(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Take your song books and turn to song number 23. Song number 23 in your song books will sing, There is Power in the Blood. And if you would stand, we'll sing song number 23. Would you be free from your burden of sin? There's power in the blood, power in the blood. Would you, O evil, of victory win? There's wonderful power in the blood. There is power, power, wonder-working power in the blood of the Lamb. There is power, power, wonder-working power in the precious blood of the Lamb. Would you be free from your passion and pride? There's power in the blood, power in the blood. Come for a cleansing to Calvary's tide. There's wonderful power in the blood. There is power, power, wonder-working power in the blood of the Lamb. There is power, power, wonder-working power in the precious blood of the Lamb. Would you be wider, much wider than snow? There's power in the blood, power in the blood. Since things are lost in its life-giving flow, there's wonderful power in the blood. There is power, power, wonder-working power in the blood of the Lamb. There is power, power, wonder-working power in the precious blood of the Lamb. Would you do service for Jesus your King? There's power in the blood, power in the blood. Would you live daily as praises to sing? There's wonderful power in the blood. There is power, power, wonder-working power in the blood of the Lamb. There is power, power, wonder-working power in the precious blood of the Lamb. All right, let's pray. Heavenly Father, Lord, again, we just want to thank you for this beautiful day you've given us to meet in your house and to hear your word preached. I pray, Lord, now that we would just honor and glorify your name with everything we say and do, be with our pastor, Lord, we love you. Of course, in Jesus' name we ask all, amen. All right, you may be seated and take your Mountain Baptist Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Song books, the blue folders. Your Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Song books, and turn in them to page number 9. We'll sing Psalm 139, and we will sing Psalm 139. Surely thou wilt slay the wicked. Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God. Depart from me, therefore ye bloody men. Depart from me, therefore ye bloody men. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? And am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? For they speak against thee wickedly. For they speak against thee wickedly. And thine enemies take thy name in vain. And thine enemies take thy name in vain. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? And am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? I hate them with perfect hatred. I hate them with perfect hatred. I count them mine enemies. I count them mine enemies. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? And am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? Amen. So that's our theme song for the month of June. So welcome to Mountain Baptist Church on this Sunday morning. A beautiful Sunday morning. Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there. And so we have, before I forget about it, we have Bass Pro Shop gift cards for every father this morning. And so make sure you get one of these. If it's your first time here, you get one. So if you have children, you're a father, then you get a Bass Pro Shop gift card. Brother Dave said he wanted a Bob Evans or Denny's or what? Denny's? There's things that are just, it's meat, you know, it's worthy. Yeah, I don't know. Anyway, so but but Happy Father's Day to everybody and to all the fathers out there and definitely a nice day for it. And then as far as the service time today, we have our normal service time. So we have our afternoon service at 4 p.m. We have our soul winning time at 1 p.m. So meet up here a little before 1 o'clock, get teamed up to go out soul winning. We have the regional soul winning times that are this week. So Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday. Now Saturday is going to be a little different because we're going out to Indianapolis. So I'm guessing, I'm guessing, Wade, you're not going to be in two places at once. So that regional time is turning into our Indianapolis soul winning time. So you can see on the upcoming events there, we have men's prayer meeting coming up at the end of the month. We have the women's prayer meeting the day after that. And then we have Pastor Anderson will be preaching for us on July 2nd. So that'll be both services. So that Sunday, July 2nd, Pastor Steven Anderson is going to be in preaching for us. And so, yeah, be in prayer. Obviously he's doing that road trip that he did last year. But instead of us being the last stop, we're the first stop. So we're the – he's flying out and then he's going to be driving, you know, from Pittsburgh down to here, down to Georgia. And then on he goes with his road trip there. So be in prayer for him obviously with safety and his travels and all that. But I'll be preaching out at Faithful Word. And so, yeah, so he'll be obviously in my place. I'll be in his place. We're trading spots. But – and then I think we don't have it on the list here. But we're – I think we're planning on tentatively to do the fireworks on the 7th. Is that Friday I think? So the 7th. So we kind of – I don't know how many years in a row we've done it. But at least out there it's been at least three, right? But we did it at the church building one time. And it was questionable on safety. No one got hurt. But we had a good time. We had no – it was like rocks. We're sticking these mortars on rocks. They're like tipping over. Anyway. But this is safe. All the fireworks are out like, you know, a good distance away and all that stuff. But, yeah, so we usually have like hot dogs, hamburgers and stuff like that. So that will be Friday the 7th. And we'll put out the address there for you. Most of – a lot of you have already been out there and all that. If anybody needs to know where it's at, then – barring it's not like we don't get rain from now until then. You know, and it's just dangerous to do it with that. But we've been getting rain recently. So it's – but if it was like last week, then no, we don't want to burn the forest down. So – but so that's coming up. We have the Soling Marathon this coming weekend in Indianapolis, Indiana. And so anybody from our church that's going to this, we're setting up lodging as far as hotel rooms and all that stuff. So as far as how you're getting out there with cars and who's rooming with who, you guys need to figure that out. So it's like picking the dodgeball team and be like you're rooming with – I don't want to play that game. So everybody figure out who they want a room with as far as like, you know, that goes. And so – and then Philadelphia Soling Marathon got rescheduled to the 15th of July. So Brother Charles is leading that Soling Marathon up. So be in prayer for that as well. And we have our – on the back of your bulletin there, we have our chapter memory for the month, Malachi Chapter 1. So we're memorizing the Book of Malachi starting in Chapter 1. And so join us on that journey there. And then Hebrews 12, 11 is our memory verse for the week. I know it's a longer one there. But now no chastening for the present seemed to be joyous but grievous. Nevertheless, afterward it yielded the peaceful fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby. And so that is our memory verse for the week. And then birthdays, we have Mara, Goldie, Matthew. Oh Matthew, you and your daughter on the same – got the same birthday? I didn't know that. Cool. I'm dyslexic. I can't read from the top down. I'm like all over the place. So I always have to make sure I'm not missing a – and obviously Anna is today. Or Emma I mean. Brooklyn? Okay. How old are you Brooklyn? Eleven. Eleven going on 13 kind of thing. Yeah. So we got to get Brooklyn. And Emma's birthday is actually today. So where is Emma? Oh there she is. So Emma turned – how old are you Emma? How old are you? Four. So Emma is four today. And then how old is – how old are you brother? Thirty-three. Thirty-three. You're still young. And then Mara, how old is Mara? She's one. Okay. And then Goldie won. So – and then that should be – yeah. Did we miss anybody else besides Brooklyn as far as birthdays? We don't want to miss anybody here. We want to make sure everybody is embarrassed and gets called out. But we'll sing happy birthday to all of these after we do another song. And then anniversaries and then pregnancies. So we have Tiara Alesko on the pregnancy list. We have Amanda Spina, Jennifer Simes, Alyssa Ford. And we're adding another one on there. Anastasia just told me that they found out they're having another baby. So be in prayer for her as well. And so be in prayer for all these ladies. Pray that everything goes well during the pregnancy, during delivery, all of that. And so that's a Father's Day announcement, right brother? Actually this time last year, I was out preaching in – at Stronghold. And Holly sent me that we were having Samuel. So that was definitely a Father's Day kind of announcement there. So I was actually just talking to Pastor Bergen about like what am I going to do if we have more children. Like we were talking about vehicles. And he drives a 15 passenger van. I'm like do I want to pull the trigger on that yet, you know, before I get to that point. And then I get that message. Anyway, so we don't have any message about having any more children at the moment, just so you know. So I think that's about all I have for announcements. And we have – and I think it's your last – we have a family that just moved down from Alaska. So what