(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) As far as that word prayer during it father We thank you for this beautiful Sunday morning to come together in your house and to congregate with fellow believers And we thank you for your word. We thank you for damn chapter 1 I just praise bless the service don't pass the Robinson with your Holy Spirit give him power and boldness and wisdom That only comes from your spirit, and I prayed for Everyone to be here edified by the sermon and we thank you and praise Jesus Christ. Let me pray. Amen. Amen Amen Well you're there in Nahum chapter 1 which is a great chapter by the way And but that last verse is really what I wanted everybody to see Behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings that publish his peace and so my sermon today is the vision and view of Mountain Baptist Church and First of all if most of you probably know who I am, but I'm pastor Jason Robinson I was sent out from Emmanuel Baptist Church up in Morgantown, West Virginia And so this is the first service obviously And I wanted the first sermon to really give you a great idea when you come away from this sermon You'll know exactly where I stand you know exactly what our church is for and you'll know Just clear as day what our purpose is here and so the vision and view of Mountain Baptist Church and so Why did I pick the name mountain well? We are in the mountain state But that's not really the main reason why I picked mountain to be the the name of our church Because the name of a church in my opinion should be a moniker of what you're wanting to do What what what the purpose of the church is and if in throughout when you look at soul winning? You see you see two things when it comes to solely you see the feet That are emphasized when it comes to soul winning But you also see upon the mountains a lot of these verses where it talks about soul winning is talking about on The mountains and in Isaiah chapter 52 if you'll turn there Isaiah 52 and Verse 7 so Nahum you know it's pretty much quoting back to Isaiah I believe and Isaiah is one is really a great verse Isaiah 52, and if you go to verse 7 and Isaiah 52 So it's almost halfway in the Bible halfway through Isaiah And 52 in verse 7 it says how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings that publish at peace That bringeth good tidings of good that publishes salvation that seth unto Zion thy God raineth So why did I name the the church Mountain Baptist because that's what our vision is our vision is to? Bring good tidings to publish peace the gospel of peace and you know the Bible says in Proverbs chapter 29 It says where there is no vision the people perish, but he to keep it the law happy as he We have a bunch of churches in our state We have a bunch of Baptist churches We have a lot of independent Baptist churches independent fundamental Baptist churches that are even King James only But they don't have a vision Right and they're lacking knowledge are lacking that vision and where there is no vision the people perish My people perish for lack of knowledge And there's a lot of people in in this whole area in North Central, West Virginia Where where people are perishing they're going to go to hell because of lack of knowledge because that churches don't have a vision and So we need a vision to win the lost We need to have that vision and the Bible says where there is no vision the people perish But notice what it says in Acts chapter 2 and verse 17 So I'm going to show you a lot of Bible today So get your sword sharpened there Acts chapter 2 and verse 17 Acts chapter 2 verse 17 it says and it shall come to pass in the last days Seth God I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall Prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams now we know that this was fulfilled in and In Acts chapter 2 at the day of Pentecost when they were winning thousands of people to Christ and Yes, women should be sole winners too. Yeah women shouldn't be a pastor You know that the Bible talks about how you have to be the husband of one wife So you know we taught we could teach on that another day, but when it comes to preaching the gospel That's for all of us and the Bible says that the young men shall see visions now. I consider myself a young man I'm 32 years old I'm gonna be 33 in January. I consider that to be young okay, so whatever you guys say I consider it to be young so I believe that I'm a young man and you know what this young man has a vision for North Central, West, Virginia and Not just for Fairmont which we're in but if you look at the map over there all North Central, West, Virginia Morgantown Fairmont Clarksburg Bridgeport I grew up in Clarksburg. I've lived in Morgantown almost half the time. I lived in Clarksburg, which is crazy to think about So and then Fairmont just happens to be in the center of that so that's where we're at right here and my vision is Not a small vision, and you know what that vision over there I mean look at me like I don't know if we can do it But you know what if I if I thought I could do it. I wouldn't want to be that to be my vision I want a vision to where I know that God was in it That I that it wasn't just what man can do and you know God with Gideon Didn't want he actually didn't want a whole bunch of people to win that battle He wanted to show his glory through a few through that 300, and I'm not saying we need 300 here But that would that would be great if we had 300 soul winners going out to preach the gospel and guess what it would get Done if we had that so my vision is to win this whole area To the Lord now we know that not everybody's going to get saved But at least we can knock every door we can give everybody the opportunity to hear the gospel And you know then they're without excuse at that point to where they've at least heard it They've had the opportunity and at the day they had judgment I can wipe my hands clean just like Paul said and says I am free of the blood of their you know Their blood is not on my hands because at least I gave them an opportunity to hear the gospel So the vision what's the vision the Great Commission? What did Jesus give us? You know before he left before he ascended on high was the Great Commission Which is the preach the gospel to every creature right and so? And and just to go back to on the mountains one of the the greatest passages every soul winner probably goes to is Romans chapter 10 For who shall call upon name the Lord shall be saved how should then shall they call him whom they not believed And I say they believe in him who may not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher And how should they preach except to be sent as is written how beautiful are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings that? They that preached the gospel of peace or preach the gospel of peace and bring good tidings good things right so We know that that's a great passage And that's quoting back to where they're preaching on the mountains, and we are in the mountain state so when we were walking around You know I did get a little tiring sometimes And you know we went out so many. I was out with brother Luke and his family and And they had their their two children with them, and they brought a stroller and it you know when you go downhill It's not as bad when you have to go back up hills when it gets a little hard right so we are literally Preaching on the mountains, and that's not to say that the gospel doesn't need to be preached out in the Midwest You know where there's no mountains right, but what I'm saying is that that's why we have that Moniker as far as our name on that church is because I want it to be a church is known for soul-winning That soul-winning is our prerogative. That's our endgame We want to win everybody that we can to the law to the Lord and we don't and we want to give everybody the opportunity To be saved so that's our that's our push. That's what we're trying to do I just want to be upfront with you that that's what this church is about It's about doing the work of the Great Commission the Bible says in Matthew 28 In verse 19 it says go ye therefore and teach all nations Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son of the Holy Ghost Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever commanded you and lo. I am with you all the way even up to the end of the world amen, so One of the most famous passages is where Jesus you know left his disciples and just gave him that that This is what I want you to do. This is your first works this is your first love and this is what you need to be doing and Notice there's three things there Preaching the gospel to every creature. It says going into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, right? It doesn't stop there obviously with the church because we're supposed to also baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost But then you're also supposed to teach them to observe all things whatsoever. I've commanded you so You know when it comes to our vision our vision is soul winning right, but why do we come to church? We don't we don't I didn't you know all these people here are probably saved, right? This church is for believers not for the lost It's not about bringing in the lost or tailoring a church to To the lost and that's what you'll find today is a bunch of churches that are just trying To appeal to the lost that are trying to bring in the rock bands they're putting on the trendy jeans and wearing the trendy outfits and and you're trying to look like a teenager and Know what you need is a man to stand up here and and preach the Word of God And that's what we need today is we need we need a church that will preach the whole counsel of God without Apology and so in the Bible not everything is goodness and light Actually, I think we read in Nahum where it was mostly damnation and condemnation Now there was good stuff in there right, but with the good you had the bad And you got to look at both of them, but when I read the Bible you know what I mostly see God's wrath Yeah, I see God is angry with the wicked every day