(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . Good morning, everyone. Welcome to Mount Baptist Church. Take your song books and turn to song 156. Song 156. We'll sing Jesus is the sweetest name I know. If you would stand, we'll sing song 156. . . . There have been names that I have loved to hear But never has there been a name so dear To this heart of mine as the name divine That precious, precious name of Jesus Jesus is the sweetest name I know And he's just the same as his lovely name And that's the reason why I love him so Oh Jesus is the sweetest name I know There is no name in earth or heaven above That we should give such honor and such love As the blessed name Let us all acclaim that wondrous glorious name of Jesus Jesus is the sweetest name I know And he's just the same as his lovely name And that's the reason why I love him so Oh Jesus is the sweetest name I know And someday I shall see him face to face To thank and praise him for his wondrous grace Which he gave to me when he made me free That blessed son of God called Jesus Jesus is the sweetest name I know And he's just the same as his lovely name And that's the reason why I love him so Oh Jesus is the sweetest name I know Alright let's pray We just want to thank you God for just today a beautiful day God to meet in your house and hear your word preached. I pray Lord that you would just receive all the honor and glory out of everything that's said and done fill our past with your power and spirit for it's in Jesus' name we ask all of it. Amen. Alright you may be seated And turn just one page back to song 154 Song 154 in your song books we'll sing bless be the tie that binds our hearts and Christian love the fellow sweet of kindred minds is light to that above before our father is thrown we pour our art and prayer our fears our hopes our aims our comforts and our care we share our central burdens bear and often for each other flows the sympathizing tear when we asunder part it gives us inward pain but we still be joined in heart and home to me again Amen Welcome to Mount Baptist Church on this Sunday morning and just some general church announcements Big thing we got going on after the service today actually is we have a baptism so brother Denzel we actually met him out a couple of weeks ago and so we gave him the gospel and prayed to receive Christ and we are going to get him in the water and we usually use this baptistry and we did a little trial and error and it turned out to be error we usually always drain the water out of it as soon as we are done with it but brother Charles wasn't here or brother Joseph and so we are like you know what we just don't want to do it so we are like you know what we are going to try out and see what happens if we leave it in there and I bought this pH tester and I'm like I'm going to test that pH level and I was going to get some like you know you get that shock at stuff you know you use for pools and chlorine and everything and take that lid off I'm like nope I'm going to get the old baptistry out so anyway yeah I guess we are just going to have to fill it each time but you live and learn but yeah so we are not going to baptize you in the green water we got clean water outside but it is a warm day so you know and that water is actually decently warm because it's just such a hot summer it's not like super cold or anything like that so we are excited about that and just general search announcements here we have our service times on here just to give you kind of a heads up my house is an infirmary right now and so I'm not sick I've been checking my temperature at least right now or at least an hour ago or so I don't have a fever or anything like that but that is not the case for those at my house so I'm going to be like after the afternoon service I'm going to be hitting the road so if I leave and you know abruptly it's not because I don't like you yeah I'm just going to try to get home and try to help out there so but that being said yeah so that's going on there but all the service times are the same here we have just general search announcements we have the offering box in the back there underneath where it says ties in the offering so if you ever want to give a tie or an offering you can give it in there mother baby room behind the bookshelf there that first door there is for the mothers and babies only the other two rooms any parents that wants to take their child out they can if they need to and soul winning times we have our main soul winning time today at 1pm so if you want to go out soul winning meet up before 1 we'll get you teamed up and we'll go out and then our chapter memory for the month is Galatians chapter 4 and then psalm 1013 is our memory verse for the week and so just so I don't butcher it here 1013 says I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes I hate the work of them that turn aside it shall not cleave to me and so that is our memory verse for the week and so if you memorize that or if you already have memorized you get a piece of candy so don't forget about that and upcoming church events we have men's prayer meeting August 27th so that's this Friday yep that's this Friday next Sunday after the afternoon service we're going to do the Lord's Supper so if you haven't been here for the Lord's Supper before basically after the afternoon service we shut everything down as far as all the live streaming everything and we do the Lord's Supper together as a church and so that will be next Sunday September 11th the Saturday before our anniversary service we're going to be doing a soul winning marathon in Moundsville Virginia so Moundsville is just south of Wheeling if you haven't already put that on your calendar if you can make it out to that and then on September 12th we're going to have kind of a special Sunday because we're going to celebrate our anniversary our first church service was on the 17th but obviously it's not going to always fall on a Sunday so that being said we're 4 years old this coming September and so we're going to have kind of like a fellowship in between the services so instead of the normal soul winning time and all that we're going to do a fellowship in between the services we'll have food we'll have some games and stuff like that for the kids and for the adults I don't know but and then we have the Mountain Baptist Church retreat at the end of the month there September 23rd through the 26th and so if you have any questions about any of that stuff let me know on the back here we have let's see birthdays um 27 did we we got brother Jason right? just making sure did we get did we sing happy birthday to Caleb we did ok just making sure I don't want to miss anybody um and then the rest on here will be next week so um um anniversaries yep we got an anniversary coming up did we sing happy anniversary to the Joneses? that's what we did ok so we actually have 2 anniversaries so I guess I got to sing right? you can't sing for yourself no so um so I guess I'll stay up here and sing happy anniversary to the two couple so the Joneses and the Gandy's and so um how many years Joneses? 11 16 are you sure about that? she's not she's not disagreeing that can be a good or bad thing um so 11 years 16 years awesome um so we'll be singing happy anniversary to them and then the pregnancy list here will be in prayer for all the ladies on here so Miss Joyce Tabby, Amanda, Jennifer Anastasia, Ruth and so keep all these ladies on your prayer list here and uh yeah definitely different stages too so um yeah excited excited to have more babies in the church so um in the church building situation um we're kind of almost just to the point where this one that's over in Whitehall is probably the one we're gonna go with I'm waiting on cost for renovations because it we will need to like change some things about it to get it to work for us but um I'll let you guys know so that could be coming soon and that means that we're gonna have to move everything so but uh yeah so anyway um so hopefully that all falls in place like it should that's about all I got for announcements um I'm gonna sing happy anniversary so get back there to your wife we're gonna sing happy anniversary um but uh who's reading this morning I know I saw the list so brother Joseph's gonna be reading psalm 101 for us after we can sing our last song so I'm gonna sing happy anniversary to the Joneses and to the Gandy's so everybody sing with me happy anniversary to you happy anniversary happy anniversary to you happy anniversary god bless you happy anniversary to you happy anniversary so how many kids do you guys have five and then you're gonna be six right so yeah fruitful marriages brother Dave's gonna come sing one more song and then Joseph's gonna come and read psalm 101 for us you know it is awkward standing up everybody staring at you back there while you're singing yeah yeah maybe that wasn't the greatest idea I can yeah we'll keep doing it alright we'll sing song oh I'm sorry uh turn your songbooks to song 161 song 161 161 we'll sing our great savior song 161 sail me foes sail me my savior makes me home hallelujah what a savior hallelujah what a friend saving helping loving he is with me to the end Jesus what a strength and weakness let me hide myself in him tempted tried and some times failing he my faith my victory wins hallelujah what savior hallelujah what a friend saving helping keeping loving he is with me to the end Jesus what a help in sorrow while the billows o'er me roll even when my heart is breaking he my comfort helps me so hallelujah what a savior hallelujah what a friend saving helping keeping loving he is