Some people need to memorize this verse. If you don't work, you shouldn't eat. That's what the Bible teaches. That's Paul the Apostle under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost that if you don't work, neither should you eat. Now there's a lot of people that work really hard and they can't provide for their family. They're really trying. Those are the people I wanna give money to. Those are the people that I wanna help. Those are the people that I'll pay their electric bill. I'll do that if I can, if I have the money to do it. Those are the poor. The homeless, those derelicts that are just going from bottle to bottle and don't wanna work, they're not gonna dime for me. I'm not gonna have, that's not the poor. That's the bum. That's the derelict. That's the person that shouldn't eat. Because maybe if they go without some meals, and that's the problem. You think about the fact, well that's cool, Morgantown has, they can eat. You know what that's doing? That's enabling them. That's enabling them to realize they don't need the work. They can just live off the city. They can live off these people that are giving it to them. And this applies to your children as well. When they, and obviously I don't have older children, but if my children are 18 and they're still, and I'm talking about my sons, if I have sons, my daughters can live with me all along as they want. So, until they find a husband. But notice what it says in 2 Thessalonians 3 in verse 12. I know I'm kind of getting off a tangent on this. It says, now them that are such, we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work and eat their own bread. Notice, he said, if you don't work, neither should you eat, and he commanded them that. And then he says, we also command you and exhort you, that with quietness you do your work, and that you eat your own bread. Notice that. So, don't come to the church, if you're just like a lazy bum, not working, not doing what you should be doing, and then asking for a handout. But if you're here, and you're just doing everything you can, and you're just coming on a hard time, something, you're like a furnace broke, and you're just like, I just can't, I can't even pay the electric bill, that's different, because you're working hard, you're trying to do what you're doing, that's where the church comes in to help out. Okay, and with widows, obviously, and with widows that can't provide for themselves, fatherless and widows, stuff like that, obviously that's where the church comes in, but it's not just this open gate, everybody that needs help, come here. Because that's not what the Bible teaches. How about unity for sake of unity? And unity in tolerance for all matters? Now again, notice that they say this stuff, but they're hypocrites when they say it. Because they're intolerant toward me, right? They don't want to be unified with me. You know, how about this libtards? How about you unify with me, and then we'll be good? You know, how about you unify with the Bible, and then we won't have any problems. We'll sing kumbaya at that point. That's never gonna happen. And Jesus never, he never said that was gonna happen until he comes into being the ruler and the reiner in this world. But in Luke 12, Luke 12, Luke 12 and verse 51, and we're almost done here. This is my last, this is my last example, okay? Is the fact that we're not to be unified with people that are not believers. And we're not to be unified with people that are believers that are not following the Bible, okay? So don't follow Christians that are going down the wrong path, okay? We need to be sticking to what the Bible, following the Bible and follow me as I follow Christ. But Luke 12, 51, it says, and suppose ye that I am come to get peace on earth, I tell ye, nay, but rather division. This is Christ saying this. Jesus Christ said, I didn't come to bring peace on the earth. You know what, he didn't come to bring unity, he came to bring division. Because notice what he says, for from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, the son against the father, the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother, the mother-in-law against the daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. So this is repeated in other places too, but notice he's saying, and why would there be division? Because of what you believe. You know, because of the gospel. You see this all the time in families. Unfortunately, you see this a lot of times with family where you have a husband that believes, the wife doesn't believe, and there's a big division there. And then you see the other way around where the wife believes, the husband doesn't believe, and there's a big division there. Or they're both saved, but they're not going in the right direction. And you see that division. Because the Bible divides. The Bible is gonna divide. It's sharper than any two-edged sword, my friends, dividing even to the, dividing asunder of soul and spirit and the joints and marrow. So it clearly divides. Because it just sets a mark, and if you're not at that mark, or if you're not in that, this is the way it is, then it's gonna cause division. So, and obviously the Bible teaches too to not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. And it goes through that whole thing with Christ and Belial. You know, there's no conqueror with Christ and Belial. And it says, wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you. We're supposed to be separate from the world. We're supposed to be separate from worldly Christians. And so that division is supposed to be there. We're not supposed to just unite to unite. I'm not here to unite with all the pastors around here. Even if they are saved, even if they are believers, if they're not for soul winning, and they're not King James only, then I don't want anything to do with them. I'm not looking to make friends with pastors and all that stuff. We're independent here. And so I'm for making friends and yoking up with people that love the Lord, that love the Bible, that wanna do things to the Bible. And I'm not saying they all have to be high up there and they have to know everything. If they're just in the right direction, if they're saying, you know what, you know, I'm going that way, that's what I'm looking for. I'm looking for people that are just trying to do right, trying to follow the Bible, whatever stage they're at. And if a pastor's like that, then amen. I'll fellowship with them. If they're in the right direction, they have the right gospel, they read the King James Bible, they're King James only, then I'm for it. But I'm not for it. I'm not going around trying to change pastors either. You know, I'm not gonna go around and be like, I'm gonna