And you know that needs to be preached and if the Bible emphasizes something more Then that's what we need to preach more right and so if the Bible is swayed toward God's anger God's wrath What do you think I should preach on more? God's anger and God's wrath, so I'm not smarter than God None of us are smarter than God none of us should say you know what I think that that should just be at home That should just be something you read when you're drinking your coffee, and you're just like man. God's mean and But no the Bible talks about How we're supposed to we're not supposed to be ashamed of him We're not supposed to be ashamed of his word, and we're supposed to he has Exalted his word above his name And so I want to show you a couple places and what what I find in the New Testament in Matthew I these are all verses in Matthew, and you'll find these in the other Gospels as well but worm where Jesus is doing things on mountains and One of the most famous passages is a sermon on the mount right Matthew chapter 5 it says in seeing the multitudes That's chapter 5 verse 1 if you want to turn there. I want to show you a couple verses in Matthew chapter 5 Matthew chapter 5 verse 1 Bible reads and seeing the multitudes he went up into a mountain and When he was set and his it when he was said his disciples came unto him And he opened his mouth and taught them saying and he goes on with the sermon the mouth that goes from chapter 5 to chapter 7 and we know there's a lot of information in that chapter and a lot of that stuff was hard sayings hard sayings that a lot of people did not want to hear and You know a lot of people think think he was trying to destroy the law, but he's actually Expounding on to it and giving them more detail So what they needed to do right and so on the Sermon on the Mount was some hard preaching that a lot of people didn't Like and the Pharisees didn't want anything to do with him And they wanted to kill him because he testified that their deeds were evil And so we see that Jesus was preaching on a mountaintop now why? Would he preach on a mountaintop? Why is that why is that in the Bible? Why is it always like he's on a mountain? He's on a mountain He's doing this well the Bible says in verse 14 so go down to verse 14 there It says ye are the light of the world a city that is set on the hill cannot be hid Do you know that what we're what we read in the Bible? We're not supposed to just hide under a bushel Do you know that that that the Bible and God's word and what we do should just be out in the open you know cults are The ones that actually try to hide what they say and what they believe And so we're not a cult because everything's out in the open and after this sermon You'll know exactly where we stand and what we believe this is the you know not everything obviously because I don't have the time We're not gonna keep here for four hours But the main doctrines you'll see this is what we stand for this is our view on on these main doctrines And this is where we stand because a city that is set on the hill Cannot be hid and I want Mountain Baptist Church to be on that mountain on that hill where everybody knows Okay, that's Mountain Baptist Church. You know they don't drink They don't you know they they stand against this their salvation by faith alone They they hate repent of sins doctrines you know and we'll get into that But here's the thing they'll know exactly where we stand. It's not hidden under a bushel It's not something where where you come into the church to be like. I don't know where a pastor Jason Robinson stands on that issue. I don't know where he stands on Salvation you know and that's where you'll find in a lot of these churches where you go in and they'll preach a sermon even on Salvation you're just like I don't even know where you know he was so on both sides I don't even know where he actually stood on that issue And let it not be said about that here that you know exactly where I stand that it's clear that it's written It's written plainly. It's written big enough to where those that run can read it and so But in Matthew chapter 10, and I got put these in order so you can keep going along with me here But Matthew chapter 10 and verse 27 This kind of adds to what we're saying here Matthew chapter 10 verse 27 it says what I tell you in darkness that speak ye in light What you hear in the ear that preach ye upon the housetops And so what I read in my Bible reading time, and I'm like that's rough that's a hard saying when you read when you read Genesis 19 read Judges 19 and You're like man. That's a rough passage. I think Genesis 19 or Judges 19. I'm sorry is Is one of the roughest passages in the Bible when you when you look at that story and And it exposes the world that we live in but it's one of those rough passages where I'm I'm always taken back by how How rough that is, but it needs to be preached Yeah, you know what I've told you in secret that that speak ye in light You know then preach upon the the housetops with that, so that's what the church is for now I don't go out soul-winning and start just you know hitting hard doctrine preaching hard on sin That's not what we do out soul-winning when we go out soul-winning. We're supposed to be meek and gentle Instructing them how to be saved right the gospel of peace right so there's two different parts of that You don't go out and just start ripping someone's face off because they're not doing what they should be doing right But in the house of God when you're behind when I'm behind the pulpit. I'm preaching to a group I'm not Pete preaching I'm not like looking and calling out somebody individually and preaching them down you know and so That's what the house of God is for that's what we're here for as far as mountain Baptist Church We're supposed to preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine That's what we're supposed to do in the house of God, and that's what we're missing Brother Shawn we were talking about this out soul-winning about what what's missing in churches today You know what if if I thought that everything was fine with the churches today. I would not have started this church, right? It's a lot of work to start this it's a lot of work to take this is a lot of stress to put on you Know but here's the thing I believe there's a need for it because I believe it's not getting done I believe soul-winning is not getting done in this area I believe that the hard preaching is not getting done in this area and brother Shawn And I were talking about it that soul-winning and hard preaching is the uppercut that's missing in the Baptist churches It's the one-two punch. That's missing and you'll go to churches where where it they're right on salvation They're right even on the King James Bible that it's that it's perfect than that. It's without error They're independent right and they have all those things you know that you're looking for But they're missing soul-winning. They're out just passing out a flyer. They're just inviting people to church. They're not actually asking them Hey, do you know a hundred percent sure you're going to heaven right? They're not asking that that big question That's more important than them coming to church. I'd rather I'd rather win You know a thousand people to the Lord and they never come to church then only win one that comes to church and here's the thing I'd love for one that to get saved and come to church and and And luckily we had that this morning. Amen. You know like that's great, but here's the thing It's not about them coming to church. That's great, and that's what they should do and that's what we want to have happen but if that never happened And it was all about just winning them to Christ, and that's what I'd want to see happen and so let God build the church You know they labor in vain to build it if God doesn't build the house They labor in vain that building and Jesus said upon this rock where I build my church, so I'm leaving it up to God I'm leaving it up to Christ To build the church as far as who comes here and who comes to pre or who comes to listen to me preach and to go Out soul-winning. I'm not trying to appeal just to get people in the seats Right now when I go out soul-winning. I am peeling I'm pleading for them to be saved right and I want them to be saved More than anything, but I will not beg someone to come here to church because you know that's something they they have to choose to do and and hopefully they will so That's what our church needs to do it needs to be a hard preaching church and hard is not just screaming and Hitting the pulpit and getting loud although you know that sometimes it needs to happen Sometimes you need to get angry about sin, but here's the thing hard preaching a lot of times. It's just what are you saying? And and and not hard preaching is what are you not saying yeah, right? Yeah, are you preaching rough things or you preaching smooth things and the Bible talks about how smooth things are? Things that aren't right and so you know this pulp. It's a little rough around the edges You know and we did that on purpose. I didn't want I'm there's they're gonna be no flowers up here Just so you know there's no flowers that are gonna be sitting up here now As brother Jeff was saying if it starts budding almonds over here, then you really know that I was sent from God, right? But the thing is we're not here to be beautiful. You know to be you know. I'm not an orator I'm not the best-looking guy that could get behind this pulpit But that's why we made it rough because this is gonna be a rough church when it comes to preaching You know what it takes a little bit of rough guys to go out and then to win the loss takes it takes some Some grit to go through a whole day of soul-winning and maybe not win somebody for four hours of soul-winning But then you go you keep going and then you find that person's just waiting to hear it Yeah, it's it's always worth it. It's always worth it, but you know it takes a little grit to do that it takes a little bit of Austerity you know to do that and so what is our church about it's about