with me to the end Jesus what a God and keeper while the tempest still is high storms about me night o'er takes me he my pilot hears my cry hallelujah what a savior hallelujah what a friend saving helping keeping loving he is with me to the end Jesus I do now receive him more than all in him I find he has granted me forgiveness I am his and he is mine hallelujah what a savior hallelujah what a friend saving helping keeping loving he is with me to the end All right, take your Bibles and turn to Psalms 101 Psalm 101 We'll have brother Joseph read that for us All right, Psalm 101 I'm not going to sing it All right, if you found your place there you'll say Amen I will sing of mercy and judgment unto thee, O Lord will I sing I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way O when wilt thou come unto me I will walk within my house with a perfect heart I will set no wicked thing before my eyes I hate the work of them that turn aside it shall not cleave to me it shall depart from me I will not know a wicked person whoso provably slandereth his neighbor, him will I cut off him that hath an high look and a proud heart will I not suffer mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land that they may dwell with me he that walketh in a perfect way he shall serve me he that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight I will early destroy all the wicked of the land that I may cut off all the wicked doers from the city of the Lord Let's pray Lord Father, thank you for this time that we're able to gather together here Lord, thank you for your pure and holy word you've given to us I ask you to be with Pastor Robinson and edify us today and be out when we go soloing In Jesus' name, Amen Amen So you're there in Psalm 101 and I'm going to be preaching a sermon that's not a fun sermon to preach and it's not a light sermon to preach and just to be honest I don't want to preach it but I'm going to preach it It has to do with the sin of pornography Now, you say well where did this come from? Well, on my church phone I don't know if you guys get this you get scammed stuff all the time, right? But there's just constantly these text messages dealing with like pornographic type of, now it doesn't pop up that way it's just like a link, you know click on this or whatever and then on my Facebook page there'll be things like or it'll be like a friend request from some woman or something like that and you can just tell from the picture before you even click on it and you're like, this is probably not legit you know, and then if you're unfortunate enough to click on it, you're like I wish I would have never clicked on that because obviously Facebook will keep things away but it's still enough to where you don't want to see it, you know, because it's like really scantily clad or whatever the case may be but you know what, this is something that I know is an issue in America today and there may not be anybody in our church dealing with it, there may be someone dealing with it and this could be a sermon to get it right this could be a sermon precautionary sermon, meaning this is that wherefore let him that think if he standeth he lest he fall, meaning this is that even if you aren't involved in that, it's something that anybody could get involved in and that word is just disgusting to me I'm just going to be honest with you, I don't even like saying it the word pornography, now that word comes from the Greek word pornis which means for like fornication so if you know what fornication is it's basically something that a man and a woman are supposed to do when they're married but they're not married, they're doing something that's against what God says as far as when they're supposed to be doing that and if you think of like choreography okay, choreography is like dancing, okay but it's not just dancing, it's choreography meaning like it's staged, does that make sense, like it's something that's like you're not just dancing off of a whim you're not just like dancing just how you'd want to dance basically you're being shown the moves all these different things, right, so choreography is basically that it's like staged fornication okay, so I'm going to leave it at that you know obviously when I preach a sermon the Bible is very discreet and doesn't get crude or anything like that so I'm not going to be getting crude with the sermon so all the adults know what this is younger people may not know what I'm talking about, but here's the thing you need to heed this sermon when it comes to this because pornography can ruin your life okay, and you say well you're being rude to the top, there's people that and I'm going to be getting into some stats here but marriages fail because of this people get divorced because of this, people like commit suicide because of getting into this stuff, okay and it's not good it's wicked, and the thing is that the Bible says in Psalm 1 and 1, go to 1 and 1 verse 2 then I'm going to get to some stats here but here's the thing, I'm just getting barraged with this garbage and it's on a church phone too thank God it's not on my personal phone as well or something like that, but at the same time this is a church phone, I mean like what in the world is this being sent now obviously they don't know it's a church phone because I'm getting scam things like, hi Amy, your package is being delivered, it's like I'm not Amy, what are you talking about, but it's just like constant things, you obviously get those stupid voicemails like would you like to extend your car, your warranty on your car you know, it's just constant garbage that's being sent to you but the point is that this stuff is being thrown out there so much that if you don't know this stuff's out there and you don't know the danger of it you might actually, curiosity killed the cat so to speak and you don't want to get sucked into this stuff, now in Psalm 101 and verse 2 it says I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way oh when will thou come unto me, I will walk within my house with a perfect heart so the idea is like having a perfect way having a perfect heart verse 3 it says I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes I hate the work of them that turn aside it shall not cleave to me a froward heart shall depart from me I will not know a wicked person meaning this is that you want to have a perfect heart and a perfect way then you got to set your eyes on the right things meaning that if you're setting your eyes on wicked things you're not going to have a perfect heart you're not going to have a perfect way that you're going to be going on and the way you should look at pornography is that you hate it you need to love that which is good and hate that which is evil you need to look at it with disdain, disgust shame, all those words vile, all that stuff should be the way you look at that term let alone what that actually is now some statistics here dealing with this and here's the thing I grew up, I'll show my age a little bit kind of at the advent of the internet not completely, you know the internet was probably before me a little bit and I don't know Al Gore invented it so he could tell you joking, but obviously the government kind of had internet before that but really it wasn't until the 90's that internet was really coming to be in the 80's I remember the old DOS computers with the floppy disk and we got excited because we were playing paint print shop you had those printers and we'd print out those banners because it had those things that would be on the rollers anyway, some of you kids have no idea what I'm talking about, actually most of you don't know what I'm talking about but the idea here is that in our day the internet was kind of coming to fruition YouTube was not a thing, YouTube wasn't even a thing when I was in college if you want to see my age a little bit meaning when I was in college YouTube was just becoming like it just was coming out and not many people were on YouTube Facebook started when I was in college you know when I was in college we'd find we'd see somebody in class or something like that and you wanted to know who they were they had like a directory of the college and we had to get on the directory and we were like stalking, you know we're like looking up this person little did we know what was coming, right and Facebook came out, now that being said what I'm trying to get across here is I'm not that old, okay you may think I'm old but I'm only 36 years old okay, and that means is that the internet and just that access to all this stuff that's out there is fairly new okay, my parents didn't have the access to this type of stuff that we have today listen, I didn't have the access when I was an adolescent as the people do today I didn't have a cell phone until I was in college and it was a flip phone that I didn't even text on texting wasn't even a thing like texting you had to pay more for it right, and you had to pay more for it so you didn't do it, I remember when people were putting ringtones like music on their phones I still to this day don't know how to put a musical ringtone on my phone okay, and you're like man, you are a dinosaur that's just because I don't care okay, I keep my phone on vibrate I don't even like ringers to be honest with you I don't want to be bothered anyway, that being said is that the access to what is available today is crazy now, you say well should we just get off the internet well here's the thing, the internet is a two-edged sword because the internet will also allow like for example these sermons to get out and people are listening to preaching all over the