(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. So we're there in Matthew chapter 1, and I'm preaching a sermon entitled The Virgin Birth of Jesus. And obviously this is why we celebrate Christmas, is because that Jesus was born into the world. And you could probably title this the necessity or the importance of the virgin birth, because this is something that is essential for salvation. This is essential for how Jesus had to come into the world. And this story here in Matthew and also in Luke as well, we see the virgin birth being mentioned. Now the virgin birth is constantly attacked when it comes to, you know, other religions and everything else, or maybe it's not emphasized. But I know that, you know, basically they want to say well it's just some young woman and she wasn't necessarily a virgin and all this. But the Bible is very clear on this, that she was a virgin and it says it in so many different ways, besides just stating that it's a virgin, right? And, you know, people try to go back to the Greek and they're like well, you know, back in the Greek you just mean young woman. No, no it doesn't actually. Even if you knew what the Parthenon meant, you know, like if you went to Greece and saw the Parthenon, it's literally talking about a virgin goddess. And yeah, that's the word. So you don't even need to go too deep to know that it's a virgin. But even if you were to say like, oh well that word doesn't necessarily mean virgin, which is ridiculous and you have no backing for that, it describes her situation in so many different ways that there's no other way you could take it. Okay, so look at what it says here, Matthew chapter 1 and verse 18. It says, Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise, when as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. Now, you know, obviously the Bible is very discreet when it's talking about this as far as what would constitute being a virgin is not coming together with any man, right? And obviously she was espoused to Joseph but they hadn't consummated the marriage yet, they hadn't come together yet, and she was found a child of the Holy Ghost, okay? So not of Joseph but of the Holy Ghost. So this whole genealogy of Joseph is showing you, it doesn't say that Joseph begat Jesus, does it? It states that Joseph, it says that, you know, when it goes down through that line of genealogy, and I think I appreciate your brother Shane throwing a genealogy here on Christmas Christmas Eve with all his names, but in verse 16 there it says, And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ. So when it gets down to the line there, it doesn't say Joseph begat Jesus, does it? It's saying that Joseph was the husband of Mary and Mary is the one that begat Jesus, and then it goes on to talk about, you know, obviously Mary is his mother. Now, but going off from that, go down in verse 19 there, it says, Then Joseph her husband, being a just man and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put away privily. So basically he thought, well, you know, she obviously did something awry in their espousal to where she's pregnant, but that what happens here is that the the angel is going to come to him and basically state what's going on here. It says in verse 20, But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. So we see that the Bible just straight up says that before they came together that the child was of the Holy Ghost, but then it's saying that it was conceived of the Holy Ghost. And notice what it says in verse 21. It says, And she shall bring forth a son, and I shall call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins. Which really tells you what the name Jesus means is dealing with a savior and the fact that that's why he's being called that is because he's going to save us from our sins. Um, and by the way, that's his name, okay? You know, I know Sam Gipp, you know, doesn't like reading any verses between verse 23, but, you know, people that try to attack the name of Jesus and say, well, no, it should have been Emmanuel. No, the angel told Joseph the name of Jesus right there. Now there's other places, and I don't have time, you know, Luke chapter 2, you know, that they called his name Jesus on the eighth day when they circumcised them, as was foretold by the angel, right? I mean, I don't know how many times you have to see it stated that the angel told him to call him Jesus. It's not like Joseph just came up with a name. No, his name was to be Jesus. That's what God, you know, obviously stated for him to be called, and obviously Jesus is God. He's the Son of God, and he was already in existence before this, but this is where he becomes one of us, and I'm going to be getting into that as far as that God is, in this story, becoming one of us, and the whole reason for that is obviously that he had to do that to die for our sins, but the virgin birth is the beginning of the gospel, if you think about it, and the fact that this is how, if he wasn't born of a virgin, he couldn't die on the cross for our sins. He couldn't be that sinless sacrifice, and I'm gonna be getting into that as far as why that's the case, okay? So this is very important doctrine, the virgin birth, when it comes to the story, and we celebrate this at Christmas, obviously, but going on from that in verse 22, now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth the Son, and now shall call his name Immanuel, which being interpreted is God with us. Now in Isaiah 7 14, it says, Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign. Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear his son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Now the reason that, obviously Jesus can have other names, but Jesus is the name above all, all names, right? He has exalted his name above all names, but the reason that he's called Immanuel is because, what does that word mean? You know, even Jesus has a meaning, shall be called Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins, but Immanuel means God with us, because God is here with us in Jesus, right? God is walking on the earth in the flesh, and we're gonna be getting into that as far as God manifests in the flesh, but that's an important detail at the very beginning of the gospel. I mean, the first chapter, what do we see, is that God is becoming one of us, right? That God has come down and put on flesh, and that he is coming to save us from our sins. That is the gospel from the very beginning, right? And so you have to have this, you know, when people are just like, well, you know, you just need to, you need to, you need to, you know, teach. The only thing that Jesus had to do was die for our sins. Know, well, if he didn't raise from the dead, you're yet in your sins, right? Well, if he didn't shed his blood without the shedding of blood, there's no remission, but also he couldn't have done all of that if he wasn't first born of the Virgin Mary. That there's a crucial elements here that have to be there for all of that to take place, okay? Now, I'm not saying that when you go out soul-winding that you have to, you know, you have to explain the virgin birth and all of that. A lot of times I just state that. I just say that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary. He didn't have a physical father, meaning he was God in the flesh, right? And I'll just explain that really quick, but again, does someone have to, do you have to explain that to every single person? I don't believe you do. I'm just saying that there's elements, just as much as you don't have to explain that Jesus went up into heaven after he rose from the dead and sprinkled his blood on the mercy seat. That was crucial for him to pay for our sins, but at the same time, like, people don't need to know every little detail when it comes to what had to be in place for it to work, but I think it's important for us to know, and this is a crucial doctrine that we need to understand. Now, in just finishing up the chapter there, it says for verse 24, Then Joseph, being raised from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife, and knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son, and he called his name Jesus. Now, I want you to think about this. When we're talking about knew her not, we're obviously talking about Adam knew Eve, and she conceived and bare a son, right? The idea that it's a euphemism that the Bible uses to be discreet on coming together, right? Because what does the Bible say is that before they came together, she was found with child, and even after that, when he realizes what's going on, it says that he knew her not until she had brought forth her firstborn son, which, by the way, you know, when the Catholics out there that believe that that Mary is eternally a virgin, it would be, it wouldn't make any sense to say this is her firstborn son if she didn't have any other sons after that, right? If I said to you James is my firstborn, and then I said to you that's my only son, that wouldn't make any sense, right? Why would you have a first, why would you say that's my first child if you don't have any other, okay? Now, not to mention, the Bible states that he has brothers, you know, four specifically, and sisters, and it even even calls James the Lord's brother in Galatians, right? So obviously half-brother because Joseph wasn't his physical father, all of that, but, but go to Luke chapter 1, Luke chapter 1, let's just see the other place where it's stating that she's a virgin, and this is obviously miraculous. I mean, I'm not here to say that we can wrap our minds around exactly what this, what took place here, okay? The Bible says great is the mystery of godliness, God was manifest in the flesh. I'm going to show you that verse, but the idea here is that I'm not here to tell you, like, this is simple to, like, you know, look, this is a miraculous event, that it's still, it's still baffling to think that God became a man, right? And this is where the Muslims fall off track, you know, they're just like, we, they will, they outright reject that God became a man, and they say that can't happen, they're like, God can't die, God can't become a man, it's like, well, you made that up, right? They made that up and said that can't be, and they made it up that God can't be a Trinity, you know, that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, that these three are one, and that there's one God, three persons, and three distinct persons, and they, they're the ones saying that can't be, that doesn't mean it's not reality, okay? Now, again, when it comes to this, when it comes to the Trinity, and this is something that, you know, my kids bring up to me a lot, as far as, like, wrapping your mind around that God never had a beginning, because in our mind everything has a beginning, right? It goes back to something, and then it goes back to something else, and it goes, well, I mean, that would have to go on for eternity then, you know, having a beginning, having a beginning, having a beginning, so that wouldn't make sense either, even if you were to say everything has a beginning, it's like, well, that never ends then, that goes on for eternity, and never having a beginning, right? So, but God is eternal, and obviously he was always there, and it's hard to wrap your mind around that. So I'm not here to say that the virgin birth, and Jesus coming in the flesh, that God coming in the flesh, is something that you can completely comprehend, but we take it by faith, that this is fact, and in, in the Bible, in a lot of cases, there's things where maybe you can't completely comprehend it, but we just say, we, we believe that's true, that's, that's reality, and maybe I can't completely comprehend all the, all the details around it, but in Luke chapter 1 verse 26, Luke chapter 1 verse 26, it says, and in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee named Nazareth. Notice this, to a virgin, a spouse to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin's name was Mary. Now, at what point do you think that Mary's not a virgin? Okay, okay, in