being it's about being rough It's about being a soul winners about hearing hard preaching and maybe getting your toes stepped on every once in a while And when I get to the next point or next part of this sermon it may it may step on some people's toes About what our view is what our doctrines are here But sometimes we need maybe maybe next time you'll bring steel-toed boots in here, so and so But here's the thing sometimes you need to hear those hard sayings the disciples they said that's a hard saying who can hear it and Jesus said you know some people's not some people can't hear it and In they some people were offended and left Jesus and he even asked his disciples Did Jesus beg his disciples to stick with them? No he said he said will you also go away? He's just basically saying well, they all left are you gonna go away, too? They say please don't go we'll get a rock band We'll get I'll start wearing those tailored jeans that had the holes in them And I'll start talking about I'll wear I'll get a tattoo and I'll talk about my past and and how you know I'm trying to be trendy no he said are you gonna go away also? Let the chips fall where they may Because in the end I'm not trying to please men I'm trying to please God You know if I if I were to please men then I should not be the servant of God right and so And I love and I love you guys. Here's the thing I love the people that come to church I love Chris. You know I love all the brethren But sometimes you know the kisses of an enemy are deceitful, but the rebuke you know the rebuke of a friend You know that's where you that's that's where the love is that you know the friend will tell you You know that you're wrong about something yeah And it takes it's hard to do sometimes right when you have a friend that that that has to tell you listen You're going down the wrong path right you're not doing what you should be doing, and you don't want to be that guy You don't want to be that guy That's like the the mean the mean friend, but you know what they'll love you because of that Because it takes a lot of care. It takes a lot of love in order to to actually Reprove somebody that you love right so some other places where Jesus Was it was on a mountain in Matthew chapter 14 So go a couple pages over maybe Matthew chapter 14 and verse 23 And so this doesn't necessarily have to do with the church necessarily, but but it does in a sense Where it talks about God's house is a house of prayer for all nations But notice what Jesus did here It says in verse 23 it says and when he had sent the multitudes away He went up into a mountain apart to pray and when the evening was come he was there alone One thing that I noticed about Jesus is that? especially with prayer he would go alone by himself away from everybody and But in this case he went up to a mountain Alone, and he tried to get away from everybody and tried to just get alone with God and so mountain Baptist Church You know I want it to be an oasis Where you can come out of the world out away from every all the all the garbage that you're that you're seeing out in the world And you know all the stuff that they're trying all the propaganda They're trying to shove down your throat where you come to an oasis here where we were up on a mountain And you get close to God, and we should be doing this on a personal level when it comes to prayer but this is also it can be a house of prayer to you know we're gonna pray in this in this building and We're gonna pray together as Men and women of this church, and and this is somewhere we can get close to God and and come together on on this And as a congregation, but also obviously you should be in your own time getting close to God getting on your mountain So to speak where you're gonna get close with God get alone with him and sometimes you need that when you when you all the the World gets hectic you know with with everything that was going on this week, and it's exciting stuff, right? But sometimes you just need to get alone you need to get with the Lord you need to let him calm you down Let him you know just kind of give that peace and get into his word alone with him and get into that prayer Matthew chapter 17 Matthew chapter 17 the famous passage of the the transfiguration 17 verse 1 The Bible reads and after six days Jesus take it Peter James and John his brother and bring it them up into an high mountain Apart and was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the Sun and his rain It was white as the light The mount a mountain in the Bible is something you're having to climb You know it's not something you get to the peak immediately right and so what I look at What we're trying to do here as Christians. Everybody's at different levels, and I have not attained You know I am NOT at the perfect level here I'm still climbing that mountain the Bible says forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things Which are before I press toward the mark of the part for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus You know I'm still pressing toward that mark. I'm still climbing that mountain where I'm trying to see God I'm trying to know God and yes, I'm saved I'm known of God and he know with them that trust in him like it said in Nahum chapter 1, right? That's what's important is God knows you That you've been saved you've believed on him, but to know him is something that's not gonna happen overnight It's not something that you're just gonna jump on top of that mountain now. You're gonna claw up it like Jonathan did Honestly with his hands and his feet clawing up you know and sometimes you may you may slide to lose your footing But you got to keep clawing up to that mountain And you're gonna see the glory of God and eventually we're gonna attain eventually we're gonna we're gonna Comprehend him we're gonna be like him we're gonna attain unto the resurrection of death We're trying to attain it will never attain to it in this flesh Right you know our souls perfect our spirits perfect But our flesh is weak and until this flesh falls off until we die We still have to deal with that sin, but eventually the resurrection is going to come when Jesus comes again after the tribulation When Jesus comes again, we're gonna we're gonna all this flesh will drop You know we'll be instantly changed and at that time we have will have to attained But until that time we are we are trying to press toward that mark for the glory of God right for that for that high calling that that's in Christ Jesus and And the last place I want to show you as far as a mountain, and there's other places You know I just don't want to belabor this too much, but in Matthew chapter 28 Matthew chapter 28 This is right before he gives the Great Commission, but this is where he gives the Great Commission Matthew chapter 28 verse 16 Matthew chapter 28 verse 16 said the Bible reads then the 11 disciples Went away into Galilee into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. You know that Jesus When he when he rose from the dead he said go into Galilee tell my brethren To go into Galilee so that I can meet him there right and So they finally go to Galilee even after a lot of prodding where or they didn't have faith You know he was risen from the dead and so they were prodded to go there And they finally go there, and he appointed a mountain in Galilee for them to see him And again this goes to the fact of seeing his glory, but to meet with God we're gonna meet him on a mountain and They met at the mountain of Galilee, and do you know where where he ascended up into heaven a Mount all of it right so we have two mountains where they first see him And you know after they finally all together or meeting him in the mountain where they're supposed to be appointed to see him right and Then when he leaves them in a cloud was on another mountain, so why did I pick Mountain Baptist Church? Why did I pick that as a name? It's not just because we're in the mountain state although it fits You know it definitely fits soul winning You know how beautiful are the feet of them are upon the mountains are the feet of them That bring you kid tidings that publish at peace right so soul winning, but also What is our church about what do we do here as believers in this church? Well, we're to preach the whole counsel of God We're to preach upon the housetops what I told you in darkness that speak ye in light and and preach it upon the housetops Not to not to be secret about what we believe we're not Freemasons You know if you come out if you leave you're free to go You know there's no death death warrant on you after that and we don't have one of those little black cases where you have to carry it around and and Have your little stuff in there, and you can't tell anybody about it guess what everything that I preach from this pulpit You can tell whoever you want, and I and I actually hope you do and so But also a mountain Represents our Christian walk are what we're striving for We're striving for that higher plane that higher ground, and we're not going to attain to that until until we die But here's the thing I'm going to try to get as high as I can you know and I'm going to try to bring as many people up there with me as I can and So that's what our vision is that's what the vision of Mountain Baptist Church is the wind this area. This is our Jerusalem You know he told his the apostles to they that they were going to be witnesses and all Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and to the outermost part of the earth, right? Well, this is our Jerusalem a Morgan town Faram on Clarksburg The Bridgeport area that's our Jerusalem our Judea is the whole state of West Virginia in my opinion You know we'll do small town soul winning marathons if we have to you know There's little provinces that don't have churches at all in them And if they do they they're probably not going so winning if they're not going so winning in the big towns But here's the thing we're going to try to we're going to you know try to knock every door in these three counties And then try to go out from there We'll try to send out churches