world, okay and not saying like I'm some great preacher but listen, there are people that listen to my sermons even though like I'm like nobody, right but people in Australia, Sweden you know, like the middle east like different places will be listening to a sermon because of the internet so, the internet isn't inherently wrong, but listen it is dangerous, okay, meaning that you know, we use the internet and we try to use it for good and I suggest you use it for good but at the same time like there's a lot of trash garbage, vile just you know stuff that's out there now, here's some statistics here so every second every second of the day now this is for America, okay every second of the day over 28,000 users are watching pornography on the internet over 3,000 dollars are being spent on pornography on the internet every second it's an industry, it's a racket they are making bank on this okay, and who started it? the Jews, you know I mean, that's the truth who's in Hollywood, okay you know, all that stuff is being pushed out and it's wickedness, okay and you know what, Hollywood's wicked or hellywood as I'd like to call it and you know what all this stuff is being pushed out, why? to make money to make money and to destroy your mind okay, it's defiling your mind now it's a everyday 37 pornographic videos are created everyday are created now it says that there's 2.5 billion emails containing pornographic type stuff that are sent or received 2.5 billion there's like 350 million people in America 2.5 billion everyday okay now, it says that there's 68 million search queries is that how you say that word? I'm not a tech guy, is that how you say it? I'm just gonna, uh, anyway uh, queries related to pornography 25% of total searches are generated uh, it says 116,000 queries related to child pornography are received okay, now, if you wanna hate pornography, know that those same people are dealing with children okay, now here's the thing here's how you get out of sin, you hate it you despise it okay, you hate you hate what it stands for you hate what it does to people and you hate who it destroys to create, okay and so if you are in that, or if it's something that down the road you're like, oh, you know you're like, the curiosity is getting to you just think about that for a second these same people are dealing with children, they're child molesters and they're wicked I mean, they're just wicked people that are just making a buck off of all this now, uh dealing with online stuff okay, um it says that uh 200,000, 200,000 Americans are classified as pornography addicts 40 million Americans, American people regularly visit these sites 40 million 35% of all internet downloads are related to pornography 35% 34% now here's where it angers me okay, all that angers me, okay but here's where it angers me, because I'm not out looking for this crap okay, notice what it says in verse 34 uh, in verse 34 34%, okay, 34% I'm gonna get to the Bible, I'm just showing you statistics right now, but 34% of internet users are experienced unwanted exposure to pornographic content through ads, pop-up ads, uh, misdirected links or emails okay, that's me right now, so you say, why are you preaching to someone because I'm tired of seeing this crap, you know, like sent to my phone, and you know trying to shove it down my face on Facebook and everything else, I'm not even talking about all the ads and garbage you have to see for all these movies that should also be in that category okay, most of the movies that are coming out today are, are you know, should be in this category because the smut that they're putting on TV and just all the wickedness all the queer stuff that's coming out I mean, like, you know, half the time you don't even know if the person you're looking at is a woman anymore because they're just trying to blend the genders and everything else, so just think about that for a second, when you think about the stuff that's being shoved down your face, you might be looking at a dude okay, then you might want to go throw up after that, okay now now, one thing I didn't really, you know realize, but you know, because you think of this, you know, I'm a man obviously, so I think that this affects men more than anybody, which it does affect men more than women but one third of the viewers are women one third so ladies, if you don't think it can affect you, it can okay so, now how does this affect you know, people that watch it, well, here's some it doesn't really give us percentages here, but basically, it'll say for teens, for example adolescents, young adults it says it increases the odds of teen pregnancy, shocker because if that's what you're thinking about all the time, and that's what you're viewing all the time that's what you're going to end up wanting to do okay so, it increases the odds of teen pregnancy it raises the risk of depression because you're going to feel like a loser watching this garbage and anybody, even if you haven't watched pornography, if you watched a movie that was bad like a Smutty type movie you don't feel good after you watch that and you're just like, what did I just watch what did I file my mind with right it creates distorted expectations okay, now this doesn't just apply to pornography, this applies to movies in general meaning this is that you know what, not everybody's Prince Charming and you know what, they don't talk about all the fights that they have after they get married and brought right off into the sunset it's just not based in reality in a lot of cases and you know what, people are looking for that Hollywood type of romance and it doesn't exist meaning like if the butterflies leave you know, in the relationship then you need to find someone else listen, the butterflies are going to leave okay, they're going to just accept that, realize that and just move on with your life you know what, you're not always going to have that butterfly feeling when your wife is chewing with her mouth open or chewing something really crunchy okay my wife doesn't chew with her mouth open but she'll get like the crunchiest snack and I think she does it on purpose you know, like the freeze dried bananas who eats that? okay, especially on a road trip like I can't move you know, like I'm right here the only thing I can do is drive into a ditch or something like that and try to like knock them out of her mouth or something but I'm halfway joking but I'm not really joking about that one that one's really like annoying like chewing loudly just bothered me anyway, all I have to say is that and you know what, there's no butterflies in my stomach when that's going on just this feeling of euphoria between me and my wife and like no, no, but that being said is that that's marriage you deal with that and you know what I'm going to stay married to her even if she likes eating those freeze dried bananas all her life okay, or the almond mixture and like everything else that would drive me nuts okay that being said is that you know what the expectations need to be biblical expectations first of all and they need to be expectations that are realistic okay, don't go into marriage with these unrealistic expectations and you know what, this type of stuff if you watch this type of stuff, your expectations are going to be so high and so ridiculous you know, it's kind of like when you see these movies and everything else do you realize that most of that stuff is fabricated and like even if it's based off a true story like they don't look like that they do half that stuff right, they bring it up a notch for entertainment value and that's not real life okay, now when it deals with families, okay because listen, we have young people here and listen, young people, you need to listen up okay, but we also have a lot of married people in this church, a lot of young married people in this church and listen pornography will ruin your marriage okay and I've heard of people like dealing with this like even that are like that I know that almost destroyed their marriage just from the wife finding out about it or you know whatever the case may be but according to the National Coalition for the Protection of Children and Families in 2010, 47% of families in the United States report that pornography is a problem in their home that's nearly 50% my friends they say why are you preaching this almost 50% of all families now I don't know where they get these statistics from to be honest with you, like I don't know who's saying yes, you know this is a problem in our home but so those numbers could be more I mean if you think about who's going to admit to it who's actually going to say something about it and doesn't want to actually tell people that they deal with that because a lot of people would be ashamed actually so that they even deal with it now this is a shocker but pornography use increases the marital infidelity rate by more than 300% now infidelity means unfaithfulness so like an infidel you've probably heard of an infidel someone that's an unbeliever but 300% it increases 300% because of that and this just needs to be in your mind that hey if you're in it, you need to get out of that garbage if you ever thought about that or attempted to do that, think about these statistics, think about what you're doing to your marriage when it comes to like adultery you know what, you need to think about what that would do to your spouse if you were to commit adultery, what that would do to your children if you were to commit adultery, how that would ruin your whole marriage and even if your marriage stayed together, listen that's a wound that will never go away you think that