try to go over this pastor with this independent fundamental Baptist Church. I'm gonna try to change them on their doctrines. No, that's not my prerogative. I, you know, whatever they wanna do. If they wanna come talk to me and they wanna know and they sincerely wanna know about it, then I'll talk to them, but that's not what I'm here for. So I'm here for you guys. I'm here for those that wanna learn. I wanna teach those that wanna know the Bible and wanna learn the Bible and that are going in the right direction. And so to end this, these that have turned the world upside down, what were they doing? They were preaching the gospel. Paul was preaching saying in verse three, opening and alleging that Christ must needs have suffered and risen again from the dead and that this Jesus whom I preach unto you is Christ. So that's what he was preaching and that's why they sent people after him because many people believed. And that they didn't like that. So they were preaching the gospel and this is how we're gonna turn the world upside down, my friends. It's not by going out and picketing a whole bunch of places. It's not going out and just getting a big foghorn and just start yelling at abortion clinics, yelling at all these other people. No, it's about preaching the gospel. It's about getting people saved and then teaching them to observe all things. In Mark 16, 15 it says, and he said unto them, go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He didn't say go into the world and start running for office and start trying to get into the governor's offices and trying to do all this stuff. No, he never says anything like that as far as getting into political office, trying to change laws. Do you remember ever reading that in Acts? All I remember is them preaching the gospel. That's what our, you know, that's simple too. I like that. You know what, that makes my life easier because all I need to know is that I need to preach the gospel, get people saved, teach them the Bible. That's simple. That's how we're gonna turn the world upside down because you change the minds of the people in this area and in this world, then all that other stuff will happen because then those people will change and get into those positions and change the laws on our behalf and all this other stuff. So in Matthew 28, it says in verse 19, Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things what's commanded you and lo, I'm with you always, even unto the end of the world, amen. So the great commission, which is to get people saved, get them baptized, so they'll be in a local church, you know, that they'll learn to observe all things, teach them all things, not just the gospel, all things, the whole counsel of God. Acts 5, 42, it says, and daily in the temple and in every house, they cease not to teach and preach Jesus Christ. Acts 20 and verse 18, I know I'm kind of blowing through this. We're kind of ending on time here. Acts 20 and verse 18, it says, and when they were come to him and said unto them, ye know from the first day that I came into Asia after what manner I have been with you at all seasons, serving the Lord with all humility of mine and with many tears and temptations which befell me by the lying and weight of the Jews and how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you but have showed you and have taught you publicly and from house to house testifying both to the Jews and also to the Greeks for repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. So he did it publicly. He did it from house to house. And verse 27, it says, for I have not shunned to declare unto you all that counsel of God. That's what our mission is. That's what we're supposed to be doing, preaching the gospel to every creature and teaching the counsel of God to everybody, teaching the Bible and parents that goes for you, teaching your children to observe all things whatsoever that he's commanded you. And so obviously the church is there. He has manifested his word through preaching but you as parents are supposed to also, or us as parents, need to teach our children to observe all things and when we lie down, when we sit up, wherever we go, that's what we're supposed to be doing and that's how we're gonna get a new generation, a generation that loves the Lord, a generation that knows the Bible. And here's the thing, at least if the world knew the Bible, I would feel better about it because here's the thing, you can preach the gospel until you're blue in the face but you can't make anybody believe. Now, doubtless we'll come again with rejoice and bringing our sheaves with us so people aren't gonna get saved, okay? But all I'm saying with that is that not everybody's gonna believe but at least everybody can hear, at least everybody can at least know and when they know, they're without excuse completely and I'll feel better, at least if the world knew. If all the world knew what the Bible taught on these subjects that I just went over, these misconceptions, if they at least knew about it, then all right, you know, you can't do anything about it after that but that problem is most people don't know. A lot of people are just parroting what they've heard. They don't know the Bible, either doesn't say that or says something completely opposite. And so that's our job is to proclaim that, proclaim the truth. Don't hide your light under a bushel, under a vessel or under a bed. You know, we're supposed to proclaim that unashamedly and that's how we're gonna turn the world upside down. These that have turned the world upside down have come hither also. Let that be said about Mountain Baptist Church that our church is turning this town upside down with the gospel, that we're turning it upside down to where the truth of the gospel, they just can't get away from it. That it's just being preached so much that they can't get away from it and they can't deny it. They can't deny the truth, they can't gainsay it because it's the word of God and let us obviously need to be prepared to do that but that's how we're gonna change this world. That's how we're gonna win this world to Christ and we're gonna do great exploits for God. I don't care if we're not in the last times at all, let's do a great exploits for God right now. Let's do it. Let's get people saved, let's change their lives, let's do everything we can to help this area with the gospel and to turn it upside down for God. Let's end with a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, we thank you for today and Lord, just pray that you'd be with us and keep us safe on the roads and Lord, we just pray that you'd just bless the fellowship that we have together and Lord, we love you and pray all this in Jesus Christ's name, amen.