that are going to do the work and and that's my goal, West Virginia is my Judea Samaria is As America you know there's needs to be churches start in other places how many here are not from West, Virginia? Look around Do you think you think it's an accident you think it's because I'm such a good speaker That I'm so good-looking That everybody came out to this church No, that's not why That's because of the Word of God is because of them It's because of the desire to want to see people saved it's a desire to see a church That's not afraid to speak the truth. It's a desire to see you know you know a man of God It's not afraid to preach the whole Bible to lead people and to going so winning You know that that everybody's looking for that that we have we have people from all over from Canada from Illinois from Virginia to just all over the place that are looking for a good church and They're just not finding it so we need we need more people in the samaria we need we need churches to be started in Cleveland and Akron and and Richmond and and and Williamsburg and you know like all these different areas that we can think of Chicago all these all these big cities, but also just every town you know He told Paul told Titus it says ordain elders in every city as I had appointed thee You know that's what this cause was he says you know ordain elders in every city And so what was Paul's mission he wanted to get a good church in every city That held to the word of God So now next to the next point here is our view so this is where you need to put on a steel-toed boots I'll put your feet underneath the chairs or something like that, so So what's our view? if you go on our track We don't have our doctrine, but we do have our mission statement Anybody's received one of these you know or that pass these out yesterday It tells exactly who we are I'm just going to read this for you It says we are a young local New Testament church with the desire to reach all North Central West Virginia with the gospel of Jesus Christ We are an independent King James Bible only soul winning hard preaching Baptist Church We are a family integrated church with the desire to edify believers with the word of God So they will be well grounded and rooted in the faith So that's what I was just talking about is the fact that we are a soul winning church That with the desire to edify believers. Those are two fold things. You can't you don't mix those together, right? We want to see people saved then we want to see them get in church and to be edified and to Teach them all things right, but I want to on our website. I have a statement of faith and on the statement of faith I basically just have like one sentence like here's what we believe right, but I just want to go down that list I'm gonna give you some verses to why we believe that and Some of these are hard saying some of these are things that you know Someone in here may not like completely agree with but this is where we stand and after this sermon You'll know exactly where I stand on these issues and these are non negotiable You know, these are things that are that are set in stone as far as what we believe at this church. They're foundational There's a lot of doctrines in the Bible You know, this is not a full list of all the doctrines in the Bible, but these these are these are set in stone They're they're clear as day in the Bible and this is what we're gonna stand on until until you throw me out and so But here's think the first one is we believe the King James Bible is the inspired preserved Word of God without error in the English language This is the Word of God. This is the inspired preserved Word of God without error and Most churches today do not use the King James Bible and they go back to the Greek to go back to the Hebrew But in Psalms chapter 12 or Psalm 12 It says the words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried in the furnace of earth purified seven times Thou shalt keep them. Oh Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever God Promised to preserve his word and if we don't have it if it's not in the King James Bible, where is it? You Know the Hebrew was a dead language for hundreds of years. So don't tell me that We didn't they didn't have a Bible for hundreds of years Don't tell me that God didn't preserve his word for a hundred years all these new versions of the Bible came out starting in the 19th century Because they found some older older Manuscripts don't tell me that God let his word be hit under a rock For hundreds to thousands of years until some fat-bottomed scholar that got up in his ivory tower Decided I'm gonna write my own Bible And so if you want to know the truth about the King James Bible stay tuned for another sermon. So But here's the thing. We believe it is the preserved Word of God that it's without error You don't need to go back to the Greek and Hebrew I'm not going to come up here and start spouting off Greek and Hebrew to you that I don't speak and And then just make up definitions of what it means and so I Believe every believer can go to the Bible and understand the Word of God just like I can right now God has manifested his word through preaching I do believe there's a lot of blessing with coming to the church and here's the thing If someone spent hours and hours figuring out a doctrine Sometimes I'd rather just hear what they have to say So I don't have to spend hours and hours trying to figure out that same doctrine, right? but here's the thing the Holy Ghost is inside of you as a believer and it says the anointing which you have received of him Abideth in you and you need not that any man teach you but as the same Anointing teaches you of all things and is truth and is no why and even as it hath taught you you shall abide in him The anointing is the Holy Ghost and every believer that has put their faith in Christ has the Holy Ghost inside of them and can Understand everything that's in the Bible just like I can if there if there's something that I can understand that you can't Then there's something wrong Right either you're not saved or I'm teaching a false doctrine Right because if not only I can see it and all these believers are just like I just don't see that in the Bible Then there's a problem right because then then there must be something wrong with that what I'm preaching because you all had the Holy Ghost just as much as I do and So we believe the King James Bible is the Word of God. We're King James only Now if you brought in an NIV, I'm not gonna throw you out You know, but I would I would love you to see that I would love you to see you know Hey, this is what you can trust. This is what you can you can trust every jot and tittle, you know Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. Do you believe that today? And so the Bible is perfect without error and that's what we hold to the King James Bible And so the next on on the list is salvation by faith It says we believe that salvation is by grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ without works Salvation is received by putting your trust in the death, burial, resurrection of Jesus Christ for the payment of your sins Simple as believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves? That is the gift of God not of works as any man should boast and we do not believe that someone has to repent of your sins We do not believe that someone has to turn from your sins We don't believe that you have to confess your sins and to be saved We just believe you have to put your trust in him and what he did on the cross for salvation and this is a this is a Problem that's within Baptist churches today where they don't have a clear grasp on salvation Where they'll say well, you got a repent of sin Well, what I mean by that is that you have to acknowledge you're a sinner. Well, that's not what that means So when you're talking to an unsaved person When you say repent of sins, what do they think? Well, I got to stop sinning I got to turn over a new leaf So I don't care what you think it means when you use a term guess what repent of your sins is never mentioned in the Bible Never that phrase is never mentioned in Bible unless you have a living Bible Then they add repent of your sins and turn to God But the Bible says repent ye and believe the gospel. Repent just means to change something. What are you changing? Well, if I'm believing the gospel then what I'm changing is what I believed over here Which is my dead works, which is idols or whatever you were trying to put your trust in to get you to heaven, right? So salvation by grace through faith will never budge on that As long as I live as long as I'm the pastor of this church It will always be crystal clear that salvation is by faith alone in Jesus Christ And it's repent of sins doctrine is a damnable heresy that's creeping into all the Baptist churches today And it's something that that's confusing people that are saved It's confusing them to where they start Doubting their own salvation because they think well, maybe I didn't repent of my sins and then they start doubting their own salvation But then if anybody that comes in that's not saved They're not going to get saved off that Right not to mention they don't use the Bible faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and when you say repent Of your sins, that's not Bible And so why don't you use the clear? Passages in the Bible like for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that who sort of believeth in him Should not perish but have everlasting life He that believeth on him is not condemned But he that believeth not is condemned already because they have not believed in the name the only begotten Son of God He that believeth on him or he to believe on the son hath everlasting life He to believe not the son shall not see life because the wrath of God abideth on him And so why don't you use the clear passages in the Bible? Verily verily I say unto you he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath Everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life That's clear. That's right. That's not something