part of Alaska? Okay. I pretty much only know Juneau and Anchorage anyway. So just give me that kind of area there. So – and what was your last name? Braemer. What, Braemer? Braemer. Braemer. Okay, well welcome. And I think as far as that – the other announcements go, offering box in the back there. If you want to give a tie to the offering, mother baby rooms for the mothers and babies only. I think that's about all I have. Brother Joseph is going to be reading Hebrews chapter 12 after we sing the happy birthdays song, all that. All right, take your song books and turn to song number 55. Song number 55 in your song books. We'll sing when the roll is called up yonder. But before we do that, we need to sing happy birthday to a bunch of people. Let's see. So Brooklyn, Emma, Brother Matt, Mariah, Goldie. All right. Yeah, you know the drill. All right. Come on, Brooklyn. All right. We got Emma standing up. Awesome. Are we forgetting anybody? No? All right. You know what? Let me defend that. I've got to say Denny's gift cards. I'm telling you, okay? Listen, if you haven't been to Denny's – I almost went with the Denny's gift cards for the fathers. I'll tell you what. Tabby talked me out of it. What do you mean, yeah? What do you mean, yeah? Come on, man. Listen, you all need to go to Denny's and get a hamburger, okay? Anyway, anyway, it would have been a great idea. I'll do Bass Pro. Okay. We'll sing happy birthday to everyone. Ready? Here we go. Ready? Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday. God bless you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to everyone. Hope you all have a great birthday. And we will sing song 55. When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound And time shall be no more And the morning breaks eternal bright and fair When the saved of earth shall gather over On the other shores And the roll is called up yonder I'll be there When the roll is called up yonder When the roll is called up yonder When the roll is called up yonder When the roll is called up yonder I'll be there On that bright and cloudless morning When the dead in Christ shall rise And the glory of his resurrection share When his chosen ones shall gather To their home beyond the skies And the roll is called up yonder I'll be there When the roll is called up yonder When the roll is called up yonder When the roll is called up yonder When the roll is called up yonder I'll be there Let us labor for the master From the dawn till setting sun Let us talk of all his wondrous love and care Then when all of life is over And our work on earth is done And the roll is called up yonder I'll be there When the roll is called up yonder When the roll is called up yonder When the roll is called up yonder When the roll is called up yonder I'll be there Alright take your Bibles and turn to Hebrews chapter number 12 Hebrews chapter number 12 in your Bibles and we'll have brother Joseph read that for us Hebrews chapter 12 And again happy Father's Day And if you found your place there you'll say amen Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about With so great a cloud of witnesses Let us lay aside every weight And the sin which doth so easily beset us And let us run with patience The race that is set before us Look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith Who for the joy that was set before him Endured the cross, despising the shame And set down at the right hand of the throne of God For consider him that endureth such contradiction Of sinners against himself Lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds Ye have not yet resisted unto blood Striving against sin And ye have forgotten the exhortation Which speaketh unto you as unto children My son despise not thou the chastening of the Lord Nor faint when thou art rebuked of him For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth And scourges every son whom ye receiveth If ye endure chastening God dealeth with you as with sons For what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement Wherefore all are partakers Then ye are bastards and not sons Furthermore we have fathers of our flesh Which correcteth us And we gave them reverence Shall we not much rather be in subjection Unto the father of spirits and live? For they verily for a few days chasten us After their own pleasure But he for our prophet that we might be partakers of his holiness Now no chastening for the present Seemeth to be joyous but grievous Nevertheless afterward it yieldeth The peaceful fruit of righteousness Unto them which are exercised thereby Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down And the feeble knees And make straight paths for your feet Lest that which is lame be turned out of the way But let it rather be healed Follow peace with all men in holiness Which no man shall see the Lord Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God Lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you And thereby many be defiled Lest there be any fornicator or profane person As it saw Esau Who for one morsel meet sold his birthright For you know how that afterward when he would have inherited the blessing He was rejected For he found no place of repentance Though he sought it carefully with tears For you are not come unto the mount that might be touched And that burn with fire nor unto blackness and darkness and tempest And the sound of a trumpet and the voice of words Which voice they had heard and treated the word Should not be spoken to them anymore For they could not endure that which was commanded And if so much as a beast touched the mountain It shall be stoned or thrust through with a dart And so terrible was the sight that Moses said I exceedingly fear and quake But you are come unto Mount Zion And unto the city of the living God And heavily Jerusalem And to an innumerable company of angels To the general assembly and church of the firstborn Which are written in heaven And to God the judge of all And the spirits of just men made perfect And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant And to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things Than that of Abel See that ye refuse not him that speaketh For if they escape not who refused him That spake on earth much more shall that not we escape If we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven Whose voice then shook the earth But now he hath promised saying Yet once more I shake not the earth only but also heaven And this word yet once more signifies The removing of those things that are shaken As of things that are made And that those things which cannot be shaken may remain Wherefore we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved Let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably With reverence and godly fear For our God is a consuming fire Pray Lord Father thank you for this pure and holy word you have given to us Lord I thank you for the time we are able to gather again And the fathers that are here Lord I ask you to be in the past for all of us this morning In Jesus name Amen Amen So you're there in Hebrews chapter 12 And I am preaching a father's day type sermon And so the name of the sermon is The need of the father in the home The need of the father in the home And today in America and just in the world in general Fathers are demonized Masculinity is demonized And you can see the fruit of what happens when you do that When the fathers aren't in the home Or the fathers aren't taking up their role in the home They're not in their position of authority like they should be And the Bible talks about here in Hebrews It's interesting because it says in verse 5 there Of Hebrews 12 And yet forgotten the exhortation Which speaketh unto you as unto children My son despise not the chastening of the Lord Nor faint when thou art rebuked of him And it's interesting it just seems like everybody has just forgotten The idea of a father chastening their children And being in that position of authority And I want to hit on the chastening aspect Of why we need a father in the home And this isn't to say that the mothers don't chasten their children They don't spank their children or anything like that Because obviously the mothers are going to have to do that Because they're the ones that are going to be there Most of the time with the children But fathers need to be obviously on top of the discipline of children And what that will bring forth And the idea of what it will bring forth if you don't do it And so when you go to Hebrews 12 here in verse 5 It's basically stating you've forgotten the exhortation Which is going to go back to Proverbs 3 which we're going to go there But let's go ahead and read here in Hebrews 12 and verse 6 It says for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth So chastening is not because we hate our children It's actually because we love our children And there's a reasoning why we do it And actually the Bible here is going to explain the outcome As far as why we would chasten our children And chastening is not just spanking Although spanking is a part of that Especially when your children are younger But chastening is dealing with obviously disciplining your children So that they don't turn out to be horrible people And so that's essentially what we're trying to do And obviously that they get saved That they love the Lord But ultimately that they don't become like this entitled horrible person That thinks that the world owes them everything And isn't that just like reading the newspaper As far as what we're dealing with today Is a generation of people that thinks that the world owes them something Or that everybody owes them something And the Bible says not to owe man anything but to love one another And so this idea of being entitled to something Or that you're owed something by someone else Is a horrible attitude And it's just what our country is made up of right now And so verse 7 it says If you endure chastening God deals with you as with sons So what we're dealing with here is obviously he's gonna He's likening physical fathers with their sons To our heavenly father and us as children of God And this really shows you that we're children of God And if you're chastised then that's a good thing Because that means that you're a child of God That means that you're saved And whosoever is born of God The Bible says Whosoever believe that Jesus is the Christ is born of God As many as received him that them gave he power to become the sons of God Even to them that believe on his name So you're a child of God by faith And if you're a child of God then you're gonna receive chastisement And it says here in verse 7 It says if you endure chastening God deals with you as with sons For what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? Now you could say well that's talking about God the father But really this should be talking about any father You know what son is out there that the father doesn't chasten That should be what's said in America But instead that's actually the minority of children that are being raised today That the father is actually not chastising It's almost like this statement that should be just true across the board But yet it's like few and far between nowadays But it says in verse 8 it says But if ye be without chastisement whereof all are partakers Then are ye bastards and not sons And what's that term bastard mean? Now people obviously could probably think of people calling people that Derogatory kind of thing But the idea is a bastard is someone that is basically fatherless And the idea here is that He's basically stating that God isn't their father They're not a child of God So if you receive chastisement then you're a child of God God deals with you as with sons And obviously this applies to women as well or daughters It talks about sons and daughters and all that stuff As far as children of God But in general it's just kind of in generality It talks about sons and the sons of men All that stuff So this obviously would apply to women as well But if you don't receive chastisement Then you're not actually children of God Now don't go around and be like Well that person's not receiving chastisement They're not really saved It's like this whole fruit inspection type thing Listen this is something that only really you're going to know Because you could look at Job and judge him That he's in sin But then it's actually going through a trial And God's testing his faith But the same thing as if someone is maybe not getting chastised You don't know what's getting chastised You don't know what's happening to that person And so this is something internally though If you're out there just living in sin And you're receiving no chastisement from the Lord Then you might want to examine yourself whether you'd be in the faith But the idea here is that It's stating that all receive chastisement So and the reason that the Lord does it is because he loves us But it says in verse 9 It says, Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us And we gave them reverence So notice how it's talking about God the Father with the children of God But now he's giving an example of fathers of our flesh Meaning like your physical father And it says, Which corrected us and we gave them reverence Shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits and live? So this kind of rebuke is like Well if you listen to your physical father And you reverence your physical father Then how much more should you reverence The Heavenly Father who's correcting you And keep reading there It says in verse 10 For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure But he to our prophet that we might be partakers of his holiness So notice what it's stating there It's kind of like this idea of If you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children How much more should your Heavenly Father give you good things to them that ask him The idea there is that You being like a sinner You're not God Know how to give good things to your children How much more shall God But the same thing here is that If your earthly fathers That are chasing you just for their own pleasure Meaning this is that It's kind of like the idea that If I go to the store and my children are just like Acting up in the store I'm not going to discipline them right there in the store I'm going to take them out of the store and they're going to get disciplined But I'll say this Part of the reason is because The Bible says I should chase them But part of the reason is that they're embarrassing me In front of everybody in the store And that's just the flesh right Now obviously you say Well you as a father should never be Disciplining your children because They embarrassed you Or they're not doing Yeah I understand that But it doesn't change the fact That that's what happens And basically it's just showing you The difference between even the best Physical father that you have Is still at fault of doing it Basically because You're embarrassing them You're not listening to them And it's because It's like this It's not just so that they're profited It's because hey You're not listening to me You're getting spanked because of that reason Right Now obviously we should be doing it like God the father Who's doing it because it profits them Right And so it's just showing you kind of that Difference that even though Even though we should be doing it like God the father None of us measure up to God the father As fathers And obviously we need to recognize that But he's basically stating If you reverence them Right You reverence your physical fathers How much more should you reverence your heavenly father Who is doing it solely For the purpose of your profit Right There's no like fleshly reasons In there why he's chastening you It's literally so that you're profited That you turn out better Because he wants you to get on the right track And it's not just because He's just like you're getting this because you embarrassed me You know what I mean Whereas us as physical fathers You can definitely understand where that happens And stuff like that Where it's Obviously we can say it's for their profit And be like you're getting this for your profit But obviously internally you're like You embarrassed me in front of all these people You're making me look like an idiot You're getting spanked You know You can judge me But everybody in here is guilty of that As fathers When it comes to disciplining your children But It's not just me because the Bible is writing about it The Bible is stating that God is stating that that Fathers will chasten their children for their own pleasure Meaning that And it's not because they're masochists Where they just like people getting hurt It's because they You know their children are disobeying them They're not doing what they should be doing And they're angry about it And they're getting disciplined because of that I didn't write the Bible That's what it says It just happens to be true though And so the idea here Is that God the father He's not like that though Are there times where I'd say most of the time We're disciplining our children because They need it, I don't really want to discipline them You know what I mean You'd rather not but you know you should The Bible commands it And you're just like hey I need to do this for their own profit And all of that But there are those times where you're just like You're getting spanking And this isn't about the duty of me spanking you You need it, you're getting it And that's that So obviously when it comes to spanking And when it comes to disciplining We're not talking about You know doing harm to your child Or physical abuse to your child Listen And this isn't a whole sermon on On spanking But here's the thing though When it comes to spanking It should never be an abusive thing Where there's like Blood involved It should always be on the bottom You know it should never be Like you slapping them in the face Or punching them or doing things like that It should always be a spanking On the rear end Or you know if you have little children If children are maybe not at the age Where you're necessarily going to be spanking them But you kind of slap their hand You know what I mean Going for the socket you slap their hand So they realize oh okay I shouldn't be touching that And so When it comes to this You don't want to spank too far with it But you also don't want to not do it So you have the two extremes where people are like I don't spank my children at all It's like well let's see Well America is a testament to those that don't spank their children But then you have other people That are taking it too far To the point where their children Are afraid to even Speak to their fathers Or to their parents because they're afraid of The beating they're going to get That's not what the Bible teaches It shouldn't be this There should be a godly fear Of your father but not this Like I'm afraid to even speak Or do anything around just in case He flies off the handle And all that That's not right And listen the world is going to Peg us because we spank our children They're going to say you're abusive But the Bible actually teaches the opposite That you're actually abusive to your children if you don't spank them You actually don't love your children If you don't spank them And notice what it says here though In verse 10 I'm just going to go into the next verse With verse 10 there it says For they rarely for a few days Chastened us after their own pleasure But heed to our prophet That we might be partakers of his holiness So that's the reasoning That should be the reason that we're spanking our children Obviously but it says in verse 11 Now no chastening for the present Seemeth to be joyous But grievous So listen parents I understand that Most of the time I don't want to spank I don't want to discipline I'd rather just get along And go through life and not have to deal with that Right And at the beginning it seems to be joyous It's just like you give them what they want But that's You know listen Children are Essentially just like Unsatiable when it comes to that Meaning that you give You're like you give in to them They know that's the line now And then the next thing you're like you give in to that Well there's the line, the line keeps moving further and further And now it's out of control You need to nip it in the bud Okay when it comes to that type of stuff If they're like throwing a fit Listen there's times where If they would have just asked nicely If you know they asked me for something And I say no not right now If they would have just kind of like Asked me again nicely I've been like you know what that's fine But then they throw a fit and be like Well you're definitely not getting it now You're not getting it today You might have gotten it for lunch But you're not getting it now You might have gotten it for dinner But you're not getting it now the whole day And when it comes to that I always tell my children I'm like I will win this battle I will win Make no mistake about it And when it comes to this There needs to be lines that are drawn To where they know okay next time they do that They'll be like we can't go that route That doesn't work But if you give in you know what they're gonna do Well daddy gave in last time I'll do it again See if he'll give in And if you keep giving in It's like well then they're never gonna Listen when it comes to that Now So it seemed to be joyous You know basically at the beginning But then it's really grievous because nevertheless Afterward it yields the peaceable Fruit of righteousness Unto them which are exercised thereby This is the ultimate end game of chastening Is that it'll yield The peaceable fruit of righteousness Meaning this is that the fruit of righteousness Or just you know Obviously the product of doing right And so Ultimately what we want The chastening to do is for our children To do what they should be doing And that there's gonna be fruit For that righteousness And that your children aren't gonna bring you to shame They're not gonna be you know Some wicked person when they grow up That you know what you can raise them To get saved, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ And then to love the Lord And that's our ultimate end game When it comes to chastening It's not because I want to It's because this is what it'll produce And Go to Proverbs chapter 3 and verse 1 Proverbs chapter 3 and verse 1 because this is actually What it's Hebrews 12 is Looking back to And actually quotes a portion of it But anytime The New Testament is quoting Or looking back to a passage It's always a good idea to look back at that passage Cause a lot of times in the New Testament It'll just give you a little excerpt of it You know, as it is written And it'll give you a little excerpt But it's not gonna just repeat the whole chapter The whole portion It's kinda like a little tool To pull you back and be like, hey read this portion This is what I'm talking about You know, this is the subject And so in Proverbs chapter 3 and verse 1 It says My son, forget not my law But let thine heart keep my commandment So if you know about Proverbs Obviously Solomon's the one writing the Proverbs It's under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost So you can definitely see how It's the Holy Ghost speaking to children of God But this is You know, you can also look at this as a physical father Writing this to his physical son And saying To not forget his law And to keep his commandments And you can think about this in the fact that There's obviously commandments to the Bible And that's what supersedes everything But then there's commandments that maybe I give my children as a father That aren't necessarily black and white in the Bible But hey, I'm your father You need to do what I tell you to do And you need to keep What your father says And be like, well what if he tells me to go Get him, you know, some alcohol Or he tells me to go do this or that Listen, you can keep bringing up These extreme examples of obvious things That you shouldn't sin, right What if my dad tells me to go murder somebody It's like, alright well Stop talking about things that are ridiculous If your father's the boss of the mafia Then you have bigger problems But let's just say for a second That your father isn't telling you to go out and murder And to steal and to like Do all these crazy things Your father's telling you to clean up your room Right That's not in the Bible But that is a commandment that he's telling you to do And so you need to obey your father And keep his law And obviously If it's in the Bible then definitely You need to keep that, but here's the thing You need to keep the commandments of your father And obviously if it goes against the Bible No But people always bring up these extreme examples And that's not what they're dealing with Same thing with wives obeying their husbands They're just like, well what if he tells me to go do this It's like, well he didn't though He told you to buy this At the store instead of this He's not telling you to do something sinful And they always pull out that to try to just negate The whole commandment Like let's just negate the whole commandment Because there's obviously things that God's laws supersede Obviously there's a power structure of God Husband, wife, children And You know, obviously if God's above all of that But Proverbs chapter 3 And verse 2 there says For length of days and long life and peace shall they add to thee And this goes into obeying Honor thy father and thy mother Which is the first commandment with promise And it talks about And I have these verses later on But the idea here is that You'll have blessings if you keep The commandments of your father If you do what your father tells you to do Let not mercy and truth forsake thee Bind them about thy neck Write them upon the table of thine heart So shalt thou find favor And good understanding in the sight of God and man Trust in the Lord with all thine heart And lean not unto thine own understanding In all thy ways acknowledge him And he shall direct thy paths Be not wise in thine own eyes Fear the Lord and depart from evil It shall be health to thy navel And marrow to thy bones Honor the Lord with thy substance And with the firstfruits of all thine increase So shall thy barns be filled with plenty And thy presses shall burst out with new wine My son despised not the chastening of the Lord Neither be weary of his correction For he loveth, he correcteth Even as a father the son in whom he delighted The father that corrects his son Does it seem like the father hates his son? Actually it says that he delights in his son If he's doing that Children end up hating their parents because they don't actually discipline them Because inherently when you don't discipline your children It tells your children that you don't care about them That you're not giving them any attention You don't care whether they live or die You don't care whether they're good or bad You just don't care And they may Obviously they're not going to like the spanking They're not liking the discipline But you know what? They know that you care They know that you're taking the time To actually look into what they're doing And whether they're actually doing right or wrong And you're actually taking initiative To care about how they turn out And inside On the outside they don't like it But on the inside You know what they see? They see a father that actually cares about them That actually delights in them That actually loves them There's actually been kids I mean it's just sad I've been on bus routes Churches where you'd have bus routes And kids would literally ask the pastor If he would spank them And obviously the pastor wouldn't Because obviously I'm not spanking anybody's children but my own Okay? That's not my authority To discipline anybody else's children So I'm not spanking anybody else's children I don't care if you ask me to I'm not doing it Okay? But You can see the heart of the child though Because the child's going home to parents That don't give a rip But This pastor cares And telling them hey And they see that they're Spanking their children That they're disciplining their children That they care about what their children are going to turn out like That they actually are paying attention to their children And these other kids are like I want that Even though it's discipline It doesn't even make sense to your mind You're just like what? Wouldn't a kid just be like no I want to run rough shot Off my parents and I don't want that But ultimately you know what they want They want their parents to care about them And care about You know what they're going to turn out like And if that takes discipline It takes discipline Go to Proverbs chapter 13 and I'm just going to give you A little tour de force through Proverbs here On verses about discipline But you know what? This is what needs to be Done in the home and the father needs To be the leader on it Listen obviously the wife needs to Follow suit with discipline But you know who makes the rules About discipline? The father The father