(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You Well good after welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church take your songbooks and turn to song 130 Song 130 in your songbooks, we'll sing yesterday today forever And if you would stand We'll sing song 100 130 oh How sweet Simple faith may claim Yesterday today forever Jesus is the same Still he loves to save the sinfuls the sick and lame Cheer the mourner still the tempest glory to his name Yesterday today forever Jesus is the same All may change, but Jesus never glory to his name Glory to his name Glory to his name All may change, but Jesus never glory to his name He who pardoned Harry, Peter, and Adam He who pardoned Harry, Peter, and Adam He who pardoned Harry, Peter, and Adam He who led the love disciple on his bosom rest Yeah today forever Jesus is the same All may change, but Jesus never glory to his name Glory to his name Glory to his name All may change, but Jesus never glory to his name He who made the ages of the one and only Still he loves to be wildest as a Galilee He who made the hand of shingeth simony Drinks with a cheesecloth of trembling in our agony Yesterday today forever Jesus is the same All may change, but Jesus never glory to his name Jesus never glory to his name glory to his name glory to his name all may change but Jesus never glory to his name as of old he walked with them to abide so through all life's way he walketh ever near our side soon again now we behold him hasten lord the day but we'll still be the same Jesus as he went away yesterday today forever Jesus is the same all may change but Jesus never glory to his name glory to his name glory to his name all may change but Jesus never glory to his name all right let's pray heavenly father lord again we thank you god for another opportunity to gather in your house and hear your word preached i want to thank you lord just um just for all the souls that uh were saved today and throughout this uh past week also in romania with brother richie and brother wade i want to pray lord now that you just blessed the service um and we love you and pray all this in jesus name amen all right you may be seated and take your song books and turn to song 179 song 179 in your song books we'll sing such love song 179 that god should love a sinner such as i should yearn to change my sorrow and bliss nor rest he had planned to bring me not how wonderful is love like this such love such wondrous love such love such wondrous love that god should love a sinner such as i how wonderful is love like this is that christ should join so freely in this game although it meant his death on calvary did ever human tongue find no blur theme then love divine that ransom me such love such wondrous love such love such wondrous love that god should love such as i how wonderful is love like this that for a willful outcast the father planned the savior bled and died redemption for a worthless slave to buy who long had the defined such love such wondrous love such love such wondrous love that god should love a sinner such as i how wonderful is love like this is and now he takes me to his heart he asked me not to fill the servant's place the far off country wanderings all are dumb wide open are his arms of grace such love such wondrous love such love such wondrous love that god should love a sinner such as i how wonderful is love like this amen so welcome back to mount baptus church on this sunday afternoon and from my soul winning sheet here so is this the one from last week did we have a new bulletin this week all right so uh let's get the solving numbers we're gonna we're gonna hold off on the the romanian ones until they get back so we'll just wait until they get a final number i know the last i saw they had seven and five so is that right they had twelve i think it was seven and five and then then two baptisms um and just so you know i gave brother ricky permission to baptize so he's not just going rogue on us here he did ask me if if it was okay if he baptized them and uh you know i think it's fine obviously um that he does that so um but two baptisms and we haven't i haven't heard anything recently hopefully he didn't get eaten by a vampire i know he's worried about it he's got garlic in his bed um we're gonna talk to him about the superstition stuff but um if you know brother richie he's a little funny when it comes to like these medieval things and like cheapacabras and like mythical creatures and stuff like that um anyway so but it seems like it's going well out there that's exciting news obviously to see people getting excited out there in romania getting saved um getting baptized and all that um and so uh be in prayer for them though as they uh do you know when they're coming what what time is our flight back or it may be okay i know we haven't as well i know we had a flight somewhere in the in the folder there anyway um but just be a prayer for them um and their travels but also just says they still go out so when um and all that so um this week though besides the romania ones like i said we'll keep we'll wait until uh the final numbers come in and then we'll put that on next week um uh what did we have any during the week one on monday and then uh brother richie's obviously out in romania not on tuesday um and then today what we have i know our group we had brother david david and i had one so that's two and then three four five yeah you guys had one earlier right in the week and then brother jim you get one and then brother jim you get you guys had two today because that's seven okay so seven total for the week uh good job everybody and like i said there's other ones uh wait a minute we didn't get we didn't get last week's on here so yeah obviously we skipped a day did we not count did i not do the soloing numbers last week yeah the 30 but did we have any other during that week um i didn't have anything filled out for last week so i know we had 30 on friday or on saturday did we have any during week though one okay all right that sounds right then okay so 31 okay i was like i was looking on the past one here and the and uh the last one we had on here was 10 i'm like i know we had 30 on them one day you know on that soloing marathon so we had 31 last week okay okay so we'll get the final numbers and everything on for next sunday well we had 31 last week what everybody up to this week i mean i go on vacation everything just falls apart no i'm just kidding no but obviously that was an awesome that was an awesome soloing marathon um uh when we were out wheeling um it's one of those things where we had a i know our group uh we had a bunch save and then it was like ah we're gonna run into everybody else and we're like yeah we didn't have anybody big goose egg because usually it's me that's getting like zero and then everybody's like we had five saved i'm like where'd you go why did i pick the wrong spot but it just seemed like everybody was coming back with a good report so um so anyway that was a great time there uh but again being prayer for brother richie and brother wade as they're out there in romania and then um as far as the service times this week everything should be normal should be uh picking up we're doing the second part of uh exodus chapter 32 this week and so i'm not planning on doing like a bunch of two partners or anything like that so it's just one of those things where um yeah you would we'd still be here talking i'd still be preaching to you right now if i tried to get through that whole chapter and one um but being your places this wednesday is going through the book of exodus and then soul winning times um brother richie will be out again this this wednesday but as you see we have the two uh regional times there on monday and tuesday brother charles brother uh brother matt uh respectively they're uh leading up those soul winning times uh we have the men's prayer meeting at the end of the month here we have the women's prayer meeting so the end of month that's friday isn't it this friday so this friday is the men's prayer meeting uh and then next saturday is the women's prayer meeting and then before we know it mountain baptist church retreat uh mid october there everybody should know about that oh and we're still in september so third john is our chapter for the the month uh and then uh hebrews 10 25 is the memory verse for the week who picked this as the memory