where we have to wonder. What does he mean by that? Now when you start using phrases like well Let let Jesus come into your heart. Well, good night. What do you mean by that? You know? You know make Jesus Lord of your life Well, how far do you take that? Well, you got to do everything he tells you to do. Well, that's work salvation my friend And so why don't you use clear passages in the Bible clear statements in the Bible on salvation and there's hundreds of them Yeah, you know, why are we trying to be better than the Bible? Why are we trying to be more elegant to the Bible? You know what? I'd rather speak a thousand words of the Bible than one word of my own Yes, right and when I go out soul winning I almost try to talk as if I'm talking just with the Bible I'll use verses as I'm talking right and try to use that Bible because that's where the power is at It says the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharp in any two-edged sword Piercing even to the divining center of soul and spirit and the joints of Mera in the discern of the thoughts and intents of the Heart that's where the power is at. That's where you're gonna get someone saved. It's not beginning to be by your own words It's not gonna be by just being a good speaker There's a lot of good speakers. Have you seen that? You know the speakers on TV? Joel's theme I don't have I don't have given a smile to do that You know all these people that are good speakers, you know, and they'll even tell preachers like I saw you Can't you can't preach on a national level? You're just not a good enough speaker, but you know These speakers are sending people straight to hell right with their doctrine and they can speak a great thing You know There was an order that that went against Paul when he was brought before The magistrates and they brought the order there and when you listen to him speak Did you see all these flowery words that are coming out of his mouth? And so but the guy was a lost, you know, a loss is a gooseneck abuse in a snowstorm and Paul was a man of God that was standing up for the truth and you just tell like He even said I'm not an order, you know, I'm not an order but what I have is the Word of God you know when when Peter and Paul and and Peter James and John, you know They get before the magistrates and they marveled because they said these are unlearned men And then they took knowledge that they have been with Jesus, you know that the Bible makes wise the simple And and so so you made me like I'm not that smart. I don't sound that good You know when you use the Bible you sound smarter. Yeah, I Sound I feel Powerful when I use the Bible when I'm in when I'm preaching the gospel when I use the Bible You're filled with the Spirit when you're using the Bible, you know Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly and it talks about how that's called that's coupled with being filled with the Spirit and so stick to the Bible when it comes to salvation stick to what the Word of God says and You won't go wrong with that. You won't get confused with that And so I won't I won't die there's hundreds of verses that we can go into when it comes to salvation We believe in eternal security of the believer once saved always saved a believer can never lose their salvation Now I want to get into this because you know when we preach the gospel We emphasize eternal security if you don't Going out so when you need to and here at this church if you're if you're if you're just Talking, you know giving them like a few verses and then praying with them you're doing them a disservice Because most people don't understand the gospel Unless you go real deep into the fact that they can't lose their salvation If someone believes they can lose their salvation, they're not saved They if they believe they can lose their salvation. There's something they have to do to keep it. That's right because when you ask somebody You know, do you think you lose your salvation? Oh, yeah, of course. Well, what can you do? Or you can walk away from God Or if you commit murder if you commit suicide, and so all these things that people are trying to Hold on to is because they don't believe that that it's eternal life They don't believe the promise that God said it says in hope of eternal life with God that cannot lie promise before the world began It says that and this is the promise that he had promised us even eternal life And if you don't believe the promise then you don't believe on Jesus Christ His name it says they shall call his name Jesus Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins We're supposed to believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, right? His name it means Savior and if you don't believe that he saves you from your sins the death and resurrection that he died for your sins and Rose again a third day then you don't believe the gospel And it all comes down to that someone that believes they can lose their salvation is not understanding that he paid for all their sins Right there's still certain sins that that he hasn't covered or certain sins They got to take care of themselves or or that those are just too big you didn't pay for those no Jesus It says he the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world, right? So eternal security it's important It's important when we go out soul winning that that is what we emphasize that's something that What now a child? If I give a child the gospel you don't necessarily have to beat every every course out there I'm not gonna go into every like repent of your sin I'm not gonna talk about you don't need to turn from your sins. It's a child They're not they haven't been programmed with all this garbage that's out there and so So when you're when you're talking to children obviously it's gonna be easier And you don't have to like go through all the stuff that you'd have to go through with someone else But just assume that if someone's an adult That they think they can lose their salvation that they think that there's repenting of your sins You got a charm from your sins. Just just just Just just put it down they think that okay, and if they don't then oh well right it's better to be thorough It's better to be careful, and if someone hates me because I'm being too thorough You know let it be you know let it be that way because I'd rather be more thorough I'd rather someone that saved hate me because I questioned their salvation Then not question your salvation, they're lost and then they go to hell right Because in the end we're gonna see each other in heaven if they were already saved And then you know they just were mad at me for questioning it, so You told security We'll always believe that here You can never lose your salvation. No matter what as long as you put your trust in Christ. We believe that Jesus is God That Jesus was conceived by the Holy Ghost and was born in the flesh by the Virgin Mary So we believe Jesus is God We don't believe he was just the son of God although that is his title is son of God right the father the son You know and the Holy Ghost so we believe that Jesus actually is God in the flesh We believe that he was in the beginning It says in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God The same was in the beginning with God and all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made The word created the universe by the word of God was the world framed and the word was from the beginning And the word was made flesh and dwell among us and we beheld his glory the glories of the only begotten of the Father Full of grace and truth so we know that the word of God Which is which is Jesus? Created the universe he said he said to the father You know glorify me with a with the glory that I had with you from before the world was He said that in John chapter 17. There's miss scores of verses, but unto the son he said thy throne Oh, God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is a scepter of thy kingdom So we believe Jesus is God, and that's an important thing to know because he that cometh a god must believe that he is Right and he's a reward of them that diligently seek him so if we're gonna put our faith in Jesus We have to know that he's God so We believe in the Trinity we reject modalism so And I actually put this on this list before that became a big You Know dispute out there as far as the Trinity and I was like man. I'm glad I put that on there No, that's where I stand on that so we believe that the Father the Son the Holy Ghost That these three persons are one right we believe they're they're they're separate. We don't believe the Father is the Son We don't believe the Son is the Holy Ghost But they all three make up God Right so God is made up of the Father the Son the Holy Ghost and these three are one for there are three to bear Wrecker in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one and so it's you know you can think of It there's a lot of analogies that you can use a lot of You know metaphor you know just different Pictures that you can use you think of the universe is made of time space and matter time isn't space Space isn't matter, but they three make up the universe Right and you can think of an atoms made of protons neutrons and electrons. You're like pastor Jason I didn't come here to hear a science lesson, but you know what there are some things that you can look at and you can Say okay, you know this is a good picture. I don't completely understand the Trinity You know I don't completely comprehend God But you know what if I could then he's not God and there's things that we're just not going to completely grasp And so we're with them, and then we can see him for who he is right, but the Trinity We don't believe in this modalism that that God is just in different modes at different times And that you know that there's not three persons It says that Jesus is the express image of his person the father And so in the brightness of his glory So he's expressed image. Just like you know some could say I'm the express image of my dad Right and so, but am I dead my dad Are we the same person no, but I could