chapter, Matthew chapter 1, it states that before they came together, and that she was a virgin, and then it even states after that Joseph didn't know her, you know, so they didn't come together until Jesus was born, and then it also states, so it also, and then it states here that, hey, he's espoused, there's a virgin, a spouse to the husband, her husband named Joseph, the virgin's name is Mary, and the angel came in unto her and said, hail thou art thou that are highly favored, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women, and when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be, and the angel said unto her, fear not Mary, for thou hast found favor with God, and behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shall call his name Jesus, he shall be great, and shall be called the son of the highest, and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David, and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there shall be no end. Notice what Mary says here, so obviously you get into all that, that gets back to Isaiah chapter 9, and we're gonna, I'm gonna show you that real quick after this, but in verse 34 here, then said Mary unto the angel, how shall this be, seeing I know not a man, right? Virgin, virgin, virgin, they haven't come together, they didn't come together, she didn't, he didn't know her, even after he hears about this, and after she's already conceived, and then Mary's asking this question, how can this be, seeing I know not a man? So even if someone was gonna take this, this stupid, foolish, you know, like trying to change the, the meaning of the word of virgin, to say young woman, it literally states in so many different ways that she didn't know them, they didn't come together, like what else do you need? And you know, sometimes when you're reading this, especially when you believe what words mean, right, and you take words for their, what they mean, you're looking at it, you're like, we get it, you know, like you could have just said virgin, and we got it, you know, like okay, but sometimes when the Bible is like over and over again, it says in so many different manners, it's, it's so that there is no way that someone could take it any other way, there's no other way to take this, besides the fact that she was literally a virgin, never knew a man, never came together with her, with her spouse, husband, until after Jesus was born. And so when it comes to this, it's very clear, notice what the angel says here in verse 35, it says, And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the highest shall overshadow thee. Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. So when it comes to this, obviously we don't know, I mean it's obviously a miracle that this happened, but obviously, who's Jesus' father? God. So that's where you get into the fact where they're always wanting to stone him, because he says God was his father, and he said, you know, why do you stone me, you know, why do you want to kill me? It says, because thou being a man makest thyself God. And they literally said, because, because he said that God was his father. Okay, when he said that, he wasn't saying it like we say it, right, where we say, you know, our Heavenly Father, because we're adopted into the family. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. He is the second person of the Trinity. He always was, and always will be, but that is a big distinction there, and so when it comes to this, that Jesus, when it, when we're talking about Jesus, he is fully God and fully man. So in every fiber of him is his divinity, and every fiber of him is humanity. And so this is a miraculous event. It's something that people are still trying to comprehend, you know, when it comes to what's going on here. Now look at Isaiah chapter 9 and verse 6. Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6, and this is a very famous Christmas verse. Actually there's a, there's a song to it, you know, they sing this. I'm actually surprised that we don't have that in our blue book next year. Shaking your head. This is a Bible verse, you know, we have the Psalms, why can't we have Isaiah 9-6? Who here has heard the song, like the song that's to this verse? A few people. So, but Isaiah 9-6 it says, for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and in his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom, to order it and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth, even forever, the zeal of the Lord of hosts shall will perform this. Now that last, that verse 7 there is definitely, that's being quoted in Luke chapter 1 when the angel's telling her who's gonna be born, you know, and who he's going to be and everything, but we see here that he's called the Mighty God. This son that is given, right, this child that's born, the son that is given, and what are we talking about specifically? Isaiah 7-14, that a virgin shall conceive and bring forth the son and now shall call his name Immanuel. But that, that son that's gonna be born, that child that's gonna be, you know, that son that's gonna be given there is going to be the Mighty God, okay? And so go to Psalm 132, Psalm 132, just to show you some Old Testament prophecies of this, but also what does it keep bringing up? The throne of his father David, the throne of his father David. What does Matthew chapter 1 start off with? The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. And that's something you'll, you'll see throughout the Gospels is that, you know, they'll say, Jesus thou son of David. It's very clear that, that he's the son of David and what this comes down to is that Jesus is the root and the offspring of David. And that's where they stumbled at, right? Because they were stumbling at the fact that when it says the Lord said unto my Lord, sit thou on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool. And he says, why is David calling him Lord if he's his son? And here's why. Because he is the root and the offspring of David. Because he is the God that created