verse when i was sleeping because i came in at four o'clock in the morning not forsaking the assembly of ourselves together i feel like this is like a passive aggressive stab who picked this verse i'm joking it's a good first it's good yeah we got in around like four o'clock last night apparently i almost hit a deer didn't even see the deer because i was delusional at that point so the lord got us home and so we're praising the lord for that um but uh and then uh birthdays anniversaries we got all that this morning i'm hoping got it okay and then uh pregnancies uh being prayer for my wife there uh she's got her uh appointment tomorrow ultrasound uh that you typically see the gender and so um and the question is are we gonna find out yeah we're gonna find out i can't wait for that i got i need to mentally prepare uh for yeah like yeah another girl uh yeah no i need to know like what what kind of clothes like what am i preparing for the name i hate like thinking about it being a like you think it's a girl and then it's a boy or it's you think it's a boy and it's a girl and you've been like thinking of this child as a different gender it's like just let me know because i know what i'm dealing with here so i'll be happy with either one though so that's about all i got for announcements uh so but he's gonna sing one more song brother joseph's gonna be reading um what i have you reading matthew seven i know what i'm preaching on i just i'm trying to pick one that wasn't that long anyway he's got matthew seven and then uh and then uh we'll get into the sermon so all right take your songbooks and turn to song 264 song 264 in your songbooks we'll sing once for all song 264 so free from the law oh happy condition jesus has bled and there is remission curse from bela and grace hath redeemed us once for all once for all oh sinner receive it once for all brother believe it the cross the burdens will fall christ hath redeemed us once for all now are we free there's no condemnation jesus provides a perfect salvation come unto me oh here is we call come and he saves us once for all once for all sinner receive it once for all oh brother believe it cling to the cross the burdens will fall christ hath redeemed us once for all children of god oh glorious calling surely his grace will keep us from falling passing from death to life at his call blessed salvation once for all once for all sinner receive and once for all brother believe and cling to the cross the burdens will fall christ has redeemed us once for all all right take your bibles and turn to matthew chapter number seven matthew chapter number seven we'll have brother justin read that for us matthew chapter seven and if you found your place there if you'll say amen judge not that you be not judged for with what judgment you judge you shall be judged and with what measure you you meet it shall be measured unto you again and why beholdest thou the moat that is in thy brother's eye but consider is not the beam that is in thine own eye or how wilt thou say to thy brother let me pull out the moat out of thine eye and behold a beam is in thine own eye thy hypocrite first cast out the beam out of thine own eye and then then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the moat out of thy brother's eye give not that that which is holy unto the dogs neither cast ye your pearls before swine lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and rend you ask and it shall be given to you given you seek and you you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you for everyone that askest and receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened for what what man is there of you whom if his own son ask bread will he give him a stone or if he ask a fish will he give him a serpent if he then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him therefore all things whatsoever you would that men should do to you do ye even so to them for this is the law and the prophets enter ye in at the straight gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there at because straight is the gate and there is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves you shall know them by their fruits do men gather grapes of thorns or or figs of thistles even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire wherefore by their fruits you shall know them not everyone that saith unto me lord lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day lord lord have we not prophesized in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils in thy name done many wonderful works and then will i profess unto them i never knew you depart from me ye that work in equity therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doth doth them i will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock and everyone that heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell and great was the fall of it and it came to pass when jesus had ended these sayings the people were astonished at his doctrine for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes let's pray lord father thank you for the safe travels pastor and brother dave lord we thank you for your pure and holy word you've given to us for to ask you be with pastor romsen through this study in jesus name amen amen you're there in matthew chapter seven i want you to go back one chapter we will be going back to chapter seven eventually but uh i'm continuing the study if you will through the lord's prayer and uh kind of going point by point down through the lord's prayer uh to help us learn how to pray and what we should be praying for and really just defining these key points and that's what i really see is that uh jesus is giving us kind of like a bullet point uh list of things to pray for and uh and you can obviously expound on all of these as you go into prayer uh but look at verse six of chapter six verse nine uh it says after this manner therefore pray ye our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen so we we've all right we've hit on the fact that uh hallowed be thy name uh dealing with that we're talking to our heavenly father uh we're children of god and getting into that as far as how we're starting off this prayer thy kingdom come we've talked about praying for his actual kingdom to come uh as far as his him ruling and reigning but also the kingdom of god which is within you and getting people saved and then thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven obviously his will is that all men would be saved but his will is also that we keep his commandments so you know when we're talking about stating thy will be done or stating thy kingdom come what does that entail what does that mean right and you know growing up catholic you know that that was something that this was just repeated over and over again it doesn't it kind of loses its meaning you're saying these words but what do they mean like what do you mean by that right and that's kind of the point of the sermon is to really get into you know what what does this even mean when it says thy kingdom come or thy will be done it's not to be just this chant that has no meaning to it okay um and in verse 11 uh there it says give us this day our daily bread so that's what we're going to be hitting on uh this evening is give us our daily bread uh this portion of the prayer um go to luke chapter 11 luke chapter 11 if you remember luke chapter 11 we have also a place where jesus is teaching them how to pray and i believe it's a different time and place where he's saying this but they basically come up to him and ask him to teach them to pray as john taught his disciples to pray and and he's he's basically stating the same stuff that he stated in matthew chapter 6 but i want you to see something here in matthew 6 it says give us this day our daily bread and notice what it says in luke chapter 11 verse 3 give us day by day our daily bread so this day another way of saying that is today right give us this day or today our daily bread but also day by day right not just today but our daily bread obviously it's kind of in the term daily bread is that you're getting it on a daily basis but not only today but day by day and throughout you know the days if you will and so i think that's interesting when you look at these two passages on how it hits both those in the prayer and getting into the fact that we need to have food every day i mean