say I'm they express image of them right on the brightness of his glory So but here's the thing we believe in the Trinity we believe that unbelievers will spend an eternity and Torment and a literal hell, and here's the thing if you want a motivation to go soul-winning. This is it Yeah, you want a motivation to be saved. This is it. You know. This is why I wanted to be saved It wasn't because oh man. I have this I have this god-shaped hole in my heart And I need I need Jesus right now. I was afraid of the pits of hell right I was afraid of death right I didn't know what was gonna happen after and I knew that there was a hell I believe there was a hell, and there's a heaven, and I didn't want to go to the hell I wanted to go to heaven so there is a literal burning hell the Bible teaches There's a it's a burning fiery furnace where their torment and their smoke of their torment arise it ascended up forever The worst part about hell is that it never ends the first mention of hell is in Deuteronomy 32 22 If you have your Bibles ready go to Deuteronomy 22 30 or 32 22 32 22 If you ever want to know like a good way to find a definition of a word Go to the first mention of it a lot of times the Bible will define it in that first mention Deuteronomy 32 22 This is the first mention of hell in the Bible now It's definitely insinuated in other places it talked about, but this is the first time the word hell is used in the Bible Deuteronomy 32 22 it says for at for a fire is kindled in mine anger and Shall burn unto the lowest hell and shall consume the earth with their increase and is set on fire Or and set on fire the foundations of the mountains So this tells you a lot here, right? What's fueling the fire down there is it the devil? Now, you know, you know the devil's not down there with a pitchfork like porky pig poking people right no God it says God that that the eternal fire and punishment was created for the devil and his angels created Who is who is over? Hell God? What what fires is that the hell his anger? And it sets on fire the foundations of the mountains. So where's hell at? Down There's a lot of information in that one verse about what hell is and Where it's at the Bible talks about hell being in the nether parts of the earth and the lower parts of the earth in the heart of the earth, right and so hell is a burning place where people are being tormented day and night forever and This is a great motivation to be saved It says and if some have compassion making a difference and others say with fear pulling them out of the fire Hating even the garment spotted by the flesh, you know Sometimes a little fear Can win somebody in a loving way a lot of times? I'll give people a lot of condemnation verses just to get them to see the reality of what what we're talking about You know, I don't like scaring people But if it's scaring somebody a little bit with with the Bible will get them to see the need for salvation Then that's what needs to happen. Yes, and if hell is scary to you as far as Thinking about other people going there. This is a great motivation to go soul-wanting whenever I feel like not going I think of hell I Think of family members I think of friends I think of people that that aren't saved that that if they don't get saved will go there. That's my motivation That's well, that's why I go That's why I When I went when I'd rather be comfortable sitting at home doing what I want to do I get up off my rear end and I try to go out soul-wanting because I believe there is a hell I believe it's it's eternal That it never ends, you know the beast and the false prophet who are men in the Bible when they were cast into the lake of fire After the thousand-year reign it says that the devil was cast into where the beast and the false prophet are Do you know they don't go out of existence we're not Jehovah Witnesses We believe Jesus is God and we believe in a little hell they last forever and and so Hell is a little burning hell It's not just out of existence the rich man. You know it says that he was in torment and a little flame and It talked about you know putting out. He just wanted a tip of water on Abraham's finger on Lazarus finger to to cool his tongue You know the rich man is still there Right you know he'll still be there. You know a million years from now on this earth It's probably you know when this earth is you know change into the new have a new earth You know that he'll still be in the lake of fire and and it's a harsh truth. It's something we don't want to think about But we need to sometimes I'm not saying to dwell on it all day long and just like being tears just thinking about like people dropping into hell But sometimes we need to think about it a little bit to get us motivated You know I don't I like to be happy. I like to be joyful You know I don't want to be sad all the time But sometimes you need to weep let our laughter be turned in the morning and our joy into heaviness You know draw an eye on the God And he will draw an eye to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded and the Bible talks about How sometimes we need to mourn with those that mourn we need to our life is not to be all joy and happiness But there is a lot of joy in a Christian life I had a great time out soul winning with everybody yesterday And it's a joy to be around everybody and we can have those times But every once in a while we need to go back and think about hell a little bit So we're an independent Baptist Church, and I have no affiliation with any type of denomination or convention We are completely autonomous, so when someone says independent. What does that mean right because there's a lot of Baptist out there But we're independent because there's no head to us This is completely autonomous my send-out church has no ties as far as financially They're not tied to us where I don't take any orders from my past my sending out pastor The only orders I take from is from Jesus Christ in the Bible. That's why we're autonomous That's why we don't believe in a denomination or in you know or in some kind of convention of some sort Because it takes off it it puts another head instead of Jesus Right and so just to give you a verse on that Colossians chapter 1 verse 18 It says and he is the head of the of the body the church Who is the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in all things he might have the preeminence? Colossians chapter 1 18 if you want to see it Colossians chapter 1 verse 18 and So he is the head of the church the body of Christ the congregation and if you're not Independent who's your head? So something to think about you know when you're going looking for a Baptist Church to go to and Baptist I why do I keep Baptist on there? Well, it's a good little label to know where we stand a little bit, right? I know Baptists are getting a bad name out there for all this repenting of Repenting of your sins and just getting watered down, but you know what it's about time We bring back that Baptist name so when they when they hear Baptist They you know when we're out soul winning instead of saying here comes the general witnesses Here comes the Mormon well here comes the Baptist, and you know what that's what our church is about here And the Baptists are going to get a good name again in this town where the Baptists are going to be coming You know let the Baptist be coming for the for the souls of men and let us be known for For the truth for the for being fundamental for not backing down. You know what a Lot of people are going to respect you more if you just stick to your guns If you double down on what you believe you know what they may not agree with what you have to say But they'll respect you for it You know what I don't respect is when someone takes a good stance and then someone comes down on them It says you need to apologize, and then they apologize. I have no respect for that person Yeah, I have no respect for that person and everything they stand for after that means nothing to me, right? So if you believe what you said then you need to stick to it. There's nothing wrong with being wrong I know they didn't sound right, but there's nothing wrong with being wrong So you can be wrong and you can you can change what you where you stand on something right? But if you believe it And it's in the Bible then double down on a triple down on a quadruple down on it And I and I'll stand by these doctrines till the day I die because they're as clear as day in the Bible and we believe also in the local church Now what what does that mean we reject the teaching of the universal church? Now universal means Catholic so yes, we do reject the Catholic Church But mostly for the teachings right for the teachings of salvation by works and and by baby baptism and all that stuff, but here's the thing Local church we reject reject the universal church And this is something that's taught in a lot of other churches even in Baptist churches where there's this like all encompassing church now church means congregation Now am I congregated with faithful word Baptist Church right now? I love faithful word Baptist Church, and I love very Baptist Church I love all these great churches out there, but we're not congregated with them So we can't say that we're in church with them right. We're not congregated now. Are we all of the holy nation yes? So when you think of the holy nation of Israel, which is the spiritual Israel, which we're in today You know the Israel of God as believers Yeah, we're all we all make up that and one day We will be with the General Assembly and the first begotten of the dead, right? We'll be with that that General Assembly that General Church of the firstborn right where we're all going to be together But I do not believe that we're all just a big universal church. Well. Why is that important? Why is that why does it matter if you believe in a universal church? Well? It means that that I can't That that basically what a church does over here is a part of me You know what they do over there has nothing to do with us, right? We're completely separate from them, and here's the thing it goes back