David. He created everything. But he also was physically born of the seed of David and came into this world and has the blood of man, going all the way back to Adam, but specifically David, right? And you can think about the root of Jesse, like all those prophecies that are coming true, but notice specifically here with David in verse, so Psalm 132 in verse 11, the Lord has sworn in truth unto David, he will not turn from it, of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne. So the Lord's talking and he's speaking to David saying, of the fruit of thy body I will sit on thy throne. How can that happen? How can God sit on the throne and the fruit of the body of David sit on the throne? God is manifest in the flesh, that's how. God became flesh specifically of the seed of Abraham, of the seed of David. Now go to 1 Timothy chapter 3, 1 Timothy chapter 3, I know I've kind of quoted this, but I just want you to see a clear verse here dealing with God becoming flesh. And this is a great mystery, and this is something that people stumble at, I mean religions stumble at this. But here's the thing, Christianity is the only religion, the only faith that states that God has taken our place when it comes to our sins, or anybody for that matter. I mean think about it, Islam, Muhammad is their their great prophet, but he didn't die for their sins, he didn't pay for their sins, he wasn't a propitiation for their sins. But not only do we have someone that has taken, you know, basically taken the payment of our sins, he's God, because the only way that that could even happen, because no man that's sinful could take the sins of the world. And we're gonna be getting into that, but the idea here is that in 1 Timothy chapter 3 and verse 16 it says, and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness. So there's no controversy here that this is a great mystery, right, that this is something that people will be trying to wrap their minds around. God was manifest in the flesh. Now who specifically are we talking about here? God the Father? This Holy Spirit? Or God the Son? Because notice what it says here, God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. So who was received up into glory? Jesus. Jesus is the one that ascended up into glory. He's seated at the right hand of the Father, seated at the right hand of the majesty on high, and Jesus is God manifest in the flesh. And go to John chapter 1, John chapter 1. This is crucial for someone to be saved. They have to know, they have to know who Jesus is. You have to be believing in the right Jesus, if that makes sense, right? If you don't believe that Jesus is God, then you're not believing in the right Jesus. You're believing in, the Mormons for example, have a Jesus. Islam has a Jesus, okay? They believe Jesus exists, they believe he was a good prophet, but they reject that he's God. That's a big difference, right? So Islam would not say they don't believe in Jesus, right? They would say that he was a good prophet, all of that, but they would say he's not God. Jehovah Witnesses, they don't believe Jesus is God. They believe that Jesus is Michael the Archangel, and they believe that Jesus is the first creation of God, and that Jesus then, that creation created everything else. That's the abridged version of Jehovah Witness doctrine, okay? And so they reject that Jesus is God, and so this is a big point that you have to understand. And listen, I grew up Catholic, and this is why I believe Catholics are one of the easiest groups to get saved, because they have that foundation of the Trinity, and that Jesus is God. And they're kind of like already there, like okay, pretty much what you have to explain to them is that salvation is by grace, and not by works, and you can't lose your salvation, right? That's kind of like what you have to clear up with them, but most of them realize Jesus is God, the Trinity, the virgin birth, all of that. Now they got some wonky beliefs on the virgin birth, okay? Because like I said, they want to believe that Mary is still a virgin, eternally a virgin, and they actually believe that Mary never sinned. And so that's the doctrine as far as like her purity goes to the point where she didn't sin. And what I've heard people explain as far as like how they say that, especially when she says, God my Savior, in Luke chapter 2, or Luke chapter 1, is they say, well it's kind of like if you were to, like there's a mud that you would fall, this is, this, it sounds Calvin, you know like, you know how Calvinists have this weird philosophy that goes around everything? They're like, it's like this, well if you know, we all have fallen into the mud, therefore we're sinners, and with Mary, God saved her from falling into the mud, which is insanity. Listen, there's none good but one that is God. That's what Jesus said. So either Jesus was lying, or there's only one good, and that means there's none that doeth good, no not one, there's not just man upon the earth that doeth good and sin is not, for all of sin it comes short of the glory of God, and that concludes Mary. And I'm not here to rag on Mary because obviously she was a very godly woman, but she was also a sinner that needed to save just like everybody else, okay. Now in, in John 1 1, very famous verse, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. So we see the Trinity right here as far as, at least the Father and the Son here, and the fact that the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God, all things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. And we know that everything was made by the Word of God, and the Word, there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. Like probably the best Trinity verse in all the Bible, is 1st John 5 7. And these three are what? One God. You have the Father, the Word, the Holy Ghost, and they three are, that's who God is, okay. And notice what it says in verse 14. So okay, we can all agree that the Word was God at the beginning, right. The Word is God. Well notice what it says here in verse 14. And the Word was made flesh. Sounds familiar because God was manifest in the flesh. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glorious of what? The only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. Now this isn't a whole sermon on what it means to be the only begotten Son of God, but really when you're dealing with Jesus is the first begotten of the dead, meaning he's the first raised from the dead. So sometimes you'll see that this is my son, you know, thou art my son, this they have begotten thee. We're talking about the resurrection. We're not talking about who he is. Only begotten Son of God is he's the only one that proceeded forth from the Father, meaning that he, we can all say we're children of God because as many as received him, to them gave you power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name, but we can't say we're the only begotten sons, right? No, we're adopted into the family because we're of the earth, and he is from heaven. He's the Lord from heaven. He came down from heaven. He's the bread that came down from heaven, and he had the glory with the Father from the very beginning, and what we're seeing here is that God, Jesus that created everything, came down and was made flesh, and that had to be through the virgin birth, and in Philippians chapter 2, Philippians chapter 2, just showing another place here, and while you're turning to Philippians chapter 2, in Romans chapter 8, it says this, for the law could not, for what the law could not do, and that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. So we see that he was made in the likeness of simple flesh. Now, I'm getting into the fact that he was tempted like we are, but he never sinned, okay? So in Philippians chapter 2, verse 5 here, it says, Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God. Listen, if you believe it's not robbery to be equal with God, then you have to be God for that to be the case. Meaning not robbery, meaning it's not false to say that he's equal with God, because he is just as much God as the Father is, and he's just as much God as the Holy Spirit is, and obviously there's a hierarchy because he says, I my father are one, but he says that the Father is greater than him, okay? Why? Because you do have that the Son submits unto the Father, the Holy Spirit submits unto the Son. So you do have the Father, Son, Holy Ghost, and they all have three distinct wills, but they always do that which pleases the Father. So the Spirit always does that which pleases the Son, and the Son always does that which pleases the Father. And you say, well, what if they don't? Well, then they won't, right? It's kind of like, it's impossible. If it's impossible for God to lie, it's impossible for the Son not to do those things which please the Father. It's impossible for him not to align his will with the Father. So when he is in the Garden of Gethsemane, and he says, not my will be done, but thine, that will always be the case. It will never be the case where he says, no, my will is going to be done, not yours. And in a human mind, you think, well, someone could, that could possibly happen. No, because there's things that God can't do. He can't sin, he can't lie, and, you know, the Trinity will never be un-unified, right? I mean, Trinity even means that, tri-unity, okay? But it will always be that way. Now, but going on from that, and it says, being in the form of God, I thought a robbery would be equal with God, but notice this in verse 7, but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every name, every knee should bow of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, and at every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. So we see here that obviously he became a man, he was made in the likes of men, he was found in fashion as a man, he was made in the likeness of sinful flesh, he was manifest in the flesh, he was made flesh, right? It's very clear what's going on here, and it also talks about in Hebrew chapter 2, and the fact that he took not on the nature of angels, but he took on in the seed of Abraham. For it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest, and things pertaining to God, that he might make reconciliation for the sins of the people. Which is the whole purpose of why his name is Jesus, because he shall be called Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins. That is what he came to do, and in order for him to do that, he had to not have a physical father. And now let me just give you some verses on the fact that Jesus doesn't, has never sinned, never will sin, and that he's sinless, and that he was sinless when he was walking here on the earth. Go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 21. 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21. So let me just go through a kind of little tour de force here on verses that just explicitly state that Jesus doesn't sin, doesn't have sin, all of that. And this is why none of us could have done what Jesus did. No man that has sin can take the sins of the world. You say, why is that the case? Well ask God the Father. Because Jesus said, if it's possible to let this cup pass from me, nevertheless not my will, but thy me done. And guess what? The cup didn't pass from him. So that means that there was no other way for this to happen. There was no other way out. The law? Well if there had been a law given which could have given life verily righteous, it should have been by law. But the scripture has concluded all in sin, right? So therefore it can't be by that. And there couldn't have been anybody else to do it because, you know, the Bible in Isaiah talks about the fact that he looked to see if there was any of them make intercession. And he couldn't find anybody. So what did he say? His own arm brought salvation. And that's why Jesus had to come and become one of us and take the sins of the world on him because no one else could do it. No one else was worthy to do it. This is as much as a revelation when they're, when they give them the book and then no one could open that book. And John is weeping because no one is able and worthy to open the book until it says don't weep because the line of the tribe of Judah, the root of David is worthy, you know, it has prevailed and is worthy to open that book. So this was the only way it could happen but notice what it says here in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21. It says for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Last text, the fact of the matter is is that he made him to be sin for us who knew no sin. That had to be true. He can't make him to be sin for us who has sin. 1st Peter chapter 2 and verse 22. So it says that he knew no sin and 1st Peter chapter 2 and verse 22, 1st Peter chapter 2 and verse 22, it says who did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth. So we see that he knew no sin, he did no sin. 1st John 3 5, 1st John 3 5, 1st John 3 5, 1st John 3 5 says and ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins and in him is no sin. So we see that he knew no sin, he did no sin, in him is no sin. Go to Hebrews chapter 4, Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 15. Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 15. Now this is very crucial that he had to be sinless and the virgin birth is extremely crucial and completely necessary for this to be the case. And I'm going to prove that to you that if Jesus had a physical father he would be a sinner. And so this is when people just like well you don't have to believe you know like you could just reject the virgin birth and still be a Christian. No you can't because that would just negate the whole way that Jesus you know who Jesus is and also just the fact that that wouldn't work. So in Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 15 it says for we have not in high priests which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin. So what do we see? He knew no sin, he did no sin, in him is no sin, and he is without sin. I'm not done go to one more Hebrews chapter 7 and verse 26. Hebrews chapter 7 and verse 26. Hebrews chapter 7 verse 26 it says for such an high priest became us who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens. So again he what? He knew no sin, he did no sin, in him is no sin, he's without sin, and he is separate from sinners. So how many different ways could you say it? Like I said you know when there's important doctrines you know what God does in the Bible is he says it in so many different ways. Think about salvation. Salvation is said in so many different ways. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and now shall be saved. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life. You know he that believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come in the condemnation but is passed from death unto life. Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. You'll live forever. Those that come unto me I will no wise cast out. You're like we got it. Well some people still don't for some reason right you're just like why don't you get it because it's so clear but you know what people can always talk away be like well it says that you'll have everlasting life but maybe that everlasting life is hell you know and like they'll just like somehow like try to speak it away it was like well you everlasting life but then it's like in death or I don't know people will talk around it somehow it's like you'll never die you'll never be cast out you'll I mean how many different ways does he have to say it and I believe that that's there for a reason to show you hey no it's eternal you you won't be hurt from the second death right whosoever cometh shall not be hurt of the second death whosoever cometh I will not blot his name out of the book of life who is he that ever cometh but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God and so I believe that when it comes to the virgin birth and Mary being a virgin it says it in so many different ways it's like she's a virgin they didn't come together he knew her not how can this thing be saying I know not a man and then it explains exactly as far as like how is she gonna succeed because the Holy Ghost is gonna overshadow and the power of the highest is gonna come upon her now I'm not saying to wrap your mind around what's going on there besides the fact that God obviously miraculously caused her to conceive and that Jesus was conceived in the womb there but know this is that this this shows that he is God and you know what the people back then even the Pharisees that were blind as a bat knew that when he said that God was his father he was saying I'm God when he said I'm the son of God they wanted to they wanted to kill him right he says art thou the son of the blessed and he says I am and that they rent their clothes and said what need we have any other witnesses they weren't saying well he's got son you know you know how people do that it's like well he's got son but he's not the son of God you know he's not he's not God it's like no God's son is the son of God you know that if you say the son of God and you say God's son it's the same thing you know the genitive of like of God you know like if I said it James is my the if you said James is the son of Jason and you say Jason's son that's the same thing right like well who's this son of Jason that you speak of I know Jason's son but what's the difference there is no difference you know it's like people use these semantics it's just like no the son of God is God's son same person means the same thing he's God okay he's the only begotten son of God God's only begotten how you know however you want to say it is me the same thing now he's made of a woman now go to Galatians chapter 4 Galatians chapter 4 now this is the miraculous thing that goes on here because we know in the physical world that we live in it takes to you know a male and a female to procreate to have a child no matter what this weird gender-bending world that's out there says you have to have a man and a woman in order