the idea is that typically speaking we're eating date on a daily basis so i want to kind of hit on the fact that when we're praying for this before we get spiritual with it let's just get to the brass tacks that we're asking the lord to feed us okay and now we should be asking the lord to to give us our daily bread and this is one big reason why i believe we we ask the lord to bless uh you know thank him for the food that he's given us that he blessed the food that we eat because we should be asking him for that food on a daily basis and we should be i believe thanking him for everything that he's given us on a daily basis okay so if he's given us daily bread and he's saying you know give us this day our daily bread then that means that every day you should be saying give us this day our daily bread now you don't have again this is a model prayer this after this manner um you know he's teaching this so it's not like if you were to ask him like lord please provide for my family and give us you know food to eat uh today and you know throughout the week and you're praying this and he's just like well you didn't say give me this day our daily bread you know what i mean like it's it's not about like saying it exactly like this it's what's behind it what's it mean right so go to genesis chapter 3 let's go all the way back to genesis here in verse 17 genesis 3 and verse 17 that we are to ask for our daily bread okay matthew chapter 7 we'll get to that in the fact that um asking you shall receive okay but let's not leave off the fact that we need to work for our bread okay and since the fall of man since adam and eve sin this is the curse that's put upon man notice what it says in genesis chapter 3 and verse 17 and unto adam he said because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and hast eaten of the tree of which i commanded thee saying thou shalt not eat of it cursed is the ground for thy sake and sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee and thou shalt eat the herb of the field and in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till i return unto the ground for out of it was thou taken for dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return and the point i'm trying to get across here is that we need to work hard for our bread okay and specifically men that this is we are to be the breadwinners okay as as a husband and wife or with a husband and wife and children the husband is to be the breadwinner okay we're in that where do you think that term comes from you know as far as well you probably heard the term bringing home the bacon you know because you know i bring home the bacon you know i i want bacon to be always in my house okay there's certain things that need to be in my house and holly will make a list she has a list like on the refrigerator or next to it or whatever of like grocery items and i always check that list and if butter's not on there i put it on there and if bacon's not on there i put it on there right and i'll put bacon on there holly's like there's three like pounds of bacon in the freezer you know like from like our meat pickup order or something like that and i'm like just checking you know like i'd rather i'd rather have four pounds of bacon than like hey i'm gonna go make some bacon and eggs there's no bacon okay or i need butter you know like we have two tubs of butter well we should have three then you know and so uh anyway when it comes to this obviously there's certain phrases as far as being the breadwinner uh and you know uh you think about like having dough you know i mean like that term is usually dealing with money as well too okay i don't want to get into the spiritual aspect of like bread meaning money like give us money you know i mean the idea here is that why do we go to work so we can feed our family you know having food and raiment and the idea there is that god will provide those things but don't leave this out that you need to work for it okay it's just as much as that safety's of the lord but he also says buy a sword okay and the idea there is that you need to be able to protect yourself self-defense needs to be in there that you're not just going to lay there like a lump on the log and expect the lord to do everything for you okay and when it comes to uh asking the lord for your daily bread um go to go to second thessalonians chapter 3 second thessalonians chapter 3 we're not to be asking the lord for our daily bread and then not working men so look at the chapter 3 and verse 10 chapter 3 and verse 10 second thessalonians chapter 3 and verse 10 it says for even when we were with you this we commanded you that if any would not work neither should he eat i don't want i want i want this to be very clear when you're when you're asking for daily bread there should be an assumption there that you're working for that daily bread right that that that that should be known that you're working by the sweat of your face you're working you're not just sitting there not doing anything and expecting to get bread okay go to proverbs chapter 12 proverbs chapter 12 so right now i'm talking about physical bread right i'm talking about food specifically bread right now this is where you get into like dieting and uh i remember there was like this paleo diet diet and there's keto diet and there's different types of diets okay and i'm not against any certain diet but i remember some people will get so far into these diets to be like you know what i think bread's just not good for you and i'm not going to name the person that said this to me but they're like i'm pretty sure we're just not supposed to be eating bread i'm like what are you talking about right give us this day our daily bread you know what are you talking about we're not supposed to have bread jesus is called the bread of life i'm getting ahead of myself but but see how diets can go so far to where they're like saying bread is bad okay we we don't want to go that far okay now listen some people do have issues with gluten and they have issues with certain types of wheat and i'm not here to like be like listen you just need to eat it and bear with the pain or whatever you got to go through when you eat it obviously there's outliers where people can't eat certain things or they if they're going to eat bread it's got to be like this way and there's like that i corn you know bread and there's you know all these different types you know when it comes to that okay but when when it's when it's talking about give us this day our daily bread it wasn't talking about wonder bread which is void of all nutrition okay i know what it tasted good when you're a kid and you know what kids when we were kids they didn't get they didn't actually package bread without crust okay who here seemed like the bread with no crust on it you know we had to work to get that crust off right but the idea here is that when we're talking about bread we're talking about like Ezekiel bread right we're talking about bread that has nutrition in it it has like different types of uh you know vitamins and minerals and all that and the reason it says daily is because bread that's like real bread you know that has all that nutrition doesn't last very long meaning you had to get it on a daily basis the manna that came down from heaven they couldn't keep it after a day they had to gather it every single day because what they do to bread usually to keep it preserved is they put preservatives in it but they also take out certain things that will cause it to basically spoil and those things they take out are nutrients and vitamins and different things that are actually good for you so anyway i'm not here to get into a nutritional value of bread but the idea here is that one to say that bread is just bad stop it okay i have so many verses on the fact that bread is good um and if you're gonna come to me and say salt's bad i got some verses for you on that too salt is good okay if we ever get a sign we're putting that up there that's going to be like one of those phrases you know uh whereas like god is love it's going to be salt is good now god is love and all that but i'm going to put up the most random like phrases in the bible you know when it comes to anyway the go to proverbs chapter 12 verse 11 proverbs chapter 12 verse 11 i'm getting off topic the idea here though is that we're talking about physical bread i'm talking about