is the one that makes the rules He's the boss He's the one that is saying this is how we're going to do it And listen Disciplining your children is something That is by experience In a lot of cases All your children are going to be different If you have multiple children your children are different They have different personalities And they lose their mind and you have to comfort them for an hour The other child is like This iron will that will not break And you're dealing with How do I deal with this one When this one over here I barely even look at And they cry So there's differences And it takes experience, it takes all that stuff That goes along with discipline Not every child Some of my children I don't spank much And some have to be spanked more And different ages Everybody talks about the terrible twos But there's the terrible threes and fours For some reason, two is awesome And then they get into three and four And they turn into some little hellion And you're like what happens And so that whole rule of terrible twos And I don't know what the other Cute names for these things are But It just kind of seems like I don't even listen to that It's different for every child And the ages are different This one used to be so sweet And now they're like They're angry and like what's going on Anyway And Let me say this when it comes to Spanking and when it comes to discipline Is don't give up on it There's been times where I'm just like this isn't Working Just being candid Like there'd be a certain child who'd be like It just does not seem To be working And Holly and I would look at each other and just be like She'll ask me like what do we do I'm like well we're not going to stop We'll give up on this one You know We're just going to keep doing what we're doing And a lot of times what we'll try to implement Is other things on top of that right You know where Maybe there's Because sometimes children are very emotional And they just need a little extra attention You don't take away the spanking But you give maybe a little extra attention Where it's needed And some children Really need a lot of attention They're very clingy and Especially if you have a lot of children You know they don't get as much attention because of that So it's a learning experience when it comes to that But here's the thing Keep at it In the end it works And it takes faith You know because there's times where you're just like This doesn't seem to be doing the job Right this is like What's going to happen? Is it going to get worse? You know like all this No you just keep doing what you're doing My general rule when it comes to spanking Is One spanking Per year of life Now obviously We don't start spanking our children until around Two Because I don't spank my infant You know or like I have a one year old And then I'm spanking them once Now you know when it comes to Like 18 months, 2 years Stuff like that You know there's differences on that But generally speaking You know Emma turned 4 So I told her I was like you get an extra spanking When you get spanked just so you know Happy birthday But generally speaking You're like what happens when they're 18 Well hopefully we're past the spanking portion By that point Hopefully now we're turning from fear Of keeping the commandments and like love Of keeping the commandments. That should be the turning point Hopefully the spanking Start deteriorating as they get Older and I Can't speak from experience because my children Are you know like Eight down kind of thing you know I don't have teenagers So I'll give you a ring I'll have another sermon once mine Turned into teenagers and then I'll let you know But I have a feeling That there's going to be all kinds of experiences I'm going to have to get into with that Learning experiences, learning curves, all that But here's the thing, as a father That's what we need to be doing and this is why America in particular Is going down the drain Because fathers are not Doing this And children are being raised without Any correction And when they get out into the real world They just think everything should be handed to them Everything was handed to them When they were children They wanted something, you know what they did? They cried about it until they got it Now in the workforce What are people doing? They're crying about it until they Get it They're crying that they don't get enough PTO, they don't get enough Mental health time or something like that Safe spaces, all these different things Like suck it up and go to work And stop crying about Whatever's going on in your life What happened to going to work And leaving your personal stuff at home Now it's like Personal stuff has to be in Work And you have to not only Not only is it there, but the employer has to Acknowledge it and compensate it It's just Insanity And the way that we're going to fix This is that fathers need to start doing Their role Happy Father's Day You know what, fathers We need to do our job And I'm not Obviously saying that anybody in here is not doing their job I'm just saying like this is a reminder Hey, we need to do our job And our job is to Raise our children and to discipline Our children is a big part of that In Proverbs chapter 13 verse 24 It says He that spareth his rod Hated his son That he that loveth him chasteneth Him betimeth The world says this verse Spare the rod spoil the child That's the phrase That's out there right Is that what you read No, if you spare the rod you hate your child Now it is true That you spoil the child If you spare the rod It's not like that statement is untrue But you see how it loses a little bit of it's teeth Because I've heard people say listen I'm not going to make my children, I love them too much Who here has heard that I mean I've heard that As the day is long That I love my children too much to Spank them It's funny how the world is always opposite Of what the bible says isn't it No, the bible says That you actually hate your child If you spare the rod But if you love them, you're chasing the betimes You know what betimes means? Early You don't wait until they're a teenager And they're in rebellion mode to start spanking them You start this early So that when you get to that point There's a precedent That's been set On discipline And I'm not saying it's not going to be hard when you have teenagers But don't be like, Pastor Robinson told me that if I spank them They're going to be angels, that's not what I said The whole point that we're spanking them is because they're not angels Okay Foolishness is bound in the heart of the child But you know It talks about the rod of reproof driving it far from them Actually I just That was the verse I was going to go to Well we got it already No In Proverbs chapter 19 and verse 18 Proverbs 19 and verse 18 It says So just follow along These are in order Chasing thy son While there is hope And let not thy soul spare for his crying Notice that the betimes Meaning early And you chasten them while there's hope Because there comes a point if you wait too long There's not going to be hope in that chastening You've already kind of missed the mark on it And It says spare not for his crying Because Listen there's times where my children are crying They don't want to get spanked They're getting it anyway Now there are times where I show mercy You know our Heavenly Father shows mercy And so there's times Where I'll state You deserve the spanking But I'm going to give you a lesson on mercy That you deserve it But you're not going to get it this time And there will be lessons within that To say hey You know that their dad Can have mercy when it comes to that Now that's the exception not the rule Okay Well you're getting mercy this time And then at that point there's like no discipline happening Okay But notice what it says I kind of quoted this And probably messed it up here But in Proverbs 22 and verse 15 Let's make sure we got it right here I think it's a rod of correction not a rod of reproof So Proverbs 22 and verse 15 it says Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child But the rod of correction shall drive it far from him Go to Proverbs 23 Proverbs 23 I always remember if you're like Well how do you remember Where these verses are at I always remember Proverbs 13 24 and Proverbs 23 14 and I don't know why That just sticks in my mind but those numbers Just kind of I always remember those two passages As far as like where are those verses on correction That you could just like look it up on Esau Or something like that But you don't have You know you may not remember how the verse goes But those always remind me of where these These passages are Proverbs 23 and verse 13 Withhold not correction from the child For if thou beatest him with the rod He shall not die Thou shalt beat him with the rod And shalt deliver his soul from hell Now obviously Spanking your child is not how they get saved It's not like While I chase them therefore they're going to heaven The idea is that they're going to end up Receiving the gospel Because they have the fear of their parent Which is going to translate to the fear of the Lord Which is the beginning of understanding And knowledge and wisdom To where they're going to fear the Lord And give him the glory for what he did When he died on the cross for your sins And so you want your child to get saved Then you need to discipline them And I'm not saying that an undisciplined child Can't get saved But what we're talking about here is Do you want it to make the best Possibility that your child gets saved Then you need to discipline them You need to chase them And listen, me personally I use, you know I use a wooden spoon So And it's kind of like a rod Something to spank with When it comes to spanking So I'm kind of just giving you some general tips here And the big thing with this is that You want it to inflict pain But you don't want it to injure or maim Okay And so When it comes to this One of those things that it's kind of like if you Flick someone with a rubber band Right To where that actually hurts a lot more Than if you were to like slap them, right Maybe not in the face But like either way Like there's something about that snap of like A rod or like a wooden spoon Or something like that And you know Obviously, you know That's going to inflict some kind of pain To where like I don't want that You're not blaming them, you're not like hurting them To where they have like Physical things going on there But it says Thou shalt beat him with the rod You know Listen When people are just like oh you know You spank your children The Bible says thou shalt beat That's what the Bible says And listen if people have a problem with spanking They have a problem with God They have a problem with his commandments In Proverbs 29 verse 15 You can turn it however you want It says the rod and reproof give wisdom But the child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame So when it comes to Discipline and chastening Listen the father needs to be The leader of this The father needs to be the one That is taking charge of this And obviously the mother may be the one implementing this more than the father Just because By definition If you have a stay at home mom And you're at work all day As the father I can't spank my children when I'm in the office They're not there But obviously There is a difference though Between the discipline of a father And the mother And it's not the amount of force Because I probably I don't know Because it's kind of hard to tell But I might actually spank It's not as hard as my wife does You know what the difference is? They know That I can spank harder It's the idea, the fear of like Knowing, they know I'm stronger than Than my wife They know I'm a lot stronger than my wife They know that I can pick up my wife And carry her around the house if I wanted to So they've seen like me do things With my strength That they know like Okay, I know that he doesn't spank me With all the strength But he could They also, one thing that my children said One time to my wife Because listen, children act different When they're just with mom When they're with me And her, or when they're just with me Okay When they're just with me Like Holly Holly, I don't want to say she's Envious, but I'm not happy at the fact of the difference In how they act when they're around me And when they're with her But the difference of me being there In the morning, let's say I'm there in the morning I'm up and then they get up The calm, like solitude Like the dullfulness of like the whole atmosphere Compared to when mom is awake And I'm not there And the emotions And the drama And everything that's going on there, right And one time my wife asks them Don't you act like this when daddy's home And their response was Is that my voice is scarier And you know what Whatever that's worth to you Okay It's, you know There is a difference between men and women There's a difference between a father and a mother And both are needed and both do things that Listen, I can't do things that my wife Does, that the mother does This is not a Mother's Day sermon, but at the same time There are things that my Well my mother would do, that my father would But there are things that my wife You know, can supply to my children That I just can't Okay, there's that motherly, feminine Aspect that my children need But you know what There's that manly, masculine aspect That my children need And There's a sense of security That's there with the father in the home There's the sense of protection Obviously that goes along with that But there's just the idea that That healthy fear Or reverence That leads to the fear of the Lord Okay And you know That just has to be there If you're gonna have some If you want your children to turn out Now listen, the authority structure Go to Ephesians chapter 5 The authority structure In families today Is all messed up That's the The fancy theological way of saying it It's all messed up Now let me exegete this passage for you here In chapter 5 The idea here Is that Husbands need to be the leaders The husbands, dare I say Are the dictators Of the home Benevolent dictators And what's benevolent mean? Loving Obviously But we are the boss We're the ones that are in charge My children know this To a fault that they come to me Asking for something and mama does not give it to them Because they know I can override it Now sometimes I have overridden it And not because in spite of my wife But she just didn't know that maybe I already told That maybe we were going to do this Or something like that and be like no we're going to do this You know what I mean? But in the end I can override anything You know when it comes to what's going on Because I'm the leader Now Ephesians chapter 5 verse 22 Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands As unto the Lord For the husband is the head of the wife Even as Christ is the head of the church And he is the savior of the body Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ So let the wives be to their own husbands in everything Husbands love your wives Even as Christ also loved the church And gave himself for it So here's a problem I believe in the home And it deals with the power of struggle Between husband and wife And the husband needs to be the ultimate leader Now let me say this I just watched this documentary on the Duggars Okay And there's things in there that just make you cringe And then there's things that obviously these Blue haired like red haired People that are like Speaking against the Duggars That are off base as well So you're like dealing with two extremes here I'm like I don't agree with you and I don't agree with this And all this other stuff People take things too far Okay when it comes to how they do things I don't spank my wife Okay there I said it As controversial as that is Okay Okay I watched this documentary They're talking about like They're putting their wife in the corner And like Applying discipline I'm like am I in the twilight zone Like what's going on here And listen if you're out there in the audience And you're out there in the congregation and you're like I'm guilty of this Then I'm just telling you where I'm at here The Bible doesn't tell you To discipline your wife like children Your wife is not your child Okay she's your spouse She is one flesh with you Okay there is a difference You do have authority over your wife But they're not your child So let's just leave it at that I don't spank my wife I don't put her in timeout And So there is a difference But here's the problem though Is that people see that and they're just like See they're treating their wife like a child Therefore The husband shouldn't have authority in the home It's like throwing the baby out with the bathwater aren't you And the problem is that they're not going through the Bible Listen The IBLP or whatever that was Or whatever that organization is Chapter and verse on that Where you should put your wife in timeout Where you should spank your wife Or whatever But the Bible says that The wife is the being subject under the husband In all things And that you are the head of your wife But also that you should love your wife And that you should give your life for your wife As Christ did for the church Okay And listen with this responsibility When it comes to this responsibility fathers Listen It all comes back on you if it falls apart You're like Oh you like that power trip don't you I mean Listen I'm a man so obviously You know I'm made To be like yes I'm in charge Okay That's just how we're made There is a difference between men and women I don't want to be dictated to by a woman But The idea here is that With that responsibility Listen the Bible says Not being many masters We shall receive the greater condemnation Cause listen If my wife goes by the wayside It's my fault If my children go by the wayside It's my fault And You need to take responsibility Whether it's good or bad So if my wife Serves the Lord and my children serve the Lord Guess what It was based off of leadership That was there Does that mean I'm the only Of course not The Lord, my wife All these different things are factors in there But ultimately I can take Pleasure in the fact that hey I did okay I tried my best And it looked like it turned out alright Okay So there's many verses on this Children you need to obey your parents in the Lord The Bible says in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 Children obey your parents in the Lord For this is right It says ye fathers provoke not your children to wrath But bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord In Colossians it says Fathers provoke not your children to anger Lest they be discouraged And you know what we need to bring our children Up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord fathers And you know this is something That's missing in the home in America This is what's missing in the home In the world And you know what on this father's day we need to be Thinking about what's the need Of the father in the home They're in homes where fathers are there But they're not actually doing their job And Woe unto those fathers that are just Missing the boat on this But listen I'll say this Is that how many homes don't have a father Because of divorce And like things that are going on Because of that And listen Children can turn out right without a father in the home Children can turn out right Without the mother in the home But the point Is that we want to give our children the best Chance possible right Would my children turn out right if I put them In public school I think they could Are you preaching For public school No not at all But here's the thing Though I believe my children have a better chance Of turning out right being homeschooled And that's why I homeschool my children Okay So I'm not saying like hey You know if you don't have a father In the home then you're done You might as well just pack your bags You're on the highway to hell Like it's not going to work out good for you No obviously you can get saved You can serve the lord and all that But it's going to be harder for you to do that It's going to be a harder road Than if you have that nice structure Of the father, the mother And bringing up in the nursing and admonition of the lord You don't have all these wolves coming at you From like public school And the different things So it's not that it can't be done It's the fact that our job Is to try to make this as easy as possible And make basically There's no room for error As much as possible They're like hey It's just going to happen my children are going to serve the lord My children are going to get saved And I'm going to do everything in my ability So that that happens Now go to Isaiah chapter 3 This is a downfall And this is what I see happens When you don't have fathers Good strong fathers in the home That are leading their children Because Fathers in the home not leading their children That translates to what happens in a nation You see these boycotts and everything that are going on right now Where these companies are losing billions of dollars You know why that's happening Because families have decided it's enough You're coming after their children And they're like you know what I'm done with you That's where change is going to happen It's not going to be from Ted Cruz That's for sure It's not going to be from these politicians It's not going to be from Steven Crowder It's not going to be from Ben Shapiro It's not going to be from Candace Owens Who else is on the Daily Wire And listen there are people out there that have conservative views on certain things And I would agree with them on this and on that or whatever But listen that's not where The change is going to happen where you're going to turn this country around It's going to start in the house of God It's going to start with families in the house of God That say you know what we're going to serve the lord As for me in my house We will serve the lord It needs to start there So then that translates out to Okay I'm not going to let my children do this I'm not going to let them be exposed to this And we're not going to You know buy this stuff over here We're not going to do this over here So the way the company is like okay we want to make money Then we actually have to bend the knee To what the consumer actually wants And when it comes to that type of stuff You know listen I understand this That there's nothing that you buy that's pure When it comes to the source But I'm also all about boycotting these big companies And just letting them suffer and falter And go down the tube Buy local stuff This isn't a plug for local shops but Buy local meat, buy local everything And support your local guys And you know what it may cost a little more But you know what Big companies need to be taught a lesson Of who actually pays their bills But go to Isaiah chapter 3 Isaiah chapter 3 And verse 1 And just so you know If you go to Target and you buy something at Target I don't think that you're in sin I'm not like coming at you like what are you doing? You went to Target You're like well you gave us a gift card We did actually So Actually pastor it's kind of your fault It's actually brother Dave's fault You see that like an authority structure passing the buck This woman that thou has given me Gave me of this fruit This deacon He wanted Denny's you know so Isaiah 3 and verse 1 it says this It says for behold the Lord The Lord of hosts to take away from Jerusalem and from Judah The stay and the staff The whole stay of bread and the whole staff of water The mighty man The man of war The judge and the prophet And the prudent and the ancient The captain of fifty and the honorable man And the counselor and the cunning artificer And the eloquent orator And I will give children to be their princes And babes shall rule over them And the people shall be oppressed Everyone by another And everyone by his neighbor The child shall behave himself proudly Against the ancient And the base against the honorable You thought I was reading the newspaper here Like the New York Times didn't you That's literally what's happening We literally have lost all the men In this country that have any backbone That have any wisdom That now we just have a bunch of Morons and idiots that are running our country We have a literal vegetable As our president He doesn't know where he's at That's where we're at today And we have a bunch of wicked people That are in rule right now That don't know the right hand from their left And we have children that are ruling Listen you know what's going on Is that it's not even the wives that are ruling It's not even the mothers that are ruling in the house It's the children That are ruling in the house Today children are saying I think I'm a mermaid And the parents are like You must be a mermaid My daughter just had a mermaid Birthday party okay But she realizes that it's It's not real And she's four Okay she realizes it's pretend And that it's just for fun And all that right I can see all the people be like You had a mermaid party how dare you How dare you Listen you do what you want But until it says thou shall not have a mermaid party You can judge me on that But here's the thing you know what my daughter That's four realizes that mermaids Aren't real and that she's not one But if she did Come up to me and say Daddy I think I'm a mermaid I need to go swim in the ocean And live in the ocean under the sea You know what parents are doing these days They're just like going on a boat And be like get in there I guess You know that's what you said you are Time to have the reconstructive surgery That's literally what's going on today Not only that But you have states like California That are putting it in law That the parent can't say anything against Whether their children has this These surgeries that are life altering That are never changing I mean Fact is stranger than fiction these days These articles come out I'm looking for the Babylon Bee symbol And it's not there You think it's a parody But listen the parodies aren't even that extreme But the children are the ones that are Ruling the roost if you will Go to verse 8 there in Isaiah 3 I have other things But just so you know I'm not getting to it This is one of those sermons where it's just going to be what it is But This is kind of the main thing I wanted to get to Is that the consequence of Not having fathers in the home that are leading That are disciplining That are that authority structure This is the judgment of God that's coming on our country And this one The blue haired feminist The light on fire In verse 8 here it says For the reward of his hand shall be given him As for my people Children are their oppressors And women rule over them O my people they which lead thee Cause thee to err And destroy the way of thy paths Did God just say That it was a curse For women to rule over A country I think that's what it said When people were just like Oh it's the first woman It's the conservative You know what that tells me You know it's like a senator Or something like that Or it's a congresswoman Or whatever I'm like where's the husband at I mean you might as well just tell me Joyce Meyer Has just won election Cause I always want to be like Where is this husband at When the woman's up there preaching behind the pulpit The Bible says I suffer not a woman to teach But authority over the man And listen you may not like that Or the world doesn't like that But that's the Bible Adam was first formed then Eve And the woman being deceived Was in a transgression And there is a difference Between men and women When it comes to leadership When it comes to ruling That is for the men And you're like I can't believe you'd say that It's so archaic Or a fish or a dog or a cat nowadays So if you think I'm going out to the world To figure out how things should be done Think again People don't even know that there's only two genders But I'm going to go out to them and be like Who should rule the roost I mean they don't even know what they are Everything's fluid to them Yeah because they're unstable as water That's why They shall not excel And their folly is being manifest now Because they're so dumb And stupid and moronic And what they're saying that there's no Sense to it that people are just like There's no standard There's no rule Like even if you wanted to try to placate These people you would fail Because it's so malleable And moveable That anything you'd say they'd be like You're a bigot because you said this You told me to say well it's different now I know that's what we said yesterday But today that's actually the opposite And so at this point People are just like throwing up their hand And be like you know what nuts to it all And praise the Lord for that Because it's gotten so idiotic that people are just like you know what I can't even follow what you're saying anymore You ever listen to a child talk about something That's just incoherent And you're just like I have no idea what you're talking about Like they say something and you're just like Go play with your sisters I don't know So But that's what we're dealing with today We have a president that can't get one sentence out That's even coherent You have the vice president that Literally I can't listen to her speak without a face palm And then I mean that's our leadership in America right now It's a joke Our country is a joke right now The leadership is a joke right now And the reason it's a joke is because Men weren't being the fathers That they should be to those children And this is the fruit of it The father of Kamala Harris Or Kamala or Or whatever her name is Her father was not a good father to her You know what Her mother or her mother whoever raised her Raised a whore and raised someone That is now an idiot that's in an Office right now You're like I can't believe you'd say that Facts You know what I wish that she had a good And that she would have been raised as a godly woman That has intelligence And that would have been raising her family Or just being a godly woman in general That's what I wish would have happened with her Joe Biden's you know I'm picking on the president And the vice president but we're dealing with Jokes of leadership right now That where was his father To raise him up to be A godly young man With some intelligence and integrity We're raising the next generation my friends And we need to make sure we're doing a good job at it And don't look down listen don't look out In the world and be like well we're doing better Than they are it doesn't take much You know the Bible says not comparing Ourselves among ourselves Because it's not wise Definitely don't look out in the world and be like Well at least I'm not trying to turn my daughter Into a mermaid If that's your standard on being a parent Then you don't really have A standard right I mean the The insanity is so high right now The only place you should look And the only place you should ever look Anyway is the Bible for your standard I don't care if the world was raising their children Well I'm still not going to look at that and be like Alright I want to emulate that No you should be looking at the Bible And honestly you should be looking at the house of God And see people that have Children that have turned out right And be like hey They must have done something right And Listen I'm preaching the Bible I'm preaching the word of God when it comes to parenting I have experience from parenting To a certain extent Okay I don't have teenagers I don't have adult children I don't have you know like Right now I'm saying I believe the Bible I'm going to follow the Bible But for me to like Go out and campaign and be like This is how you should do everything with your children All the way up to when they're adults and all that stuff Listen I'll call you in a few years And let you know And we're all in this together But the idea here is that we need to be Going off Bible principles when it comes to this And not just going off of What the world has to say for sure And the last thing I want to mention Which I'm just going to mention In passing here is that the Bible talks about The consequence of Or the effect of A father whether good or bad In Exodus 20 and Exodus 34 And down the line it mentions this a lot That God's going to visit the iniquity Of the fathers On the children Until the third and fourth generation And states this like four or five different times And what does that mean? Well listen Children aren't going to No child is to be put to death for the sins of the father Or vice versa right? Like you're You're not directly punished For the sins of your father but you're kind of indirectly Have to bear the consequences of the sins of the fathers And there are things That will cause or be a consequence Of You know basically your father sinned Therefore you're going to die or this is going to happen Or you know and it's kind of indirect Because of what they did Caused this to happen over here I mean think of David Right I mean the child died Because he committed adultery and had Uriah killed And that's the consequence Of David's sin But a good consequence of David Because David also is a man of God's own heart Sweet psalmist of Israel Is that For example you know in Solomon When the kingdom was taken away from Solomon It talks about the fact that The whole kingdom isn't going to be taken away from you For David Thy father's sake Right because David was a righteous man There was a blessing On the rest of his line Because of who he was and what he did And how he loved the Lord And how even though Like the children were messing up down the line There was like this blessing that followed them Down the line How about Jonathan David's best friend Jonathan Because of Jonathan It talks about that Mephibosheth was blessed For Jonathan his father's sake So What you have to think about here Is that as fathers What we do Can affect our children Unto the fourth generation But the question is How are your children affected How are your grandchildren affected How are your great grandchildren affected Is it good or bad And it's going to be whether you're Doing iniquity Or whether you're keeping the commandments of the Lord And we as fathers There's an important role that we have in the home And by and large it's not Being done in America today And it's not that we don't want to go out and pick People and be like hey you know you need to start Fathering your children right You know what we need to do we need to do it ourselves Lead by example and the proof is in the pudding You know all these people are going to say oh you know Homeschooling is bad for your children Well let's prove them wrong Oh you're in a cult You know you're going to raise your children to be Not think for themselves let's prove them wrong When my children can school you in math In science and they can school you In any subject that's out there Because they're more intelligent than the kids that are Out there today you know what the proof will be In the pudding When my children can tell you It can say you know Put rings around you when it comes to All your arguments when it comes to evolution When it comes to any other Subject that's out there The proof will be in the pudding and you know what I'm going to let them speak for me Because the bible talks about That children are in the heritage of the Lord And the fruit of the womb is his reward Happy is the man and hath his quiver Full of them and it says that they Shall speak to the enemies in the gate You know what I'm going to do I'm going to teach my children Everything I know to where They'll be They'll speak I don't even have to speak for myself They can just say it themselves They'll know it themselves And they're not just going to repeat it because that's what I believe They're going to repeat it because they've Studied it they've learned they know it And they're going to they believe it because they Actually know it to be true And I want my children to be smarter than I am I want them to know more bible than I know I want them to be better parents Than I am I want my sons to be better fathers I want my children to be better mothers And ultimately I want it to go up not down I don't even want it to be at this level I want them to be up here And that Is our goal as fathers Don't settle for some baseline like I have You know I'm not like putting my children through Transition surgery That's not baseline You know go Press toward the mark go higher I want my I don't want my children to be at the level of Academics in this world I want them to be above it I don't want my children To know the bible just at the average Level as a Christian I want them to be way Above that And listen if your goal Is up here then maybe they don't make that Goal but they'll still be above everything else And so But it's our job as fathers to get that done Obviously my wife has a Big role in our children and how they How they turn out but ultimately I'm the leader and I'm the one that's setting the mark Okay so let's end with a word of prayer Dear Heavenly Father we thank you for today Thank you for your word thank you for all the fathers that are here And Lord we pray that you would help us as Fathers to Fill that role as we need to fill it Help us not to think that we Stand Lord in anything that we do but that we always Need your help And that the bible says Except the Lord build the house they Labor in vain to build it Lord we know that it's you Ultimately in the home That's going to cause our children to Turn out right that it's your word And everything that's involved there And Lord just help us as fathers To lead by example To lead by the word of God And Lord help us To raise our children to not only believe on you To get saved Obviously but to love You and want to serve you With the rest of their lives And Lord we love you pray also in Jesus Christ's name Amen And don't forget fathers To get your gift cards so Don't be shy Definitely get your gift card before you leave Alright Take your songbooks And Turn to song 152 Song 152 In your songbooks We'll sing security If you would stand we'll sing Song 152 More secure Is no one ever Than the loved ones Of the Savior Not yet Star on high Abiding Nor the burden Homeless hiding God is Owned of Tend and nourish And his holy Courts they flourish Like a father Kind he spares Them In his loving arms He bears them Neither life Nor death can Never From the Lord His children sever For his love And deep compassion Comfort them In tribulation Little flock To the Lord Little flock To joy and yield The Jacob's God Will ever Shield the Rest secure with This defender At his will All foes surrender What he takes Or what he gives Us shows the Father's love So precious We may trust His purpose Holy Tis his children's Welfare