(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . Well good morning everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 262 song 262 we'll sing the light of the world is Jesus and if you would stand we'll sing song 262 the whole world was lost in the darkness of sin the light of the world is Jesus like sunshine at noonday his glory shone in the light of the world is Jesus come to the light is shining for thee sweetly the light has dawned upon me once I was blind but now I can see the light of the world is Jesus no darkness have we who in Jesus abide the light of the world is Jesus we walk in the light when we follow our guide the light of the world is Jesus come to the light is shining for thee sweetly the light has dawned upon me once I was blind but now I can see the light of the world is Jesus he dwellers in darkness with sin blinded eyes the light of the world is Jesus go wash at his bidding and light will arise the light of the world is Jesus come to the light is shining for thee sweetly the light has dawned upon me once I was blind but now I can see the light of the world is Jesus no need of the sunlight in heaven we're told the light of the world is Jesus the lamb is the light in the city of gold the light of the world is Jesus come to the light is shining for thee sweetly the light has dawned upon me once I was blind but now I can see the light of the world is Jesus let's pray heavenly father lord we just want to thank god for another sunday that we get to meet in your house and hear your word preached I pray lord that you would just receive all the honor and glory out of everything that's said and done for it's in jesus and we ask all of it amen all right maybe seated and turn in your song books to song 229 song 229 we'll sing since I have been redeemed song 229 i have a song i love to sing since i have been redeemed of my redeemer savior king since i have been redeemed since i have been redeemed since i have been redeemed i will glory in his name since i have been redeemed i will glory in my savior's name i have a christ that satisfies since i have been redeemed to do his will my highest prize since i have been redeemed since i have been redeemed since i have been redeemed i will glory in his name since i have been redeemed i will glory in my savior's name i have a witness bright and clear since i have been redeemed dismantling every doubt and fear since i have been redeemed since i have been redeemed since i have been redeemed i will glory in his name since i have been redeemed i will glory in my savior's name i have a home prepared for me since i have been redeemed where i shall dwell eternally since i have been redeemed since i have been redeemed since i have been redeemed i will glory in his name since i have been redeemed i will glory in my savior's name amen so welcome to mount baptist church on this sunday morning and i turned the heat on to like 66 70 degrees back there and i am sweating so i just turned it off so i think we just need to like close like half these vents up here because you just did yeah man yeah but it's off now so we have enough hot air in here that that'll heat the room so we should be all right anyway um but uh so just general church announcements here we have uh normal church times uh today uh so nothing really special there as far as differences um so but we do have our soul winning time our main soul winning time at 1 p.m today so if you want to go soul winning today uh then meet up here a little before one o'clock and we'll get teamed up and try to try to find some teams before you meet up so it's not like a dodgeball like a game of dodgeball where i had to pick teams and and all that so but i will if i have to and i'm just gonna start just picking everybody and i don't care if you've been with them the last five weeks i'm just gonna pick something for you to go with um but uh it's a good problem to have we have a lot of people that are going out selling on sunday um but uh that'll make things go a little faster there um monday and wednesday don't forget about the regional sewing times that are led by brother charles brother richie and then um and then uh just general church announcements we have the offering box in the back there if you want to give ty their offering and the mother baby room uh is for the mothers and babies only uh colossians chapter three we are memorizing that chapter this month and so um just keep chugging along through that um and then if you're still in chapter one chapter two just keep going get through it eventually and uh a good book i believe they'll have memorized and then first john three five we've i believe we've had this one on here before probably many times but uh the verse for the week uh and you know that he was manifested to take away our sins and in him is no sin and so that's a good verse to have especially outsole winning it's a it's a short little verse uh to just basic state that he came to take away our sins but also that he has no sin um and so um you know those short ones are always good to have especially at your fingertip when you're outsole winning uh upcoming events we have the lord's supper this wednesday so remember that's a little different um but after the service on wednesday we're going to have the lord's supper and so that'll be immediately after the the sermon and everything uh we'll have that prepared and ready to go there and so um that will obviously follow suit with with how i believe um when jesus was betrayed was on a wednesday night and then he died on a thursday night and then he rose again on a sunday early sunday morning um and so uh you know we're gonna do that uh this wednesday and then uh we have the terror all the soul winning marathon uh for this coming saturday and so uh we're meeting up at the denny's over on i-68 exit one i-68 um and we'll be meeting there to eat and so just if you get there and it's before maybe me or brother dave or whatever um just say you're with mountain baptist church we're gonna obviously give them a heads up about that and uh we'll take care of your meal there and then we're gonna go soul winning up at terra alta we will have um lunch probably at the i guess we're just gonna do the pizza hut so uh down in kingwood um but then we're gonna have a time set aside i'm gonna say around 4 p.m for baptistry baptism so um basically you win anybody out to the lord uh just say that we're gonna be meeting up at the hillcrest chapel in terra alta uh for a baptism time uh for anybody that wants to get baptized and so um just kind of put that out there and make it very easy and obviously in terra alta everywhere we're gonna be knocking is gonna be really close to that that church building so uh we can give rides we can figure out how you know basically just tell them like hey you need a ride we'll get you a ride but tell them obviously to bring extra clothes um and i believe in this baptistry i gotta get in it so brother dave you want to do the bapt baptisms if uh if it happens um you need to get some hip waders or the overall waders you know um and i don't think it doesn't have a heater either so um it might be cold um but that being said um if i don't die of hypothermia if we do baptisms uh but so just remember that when we do this i believe we'll get people saved it's just a matter of how many i believe you know like i think that there's gonna be people that are gonna get saved uh so those people that get saved just give them that that uh you know extra push to see if they want they want to get baptized we're going to try to get that very convenient for them okay and then uh that sunday uh in in lieu of the the soul winning time although i'm not going to bar anybody from going soul winning and just so you know if anybody wants to go soul winning at any time during any time of the week uh barring it's not illegal um you have my permission to go soul winning um so when we do like stuff like this if you were like hey i want to go out soul winning you're obviously allowed to go you have our blessing you're being sent out at all times ago soul winning so um i'm not against you but we're going to be doing a fellowship in between and so we're going to get bevins or bob evans for those that don't know the lingo um and so we're just trying to figure some place that that could cater it that's around here um and a lot of places just aren't open on easter so um but uh i like bevins personally so and uh it's not that high class but you know neither am i so but uh that being said we're going to have that so if you want to bring any type of dessert or anything like that obviously there's a sign-up sheet over there if you want to see if anybody's already bringing something that you're thinking of but we will plan on having food available here so you don't have to bring anything so that's on the upcoming event so we have a lot going on this week so it's obviously kind of the you know easter week if you will dealing with the deathbound resurrection so it's a big time to remember and celebrate obviously the resurrection um and then being uh so as far as birthdays though today's the 10th so we have brother dan and we have my brother brother joseph and john d oh over there you guys are usually over there duking me out over here okay so john d's birthday how old is john d or she's gonna be she's gonna be five five and uh and then brother dan how old are you gonna be where's brother wait there you are 34 youngin now everybody needs to pray for my brother he turned the big four oh so old man he's expiring you know so you can see it coming out in his beard so um but yeah that's what we got this week so um we'll be praying for all these so for brother dan brother joseph and for john d and uh we'll get that before we get to the last song here and then be in prayer for all ladies on the pregnancy list uh so we have ginger catherine alissa and rachel on here and so uh be in prayer that's going to be here before you know it may is going to be here before you know for sure but then june's just right after that so um i'm ready for may because you know april showers bring may's flowers and it's been raining a lot or just snowing and hailing and like everything in between so but this is normal this is just the way it is welcome to west virginia um but uh i'm ready for the sunshine listen i said the glory in the winter but winter is over and uh it's time to glory in the summer or something i don't know but um brother dave's gonna come sing one more song sing happy birthdays and i'll sing happy birthday doesn't sing a song uh oh yeah brother shane's gonna be reading zachariah chapter 9 for us all right take your song books and turn to song 231 song 231 in your song books we'll sing sunlight but before we do that we need to sing happy birthday to the birthday folks so we have dan joseph jondi all right who's standing up there you go yeah everybody's standing up now yeah if joseph's doing it everybody's doing it okay all right you were the one i was worried about brother well all right we're saying happy birthday and oh yeah yeah what what day is the birthday is on i know yours is thursday you told me that yesterday what day is yours on brother wednesday saturday all right we'll sing happy birthday to y'all ready there we go happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday god bless you happy birthday to you well happy birthday to y'all and we'll sing a song 231 i wondered in the shades of night till jesus came to me and with the sunlight of his love bid all my darkness flee sunlight sunlight in my soul today sunlight sunlight all along the way since the savior found me took away my sin i have had the sunlight of his love within though cows may gather in the sky and billows round me roll however dark the world may be of sunlight in the soul sunlight sunlight in my soul today sunlight sunlight all along the way since the savior found me took away my sin i have had the sunlight of his love within while walking in the light of night i sweet communion find i press with holy vigor on and leave the world behind sunlight sunlight in my soul today sunlight sunlight all along the way since the savior found me took away my sin i have had the sunlight of his love within i cross the wide extended fields i journey or the plane and in my reap the golden grain sunlight sunlight in my soul today sunlight sunlight all along the way since the savior found me took away my sin i have had the sunlight of his love within soon i shall see him as he is the light that came to me behold the brightness of his face throughout eternity sunlight sunlight in my soul today sunlight sunlight all along the way since the savior found me took away my sin i have had the sunlight of his love within all right take your bibles and turn to zachariah chapter number nine zachariah chapter number nine we'll have brother shane come and read that for us so zachariah chapter nine if you found your place say amen the burden of the word of the lord in the land of hadrak and damascus shall be the rest thereof when the eyes of men as of all the tribes of israel shall be toward the lord and hamath also shall border thereby tyros and zaydan though it be very wise and tyros did build herself a stronghold and heaped up silver as the dust and find gold as the mire of the streets behold the lord will cast her out and he will smite her power in the sea and she shall be devired with fire ashkelon shall see it and fear and gaza also shall see it and be very sorrowful and ekron for her expectations shall be ashamed and the king shall perish from gaza and ashkelon shall not be inhabited and a bastard shall dwell in ashdod and i will cut off the pride of the philistines i will take away his blood out of his mouth and his abominations from between his teeth and he that remaineth even he shall be for our god as he shall be as a governor in juda and ekron as a jebu site and i will encamp about my house because of the army because of him that passeth by and because of him that returneth and no presser shall pass through them anymore for now have i seen with my eyes rejoice greatly oh daughter of zion shout oh daughter of jerusalem behold thy king cometh unto thee he is just and having salvation lowly riding upon an ass and upon the cult of a fowl of an ass and i will cut off the chariot from ephraim and the house from jerusalem and the battle bow shall be cut off and he shall speak peace unto the heathen and his dominion shall be from sea even to sea and from the river even to the ends of the earth as for thee also by the blood of thy covenant i have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water turn you to the stronghold you prisoners of hope even today do i declare that i will render double unto thee when i have bent judah for me filled the bow with ephraim and raised up thy sons o zion against thy sons oh greece and made thee as the sword of a mighty man and the lord shall be seen over them and his arrow shall go forth as the lightning and the lord god shall blow with the trumpet and shall go with whirlwinds of the south the lord of hosts shall defend them and they shall devour and subdue with sling stones and they shall drink and make a noise as through wine and they shall be filled like bowls and as the corners of the altar and the lord their god shall save them in that day as the flock of his people for they shall be as the stones of a crown lifted up as an ensign upon his land for how great is his goodness and how great is his beauty corn shall make the young men cheerful and new wine the maids let us pray dear heavenly father lord thank you for today thank you to be gathered in your house i just pray that we could learn from your word today and learn from pastor in jesus name amen amen so you're there in zechariah chapter 9 and uh we'll get back to that i want you to look at the verse there in verse 9 though so zechariah 9 9 it says rejoice greatly oh daughter of zion shout oh daughter of jerusalem behold thy king cometh unto thee he is just and having salvation lowly and riding upon an ass and upon a colt the full of an ass and so uh what i'm gonna be preaching on is uh the lamb without blemish entering jerusalem or entrance jerusalem and uh i kind of touched on this a little bit when we were going through exodus because we went through the passover and all that i want you to go back i want you to go to exodus chapter 12 exodus chapter 12 because when we're dealing with uh jesus when he dies on the cross actually before that there's going to be a presentation if you will or uh you know basically uh this this uh event that happens and this is a this is a major event that's going to happen um where he comes into jerusalem sitting upon this ass and it's it's so major that it's on it's in every gospel okay and when when you see something mentioned in every gospel you should know that that's a very significant event right i mean you think about the the the crucifixions in every gospel the resurrections in every gospel um and just different stories there's definitely different different stories that are in every gospel um and this is a crucial event if you will and i believe this is what it's going to be dealing with uh as far as what it represents and uh go to exodus chapter 12 and verse 1 exodus chapter 12 and verse 1 it says in the lord spake unto moses and aaron in the land of egypt saying this month shall be unto you the beginning of months it shall be the first month of the year to you speak ye unto all the congregation of israel saying in the 10th day of this month they shall take to that to them every man a lamb according to the house of their fathers a lamb for an house and if the household be too little for the lamb let him and his neighbor next unto his house take it according to the number of the souls every man according to his eating shall make your count for the lamb your lamb shall be without blemish a male of the first year you shall take it out from the sheep or from the goats and you shall keep it up until the 14th day of the same month and the whole assembly of the congregation of israel shall kill it in the evening so we obviously know that jesus is our passover you know christ our passover is sacrificed for us but this event that happens here where they're on the 10th day of the month you know like five days earlier right so you have the 10th 11 12 13th and then 14th as far as uh what we're dealing with here as far as before you kill the the lamb you have to take the lamb out of the flock and basically make sure that that lamb is without blemish until you kill it on the 14th day in the evening okay so at the end of the 14th day in the evening um then that's when you're to kill the lamb but the big thing that's stated here is that the lamb shall be without blemish okay so this sermon is really to show you one that jesus is without blemish that he's the lamb without blemish but also to show you that this event that happens here is a crucial event that lines up perfectly with the feast of the lord and how this was all to be fulfilled and how that pictured jesus coming in on on the ass on the fold of an ass uh you know and how this shows basically him coming into jerusalem is them taking the lamb from the flock and he's the lamb without blemish and keeping him until that event and if you think about it he doesn't leave there right he up to the story he's like he's stating to his disciples that basically he must go to jerusalem and there's even people that are angry at him because you know he you could tell like he's wanting to go to jerusalem and this is where he's entering into jerusalem and then you have all the stories that go after that as far as how uh he's the passover with his disciples he goes into the garden of gethsemane and all that now um so uh go to john chapter 12 john chapter 12 john chapter 12 and verse 1 for those who have been here on the wednesday uh evenings uh and going through exodus i know you kind of already know my thoughts on this and i've kind of already touched on this but i kind of want to go a little more in depth on this and i believe you know if uh you know when you know saying all things being equal that you know we're in the time of when this happened this would be the day that this would this happened on the sunday before he rose from the dead okay and i want to show you why i believe that um as far as uh you know this this 10th day of the month where they would take the lamb out and then make sure that the lamb was without blemish look at john 12 and verse 1 it says then jesus six days before the passover came to bethany where lazarus was which had which had been dead whom he raised from the dead okay so six days before the passover okay and they come to bethany now you don't have to turn there but in luke 19 the same story so like i said this happens in every gospel so you can look this story up in every gospel but in luke 1928 where it mentions this same story it says and when he had thus spoken he went before ascending up to jerusalem and it came to pass when he was come nigh to bethany and bethany at the mount called the mount of olives he sent two of his disciples saying go ye into the village over against you in the which at your entering ye shall find a cold tide whereon yet never man sat loose him and bring him hither now well the reason i bring that up is because basically where he's at is is a place that's basically around bethany and bethany so you're going to see in chapter 12 verse 1 they're in bethany and then in other places like in matthew 21 when i'll show you that they're in bethany okay so it's the same area okay that's the point i'm trying to get across there is that six days before the passover he's already in the area that he's going this is going to be taking place where he's going to go into jerusalem but you say well six days you know is that when this happens well look at verse 12 on the next day now if it was six days before and now it's the next day what would that be five days before okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna read the story here in a second but i want you to think about this okay so if jesus died on a on a thursday night which is what i believe you know that he died on a thursday thursday evening not friday because good friday is a hoax and it's not true and doesn't make any sense you definitely don't get three days and three nights out of that at all um if if he dies on a thursday night that's the 14th day let's say thursday is the 14th day okay well sunday let's say sunday is the 10th you can work backwards but for sake of argument i don't want to work backwards right now because i already know the answer to this so sunday is the 10th that would mean that monday would be the 11th tuesday would be the 12th and wednesday would be the 13th right and then thursday would be the 14th so that's where you you would come back and it'd be on sunday now this doesn't have to be that way i'm just saying that that's just how it works out with the 10 days and him dying on the evening of the 14th day okay and when it comes to and you say why is it thursday not wednesday okay um this Superman isn't really about that but here here's my problem with wednesday is that jesus would be dead for more than three days okay more than 72 hours because jesus dies in the evening on the 14th day right on thursday he didn't raise from the dead in the evening of saturday does that make sense like he didn't he didn't raise from the dead in at night the bible says that he rose early the first day of the week it says christ being risen early the first day of the week that's the narrator stating that he's risen early the first day of the week that means he was risen in that day on sunday or the first day of the week that means that if he died on wednesday that would be more than 72 hours okay and thursday you have three days three nights and listen three days three nights doesn't necessarily have to be 72 hours exactly right and that's where i mean just the fact that he dies in the evening and raises early in the morning would show you that it's not going to be an exact amount of time that makes sense i hope even if you were to say it's on wednesday you're still not in exactly 72 hours you're you're past it okay and i believe it's very important that we don't go past that because it says that his soul is not left in hell neither his flesh did see corruption and i believe that three days you know and listen if you if you think that okay well it still wouldn't be under corruption okay whatever i i i just believe that it's on thursday and that's a big reason why um and there's other reasons that i've stated as far as that goes i'll say this can we all agree it's not on friday okay and there's reasons why people say it's friday or why the catholics will say it's friday because the next day was a sabbath i've already answered that with the days of unleavened bread that first day of unleavened bread is a sabbath day so that next day when jesus died after he died was the 15th day of the first month which is a sabbath day a holy convocation with no work is to be done and that means that that friday was actually a sabbath day in that feast and then that saturday was another sabbath day that's just a typical every end of the week sabbath okay so let's read this story so i i you know i believe that this was on a sunday that this happened or the first day of the week that he comes in and then the first day of the week he rises from from the dead okay now uh in uh in verse 12 there it says on the next day much people that were come to the feast when they heard that jesus was coming to jerusalem took branches of palm trees and went forward to meet him and cried hosanna blessed is the king of israel that cometh in the name of the lord and jesus when he had found a young ass sat there on as it is written fear fear not daughter of zion behold i came king cometh sitting on an ass's colt these things understood not as disciples at the first but when jesus was glorified then remembered they that these things were written of him that they had done these things on him this is very uh typical actually in the book of john where it would state that they did these things but they didn't understand until later on you remember when jesus said destroy this temple in three days i'll raise it up and it said that he spake of the temple of his body and it says that they understood this after right after his resurrection that's when they understood what he meant by that and then here he's stating this as well or this is being done and they didn't realize that they're fulfilling zechariah chapter nine they're fulfilling this this passage that was going to be speak that was spoken about him they didn't realize that until later okay um but they still did it and all this this stuff happened here now notice that it says they took branches of palm trees now i grew up catholic do you remember a certain sunday called palm sunday okay and so listen catholics get a lot of things wrong like most most things but they got the trinity right okay and this is actually i believe true that now i wouldn't call palm sunday i didn't this sermon is not called palm sunday service here um but they took palm tree branches and laid it under you know where he was going to be riding on this ass so there's always a little truth sometimes of that but here's the here's the problem here's the question i have for the catholics okay so you agree that this is palm sunday right this is like when this happens where he's coming in there if that's true then why why did he die on friday then because then that would be the 15th day right if this is the 10th day and going on that would be the 15th day at the end of the 15th day he's killed you know which wouldn't make any sense with anything so but that being said you know sometimes you you can see where where they pull these things out like where did that come from now when it comes to like a lot of things if the catholics pull out and state you know like you shouldn't eat a mead on fridays or something like that that's completely not in the bible that's not even an old testament ordinance okay or custom or anything like that that's just dumb okay that's just nowhere in the bible at all um lent you know like showing everybody ashes on your face and then fasting before men that's actually condemned in the bible that's that's in the bible but it's not what you think it is okay you keep using this term you know it's not what you think it is um so that being said is that this event is this is a very uh crucial event it's something that's mentioned in every gospel like i said um that that the king is coming sitting upon an ass's cult now go to matthew chapter 21 matthew chapter 21 i want you to see the passage here and obviously this is a parallel passage another thing to note is in in john john has 21 chapters right and one thing to note in john is how much how many chapters are taking place during this short period of time at the end of his ministry right i mean this is where it's coming down to the end i mean he's just days away from going to the cross then you have chapter 13 14 15 16 17 and then 18 you get into him being betrayed and all that and all that stuff that's mentioned there a lot of that stuff is mentioned like like in the same day and you may look at it and be like that's that's a lot of if you look at a chapter and say well that's a long period of time you'd be off um so just something to just note there when you're in the book of john and how uh there's a lot of information given in a short period of time there at the end matthew 21 and verse 1 it says and when the day i'm sorry when when they drew near nigh unto jerusalem and were come to beth veggie unto the mount of olives then sent jesus to disciples so again i just wanted to show you that in luke where beth veggie and bethany it's the same area that they're at okay um but they're they're at the mount of olives now this makes sense too because you know the mount of olives is really close to jerusalem because later on he's going to go to the mount of olives and and give the olivet discourse you know that you know theological term but basically he's giving a discourse on the mount of olives okay um and so we're in that same area he doesn't leave you know like that area you know and then obviously he's betrayed and goes to the cross verse 2 there it says saying unto them go into the into the village over against you straight way you shall find an ass tied and a colt with her loose them and bring them unto me so you have an ass and then a colt with with the ass uh which a colt is just like a a younger right it's the the child of a the foal right and you think of a horse and the foal of a horse right anyway um going too deep into that one um verse three here says and it if any man say odd unto you you shall say the lord hath need of them and straight way he will send them all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet saying tell ye the daughter of zion behold thy king cometh unto thee meek and sitting upon an ass and a colt the foal of an ass so there's our our reference in zechariah chapter 9 as far as this being fulfilled this was fulfilled that day okay verse 6 it says the disciples went and did as jesus commanded them and brought the ass and the colt and the colt and put uh put on them their clothes and they set him there on and a very great multitude spread their garments in the way others cut down branches from the trees and strawed them in the way and the multitudes that went before and that followed cried saying hosanna to the to the son of david blessed is he that cometh in the name of the lord hosanna and the highest and when he was come into jerusalem all the city was moved saying who is this and the multitude said this is jesus the prophet of nazareth of galley so you see that in in john chapter 12 it says blessed is the king of israel that cometh in the name of the lord and here it says blessed is he that cometh in the name of the lord and it says you know hosanna to the son of david they're recognizing that he is the son of david that he is the seed of david and they're they're basically praising him as being the lord right that he's coming in the king is coming the king is coming on into jerusalem and obviously a lot of them didn't understand that he had to go to the cross first right they they saw this this passage here that he's coming and he's coming in and even in zechariah it'll state that he comes in to bring salvation right having salvation and so but they they were thinking like this is where he's going to set up his kingdom even after jesus' resurrection they're like is it time what you know are you going to are you going to restore you know the kingdom and that still hasn't happened meaning that that's going to happen at the very end uh and then he's going to rule and reign for a thousand years but we're still waiting on that but you can see how when you're reading through zechariah how you could get that idea right that he's going to come and basically take over and be the king but i'll say this he he was the king of the jews from his birth right he was king from the very beginning and it's not that he was crowned king later on no he's king he was king at his birth he's king as he's as he's coming into jerusalem before the crucifixion and he's definitely king afterwards but you'll definitely see a different entrance in his second coming for sure but go to zechariah chapter 9 zechariah chapter 9 and i saw an interesting correlation here dealing with what it states after zechariah 9 9 and what it states after this event in john 12 right so you have zechariah 9 9 is obviously that event that's spoken of in john 12 but then it goes on with the story after john after that happens and same thing here in zechariah chapter 9 so in verse 9 there says rejoice greatly o daughter of zion and shout o daughter of jerusalem behold thy king cometh unto thee he is just and having salvation so when he's coming in obviously he's coming in to bring salvation he's the lamb without blemish and he's going to take away the sins of the world and that's what we're going to be getting into is that he is manifested to take away our sins but in him is no sin and so he is this this without blemish lamb that's coming in to bring salvation it says lowly and riding upon an ass and upon a colt the foal of an ass and i will cut off the chariot from ephraim and the horse from jerusalem and the battle bow shall be cut off and he shall speak peace unto the heathen that's interesting i want you to keep keep that in mind he's going to speak peace unto the heathen now another word for heathen would be gentiles okay that's used interchangeably in the bible it says in his dominion or greeks you know when a lot of times they'll just kind of use that as an all-encompassing gentiles there it says in his dominion shall be from sea even to sea and from the river even to the ends of the earth so when it's talking about jesus kingdom it's recognizing that this kingdom is all it's done to the uttermost parts of the earth right we're not just talking about him being king of israel although that is true we're also talking about him being king of the whole earth right and we know when that happens at the seventh trumpet it says the the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our lord and of his christ right that will happen eventually but uh so it's stating that and we know that's going to happen verse 11 here it says as for thee also by the blood of thy covenant i have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit where in is no water i wonder what that's talking about obviously you're talking about hell and saving souls from hell and pulling your it talks about israel being like a a brand a brand plucked out of the fire right and you say well are you saying people are in hell and you pulled them out of hell well i i when people get saved it's not like they're actually on fire but at the same time it says the wrath of god abideth on them right obviously we're talking about spiritually speaking here um you know we're he's saving us from the pits of hell okay and we don't have to be there yet to be saved from it okay now verse 12 there it says turn ye to to the strong ye prisoners of hope even to today do i declare that i will render double unto thee when i have bent judah for me filled the bow with ephraim and raised up thy sons o zion against thy sons o greece and made thee as the sword of a mighty man so it's interesting because greece and the heathen are brought up here okay and the basically he's gonna he's gonna speak peace unto the heathen and then he's talking about greece in this passage we'll go to john chapter 12 and verse 20 john chapter 12 verse 20 so this is just below the story of where he comes in on uh the cult of alvanass and that he's making this uh triumphant entry if you will i love this because when he comes in too everybody's like cheering for him and then another one of the one of the the gospels it states that uh they try they the pharisees try to tell him to rebuke all the people that are saying this and he says that uh if i did the stones would cry out right if they didn't they held their peace and the stones would cry out okay which kind of reminds you of uh when john the baptist stated uh you know say not that you have father or abraham to your father because he's able of these stones to raise up children unto abraham isn't that interesting how that correlates because you're dealing with the pharisees and obviously they're children of the devil and uh anyway that has that's not really a part of the sermon here but uh john chapter 12 and verse 20 it says and there were certain greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast feast of the passover right so there's certain greeks that came up and this also shows you that listen it wasn't just those people that lived in israel that were a part of the covenant right there are people coming in from other nations that were keeping this feast and uh wanted to be a part of that covenant and notice what it says in verse 21 the same came therefore to philip which was a best say of galley and desired him saying sir we would see jesus so who's saying this the greeks the greeks are coming to this feast and saying we would see jesus which means we want to see jesus right i mean that's what they're saying it's like we want to see jesus philip cometh and tells andrew and again andrew and philip tell jesus and jesus answered them saying the hours come that the son of man should be glorified very very saying to you except the corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit so he's obviously foretelling that he has to die so that he can bring forth fruit and obviously i believe he's you know the in in roman chapter 15 it talks about how his ministry was uh you know to the circumcision that the gentiles would also hear and obviously you know the gentiles were in his his view as far as like branching out to the gentiles in the new covenant and that middle wall partition being broken down but the idea here is that he's coming in on this this this ass coming into jerusalem but then it says that he shall speak peace unto the heathen and even brings up greece in that passage and then in the passage where he's coming into jerusalem who comes to see him who comes to want to hear him greeks right greeks come in and they want to hear and uh it i think it just fits perfectly as far as what's going on there and obviously you see how in new testaments over and over again to the jew first and also to the greek and how the greeks are being brought up obviously greeks are being brought up a lot because that was uh you know the language the lingua franca or whatever however you want to say it you know basically it's the the it's like english today that's the language of the world like if there's a a number one language that everybody's trying to speak or that most people speak or that are the most i guess uh the the biggest second language that people are trying to learn because that's what everybody's speaking it's it was greek back then okay so that's why a lot of times you're dealing with greeks even though um you're dealing with the roman empire right so uh you would think they'd be like the romans you know the romans the romans the romans but they were all speaking greek mostly now obviously they went into latin and all that but at that time greek was still that major language that's why the whole new testament is written in greek because that was the language of that time essentially okay now uh so i think that's interesting on how this is also pointing you towards that he's coming in to bring salvation but not just to the jews not just to the israelites but also to the heathen as well he's he's bringing peace to the heathen and uh i think that's very important to understand and obviously that he was not coming just to save israel now he came into his own his own received him not and there was a reason why he he would say like i'm only come to the house of israel right don't preach to the samaritans or to the gentiles but just to the house of israel because he was confirming the promises unto the fathers and there were people that would come in and get saved that were outside of israel but that wasn't his ministry at that time and you're saying well you know he was leaving off that he was there his ministry was like three to three and a half years right it's not like this was like decades or millennia of him like leaving out the gentiles as far as where what he was focusing on the idea here is that he had to confirm the promises to the fathers that was a part of the fulfillment that had to happen but yet there were people still getting saved that were outside of that okay it's just that he wasn't doing a missions trip over into other countries okay that's what that's dealing with he's not going outside of israel to go do mission trips until after the resurrection and then that was the case okay so it's kind of that idea of dealing you know hitting jerusalem first you know your jerusalem and then branching out from that and hitting the uttermost parts of the earth okay now let's let's hit this idea of the lamb without blemish so we see that the 10th day of the first month before the passover they would take the lamb out and i believe the idea of as far as why there's like this time frame of before they kill the lamb is just to make sure that it doesn't have blemish right i mean imagine if you went into a you know a herd or i guess it's a flock you know a sheep and there's a bunch of lambs and you you pick one out and then you just killed it immediately i mean would you really just know for sure like there's no blemish a lot of times you have to be around that lamb you have to just kind of notice like is there a blemish does it like have a limp does it you know like what is it sick right that's the idea and over and over again with the with the sacrifices is basically like can't be sick can't have a broken bone right obviously that's a big part of it is that they're not to be a broken bone and these are the type of things i believe you're observing this lamb for these this amount of days right like four or five days where you're observing this lamb to when okay this lamb is truly without blemish you know this is worthy to be sacrificed with the passover lamb okay and so it's more of an examination and obviously jesus passes that examination but go to first peter chapter one first peter chapter one and these are good verses that i'm going to show you here that if you want to have good verses to show that jesus is without sin you know this is great for soul winning because when you're when you're soul winning one big thing is that he that cometh to god must believe that he is okay and he's a deal that he's a reward of them that diligently seek him and when you're showing someone salvation you're showing them about jesus that they may believe on jesus they know who he is and it's interesting because if you think about the course of events right we usually talk about the virgin birth and the virgin birth is to show that jesus is god right that he doesn't have a physical father but if you think about the progression of the gospel you say well the gospel is just death barrel resurrection granted the gospel is you know that's the the pivotal point as far as how he saved us but there's other pieces that are involved there as far as like understanding how that even happened or how that would even work right the fact that he's god right that the virgin birth proves that but also you need to understand that he doesn't have sin and i don't know how many times out soul winning that i talk to people and they either don't believe jesus is god or they don't realize that he's without sin right and usually those go hand in hand usually people aren't thinking he's god and then he's a sinner okay but a lot of times that goes hand in hand where they don't realize that the the deity or his sinless perfection okay and in first peter chapter one in verse 17 notice what it says here it says and if you call on the father who without respect of persons judged according to every man's work pass the time of your sojourning here in fear for as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers notice this but with the precious blood of christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot so remember that the lamb that they had to get for the passover had to be without blemish here it says that christ is as a lamb without blemish without spot who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world but was manifested manifest in these last times for you who by him do believe in god that raised him from the dead and gave him glory that your faith and hope might be in god so this is a crucial part of understanding what we're believing about jesus right and we believe that he's the son of god obviously we're believing that he's god and this is something that needs to be understood that that he has no sin now obviously if he's god that's a crucial point to understand that god doesn't sin okay that who uh hope and hope of eternal life with god that cannot lie promised before the world began and basically he can't even look upon iniquity or look upon sin and so knowing that he's sinless that shows you that he's a lamb without blemish okay and so here it just states that he's a lamb is the precious blood of christ as of a lamb without blemish without spot but it doesn't say you know like he's sinless right there but let me show you some verses that show you that that's what it's talking about when it's talking about him being without blemish and without spot go to second corinthian chapter five second corinthian chapter five i try to put these in order so they should be hopefully in order here so second corinthian chapter five verse 21 so i would note these if you don't already know these verses second corinthian chapter five verse 21 it says for he hath made him to be sinned for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteous righteousness of god in him so we see here that he hath made him to be sinned for us who's that i believe god the father hath made the son to be sinned for us he put the sins of the world upon him he laid on him the iniquity of us all right it says in isaiah chapter 53 so god the father put on the son the iniquity of the world but something you need to know about that he knew no sin he didn't even know like have knowledge of sin right meaning like obviously he knows people sin but the idea there is that you know he's never sinned before and and i love how the bible will state it in different ways that he did no sin knew no sin had no sin like just like every avenue because you can imagine that there's some false prophet i would be like well he did no sin but maybe he knew about it you know or he he did no sin but maybe had some sin right it's like that doesn't make any sense but the bible kind of covers all these bases you know that he knew no sin he's without blemish without spot go to hebrew chapter 4 hebrew chapter 4 hebrew chapter 4 and verse 14 hebrew chapter 4 and verse 14 it says seeing then that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens jesus the son of god let us hold fast our profession for we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin so we see that he's without blemish without spot it says that he knew no sin and that he's without sin and it also shows you in all these passages like he was made to be sin but he knew no sin it says that he was tempted in all points like as we are yet without sin right like he went through all the same emotions and compassion you know like it's kind of like elijah he's like a man of like passions right and that jesus you know he he was made in the likeness of sinful flesh the bible says in roman chapter 8 but he had no sin right he knew no sin he was without sin he was without spot without blemish go to hebrews chapter 7 hebrews chapter 7 hebrews chapter 7 and verse 26 hebrews chapter 7 verse 26 hebrews chapter 7 verse 26 it says for such and high priests became us now that's a just so you know that what this means is like if you ever heard that's not becoming of somebody like that's unbecoming that's what this is talking about right meaning that it was necessary right like for such an high priest it was necessary for us right so just so you don't get caught up on that um it's not saying that jesus became us right that's true i mean he he was made like unto us he it behooves him to be made like unto his brethren but here it's basically stating that it was necessary this was necessary if you will for our redemption it says for such a high priest became us who is holy harmless undefiled separate from sinners and made higher than the heavens who needeth not daily as those high priests to offer up sacrifice first for his own sins and then for the peoples for this he did once when he offered up himself so he's saying these other priests they have infirmities and they have to offer for their own sins first but he doesn't have to offer for his own sins because he's undefiled and he's separate from sinners but he did once offer you know himself for the sins of many right but the difference here is that he didn't have sin to offer he didn't have to offer for himself okay and then it says who uh it says uh for the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity okay you know what this is saying that jesus didn't have infirmity right he didn't have sin so the law make it men high priests which have infirmity but the word of the oath which was since the law maketh the son who is consecrated forever more now when it says make it the son is basically maketh him a high priest right because you know it says that uh the lord's swearing will not repent thou art a priest forever after the order of malchizedek okay so you know that's what this whole chapter is talking about is the priesthood but uh but that being said is that it says that he's holy undefiled and separate from sinners he's without blemish he knew no sin he's without sin you know just over and over and over again it's stating uh that he doesn't have any sin go to first peter chapter two first peter chapter two and verse 21 first peter chapter two and verse 21 first peter chapter two and verse 21 yet any of these verses would be great you know the show especially you know we're going to the soul winning marathon coming up this saturday you know that you may run into this and i always suggest bringing up do you believe that jesus is god in today's age that we live in okay when i was in college most of the people that we ran into they said well i used to go to church you know i used to get my parents used to take me to church back at home i have a church back at home that i went to but i don't go to church anymore now to show my age right here but that was like 15 or so years ago right now it's i'm getting that like it was 15 years ago when i graduated college okay anyway all right it was a little longer than that when i was in college but that being said is that now now we don't get that as much now we get now i've never been never gone to church we don't go to church like do you see how that's changed whereas you had like our parents parents took them to church they went to church they went there regularly and then our parents drug you know like their kids to church but then after that that generation basically stopped going right it's kind of like they were going to church when they were with their parents but then after they they left their parents and they they leave the home now they don't go well now their kids are the kids of those that said i used to go to church with my parents back at home their kids are now the ones that we're running into now that are out in college now that are basically stating that oh yeah i never went to church which makes sense right i mean you see that progression that's going down the line that being said is that when you're dealing with people that don't grow up in church at all they have no they have no idea who jesus is you tell them the story i mean half the time i'm like you know i'll tell them the story about how jesus died for our sins you know was buried his body was in the tomb his soul was in hell for three days three uh three days and three nights i said but what happened on third day and they're just like i don't know like are you kidding me like that's the world we live in like and and i don't think it's necessarily that they're just like not paying attention i think it's the fact that they just don't know and then you tell them that he rose from the dead and it's just like this new thing to them it's like you're explaining this new thing to them and now there's some pros and cons to that right because when you have people that don't grow up in church they don't have a lot of misconceived ideas and you know uh you know they have these false doctrines maybe but also at the same time you're having to build this foundation that you wouldn't have to do with the other person i love i love witnessing the catholics because they know that jesus is god most all the time they believe in the trinity like that's not something jesus is sinless he you know he's god and you're they're just like yep what you have to convince them on is that it's not by works and you know it's it's by faith alone and that you can't lose your salvation right but at least you have that foundation to work off of but then sometimes you have to die in the wool that just like are stuck in their doctrines and they don't want to change and it's a family thing so if i don't if i reject catholicism then my family is going to reject me and uh all that so um but i have you there in first peter chapter 2 and verse 21 so another verse here i probably use this one probably more than others i don't know why just one that i use a lot um but in first peter chapter 2 and verse 21 it says for even here unto where ye called because christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that we should follow his steps who did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth who when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered he threatened not but committed himself to him to judge us righteously who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness by whose stripes ye were healed so this is kind of very similar to second uh corinthian chapter five because second corinthian chapter five says for he hath made him to be sin forced who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him very similar it's just kind of making a little longer of saying that right because it says here it says who did no sin out of those guile found in his mouth then it goes on to say that he was reviled revile not again but then he says who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness right so same thing that's being stated there but do you see that it says uh he was made to be sin for us he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin it says that he was tempted in all points like as we are yet without sin that he's wholly undefiled separate from sinners right that he who did note sin neither was guile found in his mouth and go to first john chapter three this is our memory verse first john chapter three and verse five first john chapter three and verse five now another thing to think about too is that jesus said there's none good but one that is god right he remember the the rich young ruler came up to him and said good master and the first thing he says to him i want you i want you to think about this especially in a soul-winding aspect here that the first thing that jesus says to him it says why call us thou me good now the reason he asks him that is not because you know he isn't good he's wanting him to answer the reason why he's good right because he said there's none good but one that is god you know that's you know what that says is that he's he's god so from the very onset he's he's wanting him to recognize that he's god and also there's none that doeth good but one that is god it says for there as is written there's none righteous no not one there there's none that doeth good no not one but one that is god right so uh and it says for all of sin it comes to the glory of god so this all fits hand in glove with jesus deity and him being god to where it shows that you know he can't have sin first john chapter 3 and verse 5 says ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins and in him is no sin do you see how him taking away our sins and saving us is very crucial to him having no sin how that's brought up over and over and over again that he was made to be sin for us you know who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him that you know he was manifested manifested to take away our sins and him in him is no sin that it's just over and over again that he's got he's able to save us to the uttermost for it became us for him uh for a high priest to be holy and unblameable and separate from sinners that was necessary for him to save us to the uttermost it was necessary for him to be sinless okay now go to isaiah chapter 53 and verse 7 now this is obviously dealing with you know jesus death and how he died for our sins a very famous passage on it but i want you to see a couple things in here because what are we what are we dealing with here a lamb without blemish and jesus is the lamb of god that taketh away the sin of the world and he is a lamb without blemish and without spot and that's why his precious blood can save our souls and no doubt it says in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins and we are washed by his blood and he has made his kings and priests unto god and you know what that wouldn't be possible if he had sin now it says in uh isaiah 53 and verse 7 it says he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth notice this he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter so just to show you that when we're dealing with the most famous passage in the bible about him dying for our sins what is he likened unto a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb so he opened if not his mouth notice in verse eight he was taken from prison and from judgment and who shall declare a generation for he he was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people was he stricken so he's cut off out of the land of living that means he's killed right he dies and it says for the transgression of my people was he stricken so the reason that this happens is because he was doing it for our sins notice in verse 9 it says and he was made he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death because he had done no violence neither was any deceit in his mouth so there in the old testament is stating that jesus this lamb that's going to go through the slaughter for our sins did no violence and there was no deceit in his mouth sound familiar who did did no sin now those gal found in his mouth and obviously that that passage in first peter chapter two is quoting a lot of this right it talks about in who's by whose stripes you were healed and you're returning to the shepherd and bishop of your souls right it's you know you're a sheep gone astray and you're returning to the shepherd and bishop of your souls that's going back to here that we all we as sheep have gone astray and by his stripes we are healed so there's a lot of verses there if you ever if you didn't get all those and you want to know like hey i need those verses i can give them to you but those are a lot of verses there now another thing here is that when jesus comes this first time uh he comes meek and lowly okay meek and lowly now that's not to say that jesus isn't meek and lowly now or he wasn't meek and lowly before or anything like that i just want to make this point go to matthew chapter 21 matthew chapter 21 when it quotes zechariah chapter 9 zechariah chapter 9 says this in verse 9 rejoice greatly oh daughter of zion shouted daughter of jerusalem behold thy king cometh unto thee he is just and having salvation lowly when he's riding upon an ass so coming into jerusalem he's not coming in like on a stallion right he's not coming in on a klydesdale he's coming in on an ass right and obviously when you're dealing with like that animal that animal is used for work right it's a workhorse if you will like that i mean it's not an it's not a who here is like hey i'm gonna go i'm gonna go riding on some trails but i want to ride on a donkey now if you're going on the grand canyon i guess that's what you do right you ride donkeys down down the grand canyon um but i don't know about you but i don't really want to get on one of those and just be like you know like going wherever i'm going i went on a horse you know but it's showing you that it's it's it's a lowly thing meaning he's coming in he's not coming in like to uh basically uh have this i guess when you think of like the book of acts i think it was king of gripper that came in and it said that he came in with all this pomp and like it was like this big uh thing where he had like his throne and all this stuff was in the front there and everything was just kind of all about him being king he's just coming in riding in they're the ones saying he's the king that cometh in the name of the lord right but he's not trying to bake make this big entrance obviously they're giving him a big entrance because he deserves it but he himself is coming in meek and lowly okay and in matthew 21 it says lowly in zechariah and in matthew 21 5 it says tell your your ye the daughter's design behold i king cometh unto the meek and sitting upon an ass so meek and lowly i mean these are used synonymously uh as far as that goes but you can think about the passage for it it says take my yoke upon you and learn of me for i am meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest unto your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light so jesus is obviously meek and lowly that's a term that we use or a phrase that we use a lot you know to describe who jesus was uh if you were to if you were to have met him in his ministry you would come out saying he's meek and lowly right now go to hebrew chapter 9 hebrew chapter 9 when he came the first time as a king he came upon not just not just an ass but the cult the full of an ass meaning that it wasn't even just like an adult donkey right you're dealing with like the full right the i don't want to say the baby you know but it's it's you know that's that's what you'd be thinking of right it's like the young donkey okay so meek and lowly in hebrew chapter 9 verse 27 here this is from what i understand and maybe you can correct me if i'm wrong and i'm i don't know i don't know all the passages in the bible this is the only place that i can see where it actually talks about is the next coming being the second coming now we call when he comes in the clouds the second coming and i don't believe anything wrong with that i believe this is the only place that really states that though that it's the second coming because we talk about when he comes he came the first time right bethlehem's major or you know when he came to die for us that's the first coming and then this would be the second coming when he comes in the clouds um this is the only place that i can think of that uses that term second when it comes to his appearing or the coming of christ and uh verse 27 here it says and as it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgment so christ was once offered to bear the sins of many now when did that happen 2 000 years ago right that he died on the cross and this is the story that obviously leads into him going to the cross and unto them that look for him shall appear the second time without sin unto salvation so when he comes the second time he's not dealing with sin anymore he has ceased from sin as it says in first peter chapter 4 meaning that he is no longer bearing the sins of many he has cast all the sins of the world behind his back you know now obviously it's only going to pertain to those that get saved so you have to believe on christ for that to apply to you but go to revelation chapter 19 and the last thing i'm going to show you here is that he came meek and lowly sitting upon the full of an ass and he came in as the king of israel and the king that was going to be you know a king over the whole world and they crucified him but he was sinless without blemish and he was being presented to jerusalem as the sinless lamb and they they crucified him and he died for the sins of the world he rose again the third day and when he comes you know and obviously this is you know the second time he's going to appear without sin unto salvation when he comes the second time he's coming in the clouds right this happens after he comes in the clouds this right here he's going to come on another animal right but this time he's coming on a white horse and i want you to see the difference here now he's still the lamb okay when it talks about him coming in the clouds it says that they're fleeing from the wrath of the lamb he's also the the lion of the tribe of judah right so i know we say well he first came as a lamb then he's coming as a lion he's still the lamb okay he's the lamb and the lion at the same time right he's he's the lamb of god and he's the lion of the tribe of judah but it talks about the wrath of the lamb okay and so it says in verse 11 it says and i saw heaven open and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was faith called faithful and true and in righteousness he doth judge and make war now when he came on you know on the fold of an ass when he came into jerusalem he wasn't coming in to make war he was coming with salvation you see that clear distinction between the two and obviously a lot of people that were in israel at that time didn't see the other mountain behind the mountain that they were looking at to begin with and or they were seeing the peak of the second mountain if you will and they didn't see that there's a valley in between that before you get to that and so they were seeing like he's coming on the full of an ass there's this kingdom being set up and they weren't seeing like all the stuff that happened that has to happen between that and so uh here though he's judging and making more at this point he's setting up his kingdom this is where it's going to be restored and this is where he's going to roll and reign for a thousand years and this this battle here is the finale because in chapter 20 he cast satan into the bombless pit and then he rolls and reigns for a thousand years after that he destroys all the remnant of the well throws the devil into the lake of fire and you have the battle of gog and magog and then you have the great white throne judgment and then you have the new heaven new earth and the finale and he's rolling and reigning forever okay but in verse 12 here says his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns and he had a name written that no man knew but he himself and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word of god and the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean and out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations and he he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of almighty god and he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written king of kings and lord of lords a little bit different of an entrance wouldn't you say that when he comes into jerusalem and then where he comes in here on the fact that uh the difference of him coming with salvation as far as saving us from our sins and dealing with sin and taking sin upon him and then him coming the second time and it talks about it's gonna be without sin but in here he's coming on a white horse so um i just wanted to see that and when you're dealing with this story it's a very pivotal story and sometimes we read that and be like okay you know he came into jerusalem but i believe that's significant because it's showing you that he is the lamb without blemish he is that lamb that was to be taken from the flock without blemish to be sacrificed and i believe it happened on the exact day but that was the 10th day of the first month that that happened and then on the 14th day in the evening he died and then three days later he rose again and everything fits perfectly with what the bible was foretelling and remember that everything in the first testament was a shadow of things to come so it makes sense that that would all fit together but if anything hopefully you got some good verses there to show that jesus is sinless and um if you already know him then it's just a reminder but uh let's end with a word of prayer the only father we thank you today thank you for your word and just pray to be with us throughout the rest of the day i pray for uh you be that you be with us as we go out soul winning but also as we come back to the service time in the afternoon or in the evening and lord we love you in prayerless in jesus christ name amen so brother a will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed song 306 in your song books song 306 and if you would stand we'll sing have thine own way lord song 306 have thine own way lord have thine own way me while i am waiting