into the denomination where when that if that head falls Everything crumbles underneath of it, but if you have independent local churches spread around you know that if faithful word God forbid if something were to happen to where they fell you know there's other churches that that they won't fall It doesn't all crumble from that and hopefully all the churches that we know that are good Bible Believing so many churches won't ever fall But that's why we have local churches the Bible talks about it says then had the churches rest throughout all Judea churches So when you read through your Bible see if you see some plural churches right and you'll see it a lot the churches in Galatia You know the churches you know that already in elders and the churches You know like there's there's there's plural meaning that it's not just one Encompassing church right it talks about how Jesus is the head of the church is like the husband is the head of the wife Is there only one wife for one? Yeah? Is there only one wife now obviously we're talking about there's several wives, right? With several husbands and crisis is is omnipresent so that means he can be the head of all these different churches, right? So we believe in the local church. We reject the teaching of the universal church. We reject the teaching of Calvinism Now and we believe everybody we will we believe God wants everybody to be saved now if you don't know what Calvinism is great That's awesome, but a lot of people do know what Calvinism is Calvinism believes that God predestines Who's going to get saved and who's gonna? Who's gonna be lost that God's up there choosing hell hell heaven hell hell hell hell, and that's a sick God And they they believe that the elect are pre chosen to believe and that no one has a choice in the matter no free will and If you really want to know about this doctrine come tonight because I am preaching a sermon plucking up that Daniel pull up of the Calvinism the Calvinist doctrine by the roots And I'll go through every single point on why every point Every single point is a damnable heresy, and we're gonna destroy that doctrine with the Word of God tonight, and so We reject Calvinism. It's one of those doctrines I hate more than a lot of other things because it's one of those doctrines that is very Close to the truth like there's a lot what they do. It's like Satan. You know he didn't say When he talked to Eve about the fruit, it's not like he was just completely he's like yay has God said Right that you shall not surely die You know he didn't like say hey, you're gonna be a god eat this fruit now You know like obviously they were like real close real close to the truth You know that's what Satan does he tries. He's like he mixes in a little truth. It's like rat poison, right? There's a lot of good food in there that a little bit of rat poison will kill you and so That's what Calvinism is it's like all that makes that sounds right, but then it's like this little bit of rat poison in there That's just just awful and just completely against the Bible right and they'll twist verses And and so stay tuned till tonight so and you'll hear that sermon so that so that that doctrine gets me more fired up than probably Any out there because it's just such a wicked doctrine and the people that are Calvinists are the most prideful People out there, and you try to give them the gospel, and they just know I will just wait till tonight So we believe that life begins at conception And at every type of abortion is murder every type of abortion is murder Okay, and so this is where you can step on toes, but here's the thing this is the truth I want to give you a verse on this some verses to prove that That that as soon as the baby is conceived It's a child and it would be murder if you were to abort them The Bible says in Isaiah 7 7 14 and guess what this is talking about Jesus So think about this what if Mary would have aborted Jesus right it says in Isaiah 7 14 it says therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and Bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel So if you're there, and you don't mind writing in your Bibles underline the word conceive Isaiah 14 a virgin shall conceive and Then once you once you go there go to Matthew chapter 1 where this prophecy was fulfilled So Isaiah 7 14 a virgin shall conceive and bring forth and bear a son now turn to Matthew chapter 1 verse 23 It says behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Emmanuel Which being interpreted as God with us? So the same passage is quoting it from the Old Testament in one passage It says that the child that she shall conceive and the next passage It says just shoot she shall be with child so you know what that means that as soon as conception That's a child. You know that even doctors know that as soon as conception happens that they have their own blood type That the baby has their own blood type What does the Bible say about the blood the life of the flesh is in the blood? That is a life as soon as it's conceived and and for any abortion any abortion it is murder and The you know the statistics are in America is 3,000 babies are being aborted every day That's the only that's in America, and we're like one of the leading abortion nations out there 3,000 a day and So just think about that every day 3,000 babies are being killed and it's unacceptable and I'm not gonna I'm not saying that I'm gonna go out to the abortion clinic and protest this but I will speak the truth about it You know that a lot of people just don't know the truth about this that it's not just a fetus It's not just you know like a some cells in there and anybody that's been pregnant has to know this You know at eight weeks. You know when you hear that when you hear that heartbeat How can you hear the heartbeat and think that's not a child I? Mean it makes you emotional when you hear it. I have two children and when I heard the heartbeat It's just it's crazy to hear that little flutter and knowing that's another life there When they're kicking in the womb you know at like 20 weeks You know when they're when they're just punching you know you're their mother to death And they can't they have to go to the bathroom every 20 seconds And you know God bless my wife and all the women out there that have had children So I thank God I'm a man So I don't have to go through that, but I'd rather have worked by the sweat of my face But here's the thing Anybody that's been pregnant unless they're kidding themselves know that that's a real child in there that that it can feel that it hiccups Who here has had a child you know that has had children and has felt the baby hiccup in the inner stomach You know they're there. It's crazy. You know how he's like. He said hiccuping I'm like that's crazy that they didn't be doing that right, so it's just amazing You know life is amazing and just how God works that through us But abortion is murder and murder in the Bible was was given the death penalty So let that sink in you know and and And a lot of people have had Abortions and stuff like that and what you really need to do is just come to grips with the fact that hey It was wrong. It was murder, but God has forgiveness. You know God. It's not like God If you're still breathing today God wants to use you, but here's the thing come to grips with that And come to grips with it ask for forgiveness, and it says if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness But you know we need to fight for this we need that we need to speak the truth about this and today We have a lot of people that are just trying to shove this down our face that this is a murder And it's just it's crazy to me crazy that anybody would would say that that's not a child Like I don't know what to say to somebody when they say that I'm just like you're either you're either completely ignorant about biology and about you know just life in general Or you're wicked as hell And and I hope it's the ignorance because ignorance I can I can forgive I can I can deal with ignorance But I can't deal with somebody that is just wicked and knows knows that that's a child and they don't care and That they'd kill that child and so you think about like murdering somebody in cold blood and how awful that is Imagine one of these children in here that someone just came up and just shot him in the head Put some gravity on that three thousand people or three thousand souls that are being killed every single day So I hate abortion, and that's where I stand on that every Abortion is murder and so we oppose worldliness So the thing that you know that we get That we get labeled with with easy believe ism that we believe salvation is by faith alone is the fact that That you know well, you're just getting everybody license to sin so But we oppose worldliness probably more than anybody when it comes to the fundamental Baptist realm or preach against it And we'll preach standards and here's things since we're saved and and it has nothing to do with what we do You know what I can set that bar as high as I want But when salvation is by works and by some sins that I got to repent of I'm gonna set that thing pretty low Make sure I make it right. I'll make sure I can hop over that bar But when you know that salvation is free Then you can set that bar as high as you want and try to strive press toward that mark For the high calling God in Christ Jesus we believe that that sodomy homosexuality is a sin and abomination Which God punishes with the death penalty? Now this is something needs to be preached long and hard Along with the abortion is the fact that we don't care whether they get married. We don't care. You know what? You know what goes on with that What does the Bible say the Bible never says anything about marriage the Bible says in Leviticus 2013 It says if a man also why with mankind as he lies with a woman both of them have committed an abomination They shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them and Romans chapter 1 which we're going to get to on Wednesday night So if you're here for Wednesday nights We're gonna get the Romans