to create a child I know that they can art of artificially inseminate and all this other stuff but guess what you still need the the part that only comes from a man the seed that comes from a man and the seed of a woman that has to be there for there to be procreation and they can they can say that a man can get pregnant all they want but it's just not true I'm canceled everything I've ever said it's just that one thing right there would just get you canceled and verse 4 of Galatians chapter 4 says but when the fullness of the time was come God sent his son made of a woman being made under the law to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons so you may ask to yourself why did he have to become you know why did he have to become a man because he had to be under the law in order to save those that were under the law he had to basically be in the position to where he can actually pay the payment and made of a woman it gets into the fact of the virgin birth and go it goes all the way back to Genesis and the fall of man go to Genesis chapter 3 Genesis chapter 3 Genesis chapter 3 as soon as Adam and Eve fell this promise was made of the virgin birth now it doesn't say virgin birth but that's what it's talking about here notice what it says here in verse 14 the Genesis 3 verse 14 it says in the Lord God said unto the serpent because thou has done this thou art cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field upon thy belly shalt thou go and dost shalt thou eat all the days that I like and I will put enmity between me and the woman so who's the V there talking about the serpent right the devil I'll put enmity between me and the woman and between thy seed and her seed now her seed now what's being said here the Satan seed and the seed of who of Eve right of the woman her seed it shall bruise thy head so and thou shalt bruise his heel so notice that the her seed is given a masculine pronoun isn't it because the serpent is going to bruise the his heel meaning is talking about her seed and who is that Jesus that seed that was to come that was going to be born of a woman that was all the way back to the fall of man all the way back to Genesis you had the virgin birth now here's why it's important that that that Joseph was not in any way that his blood was not with Jesus in the in this idea of the virgin birth here go to Roman chapter 5 Roman chapter 5 and this really gets to the crux of the matter if Jesus is sinless this is why he can't have a physical father because what the Bible teaches is that sin is passed down from the man I don't know if you know this but there is a difference between men and women but specifically that the seed of man is where the sin nature is passed down the line I mean this whole subject of Adam and Eve and the serpent as far as sins concerned is a very interesting subject and maybe I'll dive into that at one point but the serpent was a liar from the beginning obviously it says that he was perfect in the day that he was created until iniquity was found in him he's lying to Eve in the garden so he's obviously already committed iniquity right he's lying about what God said he's saying now shall not surely die right so he's lying there right Eve eats the fruit before Adam but the world hasn't fallen yet the devil sin Eve has sinned and it even says that Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression so there was a difference because Eve was deceived by the serpent Adam wasn't okay but when Adam sinned that's when the world was cursed okay and that's another sermon for another day to really get into that but the idea here isn't it in there there's probably reasons why you know he's obviously in the image of God there's obviously probably reasons why that's the case but in the end notice what it says here in Romans chapter 5 verse 12 it says wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin so did it say that it came through Eve no it didn't one man and so death passed upon all men that for that all have sinned so here's thing now obviously everybody you know is gonna be punished for their own sin right but the idea here is that death passed upon all man by by man right so through Adam Cain and Abel were sinners physically at birth because of Adam okay and keep reading there it says for until the law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no law nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression he's basically saying they didn't sin the same way that Adam sinned who is the figure of him that was to come and this whole story and the rest of this is really dealing with the fact that the comparison of Adam compared to Jesus right Adam condemned everybody Jesus justifies right so it's the opposite right you kind of have the first Adam and the second Adam you know the first the first Adam is the Lord I mean is of the earth earthy but then it says the second Adam the last Adam right is the Lord from heaven and but notice it says here but not as the offense so also as the free gift for if through the offense of one many be dead much more the grace of God in the gift by grace which is by one man Jesus Christ hath abounded unto many and not as it is by one that sinned so is the gift for the judgment was by one that one the condemnation but the free gift as of many offenses of justification for if by one man's offense death reign by one much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life for as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous I so it's kind of saying the same thing over and over again but it's getting the idea across that is by Adam that all became sinners but it's through the man that happens okay because Mary was a sinner her father Eli if you look at Luke chapter 3 gives her genealogy all the way back to Adam but she got her sin from her father right so all the way all what it's not I'm not here to say women aren't sinners women are sinners but they get it from their father think about it you get you get two chromosomes right I know this is getting deep in biology