will go away? give me a break and so these things you've got to be thinking about now um there's other statistics here about like people losing their jobs over this, there's actually statistics about people like watching this stuff at work which is crazy to me but I guess you know there's people that have like different types of jobs or something like that I don't know, I don't know how that even happens or anything like that but um here's the last statistics I'll show you, it says 68% of divorce cases involve one party meeting a new paramour over the internet while 56% involve one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites so that being said is that, you know what 68% of divorces you've probably heard that, seen that statistic 68% of divorces a lot of times deals with because they found someone new they found someone new and then they want a divorce that's usually what happens but within that a lot of that has to do with pornography now let's get into some Bible verses here so in Proverbs 28 I'm sorry, Proverbs 24 go to Proverbs 24 because you may ask yourself a question you know, is watching this stuff sin? and here's a verse I have for you before we get into a lot of these verses but this should be a no brainer that this would be sin, that this would be something that you shouldn't be doing, that this would be against what God's laws but in Proverbs 24 and verse 9 it says the thought of foolishness is sin and the scorner is an abomination to men so you know what, thinking about whether that sin or not is a sin because that's foolishness to think that viewing something like that would be righteous okay now obviously that is foolishness in which what they're doing is foolishness I mean that's obviously thinking about that but go to Matthew chapter 5 Matthew chapter 5 now this sermon is kind of based off of that premise, you know, the sin of pornography but here's the thing what you got to think about here is what you're looking at okay, this can apply to a lot of different things this could apply to covetousness in all different manners and honestly when it comes to pornography a lot of that has to do with covetousness, lust all those things, but those things could be in different categories than under the fornication realm, okay the reason I'm hitting on this is because you know what, these people need to stop texting my church phone with this crap okay, but second of all, you know what it is a problem in America and it needs to be addressed and it's interesting because you know those repentance of sins preachers out there want to accuse us of being antinomial, which just means they're against the law, you know what's interesting I want to know what repentance of sins preachers are preaching against pornography today because you know what you know what they do to make it look like they're going to make it to heaven is they try to basically belittle any sin underneath of like murder or like some kind of major sin up here, okay but how about adultery, okay let's talk about that one in Matthew chapter 5 so Matthew chapter 5 verse 27 Jesus is talking here, it says in verse 27 ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, thou shalt not commit adultery, but I say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart now I want you to read that next verse because I want you to see like the severity of what that what looking at something can do or basically the severity of that as far as the punishment that would be concerned it says in Matthew 5 29 it says and if thy right eye offend thee pluck it out and cast it from thee for it is proper for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell, now what is this talking about when Jesus is stating this is that if you're going to be justified by law you got to keep the whole law okay, now I preached on this when I was in Galatians, it says if you be circumcised you're deader to do the whole law right, if you offend in one point you're guilty of all the Bible says the idea here is that if you're going to try to keep the law to go to heaven and your eye is going to offend in some point then you're better off to pluck it out okay, meaning this is that you know, you're better off to like pluck out an eye, cut off a hand cut off a leg, then go to hell okay, now thank God salvation is by grace or faith, thank God it's not by, you know, keeping the commandments because none of us would make it, but Jesus is showing the severity here that if it was a matter of you keeping the whole law and you were going to offend, by looking at a woman to lust after her, you should just pluck out your own eye, okay that's the severity of hell that's the severity of you know, what your eye can do okay, just your eye and the reason here is that what we're talking about is what you're thinking about, okay we're not talking about something that's done physically outwardly, we're talking about what you're thinking about, and it says that should not commit adultery, you know, yeah that's the act of committing adultery with someone else's spouse right, but it says who sort of looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery already with her already in his heart meaning this is that there's a sin that's committed in the heart before it comes out physically now, go to Matthew chapter 6 Matthew chapter 6, because everything starts with what you look at, okay think about like you know, we'll get into lust, and you know, like sin, and transgression but then you have the punishment that's after that, but where does it all start? What are you looking at? You know what are you thinking about? You know, when it comes to what you're thinking about, it's usually what you see or what you hear, right so what you're seeing and what you're hearing determines what you think about okay, and notice what it says in Matthew chapter 6 and verse 22 it says the light of the body is the eye if therefore thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light but if thine eye be evil thy whole body shall be full of darkness if therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness now, what it's basically stating is that the light of the eye means like what you see, how you even see anything is through the eye, right and it's saying if it's single and what I believe that means is that basically if you focus on what you know, basically you're not turning to the left hand to the right, you're just focusing on what you should be looking at, right you know, godliness, righteousness, you know what the bible teaches, commandments, you know what you should be doing, that's what you're looking at okay, but if it's not single if it goes off into various different directions you know what, it's going to be full of darkness and it even states here that if the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness, why? because the Holy Ghost is living inside of you and God is light okay, so if your flesh, you're looking at things that you should be looking at to the point where it's veiling the light that's in you right, because you're the light of the world but if you put the light under a bushel, right, no one does, you're not supposed to do that it's foolish to do that but it's stating that think about God is light and you're veiling God's light with your flesh, okay it's like how great is that darkness to veil the light of God, right, the light that's in me right, and so but notice that it's dealing with the eye okay, go to Lamentations chapter 3, Lamentations chapter 3 and verse 51, Lamentations so you're in Isaiah, Jeremiah then Lamentations right before Ezekiel so this applies to a lot of things like what you're watching and everything else and I'm not saying like everything you watch has to be like a biblical documentary, okay okay, you could read books that are not like that, that are secular books you could, you know, watch things that are not you know, like a sermon you know what I mean, but that's where you got to be careful is what are you watching what are you putting into your mind what are you, you know, seeing and in Lamentations chapter 3 and verse 51 notice what it says here it says, mine eye affecteth mine heart because of all the daughters of my city, now this whole Lamentations is talking about Jerusalem being destroyed and obviously a Lamentation means like mourning, right, so he's obviously he sees what's going on there and it's affecting his heart, right he's weeping because of it and why, because of what he sees so your eye will affect your heart, okay if you're reading the Bible and you're just looking at the word of God and you're reading it listen, that'll affect your heart and you know what if you're viewing smut and viewing pornography that'll affect your heart okay, now no one's going to lose their salvation over pornography, okay, but you could lose a lot because of it, you could lose your family, you could lose your testimony, you could lose respect, you could lose your job you know what, there's a lot of stuff that you can lose in this life by looking at garbage looking at, you know, smut and filth, okay so you keep calling it, you know, all these well, you know what, just call it what it is okay, in Job chapter 31 and verse 1 go to Job chapter 31 and verse 1 because you have to make a decision okay, you shouldn't just okay, when it comes to any type of temptation when it just deals with fornication you have to make a decision before you get to a point where you can commit fornication that you're not going to do it, okay and when it comes to what you're looking at, notice what Job says in verse 1 Job 31 verse 1, it says I made a covenant with mine eyes