chapter 1 It says who knowing the judgment of God that they which commits such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have Pleasure in them to do them So we're gonna teach about Homosexuality, you know about sodomy and more so the fact that it's reprobate But that's not the point. The point is is that we need to see the severity of sin, you know that murder was Getting the death penalty Adultery was getting a death penalty You know, there's a you know, there's capital punishment that the Bible teaches now Are we as church members supposed to do any of that? No, that's for the government the government if we had a righteous nation then capital punishment would be still here in the state where you have two or three witnesses that witness a murder and that person is put to death and You'd have the same thing for adultery. There'd be a lot less adultery out there You know the Bible talks about how they'll see the punishment of the wicked and they'll fear, you know that the There's a reason for these laws and the law of the Lord is perfect I'm tired of people like throwing down Leviticus, you know, you know, Leviticus is a great book You know, everybody's like well, you need to love your name. You know what I came from Leviticus 19, which is right between Where it says that that that sodomy is an abomination in Leviticus 18 And then where it says that it's punished by the death penalty in Leviticus 20 So you want to throw out everything between there, you know, let me give you a spiritual sandwich You know as far as the Leviticus goes the Leviticus Leviticus 19 Is a great chapter it teaches us that we should judge Righteously, isn't that another one they teach judge not and then you know with the sodomy so Where we stand on that sodomy is wicked. It's reprobate and it's punished by the death penalty and No, sodomites are not allowed in our church. That's another show there. So we oppose ecumenical the ecumenical movement And so what's the ecumenical movement? It's basically where we all get together with all the different churches and religions and we all sing kumbaya Right now now the Bible talks about how we're supposed to be separate come out from among them and be separate set the Lord And so the ecumenical movement is not something that we we hold we hold to where we'll never be I don't even want to hold hands with Baptist churches that aren't doing the work Right that are even right on salvation But if they're not doing the work, you know the Bible talks about an emphasis where they lost their first love It says repent therefore and do the first works if they're not doing the first works Which I believe is the Great Commission then he says I'll take the candlestick away from you So but the Bible says this in Romans 16 17 I know we're getting or almost done here and it says in Romans 16 17 It says now I beseech you brethren Mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which he have learned and avoid them For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ But their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple so we're not supposed to Fellowship with people that aren't on the same page with us right now when we go out to win the lost I don't care. We'll run into all all the different denominations. We'll run into all different people I'm not saying that we can't ever talk to them But what I'm saying is that we're not gonna fellowship with them I'm not gonna invite them into my home, you know and to some, you know, seven-day Adventist or some other You know religion or Jehovah Witnesses, you know, I'm not fellowshipping with those people I'm gonna try to get him saved and after they get saved then we can fellowship together But we're to mark them and avoid them It says mark them which walks those you have us friend and sample from any walk of whom I even told whom I've told you Even weeping that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ And it talks about how we're supposed to be aware of dogs be aware of evil workers and a lot of these churches They look on the outside just like the Pharisees did yeah, they're whited sepulchres and within their dead men's bones So I'm not going to fellowship with those guys. So That's where we stand on the ecumenical movement. We believe that the rapture will take place after the tribulation But before God pours out his wrath we reject pre-tribulation rapture theory It's not in the Bible the Bible says in the magic 24 verse 29 It says immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the Heaven shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he shall send his angels with a great sound of the trumpet and They shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other I'll you know, I don't know how you get more clear than that. I Mean salvation is clear my friend and I think that is just as clear, you know that that Jesus is coming after the tribulation immediately after the tribulation to be exact you know and this is something that is just so clear and This is for another sermon for another day, but that's what we stand on that the last one We reject dispensational ISM. We are not a dispensational Church. And what does that mean? You know, I'm bringing up all these terms. You're like tonight. Pastor Robinson. What in the world is dispensational ISM? What is ecumenical ISM, you know? You know, I wish I didn't have to talk about these things honestly But dispensational ISM at the core believes that people are saved different ways throughout different periods of time That's where it's really heretical. That's why I hate it. They teach that well back in the Old Testament They were saved by works. I thought You know for all of a sudden come short of the glory of God and that by you know That no flesh shall be justified in sight by the deeds of the law How are you're saying David, you know was saved by works that Abraham? What does the Bible say about that the Bible says Abraham believed God and is imputed on him for righteousness? David also spake in the blessings of the man under whom God imputed righteousness without works Saying blesses the man whose sins are forgiven. It goes on and on and on so Jesus was Bringing in the New Testament. What did he say about it? Did he say you have to do good works good heaven? Oh, I think I just quoted off about five verses in John where where it was just by faith Right come on to him, you know and when he comes in when you come on to him He will no wise cast you out. We reject dispensationalism I hate this sensationalism and and that doctrine will be will be a doctrine that's going to be destroyed behind this pulpit And so that's our view These are this is not all-inclusive we have other Bible doctrines, you know when it comes to baptism You know what that stands for and all that stuff, but these are non-negotiable These are these are doctrines that that will stand by until you drag me out of this church and put someone else in here And then whatever, you know, but here's the thing. This is where we stand This is what we believe. We're not holding this in a corner. I'm not holding this under a bushel. I'm not trying to hide it Some of these are hard sayings some of these are things that some people may not want to hear But these are the these are true. This is the truth. And that's what I want to do. I want to please God. I Don't want to I'm not here to please men, but if I can please men by through pleasing God then amen You know, I want to be pleasing to you. I want to be I want to feed the flock of God I don't want to take the oversight there, you know I don't want to I don't want to Lord over the flock, but I want to take the oversight there of right I want to be a blessing to you. I want to be a pastor to you, but sometimes Hard things are going to need to be said Sometimes you're going to need a passion It's going to stand up for the truth no matter if people even in the congregation don't like it And so that's where we stand our vision. What's our vision soul winning? What's our vision to preach the whole counsel of God without apology to preach the whole Bible? without apology and What's our view or we went through all that and it stay tuned if you if you want to come if you want to be? Here to see all these doctrines and here's the thing If you disagree you can come up to me and we can talk about it and and you know We can go through the Bible But if you're gonna come up to me with a doctrine and not give me any Bible You're wasting your time because that's where I'm gonna get my doctrine from and so I'm all ears for Hearing dark and hearing your thoughts on on the Bible, but here's the thing. This is where I stand These are non-negotiable. These are things that you can ask me questions about it But it's not something that's going to change because it's it's extremely clear in the Bible and it's just not going to change But if you want to ask me about like when the trumpets and vials happen and like different timelines on this and that I mean obviously there's a ton of stuff in the Bible that that's that's not as clear That's that's something that's a little more of a gray area and people have different opinions and stuff like that Of course, there's that type of stuff and and you know, that's fine You know that not my best friend Mike Meluditch we disagree on a lot of things and I consider him and I consider Jeff and I consider a lot of people that are good friends of mine that That we don't agree on everything, you know There's always something or like we have a different thought on that we have a different look at that So but that's where we stand here at Mountain Baptist Church. That's our vision. That's our that's our view and I just want to thank you for everybody that came out. We're gonna end with a word of prayer Do you have any father what we think of today? Thank you for everybody that came out and Lord just pray to bless everybody that's here and Lord just pray to give safe travels To everybody that's especially those that came from out of town But Lord just pray to bless the time that we have together and Lord we love you and praise in Jesus Christ name. Amen