here but but you get women only have X chromosomes men have both an X and a Y right so one of your chromosomes is from your mother and ones from your father therefore that when I had girls I gave them an X chromosome when I had boys I gave him a Y chromosome I can't determine that you know it's not like I have power over which chromosome I you know give there but the idea there is that half your DNA is from your mother and half is from your father and what that means is that obviously when it comes to women that X chromosome comes from the father and that's going to give them that sin nature okay and the Y is for the boys as well okay but women what the Bible teaches is they don't pass sin down on to their children that's passed from the father's DNA okay and that's just the way it is and that's why Jesus had to be born of the virgin because though she was a sinner her seed didn't pass sin on to him and this is the importance of why Jesus didn't have a physical father because he would have had sin if he had a physical father and it also says for as an Adam all die even so in Christ shall all be made alive in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 and so this is very important when it comes to who Jesus is and all of that and when it comes down to this this affects a lot of doctrine right when it comes to who Jesus is physically Jesus if people try to do this and and and and I'm not against you if you've tried to do this in the past or if you're trying to rationalize things but they'll try to say well Jesus body is the man part right if that's the human part and then his soul and a spirit is the God part now he is fully God and man holistically okay meaning this is that his body is not just human it's divine as well meaning that and here here's a proof of why that has to be let me ask you a question just off the cuff is his blood divine has to be did he did he shed I did he sprinkle his blood upon a mercy seed in heaven when he sprinkled that blood was that human blood divine blood or was it both both this is why Melchizedek couldn't save us from our sins Melchizedek I believe was Jesus in Abraham's day but he didn't it says without father without mother meaning like he didn't have any physical lineage says having now the beginning of days nor end of life made like unto the Son of God he was God standing there you know and he was showing himself as a man but he didn't have blood Jesus it says came not by water only but by water and blood because he was born physically he had physical flesh but he had flesh and blood and he was it he was made like unto his brethren it says he has made partakers with flesh and blood and that blood is what saves us that blood is what cleanses us and washes us from our sins John MacArthur and that blood was literally taken into heaven and I have verses here but I ran out of time in Hebrews it says that he didn't go into the into the temple made with hands he went into heaven itself with his own blood and he sprinkled that blood on the mercy seat that is divine blood I mean as his blood is running through his veins is the blood of the Son of God and that's a great mystery I'm not here to say it isn't okay I'm not here to say like hey let's break this down and figure out how that's possible I know it's possible because God said it and also this is true that who laid down his life for us a man or God or both see you know it says that hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us so who laid down his life they're like all the Muslims like God can't die Jesus said I'm the first and the last I'm he that liveth and was dead and behold I'm alive forevermore amen and had the keys of hell in the dead so you could say that all you want you say that doesn't make sense it doesn't make sense that God can die it doesn't make sense that God could lay down his life it doesn't make sense that God became a man it doesn't make sense that God is three persons one God you can say that it doesn't make it true it doesn't change reality we take it by faith that that's the way it is because you know what there is no God like unto our God there is no rock like unto our rock there is no one and nothing that can be likened unto God so when people try to compare him and say well you know I had this to compare it to well then he's not God then because if there's something to compare and say hey this is exactly like God then you got the wrong God and listen I just think about this too if it was that easy to comprehend God you know doesn't sound like he's that much higher but the idea of the matter is is that we're his creation and it is the only thing that we can understand is what he explicitly reveals to us and even though he reveals to us his nature and who he is and he states exactly what he is and you know how it happened we're still like but how right so it is a mystery but it is very important and when we celebrate Christmas you know people are just like why do you celebrate Christmas why do you know a pagan holiday of Christmas it's like listen I'll take any holiday and I'll make it to the Lord if I want you know what that's the liberty that we have in Christ and whether it was pagan before I don't give a rip I'll take your pagan holiday and I'll make it Christian and I'll make it godly and I'll make it honoring the Lord Jesus but the idea here is that it is I think is very important that we do not that this this doctrine of the virgin birch needs to be defended and needs to be taught it needs to be known and these because it's crucial for salvation so the virgin birth of Jesus that's what we're celebrating and praise the Lord for the kids that put it together those songs and put in the time and practice and and and all that it's such a blessing but but Merry Christmas to you and let's end with a word prayer daily father we think today thank you for your word and pray to be with us throughout the rest of the day if I should be able to go out soul-winding and come back at the point of time and Lord we love you pray us in Jesus Christ name Amen