why then should I think upon a maid? Notice that he's making a covenant with his eyes, what does he mean by that, what is he going to look at? okay, and listen, I know the day and age that we live in this stuff is just thrown into your face it's thrown into your face there's certain places you don't want to drive at certain times of the day because you know what you're going to see okay, and it's not inherently wrong to see this stuff because I mean it's just like what are you going to do like pluck out your own eyes, you know and just go around the world blind because of that you know, the sin is when you lust after it, but here's the thing the more you look at it, the more temptation there is to lust after it okay, so and don't think that you're above that you're like, well I'm soul winning I'm going, I'm serving Christ you know, I'm above looking at that type of stuff, I'm above lusting after that type of stuff, you know what like I said, wherefore let him that thinketh he stand to take heed lest he fall okay, you always need to think that you are able to do something like that and the person that believes that they're able to do that will make a covenant with their eyes you know what, Job wasn't above thinking that he was able to think upon a maid okay, that's why he made a covenant with his eyes that's why that's why Daniel determined in his heart that he not eat the kings meat, I mean he determined that before he went out you know, before he got to that point now go to James chapter 1, James chapter 1 cause there is a progression when it comes to sin okay there is a progression okay, meaning this is that you know, it starts with what you're looking at, what you're listening to okay, now this isn't a sermon about music, but it could be, you know the same type of stuff, right cause what you're listening to with music will also affect your heart, will also affect what you're thinking about, what you're lusting after, whatever the case may be James 1 and verse 13 it says let no man say when he is tempted I am tempted of God, for God cannot be tempted with evil neither tempted be any man but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed then when lust hath conceived it bringeth forth sin, and sin when it is finished, bringeth forth death so there is a progression here, meaning this is that you know what, if you don't look at it, you're not going to lust after it but here's the thing if you look at it, you're going to end up lusting after it if you lust after it, it's going to be sin and if you sin, then you're going to end up having consequences, but he did sow it to his flesh, of the flesh, reproduction and you know what, there's consequences and the thing is that what we're talking about is more so a mental type of consequence, you know like affecting your heart, but listen that stuff will outwardly manifest into things that are physical acts or different things like that whether it's fornication, whether it's adultery whatever the case may be, you know what that stuff, it starts with just looking at it you know the Bible says not to look on the wine when it is red, when it is colored in the cup, when it moves itself right meaning this is that wine obviously is just talking about like a drink that comes from the vine okay but in the case when it's fermented okay, when it's red right, you think of like grape juice is like purple then it could be like red wine white wine, you know whatever the case may be moving itself right, it's talking about carbonation, dealing with the fermentation process, so it's saying don't look at it when it's fermented now you can take it as far as that you don't even want to look at it, you don't want to go down the aisle, you don't want to be anywhere near to where you see it, and I understand that logic, you know, because obviously don't look at it, you're not going to be tempted to drink it, okay but it goes into that line, right okay, that if you look at it you might be tempted to drink it, and if you drink it then you're going to end up getting drunk, and then if you get drunk then you can end up saying perverse things about women, and beholding things you shouldn't be beholding, and then you can end up getting into a car, killing somebody and it goes down the line, okay you're like man, that got, that escalated quickly, you know what that's how that stuff works, that's how sin works okay, and if you think that, you know what, it'll never happen to you, ask some alcoholic if he thought it was going to happen to him, ask some drug addict if he thought it was going to happen to him, ask the person that's divorced if he thought it was going to happen to him because I guarantee you they didn't think they would be a part of that statistic but you got to nip it in the bud, okay now, go to 2 Samuel chapter 11, 2 Samuel chapter 11, now this is a story with David and Bathsheba but I want you to see a couple things here dealing with this story, because he commits adultery, but how does it start in 2 Samuel chapter 11 verse 1, it says and it came to pass after the year was expired at the time when kings go forth to battle and David sent Joab and his servants with him and all Israel and they destroyed the children of Ammon and besieged Rabbah but David tarried still at Jerusalem, so how does this story start David should have been in the battle okay, is that very clear this is the time when kings go out to battle, you know, the narrator is stating that he should have been out in the battle, but he stayed back in Jerusalem, okay, so he's already not doing what he should be actually working, doing what he should be doing as a king and he's not doing that notice in verse 2 here it says it came to pass in the evening tide that David arose from off his bed, now let me ask you a question if it's night time and you're not sleeping you're not working hard enough or let me state that okay unless you have to be up, you're sick or something's going on like physically to where you're not being able to sleep okay, because I can't make it to my bed half the time I have a problem, okay let me tell you about my problem it's called a couch okay, and anytime I lay on this couch I'm done okay, I'm done, I'm out, and you don't want to get up at that point, it's like 2 in the morning you're like, I need to get to my bed but I'm like, I can't make it so, you know what if you're working hard okay, you're going to sleep well the sleep of a laboring man is sweet, the Bible says okay, you know what this means is that David is being idle idle, meaning he was getting up in the middle of the night and he's just like, I can't sleep and he's just walking around on his roof okay, so that's the first problem okay, first problem, he's not doing the work that he should be doing, he's not doing, he's not busy doing the work that he should be doing then he's being idle to the point where he's like, up at night can't sleep, right I don't think he was up thinking about a sermon or you know, he's up like just burn the midnight oil on the word of God okay, that's not what it's stating here at all, okay now, notice what it says here it says that he arose from off his bed and walked upon the roof of the king's house and from the roof, he saw a woman washing herself and the woman was very beautiful to look upon so how did all of this start? what he was looking at okay, he saw a woman washing herself, and I'm just gonna say this I guarantee she probably wasn't fully clothed if she's washing herself if anything, she's probably naked, okay, stark naked just washing herself, okay and he saw her you know what's going on there, he's lusting after her he's lusting after her in his heart, now David already has multiple wives he has multiple wives okay you know what this tells me, is the relationship between him and his wives is not good, now here's the thing it's never been good anytime anybody in the Bible has had multiple wives it's bad, it never ends good because it says that he made a male and female and they twain shall be one flesh, not three four, five, or whatever the case may be so the guy's never been for polygamy, but here's the thing he didn't have a good relationship with any of his wives, apparently because he's up in the middle of the night, wandering around lusting after another woman on the rooftop okay listen, if you have a good relationship with your wife then you're not going to be dealing with that okay, and that's a point I'm going to be getting to is like, how do you curb this as married people, okay now keep reading there, it says David sent and inquired after the woman and once said, is not this Bathsheba the daughter of Eliim the wife of Uriah the Hittite so he knows, it's not like he's ignorant that this is someone else's wife right, and David sent messengers and took her and she came in unto him and he lay with her for she was purified from her uncleanness and she returned unto her house and the woman conceived and sent and told David and said, I am with child so you know the story, right he ends up having Uriah killed because he wants to conceal the fact that he committed this act okay, then he marries her after that, and you know what, the child ends up dying and there's other consequences that David has because of this, but where did it start okay, what's the root, let's see the root of the matter, okay what he's looking at now, another thing to think about is that what you look at has to do with what you're doing too okay, if you're busy at work you know what you're going to be looking at, your work if you're busy studying the Bible, you know what you're going to be looking at you're going to be looking at