(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) there in Isaiah chapter 1 and I'm starting a new series this afternoon called the prophets series the prophets series so I kind of did a king series where I was just going through each king and doing a sermon about them and right now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go through the major prophets and then the minor prophets in the Bible so I go to Luke chapter 16 first of all Luke chapter 16 because you'll see something in the New Testament mentioned a lot it says the law and the prophets the law and the prophets the law and the prophets and I'm not saying that the prophets only include the major prophets and the minor prophets and you say what do you mean by that well I mean I'm gonna show you what I mean by that as far as what who's the major prophecies the minor prophets but you know when it comes to this really the the thing I think is gonna be fun is when we get into the minor prophets because I think that's the the minor prophets are the ones that everybody just doesn't know that much a lot about or they don't know where they even exist in the timeline of things and so and usually when you're memorizing the books of the Bible you get to the minor prophets and that's where it gets hard right you're like Isaiah Jeremiah there's a Lamentations in there right and then you get to like Daniel and then you're like all right which one comes after that you know and you're in the minor prophets are like where's Habakkuk at where's Zephaniah at and some of you are like that's a book in the Bible no so that being said is that I kind of want this to be a series where we can just really say okay who's Isaiah who's Jeremiah and who's Ezekiel and where were they at in a timeline of events okay now this may branch off from doing the major prophets to minor prophets to just other prophets in the Bible okay maybe you know like Nathan the prophet or Gad or you know just different one Samuel so I'm not saying there's not other prophets okay you know but I'm gonna start with this but in Luke chapter 16 and verse 16 it says this it says the law and the prophets were until John since that time the kingdom of God is preached and every man pressed into it and it is easier for heaven and earth to pass and one tittle of the law to fail and the thing that you'll keep seeing over and over again is the law and the prophets law and the prophets law and the prophets in the New Testament being talked about and the law is usually dealing with the law Moses go to Luke 24 in verse 44 but usually when you're dealing with the law you're dealing with the first five books right Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers and Deuteronomy I mean those are the the ones that you would say that's the law usually then after that you're dealing with Joshua down to Esther as far as all the historical books okay so the Bible is put into segments as far as that goes right you have now I would say obviously when you go from Deuteronomy then you could say Deuteronomy in Genesis all that's history you know I mean I don't think anybody would deny that that's a Bible even Christian that is right that that's all history as well but when you go from Joshua down to Esther it's more of a historical accounts of Kings and you know all that stuff that's going on right and then you get into the poetic books which would be Job Psalms Proverbs and Song of Solomon right those are the poetic books of wisdom if you will not the Hippocryphal book of wisdom but those are the poetic books right and then you get into the major prophets which is Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel those are your major prophets and then you go into minor prophets that's when you get into Hosea Joel Amos you know and going down the line okay so it's put into segments and there's a way that you can kind of see that it's in segments because it goes in chronological order and a lot of these things and then it kicks back and that's how you can tell you're going into kind of a different segment of the Bible okay and I believe the Bible is laid out exactly the way God wants it laid out okay so the way the books are in the Bible is the way they should be and what order they're in all that now in Luke 24 verse 44 it says and he said unto them these are the words which I spake unto you while I was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the Psalms concerning me so you can kind of see three different groups right and all this is the Old Testament right you're dealing with you know just all the stuff they happened before the New Testament as far as what's written but usually you see law and prophets law and prophets here we're saying okay the Psalms as well okay so you can kind of see these different groups of books that are being used there and I just kind of want to go down through that and I know we're in the book of Isaiah so you're like really we're gonna talk about Isaiah every Wednesday we're talking about Isaiah well I got to start there okay so it is what it is so you know we haven't read Isaiah 1 in like a year okay so just so you know there's 66 chapters and we're in you're gonna be in chapter 41 okay okay it hasn't been a year I know there's 52 weeks in a year okay but it's been it's been a little while okay now that being said I want to start off here obviously because really this is where you start off with the prophets if you're gonna look at the Bible where the prophets at Isaiah down to Malachi right now if you're like I said if you're gonna parse this out Isaiah Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel are the major prophets but you're really dealing with four major prophets because Lamentations is written by Jeremiah okay by the way Jeremiah is the biggest book in the Bible or I'm sorry Psalms is the biggest book is it Jeremiah or Psalms now I'm gonna be messed up either way Jeremiah is at least one of the biggest books in the Bible I thought it was though I thought it was bigger than Psalms I think it's bigger than Psalms but then he's got Lamentations on top of that right so there's another five chapters to add on to that so but that being said there's four major prophets you have Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel okay those are your major prophets and the big reason you can tell that when you get into Hosea that it's backtracking or it's a different group is because Hosea and Isaiah are preaching at the exact same time okay Daniel was way ahead of future of Isaiah okay and look at verse 1 of Isaiah chapter 1 because you're gonna see where he's at okay so just so you know the major prophets are really starting they're starting in the days of Uzziah okay so that means that there's not like a prophetical book per se like this of the prophets like the prophets so and so unless you're gonna count Samuel as a prophet obviously you could say that that would be true and you know I'm not saying that David wasn't a prophet and all this stuff okay I'm just saying on the technical level here when we're dealing with the prophets Isaiah is the first one and it's during the starting off with the years at the days of Uzziah it says in verse 1 the the vision of Isaiah the son of Amos which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah kings of Judah and all four of those kings are the same kings that are mentioned in Hosea okay you're like why do you say Hosea not Hosea because that's how it's pronounced I felt I felt I've grown in there no that's the way Scorby says it and phonetically that's how it's supposed to be pronounced I don't care how you pronounce it I'm just I'm just joking with you you can pronounce it however you want you can call them Hosea for all I care I've actually heard someone call them Hosea before so anyway all that to say is that the same kings during their prophecy does that make sense during the days of their prophecy of the same kings so you can see that obviously when you get the Hosea it's it's coming back and you're kind of starting this off again and I think Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel is pretty easy to see that that's chronological right because you're dealing with the days of Hezekiah and stuff like that with Isaiah right that's very clear when you're in the book of Isaiah then you get Jeremiah you're dealing with Josiah and his sons they're going they're about to go into captivity when you're in Ezekiel he's in captivity right and then Daniel he's starts off with him going into captivity but it goes way past that like to where they're actually going to be getting out of captivity okay so it's a very clear progression of like time of these prophets that are going down the line then Hosea it steps back and then when you're going through these minor prophets I'm just gonna say this and this is what I believe because not all the minor prophets tell you when they are written okay so you don't know for sure like when they're written yeah the major prophets you know when they're written okay it tells you like in this year on this time of the captivity or whatever right but I believe they're all chronological okay so like Joel won't tell you when it's written but I believe it's somewhere in time of Uzziah Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah right because you're gonna see Uzziah mentioned both in Hosea and Amos okay so I believe that he's in that timeline okay so I just hope this helps when we go through this that you when you're reading these prophets and they're talking about something yes and a lot of these prophets things are prophetic of the future but there's always like a meaning that's there in that present time okay so when you're reading a minor prophet you got to know that it's not all talking about like stuff that hasn't happened in our day okay some of that stuff is talking about things are gonna happen in their near future and when you know when they're prophesying about it it'll help you understand okay it wouldn't make sense that they're prophesying about something that already happened like years ago right this is gonna happen and you have no idea where they're at in the time frame okay now the first mention of Isaiah in the Bible besides obviously the book of Isaiah is go to 2nd Kings chapter 19 2nd Kings chapter 19 is in the days of Hezekiah so you know the book of Isaiah covers some information that's before that okay as far as in the days of Uzziah and Ahaz Jotham it doesn't really mention anything during his day in the book of Isaiah but obviously he was there during Jotham's reign okay but that being said is that the first mention though when you're going through the historical books is actually in Hezekiah's day so in 2nd Kings chapter 19 verse 1 it says and it came to pass when King Hezekiah heard it that he rent his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the Lord and he sent Eliakim which was over the household and Shebna the scribe and the elders of the priests covered with sackcloth to Isaiah the prophet the son of Amos okay so this is clearly the same Isaiah that's you know the book of Isaiah okay it says that he was doing you know he was prophesying during Hezekiah's reign in the book of Isaiah it's literally saying Isaiah the prophet son of Amos that's how the book starts off it says and they said unto him thus saith Hezekiah this day is the day is the day of trouble and rebuke and blasphemy for the children are come to the birth and there is no strength to bring forth it may be that the Lord thy God will hear the words of Raphshaki whom the the king of Assyria his master hath sent to reproach the living God and will reprove the words which the Lord thy God hath heard wherefore lift up thy prayer for the remnant that are left so the servants of King Hezekiah came to Isaiah and Isaiah said unto them thus shall you say to your master thus saith the Lord so this is the first thing that comes out of the mouth in the Bible chronologically like as far as if you're reading through the Bible the first thing is coming out of the mouth of Isaiah in the historical accounts is this right here thus saith the Lord be not afraid of the words which thou hast heard that's the first thing that you if you're reading through the Bible the first thing you see here Isaiah say is be not afraid of the words which thou has heard now obviously speaking for God you know he's speaking on God's behalf with which the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed me behold I will send a blast upon him and he shall hear a rumor and shall return to his own land and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land so you know this because we've already gone through all the chapters dealing with Hezekiah right we just got out of that that the first mention in the Kings dealing with the historical account here of the kings of Isaiah is actually all the way up to like Isaiah 36 to 39 right so when you're going to into the book of Isaiah like all that stuff before there is stuff that you know has already happened right so I personally believe Isaiah was probably a little older you know if he's it during Uzziah's reign going into Jotham Ahaz and then going in Hezekiah he's not a young buck in Hezekiah's day okay so I'm not saying he died in Hezekiah's day or anything like that because he could have still been alive just but just not prophesying or you know dealing with the king at the time or something like that right but so so this sermon is really going to show you okay just kind of a timeline of where we're at when you think of Isaiah what do you think of Hezekiah right you think King Hezekiah you think of Isaiah the prophet right it's just like David who do you think of as being the prophet you think of Nathan the prophet right or Gad but you might only think of Nathan because Nathan says thou art the man right you think of that prophet right there you think of Ahab who do you think of you think of Elijah right there's there's prophets that are associated with certain kings and Isaiah I mean if there was a king that associated with it is Hezekiah okay that's where you have that account going back and forth with that prophet okay now the first thing the army not the first thing another thing to see here is that Isaiah had a wife and children okay and I feel like people when they think of prophets they think like these people are like celibate priests or something like that you know like these Catholic monks that are like prophets in the mountains or something like that you got to go off to them and they're over there like humming some weird thing you know but go to Isaiah chapter 7 Isaiah chapter 7 I'm going to show you that he actually has recorded in the Bible anyway two sons and when I read these names off to you you're gonna be sure to name your son this okay so but I'll just say it's one one of his son's name is Sher Jasheb and the other son is Mayor Shalal Hajbaz and by the way that's the longest name in the Bible Bible trivia question there for you so yeah if you hate your child I'm just kidding but if you want your child to really hate having to spell his name name of Mayor Shalal Hajbaz so it's just fun to say I don't know why but it is Isaiah 7 verse 1 it says and he came to pass in the days of Ahaz okay so now we're stepping back remember that in the in the chronological order of the Kings we don't see him in the days of Ahaz right but it says in the days of Ahaz the son of Jotham the son of Uzziah king of Judah that reasoned the king of Syria and Pekah the son of Remilai king of Israel went up towards Jerusalem to war against it but could not prevail against it and it and it was told that the house of David saying Syria's confederate with Ephraim and his heart was moved in the heart of his people as the trees of the wood are moved with the wind notice this in verse 3 then said the Lord unto Isaiah go forth now to meet Ahaz thou and shear Jashab thy son so we see Ahaz or I'm sorry Isaiah he's basically saying go meet him and bring your son with you okay so we're dealing with Isaiah and you say well this is simple yeah but sometimes you don't think about this that Isaiah had a son right he was a father you know and in the reason that I'm pointing this out is that you see these prophets and they go through all this stuff and you think well you know yeah they're just going through that but I have a family yeah they had a family I'm not saying all the prophets that we're gonna be talking about have family but a lot of them do and you're gonna see some crazy stuff dealing with that you know when we get through you know like Ezekiel or Hosea they're gonna be like man I'm glad I'm not that prophet but that being said is that just to kind of give you a real level of understanding of who Isaiah the prophet was at the end of the the conduit of the upper pool in the highway to the of the Fuller's field and say unto him take heed and be quiet fear not neither be faint-hearted for the two tales of these smoking firebrands for the fierce anger of reason with Syria and of the son of Remaliah because Syria Ephraim and the son of Remaliah have taken evil counsel against these saying let us go up against Judah and vex it and let us make a breach therein for us and set a king in the midst of it even the son of Tabeuil thus said the Lord God it shall not stand neither shall it come to pass so this is what Isaiah is going to meet a has and to talk to him about he's like take your son with you take your son sure jashub with you okay and so that's interesting and especially because if you think about Elijah and Elisha and the sons of the prophets right and how that's always been misconstrued that's you know Bible College the sons of the prophets are building dormitories out there and all this crazy stuff the school of the prophets that's what they would call it right and I still remember I joke with people you know like you'd run people like why don't you you know the Bible talks about Bible College and and the school of the prophets if you like show me the school of the prophets it's like not there in fact about the sons of the prophets and so anyway all that to say is that you know yeah he there's prophets had sons and the idea that these prophets were celibate people or eunuchs or something like that I'm not saying there weren't people like that that were prophets but I'd say most of them had children okay most of them had a wife had children all that stuff okay now go to Isaiah chapter 8 because we're gonna see his other son mayor shall our hashbaz so chapter 8 verse 1 so I hope I hope everybody's writing this down for the trivia questions after the service right you're like I can't do that I want it spelled verbatim I'm just kidding I'd be impressed to be if you can say it so that's a that's a long one verse 1 so moreover the Lord said unto me take thee a great role and write in it with a man's pen concerning mayor shall our hashbaz and I took unto me faithful witnesses to record your eye the priest and Zechariah the son of Jerabakiah and I went unto the prophetess and she conceived embarrassed son then said the Lord to me call his name mayor shall our hashbaz for before the child shall have knowledge to cry my father and my mother the riches of Damascus and the spoiled Samaria shall be taken away before the king of Assyria now if you understand that this is in the days of a has right because we we saw that in chapter 7 right that it's really at the beginning of Hezekiah's reign that the northern kingdoms taken out that make sense so what it's stating here is that you're gonna have this child Isaiah before the child will say dad dad and mama now that's not what it says right but you know what I'm saying like the before the child can say you know dad and mom right before they can speak to you and say that this is gonna happen okay that's what he's basically stating but it's interesting because it just basically says he went in unto the prophetess and she conceived now the prophetess would obviously be his wife now there could be a reason why she's called the prophetess it could just because he is a prophet and it's kind of like a you know I'm a pastor and always a pastor's wife and it's like not really a title it's not really it's not an office by the way to be a pastor's wife but it's kind of a title if you will because you're the wife of a pastor right it could be that or it could be the fact that listen women can be prophetesses okay when it's in its right place okay now this isn't a whole sermon to talk about Deborah and all these other you know ones that were called prophetesses or hold of the prophet prophetess you know or Anna the prophetess but in a lot of these cases you're dealing with people that aren't a serpent over the man okay Deborah is the one case where you get into that and this isn't a sermon to talk about that I'll probably get into that when I get into judges or who knows maybe I'll do a sermon on it but that being said go to Acts chapter 2 just to show you that you know if she's a prophetess what is she prophesying right Anna the prophetess you know the one that's in the book of Luke she was just preaching the salvation message right you know she was she was a widow and she was preaching salvation to Israel okay and that's fine okay would the God we'd have prophetesses in our church okay prophets and prophecies now when we talk about this the word prophet like to be a prophet just means to be a preacher right I think when people think of prophecy they automatically think of foretelling of events that haven't happened yet now that can be the case but it's not always the case think of the prophecy that his mother that Lemuel gave unto him okay was that foretelling the future was that giving him good doctrine okay it was just good doctrine son don't be a drunkard you know don't don't give your power on the women you know this is what you should do look for a virtuous woman it's not saying like the Antichrist is coming be prepared for the abomination desolation it's coming at this time and that right no it's just a prophecy it's just preaching right so for a mother to preach to her son guess what that's right for a for a woman to preach to other younger women that's fine and you know what for a woman to preach to a man when it comes to the gospel that's good okay the difference is is when you're a serpent soaring over congregate you know men you know in a church okay and that's where you get into where the Bible forbids that now I want to show you this because in Acts chapter 2 and verse 16 you know what I what I think this is really showing you is that Isaiah's wife wasn't just a wife she actually you know was a believer that preached the gospel okay that's my personal belief and you'd say well it doesn't really say that that's fine okay but you know what when I see Anna the prophetess you know in the New Testament that's what I see and it's calling her a prophetess for a reason I don't think that's just by accident it could have just said he went on to his wife and she conceived but it says he went into unto the prophetess and I think it's showing you that to show you that hey his wife was also somebody you know that was doing things for God okay and notice what it says in Acts chapter 2 and verse 16 but this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel and it shall come to pass in the last day said Seth God I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your what daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream deep dreams and on my servants and on my hand maidens I will pour out in those days of my spirit and they shall prophesy so twice here it's talking about daughters which are women by the way and then there's handmaidens which are women that are prophesying okay and the Spirit of God is coming upon them and they're prophesying this is not a condemnation by the way this is this is good we're talking about the day of Pentecost where people are getting saved and you say well how do you know that's what it's talking about well keep reading and I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath blood and fire and vapor smoke the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and notable day of the Lord come and it shall come the past that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved so when we're talking about them prophesying in the whole context obviously of chapter 2 is people getting saved okay and just as multitude of people getting saved it wasn't just Peter guess what there were there were men and women prophesying there's women that labored with Paul in the gospel it talks about in Philippians chapter 4 and all this stuff okay so the idea here is that women should be prophesying when it comes to the gospel okay and another one here go to Acts chapter 21 Acts chapter 21 Acts chapter 21 and you know what I feel like Deborah I know this isn't a certain about Deborah I feel like she gets a bad rap but here's the thing you know what I think Deborah was a good woman that just no one was doing anything and she was just it's just like if you're in a situation where no one is doing anything then someone's got to step up and that's not what God wants but someone had to do it right and that's a testament to how poor the male leadership was in that day okay I would not want to be bay rack okay or Barack however you want to say his name because basically she's like you need to go do this right you're the one that's supposed to be leading the shark he's like would you go with me you know and so Deborah was like a mother to Israel so I'm not here to be down on Deborah but in the end it should be the men that are taking the lead okay and sometimes the women are taking the lead because there's no other choice okay in Acts chapter 21 verse 8 here it says in the next day we that were a Paul's company departed and came unto Caesarea and we entered into the house of Philip the evangelist which was one of the seven and abode with him and the same man had four daughters virgins which did prophesy so we see here that Philip the evangelist had four daughters and that's why I would call brother Dave Philip the evangelist before he had Henry because he had four daughters and I said one more your Zalafa had but that being said is that he had four virgin daughters that did prophesy okay so we're not we're talking about Philip the evangelist okay so what was his job okay what was his title an evangelist and what do you do when you're an evangelist you preach the gospel okay you're evangelizing okay so that was what he did now he was a deacon he was one of the seven that they chose but he was out evangelizing and guess what his daughters did the same and that's good you know that's what the Bible teaches that should be done in Acts chapter 2 and so you know what I'm gonna teach my daughters to preach the gospel and you know we're willing though they'll see people saved and that's all good stuff okay so when you see that in Isaiah that you know he went in unto the prophetess I don't think Isaiah had Joyce Meyer as a wife you know what I mean like I think that's what people automatically go oh okay you know Isaiah you know we know who wears the pants you know now I think it's just showing you that she was a godly woman who preached the gospel now and like I said it could be as much as that there she's just preaching to her sons to be a good son and to pick a good wife right wouldn't you say that that's being a prophetess if you're teaching your children and preaching to your children what they should be doing I I think that that's obviously biblical Proverbs 31 and teaching that now you can also get into the fact of teaching younger women Titus chapter 2 hits on that you know as far as women teaching other women you know to to be sober discreet to love their husband to love their children that's all good stuff you know so this idea that women can't teach anybody is not not true okay but when it comes to the church it's not permitted that women should speak in the church it's not permitted that they should assert authority over the man you know that is true okay so we're talking about like being a pastor you know you know a shepherd or a bishop then that's where you draw the line okay that's not the way it should be okay now now the you know when it comes to Isaiah you know we see that he has a wife he has two children you know shear jashab mayor shall have hashbaz that doesn't mean it's his only children it's just only ones that are mentioned right and so we kind of see that we see you you look at the book of Isaiah as a whole and we've gone through more than half of the book of Isaiah and we're going further on that so I don't want to belabor those points and kind of go into all the details about what Isaiah preached but I do want to I do want to mention this Isaiah is the second most quoted book in the New Testament second to Psalms okay and so it's the second most quoted book and so it's just one of those things that you just keep seeing Isaiah popping up over and over and over and over and over again so he's a very major prophet okay as far as you know his influence as far as what he preached and what was said so I want to get into and here's a list that I found that you know as far as the top ten it goes Psalms Isaiah Deuteronomy Genesis Exodus Leviticus so when you think about this right when it said the law the prophets and the Psalms right when he says he's expounding that well Psalms you obviously see why he's saying Psalms right it's the most quoted in the New Testament the most quoted then you have Isaiah which obviously be a prophet then you have the law literally everyone but numbers is in this top ten okay and you have Deuteronomy Genesis Exodus Leviticus and then Proverbs Zechariah and then Jeremiah Jeremiah is the largest book but it's kind of like lower on the list and then Hosea and then obviously there's other books that have mentions but they're just not as much okay now what I want to do for the rest of this sermon is not not gonna be that long here but it's just the fact that there's two things or I guess when you think of Isaiah it's almost it's seconds of being the most quoted but I want to look at the verses that are quoted repeatedly repeatedly I don't think that's how you say that the most quoted over again meaning that multiple times like a verse that's in Isaiah that's quoted more than once or the most times so go to Isaiah chapter 6 Isaiah chapter 6 this passage that I'm going to show you here is quoted in all four Gospels and the book of Acts okay and I think that's important like if you're thinking of about a book you know that's the second most quoted in the New Testament and then you look at okay a lot of those verses that are quoted it's just quoted once right it's quoted and then explains what it means right but if it's quoted five times right if it's referenced five times every gospel and acts literally the history of the of the New Testament this verse is mentioned okay so I think it's important and I'm gonna hit on that okay so in Isaiah 6 and verse 1 it says in the year that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple above it stood the seraphims each one had six wings and with twain he covered his face and with twain he covered his feet and with twain he did fly and one cried unto another and said holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory and the post of the door moved at the voice of him that cried and the house was filled with smoke then said I woe woe is me I for I am an undone because I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips for mine eyes have seen the King the Lord of hosts then flew one of the seraphims unto me having a live coal in his hand which had been taken with the tongs from off the altar and he laid it upon my mouth and said lo this had touched thy lips and thine iniquity is taken away and I sin purged also I heard a voice of the Lord saying whom shall I send and who will go for us then said I here am I send me now this is very popular passage with Baptist preaching I don't know how many of you how many here have heard a sermon on here am I send me whether it's whether it's you know a missionary sermon or something like that it's funny because it's always usually a missionary sermon right here am I I will go I don't know the rest of this song but there's a child in a puddle and they want you to feel bad about it okay and it honestly I can't stand those things you know when they do those missionary things and and I'm all for getting people saved in these poor countries but it's always this like little I'm expecting them to show a puppy later on and be like you need to donate two pennies to save this puppy but it's funny because they use that verse but it's completely out of context okay because I haven't read to you what he's sending him for okay it says here am I send me okay now we're gonna see why he wants to send him or what he's sending him to say that's what it says in verse 8 I'm sorry verse 9 and he said go and tell this people hear ye indeed but understand not and see indeed but proceed not make the heart of this people fat and make their ears heavy and shut their eyes lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and convert and be healed sounds a little different doesn't it and it's interesting to me that that's the most listen the second most quoted book in the Bible and this is the most quoted verse in a New Testament from Isaiah five times all four Gospels and the book of Acts but how often is that just completely misrepresented okay here am I send me to shut their eyes and basically you know close off their heart so that they don't get saved and you're like that it's not what it's saying okay let's go to the place where it quotes it you know how important this verse is to the New Testament I'm going to show you how important this is because when people think of the New Testament when they think of Jesus they usually think of all these parables he's saying and you ever asked this question why is he speaking all these parables why are these parables all over the place in the New Testament why is he just plainly saying all this stuff Isaiah 6 explains it and notice what it says in Matthew chapter 13 in verse 9 it says who hath ears to hear let him hear that is such an important phrase right there and you think you know he's just kind of beckoning you know the point is is that there are a lot of people's ears that are completely closed off they shut their ears and he's basically saying whoever has an ear to hear let him hear and that's because there are people that will not hear and he's making this point and it says in verse 10 and disciples came and said unto him why speakest thou unto them in parables is this a question that usually everybody I mean when I got saved and I started reading through the New Testament that's the question I had I'm like why in the world are all these parables in here right why is everything this proverb parable dark saying that's going on here and notice what it keeps reading here it says and he answered and said unto them because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it is not given that's an interesting phrase I mean when you're reading through just like what you know it's not given for them to hear this and then it goes on it says verse 12 for whosoever hath to him shall be given and he shall have more abundance but whosoever hath not from him shall be taken away even that he hath therefore speak I to them in parables because they seeing see not in hearing they hear not neither do they understand and in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah's which said now let's this is where it's quoting it by hearing you shall hear and shall not understand and seeing you shall see and shall not perceive for this people's heart is waxed gross and their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes have they closed or they have closed lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and I and should understand with their heart and should be converted and I should heal them most quoted verse of Isaiah in the Bible in the New Testament most quoted verse you know how that is crucial if you understand this right here and you're like the reprobate doctrine yes if you understand this you know how much this unlocks the New Testament for you that he's he doesn't he expounds it to his disciples he expounds it unto those that want to hear it but to those that won't hear it he's giving them dark sayings proverbs and parables and you know God sent him to do that God sent Isaiah and said hey do this make it to where they can't see because people want to say well you know God why would God ever do that you know you should stop asking the question why and just start asking the question you know why does it say that you know because it's just there it's just the way it is and you can't sometimes you just have to trust God and say this is the way it is and then you'll figure it out later and if you don't figure it out in this life when you're reading through the Bible then you're gonna figure it out one day when you're in heaven now go to Mark chapter 4 Mark chapter 4 so I want to show you all these places that it says it okay because we see here that they asked that clear question why speakest thou unto them in parables and that's his answer says it's because just like Isaiah said you know he sent he's like Isaiah says here am I send me and here's what you're supposed to say shut their eyes and make their heart fat to where they won't believe so they won't understand so God is sending this strong delusion if you will he's sending this blinding of them now obviously this isn't everyone okay we're dealing with the leaders we're dealing with those that have hardened their hearts and they're being rejected by God okay that's what you're dealing with here and Matt and Mark chapter 4 and verse 11 it says and he said unto them unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God but unto them that are without all these things are done in parables that seeing they may see and not perceive and hearing they may hear and not understand lest at any time they should be converted and their sins should be forgiven them so let's talk about being healed it's talking about your sins being forgiven you it's not just about like well I'm getting healed from a sickness or something like that it's talking about forgiveness of sins it's talking about salvation okay and go to Luke chapter 8 Luke chapter 8 Luke chapter 8 verse 9 Luke chapter 8 verse 9 it says in his disciples asked him saying what might this parable be and he said unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God but the others in parables that seeing they may not may not might not see in hearing they might not understand did he speak the parable so that they would understand no and you know what if he if you read through the Bible it could be perplexing right and this is where you have to decide are you a Calvinist or do you believe the reverberate doctrine it's really that simple right do you either believe that these people were born to where they can't see and understand or that they became that way because God ended up intervening and putting that darkness on them later on okay and obviously we're not Calvinists so we believe that God wants everybody to get saved but there comes a point where he can send a strong delusion and darken your eyes and that your back is bent backward all way you know like all the stuff that the Bible talks about when it comes to this but you know what I showed you all those and those are great right because those show you hey you know that's why I spoke in parables because he didn't want them to understand it's like the less they believe it's like I don't want to give them any information they might actually believe and that's seems strange right but when you understand that there's certain people that cross the line and God's done with them then that makes sense in John 12 good John 12 verse 37 this really shows you and explains it in detail exactly what he means by this because what you know the the straw man people usually give when it comes to the reprobate doctrine you're like well you're saying there's a sin they can commit to where they won't go to heaven I thought Jesus died for all sin no that's not what we're saying you know homosexuality is the unforgivable sin not what I said and it's this they don't believe they're damned okay and what this means is that they can not believe there are people that can not believe that's what it says in John 12 verse 37 now this is the minority group okay I want to put that out there okay when we're talking about this group here we're not talking with the majority we're talking a minority group and John 12 verse 37 says but though he had done so many miracles before them yet they believed not on him that's interesting because that's exactly what Pharaoh dealt with right when he hardened Pharaoh's heart and all these miracles and wonders that were done around him and just kept hard in his heart and it says in verse 38 that the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled which he spake Lord who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed now that what is that talking about that's Isaiah 53 that's the first verse of Isaiah 53 would anybody say that Isaiah 53 is talking about anything else other than the gospel and what you say well how do you know that's how do you know that's exactly what that's talking about because in Romans chapter 10 it says for Esaias said Lord who they have not all obeyed the gospel for Esaias saith Lord who have believed our report so what's the report talking about the gospel okay so we're talking about them not believing the gospel now keep reading there in verse 39 therefore they could not believe because that Esaias said again he has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted and I should heal them now just in case you don't think that's talking about Isaiah 6 verse 41 these things said Esaias when he saw his glory and spake of him it's like literally like this is where he saw the king the Lord of glory with the seraphims and all of that right so it's just very clear like I am talking about Isaiah chapter 6 that's what I'm talking about and it says they could not believe because that is it said again and it goes on to quote that passage and says these say it says in verse 42 nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him so notice that it's not every chief ruler it's not everybody that was high up Nicodemus I believe got saved that's just my personal belief I think he got saved and he was a Pharisee okay so it's not saying everybody obviously Paul got saved and he was he came up from Gamaliel and but but it says notices but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him lest they should be put out of the synagogue for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God so what it's stating here and this is a great passage to to show you that I think we were just talking about that people recanting Christ or you know what if someone recanted Christ listen just because you recanted because you're afraid of what's gonna happen to you in this life that doesn't mean you actually recant Christ in your heart okay or that you're an unbeliever okay what it's stating here is that they believed right now let me ask you a question do you believe the King James Bible when it says many believed on him or not that's the narrator speaking it didn't say they told people they believed right if the narrator speaking said many of the chief rulers also believed on him okay that means they believed on him that means they're saved guess who's ever believed than him should not perish but everlasting life but they loved the praises of men more than praises of God and they would not confess him before the Pharisees because they didn't want to be kicked out of the synagogue they don't want to be kicked out of the temple they wanted the praises of men more than that okay so it's like they believed but they didn't want to speak about it openly okay and that's what it's stating there now it acts it mentions it too but for sake of time I don't want to go there just because it's saying pretty much the same thing right and the fact that they can't hear and all that okay so but I just thought that was an interesting one you know when you're dealing with the most quoted book or the second most quoted book I'm sorry and the fact that a lot of those quotes are just mentioned once then explain mentioned once and explain but it's very interesting when it's mentioned like five times when something's mentioned that often you should probably pay attention especially when it's addressing the question of why there's parables in the Bible right because when you're reading through Matthew Mark Luke John right there's parables all over the place especially Matthew Mark and Luke right it's just parable after parable after parable after parable and you're just like why are there so many parables right and you know and and obviously when you're reading through the Bible a lot of times it's explaining it to you but they didn't get explained to them right does that make sense like we're not the Pharisees when we're reading this thing so God wants us to understand it we have the Holy Ghost so we can understand these parables but that's not why he spoke the parables he spoke the parables because he didn't want them to believe that's a hard saying that's a hard saying and you know what that's an interesting thing when it comes to Isaiah that his most mentioned verse in the Bible is about reprobates right about people being rejected by God and people want to tell me that the New Testament is just like all love right listen when God rejects somebody that's not love okay now God is love but to reject somebody and to give them over to a reprobate mind I don't know if anybody could ever say that's like that's an act of love that he's showing for that person now I believe is an act of love that he's showing for a lot of people because he suffers the vessel of wrath so that other people will get saved right like he did with Pharaoh okay but not for that person okay no love for that just as much as when he cast people in the hell you can't say that's loving okay that doesn't mean it's wrong okay God is righteous to do that now the other one that I want to show you is go to go to Isaiah chapter 56 Isaiah chapter 56 now this one is mentioned three times in the Bible so Matthew Mark and Luke so not quite all the four Gospels so we saw that you know the idea of reprobates or that reprobate doctrine and that's why it's kind of funny you know when because I didn't always believe the reprobate doctrine so I'm not here to be down on anybody if you know like you didn't know it or whatever listen I was saved for years and didn't know it but I was also perplexed reading through like why there's these parables how do you explain these verses where it says they could not believe and you know you're you're just kind of like I don't know how to answer that you know you have some kind of way of answering but it never just it does never seem to like make sense fully and so it just kind of unlocks that but Isaiah 56 I've lost my train of thought I forget I was gonna go somewhere with that but lost it must mean I should just go on okay Isaiah 56 and verse 6 here it says also the sons of the stranger that joined themselves to the Lord to serve him and to love the name of the Lord to be his servants everyone that keepeth the Sabbath from polluting it and taking hold of my covenant even them will I bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful and in my house of prayer their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar for my house shall be called and house of prayer for all people and you say why is this well first of all I'm just pointing out the ones that are mentioned the most okay I'm showing these are two the first one was Isaiah 6 that's quoted the most in the New Testament this is the second most quoted in the New Testament and it's talking about his house being called the house of prayer for all people and you know what you know what this hits dispensationalism Zionism okay it's funny because these are two things if you understand these doctrines here that God is not a respecter of persons and that he wants all people to be saved and that he doesn't prefer the Jews above the Gentiles if you understand that then you're gonna reject a lot of this false doctrine okay if you understand the recreate doctrine then Calvinism goes out the window okay all that stuff goes out the window and it's just interesting to me how the these are the verses that are mentioned the most in the New Testament and how if you just understood these verses you understood these verses how much doctrine you would understand and how much false doctrine you would get out of the way so let's look at the word it says it here in the New Testament Matthew chapter 21 Matthew chapter 21 Matthew chapter 21 and in Isaiah 56 notice that you're talking about a stranger coming into Israel that passage in Isaiah 56 is not saying this is what's going to happen in the future it's talking about in that day if a stranger comes and then they you know they they basically are keeping the Sabbath and they're they can do burnt offerings because his house in the Old Testament was to be called a house of prayer for all people anybody that wanted to join that covenant could simple as that it was not about the color of your skin it was not about who you were who was your father who was your mother it was about do you believe on God do you want to be a part of this covenant do you want to serve God and you can do it the great thing about the New Testament is that we don't have to have all those restrictions and you know the customary laws we don't have to go to Jerusalem for the feast like all these things are being broken down to where it's not about like a physical location it's not about this one city and all that and so there's a lot of good things about that in the New Testament but Matthew chapter 21 verse 12 here it says Jesus went into the temple of God and cast out all of all them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the money changers and the seats of them that sold doves and said unto them it is written my house shall be called the house of prayer but ye have made it a den of thieves now this hits maybe another bird on the stone but I don't think I've ever preached on this but like you know church bookstores you know like selling stuff in church okay and I tell you what we may take it to an extreme and we're like all right you know and we were talking about this because like someone had to like we're exchanging something as far as like two church members were like buying one thing off another and we'll go outside and do it I think that's a good principle to live by okay do I think that you know that God would hold us to that maybe not you know maybe because obviously that's getting a little nitpicky but again go to Mark chapter I think it's in Mark chapter 15 I want you to see this because I kind of I want to keep it that way because of how detailed it was with Jesus when he talked about this okay because we are not to be selling anything in this church okay that doesn't mean we don't buy things for the church okay but we are not selling things in this church okay if you need something in this church it's either given to you or it's not available I don't know you know but you need a Bible it's yours you need a hymnal it's yours if you need this stuff over here it's yours whatever you need it's not going to be sold okay we will just give it to you okay it's not gonna be sold and this is the principle why because we don't want to be a house of merchandise we don't want to be a den of thieves you say well they were selling stuff but it wasn't Bible stuff it wasn't like for the temple it was literally for the temple it was stuff for sacrifices doves and like you know oxen and all this stuff it was for the purpose of the temple that they were selling that stuff for like well I'm selling Bibles and stuff exactly that's like literally the New Testament equivalent to what they're doing there okay so we will not have a church bookstore if you need something literally if you need a Bible just tell me I'll order it right now and it'll be on its way all I am is on it to your door okay or whatever we get it from but we will never sell anything in this church when it comes to this in March chapter 11 here verse 15 it says and they came they they they come to Jerusalem and Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out then that sold and bought in the temple and ever through the tables of the money changers and the seats of them that sold doves and would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple knows that he would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple okay this is why I'm a little extreme on this you know we were we laugh about we were joking but we also want to be good about this right and I remember I was buying something I think it was from like brother Jeff's wife for my wife or something like that and it was just like some pad or I don't know what it was but I'm like I'll meet you in the parking lot but you know what I don't want anything being passed around even okay I'm gonna take it that far okay you're like you're being ridiculous now I just want God's house to be honored okay and you say well it's only during the church time because that's when it's really the house of God this is really just a building and you could use that argument and I'm not against you if you use that argument but I'd rather be on the safe side I'd rather be a little more extreme on it okay so and it keeps going there and it says in any taught saying unto them it is written is it not written my house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves and in Luke chapter 19 and verse 45 46 pretty much the same story right it says and he went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold therein and then that bought saying unto them it is written my house is the house of prayer but you have made it the den of thieves so three times is mentioning the same verse but it's interesting because if you understood this verse that this that his house shall be called a house of prayer for all people and for all nations right that's the gist of what you're getting but in that day I mean the Gentiles were just you know the scum of the earth and that they couldn't be a part of that or anything like that is this whole idea that in the Old Testament you know God didn't want any of them to get saved and that they just didn't have any hope of salvation and it can be further than from the truth good Isaiah 50 Isaiah 45 this is the last place I'm going to show you here it won't be done like I said I'm just kind of showing you the prophet Isaiah and the time would fail me to show all the great passages in this book that's why we're going through the whole book you know on Wednesday nights but I think it's just interesting on the ones that are quoted so many times in the New Testament that those are the probably the ones that you should be perked up about be like why is this one just keep being mentioned over and over again just as much as when any story in the New Testament is being mentioned over and over and over again you should be like that must be important it's just like the alabaster box you know like with the one where Mary does that and she gets rebuked for doing it like you should have given it to the poor he's like everywhere this gospel is preached this will be in there for memory making a point guess what it's there right and I think that that's an important thing to think about is the fact that this is being said over and over again there must be a reason Isaiah 45 verse 18 for that's that the Lord that created the heavens God himself that formed the earth and made it he had established it he created it not in vain he formed it to be inhabited I'm the Lord and there is none else I have not spoken in secret in a dark place of the earth I said not unto the seed of Jacob seek me seek ye me in vain I the Lord speak righteousness I declare things that are right assemble yourselves and come draw near together ye that are escaped of the nation's they have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image and pray unto a God that cannot say tell ye and bring them near notice who are we talking about we're talking about the nation's we're talking about bringing the nation's to God this is what Israel is supposed to be doing okay by the way this was their they're supposed to be their mission says tell ye and bring them near yea let them take counsel together who had declared this from from ancient time who had told it from that time have not I the Lord and there is none God else beside me a just God and the Savior there is none beside me look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth for I am God and there is none else so put that in your dispensational pipe and smoke it in the in Isaiah it's stating that his house shall be called a house of prayer for all people because anybody that wants to be a part and be a part of worshiping God and and being a part of that and being saved he wants them to be there so this idea that while in the New Testament he he you know he only wanted the Jews to get saved but now he wants the Gentiles to get saved now he always wanted everyone to get saved it's always been that way and I think Isaiah when you see that correlation of what's being quoted from Isaiah and how many times being quoted kind of shows you some priority on what you should be looking at okay and I think that would clear up a lot of doctrines for people if they would look at that so but that's Isaiah the Prophet like I said we're gonna be going through the prophets in these afternoons so Jeremiah that means I got some reading to do so this wakes up I don't answer my phone or if I then you know what I'm doing I'm reading Jeremiah okay obviously I've read Jeremiah before but I've got to study it a little more so but let's end with a word prayer then father we think today thank you for your word thing for the soul that was saved today and just think for the souls that were saved this past week and there's praise you to help us to know these prophets and just to put it in perspective so that we could have a better understanding when we're reading through them and well we just love you and just prayed to be with us throughout the rest this week in Jesus Christ's name Amen