actually working hard to bring home food for your family okay proverbs chapter 28 and verse 19 it says he that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread but he that falleth after vain persons shall have poverty enough i had you go to 12 verse 11 right i read the wrong verse that was in proverbs 28 verse 19 proverbs 12 11 says he that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread but he that follow the vain persons is void of understanding so very similar verses but basically he that tilt his land meaning that he's tilling it by the he's working it by the sweat of his face and you don't have to be a farmer you know for this to be true it's just the idea that you're going to work you're working hard and you're gonna have plenty of bread you're gonna be satisfied with bread it's a promise that's given to you if you work hard you know the lord will provide it but listen if you work hard for bread but you don't ask the lord for it i don't believe it's going to be an automatic thing that's going to get there because you have not because you asked not so this needs to be in incorporated here you can work as hard as you want but you better be asking the lord for that bread just know this is that every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and coming down from the father of lights everything that you have is because the lord allowed it to be so and we need to ask our heavenly father on a daily basis for the necessities that we need even though he's saying listen seek you first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you knowing that he wants to give it to us he he knows that we have need of it before we ask it but he's still wanting us to ask and uh go to uh psalm 37 psalm 37 psalm 37 verse 23 psalm 37 verse 23 we should not be if if we're working hard and we're trying to serve the lord and we're doing what the what the lord wants us to do don't worry about where you're going to get food don't worry about it it's going to happen it's going to be given to you and even in certain extreme cases he had ravens bring like elijah food i mean there'll be there'll be some way maybe even miraculous way that you get food but notice what it says here in psalm 37 verse 23 psalm 37 and verse 23 it says the steps of a good man are ordered by the lord and he delighted in his way so let's see the subject what's the subject the steps of a good man are ordered by the lord we're talking about someone that's walking in the lord we're not just talking about just any saved person okay or just any person in general verse 24 it says though he fall he shall not be utterly cast down for the lord upholdeth him with his hand i have been young and now i'm old yet have i not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread he is ever merciful and lendeth and his seed is blessed okay so he's never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread and i believe this promise is to all of us right because if you be christ and are you abraham seed and there is according to the promise we're of his seed okay there is a seed that's counted first generation and that's the believers okay and when it comes to this if you're a good man that you're letting the lord order order your steps he will not forsake you and you will not be begging bread okay i want you to show me in the bible a good prophet man of god that was begging for bread show it to me and i believe this verse okay and the fact that uh you know now i'll say this there'll be times where you're going to be going through trials and tribulations okay and uh i'll show you a verse on that but they still have bread okay so uh you don't see them basically just starving to death um you know the lord will provide in some way or fashion go to matthew chapter seven matthew chapter seven matthew chapter seven and i love this passage because it really does give you perspective okay uh this reminds me of hebrews uh chapter chapter 12 where it's talking about the chastening of the lord and it gives you perspective right it gives you perspective like we had fathers of the flesh you know that chastened us we gave them reverence how much more shall you give your heavenly father you know and give the father of lights you know and the idea there is that or father of spirits i forget which one it is actually in that passage but basically it's stating that you gave your your earthly father reverence who chastened you how much more should you give your heavenly father reverence essentially is what he's stating and it's giving us perspective here about asking for bread or just asking for anything really but in matthew chapter seven verse seven it says ask and it shall be given you seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you for everyone that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be open or what man is there of of you whom if his son ask bread will he give him a stone or if he ask a fish will he give him a serpent if ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask perspective okay i mean think about like how much you when your children ask you for for a sandwich they ask you for something for lunch and you're just like here's a rock eat it you know you want you want a fish here's a serpent have this snake right and then and i think in luke it says if they ask an egg you give them a scorpion right and he's basically stating like you that are evil because why because there's none good no not one there's none righteous no not one if us who are sinners know how to give good gifts to our children how much more shall god who is sinless who is good okay and so it just gives you perspective on that that yeah i mean how much more would he give you gifts and give you bread if your parents did how much more will your heavenly father give you okay and obviously this takes faith right because our our physical fathers are here you know like our father you know those that still have their fathers here on this earth they're there in the flesh right you can talk to them they can physically give you a loaf of bread but when it comes to our heavenly father we have to obviously have faith that yes he will give me that bread in some way or fashion right it's not going to come to your doorstep in an amazon box that says from god right it's not how that happens but the idea there is that he uh he allows your job to be blessed to where you're going to make money and that you have enough income to pay for that bread no matter how much that bread ends up costing okay because you may say well inflation's going crazy you know like you know we live in biden's america everything's falling apart how i can't even the gas is so expensive i'm paying so much of my income just to get the work let alone to actually bring in any money listen god can and will provide if you just do what he says to do and we just need to have faith that he's going to do that and not worry about it that whole chapter in psalm 37 starts off with fret not the whole premise of that psalm is don't fret because he's basically saying i've been young and now i'm old that that verse really starts hitting a little harder nowadays right i was young now i'm old no um is the idea that don't fret about it i've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed beg me bread that god's saying i i know that you have needed these things that i know that you the gentiles seek these things i know you have needed these things i know that you need it before you even ask it but remember this he still wants us to ask though this should be something that we're asking for on a daily basis that the lord will provide you know bread income you know us to feed our families that we should be asking this on a daily basis now i'm not one and let me just hit on this when it comes to praying before you eat i'm not one to believe you have to pray for every meal that you eat right you know i grabbed a you know a fig bar out of the the snack thing and i had to pray for it before i ate you know like how far do you take that right i think on a daily basis we should be asking thanking the lord for the food that he gives us that's where i stand on an issue i'm not against like if we have a fellowship and like hey let's pray for the meal or hey you know we are uh we're all we got done sowing we're about to eat a meal let's go ahead and pray for it there's nothing wrong with that right there's the biblical evidence for for you know blessing the food and and asking the lord to bless the food that we're about to eat and all that but i'm not a stickler to say like every meal you know how dare you eat that meal without praying for it before you eat it it's like well i prayed for the last five meals that i've eaten today you're like you eat five meals a day well last week i did so but the idea i i i personally do not believe that the bible is like every meal that you eat i do believe on a daily basis though you should be praying for the food that the lord gave you okay or that he will provide uh food for you and do that on a daily basis okay so or maybe just you know the first meal that you eat in the day you're you're thanking the lord thank you lord for all the foods you give me and that you're going to give me today and just praising him for it and thanking him for asking for it and then you didn't the rest of the day i don't think that there's anything wrong with that but again you'll be like well is it wrong to pray more no of course it's not wrong to pay more but the point i'm making is that don't get over spiritual with it okay and i i've seen people like you'll be out you'll be eating somewhere and someone's like did you pray and just they they look at you like did you pray i'm supposed to pray for your food you know they just get all uptight about it and be like listen man back off like one you don't know if i prayed for it you know internally like do i have to say it out loud do i need to bow my head and they get into this over spiritual like you need to you need to make a show of it out in public oh i think i remember reading about something like that and that's chapter six okay again i'm not against praying in public but when people take it overboard and they're just like no you need people should know that you're praying for your food it's like i don't care if anybody knows that i pray for my food because that's between me and god anyway it's not about making this big show for everybody like those guys must be christians those guys aren't afraid to pray out in public you know now i'm not afraid that they see me pray you know like so be it you shouldn't be ashamed of it but i'm not also not looking around and saying all right does everybody watching all right here we go and i put up my hands and be like all right lord bless this food that we're about to eat and just like go into this whole dissertation it's like don't get over spiritual with it but at the same time we should be on a daily basis asking the lord to bless our food now go to uh uh ecclesiastes chapter nine ecclesiastes chapter nine and verse seven ecclesiastes chapter nine verse seven and kind of a point i want to make too when it comes to our daily bread the point i want to make is that i do not believe that the lord expects us to just eat like poppers okay and there's twofold to this one i believe the lord would want us to have good food when i say good food i mean like organic food or as our grandparents used to call it food like obviously stuff that's like organic and like grass-fed and all that stuff costs more money and you know there can be there'll be some people be like listen you need to like buy the cheapest like clover valley like dollar store bread and choke it down and thank the lord for it i don't believe that's what god says when it comes to this i don't believe he expects us to just choke down some processed you know bread that has no nutritional value in it just because it's cheap okay i believe that the lord wants us to have nutritious food and if it costs more so be it okay but i also believe that he wants us to just enjoy what we eat sometimes okay look at ecclesiastes chapter nine verse seven go thy way eat thy bread with joy i want that to sink in for a second the lord is not against us enjoying our food okay and listen here at this church we enjoy eating food i mean let's be honest you know we have like fellowships there's some good food that goes around in this place and i believe that's that's good nothing wrong with enjoying food there's nothing wrong with having good food and you know we try our best and obviously we're kind of limited to what our supply is around this area we try our best to have good food when we when we have it here obviously sometimes it's just not as available as we want it to be but if i if i had a trader joe's right next door you better believe then i'm everything we get here would be from there right as far as uh you know the quality of food and all that we try our best but it is what it is you know where we live and all that it says eat thy bread with joy and drink thy wine with with a merry heart for god now accept that thy works let thy garments be always white and let thy head lack no ointment so it doesn't say that we need to be these crunchy hippies that literally just eat like stale bread like a bunch of ducks down in the pond and just not have any deodorant or anything like we just smell and we're just like ah we live out in the woods and that's not the way we're supposed it's not saying to live like that okay now john the baptist is an outlier you know he ate locust and wild honey and he had a you know a coat of camel's hair and i don't know what he smelled like but when i read that story i'm not thinking like a fragrant smell here but it's stating here that you know eat your bread with joy and when it's wine i believe that's that's talking about grape juice i mean wine in the bible isn't always alcoholic and i don't believe he's saying like yeah just drink up guys and get sloshed i think he's saying your bread your wine like you know the fruit of the vine and then it goes on to say in verse 9 live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life of thy vanity which he hath given thee under the sun all the days of thy vanity for that is thy portion in this life and in thy labor which thou takest under the sun whatsoever thy hand findeth to do do it with thy might for there is no work nor device nor knowledge nor wisdom in the grave within algoas basically what ecclesiastes is getting to here is that yeah everything that's physical that's done in the sun is vanity right because it's only temporary but he's stating here is that really in life what you should be enjoying is your wife and food i mean essentially like and you know enjoy you know live joyfully with your with your wife and enjoy your food because the stuff that's in this life that's pretty much all that you should really even worry about right but there's nothing wrong with it but you shouldn't be living for that okay it's not like i'm just living to eat right and i'm preaching to myself right now because sometimes i feel like that i'm just like when's the next meal and what am i having right i used to sit at work i used to sit at work and i'd be sitting there after lunch i'm like what am i gonna have for dinner and i would just think about it and think about like i'm gonna get this we're gonna get this steak and get these potatoes when we go to the bakery i'm gonna get these rolls and we put butter all over those rolls and i'm just gonna like enjoy this meal and i was single had no kids no wife i had all the time in the world to think about that stuff nowadays i'm just like i just need sustenance my kids are like little baby birds eating all my food i have to eat it at midnight then i get fat because i'm eating it all at midnight because i don't want my kids to just eat all my food in the one sitting the point i'm trying to make here is that we should the bible is not saying to live this austere hard life okay when it's saying ask for your daily bread if if your parents gave you food let me ask you a question your parents did they just give you like bread of affliction and water reflection and send you off the bed or did they give you good food right they gave you good food it tasted good and you'd enjoy that how much more will your heavenly father give you though why do we think that our heavenly father's like take this stale bread and eat it like it now granted if you have stale bread and that's all you have then eat it be thankful for it and move on but i do not believe that's what god wants us to deal with all our lives okay one example of this is micaiah you can turn that if you want in first kings chapter 22 is that micaiah was that prophet that remember the king of israel ahab was like he had like these 400 prophets and jehoshaphat's like is there none other than this you can imagine you had 400 prophets like you're just like you don't have any else you don't have any others 400 is not enough but he's just like he knew like these prophets are a joke right it's like 400 joel stines that are like trying to prophesy about something he's just like you don't have anybody else but this really and he's like well there's this one prophet micaiah but i hate him because he never prophesized anything good it's like well bring him jehoshaphat knew like that's probably a good one right there um but basically he prophesized to him that he's not going to come back in peace he's going to die and all that and in verse 27 there says uh and say thus uh set the king put this fellow in the prison and feed him with bread of affliction and water of affliction until i come in peace and i love micaiah micaiah said if thou return at all in peace the lord hath not spoken by me and he said harken oh people every one of you so it's just funny he's just like if you return to peace then yeah he didn't speak to me i guess but he's basically he knows that he's not going to come back in peace but there's going to be times we're going to be like jeremiah is putting down into the pit micaiah is eating this bread of affliction and water affliction but notice he still has bread doesn't he i'm not saying there's not going to be hard times in your life where you're not eating the best food that's out there but what i'm saying is that i don't believe god expects us to be living in that austere like bread of affliction time all all the days of your life jeremiah was put put down into a pit but then he was taken out of the pit and became a landowner while everybody else was taken captive and the king of uh of pretty much the world at that time says you can go wherever you want you want to stay in your land go you want to come in my land and prosper come and come and go whatever you want to do so but here here's the facts of the matter you need to live for the lord and do what he says to be in that category you can't be fleeing from god's commandments and expect these things to be true to be like well i saw this christian over here that was like starving or they were going through this it's like let me ask you a question were they in church were they doing what they should be doing were they out soul winning were they reading their bible were they were they keeping the commandments of the lord were they a good man they're letting the lord order order their steps show me that person that's living for the lord and and i'm not a prosperity preacher here obviously makiah was put into the dungeon and basically ever put into prison and he was given bread of affliction and water of affliction because he's serving the lord jeremiah the same thing but what happened to them at the end you know when it comes to job and the trials and tribulations well everything was doubled for joe wasn't it it didn't stay that way so you're going to go through trials and tribulations through that but in the end you're going to come out as gold but in the end show me where they starved though show me where they didn't have bread because even in makiah's case it may be bread of affliction but it's still bread i don't know what bread of affliction means like like what kind of bread did they give them okay but it's bread okay he still survived through the matthew chapter four matthew chapter four so dealing with physical bread and and asking for that i think that that should make sense the fact is is that god tells us having therefore food and raiment let us be there with content and in matthew chapter six it gets into that as far as like taking no thought what you shall eat or what you shall you know put on and all this stuff and so we shouldn't take thought for it but we still still ask for it right the bible's stating here is that he will provide it to us but we should still be asking for it on a daily basis okay and now let's look at the spiritual meaning here is dealing with uh the the bread you know that our daily bread go to matthew chapter four and verse one matt chapter four and verse one and this is kind of the obvious uh spiritual meaning that i would get from this uh is the word of god okay that we should we need the word of god on a daily basis okay so matthew chapter four and verse one matthew chapter four and verse one then was jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights he was afterward and hungered and when the tempter came to him he said if thou be the son of god command that these stones be made bread but he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of god look chapter four it has a parallel passage it says that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of god okay and what we're stating here or what it's stating here it's interesting that it even states that satan saying turn these stones into bread and jesus turns that around in matthew chapter seven that says you know if your if your son asked uh brad will you give him a stone like it's interesting how like jesus will turn that the tables on what satan's trying to do with uh tempting him or whatever but go to deuteronomy chapter eight deuteronomy chapter eight and verse three deuteronomy chapter eight and verse three uh when it's talking about man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that preceded that amount of god he says it is written well where is this written in deuteronomy chapter eight and verse three that's what it says here in deuteronomy chapter eight and verse three it says in he humbled and he humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger and fed thee with manna which thou knewest not neither did thy fathers know that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of the lord doth man live so what bread specifically is talked about there when it says man shall not live by bread alone what bread is specifically talked about the manna right and if you remember the manna it was given every single day except for on the sabbath day they would get a double portion on that friday and so they didn't pick it up on the saturday um and obviously there was uh the whole story there with that but if they kept it more than a day it bred worms i mean this the daily basis you were going out and you're gathering it and making bread again you have to go out and get it if you don't go out and get it and you don't get it in the morning specifically then it would all be it would all disappear and then you're missing out on your bread so go to john chapter six john chapter six so the manna that came down from heaven you say oh you're gonna liken the man that came down from heaven from the word of god well the bible does that okay it does that in deuteronomy chapter eight but jesus does that in john chapter six here john chapter six and verse 31 so when it says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of god it's clearly talking about the manna that came down from heaven and that that was physical bread that was angel's food they literally was eating that bread but he's saying but he what he's going to say here is that what that pictured though was the word that came down from heaven that picture is the lord jesus that picture is the word of god notice in verse 31 so john chapter 6 verse 31 it says our our fathers did eat manna in the desert as it is written i gave them bread from heaven to eat then said jesus unto them verily verily i say unto you moses gave you not that bread from heaven but my father giveth you the true bread from heaven for the bread of god is he which cometh down from heaven and giveth life unto the world then said they unto him lord evermore give us this bread and jesus said unto them i am the bread of life and he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never thirst look down at verse 47 verily verily i say unto you he that believeth on me hath everlasting life i am that bread of light your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness and are dead this is that this is the bread which coming down from heaven that a man may eat thereof and not die i am the living bread which came down from heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread that i will give is my flesh which i will give for the life of the world now after he states this so he's stating that he is that bread he is the bread that came down from heaven he is the bread of life states it over and over again and he's basically stating that you need to eat this bread okay and then he says that the bread that i give is my flesh meaning that i'm giving my body as a sacrifice right and remember they're just like how can you give us this flesh to eat you know and they get they choke up on this uh this hard saying if you will and jesus obviously doubles down on it i love that part portion of the story but verse 63 he clarifies here what he's talking about and verse 63 it says it is the spirit that quick and that the flesh profit is nothing the words that i speak unto you they are spirit and they are life so when we're talking about jes being the the bread of life we're talking about him being the word of life the word of god and the idea here is that we're not to be living by bread alone on a daily basis by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of god by every word of god but every word that proceeded out of the mouth of the lord doth man live we are as much as you eat i believe we should be reading the bible right if you eat three meals a day we should be reading three times a day right you should be getting that same kind of course in your diet you know i think obviously morning is a great time to read because you can chew on it lunch time's a great time to read because what else are you doing at lunch time get off facebook and read the bible you know or just read while you're eating your sandwich or something right then when you when you go you know when you're winding down the day uh you know dreams come from a multitude of business if you want to have a good night's rest i recommend reading the bible before you go to bed and there's the comforts of the word of god that are there before you go to bed that'll just kind of put you at rest give you that peace that passes all understanding going to bed i think that's a great diet but either way if you don't do it three times a day do it daily at least right you kind of have that three to thrive mentality that we deal with with church services and stuff like that but i think a three to to thrive when it comes to reading or hearing the word of god is a very good thing to to think about um but anyway you're gonna at least eat once a day right i mean if you're gonna eat maybe maybe you're just like you know what i eat a big breakfast and that's all i have for the rest of the day and i live off that breakfast good great go for it me personally by the time i get to the lunchtime i'm i'm kind of hungry even if i do have a big breakfast or at least dinner time you're like it's time to eat again so anyway think about how you eat food apply that to reading the bible okay um now go to revelation chapter one revelation chapter one when it comes to getting the word of god we need to be asking actually go to first on chapter two chapter two we need to be asking the lord you say well why are we asking for we have it right you know like give us this day our daily bread right we have it it's right here but when it comes to consuming the word of god there's other elements that are there besides just reading it okay the idea is understanding it so i want you to think about this the bible says in ephesians chapter 4 and verse 30 it says and grieve not the spirit of god whereby you are sealed into the day of redemption and then first john chapter 2 and verse 27 it says but the anointing which you have received of him abideth in you and you need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things and is truth and is no lie and even as it hath taught you shall abide in him we need to be asking the holy ghost to teach us the word of god give us the word right i want that hidden manna you know it talks about in revelation but if you're grieving the holy ghost don't expect the holy ghost to be teaching you lessons in the bible and teaching you a whole bunch of about the bible walk in the spirit and then you'll find some some nuggets of truth you'll find some uh some teachings there you know he that win his souls is wise is as true as the day is long through the righteousness of the tree of life and he that win his souls is wise you're out there winning souls you're out there keeping his commandments and you're trying to live righteous i believe that holy ghost you're not grieving that holy ghost the holy ghost is ready to teach teach you some new things that you've never seen before in the bible and you know what i i think on a daily basis we should be asking the lord to teach us now there's definitely been times where i've been reading i'll be reading through a passage i'm wanting to teach on the subject and there'll be a passage that's just really hard and i'll just ask the lord i'll be like lord please show me what this is talking about like show me how to reconcile this show me like what is this all about bring the remembrance some passage sometimes it'll come to remembrance and and i'll figure it out there on the spot other times i have to let it go and i'll be reading through the bible and it'll pop there it is there's the answer right i've been looking for it and you never it would be in a place that you never even think that it would be but listen ask the holy ghost ask him to to give you wisdom and knowledge in the word of god and so obviously when we're asking for that bread give us this day our daily bread we have it in front of us but what we're really asking for is that we understand it and we need to be asking the lord to reveal unto us you know doctrine and understanding revelation chapter 1 and verse 1 it says the revelation of jesus christ which god gave unto him to show unto his servants that which must shortly come to pass and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant john who bear record of the word of god and the testimony of jesus christ of all things that he saw blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at hand the thing that i want to point out here is when when you're getting your daily word i believe both reading and hearing is a blessing okay i think we should be trying to do both but if someone can only hear i believe they can get just as much of a blessing as those that read i personally there's certain things that i hear that maybe i wouldn't have caught if i was just trying to read it and there's certain things that when i read it i probably wouldn't have caught if i was just listening to it that's just how i work there's a visual aspect of like where you can kind of sit there you're looking at it staring at it even though you're ready you're just like oh okay i see that you can kind of back up whereas if you're just hearing it it'll blast past it and you're not really catching it okay but there's been times where i've heard it uh you know an audio and i'm just like oh man i've never noticed that before because you're not thinking about reading it you're not like in this mindset like i need to read this right and how am i phonetically supposed to be saying this someone else is reading it and you're like oh okay you can just pay attention to what's being said so both are a blessing and when it comes to asking for your daily bread obviously the holy ghost should be involved in there because the holy ghost is what it's going to be teaching you what the word of god says and so you can get the interpretation but go to philippine chapter two and i want you to think about this the bible says that we should be asking for our daily bread but it also says you know in first corinthian chapter 15 and verse 31 paul says that i protest by rejoicing which i have in christ jesus our lord i die daily we are to famish our flesh and feed our spirit this is the old man new man okay you say well how do i how do i make the new man stronger how do i how do i make the old man weak you starve the flesh you feed the spirit okay how do you feed the spirit well the sword of the spirit is the word of god so i think that's probably a place to start if you want to fight off that flesh then start giving it more of the word so you you starve the flesh by getting rid of the worldly music and the worldly things that you're seeing and getting out of the world as much as possible to where you're not thinking about those things and get the mind of christ here get the word of god to where that's going to be feeding the spirit and to die daily he's not talking about spiritually he's talking about physically he's like talking about the flesh putting off the old man on a daily basis that you need to be doing that but on a daily basis in order to put off the old man you know what you need to be doing reading the bible don't expect to put off that old man if you're not going to substitute it with the word of god because when it talks about being filled with the spirit it couples that if you look at afeasians where it says be not drunk with wine wearing a success but be filled with the spirit when you couple that with colossians it says uh let the word of christ dwell in you richly so being filled with the spirit is being coupled with the word of christ dwelling in you richly so how do you do that reading the word of god and that spirit is using that that word as a sword and philippians chapter 2 the last thing i'm going to show here when we're talking about the bread of life what are we talking about the word of life now there's two places in the bible where word of life is mentioned this is one of them the other place is in uh in uh first john where it talks about the word of life that was manifested and we have seen it and bear witness and showing to you that eternal life which was with the father and was manifested unto us jesus is that word of life okay but we're also holding the word of life because he is the word of god okay he is the bread of light and in the philippians chapter 2 and verse 14 it says do all things without murmurings and disputings that you may be blameless and harmless the sons of god without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom you shine as lights in the world holding forth the word of life that it may rejoice in the day of christ that have not run in vain neither labored in vain if you're going to run you need sustenance physically you need sustenance right you're going to need actual physical bread physical food that's going to get you through whatever race you're trying to run but listen in the christian life you need the word of life and there's a lot of preachers there's a lot of christians that are famished on the word of god you talk to them about a certain subject you get you get uh excited you know or you're you're angry about sin or you're you're uh you know just zealous for the things of god and they're looking at you like you're nuts because they don't know what you're talking about because they're not actually reading the bible and when you have these liberal christians out there that that'll look at like a church like ours where you have men that'll stand up and say hey thus saith the lord uh this is filthy this is wicked it's going on in the world there's a bunch of queers fags you know cross dressers and all this garbage is being thrown down uh the face into the face of our children and you start just preaching the truth on that stuff and start hitting hard on that stuff and then they look at you like you're crazy like ah you know i can't believe you'd say something like that i'm reading through ezekiel right now i want you to read some of that and tell me that that's easy i mean the stuff that that said in ezekiel and jeremiah and isaiah and throughout the whole bible yay in the new testament the stuff that said people would just lose their minds if you just read it off i mean think about like the verse where it's just like let their children be vagabonds you know basically let let their let their uh it says in in uh josea chapter 9 i believe it basically says um i'm gonna i'm gonna misquote that because i but it's like in every prophet that you read you see the same type of stuff that's being said that would make people just lose their minds but it's like have you not read the bible have you not read and jesus says that all just over and over have you not read have you not read have you not read but in uh i'm just gonna i'm just going off the cuff here guys in verse 14 of isaiah chapter uh i'm sorry josea chapter 9 it says give them oh lord what wilt thou give give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts could you imagine if i got up here and said hey you know what that that that uh that whole generation out there they need a miscarrying womb people lose their minds or the if i just said hey i hope i hope that that whole that whole crowd out there they just lose all their children i mean people lose their minds if i just said that in my word i read it off and they're like wow well you know that's the bible but maybe maybe god was just being a little rough right there i think josea was in the flesh that's usually the typical baptist uh back out right there it's like uh you know when it says break their teeth oh god in their mouth let them pass away as the untimely birth of a woman let them melt like a snail well i mean david was just in the flesh right there yeah the sweet psalmist of israel sweet psalmist of israel that the one that says my mouth my tongue is the pen of a ready writer yeah that guy yeah he was in the flesh when he said that though yet he was the narrator of a psalm they sang that so you know what we need to get the word of god because in this world we need to die in the flesh we need to die through the things of this world there's a way which seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death how are you going to know what ways are the ways of death you don't have the ways of life here you don't have the word of light to guide you into what direction you should go and so if anything when you're when you're asking for your daily bread obviously we're talking about physical bread as well the thing about asking that god would give you that daily bread of the word of god but in both aspects to get that daily physical bread you need to work for it to get that daily bread of the word of god you have to work for it it's work to read it's work to listen it's work to study study to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needed a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth it takes work to understand the word of god it takes work to know doctrine but ask him for it and he'll give it to you you work hard you want it you're living for the lord asking you shall receive and we should be doing that on a daily basis none of us are perfect not like everybody's just like listen pastor never misses when it comes to reading i mean he's just always reading at the exact time that he should be reading and you know doing that listen none of us are perfect there are times where i've gone i'm gone a day without reading did you know that and it's horrible i feel like i feel like i'm i'm famished i feel awful when that happens and it's just as much as if you're like you just missed a day of eating which you don't forget that do you right you're just like yeah i just forgot to eat today no one ever forgets that you are conscious of that right if you're like i'm not eating today you know every step of the way that you're not eating that day you're not just like man i just i just never got to eat anything today i wasn't even thinking about it i'll say this the next day you're like i'm going to eat something so when it comes to the word of god we need to be the same let's end with the word prayer day holy father we thank you for today thank you for your word and thank you for this prayer that we can look at each point and then just understand what we need to be praying for we do pray that you give us our daily bread when it comes to our food and just our income and lord just pray that you to continue to bless us and our cup runneth over time time again when it comes to that lord we just thank you and praise you for how good you are to us when it comes to that we do pray that you continue to do that but also when it comes to the word of god that you give us day by day our our daily dose of the word of god and that you would help us to understand it help us to uh to not only understand it but to use it and what we just thank you for uh everything you do for us lord we love you and prayers in jesus christ name amen so by the day we'll come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed all right song 244 in your song books song 244 we'll sing amazing grace if you would stand and i'll flip there we'll sing song 244 amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me me i once was lost but now am found was blind but now i see it was grace that taught my heart to fear and grace