the Bible, if you're busy spending time with your family, you're going to be looking at your family, okay and so, you know what the old term, the idle mind is the devil's workshop, it's true as the day is long, and so don't be idle okay, get busy get busy doing something for the Lord, whether it's reading, whether it's you know, helping people out, whatever the case may be you need to be doing something to where you don't get idle to the point where you can get into wakeness, and you know what, sometimes you know, people have told me this, I don't want I'm not trying to like, say I'm like some great hard worker or anything like that, but a lot of people tell me I need to like, cut back on things that I'm doing because it's too much, or whatever and my response is well at least I'm not getting into trouble you know, it keeps me out of trouble because I've even talked to clients and I've told them, you know, like we'll just talk about things, and I'll say, you know, yeah you know, I'm taking over this, I'm pastoring the church, I've got four kids you know, all these things that I'm trying to do right now and they're just kind of looking at bewilderment, like why how in the world are you trying to do all that now, I'm not here to say like I'm, you know, like some great hard worker here, but what I'm saying is that you know what I don't have a problem with? pornography okay, you know what I don't have a problem with? being idle I definitely don't have a problem sleeping okay, meaning, and here's the thing if people have sleeping problems, it's not always because of like their work ethic, okay so don't get me wrong here and be like you know, people have to have sleep apnea machines and stuff like that, there's different issues okay, but what I'm saying here is that you know, when I put my head down at night, I'm out okay, I'm out maybe to a fault, okay, meaning that if an intruder comes in hopefully they're loud, you know but, no I'm just kidding it's weird how that works though, you know the smallest things will wake you up if it's something out of the ordinary but if it's something you recognize or you know should be going on, like you'll just sleep through it go to Deuteronomy chapter 11 Deuteronomy chapter 11 but here's the thing though I know a lot of people in this church are I'm sure that way too, where you're just working hard you're working long hours, you're doing what you got to do, you know what? it's a blessing in a lot of different cases, because you don't get into this stuff okay and here's the thing, I'm not saying that I couldn't get into it like I said, you know, wherefore let him to think that he stand and take heed lest he fall I'm not saying I couldn't get into it, but here's what you do you set up these roadblocks okay, set up make a covenant with your eyes and say, you know what? I'm not going to look upon that I'm not even going to be, I'm not going to like get curious about that, or anything like that I'm not even going to get to that point you know, put that roadblock put another roadblock, I don't have the time to do it okay I don't have time to do this okay, and so there's pros and cons to being busy you know, obviously there's a lot of things that people are doing that you're like, man I wish I could do that I wish I could go like on a hike for two days into the mountains and stuff like that, or I wish I could go, you know, on this trip over here or do this or that, and you know what? there's nothing wrong with doing those things I'm not saying that's bad or wicked or anything like that but we look at that as a con of being like you know, like having a lot of kids or doing these different things or whatever the case may be, but you know what the pro is to that? I don't have time where I can get into things or go places or whatever the case may be the most I usually get out is I go to the gym at 6.30 6.30 in the morning or something like that and just so you know, not a lot of people come at 6.30 in the morning but even there the next point I'm going to get here there was some place I'm going with this Deuteronomy 11 verse 18 it says it says therefore shall ye lay up these words these my words in your heart and in your soul and bind them for a sign upon your hand that they may be as frontlets between your eyes and when I think of like frontlets between your eyes it's basically you kind of think about your eye being single the fact that you're like focusing in on that, right? Between your eyes you're kind of focusing in so you're not like going one way to the other another part of the Bible talks about the commandment that you go not to the left hand and to the right of it you're basically just going straight down the line and you know what? you go to the gym you need blinders okay God forbid you got to go up to where the cardio area is at but here's the thing women today are just wearing stuff and they know what they're doing okay they're not ignorant of what they're doing okay and you know what? Even at 6 30 in the morning every once in a while there will be this rogue person that will come in that's not usually there and you're just like what in the world and you know I'm working out with a bunch of guys you know and we're doing whatever lifting program or whatever but you just got to like put on blinders and you got to be like looking at the ground and like all this other stuff because you're like oh are you that scared that you're going to cheat on your wife listen I made a covenant with my eyes you know that I might not think upon a mate or why then should I think upon a mate here's the thing I don't think that I'm above doing something like that or being tempted at that level okay and you know what? Even when I go to the gym I put on my wedding ring even though I take it off the lift okay just because I don't want to rip my finger off okay but I'll wear it into the gym just so that if there's a lady at the front desk that they know hey I'm married okay and there's certain things that I do like I'll grab like I'll ask for one of those like little towels or whatever and I'll grab it with my left hand I'm right handed by the way okay but I'll grab it with my left hand why so you can see that I'm married okay now you say well you know no one's going to probably you know give you pick up lines or anything like that even so as that may listen my wife seemed to like me okay she wanted to marry me there might be someone else out there that might think I'm attractive okay okay so the idea here is that you got to set up these boundaries and you know what in the world you almost have to put on these blinders and just be like I'm going where I'm going I'm doing what I'm doing and just not be looking to the right hand or to the left it says in Psalm 119 Psalm 119 at the very beginning of Psalm 119 verse 9 there like I said this isn't a pleasant subject to hit on but you know what sin isn't pleasant and someone has to say it someone has to bring it up someone has to talk about it and listen if anybody gets involved with that in our church listen I don't want it to be said hey I never talked about it I never brought it up I never warned anybody about it you know what even if in your mind you're thinking well that should be common sense listen there's a lot of things that I preach that are common sense but it still needs to be preached still needs to be preached hard okay and why because you need to be reminded about it you need to think about it you need to think about the fact that the ramifications of sin whatever it may be and notice what it says in Psalm 119 verse 9 it says according to thy word with my whole heart have I sought thee oh let me not wander from thy commandments thy word have I hidden mine heart that I might not sin against thee you say well how would this apply well think about this if you're in circumstances you got to think about Bible verses okay think about the cause of you know like fornication the Bible how many times did you say flee fornication okay and the idea of how fornication defiles the temple of the Holy Ghost you don't lose your salvation but listen that's a sin against the body and your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost listen there's going to be ramifications for that and when it comes to adultery the Bible talks about you get a wound that's in the spirit if you will and there's certain things that are just scars based on that what you see sometimes you can't unsee and there's sometimes people like send stuff I'm just like stop sending that stuff you know even if you're like they're on your side right it's kind of like when you're like preaching against the queers for example you know you're preaching against homosexuality and they'll send you pictures of like different things and you're just like I don't want to see that stop sending me this okay I agree with you biblically you know that this is wicked this is wrong at the same time I don't want to see it okay I know it exists but I don't need to see it okay and people a lot of times will use that to justify looking at smud looking at things they shouldn't be looking at to say well you know look at this stuff over here it's like why are you looking at it why do you want me to look at it we all know it exists and you can condemn it without seeing it okay now go to 2nd Peter chapter 2 2nd Peter chapter 2 and when it comes to this what you're dealing with here is people committing fornication pornography is people committing fornication and people watching it or having pleasure in what other people are doing that's wicked okay now one thing to think about here is that this is what reprobates do reprobates have pleasure in wickedness and other people committing wickedness people that are rejected by God and haters of God are like this now in 2nd Peter chapter 2 and verse 14 notice what it says about false prophets this passage is dealing with false prophets but it's dealing with people that are you know rejected by God that they've denied the Lord that bought them meaning that they could have got saved but they rejected them they're gone right but they're still alive they're still walking on the earth verse 14 it says having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin so notice that you know Jesus kind of warned against the fact that hey if you look upon a woman to lust after you committed adultery already in your heart you know that's possible for all of us to do these people their eyes are full of it ok they're full of adultery it says beguiling unstable souls in heart they have exercised with covetous practices cursed children now we know that these people are what the bible calls children of the devil or children of Belial their past feeling their ever learning and ever able to come to the knowledge of truth but we don't want to be like them at all do you? do you want to be like these people that hate God? you know now go to Romans chapter 1 Romans chapter 1 Romans chapter 1 and verse 28 Romans chapter 1 verse 28 it says and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient being filled with all unrighteousness fornication, wickedness wickedness, covetous, maliciousness now it goes through this whole list of different things and you know haters of God, so we're talking about people we're not talking about the average unsaved person we're talking about someone that God has given over to this reprobate mind we're talking about like a pharaoh where he's hardened their heart to where they can't get saved ok and they knew God, they glorified him not as God therefore their foolish heart was darkened they're full of all unrighteousness they're full of all fornication ok but notice what it says about them in verse 32 the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them ok so you don't want to have pleasure in someone that commits sin ok and that's what pornography is ok and that's something that we should stay completely away from you don't want to have any fellowship with people that are full of that ok now reprobates have pleasure in murder they have pleasure in that whole list they have pleasure in people that hate God they have pleasure in you know maliciousness and wickedness and all these different things ok they have pleasure in all that but you know what there's things in there like being disobedient parents there's things like fornication and those things that people can do any person can do that even Christians can do that still but you don't want to have pleasure in that now go to Ephesians chapter 4 Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 17 Ephesians chapter 4 verse 17 so again this is if anything a precautionary sermon again it's not like I heard something or learned about something about anybody in the church and I'm like alright time to preach on that sin honestly this just this was just because I've been annoyed about all these stupid spam text message things that I keep getting and you know what if I'm getting it on a church phone people around the world have got to be getting this smut that's being sent to them and you know what I'm not an idiot I didn't fall off the apple cart like a day ago you know like I know this stuff's out there and I know that if it's bad in my day it's even worse now especially if like 37 videos are being made every single day ok that this stuff is bad it's out there and it's worse than when I was an adolescent it's worse than when I was in high school or in college it's got to be ok because the things are just waxing worse and worse as we see it in Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 17 that's what it says it says this I say therefore and testify in the Lord that she henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their minds so the point I'm trying to get here is that what he's going to state here is that don't walk similar to these people that are rejected by God ok we're not just talking about a normal unsaved person now I would say this don't walk as a normal unsaved person either ok but don't walk as we're children of God they're children of the devil ok we don't want to walk like them ok and you say how do you know that's who he's talking about well keep reading there verse 18 having the understanding darkened ok their foolish heart is darkened the Bible says it says they're ever learning never able to come to knowledge of the truth being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them ok well I'd say that marks them as they're alienated from that so they can't get saved they're alienated from eternal life because of the blindness of their heart who being past feeling have given themselves over to lasciviousness to work all uncleanness and greediness ok that's where it says God gave them up unto their own vile affections you know to do that which is not convenient you know and men with men all that stuff notice in verse 20 here ye have not so learned Christ ok so see the dichotomy he's saying you don't want to walk with these people that are past feeling that are alienated from the life of God you know that are completely cut off from salvation or even the hope of salvation anymore you don't want to walk like them at all right and he's saying you're not like that you're not past feeling you're not like you know you've not so learned Christ ok it says if so be that you have heard him and have been taught by him as the truth as in Jesus now it's stating now we're talking about Christians here it says that ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts and be renewed in the spirit of your mind and that ye put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness now this doctrine of the old man new man I think would clear up a lot of false doctrine it'd clear up this whole idea of like you know reformed lives ok because when you get saved your new man your inner man the spirit and soul is completely sinless whosoever born of God doth not commit sin proceed to remain with him and he cannot sin because he was born of God but guess what your flesh your body that's still here and it still has sin and it says in my flesh dwell no good thing so you see here where I'm standing there's a perfect sinless Jason Robinson inwardly but there's also a sinful and in him dwell no good thing Jason Robinson flesh ok so every single day you have to make a choice am I gonna die daily or die and put on you know crucify the flesh put off the flesh put off the old man and put on the new man or am I just gonna keep the old man on ok am I gonna keep the old man on and am I gonna veil that light that's in me am I gonna veil that child of God that's inside of me ok or am I gonna make that child of God manifest through the world by walking in the new man walking in the spirit now that's a whole another sermon for itself ok but the idea here is that this is something you gotta do daily and this isn't gonna be something where it's like well I cut off pornography today um I'm good for the rest of my life no listen you know if that is something you're into you're probably gonna have proclivities to that for the rest of your life ok or at least for a long time ok anybody that's probably dealt with alcohol you know like that where they've been like an alcoholic knows that they can't even like get near that like a normal person would ok cause they got a proclivity to that because of the use that they had in it ok so depending on how deep someone's into it or whatever maybe the harder for them to stay out of it and the harder they gotta fight every single day now if you've never done it ok or if it was something that you know it was very minute no listen it's not gonna be as hard for you to stay out of it but you know what that should give you incentive to say I don't even wanna get near it because I don't wanna be like the person that's gotta fight every single day and just like fight that that battle every single day ok now Ephesians chapter 5 you're in Ephesians chapter 4 go to Ephesians chapter 5 notice what it says here in verse 8 it says for ye were sometimes darkness but now are you light in the Lord remember now are we the sons of God ok now are ye light in the Lord we're the children of God now now are ye sons the Bible says in Galatians chapter 4 so we're children of God now it says now are ye light in the world walk as children of light so you're a child of light you need to walk as one right you need to let that inward man walk throughout the world and notice what it says here it says in verse 9 for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth proving what is acceptable unto the Lord and having no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them for it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret but all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light for whatsoever doth make manifest is light you know what the Bible says here to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness and it says that it's a shame to even speak of it listen that word, that word, pornography I don't like saying it I'm saying it for the sake that you know what I'm talking about and you know what it should make you feel uncomfortable that word should make you feel uncomfortable if it doesn't make you feel uncomfortable then you've been desensitized to it when I wrote this sermon I'm like I don't want to say that word there's certain words that you don't like using and some words aren't even bad words some of you know me well when it comes to potty training there's a word I don't use when other people say it I'm just like I hate that word it's not a bad word either I don't like the word but you know what it should be a shame and I'm not speaking of getting into graphic details or talking about it some children probably have no idea what I'm talking about but you know what they're going to know what I'm talking about eventually and here's the thing the Bible's not crude about this type of stuff but you know what we need to be warned about it and you know what I'm not going to speak about all the wicked debauchery that's done in the world I'm just going to say that there's wicked stuff that's a shame to even speak about that we should not be looking at okay now go to Hebrews chapter 13 and the last thing I want to state here before we close it up here is the fact that whether you're unmarried or married you know what we need to we need to basically guard ourselves and keep ourselves from this type of stuff now when you want to keep yourself from sin you need to go on the offense meaning that if you get it all out it's kind of like music if you take all the wicked music out of your life you need to replace it with something so if you're listening to a bunch of garbage music replace it with good music now when it comes to this idea of fornication or watching that type of stuff listen married people notice what it says here in Hebrews chapter 13 verse 4 listen that's where you need to focus on husbands, wives, focus on that area and listen if that area is going well then you know what you're going to have a problem with that because you know what those needs obviously need to be met as a married couple now go to 1 Corinthians chapter 7 and this is where it gets uncomfortable too because no one wants to talk about this but here's the thing, you know what divorces happen because that's not happening and a lot of people say well it's finances sure, finances will make a marriage hard if you're down on the dollar if you will I don't know if that's a term if you're dealing with like low income, yeah sure, that'll stretch out the marriage here but you know what, the Bible doesn't talk about that generally in the Bible where it talks about income when it comes to a family and that's why marriages fail, I'll show you where it's talking about marriages failing or married couples or single people and it's talking about due benevolence notice what it says in 1 Corinthians chapter 7 verse 1, it says it's good for a man not to touch a woman nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband so basically stating here that's not good for a man to touch a woman because it leads to fornication and again it's just like the sight leads to the heart which leads to lust which leads to sin, right well same thing if you're touching and stuff like that that's going to lead to other things like shaking a woman's hand is not sin or I wouldn't shake any woman's hand in this church but what it's stating here is that it's not good to touch because if you don't touch you're not going to go there you're not going to go to fornication if you're not even touching the person notice what it says in verse 3 let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence and likewise also the wife unto the husband the wife hath not power over her own body but the husband and likewise also the husband hath not power over his own body but the wife defrauds he not one the other except to be with consent for a time as you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer and come together again notice this that Satan tempts you not for your incontinency and if you don't mind underlining in your Bible you should underline that right there that if you're defrauding your partner and do benevolence and obviously I'm being discreet in what I'm talking about here but I'll give you a verse here just so Proverbs 5 I don't have it in my notes Proverbs 5 and verse 18 it says let thy fountain be blessed and rejoice with the wife of thy youth let her be as the loving hind in pleasant row let her breasts satisfy thee at all times and be thou ravished always with her love and why wilt thou my son be ravished with a strange woman and embrace the bosom of a stranger you know why you embrace a stranger? because you're not embracing your wife and here's the thing wives you need to heed this that your husband needs this and listen wives you need it too and the idea here is that this needs to be going on and if marriage is honorable and all and the bed undefiled, if that stuff's going on then you know what there's going to be less chance that you're going to get into that garbage that you're going to be looking at other things you need this to be a priority in your marriage and by the way my kids know this it's God first, my wife, then my kids okay and I've told them this and they're like and I explain it like this they'll say, so you love mommy more than us? and I'm like, yes, but I said I still love you like it's not like diminishing the love as far as like I said, I'll ask Clara I said, do you love God more than me? she said, yes I said, well do you love me? she said, yes, and I'm like, see, it's like that meaning that obviously God, we should love God more than anybody right, but it doesn't mean I love my wife you know, like some subservient woman, you know or like something that I shouldn't love her a lot and I'm gonna love my children more if I love my wife more and here's the thing, if I love my wife to the point where due benevolence is going on on a regular basis you know what, my kids will have parents at home and they won't be split up how about that, okay how about that will be a strong marriage to where, you know what, you're gonna have a mother and father throughout your childhood you know, barring death or something like that, you know, obviously you would have things that could happen, but I'm just saying that you know what, that's how you take care of this, now it goes on in chapter 7 about virgins and about the fact that if you're not married, okay, and it actually even says that if you're an unmarried, seek not a wife if you're married, you know, seek not to be loosed, you know, it's basically saying, you know wherever you're at, just be content where you're at, deal with what you're at if you're a virgin, if you're unmarried, then you know, or if you're divorced or whatever the case may be, you know what Bible says just stay pure okay, and you know what, there's pros and cons to being married and being single, and that's what this chapter's all about okay, there's a lot of pros to being single and there's a lot of cons to being single, there's a lot of pros to being married and there's a lot of cons to being married and you know, wherever you're at, you need to stay pure okay, and you know what, we have a lot of married people in here with a lot of children, you know what we need to keep our marriages strong, and listen, pornography will destroy it it will destroy a marriage I don't know when I don't know how many years down the line but do you want to play that game do you want to play Russian Roulette with your marriage and over what so, you know what, this is not an easy sermon to preach Sunday morning, and I'm preaching on something really hard okay, but you know what, we need to hear some hard truths and we need to hear what the Bible says about these type of things and you know what, the world is pushing this out and they're normalizing it nowadays it's just normal for guys to say that they watch this stuff and if you don't you're kind of strange if you don't watch that okay, I'm not really in that realm of dealing with college or high school or anything like that, but I almost guarantee that's the language that's being used okay, and I'm not going to ask or raise the hands of anybody that's in college or in high school or dealing around people that age, but listen, it's normalized everything is being normalized today and being desensitized to what is actually really wicked, and you know what, we need to guard ourselves so, that's the end of the word of prayer but before we do just remember we got a baptism after the service, so we'll get everything together for that, and excited about that and then we'll yeah, we'll just meet outside so, it's warm, so we'll be fine but let's end with a word of prayer the only father we thank today, thank you for your word and Lord, definitely a hard thing to talk about hard thing to preach about, but Lord just pray that you keep us guarded from this type of wickedness to look at, and Lord just pray that you help all these things, these outside forces that will try to push it into our lives to be stopped, and Lord just help us to stay away from any of that type of junk that would be put into our face, and Lord just pray that you be with us as we go out soul winning, and pray that you be with those that aren't feeling well, and that you would just heal all of us, and keep us safe and Lord we love you, and pray also in Jesus Christ's name, amen so I'll do you have a song picked out? brother Dave had to head out if you want to if you want to, cause I may not know how to play it alright alright if you would turn in your song books to song number 159 song number 159 if we would all stand, we'll sing blessed be the name song number 159 all praise to him who reigns above in majesty supreme who gave his son for man to die that he might man redeem blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord